MFG244 The Apokolips Sourcebook (OCR)
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TH THEA EAPP OK OKOU OUPS PSSO SORC RCEBO EBOOK OK © 1989 D omics Inc. l ights eserved ublished by Maair Games Inc kz J Cover Sketch Mke Mgola Pencis Mike Mgoa Inks Mke Mgola Colors Bay Goleg Interior DC Sa Sa esign Ike Sco*
*pecal hak o Ray Wige o al h pu/oupu \ew God Ant Ant--L if if e Eqaton, New enes Apokolp Supwn zaya he Inerr Hea Drsed Drsed Seppnwo Seppnwo Kil Kil ng ngov ov Himon Xemen Xemen a rrer MeronMobs Ca Mater hrehold om Tb, The uce Hghfatheru 1gra aad aad Kabak Oron Comba Code The Pac ranny Goone ott Fe Mer Mirace ep Mani Bug nc gion ray reat Ca Eah Wa C auda Shane Hve ckma Dave ncoln Vcor na 'Ran ang nterang Terrbe Terrbe Trpin Forager mega e Moer Box Hnger Dog Bekka Ea Mcro McroM raon; gend Brimone Dor Bedam AmaeMar Maroo·Man Man orou odfre . oron od Suprman Azng Azng race tro-Force Parademon War Dog arta Man ner r Fae de ad Jtce age mpu on o SuperHeros A-Le Enity Pomehia ay Sum Area Fire Fir e-pi pi Armgeto ower o ge te Dog Caalr Happn Home Ev Eyes Cereb hue AeroTrps con Zr Spec Powe Force AeroCa AeroCa Kao Female Frie Betal EectroAeVrman Vndaa he Bama Bama Sintro Ha ordan ernadeth ernadeth 'arnkn oma Heav Mater B Mad Harre Power Spke the oker Lna Ug aar le Tok rpoBade rpoBade Saligo Krn leez oyoa ScdeSlm Power Pod ce e lnernaa elance Pruer troerl troerl AdeGrp AdeGrp Acd Pd g Dc A a A a Bg Barda Megaod Megaod Forever Forever People nMa Maaif aif DremerTAAUrifan DremerTAAUrifanVyknMakMnider Mniderig ig eaSr eaSrCycleAdon CycleAdonorver orver own e Dark aa omc ardgs Mamoner Mamoner Pacer und und hark Mekkanod Grapler oe Macne Memo Machne Pere Pre ndTwter Crawler lommer Sd e l ong u obn Ppleloc Cad ruader nam o
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Al chaace i hi ook ae iciiou Ay eemace o acua peo ivg o ea i puey coceal Mauacue Mauacue he e Sae ISBN 0-923763-007
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Te Saa of e New6ods
Long ago the old gods of the universe unwittinly cause d their own destruction caused destruction By discovering the secret secret of the Anti-Life quation they hoped to rid thems t hemselves elves of a nearby alien nation nstead they released an ener so powerful that it destroyed everything in its wake. A whirling storm o f energies was born and out of ths two planets were formed formed.. A special breed of beings lived on these two worlds beingss o f great being great power and greater destinies They were New Gods The rst panet called New Genesis was green and peaceful The second was Apokolips a dismal dism al and brutal world. or ages the two distinctly derent planets developed each unaware of the other's eistence. On New Genesis a beautiful golden city known as Supertown was erected leaving the perfect natural balance of the su rf rface ace world untouched The beings beings there were powerfu powerfu but noble led by zaya the nheritor. These New Gods desired only happiness and freedom for all. On Apokolips Apokolips schemes sch emes of o f power power and destruction des truction were crafted almost as quickly as the war machines that would carry them out nslavement was the backbone of society. The queen Heggra Heggra was second only to her son Darkseid in lust for power and domination. n time the two worlds became aware of each other. Opposite personaities clashed and ten sion ran high. The days of peace among New Go ds woud forever forev er end .
he frst war between New Genesis and Apokolips began when Darkseid the young son of Apokoips' Queen Heggra persuaded his unce Steppen wolf to attack the peaceful sister u p o n tplanet. h e a r r immediately val of he Apokolips forces Steppenwolf engaged zaya in personal combat. Darkseid however seeing how close the battle was stepped in and used Desaads KilingGloves to end the conct Both zaya and his wife Avia appeared to be dead but the gloves had only stunned the New Genesis eader unaware Steppen wolf and his battaion returned hom e while zaya the nheritor prepared to avenge hisThus wfes death began The Great Cash New Genesis struck back at Queen Heggra's word.
