Michael Carson-exorcism - A Christian Manual

February 10, 2017 | Author: Inigo Joseph | Category: N/A
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Exorcism A Christian Manual By

Dr. Carson Michael

M ost of the Scriptures used in this book are from the Holy Bible, New International Version® , copyright 1973,1978,1984 by Biblica, Inc. ™ All rights reserved worldwide. Other verses marked KJV are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

Introduction This book was written as a practical manual to help those that are called to the exorcism ministry. It has many bullet points to make the information easy to find and use. I have been involved with over 200 exorcisms and at the beginning I could find few resources to give me guidance. There were very few documents that actually discussed how to do an exorcism and there were very few people that believed in the reality of demon possession. Once I started doing exorcisms it became an exhausting process because people starting calling day and night. No one was doing exorcisms in my town and when people heard that this ministry existed they came out of the woodwork. I was working full time and I had only Saturday mornings and an occasional evening to do them. Within months I had a waiting list. I had to enlist help so I talked to several men in the church and they agreed to assist. We did the best we could and developed ways to manage these situations. We made mistakes; we were pressured by the disbelieving, and harassed by cults that attacked what we did. It was not an easy process. Yet, many were set free and lives were changed for the good. I only wished I had a manual to guide me through these many difficult times. I wrote this manual to help so that others do not have to go through what I did. I hope that this manual will bless you and make a difficult ministry somewhat easier. Be blessed as you continue to fight the good fight. Dr. Carson Michael

Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1: A Profile of Demons Chapter 2: How Demons Enter Chapter 3: Assessment and Preparation Chapter 4: A List of Demons Chapter 5: The Exorcism Chapter 6: Why Exorcisms Fail Chapter 7: House Cleansings Chapter 8: Other Demons References

Chapter 1 A Profile Of Demons Demons are believed to exist in every major religion. However, beliefs about what they are and what they can do differ greatly. For example, in the Islamic religion demons are called Jinn and they were believed to be created by Allah out of fire. They followed Iblis (like satan) after rebelling against God and they are not considered entirely evil. They are invisible and they can travel great distances very quickly. They can be male or female and can marry and have children. They are more powerful than humans and are shape-shifters. The Jinn do try to possess humans, animals, and objects, and they are thought to give false visions to draw people into other religions (Jawaid, 2006). Demons are also mentioned in the Hindu religion. There are demons that were created by the gods and there are demons that were believed to come from the souls of the dead. The human origin of demons was thought to come from cases where an evil person died accidentally or was not given a proper burial ceremony after death. There are many types of demons in the Hindu religion, such as Vetala (vampires), Vinayakas (demons that create obstacles) and Rakshasas (soul-eaters), to name a few (Jansen, 1993; Klostermaier, 2000). The Jewish religion believed that demons were dangerous but not all of them were completely evil. They believed that some demons could be conjured up to cure an illness, compel people to fall in love, and find missing objects. Most were not to be trusted unless specific spells and protections were in place. The ancient Rabbi’s believed that demons were intelligent and were both male and female. They were considered to be more powerful than humans but less powerful than God. They believed that they came out at night and dwelt in solitary places, such as abandoned houses, trees, and vineyards. It was considered dangerous to go out at night alone on the eve of Wednesday or the Sabbath because demons were considered to be out and on the prowl to attack humans. Exorcisms were done, but mostly by rituals and incantations. For example, Josephus was a Jewish historian around the time of Christ. He records that for an exorcism a magic root was placed in the nostrils of the one possessed. An incantation was then performed in the name of Solomon and the demon was then drawn out through the nose. In the book of Tobit, an exorcism consisted of burning the liver and heart of a fish that was miraculously caught, and the smell would drive the demon away. Magic was even used by Jewish leaders (though it was forbidden). For example, to cure night blindness extensive rituals had to be followed. First, the patient and a dog had their legs tied together by animal hair. Next, children were to break pottery behind the dog and recite an incantation. Then 7 pieces of meat were to be taken to 7 homes and hung on the doorposts. Later the dog was to eat the meat, and the cord would be untied and the Jewish leader would command the night blindness to enter the dog.

Amulets and talismans were also used to ward off evil or to provide good luck. For example, one could wear an amulet inscribed with the names of angels that were the enemies of the demon Lilith to protect you. You also had to avoid certain things, like leaving food or drinks under the bed because demons could be attracted to them. For some demons you could say their name, and then subtract a letter each time you say it until there was nothing left. This was supposed to make the demon gradually disappear (Trachtenberg, 1939). There was literally no power of command behind a single name. If you wanted a demon to come out you had to perform extensive rituals and provide incantations (magic words) to exorcise the demon. In some cases you had to summon a friendlier demon to help expel the current harmful demon. You had to use special herbs or flesh to prevent demons from causing the exorcist harm and you had to have magic circles to keep the demon away from you if you conjured one up (Bohak, 2008). I have never quite understood how a circle drawn on the ground with symbols drawn inside would frighten a demon or protect a conjuror, or that herbs, metals, or smells could repel demons (Lewis-Highcorrell, 2013; Ravenwolf, 2012). For example, Conway (2001) states that holly repels negative spells, thistle breaks curses, and St. John’s wort repels ghosts! Also, there is a belief that demons are afraid of iron (Cavendish, 1968). Demons could care less about any of these things. They are supernatural beings and they are not bound to anything on this earth. If they follow the orders of a witch or a warlock it is only to give the conjuror the illusion that they are controllable. In other words, demons will obey the conjuror and silently work on their destruction by appearing to be tamed. Demons cannot be controlled by anything but the name of Jesus. Christian Viewpoint Jesus changed everything. He did not use magic, incantations or rituals. He simply commanded them to come out and the demons obeyed Him. “On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her, He called her forward and said to her, ‘Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.’ Then He put His hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God,” (Luke 13:10-13); “Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an evil spirit cried out, ‘What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are-the Holy One of God!’ ‘Be quiet!’ said Jesus sternly. ‘Come out of him!’ The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek, (Mark 1:23-26).” When He dealt with demons He placed a clear line in the sand: Demons are evil and we are to have nothing to do with them. Jesus cast out demons and He considered it an important aspect of advancing the Kingdom of God. He knew there was a major need for exorcisms to heal His children and to reveal to the people that He was more powerful than demons. When He went to Gethsemane at night He did everything the Jews were afraid of: He went out at night to solitary places where there were trees and vineyards. He went to the very places the religious leaders would not go. This is why they accused Him of being in partnership with satan…”And the teachers of the law who came down from Jerusalem said, ‘He is possessed by Beelzebub! By the prince of demons He is driving out demons,’” (Mark 3:22). The ancient Rabbi’s believed that demon were everywhere. As an example of how prevalent demons are, the devil and his demons are recorded in the Scriptures as being in many places throughout the ministry of Jesus. For example, at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, satan visited Jesus in the desert where He went for 40 days to fast and pray (Matthew 4:1). Also, Jesus was confronted by a demon possessed man in a graveyard (Luke 8:26-27), He healed a demon possessed man in a

synagogue early in His ministry (Luke 4:33-35) and a demon possessed woman in synagogue later in His ministry (Luke 13: 10-16). Further, Jesus cast out demons in public crowds wherever He went (Mark 3:7-12). In the days leading to the crucifixion, the devil was present at the Last Supper (John 13: 26-27), he entered Judas (John 13:26-27), and he asked Jesus if he could destroy Peter (Luke 22:31). Jesus believed that exorcisms were essential and empowered His disciples to cast out demons to kick satan out of any territory and establish the kingdom of God wherever they went. For example, Matthew 10:1 states…”He called His twelve disciples to Him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.” In addition, Matthew 10:7-8 states…”’As you go, preach this message: ‘the Kingdom of heaven is near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.’” We are to do the work that Jesus did and we do not need anything but His name to drive them out…”I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you,” (Luke 10:19). This power is given to us, by God, to drive out all evil. All that Christians need is the name of Jesus. We need this authority and power over demons as demons are entirely evil. They are servants of satan and they are called evil and unclean, “When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene, He rebuked the evil spirit,” (Mark 9:25). The mission of demons is to destroy everything they can and keep as many people as possible from entering heaven. They have no goodness in them at all. They are not to be contacted to converse with or contracted with-they will only bring suffering and misery. They may do good things for you in order to trap you and keep you coming back for more. Once you begin to think that you are safe with them, they will slowly turn your life into bondage. Demons desire to create fear and misery in families that surround the possessed. They want families to see the power of satan and fear him more than God. But demons also have selfish reasons for possessing humans. Demons are afraid of the Abyss and the torment waiting for them…”Jesus asked him, ‘What is your name?’ ‘Legion,’ he replied, because many demons had gone into him. And they begged Him repeatedly not to order them to go into the Abyss,” (Luke 8:30-31). The fear of demons is also reflected in Matthew 8:29…” ‘What do you want with us, Son of God?’ they shouted. ‘Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?’” Demons know that their future consists of eternal torment and they are afraid of that time. When demons possess a human they at least have a temporary home. They know that if they can possess a human then their time is not up yet. The devil is a cruel, wicked master that they must serve while facing a hopeless future. By possessing humans they can carry out their master’s will and find a place to dwell away from him for a brief time. The head of all demons is satan. In the Scriptures, satan is described as the evil one (1 John 5:19), the tempter (1 Thessalonians 3:5), a murderer (John 8:44), a liar, and a deceiver (John 8:44; 2 Corinthians 11:3). He is also called the devil, which means false accuser or slanderer (Zechariah 3:1). He was created by God and is inferior to God (Ezekiel 28:15). He was originally the head of praise and worship in heaven and served very near to God (Ezekiel 28:10-18). The devil was cast out of heaven as he rebelled against God by trying to dethrone Him. He thought that he could overpower God and sit on the throne himself (Isaiah 14:13-14). He started a war against God with a third of the angels and they were all defeated (Ezekiel 28:16-17; Revelation 12:4,9). These angels that followed satan in exile are now demons. In Christianity, demons have the following characteristics:

· They can speak and have intelligence: “He shouted at the top of his voice, ‘What do you want with me, Jesus Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won’t torment me,’” (Mark 5:7). “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the truth and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons,” (1 Timothy 4:1). · They know theology and have emotions: “You believe that there is one God. Good. Even the demons believe that and shudder,” (James 2:19). Since they know theology, they can pervert it by twisting the meaning of Scriptures to those that do not know the Bible. · They are morally depraved, as they are called evil: “When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene, He rebuked the evil spirit,” (Mark 9:25). Demons have no conscience. They do not care about right and wrong and their only desire is to torment and destroy as many humans as possible. They show no compassion for any human and they hate us! · They have amazing strength and power over the body: “Many times it (the demon) had seized him and though he was chained hand and foot and kept under guard, he had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into solitary places,” (Luke 8:29). · If demons influence humans to move then they can influence objects to move. The Lord gave satan the ability to touch anything in Job’s life except his health at first. Later, satan caused fire to fall from the sky (Job 1: 16) and wind to move in from the desert to destroy Job’s home (Job 1:18-19). · They cause physical illness: “While they were going out, a man who was demon-possessed and could not talk was brought to Jesus. And when the demon was driven out, the man who had been mute spoke. The crowd was amazed and said, ‘Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel,’” (Matthew 9: 32-33). If they can have strength over the body, and can move objects, they can also move body organs or shut them down. · They cause mental illness: “When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet Him. This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones,” (Mark 5:2-5). “Now the Spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him,” (1 Samuel 16:14). · They are male and female: There are female angels referenced in Zechariah 5:5-11. If there are female angels there must be female demons. · They are shape-changers: “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it,” (Hebrews 13:2). This Scripture states that angels can take on human form or appear as human. Demons are fallen angels so they may have this ability. Also, satan has the power to disguise himself as in 2 Corinthians 11:14…”For satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” They have the power to either get us to misperceive their forms or they can change their forms. Organization of the Kingdom of Demons The kingdom of God is described in military terms as God is called the Lord of Hosts, which means the commander of a great army (Psalm 24:10). His angels are described as being arranged in legions, which was a Roman military term that was large contingent of soldiers, with some estimates being from 3000-6000 soldiers…”Do you think I cannot call on My Father, and He will at once put at

My disposal more than twelve legions of angels?” (Matthew 26:53). There is structure and rank in God’s kingdom as the title “archangel” means chief or lead angel in the Greek. Jude 9 states…”But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him.” The seraphim and cherubim are a special class of angelic beings that are usually mentioned as being close to God. Cherubim were placed as guardians of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:24), and they were bearers of God’s throne (1 Samuel 4:4). Seraphim stand near the throne and are very close to Him (Isaiah 6:26). The next class of angels in God’s Army consists of 5 different types: · Thrones: Colossians 1:21 · Powers (dominions-KJV): Colossians 1:21 · Rulers (principalities-KJV): Colossians 1:21 · Authorities (powers-KJV): Colossians 1:21 · Powers (virtues-KJV), found in 1 Peter 3:22 and Ephesians 1:21. · Angels: are the servants that interact the most and provide humans with comfort (Matthew 4:11), strength (1 Kings 19:3-8), and protection (Acts 12:6-10). In God’s Army, there are also angels that have different territories to watch and defend, as in Daniel 10:20-21…”So he said, ‘Do you know why I have come to you? Soon I will return to fight against the prince of Persia, and when I go, the prince of Greece will come; but first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth. (No one supports me against them except Michael, your prince.)’” Also there are 4 angels stationed at the Euphrates river until they are released during the tribulation (Revelation 9:14-15). The kingdom of satan is also arranged as an army with different levels of power and authority. The devil mimics God’s organization because he came from that organization. For example, the military term ‘legion’ is used for satan’s kingdom…”Jesus asked him, ‘What is your name?’ ‘Legion,’ he replied, because many demons have gone into him,” (Luke 8:30). Jesus also stated that satan has a kingdom…”If satan is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand?” (Luke 11:18). In this organization satan is at the head, as he is called a prince by Jesus, in John 14:30, and a ruler by Paul in Ephesians 2:2. Ephesians 6:12 describes a hierarchy of satan’s kingdom…”For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers (principalities-KJV), against the authorities (powers-KJV), against the powers of this dark world (rulers of darkness-KJV) and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (spiritual wickedness in high places-KJV).” This can be broken down the following way: · Rulers/Principalities (Greek: archas): denotes ranking-different levels of power, and this is where we derive the term hierarchy. · Authorities/Powers (Greek: exousia): this means having the power granted or the right to do something. Having the right and the power to carry out a task. · Powers/Rulers of darkness (plural): there are multiple dark rulers. · Spiritual forces of evil/spiritual wickedness: malicious. · Wrestling: this word in the Greek means going face to face in combat. Exorcisms and intercessory prayer are ways that we wrestle with the enemy. Putting this all together reveals that satan’s kingdom has levels of power, like privates,

sergeants, majors and generals. It also has different levels of authority that relates to the power level. This authority is usually in assigned territories. For example, some demons are assigned to different cities, like San Francisco is assigned sexually perverse demons and Chicago has violent and corrupt demons. Another avenue of authority is rank. The more authority a demon has the greater the rank. In addition, there are many ruler demons, which indicates that there are legions of underlings assigned to each. And finally, these demons are sent to maliciously destroy us in any way possible. We are to wrestle with these spirits because they are behind the destruction of this world. It is not just the people but the demons behind their actions. Humans can do great evil on their own, but many evil things originate in the influence of demons on weak human beings. Knowing that demons are the source of many of the world’s ills, we have the remedy to reduce their power and influence: Exorcisms in the Name of Jesus. It is essential to understand that not all demons are alike. There are many powerful demons that take more preparations to cast out. For example, in Mark chapter 9, Jesus takes some of the disciples to the mountain and was transfigured before them. Meanwhile, a man brought his demon-possessed son to the remaining disciples for help but they could not drive the demon out. When Jesus came back, He cast the demon out and healed the boy. When the disciples asked why they couldn’t drive out the demon, Jesus said that this particular type of demon could only come out by fasting and prayer (Mark 9:2-29). In other words, this was a powerful demon that needed much preparation before the exorcism could take place; the disciples had to be spiritually prepared for a wrestling battle and it wasn’t going to be easy. For example, exorcisms are not easy even in the best of circumstances. But there are times when a particularly powerful ruling spirit may attempt to hinder an exorcism because the person needing the exorcism is a valuable asset to the kingdom of darkness. The ruling demon over a city or state may try to increase the power of evil to combat the exorcist. They may also increase fear and doubt in the person needing the exorcism so that he gives up hope. In one exorcism things were going on as planned but right in the middle of it a large evil presence entered the room and it felt as if all the oxygen left-the room became suffocating. There was a high pitch scream that became deafening on and off and the client began to shake and her eyes rolled back into her head. We began to pray against this demon. When we did, it began to talk through the client by stating that it was the prince of the city and it had more authority over the client than we did. The more we prayed the more that the demon stated that we were going to lose and that it was going to kill her. It became excruciating, but after an hour it finally broke and the spirit left and the noise stopped. We resumed the exorcism but it left us all drained. After this experience we learned to seal off the territory through prayer and bind all territorial spirits in the area.

Chapter 2 How Demons Enter One of the main goals of demons is to totally possess humans. But, there are rules-they cannot simply enter any person whenever they feel like it. For example, we all sleep and this is a vast amount of time where we are not praying and we are not spiritually aware. Yet, we are watched over and protected from evil. Sleep time would be the perfect time for demons to possess humans, but in most cases we are protected. There are demons that visit in the night (incubus and succubus spirits), but one must succumb to their temptations in order for them to gain a foothold. So, they look for ways to enter. Demons are more powerful than humans as they are fallen angels. All of them would like to wipe out the human race-yet they cannot. So, there must be rules that need to be broken for these supernatural beings to have any contact with us at all. They always have the power to invade or lives but they don’t have the right to do it. They wait for humans to open the door and then they can come in. For example, some of the rules are: · They cannot enter a dead body and bring it to life permanently (though they can manipulate a dead body, as some Satanists will dig up a dead body and ask it questions and a demon may speak through it). Only God can create life and sustain it; · One sin does not mean an automatic possession. If that were true we would all be possessed daily; · Demons cannot harm anyone at any time; there must a doorway that is opened; · There can be temporary oppressions as in the case of Saul, where the demon can come and go. In many cases demons are working for a long time in our lives before they are recognized. Tragically, some never realize their presence and they do great damage. For example, Gary Heidnik was an absolute monster. He kept women locked in his basement, and chained to the ceiling for years. He raped them and tortured them daily. He dug a hole in the floor and filled it with water. He would put the girls in the hole and then put a live electrical wire in the hole and shock them; one girl died from this torture. He blasted loud music constantly so no one would hear them call out. He was so paranoid that they would plot against him that he jammed a screw driver into their ears to make them deaf, so that they couldn’t hear him coming. He fed them dog food and kept them in a freezing basement with little covering. One girl died of abuse and he actually fed her to his dog and the other captives. This man was a total monster-evil walking on this earth. Yet, I am sure he was totally unaware of any evil forces working in his life. In fact, there are some people that do great evil and do not believe that they are doing anything wrong. For example, John Jamelske would kidnap women and keep them locked in a special concrete dungeon that he built underground. In some cases he kept them chained there for years while he raped them continuously. He kept them in the dark, in cramped spaces, with no bathroom and no sunlight. Yet after he was finally caught he truly believed that he

did nothing wrong. He thought that he was taking care of the girls and believed that they benefitted from being with him. He committed great acts of evil but in his mind he was in a loving relationship with the women he abused. It is hard to combat evil personally if you cannot see it or understand it. There are many ways that demons gain entrance into our lives. They usually do not possess people instantly. In most cases it is gradual process that may take years. There are instant and violent possessions, but these are rare. Usually a sudden possession is the result of a perverse sexual act or practicing witchcraft. In general, here are the levels of possession: · Oppression: Here, the demons are on the outside, but hover over and continually stay near the person. The person may feel like something is weighing down upon them. The demons may cause accidents, like placing objects in front of the person or tripping them. In addition, a goal is to entice the person into greater sin. They usually do not have power to control the mind or the senses. · Foothold: The demon is now on the inside. Yet, it is not in complete control. It usually has great power over one part of a person’s life, like an addiction or a disease. The demon usually cannot speak through the person and cannot block out their conscious thoughts. The demon may insert a thought but the person can still reject it. · Partial Possession: More control is gained here. There are usually multiple demons at this point. Thoughts and emotions can be controlled at times but the person can fight back and gain some control. However, the person may have blackouts and uncontrollable emotions. They may be fully into an addiction and spend hours fulfilling the addiction each day. The demons insert thoughts and can occupy the mind fully at times. They can control the senses, like speaking through the victim’s mouth, and the person may not want to do something but feel that they cannot stop themselves. For example, the victim may feel that their body is doing something while their mind is watching from a distance. · Full Possession: Demons can manipulate the person at will. The demons can speak through the person, and they can move through them with great strength. The demons may also try to kill the person, and can be violent towards others. The demons can throw the person to the ground, block their thoughts, and cut off their emotions. It is important to assess the severity of the victim’s condition, to determine how long and difficult the exorcism will be. The more control that the demons have the more difficult the battle. The specific ways that demons use to enter consist of the following: · Committing sin: We break through God’s protection that surrounds us by breaking God’s commands, “Whoever digs a pit may fall into it; whoever breaks through a wall may be bitten by a snake,” (Ecclesiastes 10:8). Also, Job 1:10…”Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has?” · Occult activity: Dabbling in the occult is absolutely forbidden, no exceptions: “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you,” (Deuteronomy 18:10-12). · Alcohol/drug abuse: “Nor did they did not repent of their murders, their magic arts, their

