Micro Drainage Uk Manual

April 22, 2017 | Author: Enrique | Category: N/A
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Micro Drainage

Revision 0 January 2014


Micro Drainage® 2014

Examples - introduction

Page 0.1

Working with Micro Drainage® An example led introduction to the Micro Drainage suite.

Page 0.2

Examples - introduction

Contents Introduction, Installation, Help Example 1

System 1 - The Modified Rational Method

Example 2

System 1 - Open Channel Design

Example 3

System 1 - Schedules, Longsections, Plan & 3D Graphics

Example 4

System 1 - Foul Sewer Design with Schedules

Example 5

Source Control - Storage Lake

Example 6

Source Control - Tank Sewer

Example 7

Simulation - Simulation of a drainage system with tank sewers

Example 8

Simulation - Advanced Productivity Tools & CASDeF

Example 9

Channel - The Backwater Step Method

Example 10

Source Control - Infiltration Systems

Example 11

QuOST - Quantities & Costings

Examples - introduction

Example 12

DrawNet (CAD) - Working within AutoCAD®

Example 13

DrawNet - Graphical Model Build

Example 14

FloodFlow - Overland Flow Path Analysis

Example 15

Pluvius – Use of Extended Time Series Rainfall

Appendices Appendix i Appendix ii Appendix iii Appendix iv Appendix v

Hydraulic Conduits IDF, CRP and Hyetograph Rural Discharge Unit Hydrograph Allowable discharge for Example 8

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Examples - introduction


These examples are designed to give you hands-on experience of working with Micro Drainage. They have been created to demonstrate the key features and benefits of the program by addressing most of the common problems encountered in the analysis and design of drainage networks. You should use them in conjunction with the program, referring to the results on-screen where necessary. Images from the program have been used to illustrate the main points of the procedure.

Installing Micro Drainage

With this pack you will have the Micro Drainage installation DVD and a dongle. To install Micro Drainage insert the DVD into the DVD-ROM drive. Do not connect dongle until after the software is installed. Note: Micro Drainage will not run without the dongle - always make sure it is properly in place before trying to run Micro Drainage. If you have Autoplay running, the installation procedure will launch automatically and you will see the Micro Drainage Setup window.

Examples - introduction

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If autoplay is switched off or is not available then proceed as follows: •

From the Start menu select the Run… option.

At the Run window type the letter of your DVD-ROM drive followed by :\setup (e.g. d:\setup).

Click OK.

At the Setup Window select Install Micro Drainage. The program will display any relevant last minute instructions. When you are happy you are ready to proceed click the Install Micro Drainage button. Follow the on-screen prompts. When the Select Installation Folder window appears, ensure the destination directory is correct.

Click Next to proceed through the Installation wizard.

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Examples - introduction

Upgrade copies

If you are upgrading an existing copy of Micro Drainage, follow the installation procedure as if you were installing a new copy.

Installing a Network copy Windows Server

A License Manager must be installed and running on the server before the software can be installed to the client machines. This can be achieved by selecting the License Manager option from the Autoplay menu, or by running the LMSetup.exe program located in the \Hasp directory on the DVD. The License Manager will require the red dongle to be connected to a free USB port on the server. If you wish to run Micro Drainage on the server then follow the same procedure as above.

Windows Workstations

Follow the same procedure as for a standalone copy.

General Notes

Micro Drainage requires a device driver (haspdinst) to allow communication with the dongle. This is installed automatically by the Setup program. Please ensure this can be accomplished before you begin. The device driver is loaded dynamically (no reboot is required), however this requires you to be logged in as the Windows Administrator.

Examples - introduction

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The DVD contains a host of other information relevant to installing and getting started with Micro Drainage. See the What’s New / Help option for the latest installation details or to see the major new features in Micro Drainage 2014.

The topic entitled Read Me contains late breaking information. It is recommended you read this before using the software. The Help system can be accessed from any of the modules by either clicking the Help button (found on most of the dialogue boxes), or by pressing the F1 key. MDHelp provides you with valuable technical data and the detail behind the operation of each module. It follows standard HTML (web page) protocols, with blue text to help you switch between topics. The Contents pane gives you a general overview of the topics covered by Help. However, for a detailed listing of the topics, and to find help quickly on a specific subject, we recommend that you use the Index or Search.

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Examples - introduction

Once you have found the section you want, use the browse buttons at the top of the window to move forwards and backwards through the text. Browse buttons

How Do I

Tutorials are also available for the most commonly asked questions. The tutorials are contained in the last book in the Contents or can be accessed directly from the Help menu in any of the modules.

The problems are listed in two sections, By Module and By Theme. To find the help you require expand the trees.

XP Solutions reserves the right to change any part of the Micro Drainage suite of programs without prior notice. © XP Solutions 2014 XP Solutions recognises all trademarks.

Example 1

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Working with Micro Drainage® Example 1 – System 1 The Modified Rational Method

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Example 1


This example takes you step-by-step through a typical network design, using the Modified Rational Method as applied within the System 1 module of Micro Drainage. It has been created to give you hands-on experience of working with Micro Drainage.

Loading Network

Select the Start button and open the Micro Drainage 2014 menu from within the Programs menu:

Click the module you wish to work with. For this example, select Network. This will open all the network build modules held on your licence, and will include System 1. You will now see the Open dialogue box. Click Cancel and we will orientate ourselves with the Micro Drainage package. Select Module Selector from the Window menu and the screen overleaf appears. The Module Selector is the main selection menu of all the Micro Drainage programs. It allows the user to change modules or add modules to the current

Example 1

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program. The modules in colour are those currently running. You can add or remove a module by clicking on it. System1, Simulation, DrawNet and QuOST are grouped under Network, but can be run separately. APT, CASDeF and FloodFlow add additional functionality to these modules. Source Control, Channel and Pluvius are separate executables and can be launched from the Module Selector.

If you select a module that is not available on your licence you will be offered the option to start the 30 Day Time Trial. This allows you to try-out all modules that have not been purchased for 30 days. The current active modules are listed in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. In the Module Selector select the System 1 module so its’ icon is coloured; turn off all other modules by selecting them so they grey out. Menus within the program will update to display all available options for active modules.

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Example 1

The Edit menu presents you with options for the preparation and selection of pipe, manhole, conduit and rainfall libraries which are also available where required within each module. For these functions, see Appendix i and Appendix ii, though you do not need them for this example. The Options menu gives you the choice of industry standard formulae for the hydraulic gradient and flow calculations. You can choose the combination which best suits your requirements, but note that once you have started a project you cannot go back and change your selection for that project. Close the form by selecting the cross. You are now ready to start the first example.

Example 1

Start a New Job

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Reopen the System 1 Open dialogue box by selecting Open from the File menu. Choose the New Storm option by highlighting it and then clicking OK.

Design Criteria

You will now see the Design Criteria screen:

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Example 1

Rainfall Details

Begin by choosing the Rainfall Method. For this example we will accept FSR Rainfall and England & Wales for the Region. In a real project you would select the method and Region by clicking on the arrow to the right of the box. See Appendix iii for more details on how to use an IDF Library.

Note: FEH Rainfall should not be used below 30 minutes duration. This means that until further research is carried out by CEH Wallingford to confirm its use for short durations, it cannot be used for a time of concentration below 30 minutes. In the case of hydrograph methods (Simulation and Source Control) if the 15 minute storm is critical then it should be checked using FSR unless there is further advice from CEH Wallingford. Proceed to enter the remaining Design Criteria as shown on page 1.5. Note: All these values can be entered by clicking on the relevant box or by using the keyboard arrows and then typing.

Pipe and Manhole Sizes

Micro Drainage allows you to specify your own pipe and manhole libraries instead of the Standard libraries shown by default. Simply click on the button next to the Pipes box and the Pipe Sizes form appears.

Example 1

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You may create your own library which can be saved for future use. Or you can load any pipe library saved as a file with the extension .pipx. The same approach is taken to change the manhole sizes. Manhole size library files have the extension .mhsx. Size libraries can also be created and edited from the Edit menu in the Module selector available from the Window menu. Further information is given in the Help. When you have finished entering the data, click OK to proceed.

Creating the network - Network Details

System 1 will now present you with the Network Details spreadsheet.

We will use this spreadsheet to design the following drainage network: 1.000



2.000 2.001




The known data for the network are as follows:

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Example 1

Pipe Pipe Fall Slope Area Time Base Pipe no length [m] [1:x] Entry Flow Rough

US/IL [m]

US/CL [m]

Pipe DIA

1.000 100





1.001 50




2.000 20


3.000 35.5


2.001 21.6

0.25 100




0.5 0.01




















1.002 25






1.003 78.9






1.004 100






Note: Here, R denotes Return. Where no entry is shown, System 1 will automatically skip the column. This procedure applies within all subsequent examples. Note also that where a pipeline is entered in sequence, you can hit Return instead of entering the next pipe number. Thus for pipe 1.001 you could use the Return key; however, pipe 2.000 breaks the sequence and must be entered manually. We will now proceed to enter each line in turn.

Completing the spreadsheet

Note that the first box of the spreadsheet is automatically highlighted. Enter the data for pipe 1.000 by typing the numbers and pressing Return. Pipe Pipe Fall Slope Area Time Base Pipe US/IL no length [m] [1:x] Entry Flow Rough [m]

US/CL [m]

Pipe DIA

1.000 100









Note that Slope calculates automatically and that Pipe Diameter calculates when you hit Return for the last time. System 1 will always automatically select the smallest available section from the pipe library you have chosen in this case, the Standard pipe library. In a live project, do not enter a value for Pipe Diameter unless you are sure it is appropriate to do so - for instance if you are working with an existing network.

Example 1

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Upstream Invert Levels, Area and Time of Entry are shown in red, because they are values which you have specified and are not calculated by System 1.

Immediate feedback

Note how the results of your entries are automatically calculated in the lower row. This means that you can see immediately whether or not the values you have used are achieving the desired effect.

Correcting errors

If you are not satisfied with the data in the upper half of your spreadsheet, you can correct any errors simply by highlighting the box concerned. This can be done either with the mouse (by pointing and clicking) or using the keyboard arrows. When the box is highlighted simply key in the correct values. Note: If you do not specify a pipe number or length, System 1 automatically warns you to do so before allowing you to move on.

Pipe 1.001

First, experiment with the error facility by entering 1.002 for Pipe Number. System 1 warns you that it is an Invalid Pipe Number. Enter the correct value, followed by the remainder of this sequence: Pipe Pipe Fall Slope Area Time Base Pipe US/IL US/CL no length [m] [1:x] Entry Flow Rough [m] [m]

Pipe DIA

1.001 50






Notice how Fall automatically calculates when you key in the value for Slope. After you have entered Area, System 1 automatically takes you to US/CL (upstream cover levels), since the program automatically calculates the values in between. We will be entering cover levels later, so here simply hit Return to move to Pipe Diameter. Hitting Return here (or entering 0) automatically calculates the value and moves you to the next row of the spreadsheet. You can alter the automatic calculations if you need to, using the keyboard or

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Example 1

mouse as described previously. However, Time of Entry cannot, of course, be changed as this is only required at the head of a branch line. Equally, you should not specify an upstream invert level (US/IL) unless you wish to specify a backdrop. System 1 automatically places the pipes soffit-tosoffit or invert-to-invert, in accordance with the options chosen in the Design Criteria. Accordingly, the automatically calculated invert level is shown in blue, whereas an invert level which you specified would show as red.

Pipes 2.000 and 3.000

Now enter the following two rows: Pipe Pipe Fall Slope Area Time Base Pipe US/IL US/CL no length [m] [1:x] Entry Flow Rough [m] [m]

Pipe DIA

2.000 20


3.000 35.5

















As both these pipes are at the head of a branch line, the Time of Entry is automatically entered, using your original specified time (5) as a default. Similarly, Pipe Roughness defaults to 0.6; if you alter this value, the new value will then be used as the new default by the program. In this instance, pipes 2.000 and 3.000 have a velocity which is below the recognised minimum of 1m/s as specified by Sewers for Adoption. Accordingly, they are shown in green. Note: Some specifications are less stringent and require 0.7m/s (EN 752). 0.75m/s has been the traditional minimum (formerly 2½ ft/s CP2005 1969) used for several decades and can be acceptable to approving authorities where pumping can be avoided by its adoption.

Pipe 2.001

Now enter this row: Pipe Pipe Fall Slope Area Time Base Pipe US/IL no length [m] [1:x] Entry Flow Rough [m]

US/CL [m]

Pipe DIA

Example 1 2.001 21.6

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Note that Fall, Slope and Diameter are not specified here. This is the only time that the program uses the minimum velocity specified in the Design Criteria. This is what is meant by Auto-Design in the Design Criteria screen. A diameter and slope (or fall) will be chosen by System 1, which will yield a velocity within the specified range. However, note that if a slope or fall is chosen, then the program chooses the smallest diameter, regardless of velocity. Conversely, if a diameter is chosen and not a slope/fall, then the program calculates the minimum slope required to take the flow - again, regardless of velocity. In addition, note that the slope of 2.000 is automatically altered to bring its downstream end level with 3.000, removing a small backdrop. The note at the bottom of the screen tells you that this has been done.

Pipe 1.002

Enter the following row: Pipe Pipe Fall Slope Area Time Base Pipe US/IL no length [m] [1:x] Entry Flow Rough [m]

US/CL [m]

Pipe DIA

1.002 25






Here, you specify the diameter and the 356 appears in red. The slope is given to closely match the flow. As you can see, you can specify non-standard diameters as well as standard diameters.

Pipe 1.003

Enter the following row: Pipe Pipe Fall Slope Area Time Base Pipe US/IL no length [m] [1:x] Entry Flow Rough [m] 1.003 78.9




US/CL [m] R

Pipe DIA 2

This time you are specifying both the Diameter and the Slope. It is no mistake that the diameter is 2. When you specify a diameter, which is less than 66 you are in fact specifying a hydraulic section, which is held in an internal library of the most commonly used non-circular sections.

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Example 1

The properties of these sections, which include box culverts, open channels, double and triple pipelines and egg shaped sewers, can be viewed by clicking the Conduits button when you are in the Diameter column of the spreadsheet. In a real project you can also create or load a conduit library of your own. Appendix ii has full details of this facility.

Pipe 1.004

Enter the following row: Pipe Pipe Fall Slope Area Time Base Pipe US/IL no length [m] [1:x] Entry Flow Rough [m]

US/CL [m]

Pipe DIA

1.004 100






Here we specify both Slope and Diameter, as you would if the pipe already existed. The 1500mm pipe has spare capacity and the program accepts it. If the pipe was under capacity, System 1 would overrule you and increase the diameter. A way to avoid this automatic upgrading when you are working with an existing system that may be overloaded is explained in a later example.

Checking your entry

Your Network Details spreadsheet should now look like the following example:

Example 1

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Saving your work and opening new projects

Before we examine how to edit data in a completed project, we will save and re-open this finished version. To do so, select Save from the File menu. You will then be presented with the Save Network File window:

In the File name box enter the title Example1 and click Save, or press Return. Note: System 1 is not case-sensitive when searching for file names, so the use of capitals is not essential when opening or re-opening files. To confirm that your file has been saved, exit from System 1 by selecting Exit from the File menu. Now follow the procedure for opening System 1 via the Start button we used at the beginning of this example. When the Open screen appears, the option to continue with Example1.mdx will be displayed. Click on its icon to highlight it and select OK, and you are returned to the Network Details screen. You can open and save files quickly using the toolbar icons: Saves your file Opens a file


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Example 1

Editing an existing line

Go to pipe 1.001, either by using the scroll bar and clicking on that line or by using the keyboard arrows. Enter a value of 125 for Slope - don't forget to hit Return. System 1 automatically re-calculates the values for pipe 1.001 and all pipes downstream. Note: If you now try to alter the value for Slope again, you will find that the cursor automatically highlights Fall and not Slope. To re-calculate Slope, enter a 0 for Fall and the original value of 100 for Slope. Once again System 1 re-calculates and a value of 0.500 is restored for Fall.

Deleting a pipe

Highlight pipe 1.001. To delete this pipe, click on the Delete Pipe icon in the toolbar. Deletes a pipe The Delete Pipe dialogue box now appears.

The number of the pipe highlighted is automatically shown. However, you can select another pipe number if you prefer. To delete the pipe, simply click OK or press Return. Note: When you delete pipe 1.001, System 1 automatically re-numbers the remaining pipes, e.g. pipe 1.002 is now pipe 1.001, pipe 1.003 is now pipe 1.002 etc.

Example 1

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Inserting a pipe

To insert a pipe, highlight a pipe following the point at which you wish to insert a new pipe. For this example, click on pipe 1.001. Then choose the Insert Pipe icon. Inserts a pipe The Insert Pipe dialogue box now appears. We have two choices. Upstream of… is to insert a pipe which flows into the selected pipe, as would be required here. Downstream of… is to insert a pipe which receives flow from the selected pipe.

You can accept the number of the specified pipe, or select a different pipe from the network. However, for this example click Cancel, because we will shortly restore pipe 1.001 using a different function. If you had clicked OK, System 1 would have inserted a blank row above pipe 1.001 and would again automatically re-number the rest of the spreadsheet.

Re-inserting the deleted pipe – Revision Manager

Selecting Previous Revision from the File menu re-inserts the pipe you deleted. This uses the Revision Manager function which stores a history of data states and edit actions in a database which can be viewed by selecting Revision Manager from the File menu.

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Example 1

The Revision Manager will be operating if Save Undo Information is checked on under the Settings tab. The History tab shows all saved revisions which can be restored by selecting a Revision and clicking Undo.

Longitudinal section

The Longsections function gives you a full graphic representation of the network. To display a longitudinal section, click the Longsections icon. Longsections The screen presents you with a Longitudinal section at the point within the network corresponding to the location of the cursor on the spreadsheet. The default settings only show 1 pipe.

Previous pipes displayed

Above the Longsection itself is a command enabling you to alter the number of pipes displayed on the screen at one time. To increase the number of pipes, click the up arrow. To reduce the number of pipes, click the down arrow. Alternatively type in the box the number of pipes you wish to view and the Longsection will automatically update. You can experiment with this facility by moving the box to the right-hand side of the scroll bar. In our example, there are five different pipes in the

Example 1

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main line; System 1 allows you to view up to thirty pipes at a time. Click the up or down arrow until the command reads 5 or simply type 5 in the box. You will now see all pipes of the main line displayed in longsection. Now click the down arrow, so that the command reads 4. System 1 removes pipe 1.000 and zooms you in closer to the remaining pipes displayed. Change the number of pipes displayed back to 5. Note: If you had clicked the up arrow, the screen would have remained unchanged, since there are only five pipes in this line. There are several icons above the Longsection which we can use to adjust the display. Click the icon below to view the cross-section of each pipe showing the proportional depth and proportional velocity of the flow. Show Cross-section

You can move along the network using the box in the scroll bar beneath the display. Move the box to the right-hand end of the bar to see a full display.

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Example 1

Note: The blue circle for pipe 2.001 is shown above the pipeline profile, to indicate that a backdrop has been incorporated at the junction of the two lines. This is because the invert level for pipe 2.001 (99.716) lies outside the minimum backdrop height of 0.200m specified in Design Criteria. Had it fallen within the specified minimum, System 1 would have automatically recalculated to eliminate the requirement for a backdrop. Branches can be turned on by depressing the Include branch lines option: Include branch lines Branch lines are shown in Blue, to change colours on screen or for printing see Example 3. To view a branch, move the box so that the junction of the branch with the main line is the last section to be displayed on the screen. In this example, move the box approximately to the centre of the scroll bar.

You will now see pipes 2.000 and 2.001, with a blue circle indicating the branch with pipe 3.000 and a pink circle showing where pipe 2.001 joins the main network.

Example 1

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You have now completed the first stage of Example 1. This is an appropriate place to take a break if you need one.

Managing windows in System 1

A key benefit of Micro Drainage is the facility to move between the elements of each module quickly and easily. Using our example, we will now practice sizing windows and arranging them on the System 1 desktop.

Sizing windows

Use the Windows re-sizing button to shrink the Longsections screen without sending it to the Task Bar.

You should now see a scaled down version of Longsections with the Network Details spreadsheet behind it:

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Example 1

Switching between windows

For this example, you are going to delete a pipe to demonstrate how System 1 automatically re-calculates between functions - and how easy it is to switch between the functions to see the results. First, click on the Design Criteria icon: Design Criteria Design Criteria appears in front of the existing screens. Then choose Cascade from the Window menu and all three Windows are arranged tidily on the screen. Select the Network Details window by clicking in its title bar. You can work with the data within the spreadsheet even though the window does not fill the screen. To make all the title bars visible again, choose Cascade from the Window menu. Before proceeding, make sure you have saved all your work so far. Then delete pipe 1.003, following the procedure set out in Deleting a pipe on page 1.14. Then click on the Longsections title bar and expand the screen by clicking the middle re-sizing button. Adjust the scroll bar until the complete network is shown (by sliding the box to the right-hand side of the scroll) and ensure that the command box at the top of the screen shows 5 Pipes. You will see that in fact only four pipes are displayed, since the original pipe 1.003 has been removed. Pipe 1.004 is the new pipe 1.003, as specified on the Network Details spreadsheet. Finally, choose Cascade again to make all three functions of System 1 visible. Note: A quick way to switch between windows using the keyboard is to hold down Ctrl and use the Tab button to toggle between the windows. Before moving on, reinstate pipe 1.003 by selecting Previous Revision from the File menu.

Example 1

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Note: If you are familiar with the clicking and dragging capabilities of Windows, you may find it easier simply to click in the title bars of the functions and drag them around the desktop, instead of using the Cascade facility.


If Longsections was visible when you altered the pipeline details, you may have noticed that the graphic of the network was automatically changed at the same time. System 1 automatically refreshes Longsections whenever a change is made to the spreadsheet. This is a particularly useful function, allowing you to see each pipe in Longsection as it is added to the network.


We will now demonstrate the Optimise function, beginning by entering the cover levels for the network we have already designed.

Entry of cover levels

Enter the following data for each pipe in the US/CL[m] column. Simply type in the numbers and press the down arrow. Pipe number 1.000 1.001 2.000 3.000 2.001 1.002 1.003 1.004

US/CL [m] 103 100.5 102 102.5 100.8 100.7 99.2 98

System 1 warns you (in the Warning bar at the foot of the screen) that the data is inconsistent with the depth of 1.2m designated in the Design Criteria. To see the effect this has, look at Longsections. It may help if you turn on the Show pipe bounds which displays the Design Depth. Show pipe bounds

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Example 1

The effect is particularly marked at the conjunction of pipes 2.001 and 1.002. Note the hydraulic grade line (HGL) which is shown in blue.

Next, return to Network Details and go to the Pipe DIA [mm] column. Delete each of the entries shown in red - i.e. all those figures, which you specified, rather than allowing System 1 to calculate them automatically - by entering zero. Hit Return as you delete each figure and System 1 automatically calculates the new pipe diameters. Then simply click Optimise. Optimise The Optimise dialogue box now appears:

Example 1

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You have, of course, already asked System 1 to re-calculate your pipe diameters. Click Yes or press Y. System 1 re-calculates to produce the optimum design depth at 1.2m throughout the entire network. To see the effect, go to Longsection again. Note that 1.004 does not have its ground profile because the downstream cover level is not known at this stage. In addition, you will see that design depth has been set at 1.2m wherever possible. System 1 uses design depth, measured from the connection height to cover level. This can be further observed in the Network Details by looking at the Warnings/Notes box at the bottom of the screen.

Obstructions underground - how to avoid them

In the event that your optimised network encounters an obstruction somewhere along its length, such as an electrical cable or gas pipeline, System 1 allows you to input a different invert level and pipe diameter for the affected point. In this case, let us assume that pipe 1.001 cannot be placed at the level automatically calculated by System 1. Replace the upstream invert level with a value of 98, to allow the pipe to be laid below the service crossing, and the pipe diameter with a value of 450. When the pipe diameter is entered (and Return) both the level and diameter should be in red as they are user specified. Optimise will now leave this pipe in place (unless it is too high or has insufficient capacity). Go to Longsections and note that the network once again fails to follow the ground profile at the optimum depth. If you display the pipes downstream you will see that these pipes have also had their depths increased. Return to Network Details and click Optimise, again choosing Yes at the dialogue box. A return to Longsections shows how System 1 optimises the network throughout its entire length, including the pipes downstream of the fixed pipe which are once more at their minimum design depth. This demonstrates System 1's capacity to optimise an entire system around any number of fixed pipes within the network.

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Example 1

Note: As well as fixing pipes in space it is also possible to specify a different required design depth on a pipe by pipe basis. In this instance pipe 1.001 would require a deeper design depth to drop it below the obstruction. An extra column can be switched on in the spreadsheet from Preferences available from the Network Details toolbar to allow this.

Automatic Optimisation

Finally, let us now use the automatic optimisation facility built-in to System 1 to enter two more pipes. Click the Optimise On icon in the toolbar: Optimise On Now key in the following pipe details: Pipe Pipe Fall Slope Area Time Base Pipe US/IL no length [m] [1:x] Entry Flow Rough [m]

US/CL [m]

Pipe DIA

1.005 50






1.006 50







Choose Longsection again and note how System 1 has automatically specified the new pipes to follow the ground profile.

Designing to a Required Outfall

Many new designs require you to connect into a fixed level, whether it is an existing sewer or watercourse. Hitting this required level has always been the bane of the design engineer and designing from the outfall upwards goes against the forward flow design path of the Modified Rational Method. To reverse design is an onerous task to carry out by hand. System 1 allows you to specify the required outfall level in the Outfall Details and Optimise will redesign the system to meet this level. The design we have completed has an outfall level of 93.2m. However the outfall level we require is 94m so we have missed it by 800mm.

Example 1

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Open the Outfall Details by selecting it from the Network menu.

Enter 94 in the Min IL (m) box and then click OK. Before we do the Full Optimise to meet our required outfall we need to turn the Automatic Optimise function off. Click the icon in the toolbar to turn it off. Optimise Off Now click the Full Optimise button and say Yes to the first warning message. A second warning message will appear asking if you would like to raise the outfall invert as it is lower than 94m.

Click Yes to this message and Optimise will redesign the system.

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Example 1

The Network Details show that the Downstream Invert Level for 1.006 has been raised to meet our required outfall invert of 94m.

Note: As the message suggests a minimum invert level can be specified at any point in the system. An extra column can be switched on in the spreadsheet from Preferences to allow this.

In reaching our minimum outfall System 1 has had to break the minimum cover rule of 1.2m in some places. Look at the Longsections to see the effect of this. You will need to increase the number of pipes displayed to 7 to see the entire network.

Example 1

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Network Schematic

This facility allows you to view a graphic model of the network. Click on the Schematic icon: Schematic The schematic is presented showing whichever pipe is highlighted on the pipeline details at the centre of the system. The pipe is shown in red. The number of pipes to display will need to be increased to 6.

