Michel Thomas French,German,Spanish,Italian Review Courses Transcripts

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Michel Thomas

Foundation and advanced review course transcripts French German Spanish Italian Version 1.1



Content French - Foundation review course ................................................................................................................... 4 Recording 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Recording 2 .................................................................................................................................................. 14 French - Advanced review course ................................................................................................................... 26 German - Foundation review course ............................................................................................................... 41 Recording 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 41 Recording 2 .................................................................................................................................................. 50 German - Advanced review course ................................................................................................................. 58 Spanish - Foundation review course ............................................................................................................... 69 Recording 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 69 Recording 2 .................................................................................................................................................. 79 Spanish - Advanced review course .................................................................................................................. 91 Italian - Foundation review course ................................................................................................................ 105 Recording 1 ................................................................................................................................................ 105 Recording 2 ................................................................................................................................................ 117 Italian - Advanced review course .................................................................................................................. 130


French - Foundation review course Recording 1 Track 01 possible table comfortable it is / that is It is possible. It is comfortable. It is good. It is very good. It is very comfortable. It is probable. It is acceptable. It is for me. It is for you. It is very comfortable for me. it is not Not for me, thank you. It is not for me. It is not very comfortable for me. Track 02 It is like that (that way). It is not like that. It is not possible for me that way. I'm sorry... I'm sorry but... I'm sorry but it is not very comfortable for me that way. It is very remarkable. considerable Track 03 different important It is not very different that way. But it is very important for me. evident recent constant necessary It is not necessary for me. contrary military vocabulary I would like...

possible table confortable c'est C'est possible. C'est confortable. C'est bon. C'est très bon. C'est très confortable. C'est probable. C'est acceptable. C'est pour moi. C'est pour vous. C'est très confortable pour moi. ce n'est pas Pas pour moi, merci. Ce n'est pas pour moi. Ce n'est pas très confortable pour moi. C'est comme ça. Ce n'est pas comme ça. Ce n'est pas possible pour moi comme ça. Je regrette... Je regrette mais... Je regrette mais ce n'est pas très confortable pour moi comme ça. C'est très remarquable. considérable différent important Ce n'est pas très différent comme ça. Mais c'est très important pour moi. évident récent constant nécessaire Ce n'est pas nécessaire pour moi. contraire militaire vocabulaire Je voudrais... 4

I would like to speak French. I would like to speak French with you. Will you speak French with me? Will you come with me? Will you eat? Track 04 to come to go Will you go eat with me? Where? Where do you want to go? Where do you want to go eat? It is for tonight. It is for me. Where do you want to go eat tonight? to have dinner Track 05 I would like to know... I would like to know where... I would like to know where it is. I would like to know how much it is. I would like to eat something. I would like to eat the same thing. Do you want to eat something? Do you want to eat the same thing? The same thing for me, please. I would like the same thing for me, please. Track 06 difference the difference a difference the preference a preference What preference? Do you have a preference? What preference do you have? For what restaurant do you have a preference tonight? condition the condition a condition What condition? position the position a position What position? reservation the reservation a reservation What reservation?

Je voudrais parler français. Je voudrais parler français avec vous. Voulez-vous parler français avec moi? Voulez-vous venir avec moi? Voulez-vous manger? venir aller Voulez-vous aller manger avec moi? Où? Où voulez-vous aller? Où voulez-vous aller manger? C'est pour ce soir. C'est pour moi. Où voulez-vous aller manger ce soir? dîner Je voudrais savoir... Je voudrais savoir où... Je voudrais savoir où c'est. Je voudrais savoir combien c'est. Je voudrais manger quelque chose. Je voudrais manger la même chose. Voulez-vous manger quelque chose? Voulez-vous manger la même chose? La même chose pour moi, s'il vous plaît. Je voudrais la même chose pour moi, s'il vous plaît. différence la différence une différence la préférence une préférence Quelle préférence? Avez-vous une préférence? Quelle préférence avez-vous? Pour quel restaurant avez-vous une préférence ce soir? condition la condition une condition Quelle condition? position la position une position Quelle position? réservation la réservation une réservation Quelle réservation? 5

Do you have a reservation for me for tonight? Track 07 What sort...? What kind of reservation do you have for me for tonight? What kind of reservation do you want for tonight?

Avez-vous une réservation pour moi pour ce soir? Quelle sorte...? Quelle sorte de réservation avez-vous pour moi pour ce soir? Quelle sorte de réservation voulez-vous pour ce soir? Je voudrais une traduction. Voulez-vous faire une réservation pour moi? Quelle sorte de réservation voulez-vous faire? Voulez-vous faire une traduction pour moi? Voulez-vous donner une explication pour moi? passer les vacances Où voulez-vous passer les vacances? la situation Quelle impression avez-vous de la situation?

I would like a translation. Will you make a reservation for me? What kind of reservation do you want to make? Will you make a translation for me? Will you give an explanation for me? to spend the vacation Where do you want to spend the vacation? the situation What impression do you have of the situation? Track 08 political economical philosophical astronomical logical practical It is not logical but it is very practical that way.

politique économique philosophique astronomique logique pratique Ce n'est pas logique mais c'est très pratique comme ça. la situation politique la situation économique la situation politique et économique Je voudrais aller en France. Je voudrais passer les vacances en France.

the political situation the economical situation the political and economical situation I would like to go to France. I would like to spend the vacation(s) in France. Track 09 What impression do you have of the political and economical situation in France at the present time? What kind of reservation do you have for me? What kind of reservation do you want for tonight?

Quelle impression avez-vous de la situation politique et économique en France à présent? Quelle sorte de réservation avez-vous pour moi? Quelle sorte de réservation voulez-vous pour ce soir? C'est très petit. C'est très tard. C'est trop tard. C'est trop pour moi. Il est grand. Elle est grande. C'est trop vite pour moi.

It is very small. It is very late. It is too late. It is too much for me. He is big. She is big/tall. It is too fast for me. Track 10 you speak You speak too fast for me. you go / you are going You are going too fast for me. It is very good. It is so good. if it is so good...

vous parlez Vous parlez trop vite pour moi. vous allez Vous allez trop vite pour moi. C'est très bon. C'est si bon. si c'est si bon... 6

I would like to know if it is so good. I would like to know why it is so good. I would like to know where you are going. I would like to know where you are going to have dinner tonight. Track 11 the door with with me with you bag white wine a glass a glass of white wine I would like a glass of white wine. bottle I would like a bottle. I would like a bottle of white wine. water I would like a glass of water. I would like a glass of mineral water. normal normally general generally animal special It is very special. specially for you cup I would like a cup of coffee. Track 12 still / still more a little I would like a little... later more Will you come later? a little later Will you come a little later? now not now possibly not now, possibly a little later Track 13 I would like to eat something. the same thing I would like to eat the same thing. other the other thing

Je voudrais savoir si c'est si bon. Je voudrais savoir pourquoi c'est si bon. Je voudrais savoir où vous allez. Je voudrais savoir où vous allez dîner ce soir.

la porte avec avec moi avec vous sac vin blanc un verre un verre de vin blanc Je voudrais un verre de vin blanc. bouteille Je voudrais une bouteille. Je voudrais une bouteille de vin blanc. eau Je voudrais un verre d'eau. Je voudrais un verre d'eau minérale. normal normalement général généralement animal spécial C'est très special. spécialement pour vous tasse Je voudrais une tasse de café. encore un peu Je voudrais un peu... plus tard plus Voulez-vous venir plus tard? un peu plus tard Voulez-vous venir un peu plus tard? maintenant pas maintenant possiblement pas maintenant, possiblement un peu plus tard Je voudrais manger quelque chose. la même chose Je voudrais manger la même chose. autre l'autre chose 7

another thing something else I would like something else. to see I would like to see something else. Do you have something else? Do you want something else? Do you want to see something else? Track 14 to have I would like to have something else. I would like to know... another glass (one more) I would like another bottle of white wine. I would like another cup of coffee. I would like another glass of mineral water. Track 15 to leave to speak to go Track 16 to sleep to comprehend / to understand to do / to make Will you come eat with me? I must... I must speak with you. Will you speak French with me? I must know where it is. I am... I am tired. I am very tired now. busy I am very busy now. Track 17 I can I can a little Not for me, thank you. I cannot. I am not. I am not tired now. But I am not very busy now. Track 18 to wait because I'm sorry but I cannot wait because I have to leave now. I'm sorry. Track 19 I would like to speak with you.

une autre chose autre chose Je voudrais autre chose. voir Je voudrais voir autre chose. Avez-vous autre chose? Voulez-vous autre chose? Voulez-vous voir autre chose? avoir Je voudrais avoir autre chose. Je voudrais savoir... encore un verre Je voudrais encore une bouteille de vin blanc. Je voudrais encore une tasse de café. Je voudrais encore un verre d'eau minérale. partir parler aller dormir comprendre faire Voulez-vous venir manger avec moi? Je dois... Je dois parler avec vous. Voulez-vous parler français avec moi? Je dois savoir où c'est. Je suis... Je suis fatigué. Je suis très fatigué maintenant. occupé Je suis très occupé maintenant. Je peux Je peux un peu Pas pour moi, merci. Je ne peux pas. Je ne suis pas. Je ne suis pas fatigué maintenant. Mais je ne suis pas très occupé maintenant. attendre parce que Je regrette mais je ne peux pas attendre parce que je dois partir maintenant. Je suis désolé. Je voudrais parler avec vous. 8

I have to speak with you. you speak Do you speak? / Are you speaking? Do you speak French? Do you go? / Are you going? Where are you going? Where are you going to have dinner tonight? Track 20 you leave / you are leaving At what time? At what time are you leaving? to stay you are staying I am staying he is staying she is staying My friend is staying. everybody Everybody is staying. Track 21 I'm not staying. Track 22 I am busy. I am not busy now. ready ready to wear ready to eat I am ready. (masculine) I am ready. (feminine) He is ready. She is ready. Track 23 I am eating I am speaking Do you speak? Are you speaking? you wait Wait! Wait a moment! You are not waiting. You don't wait. Why? Why do you wait? Why are you waiting? Track 24 we are leaving with us we are waiting to start

Je dois parler avec vous. vous parlez Parlez-vous? Parlez-vous français? Allez-vous? Où allez-vous? Où allez-vous dîner ce soir? vous partez À quelle heure? À quelle heure partez-vous? rester vous restez Je reste il reste elle reste Mon ami reste. tout le monde Tout le monde reste. Je ne reste pas. Je suis occupé. Je ne suis pas occupé maintenant. prêt prêt-à-porter prêt-à-manger Je suis prêt. Je suis prête. Il est prêt. Elle est prête. Je mange Je parle Parlez-vous? Parlez-vous? vous attendez Attendez! Attendez un moment! Vous n'attendez pas. Vous n'attendez pas. Pourquoi? Pourquoi attendez-vous? Pourquoi attendez-vous? nous partons avec nous nous attendons commencer 9

you are starting we are starting At what time are you starting? At what time do you start? At what time do we start tomorrow? At what time are we starting tomorrow? I am starting I am not starting. he is starting she is starting She is not starting. She doesn't start. it / this / that It starts. It is ready. It is starting. It is very important. It is not necessary. It is not ready. It is not starting. It doesn't start. he can she can It can start now. It must start now. It cannot start. Track 25 to arrive At what time are you arriving? At what time do we arrive in Paris tomorrow morning? to spend the whole morning this evening to spend the whole evening good day day to spend the whole day in / to (for cities) in Paris / to Paris in / to France in / to England in London / to London I am arriving Track 26 he is arriving she is arriving soon so long (until soon) She is arriving soon. today

vous commencez nous commençons À quelle heure commencez-vous? À quelle heure commencez-vous? À quelle heure commençons-nous demain? À quelle heure commençons-nous demain? Je commence Je ne commence pas. il commence elle commence Elle ne commence pas. Elle ne commence pas. ça Ça commence. C'est prêt. Ça commence. C'est très important. Ce n'est pas nécessaire. Ce n'est pas prêt. Ça ne commence pas. Ça ne commence pas. il peut elle peut Ça peut commencer maintenant. Ça doit commencer maintenant. Ça ne peut pas commencer. arriver À quelle heure arrivez-vous? À quelle heure arrivons-nous à Paris demain matin? passer la matinée ce soir passer la soirée bonjour jour passer la journée à à Paris en France en Angleterre à Londres J'arrive il arrive elle arrive bientôt à bientôt Elle arrive bientôt. aujourd'hui 10

the restaurant at / to the restaurant the office I am at the office. not today to be here I would like to be here with you. At what time are you going to be here? I have I have something for you. I have a message for you. Track 27 he has He has something for you. I don't have he doesn't have hunger I am hungry. I would like to eat something now because I'm hungry. I'm going I'm going to stay here. I'm going to leave soon. I'm not going to stay. I'm going to eat. I'm going to start soon. I'm not going to leave today. he is going He is going to start soon. there He is there. He is not there. Track 28 Who? Who is there? My friend is there. Everybody is there. nobody the person a person Nobody is in. / Nobody is there. Everybody is ready. I'm going to be ready soon. He is going to be ready soon. She is going to be ready soon. Who is going to be there tonight? Track 29 all / everything everything is going

le restaurant au restaurant le bureau Je suis au bureau. pas aujourd'hui être ici Je voudrais être ici avec vous. À quelle heure allez-vous être ici? J'ai J'ai quelque chose pour vous. J'ai un message pour vous. il a Il a quelque chose pour vous. Je n'ai pas il n'a pas faim J'ai faim. Je voudrais manger quelque chose maintenant parce que j'ai faim. Je vais Je vais rester ici. Je vais partir bientôt. Je ne vais pas rester. Je vais manger. Je vais commencer bientôt. Je ne vais pas partir aujourd'hui. il va Il va commencer bientôt. là Il est là. Il n'est pas là. Qui? Qui est là? Mon ami est là. Tout le monde est là. personne la personne une personne Personne est là. Tout le monde est prêt. Je vais être prêt bientôt. Il va être prêt bientôt. Elle va être prête bientôt. Qui va être là ce soir? tout tout va 11

Everything is going very well. nothing nothing is going Nothing is going to be ready today. Nothing is ready. Who is ready? Nobody is ready. Everything is ready. Track 30 Everybody is going to be ready soon. it is going How? How is it going? It is going well. It is going very well. It is going very well the way it is (like that). It is going to be ready soon. we are going it is not going It is not going to be ready today but everything is going to be ready for you tomorrow. Track 31 it can Everybody would like to be here. Everybody must leave soon. I speak to understand I understand I don't understand. he understands Nobody understands. you are leaving we are leaving I am leaving Everybody is leaving. I'm waiting Everybody is waiting. Nobody is waiting. Track 32 to take It is taking too much time. It doesn't take too much time. It is not taking too much time. to sell I'm selling he is selling Everybody can start now. Everybody must start now. Track 33 Will you come with me?

Tout va très bien. rien rien va Rien va être prêt aujourd'hui. Rien est prêt. Qui est prêt? Personne est prêt. Tout est prêt. Tout le monde va être prêt bientôt. ça va Comment? Comment ça va? Ça va bien. Ça va très bien. Ça va très bien comme ça. Ça va être prêt bientôt. nous allons ça ne va pas Ça ne va pas être prêt aujourd'hui mais tout va être prêt pour vous demain. ça peut Tout le monde voudrait être ici. Tout le monde doit partir bientôt. Je parle comprendre Je comprends Je ne comprends pas. il comprend Personne comprend. vous partez nous partons Je pars Tout le monde part. J'attends Tout le monde attend. Personne attend. prendre Ça prend trop de temps. Ça ne prend pas trop de temps. Ça ne prend pas trop de temps. vendre Je vends il vend Tout le monde peut commencer maintenant. Tout le monde doit commencer maintenant. Voulez-vous venir avec moi? 12

Will you come have dinner with me at the house tonight because I would like to speak with you. It is very important for me. And I would like to know... ...at what time you are going to be here... ...because I'm going to prepare the dinner for us. Track 34 formation to form to conform to confirm Will you confirm the reservation for me? to observe observation to reserve Will you reserve a table for two for dinner for tonight? to invite to consider to accept Will you accept the condition? to prefer you prefer we prefer I prefer Track 35 I must speak with you. He must be here soon. She must be ready now. He must be ready. It must be ready now. It can be ready. perhaps Perhaps it can be ready now. I do / I'm doing he is doing It makes a big difference that way. to say / to tell Track 36 I say / I tell he says / he tells I see he sees you know we know We don't know. You don't know. Do you know? Do you know where it is? I know

Voulez-vous venir dîner avec moi à la maison ce soir parce que je voudrais parler avec vous. C'est très important pour moi. Et je voudrais savoir... ...à quelle heure vous allez être ici... ...parce que je vais préparer le dîner pour nous. formation former conformer confirmer Voulez-vous confirmer la réservation pour moi? observer observation réserver Voulez-vous réserver une table pour deux pour dîner pour ce soir? inviter considérer accepter Voulez-vous accepter la condition? préférer vous préférez nous préférons Je préfère Je dois parler avec vous. Il doit être ici bientôt. Elle doit être prête maintenant. Il doit être prêt. Ça doit être prêt maintenant. Ça peut être prêt. peut-être Peut-être ça peut être prêt maintenant. Je fais il fait Ça fait une grande différence comme ça. dire Je dis il dit Je vois il voit vous savez nous savons Nous ne savons pas. Vous ne savez pas. Savez-vous? Savez-vous où c'est? je sais 13

I don't know. he knows I know where it is. Track 37 Nobody knows where it is. Everybody knows where it is. Who knows? you have we have we don't have you don't have Do we have? to have to / must you must / you have to we must / we have to We have to leave soon. You have to come with me.

Je ne sais pas. il sait Je sais où c'est. Personne sait où c'est. Tout le monde sait où c'est. Qui sait? vous avez nous avons nous n'avons pas vous n'avez pas Avons-nous? devoir vous devez nous devons Nous devons partir bientôt. Vous devez venir avec moi.

Recording 2 Track 38 You have to wait. He has to wait. I'm going to wait here. Everybody is going to wait. Nobody can wait. Can you? you can I would like to know if you can come with me. Can you wait here? Track 39 we can Who is going? to do it I would like to do it. I must do it. I'm going to do it. I'm not going to do it. We're going to do it. We're not going to do it. You're going to do it. You are not going to do it. Track 40 When? When are you going to do it? He is going to do it. You have to do it. We have to do it / We must do it. I cannot do it now. Can you do it? We cannot do it.

Vous devez attendre. Il doit attendre. Je vais attendre ici. Tout le monde va attendre. Personne peut attendre. Pouvez-vous? vous pouvez Je voudrais savoir si vous pouvez venir avec moi. Pouvez-vous attendre ici? nous pouvons Qui va? le faire Je voudrais le faire. Je dois le faire. Je vais le faire. Je ne vais pas le faire. Nous allons le faire. Nous n'allons pas le faire. Vous allez le faire. Vous n'allez pas le faire. Quand? Quand allez-vous le faire? Il va le faire. Vous devez le faire. Nous devons le faire. Je ne peux pas le faire maintenant. Pouvez-vous le faire? Nous ne pouvons pas le faire. 14

Track 41 to see it to see him I'm going to see it tonight. I'm going to see him tonight. I cannot understand it. I cannot understand him. Track 42 I'm going to take it. I would like to know it. I must know it. I would like to have it. I must have it today. When do you want to have it? to buy I'm going to buy it. Will you prepare it for me? Will you accept the condition? thank you very much much / very much / many I would like very much to accept the condition... ...but I'm sorry... ...but I cannot accept it... ...because it is not acceptable for me that way. I'm going to see him tonight. Track 43 her to see her I'm going to see her tonight. them I'm going to see them tonight. I would like to see you. I hope I hope [that] I'm going to see you tonight... ...because I would like very much to see you. to see us to see me Can you come see me? Track 44 to understand it I cannot understand you. to understand us to understand me Can you understand me? to tell it to tell you to tell us to tell me I must tell you.

le voir le voir Je vais le voir ce soir. Je vais le voir ce soir. Je ne peux pas le comprendre. Je ne peux pas le comprendre. Je vais le prendre. Je voudrais le savoir. Je dois le savoir. Je voudrais l'avoir. Je dois l'avoir aujourd'hui. Quand voulez-vous l'avoir? acheter Je vais l'acheter. Voulez-vous le préparer pour moi? Voulez-vous accepter la condition? merci beaucoup beaucoup Je voudrais beaucoup accepter la condition... ...mais je suis désolé / je regrette... ...mais je ne peux pas l'accepter... ...parce que ce n'est pas acceptable pour moi comme ça. Je vais le voir ce soir. la la voir Je vais la voir ce soir. les Je vais les voir ce soir. Je voudrais vous voir. J'espère J'espère que je vais vous voir ce soir... ...parce que je voudrais beaucoup vous voir. nous voir me voir Pouvez-vous venir me voir? le comprendre Je ne peux pas vous comprendre. nous comprendre me comprendre Pouvez-vous me comprendre? le dire vous dire nous dire me dire Je dois vous dire. 15

I'm going to tell you later. to find we find I find Will you tell me where it is because I cannot find it? Track 45 Can you tell me? dear / expensive dear friend darling It is very expensive. It is too expensive. Will you tell me how much it is... ...because I would like to have it... ...and I'm going to buy it... ...if it is not too expensive I would like to buy it. I'm going to buy it. to call to phone Will you call me later? Track 46 Can you call me later? When can you call me? When are you going to call me? I'm going to call you later. Will you call me later... ...and can you tell me... ...at what time it is going to be ready I have to have it today... ...if it is possible I cannot understand him. Will you wait for me? Can you wait for me? I'm going to wait for you. Track 47 I am in a hurry. I'm sorry but I cannot wait for you because I am very much in a hurry and I have to leave soon. him (to him) to give to carry to wear to bring I'm going to bring you something. the book I'm going to bring you the book. to send I'm going to send him the book.

Je vais vous dire plus tard. trouver nous trouvons Je trouve Voulez-vous me dire où c'est parce que je ne peux pas le trouver? Pouvez-vous me dire? cher cher ami chérie C'est très cher. C'est trop cher. Voulez-vous me dire combien c'est... ...parce que je voudrais l'avoir... ...et je vais l'acheter... ...si ce n'est pas trop cher Je voudrais l'acheter. Je vais l'acheter. appeler téléphoner Voulez-vous m'appeler plus tard? Pouvez-vous m'appeler plus tard? Quand pouvez-vous m'appeler? Quand allez-vous m'appeler? Je vais vous appeler plus tard. Voulez-vous m'appeler plus tard... ...et pouvez-vous me dire... ...à quelle heure ça va être prêt Je dois l'avoir aujourd'hui... ...si c'est possible Je ne peux pas le comprendre. Voulez-vous m'attendre? Pouvez-vous m'attendre? Je vais vous attendre. Je suis pressé. Je regrette mais je ne peux pas vous attendre parce que je suis très pressé et je dois partir bientôt. lui donner porter porter apporter Je vais vous apporter quelque chose. le livre Je vais vous apporter le livre. envoyer Je vais lui envoyer le livre. 16

Track 48 Will you send it to him? When can you send it to him? I'm going to see him tonight and I'm going to give him the book. her (to her) I'm going to see her tonight and I'm going to give her the book. To whom? It is for me. It is for you. It is for us. It is for him. for her with him with her Track 49 I'm going to bring him the book. I'm going to bring her the book. I'm going to bring the book to him. I'm going to bring the book to her. them (implying 'to them') the money I'm going to send them the money. my father my mother with my father with my mother my parents his father his mother his parents her father her mother her parents Track 50 their father their mother their parents I'm going to bring them their book. Will you tell him? Will you tell him that I'm going to call him later? to ask Will you ask him? Will you ask him if he can wait for me? Track 51 I don't have the time. liberty the difficulty the facility

Voulez-vous le lui envoyer? Quand pouvez-vous le lui envoyer? Je vais le voir ce soir et je vais lui donner le livre. lui Je vais la voir ce soir et je vais lui donner le livre. À qui? C'est pour moi. C'est pour vous. C'est pour nous. C'est pour lui. pour elle avec lui avec elle Je vais lui apporter le livre. Je vais lui apporter le livre. Je vais apporter le livre à lui. Je vais apporter le livre à elle. leur l'argent Je vais leur envoyer l'argent. mon père ma mère avec mon père avec ma mère mes parents son père sa mère ses parents son père sa mère ses parents leur père leur mère leurs parents Je vais leur apporter leur livre. Voulez-vous lui dire? Voulez-vous lui dire que je vais l'appeler plus tard? demander Voulez-vous lui demander? Voulez-vous lui demander s'il peut m'attendre? Je n'ai pas le temps. la liberté la difficulté la facilité


the possibility the opportunity the speciality What speciality do you have? What is the speciality of the house? Track 52 the quality What quantity? society to operate to moderate to accelerate to facilitate to negotiate to certify to modify to justify Track 53 I don't have the time. problem It's not the problem. It's not a problem. there is / there are There is a problem. someone There's someone here who would like to speak with you. Is there a message for me? the books Track 54 I'm going to buy books/ some books. There is a message for you. There are messages for you. Are there any messages for me? Is there someone here who speaks English? Track 55 not Not for me. Not now. none of No coffee for me. No problem. No cream for me. No sugar for me. Nobody understands why. I don't understand. I understand it. I don't understand it. Track 56

la possibilité l'opportunité la spécialité Quelle spécialité avez-vous? Quelle est la spécialité de la maison? la qualité Quelle quantité? société opérer modérer accélérer faciliter négocier certifier modifier justifier Je n'ai pas le temps. problème Ce n'est pas le problème. Ce n'est pas un problème. il y a Il y a un problème. quelqu'un Il y a quelqu'un ici qui voudrait parler avec vous. Est-ce qu'il y a un message pour moi? les livres Je vais acheter des livres. Il y a un message pour vous. Il y a des messages pour vous. Il y a des messages pour moi? / Est-ce qu'il y a des messages pour moi? Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un ici qui parle anglais? pas Pas pour moi. Pas maintenant. pas de Pas de café pour moi. Pas de problème. Pas de crème pour moi. Pas de sucre pour moi. Personne comprend pourquoi. Je ne comprends pas. Je le comprends. Je ne le comprends pas. 18

true It is true. It is not true. Is that so? Ah, truly? I don't understand him. I don't understand her. I don't understand them. I don't understand you. He doesn't understand you. He doesn't understand us. He doesn't understand me. I understand you very well. I don't understand you very well. nothing I don't understand anything. I don't see it. I don't see anything. never I never see it. I never understand why. I can never understand. I cannot understand anything. I would like a glass of mineral water. I would like a cup of coffee. It is not possible to do it. Track 57 It is not necessary to do it now. happy She is happy. He is happy. I am happy. I am happy to do it for you. I am very happy to see you. I am very glad to see you. time (sequence of times) once twice three times the first time the next time the last time once more I'm going to see it next time. I see it for the first time. I would like to have the opportunity to see it next time. I don't always have the time to do it. It is always a pleasure to see it. Track 58

vrai C'est vrai. Ce n'est pas vrai. C'est vrai? Ah, vraiment? Je ne le comprends pas. Je ne la comprends pas. Je ne les comprends pas. Je ne vous comprends pas. Il ne vous comprend pas. Il ne nous comprend pas. Il ne me comprend pas. Je vous comprends très bien. Je ne vous comprends pas très bien. rien Je ne comprends rien. Je ne le vois pas. Je ne vois rien. jamais Je ne le vois jamais. Je ne comprends jamais pourquoi. Je ne peux jamais comprendre. Je ne peux rien comprendre. Je voudrais un verre d'eau minérale. Je voudrais une tasse de café. Ce n'est pas possible de le faire. Ce n'est pas nécessaire de le faire maintenant. heureux Elle est heureuse. Il est heureux. Je suis heureux. Je suis heureux de le faire pour vous. Je suis très heureux de vous voir. Je suis très content de vous voir. fois une fois deux fois trois fois la première fois la prochaine fois la dernière fois encore une fois Je vais le vois la prochaine fois. Je le vois pour la première fois. Je voudrais avoir l'opportunité de le voir la prochaine fois. Je n'ai pas toujours le temps de le faire. C'est toujours un plaisir de le voir. 19

I'm taking it. It is taking too much time that way. It is making a big difference that way. I enjoy I'm pleased to see you. I'm very pleased to see you. Track 59 I'm sorry but I don't have the time to do it now because I'm very busy. to decide Will you ask him to do it? Will you ask him to call me later? What do you have? Track 60 What do you have to eat? (What have you got to eat?) to drink What do you have to drink? What is there? What is there to drink? What is there to eat? I have something to tell you. How much time? too much time much time many things I don't have too much time. I'm not going to buy too many things. I have much to do. I have much too much to do. I have nothing to do. Track 61 What difference? What is the difference? between between us between the two / between both What is the difference between the two? What speciality do you have tonight? What address? What is your address? What is your telephone number? What is your name? Track 62 What do you want? What do you want to eat? What do you want to do now? What do you want to know? What do you prefer? What do you think?