sexual immorality or their thefts,” (Revelation 9:21). The Greek word for magic arts is “pharmakia,” and this is where we get the word pharmacy. When under the influence of a drug, the mind and the will are hindered. For example, when drunk you may say things to people you would never say when sober. Self-restraint is deadened and we are more open to outside influences. We are more likely to listen to a demon giving advice and not even know where the idea came from. When the will is compromised the demon may move in. · Unforgiveness: “In your anger do not sin: do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold,” (Ephesians 4:26). Unforgiveness creates anger because of the refusal to resolve an issue. The longer the anger is there, the more likely a demon can keep the anger active by speaking lies that are designed to expand the anger, and get the person to eventually be consumed by anger. I have seen family members angry at other family members for decades. One woman was dying in the hospital and her sister walked in to say goodbye and the patient screamed at her to leave because of some slight that she caused 25 years earlier. She died 2 days later, filled with hatred. Her family said that once you made her mad she was an enemy for life. Demons love to latch on to these people because they will fuel the anger and the victim will rarely recognize the source. The demon will lie and tell them that they are the righteous ones and they deserve to be angry and the person will readily agree. · Religious error: This is having extreme views that are not based on the Bible, or the Scriptures are distorted to support a point of view…”So now the Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouths of these prophets of yours,” (2 Chronicles 18:22). Here, the prophets wanted to please the king to get approval, and because of their prophetic lies a lying spirit was allowed to enter. · Rebellion: “For rebellion is the sin of witchcraft,” (1 Samuel 15:23). · People sinning against us: Demons will sometimes transfer from a rapist or a sex offender to the victim. The two become one in an unholy union which is exploited by the demon (1 Cor. 6:16). In many cases I have seen a demon transfer from a sexually perverted person to an innocent victim. The demon has authority to move from one to the other because they are united in body. · Rejection: Rejection is the root to many mental disorders. Christianity is a religion of acceptance. Rejection is not from God-He only rejects sin. A sinner is never rejected; the sinner rejects God. The devil was rejected by God and kicked out of heaven. He hates this feeling and feels the weight of this rejection throughout eternity. The devil wants all of us to experience this feeling with him. Rejection hurts. When we feel rejected we are more likely to abuse substances, develop depression, and wallow in self-pity. It is a negative state that draws evil spirits. Rejection is so powerful that researchers have found that rejection by peers was a main cause for the majority of high school shootings (Leary, Kowalski, Smith, & Phillips, 2003). · Going into a trance: This is done through hypnosis, drug addiction, and allowing spirits to possess and speak through you (New Age channeling). When a person goes into a trance the mind is not in a normal state. In a trance, the conscious thoughts of the mind are suspended and another mind can come in and take over. This is an open invitation for evil to come back and use the person whenever it wants. · Dissociation: When a person dissociates there is literally a split in the mind where part of the mind leaves a stressful situation. For example, a child that is being sexually abused may leave his body and watch the abuse from the ceiling. To escape the psychological pain the child splits from reality. This is helpful to deal with stress in the short-term, but in the long-term, the

child may learn to use this strategy under any stressful situation and not be able to problem-solve effectively. Dissociation leaves the body partially empty and it could fall prey to evil that is in the area. In fact, dissociation makes it easier for a demon to transfer from the offender to the victim. · Fear: We are to live by faith (Luke 17:6; Romans 3:26-27). Fear is the opposite of faith, and where there is fear there cannot be faith. For example, if you are afraid of heights you cannot work above the first floor of a building; if you are afraid of closed-in spaces you cannot work in a small office, and if you are afraid that others will make fun of you in social situations you cannot be around a lot of people. A person with these 3 fears cannot function normally in any work environment where these elements are present. When we fear things we run from them. Fear means that at some level we do not have faith that God will be there to help and give the strength to conquer the fear. Demons try to bring as much fear as possible as fear binds us from growth and power. Special Cases: Familiar Spirits, Soul Ties, and Generational Sins Familiar Spirits Familiar spirits are demons. Familiar spirits have two basic functions in their relationship with humans. First, a familiar spirit can be conjured by a witch, shaman, medium, psychic or magician in order to seek information. Some witches consider familiar spirits to be a spirit that inhabits a local animal to assist in magic and protection. Basically, a familiar spirit would stay close to the conjuror in order to help in any way possible (Koch, 1969). They were frequently used to tell the future, find out what others were doing, and to give guidance in life decisions. A description of their activity is described in Isaiah 29:4…”And thou shall be brought down, and shalt speak out of the ground and thy speech shall be low out of the dust, and thy voice shall be, as one that hath a familiar spirit, out of the ground, and thy speech shall whisper out of the dust.” Having a familiar spirit is forbidden in the Scriptures…”Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them,” (Leviticus 19:31). In 1st Samuel 28:1-25, Saul sees the enemy and is afraid, but the Lord would not speak to him. He asks for someone to find a woman that has a familiar spirit that in Hebrew literally means a divining demon. Saul asks the witch to bring up Samuel (who was dead). The witch saw Samuel coming up out of the ground and prophesies Saul’s doom. First Chronicles 10:13 states that one of the reasons for Saul’s defeat and death were because he consulted the witch with the familiar spirit. Familiar spirits attach themselves to a person and provide supernatural information. The magician, shaman, medium, psychic, or witch uses tarot cards, idols, Ouija boards, crystal balls, tea leaves, the stars (astrology), and all forms of divination (like palm reading). In the use of divination the demon speaks through the device or manipulates the device in order to give direction or guidance. The demon will give accurate information to get the client to come for more in order to create dependence. The client will rely on the medium, psychic, or witch and block God out of the process. Gradually, over time, this ensnarement will ruin their lives. This was a popular reason why people did come in seeking an exorcism. Some went to a church that didn’t believe that God speaks to His creation today and they got so desperate to get an answer to a problem that they went to someone that promised to give them guidance from a positive spirit. Others were ignorant of the dangers of going to a psychic or medium and went out of a need to know that there was something supernatural out there. The psychic may have a cross on their wall and a Bible on their desk and use tarot cards, astrology, and spirit guides, which does confuse people.

Many people that go to psychics have no consistent theological beliefs and psychics tell their clients that what they are doing is fine and that Jesus may actually appear to them. One woman went to a psychic because she had gotten a divorce, was lonely, and hadn’t been to church in years. She drove by a store that said free spiritual advice on the first session. She went in and there was a Bible on the psychic’s desk and the woman was kind and very friendly. They talked for a while and the psychic said, “You just went through a divorce and you are very lonely now, right?” The woman was amazed. The psychic then started to tell her more things that she saw in the woman and again, she was right. The woman asked how she knew these things and the psychic told her that God reveals these things to her because she was born with a special gift. The psychic told her that God loved her and brought her there for help and invited the woman to come back. The woman readily agreed. The next time she went back, the psychic told her that she could tell her the future if she wanted to know it. The woman was so amazed by the psychic that she said yes. The woman began to tell her what to do each week through tarot cards and horoscopes. At first the psychic seemed to help because when the psychic gave her advice it worked. But then, she began to notice strange things happening that frightened her. She began to wake up in fear each day and didn’t know what to do. She started calling the psychic each day for guidance. The psychic said that she would send helpful spirits to protect her. The fear went away for a few hours but it would come back. She began to be afraid of leaving the house and stayed home more and more. Then, she started feeling that something was in her house that was evil and she was afraid to stay but was also afraid to leave. She heard footsteps at night and sometimes she heard her furniture move. She eventually was helped by a family member that went to her house and found that she had not left her bedroom in a month. When I went to see her she was afraid of almost everything. She had no idea that going to the psychic was the cause of what was happening to her. Familiar spirits are dangerous as they take on many forms. They usually appear to the conjuror in ways that are non-threatening and line up with their theology. Here are some ways that they appear: · As a loving angel surrounded in light. · An elderly kind gentleman or grandmother that gives advice. This is especially prone to happen with children. · An animal. Many New Age people believe that we have an animal spirit within us and the conjuror will ask that animal to manifest. · A dead relative (some mannerism or body feature will be distorted). · An ancient wise character. Some will see Buddha or even an ancient warrior like Genghis Khan appear to give direction. · A mist or cloud with a human outline. · Seeing Jesus, but there will usually be a part of Him that is distorted or exaggerated. The second way a familiar spirit may enter is through the family heritage. The familiar spirit becomes familiar with a family and gets to know all of their strengths and weaknesses. They know how to tempt a family member because they understand the failures of the family system. The Hebrew word for a familiar spirit means one that is willing to serve, or one belonging to a family. We see this in the life of Abraham. In Genesis 20, Abraham lied to protect his wife by calling her his sister. His son Isaac then does the same thing in Genesis 26:7-12. And finally, Jacob deceived his father Isaac to receive the blessing and take it from Esau in Genesis 27:1-37. Lying and deception was in this family line and a familiar spirit could exploit this.

Familiar spirits will stay with the conjuror or the family as long as they have authority to be there. To get rid of them there are several steps to follow: · First, confess your sins and the sins of your ancestors (if you know them). It is helpful to have as much of a family genealogy as possible. · Next, renounce these sins and all of the evil practices (especially divination). · Forgive your ancestors. · Command the familiar to leave in the name of Jesus. An exorcism will probably be needed if there are extensive divination practices as these demons are powerful. Soul Ties A soul tie is when 2 people are bound together in their souls. This can be positive, as in I Samuel 18:1…”and it came to pass, when he (David) had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.” In the Hebrew, the word “knit” means to tie together or chain itself to something. Another positive soul tie is when a man and a woman are married, and the 2 become one flesh…”For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh,” (Genesis 2:24). A negative soul tie would be uniting with a prostitute, having an emotional affair with a coworker, or having an actual affair…”Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body?” (1 Corinthians 6:16). Sex (and sex fantasies) appears to be critical in developing a soul tie. When you unite sexually with another you become bound to them. When bound to them, whatever is in them can come into you. This happened to Solomon. He was a devout servant of the Lord. But he had 700 wives and 300 concubines over time and they lead his heart astray to serve other gods (1 Kings 11:2-5). Soul ties can also be developed through emotional affairs, especially if there are sexual fantasies tied to that person. We are influenced by the people around us, as stated in 1 Corinthians 15:33…”bad company corrupts good character.” By being linked to the other person, you may pick up their characteristics…”Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared,” (Proverbs 22:24-25). The concept of emotional contagion is heavily researched. Emotional contagion is the idea that we “catch” the emotions of others (I describe this more in my book Taking The Psychology Out Of Prophecy). In a classic study by Chartrand and Bargh (1999), they had a research assistant sit across from subjects and the subjects thought that the experiment was about looking at photographs and giving feedback for their use in a psychological test. The research assistant was part of the experiment and she was either supposed to smile or not smile, rub her face frequently with her hands, or shake her foot frequently during the interview. They wanted to see if the subjects would mimic the movements of the assistant. What they found was that whatever the research assistant did, the subjects did unconsciously. For those with multiple sexual affairs and sexual addictions, they begin to deteriorate because of the soul ties. They are united in their spirit with so many other human spirits that they became fragmented and shattered. Through these connections, the personalities of the partners are becoming intertwined with theirs. In addition, the demons in others have a gateway to move into them through the soul tie. Many people will deteriorate mentally and spiritually until they have extreme mood swings, are easily frustrated, irrational, and be unable to stop yearning for more sexual connections. Some signs of an evil soul tie are:

· Longing for past sexual partners even though in a current satisfying relationship; · Frequent sexual fantasies about past partners or current acquaintances; · Feeling drawn to a past sexual partner or a current acquaintance- when you see them your heart feels connected to them; · Developing new bizarre sexual desires in fantasizing about old partners; · Wanting to reach out and develop a relationship with an old partner; · Constantly checking Facebook, Twitter, and other social internet sites to see what old partners or current acquaintances are doing; · Being jealous of an old partner developing new relationships even though you are in a new relationship that you enjoy. Soul ties can be broken through prayer in the name of Jesus. However, the person must stop doing all the behaviors that draws him back to the person he was tied with. He must not search for them on the internet, he must not seek to befriend them, and he must not fantasize about them. Breaking the soul tie is easy in prayer; living the life that keeps it broken is much harder. In addition, the prayer to break the soul tie may not invoke an expulsion of a demon that transferred from the previous partner. An exorcism will still be necessary to get rid of any demons that are there. Demons that frequently work with soul ties are deceiving spirits, sexually perverse spirits, Jezebel demons, spirits of divination (python), and spirits of bondage. Generational Bondage We inherit from our families either blessings or curses. This is revealed in Exodus 20:56…”You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the 3rd and 4th generation of those who hate Me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep my commandments.” Many problems can be passed on through a family because the family has become cursed. Demons can travel down a family line where there is sin that is not renounced. They have permission to be in a family and work when there is no repentance. In many cases the demons continue on through generations because the family is unaware of the sins of their ancestors. God wants to bless families but in many cases the curses remain as a block to His blessings. Curses are a serious thing. Satanists know the power of a curse and when they curse someone they seek to curse them and their descendants to destroy their entire heritage. Many problems are passed down to the next generation but the curse is never identified. Here are examples of curses that result from sin: · Barren womb and child death (Deut. 28:18) · Diseases (Deut. 28:22, 27) · Mental disturbances (Deut. 28:28, 34) · Being constantly defeated by your enemies (Deut. 28: 25) · Feelings of oppression (Deut. 28:29, 48) · Physical accidents (Deut. 28:29) · Divorce (Deut. 28:30) · Addictions (Deut. 28: 48) · Sexual sin (Genesis 9: 20-27) · Deut. 28:45: “All these curses will come upon you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the Lord your God and observe the commands

and decrees He gave you.” Noah had three sons named Shem, Japheth, and Ham. Noah got drunk one day and laid uncovered in his tent. Ham saw it and did nothing to help, but did tell his brothers. Shem and Japheth took a garment and covered Noah and were careful not to look at him. They protected Noah’s dignity. The Bible says that Noah woke up and saw what Ham had done to him (9:24). Many scholars have speculated what this actually means. The Talmud states that Noah was either castrated or sodomized by Ham. Others believe that just staring at a naked person is equal to sexual abuse in ancient times. Still others believe that Ham had sex with his mother while Noah was passed out. Whatever the interpretation, the Bible is clear that Ham was cursed because of serious misconduct and Shem and Japheth were blessed. Ham’s descendent, Canaan was cursed by Noah…”Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants he shall be to his brothers,” (Genesis 9:25). Shem and Japheth were blessed by Noah in the next two verses…”Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem; and let Canaan be his servant. May God enlarge Japheth, and let him dwell in the tents of Shem; and let Canaan be his servant,” (Genesis 9:26-27). Abraham came from the lineage of Shem, who became the father of our faith. Japheth was given a large territory but he was still to be under the covering of Shem. Canaan was to be subservient to both. Canaan was from Ham and he became the father of the enemies of Israel, like the Canaanites and the Amorites. The sons of Ham were also the builders of the tower of Babel and settled in lands such as Babylon and Assyria. The ancestors of Canaan are still the enemies of Israel today and are at war with Israel. God has blessed one nation because of their obedience and cursed the other which has continued over many centuries. We do not have to suffer under the curses of our ancestors because Christ has paid the penalty for us…”Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: ‘cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree,’” (Galatians 3:13). We have authority over the curses and the demons that travel through them, but we must cast them out to rebuke their authority in our families. Mark 16:17 says that…”these signs will accompany those who believe: in My Name they will drive out demons.” Dealing With Generational Bondage First, we must recognize if there are curses in the family and how they got there. It is helpful to do a family tree to map out the different relatives and the sins they tend to struggle with. Many people do not look objectively at their family and have no sense of their history or their heritage. The more you know about your family the easier it is to understand the weaknesses and where they come from. For example, I saw a client that struggled with suicide. She had the strange belief that she had always wanted to die and couldn’t remember a time when she didn’t. We did a generational tree and found out that she had 6 family members that committed suicide in 2 generations. She had never put together that her issue was something that many other family members had struggled with as well and she began to see a pattern that was the result of a family curse that was never addressed. I have seen many families that were ruled by alcoholism-drug addiction, child abuse, mental illness and violence. In one family, a client brought in her daughter for counseling because she was sexually abused. The mother also told me that she was sexually abused as a child, and that her mother, grandmother, and great grandmother all revealed that they were sexually abused as children. A generational curse is a powerful force that can be devastating if not stopped, but you cannot stop something that you are unaware of. However, not all problems are the result of a generational curse; sin can still be birthed out evil desire that has nothing to do with a curse. Yet, to me, it is the most

overlooked spiritual issue that should be addressed with every client. After we have found that there are generational curses present the next step is to confess the sins of the forefathers, according to Leviticus 26: 40-42: “But if they will confess their sins and the sins of their fathers-their treachery against Me and their hostility toward Me, which made Me hostile toward them so that I sent them into the land of their enemies-then when their uncircumcised hearts are humbled and they pay for their sin, I will remember My covenant with Jacob and My covenant with Isaac and My covenant with Abraham, and I will remember the land.” The next step is to forgive your ancestors. Once people learn of generational curses they get angry with their ancestors and blame them for all of their troubles-this will solve nothing. By forgiving them, the demons have no authority to stay in the family. Once forgiveness is released it cleanses the line and the demons lose their foothold. Once forgiveness is done, take authority over the curses and the demons attached to them, and cast them out of the family and command them to leave the future generations alone in the name of Jesus. This should be done by every family but it should especially be done before an exorcism. Current Curses Generational curses refer to the sins of the past still in operation today. However, we can be cursed in the present through several avenues. First, we can have a witch, a satanist, or a root doctor curse us. When someone curses us they are praying and loosing an evil spirit to attack and harass our lives. The curse can be put on us for a variety of reasons, but some common ones that I have seen are: · Cursing a pastor that is making a difference in the community. One pastor I worked with had to check his office daily because he would find places where witches would leave markings where they had put spells; · Cursing a neighbor through a root doctor because someone is mad at them; · Cursing a co-working because someone wanted their job; · Cursing a baby by dedicating it to satan or any false god; · A white witch casting a spell for you to fall in love with them. They believe it is a good spell but it is a curse because magic is forbidden by God; · A white witch praying for good spirits to bless you. A white witch does not serve God, but does serve powerful evil spirits. Whatever they pray is inhabited by demons no matter how good it sounds. Next, we can allow a curse to come into our lives through sin. The primary way is through worshipping false gods, but the entire list of curses is in Deuteronomy 27:14-26: making an idol, dishonoring parents, moving a neighbor’s boundary stone, leading the blind astray, withholding justice from the alien, the fatherless, or the widow, sleeping with a father’s wife, having sex with an animal, sleeping with a sister or step-sister, sleeping with a mother-in-law, killing a neighbor secretly, accepting a bribe to kill an innocent person, and not keeping the Law of God. It is easy to break curses but you must be aware of them. You never know who might curse you simply because you have made them angry. A woman came to me in counseling because she was depressed. She couldn’t figure out why she was depressed as most things in her life were going quite well. The only bad part of her life was her work. She had a difficult boss and a co-worker that was continuously complaining about her and lying about her. She felt oppressed going into work and the oppression began to grow until she felt it all the time. I felt that the co-worker had cursed her so we

prayed together and broke the curse. She immediately felt better and I instructed her to break the curses off of her every day before and after work. The depression lifted but her co-worker became more and more agitated and increased her attacks through more outrageous lies. Eventually, the boss turned on the co-worker because he could not find a basis for her accusations and he began to mistrust her. She got transferred out of the business as she became more emotionally unstable by threatening the boss. The curse turned back on the co-worker and kept my client protected. To be safe, it is wise to break curses in prayer on a daily basis. If it is a sin based curse you cannot break it in prayer. You must ask for forgiveness and then walk away from the sin. But, if a curse is sent to you by another, for whatever reason, you should not let in your life for long. By daily prayer and breaking of curses you can protect yourself from anyone practicing magic against you from doing any lasting damage.

