MGT 6720 - Implementing LEAN Operations at Caesars Casinos V2

April 27, 2017 | Author: simmayor | Category: N/A
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Descripción: PPT presentation for Utah State University MGT 6720 MBA class....


Implementing LEAN operations at Caesars casinos NANCY LEA HYER, BRAD HIRSCH, KAREN A. BROWN

Why? 

2008 Recession resulted in reduced customer spending on entertainment.

Declines in revenue.

Increase in market share competition.

Focus on strengths and differences of Caesars Casinos

Customer service – essential to their business

Key metric – Customer Rated survey A, B, C, D or F. Track conversion from B to A.

LEAN would create a consistent and focused approach to process improvement for all areas of the business. – Kitchen, Check-in/out, Room cleaning, Gambling floor, Staffing, etc.

Kaizen Day 1 – Training and such 

D.O.W.N.T.I.M.E. 

Defects – delivering drink with ice, when no ice was requested. Checking into room with incorrect bed type.

Overproduction – Three lemon slices in water (customer would be satisfied with one)

Waiting – running out of a type of chip, slow process of chip replenishment

Not Engaging People (employees) – Pushing food carts through deep carpet.

Transportation – a bottle of beer stored in up to 5 different locations before consumption

Inventory – slot machine print voucher paper, buy set amount every month regardless of what was on hand/being used up.

Motion – storing bottles of water in ice tubs instead of refrigerator. Had to dry off every bottle before serving

Extra Processing – metal-detecting wand to scan bags of trash for coin smuggling. Still in practice even after metal coins were eliminated from operations.

Kaizen Day 2 - Gemba 

Gemba walk and Value Stream Mapping. 

Create list of waste identified in DOWNTIME

Organize/prioritize waste Matrix Easy to Remove + Large Impact

Hard to Remove + Large Impact

Easy to Remove + Low Impact

Hard to Remove + Low Impact

Kaizen Day 3 – Five Whys 

Identify the root cause of each waste in the Easy to Remove + Large Impact category.

Why are attendants spending four hours a day polishing clean silverware? Silverware has spots – unacceptable presentation 

Why does the silverware have spots? They come out of the dishwasher with spots. 

Why does the dishwasher leave spots on the silverware? It doesn’t hold consistent temperature during one phase of the cleaning cycle. 

Why doesn’t it hold consistent temp. during that cycle? One portion of preventative maintenance procedure isn’t consistent with manufacture’s guidelines. 

How can we remedy the situation? 

Revise preventative maintenance protocol up to standard.

Results 

60 kaizen events in one year

400 employees invested over 14,000 hours in effort

34 VPs and directors had participated in the kaizen events

3% shift from B to A scores (the amount needed to maximize employee service bonuses)

Waste elimination generated annual cost savings of $3 million.

Take-away 

Vital role of senior leadership involvement.

Provided ownership and satisfaction to individual team members.

Kaizen events as a true employee engagement tool

“I wish these kaizens had been implemented a long time ago. It would have made our jobs easier.”

Continuously improve every process.

Needs to come from the ground up.

In your area of work: 

Find one example of waste. 




Not Engaging People




Extra processing

Challenges to Implement LEAN in your workplace 





Buy-in (hourly vs. salaried employees)

Culture shift – have deal with problems as they arise not tomorrow

Does it have to be All vs. Nothing?

Analysis Paper 

Purpose – Create a reporting system that will Identify the “drum” or bottleneck in our workflow so we can 1) set pace with all other stages 2) eventually improve said bottleneck.

Problem – Our LEAN-capable workflow is gradually shifting to a batch mode, ebb-flow situation because so many stages in the process have excess capacity (inventory storage, machine hours)

So What? Will allow to scale appropriately. Current ebb-flow processing structure not sustainable at larger volumes. Reporting will help prevent problems before they arise, not after project is behind schedule.

Variables – Process related: Time for each machine process. Time for each human process. Time between each process. Takt time. Amount of buffer that should be built into each process. Quality related: Frequency of rework, % of corrections in keyed data.

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