The rest of the pipes in any given line are shown in yellow, while branches are shown in blue. Click on any pipe with the right mouse button and select Properties and the properties of the pipe are shown in a popup window. For more information on Properties see Example 13. You can also move through the system by clicking on branches. Try clicking on branch 2; pipes 2.000 and 2.001 are shown, with an arrow to depict the conjunction with the main line:

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Example 1

Printing within System 1

System 1 gives you the option to print a variety of hard copies, based on the values calculated. All the print commands are located under the File menu. A quicker way to open the dialogue box is to click the Print icon in the toolbar: Print When you select Print, System 1 shows you the Print dialogue box:

These options are self-explanatory; you choose the options you would like to print simply by clicking in the appropriate box. Click the Update Preview button to see a print preview. When you are satisfied with the selected options click the printer icon at the top of the dialogue to send the job to the printer. Page Setup… allows you to edit the margins. The printer can be chosen when you click the print icon in the Print window.

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 04/12/2013 File Example1.mdx XP Solutions

Page 29

Example 1 System 1 The Modified Rational Method Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2013.1.5 STORM SEWER DESIGN by the Modified Rational Method Design Criteria for Storm Pipe Sizes STANDARD Manhole Sizes STANDARD

FSR Rainfall Model - England and Wales Return Period (years) 1 Add Flow / Climate Change (%) 20 M5-60 (mm) 20.000 Minimum Backdrop Height (m) 0.200 Ratio R 0.400 Maximum Backdrop Height (m) 1.500 Maximum Rainfall (mm/hr) 50 Min Design Depth for Optimisation (m) 1.200 Maximum Time of Concentration (mins) 30 Min Vel for Auto Design only (m/s) 1.00 Foul Sewage (l/s/ha) 1.000 Min Slope for Optimisation (1:X) 500 Volumetric Runoff Coeff. 0.750 Designed with Level Soffits

Time Area Diagram for Storm Time Area (mins) (ha)

Time (mins)

0-4 4.200

Area (ha)

4-8 4.263

Time (mins)

Area (ha)

8-12 0.037

Total Area Contributing (ha) = 8.500 Total Pipe Volume (m³) = 183.571

Network Design Table for Storm PN

Length (m)

Fall Slope I.Area T.E. Base k HYD DIA (m) (1:X) (ha) (mins) Flow (l/s) (mm) SECT (mm)

1.000 100.000 2.500 40.0 1.001 50.000 0.125 400.0

0.250 0.500

5.00 0.00

10.0 0.600 0.0 0.600

o o

225 450


20.000 1.200




0.0 0.600




35.500 1.700




0.0 0.600




21.600 0.369




0.0 0.600



1.002 1.003

25.000 0.325 78.900 1.200

76.9 65.8

1.520 5.700

0.00 0.00

0.0 0.600 0.0 0.600

o o

525 750

Network Results Table PN

Rain T.C. (mm/hr) (mins)

US/IL (m)

Σ I.Area Σ Base Foul Add Flow Vel Cap (ha) Flow (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (m/s) (l/s)

Flow (l/s)

1.000 1.001

50.00 48.01

5.80 101.575 6.63 98.000

0.250 0.750

10.0 10.0

0.3 0.8

8.8 21.7

2.07 1.01

82.5 160.7

52.9 129.9



5.18 100.700










5.35 101.200



















1.002 1.003

47.44 46.17

6.79 7.17

97.800 97.250

2.300 8.000

10.0 10.0

2.3 8.0

61.6 203.7

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

2.56 553.3 369.4 3.45 1526.2 1222.0

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 04/12/2013 File Example1.mdx XP Solutions

Page 30

Example 1 System 1 The Modified Rational Method Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2013.1.5 Network Design Table for Storm PN

Length (m)

Fall Slope I.Area T.E. Base k HYD DIA (m) (1:X) (ha) (mins) Flow (l/s) (mm) SECT (mm)

1.004 100.000 1.550 64.5 1.005 50.000 0.100 500.0 1.006 50.000 0.100 500.0

0.000 0.250 0.250

0.00 0.00 0.00

0.0 0.600 0.0 0.600 0.0 0.600

o 750 o 1050 o 1050

Network Results Table PN 1.004 1.005 1.006

Rain T.C. US/IL Σ I.Area Σ Base Foul Add Flow Vel Cap (mm/hr) (mins) (m) (ha) Flow (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (m/s) (l/s) 44.68 43.11 41.67

7.65 96.050 8.19 94.200 8.74 94.100

8.000 8.250 8.500

10.0 10.0 10.0

8.0 8.3 8.5

203.7 203.7 203.7

3.49 1540.7 1222.0 1.53 1328.5 1222.0 1.53 1328.5 1222.0

Free Flowing Outfall Details for Storm D,L W Outfall Outfall C. Level I. Level Min Pipe Number Name (m) (m) I. Level (mm) (mm) (m) 1.006




©1982-2013 XP Solutions

Flow (l/s)



Example 2

Page 2.1

Working with Micro Drainage® Example 2 - System 1 Open Channel Design

Page 2.2

Example 2


Pipe networks and open channels share many characteristics and it is therefore appropriate to use System 1 for the design of an open channel system. In this example we will examine how a specific conduit library can be created and analysed, using Micro Drainage’s integral conduit design facility. We will also see how a network combining open channels and pipes can be created. The intention here is to keep all water levels below 600mm. However, in order to allow the Simulation module to show overloading when it occurs, we shall define the section to a depth of 1 metre.

Setting up the network

We need only a few sections to demonstrate the principles involved. The following network will be sufficient:

Example 2

Page 2.3

Begin by opening System 1 and select New Storm. Enter the Design Criteria as follows:

Note that we have given the system 15% spare capacity by allowing for 15% additional flow.


Click OK to call up the Network Details spreadsheet. However, before proceeding to enter any data, we need to add some additional columns to the spreadsheet. This is done by selecting Preferences from the tool bar. Preferences The Preferences dialogue box presents you with a variety of options, which help you tailor the Network Details spreadsheet to suit your requirements.

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Example 2

You can, for example, switch off any columns you are not interested in. Here, however, note that Pipe Roughness and Manning's n (n) are not ticked. Click on n and Pipe Roughness to tick them as shown below. On the Results tab ensure the Proportional Velocity (Pro. Vel m/s) and Proportional Depth (Pro. Depth mm) fields are selected as shown below. Then click OK.

Data entry

For the first line of the spreadsheet, enter the following. Note that since pipe 1.000 is the first pipe in the line, you could use the automatic pipe numbering facility and simply press Return instead of entering the number manually: Pipe Pipe Fall Slope Area Time Base Pipe no length [m] [1:x] Entry Flow Rough


US/IL [m]

US/CL [m]

1.000 100










The command COND BUTTON here means that you should click the Conduits button when the Pipe Diameter field is highlighted. Conduits

Example 2

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This enables you to load or create your preferred conduit library, from which you can select the required sections.

Setting up the Library We are going to specify two different types of conduit, a built in culvert section and a pipe for this system. This will include designing our own section (see Appendix ii for more on this). The Conduit Picker form defaults to the System tab which contains all 65 default conduits supplied with the software. Select the User tab; in this part of the form you can create your own bespoke conduits. Select the Edit button and the Conduit Designer form is loaded. Choose the Free option and enter the following data for the first section.

Click on the Channel button and Micro Drainage automatically calculates the areas and wetted perimeter values.

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Example 2

This gives us a standard trapezoidal section. However, note the connection height: 600mm. Although our specified height is 1 metre, to allow for a proper simulation of extreme conditions within Simulation, where pipes are to be connected to the system we need to ensure that the flow does not come in above our prescribed level for normal flows. Note: The Open Section box is ticked to indicate we have created an open section. The next section is one you can create yourself. Highlight the next row on the spreadsheet and choose the Create option. Then select Define. Enter the following data for the section:

Click OK and the section data are entered onto the spreadsheet. You can use the forward slash and backward slash keys to create the Free symbol in the Symbol column. Note, however that the connection height (measured between the pipes invert and the soffit of the upstream pipe) defaults to the height of the section. You will need to alter this from 1 metre to 600mm. Next, we require a U-shaped section. Enter a width of 500mm, a height of 1000mm and a connection height of 600mm. Then choose Free again and click the U Shape button to calculate the variables for the section.

Example 2

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We now have sufficient sections for our demonstration. They will be saved as part of the .mdx file the next time you save. Alternatively, the sections can be saved as Example2.secx and opened for other projects. Select OK for the Conduit Designer form and return to the Conduit Picker form.

Specifying a section

Specify the first section simply by highlighting it and clicking OK. Note that the section is shown by the value -1. This indicates that it is a conduit taken from your own library, rather than the default. See Appendix ii for more details. For pipe 1.001 enter the following: Pipe Pipe Fall Slope Area Time Base Pipe no length [m] [1:x] Entry Flow Rough 1.001 50



US/IL [m]


US/CL [m]

Pipe DIA



Hitting Return instructs System 1 to repeat the last value for Pipe diameter; thus section -1 is chosen again.

Adding a branch

We now wish to specify a pipe branch line discharging into the channel. The data are: Pipe Pipe Fall Slope Area Time Base Pipe no length [m] [1:x] Entry Flow Rough 2.000 20








US/IL [m]

US/CL [m]

Pipe DIA




This time, hitting Return gives us a pipe diameter value of 300mm. For the third section in the channel we want to put in a culvert, we can use one of the predefined culverts in the software. We need to add more fields to the spreadsheet to select one.

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Example 2

Select Preferences button on the Network Details tool bar and click on the Input tab. Check the boxes for Section Type, Connection Height (C.Height) and Conduit Symbol and then click OK. Enter the pipe details as shown below: Pipe Pipe Fall Slope Area Time Base Pipe n US/IL Section Type C. Height US/CL Conduit Pipe No. length [m] [1:x] Entry Flow Rough [m] [m] [m] Symbol DIA 1.002 100




600 Culvert




We will specify neither Fall nor Slope. In the Section Type field, click on the dropdown menu and select the 600 Culvert, this refers to the height of the culvert in mm. The software chooses the smallest width culvert that can take the flow (900mm) and displays it in the Pipe DIA column. The Help on culverts and other section types can be found by pressing the F1 key. Note: The cursor is automatically moved into the US/CL column when you press Enter in the Area column since this is not the head of a branchline. Step back to the Section Type column and select the required section from the drop down menu. System 1 calculates the minimum slope required for the culvert to accommodate the flow. However, the branch - pipe 2.000 - is now defined with a connection height of 700mm. This gives us a backdrop of 100mm, since we specified a connection height for the conduit sections of 600mm. The backdrop falls within the minimum backdrop height of 200mm specified in Design Criteria. System 1 therefore corrects the slope for pipe 2.000 from 50 to 40. The warning bar at the foot of the spreadsheet notifies you of the change. Switch to Longsections to see the effect of this:

Example 2

Page 2.9

The dotted line indicates the connection height specified (600mm), whereas the solid yellow line depicts the top of the channel at a height of 1 metre. The culvert 1.002 therefore connects at the level of the dotted line, as does the incoming branch 2.000. Note also that the hydraulic grade line (the approximate water level) is below the 600mm connection height.

Calculating flow capacity

Finally, input the data for pipe 1.003: Pipe Pipe Fall Slope Area Time Base Pipe n US/IL Section Type C. Height US/CL Conduit Pipe No. length [m] [1:x] Entry Flow Rough [m] [m] [m] Symbol DIA 1.003 100




600 Culvert




Note: As with pipe 2.000 you will need to use the cursor keys to step back to the Manning’s n column. You will now be able to enter the required Manning's n. With a substantially increased area, the flow is too great for a culvert of the same size. System 1 therefore increases the width of the culvert to 1200mm.

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Example 2

For this example we will make the final section open. To find a suitable section from our own conduit file, highlight the pipe diameter field again and click the Conduits button. With a flow/capacity ratio of 1.031, which is 3 per cent greater than the capacity of section -3, the section is greyed out since it cannot accommodate the flow. You are left with the choice of the remaining two sections. Section -1 has a ratio suggesting it will probably flow deeper than our prescribed maximum of 600mm. Therefore click on section -2, with its flow/capacity ratio of 0.317, and then click OK. Section -2 is accepted, accommodating the flow of 1021.9 l/s at a depth of 564mm. Note: Even though section -2 appears in its place on the spreadsheet, the calculations to give the values above will not be made until you have hit Return or moved the cursor off the row.


While System 1 provides a snapshot of the flows through the system, and ensures the optimum specification for the return period, it does not provide true backwater analysis. For real-time representation of the hydraulic grade lines, this type of system should be analysed within the Simulation module. When you have completed Example 3 (Schedules) and Example 7 (Simulation) of this manual, or if you are already familiar with the Simulation module, you can proceed to generate true hydraulic grade lines for this system using the following steps.

Enter cover levels

Enter a cover level of 102m for all sections and pipes within the network. Then save the file as Example2.mdx.

Example 2

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Open the Network menu, select Outfall Details and enter the values as follows:

Click OK. System 1 automatically schedules the network. To view the Schedules, from the Network Details form click on the Schedules button. Schedules

Note: Between open sections there are no manholes. If required a manhole can be added by changing the US Connection type from Junction to Open Manhole and by entering a diameter into the US/MH Diam/Len column. Save the file.

Page 2.12

Example 2

Module Selector Select Module Selector from the Window menu. Click on the Simulation icon to add the module. Menus within the program will update to display all available options for the Simulation module.

Running Simulation

Click OK at the Simulation Criteria and set the program to analyse At Fine time step from the Analyse menu.

Real Time Backwater Analysis

Call up the Longsections. The red line is an envelope of maximum water levels. Now animate the moving water levels as the storm passes through the system. The envelope of maximum water levels may be printed through the Plot module and it is a far more detailed analysis than the static levels available through the Modified Rational Method. The network may also be tested for 10, 20, 30 etc. year storms to observe it overloading and flooding. Example 7 is recommended for those who wish to master Simulation.

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 05/12/2013 File Example2.mdx XP Solutions

Page 13 Example 2 System 1 Open channel Design Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2013.1.7 STORM SEWER DESIGN by the Modified Rational Method Design Criteria for Storm Pipe Sizes STANDARD Manhole Sizes STANDARD

FSR Rainfall Model - England and Wales Return Period (years) 5 Add Flow / Climate Change (%) 15 M5-60 (mm) 20.000 Minimum Backdrop Height (m) 0.200 Ratio R 0.400 Maximum Backdrop Height (m) 1.500 Maximum Rainfall (mm/hr) 100 Min Design Depth for Optimisation (m) 1.200 Maximum Time of Concentration (mins) 30 Min Vel for Auto Design only (m/s) 1.00 Foul Sewage (l/s/ha) 0.000 Min Slope for Optimisation (1:X) 500 Volumetric Runoff Coeff. 0.750 Designed with Level Soffits

Time Area Diagram for Storm Time Area (mins) (ha)

Time (mins)

0-4 3.116

Area (ha)

4-8 1.373

Time (mins)

Area (ha)

8-12 0.011

Total Area Contributing (ha) = 4.500 Total Pipe Volume (m³) = 244.509

Network Design Table for Storm PN

Length (m)

Fall Slope I.Area T.E. Base k (m) (1:X) (ha) (mins) Flow (l/s) (mm)

S1.000 100.000 0.500 200.0 S1.001 50.000 0.300 166.7

0.250 0.250

5.00 0.00





0.0 0.600

S1.002 100.000 0.136 735.3 S1.003 100.000 0.500 200.0

0.500 3.000

0.00 0.00

20.000 0.500

10.0 0.0



0.012 0.012

DIA (mm)

\/ \/

-1 -1



0.0 0.600 600 [] 0.0 0.012 \/

900 -2

Network Results Table PN

Rain T.C. (mm/hr) (mins)

US/IL (m)

Σ I.Area Σ Base Foul Add Flow Vel Cap (ha) Flow (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (m/s) (l/s)

Flow (l/s)

S1.000 S1.001

85.88 83.80

5.70 100.000 6.02 99.500

0.250 0.500

10.0 10.0

0.0 0.0

10.2 18.5

2.39 1466.8 2.62 1606.8

78.4 142.0



5.13 100.000







S1.002 S1.003

74.62 72.10

7.68 8.22

1.500 4.500

10.0 10.0

0.0 0.0

47.0 133.3

99.200 99.064

©1982-2013 XP Solutions


1.00 462.0 360.1 3.07 3228.7 1022.1

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 05/12/2013 File Example2.mdx XP Solutions

Page 14 Example 2 System 1 Open channel Design Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2013.1.7 Conduit Sections for Storm NOTE: Diameters less than 66 refer to section numbers of hydraulic conduits. These conduits are marked by the symbols:- [] box culvert, \/ open channel, oo dual pipe, ooo triple pipe, O egg. Section numbers < 0 are taken from user conduit table Section Conduit Major Minor Side Corner 4*Hyd XSect Number Type Dimn. Dimn. Slope Splay Radius Area (m²) (m) (mm) (mm) (Deg) (mm) -1 -2

\/ \/

250 1700

1000 1000


1.033 0.614 1.508 1.050

Free Flowing Outfall Details for Storm D,L W Outfall Outfall C. Level I. Level Min Pipe Number Name (m) (m) I. Level (mm) (mm) (m) S1.003




98.000 1800

©1982-2013 XP Solutions


Example 3

Page 3.1

Working with Micro Drainage® Example 3 – System1 Schedules, Longsections, Plan & 3D Graphics

Page 3.2

Example 3

Introduction In this example we are going to use the Micro Drainage Schedules module to input manhole data in detail. The data for this example is contained in the file Example3.mdx. This can be found in the \Micro Drainage 2014\Data directory.

Loading Schedules The Schedules module is incorporated in System 1. Open System 1 using your favourite Windows method. As usual, System 1 presents you with the Open options box.

The box gives you the option to select the last file you saved or you can open an existing file. Double click Open Existing File and go to the \Micro Drainage 2014\Data directory and open Example3.mdx. Select the Outfall Details option from the Network menu and enter the outfall details as shown overleaf.

When you have checked that the data are correct click OK and return to the Network Details. Input the data as shown for cover levels.

Example 3

Page 3.3

To see the Schedules spreadsheet click the Schedules button. Schedules Click the Schedules button again to return to the standard Network Details spreadsheet. Input the data as shown for cover levels. Move down the column as you enter the data by using the down keyboard arrow. When complete return to the Schedules table to see the results below.

Schedules automatically assigns a number to each manhole. You will note that the figures in the Depth column are shown in green. This is because the values are less then prescribed cover of 0.9m (values that are twice the prescribed cover will also be displayed in green). Entering the cover levels will rectify this.

Manhole Schedules To view the Manhole Schedule, select Manhole Schedule from the Results menu or click the Manhole Schedule icon on the toolbar if you have added it. Manhole Schedule

Longsections Within Longsections, another key feature of Schedules is demonstrated. Click the Show pipe bounds button. Show pipe bounds

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Example 3

Note the purple and red lines, which delineate the upper and lower boundaries for the network. The upper boundary (in purple) is dictated by the required cover level of 0.900; the lower boundary (in red) is set by the minimum outfall established in Design Criteria - in this case, 95.000m.

Intermediate ground levels Schedules gives you the facility to examine intermediate ground levels, using the GL 1/3 (m) and GL 2/3 (m) columns. To test this resource return to the Schedules Network Details, click on the GL 1/3(m) column for pipe 1.000 and enter a value of 99.500. Enter a value of 100.000 for GL 2/3 (m), a warning appears in the Warning box at the foot of the screen due to you do not having the prescribed cover. This facility is particularly useful in instances where the line crosses an area of uneven cover, such as a ditch. Schedules allows you to enter the data, but warns you of the hazard. To see the effect, go to Longsections.

Example 3

Page 3.5

Changing manhole shapes You can change the shape of the manholes from circular (set as default) to rectangular, by simply specifying the Diameter/Length and Width of the manholes. Click on the US/MH Diam/Len (mm) column for pipe 1.000 and key in 1000 for the length and now click on US/MH Width (mm) column and key in 750 for the Width. The value for the diameter of 1050 (mm) disappears. Schedules shows the values in red, because you have specified them rather than allowing the program to calculate automatically. Note: The manhole diameters are designed in accordance with the specifications in the Manhole size library. The option to Edit/Create a Manhole Size library can be found in the Design Criteria form.

Making the Earth move Within Schedules you have the facility to achieve a 'virtual' shift in the location of true North. This resource is actually designed to make site work easier by eliminating the need for complex Ordnance Survey coordinates and orienting the site around a convenient local point, such as a site base line. Within Example3 we shall use the following coordinates:

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Example 3

Enter these figures by selecting Manhole Coordinates from the Network menu.

Match box When you click OK, you are warned that your coordinates do not match the pipe lengths.

In fact, the downstream Northing for 1.002 should have been 249864.400. Normally the coordinates take precedence in a design. As the warning box says, you can alter the pipe lengths to suit the coordinates. Click Repair Lengths and click OK to the message advising you what has happened. Open the Storm Network Details spreadsheet and you will see that the length of 1.002 has been reduced from 85m to 84.6m - a difference of 0.4m, matching exactly the error in our coordinates. However, in this instance it is the ground that is wrong, not the pipe. Re-open the Manhole Coordinates and enter the correct downstream Northing for pipe 1.002. Click OK and once again select the Repair Lengths option. A look at the Network Details confirms pipe 1.002 now has the correct length.

Example 3

Page 3.7

Oriental setting Next choose Setting Out Information from the Results menu. With the True Coordinates button selected, you can see that the system is actually oriented at a significant angle away from true North; hence the elaborate coordinates.

Clearly, at midnight on a rainswept site, figures of this complexity do not make the site manager's job easier. To redefine the orientation, select Site Location from the Site menu and enter the coordinates for Manhole 1 and set the Orientation to True - in this case, 20 degrees.

Click OK and return to the Setting Out Information. If you now choose the Site Coordinates option, you will see that the orientation is now true North

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Example 3

and that the figures have been greatly simplified; they are all relative to manhole 1.

Example 3

Page 3.9

Network Plan With coordinates in place you can now view a plan view of the network. Click the Plan icon: Plan The plan view of the network allows you to examine manholes and pipes "in situ".

View Options

Drop down the View Options button menu and ensure the Display Manholes and Display Pipe Numbers buttons are depressed.

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Example 3

Right click anywhere on the drawing and select Band Zoom.

Click and hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse to define a ‘banding’ region. Release the button to Zoom to the region chosen.

The Pan option allows you to move the area you are viewing by dragging it. Alternatively you may also use the Wheel on your mouse to real time zoom. Use Previous and Extents buttons to switch between magnifications.

Example 3

Page 3.11

3D World View A full 3D graphical representation of your network is available in all modules that have the Plan view. Like the Plan the World View is based on manhole coordinates and represents the true state of the world. Pipes without coordinates will have default coordinates applied so they can be drawn on Plan and in 3D. This is indicated on the Plan by the rings around each manhole. If the coordinates and lengths do not match the pipes would be shown as dotted lines. As with the other views right-clicking on a pipe or manhole and selecting Properties will pop-up relevant information. Select 3D World View from the Graphics menu or using the icon on the Plan View tool bar. Display World View The World View will appear showing a full 3D model of the network and ground.

The compass on the left gives you the ability to move around the network and zoom into areas. Look around your system using the compass and instructions overleaf.

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Example 3

In the upper toolbar there are a number of options allowing you to alter or add to the items displayed.

View Options

Display Pipes / Manholes These buttons switch the pipes and or manholes on and off. Display Sky This switches on a sky background. If switched off the background is left black. Display Branch Indicators A flag is drawn at the first pipe in each branch. The integer part of the pipe is shown in blue on the flag. A flag is also drawn at each outfall position. In this case the branch number is drawn in green.

Example 3

Page 3.13

Ground Style

No Ground switches the ground profile off. The remaining three options change the way the profile is drawn. The Ground may be drawn as Solid, Wireframe or Transparent. The latter option allows the pipes to be seen through the ground. The Ground is coloured from dark green through to light green and then grey as the level increases. Selection Set By selecting this option it is possible to view only those pipes in the current Selection Set. The pipes that are not in the selection set are displayed in a greyed out manner.

Manhole Colours

By default manholes are shown in grey and all outfalls are shown in green. The Cover Level option colour codes the manholes depending on their cover level. The levels associated with each colour can be seen on the Display Settings. The Depth view colours each manhole according to depth. The depths associated with each colour can be seen on the Display Settings. The Connection option displays manholes in red if the connecting pipes are within a pre-determined angle of each other. The angle can be set from Display Settings.

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Example 3

Pipe Colours By default the main line is drawn in yellow and branch lines are displayed in cyan. The Diameter view colours pipes depending on their size (diameter). The diameters associated with each colour can be seen on the Display Settings. Display Settings The Display Setting window shows the various colour settings used in the various graphical displays. Each colour can be user defined. Select the Pipes Screen colour and the select a blue from the pallet.

Screen Defaults Select Screen Default to return the Display Settings to the standard colours. Save Saves the current view to disk as a graphic file. Print Open a Print Preview of the World View which can be sent to a printer.

Example 3

Page 3.15

View Tab

Wireframe Pipes / Manholes Pipes and manholes can be drawn as solid or wireframe. Ground Overlay If a background image is available from the Plan it may be merged with or drawn in lieu of the ground profile. Select the On Ground option to merge the image with the existing ground colour. Alternatively select Instead of Ground to replace the standard ground colouring with the map image. Polygon Detail Change the detail level of the drawing elements. Lower levels will increase frame rates on slower machines. This setting only affects solid polygons. Wireframe elements are always drawn at Low detail.

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Example 3

Model Tab

Overlay Detail Specify the size in pixels of the overlay map. Larger values make the image clearer but use more memory and will reduce frame rate. Horizontal Compression The Horizontal compression scales the XY axis of the model to accentuate falls. Scale All Elements With this option switched off only the pipe coordinates are scaled. Pipe and Manhole dimensions are enlarged so they may be easily seen. This should be taken into account if pipe clashes are being checked. Switch this option on to show all the elements of the model in true scale (pipes become oval). For most purposes this option can be left switched off. Use TIN Ground Model If a triangulation data set is available you may switch between a full triangulated terrain model and the default ground generated from manhole cover level only. Use Flat Shading By default the terrain model is smooth shaded. Flat shading may be more appropriate if the terrain contains sharp edges (e.g. curbs).

Example 3

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Rebuild Changing options on the Model tab will not automatically modify the model. Click this button to rebuild the model with the new options. + and - Buttons Rebuilds the model but moves the limits of those pipes included. Use + and – to change the limits of the model slightly.

Saving Schedules as text Schedules gives you the option to save your work as text, for use within a word processing package. This is particularly useful for producing high quality proposals and presentations. To do this, simply choose Save ASCII Manhole Schedules from the File menu. The Save ASCII dialogue box appears. Key in the title of your choice and click Save. Note: You cannot open this file from within Micro Drainage. To view your work, use any popular word processing package, e.g. Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, Lotus WordPro etc. Alternatively click on the Schedules spreadsheet with the right mouse button. The Export menu is displayed.