Chapter 3 Assessment and Preparation Before an exorcism takes place a thorough assessment should occur. There are key areas that must be addressed to determine the level of the possession, the dangerousness of the possession, the duration of the possession, and the spiritual will of the client to fight for their freedom. There is no specific amount of time that you should spend with a client. However, the more you know about them the better. I try to have at least 3 sessions with a client if I can. In some cases this is not possible, like an emergency situation or when someone has a limited amount of time to see you. The 5 main assessment areas are the will, trauma, occult activity, sin, and unforgiveness. The Will In this area, we are trying to assess how dedicated the client is to be set free. Some people are seeking freedom from a sin but they really don’t want to work hard to stay free. For example, a man came in with multiple problems but his main issue was pornography addiction. When I told him that after the exorcism he could never look at pornography again, he got very silent and a strange look came over his face. He started to become nervous and I knew what was happening because I had seen it many times before-he wanted God to take away his desire so that he would not have to deal with it. In addition, part of him didn’t want to stop and he was questioning the need to completely get rid of the pornography. At this point I stopped the interview and explained the hard work that is needed after the exorcism. I told him that God will cleanse him of the demon but he had to master his desires when the temptation comes back. He then stated that he needed to think about it and got up and left. At some level there are people that say they want to be free but on the other hand they enjoy the sin and can’t imagine life totally without it. If the will isn’t 100% invested in conquering the sin the exorcism will probably not be successful. In fact an exorcism can make the condition of the client worse for those with a compromised will. This is expressed in Luke 11:24-26…”When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first.” Luke 11:24-26 reveals that after an exorcism the demon that leaves will go and find reinforcements to come back and try to gain entrance again. If the client is not totally invested in freedom then the exorcism may actually set him up for a worse downfall. A client will be set free in an exorcism, but the demons do come back, usually at the worst and weakest moments. As an exorcist you must know when the client really wants to change his life and when he is only playing games: you do not want to participate in his downfall. I have prayed for many people with different types of cancer. What I found over time was that people can have two different thoughts at the same time. They can tell you that they want to be healed of cancer and have faith that they can be cured. But for some, secretly, in the unconscious, they believe that they don’t deserve to be healed and that the cancer is a judgment from God. For those

with the secret opposing thoughts, these secret thoughts usually won and the person died much too early. These unconscious thoughts are real and powerful because they are the true beliefs! Many can verbally say they trust God, but the secret, nagging doubts were the enemy of the healing process. Getting to these thoughts and getting the client to change them, so the mind is whole and complete, is essential. Another bad situation is when people use exorcisms as a way to deal with their issues. They go through an exorcism, feel good for a while, go back to sin, and then get another exorcism. Get away from these people as fast as you can because they have no intention of trying to live rightly-they want to do what they want and use the exorcism as a quick fix. Over time they will deteriorate and the exorcisms will not work because the demons do not have to go because the person truly does not want to be free. So, we want to assess how bad the possession is and how serious the person is to live for God. In most cases we want to minister exorcism to people that are 100% dedicated to Christ and can accept full responsibility for their sins…”No one can serve two masters, either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money,” (Matthew 6:24). The only exception is when the person is fully possessed and has little will left to make a decision. Here, the demons have so much power that they refuse to let the person participate in their healing. In these cases you may have to go ahead and do the exorcism to set the person free. Usually these people are so grateful to be free that they maintain their freedom quite well. Here is a sample of common questions that can be asked to assess the will: · Have you ever been through an exorcism before? If so, what happened? · Are you willing to renounce all your past sins and work to completely stay away from them? Are you willing to give up alcohol/drugs, television, movies, friends, the internet, or anything else that is necessary to stay free? · Are you willing to commit to going to church every week? Are you willing to read the Bible, pray, and worship God? Sin The person seeking an exorcism must confess their sins and renounce them…”If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness,” (1 John 1:9). If the person seeing an exorcism keeps a sin a secret, then they are giving the demons an anchor to stay right where they are. They must be willing to confess all of their sins and renounce them in order to get forgiveness and restoration from God. God cannot forgive something that we refuse to acknowledge as wrong. Sin is one of the main gateways to demonic possession. If you willfully sin you are not in God’s will and therefore you are in satan’s will. Rebellion is equal to witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23) and witchcraft is forbidden by God (Deut. 18:10-12). Therefore, when we habitually sin we are doing what is forbidden and God wants no part of it. Demons can cross over into sin because that is where they have authority to dwell. The only way to rebuke their authority is to repent and confess our sins and they will leave, as demons have no authority to dwell in righteousness. You should ask the client about their: · Spiritual history: Questions about their salvation, questions about their relationship with God, questions about their spiritual commitments and questions about their spiritual experiences;

· Personal History: Questions about their family of origin, questions about generational issues, questions about criminal history, questions about mental health history, and questions about all sin areas. It is possible for someone to silently confess before God if their sins are embarrassing, but I find that it is more helpful if they can say it out loud and admit before another person what they have done. It helps the client to confess out loud because the impact of their sins feel more real; saying things out loud makes the private life become public and usually the one confessing admits more fully what they are doing-they cannot hide anymore as the sin is exposed. In addition, many do feel a burden lifted when publically confessing to another, and they feel as if they have come clean. Occult Involvement Occult activity is all around us. There are television shows that glorify communicating with spirits, there are horoscopes in the daily newspapers, and there are psychics on every street corner. We are forbidden to practice any form of divination and we are forbidden to consult with people who use them. This is how serious God views this…”A man or a woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads,” (Leviticus 20:27). There are many forms of occult involvement. There are people that do the occult activity (practitioners) and those that receive the information (clients). This partial list is used to represent the major areas of occult involvement and the people that do them: · Witch: A person that practices magic spells. A warlock is a male witch. They may be white witches, black witches, green witches, solitary witches, and so on. · Psychic: Those that receive supernatural information by special abilities. For example, picking up an object and being able to tell the people that owned it and its history. Or, being able to see who committed a crime by going to a crime scene and getting a vision. · Divination: A method used to tell the future or to discover hidden knowledge. There are hundreds of ways to practice divination, such as palm reading, tea leaf reading, scrying (gazing into something like a crystal ball or a mirror), tarot card reading, and horoscope readings. Divination is satan’s counterfeit for prophecy. Divination is seeking supernatural information from someone besides God. Demons inhabit divination practices because God will not honor them so demons are the ones communicating through them. · Necromancy: Summoning the dead to consult with them. You can either summon their spiritual form or dig up the body and invite them to speak through the corpse. · Medium: A person that lets spirits enter them and speak through them. · Séance: A procedure used to summon and communicate with the dead. Many use spirit boards or other methods to contact the dead. · Channeling: Voluntarily allowing spirits to temporarily possess a person and speak through them. · Root doctor: A person that uses roots, plants, and herbs to put spells on people and also uses them to ward off spells and heal. Generally these are used in voodoo practices. One brief note should be mentioned here about hybrid beliefs. There are many pastors that I have talked too that have church people that believe in Jesus and use root doctors, or some other form of voodoo (very strong in the South). I have found that some church people use spells and herbs to protect them from evil and they see nothing wrong with it; they use evil to fight evil.

· Ghosts: These are believed to be the dead that have not gone on to heaven or hell, but in reality they are demons. More of this will be discussed in house cleansings. · Spirit Guide: A person voluntarily asking a spirit being (an angel, a great wise person from the past, a god) to come and give advice when they need it. · Crystal Healing: Using crystals to heal or change energy balances within a person or a space. · Astral Projection: Purposely having the spirit leave the body to travel to other destinations. I once knew a psychic that could travel a 1000 miles and watch a friend put her children to bed and be able to call her later and tell her what she read to the children. Many people have occult objects in their homes and they are not even aware of it. They go on vacation and collect paintings or statues from other countries or collect religious symbols from many religions and have no idea that they have evil spirits attached to them. Spirits can attach to anything where they have been given authority. For example, a man came to see me because his wife was ill and had been sick for months and was deteriorating. They went to several doctors and all they could come up with is that she had some virus and would eventually get over it. Well, things were not getting better and they were both concerned that she was dying. I conducted a spiritual history and did not find any occult involvement or any major sin. I visited their home and my eyes were drawn to a painting in the living room and felt uneasy. I asked them where they got the painting and they said that they bought it in England from an antique dealer. The dealer said the painting was old and supposedly was done by a person that practiced black magic and was thought to have gone insane sometime later. They bought the painting as a conversation piece. I immediately asked them when they bought it and they said 1 month before the symptoms started. I told them that the painting needed to be destroyed and we needed to break the authority of the demon that inhabited the picture. They agreed and after we prayed and destroyed the painting her illness disappeared. To deal with occult activity before the exorcism there must be an exact history of any occult involvement. In addition, they must repent of this activity. If they do not see occult activity as wrong the evil will stay. Next, they must get rid of any occult objects and cut ties to anyone that practices in the occult. Finally, the exorcist must know the depth to the occult involvement because the deeper the practices the more difficult the exorcism will be. Here is an example of different degrees of occult involvement: · Dabbling in the occult for fun without knowing what it really is, like a teen playing with an Ouija board or reading a horoscope daily; · Going to a psychic to get answers to a problem, having their palm read, or having a tarot card reading. You know something supernatural is going on; · Knowingly seeking spiritual power to hurt or manipulate someone. For example, going to a root doctor to cast a spell on someone to fall in love with you; · Being a spirit channeler, a witch, or a psychic. You know you are contacting spirits from the other realm; · Knowingly making a pact with satan and/or practicing black magic or necromancy. Trauma Demons can move through trauma, like sexual abuse, and attach to the victims. For example, if an adult male rapes a woman, the two become one and the evil from one moves to the innocent female

victim. In some cases inner healing may need to be done before the exorcism to heal old emotional wounds, and thus enable the client to forgive the offender, which may expel the demon. There are several areas that need to be assessed: · Is the trauma still bothering the client to a large degree? · Were there any emotional, psychological, or behavioral changes for the worst after the trauma? Here, you are looking for clues to which demon is involved by looking at the negative changes the client went through after the trauma (addictions, rage, self-mutilation, fear, depression). · Do they have memory blocks for long periods of time? This would have to be over 2 years of memory after the age of 6. Most people cannot remember more than 20 seconds of their life before the age of 6. This is because language is not fully developed and building long memories requires an extensive vocabulary. This is why we tend to remember 1-2 second snapshots under age 6. If there are extensive memory blocks it can either mean that there is brain damage or there are painful memories that the client does not want to see. Repression is the concept in which the mind blocks painful memories because the client cannot face the pain of them (Freud, 1967). Repression helps in the short-term as it allows the client to move forward in reality. But, in the long-term, the person develops negative behaviors because the emotional pain is still trapped and leaks out into other areas of functioning. For example, a female client came in for counseling and feared the dark, was afraid of bushes and trees, hated men, and feared sudden movements. She stated that she couldn’t remember anything seriously bad happening to her but could not remember anything between the ages of 20-25. After working with her it was discovered that when she was coming home from work, she was attacked from behind by a man, hiding behind a bush, who then beat her and raped her. She didn’t remember the rape and assault but it still caused all sorts of fears inside her. If there are large memory gaps, counseling may be needed first before an exorcism. Unforgiveness God places a tremendous value on forgiveness and on us forgiving those that have wronged us. Jesus died on the cross so that our sins could be forgiven…”Then He took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, ‘Drink from it, all of you. This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins,’” (Matthew 26:27-28). Since God forgives us so much, all of the time, and gave His Son unto death so that we can be forgiven, we must then forgive others and value forgiveness in the same way. If we do not forgive others it serves as a foothold to let demons work in our lives…”’In your anger do not sin’: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold,” (Ephesians 4:26-27). When we refuse to forgive, anger festers, and gives birth to hate. When this process starts, evil sees an opening and moves in to make us bitter and possibly even violent. This is the complete opposite of the ways of God who seeks to bring more peace and healing. If we refuse to forgive others then God will refuse to forgive us…”For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins, ” (Matthew 6:14-15). If anger is attached to unforgiveness which attracts evil, and if we refuse to forgive others, we then become alienated from God, and then unforgiveness will isolate and open us up for demonic attacks. A thorough history must be done to determine how much unforgiveness is there. If there is even a twinge of anger towards anyone it should be removed. For those that have been seriously wounded

by others, forgiveness is a process not a one-time event. It may mean that you have to forgive 1000 times in order to completely forgive the other, and that is fine. As long as the heart is willing to forgive it may just take time for complete resolution of the emotional pain. I would not expect that someone that has gone through a rape will forgive someone at the same rate as someone that has their toe accidently stepped on. So assess the willingness to forgive in all areas before the exorcism and do not look for perfect forgiveness to signal that the person is ready for the exorcism. In addition, the old saying ‘forgive and forget’ is not true. Forgiveness does not mean that God takes an eraser and wipes out the memory in your brain. True forgiveness means that you remember the infraction but the memory doesn’t bother you anymore. Finally, do not believe that ‘time heals all wounds.’ Time makes everything worse-an unhealed memory actually festers and causes the condition of the person to deteriorate. There is a lot of research out there to prove that traumatic memories come back after years and are just as painful as the day they happened (Ehlers, 2013). Simply hoping that bad memories will just fade away will not happen. They only fade in power because we resolve them and let them go. Can a Christian Have a Demon? The answer is yes. Demons can attack anyone. Demons attack angels and are at war with them…”And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back,” (Revelation 12:7). Demons can attack humans as well. For example, James is writing to Christians and he says in chapter 4 verse 7…”Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” This means that the devil will attack and we are not immune to his entrapments (Macnutt, 1995; Sumrall, 1994). Christians can be attacked, Christians can be partially possessed, but Christians cannot be fully possessed. The reason why they cannot be fully possessed is because the Holy Spirit dwells within a Christian…”Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit,’” (Acts 4:38). The Holy Spirit is always occupying a part of the life of the Christian and satan cannot possess what God owns. Christians can sin and can get to a bad state in a partial possession, but they can never be fully possessed. The Exorcism Interview These questions are to serve as a guide to help you in the assessment process. Please, do not just read these off without paying attention to the client. Be alert to when the Holy Spirit quickens you to an area that needs special attention. For example, if one question appears to be a problem area (like a history of violence) and the Holy Spirit tells you something is wrong, but the client denies it being a problem (“I’m in control of my anger now”), you might want to probe deeper into the subject area by asking more questions (“Has your anger gone farther in intensity than it should have?” “Do you feel a force inside of you pushing you to be violent?” Are others frightened by your temper?”). Remember, the presence of bad circumstances does not automatically mean that a demon is present. You must have the Holy Spirit reveal the demon to you. Christians are called to endure suffering. Sometimes, it looks like God has rejected someone because their life seems so bad, but in fact they are right where God has called them to be. For example, Paul was imprisoned, almost all had abandoned him, and he suffered greatly. In 2nd Corinthians 11:16-29, Paul reveals that 5 times he received from the Jews the 40 minus 1 lashes, 3 times he was beaten with rods, once he was stoned, 3 times he was shipwrecked, and he spent 1 night in the open sea. Many people would say that Paul was cursed because of all of his troubles and God was not with him. Yet, Paul was absolutely in God’s will.

We must see that suffering does help us, when we submit to God and live through it God’s way. For example, Romans 5: 3-5 states that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance produces character, and character produces hope. So there is good in suffering. However, many fight against God and end up becoming bitter by the suffering. Others believe that a demon is present because of the suffering and try to cast a demon out, but nothing happens. This is why we must know if there is a demon present. Amorth (2002) believes that the only way to know if a demon is present is to start an exorcism prayer. I believe that God can reveal the demon to us without waiting to see if there is a manifestation.

Spiritual History In the first section, use these questions to help the client warm up to the process and reduce fear. These questions help to know the spiritual history of the client and what kind of spiritual shape they are in right now. 1. What is your testimony? When were you saved and what were the circumstances? 2. Have you been baptized by the Holy Spirit? 3. Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? 4. Have you ever heard God’s Voice in prayer? 5. Have you ever seen Jesus? Have you ever seen an angel or a demon? 6. Do you believe that you are in God’s will for your life right now? 7. Do you believe that Jesus is God? How do you know? 8. How often do you pray? How often do you read the Bible? How often do you spend time in praise and worship? Personal History

In this section we are going to ask life history questions that examines personal and mental concerns. Please look for areas that may need inner healing or counseling before or after an exorcism takes place. Look for extremes, look for patterns, and look for memories that still hurt and are unresolved. 1. Tell me about your life, beginning with the 5 earliest memories you can recall. 2. What was your relationship like with your parents when you were a child and what is your relationship like with them today? 3. Are there any memories that still bother you today? 4. Are there times in your life where you have no memories? 5. Are there people that you hold unforgiveness toward? 6. Have you ever dissociated in times of stress? 7. Have you ever been hypnotized? 8. When was your first sexual experience? How many partners have you had? Have you been involved in any sexually deviant practices? Do you still have sexual fantasies about old partners? Have you viewed pornography? 9. What were your teenage years like? 10. Do you have a drug/alcohol history? Explain in detail. 11. Do you have a criminal history? Explain in detail. 12. Do you have a history of violence? Explain in detail. 13. Are there any emotions in your life that you feel are out of control, like fear, anger, guilt, or depression? 14. Have you ever been a victim of domestic violence, rape, or sexual abuse? 15. Have you ever been in counseling or been on psychiatric medications? 16. Have you ever been hospitalized for a mental disorder? 17. Have you ever felt like your mind was speeding up or slowing down? 18. Do a family tree to look for generational curses. Occult Activity Involvement In this section there is an exclusive focus on occult activity. Don’t underestimate childhood or teen dabbling in the occult. All occult activity is forbidden by God. 1. Have you ever played with an Ouija board? 2. Have you ever read horoscopes to guide your life or visited an astrologer? 3. Have you ever called a psychic for direction? 4. Have you ever tried to contact a loved one or anyone that is deceased? 5. Have you ever had your fortune told by a fortune teller? 6. Have you ever been to a tarot card reader or played with tarot cards yourself? 7. Have you ever gone to a good witch for spiritual help? 8. Have you ever been rooted (cursed)? Have you ever sent a root (curse) against someone? 9. Have you ever attended a séance? 10. Have you ever joined a cult, like a vampire cult, a Voodoo cult, or a foreign religion? 11. Have you ever participated in satanic activities? 12. Have you ever played Magic, Dungeons & Dragons, or other role playing games? 13. How much heavy metal music and violent slasher movies do you enjoy? 14. Have you ever tried to contact a spirit guide?

15. Have you ever tried to channel a spirit? 16. Have you ever tried to discover what one of your past lives were (reincarnation)? 17. Have you ever tried to astral project? 18. Have you ever used crystals for healing? 19. Have you ever used crystals, coins, dominoes, or cast ruins to predict the future? The Will In this section we try to determine how committed the person is to renouncing sin and staying clean. We must be aware that if the house is not swept clean the departed spirits will go and grab 7 more, and they will force their way back into the house (Luke 11:21-26). There is always a dilemma as to when to do the exorcism. In some cases the will to stay clean gets stronger after the exorcism. For others, you wait until they get strong first through daily Bible readings, repentance, and church attendance so that they can remain strong after the exorcism. You must assess this on a case by case basis. 1. Have you ever been through an exorcism before? What happened? 2. Are you willing to renounce your sins and work constantly to stay away from them? Are you willing to stay away from the people, places, and things that could draw you back to the old sins? 3. Are you willing to commit to a spiritual life of living close to God? 4. Are you willing to forgive all that have hurt you? 5. Are you willing to commit to counseling to help you after the exorcism?

