MH Total Body Plan

May 11, 2018 | Author: adap | Category: Human Anatomy, Recreation, Musculoskeletal System, Weight Training, Sports
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The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you suspect that you have a medical problem, we urge you to seek competent medical help.

Before you undertake a new health program or fitness regimen, we encourage you

to discuss your plans with your health care professional, especially if you have not exercised for several years, are over 35, or are overweight.

Project editor: K. Carter Strauss • Copy editor: Susan Lang • Designer: Maureen Logan

Contents 4 5 7 19

A New Body Getting Started The Beginner Workout The Intermediate/Advanced Workout

28 Workout Logs


A New Body Get a slimmer, stronger, and more muscular body in just 8 weeks


o you’ve finally decided to make some serious changes in your life? Just make sure you change what counts. Not your career...not your girlfriend...not your gender. If you

want to make a change that really matters, change your workout program.

Whether you’re a newcomer to the strength-

training scene or an old hand, you’ll find a total body workout for you—customized for your fitness level—to build up your arms, chest, shoulders, abs, back, and legs. At the end of this booklet, you’ll also find two sets of workout logs—one for beginners and one for more advanced lifters— because keeping track of your progress is an important motivator as well as key to muscle growth. Each log covers 8 weeks—at the end of which you’ll have a noticeably slimmer, stronger, and more muscular body.



Getting Started The Total Body Workout is actually

(a steel cage that allows you to do

three programs—one for the guy who

squats and bench presses safely).

either belongs to a gym or has a house-

3. A chinup bar. This can be a bar

ful of exercise equipment; one for the

that fits over your door frame or twists

guy who has only a barbell and bench;

into it. If you have a power rack and

and one for the guy who makes do with

enough headroom, the top crossbar is

dumbbells. Most of the exercises offer at

good for chinups and pullups. Or you

least one alternate version with either

can buy a freestanding chinup/dip

barbells, dumbbells, or both.


4. A Swiss ball. You don’t absolutely

If you belong to a gym, you can do

the workouts exactly as shown. Or, if

need it, but it will add challenge

you prefer, you can replace machine

and variety to a number of exercises

exercises with the barbell or dumbbell

throughout the series.

version. If you work out at home, you can choose the barbell or dumbbell

Dumbbell option

option, or add a multistation home

1. Fixed or adjustable dumbbells. Most

gym and do the workout.

men will need to start at 10 pounds

The Gear You’ll Need Barbell option

and go up to at least 50 pounds for each dumbbell. That means a minimum of 100 pounds of weight plates if you’re using adjustable dumbbells. You also

1. A barbell set with plenty of extra

want most of those weights to be 10s

weights. We recommend starting with

and 5s, since doing dumbbell exercises

a 300-pound Olympic barbell set (that

with larger plates can be awkward.

total weight includes the 45-pound bar).

2. A bench that inclines and declines.

2. A bench that supports bench presses

3. A chinup bar, described above.

and squats (meaning, the uprights are

4. A Swiss ball.

adjustable so you can use them for either exercise), or a power rack

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Full home gym option

4 months. Choose the intermediate/

1. A multistation home gym, or a home

advanced workout if you’ve worked

cable station that has high and low

out consistently for the past year or



2. The full barbell setup described on you can add a cable attachment and do

How To Use The Training Logs

without the multistation machine.)

You’ll find beginner and intermediate/

3. The dumbbell equipment described

advanced workout logs on pages 28 and

on page 5.

30. Record the weight used and repeti-

4. A chinup bar, as described on page 5,

tions completed with good form for each

plus a dip station. You can get dip at-

set of each exercise. (Note that you have

tachments for many multistation home

two boxes for each exercise each week

gyms, power racks, and benches with

in the beginner workout, and three in

adjustable uprights.

the intermediate/advanced workout.)