Je le prends. Ça prend trop de temps comme ça. Ça fait une grande différence comme ça. Ça me fait plaisir Ça me fait plaisir de vous voir. Ça me fait grand plaisir de vous voir. Je regrette mais je n'ai pas le temps de le faire maintenant parce que je suis très occupé. décider Voulez-vous lui demander de le faire? Voulez-vous lui demander de m'appeler plus tard? Qu'est-ce que vous avez? Qu'est-ce que vous avez à manger? boire Qu'est-ce que vous avez à boire? Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Qu'est-ce qu'il y a à boire? Qu'est-ce qu'il y a à manger? J'ai quelque chose à vous dire. Combien de temps? trop de temps beaucoup de temps beaucoup de choses Je n'ai pas trop de temps. Je ne vais pas acheter trop de choses. J'ai beaucoup à faire. J'ai beaucoup trop à faire. Je n'ai rien à faire. Quelle différence? Quelle est la différence? entre entre nous entre les deux Quelle est la différence entre les deux? Quelle spécialité avez-vous ce soir? Quelle addresse? Quelle est votre addresse? Quel est votre numéro de téléphone? Quel est votre nom? Que voulez-vous? Que voulez-vous manger? Que voulez-vous faire maintenant? Que voulez-vous savoir? Que préférez-vous? Que pensez-vous? 20

What do you have? What is it that you want? What do you know? What do you have for me? Track 63 What do you want to say? / What do you mean? what (in the middle of a sentence) I don't know what I'm going to do today. Nobody knows what it is. Who knows? I don't understand what you mean. Track 64 I want I want it. I don't want it. That's not what I want. That's exactly what I want. I want to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it because I want to see it. That's not what I mean. I don't understand what it means. What does it mean? Track 65 to explain Will you explain to me what you mean? vous voulez dire? I will do it tomorrow. He will be here in a few days. I will arrive tomorrow morning. We will arrive tomorrow morning. Track 66 I will say. / I will tell. I will wait. You will wait. We will wait. He will wait. I will understand. I will not understand it. I won't understand you. He won't understand me. He will tell you. He won't tell me. I will ask you later. Track 67 It will start soon. It will start soon. / It is going to start soon. It starts tomorrow. next week

Qu'avez vous? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez? Qu'est-ce que vous savez? Qu'est-ce que vous avez pour moi? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez dire? / Que voulez-vous dire? ce que Je ne sais pas ce que je vais faire aujourd'hui. Personne sait ce que c'est. Qui sait? Je ne comprends pas ce que vous voulez dire. Je veux Je le veux. Je ne le veux pas. Ce n'est pas ce que je veux. C'est exactement ce que je veux. Je veux le faire. Je vais le faire. Je vais le faire parce que je veux le voir. Ce n'est pas ce que je veux dire. Je ne comprends pas ce que ça veut dire. Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire? expliquer Voulez-vous m'expliquer ce que Je vais le faire demain. Il va être ici dans quelques jours. Je vais arriver demain matin. Nous allons arriver demain matin. Je dirai. J'attendrai. Vous attendrez. Nous attendrons. Il attendra. Je comprendrai. Je ne le comprendrai pas. Je ne vous comprendrai pas. Il ne me comprendra pas. Il vous dira. Il ne me dira pas. Je vous demanderai plus tard. Ça commencera bientôt. Ça va commencer bientôt. Ça commence demain. la semaine prochaine 21

I'm going to see you next week. to lift / to lift up I'm lifting it. He's lifting it. She's lifting it. one is starting One is starting now. Track 68 One is very comfortable here. one is going / we are going One is going to leave. One is going to stay here. / We are going to stay here. Shall we start? Shall we leave? Shall we stay? What shall we do? What shall we eat? What shall we order? What shall we drink? What shall we take? I'm going to have a cup of coffee. to have lunch the lunch Will you have lunch with me? breakfast Will you have breakfast with me tomorrow morning? Track 69 I will do it. Will you come with me? Do you want to come with me? Will you wait for me? Do you want to wait for me? Track 70 I'm getting up (lifting myself up). We are getting up. You are getting up. He is getting up. One is getting up. / We are getting up. I'm going to get up. One is going to get up. / We are going to get up. Shall we get up? Will you get up, please? When (At what time) are you going to get up tomorrow morning? I'm asking I'm asking you.

Je vais vous voir la semaine prochaine. / Je vous vois la semaine prochaine. lever Je le lève. Il le lève. Elle le lève. on commence On commence maintenant. On est très confortable ici. on va On va partir. On va rester ici. On va commencer? On va partir? On va rester? Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire? Qu'est-ce qu'on va manger? Qu'est-ce qu'on va commander? Qu'est-ce qu'on va boire? Qu'est-ce qu'on va prendre? Je vais prendre une tasse de café. déjeuner le déjeuner Voulez-vous déjeuner avec moi? le petit déjeuner Voulez-vous prendre le petit déjeuner avec moi demain matin? Je le ferai. / Je vais le faire. Voulez-vous venir avec moi? Est-ce que vous voulez venir avec moi? / Voulez-vous venir avec moi? Voulez-vous m'attendre? Voulez-vous m'attendre? / Est-ce que vous voulez m'attendre? Je me lève. Nous nous levons. Vous vous levez. Il se lève. On se lève. Je vais me lever. On va se lever. On va se lever? Voulez-vous vous lever, s'il vous plaît? À quelle heure allez-vous vous lever demain matin? Je demande Je vous demande.


I wonder I call I call you. I call you tomorrow. My name is... (I call myself) Track 71 to call back / to recall Will you call me back? I'm going to call you back. Will you tell him to call me back? I call you back later. I remember. (I recall to myself.) I don't remember. to hurry I'm hurrying. I'm going to hurry. I must hurry. One is going to hurry. We are going to hurry. You must hurry. Will you hurry, please. Track 72 in France / to France in England in Italy / to Italy in Germany in Switzerland We are going to Spain. We are going to be in Spain. in California in Japan / to Japan How is it spelt? (How does it write itself?) What price? What is the price? It is how much? Will you write it? Will you write down the price? Track 73 in English in Spanish in passing / while passing in/while waiting / in the meantime of it / from it / some of it / any of it / some (implying 'some of it') / any (implying 'any of it') I want some of it. I don't want any of it. I'm going to buy some. I would like to have some. Do you want to have some? Do you have it?

Je me demande J'appelle Je vous appelle. Je vous appelle demain. Je m'appelle... rappeler Voulez-vous me rappeler? Je vais vous rappeler. Voulez-vous lui dire de me rappeler? Je vous rappelle plus tard. Je me rappelle. Je ne me rappelle pas. se dépêcher Je me dépêche. Je vais me dépêcher. Je dois me dépêcher. On va se dépêcher. Nous allons nous dépêcher. Vous devez vous dépêcher. Voulez-vous vous dépêcher. en France en Angleterre en Italie en Allemagne en Suisse Nous allons en Espagne. Nous allons être en Espagne. en Californie au Japon Comment ça s'écrit? Quel prix? Quel est le prix? C'est combien? Voulez-vous l'écrire? Voulez-vous écrire le prix? en anglais en espagnol en passant en attendant en J'en veux. Je n'en veux pas. Je vais en acheter. Je voudrais en avoir. Voulez-vous en avoir? L'avez-vous? 23

Do you have any of it/ some of it? Do you want some of it? Track 74 enough I have enough. I have enough of it. I'm fed up with it. I really am fed up with it. I need this book. I need to do it. one must One must do it. / It is necessary to do it. I need... It is necessary for me to do it. What do you want to do now? if you want you are Where are you? Are you busy? Are you free? Track 75 Where are you? you are doing/making What are you doing? you are saying/telling What are you saying? I don't understand what you're saying. I'm hurrying because I am in a hurry. Will you hurry, please? Hurry yourself. Track 76 to bother It bothers me. It doesn't bother me. It bothers you. Does it bother you if I smoke? Track 77 information to teach to inform to inform oneself / to get some information I'm going to find out. Track 78 Why don't you tell me? (using a handle) Track 79 I have to leave now. One must leave now. I could I couldn't understand you.

En avez vous? En voulez-vous? assez J'ai assez. J'en ai assez. J'en ai assez. J'en ai marre. J'ai besoin de ce livre. J'ai besoin de le faire. il faut Il faut le faire. Il me faut... Il me faut le faire. Qu'est-ce que vous voulez faire maintenant? si vous voulez vous êtes Où êtes-vous? Êtes-vous occupé? Êtes-vous libre? Où êtes-vous? vous faites Qu'est-ce que vous faites? vous dites Qu'est-ce que vous dites? Je ne comprends pas ce que vous dites. Je me dépêche parce que je suis pressé. Voulez-vous vous dépêcher? Dépêchez-vous. déranger Ça me dérange. Ça ne me dérange pas. Ça vous dérange. Ça vous dérange si je fume? renseignements enseigner renseigner se renseigner Je vais me renseigner. Pourquoi ne pouvez-vous pas me dire? Je dois partir maintenant. On doit partir maintenant. Je pouvais Je ne pouvais pas vous comprendre. 24

He couldn't wait for us. I had to he had to He had to leave. He wanted to wait. He wanted to buy it. I didn't want to buy it. Track 80 I knew I didn't know. I had I didn't have the time to do it. I was it was it was not It was not possible to do it that way... ...because I was very busy. yesterday yesterday morning yesterday afternoon yesterday evening I was there last night... I like / I love I like to do it that way. I love you. I like you. I adore doing it.

Il ne pouvait pas nous attendre. Je devais il devait Il devait partir. Il voulait attendre. Il voulait l'acheter. Je ne voulais pas l'acheter. Je savais Je ne savais pas. J'avais Je n'avais pas le temps de le faire. J'étais c'était ce n'était pas Ce n'était pas possible de le faire comme ça... ...parce que j'étais très occupé. hier hier matin hier après-midi hier soir J'étais là hier soir... J'aime J'aime le faire comme ça. Je vous aime. / Je t'aime. Je vous aime bien. J'adore le faire.


French - Advanced review course Track 01 I want it now. I don't want them. Do you want it? Is it that you want it? You want it? Why do you want it now? Why don't you want it now? Track 02 I don't know what it is. to explain Can you explain to me what it is? What do you want? What do you want to say? What do you mean? I don't understand what you mean. Can you explain to me what you mean? That's not what I mean. It means... What does it mean? I want some/some of it. I don't want any. Track 03 the world everybody Everybody knows where it is. Nobody can find it. Everyone wants to see it. I want them. I don't want them. I don't want anything. Track 04 I don't understand it. I don't understand anything. / I understand nothing. never I never understand what he wants. I don't know anything. I never know. anymore Track 05 I'm going to see it. I'm going there. I would like to go there. (But) I cannot go there now. I'm busy.

Je le veux maintenant. Je ne les veux pas. Le voulez-vous? Est-ce que vous le voulez? Vous le voulez? Pourquoi le voulez-vous maintenant? Pourquoi ne le voulez-vous pas maintenant? Je ne sais pas ce que c'est. expliquer Pouvez-vous m'expliquer ce que c'est? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez dire? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez dire? Je ne comprends pas ce que vous voulez dire. Pouvez-vous m'expliquer ce que vous voulez dire? Ce n'est pas ce que je veux dire. Ça veut dire... Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire? J'en veux. Je n'en veux pas. le monde tout le monde Tout le monde sait où c'est. Personne peut le trouver. Tout le monde veut le voir. Je les veux. Je ne les veux pas. Je ne veux rien. Je ne le comprends pas. Je ne comprends rien. jamais Je ne comprends jamais ce qu'il veut. Je ne sais rien. Je ne sais jamais. plus Je vais le voir. J'y vais. Je voudrais y aller. (Mais) je ne peux pas y aller maintenant. Je suis occupé. 26

with them I'm going to tell him. I'm going to tell her. Will you tell him? Will you tell them? Track 06 the book the pound (£) Track 07 I'm going to send her the money. I'm going to send the money to her. Track 08 I'm going to send it to her. I'm going to send them to her. I'm going to send them to Paris. I'm going to write a letter to them. Will you send it to me? not to him Will you send them to us? not to them Track 09 That is your duty. homework Track 10 How long are you staying? How long are we staying? Track 11 Stay! Stay here! Don't stay! Let's stay! Let's stay here! Let's speak French! Speak French with me! Don't speak English now! Track 12 It is staying. It is not staying. specially normally possibly certainly evidently constantly Track 13 Let's start! At what time are you starting? Start now! I don't understand.

avec eux Je vais lui dire. Je vais lui dire. Voulez-vous lui dire? Voulez-vous leur dire? le livre la livre Je vais lui envoyer l'argent. Je vais envoyer l'argent à elle. Je vais le lui envoyer. Je vais les lui envoyer. Je vais les envoyer à Paris. Je vais leur écrire une lettre. Voulez-vous l'envoyer à moi? pas à lui Voulez-vous nous les envoyer? pas à eux C'est votre devoir. les devoirs Combien de temps restez-vous? Combien de temps restons-nous? Restez! Restez ici! Ne restez pas! Restons! Restons ici! Parlons français! Parlez français avec moi! Ne parlez pas anglais maintenant! Ça reste. Ça ne reste pas. spécialement normalement possiblement certainement évidemment constamment Commençons! À quelle heure commencez-vous? Commencez maintenant! Je ne comprends pas. 27

I don't understand anything. I don't understand any more. my friends My friends are starting. My friends are arriving tonight. Don't leave! He doesn't accept the condition. My friends are arriving. My friends are leaving. They are selling it. they are waiting They are waiting for me. Wait a moment! They're waiting for you. Track 14 I'm leaving they're leaving to sleep I'm sleeping Everybody is sleeping. My friends are sleeping. to serve He is serving the dinner. They are serving the dinner at seven o'clock. Track 15 We are very comfortable here. We are leaving soon. We are going to leave soon. Track 16 We are going to start soon. Track 17 to feel I feel it. They feel it. He feels it. I feel (myself) fine. I don't feel well. Track 18 I feel better. This wine is better than the other. It is the best wine of the house. to smell It smells good. Track 19 I'm not doing it. He's doing it. One is doing it. One is not doing it that way.

Je ne comprends rien. Je ne comprends plus. mes amis Mes amis commencent. Mes amis arrivent ce soir. Ne partez pas! Il n'accepte pas la condition. Mes amis arrivent. Mes amis partent. Ils le vendent. ils attendent Ils m'attendent. Attendez un moment! Ils vous attendent. Je pars ils partent dormir Je dors Tout le monde dort. Mes amis dorment. servir Il sert le dîner. Ils servent le dîner à sept heures. Nous sommes très confortables ici. / On est très confortable ici. / On est très bien ici. Nous partons bientôt. / On part bientôt. Nous allons partir bientôt. / On va partir bientôt. Nous allons commencer bientôt. / On va commencer bientôt. sentir Je le sens. Ils le sentent Il le sent. Je me sens bien. Je ne me sens pas bien. Je me sens mieux. Ce vin est meilleur que l'autre. C'est le meilleur vin de la maison. sentir Ça sent bon. Je ne le fais pas. Il le fait. On le fait. On ne le fait pas comme ça. 28

Track 20 It is making a big difference that way. Track 21 It is too late. It is too much. to work He is working too much. It is taking much too much time like that. Track 22 I'm taking it. He doesn't understand me. Everybody is waiting for me. My friends are waiting for me. Track 23 Dinner is being served. Track 24 I'm putting it on the table. He is putting it on the table. Where are you putting it? Put the book on the table. Don't put it here. Track 25 Let's not start! Let's wait! Let's not wait! Let's put the book on the table. on the floor Don't put it on the floor. Put it here. Track 26 I'm calling you. You're being called. Call me later. Will you wait for me? Track 27 You have to wait for me. One has to wait for me. / One must wait for me. Track 28 I have they have I will leave tomorrow. he will leave they will leave Track 29 I will be able I will have to We will have to leave soon. I will have it. We will have it.

Ça fait une grande différence comme ça. C'est trop tard. C'est trop. travailler Il travaille trop. Ça prend beaucoup trop de temps comme ça. Je le prends. Il ne me comprend pas. Tout le monde m'attend. Mes amis m'attendent. On sert le dîner. Je le mets sur la table. Il le met sur la table. Où le mettez-vous? Mettez le livre sur la table. Ne le mettez pas ici. Ne commençons pas! Attendons! N'attendons pas! Mettons le livre sur la table. par terre Ne le mettez pas par terre. Mettez-le ici. Je vous appelle. On vous appelle. Appellez-moi plus tard. Voulez-vous m'attendre? Vous devez m'attendre. On doit m'attendre. J'ai ils ont Je partirai demain. il partira ils partiront Je pourrai Je devrai Nous devrons partir bientôt. / On devra partir bientôt. Je l'aurai. Nous l'aurons. 29

I will know I will tell you later. I will write to you. I will do it. He won't do it. He won't tell you why he won't do it. Track 30 to commit to omit to permit to submit Track 31 I will take it. I won't understand him. Track 32 I will come we will come to come back I will come back They will come back soon. We will come back soon. We are going to come back soon. Track 33 I will be Track 34 It won't be necessary to do it today. It will take too much time that way. It will take much too much time. It's a pleasure to see you. / I enjoy seeing you. I enjoy very much seeing you. I am looking forward to seeing you. Track 35 I will go we will go they will go you will go I will go there. We will go there tonight. Track 36 I will call you tomorrow. I'm going to call you tomorrow. I call you tomorrow. I call you next week. Track 37 What are you doing? What are you saying? I don't understand what you are saying. Tell me! Don't tell it to me.

Je saurai Je vous dirai plus tard. Je vous écrirai. Je le ferai. Il ne le fera pas. Il ne vous dira pas pourquoi il ne le fera pas. commettre omettre permettre soumettre Je le prendrai. Je ne le comprendrai pas. Je viendrai nous viendrons revenir Je reviendrai Ils reviendront bientôt. Nous reviendrons bientôt. Nous allons revenir bientôt. Je serai Ça ne sera pas nécessaire de le faire aujourd'hui. Ça prendra trop de temps comme ça. Ça prendra beaucoup trop de temps. Ça me fait plaisir de vous voir. Ça me fait grand plaisir de vous voir. Ça me fera plaisir de vous voir. J'irai nous irons ils iront vous irez J'y irai. Nous y irons ce soir. Je vous appellerai demain. Je vais vous appeler demain. Je vous appelle demain. Je vous appelle la semaine prochaine. Qu'est-ce que vous faites? Qu'est-ce que vous dites? Je ne comprends pas ce que vous dites. Dites-moi! Ne me le dites pas. 30

Don't tell it to him. Don't tell it to her. Track 38 we know Track 39 to learn to take back we understand you understand Do you understand? Do you understand it? Do you understand me? We are taking it. Why don't you take it? they are taking Track 40 we have you have he is they are They are not there. They are not in. He isn't in. Track 41 they are doing They are doing it. They are not doing it. Track 42 Did you speak? When did you speak with him? What did you buy? He prepared the dinner. The picture started. Track 43 already still / still more a little more not yet We have not yet started. The picture started already. two days ago Track 44 I have it. I bought it. I didn't buy it. I did not buy them. I bought some for you. I didn't buy any because I didn't find any. How many did you buy (of it) of them?

Ne le lui dites pas. Ne le lui dites pas. nous savons apprendre reprendre nous comprenons vous comprenez Comprenez-vous? Le comprenez-vous? Est-ce que vous me comprenez? Nous le prenons. Pourquoi ne le prenez-vous pas? ils prennent nous avons vous avez il est ils sont Ils ne sont pas là. Ils ne sont pas là. Il n'est pas là. ils font Ils le font. Ils ne le font pas. Avez-vous parlé? Quand avez-vous parlé avec lui? Qu'est-ce que vous avez acheté? Il a préparé le dîner. Le film a commencé. déjà encore encore un peu pas encore Nous n'avons pas commencé encore. / Nous n'avons pas encore commencé. Le film a déjà commencé. / Le film a commencé déjà. il y a deux jours Je l'ai. Je l'ai acheté. Je ne l'ai pas acheté. Je ne les ai pas achetés. J'en ai acheté pour vous. Je n'en ai pas acheté parce que je n'en ai pas trouvé. Combien en avez-vous acheté? 31

Where did you buy them? to forget I forgot where I bought them. At what time did you call? At what time did you call me? She called me this morning. Why did you call me? Why didn't you call me? I called them. I called her. I called you. I didn't call you. to ask I asked you. I didn't ask you. Why did you ask me? Why didn't you ask me? Track 45 sold I sold it. Why did you sell it? Why didn't you sell them? We sold some. I waited. I waited for you. You didn't wait for me. Why didn't you wait for me? He slept. Track 46 Dinner is prepared. He sold it. Everything is sold. Nothing is sold yet. One served the dinner. Dinner is served. Track 47 understood Service is included. Service is not included. Did you understand it? Did you understand me? Why did you not understand me? I understood you. I understood you very well. I took them. I took some of it. Why did you take them? Why didn't you take them? I learnt something today.

Où les avez-vous achetés? oublier J'ai oublié où je les ai achetés. À quelle heure avez-vous appelé? À quelle heure m'avez-vous appelé? Elle m'a appelé ce matin. Pourquoi m'avez-vous appelé? Pourquoi ne m'avez-vous pas appelé? Je les ai appelés. Je l'ai appelée. Je vous ai appelé. Je ne vous ai pas appelé. demander Je vous ai demandé. Je ne vous ai pas demandé. Pourquoi m'avez-vous demandé? Pourquoi ne m'avez-vous pas demandé? vendu Je l'ai vendu. Pourquoi l'avez-vous vendu? Pourquoi ne les avez-vous pas vendus? Nous en avons vendu. J'ai attendu. Je vous ai attendu. Vous ne m'avez pas attendu. Pourquoi ne m'avez-vous pas attendu? Il a dormi. Le dîner est préparé. Il l'a vendu. Tout est vendu. Rien est vendu encore. On a servi le dîner. Le dîner est servi. compris Le service est compris. Le service n'est pas compris. L'avez-vous compris? / Est-ce que vous l'avez compris? / Vous l'avez compris? M'avez-vous compris? Pourquoi ne m'avez-vous pas compris? Je vous ai compris. Je vous ai très bien compris. Je les ai pris. J'en ai pris. Pourquoi les avez-vous pris? Pourquoi ne les avez-vous pas pris? J'ai appris quelque chose aujourd'hui. 32

I found out. Track 48 Where did you put it? Where did you put them? I forgot where I put them. to admit I promised you. No, I did not promise you. You promised me. I promised him. It is promised. Track 49 subject I didn't do it. Why did you do it? Why didn't you do it? He didn't do it. I wrote to you. Why didn't you write to me? Why didn't you call me? It is written. I was told. Track 50 I was I had I was very busy. He was here. they were Who was there? It was ready. I was there but it wasn't ready yet. Who was there with you last night? last night I was there but nobody was there. you were Track 51 he had they had we had We had a plane. Track 52 Everything was sold. Everything will be sold. Track 53 My friends would like to go there. we would like you would like Track 54 I will have

J'ai appris. Où l'avez-vous mis? Où les avez-vous mis? J'ai oublié où je les ai mis. admettre Je vous ai promis. Non, je ne vous ai pas promis. Vous m'avez promis. Je lui ai promis. C'est promis. sujet Je ne l'ai pas fait. Pourquoi l'avez-vous fait? Pourquoi ne l'avez-vous pas fait? Il ne l'a pas fait. Je vous ai écrit. Pourquoi ne m'avez-vous pas écrit? Pourquoi ne m'avez-vous pas appelé? C'est écrit. On m'a dit. J'étais J'avais J'étais très occupé. Il était ici. ils étaient Qui était là? C'était prêt. J'étais là mais ce n'était pas prêt encore. Qui était là avec vous hier soir? hier soir J'étais là mais personne était là. vous étiez il avait ils avaient nous avions Nous avions un avion. Tout était vendu. Tout sera vendu. Mes amis voudraient y aller. nous voudrions vous voudriez J'aurai 33

he will have they will have we will have you will have I would have We would have them. We would have bought them. Track 55 seen I saw it. if I had seen it If I had seen it, I would have bought it. If I had known it, I would have told you. Track 56 He wouldn't have waited. You wouldn't wait. We wouldn't wait. He would sell it. He would have sold it. I did it. I didn't do it. Track 57 I was very busy and I didn't have the time to do it. Track 58 I have had. Did you see? I was there last night but I didn't see you. Track 59 I would have told you why I didn't buy it. Track 60 He wouldn't have done it. He wouldn't do it. Track 61 if I had had been in summer If I had been there, I would have seen it. You would have seen it if you had been there last night. été la hier soir. I could they could Nobody could wait. we could you could Track 62 I had to He had to wait. One had to wait. We had to wait.

il aura ils auront nous aurons vous aurez j'aurais Nous les aurions. Nous les aurions achetés. vu Je l'ai vu. si je l'avais vu Si je l'avais vu, je l'aurais acheté. Si je l'avais su, je vous aurais dit. Il n'aurait pas attendu. Vous n'attendriez pas. Nous n'attendrions pas. Il le vendrait. Il l'aurait vendu. Je l'ai fait. Je ne l'ai pas fait. J'étais très occupé et je n'avais pas le temps de le faire. J'ai eu. Avez-vous vu? J'étais là hier soir mais je ne vous ai pas vu. Je vous aurais dit pourquoi je ne l'ai pas acheté. Il ne l'aurait pas fait. Il ne le ferait pas. si j'avais eu été en été Si j'avais été là, je l'aurais vu. Vous l'auriez vu si vous aviez Je pouvais ils pouvaient Personne pouvait attendre. nous pouvions vous pouviez Je devais Il devait attendre. On devait attendre. Nous devions attendre. 34

Track 63 I have to do it. They had to wait. You have to wait. to have need You don't have to wait. / You don't need to wait. You don't have to give it to him. Track 64 Will you tell me? When will you tell me? When are you going to tell me? Track 65 I didn't want to do it. He didn't want to tell me. I knew I didn't know. Track 66 I wanted to buy it. If I had wanted to have it, I would have bought it. Track 67 I was going I wasn't going to tell you. this afternoon You didn't tell me that you were going to be here this afternoon. We were going to leave today. Track 68 If you had called me and if you had told me that you were going to arrive today, I would have waited for you and we would have had dinner. Track 69 I am going to do it. We are going to do it. You are going to do it. You were going to do it. He is going to do it. He wasn't going to do it. We are going to leave. We were going to leave. Track 70 I was staying He is waiting for me. He was waiting for me. We were waiting for you. We are waiting for you. he was leaving I was doing it. I was saying/telling it. to read I was reading

Je dois le faire. Ils devaient attendre. Vous devez attendre. avoir besoin Vous n'avez pas besoin d'attendre. Vous n'avez pas besoin de le lui donner. Voulez-vous me dire? Quand me direz-vous? Quand allez-vous me dire? Je ne voulais pas le faire. Il ne voulait pas me dire. Je savais Je ne savais pas. Je voulais l'acheter. Si j'avais voulu l'avoir, je l'aurais acheté. J'allais Je n'allais pas vous dire. cet après-midi Vous ne m'avez pas dit que vous alliez être ici cet après-midi. Nous allions partir aujourd'hui. Si vous m'aviez appelé et si vous m'aviez dit que vous alliez arriver aujourd'hui, je vous aurais attendu et nous aurions dîné. Je vais le faire. Nous allons le faire. Vous allez le faire. Vous alliez le faire. Il va le faire. Il n'allait pas le faire. Nous allons partir. Nous allions partir. Je restais Il m'attend. Il m'attendait. Nous vous attendions. Nous vous attendons. il partait Je le faisais. Je le disais. lire Je lisais 35

I was writing I did it every day. often frequently He prepared it this morning. He used to prepare it. Track 71 he would go the end I finish we finish you finish they finish Track 72 to grow The child is growing. The children are growing. to blush you are blushing you are getting pale to grow old he is growing old they are growing old Track 73 to land the land / the earth We are landing in a few minutes. to land on the sea to land on the moon They are landing on the moon. Track 74 to open to offer to cover to discover to suffer opened I opened it. It is opened. / It is open. covered Everything is covered. discovered He discovered it. I offered it. Track 75 you have you are going you are What are you saying?

J'écrivais Je le faisais tous les jours. souvent fréquemment Il l'a préparé ce matin. Il la préparait. il irait la fin Je finis nous finissons vous finissez ils finissent grandir L'enfant grandit. Les enfants grandissent. rougir vous rougissez vous pâlissez vieillir il vieillit ils vieillissent atterrir la terre Nous atterrissons dans quelques minutes. amerrir alunir Ils alunissent. ouvrir offrir couvrir découvrir souffrir ouvert Je l'ai ouvert. C'est ouvert. couvert Tout est couvert. découvert Il l'a découvert. Je l'ai offert. tu as tu vas tu es Qu'est-ce que tu dis? 36

I'm telling you. Track 76 since How long have you been working here? it makes He has been working here for a long time. Track 77 If you had been here last night, you would have seen it and you would have bought it. Everything is sold. Everything was sold. Track 78 without without knowing Seeing is believing. to forgive / to pardon Understanding everything is forgiving everything. I don't agree with it. discouraged Track 79 He is selling the house. He was selling the house. He sold the house. The house is sold. The house was sold. The house has been sold. He will sell the house. He is going to sell the house. The house will be sold. The house is going to be sold. He would sell the house. The house would be sold. if I had sold the house if the house had been sold He would have sold the house. Track 80 We would be ready. We would have been ready. Track 81 I went to see it last night. we went he went they went you went Where did you go? I didn't go. He came back. We came back. At what time did you come back? He didn't come back yet.

Je te dis. depuis Ça fait combien de temps que vous travaillez ici? ça fait Il travaille ici depuis longtemps. Si vous aviez été ici hier soir, vous l'auriez vu et vous l'auriez acheté. Tout est vendu. Tout était vendu. sans sans savoir Voir c'est croire. pardonner Tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner. Je ne suis pas d'accord. découragé Il vend la maison. Il vendait la maison. Il a vendu la maison. La maison est vendue. La maison était vendue. La maison a été vendue. Il vendra la maison. Il va vendre la maison. La maison sera vendue. La maison va être vendue. Il vendrait la maison. La maison serait vendue. si j'avais vendu la maison si la maison avait été vendue Il aurait vendu la maison. Nous serions prêts. Nous aurions été prêts. Je suis allé le voir hier soir. nous sommes allés il est allé ils sont allés vous êtes allé Où êtes-vous allé? Je ne suis pas allé. Il est revenu. Nous sommes revenus. À quelle heure êtes-vous revenu? Il n'est pas encore revenu.


