Michael Tsarion & Jordan Maxwell - Symbols

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Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology by Michael Tsarion - www.taroscopes.com

THE INFLUENCE OF JORDAN MAXWELL There are thousands hacking at the branches of evil, to the one who strikes at the root - Henry David Thoreau

Many have heard of Astrology and Astronomy. But few there are in the west today that have heard of their parent subject - Astro-Theology. We insist that this is not by chance. We as individuals, instead of constantly looking powerlessly forward to hypothetical futures for our truths, must begin revisiting the roots of culture, religion and government. In today's society we are always searching for excellence and perfection. We speak about the prestige of being "original" and we admire those who are. But the word original connotes origins, which connotes the ability to - go back to the roots.

Many there are, abroad, teaching metaphysical subjects. However, very few teachers dare lay bear the occult roots of religion and politics. It was in the earliest days of my researches, in Ireland, that I came across the voluminous work of Jordan Maxwell, a researcher into the ancient cults. Jordan alone deserves the title "the world's most controversial speaker." Since the 1950s he has been diligently reconstructing the Gnosis of the Stellar and Solar epochs, and has found that these Cults are far from being relics of the past. The puzzles and conundrums that had troubled me for years slowly became lucid, after my introduction to the work of Jordan Maxwell. So was proved to me the truth - If your search is very diligent, then one day you will meet a teacher that will not deceive you.

Without the work of Mr. Maxwell I am convinced that I would still be very much in the dark concerning the finer details of the great story, and would certainly never have made the profound discoveries concerning the Divination Arts that has been my good fortune. I come from a tradition were one always honors their patrons and mentors, and I never forget their patronage or influence. My deepest gratitude goes out to Jordan for all his courage, conviction and humanity. If statues of Jordan, in bronze, were to be erected in every city of America, it would still be a small token of homage to this true Magi of our times…per ignem ad lucem! Many stand outside at the door, but it is only the solitaries who will enter into the bridal chamber - Jesus Christ (the Apocryphal Gospel of Thomas)

Maxwell's Garden

http://www.taroscopes.com/astro-theology/astrotheology.html (1 of 2)16/03/2005 17:47:37

Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology by Michael Tsarion - www.taroscopes.com

Symbolism - I Symbolism - II Symbolism - III

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Symbolism - IV Symbolism - V Symbolism - VI


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1) Have you ever wondered ... The Egpytian Ark of the Contract or the Hebrew Ark of the Covenant. Which came first ?

Hebrew Ark

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Egyptian Ark Egyptian Ark

What the Bible Dictionaries say

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This may explain why Indiana Jones finds the Lost Ark in Egypt and not the so-called Holy Land

2) Why does the Pope wear a fish head ?

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Click here for reference

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Something smells fishy. What does all have this have to do with Christianity ?

3) Do you know what this symbol is and what it means ?

American Dime Footnote Additional Footnote Click here for general reference

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4) Do you know why the British Prime Ministers address is #10 Downing St. ?

England's standing stones

5) Why is the Star of David on the back of the dollar bill ?

Star of David

6) What is this a symbol of and why is it so holy to British Royalty ?

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England's "Lia Fail Stone" | Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 |

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7) Did you ever notice the little owl on the dollar bill ?

8) Do you know what this symbol really means ?

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9) Swastikas in Israeli synagoges ??

"Ein-Gedi" Synagoge in Israel

"Maoz-Haim" Synagoge http://www.falundafa.ch/de/Aufz/Geschichtliche_Aufz.htm http://www.google.com/search?q=jewish+swastikas&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

10) Is the armband in this picture legitimate ??? And if so, what does it mean ?

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Click here for Source

More sources found !! Source 1 Note: visit pages 8, 9 and 10 of this catalog

11) Do you know what these are ?

Click here for reference

12) How many ancient religions had saviors dying on a cross ?

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Druid's Hesus | Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 |

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13) Have you ever heard of a man named Dr. Armand Hammer ?

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Dr. Armand Hammer with Prince Charles Jordan says "You really should research this guy"


14) The Secret Societies joined the "Hammer of Thor" with the "Sickle of Saturn" to form the Communist "Hammer and Sickle." Do you know why ?


Sickle of Saturn

Hammer of Thor

15) Some things never change

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Highway Patrol boots

Nazi boots

16) What is this symbol on the Bishop's miter (hat) ??

Picture taken from local newspaper

17) Step Pyramids are called "Ziggurats." Do you know why Ziggurats are found on government buildings ?

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L.A. City Hall Government Building

Step Pyramid in Egypt

18) Why does Moses have horns ?

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Statue of Moses at the Vatican | Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 |

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19) Did you know that the Mortarboard is a Catholic Masonic symbol ?

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20) Why does the Pope kiss the ground ?

21) Why did Charles Taze Russell, founder of Jehovahs Witnesses use this symbol ?

http://www.jordanmaxwell.com/symbols4.html (2 of 5)16/03/2005 18:06:17


Not Jesus' watchtower but Zions' watchtower

Zion's watchtower Not Christian or Jesus but Zions' Watchtower. Whose headqueaters are now operating out of New York, the Empire State.

The Empire State ?? Empire !! Whose Empire ?

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23) Have you ever wondered about this ?

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24) There's more to this "White House" story than meets the eye

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Russian Congressional White House Click here for source

Click here for Source

25) Why does the Pope wear a yamulke ? Who had it first ?? http://www.jordanmaxwell.com/symbols5.html (2 of 9)16/03/2005 18:09:47


26) Are you aware that the "black cube" represents different things to different cultures ?? In Latin = Saturn, Arabic = Venus

There is a whole occult story behind this symbol that will amaze you !!

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"The Black Cube of Saturn"

"Mecca" in Saudia Arabia

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Interestingly also the Ancient Hebrews used the black cube as a symbol for their God "Saturn" Footnote

27) My friend in Europe tells me that this beautiful sculpture is in the lobby of the World Court This fact alone makes me feel good all over.

World Court in Hauge, Netherlands

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28) We are told that the first century Jewish historian Josephus wrote about Jesus. He actually wrote about thirteen different Jesus'.

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We now know that this quote was added in the Middle Ages by the Church. No Orthodox Jew like Josephus would pin these words.

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29) Did you know this ?

How do you explain this !!!

30) We are told that Jesus was a carpenter, but was he ?? The idea that he was a carpenter depends on one single reference in Mark's Gospel "Is not this the carpenter the son of Mary?" But the Greek word 'tekton' and the underlying Aramaic word 'naggara' does not mean carpenter but more correctly translated "master builder or stone mason."

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31) Phygian Crown !! What's this all about ??

Russian Tsar wears Phygian Crown ??

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What's this doing in a synagogue ??

32) Next time someone tells you to sign on the dotted line, it's not a dotted line..... read it.

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33) There is a difference, do you know what it it?

United States Flag


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American Flag


Footnote 1 Footnote 2

34) The seat of government for the Roman Catholic / British corporation referred to in law as United States is located on Capital Hill . The reason for the name is understandable when you remember the seat of government for the ancient Roman Empire was also called "Capital Hill"

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