5. A Swiss ball.

For example, if you’re doing the begin-

page 5. (If you opt for the power rack,

The Instructions

ner workout and you do 13 repetitions of bench presses with 75 pounds for

Choose the beginner workout if

your first set, you’d write 75/13 in the

you have less than a year of experi-

appropriate box. Fair warning: The

ence in strength training, or if you’re

boxes are small; use a fine-point pen.

coming back from a layoff longer than

Home Exercise Tip Unilateral decision: Some of our favorite things in life—socks, breasts—come in pairs. (Although other favorites, like golf balls and celebrity deaths, generally arrive in sets of three.) So what happens when you find yourself with an orphaned dumbbell, or when you have a pair of dumbbell handles but not enough weight plates to make an even pair? Go solo.

The dumbbell exercises in these workouts can be done with one dumbbell, often using

one arm at a time. One-arm bench presses and rows are pretty straightforward. (Make sure you start a set with your weaker arm—which will probably be your left if you’re right-handed. Do all the repetitions with that arm, then the same number with the other arm.) For squats and lunges, hold the single dumbbell in front of your chest with both hands. On deadlifts, try a variation called the suitcase deadlift. Start with the single dumbbell outside your left foot, grab it with your left hand, then stand straight up. (In other words, don’t lean to the side with the weight.) Do equal repetitions with the weight on each side.




The Beginner Workout Do these total body workouts two times

erably more weight than you used in

each week. In weeks 1 through 4, do

weeks 1 through 4.) After completing

12 to 15 repetitions of each exercise in

all three exercises, rest 90 seconds, and

a triad, with no rest between exercises.

repeat one or two times, for a total of

In weeks 5 through 8, do 8 to 12 repeti-

two or three sets of each exercise. Then

tions of each exercise in a triad, with

rest 90 seconds and begin the exercises

no rest between exercises. (Use consid-

in the next triad.

Barbell Bench Press Works the chest


Lie on a flat bench and hold the bar with your hands just wider than shoulderwidth apart. Lift the bar and hold it at arm’s length over your chest.


Lower the bar to your chest, pause, then push it back to the starting position.

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Alternate: Dumbbell Bench Press π


Lower the dumbbells to a few inches

Lie on a flat bench holding two dumb-

higher than chest-level, then push

bells up over your middle chest with

them back up, bringing your hands

an overhand grip and straight arms.

close together without clanking the weights.

Dumbbell Deadlift Works the hamstrings and gluteals π

Set a pair of dumbbells on the floor so they’re parallel to each other and about 2 feet apart. Stand between them, squat down, and grab them overhand.


With your back flat and head up, stand up with the weights, pulling your shoulder blades back.


Slowly lower the weights to the starting position.


Alternate: Barbell Deadlift π


Stand up, pushing with your heels

Load a barbell and set it on the floor.

and pulling the weight to your body

Squat in front of it with your feet

as you stand. Pause (don’t lean back),

shoulder-width apart. Grab it over-

then slowly return to the starting

hand with your hands just outside


your legs, your shoulders over or just behind the bar, your arms straight, and your back flat or slightly arched.

Lat Pulldown Works the upper back π

Grab a lat pulldown bar with a shoulder-width, overhand grip.


Moving only your arms, pull the bar down to your chest by squeezing your shoulder blades together.


Pause, then slowly return to the starting position.

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Alternate #1: Swiss Ball EZ-Curl Pullover π

Holding the EZ-curl bar, lie with your head, neck, and upper back in contact with a Swiss ball. Bridge your hips up so they’re parallel to the floor and your knees are bent 90 degrees. Then extend your arms directly over your chest. From this position, do standard pullovers without letting your hips dip below the level of the ball.

Alternate #2: Dumbbell Pullover π

Lie lengthwise on a bench—not perpendicular to it, as you often see in gyms (if you frequent such places). Press your head, torso, lower back, and glutes firmly against the surface. Your feet should be flat on the floor (or, if you prefer, flat on the end of the bench). Place one hand around the handle of a dumbbell and wrap the other one over the gripping hand. Extend your arms directly above your collarbone, holding the dumbbell bar perpendicular to the floor.