Track 82 to go to go out to leave We went out last night. to come back to return to arrive We arrived. At what time did you arrive? He didn't arrive yet. to enter He came in. to re-enter (home) At what time did you come home last night? He didn't come home yet. to go up / to come up I went up. We went up. They came up. to come down / to go down I went down. He came down. I stayed. How long did you stay? We didn't stay long. We left right after dinner. We went to the cinema. We came home very late. Track 83 The bellboy went up and he took up/ brought up/ carried up my suitcase. Track 84 to lift up I'm lifting it up. I'm getting up. We are getting up. You are getting up. He is getting up. They are getting up. It is getting up. You are getting up. (the tu form) heavy I cannot lift it up because it is too heavy. Will you lift it up? Lift it up! Get up (please)! Don't get up. I'm going to get up soon.

aller sortir partir Nous sommes sortis hier soir. revenir retourner arriver Nous sommes arrivés. À quelle heure êtes-vous arrivé? Il n'est pas arrivé encore. / Il n'est pas encore arrivé. entrer Il est entré. rentrer À quelle heure êtes-vous rentré hier soir? Il n'est pas encore rentré. / Il n'est pas rentré encore. monter Je suis monté. Nous sommes montés. Ils sont montés. descendre Je suis descendu. Il est descendu. Je suis resté. Combien de temps êtes-vous resté? Nous ne sommes pas restés longtemps. Nous sommes partis tout de suite après le dîner. Nous sommes allés au cinéma. Nous sommes rentrés très tard. Le garçon est monté et il a monté ma valise.

lever Je le lève. Je me lève Nous nous levons. Vous vous levez. Il se lève. Ils se lèvent. Ça se lève. Tu te lèves. lourd Je ne peux pas le lever parce que c'est trop lourd. Voulez-vous le levez? Levez-le! Levez-vous! Ne vous levez-pas. Je vais me lever bientôt. 38

We're going to get up soon. One is going to get up. (We are going to get up.) Track 85 to hurry I'm hurrying. I am in a hurry. I am hurrying because I am in a hurry. We are hurrying because we are in a hurry. Hurry up because we are in a hurry. Track 86 I'm asking you. I was asking you. I asked you. to call back Will you call me back? I call you back later. I call you back tomorrow. I will call you back. I remember. I don't remember. I ask myself. I wonder why. I was wondering why. I asked you. Track 87 I lifted it up. I got up. (I lifted myself up.) I tell myself. I told you. I said to myself. I'm hurrying. I was hurrying. I hurried. We hurried. I asked myself why. Track 88 It is necessary that... Track 89 I must ask you. I must speak French. It is necessary that I stay. It is necessary that we stay. You must stay. It is necessary that we leave. You must start. We must stay here. I must stay. Track 90 I'm speaking

Nous allons nous lever bientôt. On va se lever. se dépêcher Je me dépêche. Je suis pressé. Je me dépêche parce que je suis pressé. Nous nous dépêchons parce que nous sommes pressés. Dépêchez-vous parce qu'on est pressé. Je vous demande. Je vous demandais. Je vous ai demandé rappeler Voulez-vous me rappeler? Je vous rappelle plus tard. Je vous rappelle demain. Je vous rappellerai. Je me rappelle. Je ne me rappelle pas. Je me demande. Je me demande pourquoi. Je me demandais pourquoi. Je vous ai demandé. Je l'ai levé. Je me suis levé. Je me dis. Je vous ai dit. Je me suis dit. Je me dépêche. Je me dépêchais. Je me suis dépêché. Nous nous sommes dépêché. Je me suis demandé pourquoi. C'est (il est) nécessaire que... / Il faut que... Il faut que je vous demande. Il faut que je parle français. Il faut que je reste ici. Il faut que nous restions. Il faut que vous restiez. Il faut que nous partions. Il faut que vous commenciez. Il faut que nous restions ici. Il faut que je reste. Je parle 39

I'm leaving It is necessary that I leave. I must wait. I must finish. We must finish. You must finish. It is necessary that you put it on the table. I must tell you. I must read it. I must write to you. You must write to me. Track 91 I want you to stay here. What do you want me to tell you? I would like you to tell me. I want you to read it. I want you to write to me. They are coming from Vienna. Do you want me to come with you? At what time do you want me to leave? Where do you want me to put it? they take Track 92 At what time do you want me to be here tonight? I would like you to be ready. Do you want me to go there with you? At what time do you want me to go there? I would like you to go there with me. What do you want me to do? What do you want me to tell you? Why don't you want me to do it? What do you want me to tell him? I don't want you to do it. Track 93 I must know it. We must know it. I would like you to know it. May I see it? Track 94 before I do it before I tell you before I leave I left. before I left before we start before we started

Je pars Il faut que je parte. Il faut que j'attende. Il faut que je finisse. Il faut que nous finissions. Il faut que vous finissiez. Il faut que vous le mettiez sur la table. Il faut je vous dise. Il faut que je le lise. Il faut que je vous écrive. Il faut que vous m'écriviez. Je veux que vous restiez ici. Qu'est-ce que vous voulez que je vous dise? Je voudrais que vous me disiez. Je veux que vous le lisiez. Je veux que vous m'écriviez. Ils viennent de Vienne. Voulez-vous que je vienne avec vous? À quelle heure voulez-vous que je parte? Où voulez-vous que je le mette? ils prennent À quelle heure voulez-vous que je sois ici? Je voudrais que vous soyez prêt/prête. Voulez-vous que j'y aille avec vous? À quelle heure voulez-vous que j'y aille? Je veux que vous y alliez avec moi. Qu'est-ce que vous voulez que je fasse? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez que je vous dise? Pourquoi ne voulez-vous pas que je le fasse? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez que je lui dise? Je ne veux pas que vous le fassiez. Il faut que je le sache. Il faut que nous le sachions. Je voudrais que vous le sachiez. Puis-je le voir? avant que je le fasse avant que je vous dise avant que je parte Je suis parti. avant que je sois parti avant que nous commencions avant que nous ayons commence


German - Foundation review course Recording 1 Track 01 good morning and welcome to wish welcome good morning to learn very quickly good it is he goes it is good what Water Track 02 to drink Do you want? Will you What do you want? What do you want to drink? to eat What do you want to eat? to do What do you want to do? to come Do you want to come? with me Do you want to come with me? today Do you want to come with me today? Evening good evening this evening Do you want to come with me this evening? What do you want to eat? Will you come with me tonight. Track 03 to be when When do you want to be here? Do you want? Will you Can you? to come

guten Morgen und willkommen wünschen willkommen guten Morgen lernen sehr schnell gut es ist er geht es ist gut was Wasser trinken Wollen Sie? Wollen Sie Was wollen Sie? Was wollen Sie trinken? essen Was wollen Sie essen? tun Was wollen Sie tun? kommen Wollen Sie kommen? mit mir Wollen Sie mit mir kommen? heute Wollen Sie heute mit mir kommen? Abend guten Abend heute Abend Wollen Sie heute Abend mit mir kommen? Was wollen Sie essen? Wollen Sie heute Abend mit mir kommen. sein wann Wann wollen Sie hier sein? Wollen Sie? Wollen Sie Können Sie? kommen 41

Can you come with me? Will you please come with me. Do you want to come with me? please When do you want to come with me? to see to hear Track 04 When do you want to see it? Can you see it? I can I want Do you want? You want If When do you want? if you want we want to come You are coming we are coming Are you coming? When are you coming? When do you come? I come / I am coming Soon I'm coming soon. Do you want? I want Can you? Can you come with me? Track 05 to stay we are staying / we stay We are staying here today. We are staying here this evening (tonight). You are staying Are you staying? / Do you stay? how to go to see You are going I am going / I go Track 06 I not now not now I want

Können Sie mit mir kommen? Wollen Sie bitte mit mir kommen. Wollen Sie mit mir kommen? bitte Wann wollen Sie mit mir kommen? sehen hören Wann wollen Sie es sehen? Können Sie es sehen? Ich kann Ich will Wollen Sie? Sie wollen wenn Wann wollen Sie? wenn Sie wollen wir wollen kommen Sie kommen wir kommen Kommen Sie? Wann kommen Sie? Wann kommen Sie? Ich komme bald Ich komme bald. Wollen Sie? Ich will Können Sie? Können Sie mit mir kommen? bleiben wir bleiben Wir bleiben heute hier. Wir bleiben heute Abend hier. Sie bleiben Bleiben Sie? wie gehen sehen Sie gehen Ich gehe Ich nicht jetzt nicht jetzt Ich will 42

I want to see it. but I want to see it but not now. Can you see it? I can see it. I cannot see it. I cannot see you. Track 07 to understand to stand we understand We understand you. good / well very good Ocean Mediterranean more It is very good. we understand we don't understand We don't understand it. We don't understand you. We don't understand you very well. Do you understand? Do you understand it? Do you understand me? Don't you understand me? Track 08 Can you understand me? I can I cannot I cannot understand you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry but ... I'm sorry but I cannot understand you. to stay we are staying we are not staying We cannot stay here long. how long How long can you stay here? I must I must see it. I must stay here ... ... but I cannot stay here long. I must go soon. Track 09 Do you understand me? I'm sorry but I cannot find it.

Ich will es sehen. aber Ich will es sehen aber nicht jetzt. Können Sie es sehen? Ich kann es sehen. Ich kann es nicht sehen. Ich kann Sie nicht sehen. verstehen stehen wir verstehen Wir verstehen Sie. gut sehr gut Das Meer Das Mittelmeer mehr Es ist sehr gut. wir verstehen wir verstehen nicht Wir verstehen es nicht. Wir verstehen Sie nicht. Wir verstehen Sie nicht sehr gut. Verstehen Sie? Verstehen Sie es? Verstehen Sie mich? Verstehen Sie mich nicht? Können Sie mich verstehen? Ich kann Ich kann nicht Ich kann Sie nicht verstehen. Es tut mir Leid. Es tut mir Leid, aber ... Es tut mir Leid, aber ich kann Sie nicht verstehen. bleiben wir bleiben wir bleiben nicht Wir können nicht... hier lange bleiben. wie lange Wie lange können Sie hier bleiben? Ich muss Ich muss es sehen. Ich muss hier bleiben ... ... aber ich kann nicht lange hier bleiben. Ich muss bald gehen. Verstehen Sie mich? Es tut mir Leid, aber ich kann es nicht finden. 43

I know I know it. I don't know it. I don't know where it is. I cannot find it. I'm sorry but I don't know where it is. I cannot find it. Track 10 I understand I understand you very well. I don't understand you very well. I cannot understand you very well. Will you bring it to me. Can you bring it to me today? to have we have We have it. We don't have it. Do you have? Why don't you have it? Track 11 for me Can you come with me? Do you have it for me? It is for me. Can you understand me? Why can't you understand me? something Can you bring me something now? Why can you not bring it to me now? Track 12 Why don't you have it for me? I must have it. unfortunately I'm sorry but I don't have it for you now. I cannot bring it to you now. Track 13 What do you have for me? What can you bring me? for you with you I cannot bring it to you today because I don't have it (for I don't have it). I must have it. to be able to have to we have to You have to You have to come with me. Track 14

Ich weiß Ich weiß es. Ich weiß es nicht. Ich weiß nicht wo es ist. Ich kann es nicht finden. Es tut mir Leid, aber ich weiß nicht wo es ist. Ich kann es nicht finden. Ich verstehe Ich verstehe Sie sehr gut. Ich verstehe Sie nicht sehr gut. Ich kann Sie nicht sehr gut verstehen. Wollen Sie es mir bringen. Können Sie es mir heute bringen? haben wir haben Wir haben es. Wir haben es nicht. Haben Sie? Warum haben Sie es nicht? für mich Können Sie mit mir kommen? Haben Sie es für mich? Es ist für mich. Können Sie mich verstehen? Warum können Sie mich nicht verstehen? etwas Können Sie mir ... etwas jetzt bringen? Warum können Sie es mir jetzt nicht bringen? Warum haben Sie es nicht für mich? Ich muss es haben. leider Es tut mir Leid, aber ich habe es jetzt nicht für Sie. Ich kann nicht ... es Ihnen jetzt bringen. Was haben Sie für mich? Was können Sie mir bringen? für Sie mit Ihnen Ich kann es Ihnen nicht heute bringen, denn ich habe es nicht. Ich muss es haben. können müssen wir müssen Sie müssen Sie müssen mit mir kommen.


to give I am giving I am giving it to you. But I cannot give it to you today because I don't have it. When do you want to have it? When can you have it? also me too / I also I don't smoke. to need I need it. I don't need it. I don't need it now. When do you need it? When do you want to have it? I can bring it to you today. Track 15 I want to have it. We will have it. You will have it. When will you have it for me? I will have it for you today. I will have it today. I will see it tonight. Track 16 I will bring it to you. When can you bring it to me? When can you bring it to me? Because I need it today. When do you want to bring it to me? When do you need it? When do you want to have it? I want to have it today because I need it. Track 17 at what time At what time do you want to have it? At what time can you be here tonight? At what time do you want to be here? At what time can you be here today? At what time will you be here? Track 18 to arrive At what time will you arrive tomorrow? At what time can you be here tomorrow? How long can you stay here today? How long will you stay here? Will you please do it for me. When will you do it for me? Will you please stay here with me.

geben Ich gebe Ich gebe es Ihnen. Aber ich kann es Ihnen nicht heute geben, denn ich habe es nicht. Wann wollen Sie es haben? Wann können Sie es haben? auch ich auch Ich rauche nicht. brauchen Ich brauche es. Ich brauche es nicht. Ich brauche es jetzt nicht. Wann brauchen Sie es? Wann wollen Sie es haben? Ich kann es Ihnen heute bringen. Ich will es haben. Wir werden es haben. Sie werden es haben. Wann werden Sie es für mich haben? Ich werde es für Sie heute haben. Ich werde es heute haben. Ich werde es heute Abend sehen. Ich werde es Ihnen bringen. Wann können Sie es mir bringen? Wann können Sie es mir bringen? Denn ich brauche es heute. Wann wollen Sie es mir bringen? Wann brauchen Sie es? Wann wollen Sie es haben? Ich will es heute haben, denn ich brauche es. um wie viel Uhr Um wie viel Uhr wollen Sie es haben? Um wie viel Uhr können Sie heute Abend hier sein? Um wie viel Uhr wollen Sie hier sein? Um wie viel Uhr können Sie heute hier sein? Um wie viel Uhr werden Sie hier sein? ankommen Um wie viel Uhr werden Sie morgen ankommen? Um wie viel Uhr können Sie morgen hier sein? Wie lange können Sie heute hier bleiben? Wie lange werden Sie hier bleiben? Wollen Sie es bitte für mich tun. Wann werden Sie es für mich tun? Wollen Sie bitte mit mir hier bleiben.


Track 19 to say / to tell Will you tell me. When will you tell me? Will you tell me where it is because I cannot find it.

sagen Wollen Sie mir sagen. Wann werden Sie mir sagen? Wollen Sie mir sagen wo es ist, denn ich kann es nicht finden. I don't know Ich weiß nicht I'm sorry but I don't know where it is. I cannot find it. Es tut mir Leid, aber ich weiß nicht wo es ist. Ich kann es nicht finden. Track 20 to go gehen we go wir gehen we are going wir gehen we don't go wir gehen nicht we are not going wir gehen nicht You are going Sie gehen where wo Where are you going? Wohin gehen Sie? Where do you want to go? Wohin wollen Sie gehen? / Wo wollen Sie hingehen? there dort I want to go there. Ich will dorthin gehen. But I cannot go there today. Aber ich kann nicht heute dorthin gehen. Track 21 I am Ich bin busy beschäftigt business / store das Geschäft I am busy. Ich bin beschäftigt. I am very busy now. Ich bin jetzt sehr beschäftigt. I am very busy today. Ich bin heute sehr beschäftigt. Track 22 I will be very busy. Ich werde sehr beschäftigt sein. I am very busy now. Ich bin sehr beschäftigt jetzt. Track 23 Where are you going? Wohin gehen Sie? we are staying wir bleiben How long can we stay here today? Wie lange können wir heute hier bleiben? How long will we stay here today? Wie lange werden wir heute hier bleiben? How long do you want to stay here? Wie lange wollen Sie hier bleiben? How long can you stay here? Wie lange können Sie hier bleiben? How long do you stay here? Wie lange bleiben Sie hier? How long are you staying here? Wie lange bleiben Sie hier? Do you stay here? Bleiben Sie hier? Are you staying here? Bleiben Sie hier? Come! Kommen Sie! Are you coming? Kommen Sie? Do you come? Kommen Sie? Bring it! Bringen Sie es! Bring it to me today! Bringen Sie es mir heute! Are you bringing it to me today? Bringen Sie es mir heute? Do you bring it to me? Bringen Sie es mir? 46

Bring it to me! Track 24 to wait we are waiting we don't wait we are not waiting Why are you waiting? Why do you wait? Wait, please! Do you want to wait, please? Will you (please) wait for me. Will you please wait for me here tomorrow. Track 25 Wait for me! Are you waiting for me? Will you please wait for me. Can you wait for me? Where will you wait for me? Do you want to wait for me? Where do you want to wait for me? Track 26 They are staying How long do we stay here? I am staying I am not staying here. I am coming with you. Wait! Will you (please) wait. Will you wait? / Are you going to wait? I will wait for you. I'm going to stay here. to buy I'm going to buy it. I will buy it. We won't buy it. Track 27 expensive It is very expensive. We are going to buy it because we want to have it. he will He will buy it. She will be here soon. Track 28 ready It is ready. already He is here already. I have it already. beautiful

Bringen Sie es mir! warten wir warten wir warten nicht wir warten nicht Warum warten Sie? Warum warten Sie? Warten Sie, bitte! Wollen Sie bitte warten? Wollen Sie (bitte) auf mich warten. Wollen Sie auf mich morgen hier warten, bitte. Warten Sie auf mich! Warten Sie auf mich? Wollen Sie bitte auf mich warten. Können Sie auf mich warten? Wo werden Sie auf mich warten? Wollen Sie auf mich warten? Wo wollen Sie auf mich warten? Sie bleiben / die bleiben Wie lange bleiben wir hier? Ich bleibe Ich bleibe nicht hier. Ich komme mit Ihnen. Warten Sie! Wollen Sie (bitte) warten. Werden Sie warten? Ich werde auf Sie warten. Ich werde hier bleiben. kaufen Ich werde es kaufen. Ich werde es kaufen. Wir werden es nicht kaufen. teuer Es ist sehr teuer. Wir werden es kaufen, denn wir wollen es haben. er wird Er wird es kaufen. Sie wird bald hier sein. fertig Es ist fertig. schon Er ist schon hier. Ich hab's schon. (Ich habe es schon.) schön 47

It is very beautiful. She is very beautiful. It is ready already. everything Everything is ready already. Everything will be ready for you soon. Everything is going to be ready for you soon. Track 29 he is staying she is staying it is staying Everything is remaining here. all of them They are all staying here. / All of them are staying here. my friend My friend is not staying. My friends are not staying here. We are all staying here. He is coming soon. He is bringing it to me. He will bring it to you tomorrow. He is going to bring it to you tomorrow. When will you bring it to me? When are you going to bring it to me? Track 30 I would like I would like to do it. I would like to see it. I would like to see you. I would like to have it. It can be. possible It is not possible. It is not possible like so (that way). impossible It is impossible. entirely It is entirely impossible. Track 31 gladly, with pleasure I like very much to do it. I like to see it. I like to go there. I will go there very gladly with you. Track 32 I would like to have it. I want to have it. to know

Es ist sehr schön. Sie ist sehr schön. Es ist schon fertig. alles Alles ist schon fertig. Alles wird für Sie bald fertig sein. Alles wird für Sie bald fertig sein. er bleibt sie bleibt es bleibt Alles bleibt hier. alle Alle bleiben hier. mein Freund Mein Freund bleibt nicht. Meine Freunde bleiben nicht hier. Wir bleiben alle hier. Er kommt bald. Er bringt es mir. Er bringt es Ihnen morgen. / Er wird es Ihnen morgen bringen. Er wird es Ihnen morgen bringen. Wann werden Sie es mir bringen? Wann werden Sie es mir bringen? Ich möchte Ich möchte es tun. Ich möchte es sehen. Ich möchte Sie sehen. Ich möchte es haben. Es kann sein. möglich Es ist nicht möglich. Es ist so nicht möglich. unmöglich Es ist unmöglich. ganz Es ist ganz unmöglich. gern Ich tue es sehr gern. Ich sehe es gern. Ich gehe gern dorthin. Ich werde sehr gern mit Ihnen dorthin gehen. Ich möchte es haben. Ich will es haben. wissen 48

we know you know Do you know? I know he knows they know I don't know where it is. Will you tell me. Will you tell me where it is ... ... because (for) I cannot find it. Track 33 I am very busy. tired I am tired. I am very tired. at home I am going home. I will stay home. I'm very tired and I'm going home now and I will stay home tonight. I'm going to stay home tonight because I'm tired. Track 34 to understand I understand we understand You understand We don't understand. I understand you very well. I don't understand you very well. he understands she understands She understands me very well. You don't understand me very well. I don't understand it. I cannot understand it. I do not understand you. I cannot understand you. Track 35 to say / to tell I don't know what you are saying because I don't understand you. Track 36 because I cannot understand you I cannot do it today because I am very busy. because I'm going to be very busy today because I cannot come with you tonight

wir wissen Sie wissen Wissen Sie? Ich weiß er weiß sie wissen / die wissen Ich weiß nicht, wo es ist. Wollen Sie mir sagen. Wollen Sie mir sagen, wo es ist ... ... denn ich kann es nicht finden. Ich bin sehr beschäftigt. müde Ich bin müde. Ich bin sehr müde. zu Hause Ich gehe nach Hause. Ich werde zu Hause bleiben. Ich bin sehr müde und ich werde nach Hause gehen und ich werde heute Abend zu Hause bleiben. Ich werde heute Abend zu Hause bleiben, denn ich bin sehr müde. verstehen Ich verstehe wir verstehen Sie verstehen Wir verstehen nicht. Ich verstehe Sie sehr gut. Ich verstehe Sie nicht sehr gut. er versteht sie versteht Sie versteht mich sehr gut. Sie verstehen mich nicht sehr gut. Ich verstehe es nicht. Ich kann es nicht verstehen. Ich verstehe Sie nicht. Ich kann Sie nicht verstehen. sagen Ich weiß nicht was Sie sagen, denn ich verstehe Sie nicht. / Ich weiß nicht was Sie sagen, weil ich Sie nicht verstehe. weil ich Sie nicht verstehen kann Ich kann es heute nicht tun, weil ich sehr beschäftigt bin. denn ich werde heute sehr beschäftigt sein / weil ich heute sehr beschäftigt sein werde denn ich kann mit Ihnen heute Abend nicht kommen / weil ich heute Abend mit Ihnen nicht kommen


kann Track 37 I cannot tell you. I cannot tell it to you. I cannot tell it to you now. for I don't know it / because I don't know it Track 38 to cost it costs I would like to know how much it costs. Will you tell me how much it costs. because I need it because I want to have it because I would like to have it because I must have it When can you bring it to me? At what time can I have it? When can I have it? Will you tell me at what time I can have it. Track 39 I'm sorry but I cannot tell you now why I want to have it today. I cannot tell you now why I must have it today.

Ich kann Ihnen nicht sagen. Ich kann es Ihnen nicht sagen. Ich kann es Ihnen jetzt nicht sagen. denn ich weiß es nicht / weil ich es nicht weiß kosten es kostet Ich möchte wissen, wie viel es kostet. Wollen Sie mir sagen, wie viel es kostet. denn ich brauche es weil ich es haben will weil ich es haben möchte weil ich es haben muss Wann können Sie es mir bringen? Um wie viel Uhr kann ich es haben? Wann kann ich es haben? Wollen Sie mir sagen, um wie viel Uhr ich es haben kann. Es tut mir Leid, aber ich kann Ihnen jetzt nicht sagen, warum ich es heute haben will. Ich kann Ihnen nicht jetzt sagen, warum ich es heute haben muss.

Recording 2 Track 40 to ask question I have a question. Why are you asking? Why do you ask? I want to know. I would like to know where it is. It is there. nothing I don't understand. I don't understand anything. I don't have it. I don't have anything now. I would like I would like to see it. I would like to go there. Track 41 It is going very well. How are you going? / How are you? I'm fine. Everything is going very well. better

fragen die Frage Ich habe eine Frage. Warum fragen Sie? Warum fragen Sie? Ich will wissen. Ich möchte wissen, wo es ist. Es ist dort. nichts Ich verstehe nicht. Ich verstehe nichts. Ich habe es nicht. Ich habe jetzt nichts. Ich möchte Ich möchte es sehen. Ich möchte dorthin gehen. Es geht sehr gut. Wie geht's (Ihnen)? Es geht mir sehr gut. Alles geht sehr gut. besser 50

much many thanks I'm going much better today. Everything is going much better today. Track 42 to feel I feel it. I don't feel it. I cannot feel it. I feel fine. I feel very well today. I don't feel very well. We feel fine. He feels good. Do you feel it? How do you feel? to wash I'm washing it. I'm washing myself. to hurry oneself I'm hurrying. I must hurry. We must hurry. He must hurry. Track 43 One must hurry. We must hurry. You must hurry. I will hurry. I'm going to hurry. We are going to hurry. We will hurry. Will you hurry, please. Can you hurry? Track 44 shall / should You shall hurry up. / You should hurry up. Why don't you hurry? Hurry up! to interest to organize to specialize interested interesting I am interested. (I interest myself.) He is interested. (He interests himself.) It interests me very much. Track 45 possibility

viel vielen Dank Es geht mir heute viel besser. Alles geht viel besser heute. fühlen Ich fühle es. Ich fühle es nicht. Ich kann es nicht fühlen. Ich fühle mich gut. Ich fühle mich sehr gut heute. Ich fühle mich nicht gut. Wir fühlen uns gut. Er fühlt sich sehr gut. Fühlen Sie es? Wie fühlen Sie sich? waschen Ich wasche es. Ich wasche mich. sich beeilen Ich beeile mich. Ich muss mich beeilen. Wir müssen uns beeilen. Er muss sich beeilen. Man muss sich beeilen. Wir müssen uns beeilen. Sie müssen sich beeilen. Ich werde mich beeilen. Ich werde mich beeilen. Wir werden uns beeilen. Wir werden uns beeilen. Wollen Sie sich beeilen, bitte. Können Sie sich beeilen? sollen Sie sollen sich beeilen. Warum beeilen Sie sich nicht? Beeilen Sie sich! interessieren organisieren spezialisieren interessiert interessant Ich interessiere mich. Er interessiert sich. Es interessiert mich sehr. die Möglichkeit 51

That interests me very much. I have no possibility. That doesn't interest me. interesting to enjoy I am very pleased. It pleases me. time newspaper I have no time. I have no time now. Track 46 possibility I have no possibility. It is not possible to do it. Track 47 opportunity I would like to have the opportunity to see it. Track 48 always I don't always have the opportunity to see it. often I don't very often have the opportunity to see it. It is not possible to go there today. Track 49 important It is very important to do it. It is not so important to do it today. necessary It is not necessary to do it now. late city state Track 50 It is very late. later to call to call (on the phone) Will you call me later. Can you call me later? I'm going to Germany. Track 51 to speak Do you speak English? You speak German very well. in German in English How do you say it in German? one says

Das interessiert mich sehr. Ich habe keine Möglichkeit. Das interessiert mich nicht. interessant sich freuen Ich freue mich sehr. Es freut mich sehr. die Zeit die Zeitung Ich habe keine Zeit. Ich habe keine Zeit jetzt. die Möglichkeit Ich habe keine Möglichkeit. Es ist nicht möglich, es zu tun. die Gelegenheit Ich möchte die Gelegenheit haben, es zu sehen. immer Ich habe nicht immer die Gelegenheit, es zu sehen. oft Ich habe nicht sehr oft die Gelegenheit, es zu sehen. Es ist nicht möglich, heute dorthin zu gehen. wichtig Es ist sehr wichtig, es zu tun. Es ist nicht so wichtig, es heute zu tun. nötig Es ist nicht nötig, es jetzt zu tun. spät die Stadt der Staat Es ist sehr spät. später rufen anrufen Wollen Sie mich bitte später anrufen. Können Sie mich später anrufen? Ich fahre nach Deutschland. sprechen Sprechen Sie englisch? Sie sprechen sehr gut deutsch. auf deutsch auf englisch Wie sagen Sie es auf deutsch? man sagt 52

One doesn't say it like that. Does one say? Does one say it like that? How does one say it in German? Track 52 It is too late. It is too late to do it now. I'm going to do it later. I will do it later today. He will be here soon. It will be very important. It will be very important to do it. But I don't have time to do it now. I will not have the time to do it. Track 53 I would do it. He wouldn't do it. We wouldn't do it. We won't do it. It won't be possible that way. It wouldn't be possible. Track 54 to buy I won't buy it. It wouldn't be possible to do it. because he is very busy today because I cannot do it today I won't do it today. because I won't do it today because I wouldn't do it today because I wouldn't have the time to do it today Track 55 When will he be here? When will it be ready? It would be ready today. It can be ready today. It is going to be ready today. because it will be ready today because it cannot be ready today I would like to know at what time it will be ready today. I would like to know why it cannot be ready today. Track 56 if you want We want it. We don't want to do it today. I would like to know when you want to do it. I would like to know at what time you can do it.

Man sagt es nicht so. Sagt man? Sagt man es so? Wie sagt man es auf deutsch? Es ist zu spät. Es ist zu spät, es jetzt zu tun. Ich werde es später tun. Ich werde es heute später tun. Er wird bald hier sein. Es wird sehr wichtig sein. Es wird sehr wichtig sein, es zu tun. Aber ich habe nicht die Zeit, es jetzt zu tun. Ich werde nicht die Zeit haben, es zu tun. Ich würde es tun. Er würde es nicht tun. Wir würden es nicht tun. Wir werden es nicht tun. Es wird nicht ... so möglich sein. Es würde nicht möglich sein. kaufen Ich werde es nicht kaufen. Es würde nicht möglich sein, es zu tun. denn er ist sehr beschäftigt heute / weil er heute sehr beschäftigt ist weil ich es heute nicht tun kann Ich werde es heute nicht tun. weil ich es heute nicht tun werde weil ich es heute nicht tun würde weil ich nicht die Zeit haben würde, es heute zu tun Wann wird er hier sein? Wann wird es fertig sein? Es würde heute fertig sein. Es kann heute fertig sein. Es wird heute fertig sein. weil es heute fertig sein wird weil es heute nicht fertig sein kann Ich möchte wissen, um wie viel Uhr es heute fertig sein wird. Ich möchte wissen, warum es heute nicht fertig sein kann. wenn Sie wollen Wir wollen es. Wir wollen es heute nicht tun. Ich möchte wissen, wann Sie es tun wollen. Ich möchte wissen, um wie viel Uhr Sie es tun 53

I will wait here if you want. Track 57 to try to seek / to search / to look for I will try. I'm going to try. But I don't know if I can do it. (but) I don't know if it will be possible to do it. But I'm going to try. Track 58 I'm waiting since to live (reside) Where do you live? I've been living here for ten years. How long have you been living here? How long have you been here in Germany? to work work he is working He has been working here for a long time. We have been here for three days. Track 59 I can do it. It can be ready today. It cannot be possible that way. I will buy it tomorrow if I have the time. Can you tell me if you can do it? And I would like to know when you will do it. I don't understand you. I cannot understand you. He doesn't understand. He cannot understand. Track 60 I couldn't find it. I couldn't understand you. yesterday last night (yesterday evening) He couldn't go there with us last night. Track 61 I was there last night, but it wasn't ready. We were there. Where were you? It was not possible to do it. I didn't have the time to do it because I was very busy. Track 62

können. Ich werde hier warten, wenn Sie wollen. versuchen suchen Ich werde versuchen. Ich werde versuchen. Aber ich weiß nicht, ob ich es tun kann. (aber) ich weiß nicht, ob es möglich sein wird, es zu tun. Aber ich werde versuchen. Ich warte seit wohnen Wo wohnen Sie? Ich wohne hier schon seit zehn Jahren. Wie lange wohnen Sie (schon) hier? Wie lange sind Sie schon hier in Deutschland? arbeiten die Arbeit er arbeitet Er arbeitet hier seit langer Zeit. Wir sind hier seit drei Tagen. Ich kann es tun. Es kann heute fertig sein. Es kann nicht ... so möglich sein. Ich werde es morgen kaufen, wenn ich die Zeit habe. Können Sie mir sagen, ob Sie es tun können? Und ich möchte wissen, wann Sie es tun werden. Ich verstehe Sie nicht. Ich kann Sie nicht verstehen. Er versteht nicht. Er kann nicht verstehen. Ich konnte es nicht finden. Ich konnte Sie nicht verstehen. gestern gestern Abend Er konnte nicht mit uns gestern Abend dorthin gehen. Ich war da gestern Abend, aber es war nicht fertig. Wir waren da. Wo waren Sie? Es war nicht möglich, es zu tun. Ich hatte nicht die Zeit, es zu tun, weil ich sehr beschäftigt war. 54

Could you come with me? Could you tell me? Could you wait now? without I couldn't do it without you. I couldn't do it without you yesterday. I couldn't understand you. Track 63 I must go now. We must buy it. You have to wait for me. I had to stay here. He had to wait for me. He wants to buy it. (but) he cannot buy it because it's very expensive. because it is too expensive He doesn't want to have it. He wants to do it. He will do it because he wants to do it. We don't want to do it. Why don't you want to do it now? He doesn't want to do it. He won't do it. He is not going to do it. Track 64 I wanted he wanted He wanted to buy it because he wanted to have it. I didn't want to stay here. We shall (we should) stay here. You should tell me. It should be ready. May I see it? Track 65 I don't feel like I don't feel like doing it. I am very pleased to do it. It will give me very much pleasure to see you. / I am looking forward to seeing you. I would do it. He wouldn't do it. It wouldn't be possible to do it. It was not possible to do it. Track 66 Let me work! to repair I will have it repaired. / I will get it fixed. I have to get it fixed. I will get it washed.