How To Determine If a Demon Is Present vs. A Mental Disorder There are some problems in life that may resemble the presence of demon, but in reality they may have a physical or a mental cause. For example: · Poor nutrition that leads to sickness. · If you go days without sleep you can have hallucinations and delusions. · Hormonal imbalances may cause mood swings, irritability, hot flashes, confusion, and even violence. · Side effects of medications: if you take antidepressants to help with depression, some of the side effects are increased depression and suicide. A key difference is that there should be a change in symptoms if the problem is addressed such as eating better, getting sleep, having hormonal therapy, and changing medications. We can be fooled by seeing something that looks bizarre by believing it must be demon if it looks strange. The 2 main ways to detect a demon is through the gifts of the Holy Spirit and if the person does something supernatural. The main gift of the Holy Spirit that detects demons is the gift of discernment of spirits (1 Cor. 12:10). There are two levels to this gift. First, it tells what the spirit is behind a person’s actionsGod’s Spirit, the human spirit, or a demonic spirit. The second level is being able to read the character of a person’s spirit. The gifts of the Holy Spirit work through the senses and you can detect demons in the following ways:

· Seeing: you may see the demon. Frequently the clients’ face will freeze and move to the side and you will see the demon’s face underneath. You may also see the demon in the clients’ eyes, or a dark shadow in the body. I once saw a dark line wrapped around the neck that looked like a snake choking the client. God may also give you a vision with a picture of a demon in it. Some pictures are of a real demon and some are revealed in symbols as demons are sometimes too hideous to look at. Here are some symbols of demons that may be revealed in dreams or visions: 1. Black or grey cloud-can also be a whirlwind especially with evil symbols in it. 2. Cloaked or hooded figure: religious spirits and familiar spirits appear at times as a cloaked figure with a hood pulled over its head. They may look like monks with shadows for faces. 3. Dragon: Revelation 12:7 and 20:2 describes satan this way. 4. Flies: satan is called Beelzebub, or lord of the flies (Matthew 10:25). 5. Fox: Luke 13:32. 6. Frog: Revelation 16:13…”Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs.” 7. Goat: goat is symbol of satan used by Satanists (Lev.16:9). 8. Lion: 1 Peter 5:8. 9. Locust: Revelation 9:3. 10. Moth: a secret destroyer (Isa. 50:9; James 5:2). 11. Owl: In many religions, even Judaism, owls are associated with occult activity (Isa.13:21). 12. Person: A familiar spirit may appear as a family member (especially generational spirits) or a friend in a dream. There will usually be something wrong in the person’s appearance as a tipoff that this is a demon. For example, a nose may be extremely long, the voice may sound off pitch, or their posture or walk may look strange. 13. Pig: Luke 8: 26-39. 14. Raven: Prov.30:17. 15. Scorpion: Revelation 9:5. 16. Skeleton talking or moving: This may indicate that voodoo or divination is being used against you. 17. Snake (serpent): Matthew 10:16; Genesis 3:1. 18. Spider: Danger (Isa.59:5-6) 19. Vulture: Mathew 24:28 · Hearing: you may hear the demon talking to you without the client opening their mouth. · Touch: you may feel the presence of evil. Your spirit is quickened to the presence of evil and the Holy Spirit will touch your spirit and tell you that evil is present. In many cases people walk into homes or meet new people and feel uncomfortable around these situations and will not understand it. They have not tuned into the fact the God is alerting them to the presence of evil. · Smell: demons do have an odor and it is a foul smell that is overwhelming. In one case I smelled sulfur, which represented that a powerful demon was present. I walked into the church sanctuary at night and there was this overwhelming smell of sulfur. I went to talk to the head pastor and he stated that someone had done an exorcism earlier in the day in the sanctuary. I told him that a demon was still lurking around because of the smell. We went back and cast it out and the smell left instantly. Some demons of addiction smell like alcohol gone bad and some demons of sickness smell like rotting flesh. · Taste: some will have a foul taste in their mouth when a demon is present. I saw this 16 year old girl in the hospital as she had been there for 5 days and they could not find out what was

wrong with her. She originally went in with severe stomach cramps but they could find no cause. Through the entire time she had a foul taste in her mouth that she could not get rid of, not even with gum and mouthwash. I went to pray for her and sensed the presence of evil so I did a simple prayer to cast out a demon of infirmity. After I prayed, she started to get sick and threw up about 5 pounds of this awful green bile. When she was done she felt better, and after several tests was released from the hospital with no pain. The amazing thing was that her breath cleared up and she no longer had the foul taste in her mouth. The other way to tell if a demon is present is if the client exhibits supernatural behaviors. In other words, the client is experiencing or doing something beyond any human abilities or beyond what is expected of the age or gender. Some of the signs are: · The client is aware of the demon’s presence : The client may describe feeling the demon enter them or controlling various aspects of their life. · Cold: In many cases it gets extremely cold when in the presence of the possessed. It may be the room, the body, or both that is ice cold to the touch. · Hear the demon speak through the client: The demon will speak in the 3rd person: “she is mine,” “he belongs to me.” · Voice: The voice may become extremely different, like a young girl with a deep male voice. Also the vocabulary may change where adult words are spoken through a child and the child would not know what they mean. Or, the client may speak a language that they never studied or even heard before. In addition, when singing in church the voice may go off key and sound horrible even though they are singing spiritual songs. Finally, the tongue may move in and out of the mouth or even grow in length. In one exorcism, a man’s tongue grew 3 feet in length. · Bodily contortions: The demon may contort the body in painful and almost impossible positions. In addition, the body may be manipulated by the demon. For example, I once laid my hands on the back of a woman to pray for her and a fist came through her back and knocked my hands off of her. Also, they may crawl on the floor like a snake or a spider. During the exorcism of a 17 year old girl, her skin turned white, her brown hair turned black, and her teeth became pointed and sharp. She was involved in witchcraft and turned into what looked like a vampire in the middle of the exorcism. · Unexplained: Sometimes the demons will throw distractions at you to frighten you. You may hear many voices talking to you or you may see objects moving without anyone touching them, or you may see insects crawling everywhere but they disappear in the Name of Jesus. · Superhuman strength: I once saw a 50 year old woman throw 4 strongly built men off of her with little effort. · Intelligence: A child knowing facts and words that are way beyond their years. · Eyes: The eyes may roll back into the head so you only see the whites of their eyes for long periods of time when the demon takes control. · Extreme reactions to religious symbols, the Scriptures being read out loud, and hearing the names of God. Preparation & Emergency Situations After the assessment there must be a time of preparation for the exorcist and the client. For the exorcist there must be a time of fasting and prayer because Jesus said that certain demons will only come out after one is spiritually ready for the battle (Mark 9:29). The client should also spend time

in fasting and prayer to get ready for this event. There is no time limit on how long the preparation time should take, but a week is an average time for most exorcisms. However, there are exceptions where an emergency exorcism is necessary, but this is rare. In some circumstances counseling and inner healing should come first and this may actually take care of the demonic possession. If the demons are tied to trauma and unforgiveness, then inner healing may take their anchor away and they will leave during the inner healing process. There are several rules that should be followed in relation to emergency situations and when you should minister exorcisms: Rule #1: Never let a demon dictate when an exorcism takes place. Demons never have the person’s best interests at heart. Sometimes a demon will manifest in a person during a church service to disrupt God’s plan and to put fear into the people around them. The person may fall on the ground and start moving on the ground like a snake with their eyes rolled back into their head. The first thing you do is get them out of the situation immediately. If you have to pick them up and carry them out you must do it. Next, have no fear. A typical tactic of demons is to threaten that they will harm the client if you don’t do something. If they could, they would already have done so. I have never had a situation where God could not get in control of it. Next, restrain and talk calmly to the person and let them know that you are in control. The demons want the client to focus on them and their power. Frequently, the person may scream for help or not respond when the demon is in control. You must tell them to fight back and call their conscious mind to come back and take over. You can bind a demon, but don’t cast it out. Binding stops the action of a demon for a temporary period of time. It can last for minutes or weeks; we are not sure in general how long a binding will last. Usually, if a demon is powerful it won’t last too long. When you cast it out, the demon goes and grabs seven more and comes back to make the person worse (Luke 11:2426). So, don’t cast it out unless you are sure of the clients’ spiritual strength. You can bind the demon at this point and call the person’s name over and over and tell them to come back. When this happens the person’s fear will become less and the demon’s lies will be broken. The demon will say to the person that they won’t let them come back but when the client fights back they will realize that they are not at the mercy of the evil spirit. If the person cannot come back then you might have to do an emergency exorcism, but this is rare. The demon wants to control when an exorcism takes place because they will pick a time when you are tired, when you have many emotional stressors going on, or when your family needs you to do something. The demon knows when you are at the weakest and they will choose a time where they are more likely to be successful and stay where they are. They also know when God is moving powerfully in a church service and they manifest in a person to get the focus off of the Glory of God and put the focus on demons. If they can put the church in fear they can bind up a church service. Rule #2: Some people have had demons in them for 10 years, so one more week will generally not be harmful. This goes against the belief of some that when a demon manifests you must do something immediately or the person will suffer. It is better to wait and have time to get ready for the exorcism then to take a chance and do one immediately. Rule #3: All exorcisms should go through a team leader in a church that has experience in doing them. In a church, people should not try to minister an exorcism without proper training and a prayer covering. In some cases that I have consulted on, a lay person that is fascinated by demon possession will try to pray for someone they believe is possessed and all sorts of negative outcomes occur. I have seen cases where the demon refused to leave and the lay person didn’t know what to do so they just left the person. I have seen a demon attack a lay person when they tried to minister an exorcism prayer and it almost totally shattered their confidence. Also I have seen the faith of the

person harmed because they felt ashamed that they did not have the faith to change the situation. If you need an exorcism try to attend a church that has an established ministry in exorcisms. There will be more accountability there and hopefully good training and experience. I would be careful with people not connected to a church because of accountability issues. If you do go to a person that ministers exorcisms by themselves make sure you get a copy of their theological beliefs and see if they line up with what you believe. Some solitary exorcists are not Christians and have different definitions of what demons that are not Biblical. Just knowing that the Name of Jesus is powerful is not enough-you must be a believer. In Acts 19:13-16, there were Jews (7 sons of Sceva) that exorcised demons but were not Christians. In one exorcism a demon answered the exorcists in verse 15… “Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?” Then the demon possessed man jumped on the exorcists and beat them severely. You must have the faith in Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit to successfully complete exorcisms-knowledge about Jesus is not enough. Rule #4: Once you start a deliverance stay with it until it is completed. Many people seek out the exorcism ministry but they don’t count on it being difficult or exhausting. They believe that you go in, kick the devil’s butt, and walk out. Exorcisms can last for hours or even days and you must stay with it until it is done. I have seen too many cases where someone starts the exorcism but then gets tired or starts to lose faith and then just say, “You are delivered in the Name of Jesus, Amen.” They then tell the client that the deliverance may take a few days on their own but the demon has to leave because they prayed it. This is not helpful. There is a battle and one will win-you must stay until the battle is complete or don’t even start it. If you must take a break for sleep make sure that someone is awake and watchful over the client. Rule #5: As in most things, there are exceptions. There will be times where an emergency exorcism will take place, but this is rare. Do everything possible to not get pulled into this situation if you can. God can set up these circumstances because He has determined the time. We must pray and get the green light from God to do an emergency exorcism. If God ordains it, it will get done. Rule#6: Try to minister exorcism with a team. I would suggest having 2-5 other people that are trained in ministering exorcisms to assist for several reasons. First, it is best to have people there for accountability. Having other people present will help in case there are false accusations made or if things don’t go as planned. Second, it is good to have several strong men present in case the demon tries to invoke violence or if the client tries to hurt him/herself. There have been cases where the demon will lash out physically and strong security is helpful. Third, having other people there will increase your discernment. I primarily see the demons and feel in my spirit when they are present, but others can hear them or smell them. Having multiple ways to help discern when demons are present and when they leave is very helpful as others may get a revelation of what is going on that you may miss. For example, demons will act like they have left in the middle of the exorcism but they are really hiding. The demon will stop speaking or moving and the client will start to feel better. Having multiple ways to detect these manipulations will help break through the lies and trap the demon. Finally, having multiple team members can help when the exorcism goes a long time and people get tired. Having someone there to take over while you rest is essential as the exorcism can go on for hours. Rule#7: Make sure you have a medical clearance before the exorcism takes place. It is good to have a medical clearance because the exorcism is stressful and can be medically/physically taxing. Have the client reveal any per-existing conditions and any mental health issues that can be affected by stress. If in doubt, consult with a medical doctor or have a medical doctor be present. Children and Exorcisms

Children can be possessed by demons. For example, a man brought his son to Jesus to get rid of a demon…”A man in the crowd answered, ‘Teacher, I brought you my son, who is possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of speech. Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth, and becomes rigid. I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit, but they could not,’” (Mark 9: 17-18). In general, I do not think it is a good idea to put a child through a standard exorcism. I do not want several adults to stand around a child and yell at a demon to come out. The child may think you are yelling at him and he may feel bad about himself believing that he is evil or unclean. Instead, I developed several steps to help children: 1. Meet with the parent first to get an idea of what the concerns are. 2. If you think you need to go further, talk to the child. Make sure you talk about their behaviors, and do not mention demons. You can ask them if they feel something pushing them to do something or ask if they feel like they are in a fog when they are doing something wrong. Also, you can if they are afraid of anything or if anything new and strange has been happening to them. 3. If you think a demon is there, ask the child to confess their sins to the Lord (they can do this silently) and then ask God to forgive them. Again, do not tell the child you think a demon is there. 4. Then, go to the home at night with another prayer minister and anoint and cast out any demons in the child’s room. Do not let the child know what you are doing unless they are being plagued by a demon in the room and then it is good for them to see you cleansing the room. 5. Wait for the child to go to sleep and go into the child’s room with the parents and quietly cast the demon out while the child is sleeping. If the demon came in through sin or generation bondage, the demon has to leave because the child has already confessed the sin and received forgiveness. 6. If the child wakes up for any reason during the process, stop praying and let the parent take over. Wait in another room until the child is asleep and try praying again if time allows; you may have to come back on another night. 7. Make sure that whatever you do, you have the parents’ approval. Explain everything in advance and make sure they know why you are doing what you are doing. 8. Do not touch a child for any reason-this is the role of the parent.

Chapter 4 A List of Demons In my previous book on Demonology (Michael, 2012), I go into detail on the nature of each ruling demon and how it functions. In this book there will be an abbreviated list that one can refer too quickly and easily. The ruling demons are generally described by their function rather than a personal name. For example, a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7) attacks the emotions and a lying spirit (1 Kings 22:23) attacks the mind. However, there are a few places where personal names are given, such as in the book of Revelation the angel over the Abyss is called Abaddon (Revelation 9: 11), and there is Leviathan, the king of pride, in Job 41:34. Demons are arranged like an army and there are demons with differing levels of power. If there are more powerful demons present it usually means that the exorcism will be difficult. It is important to map out what demons are there, how they got there, and how God wants you to get rid of them. All of us have weak points in our character and the spirits will send the combination of demons that will be most likely to bring about our downfall. For example, the spirit of rejection is a common smaller demon that is the first to attack an individual (see figure 2). The devil was the first to experience being rejected from the Presence of God and he wants everyone to feel the same way he did. If he can make someone feel unwanted and unloved he will then send a spirit of fear so that they will stay by themselves and reject anyone that is trying to help them. In their loneliness they may turn to addictions for self-comfort and to ease the pain of life. For another, it may send a spirit of despair so that they give up and eventually commit suicide. For another, it may send a lying spirit to convince them that they don’t have to be lonely and that they can turn to animals or children for sex and comfort. The devil knows which pathway will work and sends the demons to make it happen.

It is also important to determine how many demons and ruling demons are present (figure 3). The ruling demons are far more powerful and usually have a host of demons underneath them. There can literally be thousands of demons inside a person, as in the case of Jesus and the man from Gadarenes that was demon possessed. Jesus asked his name, and he said it was ‘Legion,’ because many demons had gone into in. The term legion referred to a unit in the Roman army from 3000-6000 men (Luke 8: 26-39).

After you determine the types and structure of the demons present, you must get a plan of attack. In some cases where there are many foot-soldiers that are protecting the ruling spirits, God may instruct you to get the lesser powers out of the way because they will cause many manifestations and use them as distractions. The more powerful demons do not care if the lesser ones are sacrificed. If the larger ones win the battle they will call the smaller ones back. In other cases, where there are several main powers, God may tell you to go after the big powers first because the lesser spirits travel with them and will leave with them. Usually there is a family of spirits that work together and finding these connections and how they work together is important for setting the captive free. LYING/DECEIVING SPIRITS: 1 Kings 22:23: “So now the Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouths of all these prophets of yours.” 1 Timothy 4:1: “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.” Spirits underneath the lying/deceiving spirits: · · · · ·

Confusion Seducing spirits/Beguiling sprits Delusions False Doctrine False Prophecy

· · ·

Gossip-slander Superstitious spirits Self-deception

These demons are usually the first to work on a person. They work very slowly and can spend years getting a person to believe their lies. Once the lies of these demons are believed, then other demons can come in. For example, if a lying spirit can get you to believe that everyone is out to get you, then a spirit of fear can come in and paralyze you with intense fear. Their primary targets are the youth, the emotional, and the impulsive. The deceiving spirits work on the gullible, the insecure, the uninformed, and the traumatized. SPIRIT OF HAUGHTINESS/LEVIATHAN: Proverbs 16:18: “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” Job 41:34: “He (Leviathan) looks down on all that are haughty; he is king over all that are proud.” These spirits work powerfully with the spirit of violence (destruction). These are the spirits underneath the spirit of haughtiness/Leviathan: · Self-righteousness/ Self-love (Narcissism) · Accusation · Perfection · Contention · Anger · Competition · Pride-Arrogant · Stubborn This is a dangerous spirit because it was the sin of satan. He fell because he wanted to be God and overthrow God…”You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ But you were brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit,” (Isaiah 14: 13-15). The spirit of violence works hand in hand with the spirit of haughtiness because violence was found in satan…”You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned,” (Ezekial 28: 15-16). Research has shown that those that are rated high in pride and narcissism are more aggressive than those with average or low self-esteem (Paulhus & Williams, 2002). The spirit of pride attacks those that are new to leadership and authority (politicians), new converts, those that were abused as children, and those in church leadership. It is a spirit that gets you to focus on yourself and ignore the needs of others. If others don’t do what you want the spirit of violence will push you to punish them for being stupid and beneath you. SPIRIT OF HEAVINESS : Isaiah 61:3:”And provide for those who grieve in Zion-to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair (fainting-NAS; heaviness-KJV). These are the demons that are beneath the spirit of heaviness: · · · ·

Depression Fatigue Hopelessness Suicide

· · · ·

Grief Rejection Defeat-Giving Up Self-Pity

This demon attacks those that are involved in a music ministry, choir ministry, or a school of music. It also attacks people that are extremely sensitive, and those that get their feelings hurt very easily. This demon literally presses down on a person’s spirit and they will feel heavy, tired, and fatigued. This demon will attack when someone feels down for any reason. The attack seeks to block hope and destroy faith. The person will feel alone and distant from God, and thus will be more likely to contemplate suicide. SPIRIT OF FEAR: 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” The spirits beneath the spirit of fear are: · Anxiety · Worry · Obsessions · Paranoia · Indecision-Confusion · Phobias-fear of anything · Rejection · Panic Fear is a major tool of the enemy and these demons are very numerous. The more fear that we have, the less faith we will have. Humans literally can be made to be afraid of anything. For example, there are people with a fear of heights (acrophobia), snow (chionophobia), knees (genuphobia), forests (hylophobia), the number 8 (octophobia), and the color purple (porphyrophobia). Where there is fear there is spiritual paralysis. SPIRIT OF SLUMBER/STUPOR: Romans 11:8: “God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes so that they could not see and ears so that they could not hear, to this very day.” Here are the spirits that work beneath the spirit of slumber/stupor: · Fatigue · Apathy-Lethargy · Passivity · Depression · Mind Darkness · Withdrawal · Unable to Grasp Scripture-Mind Binding Spirit These demons attack your energy. Some signs of this demon are constantly falling asleep when trying to read the Bible, having no initiative, not being able to plan ahead, wanting to sleep all the time-especially on church days, not wanting to do fun things they used to do, and falling asleep when praying. This spirit can be a murderous spirit as it will try to get you to sleep while driving or when watching a toddler. Some have described having memory loss (not related to age), and feeling that their minds are going dark as if their mind or memories are being eaten. DEAF AND MUTE (DUMB) SPIRIT: Mark 9:25: “When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene, He rebuked the evil spirit. ‘You deaf and mute spirit,’ He said, ‘I command you, come

out of him and never enter him again.’” The demons underneath the deaf and mute spirit are: · Murder · Seizures/Convulsions/Epilepsy · Autism · Tourette’s Disorder · Alzheimer’s Disease · Other Neurological Functions · TMJ These demons primarily attack the brain. These demons seek to destroy people through neurological sickness and disease. SPIRIT OF INFIRMITY: Luke 13:11-12: “And a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her, He called her forward and said to her, ‘Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.’” The demons beneath the spirit of infirmity are: ·

All demons that cause sickness, pain, and body deterioration.

These demons attack the body. The devil was given authority to attack Job, and Job either had elephantiasis or leprosy. The devil gave Job painful sores all over his body (2:7), worms in brokeninfected skin, blackening of his skin (30:30), and bone deterioration (30:17). The woman in Luke 13 had a demon lodged in her back for 18 years. The spirit stayed in her body to torment her for as long as possible; it didn’t try to kill her, it just wanted her to suffer. The devices of satan’s physical torments are endless. SPIRIT OF ANTICRIST: 1 John 4:3: “But every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard is coming and even now is already in the world.” The demons underneath the spirit of antichrist are: · Rebellion · Hatred · Violence · Humanism-Atheism · Denial of Christ · Hatred of Christians · Persecution of Christians This demon works to produce hatred and violence. It tries to influence children and teens to enjoy rebellion, and it works on children that have been abused as it wraps around their anger and fuels it with lies and deceit. This spirit hates Christians and will do everything it can to destroy them. This demon incites terror wherever it can. You will see this spirit in gangs and any group that sets up to break the laws of God. There are entire nations that are ruled by this demon. At times it is impulsive and violent but it can slowly work through politicians to set up laws to stop Christianity. This demon hates rules and wants others to break as many of the laws of God as possible. People surround themselves with violence every day and they usually are not aware of it. For example, I ask students how much violence is in their daily lives, and they report very little. Yet we know that playing violent video games, listening to violent music, watching violent television, having

violent friends, and watching violent movies all increase the likelihood that one can become violent (Anderson, Shibuya, Ihori, Swing, Bushman, Sakamoto, Rothstein, & Saleen, 2010; Coyne & Archer, 2005; Barongan & Hall, 1995). After pointing these factors out the average student admitted that they have contact with violent friends and media several hours a day (some students admitted up to 8 hours a day). The enemy surrounds humans with violent influences and then convinces them that they have no effect. In fact, Hollywood producers and video game developers believe that violent movies and games help to release the pent-up aggression within and make us less violent. Research is clear that just the opposite is true. SPIRIT OF BONDAGE: Romans 8:15:” For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship.” The demons underneath the spirit of bandage are: · Addictions · Cravings · Compulsions · Obsessions · Lying and Seducing spirits · Tormenting spirits · Perverse spirits The spirit of bondage is involved in all addictive substances and behaviors. This spirit wraps the mind around the need for something and at the same time blocks the mind to seeing the negative effects of continuing to do the substance or behavior. For example, it increases the craving for alcohol and points to the benefits of alcohol (fun, tastes good, feel good), but blocks thinking about the negative effects of alcohol (hangover, lost job, lost relationships, financial costs, health risks). This demon works with the lying and seducing spirits. PERVERSE SPIRIT (DIZZYNESS): Isaiah 19:14: “The Lord hath mingled a perverse spirit in the midst thereof and they have caused Egypt to err in every work thereof, as a drunken man staggereth in his vomit.” These are the spirits underneath the perverse spirit: · · · · · ·

Sexual perversions of all kinds Fantasy Spirits of Bondage Incubus/Succubus spirits Fetish Sexual Obsession

God has determined what is sexually perverse, not humans. Humans are involved in every form of sexual perversion possible and are not bothered by them at all. Demons can attach to lawlessness-they will grab on to anything that is forbidden by God. It doesn’t matter if humans enjoy it or not. This is the trap: human do what they enjoy sexually and because they enjoy it, they figure it cannot be wrong. Lying and seducing spirits entice the person, perverse spirits are wrapped into the sexual act, and the spirit of bondage keeps them in the sin.