Keeping your back flat against the bench to elongate your lats, slowly lower the weight behind your head until your arms are in line with your ears. Pause, then pull the weight back up. Slightly bend your elbows throughout.

10 T O T A L B O D Y W O R K O U T

LEG PRESS Works the quads π

Position yourself in a leg-press machine with your back against the pad and your feet about 4 inches apart on the platform.


Unlock the platform and slowly lower the weight until your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.


Pause, then push the weight back up to the starting position.

Alternate #1: Dumbbell Squat π

Stand holding two dumbbells at your sides at arm’s length, your feet shoulder-width apart. Pull your shoulder blades back.


Bend your knees and lower your body as if you were sitting back into a chair. Stop when the tops of your thighs are parallel to the floor. The object is to keep your lower back in its naturally arched alignment and your knees from moving forward past your toes. Return to the starting position.

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Alternate #2: Barbell Squat

wrong.) Hold the bar with a wide,

Note: Beginners should place a wooden

overhand grip. Straighten your legs

plank or a small weight plate or two

to lift it off the rack, step back, and

under their heels to compensate for lack

set your feet shoulder-width apart

of flexibility.

with your knees slightly bent and


Set your barbell on a squat sup-

your lower back in its naturally

port so you have to bend your knees

arched position.

slightly to step under it and set it


Initiating the descent at the hips,

on your shoulders. Position yourself

not the knees, lower yourself as

under the bar so it rests on the back

though sitting in a chair behind you.

of your shoulders and your trapezius,

Stop when the tops of your thighs

not your neck. (When you pull your

are parallel to the floor, pause, then

shoulder blades back, your traps

push back up to the starting position.

should form a nice shelf for the bar.

Your knees should stay in line with

It shouldn’t hurt at all—if it does, it’s

your feet throughout the movement—

a sure sign you’re doing something

they shouldn’t splay out or pinch in.

12 T O T A L B O D Y W O R K O U T

Cable Seated Row Works the upper back π Attach

a long, straight bar to the

straight and pull your shoulders back.

cable of a cable row machine and po-


sition yourself in the machine. Grab


the bar with an overhand grip that’s

Pull the bar to your abdomen. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position.

just beyond shoulder-width. Sit up

Alternate #1: Barbell Bent-Over Row π

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees bent 15 to 30 degrees. Keep your torso straight with a slight arch in your back as you lean forward at the hips. Try to get your torso close to parallel to the floor. Grab the barbell off the floor with a false overhand grip (thumbs in line with the rest of your fingers) that’s slightly wider than shoulder width. Let the bar hang at arm’s length in front of you.


Retract your shoulder blades to start pulling the bar up to the lower part of your sternum (breastbone). Imagine that your arms are just along for the ride; otherwise, you’ll use them as the prime movers and get less of a workout for your middleback muscles. Pause at the top, with your chest sticking out toward the bar. Slowly return to the starting position. Try to keep your torso in the same position throughout the movement. That’s the purpose of the bent knees—they provide the suspension your torso needs to remain steady.

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Alternate #2: Dumbbell Bent-Over Row π

Grab a pair of dumbbells with an underhand grip, and stand with your knees slightly bent. Bend over at the hips until your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Keep your lower back slightly arched.


Pull the weights up until they’re even with your lower rib cage and your elbows are higher than your torso. Keep your torso in the same position throughout, and maintain the slight bend in your knees.

Dumbbell Lunge Works the quads π

Grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them down at your sides. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.


Step forward with your nondominant leg (your left if you’re right-handed, your right if you’re left-handed) and lower your body until your front knee is bent 90 degrees and your other knee nearly touches the floor. Your front lower leg should be perpendicular to the floor, and your torso should remain upright.


Push yourself back up to the starting position as quickly as you can and repeat with your dominant leg. That’s one repetition.