Könnten Sie mit mir kommen? Könnten Sie mir sagen? Könnten Sie jetzt warten? ohne Ich könnte es nicht ohne Sie tun. Ich konnte es nicht gestern ohne Sie tun. Ich konnte Sie nicht verstehen. Ich muss jetzt gehen. Wir müssen es kaufen. Sie müssen auf mich warten. Ich musste hier bleiben. Er musste auf mich warten. Er will es kaufen. (aber) er kann es nicht kaufen, weil es sehr teuer ist. weil es zu teuer ist Er will es nicht haben. Er will es tun. Er wird es tun, weil er es tun will. Wir wollen es nicht tun. Warum wollen Sie es jetzt nicht tun? Er will es nicht tun. Er wird es nicht tun. Er wird es nicht tun. Ich wollte er wollte Er wollte es kaufen, denn er wollte es haben. / Er wollte es kaufen, weil er es haben wollte. Ich wollte nicht hier bleiben. Wir sollen hier bleiben. Sie sollen mir sagen. Es soll fertig sein. Darf ich es sehen? Ich habe keine Lust Ich habe keine Lust, es zu tun. Es freut mich, es zu tun. Es wird mich sehr freuen, Sie zu sehen. Ich würde es tun. Er würde es nicht tun. Es würde nicht möglich sein, es zu tun. Es war nicht möglich, es zu tun. Lassen Sie mich arbeiten! reparieren Ich werde es reparieren lassen. Ich muss es reparieren lassen. Ich werde es waschen lassen. 55

to clean Will you clean it. Will you have it cleaned. / Will you get it cleaned. I have to get it cleaned. Track 67 away to go away I will go away soon. But I wouldn't go away without you. to go out I want to go out tonight. We would like to go out tonight. to go (not on foot) departure to depart to go away to go through Track 68 never again I will never again do it. to fetch I will fetch it. I'm going to fetch you. (I'm going to call for you.) to fetch again to repeat Track 69 I'm getting it. I am arriving tomorrow. tomorrow morning I'm going out. this afternoon tomorrow afternoon Track 70 the day after tomorrow I want to go there. I'm going there. Come here! Will you come in here. Track 71 Will you put it on top of it. to take Will you take it out. Will you put it underneath. Track 72 I'm putting it over. I'll think it over. I'm thinking it over. Will you come over. Come over!

reinigen Wollen Sie es bitte reinigen. Wollen Sie es reinigen lassen. Ich muss es reinigen lassen. weg weggehen Ich werde bald weggehen. Aber ich würde nicht ohne Sie weggehen. ausgehen Ich will heute Abend ausgehen. Wir möchten heute Abend ausgehen. fahren die Abfahrt abfahren wegfahren durchfahren nie wieder Ich werde es nie wieder tun. holen / abholen Ich werde es holen. / Ich werde es abholen. Ich werde Sie abholen. wiederholen wiederholen Ich bekomme es. Ich komme morgen an. morgen früh Ich gehe aus. heute Nachmittag morgen Nachmittag übermorgen Ich will dorthin gehen. / Ich will hingehen. / Ich will dort hingehen. Ich gehe hin. / Ich fahre hin. Kommen Sie her! / Kommen Sie hierher! Wollen Sie herein kommen. Wollen Sie es darauf legen. nehmen Wollen Sie es rausnehmen. Wollen Sie es darunter legen. Ich lege es rüber. Ich werde es mir überlegen. Ich überlege es mir. Wollen Sie rüberkommen. Kommen Sie rüber! 56

Come in! Track 73 to pull train to dress I'm going to get dressed. suit I'm getting dressed. He is getting dressed. to lock key to open the door I'm opening the window. I will lock it in. locked The door is locked. The store is locked. Everything is locked today. Track 74 to catch to start / to begin We will start soon. When are you starting? When do we start? I'm going to call you later. I'm calling you later in order to ask you if you can come with us tonight. I'm going to see you. to hope I hope I can do it. I hope he will arrive tomorrow. Track 75 I think he's going to be here soon. I hope that you can come with us tonight. easy / light (weight) difficult / heavy (weight) It is very easy. It is very interesting. comfortable It is very comfortable here. Track 76 I want a glass of wine. I must have a glass of white wine. May I ask you?

Kommen Sie rein! ziehen der Zug anziehen Ich werde mich anziehen. der Anzug Ich ziehe mich an. Er zieht sich an. schliessen der Schlüssel die Tür aufmachen Ich mache das Fenster auf. Ich werde es einschließen. geschlossen Die Tür ist geschlossen. Das Geschäft ist geschlossen. Alles ist heute geschlossen. fangen anfangen Wir werden bald anfangen. Wann fangen Sie an? Wann fangen wir an? Ich rufe Sie später an. / Ich werde Sie später anrufen. Ich rufe Sie später an, um Sie zu fragen, ob Sie mit uns ... heute Abend kommen können. Ich werde Sie sehen. hoffen Ich hoffe, dass ich es tun kann. Ich hoffe, dass er morgen ankommen wird. Ich glaube, dass er bald hier sein wird. Ich hoffe, dass Sie heute Abend mit uns kommen können. leicht schwer Es ist sehr leicht. Es ist sehr interessant. bequem Es ist sehr bequem hier. Ich will ein Glas Wein haben. Ich muss ein Glas Weißwein haben. Darf ich Sie fragen?


German - Advanced review course Track 01 He will stay (here). Er wird (hier) bleiben. She won't stay here. Sie wird nicht hier bleiben. Will you tell me how long you are going to stay here. Wollen Sie mir bitte sagen, wie lange Sie hier bleiben werden. I would like to know how long you can stay here. Ich möchte wissen, wie lange Sie hier bleiben können. Track 02 How long are you staying here? Wie lange bleibst du hier? Track 03 You will stay. (to a friend) Du wirst bleiben. I don't know how long he will stay here. Ich weiß nicht, wie lange er hier bleiben wird. Track 04 He cannot understand me. Er kann mich nicht verstehen. Track 05 I will tell it to you later. Ich werde es Ihnen später sagen. He will come with us. Er wird mit uns kommen. Where do you want to go? Wohin wollen Sie gehen? Track 06 He won't be able to find it. Er wird es nicht finden können. He won't be able to tell it to you because he doesn't Er wird es nicht Ihnen sagen können, denn er weiß know it. es nicht (weil er es nicht weiß). you know (to a friend) du weißt He will not be able to do it. Er wird es nicht tun können. Track 07 I wouldn't be able to do it. Ich würde es nicht tun können. He would never be able to do it. Er würde es nie tun können. Track 08 I have no time to do it. Ich habe keine Zeit, es zu tun. to read lesen I will read the newspaper. Ich werde die Zeitung lesen. Track 09 Could you come with me? (to a friend, Paul) Könntest du mit mir kommen? Could you tell me where it is? Könnten Sie mir sagen, wo es ist? I'm sorry but I couldn't understand you. Es tut mir Leid, aber ich konnte Sie nicht verstehen. Track 10 he has er hat You are right. Sie haben Recht. Why don't you buy it? Warum kaufen Sie es nicht? Why don't you want to buy it? Warum wollen Sie es nicht kaufen? Where will you buy it? / Where are you going to buy Wo werden Sie es kaufen? it? Why won't you buy it? Warum werden Sie es nicht kaufen? Track 11 I have bought it. Ich habe es gekauft. I have not bought it. Ich habe es nicht gekauft. 58

I want something more. I want to eat something more. He didn't buy it yet. Why didn't you buy it yet? He has made it. He laughed. Track 12 to go away I'm going away. to go back to come back He is coming back soon. He will come back soon. to sell I'm selling it. I have sold it. He sold it. / He has sold it. He didn't sell it yet. / He has not yet sold it. We sold it. / We have sold it. You sold it. / You have sold it. They sold it. / They have sold it. Why did you sell it? / Why have you sold it? (to a friend) Why didn't you sell it? / Why have you not sold it? Why didn't you sell it yet? Everything is sold. It is not sold yet. He told me. / He has told me. Why didn't you tell me? / Why have you not told me? We have told it to you. He told me that he wouldn't do it. He didn't tell me that he will do it. Track 13 He is repairing it. I have repaired it. to organize He organized it. to control He controlled it. It is controlled. It is well organized. Everything is well organized. Track 14 I had we had They had / You had he had I had it. I didn't have it.

Ich will noch etwas. Ich will noch etwas essen. Er hat es noch nicht gekauft. Warum haben Sie es noch nicht gekauft? Er hat es gemacht. Er hat gelacht. weggehen Ich gehe weg. zurückgehen zurückkommen Er kommt bald zurück. Er wird bald zurückkommen. verkaufen Ich verkaufe es. Ich habe es verkauft. Er hat es verkauft. Er hat es noch nicht verkauft. Wir haben es verkauft. Sie haben es verkauft. Sie (die) haben es verkauft. Warum hast du es verkauft? Warum haben Sie es nicht verkauft? Warum haben Sie es noch nicht verkauft? Alles ist verkauft. Es ist noch nicht verkauft. Er hat mir gesagt. Warum haben Sie mir nicht gesagt...? Wir haben es Ihnen gesagt. Er hat mir gesagt, dass er es nicht tun würde. Er hat mir nicht gesagt, dass er es tun wird. Er repariert es. Ich habe es repariert. organisieren Er hat es organisiert. kontrollieren Er hat es kontrolliert. Es ist kontrolliert. Es ist sehr gut organisiert. Alles ist sehr gut organisiert. Ich hatte wir hatten Sie hatten er hatte Ich hatte es. Ich hatte es nicht. 59

I wouldn't have bought it. because it was very expensive Track 15 We were very busy. He was there. He wasn't in. / He wasn't there. Where were you? (to a friend) It was true. It is really true. Track 16 I don't believe that he is going to come with us. Track 17 I saw it. / I have seen it. I had seen it. I would have seen it. I would have told you. He wouldn't have told me. We would have told you. if you had told me I would have bought it if I had seen it. Track 18 I waited for you. How long did you wait? He waited for me. Track 19 Why don't you want to do it? (to a friend) Track 20 to look for, to seek I looked for it. / I have looked for it ... Track 21 I have not been able to do it. I have wanted to do it. He has not wanted to do it. Track 22 I would not have been able to do it. (I couldn't have done it.) You could have told it to me. I could have done it. Track 23 We must see it. They must see it. You must see it. I must buy it. It could be. It has to be ready now. / It must be ready now. It must be ready already. It cannot be ready yet. Track 24 You have to do it now. Track 25

Ich hätte es nicht gekauft. denn es war sehr teuer / weil es sehr teuer war Wir waren sehr beschäftigt. Er war da. Er war nicht da. Wo warst du? Es war wahr. Es ist wirklich wahr. Ich glaube nicht, dass er mit uns kommen wird. Ich habe es gesehen. Ich hatte es gesehen. Ich hätte es gesehen. Ich hätte es Ihnen gesagt. Er hätte es mir nicht gesagt. Wir hätten es Ihnen gesagt. wenn Sie mir gesagt hätten Ich hätte es gekauft, wenn ich es gesehen hätte. Ich habe auf Sie gewartet. Wie lange haben Sie gewartet? Er hat auf mich gewartet. Warum willst du es nicht tun? suchen Ich habe es gesucht ... Ich habe es nicht tun können. Ich habe es tun wollen. Er hat es nicht tun wollen. Ich hätte es nicht tun können. Sie hätten es mir sagen können. Ich hätte es tun können. Wir müssen es sehen. Sie müssen es sehen. Sie müssen es sehen. Ich muss es kaufen. Es könnte sein. Es muss jetzt fertig sein. Es muss schon fertig sein. Es kann noch nicht fertig sein. Sie müssen es jetzt tun. 60

Do you smoke? Stay here! Don't eat that! Track 26 You don't have to see it. You don't have to do it. He has to be here soon. Track 27 He had to stay here because he had to work. Track 28 You should come with us. I was supposed to prepare it yesterday. Track 29 You could have come with us. You could have bought it. You should have told me. I would buy it for you. I would have bought it for you. I could have bought it for you. I should have bought it for you. Track 30 I enjoy seeing you. I would be very pleased to see you. I would have enjoyed going there with you (last night). Track 31 I would have wanted to do it. I wanted to see it ... ... but I couldn't see it. I could have gone there with you. You should have gone there with us. Track 32 Nobody was there. Who was there with you last night? Track 33 I don't succeed. I don't succeed doing it. I won't succeed in doing it. Track 34 Let me try! Leave me alone! Track 35 It won't be necessary. I'm getting tired. I will be tired. You will be too tired.

Rauchen Sie? Bleiben Sie hier! Essen Sie das nicht! Sie brauchen es nicht zu sehen. Sie brauchen es nicht zu tun. Er muss bald hier sein. Er musste hier bleiben, denn er musste arbeiten. / Er musste hier bleiben, weil er arbeiten musste. Sie sollen mit uns kommen. Ich sollte es gestern vorbereiten. Sie hätten mit uns kommen können. Sie hätten es kaufen können. Sie hätten mir sagen sollen. Ich würde es für Sie kaufen. Ich hätte es für Sie gekauft. Ich hätte es für Sie kaufen können. Ich hätte es für Sie kaufen sollen. Es freut mich, Sie zu sehen. / Ich freue mich, Sie zu sehen. Es würde mich freuen, Sie zu sehen. / Ich würde mich freuen, Sie zu sehen. Es hätte mich sehr gefreut, (gestern Abend) mit Ihnen dorthin zu gehen. / Ich hätte mich sehr gefreut, (gestern Abend) mit Ihnen dorthin zu gehen. Ich hätte es tun wollen. Ich wollte es sehen ... ... aber ich konnte es nicht sehen. Ich hätte mit Ihnen dorthin gehen können. Sie hätten mit uns dorthin gehen sollen. Niemand war da. Wer war da mit Ihnen gestern Abend? Es gelingt mir nicht. Es gelingt mir nicht, es zu tun. Es wird mir nicht gelingen, es zu tun. Lassen Sie mich versuchen! Lassen Sie mich in Ruhe! Es wird nicht nötig sein. / Es wird nicht notwendig sein. Ich werde müde. Ich werde müde sein. Sie werden zu müde sein. 61

You will be getting tired soon. It's getting late. It is very dark. It is too dark. It is getting dark. It will be too dark. It will be getting dark soon. It was getting dark. It was suddenly getting very dark. It would be too dark. We were getting tired. Track 36 Do you know why he doesn't want to do it? Can you tell me why he didn't want to do it? Do you know why he couldn't (was not able) to do it? I didn't know I wouldn't have known it if you had not told me. Track 37 I went there. We went there last night. When did you go there? Why didn't you go there with me last night? We're going back. he came He came with us. He came back. He didn't come back yet. At what time did you come back? He will arrive tonight. He will arrive next week. He arrived this morning. At what time did you arrive? Track 38 It wouldn't be possible. It wouldn't be possible to do it that way. Track 39 I would have waited for you and I would have gone there with you (last night). He would have come with us. Track 40 He arrived (today). He would have arrived today. if he had arrived today If I had been there, I would have seen it. I didn't see you because I was not there.

Sie werden bald müde werden. Es wird spät. Es ist sehr dunkel. Es ist zu dunkel. Es wird dunkel. Es wird zu dunkel sein. Es wird bald dunkel werden. Es wurde dunkel. Es wurde plötzlich sehr dunkel. Es würde zu dunkel sein. Wir wurden müde. Wissen Sie warum er es nicht tun will? Können Sie mir sagen, warum er es nicht tun wollte? Wissen Sie warum er es nicht tun konnte? Ich wusste nicht Ich hätte es nicht gewusst, wenn Sie es mir nicht gesagt hätten. Ich bin dorthin gegangen. Wir sind gestern Abend dorthin gegangen. Wann sind Sie dorthin gegangen? Warum sind Sie nicht mit mir gestern Abend dorthin gegangen? Wir gehen zurück. er ist gekommen Er ist mit uns gekommen. Er ist zurückgekommen. Er ist noch nicht zurückgekommen. Um wie wiel Uhr sind Sie zurückgekommen? Er wird heute Abend ankommen. Er wird nächste Woche ankommen. Er ist heute Morgen angekommen. / Er ist heute früh angekommen. Um wie viel Uhr sind Sie angekommen? Es wäre nicht möglich. / Es würde nicht möglich sein. Es wäre nicht möglich, es so zu tun. / Es würde nicht möglich sein, es so zu tun. Ich hätte auf Sie gewartet und ich wäre (gestern Abend) mit Ihnen dorthin gegangen. Er wäre mit uns gekommen. Er ist (heute) angekommen. Er wäre heute angekommen. wenn er heute angekommen wäre Wenn ich dort gewesen wäre, hätte ich es gesehen. Ich habe Sie nicht gesehen, denn ich war nicht da. / Ich habe Sie nicht gesehen, weil ich nicht da war. 62

Track 41 We went to Berlin. When did you go to Vienna? How long did you stay in Vienna? I would have stayed longer if I had known that you would be here. Track 42 When did you arrive? I would have arrived earlier if I had known that you would be here and that you waited for me. Track 43 We went to Vienna. We only stayed a few days. And we came back to London. Track 44 It would have pleased me very much. I would have liked very much to know that you would go there. I would be pleased. / It would please me. It would have pleased me. I would have been pleased. Track 45 I hurried. We hurried. If I had hurried, I would have arrived earlier. Track 46 to get up I got up. We got up. At what time did you get up? I would have gotten up earlier if I had known it. Track 47 It is not possible to do it that way. It has not been possible to do it that way. We have tried and it has not been possible to do it. I think it would have been possible to do it that way if we had tried (to do it). Track 48 to lie down I'm putting the bottle on the table. I'm putting the book on the table. It is lying on the table. We are sitting here. I'm sitting down. I sat down. Track 49 It is very quiet.

Wir sind nach Berlin gefahren. Wann sind Sie nach Wien gefahren? Wie lange sind Sie in Wien geblieben? Ich wäre länger geblieben, wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass Sie hier sein würden. Wann sind Sie angekommen? Ich wäre früher angekommen, wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass Sie hier sein würden und dass Sie auf mich gewartet haben. Wir sind nach Wien gefahren. Wir sind nur ein paar Tage geblieben. Und wir sind nach London zurückgekommen. Es hätte mich sehr gefreut. Es hätte mich sehr gefreut zu wissen, dass Sie dorthin gehen würden. Es würde mich freuen. Es hätte mich gefreut. Ich hätte mich gefreut. Ich habe mich beeilt. Wir haben uns beeilt. Wenn ich mich beeilt hätte, wäre ich früher angekommen. aufstehen Ich bin aufgestanden. Wir sind aufgestanden. Um wie viel Uhr sind Sie aufgestanden? Ich wäre früher aufgestanden, wenn ich es gewusst hätte. Es ist nicht möglich, es so zu tun. Es ist nicht möglich gewesen, es so zu tun. Wir haben versucht und es ist nicht möglich gewesen, es zu tun. Ich glaube, dass es möglich gewesen wäre, es so zu tun, wenn wir versucht hätten (es zu tun). sich hinlegen Ich stelle die Flasche auf den Tisch. Ich lege das Buch auf den Tisch. Es liegt auf dem Tisch. Wir sitzen hier. Ich setze mich hin. Ich habe mich hingesetzt. Es ist sehr ruhig. 63

I will take a rest. You should take a rest. I had a good rest. You have to take a rest. One has to take a rest sometimes. Did you sleep well? One can understand it sometimes. But sometimes one cannot understand it. I did not understand what you have said. I don't understand what you mean. What do you mean? What does it mean? Track 50 I will send it to you. He sent it to me. to receive But I have not received it yet. to keep You can keep it. I cannot hear it. It belongs to me. It doesn't belong to me. It belongs to you. Does it belong to you? Track 51 to answer He didn't answer yet. He called me. (on the phone) I called you this morning in order to tell you that I would arrive tonight and that I will be at your place (at your house) at ten o'clock. Track 52 I want you to tell him. (I want that you should tell him.) Will you tell him to call me. I told him to call me. Track 53 I remember I don't remember I cannot remember. I cannot remember it. I didn't remember it. Track 54 I will let the apartment. / I will rent the apartment. I will rent the house. / I will let the house. We live here. We are here now, but we don't live here. Track 55

Ich werde mich ausruhen. Sie sollen sich ausruhen. Ich habe mich sehr gut ausgeruht. Sie müssen sich ausruhen. Man muss sich manchmal ausruhen. / Manchmal muss man sich ausruhen. Haben Sie gut geschlafen? Man kann es manchmal verstehen. Aber manchmal kann man es nicht verstehen. Ich habe nicht verstanden, was Sie gesagt haben. Ich verstehe nicht was Sie meinen. Was meinen Sie? Was meint es? Ich werde es Ihnen schicken. Er hat es mir geschickt. erhalten Aber ich habe es noch nicht erhalten. behalten Sie können es behalten. Ich kann es nicht hören. Es gehört mir. Es gehört mir nicht. Es gehört Ihnen. Gehört es Ihnen? antworten Er hat noch nicht geantwortet. Er hat mich angerufen. Ich habe Sie heute früh (heute Morgen / heute Vormittag) angerufen, um Ihnen zu sagen, dass ich heute Abend ankommen würde und dass ich bei Ihnen um zehn Uhr sein werde. Ich will, dass Sie es ihm sagen sollen. Wollen Sie ihm sagen, dass er mich anrufen soll. Ich habe ihm gesagt, dass er mich anrufen soll. Ich erinnere mich Ich erinnere mich nicht Ich kann mich nicht erinnern. Ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern. Ich habe mich nicht daran erinnert. Ich werde die Wohnung mieten. Ich werde das Haus mieten. Wir wohnen hier. Wir sind jetzt hier, aber wir wohnen nicht hier.


The food is very good here. Track 56 How long have you been working here? He has been working here for three years already. How long have you been here in Vienna? Where have you been? I have been here for three weeks already. Track 57 I don't have the possibility to do it. Track 58 I'm trying to do it. I tried to do it. We are starting. At what time do you start? At what time do you usually start? It started. He has gone. He went away. We went away. Track 59 At what time are you coming back? He will be back soon. He will be here again soon. Track 60 It belonged to me. I heard it. / I have heard it. Track 61 habit to get used to something I will get used to it. I have to get used to it. It is not very heavy. / It is not very difficult. I cannot get used to it. It's very difficult for me. One has to get used to it. I've finally got used to it. I remembered. I couldn't remember it. Track 62 I opened the window. It is open(ed). It is being opened. It was opened. It was being opened. He closed the door. The door is closed. The door is being closed. It will be closed. It will be getting closed. Track 63

Das Essen ist sehr gut hier. Wie lange arbeiten Sie hier? Er arbeitet schon hier seit drei Jahren. Wie lange sind Sie schon hier in Wien? Wo sind Sie gewesen? Ich bin schon hier seit drei Wochen. Ich habe nicht die Möglichkeit, es zu tun. Ich versuche, es zu tun. Ich habe versucht, es zu tun. Wir fangen an. Um wie viel Uhr fangen Sie an? Um wie viel Uhr fangen Sie gewöhnlich an? Es hat angefangen. Er ist gegangen. Er ist weggegangen. Wir sind weggegangen. Um wie viel Uhr kommen Sie zurück? Er wird bald zurück sein. Er wird bald wieder hier sein. Es hat mir gehört. Ich habe es gehört. die Gewohnheit sich gewöhnen Ich werde mich daran gewöhnen. Ich muss mich daran gewöhnen. Es ist nicht sehr schwer. Ich kann mich nicht daran gewöhnen. Es ist sehr schwer für mich. Man muss sich daran gewöhnen. Ich habe mich endlich daran gewöhnt. Ich habe mich erinnert. Ich konnte mich nicht daran erinnern. Ich habe das Fenster geöffnet. Es ist geöffnet. Es wird geöffnet. Es war geöffnet. Es wurde geöffnet. Er hat die Tür zugemacht. Die Tür ist zugemacht. / Die Tür ist zu. Die Tür wird zugemacht. Es wird zugemacht sein. Es wird zugemacht werden. 65

It is getting cold. The soup has gotten cold. It will be late. It will be getting late. It was dark. It was too dark. It has been (very) dark. It has gotten very dark. Track 64 to build I built it. It is built. It is being built. It was built. It was being built. These houses were being built. It's getting light. It has become light. It was getting light. It would be getting too dark. It would have been too dark. It would have gotten too dark. Track 65 He is selling it. It is sold. Everything is being sold. It was being sold. Everything was being sold. Everything was sold. Everything has been sold. Everything would be sold. Track 66 He is selling the house. He has been living here for a long time. He has been selling houses for a long time. The house is sold. The house is being sold. He sold the house. The house has gotten sold. / The house has become sold. The house was getting sold. He will sell the house. The house will be sold. The house will be getting sold. He would sell the house. The house would be getting sold. He had sold the house. if he had sold the house The house would have been sold. He will have sold the house.

Es wird kalt. Die Suppe ist kalt geworden. Es wird spät sein. Es wird spät werden. Es war dunkel. Es war zu dunkel. Es ist (sehr) dunkel gewesen. Es ist sehr dunkel geworden. bauen Ich habe es gebaut. Es ist gebaut. Es wird gebaut. Es war gebaut. Es wurde gebaut. Diese Häuser wurden gebaut. Es wird hell. Es ist hell geworden. Es wurde hell. Es würde zu dunkel werden. Es wäre zu dunkel gewesen. Es wäre zu dunkel geworden. Er verkauft es. Es ist verkauft. Alles wird verkauft. Es wurde verkauft. Alles wurde verkauft. Alles war verkauft. Alles ist verkauft gewesen. Alles würde verkauft sein. / Alles wäre verkauft. Er verkauft das Haus. Er wohnt hier seit langer Zeit. Er verkauft Häuser (schon) seit langer Zeit. Das Haus ist verkauft. Das Haus wird verkauft. Er hat das Haus verkauft. Das Haus ist verkauft worden. Das Haus wurde verkauft. Er wird das Haus verkaufen. Das Haus wird verkauft sein. Das Haus wird verkauft werden. Er würde das Haus verkaufen. Das Haus würde verkauft werden. Er hatte das Haus verkauft. wenn er das Haus verkauft hätte Das Haus wäre verkauft worden. Er wird das Haus verkauft haben. 66

He would have sold the house. The house would have been sold. Track 67 I'm very happy to be here with you. I did enjoy very much being here with you. I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon.

It did interest me very much. Track 68 He told me that he wouldn't have done it if he had known it. Track 69 Do you want to come along? I will come along. I'm sorry but I cannot come along. He came along. Track 70 to tear to tear something off It is torn off. It got torn off. / It became torn off. to tear into pieces He tore it into pieces. It is (entirely) torn into pieces. It was being torn into pieces yesterday. to break It is broken. He broke it into pieces. Track 71 It fell. It fell down. It fell out. It fell over. It fell in. He fell in. Track 72 He worked. He asked me. Why didn't you ask me? We played. Track 73 The store is open. May I try on the shoes? Track 74 he discovers He discovered it. It is discovered.