Figure 4 SPIRIT OF WHOREDOMS (PROSTITUTION): Hosea 4:12: “A spirit of prostitution leads them astray; they are unfaithful to their God.” The spirits underneath the spirit of whoredoms are: · Adultery · Cult spirits · Idol Worship · Lust-Cravings · Indecision · Unfaithfulness · Bondage-Addictions These demons seek to turn you away from God and to entice you to lust after anything else. God takes His relationship with us very seriously and when Israel strayed from God, He called it adultery…”I gave faithless Israel her certificate of divorce and sent her away because of all her adulteries,” (Jeremiah 3:8). These spirits work at 2 different levels: it works to draw people into cults, and it works to create idols within. This demon seeks to get you to enjoy something and then tries to get you to be gradually consumed by it. To have an idol is to give it more time, love, and attention than you would to God. It becomes more important than God and you become devoted to it. Examples of idols can be money, power, sports, video games, music, television, and so on. If you can live without reading the Bible or going to church, but you can’t survive without watching football,

reading about football, and going to football games, this spirit may be getting a foothold. A powerful demon that works with this demon is the spirit of bondage. SPIRIT OF JEALOUSY/GREED: Col. 3:5: “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.” Song of Solomon 8:6: “Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave.” Demons under the spirit of jealousy are: · Revenge · Hate/rage · Bitterness · Paranoia · Rejection · Disunity/strife · Competition · Covetousness The demon of jealousy can never be satisfied. It never trusts and is always suspicious. When paranoia and anger are with it, a person can become violent. It attaches itself to insecure people and people that have been wounded in romantic relationships and childhood abuse. They believe that everyone will eventually hurt them and they brood and ruminate about perceived intentional harm by others. One of the main roots it ties itself too is bitterness. Bitter people hate the success of others and blame God for their failures. Another demon that works with the spirit of jealousy is the spirit of rejection. Rejection creates low self-esteem in some and they cannot believe that anyone could love them so they are jealous of any person that has a romantic interest. The final spirit that works with jealousy is lust. Lust, like jealousy, is never satisfied and truly is a power that wants what others have. SPIRIT OF OPPRESSION: Acts 10:38: “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him.” The demons beneath the spirit of oppression are: · Excessive Guilt · Self-hatred · Fatigue · Depression · Defeat · Tormenting Spirits Spirits of oppression usually are on the outside and press down upon us. People describe this spirit as feeling like a weight is on them, feeling unable to look up and see the light, feeling burdened, and feeling like being wrapped in darkness. This spirit can attack the mind, body, or spirit and is a gateway demon that allows other spirits to come in. This spirit can take any emotional condition and make it worse.

SPIRIT OF DESTRUCTION: Revelation 9:11: “They had a king over them the angel of the Abyss, who name in Hebrew is Abbadon, and in Greek, Apollyon.” These are the spirits that work underneath the spirit of destruction: · Tormenting spirits · Spirits of torture · Violence-physical harm This demon was over those spirits that were loosed to torture humans for 5 months. It enjoys human suffering, and is a very powerful, violent spirit. FAMILIAR SPIRITS: Leviticus 19:31: “Regard not them that have familiar spirits.” The spirits that are underneath familiar spirits are: · · · ·

Generational spirits Necromancy Divination of every kind Witchcraft of every kind

PYTHON SPIRIT (DIVINATION): Acts 16: 16-40: “Once when we were to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit by which she predicted the future (v.16).” The demons beneath the Python spirit are: · Jezebel spirit · Religious spirit · Familiar spirit · Manipulation-lies and deception · Violence · Deception · All forms of witchcraft and divination. Here are some characteristics of the python spirit: 1. Python is the ruling spirit over all works of divination. It is powerful and dangerous. 2. It is a strong territorial spirit. It will do everything it can to stop a move of God. 3. It is always wrapped in false financial gain. Python will work against the finances of the church and seeks to either dry up the finances or set up finances as an idol (Acts 16:19). The owners of the slave girl were mad when Paul cast the demon out of her because they were going to lose money. 4. It will attack any church that is anointed and growing. It will go straight for the leadership and seek to destroy them (Acts 16:17). The slave girl with the demon went right to Paul who

was the spiritual leader in the area. 5. It will use lies and mix them with the truth in order to create confusion. The slave girl followed Paul around and said good things, but it was seeking to gain credibility and acceptance by being with Paul. Then when Paul left it would seek to draw others to itself and teach perverted doctrine. Spirits of lying, confusion, and deception work with python (Acts 16:17). 6. It will appear religious and work with a religious spirit (Acts 16:17). That is why the woman followed Paul-it appeared religious outwardly but had evil intentions. 7. Python will set up diversions to hide itself (Acts 16:19-21). It will create emergencies and then slip in while your attention is directed elsewhere and you are exhausted. 8. Python tries to take the focus off of God and on to humans. It will try to set up a church by glorifying the pastor. Then, when the human fails, the church will get discouraged and the people will leave the church and the faith. 9. There is no peace when python is around. It brings agitation, confusion, and destroys peace (Acts 16:20). 10. Python will use people in the church to lie and bring false accusations against the church leadership. It will use the Jezebel spirit and those that are hungry for power or money to manipulate and bring false allegations (Acts 16:20). 11. The python spirit will try to drain you of your energy and get you to give up on your vision. It brings discouragement and persecution with it (Acts 16:22-24). JEZEBEL SPIRIT: Revelation 2:20: “Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of foods sacrificed to idols.” 1. Jezebel will try to wrap witchcraft around you (works with python). Jezebel was a follower of Baal even though her husband Ahab, was the king of Israel. It will bring confusion and a spiritual draining may take effect (1 Kings 18: 4, 18). 2. Jezebel uses threats and intimidation to destroy people and their ministries. The demon tries to make you feel helpless and will attack you at your weakest (1 Kings 19:1-2). 3. The spirit of fear works with Jezebel (1 Kings 19:3). Even though Elijah just had a major miracle where he called fire down from the sky to burn up the sacrifices and defeated the prophets of Baal, when Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah, he ran. 4. After Elijah ran in fear he went to a solitary place (1 Kings 19:3). The demon will try to get a person alone an isolated to increase the deception and the depression. “When he (Elijah) came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, while he himself went a day’s journey into the desert. He came to broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die,” (1 Kings 19:34). 5. Lying spirits told Elijah that he was the only prophet left and Elijah believed them, even though Obadiah told him earlier that he had hidden 100 prophets in 2 caves (1 Kings 18: 9-15; 1 Kings 19: 10). 6. Jezebel also tries to block you from hearing God (1 Kings 19:10). 7. Jezebel hates prophets and those that move in intercessory prayer (1 Kings 18:4). It will try to get into a church to control the pastor and block the prophetic gifts. 8. Jezebel will use lies and manipulations to get its way. When Ahab wanted Naboth’s vineyard, Jezebel wrote letters and signed Ahab’s (the king’s) name. She also incited others to lie about Naboth and she had this innocent man murdered (1 Kings 21: 1-16).

9. The religious spirit works with Jezebel; the person acts holy but they are quick to condemn and judge others (1 Kings 18:19). Also, this demon teaches false doctrine to entice people to sin and then gets people to believe that God approves (Revelation 2:20-23). 10. Jezebel will use false dreams and visions to manipulate people. Some words may come true as familiar spirits will feed them true information to entrap the weak minded. 11. Jezebel will use seduction and manipulations to pull you away from God (Revelation 2:2023). 12. Jezebel hates authority and tries to destroy authority wherever it goes, as Jezebel was the real ruler and her husband let her take over. She let the king appear as if he was the authority but in reality she was. 13. Jezebel has to be in control of everything. This demon will stop at nothing to dominate, manipulate, and deceive anyone to get its way. This can be a spouse, a boss, or a pastor. 14. Jezebel will surround herself with weak ‘yes’ men who will not question anything. She will use threats and bribes to keep them silent. RELIGIOUS SPIRIT: 2 Timothy 3:5: “Holding to a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.” The spirits underneath the religious spirit are: · · · · · · · ·

Control Manipulation Hatred Judgment Criticism Condemnation Pride Jealousy

The religious spirits seeks to choke the spiritual life out of people. With the religious spirit everything is about the external. Someone could be spiritually dying on the inside but all that religious people care about is what behaviors they are doing on the outside. They are arrogant and unsympathetic. When Judas sinned by betraying Jesus he went to the leadership to confess that he shed innocent blood, but they cared nothing about Judas and his salvation…”What is that to us?’ they replied. ‘That’s your responsibility,’” (Matthew 27:4). These people think they are better than everyone else and they love to show off how spiritual they are. Yet, they are hypocrites and full of sin. They will attack you for your sin but excuse their own…”Be careful not to do your ‘acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven…And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full…When you fast do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting.” (Matthew 6: 1, 5, 16). Jesus summed up what a religious spirit looks like when He addressed the spiritual leaders of Israel…”Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean,” (Matthew 23:27). SPIRIT OF ERROR: 1 John 4:6: “We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but

whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.” The demons beneath the spirit of error are: · Mind-binding spirit · Despair · Suicide · Lying/Seducing spirits · Guilt Demons know the Bible. The devil used Psalm 91:11-12, to try and tempt Jesus in the desert. The devil misused the Scriptures to try and prove a point and that is what the demon of error will do. For example, New Age people believe that since the Magi saw the star of Jesus and interpreted that the king of the Jews was born, they believe that the Bible supports astrology. This demon works on those that know little or nothing about the Scriptures. The demon will get you to focus on one verse and then develop a warped theology based on that verse. For one person, this demon loves to get him to feel judged and condemned by God because there are Scriptures that reveal God’s wrath on sin. For another person, this demon will point to the fact that God is love and He will love you no matter what you do, so go ahead and do whatever you want. The spirit of error wants people to go extremes and not see the balance of the Bible. This is easy to do with people that do not know the Bible well enough to challenge the lies of the demon. This demon will bind the mind and block out all contradictory information. The lie gets more powerful as the person dwells on it. If someone commits a sin, this demon will bind the mind with lies that God hates them and will try to get the person to give up on their faith or even their life. On the other hand there are some that commit horrendous sins and still believe that God will let them do whatever they want. I saw one woman in the prison system that was in prison for the 4th time for cocaine possession. She went to all the church services and Bible studies in prison, but when she got out she went right back to prostitution and cocaine. She firmly believed that God loved her but made no attempt to live a Christian life. She believed that God would forgive her so why not have fun? VAMPIRE SPIRITS : Proverbs 30:14-15: “Those whose teeth are swords and whose jaws are set with knives to devour the poor from the earth, the needy from among mankind. The leech has two daughters. ‘Give! Give! They cry.” The word leech is translated as bloodsucker, or vampire.

Chapter 5 The Exorcism On the day of the exorcism it is best to contact the client to make sure they are ready. It is normal to have clients feel nervous and even frightened because of negative preconceived notions that they might have developed through watching movies and television shows. Some will try to back out or say that they need more time and this must be addressed. This is a time when fear can stop everything. It must be explained that fear is normal for such an unusual experience. However, it should be also stressed that the exorcists know what they are doing as they have seen these things before, and the client needs to trust God that everything will work out. Some may not show up at all or will show up late and say that they have to leave early because of some previous commitment. If these things happen, a reassessment of the exorcism should take place. If the client is so fearful that they sabotage the process then they may need more counseling to prepare. Preparation Step 1: The team should assemble about an hour before the exorcism to get the room ready and to pray for one another. Pray that the Blood of Jesus will cover the area and pray that angels will help you. Another important area is to bind all of the principalities in the area and cut their influence off from the exorcism. There are demonic spirits that rule over many areas and their influence in the exorcism must be cut off because they may send soldiers to empower the demons in the client. Also, pray for the protection of the exorcism team family members. There have been times when demons have been sent to harass the families of the exorcism team. They will try to punish the family by inflicting illnesses in children or cause fear by having strange manifestations in the house (turning electricity on and off, breaking furniture, blood coming down the walls). Finally, make sure that the room is safe and that there are no objects that can be used as weapons. A preference is to minister in a church, but sometimes you must do this in a clients’ home. Make sure everything is secure and that there is accountability. Never use all males if there is a female client, but you can use all males for a male client. In 2007, police burst into a house in Phoenix and saw a man choking his 3 year old granddaughter during an exorcism, while his 19 year old daughter stood there naked. The police used a stun gun on him and he later died. In 2011, a Virginia man choked and beat his 2 year old daughter to death during an exorcism. In 2005, in Romania, a nun was bound to a cross with a towel in her mouth for 3 days as part of an exorcism and she suffocated to death. Exorcisms can end in tragedy and we must always be aware of the dangerousness of the ministry. I cannot stress enough that you must have stable people in the ministry and have accountability to a local church. People that are untrained and not very stable can destroy peoples’ lives. Have as many as you in the room for protection and never hit, harm, mock, or do anything to harm a client! Step 2: When the client arrives spend time talking to him about what the process will be and what could happen. It is important that they know what your procedures are so they won’t be shocked or afraid of the process. It is important that the client feels at ease and trusts that you know what you are

doing. Here are some things that must be covered: · The will: Are they totally ready to change and live 100% for God? · Forgiveness: Is there anyone they need to forgive before the exorcism begins? · Confess: Give the client an opportunity to silently confess any sins. · Break: Pray for the breaking of any curses or occult baby dedications. In some cases a client may have been dedicated to satan at birth or had a curse placed against them without their knowledge, which gave an opportunity for the evil spirit to latch on to them. In one case, a woman had been dedicated to satan by her grandmother and did not know it. She was put into a cult by her family to become a breeder-she was to have babies to be ritually sacrificed every year. She escaped the cult after years of sexual abuse and only learned of the curse through her grandmother’s diary that she stole. She knew that she was always drawn to participate in the cult but did not like it at all. She always felt darkness around her but became used to it as a way of life. She only realized that this feeling was wrong after she met a Christian woman that prayed for her and she felt light all around her for the first time. · Explanation: Explain what the exorcist team will do, and how they will cast the demons out. Also, explain what demons may do during the exorcism. The demons may speak to the client and tell them the exorcism will fail, and that they aren’t worthy to be set free. In addition, they will attack the exorcists’ faith and skills. The demons will tell the client that the exorcist is weak, the exorcist has little faith, and that they are smarter and more powerful. Instruct the client to not listen to anything that the demons say-they will lie but they can use the truth to confuse and twist reality. I generally tell clients that we will do the work and they need not pray, but they can pray during the process and command the demons to be silent if they cannot tolerate their attacks. · Manifestations: Demons may try to do supernatural things to put fear in the team and the client. The client should know that the demons may try to keep them from talking, seeing, or hearing, and the demons may take over their consciousness. In one case, a woman lost her sight during the exorcism for hours. The manifestations may get more intense during the exorcism and they need not fear. It is important that they know that if anything unusual takes place, you have seen it before and you know what to do. · Starting the exorcism: I usually start out reading several scriptures that point to the power of Jesus and His casting out of demons (Luke 8:26-39; Mark 1: 21-28). The exorcism command is to first bind the demon, cast it out, and send it to the Throne Room Of Jesus for Him to dispose of them, or send them to the arid and uninhabited places. Matthew 12:29: “Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.” “When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left,” (Luke 11: 24). Everything must be done in the name of Jesus...”And these signs will accompany those who believe: In My Name they will drive out demons,” (Mark 16:17). No two exorcisms look alike. Some go fairly smoothly with very little demonic activity. However, some can get very strange and demons can set traps to confuse and defeat the exorcist. There are several rules to follow: 1. Do not listen to the demons. Demons will know things about you, the team, and the client. They will openly reveal what they know about you, to embarrass you and put fear in you, so you must be comfortable with yourself and be willing for others to hear your personal issues. And, the demons will lie about you and state that you have been in sins that are not true. Also, the

demons may say disgusting things that will offend you-they will say anything to get you to not focus on the task at hand. The team and the client must be aware of this and ignore the demons. 2. Do not talk to the demons unless it is an emergency. Some exorcists ask the demons their names and ask them how they got there (this is encouraged in the Roman Ritual for exorcism). Since demons constantly lie, it is perilous to believe what they say. Some will command that they tell the truth in the Name of Jesus and believe that in this instance they would be compelled to tell the truth. However, if they are still in the client they are still resisting the power of God and they are in rebellion. Demons will sometimes ramble on about hell and their torment…”I don’t want to go back into the darkness,” “My pain is great,” “I cannot fail or my torture will be severe.” Many exorcists are tempted to learn more about the spirit-realm and will actually start a conversation with the demon. This is a trap. I have seen some get so interested in what is being said that they actually forget that a suffering human is there. It is best not to engage with the demon and focus on setting the client free. God can tell you the demon’s name and how it got there. 3. If you feel fear for any reason get out of the room. You can do no good if you are frightened by what you see or hear. The enemy preys on our fears and uses fearful techniques to paralyze the team. For example, demons will create loud noises, make body parts grow, break chairs, and scream. In one case, one client tried to bite the team members and had to be restrained during most of the exorcism. In another case, a man opened his mouth almost to the size of his head which was frightening to see. Team members must be ready for this and know when they cannot handle it. 4. You can stop the exorcism to take breaks or allow one team member to take a break at a time. I approach an exorcism like a marathon-you need to conserve your energy for the long run. Not all exorcisms are long but you can’t tell in advance. In addition, the client can get tired and they need bathroom breaks and water breaks as well. 5. Never leave a client alone. I learned this the hard way with one particular exorcism. Two team members and I were in the middle of an exorcism and the client said that she needed to go to the bathroom. We needed a break because things were going slow so we agreed to a brief break. She went into the bathroom and the team began to talk about what was happening. After several minutes we noticed that it was quiet so we walked over to the bathroom door and called the clients’ name and we heard moaning. I grabbed the door knob and I realized that she had locked the door. The moans were getting louder and we shouted for her to open the door. We didn’t know what to do but I asked if anybody had a knife or a key to wedge into the lock. A team member reached into his pocket and pulled out his car key and stuck it into the lock and the door miraculously opened! The client was trying to cut her wrists with her car keys and we quickly stopped her and the demon began laughing through her. We got her cleaned up and went back to the exorcism as the demon was still in control of her mind. It took several more hours but she was set free of several powerful demons. Needless to say we never let clients be alone again once the exorcism started. 6. Sometimes the demon will try to harm or kill the client. For some it will be banging their heads against a wall or trying to scratch their skin. In several cases I have seen, the demons tried to choke the client. In most cases these were sexually perverse spirits or occult spirits. If this happens you must not be afraid as it will cloud your judgment. Know that this is a possibility and know that you must address it with power and authority. If you become afraid, the demon will increase its attack. In some cases you might have to restrain the client but make

sure that if it is a female client that a female team member is there to make sure that nothing immoral happens and that the team members do not become too rough. 7. Watch for any signs that what you are doing is working. Before a demon comes out there is usually (not always) some agitation when the spirit begins to move out. Some examples are: they will violently shake, scream, sneeze or yawn. Some will beg for you to stop, and for some you will actually see the spirit moving up the body until it comes out of the mouth. In one case, it looked like a snake was crawling up the back of a man. However, demons will fake these signs, so beware: The only real way to know is if the Holy Spirit tells you it is gone. 8. There can be times when a client may have a traumatic memory surface during the exorcism. Sometimes, this is God revealing a cause to the possession. It can be helpful to pray for inner healing at that time and ask Jesus to heal the memory. When this is healed and the client can forgive the offender, the demon will have no foothold and will leave more quickly. 9. Frequently check with the client to see what is going on internally. Look to see if they are responding to internal voices and ask them what they are experiencing during the exorcism. You can also ask them to command the demon to come out if you are being blocked and sense that the client is feeling weak and the demon is putting discouragement in them. I only do this in special circumstances. 10. Even though it seems sort of Hollywood, I usually have a crucifix to place on the client, as well as anointing oil. Demons usually respond to these negatively. Exorcism Phases There is no one way that an exorcism will happen. There are some that will last 10 minutes with little demon resistance. In addition, there are some that will last for days with many strange occurrences. All exorcisms are unique and there is no standard exorcism. However, there are some stages that I have seen over the years that happen in longer, more difficult exorcisms. · Stage 1–The Beginning: As you begin to cast the demons out either nothing happens or there is an immediate manifestation. More frequently the demons stay in hiding and hope that you quit. · Stage 2-The Testing: As you begin to cast them out, the demons will talk to the client. The demons will try to get the client to believe that nothing is happening, they will not leave, and that the exorcist is not strong enough to get them out. The demons try to sow doubt in the client and the exorcist. The exorcist sees that nothing much is happening and can begin to become discouraged. The team must press on to engage the demons. · Stage 3-The Battle: Here, the enemy knows that the exorcist will not stop and they are agitated. The enemy engages by attempting to harm the client and the demons may manifest to put fear in the exorcism team. The demons openly display their power and will lie to the team, lie to the client, and try to overpower the situation. They will sow as much doubt as they can and do everything they can to frighten everyone. This is a power confrontation and one side or the other will win. The demons will throw everything they can at the exorcist in order to win. The exorcism team will have to press through the lies and manipulations and continue to cast the demons out. · Stage 4-The Weeping And Gnashing Of Teeth : The demons know that the tide has turned against them. They know that the faith of the exorcism team is stronger than their doubt and that they must leave. The demons are angry and mournful as they don’t want to leave (frightened of the Abyss). They may try a last trick (like trying to strangle the client or a bizarre body