14 T O T A L B O D Y W O R K O U T

Alternate: Barbell Lunge π


a split-squat position. When your lead

Take a shoulder-width stance and

leg is parallel to the floor with your

rest the barbell across the trapezius

knee directly above your foot, push

muscles of your upper back.

yourself back up explosively to the

Take a large step forward with your

starting position.

nondominant leg as you descend into

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Barbell Cuban Press Works the shoulders π

Grab the lightest barbell you have

bar up to your chest until your upper

(a 1-inch-diameter standard barbell, which weighs about 20 pounds, is

arms are perpendicular to your torso. π

back, so the bar travels in front of your

25 pounds, is next best; a standard

face and over your head. Keep your

45-pound Olympic barbell is only for

elbows bent about 90 degrees through-

the strongest) with an overhand grip, your hands just beyond shoulder-


Now rotate your arms upward and

best; an Olympic EZ-curl bar, at

out this part of the movement. π

Slowly lower the bar by reversing the

width apart. Hold the bar at arm’s

motion—down and past your face,

length in front of your thighs.

then to your thighs.

Start the movement by pulling the

Alternate: Dumbbell Cuban Press Using a pair of dumbbells, follow the instructions for the Barbell Cuban Press, above.

16 T O T A L B O D Y W O R K O U T

Seated Calf Raise Works the calves


Place a step in front of a bench, grab a pair of dumbbells, and sit down. Set the balls of both feet on the step, and place one dumbbell on each knee. Lower both heels as far as you can without touching the floor.


Push off the balls of your feet and lift your heels as high as you can.


Pause, then repeat.

Alternate: Barbell Seated Calf Raise π

Sit at the end of a bench with the balls of your feet on a step, a wooden block, or a couple of phone books about a foot in front of you. Put a towel or sweatshirt over the tops of your knees and rest a barbell across them. Hold it there with your hands. With your torso erect, allow your heels to drop as low as they’ll go.


Press back up to the balls of your feet. Pause, then return to the starting position.

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Crunch Works the upper abs π

Lie on your back on the floor, with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your ears.


Raise your head and shoulders, and crunch your rib cage toward your pelvis. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position.

18 T O T A L B O D Y W O R K O U T



The Intermediate/ Advanced Workout Do these total body workouts three

exercises. After completing all four

times each week. In weeks 1 through 4,

exercises, rest 90 seconds, and repeat

do 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise in

one or two times, for a total of two or

a quad, with no rest between exercises.

three sets of each exercise. Then rest

In weeks 5 through 8, do 6 to 10 of each

90 seconds and begin the next quad.

exercise in a quad, with no rest between

Barbell Squat Works the quads π

Set a bar on a squat rack and step under it so the bar rests across your upper back. Pull your shoulders back as you grab the bar with an overhand grip. The bar should sit comfortably on your upper trapezius. Lift the bar off the rack and step back. Set your feet shoulderwidth apart, with your knees slightly bent, back straight, and eyes focused straight ahead.


Slowly lower your body as if you were sitting back into a chair, keeping your back in its natural alignment and lower legs nearly perpendicular to the floor.


When your thighs are parallel to the floor, pause, then return to the starting position. w w w. m e n s h e a l t h . c o m


Alternate: Dumbbell Squat π

Stand holding two dumbbells at your sides at arm’s length with your feet shoulder-width apart. Pull your shoulder blades back.


Bend your knees and lower your body as if you were sitting back into a chair. Stop when the tops of your thighs are parallel to the floor. The object is to keep your lower back in its naturally arched alignment and your knees from moving forward past your toes. Return to the starting position.

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press Works the chest π

Grab a pair of dumbbells and lie on

shifts emphasis to your delts). Lift

your back on a bench set to an incline

the dumbbells up at arm’s length so

of 15 to 30 degrees (a steeper angle

they’re over your chin, and hold them with your palms turned toward your feet (thumbs facing each other). π

Slowly lower the weights to your upper chest, pause, then push them back up over your chin.

