July 26, 2017 | Author: Hernandez De la Vega | Category: N/A
rrrrlld it-"15r*lr:trt3'|r3
Ft*r.p frrDS flaD3
iili*srl::' EffilTlmi?Eiffi
tf|| cioaatttl GiorD& tdaF
ttr l: tll illl
C Mejor C MelodicMinor C HamonicMinor
tll I t *! llll
C Major C MclodioMnor Mlnor C Hannonio
ft a!
C Maior C M€lodicMinor Minor c Harmonic
PIea*beadvied thatrF.utho.udpqbtislrer!.lanorc6"otuibilitywh.tscv6 . 6d ay {and aI)
[email protected] .nd wdlprrenietr-innicted iniuie! d-t *i ;;;; qpoErt the mrerid in thB b@L ffhis 6 eepecir|ly Etevut in F8.d ro the tefi hand nn86, wilt, 6oHrr sho{dder muscts, tenaos, boGs, cart lge, ;flel" ptc.,.l .t.) Any
Suii.'ilt who sqkr with thi6 b@k is 8oin8 to b. expGed to tileFJy hu. , . dBrs orchor&rh.r_inrckelrPrche.nd 6i€€,i;s d'fuuir;rl,.i-wix;i.ffi;
|w {d unrdiliE Bepdtiolatty c.utiG ;d, d.lodils voicd;'d_i;: doh the dryerbo{d. wid, ach Nw de*Fdllg choid,tlE_disr.G b.*l;A;; gadu.Iy inoEs,
E!.h (ard *ery) tuitarist musr@rinu@dy Mi!o! dF *@tim . , rhevlqeiw h their lefr {Enssihd h.nd. Effi 6 rhe dde of 6ein8lryry ;;f,,t. w.ay !oro." pe'rEFit wouldbeffi rater k putl rhi;w.y,hJ *, i\-.-;;f;ih" ti*,lir,ijjii of dy dis(td|IdHs ilE way ro go,, Thepbblqntieswftfirhe[..rrh.t.t €€pclant"Seoftsm!{i.tisqoiEtobe Ew !o prtty ouch eve.y 8ur.,6t who beriE to wdfwi* rt. v** s_-d;.r"il
phr. whore burd of6tufrhltisn;t ody tw r,o,r,"* u,ij;.t*"iJ,ii T':rR k ald @.nFuinc tud io ir th@ is a teid*y to _*t t .*,a. u.,{r jil r"' lTEnr |w qMdB @ h.E e
dmBr Mr@riel*! .ff€cr.TIE ei p€t6 up, rlr mind@06 irto $irp ro.us,rhe@otioBlesin to s4 theiMginatio be8ire t p-y"c t ,t y@ u DeaDreb @.ll this g'st tuf to @iretery " ^'*hbto; p""pi. erFre or ytu tefth.n|A -rG -iC --|B-.i^--r .iG..|F iE -rD\C1B 1E -sD -.|A -aE -{t.-ic -iG 18 -*F --r^-}c--rF -iE -'lt1c "iG -rB -rf ..|F iG -iC..'B\A -.|E-.'D -iA 1G--* -*I,1C-.|B -*
1A-{G--rF -.|ByA--r -rC -.|E --r --rD
thi. mt examplesh(M a odtshat
r@ h.pFnihgr trc voiG rEve in 3ds...
VERSTONA ml(e6 a nie xut r duo.
\4R5|ONBshow aJod3)nu 2rrung.
-':t D
)E =1
B ''C-. -t A, ,
F )G t-r E .tF ) F ' 1 D-, E "rC )D"-B ) -'r a r'B - r G.-A --|F-rG=r G
:t.o-.c + D\c\B o"r*' { J t a-rA-G + -c5B-raA\G\F+ G\F_rE+ FrEr c.*o { ! -_* F5E aD E\DFra D-c*; :-..e r c-r8-*a B-raic_ a-*G\F + €rFa -
IErArG?: - - c _ ........_ r'so IL --A+
+ D ---+ B Arcir
ErDrc +a__
+c__+ CIFiE
- Drc-a-
F +cr
a-a|lDnltf|tlrrrroaatfrta-tE And two !!lm o(dpl6 of the "toe,s2 n6 2 Thing" with pasiry rd€ betecenO,irds
Ft rT T T
D - D "- c---ra _ A _
A'. -r
B -'r A=|F _ F_ F -.-rEb--.rcG -'r Eb- Eb- Eb'-r D --r B - B -
c - - . |8 \ * G_
rc'rr66-C- c --BrAlG
c _ G -_ *F -.r
D*CiB -.c =_
E_ Fr6r
rUE,FGAb y eEbr E nCAL O
D - D - D --.| B --r ab_ Ab_ B '.-^ G---rF _ F_ F..*D..i F '..r Eb- Eb- Eb--r C ---Bc- C'} Ab-- G - G - G-i .-q '-! B*rG --
rr _--__+E"_B
- c-crB{,--c
D.c"B-t --BiD.4
_-r Ab C _ *' B _ Eb\ &rcr
F ,BrD^, -__+ c_ ___ B_B_
-G --
ln|lrtflllGsroa crtdd So fd, within the fabri< ohhe M-tlde re hlw idatifieil an l l,ed t$b f.inili6: Triads 6d lpart 4th voi.inSF. Ir y@ lmerD.q re d€sdiH tt@ 6'Fn "{PPIe rnqits" fd {E +Pa!t .hdds l Thd ft. in fac! 3 other m@beD of the lPan.hod fdiues. Thsy wdtd !€ the fou@inF ]pan SpRid CEteF,7th c}Drd lno sthlald ?th ClDtd Irc Jtdl rte ]Pan but thlv e thae, qthin th. M-L.de (wlucl| i! chods h;ve;t ben DE\'ITFED 6 'uch to ey that th€t luve t€6 IOLIND). AU of ttEn d b€ di3@€Ed by eiplding dE }Fn to levinS out mof the oph;roof Ule+pdt dlotds. [r y@ tqer Ea iliBt do6b po$ible bed nBtidEd dtier...l onisuati(B v;€...1 Th@ ;f 4 ld hrs Ahe Dce:bjlities tum dt bota gEe of tE Eet "8uita.fti4dly" optim fd 6 euit{i3ts. Alhdt aI o{ ttte$ e mud estq to PLy, ftm a guit rilb P€rsFcliw Atd th€y abll h.ve Uqt codtDdling "MLSTC-REruCA" slMd .nd etrecl,whid is the eu]t of the @siltent I.n4 t i"lie\€, ereXmtl voele.diry- Th* ?Pa.t rcicirys hie mt bet NAMED b€EU!€ thAlS thE NAME OfVOI1J$2: DO NOT NAME IM*T CHORD' Trct me, in vol@
3, @11 takea stab.t tiving lhd 3ift
mrE tro{t atrsLloGtldtt|e
who @'tplay