From here you can choose to Print the data, save it as a .csv, .pdf, html or Excel format. This facility is available from all of the results spreadsheets throughout the suite.

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Example 3

Longsection plots We will now examine the use of the output of longsection images. The Longsection module is embedded into System 1, Channel and Simulation. Go to the File menu and select Plot Longsections. The Plot Preview form will open.

The tabs on the left allow you to specify the parameters for the printouts. The Plot Settings tab displays the variables used to batch the pipes for each drawing. It allows you to choose which pipes are to be plotted and whether you want to include branch lines in your selection. You can print the network with the Hydraulic Grade Lines, which will show the Proportional Depth of water in the pipes. The network can also be printed in Normal view (drawn uphill from left to right) or Handed view (downhill from left to right). Note: To change the page orientation, open Page Setup from the File menu and select Landscape under Orientation.

Example 3

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The Plot to Printer tab determines the drawing format. A margin is drawn on each page. The margin is applied around the edge of the page and between the drawings if more than one drawing is plotted per page. The number of drawings high/wide allows you to determine how many drawings across and down the page are to be included in each plot. Pages to Span specify the number of horizontal pages to be used to give the overall plot.

Note: If you make any changes to the setup tabs then you must click Update Preview for the changes to take effect. The Plot to DXF tab lets you print your Longsection to DXF format. Another facility available is the Plot Designer.

Page 3.20

Example 3

The Plot Designer allows you to add data to the drawings. Click the Plot Setup icon in the lower toolbar. Plot Designer The Plot Designer will appear.

To add the data you require just drag it across from the data table to the top or the bottom of the designer and the print preview will automatically update. You can also change the colours. When you have the relevant data displayed you can save your layout for future designs.

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 11/02/2014 File Example3.mdx XP Solutions

Page 21

Example 3 Schedules / Longsections Plan / 3D Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2014.1 STORM SEWER DESIGN by the Modified Rational Method Design Criteria for Example3 Pipe Sizes STANDARD Manhole Sizes STANDARD

FSR Rainfall Model - England and Wales Return Period (years) 1 Add Flow / Climate Change (%) 0 M5-60 (mm) 20.000 Minimum Backdrop Height (m) 0.200 Ratio R 0.400 Maximum Backdrop Height (m) 1.500 Maximum Rainfall (mm/hr) 5 Min Design Depth for Optimisation (m) 0.900 Maximum Time of Concentration (mins) 30 Min Vel for Auto Design only (m/s) 1.00 Foul Sewage (l/s/ha) 0.000 Min Slope for Optimisation (1:X) 500 Volumetric Runoff Coeff. 0.750 Designed with Level Soffits

Network Design Table for Example3 PN

Length Fall Slope I.Area T.E. Base k HYD DIA (m) (m) (1:X) (ha) (mins) Flow (l/s) (mm) SECT (mm)

1.000 26.000 1.000 1.001 50.000 1.667

26.0 30.0

0.250 0.500

5.00 0.00

10.0 0.600 0.0 0.600

o o

150 225

2.000 20.000 0.250




0.0 0.600



3.000 35.500 0.473




0.0 0.600



1.002 85.000 0.850 100.0



0.0 0.600



Network Results Table PN

Rain T.C. (mm/hr) (mins)

US/IL (m)

Σ I.Area Σ Base Foul Add Flow Vel Cap Flow (ha) Flow (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (m/s) (l/s) (l/s)

1.000 1.001

5.00 5.00

5.22 100.000 5.57 98.925

0.250 0.750

10.0 10.0

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

1.98 2.40

35.0 95.3

13.4 20.2



5.39 100.000










5.67 100.000















1.57 111.1



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Page 22

Example 3 Schedules / Longsections Plan / 3D Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2014.1 Manhole Schedules for Example3

MH MH Name CL (m)

MH Depth (m)

MH Connection

MH Diam.,L*W (mm)


Pipe Out Invert Diameter Level (m) (mm)

1 101.250 1.250 Open Manhole 1000 x 750 1.000



3 101.240 1.240 Open Manhole

1200 2.000



1200 1.002


2 101.126 2.201 Open Manhole

1200 1.001

4 102.000 2.000 Open Manhole

1200 3.000

5 101.359 4.176 Open Manhole


98.500 2.167 Open Manhole





©1982-2014 XP Solutions


225 1.000

Pipes In Invert Diameter Backdrop Level (m) (mm) (mm)



300 1.001









99.750 96.333

100 300

2367 2144

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Page 23

Example 3 Schedules / Longsections Plan / 3D Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2014.1 PIPELINE SCHEDULES for Example3 Upstream Manhole


Hyd Diam MH C.Level I.Level D.Depth Sect (mm) Name (m) (m) (m)

MH Connection

MH DIAM., L*W (mm)

1.000 1.001

o o

150 225

1 101.250 100.000 2 101.126 98.925

1.100 Open Manhole 1.976 Open Manhole

1000 x 750 1200




3 101.240 100.000

1.140 Open Manhole





4 102.000 100.000

1.900 Open Manhole





5 101.359

3.876 Open Manhole



Downstream Manhole PN

Length Slope MH C.Level I.Level D.Depth (m) (1:X) Name (m) (m) (m)

MH Connection

MH DIAM., L*W (mm)

1.000 26.000 1.001 50.000

26.0 30.0

2 101.126 5 101.359

99.000 97.258

1.976 Open Manhole 3.876 Open Manhole

1200 1200

2.000 20.000


5 101.359


1.509 Open Manhole


3.000 35.500


5 101.359


1.732 Open Manhole




1.867 Open Manhole


1.002 85.000 100.0


©1982-2014 XP Solutions

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 11/02/2014 File Example3.mdx XP Solutions

Example 3 Schedules / Longsections Plan / 3D Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2014.1 Setting Out Information - True Coordinates (Example3) PN

USMH Dia/Len Width US Easting US Northing Layout Name (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (North)




750 557102.000






















PN 1.002

DSMH Dia/Len Width DS Easting DS Northing Layout Name (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (North) 6




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Page 24

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Page 25

Example 3 Schedules / Longsections Plan / 3D Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2014.1 Setting Out Information - Site Coordinates (Example3) PN

USMH Dia/Len Width US Easting US Northing Layout Name (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (North)


























PN 1.002


DSMH Dia/Len Width DS Easting DS Northing Layout Name (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (North) 6




Free Flowing Outfall Details for Example3 D,L W Outfall Outfall C. Level I. Level Min Pipe Number Name (m) (m) I. Level (mm) (mm) (m) 1.002




95.000 1500

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Page 26

Example 3 Schedules / Longsections Plan / 3D Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2014.1

MH Name




Hor Scale 1200 Ver Scale 250

Length (m)


100.000 101.250

Invert Level (m)

MH Name

98.925 101.126 99.000 100.000

101.359 97.258

Cover Level (m)

1.000 150 26.0

1.001 225 30.0


Datum (m)92.000 PN Dia (mm) Slope (1:X)




Hor Scale 1200 Ver Scale 250

Datum (m)91.000 PN Dia (mm) Slope (1:X)

Length (m)


97.183 101.359

Invert Level (m)


Cover Level (m)

1.002 300 100.0


©1982-2014 XP Solutions

Example 4

Page 4.1

Working with Micro Drainage® Example 4 – System1 Foul Sewer Design with Schedules

Page 4.2

Example 4


This example details the design of a complete foul sewer network with schedules using both the Main Drainage and Fixture Unit methods. This Micro Drainage resource also aids the drafting and production of contract documents. Open System 1 and at the Open screen select New Foul Main Drainage.

Design Criteria

The Design Criteria window appears with default values set to produce the design flows required for gravity sewers on residential developments of 4000 l/unit dwelling/24 hours in accordance with Sewers for Adoption.

Enter the additional data as shown and click OK.

Example 4

Page 4.3

Pipeline Details

The Foul Network Details spreadsheet now appears. Enter the data for the following network: Pipe Pipe Fall Slope Area Houses no length [m] [m]

Base Pipe US/IL Flow Rough [m]

US/CL [m]

1.000 26






101.100 R







2.000 89











3.000 25





1.002 52












Pipe DIA

101.200 R R



101.250 R 100.925 R




101.145 R 100.525 R 97.500


Here pipes 1.000 to 1.002 serve a housing development. Pipe 1.003 serves an industrial development. Therefore, the industrial flow has been specified in litres/second/hectare and the domestic flow has been input in terms of the number of houses contributing. It is assumed you have to meet an existing system which is at 95m AOD. In order to make sure our outfall hits 95m, select Outfall Details from the Network menu, enter the following additional data and click OK.

Click Full Optimise to improve the design and save your work as Example4.

Page 4.4

Example 4

Optimise has re-designed the network to produce the optimum cover at 0.9m throughout the network and also a minimum Full Bore Velocity of 0.75 m/sec for each pipe. To provide a self-cleansing regime within foul gravity sewers, the minimum flow velocity should be 0.75 m/sec at one third design flow. Optimise has the ability to re-design the network so that it achieves 0.75 m/sec at one third design flow. Select the optimise to P.Vel at 1/3 Flow option on the toolbar as shown below.

Then click the Full Optimise button.

Example 4

Page 4.5

The results table shows that the minimum of 0.75 m/sec hasn't been achieved in all cases. Pipes 1.000, 2.000, 2.001 and 3.000 all have a Proportional Velocity of less than 0.75 m/sec at 1/3 design flow. Pipe 1.000 is a 150mm pipe with 58 connections (houses). It has been laid at a slope of 1:150 in accordance with Sewers for Adoption. Pipes 2.000 and 2.001 are 100mm pipes with more than 10 connections. They have been laid at a slope of 1:80 in accordance with BS EN 752. Pipe 3.000 is also a 100mm pipe with more than 10 connections and is also subject to the minimum slope (1:80) requirements of BS EN 752. Optimise has increased the slope for this pipe to 1:40.3 to maintain 0.9m cover. Optimise has combined minimum velocity rules, minimum slope recommendations and minimum cover requirements to produce an acceptable design. Note: See also Help – System 1 – Optimise Click Save to save the new design.

Page 4.6

Example 4

Schedules Select Manhole Schedule from the Results menu. System 1 has automatically designed manhole sizes in accordance with the specification set in the Manhole Size library.

A look at Longsections will show you that the network has been designed satisfactorily. You should now have a complete drainage design ready for the production of contract documents.

Discharge Unit Methods A second version of Foul can be accessed within System 1 that allows a network to be designed by specifying a number of discharge units in lieu of houses. Both the BS 8301 and EN 752 methodologies are supported. From the Site menu select the Network Manager option and change the Network Type to Foul – Unit as shown below. Rename the network Foul – Unit in the Name column and then close the form.

Example 4

Page 4.7

At the Design Criteria form select the BS 8301 option and make sure all the other data is as shown.

Click OK to the Design Criteria and the Network Details will appear. The houses entered for the Main Drainage method have been converted to units at a rate of 14 units per house. Change optimse to P.Vel at 1/3 Flow again and click Optimise to re-design the network.

Page 4.8

Example 4

On inspection the results show that the Fixture Unit method produces different results to the Main Drainage method. The Fixture Unit method is more applicable to smaller sites (less than 300 houses) whilst the Main Drainage is more applicable to larger sites. The Fixture Unit method should also be used on sites where there is a mixture of commercial, industrial and residential properties. Finally we will demonstrate how the EN 752 method can be used. Select Design Criteria from the Network menu. Change the Unit Calculation Method to be used to EN 752 and set the Frequency Factor (EN 752 Only) to 0.5. This is a typical frequency factor to be used for dwellings as stated in table C.1 (BS EN 752). Click OK to the Design Criteria and the Network Details will appear. Upon examining the results you will see that no conversion from houses to units has occurred when using the EN 752 method. For this site there are roughly 12 units per dwelling based on the typical values of discharge units (DU) in table C.2 (BS EN 752).

Example 4

Page 4.9

Enter the Units for each pipe as shown below.

Click the Full Optimise button to optimise the network to proportional velocity at 1/3 design flow.

The Results now show the system re-designed to achieve proportional velocity at 1/3 design flow. Where this cannot be achieved the minimum slope recommendations and minimum cover requirements have been applied to produce an acceptable design. On sites where there is a mixture of commercial, industrial and residential properties a Frequency Factor (kDU) can be applied per pipe in accordance with Table C.1 (BS EN 752).

Page 4.10

Example 4

To specify a Frequency Factor per pipe select Preferences from the toolbar. Go to the Input tab and tick the Freq Factor option.

Click OK and the network details will now show an additional column allowing a Frequency Factor (kDU) to be set per pipe.


This follows the same procedure as the previous example.

Example 4

Page 4.11

Combining Storm and Foul flows

Micro Drainage gives you the facility to analyse simultaneous Storm and Foul flows through a network. To do this, select Network Manager from the Site menu. Test Combined Sewer can be selected from the Toolbar. A copy of the existing network is created as a Storm network or vice versa if a Storm network that you are copying. You are then prompted to enter the Design Criteria for your Storm or Foul flow. Clicking OK presents you with a Network Details spreadsheet, which analyses the dry weather flow condition. Note: In fact, a combined system would usually be analysed first within the System 1 module as a Storm file. You can enter the Foul flow in the Design Criteria window; it is specified in litres/second/hectare. Although this figure is only an approximation, it is suitable for combined analysis since it represents only a small percentage of the total flow. For more detailed analysis of dry weather flow in particular, you can then transfer the data to Foul as described above. This enables you to specify the foul sewage in greater detail and to observe the proportional velocities of flow through the system when it is not raining.

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 26/02/2014 File Example4.mdx XP Solutions

Page 12 Example 4 System 1 - Foul Sewer Design with Schedules Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2014.1 FOUL SEWERAGE DESIGN Design Criteria for Foul - Main Pipe Sizes STANDARD Manhole Sizes STANDARD

Industrial Flow (l/s/ha) 1.00 Add Flow / Climate Change (%) 20 Industrial Peak Flow Factor 3.00 Minimum Backdrop Height (m) 0.200 Flow Per Person (l/per/day) 222.00 Maximum Backdrop Height (m) 1.500 Persons per House 3.00 Min Design Depth for Optimisation (m) 0.900 Domestic (l/s/ha) 0.00 Min Vel for Auto Design only (m/s) 0.75 Domestic Peak Flow Factor 6.00 Min Slope for Optimisation (1:X) 500 Designed with Level Soffits

Network Design Table for Foul - Main PN

Length Fall Slope Area Houses Base k HYD DIA (m) (m) (1:X) (ha) Flow (l/s) (mm) SECT (mm)

1.000 26.000 0.173 150.0 0.000 1.001 25.000 0.402 62.2 0.000

58 26

5.0 1.500 0.0 1.500

o o

150 150

2.000 89.000 1.113 2.001 54.000 0.675

80.0 0.000 80.0 0.000

15 22

0.0 1.500 0.0 1.500

o o

100 100

3.000 25.000 0.620

40.3 0.000


0.0 1.500



1.002 52.000 1.963 26.5 0.000 1.003 54.000 0.500 108.0 3.200

29 0

0.0 1.500 0.0 1.500

o o

150 225

Network Results Table PN

US/IL (m)

Σ Area Σ Base Σ Hse Add Flow P.Dep P.Vel Vel Cap Flow (ha) Flow (l/s) (l/s) (mm) (m/s) (m/s) (l/s) (l/s)

1.000 100.050 1.001 99.877

0.000 0.000

5.0 5.0

58 84

1.5 1.8

95 79

0.78 1.13

0.71 1.11

12.6 19.6

9.2 10.7

2.000 100.250 2.001 99.138

0.000 0.000

0.0 0.0

15 37

0.1 0.3

26 41

0.52 0.68

0.74 0.74

5.8 5.8

0.8 2.1

3.000 100.145










1.002 1.003

0.000 3.200

5.0 5.0

186 186

2.7 4.6

79 130

1.74 1.17

1.71 1.10

30.2 43.9

16.3 27.8

98.413 96.375

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Page 13 Example 4 System 1 - Foul Sewer Design with Schedules Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2014.1 Manhole Schedules for Foul - Main

MH MH Name CL (m)

MH Depth (m)

MH Connection

MH Diam.,L*W (mm)


Pipe Out Invert Diameter Level (m) (mm)

1 101.100 1.050 Open Manhole

1200 1.000


2 101.200 1.323 Open Manhole

1200 1.001


3 101.250 1.000 Open Manhole

1200 2.000


4 100.925 1.787 Open Manhole

1200 2.001


5 101.145 1.000 Open Manhole

1200 3.000


6 100.525 2.113 Open Manhole

1200 1.002



97.500 1.125 Open Manhole

1200 1.003


97.000 1.125 Open Manhole



Pipes In Invert Diameter Backdrop Level (m) (mm) (mm)

150 150 1.000





150 1.001






100 100 2.000 100





225 1.002







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Page 14 Example 4 System 1 - Foul Sewer Design with Schedules Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2014.1 PIPELINE SCHEDULES for Foul - Main Upstream Manhole


Hyd Diam MH C.Level I.Level D.Depth Sect (mm) Name (m) (m) (m)

MH Connection

MH DIAM., L*W (mm)

1.000 1.001

o o

150 150

1 101.100 100.050 2 101.200 99.877

0.900 Open Manhole 1.173 Open Manhole

1200 1200

2.000 2.001

o o

100 100

3 101.250 100.250 4 100.925 99.138

0.900 Open Manhole 1.687 Open Manhole

1200 1200




5 101.145 100.145

0.900 Open Manhole


1.002 1.003

o o

150 225

6 100.525 7 97.500

1.963 Open Manhole 0.900 Open Manhole

1200 1200

98.413 96.375

Downstream Manhole PN

Length Slope MH C.Level I.Level D.Depth (m) (1:X) Name (m) (m) (m)

MH Connection

MH DIAM., L*W (mm)

1.000 26.000 150.0 1.001 25.000 62.2

2 101.200 6 100.525

99.877 99.475

1.173 Open Manhole 0.900 Open Manhole

1200 1200

2.000 89.000 2.001 54.000

80.0 80.0

4 100.925 6 100.525

99.138 98.463

1.687 Open Manhole 1.963 Open Manhole

1200 1200

3.000 25.000


6 100.525


0.900 Open Manhole


7 8

96.450 95.875

0.900 Open Manhole 0.900 Open Manhole

1200 1200

1.002 52.000 26.5 1.003 54.000 108.0

97.500 97.000

Free Flowing Outfall Details for Foul - Main D,L W Outfall Outfall C. Level I. Level Min Pipe Number Name (m) (m) I. Level (mm) (mm) (m) 1.003




95.000 1200

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Page 15

Example 4 System 1 - Foul Sewer Design with Schedules Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2013.1.7 F8





Hor Scale 2500 Ver Scale 250

54.000 F6


99.975 101.100

F1.001F1.000 225 225 65.5 134.6 99.782 101.200 99.782



Length (m) MH Name

F1.002 225 18.7

96.300 96.375

Invert Level (m)


Cover Level (m)

F1.003 300 108.0

99.159 100.525 99.400

Datum (m)91.000 PN Dia (mm) Slope (1:X)




Hor Scale 2500 Ver Scale 250

Length (m)

F2.000 150 150.0 99.607 100.925 99.607


Invert Level (m)


Cover Level (m)

F2.001 150 145.0


100.200 101.250

Datum (m)93.000 PN Dia (mm) Slope (1:X)


©1982-2013 XP Solutions

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 23/12/2013 File Example4.mdx XP Solutions MH Name

Example 4 System 1 - Foul Sewer Design with Schedules Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2013.1.7 F6


Hor Scale 2500 Ver Scale 250

100.095 101.145

Invert Level (m)


Cover Level (m)

F3.000 150 40.3 100.525

Datum (m)92.000 PN Dia (mm) Slope (1:X)

Length (m)


©1982-2013 XP Solutions

Page 16

Example 5

Page 5.1

Working with Micro Drainage® Example 5 - Source Control Design of a storm water storage lake

Page 5.2

Example 5


In this example we are going to work with the Source Control module to design a tank/pond to serve as a landscaping water feature.

Design criteria •

The tank/pond shall provide sufficient storage to limit the run-off from a 26.9ha (paved area) site to 1300 l/s during a storm of a 100 year return period for both summer and winter storms.

No drainage point (or top of embankments) is to be lower than 500mm above the 100 year storm top water level.

The overflow should be capable of passing a storm of a 1000 year return period without the water level rising to within 200mm of the top of the embankment.

The following picture shows a permanent water feature with 1.5m available for storage:

Loading Source Control

Follow your preferred procedure for opening Source Control. Before proceeding with a design it is useful to obtain an estimate of the storage requirements in order to establish the parameters within which we will be working. Therefore at the Source Control Open screen, choose Quick Storage Estimate.

Example 5

Page 5.3

Quick Storage Estimate

Enter the data as shown in the example below - some of the figures are default values. When you are satisfied that the data are correct, click Analyse.

Source Control tells you that it is performing full routing calculations. The following information box gives you the results:

Make a note of these parameters and click OK. The Global Variables appear to begin a more detailed design.

Page 5.4

Example 5

Global Variables

Check that the options shown match the entries shown on the example below. If they do not, you can select them by using the mouse and clicking on the arrows at the side of each box, or by using Tab and the keyboard arrows.

Rainfall & Network Details

Click OK and Source Control opens the Rainfall & Network Details form:

We are going to run both Summer and Winter storms so make sure they are both selected. Note: The Cv value for winter is higher than for summer as UCWI is on average 50mm higher in winter.

Example 5

Page 5.5

The program assumes no upstream network unless a Storage Volume is entered. If a storage volume is entered the other details can be entered which the software uses to calculate the relationship between discharge and proportional cross sectional area which may affect the Inflow Hydrograph if there is significant upstream storage. Enter the data as shown on the previous page - again using Tab and the arrows or the mouse, according to your preference - and click OK.

Time Area Diagram

Your next screen will be the Time Area Diagram spreadsheet. Enter the data as shown in the right-hand column. To do this, simply highlight each box by clicking or using the keyboard arrows and then keying in the value. Then click OK.

Note: In a real project, Time/Area details saved in the System1 module (for storm networks) under the File menu may be loaded into the above spreadsheet. Click the Import button to search for files with the .tadx or .tad extension.

Page 5.6

Example 5

Plan Area of Pond

Next you will see the Tank or Pond dialogue box:

After entering the Cover Level and Invert Level you can select the depth increment required or type in only the heights at which the shape of the pond changes. For this example click 0.1 button to set the depth increment at 0.1m. You can enter the Area at each depth increment using the Repeat button as required. However, for this example, enter 4250m² at depth 0.0m. Click the calculator button and the Shape Calculator form appears. We will use this to set the Side Slope at 1:4. We could also use the calculator to set the volume.

Note: Shape Calculator will set the side slope or volume for the entire depth if one cell is selected or the highlighted section if more than one cell is selected.

Example 5

Page 5.7

If we click on each area cell the available volume is displayed in the bottom left hand corner, for 1.5 m depth this is within our Quick Storage Estimate range. When you are satisfied the data are correct, click OK.

Note: Scale Factor enables you to adjust the values of the data without reentering the entire array. Simply enter the increment by which you wish to increase or decrease the values and click Scale.

Setting Parameters

Source Control next moves to the Weir Outflow Control dialogue box. We will use the Calculator to size the weir based on the required outflow so click the Calculator icon and enter the details as shown.

Page 5.8

Example 5

A weir width of 415mm is suggested. Click Apply to accept this size, enter the other weir values as shown below and click OK.

Repeat this procedure with the Weir Overflow Control dialogue box.

Click OK and then hit the Go button in the toolbar. Run Analysis The drop down arrow allows you to choose the increment at which to analyse the structure. The default is the finest increment.

Example 5

Summary of Results

Page 5.9

Source Control performs the final routing calculations, presenting you with a request to save the data. Click Yes and save the data as Example5. At the conclusion of the Save procedure Source Control presents you with the summary of results for the 100 year return period for both summer and winter storms:

Page 5.10

Example 5

Full routing tables

To view a detailed result, click the Hydrograph Tables icon in the toolbar. Hydrograph Tables Source Control opens the Hydrograph Tables, beginning with a Winter storm of 120 minutes duration as this is the critical storm. Use the scroll bar to the right of the table to view the effects of the storm in its entirety. The Storm Selector allows the summer/winter analysis of any of the storm durations to be viewed.

Example 5

Page 5.11


Next, select the Graphs icon. Graphs Source Control displays the Graphs screen.

Once again, you can choose to view either summer or winter and you can change the storm duration using the Storm Selector. You will note also that Source Control presents you with several options for viewing the graphs themselves. Select these simply by clicking on each graph icon on the Graph toolbar – turn on all the options to see the layout above. Note - window management: For easy switching between results windows, you can use the Tile or Cascade commands under the Window menu. As set out in Example 1, you can re-size the windows according to preference.

Page 5.12

Example 5


Source Control allows you view your results in the form of an animated simulation of a storm. To experiment with this, click on the Animation icon. Animation A Video Controls box appears which features icons that replicate the functions of a standard media player. Click Play.

The Animation also gives you the option to view either summer or winter storms. Select 120 min Winter from the Storm Selector. The drawing features a red disk, which signifies the critical level for the design. An animated blue disk indicates the level during the course of the storm. To view the Trace option, ensure the button is depressed and press Play again, you will see the level animated in pale blue, giving you a time elapsed picture of the storm.

Example 5

Page 5.13

Press Play again and pause the storm when the timer reaches 76 minutes. You can now use the Forward and Rewind buttons to watch the flow minute-byminute. To re-start the animation at any point, simply press Stop, followed by Play.


To print, hit the Print icon. Print The Print dialogue box appears.

These options are self-explanatory; you choose the options you would like to print by clicking in the appropriate box. Click the Update Preview button to see a print preview. When you are satisfied with the selected options click the printer icon at the top of the form to send the job to the printer.

Page 5.14

Example 5

Testing overflows

Before proceeding to look at the results in detail, it is appropriate now to test the overflow for capacity. Close all the results forms down except the Summary of Results. The Window menu will help you to identify forms that are still open. From Table 7.2. Ciria Book 14 (based on ''Floods and reservoir safety, an engineering guide, Institution of Civil Engineers'') let us assume that a breach of the reservoir will pose negligible risk to life and cause limited damage. This will require the overflow to be tested for a 1000 year return period (annual probability of 0.1%). Select Rainfall Details from the Edit menu. Source Control returns you to the Rainfall and Network Details dialogue box. Change the return period from 100 to 1000 years and click OK. You will notice that as soon as you have clicked OK the software will reanalyse the data and update the Summary of Results. This is because the default settings in Preferences are set to Maintain Results. If you prefer to use the Go button to run the analysis you can select the Preferences from the File menu and change the Analysis to User. Click the Save icon to save the file as Example5. Source Control will automatically replace the old example with the new. You will note that the summary of results shows a maximum depth of 1.786m, which is still within our 1.8m limit (i.e. 200mm below the embankment) but the Status column is displaying Flood Risk. The margin for Flood Risk warning can also be edited via Preferences. Remember that this is a test only for the capacity of the overflow; if it were inadequate we would increase the length, not the storage.