20 T O T A L B O D Y W O R K O U T

Alternate: Barbell Incline Bench Press π

Set your incline bench to between


Carefully controlling the bar, lower

15 and 30 degrees. With your head,

it to within an inch or two of your

torso, and hips pressed to the bench

collarbone. Then press it up and very

and your feet flat on the floor, use a

slightly back so that it finishes above

full overhand grip that’s slightly wider

your chin.

than shoulder-width to hold the barbell at arm’s length above your chin.

Barbell Romanian Deadlift Works the hamstrings and gluteals π

Grab the bar with an overhand grip that’s just beyond shoulderwidth. Stand holding the bar down at arm’s length and resting against the front of your thighs. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, your knees slightly bent, and your eyes focused straight ahead. π

Slowly bend at the hips as you lower the bar just below your knees. Don’t change the angle of your knees. Keep your head and chest up and your lower back flat or slightly arched. π

Lift your torso back to the starting position, keeping the bar as close to your body as possible.

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Alternate: Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift π

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your knees slightly bent, and two dumbbells hanging down at arm’s length in front of your thighs. Retract your shoulder blades and pull in your stomach.


Bend forward at the hips until the weights are at about midshin level and your torso is as close to parallel to the floor as possible. Pause, then press your heels against the floor as you lift your torso back to the starting position. Keep your back slightly arched throughout the exercise.

Pullup Works the back π

Hang from a pullup bar using an overhand grip that’s just beyond shoulder-width. Cross your ankles behind you.


Pull yourself up as high as you can—your chin should go over the bar.


Pause, then slowly lower yourself to the starting position.

22 T O T A L B O D Y W O R K O U T

Dip Works the triceps π

Grab the parallel bars on a dip station and lift yourself so that your arms are fully extended. Bend your knees and cross your ankles behind you.


Slowly lower your body by bending your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to the floor.


Pause, then push yourself back to the starting position. Superset with chinups (do the exercises back to back; rest after completing a set of each).

Note: Use a weighted belt if you can do more than the recommended repetitions.

Alternate #1: Barbell Close-Grip Bench Press π Lie

on a flat bench and grab the

barbell with a full, overhand grip that’s narrow enough (just less than

and elbows. With straight arms, hold the bar over your chest. π

Slowly lower the bar until it almost

shoulder-width) to shift the emphasis

touches your lower chest. Pause, then

from your pecs to your triceps but not

press back up to the starting position.

so narrow as to strain your wrists

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Alternate #2: Dumbbell Close-Grip Bench Press π

Grab a pair of dumbbells with a neutral grip, to maximize your triceps workload. Lie on a bench and extend both arms directly over your chest.


Lower the weights straight down toward your chest. (If you angle them outward, you’ll reduce the role of your triceps.) Bring your elbows past your sides and stop just before the weights touch your chest.

π Pause,

then press back to the

starting position.

Barbell Lunge Works the quads π

Stand holding a barbell across the trapezius muscles of your upper back, your feet hip-width apart.


Step forward with your nondominant leg (your left if you’re right-handed, your right if left-handed), and lower your body until your front knee is bent 90 degrees and your other knee nearly touches the floor. Your front lower leg should be perpendicular to the floor, and your torso should remain upright.


Return to the starting position as fast as you can; repeat with your dominant leg. That’s one repetition.

24 T O T A L B O D Y W O R K O U T

Alternate: Dumbbell Lunge π

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, and hold two dumbbells at your sides.


Take a bold stride forward, far enough so that your front thigh ends up parallel to the floor with your knee over (not past) your toes. Quickly push back up to the starting position.

π Alternate

legs, or finish

your reps with one leg before switching.

Cable Seated Row Works the upper back π Attach

a long, straight bar

to the cable of a cable row machine, and position yourself in the machine. Grab the bar with an overhand grip that’s just beyond shoulder-width. Sit up straight and pull your shoulders back. π

Pull the bar to your abdomen.


Pause, then slowly return to the starting position.