contortion) to stop the exorcism or go back into hiding to act as if they have left. They may beg you to stop to tug at your heart (they will mention that they will be tortured and may even start crying). If the exorcist fights on they will leave. · Stage 5-The Resolution: All is clear. The client knows that the evil is gone as well as the team. The client and the atmosphere are obviously different. · Stage 6-Debriefing: Talking with the client as to what happened and steps to maintain freedom for the future. Team Functions I usually have 2-5 team members with me and each will perform specific functions. I will usually have one person that continuously reads the Bible and prays during the exorcism. I will have another person watch what is happening and pray for discernment from God. I want this person to watch objectively and ask God what is happening and what we need to do next. I will have another person stand close to the client with me and assist in casting out the demon. If possible, I will have another be there just for security purposes. At times, I will have team members switch roles to keep them fresh, but in general I have people that are good at what they do stay in their assigned roles throughout the exorcism. After the Exorcism After the exorcism it is important for the client to know that maintaining the exorcism is a lifestyle not a one-time event. Follow-up sessions should be scheduled to help with the new life transitions and to give them support. There will be attempts by the evil spirits to come back and inhabit the body again as Jesus said that when they leave they will go and grab 7 other spirits and try to get back in (Luke 11: 24-26). The client must be prepared for this and should anticipate a counter-attack from the enemy. We stress that God isn’t expecting them to be perfect but to live a life that is honorable to Him, the best they can. It is living in the grace and love of God and being thankful for the freedom that they have been given. It is important to spend time with them after the exorcism to explain that they will sin, but in general, one sin will not bring about a new possession. It is remembering that we all sin but we can turn to Jesus and receive forgiveness and therefore no anchors for evil will develop. Here are some basic instructions that we give clients: 1. On a daily basis plead the Blood of Jesus over your home, property, family, and yourself. For example, when the Israelites put the blood of the lamb on the doorposts of their homes the spirit of death passed over that home, “But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin,” (1 John 1: 7). 2. Attend church regularly. Being in church helps remind you of spiritual matters and keeps God in focus. Many people say that they do not need church, but many will eventually not make their relationship with God a priority and will gradually sink back into old behaviors. Attending church provides a support system of like-minded believers that challenges us to grow spiritually. Research has shown that people with strong religious beliefs that participate in regular religious activities handle stress better, and are less likely to have mental disorders (Koenig, Ford, & George, 1993; Koenig, McCullough, & Larson, 2002; Pargament, 2011). 3. Make prayer a big part of your daily life as it will keep you spiritually grounded…”And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayer and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for the saints,” (Ephesians 6:18). Prayer is a point of contact

with God, and the more that we pray the more we will be in touch with God. 4. Read the Bible daily. Joshua 1:8…”Do not let this book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Reading the Bible keeps God’s principles on your mind and in your spirit; the more that you know God’s Word the more you know God…”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning,” (John 1:1-2). The better you get at knowing God’s Word the better you will be at recognizing the lies and deceptions of the enemy…”The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons,” (1 Timothy 4:1). Demons will seek to deceive you and lie about God and His Word and the only way to combat their lies is to know the Word. 5. Temptations and attacks will come . But if we resist the enemy he will flee from us…”Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you,” (James 4:7). Some believe that if tempted they must be a failure and a disappointment to God. Temptations will come to all, so it doesn’t mean you are out of God’s will. Just do not give into the temptations and give the devil a foothold. So, if you do sin, and you will, acknowledge that you have and seek forgiveness from God and He will forgive you…”If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness,” (1 John 1: 9). 6. Avoid individuals who are leading a life of sin and fellowship with those that are chasing after God. 1 Cor. 15:33 makes it clear…”Bad company corrupts good character.” Surrounding yourself with people that want to serve God is essential. They can help you, pray for you, fellowship with you, and advise you. Humans are designed to be with others and we will seek out people to avoid loneliness. We know that the more social support people have, there will be less mental disorders, there will be a faster recovery time after an illness, and they are more likely to live longer (Uchino, 2009). In addition those that are lonely have an increased chance for depression and suicide (Cacioppo & Patrick, 2008). So it is healthy to seek out relationships with others as long as they are helpful and encouraging relationships. We also know that depressed people can make us feel more depressed so it is wise to select those that will make your life emotionally better (Hatfield, Cacioppo, and Rapson, 1993). 7. Make the praise and worship of God a part of your life. Psalm 100:4: “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His Name.” From this Psalm it is apparent that we enter God’s throne room and get close to Him by becoming a thankful person that worships Him. God loves it when we praise Him and satan hates it. By praising God we are in His Presence and this is where satan does not want to be. It is a place of safety and communion. If you feel oppression coming from a demon you should begin to praise God and it will flee from you. 8. Become a person of faith. The opposite of faith is fear-anxiety. When we are anxious we are more likely to doubt God and His plan for us. By trusting and learning that all things work for the good for those that love Him, we can relax and let Jesus unfold our lives as He wills (Romans 8:28). In our anxiety the enemy can sow doubt which leads to bad decisions. Anxiety and fear are places where satan can work his best. Part of living in faith is being a giving person. Spend time giving your time and money to a church and/or a charity so that you can show that you honor God by giving to further His kingdom and that you have a heart that desires to serve others.

9. You will sin. Even though sin does give the enemy a place in our lives and we know that the devil will come back, we cannot live in terror of evil when we do sin. Asking for forgiveness and receiving it will break any hold satan may have. Doing the same sin over and over without repentance allows the enemy a way back in. We have to strive for perfection, full knowing and accepting that we will not get there. Romans 8:1: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” 10. Daily put on the full armor of God. Ephesians 6:13-19: “Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with Truth, and having put on the Breastplate of Righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace; in addition to all, taking up the Shield of Faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one.” I pray this each day as a reminder of what is important to God as I go out into the world. 11. Walk in love. “But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven,” (Matthew 5:44-45). Being a person of love and forgiveness is important because you will be persecuted unjustly. After the exorcism many will try to do right but there will be people sent by the enemy to hurt them even though they are innocent. At this point many will become discouraged and angry with God. They may be serving God for the first time in their lives and will not understand what is happening. They may feel God has abandoned them and feel like giving up. It is important to clearly spell out that satan persecuted Jesus, the apostles, and anyone that seeks to live for God. They must expect a hard road and rejoice that they have been chosen to suffer because it means that satan doesn’t like their progress and notices that they are living a life with Jesus. Jesus said in John 15: 18, 20… “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first…if they persecuted Me, they will persecute you also.”

Chapter 6 Why Exorcisms Fail Unfortunately not all exorcisms are successful. There are times when the exorcism breaks down and the person is not set free. It is important to cover these issues because every exorcist will face them. There is a battle between the power of God, the power of the evil one, and the human will. God can always set us free; however, there are human weaknesses that can hinder the exorcism. In some cases you may have to stop the exorcism midway through when the demons don’t appear to be leaving and ask the client what is going on. For example, a man wanted to be delivered of perverse sexual desires and we started the exorcism and nothing seemed to be happening. We continued on for about 30 minutes and finally stopped. I asked the client what was going on and he said nothing much. I began to ask more questions and really wanted to get to his desire and willingness to completely walk away from the sin. When I asked if he was going to completely stop talking to his old sex acquaintances and get rid of all viewing of porn websites, he nervously said yes. He said that he hated it and wanted us to take it away. When I said that he had to work hard, he didn’t want to hear it. He finally admitted that he couldn’t get away from the sin, and he wanted it to just disappear. We stopped the exorcism at that point because his will to stay clean was nonexistent. 1. The client secretly does not want to be free of sin. There are three levels of the mind but I will talk about 2 here. The conscious mind is in reality and processes what is going on in the here and now. The unconscious is a part of our mental activity that we are largely unaware of. These are deep thoughts that guide us without always being completely aware of them. For example you don’t have to remember how to walk, eat, or ride a bike each day-we simply get up each day and do these things. The memory of how we do these things is in the unconscious and we don’t need to make these memories conscious in order to successfully do them. We can have 2 opposing thoughts at the same time. In an earlier discussion you can have a client say at the conscious level that he wants to be free of a perverse sexual sin, but deep down he really don’t want it to go away. The deepest desire will always win and you must detect if there is a split in their motives. 2. Some use exorcisms as a quick fix when they feel bad or are in a bad situation. Some want to blame all of their problems on a demon. They come to an exorcism hoping to get rid of the demon and everything will be just fine. They also believe at some level that they can pretty much go back to the way things were and if they feel bad they can just get another exorcism. God does not honor this approach and the client will deteriorate as the exorcisms become ineffective. I did see a woman like this that had a horrible past. She was sexually abused as a child and grew up angry and violent. She was in and out of group homes and juvenile detention, and eventually ended up as a drug addict and a prostitute. In one of her incarcerations she got saved and started to turn her life around. When she got out of prison she got a job, got married, and had several children. However, she never received counseling or an exorcism and when

under stress she would disappear for several days. It was later found out that she was on the street doing drugs but her family had no idea. After several disappearances her pastor decided that she needed an exorcism. She went through one and immediately felt better. Things went along fine for a while, but new stressors hit (her child needed surgery and she got fired from her job) and she disappeared again. This time someone saw her on the street and her husband and pastor went and got her. She went through another exorcism and felt better. However, after more stresses she disappeared again. When she came in to see me she asked if she could go through an exorcism rather than counseling. When I asked her why, she stated that counseling took too long and exorcisms are faster and she feels better right after. This is not how to approach an exorcism. 3. There are some who will not confess all of their sins. The client may either be embarrassed by the sin and not want to confess it or he might not believe that the sin is really a sin. If they won’t acknowledge that the sin is wrong then they cannot be forgiven and set free. It is important to be as open and non-judgmental as possible. The client must feel safe in confessing their sins and that you will maintain absolute confidentiality. In addition, the exorcist must be able to confront the clients’ concept of sin if it does not line up with the Word of God. One woman visited a white witch (one that casts good spells to help people) once a week and refused to stop seeing the witch as she saw her as someone that was saving her life. In fact, the witch referred her for the exorcism. The client was having other problems and that was what she wanted to focus on. After several attempts to point out that God forbids seeing a witch and He sees it as sin, I terminated the exorcism process because I knew it would not be successful because she would not stop seeing her. 4. Some really don’t believe that the exorcism will work. For many, they simply are afraid of satan and believe that he is too strong to defeat. These clients typically have seen evil at work through witchcraft or they were abused as children by those that practiced the black arts. They have felt powerless and have seen evil win or they were led to believe that evil can’t be defeated. Many will listen to demons telling them that the exorcism will not work and they believe it. Another type of person believes that God doesn’t love them enough to deliver them. They will not have enough faith to see the exorcism through because they listen to what the demons tell them that God does not love them. 5. Some will use the exorcism to test God. Believe it or not, some people have lied, hidden things, or entered an exorcism with a skeptical attitude. They try to hide things on purpose to see whether the exorcism team will find the hidden thing as a test on their spiritual alertness. They may be testing the skill of the team, but they may also be testing God to see if He will reveal the hidden thing to help set them free. They believe that if God really cared He would expose the hidden sin or issue. It is very dangerous to test God and we have no right to do so. For example, when Ananias and Sapphira sold some property they gave some to the apostles but kept some money hidden to themselves. Peter then confronted them and said…”’Ananias, how is it that satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied to men but to God.’ When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died,” (Acts 5: 3-4). Later, Ananias’ wife came in and lied because she didn’t know her husband had been caught lying; she spoke the same lie and she fell down and died as well. 6. There are some that are unwilling to forgive. Ephesians 4:26-27: “’In your anger do not

sin’: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” There are many people that have been brutally abused by others in their past. For these people they see forgiveness as letting the offenders get away with their abuse. However, when we forgive others we are healing ourselves and letting go of the anger that binds us (Enright & Fitzgibbons, 2002). We are not giving them justice, but we are extending mercy. That mercy is what we want from God when we sin against Him. When giving mercy we are halting the anger that demands fairness, and releasing peace that allows God to handle the pain. Yet, many will refuse to forgive as they cannot get past the need to see the other suffer (as they have suffered) and will remain angry until they have restitution (which may be never). 7. Some have family members that are not supportive. In some families there are members that do not believe in exorcisms and do not believe that demons are around anymore. They may ridicule or shame the client and create a spirit of doubt or defeat. In other cases, the family members bring the clients in and say, “He has a demon-fix him.” These families blame demons for everything and they usually have one person in the family that they have designated as the ‘problem family member.’ They usually believe that they know everything and are very controlling. In one case, literally minutes after an exorcism of a young woman, the mother came in and said to the client, “They got that Jezebel demon out of you right? If they didn’t you will go right back to your evil ways.” In these families the clients are pushed into the exorcism by the family but may not truly believe they are possessed. They may simply believe what their parents or spouses have told them to believe. These cases rarely have good results and it is essential to get them away from their families and see what they truly believe on their own. 8. In some cases the exorcism ministers are not properly prepared. Remember, Jesus said that some demons will only come out by prayer and fasting. This means that you must be spiritually ready for a tough battle because some demons are very powerful and will fight back. Some team members may not admit to problems in their lives and are not ready for the battle. They have many stresses and use ministry as a distraction. The demons know fear and doubt when they see it and they will go after the weakest link in the team. In some cases, a team member that cannot handle the attacks will break down during the exorcism. At this point you have to get the team member out of the room and you may actually have to split the team to minister to them. This is usually not the best idea as the enemy seeks to divide and conquer. If this happens you may have to stop the exorcism until a replacement can be found. Also, a team member can get involved in sin secretly and still want to continue in the ministry. They use the ministry to feel better about themselves but they are really not up to the battle and the demons will exploit this. The demon will call the sin out and mock the team member which will be humiliating. It is good to make sure that all know the risks if they will not be open and honest with the team leaders before the exorcism takes place. Also, everyone must be reminded that if they have to stop the exorcism there is a chance that the clients’ condition will not get better and may actually deteriorate. Finally, make sure that there are no grievances between team members and that all are in spiritual harmony. The demons will try to sow doubt in the trust of the team. For example, a demon may say to one team member, “Your friend hates you and wants to sleep with your husband,” or, “He doesn’t trust you and wants you out of the church.” If the team is not in harmony these attacks may be believed and the exorcism will be derailed. The Exorcism Minister In some denominations no one but a priest or an ordained minister may be involved in an

exorcism ministry. However, I believe that lay people can be involved in the ministry as all believers have the Name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit in which to overcome the power of the enemy…"And these signs will accompany those who believe: In My Name they will drive out demons,” (Mark 16:17). Jesus proclaimed in the Scriptures that any believer can drive out demons. This was a popular ministry of the early church as people would go to Christians with their demon possessed loved ones and their sick, because Christians had the power to set them free. The early church grew because of miracles. There are several characteristics to look for to determine if someone is qualified for an exorcism ministry. Though all believers have the power to cast out demons not all are called to this ministry. This ministry can be very demanding mentally, physically, and spiritually. Therefore, finding the right person with the right characteristics is essential. Love An exorcism is an act of power and healing, but it is also an act of love and mercy from the Father. We must love the people we minister too and see them with eyes of compassion no matter what sins they are involved with. In this ministry you will hear the worst sins and experience intense attacks from the enemy. But we must have compassion for those in need. Jesus never looked down on anyone and never treated anyone with contempt. In Mark 10:17-23, when the rich ruler came to Jesus and asked Him how he could inherit eternal life, Jesus told him to follow the commandments. The ruler declared that he had followed all of them. However, Jesus knew that this was not true and that money still had a stronghold in his life. Knowing this, Jesus looked at him and loved the man: Jesus saw the sin and still loved him. We must be the same. Many have done horrible things and have had horrendous things done too them. Yet, they come seeking freedom and we must love them to help set them free. Power Power is necessary in this ministry but it is also a trap. Some people want to be in the exorcism ministry because they want to be seen as powerful. They like a good fight and glamourize the war with the enemy. The desire to defeat the enemy is a just desire. However, many do not balance this power with compassion. The power of God sets the captive free, not our power, “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us,” (2 Cor. 4:7). So, we want people in the ministry that love the client first and understand that God gives His power out of love for the healing of His children. Stay away from people that desire the power and care little for the feelings of the clients. These people will force an exorcism when the client isn’t ready because they believe that power is all you need and there is no need for anything else. They are usually insensitive, impatient, and pushy. In many cases they will be frustrated with a careful, prayerful approach to the ministry and will launch out on their own. They may actually blame the client when the exorcism takes too long and quit when things are not going their way. It is best to not let these people into the ministry because they will cause more problems than they solve. Demon Focused The demon focused person is a poor candidate for the exorcism ministry. They see demons everywhere and their lives are consumed with tracking down the next move of the enemy. They think that every behavior, every mental health issue, and every sickness are caused by demons. They see demons all the time but rarely see angels. They rarely experience the Presence of the Lord in prayer and usually spend time in prayer battling demonic attacks. A good question to ask someone that wants to join the exorcism ministry is…”In prayer, do you spend more time looking for demons or Jesus?”

Those that have difficulties in this area rarely feel joy because they are usually searching for evil. They cannot see the good things that the Lord is doing and focus and what could go wrong…”For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,” (Romans 14:17). I knew a man that was in charge of an exorcism ministry in a local church. He used to walk around the church at night carrying a large sword (which he used to swing around in prayer). He was constantly battling demons in prayer and fighting off the latest demonic attack. One night, as I was talking to him, we noticed a frog hopping by. He saw this as a bad sign and believed that God was revealing a demonic attack that needed instant prayer. If someone came to see him for prayer he usually ended up doing an exorcism prayer. One woman talked to him after going through a rape and he warned her that if she did not forgive the offender she would be open to a demonic attack. This was not what she needed to hear at that time. She needed compassion and understanding, but demon focused people are extremely legalistic and focus on the rules, not the person. He went to the pastor’s office every week and outlined the new attack of the enemy. He wanted the pastor to let him do exorcism prayers before each service on stage and the pastor refused because he thought the average church member would be frightened and not understand what he was doing. The man got angry with the pastor and quit the church to start his own church. After several months with fewer than 12 people attending, he left town. Fear Some people are obsessed with demons because they are actually afraid of them and worry about being attacked constantly. These people are fascinated with evil and want to read, watch movies, and talk to others about demons. However, this fascination is birthed out of fear. Those that fear the enemy are not good candidates for the exorcism ministry. In exorcisms there are frightening manifestations and demons love to induce fear if they can to paralyze the exorcism team. Therefore it is essential to get to the motive as to why an individual wants to join an exorcism team. Some actually hope that if they stay around exorcism ministers, they will be kept safe and the team will recognize for them when a demon is trying to attack them. In these cases they will act more like a client than a minister…”Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me,” (Psalm 23:4). Poor Theology I have taught Bible classes for years and it never ceases to amaze me how little people know of the Bible. Most don’t read it much and few have a coherent theology that is logical and consistent. The exorcism ministry is a ministry where you have to have firm beliefs that are unshakable. They must be able to answer the question of who has the greatest power: Jesus, satan, or are they equal? Don’t be fooled; some may verbally say that Jesus is more powerful but they live in fear of demons. It is necessary to know the Bible because demons know it and will sometimes try to trap you in an exorcism by twisting the Word of God. For example, in the middle of an exorcism a demon spoke through a client and it said they didn’t have to go because Jesus gave it permission to be there. One person actually became confused by this because they had ministered for hours and the demon wasn’t coming out. In fact it mocked and ridiculed the team and said that the team wasn’t powerful enough to expel it. The confused team member had to be removed and later, a lot of time was spent going over his beliefs and why this assaulted his faith…”He (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together,” (Colossians 1:15-17).