Manwhle, the genius invento and escape atist, Himon, discoveed the X-lement Hmon wa oiginally fom New Genesis but , like his patne Meton, became a neutal paty in the wa Both wanted only to futhe thei sc ientif ientifc c actvities. actvities. Himon was the philosophe, philoso phe, th th thinke; Meton buit the deams in Himon's head. But it was Meton that became obsessed with the secets of istence. The X-lement fell nto young Dakseid's hands He knew it could be used to ceate a potal that would allow amies to tavel instantaneously instantaneously between wolds, but he didnt know how. Hmon, aleady ashamed that hs discovey would be used to kill, efused to help Dakseid tuned to Meton. Th mechanical wzad wzad was despe ate to possess the X-lement; with with it he could buld hs Mobius Mob ius Chai, a vehicle capable of taking hm to the fathest edge of the univese. univese. In echange fo a chance to lean omnpotent knowledge, Meton buit the Matte Theshold. Anyone possessing the X-lement could now opn fts in in space. Dakseid Da kseid used us ed this weapon fo wa. Steppenwolfwas the leade in the fst fst Matte Thesh old attac attack k New Genesis was pped apat by the foces of Apokolips; Apokolip s; but befo befoee this could happen, Steppen Steppenwol wolff and Izaya the Inheto Inh eto once on ce agan met met on the battlefeld The two fell to pesonal combat, and Steppenwolf soon lay dad Izaya had got his evenge When news of Izayas eappeaance eached Queen Hegga and Dakseid, the Geat Clash escalated The Matte Theshold was ened nto th Boom Tube, a quicke and cleane method ofWap of Wap tavel. Staships and wa-machines wa-mach ines the sz of moons wee ceated The conflict became a technocosmi wa, a battle that was destned to ip th entie galay asunde. On New Genesis, Izaya saw saw only destucton and death H dnounced dno unced the ways of battle and tuned to peace He emoved his amo and an d weapons, cyg, cyg, " f am Izay Izaya a the Inheito, Inheito , what s my inheitance? inheitance? The answe came in the fom of a shimmeing wall of foce, now known as as The Souce. Sou ce. Izaya became became Highfa Hi ghfathe the,, leade of a ebon ebo n New Genesis He was bestowed with a stafff that became his link to The Souce, staf Sou ce, giving giving him geat compassion com passion and foet foethough hought t He taught the t he ways ways of peace and happiness On Apokolips, Dakseid had isen to powe by death and teachey. While coutng the witch Sul, Dakseid was foced by Queen Hegga to may the shewaio, Tiga. The queen oded Dakseid's ighthand man, Desaad, to poison Suli, but this was not accomplshed until afte Suli bo Dakseid's fst son, Kalbak. When Dakseid found out what had happened, he foced Dsaad to poison Hegga With his mothe and uncle Steppnwolf dead, Dakseid became th new ule of Apokolips Tig Tiga a boe his second chi ld, Oion, and mothe and an d so n wee hidden hidd en away away in the deepest psons. The wa dew to a close when Highfathe and Dakseid aged to a tuce. Those of New Genesis wanted peace while Dakseid needed time to ceate a state equal to his new position. h Pact was ceated to insue the cease-fe. Accoding to the ageement, Highfathe and Dakseid would tade sons, allowing the chlden to be aised on a wold opposite to the pimal natue. Highfathe's son was taken take n to Gann G anny y Goodness Goodne ss and given given the sacastic name of Scott ee. He late escaped and
became known as Mste Macle. Oion was sent to New Genesis, whee wh ee he h e gew up unawae of his tue identty as Dakseid's son
" The Pact was ended when Dakseid began his seah fo the Anti-Life quaton on ath The fomula was a egenday iddle of mental domination with it, all fee willed ceatues could co uld be completely contolled Dakseid guessed that the fomula could be found deep in the subconscious of a human being On New Geness, Hghfathe consulted The Souce, askingg fo askin fo gudance in the th e omnous omnou s silence of tuc tuce. e. pon the glowng wall, wall, a fey fey hand etched etch ed the wods "OION TO APOKOLI APOKOLIPS PS THN TO ATH THN TO WA