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Alternate #1: Barbell Bent-Over Row π

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees bent 15 to 30 degrees. Keep your torso straight with a slight arch in your back as you lean forward at the hips. Try to get your torso close to parallel to the floor. Grab the barbell off the floor with a false overhand grip (thumbs in line with the rest


of your fingers) that’s slightly wider

out for your middle-back muscles.

than shoulder width. Let the bar hang

Pause at the top, with your chest

at arm’s length in front of you.

sticking out toward the bar. Slowly

Retract your shoulder blades to start

return to the starting position. Try to

pulling the bar up to the lower part of

keep your torso in the same position

your sternum (breastbone). Imagine

throughout the movement. That’s the

that your arms are just along for the

purpose of the bent knees—they pro-

ride; otherwise, you’ll use them as the

vide the suspension your torso needs

prime movers and get less of a work-

to remain steady.

Alternate #2: Dumbbell Bent-Over Row π

Grab a pair of dumbbells with an underhand grip, and stand with your knees slightly bent. Bend over at the hips until your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Keep your lower back slightly arched.


Pull the weights up until they’re even with your lower rib cage and your elbows are higher than your torso. Keep your torso in the same position throughout, and maintain the slight bend in your knees.

26 T O T A L B O D Y W O R K O U T

Hanging Leg Raise Works the abs π

Grasp a chinup bar with an overhand

as possible by rounding your back

grip and hang from it at arm’s length,

and curling your hips toward your

with your knees slightly bent. If you

rib cage.

have elbow straps, hang from them. π

Without bending your legs any more,


Pause, then slowly lower your legs to the starting position.

lift your knees as close to your chest

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Beginner Workout Log Exercise

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Triad A Barbell Bench Press Alternate: Dumbbell Bench Press Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Dumbbell DEADLIFT Alternate: Barbell Deadlift Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Lat Pulldown Alternates: swiss ball EZ-curl pullover, Dumbbell pullover Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Triad B Leg Press Alternates: Dumbbell Squat, Barbell Squat Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Cable Seated Row Alternates: Barbell Bent-Over Row, Dumbbell Bent-Over Row Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Dumbbell Lunge Alternate: Barbell Lunge Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Triad C Barbell Cuban Press Alternate: Dumbbell Cuban Press Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Seated Calf Raise Alternate: Barbell Seated Calf Raise Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Crunch Set 1 Set 2 Set 3



Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Triad A Barbell Bench Press Alternate: Dumbbell Bench Press Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Dumbbell DEADLIFT Alternate: Barbell Deadlift Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Lat Pulldown Alternates: swiss ball EZ-curl pullover, dumbbell pullover Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Triad B Leg Press Alternates: Dumbbell Squat, Barbell Squat Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Cable Seated Row Alternates: Barbell Bent-Over Row, Dumbbell Bent-Over Row Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Dumbbell Lunge Alternate: Barbell Lunge Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Triad C Barbell Cuban Press Alternate: Dumbbell Cuban Press Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Seated Calf Raise Alternate: Barbell Seated Calf Raise Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Crunch Set 1 Set 2 Set 3


Intermediate/Advanced Workout Log Exercise

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

QUAD A Barbell Squat alternate: Dumbbell Squat Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press AlterNate: Barbell Incline Bench Press Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Barbell Romanian Deadlift Alternate: Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 PULLUP Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 QUAD B Dip Alternates: Barbell Close-Grip Bench Press, Dumbbell Close-Grip Bench press Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Barbell Lunge Alternate: Dumbbell Lunge Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Cable Seated Row Alternates: Barbell Bent-Over RoW, Dumbbell Bent-Over Row Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Hanging Leg Raise Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

30 T O T A L B O D Y W O R K O U T


Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

QUAD A Barbell Squat alternate: Dumbbell Squat Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press AlterNate: Barbell Incline Bench Press Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Barbell Romanian Deadlift Alternate: Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 PULLUP Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 QUAD B Dip Alternates: Barbell Close-Grip Bench Press, Dumbbell Close-Grip Bench press Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Barbell Lunge Alternate: Dumbbell Lunge Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Cable Seated Row Alternates: Barbell Bent-Over RoW, Dumbbell Bent-Over Row Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Hanging Leg Raise Set 1 Set 2 Set 3


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