Reckless There are some that will not come under the authority of any exorcism team yet they think they are experts on demons. One woman believed that if you sneezed in church it meant that a demon was coming out, if you became dizzy it was a demonic attack, and if you were sad it was caused by a demon. These people usually have a bad combination of fear, being demon focused, and poor theology. These people will walk up to unsuspecting people that are crying and say that they are being harassed by a demon and will offer to cast it out on the spot. There are several problems with this: · If the problem is not caused by a demon then the prayer will not work. Usually the reckless person will blame the client for a hidden sin and make matters worse. · If the person is possessed a full exorcism may start where they are at, and this could be a business, the mall, or the post office. This may cause a scene that draws attention to the client, which can humiliate them. This is not what God wants. · Usually the reckless minister is operating outside the will of God and doesn’t have the power to back up their prayers. They will start exorcisms but will not complete them. One woman started an exorcism on a teenager by herself in the home of a friend. After an hour she just quit and said that God had done His work and the girl would get better soon. Well, it wasn’t over and the girl was left lying on the floor with the demons inside and they were mocking and laughing at the reckless minister. The woman just quit because she could not get the demons out so she claimed that they had to come out eventually because she commanded it. The girl was in a trance state for a day, when a friend stopped by her house and found the girl and brought her to the church. · They will try an exorcism prayer on someone that is not ready, and if the demons leave they will come back with more powerful demons and make the person’s condition worse. The reckless person doesn’t know the Scriptures well enough to know that the demons will come back, or may not even care. They don’t care if the person needs preparation time, inner healing, or extensive follow-up; all they care about is getting rid of demons. · Reckless ministers believe that they have the power and that demons are afraid of them! They rarely see their own mistakes and if something doesn’t go right they blame everyone else. They believe that they are God’s instrument for setting people free, but they literally leave a trail of destruction wherever they go. Poor Prayer Life There is a lot of prayer time that goes into exorcisms. We pray about: · Whether a person needs an exorcism; · The order of ministry: what should come first, inner healing, physical healing or an exorcism? · The timing of the exorcism; · The people that should be involved in the exorcism; · The number and types of demons in the person; · The order of attack in the exorcism; · The exorcism itself is one long continuous prayer. So it is easy to see that if a person does not have an active prayer life they should not be in the exorcism ministry. The exorcist should do nothing without prayer. Immature

The exorcism ministry needs mature people…”Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything,” (James 1:4). This does not mean that you can only minister if you are perfect because nobody can be perfect. What is needed are people that do not have major inner healing issues, have adequate Bible training, and are not new to the faith. I believe that you must be an adult that has been a committed Christian for at least 5 years or more, to be admitted into training. People that do not work well in the exorcism ministry have the following characteristics: · They gossip about clients and break confidentiality; · They have a pattern of quitting ministries when things get tough; · They fight for attention and power in a ministry; · They are unable to accept correction; · They are jealous of the success of others and sabotage the success of other ministry members; · They get offended easily and hold grudges for long periods of time; · They look down on clients and judge them; · They easily lose control of their emotions.

CHAPTER 7 House Cleansings Demons can inhabit objects and homes. There are demons that are assigned to dwell over territories and they remain in these territories until they are cast out. We have already seen this in Daniel 10: 12-13…”Then he continued, ‘Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia.” Here, there is a demon over an entire region (Persia) that fought the angel of the Lord. He had come with an answer to Daniel’s prayer but was immediately attacked by the demon principalities. Angels are also placed strategically on the earth. Currently there are 4 angels who are at the river Euphrates and they are to be released during the tribulation to kill a third of mankind (Revelation 9: 14-15). Also angels are in battle with the principalities in the heavens even in the book of Revelation at the end of all things…”And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels fought back,” (Revelation 12: 7). So, there are angels and demons all around us. Demons stay in the territories they have been assigned, and this can be a house, a neighborhood, a town, a state, or a nation. Usually, the more powerful the demon is, the bigger the real estate that it rules. So what most describe as ghosts haunting a house or territory, they are really demons that continue to inhabit the area in which they were assigned. Many believe that ghosts are humans that have died suddenly or violently and are in extreme emotional pain and cannot move on to heaven or hell. They are trapped in a horrible moment (Helzer, 2002). Ogden (2004) believes that ghosts are humans that are seeking revenge for past crimes (haunting others), are watching their loved ones, or are trying tie up unfinished business because they died too soon. Some believe that ghosts don’t even know they are dead and they are trapped in a time warp. None of these theories of ghosts are true. Ghosts are nothing but demons-they are not trapped humans. There are several things that prove this: · Jesus has conquered death and He has the keys of death…”I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades,” (Rev. 1:18). · When we die we go immediately before the throne of God. When the man next to Jesus on the cross asked Jesus to remember him, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise,” (Luke 23:43; italics mine). There are other Scriptures that support the fact that we go to God immediately when we die (see 2 Cor. 5:8; Phil. 1:21-23; Rev. 6:9-11). · If ghosts are trapped humans then Jesus has no power to bring them to heaven and has no authority over death. Since Jesus does have this power over death He would not leave humans in this trapped, useless state. When we die our deeds are done and then we are judged. There is

no reason to hang around as it will not change the verdict of God. To say that ghosts are human is inconsistent with many Scriptures and simply cannot be true. When people talk about haunted houses they usually are speaking of ghosts inhabiting a house. Some believe that ghosts can be friendly and others believe that they can be malevolent. There are a few that believe that they can be demons, but they are not in the majority. In reality, ghosts are demons that guard a territory. Demons can also enter objects as well as homes, and this can be seen in Deut. 7:25-26…”The images of their gods you are to burn in the fire. Do not covet the silver and gold on them, and do not take it for yourselves, or you will be ensnared by it, for it is detestable to the Lord your God. Do not bring a detestable thing into your house or you, like it, will be set apart for destruction. Utterly abhor and detest it, for it is set apart for destruction.” This Scripture reveals that we should not bring anything into the house that is devoted too or symbolizes another religion. But, there are subtle items that have been prayed over and cursed by witches that you would not recognize as occult influenced. There was one witch that painted beautiful paintings but then cursed them and cast spells over them so that the buyers would become sick or tormented by the demons bound too them. A friend of mine bought his wife a diamond ring. He surprised her with it on her anniversary and she fell in love with it. However, she started getting sick soon after and was in and out of the hospital, though the doctors could find nothing wrong with her. He called and asked for me to come to the house and pray for her. He told me nothing about the ring because he didn’t connect it to her illness. As I was praying for her I sensed evil around her but was unsure why. I asked him if he had done anything different right before she got sick and they only thing he could think of was the ring. I asked her for it and when it touched my hand I felt sick to my stomach. I told him that this object was cursed and that he needed to get rid out it. They both agreed, so we prayed over it and threw it away. As soon as we did his wife immediately felt something lift off of her and her sicknesses stopped. The objects really are nothing but wood, metal, and stone, but it is the prayer that releases the demon into the object that allows it to dwell there…”Do I mean that a sacrifice offered to an idol is anything? No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord’s Table and the table of demons,” (1 Cor. 10:19-21). Assessment First, you must go to the house and get a history of it. Some houses are very old so you may not know everything about them, but it is important to gather as much data as you can. It is good to know who owned the land and built the house. For example, many state and government buildings have a cornerstone that is dedicated to the Masonic Lodge cult, but few are aware of this fact. The owner may have dedicated the land to any spirit, and since most people do not consider house cleansings, the demons will remain until forced out. Ask the family what is going on that is causing them concern. When demons are present they usually have several different strategies: · The spirit will be mischievous and will seek to frighten the residents out of the house. They can move furniture, turn lights on and off, scream, throw dishes, and slam doors. · The spirit will be malevolent. In many cases it is tied to occult activity. It will be cold and the residents will feel an angry presence. It will seek to harm the residents and keep them in a state of fear. They may trip people going downstairs and throw objects at them. Some have reported blood going down the walls and fire bursting out of a fireplace. In extreme cases they

will inhabit furniture and the furniture will walk around or you will see the demon’s face in the wood. · The spirit will befriend the residents, usually the children. They will not have a cold, angry presence. Some will act as a protector and do good deeds, like helping a child about ready to fall off a stool. They act friendly so that the family will feel comfortable around them and allow them to stay. Some residents will actually say that they enjoy having spirits in their house. However, these demons will secretly cause other problems because they have the authority to stay. They will encourage marital discord, sexual infidelity, and violence. But they work through the human so that the human is blamed, not the spirit. In some cases the spirits will appear in human form and befriend children. They will give information to help the child, like what to study for on a test, and who to trust at school. They will get the child to trust them more and more until the child completely depends on it. · Demons can also possess animals as well…”A large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside. The demons begged Jesus to let them go into them, and He gave them permission. When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned,” (Luke 8:32-33). Animals can be attacked by demons to make them suffer or cause them to misbehave. They can also be visited with sickness to bring sorrow to the family. After talking to the residents you should walk through the house in every room and ask God what is there. God will usually give me pictures of how the spirit got there. I may see people doing a séance or someone committing murder. It is good to have people with you with different spiritual gifts. Those that have the work of knowledge can see into the past, those with the word of wisdom can see into the future, and those with discernment of spirits can tell whether demons are present (1 Cor. 12:8-10). The most common way that to detect demons is feeling their presence in your spirit. Once we know that evil is there we can then ask God to clarify what type of demon is there and how it got there. We also need to ask the residents if they have contributed to the demonic activity. We need to ask if they have been involved with any occult activity that could attract evil. Also, are there any sins that could be related to the history of the house? For example, if there is a spirit of bondage present, you should inquire if anyone in the family is currently using alcohol or drugs. This demon will be dangerous to one that already has the same problem. Or, if there is a spirit of violence, you have to ask if there is anyone in the family tree that has been violent or committed suicide. Familiar spirits can draw people to homes that have demons that will trigger the weaknesses in the family. When walking through the house, look for any objects or animals that could be inhabited with demons. It may be benign objects that have no occult symbols on them. For example, in one home, a family asked me to come in and pray because visitors kept saying that they felt something grab them by the neck in the living room. They felt cold pockets in the house and believed that a malevolent force was in the house. I walked through the house and when I went to the living room, I felt really uncomfortable standing on the beautiful living room rug. It was very ornate, but something didn’t feel right about it. I asked the owner where he got it and he said it was hand-woven in Iran. I asked a friend of mine from Pakistan about the rug and he said that the people that made the rugs cursed them if they were to go to Americans. They would pray for harm to come to anyone that was considered

infidels. When I told that family about this they immediately took it outside. We prayed over it and broke the curse. They later set the rug on fire and they told me that it sounded as if a deep growl was coming from within the fire. The family never had a problem after the rug was gone. Praying First, we need to ask the current residents if they have renounced their personal sins, especially occult activity. Then, ask them to renounce all occult activity and sins of their family and their ancestors. After this, bind all generational demons and territorial demons in the Name of Jesus, and then cast them out. In some homes you must do this from room to room, but in other homes you need to only go to a specific room where there is demonic activity. Then, dedicate the house to Jesus and ask the Holy Spirit to fill every square inch of the property. You may want to go to the 4 corners of the property and dedicate the land to the Lord and use anointing oil to bless the land. Recognizing Witchcraft In Your City Some people feel called to pray over entire cities or states to help rid the territory of demonic activity (Dawson, 2002; Wagner & Dawson, 2012). They walk through the city and do the same procedures that you would use for a house cleansing, but transfer them to a larger territory. This is a good ministry and has great value because there are witch covens, satanists, and those that gather to do evil, that meet in many places in the territory you are in to encourage demonic activity. I have talked to several pastors that have been harassed by local covens. They show up and sacrifice animals on their church property, dedicate the property to satan, and pray for the pastors to fail every day. In many cases they will leave markings as to who they are and where they meet. It is useful to know where these people meet for several reasons. First, you may want to go to these areas to pray against the evil that they do. Second, you may want to stay away from these places as they may be dangerous. Finally, you may want to inform local law enforcement agencies if you do find satanic activities. If there are violent demon worshippers they may try to harm anyone that gets near because they can be doing illegal practices (child sacrifice, rape, molestations). You must pray to know what God wants you to do with this information. Frequently, you will see satanic markings in the city that will let you know who they are and where they meet. You may see graffiti on the side of buildings or on street signs that they use to communicate what they are doing. They either mark their territory or give coded directions as to where the next meeting will be. Here are some symbols that they use to help you identify the workings of the enemy. You must choose wisely what to do with them and do nothing without extensive prayer and guidance from the Lord.

Chapter 8 Other Demons There are demons listed in other non-Biblical works. In these books they are either describing their power and place in hell, or they are describing how to contact these demons. Some of these works are very old. The Testament of Solomon has been dated around the time of Christ, but the date estimation spans hundreds of years. The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum was written by Johann Weyer in the 16 th century and it is a book that teaches about demons and ways to conjure them. A hundred years later, a book entitled, The Lesser Key of Solomon, was published but it was almost identical to the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. There are demons mentioned in the Apocrypha and the Pseudepigrapha, which are books that are considered by some to not be worthy of inclusion in the Bible, but not all share this opinion. In some Bibles they are placed between the Old and New Testaments. The books of Enoch have not been accepted by most as Biblical, but in them there is an essay of the time before the Flood that describes how angels (watchers) lusted after humans and encouraged their downfall by marrying them and producing a race of giants (Nephilim). These angels also taught witchcraft and the secrets of creation to humans and God judged them and banished them from heaven as they failed in watching over and protecting humankind. In Jubilees (another book not in most Bibles), God allowed one-tenth of the fallen angels to remain on earth until the judgment. Demons are also mentioned in Jewish writings, such as the Talmud, Mishnah, and the Zohar. These writings are commentaries on the Bible and they have beliefs mentioned about demons and their functions that are not mentioned in the Bible. The following documents will be used in the list of demons: The Lesser Key Of Solomon (LKS), the Book of 1 Enoch (1E), Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (PD), the Testament of Solomon (TS), Arbatel: Of the Magic of the Ancients (Arb) and Jewish Commentaries (JC). Finding a coherent understanding of demons is an interesting challenge. In many ancient texts demons are not always described as evil. If they are, there are magic incantations and symbols that can control the evil spirit. In the Arbatel (Of the Magic of the Ancients), there are listed the Olympick spirits that rule over different sections of the universe. They are not mentioned as good or bad. In fact, the magician is encouraged to follow the Christian way and be the most honorable magician possible. There is no clear designation of evil in the text. This blurring of good and evil has led some to use these texts to communicate with these evil spirits and have subsequently opened themselves up for demon possession. Do not read these texts for any reason other than doing research on a particular demon you may encounter. Always be clear that the Christian way has a clear line: demons are evil and there is no good reason to conjure them, communicate with them, or have them do your bidding. All pictures are taken from the Dictionnaire Infernal, by De Plancy, and the illustrations were by M. L. Breton (1863).

· Abezithibod (TS): Demon that works on the heart to harden or incite. · Abraxas (JC): Some see him the supreme god, others as a term for a magical power. See picture below.

· Agares (PD; LKS): Demon that teaches languages, causes earthquakes, overthrows ruling powers, and brings back things that are running away or causes them to be still. A Duke that looks like an old man riding a crocodile and has a hawk on his fist. He has 31 legions of spirits under him. · Agrat bat Mahlat (JC): A succubus demon that is also a demon of prostitution. She also comes out on the eve of the Sabbath and Wednesdays and haunts the roof-tops. · Alocer (PD; LKS): Alocer teaches astronomy and the liberal sciences. He rides on a horse as a soldier, and has a lion’s face with red-fiery eyes. He also gives familiar spirits, and has a great hoarse voice. He is a great and mighty Duke that rules over 36 legions of spirits. · Amduscias (PD; LKS): This demon looks like a unicorn but can take on human form. He can make musical instruments be heard when none are present and can give the power to bend trees to the conjurer. He also gives familiar spirits. He is a great and strong Duke that rules over 29 legions of spirits. · Amon (PD; LKS): A demon Marquis that knows the past, present, and future. He can also help relationships reconcile. He looks like a wolf with the tail of a snake, but can take on human form, with the head of a raven that breathes fire and has fangs. He rules over 40 legions of spirits. · Amy (PD; LKS): Amy is a great President that teaches astrology and liberal sciences. He gives familiar spirits and finds hidden treasures hidden by spirits. At first he appears in flames but can take on human form. He does give familiar spirits and rules over 36 legions of spirits. · Andras (PD; LKS): This demon looks like an angel with a raven’s head. He rides a black, powerful wolf, and carries a sharp sword. He teaches how to murder and sows discord and strife. A very dangerous demon to the conjurer (he will harm the conjuror if he can). He is a great Marquis that rules over 30 legions of demons.


Androalphus (PD; LKS): This demon looks like a loud peacock but can take on human form.

He teaches geometry and astronomy, and can make humans into skilled debaters. He can also transform humans into birds. He is a mighty great Marquis that rules over 30 legions of spirits. · Andromalius (LKS): This demon looks like a man with a serpent in his hand. He finds thieves and their stolen goods and returns them, and punishes the thieves. He tries to discover all forms of evil and finds hidden treasure. He is a great and mighty Earl that rules 36 legions of spirits. · Aratron (Arb): One of the Olympick spirits. Aratron can make a barren woman fertile, he gives familiars, he teaches alchemy, magic and physics, converts treasures into coals and can convert anything to stone. He can also make humans invisible and reconciles subterranean spirits to humans. He also makes ‘hairy men’ and can give a long life. He rules over 49 Kings, 42 Princes, 35 Presidents, 28 Dukes, 21 Ministers, 14 Familiars, 7 Messengers, and 36,000 legions of spirits (the legion is numbered at 490). · Artemis (JC): Artemis was believed to be the goddess of the forest and hills, hunting, and military victory. She is mentioned in Acts 19:28. · Ashtoreth (JC): Revered as a goddess of love and fertility, she is mentioned in many places in the Bible (Judges 2:13; 1 Sam. 7:4). · Asmodeus (TS; JC): A demon that attacks newlyweds; it seeks to keep the couple away from each other through stress and pain. It also tries to get men to commit adultery through inciting desire and mental illness. In Judaism, many view Asmodeus as the king of demons.

· Astaroth (PD; LKS): A demon that that looks like a fallen angel. He rides a dragon and carries a viper. He knows past, present, and future and reveals matters of the Fall. He teaches the liberal sciences and rules over 40 legions of spirits. · Aym (PD; LKS): This demon looks like a man with 3 heads-one is a serpent, the next is a human’s head (stars are on the forehead), and the final one is a cat’s head. He rides on a viper and carries a lit firebrand in his hand that he uses to set cities on fire. He can make humans witty and answers the conjurer on private matters. He is a strong Duke that governs over 26 legions of infernal spirits. · Bael (PD; LKS): This king demon can appear as a human, a cat, and a toad. He can also look like all 3 simultaneously. He can make humans invisible and rules over 66 legions of demons. Some see this as the demon Baal that is mentioned in the Bible (1 Kings 18:25). Baal was worshipped in many countries, and is believed by some to be the most powerful god. Others saw Baal as a god of fertility or weather.

· Balam (PD; LKS): Balam is a demon with 3 heads (bull, human, and ram). He has flaming eyes and a serpent’s tail, a hawk sits on his fist, and he rides a great and fearsome bear. He can turn humans invisible and make them wise. He also knows things past, present, and future. He is a great and powerful King that rules over 40 legions of spirits. · Baphometh: In modern times it represents satan in satanic rituals; the Baphometh looks like a man with a goats head with wings. · Barbatos (PD; LKS): A demon that is a great Duke that can communicate with animals. This demon knows the past and the future, can reconcile enemies, and can find things hidden by witchcraft. He rules over 30 legions of spirits. · Bathym (PD; LKS): A demon that can move people from one location to another. Bathym is well versed in herbs and valuable minerals. He can take on the form of a man with a serpent’s tail and rides a pale horse. He governs over 30 legions of spirits. · Beelzeboul (TS): Prince of demons. It attacks kings and ministers, incites wars, murder, heresy, envy, murder, and sodomy, and seeks the destruction of the world. He sends demons to entice humans to believe in them, so they will not be saved. Beelzeboul states that he was the first angel in the first heaven before he was cast down by God. · Behemoth (JC): mentioned in Job 40:15-24, some consider Behemoth a great monster that is invisible and dwells on land near Eden. · Belial (PD; LKS): A powerful demon that fell after Lucifer. He looks like an angel that is pleasing to look at in a chariot of fire. He must have sacrifices to answer the conjuror. He gives political power and gives favor to friends and foes. He is mighty and powerful King that gives familiar spirits, and rules over 80 legions of spirits. · Belphegor (DI): Belphegor is a prince of hell. He causes discord wherever he goes and tempts humans with wealth. He is also known for sloth and giving inventions.

· Berith (PD; LKS): A demon that wears a crown and is dressed in red as a soldier and rides a red horse. He can turn metals into gold and can answer questions pertaining to past, present, and future. When conjuring him he is a liar and is not to be trusted. He a mighty great and terrible Duke and he rules over 26 legions of spirits. · Bether (Arb): One of the Olympick spirits. Bether can prolong life up to 700 years. He gives familiar spirits and he can force spirits to give true answers. Bether can confer dignity on a person, make medicines work miraculously, and can supernaturally move gems to any space. Bether rules over 42 Kings, 35 Princes, 28 Dukes, 21 Counselors, 14 Ministers, 7 Messengers, and 29,000 legions of spirits. · Bifrons (PD; LKS): Bifrons looks like a monster but can take on human form. He teaches astronomy and geometry, and is wise in herbs, gems, and woods. He can move dead bodies to different graves and puts lights on those graves. Bifrons is an Earl that rules over 6 legions of spirits. · Botis (PD; LKS): A demon that looks like a viper, but can take on human form with large

teeth and horns. He knows things past, present, and future and can reconcile conflict between people. He is a great President and an Earl that rules over 60 legions of spirits. · Buer (PD; LKS): A demon President that teaches philosophy. Buer can heal and teaches on the value of herbs. He also brings familiar spirits. He has 50 legions of spirits under him. See picture below.