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 02/01/2014 File Example5.srcx XP Solutions

Page 15

Example 5 Source Control Storm Water Storage Lake Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Source Control 2014.0 (Beta 2) Summary of Results for 100 year Return Period Storm Event

15 30 60 120 180 240 360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080 15 30 60 120 180 240 360 480

min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min

Max Level (m)

Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Storm Event

15 30 60 120 180 240 360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080 15 30 60 120 180 240 360 480

min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min

Status Max Max Max Max Max Depth Control Overflow Σ Outflow Volume (m³) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (m)

100.937 0.937 641.1 0.0 641.1 4399.9 101.151 1.151 872.9 0.0 872.9 5528.4 101.290 1.290 1035.7 0.0 1035.7 6285.7 101.349 1.349 1108.2 0.0 1108.2 6616.2 101.346 1.346 1103.9 0.0 1103.9 6596.2 101.320 1.320 1072.1 0.0 1072.1 6453.5 101.255 1.255 994.4 0.0 994.4 6096.1 101.191 1.191 919.4 0.0 919.4 5748.1 101.133 1.133 852.5 0.0 852.5 5432.6 101.081 1.081 794.5 0.0 794.5 5154.0 100.993 0.993 699.4 0.0 699.4 4691.5 100.864 0.864 567.6 0.0 567.6 4027.6 100.737 0.737 447.6 0.0 447.6 3391.1 100.652 0.652 372.5 0.0 372.5 2973.4 100.542 0.542 282.3 0.0 282.3 2442.5 100.473 0.473 229.8 0.0 229.8 2113.1 100.424 0.424 195.1 0.0 195.1 1885.6 100.387 0.387 170.1 0.0 170.1 1714.5 100.358 0.358 151.3 0.0 151.3 1579.9 101.031 1.031 740.5 0.0 740.5 4893.4 101.249 1.249 986.7 0.0 986.7 6061.3 101.420 1.420 1196.2 0.0 1196.2 7012.7 101.460 1.460 1247.1 0.0 1247.1 7242.3 101.429 1.429 1208.2 0.0 1208.2 7068.8 101.379 1.379 1144.7 0.0 1144.7 6781.6 101.275 1.275 1018.3 0.0 1018.3 6206.5 101.185 1.185 911.8 0.0 911.8 5710.6 Rain Flooded Discharge Overflow Time-Peak (mins) Volume Volume (mm/hr) Volume (m³) (m³) (m³)

Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter

98.681 64.789 40.510 24.461 17.964 14.342 10.418 8.302 6.956 6.017 4.784 3.456 2.493 1.975 1.421 1.124 0.936 0.806 0.710 98.681 64.789 40.510 24.461 17.964 14.342 10.418 8.302

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

4907.9 6451.1 8144.3 9849.6 10851.2 11551.9 12587.5 13374.2 14007.1 14539.4 15407.1 16684.2 18097.6 19115.3 20598.5 21759.5 22656.8 23404.9 24033.6 5488.7 7238.9 9133.5 11033.9 12155.8 12940.6 14100.6 14981.9

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

37 47 66 100 132 166 232 296 358 422 546 792 1160 1520 2256 2960 3688 4424 5152 37 51 68 104 140 174 242 308



XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 02/01/2014 File Example5.srcx XP Solutions

Page 16

Example 5 Source Control Storm Water Storage Lake Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Source Control 2014.0 (Beta 2) Summary of Results for 100 year Return Period Storm Event

600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080

min min min min min min min min min min min

Max Level (m)

Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Storm Event

600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080

min min min min min min min min min min min

Status Max Max Max Max Max Depth Control Overflow Σ Outflow Volume (m³) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (m)

101.107 1.107 823.3 0.0 823.3 5292.6 101.040 1.040 750.2 0.0 750.2 4939.3 100.933 0.933 637.0 0.0 637.0 4381.1 100.785 0.785 492.0 0.0 492.0 3631.4 100.650 0.650 370.8 0.0 370.8 2962.9 100.564 0.564 299.7 0.0 299.7 2548.2 100.459 0.459 219.7 0.0 219.7 2048.3 100.395 0.395 175.4 0.0 175.4 1749.8 100.350 0.350 146.6 0.0 146.6 1546.3 100.318 0.318 126.7 0.0 126.7 1397.7 100.293 0.293 112.0 0.0 112.0 1283.2 Rain Flooded Discharge Overflow Time-Peak (mins) Volume Volume (mm/hr) Volume (m³) (m³) (m³)

Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter

6.956 6.017 4.784 3.456 2.493 1.975 1.421 1.124 0.936 0.806 0.710

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

15691.0 16287.3 17259.7 18692.3 20270.6 21411.1 23077.3 24371.2 25376.7 26216.0 26926.2

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

374 438 564 810 1180 1544 2268 3008 3744 4432 5160



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Example 5 Source Control Storm Water Storage Lake Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Source Control 2014.0 (Beta 2)

Page 17

Model Details Storage is Online Cover Level (m) 102.000

Tank or Pond Structure Invert Level (m) 100.000 Depth (m) Area (m²) Depth (m) Area (m²) Depth (m) Area (m²) Depth (m) Area (m²) Depth (m) Area (m²) 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500

4250.0 4342.9 4436.9 4531.8 4627.8 4724.8

0.600 0.700 0.800 0.900 1.000 1.100

4822.7 4921.7 5021.7 5122.7 5224.7 5327.7

1.200 1.300 1.400 1.500 1.600 1.700

5431.7 5536.7 5642.7 5749.7 5857.7 5966.7

1.800 1.900 2.000 2.100 2.200 2.300

6076.8 6187.8 6299.9 6412.9 6527.0 6642.0

Weir Outflow Control Discharge Coef 0.544 Width (m) 0.415 Invert Level (m) 100.000

Weir Overflow Control Discharge Coef 0.544 Width (m) 15.000 Invert Level (m) 101.500

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

2.400 2.500

6758.1 6875.2

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 02/01/2014 File Example5.srcx XP Solutions

Example 5 Source Control Storm Water Storage Lake Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Source Control 2014.0 (Beta 2) Event: 120 min Winter

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

Page 18

Example 6

Page 6.1

Working with Micro Drainage® Example 6 - Source Control Design of a storm water tank sewer

Page 6.2

Example 6


In this example we are going to design a tank sewer (circular pipe) to limit the discharge from a 0.45ha site to 16 litres/second during storms of 30 year return period. We will use a Hydro-Brake® as our control.

Quick Storage Estimate

Follow the procedure set out in Example 5 to choose the Quick Storage Estimate option. In this example we are going to use FEH rainfall data that can be obtained from the FEH CD produced by the Institute of Hydrology (now known as the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology). The FEH data for this example is contained in the file Example6.csv . This file can be found in your \Micro Drainage 2014\Data directory. Change the Region to FEH Rainfall by selecting it from the drop down list and click the Browse button to the right of the Site Location box to load in the Example6.csv file (FEH Rainfall models can also be loaded in .xml file format). Enter the remaining data as below and click Analyse.

Example 6

Page 6.3

The results from the QSE will appear showing the storage requirements to be between 75m³ and 114m³ for the variables stated above. The variation in storage is dependent on the type of control, structure and the shape of the storage. It is therefore very important to analyse the actual storage structure, as approximations may produce significant error. For example, do not assume a constant flow rate through an orifice - it varies greatly with depth. Click OK on the results form and the Global Variables will be opened.

Global Variables

At the Source Control Global Variables box, select the options as shown, using the mouse or tab and the keyboard arrows.

Page 6.4

Example 6

Rainfall and Network Details

Click OK to the Global Variables and the Rainfall And Network Details dialogue box is presented. All the data entered for the Quick Storage Estimate will automatically be pulled across. We intend to run both Summer and Winter storms again so make sure they are selected and click OK.

Note: No entries are required for the Network Details column in this instance. This is because routing the flow through the pipe network does not normally result in a significant reduction in the storage facility size, for two reasons: • The total storage in the pipe network is small compared with most storage facilities. • The peak flow in the pipe network does not usually coincide with the peak storage in the storage facility, i.e. when the storage facility is full, the pipe network is not.

Example 6

Page 6.5

Time Area Diagram

At the Time Area Diagram, enter the following data: 0 to 4 minutes 0.3 4 to 8 minutes 0.15 When you have checked that the data are correct, click OK.

Pipe Details

Now enter the Pipe Details as shown below, then click OK.

Note: 50m of 1.5m pipe gives 88.4m³ of storage - between 75m³ and 114m³, as calculated within the Quick Storage Estimate.

Page 6.6

Example 6

Outflow Control

You will now see the Hydro-Brake® Outflow Control dialogue box. Enter the data as shown.

The outflow curve is generated automatically. Click OK to accept the data and click the Go button.

Example 6


Page 6.7

Your Summary of Results should be as below and will show the results for both the summer and winter storms. From these you can see the maximum storage occurs for the 30 minute winter storm duration. The depth of water above the outfall invert of the tank sewer is 1.709m. The maximum discharge is 15.6 l/s.

Page 6.8

Example 6


Once again you have an animation facility with which to examine the levels at each stage of a storm. Choose 3D Animation from the View menu.

Again you have the option to view either summer or winter storms. Select 30 Winter (the critical storm) from the Storm Selector. It is possible to move around the structure by clicking on the compass. The full list of motion controls are discussed in Example 3.

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 02/01/2014 File Example 6.srcx XP Solutions

Example 6 Source Control Storm Water Tank Sewer Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Source Control 2014.0 (Beta 2) Summary of Results for 30 year Return Period Storm Event 15 30 60 120 180 240 360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080 15 30 60 120 180 240 360 480

15 30 60 120 180 240 360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080 15 30 60 120 180 240 360 480

min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Summer min Winter min Winter min Winter min Winter min Winter min Winter min Winter min Winter Storm Event min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min

Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter

Max Level (m)

Status Max Max Max Depth Control Volume (m³) (l/s) (m)

101.807 101.885 101.859 101.763 101.685 101.612 101.480 101.364 101.262 101.170 101.004 100.668 100.400 100.400 100.400 100.400 100.400 100.400 100.400 101.963 102.109 102.094 101.918 101.787 101.670 101.470 101.302 Rain (mm/hr)

1.407 14.4 66.5 O K 1.485 14.7 71.4 O K 1.459 14.6 69.8 O K 1.363 14.2 63.6 O K 1.285 13.9 58.1 O K 1.212 13.6 52.9 O K 1.080 13.0 43.3 O K 0.964 12.5 34.9 O K 0.862 12.1 27.7 O K 0.770 11.6 21.7 O K 0.604 10.9 12.4 O K 0.268 10.2 1.9 O K 0.000 7.9 0.0 O K 0.000 6.3 0.0 O K 0.000 4.7 0.0 O K 0.000 3.8 0.0 O K 0.000 3.2 0.0 O K 0.000 2.8 0.0 O K 0.000 2.5 0.0 O K 1.563 15.0 75.8 O K 1.709 15.6 82.4 O K 1.694 15.5 81.8 O K 1.518 14.8 73.3 O K 1.387 14.3 65.1 O K 1.270 13.8 57.1 O K 1.070 13.0 42.6 O K 0.902 12.2 30.5 O K Flooded Discharge Time-Peak (mins) Volume Volume (m³) (m³)

95.811 56.492 33.309 19.640 14.419 11.580 8.502 6.828 5.760 5.013 4.013 2.933 2.144 1.716 1.279 1.038 0.882 0.773 0.691 95.811 56.492 33.309 19.640 14.419 11.580 8.502 6.828

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

80.6 95.5 112.8 132.1 146.2 156.6 172.5 184.3 194.4 203.0 216.8 237.5 260.5 278.0 310.7 336.2 357.3 375.6 391.8 90.4 107.0 125.3 148.0 163.7 175.6 192.8 206.7

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19 32 52 84 120 152 218 282 344 404 520 750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 32 56 92 128 164 232 298

Page 9

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 02/01/2014 File Example 6.srcx XP Solutions

Example 6 Source Control Storm Water Tank Sewer Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Source Control 2014.0 (Beta 2) Summary of Results for 30 year Return Period Storm Event 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080

600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080

min Winter min Winter min Winter min Winter min Winter min Winter min Winter min Winter min Winter min Winter min Winter Storm Event min min min min min min min min min min min

Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter

Max Level (m)

Status Max Max Max Depth Control Volume (m³) (l/s) (m)

101.157 101.023 100.714 100.400 100.400 100.400 100.400 100.400 100.400 100.400 100.400 Rain (mm/hr)

0.757 11.6 20.9 O K 0.623 11.0 13.3 O K 0.314 10.2 2.7 O K 0.000 7.8 0.0 O K 0.000 5.7 0.0 O K 0.000 4.6 0.0 O K 0.000 3.4 0.0 O K 0.000 2.8 0.0 O K 0.000 2.3 0.0 O K 0.000 2.1 0.0 O K 0.000 1.8 0.0 O K Flooded Discharge Time-Peak (mins) Volume Volume (m³) (m³)

5.760 5.013 4.013 2.933 2.144 1.716 1.279 1.038 0.882 0.773 0.691

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

217.7 227.3 242.6 266.1 291.7 311.4 348.0 376.5 400.2 420.7 438.9

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358 416 528 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Page 10

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 02/01/2014 File Example 6.srcx XP Solutions

Example 6 Source Control Storm Water Tank Sewer Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Source Control 2014.0 (Beta 2)

Page 11

Model Details Storage is Online Cover Level (m) 102.900

Pipe Structure Diameter (m) 1.500 Slope (1:X) 70.000 Length (m) 50.000 Invert Level (m) 100.400

Hydro-Brake® Outflow Control Design Head (m) 2.200 Hydro-Brake® Type Md6 SW Only Invert Level (m) 100.000 Design Flow (l/s) 16.0 Diameter (mm) 137 Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600

4.5 9.5 10.5 10.2 9.8 9.6

0.800 1.000 1.200 1.400 1.600 1.800

10.0 10.9 11.8 12.7 13.5 14.4

2.000 2.200 2.400 2.600 3.000 3.500

15.1 15.9 16.6 17.3 18.5 20.0

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

4.000 4.500 5.000 5.500 6.000 6.500

21.4 22.7 23.9 25.1 26.2 27.3

7.000 7.500 8.000 8.500 9.000 9.500

28.3 29.3 30.3 31.2 32.1 33.0

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 02/01/2014 File Example 6.srcx XP Solutions

Example 6 Source Control Storm Water Tank Sewer Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Source Control 2014.0 (Beta 2) Event: 30 min Winter

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

Page 12

Example 7

Page 7.1

Working with Micro Drainage® Example 7 - Simulation Simulation of a drainage system with tank sewers

Page 7.2

Example 7


The following system has been designed to illustrate a large number of features in a small network. It should be studied closely by any user who intends to introduce storage into a system in order to alleviate flooding. The following facilities are demonstrated: • • • • • •

Determine flooding in a system with a limited discharge. Identify the pipes responsible for that flooding. The use of online controls to improve the performance of storage tanks. Pumping. The use of additional offline controls. The use of looped controls.

The data for this example is contained in the file Example7.mdx. This can be found in the \Micro Drainage 2014\Data directory.

Loading Simulation

Open Simulation using your preferred method. At the Open screen, select Open Existing File. The familiar Open File dialogue box now appears. Example7.mdx should feature on the list of files, enabling you to open the file simply by double clicking. If it is not shown, it can be found on the installation DVD supplied. The file will be opened with the Simulation Criteria screen. You are now ready to commence the simulation project.

Example 7

Page 7.3

The network

We are going to simulate the following network:

Pipes 2.000 and 3.000 have been enlarged to provide potential storage in the system. 3.000 has no flow associated with it and is used purely as storage to reduce the water level upstream of 1.004 and consequently reduce the flows in 1.004 itself. The network must discharge no more than 50 l/s with no flooding for the 30 year return period. Note: The above network is contained in the file Example7.mdx. However if you cannot find this file, simply input the system. The network details can be found on the output accompanying this example. The procedure is similar to that detailed in Example 1 of this manual. The data is first input in the System 1 program and then Scheduled before it can be simulated. Note that upsizing of pipes in System 1 is prevented by setting the maximum rainfall to zero in the Design Criteria or by using the “not allowed” auto design option (only if A.P.T. is installed).

Flood risk

Simulation allows you to preset the level at which it will warn you that there is a serious risk of flooding. Call up the Preferences dialogue box from the File menu.

Page 7.4

Example 7

The default value for flood warning is 300mm. The effect will be shown in the Summary of Results. As a general rule Engineers should not design for the water level to be immediately below the cover level.

Check the Analysis is set to Maintain Results. With this selected Simulation will reanalyse the network automatically each time the network is edited. Summary forms will be updated without the need to close and reload them.

Simulation Criteria

At the Simulation Criteria screen, simply alter the return period from one year to 30 years and the MADD factor to 1. Your finished data should look as follows:

Example 7

Page 7.5

The Water UK/WRc plc specification Sewers for Adoption 6th Edition states that the “system should be designed under pipe full conditions for 1, 2 or 5 years” and “designed not to flood any part of the Site for a 1:30 year return period design storm.” In addition, local planning conditions or other approving authorities may require a more extreme standard such as the 100 year return period plus an allowance for climate change. With the above conditions a MADD factor of 2 would not be unreasonable but the Water Company may use their discretion to request a lower value or 0. For more information select the Help facility within Simulation Criteria.

Surcharged Outfall

Select Outfall Details from the Network menu and the following window appears:

This facility allows you to edit the outfall details and model a tidal outfall. If the water rises above the invert of the outgoing pipe there will be a backing effect in the drainage system. You are able to vary the rising water level minute by minute to model this effect in Micro Drainage. This is also useful if the network outfalls into a pond where the top water level is higher than the network's outfall.

Page 7.6

Example 7

The model assumes that a flap valve has been placed on the outfall to prevent the water flowing back into the system. This example has a free outfall so simply click Cancel and click OK on the Simulation Criteria.


We are now ready to analyse the flows through the network. Click the Analyse menu. The following options appear:

You are given four choices of time interval for the analysis. While the storm is actually only 30 minutes long, the analysis is for 60 minutes to observe the system draining down. To run the analysis for longer, specify a Run Time in the Simulation Criteria, for this example accept the software default. For a detailed calculation, choose the At Fine time step option either with the mouse or the keyboard arrows. The Progress window now appears, followed by the Save New Data dialogue box.

Click the Save option. Simulation automatically presents you with the Summary of Results spreadsheet. Use the scroll bar below the data to view the Status field if it is not shown.

Example 7

Page 7.7

Whilst the network shows no flooding the pipe flow from 1.004 is 206 l/s, far more than the 50 l/s maximum allowed.

Online Controls

A flow control can be introduced to pipe 1.004 to limit the discharge from the network. To do this simply select the Online Controls option from the Network menu. Online Controls The Online Controls spreadsheet now appears. • •

Clear deletes all the specifications for the highlighted control. Clear All deletes all the specified controls.

Enter 1.004 in the DS Pipe Number. Select control type Pump from the dropdown list. A constant pump rate is needed, the depth increment can be user specified. If a Depth and a single Outflow rate are entered the program will assume the pump requires 200mm to reach the constant flow rate which it will then maintain up to cover level at that manhole. With this in mind enter 0.2m and 50 l/s respectively in the first cells. Alternatively you can select a Depth Increment which will populate the Depth column on the spreadsheet for you. You may then enter flows for each depth increment.

Page 7.8

Example 7

When your data are as above, click OK. As the preferences are set to Maintain Results the analysis is automatically instigated using the last selected time increment. Alternatively if you have chosen User from the preferences select the Go toolbar shortcut. Run Analysis

Example 7

Page 7.9

Summary of Results

In the Summary of Results, the results are colour-coded: • • •

Pipes whose flow capacities are less than 1 are shown in blue. Pipes whose flow capacities are greater than 1 are shown in red. Pipes whose flow capacities are greater than 2 are highlighted.

The term flow capacity refers to the ratio of the flow to the full bore capacity of the pipe. Note: A test for overloading within System 1 would have shown different results. Simulation takes account of manhole losses, inlet/outlet controls and other factors to provide a more accurate representation of the realities of fluid flow and pipe capacity. For more information on the method of analysis view the Help. Simulation applies four levels of status to pipes within a network: • • • •

Flood identifies those pipes where the water level is above the upstream cover level. Flood Risk is shown when the water level rises to within a prescribed distance from the cover level - the default freeboard value is 300mm. Surcharged pipes are those where the water level is above the soffit at the upstream end of the pipe. OK designates a pipe where the water is at or below the soffit at the upstream end.

Analysis of Results

In this example, although pipe 1.001 is surcharged, it is not overloaded (the flow capacity is less than 1 and is shown in blue). It is only shown as surcharged because its downstream pipe (1.002) is overloaded and backs-up into 1.001.

Page 7.10

Example 7

Pipe 1.003 has surcharged to within 300mm of the cover level and is therefore shown as Flood Risk. Pipe 1.004 has flooded because of the restriction placed on it by the pump rate.


To view graphs, simply click on the Graphs icon in the toolbar. Graphs Simulation presents you with graphic analysis for each pipe in turn.

To view each pipe, use the Select Pipe drop down at the top of the screen. You are also able to choose whether to view Branch Lines, Selection Set, Flow Graph, Velocity Graph, Volume Graph, Depth Graph, Rainfall Curve on Flow Graph, Overflow Curve on Flow Graph and Infiltration Curve on Flow Graph using the buttons on the Toolbar.

Example 7

Page 7.11

Longsections, animate

Next, click on the Longsections icon in the toolbar. Longsections Simulation presents the longsection of the network. You can move along the network using the scroll bar as usual, adjusting your view by choosing the number of pipes displayed. For the best view of the animation facility, enlarge the screen and scroll to the end of the network. Set the number of pipes to be displayed to 5 and the length of line 1 will be presented.

The red line indicates the highest water level during the storm and it is already apparent that flooding occurs at the upstream end of 1.004.

Page 7.12

Example 7


Within Simulation, the Video Controls form appears when a graphics form that can be animated is opened, it is available from the Results menu if it has been closed. As with Source Control these function in the same way as a standard media player:

Here again the animated red line indicates the flow and you can use the Trace button to view a time-elapsed image.


Call up the Schematic from the Graphics menu and run the animation to view the progress of the storm. Clicking Show Flow Direction indicates the flow with a dotted line and direction pointer. Note that at the peak of the flow - around 20-40 minutes into the 30 minute storm - surcharged pipes and manholes are shown with red circles around the manholes. Flooded parts of the system show in blue with the animation showing how the manhole fills and floods during the storm.

Example 7

Page 7.13

Windows management within Simulation

You can have the results analysis facilities open simultaneously. As with System 1, you can arrange them for easy switching between windows by using the Cascade option under the Window menu. You can also switch between windows using the icons in the toolbar.

Utilising existing storage

Move the Longsection so that pipes 2.000 and 2.001 are displayed. The red maximum water line clearly shows pipe 2.000 does not fill. We are now going to try to control the outflow from pipe 2.000 to use more of its storage.

We will assign a 150mm orifice control on pipe 2.000. However, instead of entering the data in the usual way we can demonstrate the use of Toolbox in the Schematic View (also available in the Plan View) as a means of introducing controls.

Page 7.14

Example 7

Using the Schematic to introduce controls

Click on the Schematic icon to open the Schematic view. You will see that as branch line 2 was being displayed on the Longsection the Schematic will automatically go to the same branch. Select the Toolbox icon. Toolbox Make sure the Online Controls tab is selected. There is a collection of icons representing online controls. Moving the pointer over each control causes the name of the control to be displayed. In each case the final icon is used to cancel any given control. For this example we require control Orifice, which is the top left of the OnLine icons: Orifice Click on this and drag it over the manhole at the outflow of 2.000 as shown below. See also the How-Do-I: Specify a Hydro-Brake® for more information on dragging and dropping controls.

Example 7

Page 7.15

When you release the mouse button, the Online Controls dialogue box appears.

Enter the diameter of 150mm (0.150m) and click OK; the Schematic shows that a control is now present. As Maintain Results is selected in the File Preferences the analysis is automatically run after every edit made to your network. Open the Longsection and once the Maintain Results has finished you can see that the storage in pipe 2.000 has now been fully utilised. On faster PCs this will be almost instantaneous. The next step is to try to alleviate flooding at the pump location.

Page 7.16

Example 7

More analysis

You will notice that orifice controls on the tank sewers raise the water levels in the tanks, making better use of their storage and reducing downstream flows even further. Pipe 2.000 is controlled by a combination of the downstream orifice and the rising water level in pipe 2.001. In other words, Micro Drainage can analyse controls drowned by rising water levels downstream. (To examine the tank sewer 2.000 on the graphs you must examine pipe 2.000 and also the control pipe 2.001, as its upstream manhole determines the level. Pipe 2.000 itself may show no surcharging which only means that the water level is not above the upstream soffit of pipe 2.000). As Simulation analyses backwater effects in all pipes including those without controls. The downstream pipe, together with rising water levels in the downstream system dictates the water level in the pipes. The downstream pipe in cases without controls should be relatively long; otherwise small changes in water levels will result in very large changes in hydraulic gradient and/or capacities. For these obvious reasons large short pipes are not suitable for analysis without controls. If you are in any doubt, inspect the results and in particular if the unstable analysis warning appears on your results. If there are rapid and repeated changes in the outflow graph run the analysis At 2.5 Second Increment (Extended) by selecting it from the Analyse menu. Also refer to Unstable Analysis in the on-line Help. Micro Drainage also provides for a large range of online control configurations to be used at invert levels above the control.

Example 7

Page 7.17


Next introduce an offline control in the form of a side weir in the upstream manhole of pipe 1.004. This provides an overflow for the pumping station to maintain a water depth of around 1.6m. To do this, call up the Offline Controls form by selecting Offline Controls from the Network menu. Offline Controls can also be added in the same way as Online Controls on the Plan or Schematic. Offline Controls In the first cell key in pipe number 1.004 and call up the control type options as described above. Choose option Weir. When the Control Details box appears, enter the values as shown, using tab or the mouse to move between the boxes. Then click OK and wait for the analysis to update. The flow over the weir is shown in the Overflow (l/s) column of the Summary of Results.

Page 7.18

Example 7


It is not always possible to discharge water from the network in this manner. We will therefore add storage at the pump to stop the overflow activating. Before designing the storage we need to find out how much is required. To do this select the Preferences button on the Summary of Results toolbar. Tick the Overflow Vol (m³) option, click Apply and then OK. The Summary of Results now displays an Overflow Vol (m³) column, which shows 48.139 m³ goes over the weir. There is 1.6m of usable depth below the overflow in manhole 8. This equates to a fixed rate pond area of about 35m². To add the pond select Pond (Tank/Storage Structure) from the Network menu and enter the details as shown below.