Oion left immediately. He invaded Apokolips, but discoveed that Daksid had gone He did, howeve, h oweve, fnd fnd a mindtapping machine with fou humans in it, each being seached fo the mental clues to th AntiLife quation Oion fd fd the t he humans hu mans just as his half-bothe, half-bothe , Kalibak, intevened. uddenly, Meton appeaed and ceated a Boom Boo m Tube to ath. Oon and and hi hiss c ompanions fld whle Kalibak cused cu sed fo vengeance Dakseid's foces fo ces we nvadng ath as Oion aved The Deep Si, poweful aquatc ceatues fom the heat of Apokolips, began constucting a monste to o ccupy the New Geness foces, and Kalibak soon found his way to ath. Mantis, an evil Bug, nealy as as poweful as Dak seid himself, h imself, began aising aising an amy among his ace n the New Genesis undegound Oon and hs human h uman fiends fiends dscoveed the Deep Si; and, n the battle that followed, Lghtay, Oon's best fiend fom New Genesis, aived n time to help. As the ath Wa continued, many moe couageou s athlngs aided in the fght aganst Dakseid's foces. fo ces. Whle they the y dd not undestand the ceatues they fought, each ofeed any help s/h e could Oion's fou fie fiends nds who had been captued and studied by Dakseid Claudia Shane, Havey Lockman, Dave Lincoln, and Victo Lanza -fomed the ORyan Gang They helped beak up Inte-Gang, a goup of ath cmnals who wee seving Dakseid A police offce offce named na med Teible Tupn ended up u p n a battle with Kalibak, but Oion intevened, and Kalibak was captued. Mantis Bugs invadd invadd ath a th soon ae Kalibak' K alibak's mpis onmnt Oon and Lightay wee able to div div the hodes back to New Genesis, with the help of an advance advance wanng wanng fom a enegade Bug known as oage. Kalibak was eleased by the police when he pomisd pomis d a tuce, tu ce, but he quickly quic kly found Oion, and thei thei etenal battle began anew om his undegound bas, Dakseid watched his two sons When Kalibak had defeated Lightay Light ay in mee seconds, seconds , and was about to fnish fnish Oon, Dakseid became alamed He found Desaad sending stength to Kalbak thouh one of his machines and dawing the emotions of the battle into himself Dakseid was not amused Th Omega ffect was eleased upon Desaad fo his intefeence with this confontation, and he was killed instantly Dakseid etuned to Apokolps, and th ath was once again saf
or the ma majority jority of people on New Genesis, the war was was over, but not for Orion. To fulll hs destiny, to kil his father and release his h is mother, moth er, t he young warrior inv invaded aded Apokolips yet again. To prepare for Orion's return, Darkseid brought Desaad and Kalibak back to life, re turning them to his teeming ranks ofvilainous ofvilainous henchmen. Orion was met by the greatest weapons on the planet He destroyed them all. n the ultimate confrontation, father and son fought hen, by trickery, Darkseid's assassins shot and kled Orion But th is wasn't the end of o f the arth ar th War The fnal fnal battle w fought fought on Apokolips. Apokolips . or Orion had been saved by Himon's use of a Mother Bo or years, these thes e two gods had ha d been inciting rebellion among the native Hunger Dogs of Apokolips, from secret camps across the planet. Orion met Bekka, Himon's daughter, and the two fell in love. Meanwhile, Darkseid's forces had entered a new age. He had replaced rep laced Desaad with a younger younger genius named sak. sak had been Metron's sidekick sidek ick for many years; the two had travelled across the cosmos in order to learn and perfect their technological skills. A freak accident dformed sak's face and, in turn, his soul. He became corrupt and driven, tryng to prove his worth by servng Darkseid sak inspired the creation of new new weapons, such as the th e Micro-Mark bomb, which was capable of destroying an entire planet Through his genius, Apokolips became a world of deadly machines, ma chines, replacing many living living guards, soldiers, and workers
he fnal phase of the war began as the MicroMark bombs were deposited across New Genesis. Apokolips soldiers used Boom Tubes to drop the bombs around the entire planet Highfather secured Supertown, Su pertown, the fortress fortress above the surface, and waited for the worst. Orion and his Hunger Dog allies stormed sak's labora tory but not not before before the button was pressed New Genesis Genesis eploded, throwing Supertown, intact, into deep space. Because dozens more Micro-Mark bombs were still on Apokolips, the Hunger Dogs revolted in paranoid desperation. Darkseid survived while Orion rescued his mother, igra, and returned to Supertown with her and Bekka Himon Himo n was apparently kiled, though h death h as been reported hundreds of times in the past, and he has always alw ays come bac b ac Apokolips was was thrown th rown across across the cosmos cos mos by the debris of New Genesis and a series of eplosions The rioting Hunger Dogs were broken, and order returned to Darkseid's planet.