· Bune (PD; LKS): A demon that looks like a dragon with three heads (man, griffin and dog). He can raise the dead and visits the places of the dead. He can switch dead bodies and cause the spirits that he rules to gather at tombs. He can make humans wise and eloquent and can give wealth. He is a great, strong, and mighty Duke that rules over 30 legions of spirits. · Byleth (PD): A king demon that rides a pale horse and is accompanied by trumpets and music. · Caym (PD; LKS): Caym looks like a blackbird but does appear as a human carrying a sword. He is a disputer and can tell of things of the future. He gives humans an understanding of bird and animal sounds, and also the sound of noisy water. He gives answers in burning ashes and is a debater. He is a great President and rules 30 legions of infernal spirits. · Chax or Shax (PD; LKS): Chax is a demon that looks like a stork. He can make people blind and deaf, and can take away understanding. He is a robber and a horse thief and will steal anything that the conjurer asks. He is in command of familiar spirits and will lie unless conjured in a magic triangle. He is a great Marquis that governs over 30 legions of spirits. · Cimeries (PD; LKS): A demon ruler over Africa. He can turn humans into soldiers and teaches grammar, logic, and rhetoric. He reveals hidden things and rides upon a black horse. He is a mighty great Marquis that rules over 20 legions of chief spirits. · Dantalion (LKS): He looks like a man with many faces (male and female), and carries a book in his right hand. He teaches arts and sciences, and knows the hidden secrets of all. He can reveal these secrets and change them. He can also cause love to flourish. He is a great and mighty Duke that rules over 36 legions of spirits. · Decarabia (PD; LKS): This demon knows the power of gems and herbs. He can change into a bird and make other birds move with him. He also appears as a star in a pentagram. He is a great Marquis that rules over 30 legions of spirits. · Dever (JC): demon of pestilence. · Eligor (PD; LKS): A demon that can have a pleasant human appearance. He knows hidden things and is knowledgeable of things of war. He causes soldiers to meet and causes the love of nobility. He is a great Duke that is over 60 legions of spirits. · Enepsigos (TS): A demon that is a shape-changer that lives on the moon. Enepsigos appeared to Solomon as a woman with 3 heads, and 2 of the heads had hands. · Envy(TS): Envy looked a man with no head. His goal was to devour human heads. He crushes the heads of babies to cause brain damage. He cuts the heads off of men and wears them, and mutilates the body with sores.

· Ephippas (TS): A demon that sets fires and causes death. · Flauros (PD; LKS): Flauros looks like a powerful, fearful leopard, but in human form he has fierce eyes and a terrifying countenance. He will lie to the conjuror unless he is hedged into a magic triangle. He knows of things past, present, and future, and will answer questions of creation and the Fall. He will destroy enemies of the conjuror. He is a great Duke that governs 36 legions of spirits. · Focalor (PD; LKS): This demon drowns ships and kills men by drowning them. He has power over the wind and water and looks like a man with wings. Focalor is a great and strong Duke that rules over 3 legions of spirits. · Forneus (PD; LKS): A demon that looks like a sea monster. Forneus helps humans understand languages and gives them special favor. He also gives the power of rhetoric and makes humans beloved of friends and foes. He is a great and mighty Marquis that rules over 29 legions of spirits that are made up of thrones and angels. · Forras (PD; LKS): This demon can make a human invisible, increase his wisdom and speech, and give a long life. He teaches logic and the qualities of plants and precious stones. He is a great president that rules over 29 legions of spirits. · Furcas (PD; LKS): This demon teaches philosophy, rhetoric, logic, astronomy, palm reading, and controlling fire though magic. He has a long beard, a hairy head with a cruel countenance, and rides a pale horse with a weapon in his hand. Furcas is a Knight that rules over 20 legions of spirits.

· Furfur (PD; LKS): This demon can cause a man and a woman to love each other. He causes thunder and lightning, and reveals secret things of human or divine origin. He looks like a hart with a tail of fire. He can take on the form of an angel but will only reveal the truth on the inside of a magic triangle. He is a great and mighty Earl, and rules over 26 legions of spirits. · Gaap (PD; LKS): He looks like a doctor when taking human form. He goes before 4 kings as a guide. He answers all things related to past, present, and future events. He teaches philosophy and the liberal sciences. He is in control of familiars, and can make humans invisible. He can also move things quickly from one place to another. He is a President and a Prince, and he is of the order of Potentates. He rules over 66 legions of spirits. · Gamygyn (PD; LKS): This demon looks like a horse (or donkey) but can take on human form. He makes the dead from drowning, or from purgatory, put on aerial bodies and appear before the conjuror to answer questions. He knows the liberal sciences and knows of those that die in sin (LKS). He rules over 30 legions of inferior demons. · Glasya Labolas (PD; LKS): A demon that can make men invisible. He knows the present and the future. He is demon that is involved with murder. He can gain favor with humans, and teaches all the arts instantly. He also can create love between foes and friends. He is mighty President that looks like a dog with wings. He rules over 30 legions of spirits. · Gomory (PD; LKS): This male demon appears as a woman riding on a camel, with a crown

around her middle. He knows things past, present, and future, and reveals hidden treasure. He gains the love of women (especially maids). He is a strong and powerful Duke and governs over 26 legions of spirits. · Gusoyn (PD; LKS): A demon that knows all things in time and can reconcile enemies. He also can anoint with honor. He rules over 40 legions of spirits. · Haagenti (PD; LKS): A great demon that looks like a bull with wings that can take on human form. He can make all metals into gold and can change wine into water and water into wine. Haagenti can also make men wise and teaches many things. He is a great President that rules over 33 legions of spirits. · Hagith (Arb): One of the Olympick spirits. He gives beauty and familiar spirits. He can also convert gold into copper and copper into gold. He rules over 4000 legions of spirits and has Kings over every 1000 spirits. · Halphas (PD; LKS): Halphas is a demon that builds towers and stores up weapons and ammunition. He also sends people into battle to their appointed places. He looks like a stork and has a hoarse voice. He is a great Earl that rules 26 legions of spirits. · Ipes (PD; LKS): A demon with a lion’s head, feet of geese, and a rabbit’s tail. He can cause humans to be bold and intelligent, and knows things past, present, and future. He is an Earl and a Prince that rules over 36 legions of spirits. · Ketev Meriri (JC): Demon that is active between 1st and 16th of Tammuz, in the afternoon. It rolls between the sunlight and the shade, and is full of eyes, scales, and ears. One is not to walk in any place where the sun and shade meet. If you should see it you will die instantly. · Ketev Yashud (JC): Demon that is active between the 1st and 16th of Tammuz (or from 17 th of Tammuz to 9th of Av), in the morning. It looks like a goat horn with wings. · Kunospaston (TS): A demon that lives in the waves, attacks ships, and appears as a human to sailors; He can also transform into a wave. He is very greedy and destroys ships to get their treasure. His front is in the shape of a horse and his back is the shape of a fish. · Lascivious Spirit (TS): A demon that sits by cemeteries. He seeks to kill those that pass by the tombs. It takes on the form of a deceased person to ensnare visitors, or sends a demon to possess them, and causes them to devour their own flesh if it cannot kill them. He has a blurred human form with gleaming eyes and carries a sword. · Leonard (DI): This demon looks a goat with 3 horns (the face has human features). He is the head of demon orgies and can change shapes. He can give the power of shape-changing to humans. · Lilith (JC): Lilith was believed to be the first wife of Adam. She was joined to Adam and demanded that she be equal with Adam. When she couldn’t get her way and refused to be in submission, she fled to a cave and had had sex with demons to produce a demonic offspring. She is evil in every way. She is believed to the seducer of men in their sleep and murders children in the night. · Lion-Bearer, Rath (TS): A demon that harms the sick to weaken them; it rules over many demons and can cast them out if it wishes. He looks like a lion. · Loray (PD; LKS): A demon that likes like an archer that is dressed in green and pleasant to look at. He is involved with war and especially involved with archery wounds. A great Marquis that rules over 30 legions of spirits. · Malphas (PD; LKS): Malphas looks like a crow. He is a builder of houses and towers and

can bring materials from the far points of the world. He is a mighty destroyer and can destroy anything of an enemy. He also gives familiar spirits. He governs over 40 legions of spirits. · Mammon (DI): Prince of hell that is in charge of greed.

· Marbas (PD; LKS):A demon that can cause disease and cure it. Marbas is a President that can change humans into other forms, and can reveal hidden secrets. He also teaches the mechanical arts. He rules over 36 legions of demons. · Marchocias (PD; LKS): A demon that looks like a she-wolf, has wings, and a snake’s tail. He can also appear as a man. Marchocias is a great and mighty Marquis that is of the order of Dominations. He rules over 30 legions of spirits and gives true answers to the conjuror.

· Mastema (JC): Mentioned in the book of Jubilees as asking God to give him a tenth of the demons to rule, rather than destroy them after the flood. He tempts humans and is their adversary in every way. · Mavet (JC): A spirit of death. · Moloch (JC): This is a violent demon. The ancients sacrificed babies to appease Moloch. It is a demon of plagues. He is mentioned in numerous places in the Bible (Lev. 20:2; 1 Kings 11:33) · Morax (PD; LKS): A demon that looks like a bull with a man’s face. Morax teaches astronomy and the liberal sciences. He controls familiar spirits and his specialty is valuable stones and herbs. He is a great Earl and a president that rules over 36 legions. · Murmur (PD; LKS): This demon wears a crown, and he appears as a soldier riding a vulture (or griffin). Two ministers go before him blaring trumpets. Murmur teaches philosophy and forces souls to appear before the conjuror to answer what is asked. He is a great Duke that rules over 30 legions of spirits. · Naamah (JC): This female demon of prostitution seduces both men and demons. It is a demon that causes epilepsy in children. She is the mother of divination and was thought to have had children with Adam. · Naberus (PD; LKS): A demon that looks like a crow and has a hoarse voice. He can cause humans to be crafty in speech and the arts. He also can restore lost honor. He is a Marquis that rules over 19 legions of spirits.

· Obizuth (TS): A female demon that kills children during childbirth. She states that she must have a death each night. She also tempts one to do evil, causes body pain, mental illness, deafness, and binds the mouth. Obizuth looks like a woman without any limbs, and has disheveled hair. · Och (Arb): One of the Olympick spirits. Och can prolong life up to 600 years. He gives familiar spirits and forces people to worship whoever you want. He gives wisdom and teaches medicine. He also can turn anything into gold or gems and can make one wealthy. He rules over 36, 536 legions. · Onoskelis (TS): A female demon that seduces men, strangles men, and perverts their character. She was revealed as fair-skinned with an attractive form. She lives in caves, ravines and precipices, and blesses those that worship her. · Ophiel (Arb): One of the Olympick spirits. He gives familiar spirits and can convert Quicksilver into the Philosopher’s Stone. He also teaches all the arts. He rules over 100,000 legions. · Orias (PD; LKS): Orias teaches astrology and astronomy. He transforms humans and gives them dignity and favor. He looks like a lion on a horse. He has a serpent’s tail and carries 2 hissing serpents. He also gives favor between friends and foes and provides dignities and honor. He is a great Marquis that rules over 30 legions of spirits. · Ornias (TS): A demon that is a shape-changer. It can look like a beautiful woman to seduce men and visits them in their sleep. He can also grow wings and change into a lion. · Orobas (PD; LKS): Orobas looks like a horse but can take on human form. He can give information on things past, present, and future. He also answers questions of divinity and the creation of the world. He is supposed to be honest and can give favor to friends or foes, and gives dignities and prelacies. He is a mighty great Prince that rules over 20 legions of spirits.

· Oze (PD; LKS): This demon looks like a leopard but can appear as a man. He teaches secret things of the divine and is fluent in the liberal sciences. He claims to know the answers to divine questions. He can change the shape of humans, and gives the power to the conjurer to make other humans insane. He is a great President and rules over 3 legions of spirits. · Paymon (PD; LKS): A demon that can look like a man. He rides a camel and is surrounded by musical instruments that are playing. He is accompanied by 2 kings (Beball and Abalam) and is over angels and spirits. Paymon is well versed in all the arts and is in control of familiar spirits. He has 200 legions under him (angels and rulers). · Phalec (Arb): One of the Olympick spirits. He gives honor and power in war. · Phoenix (PD; LKS): This demon appears as a phoenix with a child’s voice, but can take on human form. Its sings before the conjuror but the conjuror is warned not to listen. He is a poet and knows the sciences. He is a great Marquis that governs over 20 legions of spirits. · Phul (Arb): One of the Olympick spirits. He can prolong life up to 300 years and gives spirits of the water. He can heal dropsy and rules all things of the Moon.

· Pruflas (PD):A demon that lives near the Tower of Babylon. Pruflas causes war and strife, and looks like a night hawk with a flaming body.

· Pterodrakun (TS): This demon looks like a winged dragon, but had the limbs and face of a man. However, he does have dragon feet. He has perverted sex with women. He can destroy objects by having a demon proceeds out of his mouth that breathes fire. · Pucel or Procell (PD; LKS): This demon appears as an angel and reveals hidden things. He teaches geometry and the liberal sciences. He makes loud noises, makes the sound of roaring water where there is no water, and disturbs baths. He is a strong Duke of the order of Potentates, and rules over 48 legions of spirits. · Pursan (PD; LKS): A demon that has familiar spirits under his control. He can change shape and knows the secrets of God and creation. He knows things past and future and can reveal hidden treasures. He looks like a man with a lion’s face. He carries a viper and rides on a bear. Trumpets go before him and he is a great King that rules over 22 legions made up of spirits, virtues, and thrones. · Rabdos (TS): He appeared as a great hound with a strong voice. He claims that he used to be a powerful man that even did divine works. He seeks to harm those that follow his star by choking them. · Rahab (JC): A monster in the sea that is a demon of pride and arrogance. · Rayovart (DI): Demon that attacks elderly people that are greedy and hateful. · Raum (PD; LKS): This demon will steal on assignment, even from the vaults of kings. He knows past, present, and future, and can reconcile people, whether friends or enemies. He is a destroyer of people and cities. He looks like a crow but can take on human form. Raum is an Earl that belongs to the order of thrones, and rules over 30 legions of spirits. · Resheph (JC): A demon of plagues. · Rishpe (JC): Demons that haunt roofs; they are called fiery-bolts. · Roneve (PD; LKS): A demon that provides the understanding of many languages. He helps in giving wise words and gives favor to those that ask. He looks like a monster but no specifics are given. He is a great Marquis and a great Earl. He rules over 19 legions of spirits.

· Ruhe (JC): Demons that haunts caper-trees. · Sabnac (PD; LKS): A demon that rides a pale horse. He looks like a man with a lion’s head. He is a great builder, even of cities, to furnish places to store armor. He can afflict humans with sores filled with worms. He does give familiar spirits. Sabnac is from the order of Salomon, and is a great and mighty Marquis that rules over 50 legions of spirits. · Samael (JC): Angel of death that was believed to have wrestled with Jacob and stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac. Some see him as good because he rules in the 5th heaven. · Seere (LKS): He looks like a handsome man riding on a horse with wings. He can instantly move over the entire earth and take anything here or there. He will do whatever the conjuror asks and is indifferent. He is a powerful Duke over 36 legions of spirits and is under Amaymon. · Seirim (JC): Called the “hairy demons” that haunts ruins and desolate places. · Seven female spirits bound together (TS): Deception, Strife, Klothod-Battle, Jealousy, Power, Error, and Goddesses-ensnares with the power of Artemis. Solomon described them as attractive and they spoke with one voice. They travel around and dwell in Olympus, Lydia, and a mountain. · Shabiri (JC): Demon of blindness. It haunts rivers and pools of water. · Shide (JC): Demons that haunt sorb-bushes. · Stolas (PD; LKS): Stolas look like a raven but can take on human shape. This demon teaches astronomy, and knows the properties of herbs and gems. He is a powerful Prince that rules over 26 legions of spirits.

· Sydonay (PD; LKS): Some believe that this demon is the same as Asmodeus (Asmoday). A demon that has three heads (human, ram, bull), a serpent’s tail, goose feet, carries a flag, and rides on a dragon. He reveals hidden treasure and makes humans invisible. He teaches mechanics, math, and astronomy. A powerful King that is over 72 legions of inferior spirits. · Sytry (PD; LKS): A demon prince that can take on human form but ordinarily has the face of a leopard and griffin wings. He stirs up lust in men and women and seeks to disclose the secrets of women because of his hatred for them. He rules over 60 legions of spirits. · Tephras (TS): A demon that destroys homes, sets them on fire, and causes mental illness, but heals fevers and convulsions. He appeared to Solomon with his face looking up and his spirit was coiled like a snail. He seeks to invade homes and works the most during the summer. · Thirty-Six spirits that are the rulers of darkness (TS). It appeared as one demon with 36 manifestations. Their heads were shapeless but had a human form. They had faces of birds, oxen, and donkeys: Ram (deacon of zodiac circle), Ruax-causes men not to think, Barsafaelmigraines, Arotosael-injures eyes, Iudal-causes deafness, Sphendonael-medical attacks, Sphandor-attacks the shoulders, neck, and hands, Belbel-distorts hearts and minds, Kurtaelcauses bowel pain, Metathiax-causes aches in the reigns, Katanikotael-causes conflict in the

home , Saphathorael-causes partisanship, Bobel-causes nervous illness, Kumeatel-causes shivering and torpor, Roeled-causes stomach pain, Atrax-causes fevers, Ieropael-causes convulsions, Buldumech-causes grudges between spouses, Naoth-sits on the knees, Marderocauses fever, Nefthada-causes reigns to ache and dysury, Akton-causes ribs and muscles to a c he , Anatreth-attacks entrails, Enenuth-attacks hearts and minds, Pheth-causes to be consumptive and hemorrhages, Harpax-causes insomnia, Anoster-attacks uterus and causes bladder dysfunction, Alleborith-no function given, Hephesimireth-lingering disease, Ichthionparalyzes muscles, Agchonion-lingers around babies and precipices, Autothith-causes conflict, Phthenoth-instills cursing, and Bainakith-causes decay in the bones, homes, and anything else. · Tribolaios (TS): A demon that blinds babies in the womb, and causes babies to be deaf and mute. He also causes men to fall down, foam at the mouth, and grind their teeth, much like a convulsion. He looks like a three headed dragon. · Ukobach (DI): Demon that maintains the oil in the boilers in hell. Some believe that he invented fireworks and taught the arts of frying food. See picture below.

· Valefar (PD; LKS): A mighty Duke that looks like a lion. He befriends humans, incites them to crime, and leads them to death. He governs over 10 legions of spirits. · Vapula (PD; LKS): Vapula looks like a lion with wings. He teaches mechanics, philosophy, and sciences that are in books. He is a great, mighty, strong Duke that rules over 36 legions of spirits. · Vassago (LKS): He knows things past and future, and finds things lost or hidden. He is a mighty Prince that governs 26 legions of spirits. · Vepar (PD; LKS): He looks like a mermaid and is a guider of ships, but he can also cause storms to destroy ships. He can kill by infecting wounds and producing maggots in three days. Vepar is great and strong Duke that rules over 29 legions of spirits. · Vine (PD; LKS): This demon gives answers to things pertaining to witches, and the past, present, and future. Vine builds and destroys buildings, and makes waters turbulent. He looks like a lion riding a black horse with a viper in his hand. Vine is a King and an Earl and governs over 35 legions of spirits. · Volac (PD; LKS): This demon looks like a young boy riding a two-headed dragon. He reveals where serpents are and presents them to the conjuror devoid of power. He also knows where secret treasure is hidden. He is a mighty great President and rules over 30 legions of spirits. · Wal or Vuall (PD; LKS): This demon is seen as a dromedary but can take on human form. He speaks in an Egyptian language with a deep voice. He especially stimulates the love of women, knows past, present, and future, and reconciles friends and foes. Wal is a great and mighty strong Duke that is of the order of Potentates, and rules over 37 legions of demons.

· Watchers (1E): Ananel, Arakiba, Araqiel (taught signs of the earth), Armaros (taught witchcraft), Asael, Azazel (taught metal work and cosmetics), Baraqijal (taught astrology), Batarel, Chazaqiel, Danel, Ezeqeel (taught knowledge of clouds), Jomjael, Kokabiel (taught on the constellations), Penemue (taught writing and secret wisdom), Rameez, Ramiel, Samsapeel, Samyaza (taught witchcraft), Sariel (taught the course of the moon), Satarel, Semiazaz (the leader), Shamsiel (taught signs of the sun), Tamiel, Turel, and Zaqiel. · Xaphan (DI): Fans the flames of hell. He tried to set heaven on fire before being cast out with the devil.

· Zagam (Zagan) (PD; LKS): Zagam can change metals (even coins of what you want) and transforms wine, water, and blood into each other. He can also change a man from foolish to wise. He looks like a bull with wings and can take on human form. He is a great King and President and rules over 33 legions of spirits. · Zaleos (PD; LKS): This demon looks like a handsome soldier wearing a crown that rides on a crocodile. He causes humans to fall in love. He is a great and mighty Duke and rules over 30 legions of spirits. · Zepar (PD; LKS): A demon that can incite women to lust. He can make women barren and can change the shape of a woman. Zepar appears as a soldier dressed in red. He rules over 26 legions of infernal spirits.

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