Micro Tables

April 2, 2019 | Author: Bill Anderson Yongco | Category: N/A
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Family  Micrococcaceae Micrococcus




All are spherical

Appear as cocci in grape-like clusters

Appear as cocci in grape-like clusters but adhere to agar because of capsule

Gram Staining

Gram (+)

Gram (+)

Gram (+)


Non-motile  Brownian Motion

Non-motile  Brownian Motion

Non-motile  Brownian Motion

Catalase Test

Catalase (+)

Catalase (+)

Catalase (-)


No acid from glucose anaerobically

produce acid fr om glucose glucose aerobically or facultatively anaerobic


Lysostaphin Susceptibility

Not lysed



Benzidine Susceptibility







Not lysed

Produce Acid from Glycerol in the presence of Erythromycin (0.4mg/dl)




Reduces Nitrates to Nitrites




NaCl resistance

Not more than 10% NaCl


Not more than 5% NaCl

Micrococcus Micrococcus Varians

Micrococcus Luteus

Micrococcus Roseus

Growth in 10% NaCl




Nitrate Reduction




Acid from glucose anaerobically Oxidase Activity






- /+






Location Coagulase Thermonuclease Colony Morphology Novobiocin Susceptibility Nalidixic Acid Susceptibility Growth on McConkey Agar Blood Agar Hemolysis Mannitol Salt Agar Trehalose Broth Test Pigment

Staphylococcus aureus Anterior nares, perineum, other skin sites. Coagulase [+] Thermonuclease [+] Smooth, round, raised and glistening with a butyrous consistency (butter) ---------------------------------------+ Mannitol [+] + Golden Yellow

Staphylococcus epidermidis Skin and mucous membrane of  humans and animals Coagulase [-] Thermonuclease [-] Smooth, circular and pale transparent white Lysed Lysed Growth +/Mannitol [-] White

Staphylococcus saprophyticus Peri-urethral and urethral area and the skin Coagulase [-] --------------------------Not Lysed No Growth + + Lemon Yellow

Family  Streptococcaceae

Blood Agar Hemolysis Morphology

Catalase Test Bacitracin Susceptibility Camp Test Bile Esculin Medium Growth in NaCl Optochin and Bile

Group A Streptococci Beta-hemolytic

Group B Streptococci Beta- hemolytic

Group C Streptococci Beta- hemolytic

Group D Streptococci Alpha- hemolytic

Streptococcus pneumoniae Alpha- hemolytic

Streptococcus viridians Alpha- hemolytic

Diplococci in long chains

Diplococci in short chains

Diplococci in long chains

Diplococci in long chains

Cocci in chains

Catalase [-] Bacitracin [+]

Catalase [-] Bacitracin [-]

Catalase [-] --------------

Catalase [-] Bacitracin [-]

Encapsulated, lanceolate diplococci Catalase [-] Bacitracin [+]

Camp [-] BEM [-] No Growth Optochin [-]

Camp [+] BEM [-] Growth Optochin [-]

---------------------------------------Optochin [-]

Camp [-] BEM [+] Ent [+] NonEnt [-] Optochin [-]

Camp [-] BEM [-] No Growth Optochin [+]

Camp [-] BEM [-] No Growth Optochin [-]

Catalase [+] Bacitracin [-/+]

Group C Streptococci Trehalose +

Streptococci equisimilis Streptococci equi and zooepidemicus Streptococci dysgalactitiae

Sorbitol + -

Disease Respiratory tract infection in humans and animals Post-Streptococal sequelae do not occur Pharyngitis, puerperal sepsis and endocarditis

Group D Streptococci Streptococci faecalis Streptococci faecium Streptococci durans


Streptococci Bovis


Streptococci Equinus

Grow in the presence of 6.5% NaCl and are not susceptible to penicillin. Increasingly seen in cases of Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE) and other infections. ---------------------

Group D Streptococci Salt Tolerance + -

Enterococci Non-enterococci Non-Group D Streptococci

Bile Esculin Medium (BEM) + + -

Family  Neisseriaceae Neisseria Moraxella - Branhamella Moraxella Acinetobacter Kingella

Morphology Gram (-) cocci Gram (-) cocci Gram (-) rods Gram (-) rods Gram (-) rods

Oxidase Test + + + -

Glucose + -

Penicillin (PCN) Sensitive Sensitive Sensitive Sensitive Sensitive

Neisseria Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Neisseria meningitidis




Sucrose Maltose Lactose


+ -


Gram [-] diplococcic with flattened adjacent walls. Coffee-bean shaped. Nonsporing, nonmotile and piliated organism.

Gram [-] diplococcic with flattened adjacent walls. Coffee-bean shaped. Nonsporing, nonmotile and piliated organism. Some strains have capule.

Growth on Agar

Thayer Martin Medium  small, translucent, raised, moist, grayish white and mucoid.

Blood and Chocolate Agar  Large, s mooth, nonpigmented colonies tend to autolyze fairly r apidly.

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