Er hätte das Haus verkauft. Das Haus wäre verkauft gewesen. Ich freue mich sehr mit Ihnen hier zu sein. / Es freut mich sehr mit Ihnen hier zu sein. Es hat mich sehr gefreut (mit euch) mit Ihnen hier zu sein. Ich werde mich sehr freuen, Sie bald wieder zu sehen. / Es wird mich sehr freuen, Sie bald wieder zu sehen. Es hat mich sehr interessiert. Er hat mir gesagt, dass er es nicht getan hätte, wenn er es gewusst hätte. Wollen Sie mitkommen? Ich werde mitkommen. Es tut mir Leid, aber ich kann nicht mitkommen. Er ist mitgekommen. reißen abreißen Es ist abgerissen. Es wurde abgerissen. zerreißen Er hat es zerrissen. Es ist (ganz) zerrissen. Es wurde gestern zerrissen. brechen Es ist gebrochen. Er hat es zerbrochen. Es ist gefallen. Es ist runtergefallen. Es ist rausgefallen. Es ist rübergefallen. Es ist reingefallen. Er ist reingefallen. Er hat gearbeitet. Er hat mich gefragt. Warum haben Sie mich nicht gefragt? Wir haben gespielt. Das Geschäft ist geöffnet. Darf ich die Schuhe anprobieren? er entdeckt Er hat es entdeckt. Es ist entdeckt. 67

He has discovered it. I slept. to step to step in

Er hat es entdeckt. Ich habe geschlafen. treten eintreten


Spanish - Foundation review course Recording 1 Track 01 possible probable it is It is possible. It is probable. It is terrible. It is acceptable. for me for you It is for me. It is not. It is not for you. It is not for you, it is for me. It is not possible for me. It is possible for you. It is acceptable for me. Track 02 It is acceptable for you. Is it acceptable for you? Isn't it acceptable for you? why Why isn't it acceptable for you? like that / that way It is like that. It is not like that. It is not possible that way. It is not acceptable for me that way. Why isn't it acceptable for you that way? I'm sorry (I feel it) I'm sorry but... I'm sorry but it is not acceptable for me that way. Track 03 different important It is important for me. It is not different that way. It is very good. It is not very good. It is not very different that way. But it is very important for me. restaurant Track 04

posible probable es Es posible. Es probable. Es terrible. Es aceptable. para mí para usted Es para mí. No es. No es para usted. No es para usted, es para mí. No es posible para mí. Es posible para usted. Es aceptable para mí. Es aceptable para usted. ¿Es aceptable para usted? ¿No es aceptable para usted? ¿por qué? ¿Por qué no es aceptable para usted? así Es así. No es así. No es posible así. No es aceptable para mí así. ¿Por qué no es aceptable para usted así? lo siento Lo siento, pero... Lo siento, pero no es aceptable para mí así. diferente importante Es importante para mí. No es diferente así. Es muy bueno. No es muy bueno. No es muy diferente así. Pero es muy importante para mí. restaurante


I have I don't have I have it. I don't have it. I want I want it. I don't want it that way. I need I need it. I don't need it. now I want it but I don't need it now. Track 05 constant evident urgent It is very urgent. I need it now, it is very urgent. you have What do you have? What do you have for me now? You have it. Do you have it? You don't have it. Don't you have it? Don't you have it for me now? Why don't you have it for me now, because I need it now? because Track 06 I don't want it. you want What do you want? You want it. Do you want it? Why don't you want it that way? to know I want to know. I don't want to know. I want to know why you don't have it for me now. Track 07 I can you can to do / to make to do like that What do you want to do now? to eat something I want something. I have something for you.

tengo no tengo Lo tengo. No lo tengo. quiero Lo quiero. No lo quiero así. necesito Lo necesito. No lo necesito. ahora Lo quiero pero no lo necesito ahora. constante evidente urgente Es muy urgente. Lo necesito ahora, es muy urgente. tiene, Usted tiene ¿Qué tiene? ¿Qué tiene para mí ahora? Lo tiene. ¿Lo tiene? No lo tiene. ¿No lo tiene? ¿No lo tiene para mí ahora? ¿Por qué no lo tiene para mí ahora, porque lo necesito ahora? porque No lo quiero. quiere ¿Qué quiere? Lo quiere. ¿Lo quiere? ¿Por qué no lo quiere así? saber Quiero saber. No quiero saber. Quiero saber por qué no lo tiene para mí ahora. puedo puede hacer hacer así ¿Qué quiere hacer ahora? comer algo Quiero algo. Tengo algo para usted. 70

I want to eat. I want to eat something now. I am hungry. I want to eat something now because I'm hungry. What do you want to eat? You are hungry. Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something now? Why don't you want to eat? Track 08 necessary It is not necessary for me now because I don't need it. I'm sorry but I don't have it and I don't want it because I don't need it now. and contrary on the contrary vocabulary Track 09 to see to see it I want to see it. I don't want to see it. Do you want to see it? Why don't you want to see it? I cannot see it. Can you see it? You can see it. What can you see? Why can't you see it? to do it I don't want to do it that way. Because I cannot do it. Why can't you do it? I want to know why you can't do it that way. Track 10 difference importance influence preference the difference a difference What difference? the preference a preference What preference? Do you have a preference? What preference do you have?

Quiero comer. Quiero comer algo ahora. Tengo hambre. Quiero comer algo ahora porque tengo hambre. ¿Qué quiere comer? Tiene hambre. ¿Tiene hambre? ¿Tiene hambre? ¿Quiere comer algo ahora? ¿Por qué no quiere comer? necesario No es necesario para mí ahora porque no lo necesito. Lo siento, pero no lo tengo y no lo quiero porque no lo necesito ahora. y contrario al contrario vocabulario ver verlo Quiero verlo. No quiero verlo. ¿Quiere verlo? ¿Por qué no quiere verlo? No puedo verlo. ¿Puede verlo? Puede verlo. ¿Qué puede ver? ¿Por qué no puede verlo? hacerlo No quiero hacerlo así. Porque no puedo hacerlo. ¿Por qué no puede hacerlo? Quiero saber por qué no puede hacerlo así. diferencia importancia influencia preferencia la diferencia una diferencia ¿Qué diferencia? la preferencia una preferencia ¿Qué preferencia? ¿Tiene una preferencia? ¿Que preferencia tiene? 71

For what restaurant do you have a preference? tonight It is for tonight. For what restaurant do you have a preference tonight? Track 11 Where? Where do you want to eat? the dinner to dine Where do you want to have dinner (to dine) tonight? condition position reservation the reservation a reservation Do you have a reservation for me for tonight? Track 12 the condition a condition What condition? What reservation? of the confirmation of the reservation Do you have the confirmation of the reservation for me for tonight? kind / type What type (kind) of reservation do you have for me for tonight? What kind of reservation do you want? Track 13 translation I need a translation. Can you make a translation for me? Will you make a translation for me. please Will you please do it for me. Can you do it for me today? explanation to give Will you give an explanation. Can you give an explanation? Track 14 formation to form to conform to confirm to speak to eat to come

¿Para qué restaurante tiene una preferencia? esta noche Es para esta noche. ¿Para que restaurante tiene una preferencia esta noche? ¿Dónde? ¿Dónde quiere comer? la cena cenar ¿Dónde quiere cenar esta noche? condición posición reservación la reservación una reservación ¿Tiene una reservación para mí para esta noche? la condición una condición ¿Qué condición? ¿Qué reservación? de la confirmación de la reservación ¿Tiene la confirmación de la reservación para mí para esta noche? tipo ¿Qué tipo de reservación tiene para mí para esta noche? ¿Qué tipo de reservación quiere? traducción Necesito una traducción. ¿Puede hacer una traducción para mí? Puede hacer una traducción para mí. por favor Puede hacerlo para mí por favor. ¿Puede hacerlo para mí hoy? explicación dar Puede dar una explicación. ¿Puede dar una explicación? formación formar conformar confirmar hablar comer venir


to leave Mexico situation impression What impression do you have of the situation? Track 15 here Will you make a reservation for me. Can you make a reservation for me? Why can you not (can't you) make a reservation for me? to see I want to know it. I want to see it. I want to see them. I want to see them. (all women) I want to see you. to see me Track 16 to understand to understand it to understand you to understand them to understand them (all ladies) to understand me Can you understand me? Why can't you understand me? to say / to tell to tell it to tell you to tell me Why can't you tell me now? to buy I want to buy something here. What do you want to buy here? Why don't you want to buy it? Track 17 expensive It is very expensive. Why don't you have it for me? to have I want to have it because I need it. I have to / I must I have to do it. to leave I have to leave. soon I have to leave soon. you have to / you must You have to do it.

salir México situación impresión ¿Que impresión tiene de la situación? aquí Puede hacer una reservación para mí. ¿Puede hacer una reservación para mí? ¿Por qué no puede hacer una reservación para mí? ver Quiero saberlo. Quiero verlo. Quiero verlos. Quiero verlas. Quiero verle. verme comprender comprenderlo comprenderle comprenderlos comprenderlas comprenderme ¿Puede comprenderme? ¿Por qué no puede comprenderme? decir decirlo decirle decirme ¿Por qué no puede decirme ahora? comprar Quiero comprar algo aquí. ¿Qué quiere comprar aquí? ¿Por qué no quiere comprarlo? caro Es muy caro. ¿Por qué no lo tiene para mí? tener Quiero tenerlo porque lo necesito. tengo que Tengo que hacerlo. salir Tengo que salir. pronto Tengo que salir pronto. tiene que Tiene que hacerlo. 73

When? When do you have to do it? to tell it to tell you to tell me Will you tell me. Can you tell me? Will you tell me why you cannot do it that way. Track 18 political economical philosophical logical It is not logical but it is very practical that way. the political situation the economical situation in Spain in Mexico in Argentina What impression do you have of the political and economical situation in Spain right now? Track 19 How much? Will you tell me how much it is. And I want to buy it. because I need it And I want to have it. if it is not very expensive if I am occupied / busy I am busy. (masculine) I am busy. (feminine) tired I am tired. (masculine) I am tired. (feminine) to be married I am not very busy today. (feminine) I am not very busy today. (masculine) Track 20 you are You are busy. Are you busy now? (feminine) Are you busy now? (masculine) to be this house table this table Where are you now? How?

¿Cuándo? ¿Cuándo tiene que hacerlo? decirlo decirle decirme Puede decirme. ¿Puede decirme? Puede decirme por qué no puede hacerlo así. político económico filosófico lógico No es lógico pero es muy práctico así. la situación política la situación económica en España en México en Argentina ¿Qué impresión tiene de la situación política y económica en España ahora? ¿Cuánto? Puede decirme cuánto es. Y quiero comprarlo. porque lo necesito Y quiero tenerlo. si no es muy caro si estoy ocupado Estoy ocupado. Estoy ocupada. cansado / cansada Estoy cansado. Estoy cansada. casado No estoy muy ocupada hoy. No estoy muy ocupado hoy. está Está ocupado. ¿Está ocupada ahora? ¿Está ocupado ahora? estar esta casa mesa esta mesa ¿Dónde está ahora? ¿Cómo? 74

How are you? hello / good day (good days) Are you tired? (masculine) Are you tired? (feminine) Track 21 I am going to I am going to I am going to eat now. I am going to buy it. I am not going to buy it because it's very expensive. I am going to tell you. late very late It is very late. more or less later (more late) I am going to be here later. Track 22 I am going to do it. I am not going to do it now because I am going to be very busy today. (feminine) I am going to be very busy today. (masculine) to call I am going to call you later. Can you/will you call me later. at what time (hour) At what time can you call me? you are going you are going to At what time are you going to call me? At what time are you going to be here tonight? Where are you going to be later? Track 23 He is going to do it. She is going to do it. When are you going to do it? Where is he? Where are you? Where is she? What do you want? What does he want? What does she want? What does he have? What does she have? What do you have? Track 24 ready I am ready. I am ready. (feminine)

¿Cómo está? buenos días ¿Está cansado? ¿Está cansada? voy a voy a Voy a comer ahora. Voy a comprarlo. No voy a comprarlo porque es muy caro. Voy a decirle. tarde muy tarde Es muy tarde. más o menos más tarde Voy a estar aquí más tarde. Voy a hacerlo. No voy a hacerlo ahora porque voy a estar muy ocupada hoy. Voy a estar muy ocupado hoy. llamar Voy a llamarle más tarde. Puede llamarme más tarde. ¿A qué hora? ¿A qué hora puede llamarme? va va a ¿A qué hora va a llamarme? ¿A qué hora va a estar aquí esta noche? ¿Dónde va a estar más tarde? Va a hacerlo. Va a hacerlo. ¿Cuándo va a hacerlo? ¿Dónde está él? ¿Dónde está usted? ¿Dónde está ella? ¿Qué quiere? ¿Qué quiere él? ¿Qué quiere ella? ¿Qué tiene él? ¿Qué tiene ella? ¿Qué tiene usted? listo Estoy listo. Estoy lista. 75

Are you ready? (feminine) Are you ready? (masculine) At what time (hour) are you going to be ready? (masculine) At what time are you going to be ready? (feminine) At what time is it going to be ready? I want to know at what time it is going to be ready because I need it and I want to have it today if it is possible. Will you tell me when it is going to be ready. Track 25 all / everything Everything is going to be ready for you today. nothing tomorrow Nothing is going to be ready for you today, but everything is going to be ready tomorrow. He is ready. She is ready. Everything is ready. Track 26 It is ready. How is he? How is she? Where are you? Where is he? Where is she? Where is it? I don't know. I know I know it. I don't know it. I don't know. I don't know where it is. Track 27 How is Pablo today? sick Sunday to arrive drunk to look Pablo is drunk. Pablo is a drunk. dressed well dressed He (Pablo) is well dressed today. I am a professor. clever I am clever. He is clever.

¿Está lista? ¿Está listo? ¿A qué hora va a estar listo? ¿A qué hora va a estar lista? ¿A qué hora va a estar listo? Quiero saber a qué hora va a estar listo porque lo necesito y tengo que tenerlo hoy si es posible. Puede decirme cuándo va a estar listo. todo Todo va a estar listo para usted hoy. nada mañana Nada va a estar listo para usted hoy, pero todo va a estar listo mañana. Él está listo. Ella está lista. Todo está listo. Está listo. ¿Cómo está él? ¿Cómo está ella? ¿Dónde está (usted)? ¿Dónde está él? ¿Dónde está ella? ¿Donde esta? No sé. sé Lo sé. No lo sé. No sé. No sé dónde está. ¿Cómo está Pablo hoy? enfermo domingo llegar borracho mirar Pablo está borracho. Pablo es borracho. vestido bien vestido Pablo está bien vestido hoy. Soy profesor. listo Soy listo. Él es listo. 76

She is clever. She is ready. Track 28 to speak to buy to take Will you/can you confirm the reservation for me. to prepare Will you/can you prepare the dinner for me. Will you/can you accept the condition. much / very much many thanks I want very much to accept the condition, but I am sorry I cannot accept it because it is not acceptable for me that way. Track 29 to come with me with you with him with her Will you/can you speak Spanish with me. Can you come with me. Can you come see it with me tonight. Track 30 to go I want to go see it with you. I must go see it. I must speak with you. I am sorry but I cannot see you today because I am going to be very busy. I must buy it. I cannot buy it because it's very expensive. Track 31 How much is it? to find I cannot find it. I don't know where it is. Will you/can you tell me where it is because I cannot find it. Track 32 I buy / I am buying I buy it. / I am buying it. I am not buying it. / I don't buy it. to sell I am selling it. I am not selling it. to understand I understand I understand it very well.

Ella es lista. Ella está lista. hablar comprar tomar Puede confirmar la reservación para mí. preparar Puede preparar la cena para mí. Puede aceptar la condición. mucho muchas gracias Quiero mucho aceptar la condición, pero lo siento no puedo aceptarlo (aceptarla) porque no es aceptable para mí así. venir conmigo con usted con él con ella Puede hablar español conmigo. Puede venir conmigo. Puede venir a verlo conmigo esta noche. ir Quiero ir a verlo con usted. Tengo que ir a verlo. Tengo que hablar con usted. Lo siento, pero no puedo verle hoy porque voy a estar muy ocupado. Tengo que comprarlo. No puedo comprarlo porque es muy caro. ¿Cuánto es? encontrar No puedo encontrarlo. No sé dónde está. Puede decirme dónde está porque no puedo encontrarlo. compro Lo compro. No lo compro. vender Lo vendo. No lo vendo. comprender comprendo Lo comprendo muy bien.


I don't understand it very well. I understand it. I don't understand it. I don't understand you. you understand You understand it. Do you understand it? Why don't you understand it? Do you understand me? You understand me. Why don't you understand me? Track 33 to sell I am selling it. I am not selling it. / I don't sell it. You are selling it. Why don't you sell it? to write I am writing everyday (all the days) I am writing everyday. Track 34 I like (it pleases me) I like to see it. But I don't like to do it. I like to go see it. I like very much I like very much to write. you like (it pleases you) I like to write. I am writing / I write you write / he writes / she writes Why don't you write to me? Track 35 to know you know Do you know where it is? Why don't you know it? Why don't you do it? At what time (hour) are you leaving? At what time do you leave? What are you doing today? What are you doing tonight? What are you doing? (right now) What are you writing? What are you writing? (right there) Track 36 What are you saying? I am sorry but I don't understand what you are saying.

No lo comprendo muy bien. Lo comprendo. No lo comprendo. No le comprendo. comprende Lo comprende. ¿Lo comprende? ¿Por qué no lo comprende? ¿Me comprende? Me comprende. ¿Por qué no me comprende? vender Lo vendo. No lo vendo. Lo vende. ¿Por qué no lo vende? escribir escribo todos los días Escribo todos los días. me gusta Me gusta verlo. Pero no me gusta hacerlo. Me gusta ir a verlo. me gusta mucho Me gusta mucho escribir. le gusta Me gusta escribir. escribo escribe ¿Por qué no me escribe? saber sabe ¿Sabe dónde está? ¿Por qué no lo sabe? ¿Por qué no lo hace? ¿A qué hora sale? ¿A qué hora sale? ¿Qué hace hoy? ¿Qué hace esta noche? ¿Qué está haciendo? ¿Qué escribe? ¿Qué está escribiendo? ¿Qué dice? Lo siento, pero no comprendo lo que dice. 78

I don't know what you want. That's not what I want. What do you want to say? I don't understand very well what you mean. You don't understand what I mean. because that's not what I mean Track 37 I speak I am preparing it. But I don't accept it. I am preparing I am accepting it. you are leaving you are doing you are writing you are saying you speak / he speaks / she speaks / it speaks Do you speak English? Track 38 who / whom Who speaks English here? nobody Nobody speaks English here. everybody (all the world) Everybody speaks Spanish. Why don't you speak Spanish with me? I am buying it. I don't buy it. I am not buying it. Why don't you buy it? I don't know why I am not buying it. Why don't you sell it? I am not selling it because I don't want to sell it. Track 39 they speak they understand They are doing it. They are buying it. They are selling it. Track 40 Why don't you sell it? Why don't you sell it? (talking to several people) Why don't you do it? Why don't you all do it? Why don't they do it?

No sé lo que quiere. No es lo que quiero. ¿Qué quiere decir? No comprendo muy bien lo que quiere decir. No comprende lo que quiero decir. porque no es lo que quiero decir hablo Lo preparo. Pero no lo acepto. preparo Lo acepto. sale hace escribe dice habla ¿Habla inglés? quien ¿Quién habla inglés aquí? nadie Nadie habla inglés aquí. todo el mundo Todo el mundo habla español. ¿Por qué no habla español conmigo? Lo compro. No lo compro. No lo compro. ¿Por qué no lo compra? No sé por qué no lo compro. ¿Por qué no lo vende? No lo vendo porque no quiero venderlo. hablan comprenden Lo hacen. Lo compran. Lo venden. ¿Por qué no lo vende? ¿Por qué no lo venden? ¿Por qué no lo hace? ¿Por qué no lo hacen? ¿Por qué no lo hacen?

Recording 2 Track 41 to speak to eat

hablar comer 79

to understand to come to leave to do / to make to say / to tell I want you want I can I speak I don't speak I understand I don't understand you understand Do you understand it? Do you understand me? Don't you understand me? Why don't you understand me? they understand you speak Track 42 I am going I am I am (from 'ser') I give I know Track 43 Why don't you sell it? (plural) They are not selling it. They are not buying it. Why don't you (all) buy it? (plural) Track 44 Do you speak English? (to Roberto or Roberta) Why don't you speak Spanish with me? (to Roberto or Roberta) Speak Spanish with me! Track 45 Buy the book! this book this night (tonight) this house this table that book that table I want to see this. I am going to buy this. I want to see that. Why don't you buy this book? Buy that book! He is not buying it. Don't buy it!

comprender venir salir hacer decir quiero quiere puedo hablo no hablo comprendo no comprendo comprende ¿Lo comprende? ¿Me comprende? ¿No me comprende? ¿Por qué no me comprende? comprenden habla voy estoy soy doy sé ¿Por qué no lo venden? No lo venden. No lo compran. ¿Por qué no lo compran? ¿Hablas inglés? ¿Por qué no hablas español conmigo? ¡Hable español conmigo! ¡Compre el libro! este libro esta noche esta casa esta mesa ese libro esa mesa Quiero ver esto. Voy a comprar esto. Quiero ver eso. ¿Por qué no compra este libro? ¡Compre ese libro! Él no lo compra. ¡No lo compre! 80

Track 46 Why don't you sell it? Don't sell it. Don't sell it! (plural) Don't sell it. (Roberto) Buy that book. Don't buy it, it's not good. Don't buy it. (plural) Don't buy it. (Roberto) Track 47 Buy it! Buy it! (plural) Buy them! Don't buy them! to take Why don't you take it? Don't take it! Take it! Eat it! It is very good. delicious Track 48 we speak I want to speak with you. We are doing it. we eat we are leaving we are coming we are selling we are writing we have We are not doing it. We do not do it that way. We are telling you. Track 49 we go they are going to / you all are going to you are going to (Roberto) we are going to We are going to leave soon. At what time are we going to arrive in Madrid? Why don't you do it, Roberta? I have I come I'm leaving to put I put I am putting it here. I suppose Track 50

¿Por qué no lo vende? ¡No lo venda! ¡No lo vendan! ¡No lo vendas! ¡Compre ese libro! No lo compre, no es bueno. No lo compren. No lo compres. ¡Cómprelo! ¡Cómprenlo! ¡Cómprenlos! No los compren. tomar ¿Por qué no lo toma? ¡No lo tome! ¡Tómelo! ¡Cómalo! Es muy bueno. delicioso hablamos Quiero hablar contigo. Lo hacemos. comemos salimos venimos vendemos escribimos tenemos No lo hacemos. No lo hacemos así. Le decimos. vamos van a vas a vamos a Vamos a salir pronto. ¿A qué hora vamos a llegar a Madrid? ¿Por qué no lo haces, Roberta? tengo vengo salgo poner pongo Lo pongo aquí. supongo


I do I tell I am doing it. I am telling you. to bring I am bringing I am bringing it. I am putting it. Where are you putting it? Where are you all putting it? Where are you putting it? (Roberta) We are putting it here. Track 51 Come with me! Don't leave! Don't leave! (plural) Don't leave! (Roberto) Don't put it here. Put it here! Can you put it here. Track 52 Bring it! Bring me something! Don't put it here. there Put it there! Don't put it here, put it there. Do it! Don't do it! Say it in Spanish! Tell me! Don't tell me now. Don't tell me. (Roberta) Call me later. Call me! (Roberto/Roberta) Track 53 they have you have (Roberto) to come we are coming he is coming they are coming you are coming (Roberto) I am coming to begin I am starting You are starting / he is starting / she is starting / it is starting Start! At what time are you starting?

hago digo Lo hago. Le digo. traer traigo Lo traigo. Lo pongo. ¿Dónde lo pone? ¿Dónde lo ponen? ¿Dónde lo pones? Lo ponemos aquí. ¡Venga conmigo! ¡No salga! ¡No salgan! ¡No salgas! ¡No lo ponga aquí! Póngalo aquí. Puede ponerlo aquí. ¡Tráigalo! ¡Tráigame algo! ¡No lo ponga aquí! allí ¡Póngalo allí! ¡No lo ponga aquí, póngalo allí! ¡Hágalo! ¡No lo haga! ¡Dígalo en español! ¡Dígame! ¡No me diga ahora! ¡No me digas! ¡Llámeme más tarde! ¡Llámame! tienen tienes venir venimos viene vienen vienes vengo comenzar comienzo comienza ¡Comience! ¿A qué hora comienza? 82

At what time are you all starting? At what time are you starting? (Roberta) At what time do we start? Track 54 the film to think I think What do you think? What do you think of the situation? we think I plan on leaving soon. (in Spanish: I think to leave soon) When do you plan on leaving? to understand I understand I don't understand it. I don't understand you. I don't understand you. (Roberta) Do you understand me? (Roberta) We don't understand. I want you want / he wants they want you want (Roberto/Roberta) you all want to want we want Track 55 I can you can / he can they can / you all can you can (Roberto/Roberta) to be able (can) we can the power I find I don't find it. to remember I remember to come back I am coming back soon. At what time are you coming back? Are you all coming back? At what time are you coming back, Roberta? We are coming back soon. to regress Track 56 to lift up I am lifting it up. Why don't you lift it up?

¿A qué hora comienzan? ¿A qué hora comienzas? ¿A qué hora comenzamos? la película pensar pienso ¿Qué piensa? ¿Qué piensa de la situación? pensamos Pienso salir pronto. ¿Cuándo piensa salir? entender entiendo No lo entiendo. No le entiendo. No te entiendo. ¿Me entiendes? No entendemos. quiero quiere quieren quieres quieren querer queremos puedo puede pueden puedes poder podemos el poder encuentro No lo encuentro. recordar recuerdo volver Vuelvo pronto. ¿A qué hora vuelve? ¿Vuelven? ¿A qué hora vuelves, Roberta? Volvemos pronto. regresar levantar Lo levanto. ¿Por qué no lo levanta? 83

I am lifting myself up. (I am getting up.) We are getting up. (We lift ourselves up.) You are getting up. (Roberto) At what time are you getting up? (Roberta) He is getting up. At what time are you getting up? At what time are you all getting up? They are getting up soon. I am going to get up soon. I have to get up. We are going to get up soon. We have to get up. At what time do we have to get up? Track 57 to give to stay (to remain oneself) I am staying I am not staying How much time? / How long? time I don't know how long I am staying. I don't know how long I am going to stay. I don't know how long I can stay. We are staying. We are going to stay a few days. the hand the problem Track 58 there is / there are people the people many people There are many people here. There is no problem. I don't know how long we are going to stay here. still (still more) a little later I don't know yet. (Still I don't know.) Still I don't know how long I am going to stay. Track 59 we see We see it. He doesn't see it. / You don't see it. I see They see it. We see ourselves. We don't see ourselves. We see each other. At what time do we meet? (At what time do we see each other?)

Me levanto. Nos levantamos. Te levantas. ¿A qué hora te levantas? Se levanta. ¿A qué hora se levanta? ¿A qué hora se levantan? Se levantan pronto. Voy a levantarme pronto. Tengo que levantarme. Vamos a levantarnos pronto. Tenemos que levantarnos. ¿A qué hora tenemos que levantarnos? dar quedarse me quedo no me quedo ¿Cuánto tiempo? tiempo No sé cuánto tiempo me quedo. No sé cuánto tiempo voy a quedarme. No sé cuánto tiempo puedo quedarme. Nos quedamos. Vamos a quedarnos unos días. la mano el problema hay gente la gente mucha gente Hay mucha gente aquí. No hay problema. No sé cuánto tiempo vamos a quedarnos aquí. todavía un poco más tarde Todavía no sé. Todavía no sé cuánto tiempo voy a quedarme. vemos Lo vemos. No lo ve. veo Lo ven. Nos vemos. No nos vemos. Nos vemos. ¿A qué hora nos vemos? 84

At what time do we meet tomorrow? I call you later. I will call you tomorrow. (I call you tomorrow.) I am buying them. I am saying it. I am telling you. I am telling you. (Roberto/Roberta) I am calling you. I am calling you. (Roberto) I call you tomorrow. I am going to call you tomorrow. Track 60 We are staying a few days. We are going to stay a few days. At what time do we meet tomorrow? (At what time do we see each other tomorrow?) At what time are we going to see each other tomorrow? / At what time are we going to meet tomorrow? I will speak I will eat later. I will buy it. I will sell it. to take I will take it. We will take it. I will start (commence) we will start I will eat we will eat I will speak with you we will speak Track 61 to wait / to hope I will wait we will wait I am staying here tomorrow. I will stay I am going to stay. Track 62 I am going to buy it. We are going to buy it. I am going to call you later. We will call you later. At what time will you call me? At what time are you going to call me? (to a couple) They are going to call me later. At what time will you call me? (Roberta) You are going to call me. You are going to call me. (to several people)

¿A qué hora nos vemos mañana? Le llamo más tarde. Le llamo mañana. Los compro. Lo digo. Le digo. Te digo. Le llamo. Te llamo. Te llamo mañana. / Le llamo mañana. Voy a llamarle mañana. Nos quedamos unos días. Vamos a quedarnos unos días. ¿A qué hora nos vemos mañana? ¿A qué hora vamos a vernos mañana?

hablaré Comeré más tarde. Lo compraré. Lo venderé. tomar Lo tomaré. Lo tomaremos. comenzaré comenzaremos comeré comeremos Hablaré con usted hablaremos esperar esperaré esperaremos Me quedo aquí mañana. me quedaré Voy a quedarme. Voy a comprarlo. Vamos a comprarlo. Voy a llamarle más tarde. Vamos a llamarle más tarde. ¿A qué hora va a llamarme? ¿A qué hora van a llamarme? Van a llamarme más tarde. ¿A qué hora vas a llamarme? Va a llamarme. Van a llamarme. 85

You are going to call me. (Roberto) They are going to call me. We are going to call you. Track 63 I am staying we are staying they are staying she is staying I am not staying I am going to stay. How long are you going to stay? (señor) How long are you going to stay? (to a couple) I don't know yet how long we are going to stay. I will stay we will stay We are going to stay. Track 64 I will buy it. We will buy it. He will buy it. You will buy it. (señor) Where will you buy it? (to several people) Where will you buy it? (Roberto) They won't buy it because it is too expensive. too / too much I will be here. We will be here tomorrow. He will be here. It will be ready for you tomorrow. They will be here soon. They are going to be here soon. it will be It won't be possible. I will go see it. We will go see it. we will go We will go see it. Track 65 I will have we will have he will have / you will have (señor) they will have / you all will have you will have (Roberto) I will leave we will leave he will leave they will leave / you all will leave you will leave (Roberto) I will put

Vas a llamarme. Van a llamarme. Vamos a llamarle. me quedo nos quedamos se quedan ella se queda no me quedo Voy a quedarme. ¿Cuánto tiempo va a quedarse? ¿Cuánto tiempo van a quedarse? Todavía no sé cuánto tiempo vamos a quedarnos. me quedaré nos quedaremos Vamos a quedarnos. Lo compraré. Lo compraremos. Lo comprará. Lo comprará. ¿Dónde lo comprarán? ¿Dónde lo comprarás? No lo comprarán porque es demasiado caro. demasiado Estaré aquí. Estaremos aquí mañana. Estará aquí. Estará listo para usted mañana. Estarán aquí pronto. Van a estar aquí pronto. será No será posible. Iré a verlo. Vamos a ir a verlo. iremos Iremos a verlo. tendré tendremos tendrá tendrán tendrás saldré saldremos saldrá saldrán saldrás pondré 86

we will put they will put / you all will put you will put (Roberto) I will do we will do he will do they will do you will do (Roberto) I will tell you later. (Roberto) I will tell I will tell it. I will tell you. We will tell you. He will tell you. He will tell me. When will you tell me? (señor) When will you tell me? (Roberto) When will you all tell me? Track 66 It will be necessary. It would be necessary. It wouldn't be necessary. It wouldn't be possible that way. I will do it. I would do it. I wouldn't do it that way. They wouldn't do it. Why wouldn't you do it, Roberto? I will tell you. I wouldn't tell you. He wouldn't tell me. He won't leave today. He wouldn't leave. He will have it for you. But he wouldn't have it today. Track 67 I like (it pleases me) I don't like to stay here. you like (it pleases you) we like (it pleases us) I would like (it would please me) I would like to see you. I would like to go see it with you. to send He is sending it. He is sending it to me. He is not sending it to me today. But he will send it to me tomorrow. He is going to send it to me tomorrow.