Specifying 35.0 in the Area (m²) column will result in a straight sided pond starting at the manhole invert and rising up to the cover level. Click OK. Wait for the Summary of Results to be automatically updated.

Example 7

Page 7.19

The results show that the flooding has been cured. Note: This is a simple case with a constant pumped flow. Source Control may be used to estimate the storage requirement in more complex examples. Also CASDeF can size storage for all storms in a few seconds.

Controls (loops)

Finally, we will introduce a loop into the system. Open the Offline Controls spreadsheet again and enter pipe number 2.001 in the second row. Select control type Pipe and Loop to Pipe Number 3.000. Enter the data as shown, click OK and run the analysis.


Look at the graphs for pipes 2.001 and 3.000. You will see that the loop control pipe takes a distinct "chunk" of water from pipe 2.001 and lets it flow through 3.000. The water only flows through the looped pipe control when the upstream manhole of 2.001 has a water depth of 0.6m above the outgoing pipe invert.

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Example 7


To print your results, click on the Print icon in the toolbar. The Simulation Print gives you a range of options:

For this final analysis select the Network Details, Simulation Criteria, Storage Structures, Online Controls and Offline Controls from the Model tab. From the Results tab select Summary of Results and Rainfall Profile and then select the Update Preview button. The selected information will now be displayed. Select the Print button to print or alternatively select Save to create an electronic copy.

Example 7

Page 7.21

APT Flood Flow & Climate Change

If this is the system you want you should also check it for all storm durations. If you have very small controls then very long storms may be critical. If you have APT the wizards may be used to automatically summarise the results of all Summer and Winter storms. It is also necessary under some specifications to determine flood flow paths and the sensitivity to climate change and these facilities are described in Example 8.

Measured Rainfall and measured flows

If you choose Rainfall Profile in the Simulation Criteria, you will be allowed to specify up to ten hyetographs. In this instance you may use soil index and PIMP data in lieu of Cv (the volumetric run-off coefficient). You can then specify a different hyetograph for each pipe by entering the hyetograph number in the Profile Number column of Rainfall Links which can be accessed in the Network menu. You can re-run the above example with Rainfall Profile selected in the Simulation Criteria. You have the option to create, edit and load synthetic hyetograph and/or real world rainfall data which the program will use for analysis. Measured hydrographs may also be input into the system. This feature is also used to connect upstream networks into the system. If a sub-catchment has not been analysed it may be represented as a time/area diagram, as can an undeveloped catchment which may need to be incorporated to determine its effect on the network. If you have APT the Unit Hydrograph method may be used to generate flows from undeveloped land.

Page 7.22

Example 7

Points to remember

Probably the most common mistake to make with Simulation is to run a hopeless case. A system that cannot take a 5 year storm will not yield meaningful results when simulated on a 100 year return period. Some preliminary work is required. The first step is to run option 1 of the overloaded options contained in System 1 for say a 1 year return. This will yield the diameters the pipes should have been under normal design conditions. If a 150mm pipe should have been a 600mm pipe then there is precious little point in simulating it under extreme conditions - it will flood! If the capacity of the pipe is very small then storage may not be the most economical solution. The pipe may have to be upgraded. The program will endeavour to analyse anything you specify but only if your approach is sensible will the results be meaningful.

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 02/01/2014 File Example7.mdx XP Solutions

Page 23

Example 7 Simulation of a drainage system with tank sewers Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2014.0 (Beta 2) Existing Network Details for Example7 PN

Length Fall Slope I.Area T.E. k HYD DIA (m) (m) (1:X) (ha) (mins) (mm) SECT (mm)

1.000 20.000 1.200 1.001 39.000 0.488


16.7 79.9

0.200 0.120

5.00 0.600 0.00 0.600

o o

225 300

2.000 80.000 0.360 222.2 2.001 25.000 0.888 28.2

0.200 0.120

5.00 0.600 0.00 0.600

o o

600 225

1.002 90.000 0.360 250.0 1.003 50.000 0.350 142.9

0.115 0.350

0.00 0.600 0.00 0.600

o o

375 375

3.000 90.000 0.480 187.5


5.00 0.600



1.004 45.000 0.300 150.0 0.070 0.00 0.600 o DS/CL DS/IL DS US/MH US/CL US/IL US (m) (m) C.Depth Name (m) (m) C.Depth (m) (m)

375 Ctrl

US/MH (mm)

1.000 1.001

1 102.000 100.500 2 101.000 99.225

1.275 101.000 99.300 1.475 100.600 98.737

1.475 1.563

1050 1050

2.000 2.001

3 101.900 100.060 4 101.700 99.700

1.240 101.700 99.700 1.775 100.600 98.812

1.400 1.563 Orifice

1500 1500

1.002 1.003

5 100.600 6 100.150

98.662 98.302

1.563 100.150 98.302 1.473 99.600 97.952

1.473 1.273

1350 1350


7 100.400



99.600 97.470







98.800 97.170





Free Flowing Outfall Details for Example7 D,L W Outfall Outfall C. Level I. Level Min Pipe Number Name (m) (m) I. Level (mm) (mm) (m) 1.004




0.000 1800


Simulation Criteria for Example7 Volumetric Runoff Coeff 0.750 Foul Sewage per hectare (l/s) 0.000 Areal Reduction Factor 1.000 Additional Flow - % of Total Flow 0.000 Hot Start (mins) 0 MADD Factor * 10m³/ha Storage 1.000 Hot Start Level (mm) 0 Run Time (mins) 60 Manhole Headloss Coeff (Global) 0.500 Output Interval (mins) 1 Number of Input Hydrographs 0 Number of Offline Controls 2 Number of Time/Area Diagrams 0 Number of Online Controls 2 Number of Storage Structures 1 Synthetic Rainfall Details Rainfall Model FSR Profile Type Summer Return Period (years) 30 Cv (Summer) 0.750 Region England and Wales Cv (Winter) 0.840 M5-60 (mm) 20.000 Storm Duration (mins) 30 Ratio R 0.400

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 02/01/2014 File Example7.mdx XP Solutions

Example 7 Simulation of a drainage system with tank sewers Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2014.0 (Beta 2) Online Controls for Example7 Orifice Manhole: 4, DS/PN: 2.001, Volume (m³): 25.7 Diameter (m) 0.150 Discharge Coefficient 0.600 Invert Level (m) 99.700 Pump Manhole: 8, DS/PN: 1.004, Volume (m³): 49.7 Invert Level (m) 97.470 Depth (m) Flow (l/s) 0.200


©1982-2013 XP Solutions

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XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 02/01/2014 File Example7.mdx XP Solutions

Example 7 Simulation of a drainage system with tank sewers Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2014.0 (Beta 2) Offline Controls for Example7 Pipe Manhole: 4, DS/PN: 2.001, Loop to PN: 3.000 Diameter (m) 0.225 Roughness k (mm) 0.600 Section Type Pipe/Conduit Entry Loss Coefficient 0.900 Slope (1:X) 50.0 Coefficient of Contraction 0.600 Length (m) 50.000 Upstream Invert Level (m) 100.300 Weir Manhole: 8, DS/PN: 1.004, Loop to PN: None Discharge Coef 0.544 Width (m) 1.000 Invert Level (m) 99.070

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

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XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 02/01/2014 File Example7.mdx XP Solutions

Example 7 Simulation of a drainage system with tank sewers Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2014.0 (Beta 2) Storage Structures for Example7 Tank or Pond Manhole: 8, DS/PN: 1.004 Invert Level (m) 97.470 Depth (m) Area (m²) 0.000


©1982-2013 XP Solutions

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XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 02/01/2014 File Example7.mdx XP Solutions

Page 27

Example 7 Simulation of a drainage system with tank sewers Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2014.0 (Beta 2) Summary of Results for 30 minute 30 year Summer (Example7) Margin for Flood Risk Warning (mm) 300.0 DVD Status OFF Analysis Timestep Fine Inertia Status OFF DTS Status ON

PN 1.000 1.001 2.000 2.001 1.002 1.003 3.000 1.004

US/MH Name

Water Level (m)

1 100.613 2 99.740 3 100.409 4 100.396 5 99.499 6 99.152 7 99.106 8 99.106

Pipe Surcharged Flooded Volume Flow / Overflow Flow Depth (l/s) (m³) Cap. (l/s) (m) -0.112 0.215 -0.251 0.471 0.462 0.475 0.406 1.261

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

0.51 0.77 0.13 0.41 1.15 1.36 0.02 0.33

©1982-2013 XP Solutions


0.0 58.8 OK 0.0 89.4 SURCHARGED 0.0 54.8 OK 21.5 36.9 SURCHARGED 0.0 138.4 SURCHARGED 0.0 211.0 SURCHARGED 0.0 14.4 SURCHARGED 4.2 50.0 SURCHARGED

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 02/01/2014 File Example7.mdx XP Solutions

Example 7 Simulation of a drainage system with tank sewers Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2014.0 (Beta 2) Graphs for Pipe 1.004 US/MH 8 (Example7) 30 minute 30 year Summer Status: SURCHARGED

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

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Example 8

Page 8.1

Working with Micro Drainage® Example 8 - Simulation Advanced Productivity Tools & CASDeF

Page 8.2

Example 8


This example demonstrates the enhanced functionality of A.P.T. and CASDeF to improve the design and productivity of a typical drainage network. The developed site is expected to increase the volume of discharge above the original greenfield runoff. Therefore the allowable discharge has been limited to QBAR (20 l/s) for the 100 year event. The determination of QBAR and the pre-development runoff volume is discussed in Appendix v. The completed design must comply with Sewers For Adoption (no flooding for a 1:30 year return period, minimum velocities, manhole sizes etc.). A pond at the outfall will be designed for the 100 year event while discharging no more than 20 l/s. Finally, the system will be audited against increased rainfall to determine sensitivity to failure under climate change. Also any on-site flooding that occurs during this extreme event must be contained on the site and the overland flood flow paths identified to ensure the safety of buildings. The example follows the current requirements of ICP SUDS, SFA, CfSH and NPPF. However the specification for each site must be approved by the relevant statutory authorities. Other specifications and criteria may be supported using a similar methodology, for example the Code for Sustainable Homes requirements under Category 4: Surface Water Runoff, SUR 1 are based on the ICP for SUDS and therefore the same audit can be used. Risks to pedestrians and vehicles from flood flow may also be determined but is covered in example 14 in more detail.

Example 8

Page 8.3

The network

The following network will be tested:

We have the opportunity of placing some of the storage mid site in pipe 1.002. This pipe has been enlarged to 1200mm. We will assess the system to see if it is being utilised and, if not, we will design a control to make the best use of the storage available. As we have to limit the discharge to 20 l/s we will add a control at the upstream end of 1.007. This design was set out using System1 and DrawNet. So far no simulation checks have been carried out to find whether it passes the current design specifications and good engineering practice. Before APT was available, checks were carried out by inspection, running each storm duration individually and analysing the huge amount of data generated by the network. Processing the storms individually did not take a long time, but analysing the data and finding the critical storm for the network was very time consuming, especially if attenuation was incorporated into the design (which is the norm in sustainable design). APT (Advanced Productivity Tools) takes the laborious and time consuming data collation and analysis out of the equation. APT and CASDeF automate through a range of Wizards to analyse the system and alter it automatically. Approximately one thousand simulations will have been run via all the Wizards when this example has been completed.

Page 8.4

Example 8

Loading the Software

Open Network using your preferred method. At the Open screen, select Open Existing File. Go to the \Micro Drainage 2014\Data directory and Example8.mdx should feature on the list of files, enabling you to open the file simply by double clicking (please ensure it is the latest file supplied with the software). If it is not displayed, it can be found on the installation DVD supplied.

Overview of the Network

We will start with a Seasonal Return Period Wizard. This Wizard will provide a full overview of the system for all storm durations, both Summer and Winter and it will also identify the critical storm for each node automatically. Select Seasonal Return Period Wizard from the Wizards menu.

The Wizard will take you through a series of storyboards allowing sequential data entry. Step 1 sets the rainfall criteria for the site. Simulation will automatically read the rainfall data specified in the storm design. Note that the wizard allows you to run both Summer and Winter storms. Winter storms are very important especially when checking attenuation designs. You should also check that the Volumetric Runoff Coefficient is at least 0.84 for winter storms. The program gives standard defaults, but these can be changed to suit different site conditions (please refer to Help for more information). Summer and Winter storms should be run for this design so make sure they are both selected and click Next to proceed to Step 2. Specify the standard storm durations by clicking the Default button and then Next.

Example 8

Page 8.5

Step 3 allows you to enter the Return periods. Enter the return periods as below and click Next.

At Step 4 the Fine (recommended) time step is chosen with Dynamic Time Step on. Click Finish.

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Example 8

The program starts running all nine design storms for both Summer and Winter profiles, with six different Return Periods. That’s a total of 108 simulations. When all the runs have been completed click Save and the Summary Wizard Results along with a Storm Selector floating window will be presented. To examine the results in full we need to add a couple of fields to the Summary table.

Select Summary Preferences from the toolbar. Select Event and Storm Rank, click Apply and then OK. Use the Storm Selector to view the results of all the simulation runs for different return periods and storm durations. From the Summary of Results we are interested in finding the critical storm for each node. We can do this by sorting through all 108 storms individually or we can simply click the Critical Storm icon, which will sift through all the data and find the worst case for every pipe based on the Maximum Water Level. Critical Storm The summary table will now show the results below.

Example 8

Page 8.7

There is no flooding in the system for a 30 year return period but in the absence of controls the Network is discharging at 823.2 l/s. Also note the 15 minute Winter Storm is critical for every pipe. Tip: If the network becomes unstable, re-run the Wizard and at Step 4 select the 2.5 second increment (extended) (slowest analysis). This will run the longer storm durations at a shorter time step. For cases where the Summary shows flooding but the water level is below the cover level you may see an unstable analysis warning to help warn you when an extended time step may be needed. Click back onto the Current Storm icon and from the Storm Selector, select the 15 minute Winter storm for the 30 year return period. Current Storm Storm Selector window

Bring up the 3D WorldView either from the Graphics menu or be selecting the icon from Plan view. 3D World View The program will generate a full 3-Dimensional representation of the network. Click on the compass to the left to move around the network and zoom into areas. (See Example 3 for more information on how to use all the controls in the 3D view and also see Help).

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Example 8

The Video Controls form appears allowing animation of the water levels in the pipes and manholes throughout the storm. The Storm Selector should already be open displaying the 15 minute winter storm for the 30 year return period. If it is not visible you can select it from the Results menu and change it to show the above information. Use the compass to get pipe 1.002 fully in view and press the Play button on the Video Controls. Notice how the pipe storage is not fully utilised for the critical storm.

Example 8

Page 8.9


CASDeF provides solutions to hydraulic problems in the sewer system. Normally CASDeF is used to solve flooding problems, but it has a wider range of application. Instead of the Engineer providing individual solutions through trial and error, CASDeF will provide the solutions automatically and, more importantly, quickly. The CASDeF Controller gives the Engineer complete control over the design and analysis processes. Any or all options may be switched off at each node to prevent CASDeF from defining impractical solutions. A full Audit Trail is provided enabling the Engineer to trace the decisions made by CASDeF. To solve individual problems, CASDeF will use a logical 3 step procedure. Step 1 – Introduction and sizing of controls to utilise existing storage Step 2 – Upgrading of pipe sizes where there is insufficient flow capacity Step 3 – Introduction of Storage In this example we are going to use CASDeF to design a hydraulic control at the downstream end of our large tank sewer (Pipe 1.002). This will attenuate the flow in Pipe 1.002 to utilise all the available storage. Select Network Manager from the Site menu. We want to save the file before running CASDeF but as yet we do not know if this will be our final solution. You could save a revision at each change in a separate file. Alternatively, you are able to Copy the network and save revisions or scenarios in the same file using the Network Manager functions. Highlight Example8 and click the Copy icon in the toolbar. Rename the Copy as Example8A. To stop CASDeF making changes to the starting network you can turn off analysis for Example8 by clicking the Go icon so it turns red, also turn off the Select, Move and Visible options. The Network Manager should now look like this:

Page 8.10

Example 8

Now select CASDeF Parameters from the Site menu.

The CASDeF Parameters allow the range of design storms to be set. You can also set design parameters such as minimum control sizes and standard pipe increments when upsizing pipes.

Set the data as above and click OK.

Example 8

Page 8.11

Open the Network menu and select CASDeF Controller. Switch on the Modify Control setting for pipe 1.003 and click OK. The control upstream of pipe 1.003 will control the water levels in pipe 1.002.

To start the CASDeF run select CASDeF + Summary Wizard from the Wizards menu. CASDeF will now design the control to fully utilise the storage capacity of the pipe. Then it will construct a summary wizard on the design for a full validation. Again step through the Wizard selecting Summer and Winter storms and the default storm durations as before and at the end of the wizard click Finish to commence the CASDeF run. If a warning appears select No and CASDeF will only be run on the current network When the Wizard has finished running, the summary of results will be displayed. Click the Critical Storm icon in the toolbar to observe the impact of the CASDeF alterations.

Page 8.12

Example 8

Note that CASDeF has lowered the final discharge rate to 777.0 l/s, without introducing any flooding. We must view the Audit Trail to examine the changes made by CASDeF. Under the Results menu in the main toolbar, select CASDeF Audit Trail. The Audit Trail saves all the decision-making processes CASDeF used whilst solving the problem. Use the scroll bar at the side of the table to view the CASDeF alterations. The grand summary is at the end of the file. CASDeF has designed a 268mm orifice plate to make full use of the storage in Pipe 1.002. The effect of the orifice is clearly illustrated on the 3D view. First change the Storm Selector to view the 30 minute Winter storm. Now click on the Plan view and click the 3D button or open the 3D from the Graphics menu. We have used CASDeF so far to design hydraulic controls in the system and make use of the storage capacity. This is just a small sample of its power.

Example 8

Page 8.13

We are now going to change the specification quite dramatically. The network is currently discharging with no restrictions on the outfall. However most sites will have some form of restricted discharge. The final discharge through Pipe 1.007 is to be restricted to 20 l/s for the 100 year return period. A storage pond at the outfall must be designed to store the 100 year event (ICP SUDS). From the previous wizard we know that the current discharge rate for the worst case storm is 777.0 l/s. It is quite obvious that if we cut the flow down to such a small rate flooding will occur. Normally we would set a control to achieve our desired discharge rate and run all the design storms to find the extent of the flooding, if any. We would then proceed to design the storage structure and re run all the design storms again to prove that the system meets the new criteria. We will set the control and solve the flooding in one operation, demonstrating another part of CASDeF. Before setting the control make another copy of the network called Example8B following the same procedure as on page 8.10 but this time copy then switch off Example8A.

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Example 8

Select Simulation Criteria from the Site menu and change the Return Period (years) to 100, Storm Duration (mins) to 30 and Profile to Winter.

Then open the Online Controls and specify a Hydro-Brake® at Pipe 1.007.

Click the Calculator button and set the Design Head to 2m and the Design Flow to 20 l/s. Select an MD 6 from the list. This Hydro-Brake® type is not pre-initialised in this case and it also has a good opening size of 157mm.

Example 8

Page 8.15

We must change the CASDeF Controller to set up the new specification before we carry out the CASDeF run. Click on the Network menu in the toolbar and select the CASDeF Controller. Edit the CASDeF Controller to allow storage to be added at the HydroBrake® location by ticking the Add Storage box for pipe 1.007 and set the Level Not Exceed to 98.037 (2m deep).

Remember to deselect Modify Control for Pipe 1.003, as it will still be selected from the last run. Click OK.

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Example 8

We are now ready to run CASDeF again. Select CASDeF + Summary Wizard from the Wizards menu. Set the Return Period (years) to 100 and go through the steps as before. CASDeF will analyse several passes to design a storage pond to alleviate the flooding. Select CASDeF Audit Trail from the Results menu and peruse the changes made by CASDeF.

The audit trail documents that CASDeF has added 2022m³ of storage at the upstream end of Pipe 1.007 in the form of a pond. Close the audit trail and open the Summary of Results to examine the effect of adding the pond.

Notice that there are now three storms, which are critical in the network.

Example 8

Page 8.17

The critical summary confirms that the discharge has been reduced to 17.8 l/s (below the 20 l/s target). However on inspection the Summary shows that the water level at the pond location is 1.592m (992mm surcharged depth on pipe 1.007 plus a 600mm pipe). This is below our required water depth of 2m for the pond which is acceptable but you may wish to adjust it. Before continuing add a copy of the network called Example8C as on page 8.10 remembering to turn off the other networks. To increase the water level we will reduce the size of the pond manually by 20% (0.4m/2m). Select Pond (Tank/Storage Structure) from the Network menu. Enter -20 in the Scale Factor box and click the Scale button. Then click OK to accept the new pond size.

As we have used CASDeF to make the Engineering decisions for us and changed the system, we still need to check the design to verify that it still complies with good engineering practice in accordance with Sewers For Adoption 7th Edition. Additional calculations to confirm compliance with the Interim Code of Practice have also been included.

Page 8.18

Example 8

Click on the Wizards menu in the main toolbar and from the pull down select Design Audit Wizard.

The Design Audit Wizard will appear.

This allows you to specify up to 10 tests, ranging from Pipe Diameters to Full Bore Velocities. Confirm that the variables are set out as above and click Next to proceed to Step 2. Make sure both the Summer and Winter storms are selected. Step 3 allows you to specify the storm durations. We are going to run the standard storm durations so click the Default button and then Next.

Example 8

Page 8.19

Step 4 allows you to set different return periods for the different design checks. Three more audits are also available here, Surcharge, Flooding and P. Velocity. Tick all boxes and accept the default return periods. Set the Minimum Proportional Velocity (m/s) to 0.75 and select Next.

At Step 5 tick Use ICP SUDS to turn on the 14th and final audit which tests the allowable discharges for the network against the ICP SUDS specification.

Page 8.20

Example 8

Refer to Appendix v for a worked example on calculating the allowable discharge rates. If required the return periods and climate change allowances can be specified as will be required for the Code for Sustainable Homes criteria. For this example, accept the defaults. It is also necessary to determine the volume of runoff from the undeveloped site during an event of 360 minute duration and 100 year return period (based on the current ICP SUDS specifications). Enter the discharge rates as shown and click the Calculate button. Enter the ICP Greenfield Runoff values as shown below and click Calculate.

Example 8

Page 8.21

The undeveloped catchment discharges a volume of 1696m3 for a 360 minute 100 year return period event. If this volume discharge is exceeded for the same storm on the developed site then 20.1 l/s will be the maximum allowable discharge for both the 30 and 100 year events. Click OK to apply the results of the Calculator and then proceed to the end of the Wizard. Click Finish to run the Auditor. When completed the Wizard presents its findings. The Summary report lists a total of five failures across seven pipes. The system has failed on cover levels, velocities, proportional velocities, headlosses and the ICP check. Click the Pipes option to see where the failures have occurred.

X markers indicate that pipe 1.002 has failed on cover, velocity and proportional velocity. Pipe 2.001 has failed on velocity. Pipe 1.007 has failed on proportional velocity and the ICP audit and pipes 1.003 to 1.006 have failed on manhole headlosses. We will now examine the failures in more detail by looking at them individually. Click the Cover Levels option on the left hand side.

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Example 8

Pipe 1.002 does not have the required 1.2m cover at its downstream end. This pipe was originally oversized for the storage and again this failure can be accepted if the structural strength and pipe surround are specified appropriately. The next set of failures is listed under Full Bore Velocity. Click the Full Bore Velocity option to display the following data.

Then click on the Proportional Velocity option as this is the next failure on the list.

Pipes 1.002 and 2.001 have not reached the minimum velocity of 1m/s Full Bore and 1.002 and 1.007 have not reached the specified minimum Proportional Velocity of 0.75m/s. It is important for pipes to attain self-cleansing velocities and this particular failure will need to be addressed. If it is not addressed silting may occur in the pipe and consequently it may lose some of its storage capacity. Maximum Velocity may be specified by the sewerage undertaker otherwise it will be down to the engineer’s judgement whether this should be corrected or not. The next set of failures is listed under Manhole Headloss. Click the Manhole Headloss option to display the following data.

Example 8

Page 8.23

Simulation has applied a global headloss of 0.15 to all the manholes in the network. As a general rule this value applies to pipes angled at no more than 30 degrees. However, as the network has co-ordinates specified the Auditor has identified manholes (upstream of 1.003, 1.004, 1.005 and 1.006) where a higher headloss would be more appropriate due to the change in flow direction. The recommended headlosses can be applied automatically by clicking the Update button, however doing this will invalidate the Design Audit results. We will return and update the headlosses after reviewing the final category, ICP Audit.

Developing the site has increased the runoff from the predevelopment volume of 1696 m3. This confirms that under the ICP SUDS specification the site should not be allowed to discharge more than QBAR which is 20 l/s. If the site had passed this test or if the discharge was very low for the 5mm test then a higher allowable discharge could have been considered.

Page 8.24

Example 8

The Code for Sustainable Homes will require you to show the pre and post development runoff rates and volume which are presented here, however you must add an allowance for climate change. In addition the Minimal Discharge Test may be used to gain extra credits. To fix the headlosses return to the Manhole Headloss page, click the Update button and answer Yes to the on-screen prompt. To correct the problems of low velocities we need to change the physical properties of the pipe. Create another copy using the Network Manager as before called Example8D. Select Existing Network Details from the Network menu.

Increase the fall on Pipes 1.002 and 2.001 by lifting the upstream end of pipe 1.002 by 300mm and by lowering the downstream end of pipe 2.001 by 200mm. This should help the pipes to achieve self-cleansing velocity. Also the pipe specified for 1.007 only has to convey 20 l/s maximum flow. Alter the diameter to 300mm.

Example 8

Page 8.25

To view the four updated manhole headlosses select Manhole Headloss from the Network menu, the updated values appear in red to indicate they have been changed from the default value specified in the Simulation Criteria.

Close the Manhole Headloss and Network Details windows. As we have made changes to the network we need to rerun the Design Audit to determine if the altered system complies with good engineering practice. Select Design Audit Wizard from the Wizards menu, re-enter the values for the ICP SUDS step as per page 19 and click the finish button to re-run the wizard. When the Wizard has finished select the Pipes option again. The Summary table indicates the system has still failed on cover for pipe 1.002 and surcharging for pipe 1.007. This is acceptable as 1.002 is our tank sewer and has been enlarged to provide storage and 1.007 should surcharge, as it is where the Hydro-Brake® is located.