: L Aer a series of short conicts with the growing number of arth heroes and New Genesis champions,
Darkseid developed a grand plan to become the only legend in the universe. By destroyng the heoes of arth, he thought, the humans would regard him as the only superbeing. he planet would be his. Operation: Legends began when Darkseid sent Brimstone, a giant of burning plasma, to attack New ork City. At the same time, Doctor Bedlam, one of o f Darkseid's Darkseid's long-time henchmen, used the dense form known as Macro-Man to begin destroying the city as well. he actions of these two menaces attracted the m an any y heroes Darkseid hoped to remove. Meanwhile, Darkseid's minion, Glorious Godfrey, assumed the ident identity ity of G. Gordon Godfrey Godfrey and used his persuasive manner to turn the country against against costumed heroes. Al across the land, the former champions of the common man were being persecuted by those they had sworn to protect he President banned superhero activity, forcing police to work to prevent any vigilante action Additional campaigns ca mpaigns sprung from from the original o riginal design. Superman was transported to Apokolips by Darkseid's Omega Beams. Once there, he became involved in a Hunger Dog rebellion which was led by the deceitful Amazing Grace. After falling into a ire-pit, Superman survived, but came cam e out with amnesia and the loss of all his Powers He s uccumb uccumbed ed to the Control of o f Amaz Amazing ing Grace and betrayed the nati natives ves of Apokolips. Convinced that he was the son of Darkseid, Superman battled Orion of New Genesis. Orions Astro-orce stunned the hero-tu hero-turnedvi rnedvillain llain long long enough for the New Genesis warrior to use his Mother Bo to return Superman to his normal self Hiss plan still on course, Hi cours e, Darkseid sent his Parademons Parademon s and Desaad's latest invention, invention, the War Dogs, to arth. art h. The scheme sche me suddenly failed, failed, however, when the heroes banded together and defended the public. The President was saved from assassination by the Martian Manhunter, prompting him to immediately revoke the hero ban. Godfrey blew his cover when he tried to use Dr. ates golden helmet he people realzed they had been tricked and, once again, embraced the legends that th at served served them. Darkseid's forces retreated in defeat rom this epic conict, groups such as the Suicide Squad and the th e Justice League re-formed The role o f the hero in arth society is now stronger than ever.
R... Since that time, Darkseid has been very active in his quest for power power He has attempted attemp ted to usurp usur p the throne of Olympus and has twice tangled with Highfather's son, Mister Miracle. Although the current Apokolips does not eist in the 30th Century, Centu ry, Darkseid has even managed managed to threaten threate n the Legion of Super-Heroes of the future Currently, Darkseid has joined forces with Highfather and the heroes of arth in an attempt to keep the Anti Life ntity from taking over the niverse or Metron Metr on had travelled beyond the Promethian Pro methian Galay in in search of o f the secret secr et to the Anti-Life Anti-Life quation. He H e returned a shattered sh attered image of his former self, but through the mind of the Martian Manhunter, managed to communicate to com municate the results of his travels to this newly formed alliance. Darkseids evi schemes remain at a standstill until the Anti-Life Being can be stopped or des destro troyed yed
okols Features ••• ••••••••••
Apok okol olip ipss ar aree muc much h like Slum Areas of Ap
states stat es or provinces on arth art h Most of the planet is divided into these numbered areas which aid in locating a point
There are fve types of installations: science, torture, security, military, and supply but some serve as two or more of each kind or eample eample,, a few in the capital city,
on theHunger planetDog. and serve as a nae for for the hometown" hometown" of each Slum Areas are all basically the same dismal and unimaginably dirty ach area is surrounded by fences, with posted sign signss indicating the area number ences on the edge of an installatio installation n area are tall and sturdy, stu rdy, while most others have been damaged enough to serve as borders, but not barriers. The landscape is decorated by statues ofD o fD arkseid, Hunger Dog homes, a few few bridges over over the deeper pits, and many dangerous, half-demolished buildings ready to collapse cess damage to a structure causes c eili eilings ngs to cave in, in, floors to drop out , and upper levels leve ls to come crashing cras hing down on heads hea ds A typical eterior eterior wall of a structure structure has a BY of 10 1 0 APs When disease spreads spre ads enough to infect the residents of a Slum Area, it is closed o completely and heaviy
Armagetto, lookarea like iron skyscrapers and are with a torture underground, supplies onuniversal, the rst three above-ground above- ground levels, military departments on levels four through seven, science on the eighth oor, and security on levels nine and ten. SCINC These installations house hous e a network of high tech (15 AP) laboratories and testing chambers The scientists scient ists are prisoners prisoners - Darkseid does not need them for for anything but building and designing gadgets ach technician is c arefull arefully y monitored by the others for failure and disobedience (or, ( or, rarely, to be rewarded for important important successes) The lower levels of each science installation installation hold the test subjects and raw materials for eperimentation, which are brough br oughtt up to the labs by infan infantry try guards guards The middle levels are testing chambers and permanent loca
guarded soldierswith in immunzation suits and The barriers are well by marked quarantine signs, anyone attempting to escape is terminated.