pondremos pondrán pondrás haré haremos hará harán harás Te diré más tarde. diré Lo diré. Le diré. Le diremos. Le dirá. Me dirá. ¿Cuándo me dirá? ¿Cuándo me dirás? ¿Cuándo me dirán? Será necesario. Sería necesario. No sería necesario. No sería posible así. Lo haré. Lo haría. No lo haría así. No lo harían. ¿Por qué no lo harías, Roberto? Te diré. / Le diré. No le diría. No me diría. Él no saldrá hoy. Él no saldría. Él lo tendrá para usted. Pero él no lo tendría hoy. me gusta No me gusta quedarme aquí. te gusta / le gusta nos gusta me gustaría Me gustaría verle. Me gustaría ir a verlo contigo. / Me gustaría ir a verlo con usted. mandar Lo manda. Me lo manda. No me lo manda hoy. Pero me lo mandará mañana. Va a mandármelo mañana. 87

He is sending it to me tomorrow. He wouldn't send it to me today. Track 68 I am sending it. I am sending you something. I am sending you something. (Roberta) I am sending it to you. (Roberta) I am sending them to you. (Roberto) I am sending it to you. (señor) I am going to send it to you. (señor) Will you/can you send it to me. Can you send it to him. Track 69 I would like to see it. I might want to see it. It won't be necessary. It wouldn't be necessary. Track 70 to live lived Track 71 I have bought something. We have bought. We have bought it. He has bought it. He has not bought it. Where have you bought it? He has sold it. I have done it. We have done it. He has told me. You have not told me. I have told you. Track 72 I am waiting I want to find out where it is. you are waiting / he is waiting / she is waiting Why are you waiting? Why don't you wait? Track 73 I am awaiting you. I am awaiting you. (Roberto/Roberta) He is waiting for you. / She is waiting for you. They are waiting for me. (They are awaiting me.) Why are you all waiting? Why are you waiting for me? (Roberto/Roberta) we are waiting Why don't you wait for me? (señor) Why don't you wait for me? (Roberto)

Me lo manda mañana. No me lo mandaría hoy. Lo mando. Le mando algo. Te mando algo. Te lo mando. Te los mando. Se lo mando. Voy a mandárselo. Puede mandármelo. Puede mandárselo. Me gustaría verlo. Quisiera verlo. No será necesario. No sería necesario. vivir vivido He comprado algo. Hemos comprado. Lo hemos comprado. Lo ha comprado. No lo ha comprado. ¿Dónde lo ha comprado? Lo ha vendido. Lo he hecho. Lo hemos hecho. Me ha dicho. No me ha dicho. Le he dicho. espero Quiero informarme dónde está. espera ¿Por qué espera? ¿Por qué no espera? Le espero. Te espero. Él le espera. / Ella le espera. Me esperan. ¿Por qué esperan? ¿Por qué me esperas? esperamos ¿Por qué no me espera? ¿Por qué no me esperas? 88

Why don't you wait for me? (to several people) Wait! a little moment Wait for me here! (Await me here!) Track 74 We are waiting for you. Shall we wait for you? Let's wait! Let's wait here. We are buying it. We are not buying it. Let's not buy it. We are selling it. Let's sell the house. Don't wait for me. I have waited I have left I am waiting for you. (I am right now in the process of waiting for you.) I am doing it. I am doing it. (I am right now in the process of doing it.) Track 75 I was waiting I was speaking I was buying it. I was preparing it. I was leaving I was eating I was doing it. I was buying it. I was selling it. He was preparing it. You were preparing it. (señor) You were preparing it. (Roberto) They were preparing it. I was doing it. He was doing it. You were doing it. (señor) You were doing it. (Roberto) They were doing it. He was telling me. I have not understood what you were saying. Track 76 He did it everyday. It is done. I have prepared it. Dinner is prepared. I have accepted the condition. Track 77

¿Por qué no me esperan? ¡Espere! momentito ¡Espéreme aquí! Le esperamos. ¿Le esperamos? ¡Esperemos! Esperemos aquí. Lo compramos. No lo compramos. No lo compremos. Lo vendemos. Vendamos la casa. No me espere. he esperado he salido Le estoy esperando. Lo hago. Lo estoy haciendo.

esperaba hablaba Lo compraba. Lo preparaba. salía comía Lo hacía. Lo compraba. Lo vendía. Lo preparaba. Lo preparaba. Lo preparabas. Lo preparaban. Lo hacía. Lo hacía. Lo hacía. Lo hacías. Lo hacían. Me decía. No he entendido lo que decía. Lo hacía todos los días. Está hecho. Lo he preparado. La cena está preparada. He aceptado la condición. 89

I have told you. You haven't told me. Why haven't you told me? I have seen it. I haven't seen it yet. Where have you put it? (Roberto) We have put it here. to forget I won't forget it. sure I am sure. I am sure that we won't forget it. I didn't forget it. Track 78 to leave something behind message I have left a message for you. to spend time We have spent much time. We have not spent much time. It is not a bad idea. How much time did you spend? (Roberto) to prefer I prefer I prefer staying here. Track 79 to feel like I feel like staying here. I feel like being here with all of you. Track 80 I would like to make a reservation. How long do you plan on staying? to ask I would like to ask you. I would ask you later. I will ask you later. I am going to ask you later. I am going to call you later to ask you if you can come see it with us tonight. I will call you later. Track 81 At what time do we arrive tomorrow? I've just left. He has just left. I have just seen it. I have just arrived here two days ago. I have just arrived here two weeks ago.

Le he dicho. No me ha dicho. ¿Por qué no me ha dicho? Lo he visto. Todavía no lo he visto. ¿Dónde lo has puesto? Lo hemos puesto aquí. olvidar No lo olvidaré. seguro Estoy seguro/segura. Estoy seguro que no lo olvidaremos. No lo he olvidado. dejar recado He dejado un recado para usted. pasar el tiempo Hemos pasado mucho tiempo. No hemos pasado mucho tiempo. No es una mala idea. ¿Cuánto tiempo has pasado? preferir prefiero Prefiero quedarme aquí. tener ganas Tengo ganas de quedarme aquí. Tengo ganas de estar aquí con ustedes. Me gustaría hacer una reservación. ¿Cuánto tiempo piensa quedarse? preguntar Me gustaría preguntarle. Le preguntaría más tarde. Le preguntaré más tarde. Voy a preguntarle más tarde. Voy a llamarle más tarde para preguntarle si puede venir a verlo con nosotros esta noche. Le llamaré más tarde. ¿A qué hora llegamos mañana? Acabo de salir. Acaba de salir. Acabo de verlo. Acabo de llegar aquí hace dos días. Acabo de llegar aquí hace dos semanas.


Spanish - Advanced review course Track 01 to buy I am buying it. I don't buy it because it's very expensive. Why don't you buy it? (señor) Why aren't you buying it? to understand I understand it. you understand Why don't you understand me? Why don't you understand me? (to Roberto/Roberta) Why don't you understand me? (to several people) They don't understand me. He is preparing it for me. Track 02 He is (right now) preparing it for me. He is preparing it. (if you put the 'lo' up front) Why don't you do it? Why aren't you doing it? (Roberto) Why don't you do it? (all of you) He is doing it right now. He is leaving (right now). Track 03 I don't understand what you are saying. to say / to tell They are telling me. Why don't you tell me? (to several people) Why don't you tell me? (to Roberto) We are telling you. Why don't you understand me? to start Why don't you start? (señor) Why don't you start? (to several people) I am starting now. Why don't you start? (Roberto) Why don't you start? (Roberto) I am not buying it. Why don't you buy it? (Roberto) Why don't you all buy it? We are buying it. Track 04 You are not buying the house. / He is not buying the house. Buy the house!

comprar Lo compro. No lo compro porque es muy caro. ¿Por qué no lo compra? ¿Por qué no lo compra? entender Lo entiendo. entiende ¿Por qué no me entiende? ¿Por qué no me entiendes? ¿Por qué no me entienden? No me entienden. Lo prepara para mí. Está preparándolo para mí. Lo está preparando. ¿Por qué no lo hace? ¿Por qué no lo haces? ¿Por qué no lo hacen? Está haciéndolo. / Lo está haciendo. Está saliendo. No comprendo lo que dice. decir Me dicen. ¿Por qué no me dicen? ¿Por qué no me dices? Le decimos. ¿Por qué no me comprende? empezar / comenzar ¿Por qué no empieza? ¿Por qué no empiezan? Empiezo ahora. ¿Por qué no comienzas? ¿Por qué no empiezas? No lo compro. ¿Por qué no lo compras? ¿Por qué no lo compran? Lo compramos. No compra la casa. ¡Compre la casa! 91

Don't buy it! Don't buy it! (Roberto) Don't buy it! (to a couple) Buy it! Buy it! (to several people) Don't buy them! (to several people) Don't buy them! (to Roberto) Buy it! (Roberto) to call I am calling you. I am calling you. (Roberto) He is calling me. Why don't you call me? (Roberto) Why don't you all call me? We are calling you. We are calling you. (Roberto) Call me tomorrow. Don't call me today! Don't call me today. (Roberto) Call me! Call me! (to señor/señora/señorita) Track 05 to have you have We don't have it. I have I have it. I don't have it. I have to / I must I have to see it. you say / you tell I tell I am telling you. (señor) I am telling you. (Roberto) Why don't you tell me? (Roberto) Why don't you tell me? (to a couple) to come She is coming with us. we are coming I am coming to do / to make What are you doing? Track 06 to know Do you know it? Do you know it? (Roberto) Why don't you know it? (to several people) We know it. I know

¡No lo compre! ¡No lo compres! ¡No lo compren! ¡Cómprelo! ¡Cómprenlo! ¡No los compren! ¡No los compres! ¡Cómpralo! llamar Le llamo. Te llamo. Me llama. ¿Por qué no me llamas? ¿Por qué no me llaman? Le llamamos. Te llamamos. Llámeme mañana. ¡No me llame hoy! No me llames hoy. ¡Llámame! ¡Llámeme! tener tiene No lo tenemos. tengo Lo tengo. No lo tengo. tengo que Tengo que verlo. dice digo Le digo. Te digo. ¿Por qué no me dices? ¿Por qué no me dicen? venir Viene con nosotros. venimos vengo hacer ¿Qué hace? saber ¿Lo sabe? ¿Lo sabes? ¿Por qué no lo saben? Lo sabemos. sé 92

I know it. I don't know it. to know somebody I know I don't know him. I don't know her. Track 07 Do you know Pedro? Do you know my friend? Do you know Madrid? I don't know him. I don't know it. Track 08 I am saying / I am telling I am doing / I am making I am doing it. I have it. I am telling you. (Roberto) I am coming to leave I am leaving I am leaving tomorrow. At what time are you leaving? to put I am putting I am putting it here. Where are you putting it? Why don't you put it here? (Roberto) I suppose to bring I am bringing it. to hear I am hearing Track 09 Come with me! Don't leave! Don't leave! (Roberto) Don't leave! (to several people) Tell me! Don't tell me! Tell it to me! Don't tell it to me! Tell it to him! Don't tell it to him, tell it to me. Don't do it! Don't do it! (Roberto) Don't do it! (all of you) Do it! (all of you) I want to do it.

Lo sé. No lo sé. conocer conozco No lo conozco. No la conozco. ¿Conoce a Pedro? ¿Conoce a mi amigo? ¿Conoce Madrid? No lo conozco. No lo sé. digo hago Lo hago. Lo tengo. Te digo. vengo salir salgo Salgo mañana. ¿A qué hora sale? poner pongo Lo pongo aquí. ¿Dónde lo pone? ¿Por qué no lo pones aquí? supongo traer Lo traigo. oír oigo ¡Venga conmigo! ¡No salga! ¡No salgas! ¡No salgan! ¡Dígame! ¡No me diga! ¡Dígamelo! ¡No me lo diga! ¡Dígaselo! No se lo diga, dígamelo. ¡No lo haga! ¡No lo hagas! ¡No lo hagan! ¡Háganlo! Quiero hacerlo. 93

I can do it. I cannot do it. I am doing it. (I am right now in the process of doing it.) Do it! I am not doing it. Why don't you do it? (Roberto) Why don't you all do it? Don't do it now. Don't put it there. Bring it. Bring me something. Bring it to me. Don't bring it to me today because I don't need it today. I hear it. Hear it! Tell it to me, don't tell it to him. But don't tell it to him today. Track 10 Tell it to me. Don't tell it to me. (Roberto) Don't tell it to me. (to several people) Tell it to me. (Roberto) Come with me. (Roberto) Have it. Put it here. (Roberto) Don't put it there, put it here. (Roberto) Don't leave. (Roberto) Don't leave. (all of you) Track 11 It is important that you be here. It is important that you call me. It is important that you all call me. It is very important for you (Roberta) to call me later. It is not necessary that you wait for me. to write Track 12 to study Why don't you write to me? Write to me! Because it's very important that you write to me. Track 13 I love you. (I want you.) Track 14 What do you want me to write to him? I want you to do it. I want you to do it. (Roberto) I want all of you to do it. (to several people) What do you want me to do?

Puedo hacerlo. No lo puedo hacer. Estoy haciéndolo. / Lo estoy haciendo. ¡Hágalo! No lo hago. ¿Por qué no lo haces? ¿Por qué no lo hacen? No lo hagan ahora. No lo ponga allí. Tráigalo. Tráigame algo. Tráigamelo. No me lo traiga hoy porque no lo necesito hoy. Lo oigo. ¡Óigalo! Dígamelo, no se lo diga. Pero no se lo diga hoy. Dímelo. No me lo digas. No me lo digan. Dímelo. Ven conmigo. Tenlo. Ponlo aquí. No lo pongas allí, ponlo aquí. No salgas. No salgan. Es importante que esté aquí. Es importante que me llame. Es importante que me llamen. Es muy importante que me llames más tarde. No es necesario que me espere. escribir estudiar ¿Por qué no me escribe? ¡Escríbame! Porque es muy importante que me escriba. Te quiero. ¿Qué quiere que le escriba? Quiero que lo haga. Quiero que lo hagas. Quiero que lo hagan. ¿Qué quiere que yo haga?


Why don't you want me to tell it to him? I think that he can do it. I don't think he can do it. I want you to call me later. I want you to write to me. He wants me to send it to him. Track 15 I will buy it. We will buy it. He will buy it. They will buy it. You will buy it. (Roberto) I will write to you. He will write to you. We will write to you. You will write to me. You will write to me. (Roberto) They won't write to me. to take I won't take it. We will take it. They won't take it. Track 16 I will have I will leave I will come you will come (Roberto) to sell I will sell it. I won't put it here. Track 17 I will call you tomorrow. I call you tomorrow. I call you tomorrow. (Roberto) to stay / to remain oneself I am staying we are staying he is staying they are staying you are staying (Roberto) I am going to stay. I want to know how long you are going to stay. I will stay here a few days. Track 18 I will tell I will do I won't do it. I will tell you later why we won't do it. He won't tell me.

¿Por qué no quiere que se lo diga? Pienso que puede hacerlo. No pienso que pueda hacerlo. Quiero que me llame más tarde. Quiero que me escriba. (Él) quiere que se lo mande. Lo compraré. Lo compraremos. Lo comprará. Lo comprarán. Lo comprarás. Le escribiré. Le escribirá. Le escribiremos. Me escribirá. Me escribirás. No me escribirán. tomar No lo tomaré. Lo tomaremos. No lo tomarán. tendré saldré vendré vendrás vender Lo venderé. No lo pondré aquí. Le llamaré mañana. / Voy a llamarle mañana. Le llamo mañana. Te llamo mañana. quedarse me quedo nos quedamos se queda se quedan te quedas Voy a quedarme. Quiero saber cuánto tiempo va a quedarse. Me quedaré aquí unos días. diré haré No lo haré. Le diré más tarde por qué no lo haremos. No me dirá. 95

He won't tell me why he won't do it. Track 19 Make a reservation. Make a reservation. (Roberto) Do it. Track 20 river I would leave we would leave He would do it. I wouldn't do it. They wouldn't do it. We wouldn't do it. I wouldn't tell you why we wouldn't do it. to wait he will wait he wouldn't wait to prepare I will prepare it. He wouldn't prepare it. I like I like to see it. I don't like to do it. I would like to see it. I would like to see you. Track 21 I have spoken I have bought I have bought it. We have bought it. They have bought it. He has sold it. we have eaten he has left Track 22 I spoke I took it. I called I accepted I didn't accept it. I bought it. I waited I will wait He spoke / you spoke / she spoke I speak I am buying it. He bought it. I sold I left

No me dirá por qué no lo hará. Haga una reservación. Haz una reservación. Hazlo. río saldría saldríamos Lo haría. No lo haría. No lo harían. No lo haríamos. No le diría por qué no lo haríamos. esperar esperará no esperaría preparar Lo prepararé. No lo prepararía. me gusta Me gusta verlo. No me gusta hacerlo. Me gustaría verlo. Me gustaría verle. he hablado he comprado Lo he comprado. Lo hemos comprado. Lo han comprado. Lo ha vendido. hemos comido ha salido hablé Lo tomé. llamé acepté No lo acepté. Lo compré. esperé esperaré habló hablo Lo compro. Lo compró. vendí salí 96

she left / you left he understood / you understood Track 23 He sold it Why didn't you buy it? (señor) Why did you sell it? Why didn't you sell it? to lose I lost it. At what time did you leave? I called you yesterday. last night He called me last night. I call myself He called you. to start At what time did you start? At what time are you leaving? (all of you) At what time did you leave? (señor) I didn't eat. Why didn't you eat? I called you this morning. At what time did you call me? He is calling you. He called me. Why didn't you call me? I wrote to you. He wrote to me. Why didn't you write to me? I saw it. I didn't see it. Did you see it? I didn't understand it. Track 24 they spoke They called me. At what time did you call me? (to a couple) they arrived At what time did you arrive? (to a couple/several people) Track 25 I arrived here two hours ago. Track 26 They didn't arrive yet. (They still didn't arrive.) they left At what time did you leave? (to several people) they didn't eat They wrote to me. They spoke to me. I am not staying

salió comprendió Lo vendió. ¿Por qué no lo compró? ¿Por qué lo vendió? ¿Por qué no lo vendió? perder Lo perdí. ¿A qué hora salió? Le llamé ayer. anoche Me llamó anoche. me llamó Le llamó. empezar / comenzar ¿A qué hora empezó? ¿A qué hora salen? ¿A qué hora salió? No comí. ¿Por qué no comió? Le llamé esta mañana. ¿A qué hora me llamó? Le llama. Me llamó. ¿Por qué no me llamó? Le escribí. Me escribió. ¿Por qué no me escribió? Lo vi. No lo vi. ¿Lo vio? No lo comprendí. / No lo entendí. hablaron Me llamaron. ¿A qué hora me llamaron? llegaron ¿A qué hora llegaron?

Llegué aquí hace dos horas. Todavía no llegaron. salieron ¿A qué hora salieron? no comieron Me escribieron. Me hablaron. no me quedo 97

I stayed he stayed he didn't stay they stayed Track 27 you spoke (Roberto) At what time did you call me? (Roberto) Why didn't you call me? (Roberto) At what time did you leave? (Roberto) Why didn't you sell it? (Roberto) Why didn't you sell it? (señorita) Why didn't you sell it? (to several people) They sold it. He didn't buy it. They bought it. Track 28 we spoke we speak we are arriving / we arrive we arrived We arrived yesterday. We arrive tomorrow. you left (Roberto) we left we leave / we are leaving we sold we are selling we eat / we are eating we ate Track 29 I did / I made I did it. He did it. He didn't do it. Why didn't you do it? I didn't do it. He made a reservation for us. I told I told you. He told me. He told me that he didn't do it. Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell it to me? Why didn't you tell it to him? I put (past) he put Where did you put it? Track 30 to be able

me quedé se quedó no se quedó se quedaron hablaste ¿A qué hora me llamaste? ¿Por qué no me llamaste? ¿A qué hora saliste? Por que no lo vendiste? ¿Por qué no lo vendió? ¿Por que no lo vendieron? Lo vendieron. No lo compró. Lo compraron. hablamos hablamos llegamos llegamos Llegamos ayer. Llegamos mañana. saliste salimos salimos vendimos vendemos comemos comimos hice Lo hice. Lo hizo. No lo hizo. ¿Por qué no lo hizo? No lo hice. Hizo una reservación para nosotros. dije Le dije. Me dijo. Me dijo que no lo hizo. ¿Por qué no me dijo? ¿Por qué no me lo dijo? ¿Por qué no se lo dijo a él/a ella? puse puso ¿Dónde lo puso? poder 98

I couldn't do it. He couldn't do it. I could to want I wanted I wanted it. He wanted it. wine he came He came with wine. I came I had he had I was he was they put you put (Roberto) we put they did you did (Roberto) we did you came (Roberto) we came they came Track 31 they could we could you could (Roberto) he couldn't They told me. Why didn't you tell me? (to a couple) They didn't tell me. They came with me. They didn't have it. He didn't want it. They wanted it. You wanted it. (Roberto) We didn't want it. Track 32 I have bought it. I have not bought it. Where have you bought it? (Roberto) Where did you buy it? He has not sold it. Track 33 He would buy it. I wouldn't buy it. You wouldn't buy it. (Roberto) We wouldn't buy it.

No pude hacerlo. No pudo hacerlo. pude querer quise Lo quise. Lo quiso. vino vino Vino con vino. vine tuve tuvo estuve estuvo pusieron pusiste pusimos hicieron hiciste hicimos viniste vinimos vinieron pudieron pudimos pudiste no pudo Me dijeron. ¿Por qué no me dijeron? No me dijeron. Vinieron conmigo. No lo tuvieron. No lo quiso. Lo quisieron. Lo quisiste. No lo quisimos. Lo he comprado. No lo he comprado. ¿Dónde lo has comprado? ¿Dónde lo compró? No lo ha vendido. Lo compraría. No lo compraría. No lo comprarías. No lo compraríamos. 99

Track 34 He won't leave. He wouldn't leave. We won't leave. We would not leave. I would put it here. We will put it here. We wouldn't put it here. He wouldn't come with us. He wouldn't sell it. He would come here with us and he would sell it. Track 35 I will do it. We wouldn't do it. We won't do it. I will tell you later. He wouldn't tell me. We wouldn't tell you. I will have it for you. Track 36 to go I am going to do it. He is going to do it. They are going to do it. We are going to do it. I will go. I will go to I will go to see it. I wouldn't go. We wouldn't go. Track 37 I will be able to do it. He won't be able to do it. He wouldn't be able to do it. Track 38 Can you tell me / Will you tell me Can you tell me/ Will you tell me where it is. Could you tell me where it is? Could you come with me? Can you wait for me? / Will you wait for me. Could you wait for me? Track 39 I must do it now. You must do it. I have to do it. How much is it? How much does it cost? How much do I owe? I will have to do it.

No saldrá. No saldría. No saldremos. No saldríamos. Lo pondría aquí. Lo pondremos aquí. No lo pondríamos aquí. No vendría con nosotros. No lo vendería. Vendría aquí con nosotros y lo vendería. Lo haré. No lo haríamos. No lo haremos. Le diré mas tarde. No me diría. No le diríamos. Lo tendré para usted. ir Voy a hacerlo. Va a hacerlo. Van a hacerlo. Vamos a hacerlo. iré iré a Iré a verlo. No iría. No iríamos. Podré hacerlo. No podrá hacerlo. No podría hacerlo. ¿Puede decirme? ¿Puede decirme dónde está? ¿Podría decirme dónde está? ¿Podría venir conmigo? ¿Puede esperarme? ¿Podría esperarme? Debo hacerlo ahora. Debe hacerlo. Tengo que hacerlo. ¿Cuánto es? ¿Cuánto cuesta? ¿Cuánto debo? Tendré que hacerlo. 100

I will have to do it. (from deber) I would have to do it. You should tell me. (Roberto) Track 40 I have sold it. I would have sold it. I wouldn't have sold it. Track 41 made in Spain I have done it. I haven't done it. I wouldn't have done it. I have told you. He has told me. I would have told you. to see seen I haven't seen it. We would have seen it. It would have been possible. It wouldn't have been possible that way. Track 42 I am doing it. I am doing it every day. I was speaking he was speaking she was speaking you were speaking (señor) they were speaking they were calling they were buying they were selling They were doing it. They were telling me. We were telling you. We were doing it. Track 43 I was going I was going to do it. I was not going to tell you that I was going to do it. He was going to be here. You have not told me that you were going to arrive today. I would have waited for you. Track 44 He told me. / You told me. You didn't tell me. You didn't tell me. (Roberta) Track 45 they had

Deberé hacerlo. Tendría que hacerlo. / Debería hacerlo. Deberías decirme. Lo he vendido. Lo habría vendido. No lo habría vendido. hecho en España Lo he hecho. No lo he hecho. No lo habría hecho. Le he dicho. Me ha dicho. Le habría dicho. ver visto No lo he visto. Lo habríamos visto. Habría sido posible. No habría sido posible así. Estoy haciéndolo. Lo hago todos los días. hablaba hablaba hablaba hablaba hablaban llamaban compraban vendían Lo hacían. Me decían. Le decíamos. Lo hacíamos. iba Iba a hacerlo. No iba a decirle que iba a hacerlo. Iba a estar aquí. No me ha dicho que iba a llegar hoy. Le habría esperado. Me dijo. No me dijo. No me dijiste. tuvieron 101

we had they said We told you. You didn't tell me that you were going to arrive today. You didn't tell me that you were going to arrive today. (Roberta) I would have waited for you. I would have waited for you. (Roberta) Track 46 I was waiting I was waiting for you. (I was awaiting you.) I was awaiting you. (Roberto) He was waiting for me. He was doing it. I was telling you. He did it every day. he is speaking he spoke he spoke (very often / every day) Track 47 He did it this morning. He told me every day. He put it here. He put it here every day. I cannot see it. I don't know where it is. He put it here this morning. He was telling me. Track 48 I knew / I found out he knew they knew you knew (Roberto) we knew I went I went to see it last night. He went to see it. they went he went you went (Roberto) we went We went to see it. Track 49 It was possible. Track 50 I used to know I didn't know you were going to arrive today. I didn't have the time. I was very busy.

tuvimos dijeron Le dijimos. No me dijo que iba a llegar hoy. No me dijiste que ibas a llegar hoy. Le habría esperado. Te habría esperado. esperaba Le esperaba. Te esperaba. Me esperaba. Lo hacía. Le decía. Lo hacía todos los días. habla habló hablaba Lo hizo esta mañana. Me decía. Lo puso aquí. Lo ponía aquí todos los días. No puedo verlo. No sé dónde está. Lo puso aquí esta mañana. Me decía. supe supo supieron supiste supimos fui Fui a verlo anoche. Fue a verlo. fueron fue fuiste fuimos Fuimos a verlo. Fue posible. sabía No sabía que iba a llegar hoy. No tenía el tiempo. Estaba ocupado. 102

Track 51 I wanted I wanted to do it. I would want Track 52 He wanted to do it. They wanted to do it. Track 53 I might want I would like to do it. I would want to do it. I would like to do it. Track 54 I could do it. Will you please ... Track 55 You have to wait here. You have to wait for me. You don't have to wait. You must not wait. I need You don't need to wait. Track 56 I wanted to see it. would be able Could you tell me? Track 57 if I knew If I had the time, I would do it. if I were there I would tell you I was having Track 58 I had sold it. they had if I had sold it if I had seen it If I had known it, I would have told you. Track 59 I might do it If I knew it, I would tell you. Track 60 I would do it. I would buy it. I would have bought it. Track 61 I was buying it. He was selling it. He has sold it.

quise / quería Quise hacerlo. / Quería hacerlo. querría Quiso hacerlo. Quisieron hacerlo. quisiera Me gustaría hacerlo. Querría hacerlo. Quisiera hacerlo. Podría hacerlo. Puede ... Tiene que esperar aquí. Tiene que esperarme. No es necesario que espere. No tiene que esperar. necesito No necesita esperar. / No necesitas esperar. / No necesitan esperar. Quería verlo. podría ¿Podría decirme? si supiera Si tuviera el tiempo lo haría. si estuviera allí le diría tenía Lo había vendido. hubieron si lo hubiera vendido si lo hubiera visto Si lo hubiera sabido, le habría dicho. hiciera Si yo lo supiera, le diría. Lo haría. Lo compraría. Lo habría comprado. Lo compraba. Lo vendía. Lo ha vendido. 103

We have sold it. They have sold it. They were selling it. if I sold it I might have sold it. if I had been there last night I would have seen it. And I would have bought it. I might have bought it. Track 62 I don't think that he may come. I am not sure. (at that moment) I wasn't sure. (a line) I wasn't sure. I didn't know that he might come. Track 63 I hope that Hopefully (that) he may come. Track 64 to look for I was looking for it. I lost it and I was looking for it but I couldn't find it. Track 65 I had bought it. if you had called me last night and if you had told me that you were going to arrive today Track 66 I would have waited for you. We would have gone to see it. Track 67 If I had known it, I would have done it. I might have done it. I wouldn't have been able to do it. Track 68 would have to (should) could have should have You should have told me. You could have told me. He would have told me. You should have done it.

Lo hemos vendido. Lo han vendido. Lo vendían. si lo vendiera Lo hubiera vendido. si hubiera estado allí anoche Lo habría visto. Y lo habría comprado. Lo hubiera comprado. No pienso que venga. No estoy seguro. No estuve seguro. No estaba seguro. No sabía que viniera. ojalá Ojalá que venga. buscar Lo buscaba. Lo perdí y lo buscaba pero no pude encontrarlo. Lo había comprado. si me hubiera llamado anoche y si me hubiera dicho que iba a llegar hoy Le habría esperado. Habríamos ido a verlo. Si lo hubiera sabido, lo habría hecho. Lo hubiera hecho. No habría podido hacerlo. debería habría podido habría debido Habría debido decirme. Habría podido decirme. Me habría dicho. Habría debido hacerlo.