Page 8.26

Example 8

Pipe 1.007 also fails the ICP Audit for the Volume Balance Test which is acceptable as QBAR was chosen as the allowable discharge. However the Summary does not list any failures for full bore velocity, proportional velocity and manhole headloss. The amendments we made to the system have resulted in self-cleansing velocities in our pipes and the network has now passed the set criteria. In the past, Engineers had to design a system that had no flooding typically for the 1 in 30 year event. Several specifications and regulations including Sewers for Adoption 7th Edition now require the Engineer to test the system beyond failure and identify the flood flow paths. Below is the relevant extract from Sewers for Adoption 7th Edition. 'In designing the site sewerage and layout, Developers should also demonstrate flow paths and the potential effects of flooding resulting from extreme rainfall blockage, pumping station failure or surcharging in downstream sewers, by checking the ground level around the likely points that flow would flood from the system to identify the flood routes'. All of these checks can be carried out in Micro Drainage. APT will execute a full Sensitivity analysis on the design and it will also indicate the location of the failures and the sites of possible surface ponding. Now choose the Climate Change/Sensitivity Wizard from the Wizards menu.

Step through the Wizard to Step 3 adding Default storm durations at Step 2.

Example 8

Page 8.27

The Wizard will increase/decrease the rainfall by the default percentages shown in Step 3. National Planning Policy Framework (2012) states that ‘Local planning authorities should adopt proactive strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change, taking full account of flood risk’ in line with the objectives and provisions of the Climate Change Act 2008, a value of 30% is commonly applied. Click Clear all and enter the data as shown below.

Proceed to the end of the wizard and click Finish. When the Summary of Results appear it may not display the information we require so select the toolbar Summary Preferences.

Tick the boxes as shown below, click Apply and then OK.

Page 8.28

Example 8

The Summary of Results has now been extended as specified. Click the Critical Storm icon to identify the critical storm for each pipe.

The First Flooding column displays the event that causes first failure. The cells with no data have no flooding for any of the increased flows. Note: This does not mean you can downsize these pipes. The results indicate three pipes that are the most sensitive points in the network as they flood with 20% additional flow. However a majority of the system could withstand the 100 yr rp storm +30% with only minor flooding. The data from the Sensitivity Wizard can be viewed graphically enabling you to identify where the system may fail and the possible flood flow paths. Change the Storm Selector to 15 Winter / +30% sensitivity Flow and bring up the 3D World View which will display a full 3D representation of the network and ground profile.

To identify the flooding, the direction of the flood flow and where it finally ponds select the Flood Path icon from the View Options button menu. Flood Path

Example 8

Page 8.29

Note that the ground profile has three additional colours: The Light Blue shading marks the source point of the flooding. The Yellow Arrows identify the route of the flooding. The Dark Blue shading locates where the water ponds. Note: A more detailed analysis of overland flow paths can be generated using the FloodFlow module. See Example 14 for more details.

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 03/01/2014 File Example 8.mdx XP Solutions

Page 30 Example 8 Simulation A.P.T. and CASDeF Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2013.1.7 Existing Network Details for Example8D PN

Length Fall Slope I.Area T.E. Base k HYD DIA (m) (m) (1:X) (ha) (mins) Flow (l/s) (mm) SECT (mm)

E1.000 20.000 1.200 E1.001 39.000 0.437

16.7 89.2

0.250 0.250

5.00 0.00

0.0 3.000 0.0 3.000

o o

225 300

E2.000 25.000 0.625 40.0 E2.001 90.000 0.653 137.8

0.130 0.250

5.00 0.00

0.0 3.000 0.0 3.000

o o

225 300

E1.002 90.000 0.360 250.0 E1.003 50.000 0.465 107.5

0.240 0.200

0.00 0.00

0.0 3.000 0.0 3.000

o 1200 o 525

E3.000 90.000 2.324




0.0 3.000



E4.000 45.000 1.390




0.0 3.000



0.458 105.2 0.220 100.0 0.680 50.0 0.222 153.2

0.135 0.951 0.469 0.900

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

o o o o

525 525 525 300

E1.004 E1.005 E1.006 E1.007

48.170 21.990 34.000 34.000

3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000

Network Results Table PN

US/IL (m)

Σ I.Area Σ Base Vel Cap (ha) Flow (l/s) (m/s) (l/s)

E1.000 100.507 E1.001 99.232

0.250 0.500

0.0 0.0

2.51 1.32

99.9 93.1

E2.000 E2.001

99.948 99.248

0.130 0.380

0.0 0.0

1.62 1.06

64.4 74.8

E1.002 E1.003

98.295 97.935

1.120 1.320

0.0 0.0

1.94 2197.6 1.74 376.1

E3.000 100.124











E1.004 E1.005 E1.006 E1.007

97.470 97.012 96.792 96.037

1.696 2.647 3.117 4.017

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

1.76 1.80 2.55 1.00

380.3 390.1 551.9 71.0

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 03/01/2014 File Example 8.mdx XP Solutions

Page 31 Example 8 Simulation A.P.T. and CASDeF Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2013.1.7 Manhole Schedules for Example8D

MH Name

MH CL (m)

MH Depth (m)

MH Connection

MH Diam.,L*W (mm)


Pipe Out Invert Diameter Level (m) (mm)

E1 102.000 1.493 Open Manhole

1200 E1.000



E3 102.800 2.852 Open Manhole

1200 E2.000



E2 101.000 1.768 Open Manhole E4 101.000 1.752 Open Manhole E5 100.500 2.205 Open Manhole E6

1200 E1.001 1500 E2.001 1800 E1.002

99.800 1.865 Open Manhole

1800 E1.003

E8 100.900 2.040 Open Manhole

1200 E4.000

E7 102.500 2.376 Open Manhole E9

99.600 2.130 Open Manhole

99.232 99.248


300 E1.000



300 E2.000






1200 E1.001


525 E1.002

1200 E3.000


1800 E1.004


Pipes In Invert Diameter Backdrop Level (m) (mm) (mm)





525 E1.003











150 225

E11 100.000 2.988 Open Manhole

1500 E1.005


525 E1.004




1500 E1.007


300 E1.006




99.000 2.208 Open Manhole

EO/F 1

97.750 1.935 Open Manhole

98.500 2.463 Open Manhole

1500 E1.006 1200


525 E1.005







Free Flowing Outfall Details for Example8D D,L W Outfall Outfall C. Level I. Level Min Pipe Number Name (m) (m) I. Level (mm) (mm) (m) E1.007

EO/F 1



0.000 1200


Simulation Criteria for Example8D Volumetric Runoff Coeff Areal Reduction Factor Hot Start (mins) Hot Start Level (mm) Manhole Headloss Coeff (Global) Foul Sewage per hectare (l/s)

0.840 Additional Flow - % of Total Flow 1.000 MADD Factor * 10m³/ha Storage 0 Inlet Coeffiecient 0 Flow per Person per Day (l/per/day) 0.150 Run Time (mins) 0.000 Output Interval (mins)

0.000 1.000 0.800 0.000 60 1

Number of Input Hydrographs 0 Number of Offline Controls 0 Number of Time/Area Diagrams 0 Number of Online Controls 2 Number of Storage Structures 1 Number of Real Time Controls 0

Synthetic Rainfall Details Rainfall Model FSR Profile Type Winter Return Period (years) 100 Cv (Summer) 0.750 Region England and Wales Cv (Winter) 0.840 M5-60 (mm) 20.000 Storm Duration (mins) 30 Ratio R 0.400

©1982-2013 XP Solutions


XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 03/01/2014 File Example 8.mdx XP Solutions

Page 32 Example 8 Simulation A.P.T. and CASDeF Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2013.1.7 Online Controls for Example8D

Orifice Manhole: E6, DS/PN: E1.003, Volume (m³): 104.5 Diameter (m) 0.268 Discharge Coefficient 0.600 Invert Level (m) 97.935

Hydro-Brake® Manhole: E13, DS/PN: E1.007, Volume (m³): 11.4 Design Head (m) 2.000 Hydro-Brake® Type Md6 SW Only Invert Level (m) 96.037 Design Flow (l/s) 20.0 Diameter (mm) 157 Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600

5.2 12.0 14.6 14.6 14.1 13.7

0.800 1.000 1.200 1.400 1.600 1.800

13.7 14.5 15.6 16.7 17.8 18.9

2.000 2.200 2.400 2.600 3.000 3.500

19.9 20.9 21.8 22.7 24.4 26.3

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

4.000 4.500 5.000 5.500 6.000 6.500

28.1 29.8 31.4 33.0 34.4 35.9

7.000 7.500 8.000 8.500 9.000 9.500

37.2 38.5 39.8 41.0 42.2 43.3

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 03/01/2014 File Example 8.mdx XP Solutions

Page 33 Example 8 Simulation A.P.T. and CASDeF Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2013.1.7 Storage Structures for Example8D

Tank or Pond Manhole: E13, DS/PN: E1.007 Invert Level (m) 96.037 Depth (m) Area (m²) 0.000


©1982-2013 XP Solutions

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 03/01/2014 File Example8_cdf_cdf.mdx XP Solutions

Page 34 Example 8 Simulation A.P.T. and CASDeF Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2013.1.7

Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank 1) for Example8D

Simulation Criteria Areal Reduction Factor 1.000 Additional Flow - % of Total Flow Hot Start (mins) 0 MADD Factor * 10m³/ha Storage Hot Start Level (mm) 0 Inlet Coeffiecient Manhole Headloss Coeff (Global) 0.150 Flow per Person per Day (l/per/day) Foul Sewage per hectare (l/s) 0.000

0.000 1.000 0.800 0.000

Number of Input Hydrographs 0 Number of Offline Controls 0 Number of Time/Area Diagrams 0 Number of Online Controls 2 Number of Storage Structures 1 Number of Real Time Controls 0 Synthetic Rainfall Details Rainfall Model FSR M5-60 (mm) 20.000 Cv (Summer) 0.750 Region England and Wales Ratio R 0.400 Cv (Winter) 0.840 Margin for Flood Risk Warning (mm) 300.0 DVD Status OFF Analysis Timestep Fine Inertia Status OFF DTS Status ON Profile(s) Summer and Winter Duration(s) (mins) 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 360, 480, 960, 1440 Return Period(s) (years) 1, 30, 100 Climate Change (%) 0, 0, 0 PN


E1.000 15 E1.001 15 E2.000 15 E2.001 15 E1.002 30 E1.003 30 E3.000 15 E4.000 15 E1.004 15 E1.005 15 E1.006 15 E1.007 480

PN E1.000 E1.001 E2.000 E2.001 E1.002 E1.003 E3.000 E4.000 E1.004 E1.005 E1.006 E1.007

Return Climate Period Change

Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

US/MH Name

Water Level (m)

E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E11 E12 E13

102.001 101.000 101.474 101.004 99.856 99.846 102.501 99.676 98.977 98.856 98.328 97.973

First X Surcharge

First Y Flood

0% 30/15 Summer 100/15 0% 30/15 Summer 100/15 0% 30/15 Summer 0% 30/15 Summer 100/15 0% 100/15 Summer 0% 1/15 Winter 100/15 0% 30/15 Summer 100/15 0% 100/15 Summer 0% 30/15 Summer 0% 30/15 Summer 0% 30/15 Summer 0% 1/30 Summer

First Z O/F Lvl Overflow Act. Exc.

Winter Winter

1 1



Summer Summer

6 2

Pipe Flooded Surch'ed Volume Flow / O'flow Flow (m³) Cap. (l/s) (l/s) Depth (m) 1.269 1.468 1.301 1.456 0.361 1.386 2.227 0.591 0.982 1.319 1.011 1.636

0.806 0.199 0.000 3.699 0.000 46.036 1.056 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

0.93 2.05 0.86 1.64 0.14 0.57 1.29 0.74 0.82 1.59 1.55 0.28

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

91.0 188.4 54.3 121.9 294.1 199.0 28.4 52.4 286.9 528.4 680.3 19.6


Example 9

Page 9.1

Working with Micro Drainage® Example 9 – Channel The Backwater Step Method

Page 9.2

Example 9


Channel is a backwater step method for determining the water levels in open channels. It is suitable for gradually varying flows in channels of reasonably uniform cross section where the flow is sub-critical. Where the flow becomes super-critical (or rapid), an estimate of depth based on stage discharge is output for the main channel. Backwater analysis is then continued upstream when the flow becomes sub-critical (or tranquil) again.


Step methods are one of the most commonly used ways for determining backwater curves. They calculate the water levels from station to station where the cross sections and hydraulic characteristics are known. Some of these methods determine the hydraulic gradient at each station and average them, while others use the average cross sectional area of the stations to determine an average velocity and hence a gradient. Channel uses the latter method, as it is easier to carry out a manual check of the results. However, there is usually very little difference between the results given by the two methods.

Preparing the data

The first part of the open channel to be modelled has two reaches, defined by the three sections shown opposite:

Example 9

Page 9.3

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Page 9.4

Example 9

These sections must be input to the program using x and y co-ordinates. The y co-ordinates are the levels at each point. The x co-ordinates define the width of the channel and only need to be given relative to one another.

Defining the sections

Look at the hard copies of the results at the end of this example (pages 9.23 to 9.26), coordinates are defined in x and y format for each section.

Flows and roughness

The roughness variables defined in section 1 apply to the reach from sections 1 to 2. Similarly, the roughness variables defined in section 2 are used between sections 2 to 3 and so on. Remember that backwater analysis starts from the outfall, so that section 1 is downstream of section 2. The full cross section details for each station are given in the results. This example has been deliberately chosen for its awkwardness to demonstrate how complex sections can be modelled.

Opening Channel

After the Channel title screen, you will see the Channel Open screen:

The Start a New Job button is already highlighted, so click OK or press Return.

Example 9

Page 9.5

Channel Details

Channel presents you with Channel Details spreadsheet. The row for Section 1 under Chainage is already highlighted for you to enter the value. For this example, enter zero (or leave the field blank) and press Return. The cursor moves to the Type field, leave this as Open and press Return again to move to the Flow field, we will come back to different section types later in the example.

We must enter a flow for the first section and at points where the flow changes otherwise it will default to the previous value by pressing Return. Enter 8 m3/s and press Return. Losses may also be varied for each section, but in this example you need simply to press Return again to reach the Level column. We must enter a value for the first section, enter 10m. We cannot edit the level for any other section as the program calculates the level.

Page 9.6

Example 9

Channel Coordinates

Pressing Return in the Level column will have moved the cursor to the first row of the Channel Coordinates spreadsheet:

Enter the data shown here. Note that the cursor automatically moves between the x and y coordinates and n value. The n value must be entered for the first cell and at points where it changes otherwise it will default to the previous value by pressing Return. When the cursor moves to the eleventh row, press Return again and it automatically takes you to Section 2.

Example 9

Page 9.7

Section 2

For Section 2 the chainage is 80, the flows is as for section 1 so will be automatically filled in if you press Return and there are no losses to enter. The x/y co-ordinates and n values are as shown.

When you have finished entering these co-ordinates, note that Channel produces its first results:

Page 9.8

Example 9

Finally, enter the data for Section 3. The chainage is 187.


The Longsection and Cross Section are displayed alongside the Channel Details. To view full screen longitudinal sections of the system, simply click on the Longsection icon in the toolbar: Longsection You can move between sections using the scroll box at the bottom of the screen; if you click on the scroll box, you can then use the keyboard arrows. You can also adjust the number of sections displayed using the arrows at the top of the screen.

Cross sections

To view full screen cross sections of each section, click the Cross Section icon in the toolbar. Cross Section Again, clicking in the scroll bar enables you to switch between sections, using the keyboard arrows if you prefer.

Example 9

Page 9.9

Cascaded views

As with all Micro Drainage modules, Channel allows you to view all open windows simultaneously. Simply select Cascade from the Window menu. You can move quickly between the spreadsheet and the graphic views of the sections simply by clicking on the window you require.


You can now print out your results. Simply click on the Print icon in the toolbar. Print When you select Print, Channel shows you the Print dialogue box:

These options are self-explanatory; you choose the options you would like to print simply by clicking in the appropriate box. Click the Update Preview button to see a print preview. When you are satisfied with the selected options click the Print icon at the top of the dialogue to send the job to the printer.

Page 9.10

Example 9

Super-critical flow

The usual flow in a river is sub-critical or tranquil. A stone dropped in the river will cause ripples upstream - the flow is slower than the wave speed. Super-critical (or rapid) flow has a parallel in supersonic speed. Ripples from a stone, or a stick placed in the water, will cause waves downstream, but the velocity is too fast for the wave to travel upstream. The principles of backwater analysis do not apply if the flow is super-critical, as downstream effects do not backwater upstream. Accordingly, if the channel bed is steep and rapid flow results, Channel shows the result in red. This illustrates that backwater analysis has not been possible and the depth calculated for that section is based on a stage discharge relationship. The hard copy places an asterisk beside the result to show it has not been calculated by backwater. In addition, the results are shown on one line as they are based on that section and not on the average values of two sections as in normal backwater. To view this effect, and to practice the entry of circular sections, we will enter three additional sections as shown opposite.

Example 9

Page 9.11

Section 4

Section 5

Section 6

Page 9.12

Example 9

Introducing super-critical flow

On the Channel Details spreadsheet move the cursor to Section 4 of the Chainage Details. Enter a chainage of 200, a flow of 6.000 with the data shown here for the x/y coordinates and Manning’s n.

Section 4, at 200m, provides for super-critical flow, as it is much higher than the previous section. Note that super-critical flow is shown in red on the results section of the spreadsheet.

Example 9

Page 9.13

Pipe sections

We shall now add two circular sections. Move the cursor to Section 5 on the Chainage Details spreadsheet. Enter 230m for the Chainage and then change the Type to Pipe.

The coordinates form changes to show the appropriate entry form. Click in the Flow column, then click Return until the cursor appears in the IL column. Now enter the data shown here for Section 5.

Copying sections

Section 6 has the same diameter and invert level as Section 5 so we can copy these details by clicking the Insert Section button in the toolbar. Insert Section The Insert Section No form appears from which you should select the last option leaving the change in invert level as 0m, then click OK.

Page 9.14

Example 9

Change the Chainage to 250m and check the other details have been copied correctly as below.

Note: The results for Section 6 show a return to tranquil flow. Channel does not model hydraulic jumps, so the water depths for the super-critical sections must be regarded as estimates for use as data with which to backwater the next sub-critical section. If a detailed analysis of supercritical flows and hydraulic jumps is required, then these must be undertaken manually and the appropriate specification applied to stilling basins etc.

Example 9

Page 9.15

Introducing an intermediate section

The cross-sections in backwater analysis should not change rapidly. Apart from super-critical flow, another reason the result may appear in red is that the sections are too dissimilar. If we introduce an intermediate section between 187m and 200m the backwater may be successful. To do this, move the cursor back onto Section 3 and click on the Insert Section icon again. Choose Insert Intermediate After Section No and click OK to accept the insert section position. Channel inserts a new line below the highlighted Section. The old Section 4 now becomes Section 5. Overtype the Flow value with 6 m3/s for the intermediate section and update the n values for the Channel Coordinates as below:

Intermediate sections should always be tried if the results appear in red. However, if the flow is super-critical then intermediate sections will not alter the result from red to blue.

Page 9.16

Example 9

Local losses

With the introduction of the intermediate section we still have super-critical flow at Section 6. This is because the water levels have dipped due to the large changes in velocities, even though there is an increase in the energy line upstream. A dip in water levels may be observed in streamlined sections, but in most circumstances local losses will occur. In this example we have a tributary entering the channel between Sections 4 and 3 (194m and 187m), with a flow of 2m3/s. To account for the additional local losses caused, enter a factor of 1.0 at Section 3. To enter the local loss factor, simply click in the K field for Section 3 and enter the appropriate value - in this case, 1.0. Also the flow exits a culvert into an open channel between Sections 6 and 5 (230m to 200m). If we apply a local loss factor of 1.5 at Section 5, the effect is duly registered and the results show a more realistic conclusion. The results now show a much better balance of levels and velocities and, indeed, a properly accurate reflection of reality:

Note: The super-critical flow at Section 6 has been removed. Now save the file as Example 9.bckx.

Example 9

Page 9.17

The value of k

To demonstrate the calculations required to determine an appropriate value for k - the local loss factor - within Channel we will show how it may be applied to another reach of the channel. Let us assume that a short culvert restricts the flow in the main channel between Sections 1 and 2. As the culvert is short (say less than 10m) the friction loss is negligible and it is not necessary to input section details at each end of the culvert. A local loss factor input at Section 1 (to be used in the reach 1 to 2) may be sufficient to account for this obstruction. The entrance and exit to and from the culvert are abrupt. At the entrance, 50% of the kinetic energy increase from the channel to the culvert is lost, while at the exit 100% of the kinetic energy decrease from the culvert to the channel is also lost. This may be expressed as follows: v1 = average channel velocity v2 = velocity in culvert entrance loss = 0.5 * (v22 - v12)/ (2 * 9.81) exit loss = 1 * (v22 - v12)/ (2 * 9.81) Total loss = 1.5 * (v22 - v12)/ (2 * 9.81)

The k value in the program is the proportion of the kinetic energy of the average channel flow lost due to the obstruction. Therefore the k value to be used in the program is: k * v12 / (2 * 9.81) = 1.5 * (v22 - v12)/ (2 * 9.81) If v1 = 1 m/s and v2 = 1.2 m/s, then k = 0.66

This calculation is not applicable if the velocity in the culvert is critical. The culvert then becomes the control. The critical depth for the culvert must be calculated and a new backwater curve calculated upstream of the critical section. If the culvert were long it would be necessary to specify a section at each end of the culvert, as friction losses would be significant. Say the culvert starts at

Page 9.18

Example 9

Section 2 and ends at Section 3 and is 150m long. As the x co-ordinates for a cross section must be at least .001m apart, the vertical sides of a culvert can only be specified as near vertical (i.e., with a 1 mm slope). At Section 2 the exit loss from the culvert must be specified as: k * v22 / (2 * 9.81) = 1 * (v22 - v12)/ (2 * 9.81)

Note that the average velocity for the reach under consideration (between Sections 2 and 3) is v2 - the velocity in the culvert and k at Section 2 is deemed to be a proportion of the kinetic energy based on this velocity. v1 is the average velocity in the channel between Sections 1 and 2. The entrance loss is now specified at Section 3 and the k factor is calculated as follows: k * v12 / (2 * 9.81) = .5 * (v22 - v12)/ (2 * 9.81)

k is now a proportion of v1 which is the average velocity in the channel between Sections 3 and 4. So the local loss factor must always be expressed as a proportion of the average velocity in the reach being considered. If k is specified at Section n it will be applied to the reach from Section n to Section n+1 and it must be based on the average velocity in this reach. It is not possible in this example to give definitive advice on what proportion of the kinetic energy is lost at each obstruction, as it will always depend on the geometry of the structure. It is a good starting point to assume that it is a proportion of the change in the kinetic energy of the flow, as this example illustrates. However site measurements are very useful in determining local loss factors. The ratio of the cross sectional areas of the channel and the obstruction may change during high flows. An allowance must be made for this if water levels taken at low flows are used to calculate local loss factors.

Example 9

Page 9.19

Analysing in Simulation A.P.T.

Channel is useful for backwater analysis of river sections with known flows but if you have additional areas draining to the river sections or you want to more accurately model super-critical flows the Simulation module can read in Channel files for analysis. Start the Simulation A.P.T. module and select Open Existing File at the Open screen. Change the file type from .mdx, to .bckx using the drop down menu and open the file Example 9.bckx. At the Simulation Criteria screen enter the values as shown below:

Click OK to the Simulation Criteria.

Page 9.20

Example 9

Editing the Network Details

Select Network Details from the Network menu. Starting at the most upstream section, section 7 in the Channel file, the file has been converted to a network with pipe numbers. The top spreadsheet shows the Pipe DIA for the open sections from Channel as negative numbers indicating they are from a conduit library (see Example 2 for details of using your own conduit library). The conduit library has been created and will be saved as part of the .mdx file. The circular sections have been loaded as pipes. Enter the flows from Channel into the Base Flow column; note that these values are in l/s, rather than m3/s. Enter 6000 l/s for pipe 1.000 and 2000 l/s at pipe 1.004 where the additional flow enters the network. We will also enter an extra 5ha at pipe 1.004. The spreadsheet also shows manholes have not been designed between the open sections. If the manhole dimensions cannot be seen, open the toolbar Preferences and turn on the US/MH Diam/Len and US/MH Width columns. A manhole has been assigned between the open section and the pipe. In reality this will not exist, to avoid taking into account additional storage change select the Preferences button and add the US Connection column. Close the preferences form and change the manhole type to Junction. The yellow background indicates values have been altered from the original file.

Example 9

Page 9.21

The local loss factor, K, from Channel can be entered in the Manhole Headloss form available from the Network menu. Enter the details as shown below to represent the local losses. The values turn from blue to red to indicate they are user defined.

Open the Network Manager from the Site menu, Analyse will be set to off, shown as red. Click on the GO icon and it will change to green, now you can run the analysis as usual, view the Summary of Results and display the graphical views. For more information on the Simulation module see Example 7 of this manual.

Page 9.22

Example 9

Editing in System 1 A.P.T. or DrawNet

Channel files may be imported to System 1 with A.P.T. or DrawNet as Existing Networks. To import into an existing file, select Network Manager from the Site menu and click the Import icon on the toolbar, change the file type to .bckx and select the required file. To import the network into a new file select Open Existing File at the Open screen and follow the procedure as for Simulation. For more information on the DrawNet module see Example 13 of this manual.