Italian - Foundation review course Recording 1 Track 01 possible it is It is possible. it is not It is not possible. for me It is for me. It is not for me. It is not possible for me. for you for her It is for you. It is not for me. It is possible for you. Is it not possible for you? why? because Why isn't it possible for you? like that / that way It is like that. It is not like that. It is not possible for me that way. I'm sorry. I'm sorry but I'm sorry but it is not possible for me that way. probable It is not probable. probably possibly Track 02 late It is late. very It is very late. later I want I to know I want to know. I don't want I don't want to know. where

possibile è È possibile. non è Non è possibile. per me È per me. Non è per me. Non è possibile per me. per lei per lei È per lei. Non è per me. È possibile per lei. Non è possibile per lei? perché? perché Perché non è possibile per lei? così È così. Non è così. Non è possibile per me così. Mi dispiace. Mi dispiace, ma Mi dispiace, ma non è possibile per me così. probabile Non è probabile. probabilmente possibilmente tardi È tardi. molto È molto tardi. più tardi voglio io sapere Voglio sapere. non voglio Non voglio sapere. dove 105

I want to know where is ... how much I want to know how much it is. I want to buy the thing I want to buy the thing. the same thing I want to buy the same thing. I don't want to buy the same thing. the same I want to buy the same. But I don't want the same thing. you want Do you want the same thing? What do you want? What do you want to buy? here What do you want to buy here? Track 03 some something Do you want to buy something here? Why don't you want to buy something here? I want to know. it to know it I want to know it. to buy to buy it I want to buy it. I want to know how much it is because I want to buy it. if expensive It is very expensive. It is not very expensive. I want to buy it if it is not very expensive. too / too much It is not too expensive. I want to buy it if it is not too expensive. Track 04 to have I want to have it. when When do you want to have it? you can You can have it ... if you want if you want to have it now

Voglio sapere dov'è ... quanto Voglio sapere quant'è. voglio comprare la cosa Voglio comprare la cosa. la stessa cosa Voglio comprare la stessa cosa. Non voglio comprare la stessa cosa. lo stesso Voglio comprare lo stesso. Ma non voglio la stessa cosa. vuole Vuole la stessa cosa? Che vuole? / Che cosa vuole? / Cosa vuole? Cosa vuole comprare? qui Cosa vuole comprare qui? qualche qualchecosa / qualcosa Vuole comprare qualcosa qui? Perché non vuole comprare qualcosa qui? Voglio sapere. lo saperlo Voglio saperlo. comprare comprarlo Voglio comprarlo. Voglio sapere quant'è perché voglio comprarlo. se caro È molto caro. Non è molto caro. Voglio comprarlo se non è molto caro. troppo Non è troppo caro. Voglio comprarlo se non è troppo caro. avere Voglio averlo. quando Quando vuole averlo? / Quando vuol averlo? può Può averlo ... se vuole se vuole averlo / se vuol averlo ora / adesso


I want to have it now. if it is possible at what time At what time do you want to have it? You can have it now if you want. probable acceptable It is not acceptable for me. I'm sorry but it is not acceptable for me that way. Track 05 I think / as far as I am concerned / according to me / in my opinion in your opinion As far as I know / As far as I see / In my opinion it is very good that way. I am ready I'm ready. soon right away It is ready. It is not ready. he is / it is / she is / is to stay I stay he/she/it stays, you stay (he/she/it is staying, you are staying) I stay here. He's staying here. how long How long are you staying here? Track 06 I want to see. I want to see it. I want to see her. I want to see you later. a little a little later I want to see you a little later. busy because I'm busy now to speak I want to speak Italian. I want to speak Italian with you. Do you want to speak Italian with me? Why don't you want to speak Italian with me? I'm sorry but I cannot speak with you now. but I can see you a little later if you want

Voglio averlo adesso. se è possibile a che ora A che ora vuole (vuol) averlo? Può averlo adesso se vuole. probabile accettabile Non è accettabile per me. Mi dispiace, ma non è accettabile per me così. secondo me secondo lei Secondo me, è molto buono così. sono / io sono pronto Sono pronto. presto subito È pronto. Non è pronto. è stare sto sta Sto qui. Sta qui. quanto tempo Quanto tempo sta qui? Voglio vedere. Voglio vederlo. Voglio vederla. Voglio vederla più tardi. un po' un po' più tardi Voglio vederla un po' più tardi. occupato perché sono occupato adesso parlare Voglio parlare italiano. Voglio parlare italiano con lei. Vuole (Vuol) parlare italiano con me? Perché non vuol (vuole) parlare italiano con me? Mi dispiace, ma non posso parlare con lei ora (adesso). ma posso vederla un po' più tardi se vuole


to eat I want to eat now. What do you want to eat? What do you want to eat now? Do you want to eat something now? Why don't you want to eat now? Track 07 I eat he eats / she eats / you eat to go to see to come I speak you speak / he speaks / she speaks I see you see to take I take you take / you're taking I'm taking it. You're taking it. Why don't you take it? I am I am eating I don't speak I don't eat I'm not busy. I'm not eating I don't eat Track 08 to prepare I prepare I prepare it. I am preparing it. I don't prepare it. I am not preparing it. to have I have you have Do you have something for me? What do you have for me? I'm hungry. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something now? Are you hungry? to drink I drink you drink What are you drinking? thirst

mangiare Voglio mangiare adesso. Cosa vuole mangiare? Cosa vuole mangiare adesso? Vuole mangiare qualcosa ora? Perché non vuole mangiare adesso? mangio mangia andare vedere venire parlo parla vedo vede prendere prendo prende Lo prendo. Lo prende. Perché non lo prende? sono mangio non parlo non mangio Non sono occupato (occupata). non mangio non mangio preparare preparo Lo preparo. Lo preparo. Non lo preparo. Non lo preparo. avere ho ha Ha qualcosa per me? Cosa ha per me? Ho fame. Ha fame? Vuole mangiare qualcosa adesso? Ha fame? bere bevo beve Cosa beve? sete 108

I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty and I want to drink. What do you eat? What are you eating? to do / to make What do you want to do? Do you want to do it? Why don't you want to do it now? Track 09 to stay I stay I'm busy. tired I'm very tired now.

Ho sete. Ho sete e voglio bere. Cosa mangia? Cosa mangia? fare Cosa vuole fare? Vuole farlo? Perché non vuole farlo ora (adesso)?

the house the thing something at home / home tonight evening Track 10 tomorrow tomorrow evening tomorrow morning tomorrow afternoon I see you tomorrow. to go I go / I am going you are going / he is going to call I call I call you I call you later. I call you tomorrow. I'm going to see it. (I'm going out / I'm on my way to see it.) I'm going to see it tomorrow. I'm going / I'm on my way to buy it. I will buy it tomorrow. I'm buying it now. Track 11 to stay I'm staying I'm staying home tonight. Are you staying home tonight? How long are you staying? to leave I'm leaving tomorrow. At what time are you leaving?

stare sto Sono occupato. / Sono occupata. stanco Sono molto stanco adesso. / Sono molto stanca adesso. la casa la cosa qualcosa a casa stasera sera domani domani sera domani mattina domani pomeriggio La vedo domani. andare vado va chiamare chiamo la chiamo La chiamo più tardi. La chiamo domani. Vado a vederlo. Lo vedo domani. Vado a comprarlo. Lo compro domani. Lo compro adesso. stare sto Sto a casa stasera. Sta a casa stasera? Quanto tempo sta? partire Parto domani. A che ora parte domani?


Why don't you want to leave with me? Why can't you leave with me? to come Why can't you come with me now? I'm going to eat. He's going / you're going / she's going to eat. Why can't you come see it with me tonight? I must to have to you must You must come with me. You must speak Italian with me. to wait to expect me to understand to understand me Can you understand me? Why can't you understand me? Track 12 to say / to tell I cannot say it in Italian. Can you tell me ... for me with me will you / do you want Will you tell me where it is? where where it is Can you tell me ... Can you tell me where it is? to find Will you tell me where it is because I cannot find it? I have I have it. I don't have it. You have it. Why don't you have it for me now? I want to have it. I want I want it. I want it now. I don't want it now. Why don't you want it now? to have you have / he has / she has to know I know I don't know I know it.

Perché non vuole partire con me? Perché non può partire con me? venire Perché non può venire con me adesso? Vado a mangiare. Va a mangiare. Perché non può venire a vederlo con me stasera? devo dovere deve Deve venire con me. Deve parlare italiano con me. aspettare aspettarmi capire capirmi Può capirmi? Perché non può capirmi? dire Non posso dirlo in italiano. Può dirmi ... per me con me vuole / vuol Vuole dirmi dov'è? dove dove è / dov'è Può dirmi ... Può dirmi dov'è? trovare Vuol dirmi dov'è perché non posso trovarlo? ho Lo ho. / L'ho. Non l'ho. L'ha. Perché non l'ha per me adesso? Voglio averlo. Voglio Lo voglio. Lo voglio adesso. Non lo voglio adesso. Perché non lo vuole adesso? avere ha sapere so non so Lo so. 110

I don't know it. You know it. Why don't you know it? Do you know where it is? Can you tell me where it is? Can you tell me how much it is ... because I want to buy it. I must have it today if it is possible. Track 13 I'm staying home tonight because I'm tired. to prepare I'm preparing it. Why don't you prepare it for me? the dinner to dine / to have dinner Will you have dinner with me tonight? I cannot speak with you because I'm eating. I eat / I do eat / I am eating I am eating. What are you preparing? What are you (right now in the process of) preparing? I'm just about to eat. I'm just about to prepare it. Track 14 in order to I don't have the time (in order) to do it. I don't have the time of doing it. to leave I will leave tomorrow. At what time do you leave? At what time do you leave next week? At what time are you leaving next week? I will leave tomorrow. I will leave tomorrow. He will leave tomorrow. Track 15 to do / to make I will do I will do it. I won't do it. When will you do it? to say / to tell to call I (will) call you tomorrow. I'm staying here. I'm staying home tonight. I will stay home tonight. How long are you staying in Italy? How long will you stay in Italy?

Non lo so. Lo sa. Perché non lo sa? Sa dov'è? Può dirmi dov'è? Può dirmi quant'è ... perché voglio comprarlo. Devo averlo oggi se è possibile. Sto a casa stasera perché sono stanco. preparare Lo preparo. Perché non lo prepara per me? la cena cenare Vuole (Vuol) cenare con me stasera? Non posso parlare con lei perché mangio. mangio Sto mangiando. Cosa prepara? Cosa sta preparando? Sto per mangiare. Sto per prepararlo. per Non ho il tempo / Non ho tempo per farlo. Non ho il tempo / Non ho tempo di farlo. partire Parto domani. A che ora parte? A che ora parte la settimana prossima? A che ora parte la settimana prossima? Parto domani. Partirò domani. Partirà domani. fare farò Lo farò. Non lo farò. Quando lo farà? dire chiamare La chiamo domani. Sto qui. Sto a casa stasera. Starò a casa stasera. Quanto tempo sta in Italia? Quanto tempo starà in Italia? 111

I don't know. still / yet I don't know yet. I don't know yet / I still don't know how long I will stay Track 16 It is ready. You must be ready soon. It can be ready soon. I am ready soon. I will be he will be / you will be / she will be It will be ready soon. to see to see it / to see him to see her / to see you to see me I'm going to call you later. I will speak I will eat he will eat We will eat later. We will stay home tonight. We will leave tomorrow. Track 17 we speak we are staying we are leaving we are going We're going now. We're going to / we're on our way out to buy it. Let's go! Let's go eat. we're eating Let's eat! to start / to commence I'm starting At what time are you starting? At what time are you going to start tomorrow? Let's start. I want to know. I want to know at what time it will be ready. I'm going you're going / he's going / she's going / it's going Where are you going? Where are you going to be tonight? Track 18 good It is very good. It is quite good.

Non so. ancora Ancora non so. Ancora non so quanto tempo starò in Italia.

È pronto. Deve essere / Dev'essere pronto subito. Può essere pronto subito. Sono pronto subito. sarò sarà Sarà pronto subito. vedere vederlo vederla vedermi La chiamo più tardi. parlerò mangerò mangerà Mangeremo più tardi. Staremo a casa stasera. Partiremo domani. parliamo stiamo partiamo andiamo Andiamo adesso. / Andiamo ora. Andiamo a comprarlo. Andiamo! Andiamo a mangiare. mangiamo Mangiamo! cominciare comincio A che ora comincia? A che ora comincerà domani? Cominciamo. Voglio sapere. Voglio sapere a che ora sarà pronto. vado va Dove va? Dove sarà stasera? buono È molto buono. È proprio buono. 112

It is quite possible. It is very different that way. so (in front of an adjective) It is not so different. It is so good. important It is very important that way. I have to know it because it's very important for me. I would like I would like to know it. I would like to go with you. there to go to go there I would like to go there with you. I would like to go (and) see it with you tonight. Track 19 I want to do it. Why can't you tell me? It is not ready yet but it will be ready for you soon. to do / to make I do / I'm doing he is doing Why don't you do it? I'm doing it. I am (right now in the process of) doing it. I'm just about to I'm just about to do it. I'm doing it. I say / I tell you say / you tell What are you saying? Why don't you tell me? Track 20 to understand I cannot understand it. Can you understand me? Why can't you understand me? I understand I understand it. I don't understand it. you understand Do you understand it? Do you understand me? Don't you understand me? Why don't you understand me? I don't understand it very well. What are you saying? what (introducing a question)

È proprio possibile. È molto differente così. così Non è così differente. È così buono. importante È molto importante così. Devo saperlo perché è molto importante per me. vorrei Vorrei saperlo. Vorrei andare con lei. ci andare andarci Vorrei andarci con lei. Vorrei andare a vederlo con lei stasera. Voglio farlo. / Lo voglio fare. Perché non mi può dire? Ancora non è pronto, ma sarà pronto per lei subito. fare faccio fa Perché non lo fa? Lo faccio. Lo sto facendo. / Sto facendolo. Sto per Sto per farlo. Lo faccio. dico dice Cosa dice? Perché non mi dice? capire Non posso capirlo. Può capirmi? Perché non può capirmi? capisco Lo capisco. Non lo capisco. capisce Lo capisce? Mi capisce? Non mi capisce? Perché non mi capisce? Non lo capisco molto bene. Cosa dice? cosa / che cosa / che


what (in the middle of a sentence) I don't know what you are saying. I don't understand very well what you're saying. That's not what I'm saying. I don't understand what you want to say. I don't understand what you mean. What do you mean? You don't understand what I mean. Track 21 I want I want it. I don't want it. I want to do it. What do you want? Do you want it? Don't you want it? Why don't you want it? I want it but not now. What are you saying? Why don't you tell me? Why don't you tell it to me? I'm going to tell you later. I'm telling it. I'm telling you. I'm telling you. / I'm going to tell you. I will tell you. to tell I'm telling you're telling / you're saying I will tell to understand I will understand to speak I will speak to see I will see he will see we will see you will see / he will see / she will see / it will see I will see it. He won't see it. We will see it. I will see you later. He will not see me. Track 22 give he gives He gives me something. Why don't you give me the book?

ciò che / quel che Non so ciò che dice. Non capisco molto bene ciò che dice. Non è ciò che dico. Non capisco ciò che vuole dire / ciò che vuol dire. Non capisco ciò che vuol dire. Cosa vuol dire? Non capisce ciò che voglio dire. voglio Lo voglio. Non lo voglio. Voglio farlo. / Lo voglio fare. Cosa vuole? Lo vuole? Non lo vuole? Perché non lo vuole? Lo voglio, ma non adesso. Cosa dice? Perché non mi dice? Perché non me lo dice? Le dico più tardi. Lo dico. Le dico. Le dico. Le dirò. dire dico dice dirò capire capirò parlare parlerò vedere vedrò vedrà vedremo vedrà Lo vedrò. Non lo vedrà. Lo vedremo. La vedrò più tardi. Non mi vedrà. dare dà Mi dà qualcosa. Perché non mi dà il libro? 114

Why don't you give it to me now? to carry / to bring I'm going to see you tonight and I will bring you the book. I ('ll) see you and I (will) bring you the book tonight. I will give him the book. I'm going to tell him. I'm talking to him. I will tell him. I want to tell him. Track 23 I will not tell him. (I won't tell him.) will you please / would you please Track 24 Will you tell me (some time, when you get round to it)? will you please / would you please Will you tell me? He won't tell me. I won't tell you. I will tell you later. I won't tell you. (I will not tell you.) Will you tell me? Track 25 I'm sorry but it pleases me / I like I like very much I like very much to do it. But I don't like to do it now. I like very much to speak Italian. Do you like? (Does it please you?) you like I don't like to stay here. I'm sorry. I like very much to do it. I want to do it. I won't do it. I don't want to do it now. Track 26 I want to do it. I cannot do it now. I cannot tell you where it is because I don't know it. I want to tell you something. I won't tell you. it pleases me you like (it pleases you) Does it displease you? Doesn't it displease you? if you don't mind to tell me Track 27

Perché non me lo dà adesso? portare La vedo stasera e le porterò il libro. La vedo e le porto il libro stasera. Gli darò il libro. Gli dico. Gli parlo. Gli dirò. Voglio dirgli. Non gli dirò. vuole Mi dirà? vuole Vuol / Vuole dirmi? Non mi dirà. Non le dirò. Le dirò più tardi. Non le dirò. Vuole dirmi? / Vuol dirmi? Mi dispiace, ma mi piace mi piace molto Mi piace molto farlo. Ma non mi piace farlo adesso. Mi piace molto parlare italiano. Le piace? le piace Non mi piace stare qui. Mi dispiace. Mi piace molto farlo. Voglio farlo. Non lo farò. Non voglio farlo adesso. Voglio farlo. / Lo voglio fare. Non posso farlo adesso. / Non lo posso fare adesso. Non le posso dire dov'è perché non lo so. Voglio dirle qualcosa. Non le dirò. mi piace le piace Le dispiace? Non le dispiace? non le dispiace dirmi / vuole (vuol) dirmi 115

What do you want to say? What do you mean? / What does he mean? / What does she mean? / What does it mean? to explain Will you please explain to me? Will you explain it to me? Why don't you want to explain it to me? Track 28 I don't know what it means. to wait Will you please wait for me? to do Will you do it, please? Can you do it for me? Will you wait for me? Can you wait for me, please? Track 29 there is is I want to know where there is a good restaurant near here. It is not far. far You can walk. walk on foot I want to see it. I cannot see it. I don't want to see it. Track 30 It is not possible that way. I'm sorry but it is not acceptable for me that way. It is not very different that way. But it is very important for me. It is very urgent. sure certain certainly evident necessary It is not necessary for me now. contrary on the contrary On the contrary, I do want to buy it. vocabulary difference the difference a difference What difference? / Which difference? importance

Cosa vuol dire? / Cosa vuole dire? Cosa vuol dire? spiegare Vuol spiegarmi? Me lo vuol spiegare? / Vuol spiegarmelo? Perché non vuol / Perché non vuole spiegarmelo? Non so ciò che vuol dire. aspettare Vuol (Vuole) aspettarmi? fare Vuol (Vuole) farlo? Può farlo per me? Vuol (Vuole) aspettarmi? Può aspettarmi, per favore? c'è è Voglio sapere dove c'è un buon ristorante qui vicino. Non è lontano. lontano / distante Può andare a piedi. andar a piedi a piedi Voglio vederlo. Non posso vederlo. / Non lo posso vedere. Non lo voglio vedere. / Non voglio vederlo. Non è possibile così. Mi dispiace, ma non è accettabile per me così. Non è molto differente così. Ma è molto importante per me. È molto urgente. sicuro certo certamente evidente necessario Non è necessario per me adesso. contrario al contrario Al contrario, voglio comprarlo. vocabolario differenza la differenza una differenza Che / Quale differenza? importanza 116

Track 31 there is there, us, ourselves There is a difference. problem a problem There is a problem. system condition the condition position (the) situation reservation to reserve / to book / to prebook I will make a reservation for you. Will you please make a reservation for me? Would you please make a reservation for me? Track 32 confirmation what kind of What kind of reservation do you have for me for tonight? vacation the vacations to spend (time) to pass to spend the time to spend the vacation Where are you going to spend the vacation? evening tomorrow evening morning tomorrow morning afternoon tomorrow afternoon

c'è ci C'è una differenza. problema un problema C'è un problema. sistema condizione la condizione posizione la situazione prenotazione prenotare Farò una prenotazione per lei. Vuol fare una prenotazione per me? Vuol fare una prenotazione per me, per favore? (la) conferma che tipo di Che tipo di prenotazione ha per me per stasera? (la) vacanza le vacanze passare passare passare il tempo passare le vacanze Dove passerà le vacanze? / Dove passa le vacanze? sera domani sera mattina domani mattina pomeriggio domani pomeriggio

Recording 2 Track 33 evening the whole evening I'm going to spend the whole evening. I'm going to spend a musical evening. this evening morning (to spend) the whole morning day (to spend) the whole day I like very much to spend the whole day here. political economical

sera la serata Passerò la serata. Passerò una serata musicale. stasera mattina la mattinata giorno la giornata Mi piace molto passare la giornata qui. politico economico 117

logical practical It is not logical but it is very practical that way. philosophical astronomical astrological the political situation the economical situation I don't like the political situation. Track 34 preparation to prepare I'm very busy now. I'm right now in the process of preparing it. I will prepare it. He will prepare it for me. When will you prepare it for me? I'm preparing it. You're preparing it. Why don't you prepare it for me? I will prepare it. Track 35 to do to do it to tell to tell it / to say it to tell me to tell it to me Can you tell it to me? Will you tell it to me? I will see you tonight and I will tell you. perhaps He will tell you. We will tell you. He won't tell me. He doesn't tell me. He won't find it. Track 36 to be able to have to have to I have to you have to You have to do it. You have to tell me. I will have he will have we will have to have to

logico pratico Non è logico ma è molto pratico così. filosofico astronomico astrologico la situazione politica la situazione economica Non mi piace la situazione politica. preparazione preparare Sono molto occupata adesso. / Sono molto occupato adesso. Sto preparandolo. / Lo sto preparando. Lo preparerò. Lo preparerà per me. Quando lo preparerà per me? Lo preparo. Lo prepara. Perché non lo prepara per me? Lo preparerò. fare farlo dire dirlo dirmi dirmelo Può dirmelo? Vuol dirmelo? La vedrò stasera e le dirò. forse Le dirà. Le diremo. Non mi dirà. Non mi dice. Non lo troverà. potere avere dovere devo deve Deve farlo. Deve dirmi. avrò avrà avremo dovere 118

I will have to I will have to do it. You will have to wait for me. to be able I can do it. Can you do it? Track 37 we can We cannot do it. I will be able I will be able to do it for you. But I won't be able to do it today. I will be very busy today. (masculine) When will you be able to do it? We will be able to leave with you tomorrow. Track 38 to arrive to call to phone, to telephone At what time will you arrive tomorrow morning? I won't do it. We won't do it. You won't do it. I won't do it because I won't be able to do it. I want to do it. I want to have it. I want / I wish / I really want What would you like? / What do you want? to have (food or drinks) / to take (intake of food or drinks) What would you like to have (to eat / to drink)? / What are you having? What do you want? / What would you like to have? Track 39 I want I would like I would wish / I would want I will buy it. I would buy it. I will do it. I would do it. I will speak with him. I will talk to him. I wouldn't speak to him. I wouldn't speak with him. Track 40 I can do it. I cannot do it now. to understand I understand

dovrò Dovrò farlo. / Lo dovrò fare. Dovrà aspettarmi. potere Posso farlo. Può farlo? possiamo Non possiamo farlo. / Non lo possiamo fare. potrò Potrò farlo per lei. Ma non potrò farlo oggi. Sarò molto occupato oggi. Quando potrà farlo? Potremo partire con lei domani. arrivare chiamare telefonare A che ora arriverà domani mattina? Non lo farò. Non lo faremo. Non lo farà. Non lo farò perché non potrò farlo. Voglio farlo. Voglio averlo. desidero Cosa desidera? (at the restaurant) prendere Cosa prende? Cosa vuol prendere? / Cosa desidera? voglio vorrei (io vorrei) vorrei Lo comprerò. Lo comprerei. Lo farò. Lo farei. Parlerò con lui. Gli parlerò. Non gli parlerei. Non parlerei con lui. Posso farlo. Non posso farlo adesso. capire capisco 119

you understand I understand it. I don't understand it. I understand you. I understand her. I don't understand you. to find to look for / to seek I'm looking for it, but I don't find it. I'm right now in the process of seeking it / looking for it. Track 41 I must look for it. But I cannot find it. Can you tell me where it is? Please, (will you) tell me where it is. I want to see it. I would like to see it. I will see it. He will see it. / You will see it. We will see it. I would see it. But I wouldn't do it. I will be here. I would be here. I would like to see it. Track 42 I would like you would like / he would like / she would like Would you like to do it? Would you like to see it? When would you like to go there? to go there He wouldn't buy it. I wouldn't see it. He wouldn't see it. It will be very important. It would be very important. But it wouldn't be possible that way. Track 43 I will be able I will be able to do it. I won't be able to do it that way. He won't be able to do it like that. We won't be able to do it. We would be able to do it. We wouldn't be able to do it that way. We won't be able to do it that way. I will be able to come with you. But I won't be able to come with you today because I

capisce Lo capisco. Non lo capisco. La capisco. La capisco. Non la capisco. trovare cercare Lo cerco, ma non lo trovo. Lo sto cercando.

Devo cercarlo. Ma non posso trovarlo. Può dirmi dov'è? Vuol (Vuole) dirmi dov'è. Voglio vederlo. Vorrei vederlo. Lo vedrò. Lo vedrà. Lo vedremo. Lo vedrei. Ma non lo farei. Sarò qui. Sarei qui. Vorrei vederlo. vorrei vorrebbe Vorrebbe farlo? Vorrebbe vederlo? Quando vorrebbe andarci? andarci Non lo comprerebbe. Non lo vedrei. Non lo vedrebbe. Sarà molto importante. Sarebbe molto importante. Ma non sarebbe possibile così. potrò Potrò farlo. Non potrò farlo così. Non potrà farlo così. Non potremo farlo. Potremmo farlo. Non potremmo farlo così. Non potremo farlo così. Potrò venire con lei. Ma non potrò venire con lei oggi perché sarò molto


will be very busy. I wouldn't be able to come with you. Would you be able to tell me when you will be able to do it? Track 44 could (would be able) you could / you would be able / he would be able could (past tense in English) he was able / he could I couldn't find it. I couldn't tell you. Could you tell me? Can you tell me? Could you tell me where it is? I don't understand you. I cannot understand you. I couldn't understand you. Track 45 I must you must to wait You have to wait for me. Can you wait for me? Could you wait for me? I will have to leave tomorrow. At what time will you have to leave? We will have to leave. We would have to leave. I will have to leave. I will be able to leave. I would be able to leave. He would have to leave. Track 46 I would be able to do it. I couldn't do it that way. Could you do it? yesterday I couldn't do it yesterday. I could do it now. I must you must I must / I have to / I'm supposed to I have to do it. I'm supposed to leave today but I cannot. I owe How much do I owe? I will have to do it. At what time will you have to leave? I would have to do it. You would have to do it.

occupato. Non potrei venire con lei. Potrebbe dirmi quando potrà farlo?

potrei potrebbe potevo poteva Non potevo trovarlo. Non potrei dirle. Potrebbe dirmi? Può dirmi? Potrebbe dirmi dov'è? Non la capisco. Non posso capirla. Non potevo capirla. devo deve aspettare Deve aspettarmi. Può aspettarmi? Potrebbe aspettarmi? Dovrò partire domani. A che ora dovrà partire? Dovremo partire. Dovremmo partire. Dovrò partire. Potrò partire. Potrei partire. Dovrebbe partire. Potrei farlo. Non potrei farlo così. Potrebbe farlo? ieri Non potevo farlo ieri. Potrei farlo adesso. devo deve devo Devo farlo. Devo partire oggi, ma non posso. devo Quanto devo? Dovrò farlo. A che ora dovrà partire? Dovrei farlo. Dovrebbe farlo. 121

We would have to do it. We will have to do it. I would have to buy it. I should buy it. You should tell me. You have to tell me. Can you tell me? Could you tell me? Will you tell me, please? / Would you tell me? Track 47 I would like to see it. Would you like to see it? I like to see it. It would please me to see it. Track 48 university the university the opportunity the occasion normal normally generally special specially for you I don't have the time to do it now. It is not possible to do it now. time (the passing of time) time (sequence of times) the next time Track 49 once twice I will be able to do it next time. I could do it. But I couldn't do it yesterday. I want to see it. I wish very much / I desire to see it. I like to see it. I would like to see it. I would very much like to see it. I would like to see it. Track 50 according to me / as far as I am concerned according to you to think I think I don't think What do you think? We don't think.

Dovremmo farlo. Dovremo farlo. Dovrei comprarlo. Dovrei comprarlo. Dovrebbe dirmi. Deve dirmi. Può dirmi? Potrebbe dirmi? Vuol (Vuole) dirmi? Vorrei vederlo. Vorrebbe vederlo? Mi piace vederlo. Mi piacerebbe vederlo. università l'università l'opportunità l'occasione normale normalmente generalmente speciale specialmente per lei Non ho (il) tempo di farlo adesso. Non è possibile farlo adesso. tempo volta la prossima volta una volta due volte Potrò farlo la prossima volta. Potrei farlo. Ma non potevo farlo ieri. Voglio vederlo. Desidero vederlo. Mi piace vederlo. Mi piacerebbe vederlo. Mi piacerebbe molto vederlo. Vorrei vederlo. secondo me secondo lei pensare penso non penso Cosa pensa? Non pensiamo. 122

thinking forward, planning I plan to leave. / I plan on leaving. How long do you plan on staying? to hope I hope I expect to leave (soon). At what time do you expect to arrive? I want to stay here. I would like to stay here. It would please me to stay here. Track 51 I don't feel like staying here. need I need / I have need I need to do it. You must do it. / You have to do it. You don't have to do it. / You don't need to do it. / You don't have need of doing it. You don't have to tell me now because I don't want to know it. Track 52 I could (past) I couldn't find it (yesterday). I will have to I will have to buy it. I had to I had to do it. He had to wait. / He was supposed to wait. I had to do it. He had to do it. I wanted to do it. I didn't want to buy it. I didn't want to tell you. I had I didn't have the time to do it. Track 53 I was I was here yesterday evening. (but) it was not ready. I'm sorry but I couldn't do it yesterday. all day long I wanted to go there with you yesterday. I couldn't do it. I was very busy. She was busy. Track 54 occupied to occupy I have occupied the house. I spoke with you.

pensare Penso di partire. Quanto tempo pensa di stare? sperare spero Spero di partire (subito). A che ora spera di arrivare? Desidero stare qui. / Voglio stare qui. Vorrei stare qui. Mi piacerebbe stare qui. Non ho la voglia di stare qui. bisogno ho bisogno Ho bisogno di farlo. Deve farlo. Non ha bisogno di farlo. Non ha bisogno di dirmi adesso perché non voglio saperlo. potevo Non potevo trovarlo. dovrò Dovrò comprarlo. dovevo Dovevo farlo. Doveva aspettare. Dovevo farlo. Doveva farlo. Volevo farlo. Non volevo comprarlo. Non volevo dirle. avevo Non avevo tempo (il tempo) di farlo. ero Ero qui ieri sera. (ma) non era pronto. Mi dispiace, ma non potevo farlo ieri. tutta la giornata Volevo andarci con lei ieri. Non potevo farlo. Ero molto occupato. Era occupata. occupato occupare Ho occupato la casa. Ho parlato con lei. 123

I didn't buy the car. Track 55 I did it. I didn't do it. He told me. I waited for you. Why didn't you wait for me? I went I stayed we are we arrived I left she left Track 56 to amuse to amuse oneself / to have fun I'm having fun to amuse myself I want to have fun. I have to have fun. me / to me / myself I will have fun I would have fun / I would amuse myself It would be very interesting and I think (according to me) I would have a lot of fun himself / herself / itself / themselves / yourself You would have a lot of fun. / You would amuse yourself. ourselves / us We would enjoy ourselves. We will have a lot of fun. According to me, we would have a lot of fun. Track 57 I see you. I don't see you. I cannot see you. I couldn't see you tonight. It wouldn't be possible for me. Track 58 we see We see it. We don't see it. We cannot see it. We cannot see ourselves. We cannot see ourselves here. Track 59 We see ourselves. / We see each other. At what time shall we meet tomorrow? we will meet

Non ho comprato la macchina. Lo ho fatto. Non lo ho fatto. Mi ha detto. La ho aspettato. Perché non mi ha aspettato? sono andato sono stato siamo siamo arrivati / arrivate sono partito / partita è partita divertire divertirsi mi diverto divertirmi Voglio divertirmi. Devo divertirmi. mi mi divertirò mi divertirei Sarebbe molto interessante e secondo me mi divertirei si Si divertirebbe. ci Ci divertiremmo. Ci divertiremo. Secondo me, ci divertiremmo. La vedo. Non la vedo. Non posso vederla. Non potrei vederla stasera. Non sarebbe possibile per me. vediamo Lo vediamo. Non lo vediamo. Non possiamo vederlo. Non possiamo vederci. Non possiamo vederci qui. Ci vediamo. A che ora ci vedremo domani? ci vedremo 124

See you tomorrow. Track 60 I'm thinking I'm eating. What are you eating? Why don't you want to eat? I was eating he was eating I will eat I wouldn't eat it. He wouldn't eat it. He wouldn't do it. He wouldn't tell me. I'm waiting I'm waiting for you. Why don't you wait for me? I will wait for you here. I was waiting He was waiting for me. to work I'm working I was working I worked / I have worked he waited he was waiting Track 61 I've been working here. I've been waiting for you. Track 62 I'm going to buy it. / I will buy it. I'm going to buy it tomorrow. I'm going now / I'm on my way to buy it. I'm going to see it (tonight). to go I'm going you're going / he's going / she's going It's going well. / It's all right. It's going well that way. Everything is going well. It's going very well. Track 63 It doesn't work. / It is not functioning. to fix (the car, something) to change to wash I'm going to get it washed. Now I can make myself understood in Italian. He made a reservation for us. Track 64

A domani. penso mangio Cosa mangia? Perché non vuol mangiare? mangiavo mangiava mangerò Non lo mangerei. Non lo mangerebbe. Non lo farebbe. Non mi direbbe. aspetto La aspetto. Perché non mi aspetta? La aspetterò qui. aspettavo Mi aspettava. lavorare lavoro lavoravo ho lavorato ha aspettato aspettava Lavoro qui. La aspetto. Lo comprerò. Lo compro domani. Vado a comprarlo. Vado a vederlo. andare vado va Va bene. Va bene così. Tutto va bene. Va molto bene. Non funziona. riparare cambiare lavare Lo farò lavare. Adesso posso farmi capire in italiano. Ha fatto una prenotazione per noi.


You didn't tell me. It is done. Everything is prepared for you. they all I'm busy. They are busy. Everybody is busy. I want it. You can have it. if you want I want Why don't you want it? Will you tell me? Can you tell me? Why don't you want it? Why don't you want to buy it? You can have it if you want it. Track 65 to go out I go out you're going out I don't want to do it. I feel like I feel like doing it. I don't feel like I don't want to stay home tonight. I don't want to do it now. I don't feel like doing it now. Track 66 I'm right now about to do it. I'm just about to prepare it. I was about I was about to prepare it when you called. I plan on leaving. When do you plan on leaving? How long do you plan on staying in Italy? I intend to do it. I don't intend to do it now. Track 67 I need to do it. (I have need of doing it.) of it / from it / some of it I want it. You want it. Why don't you want it? I want some (of it). I want to buy some (of it). I want to have some (of it).

Non mi ha detto. È fatto. Tutto è preparato per lei. tutti Sono occupato. / Sono occupata. Sono occupati. Tutti sono occupati. Lo voglio. Lo può avere. / Può averlo. se vuole voglio Perché non lo vuole? Vuol dirmi? Può dirmi? Perché non lo vuole? Perché non vuole comprarlo? / Perché non lo vuole comprare? Può averlo se lo vuole. uscire esco esce Non voglio farlo. ho voglia Ho voglia di farlo. non ho voglia Non voglio restare a casa stasera. / Non voglio stare a casa stasera. Non voglio farlo adesso. / Non lo voglio fare adesso. Non ho voglia di farlo adesso. Sto per farlo. Sto per prepararlo. Stavo per Stavo per prepararlo quando ha chiamato. Penso di partire. Quando pensa di partire? Quanto tempo pensa di restare / di stare in Italia? Penso di farlo. Lo farò. Voglio farlo. Ho voglia di farlo. Ho l'intenzione di farlo. Non ho l'intenzione di farlo adesso. Ho bisogno di farlo. ne Lo voglio. Lo vuole. Perché non lo vuole? Ne voglio. Voglio comprarne. Voglio averne. 126

I'm going to buy some. because I must have some I need I need it. You can have it. Track 68 I bought some for you. I didn't buy any (of it) because I didn't find any (of it). What do you think of it? I spoke about it with him. I'm going to buy it. I was going to buy it. Track 69 I have gone I left they left we left we (all) left (feminine) We went to see it. we finished We've finished doing it. to study We finished studying today. Everything is finished. to learn I think / in my opinion / according to me We've learnt a lot. Track 70 I'm waiting for you. I've been waiting for you for ten minutes. I was waiting for you. I've been waiting for you. I've been doing it. I will be doing it. I've been doing it for a long time. I was doing it. I've been living to arrive I arrived they (the women) arrived remember I remember Track 71 to have fun / to enjoy oneself I'm having fun / I enjoy myself I will have fun / I will enjoy myself I'm having lots of fun he's having fun we're having fun

Vado a comprarne. perché devo averne ho bisogno Ne ho bisogno. Può averlo. Ne ho comprato per lei. Non ne ho comprato perché non ne ho trovato. Cosa ne pensa? Ne ho parlato con lui. Vado a comprarlo. Andavo a comprarlo. sono andato sono partito sono partiti / sono partite siamo partiti siamo partite Siamo andati a vederlo. abbiamo finito Abbiamo finito di farlo. studiare Abbiamo finito di studiare oggi. Tutto è finito. imparare secondo me Abbiamo imparato molto. La aspetto. La aspetto da dieci minuti. La aspettavo. La aspetto. Lo faccio. Lo farò. Lo faccio da molto tempo. Lo facevo. abito arrivare sono arrivato / sono arrivata sono arrivate ricordare ricordo divertirsi mi diverto mi divertirò mi diverto molto si diverte ci divertiamo


I had fun / I enjoyed myself we had fun we see each other / we meet we will meet we would meet At what time shall we meet tomorrow? Track 72 to meet / to encounter we meet (we encounter each other) we will meet I prefer doing it that way. Do you prefer doing it that way? What do you prefer? to know I know I don't know it. Why don't you know it? I don't know her. you know Do you know her? I know her very well. to ask Can you tell him to call me later? Track 73 Are you having fun? / Do you enjoy yourself? himself / herself / itself / yourself / oneself Have fun! Enjoy yourself! At what time are you leaving? Do you speak Italian? Why don't you speak Italian with me? Track 74 What are you saying? I say / I tell Why don't you tell me? Why don't you tell it to me? I want to know it. I have to know it. How are you? I'm fine. Everything is going well. Will you have it fixed? Will you let me know? to show Will you show me? something Can you show me something? Can you let me see / make me see something? Track 75

mi sono divertito ci siamo divertiti ci vediamo ci vediamo / ci vedremo ci vedremmo A che ora ci vedremo domani? incontrare ci incontriamo ci incontreremo Preferisco farlo così. Preferisce farlo così? Cosa preferisce? sapere so Non lo so. Perché non lo sa? Non la conosco. conosce La conosce? La conosco molto bene. domandare / chiedere Può dirgli di chiamarmi più tardi? Si diverte? si Si diverta! Si diverta! A che ora parte? Parla italiano? Perché non parla italiano con me? Cosa dice? dico Perché non mi dice? Perché non me lo dice? Voglio saperlo. Ho bisogno di saperlo. / Devo saperlo. Come sta? Sto bene. Tutto va bene. Vuol farlo riparare? Vuole farmi sapere? mostrare Vuol mostrarmi? qualcosa Può mostrarmi qualcosa? Può farmi vedere qualcosa?


the same thing I want the same thing for me. the same That's not the same. there is there are There's a message for you. people many people There are many people here. How would you say it? it's being said (it says itself) How does one say it in Italian? to write I'm writing Why don't you write to me? How do you spell it? (How is it (being) written? / How does it write itself?) Track 76 I sell you're selling Why don't you sell it? He's selling it. He was selling it. He used to sell it. It is being sold. it takes It takes a lot of time. How long does it take? / How much time does it take? I am in a hurry. I want to know how long it is taking because I am in a hurry. I'm leaving I'm going out Track 77 I'm leaving I'm going away. I'm going (myself) away (from it). from it / of it I have to go now. I'm sorry but I cannot wait. because it is taking too long and I'm in a hurry and I'm leaving I'm going away. I have to go now. Will you tell him to send it to me today. because I need it We've finished studying Italian today.

la stessa cosa Voglio la stessa cosa per me. lo stesso Non è lo stesso. c'è ci sono C'è un messaggio per lei. la gente molta gente C'è molta gente qui. Come lo dice? si dice Come si dice in italiano? scrivere scrivo Perché non mi scrive? Come si scrive?

vendo vende Perché non lo vende? Lo vende. Lo vendeva. Lo vendeva. Si vende. ci vuole Ci vuole molto tempo. Quanto tempo ci vuole? Ho fretta. Voglio sapere quanto tempo ci vuole perché ho fretta. parto esco vado Vado via. Me ne vado. ne Devo andarmene. Mi dispiace, ma non posso aspettare. perché ci vuole troppo tempo e ho fretta e esco Me ne vado. Devo andarmene. Vuole dirgli di mandarmelo oggi. perché ne ho bisogno Abbiamo finito di studiare italiano oggi. 129

Italian - Advanced review course Track 01 I want it now. I want some. I bought some. / I've bought some. one can How does one say it? I like to see it. I would like to see it. It would please me to see it. I like very much to travel. I will have to I would have to I should I should leave now. I cannot stay. / I cannot remain. Can you tell me? When will you be able to do it? When would you be able to do it? / When could you do it? I could (I would be able) I could (I was able) Track 02 I speak he speaks / you speak (Lei) you speak (Carla/Roberto) I'm selling you're selling (tu) to leave you're leaving (tu) to have I have he has you have (tu) to go we go I go / I'm going he's going you're going (tu) to be I am he is / she is / it is you are (tu) Where are you? (tu) to know I know

Lo voglio adesso. Ne voglio. Ne ho comprato. si può Come si dice? Mi piace vederlo. Vorrei vederlo. Mi piacerebbe vederlo. Mi piace molto viaggiare. dovrò dovrei dovrei Dovrei partire adesso. Non posso rimanere. Può dirmi? Quando potrà farlo? Quando potrebbe farlo? potrei potevo parlo parla parli vendo vendi partire (tu) parti avere ho ha hai andare andiamo vado va vai essere sono è sei Dove sei? sapere so


I don't know it. He knows it. Don't you know it? (signore) You know it. (tu) I can he can Can you tell me, signore? to want I want it. Do you want any? (signore) Do you want it? (Carlo) you speak (voi) you're leaving (voi) You're selling it. Can you see it? Can't you see it? Don't you want to do it? Why don't you do it? Track 03 I speak they speak I'm leaving they are leaving I have you have (tu) they have you have (voi) we have I am they are I am busy. They are busy (now). You are busy. (tu) to give / to donate I give you give (tu) they want Track 04 to say / to tell I'm telling / I'm saying I'm telling you. (signore) / I'm telling her. I'm telling him. I'm telling it to him. I'm giving it to her. They are not telling me. They're not telling it to me. to understand I understand I don't understand it.

Non lo so. Lo sa. Non lo sa? Lo sai. posso può Può dirmi / Mi può dire, signore? volere Lo voglio. Ne vuole? Lo vuoi? parlate voi partite Lo vendete. Potete vederlo? Non potete vederlo? Non volete farlo? Perché non lo fate? parlo parlano parto partono ho hai hanno avete abbiamo sono sono Sono occupato. Sono occupati / occupate (adesso). Sei occupato (occupata). dare do dai vogliono dire dico Le dico. Gli dico. Glielo dico. Glielo do. Non mi dicono. Non me lo dicono. capire capisco Non lo capisco. 131

I don't know him. They don't know me. I'm finishing I'm finishing it. They're finishing it. They don't want to do it. Track 05 Why can't they do it? Why don't they do it? Why don't you do it? (friend / Roberto) Why don't you do it? (voi) Why don't you tell it to me? (voi) Why don't you want to do it? (voi) Why can't you tell it to me now? Track 06 We cannot do it because we don't want to do it. We're going to see it. I'm preparing it. I'm preparing it right now. I'm just about to prepare it. Track 07 to leave they will leave (to leave they have) you will leave (voi) we will leave we would leave We will do it. We would do it. We wouldn't do it. We won't do it. They will do it. I won't do it. Why won't you do it? (tu) Track 08 They wouldn't do it. He wouldn't tell me. They wouldn't tell me. We would be very happy to do it. It would be very important for me. I will have it for you. But we won't have it today. I wouldn't have it today. He told me that he won't leave. I really know that he wouldn't leave. I'm sure that they wouldn't leave today. you would leave (tu) You would be here. (tu) You would be here (all of you). Track 09

Non lo conosco. Non mi conoscono. finisco Lo finisco. Lo finiscono. Non lo vogliono fare. / Non vogliono farlo. Perché non possono farlo? Perché non lo fanno? Perché non lo fai? Perché non lo fate? Perché non me lo dite? Perché non volete farlo? Perché non me lo potete dire adesso? / Perché non potete dirmelo adesso? Non possiamo farlo perché non vogliamo farlo. Andiamo a vederlo. Lo preparo. Lo sto preparando. Sto per prepararlo. partire partiranno partirete, voi partirete partiremo partiremmo Lo faremo. Lo faremmo. Non lo faremmo. Non lo faremo. Lo faranno. Non lo farò. Perché non lo farai? Non lo farebbero. Non mi direbbe. Non mi direbbero. Saremmo molto contenti / felici di farlo. Sarebbe molto importante per me. Lo avrò (L'avrò) per te. Ma non l'avremo oggi. Non l'avrei oggi. Mi ha detto che non partirà. Veramente so che non partirebbe. Sono sicuro che non partirebbero oggi. partiresti Saresti qui. Sareste qui. / Voi sareste qui. 132

I will have it. I would have it. I would have bought it. We would have waited for you. We would have waited for him. They wouldn't have waited for me. He would have seen me and he would have told me why he won't do it (that way). Track 10 I tell you. (Roberto) I tell it to you (tomorrow). I will tell him. I will tell it to him. I will tell it to you tomorrow. (signore) He wouldn't tell it to me. Track 11 I was speaking he was speaking they were speaking you were speaking (tu, friend) you were speaking (voi) we were speaking I was selling they were selling you were selling (Roberto) I was doing it. They were doing it. We were doing it. You were doing it. (voi) I did it. / I've done it. I did it every day. I was doing it. I did it. Track 12 I knew I knew it. I didn't know it. I found out. I didn't know it. I (always) wanted it. I have wanted it. I didn't want to buy it. I was looking at it (but) I didn't want to buy it. (at that moment) voluto comprarlo. I didn't want to have it. I don't understand what you mean. I was I had I wanted I knew

L'avrò. L'avrei. L'avrei comprato. Ti avremmo aspettato. L'avremmo aspettato. Non mi avrebbero aspettato. Mi avrebbe visto e mi avrebbe detto perché non lo farà (così). Ti dico. Te lo dico (domani). Gli dico. Glielo dico. Glielo dirò domani. Non me lo direbbe. parlavo parlava parlavano parlavi parlavate parlavamo vendevo vendevano vendevi Lo facevo. Lo facevano. Lo facevamo. Lo facevate. L'ho fatto. Lo facevo ogni giorno. Lo facevo. L'ho fatto. sapevo Lo sapevo. Non lo sapevo. L'ho saputo. Non lo sapevo. Lo volevo. L'ho voluto. Non volevo comprarlo. Lo guardavo (ma) non ho Non volevo averlo. Non capisco ciò che vuole dire. ero avevo volevo sapevo 133

I could I couldn't find it. I didn't know where it was. I was looking for it but I didn't find it. I was looking for it but I couldn't find it. Track 13 He couldn't do it. / He wouldn't be able to do it. He couldn't do it (yesterday). Could you tell me where it is? Can you tell me where it is? He was looking for it and he couldn't find it. Track 14 must / to have to I must see it. You have to tell me. (Roberto) We have to buy it. I will have to do it. He would have to be here. He should be here. You should tell me. I think that you should do it. (Roberto) We have to buy it. you would have to (tu) You should tell me. (tu) You all should come (with me). Track 15 I won't be able to do it without you. I couldn't have done it without you. / I wouldn't have been able to do it. Could you wait for me now? (signore) Could you wait for me now? (Roberto) Could you wait for me now? (voi) to go away I'm leaving I had to leave. Track 16 I couldn't do it now. I have not been able to do it. I could have told you. I couldn't have gone there. I would have to do it. I should do it. You should tell me. (signore) I should You should wait for me. (tu) You have to wait for me. Track 17 to be able to you can (voi) Can you tell me? (voi)

potevo Non potevo trovarlo. Non sapevo dov'era. Lo cercavo ma non l'ho trovato. Lo cercavo ma non potevo trovarlo. Non potrebbe farlo. Non poteva farlo. Potrebbe dirmi dov'è? Può dirmi dov'è? Lo cercava e non poteva trovarlo. dovere Devo vederlo. Devi dirmi. Dobbiamo comprarlo. Dovrò farlo. Dovrebbe essere qui. Dovrebbe essere qui. Dovrebbe dirmi. Penso che / Credo che dovresti farlo. Dobbiamo comprarlo. dovresti Dovresti dirmi. Dovreste venire (con me). Non potrò farlo senza di te. Non avrei potuto farlo senza di te. Potrebbe aspettarmi adesso? Potresti aspettarmi adesso? Potreste aspettarmi adesso? andare via / partire / andarmene parto / me ne vado / vado via Ho dovuto andarmene. Non potrei farlo ora. / Non potrei farlo adesso. Non ho potuto farlo. Avrei potuto dirle. Non avrei potuto andarci. Lo dovrei fare. / Dovrei farlo. Dovrei farlo. Dovrebbe dirmi. dovrei Dovresti aspettarmi. Devi aspettarmi. potere potete Potete dirmi?


Can you tell me? (tu) Could you tell me? (tu) Could you tell me? (signore) I was looking for it (but) I couldn't find it. I couldn't find it (at that moment). (At that time) I had not been able to find it. I could have told you where it was. Track 18 I have done it. I haven't done it. I saw it. I've seen him. I've seen her. I've seen them. Track 19 He asked me. Why didn't you ask me? (tu) Why didn't you tell me? (signore) I did it. I didn't do it. Why didn't you do it? (signore) I didn't do it because I didn't know that you wanted to have it. that you wanted to have it (at that moment) Track 20 He couldn't tell me because he did not know it. I could have told you. / I would have been able to tell you. He couldn't have done it that way. Track 21 I'm leaving they leave I know they know they can you can (voi) you're saying / telling (voi) They don't want to do it that way. They don't understand it. They don't see it. they're finishing I know him. They don't know him. At what time are they leaving? they have to you have to (voi) I have they have you have (voi)

Puoi dirmi? Potresti dirmi? Potrebbe dirmi? Lo cercavo ma non potevo trovarlo / non lo potevo trovare. Non l'ho potuto trovare. Non avevo potuto trovarlo. Avrei potuto dirle dov'era. Lo ho fatto. / L'ho fatto. Non l'ho fatto. L'ho veduto. Lo ho visto. / L'ho visto. La ho vista. Li ho visti. / Le ho viste. Mi ha chiesto. Perché non mi hai chiesto? Perché non mi ha detto? Lo ho fatto. / L'ho fatto. Non l'ho fatto. Perché non lo ha / Perché non l'ha fatto? Non l'ho fatto perché non sapevo che voleva averlo. che ha voluto averlo / che l'ha voluto avere Non poteva dirmi perché non lo sapeva. Avrei potuto dirle. Non avrebbe potuto farlo così. parto partono so sanno possono potete dite Non vogliono farlo così. Non lo capiscono. Non lo vedono. finiscono Lo conosco. Non lo conoscono. A che ora partono? devono dovete ho hanno avete


you are doing Why don't you tell me? (voi) Why don't they tell me? Track 22 We cannot find it. I will be able to do it. I won't be able to do it that way. He won't be able to come with us. They're not coming. Why don't you come? (voi form) You have to wait for me. (signora) You have to wait for me. (Roberto) you're leaving you have to we have to we have We have to wait here. I will have to do it. We will have to do it. We would have to do it. We should do it. You should wait for me. (signore) he should / he would have to they should / they would have to you should (Roberto) you should (voi, all of you) They should tell me. Could you tell me? (Roberto) All of you could tell me. (voi) They couldn't tell me. Track 23 I will leave he will leave you (Roberto) will leave they will leave we will leave you will leave (voi) We will tell you. We wouldn't tell him. We wouldn't give it to him. we will leave we would leave When will you leave? (voi) When will you do it? (voi) When will you do it? (signore) When will you do it? (Roberto) When will they do it? (OR you all, formal) He told me. He told me that he wouldn't do it.

fate Perché non mi dite? Perché non mi dicono? Non possiamo trovarlo. Potrò farlo. Non potrò farlo così. Non potrà venire con noi. Non vengono. Perché non venite? Deve aspettarmi. Devi aspettarmi. parti devi dobbiamo abbiamo Dobbiamo aspettare qui. Dovrò farlo. Dovremo farlo. Dovremmo farlo. Dovremmo farlo. Dovrebbe aspettarmi. dovrebbe dovrebbero dovresti dovreste Dovrebbero dirmi. Potresti dirmi? Potreste dirmi. Non potrebbero dirmi. partirò partirà partirai partiranno partiremo partirete Ti / Le diremo. Non gli diremmo. Non glielo daremmo. partiremo partiremmo Quando partirete? Quando lo farete? Quando lo farà? Quando lo farai? Quando lo faranno? Mi ha detto. Mi ha detto che non lo farebbe / non lo avrebbe fatto. 136

I would do it. He would do it. They would do it. We would do it. You would do it. (tu) You would do it. (voi) Track 24 I can they can we can Can you tell me? (Roberto) Can you tell me? (signora) I will be able to do it. I won't be able to do it that way. He will be able to do it. They will be able to do it. You will be able to do it. (signore) He won't be able to do it. You (Roberto) will be able to do it. We will be able to do it. We would be able to do it. We couldn't find it. I couldn't go there last night. I couldn't go there tonight. Can you tell me? (voi) Could you tell me? (signore) Could you tell me? (Roberto) Could you tell me? (voi) You could have told me. I could have told you. Track 25 I should do it. You should wait for me. We should go there. They should come with us. All of you should wait for us. You could have told me. (voi) I could have done it. I should have I should have told you. Track 26 Where did you go? (Carla) Where did you go? (girls) Where did you go? (mixed group) We went to see it. he left At what time did you leave? (signore) At what time did you leave? (Carla) we left

Lo farei. Lo farebbe. Lo farebbero. Lo faremmo. Lo faresti. Lo fareste. posso possono possiamo Puoi dirmi? Può dirmi? Potrò farlo. Non potrò farlo così. Potrà farlo. Potranno farlo. Potrà farlo. Non potrà farlo. Potrai farlo. Potremo farlo. Potremmo farlo. Non potevamo trovarlo. Non potevo andarci ieri sera. Non potrei andarci stasera. Potete dirmi? Potrebbe dirmi? Potresti dirmi? Potreste dirmi? Avrebbe potuto dirmi. Avrei potuto dirti / dirle. Dovrei farlo. Dovrebbe aspettarmi. Dovremmo andarci. Dovrebbero venire con noi. Dovreste aspettarci. Mi avreste potuto dire. / Avreste potuto dirmi. Avrei potuto farlo. avrei dovuto Avrei dovuto dirle / dirti. Dove sei andata? Dove siete andate? Dove siete andati? Siamo andati a vederlo. è partito A che ora è partito? A che ora sei partita? siamo partiti 137

We've just left. He just arrived. / He has just arrived. we went out to go out I'm going out they're going out Track 27 Go out! Don't go out! Don't go out! (tu) Don't tell me! (Roberto) Don't wait for me! (friend) Come. (signore) Don't go there. (Roberto) Don't come. (signore) Don't tell me. (Roberto) Tell me. (signore) Don't tell me. Speak more slowly. Speak! (Roberto) Leave! (signore) Leave! (Roberto) Don't speak! (tu) I'm telling you. Don't tell me what you want to buy. Tell me. (Roberto) Do it. Don't do it. (Roberto) Give me. Don't give me. Track 28 He's just arrived. He would have arrived earlier. They wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do it. I would have done it. I wouldn't have done it. We wouldn't buy it. I will buy he will buy we will buy we would buy he would leave he would have left He would have bought it. He wouldn't tell me. He wouldn't have told you. He would arrive soon. He would have arrived a long time ago.

Siamo appena partiti. È appena arrivato. siamo usciti uscire esco escono Esca! Non esca! Non uscire! Non mi dire! / Non dirmi! Non aspettarmi! Venga. Non andarci. Non venga. Non dirmi. / Non mi dire. Mi dica. Non mi dica. Parli più lentamente. Parla! Parta! Parti! Non parlare! Le dico. Non mi dire / Non mi dir ciò che vuoi comprare. Dimmi. Fallo. Non farlo. / Non lo fare. Dammi. Non mi dare. È appena arrivato. Sarebbe arrivato più presto / prima. Non lo farebbero. Non lo farei. Lo avrei fatto. Non lo avrei fatto. Non lo compreremmo. comprerò comprerà compreremo compreremmo partirebbe sarebbe partito Lo avrebbe comprato. Non mi direbbe. Non ti avrebbe detto. Arriverebbe presto. Sarebbe arrivato molto tempo fa. 138

Track 29 I couldn't find it. (I wasn't able to find it.) I couldn't find it (wouldn't be able to find it). Could you tell me? (signore) You could have told me. I know that you couldn't do it. He wasn't able to do it. I could do it. Could you tell me? (signore) I could have told you. I would have left sooner. I could have left sooner. I would have arrived on time. You have to wait for me. You should wait for me. (signore) You should have waited for me. Track 30 to go up I'm going up they're going up you're going up (voi) I went up I have been he has been she has been there was there is there are There are many problems. There are many people. There are so many people. Track 31 Wait! (signora) Speak! (lei) Speak! (Roberto) At what time are you leaving? At what time do we leave? / At what time are we leaving? Let's leave! Let's go! I'm coming they're coming you're coming (voi) we're coming he's coming you're coming (Roberto) Come! (signora) Come! (Roberto) Tell me! (Roberto) Don't tell me!

Non potevo trovarlo. Non potrei trovarlo. Potrebbe dirmi? Mi avresti potuto dire. / Mi avrebbe potuto dire. So che non potrebbe farlo. Non poteva farlo. Potrei farlo. Potrebbe dirmi? Avrei potuto dirle. Sarei partito più presto. Avrei potuto partire più presto. Sarei arrivato in tempo. Deve aspettarmi. Dovrebbe aspettarmi. Avrebbe dovuto aspettarmi. salire salgo salgono salite sono salito sono stato è stato è stata c'era c'è ci sono Ci sono molti problemi. C'è molta gente. C'è tanta gente. Aspetti! Parli! Parla! A che ora parte? A che ora partiamo? Partiamo! Andiamo! vengo vengono venite veniamo viene vieni Venga! Vieni! Dimmi! Non mi dire! 139

Tell me! (signore) Tell it to me now! (signore) Track 32 Speak! (signore) that I speak / that you (tu) speak / that he speak(s) (that) they speak I want you to speak. Why don't you want me to sell it? I don't want you to sell it. I want you to do it. I want you to tell me. Track 33 It is important that I be here. It is important that they be here. It is important that all of you be here. (loro) it is important I have need, I need I need it / I have need of it. I don't need it. Track 34 It was necessary that I spoke. I spoke (subj.) It was necessary that we spoke. Track 35 If I had known it, I would have done it. And I would have prepared it for you.

Mi dica! Me lo dica adesso! Parli! parli parlino Voglio che parliate. Perché non vuole / vuoi / volete che lo venda? Non voglio che lo venda. Voglio che lo faccia. Voglio che mi dica. È importante che (io) sia qui. È importante che siano qui. È importante che siano qui. bisogna ho bisogno Ne ho bisogno. Non ne ho bisogno. Era necessario che parlassi. parlassi Era necessario che parlassimo. Se lo avessi saputo, lo avrei fatto. E lo avrei preparato per lei.


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