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 06/01/2014 File Example9.bckx XP Solutions

Page 23 Example 9 Channel The backwater step method Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Channel 2014.1

NOTE:- Slope is the gradient of the energy line not the water line. The water level is the energy level - V²/19.62 CHAIN (m)



FLOW AREA VEL PERIM A/P SLOPE LEVEL (m³/s) (m²) (m/s) (m) (m) (1:X) (m)

0 0.000 0.035 80 0.000 0.035 187 1.000 0.323 194 0.000 0.393 200 1.500 0.030 230 0.000 0.012 250

8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 7.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000

22.66 19.19 15.72 16.23 16.74 13.40 10.07 8.09 6.12 4.61 3.10 3.15 3.21

21.30 0.42 17.80 14.29 0.49 19.48 24.67 0.52 20.04 15.42 0.74 11.65 7.89 1.30 6.24 4.59 1.90 4.63 4.66

10.000 1.08












10.009 10.051 10.397 11.194 11.250

©1982-2014 XP Solutions


XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 06/01/2014 File Example9.bckx XP Solutions

Page 24 Example 9 Channel The backwater step method Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Channel 2014.1 COORDINATES

Section No 1 Chainage (m) 0 Open Channel Coordinates X (m) Y (m)


X (m)

Y (m)


X (m)

Y (m)


X (m)

Y (m)


X (m)

Y (m)


1.000 12.000 1.000 12.000 10.000 0.035 23.150 8.230 0.035 38.000 10.300 1.000 42.000 11.200 1.000 5.000 10.500 1.000 19.200 8.110 0.035 34.000 10.200 1.000 40.000 11.000 1.000 44.000 12.000 1.000 Section No 2 Chainage (m) 80 Open Channel Coordinates X (m) Y (m)


X (m)

Y (m)


X (m)

Y (m)


X (m)

Y (m)


X (m)

Y (m)


1.000 12.000 1.000 8.000 10.000 0.035 17.340 8.400 0.035 35.000 10.700 1.000 41.000 11.700 1.000 5.000 10.300 1.000 13.000 8.120 0.035 23.100 10.600 1.000 37.000 11.500 1.000 43.000 12.200 1.000 Section No 3 Chainage (m) 187 Open Channel Coordinates X (m) Y (m)


X (m)

Y (m)


X (m)

Y (m)


0.000 12.000 0.035 8.600 8.200 0.035 26.000 9.800 1.000 5.000 8.500 0.035 12.000 9.600 1.000 29.000 11.000 1.000 Section No 4 Chainage (m) 194 Open Channel Coordinates X (m) Y (m)


X (m)

Y (m)


X (m)

Y (m)


0.000 12.500 0.035 6.800 9.135 0.035 17.350 9.940 1.000 5.000 9.285 0.035 10.350 9.840 1.000 20.750 11.850 1.000 Section No 5 Chainage (m) 200 Open Channel Coordinates X (m) Y (m)


X (m) Y (m)


X (m) Y (m)


X (m)

Y (m)


0.000 13.000 0.030 5.000 10.070 0.030 8.700 10.080 0.030 12.500 12.700 0.030 Section No 6 Chainage (m) 230 Circular Section Details Diameter (m) 4.00 Invert Level (m) 10.070 n 0.012 Section No 7 Chainage (m) 250 Circular Section Details Diameter (m) 4.00 Invert Level (m) 10.070 n 0.012

©1982-2014 XP Solutions

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 06/01/2014 File Example9.bckx XP Solutions Chainage (m)

Page 25 Example 9 Channel The backwater step method Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Channel 2014.1 0


187 194 200


Hor Scale 1900 Ver Scale 200

Length (m) Chainage (m)

107 250


Ver Scale 200

14.070 14.070 11.280 10.070

14.070 14.070

Water Level (m) Invert Level (m)

11.250 10.070

6.000 1.90 1171

L/Bank Level (m) R/Bank Level (m)

Length (m)

14.070 14.070

12.000 11.000 12.500 13.000 11.850 12.700


Hor Scale 1900

Datum (m)6.000 Flow (m³/s) Velocity (m/s) Slope (1:X)

8.000 6.000 6.000 0.52 0.74 1.30 20 7 152

10.051 8.200 10.397 11.194 9.135 10.070

12.000 12.200

12.000 12.000

Water Level (m) Invert Level (m)

8.000 0.49 2658

10.009 8.120

L/Bank Level (m) R/Bank Level (m)

10.000 8.110

8.000 0.42 5074


©1982-2014 XP Solutions

7 6

11.250 10.070

Datum (m)5.000 Flow (m³/s) Velocity (m/s) Slope (1:X)


29.000 11.000

12.000 9.600


8.600 8.200


5.000 8.500

Y-Coord (m)


X-Coord (m)

Page 26 Example 9 Channel The backwater step method Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Channel 2014.1


XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 06/01/2014 File Example9.bckx XP Solutions

Hor Scale 500 Ver Scale 150

Datum (m)5.000

Ver Scale 150

Datum (m)6.000 Section Number 4 Chainage (m) 194 Water Level (m) 10.397

©1982-2014 XP Solutions




10.350 9.840

Hor Scale 500


5.000 6.800 9.285 9.135

Y-Coord (m)


X-Coord (m)


Section Number 3 Chainage (m) 187 Water Level (m) 10.051

Example 10

Page 10.1

Working with Micro Drainage® Example 10 - Source Control Infiltration Systems

Page 10.2

Example 10


The use of infiltration techniques has risen to the top of the engineering agenda. The pressure to improve the environmental impact of the drainage network led first to a focus on the improvement and, where possible, removal of combined sewer overflows (CSOs). Increasingly, however, the emphasis is shifting towards prevention rather than cure and, ultimately, to solutions that deal with the entire network, from inflow to outflow. This approach has been dubbed 'Joined-up Thinking'. Infiltration has a major role to play in this strategy. Source Control is the first program of its kind to provide a complete analysis and design solution for engineers, which can integrate infiltration techniques with conventional design solutions.

Opening Source Control Open the Source Control module.

Alternatively, use your preferred Windows method. You are presented with the Source Control Open screen.

This example is based on a 30 hectare site. Approximately 33% of the surface area is impermeable, with six hectares paved and four hectares roofed. We have an allowable discharge of 20 l/s.

Example 10

Page 10.3

Within the Source Control Open screen, double click on the Design Guide icon.

The Design Guide is a tool designed to simplify the complex process of designing a solution incorporating the use of infiltration techniques. Begin by clicking the Quick Storage Estimate button. The Quick Storage Estimate window appears.

Note: Ciria 156 (table 4.6) lists safety factors of between 1.5 and 10. These refer to a Cv of 1. Increase the safety by a factor of 1.33 to allow for the Wallingford runoff model.

Page 10.4

Example 10

This process will give us a rough idea of the storage required and show whether or not infiltration is appropriate as part of the solution. Enter the variables as shown. To find the Infiltration Coefficient, click the Calculator button.

The formula is based on the site test from Ciria 156 (Ciria 697) and BRE 365. Enter the data as shown and click OK. The value 0.2m/hr is entered automatically. Click Analyse and the routing calculations are carried out.

Example 10

Page 10.5

We can already see that the use of infiltration is likely to make a substantial difference to the required storage capacity. Click on the Design tab to see a graphic representation of the result.

For this example we will route the roofed areas into soakaways and half the paved area into a porous car park.

Page 10.6

Example 10

The outflows from the soakaways and the car park will be combined with the remaining paved area run-off, which will feed into a storage pond. Since the pond is limited by our maximum discharge of 20 l/s, we will design the soakaways and the car park to maximum discharges of 10 l/s. This is because the combined discharge from upstream must not exceed the final discharge rate, otherwise the drain down period may cause the pond to fail. Note: This is not the only design option. We could, for example, specify the soakaways with no discharge (infiltration only) and then have 20 litres per second available for the car park. For a real project, your best judgement should be applied according to the specific circumstances.

Quick Design

Source Control's Quick Design facility enables us to enter the necessary data for the design of each solution quickly and easily. Click OK to close the Quick Storage Estimate window and click the Quick Design button on the Design Guide and enter the variables for the soakaways as shown. Most of the values will have been filled in automatically, however you must alter Area and Discharge.

Example 10

Page 10.7

Click Analyse and the routing calculations for the soakaways are carried out.

The results show that we require between 658 and 782 soakaways of 0.9m diameter with a 1.35m pit size (1 metre effective depth). To see a section through the soakaway design, select the Structures tab.

Page 10.8

Example 10

Detailed Design

We can now begin to design the soakaway solution in detail. Click OK to close the Quick Design function and choose Detailed Design in the Design Guide.

Enter the Global Variables as shown and click OK.

For the Rainfall and Network Details you have only to check the data are as shown.

Example 10

Page 10.9

Source Control takes the rainfall information from Quick Design automatically. Click OK again and the Time Area Diagram spreadsheet opens. Enter the data as shown and click OK.

At the Lined Soakaway Structure window, enter the data as shown.

Note that we have used an estimate of 720 soakaways, based on the results from Quick Design. Click OK to continue.

Page 10.10

Example 10


Source Control will calculate the Hydro-Brake® automatically. To do this change the Hydro-Brake® Range to “Hydro-Brake® (foul, combined, SW)” and click the Calculator button. Calculator At the Hydro-Brake® Calculator enter the data for the Design Head and Design Flow as below. Choose the Md6 SW Only and click OK.

The Hydro-Brake® flow characteristics are calculated for you.

Enter an Invert level of 100m and click OK.

Example 10

Page 10.11

Go with the Flow Check

We are now ready to perform the calculations for the soakaways. Click Go to run the analysis and the calculations are carried out. Run Analysis.


When the calculations are complete, save the data as Soakaways.srcx.

The summary shows a maximum depth of 0.988m is reached during the 60 minute winter storm. This is within our available soakaway depth of 1 metre. This result is satisfactory, but if you needed to edit the size of the soakaways you can do this via the Edit menu.

Page 10.12

Example 10

Car park

We now move on to design the porous car park, following a similar process to the one used for the soakaways. Again, select Quick Design from the Design Guide toolbar and enter the data as shown.

Click Analyse and the results are as follows:

For a car park of 0.4m depth, we require a surface area of between 3694.0m2 and 4054.4m2.

Example 10

Page 10.13

Again, you can view a section by clicking the Structures tab.

Click OK and then click on Detailed Design from the Design Guide which will start a new job. This time select Porous Car Park as the storage structure and Orifice for the outflow control. Enter the rainfall data as before.

Page 10.14

Example 10

For the Time Area Diagram, enter the figures shown to give the total contributing area of three hectares.

System Details We will try a square car park with 63m sides, as this gives a surface area of 3969m2 within the range from the Quick Design results.

Enter the figures as shown.

Example 10

Page 10.15

Membrane Percolation is the rate at which water can flow through the geotextile used in the surface of the car park. This, combined with the surface area of the car park, enables Source Control to calculate a maximum percolation (inflow) value, shown for reference at the top of the box (4961.3 l/s). Click OK to continue. Source Control will size the orifice automatically.

Click the Calculator button and enter the required flow details.

Click OK and the value is automatically entered into the analysis. In this instance we are given an orifice diameter of 89mm. This is too small and will block easily. Accordingly, we will use a Hydro-Brake® instead.

Page 10.16

Example 10


Select Global Variables from the Edit menu and alter the Outflow Control to Hydro-Brake® and click OK.

You are presented with the Hydro-Brake® Outflow Control dialogue box.

Change the Hydro-Brake® range and enter the data for invert level, design head and design flow and the remaining values are calculated automatically. From the pull down menu select Md8 for the Hydro-Brake® type. Click OK and then click the GO button to Analyse.

Example 10

Page 10.17


Save your file as CarPark.srcx.

The results show a maximum depth of 0.394 metres for the 60 minute winter storm. This is within our designated maximum of 400mm for the car park. Again, in a real project you may well wish to refine the design, but for the purposes of this example the results are acceptable. Note also that the HydroBrake® we specified has not exceeded the maximum discharge rate of 10 l/s. Note: Don’t worry if your results don’t show a status of OK. Flood Risk is given if the water level is within a specified margin of the cover. This can be found by selecting Preferences from the File menu. Although it is always advisable to design using such a safety factor, it is not necessary to use a value of 300mm (the default) in this case. Since we are designing to a total depth of 400mm, 200mm is a more practical value to represent the space needed for the car park construction.

Page 10.18

Example 10

The Pond

The last element of our tripartite approach to storage is the pond itself. In this instance, the storage required is dependent upon the outflows from the car park and the soakaways. For this reason we cannot use Quick Design to give us a starting point. Accordingly, we must go straight to the Detailed Design tool.

Select the options shown for Global Variables and click OK. The data for the Rainfall Details and Time Area Diagram are the same as for the car park.


We can calculate the area for the pond using the Quick Storage Estimate result. This indicated that storage of between 951 m3 and 3009 m3 would be required if an infiltration system were to be used. In this case, only two thirds of the storage utilises infiltration, so we can be sure that the final result will be towards the upper bound given by the estimate. For this exercise we will assume a figure of 2000 m3. With just over half of this amount being given by the soakaways and the carpark we have approximately 900m3 remaining for the pond. If the water level is not to exceed a depth of 1 metre, the pond area is as shown.

Example 10

Page 10.19

Note: As the Plan Area is constant we only need to enter the first value. This area will automatically be repeated by the software.

Click OK and enter the data for the Crown Vortex Valve® Outflow Control.

You can use the calculator as shown for the Hydro-brake® earlier.

Page 10.20

Example 10

Enter the parameters as shown for the overflow weir, which is 1 metre above the invert of the structure.

Click GO. When the analysis has finished save the file as Pond.srcx. The results are as shown.

Example 10

Page 10.21


At this stage the results are not significant because they do not include the flow from the car park and the soakaways. To do this, click the Cascade button on the design tool. To load the three structures into the Cascade screen, click the Add button. Add Double click on each item in turn which will place the icons in the design area. The icons will be stacked on top of one another. To lay them out as shown, click on each one in turn with the left mouse button and drag it to the appropriate place. To connect the structures, click on the green outflow arrow of the soakaway with the right mouse button. Holding the button down, drag the green line that appears to the inflow arrow on the pond icon and release the mouse button. Repeat this for the car park.

With both links defined, click GO to run the Cascade analysis and save the file when prompted as Example10.casx.

Page 10.22

Example 10

We now have a detailed analysis for the whole storage system. You can switch between the results for each structure using the Pond Selector. Select the Pond structure. From the results we can see that the Pond overflow has been activated so we need to go back and enlarge the size of the structure.

Re-designing the Pond

To re-load the original pond design file simply click the Edit button on the Pond Selector when Pond is selected. This reopens the file at the storage structure form for editing. Increase the size of the pond to 1080m2 by clicking the Scale Factor arrow up until it says 20 or typing 20 in the box.

Example 10

Page 10.23

Click the Scale button and it will automatically scale each number in the table by 20%. Click OK, run the analysis and save the file.

We must now re-run the Cascade analysis. Click on the Cascade button and the Cascade Sequence form still contains the original data. Click GO to run the analysis again and then save when prompted.

The results show that enlarging the Pond by 20% stops the overflow from activating. Here, however, the Pond uses a total of 1040.9m3 of storage. With the soakaways and the car park we now have a total of 2178.3m3, in the middle of the range originally given by the Quick Storage Estimate.

Page 10.24

Example 10

Graphics and animation

Source Control incorporates a variety of graphical representations of the designs. They are available for each component of the system and may be used in conjunction with each set of results as they are presented. However, for the purposes of this example we shall look at them here in order to demonstrate the versatility of the Pond Selector. Select the Graphs option by clicking the Graphs icon. Graphs The graphs for the structure selected in the Pond Selector appear. Again, you can switch between the structures using the Pond Selector.

The available graphs can be selected from the toolbar, click Show Total Flow/Component to ensure all flows are displayed.

Example 10

Page 10.25

For an animated representation of the control, click the Animation icon. Animation The animation for the soakaway is shown below.

As with all Micro Drainage animations, the Video Controls form appears with controls similar to those on a media player, play, pause, advance and so on. The trace icon on the left of the toolbar is selected, giving a visual representation of the process of the storm. You can use the Storm Selector to switch storm durations and the Pond Selector to choose another structure. Source Control also enables you to view an animation of the complete system. To do this, select Animation from the Cascade menu.

Page 10.26

Example 10

The structures work in the same way and you can see the whole system in operation, with the relationships between the structures clearly shown. The animation may also be viewed in 3D by selecting 3D Animation from the Cascade menu.

Example 10

Page 10.27

Note: You may not wish to use soakaways of the same design for the whole project. Some areas of the site may cater for larger effective depths while other areas may allow the placement of house soakaways. The same may apply to the car park. In this example we have used a single design of soakaway and car park to keep things simple. If you do choose to use multiple designs, you will probably find it easiest to design several batches of each structure before proceeding to link them together in the Cascade stage.


Users with CASDeF can achieve a similar answer in a fraction of the time. To demonstrate this open Soakaway.srcx by clicking Edit on the Pond Selector when Soakaways is selected and downsize the number of soakaways used to 1. Select CASDeF Controller from the Edit menu and set the Maximum Allowable Water Level to 101m. This means CASDeF will size the number of soakaways to keep the depth of water below 1 m.

Select the Analyse menu or click the drop down arrow next to the GO icon and choose CASDeF Analysis. The Summary of Results show a Maximum Water Level of 100.998 with 9.8 l/s discharge. View the Soakaway details and you will see CASDeF has achieved this with 714 soakaways.

Page 10.28

Example 10

Follow the same procedure with the carpark. Downsize the carpark width to 1m and set the Maximum Allowable Water Level to 100.4. CASDeF sets the width to 62.8m, which produces an acceptable result. As before we cannot design the pond in this way, as the inflow from the other two structures is required. Open the pond file and set to pond area to 1m2. Set the Maximum Allowable Water Level to 100 (the overflow level). Run the analysis as normal. Don’t worry if the pond fails at this point. Re-open the original Cascade file and accept the warning. Instead of clicking GO click the CASDeF icon. CASDeF CASDeF runs the Cascade analysis but upsizes each of the structures as required.

The Summary shows all our requirements have been met. In fact CASDeF has produced a solution that uses smaller structures than our original design.

Example 10

Page 10.29

Joined up Thinking

Having designed our three structures and shown they will work together the last stage of the design process is to test them 'in situ'. We can download the structures into Simulation to test the effects of the connecting pipe network.


The network we will be using is supplied with the software. It will have been installed to your machine during the Setup process. Start Network using your preferred method. At the Open screen select Open Existing File and load the file Example10.mdx from your \Micro Drainage 2014\Data directory. The outflow controls have already been defined. These can be seen by selecting Online Controls from the Network menu.

The only thing left for us to do is to incorporate the three storage structures. Note: When we download structures from Source Control, Simulation will only incorporate the appropriate volume and infiltration rates. Any outflow or overflow controls must be re-defined by the user in Simulation.

Page 10.30

Example 10

Drag & Drop

We are now ready to drop the pond and infiltration systems into the network. Open the Plan (available from the Graphics menu) and from the toolbar click on the Toolbox icon and click on the Structures tab. Toolbox

Drag the Lined Soakaway icon and drop it on the upstream of pipe 1.001. The DS Pipe Number and Control type have been filled in for you. Click the Import button and choose Soakaway.srcx. The file is loaded and the rest of the details filled in for you. Click OK to return to the Plan. Now use the same procedure to add Carpark.srcx to the upstream manhole of 2.001 and the Pond.srcx to the upstream manhole of 1.004.

Note: More details can be found on the use of Simulation and drag-drop controls in Example 7.

Example 10

Page 10.31

The Full Picture

Click GO to run the Analysis. When the results are displayed, click on the Summary Preferences icon and turn on the Infiltration Flow column.

Simulation has performed a full hydrograph analysis including backwater effects and we can see our design still operates as expected. These results are for the 360 minute Winter storm (the critical duration in Cascade) but in a real job it would be necessary to run a full range of storms. (See Example 8). Note: If you have not used CASDeF in Source Control the results obtained from Simulation will be slightly different to what is shown above.


Source Control has enabled us to design a complex and sophisticated system in a few easy steps, with checks and error controls at each stage: •

• •

Quick Storage Estimate gives a useful indication of the likely storage requirement and also serves as a feasibility study on the effect of using infiltration. The Quick Design tool gives rough sizes for each infiltration structure and these enable you to complete detailed designs for the infiltration structures quickly and easily. The final storage structure is then completed, using the Quick Storage Estimate result to help calculate the likely required size. The Cascade tool uses a graphical user interface to design the finished control structure. Source Control then calculates final results for the complete inter-connected system. Each of the storage structures can be downloaded into Simulation to give a complete design including all of the interconnecting pipe work.

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 6/1/2014 File Soakaways.srcx XP Solutions

Page 32 Example 10 Source Control Infiltration Systems Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Source Control 2014.0 (Beta 2) Summary of Results for 30 year Return Period Half Drain Time : 47 minutes.

15 30 60 120 180 240 360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080 15 30 60 120 180 240

Storm Event

Max Level (m)

min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min

100.676 100.812 100.871 100.858 100.808 100.753 100.657 100.577 100.509 100.452 100.359 100.235 100.135 100.080 100.043 100.035 100.029 100.025 100.022 100.763 100.922 100.988 100.957 100.879 100.799

Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter

Status Max Max Max Max Max Depth Infiltration Control Σ Outflow Volume (m³) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (m) 0.676 0.812 0.871 0.858 0.808 0.753 0.657 0.577 0.509 0.452 0.359 0.235 0.135 0.080 0.043 0.035 0.029 0.025 0.022 0.763 0.922 0.988 0.957 0.879 0.799

min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min

9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.2 6.2 3.1 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 9.4 9.6 9.8 9.7 9.4 9.4

118.1 133.2 139.8 138.4 132.8 126.7 116.1 107.3 100.1 94.1 84.4 71.0 57.3 48.2 37.4 29.9 25.1 21.6 19.0 127.8 145.6 153.0 149.5 140.8 131.8

482.8 580.0 621.9 613.0 576.9 537.8 469.0 412.0 363.8 322.5 256.3 167.8 96.6 57.2 30.8 24.7 20.7 17.9 15.7 545.0 658.3 705.6 683.4 628.2 570.5

Rain Flooded Discharge Time-Peak (mins) Volume (mm/hr) Volume (m³) (m³)

Storm Event 15 30 60 120 180 240 360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080 15 30 60 120 180 240

109.4 124.1 130.5 129.1 123.7 117.7 107.4 98.7 91.4 85.2 75.2 61.8 51.1 45.1 36.2 29.1 24.5 21.1 18.6 118.9 136.0 143.1 139.8 131.4 122.7

Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter

76.035 49.499 30.811 18.615 13.715 10.995 8.034 6.428 5.404 4.687 3.743 2.723 1.979 1.577 1.143 0.910 0.762 0.659 0.583 76.035 49.499 30.811 18.615 13.715 10.995

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

569.9 742.1 924.0 1116.5 1234.0 1319.0 1445.8 1542.4 1620.7 1687.1 1796.4 1960.3 2136.7 2270.0 2469.6 2620.2 2742.5 2845.7 2935.7 638.4 831.2 1034.9 1250.5 1382.2 1477.3

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

19 31 50 84 118 152 218 282 344 406 530 768 1128 1476 2192 2888 3576 4304 5136 19 31 52 90 126 162



XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 6/1/2014 File Soakaways.srcx XP Solutions

Page 33 Example 10 Source Control Infiltration Systems Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Source Control 2014.0 (Beta 2) Summary of Results for 30 year Return Period

360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080

Storm Event

Max Level (m)

min min min min min min min min min min min min min

100.662 100.553 100.464 100.391 100.280 100.154 100.064 100.043 100.032 100.025 100.021 100.018 100.016

Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter

Status Max Max Max Max Max Depth Infiltration Control Σ Outflow Volume (m³) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (m) 0.662 0.553 0.464 0.391 0.280 0.154 0.064 0.043 0.032 0.025 0.021 0.018 0.016

min min min min min min min min min min min min min

9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 7.1 2.2 1.2 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2

116.6 104.8 95.4 87.8 76.1 60.1 45.6 37.4 27.3 21.6 18.2 15.6 13.8

472.7 395.0 331.6 279.3 200.2 109.7 45.7 30.7 22.5 17.9 15.1 13.0 11.5

Rain Flooded Discharge Time-Peak (mins) Volume (mm/hr) Volume (m³) (m³)

Storm Event 360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080

107.9 96.1 86.6 78.7 66.7 53.1 43.3 36.2 26.6 21.1 17.8 15.3 13.6

Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter

8.034 6.428 5.404 4.687 3.743 2.723 1.979 1.577 1.143 0.910 0.762 0.659 0.583

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

1619.4 1727.5 1815.3 1889.6 2012.0 2195.6 2393.2 2542.3 2766.0 2934.7 3071.5 3187.4 3288.2

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

230 296 360 422 544 780 1128 1460 2188 2904 3616 4248 4992



XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 6/1/2014 File Soakaways.srcx XP Solutions

Page 34 Example 10 Source Control Infiltration Systems Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Source Control 2014.0 (Beta 2) Rainfall Details Rainfall Model FSR Winter Storms Yes Return Period (years) 30 Cv (Summer) 0.750 Region England and Wales Cv (Winter) 0.840 M5-60 (mm) 20.000 Shortest Storm (mins) 15 Ratio R 0.400 Longest Storm (mins) 10080 Summer Storms Yes Climate Change % +0 Time Area Diagram Total Area (ha) 4.000 Time (mins) From: To: 0

Area (ha)

4 2.000

Time (mins) From: To: 4

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

Area (ha)

8 2.000

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 6/1/2014 File Soakaways.srcx XP Solutions

Page 35 Example 10 Source Control Infiltration Systems Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Source Control 2014.0 (Beta 2) Model Details Storage is Online Cover Level (m) 102.300 Lined Soakaway Structure

Infiltration Coefficient Base (m/hr) 0.20000 Ring Diameter (m) 0.90 Infiltration Coefficient Side (m/hr) 0.20000 Pit Multiplier 1.5 Safety Factor 2.0 Number Required 720 Porosity 0.30 Cap Volume Depth (m) 0.000 Invert Level (m) 100.000 Cap Infiltration Depth (m) 0.000 Hydro-Brake® Outflow Control Design Head (m) 1.000 Hydro-Brake® Type Md6 SW Only Invert Level (m) 100.000 Design Flow (l/s) 10.0 Diameter (mm) 131 Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600

4.3 8.7 9.4 9.0 8.7 8.6

0.800 1.000 1.200 1.400 1.600 1.800

9.1 9.9 10.8 11.6 12.4 13.1

2.000 2.200 2.400 2.600 3.000 3.500

13.8 14.5 15.2 15.8 17.0 18.3

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

4.000 4.500 5.000 5.500 6.000 6.500

19.6 20.8 21.9 23.0 24.0 25.0

7.000 7.500 8.000 8.500 9.000 9.500

25.9 26.8 27.7 28.5 29.4 30.2

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 6/1/2014 File Example10.casx XP Solutions

Page 36 Example 10 Source Control Infiltration Systems Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Source Control 2013.1.7 Cascade Summary of Results for Pond.srcx Upstream Structures CarPark.srcx Soakaways.srcx

min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min

Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Winter Winter Winter Winter

99.393 99.511 99.632 99.749 99.800 99.824 99.837 99.818 99.799 99.783 99.754 99.689 99.577 99.480 99.348 99.249 99.172 99.113 99.067 99.442 99.575 99.713 99.848

Storm Event 15 30 60 120 180 240 360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080 15 30 60 120



Status Max Max Max Max Max Max Level Depth Control Overflow Σ Outflow Volume (m³) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (m) (m)

Storm Event 15 30 60 120 180 240 360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080 15 30 60 120

Outflow To Overflow To

min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min

Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Winter Winter Winter Winter

0.393 0.511 0.632 0.749 0.800 0.824 0.837 0.818 0.799 0.783 0.754 0.689 0.577 0.480 0.348 0.249 0.172 0.113 0.067 0.442 0.575 0.713 0.848

15.4 16.4 17.3 18.2 18.6 18.8 18.8 18.7 18.6 18.5 18.2 17.8 16.9 16.1 15.0 14.1 13.4 12.8 12.3 15.8 16.9 17.9 18.9

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

15.4 16.4 17.3 18.2 18.6 18.8 18.8 18.7 18.6 18.5 18.2 17.8 16.9 16.1 15.0 14.1 13.4 12.8 12.3 15.8 16.9 17.9 18.9

424.8 552.2 682.9 808.7 864.4 889.8 904.1 883.9 863.3 845.2 814.2 744.3 622.7 518.5 375.6 269.1 186.0 121.9 72.5 477.1 621.1 769.5 915.7

Rain Flooded Discharge Overflow Time-Peak (mins) Volume Volume (mm/hr) Volume (m³) (m³) (m³) 76.035 49.499 30.811 18.615 13.715 10.995 8.034 6.428 5.404 4.687 3.743 2.723 1.979 1.577 1.143 0.910 0.762 0.659 0.583 76.035 49.499 30.811 18.615

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

499.1 648.9 806.1 969.0 1065.3 1134.7 1238.7 1313.4 1375.0 1429.8 1521.8 1644.6 1749.1 1826.6 1976.4 2095.6 2194.3 2280.6 2353.9 559.1 728.0 904.4 1086.6

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

36 51 70 128 186 244 362 430 488 548 674 938 1344 1736 2512 3232 3960 4664 5344 40 56 76 126



XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 6/1/2014 File Example10.casx XP Solutions

Page 37 Example 10 Source Control Infiltration Systems Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Source Control 2013.1.7 Cascade Summary of Results for Pond.srcx Status Max Max Max Max Max Max Level Depth Control Overflow Σ Outflow Volume (m³) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (m) (m)

Storm Event 180 240 360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080

min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min

Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter

99.913 99.941 99.964 99.961 99.943 99.928 99.884 99.764 99.593 99.479 99.304 99.174 99.080 99.018 99.000

Storm Event 180 240 360 480 600 720 960 1440 2160 2880 4320 5760 7200 8640 10080

min min min min min min min min min min min min min min min

Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter

0.913 0.941 0.964 0.961 0.943 0.928 0.884 0.764 0.593 0.479 0.304 0.174 0.080 0.018 0.000

19.4 19.6 19.7 19.7 19.6 19.5 19.2 18.3 17.0 16.1 14.6 13.4 12.4 11.7 11.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

19.4 19.6 19.7 19.7 19.6 19.5 19.2 18.3 17.0 16.1 14.6 13.4 12.4 11.7 11.0

985.7 1016.1 1041.3 1038.1 1018.4 1001.9 954.8 824.9 640.0 517.8 328.4 188.1 86.7 19.0 0.0

Rain Flooded Discharge Overflow Time-Peak (mins) Volume Volume (mm/hr) Volume (m³) (m³) (m³) 13.715 10.995 8.034 6.428 5.404 4.687 3.743 2.723 1.979 1.577 1.143 0.910 0.762 0.659 0.583

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

1195.0 1269.2 1383.2 1475.7 1550.7 1616.0 1717.4 1827.3 1922.6 2034.1 2210.3 2345.5 2455.4 2551.5 2634.1

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

182 240 356 458 522 576 716 1014 1452 1872 2640 3368 4040 4592 0



XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 6/1/2014 File Example10.casx XP Solutions

Page 38 Example 10 Source Control Infiltration Systems Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Source Control 2013.1.7 Cascade Model Details for Pond.srcx Storage is Online Cover Level (m) 100.500 Tank or Pond Structure Invert Level (m) 99.000 Depth (m) Area (m²) 0.000


Crown Vortex Valve® Outflow Control Design Head (m) 1.500 Vortex Valve® Type R1 SW Only Invert Level (m) 98.500 Design Flow (l/s) 20.0 Diameter (mm) 166 Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600

3.0 7.3 10.3 10.3 11.5 12.6

0.800 1.000 1.200 1.400 1.600 1.800

14.6 16.3 17.9 19.3 20.6 21.9

2.000 2.200 2.400 2.600 3.000 3.500

23.0 24.2 25.2 26.3 28.2 30.5

4.000 4.500 5.000 5.500 6.000 6.500

32.6 34.6 36.4 38.2 39.9 41.5

Weir Overflow Control Discharge Coef 0.544 Width (m) 5.000 Invert Level (m) 100.000

©1982-2013 XP Solutions

7.000 7.500 8.000 8.500 9.000 9.500

43.1 44.6 46.1 47.5 48.9 50.2

Example 11

Page 11.1

Working with Micro Drainage® Example 11 - QuOST Quantities & Costings

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Example 11


QuOST saves the engineer time and money by automating the processes of taking off, billing and pricing a job. In doing so, it also provides a quick means of comparing the cost implications of various design options. The QuOST module integrates with System 1 to produce costs and quantities from the data it generates. All materials, pipe specifications and other key variables are user-definable. Specifications supported include CESMM, SMM, Method of Measurement for Highway Works and the user's own specifications. In this example we shall see how QuOST uses the parameters defined in a Classification Library to classify each pipe and manhole in the system automatically. We will also use QuOST to calculate the excavation volumes for different construction methods and techniques. The example has three phases: • • •

First we will call a file and use the default classifications to analyse the taking off, etc. Then we will tailor our own set of classifications to our own company needs. Finally we will analyse the network again using the new classifications. The analysis is very quick and as the classifications are saved they may be used on other projects.

Example 11

Page 11.3

Opening QuOST

Open QuOST by clicking on the icon in the Micro Drainage 2014 file, in your start menu. You are presented with the QuOST Open screen.

Select Open Existing File by double clicking on the icon. The data for this example is contained on your master program disk with the file name Example11.mdx. This file will be copied to the hard disk of your PC when you install Micro Drainage. The first time you open a design in QuOST it is classified with the current (default) library. To change the library, select Network Classifications from the Network menu. Click the Classifications button on the Network Classifications toolbar. Classifications Click the Import icon and select the file Example11.tokx. The classifications library is now loaded; this will be saved within Example11.mdx the next time you save the file. Click the OK button. A full breakdown of the job is immediately available; select Take Off Data from the Results menu. Take Off Data A Windows Explorer-style screen appears, showing a summary of the Take Off data. A full take off of the job is presented to you.

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Example 11

The data can be viewed in a number of ways, either as a summation of totals of pipe / manhole types or as an individual breakdown of each pipe run, manholes and materials.

If you expand the Project icon in the tree (by clicking the small +), a series of sub-menus (branches) appear. These give you a breakdown for the project, enabling you to work with as much or as little detail as you require. Try expanding different branches in the tree to see the different sets of data available. Highlight an entry and the corresponding data is displayed on the right of the screen. The program has applied a classification from our library to each of the pipes and manholes in the network based on a set of pre-defined rules. However it is unlikely in a real job that the whole network will automatically be classified correctly.

Example 11

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Network Classifications

To change any of the classifications, select Network Classifications from the Network menu. Network Classifications

A Pipe Type and Manhole Type can be chosen for each pipe in the network. Click on the small arrow to see a list of all the available entries. There is an entry on the list for each item in the Classification library. Try changing the Pipe Type for Pipe 1.000. The entry turns red. This is similar to System 1 and denotes user specification. If the program chooses a class it is displayed in blue. Move the cursor to the second pipe. The Pipe Class for Pipe 1.000 is shown on a yellow background. QuOST allows the user to choose any of the available classes for any location in the network. However if this breaks one of the rules defined in the library the entry is highlighted in yellow. We will look at defining classification rules later in this example.

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Example 11

To return the pipe to its original class select Re-classify from the list.

Most specifications require ground level data at a given interval between the manholes. QuOST can divide the total length by up to ten intervals, with the facility to assign ground levels to the intermediate chainages. These values are taken into account when the volumes of excavation and pipe lengths for different depth bandings are calculated. Sometimes a pipe or manhole cannot be classified under any of the available options. In this case the spreadsheet will display Re-classify and the user should select the pipe or manhole type they wish to use. QuOST incorporates many of the graphic features of Micro Drainage, including the Network Schematic and Longsections resources. These can be accessed via the icons on the toolbar in the usual way, or from the Graphics menu. In this example we have based the taking off on Sewers For Adoption and CESMM, as these dictate how the measurements are classified. The table can be set up for any specification, and is split into seven different fields. These are General Items, Pipes, Manholes, Depth bands, Miscellaneous, Storage Structures and Flow Controls. (The last two are only available if Simulation is available).

The Classification Library

Open the Classification Library by selecting the Classifications Library button from the Network Classifications toolbar. Classifications Library

Example 11

Page 11.7

General classifications

These settings cover the basic elements used in the construction of manholes and pipelines. These include manhole cover types and the general materials used, such as pipe surrounds and the concrete used for the construction of manhole bases and the surrounds to the manhole rings. As the table shows, in this example there are three different manhole covers specified: heavy, medium and light. The description field allows a full description of the cover to be entered for reference purposes. Each cover type can be assigned to a different type of manhole classification. The Material Types section allows the entry of all the different types of materials that will be used. These may include the types of concrete and granular surround for pipe bedding. Note that here we have specified all concrete for the bases and manhole surrounds as Class C20 and that the pipe bedding is either granular Type A or B.

To proceed, click on the Pipes tab.

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Example 11


The classification of the pipes is based on the diameter and the proposed depth of construction. Most pipes are made either from clay or concrete. Clay is generally used for smaller diameter pipes: 100, 150, 225, 300, 375 and 400 mm. Above 400 mm, clay becomes expensive and less robust. Accordingly, concrete is used for pipes of 400 mm or greater.

The depth at which the pipe will be laid is also important in determining the pipe specification. The deeper the pipe, the greater the external loading it will have to bear. Within CESMM (Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement) there are eight different classes of pipe, all of which are available in the pipe classification list. You can scroll through these using the arrows at the bottom of the page. The Navigation Bar

Example 11

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The order of these groupings is critical for automatic classification. QuOST tests each pipe in the network against each of the pipe classes, always beginning with the first in the list. If this pipe does not match the specification, it automatically moves to the next in the list. If no match is found, the pipe will be deemed unclassified. Controls are given to move records within the library, delete records or insert copies. These are shown to the right of the navigation controls. Record Controls Since concrete pipes are the most common, concrete has been placed at the beginning of the pipe Classification Table. The second classification is conduit sections, since most conduits sections are also made of concrete. The third is clay pipes, which are set for lower pipe diameters. A general pipe thickness can be entered for each type of pipe. This value is used when calculating the volume for the pipe surround, since the widths of the trenches are based on a dimension taken from the internal diameter of the pipe. The volume of the outer diameter of the pipe is subtracted from the volume of the trench to give the correct volume fill.

Cost per Metre

This allows the entry of a cost per metre run of the pipe. A total including the cost per metre of the surround material can also be included. Note that the excavation costs and replacement costs are entered on the Depths and Miscellaneous pages.

Bedding/Surround Depth

Pipes are usually laid on a bed of smooth material to minimise the occurrence of high point loads that could damage the pipes. There is a minimum requirement for the depth of this bedding and for the thickness of the material surrounding the top of the pipe. Entering these two factors enables QuOST to calculate the total volume of surround required for each pipe. In most cases, the material will be a granular compound, though other materials are sometimes used. In particular, pipes that are to be laid close to ground level are often encased in concrete for

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Example 11

added robustness. This specification can be changed by selecting Classifications Library button from the Network Classifications toolbar. The list box shows all the materials entered under the General section; click on the arrow to see the list. You can then simply click on the relevant material for the pipe classification in question. Surround Material

Trench widths

Naturally, trench widths vary according to the diameter of the pipe, although minimum widths are usually specified. Most pipes are laid in trenches that have vertical sides; i.e. the width at the bottom is the same as the width at the top. However, when pipes are laid very deep, the sides are usually sloped (or 'battered') to reduce the likelihood of collapsing. The last two fields can be used to take account of this scenario.


This classification has been set up for Sewers for Adoption. Within this, there are six manhole classifications: A, B, C, D, E and F. The classifications are based on the depth and diameter of each manhole. Sewers for Adoption also shows the arrangement of each classification, for example the amount of concrete to be used in the surrounds and the bases. In our example, the first manhole shown is Type A. This should be used when the depth of pipe (to the soffit) is between 3 and 6 metres. These manholes are therefore quite large and in our table we have specified that any manhole greater than 1050 mm in diameter, and with a depth greater than 3 metres, will automatically be classed as a Type A. Each of the remaining types has been set in accordance with Sewers for Adoption. However, we have also included another type, classified Make it C! This is classification 3 - use the scroll arrows to find it.

Example 11

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Most manholes used in drainage are circular, and System 1 specifies circular manholes by default. However if the manhole is between 1 metre and 1.45 metres deep, then Sewers for Adoption states it should be a Type C manhole, which is rectangular. The Make it C! classification enables QuOST to highlight the anomaly, so that you can decide either to make the manhole deeper or change it to the correct size. A full list of the manholes falling into this category is given in the breakdown section of QuOST. Note: If you are not working with Sewers for Adoption, you can enter your own specifications for the classifications you require.

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Example 11


As a rule of thumb, the deeper you lay a pipe, the more expensive it gets. Depths, therefore, are a critical consideration when costing a job. Because the pipes are laid on a gradient, they will usually pass through a series of depth bands. The method of specifying the length of pipe allowable between different depth band increments varies according to the specification you are working to. In this example, the increments are 0.5 metres below a depth of 1.5 metres, which is in line with CESMM. QuOST will automatically calculate the length of pipe within each band. If you enter the excavation cost per cubic metre for each band, the program will also work out the total cost for this aspect of the job.

Example 11

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Here we find all the additional variables that contribute to the costs and quantities of the job. These fields enable you to enter values for Blinding concrete, the replacement of excavated material and the cost of removing the material displaced by the pipe and its surround material. The Reinstatement costs cover general landscaping and the Bulking Factor allows you to cost the percentage increase in the volume of the material to be removed.

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Example 11

Storage Structures (Simulation only)

QuOST allows storage structures to be included in the costing. Each type of storage structure can be individually priced based on cost per m3. The infiltration structures can only be priced if Source Control is available.

Flow Controls (Simulation only)

QuOST also allows flow controls to be included in the costing. Each type of control can be priced individually.

Example 11

Page 11.15

Building a classification table

Now we will build our own classification table to a site-specific specification (as set out below).

MD Pipe Specification Pipe Type Clay Clay Concrete Concrete

Strength of Pipe Standard Super Standard Super

Diameters (mm) 100 - 375 100 – 375 375 – 1800 375 - 1800

Pipe Thickness 50 75 75 75

Min Depth 0 1.200 0 1.600

Max Depth 1.200 2.000 * 1.600 6.000

*Any pipe greater than 2 metres deep should be concrete

MD Manhole Specification TYPE 1 2 3 4

Cover Type Light Medium Heavy Heavy

Diameters (mm) 1050 – 1200 1200 + 1350 – 1500 1500 – 4000

Min Depth 0 1.0 2.0 2.0

Max Depth 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0

All manhole bases shall be 300mm deep and have 75mm of blinding concrete. Trench Construction Pipe Diameter (mm) < 375 375 – 450 450 – 600 600 – 900 900 >

Trench Width (mm) 300 + pipe diameter 500 + pipe diameter 500 + pipe diameter 500 + pipe diameter 750 + pipe diameter

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Example 11

Depth Bands

Lengths of pipe will be classified in bands of 250mm below a depth of 1 metre.


All clay pipes will be bedded and covered with surround type Agg 1 and all concrete pipes will have surround type Agg 2, to a depth of 300mm above and below the pipe. The concrete for manhole surrounds shall be 150mm thick type Con 1 and the concrete used in pipe surrounds shall be type Con 2.

General Classes

To start entering a new Classification Library click the New icon. If a prompt appears asking you to Save click No. New Classification Click on the General tab and you are ready to begin. From the specification shown below, enter all the data referring to the manhole covers, together with the materials used in the construction of the manholes and pipe runs. To do this, simply click in the relevant field and type in the entry.

Example 11

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In this example we will not be specifying any unit costs for the project. Once the data has been entered we can move on to the pipe entries by selecting the Pipes tab.

Pipe Classes

The specification has four types of pipes, but the trench width will vary according to the pipe diameter. We will therefore specify six different entries to accommodate the change in trench width for pipes over 900mm in diameter. For the first pipe, enter Clay - Standard Strength for diameters 100 – 375mm. From the specification above, we can enter all the relevant data in the boxes provided.

The entry for Surround Material is selected by using the drop down box. Click on the arrow and the program will give you the range of materials you specified in the General Items. For the first pipe class, choose Agg 1. When the data entry is complete click the New Record button to save this classification and move onto the next one. New Record

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Example 11

Alternatively use the Copy button to produce an identical record to the one you've just entered. This limits data entry if several classes share similar characteristics. Copy Proceed to enter the data for the other 5 pipe classes as shown.

Example 11

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Note: We have used the postfix T1 and T2 to distinguish between the two different trench widths. It is important to use different names so that we can tell which classification has been used to generate the Taking Off information.

Manhole Classes

The specification contains four types of manholes. QuOST will dynamically change the type of manhole based on the diameter and depth of the pipe. All the manholes on this project are circular, so we need only insert the data for the minimum and maximum diameters, together with construction details such as surround thickness, base depths and so on. Use the drop-down menus to select the correct cover type and material type for each manhole. As before, use the arrows to move to the next entries, or use Copy and amend the data to suit each manhole type.

Page 11.20

Depth Bands

Example 11

QuOST will automatically calculate the length of each pipe run that falls within each individual banding. The specification states that pipes at a depth of less than 1 metre from ground level to the invert shall be classified in one band. After 1 metre, the banding increments go up in steps of 250mm. Enter the data as shown.

Example 11

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Miscellaneous Items, Storage Structures and Flow Controls

Here we can specify costs for the excavated material. We cost the volume for replacement and removal, but we also specify a reinstatement cost per square metre. This function is useful for the reinstatement of roads or verges. A price for blinding concrete can also be assigned, in addition to a bulking factor, expressed as a percentage. Costs for storage structures and flow controls can also be specified in the respective tabs allowing the whole design to be priced. We are not producing costings for this example so all the entries can be left as 0.

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Example 11

Re-Classify The classifications library can be saved and used on future projects by clicking on Export and enter the file name as Example11a.tokx. Export Then click OK to proceed. The Storm file we loaded at the beginning of this example will still be open. QuOST will have automatically applied the new library and produced new Taking Off information. When you open the Taking Off information you are presented with a warning.

Network Classifications To see how the classifications have been applied and which pipes are unclassified open the Network Classifications. Network Classifications. As you scroll through the network classifications sheet you will see that QuOST has assigned the correct pipe type and manhole type for each pipe run. You will also notice that there are a number of pipes that do not have a pipe or a manhole assigned to them. Indeed, in two cases there is neither a pipe classification nor a manhole type specified. In these cases the pipes have fallen between the classifications. We can now look into these cases in more depth and assign the classifications manually.

Example 11

Page 11.23

Unclassified Pipes

Pipes 4.002, 4.003, 4.004 and 5.004 have no pipe types assigned to them.

Pipes 4.002, 4.003, 4.004 and 5.004

These pipes are all 225mm diameter and have depths greater than 2m. In the classification table, we have specified clay pipes to be assigned for depths less than 2m. However, the maximum depth for these four pipes is 2.419m. Click on the Classifications icon again. Classifications Click on the Pipes tab and use the cursor buttons to move to the second entry (Clay – Super Strength). Change the maximum depth from 2.000m to 2.500m. Then click OK. The Network Classifications shows that all the pipes have now been classified.

Unclassified Manholes

Manholes 24 and 25 are also unclassified. These two manholes do not fall within a classification range and are both 1200mm in diameter. In the manhole classification table, 1200mm manholes are classified as Type 2, but the maximum depth has been set to 2m. Accordingly, we will manually select Type 2 for these manholes by clicking on Type 2 in the drop down box.

The manholes are highlighted in yellow to indicate that they do not fulfil the specified rules. (It may be appropriate to return to System 1 and alter the manhole diameters to 1350mm and use a Type 3 manhole). All the pipes and manholes have now been assigned a type and the classifications are satisfactory.

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Example 11

Taking Off

When you are satisfied that all the specifications and classifications are correct, you can view the Taking Off data. Select Take Off Data from the Results menu. Take Off Data This time there is no warning as all the pipes and manholes have been classified. It is important that the Taking Off information is not used whilst this warning is present. Totals for pipe lengths, excavation volumes etc do not take unclassified entries into account! The data can be calculated by defining the lengths of pipe runs in two different formats. In the toolbar menu, use the pull down menu for Length Calc's based on to switch between Centre-Centre and True Length. Centre-Centre is the length calculated from the centre of one manhole to the centre of the other manhole. True Length is the actual length of pipe, measured from the inside faces of the manholes.

Example 11

Page 11.25


The breakdown for the project gives an overview of the design as a whole, with total numbers of pipes, total length and an overview of the volume of the pipe capacity. A summation of manholes is also given, showing the number, the accumulated depth and the total volume in the manholes.


The subheadings under the Totals listing give a complete summation for each classification. Total lengths, numbers and volumes are all given. Click on the Totals menu to view the totals for manholes and pipes.


Breakdown will give you a fully itemised bill of all the pipes, manholes and material, broken down either by size or by class. It also gives locations, lengths and depths. Open the Breakdown folder and have a look at the entries. Finally click on the Ground Works folder under Breakdown and select Depth Bands. You will now be presented with a full breakdown for every pipe, showing how much of that individual pipe falls within each depth band. This is shown instantly, eliminating a costly and time-consuming manual task that has been the scourge of engineers and technicians for years.

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 07/01/2014 File Example11.mdx XP Solutions

Page 26 Example 11 QuOST Quantities & Costings Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2013.1.7 Classification Classification Example Specification Currency Symbol £

Manhole Covers Name


Light Light Duty, residential only Medium Medium Duty, light traffic Heavy Heavy Duty, main roads

Material Types Name Cost (£/m³) Con Con Agg Agg

1 2 1 2


0.00 Concrete for manholes 0.00 Concrete for pipes 0.00 Surround for clay pipes 0.00 Surround for concrete pipes Pipe Types

Name / Description Clay - Standard strength Design Diameter Min/Max (mm) 100 / 375 Cover Depth for Pipe Min/Max (m) 0 / 1.2 Pipe Thickness (mm) 50 Cost (£/m) 0 Bedding / Surround Depth below pipe (mm) 300 Bedding / Surround Depth above pipe (mm) 300 Surround Material Agg 1 Trench Width at base : D + mm 300 Trench Width at cover : D + mm 300 Trench Depth at Width change (m) 0 Working Surface : D + mm 300 Name / Description Clay - Super Strength Design Diameter Min/Max (mm) 100 / 375 Cover Depth for Pipe Min/Max (m) 1.2 / 2.5 Pipe Thickness (mm) 75 Cost (£/m) 0 Bedding / Surround Depth below pipe (mm) 300 Bedding / Surround Depth above pipe (mm) 300 Surround Material Agg 1 Trench Width at base : D + mm 300 Trench Width at cover : D + mm 300 Trench Depth at Width change (m) 0 Working Surface : D + mm 300 Name / Description Concrete - Standard - T1 Design Diameter Min/Max (mm) 375 / 900 Cover Depth for Pipe Min/Max (m) 0 / 1.6 Pipe Thickness (mm) 75 Cost (£/m) 0 Bedding / Surround Depth below pipe (mm) 300 Bedding / Surround Depth above pipe (mm) 300 Surround Material Agg 2 Trench Width at base : D + mm 500 ©1982-2013 XP Solutions

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 07/01/2014 File Example11.mdx XP Solutions

Page 27 Example 11 QuOST Quantities & Costings Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2013.1.7 Pipe Types Trench Width at cover : D + mm Trench Depth at Width change (m) Working Surface : D + mm

500 0 500

Name / Description Concrete - Standard - T2 Design Diameter Min/Max (mm) 901 / 1800 Cover Depth for Pipe Min/Max (m) 0 / 1.6 Pipe Thickness (mm) 75 Cost (£/m) 0 Bedding / Surround Depth below pipe (mm) 300 Bedding / Surround Depth above pipe (mm) 300 Surround Material Agg 2 Trench Width at base : D + mm 750 Trench Width at cover : D + mm 750 Trench Depth at Width change (m) 0 Working Surface : D + mm 750 Name / Description Concrete - Super - T1 Design Diameter Min/Max (mm) 375 / 900 Cover Depth for Pipe Min/Max (m) 1.6 / 6 Pipe Thickness (mm) 100 Cost (£/m) 0 Bedding / Surround Depth below pipe (mm) 300 Bedding / Surround Depth above pipe (mm) 300 Surround Material Agg 2 Trench Width at base : D + mm 500 Trench Width at cover : D + mm 500 Trench Depth at Width change (m) 0 Working Surface : D + mm 500 Name / Description Concrete - Super - T2 Design Diameter Min/Max (mm) 901 / 4800 Cover Depth for Pipe Min/Max (m) 1.6 / 6 Pipe Thickness (mm) 100 Cost (£/m) 0 Bedding / Surround Depth below pipe (mm) 300 Bedding / Surround Depth above pipe (mm) 300 Surround Material Agg 2 Trench Width at base : D + mm 750 Trench Width at cover : D + mm 750 Trench Depth at Width change (m) 0 Working Surface : D + mm 750

Manhole Types Name / Description TYPE 1 Internal Diameter Min/Max (mm) 1050 / 1200 Internal Width Min/Max (mm) 0 / 0 Ring Depth Min/Max (m) 0 / 1.5 Cover Type Light Cost (£/m deep) 0 Ring Thickness (mm) 150 Surround Material Con 1 Surround Thickness (mm) 150 Base Height (mm) 300 Base Material Con 1 Blinding Height (mm) 75 Additional Costs (£) 0 ©1982-2013 XP Solutions

XP Solutions Jacobs Well West Street Newbury RG14 1BD Date 07/01/2014 File Example11.mdx XP Solutions

Page 28 Example 11 QuOST Quantities & Costings Designed by XP Solutions Checked by Network 2013.1.7 Manhole Types

Name / Description TYPE 2 Internal Diameter Min/Max (mm) 1200 / 0 Internal Width Min/Max (mm) 0 / 0 Ring Depth Min/Max (m) 1 / 2 Cover Type Medium Cost (£/m deep) 0 Ring Thickness (mm) 150 Surround Material Con 1 Surround Thickness (mm) 150 Base Height (mm) 300 Base Material Con 1 Blinding Height (mm) 75 Additional Costs (£) 0 Name / Description TYPE 3 Internal Diameter Min/Max (mm) 1350 / 1500 Internal Width Min/Max (mm) 0 / 0 Ring Depth Min/Max (m) 2 / 3 Cover Type Heavy Cost (£/m deep) 0 Ring Thickness (mm) 150 Surround Material Con 1 Surround Thickness (mm) 150 Base Height (mm) 300 Base Material Con 1 Blinding Height (mm) 75 Additional Costs (£) 0 Name / Description TYPE 4 Internal Diameter Min/Max (mm) 1500 / 4000 Internal Width Min/Max (mm) 0 / 0 Ring Depth Min/Max (m) 2 / 4 Cover Type Heavy Cost (£/m deep) 0 Ring Thickness (mm) 150 Surround Material Con 1 Surround Thickness (mm) 150 Base Height (mm) 300 Base Material Con 1 Blinding Height (mm) 75 Additional Costs (£) 0

Depth Bands Depth
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