tions o f working of machiner housing thebombs, latest weapons (natural disastermachinery, makers, y, planet-wide lightning ligh tning cannons, mass sleep or fear fear inducers, mass mind probers, prob ers, and so forth) n the highest levels, levels, the technicians design and test their gadgets These labs are lled with giant hal-bult hal -bult maches, maches , numerous guards, guar ds, and monitor screens for communication with the Tower of Rage ach science installation installation has a Security Secu rity Rating of8 Ths Th s means that when a hero uses Stealth to sneak in, or lectronic lectron ic Countermeasures to dismantl dismantlee a system system,, the th e Gamemaster should use 8/8 as the OV/RV OV /RV Al other installations have a Security Sec urity Rating of 6 TOT Torture installations installations are used as prisons and interrogation headquarters They are usually small, or take up only the bottom two levels of another installation, installat ion, but hav h avee a dozen or more mor e levels levels underground under ground Specially-trained torture technicians (Trainers) work here, each with his own series of chambers designed under his specifications Most of Darkseid's lite have a level lev el in one of these buildings b uildings for for the heroes h eroes the y capture These installations are given names such as Terrorium" or Deathhouse" to create a notorious air about them SCITY These buildings are led with comple communication comm unication equipment and and storage compute computers rs nf nforma orma tion on billions of subjects, from arth plant life to the personality personali ty traits traits of Orion, ca n be found here. her e. Onl Only y the resident drones and high-ranking scientists, however, know the proper commands to enter these valuable vaults of o f knowledge. Any attempt by a Character Charact er must be be made against an OV/RV OV/RV of 16/16, with 1 RAP revealing very little information, 1/2 RV a fair amount of infor mation, and a nd full RV RAPs all knowledge available. available. These buildings bu ildings are also the relay stations for for the global communications network Operators, much like those at a telephone co mpany, work here at all hours sending out
Fire-Pits,, or ener pits, ofApokolips provde Fire-Pits the planet with its power These huge furnaces, each taller than th an a skyscraper and wide enough to engulf a spacecra, burn from a radioactive ra dioactive core The Th e fre is fed fed by all of the refuse of the planet, the m ajority of which is scrap metal from ruined buildings and destroyed machines Molten slag collects below the edge of the pit, draining into the planet's underground like a burning sewage system The irepits deposit the slag into the furnaces of the Apokolips mines, where the metal is is recycled into new material for machines The few objects that can survive the heat will be recovered underground or by local Hunger Dogs shing with special equipment on t he edge edgess of the pits Damage from the edge of (within 30 feet) or above a irepit equals the RAPs taken from a heat attack, with the AV/V being 5/5 against an OV/RV of the victim's BY/BY BY /BY A burst of flame flame or eplosion will will shoot out o ut onc e every every four four minutes ( 6 APs), APs), causing causing an 1 1 AP lame lame Project Pro ject attack on any Character Ch aracter within this Range Any objec objectt inside the ames is attacked by heat (AV/V (AV /V is 20/20 vs. OV/RV of 18/18) n addition, al oygen is burned,, causing a livin burned livingg creature to lose 1 BY per phase from suf su ffocation, unless a Power such as Sealed Systems is used.
of Apokolips are the outposts of Darkseid's organation They are commonly large, metallic buildings surrounded by fences, with all entrances entran ces being hidden and well protected They are are 2 to 22 APs in sze, with three to ffteen levels each ach eterior eteri or wall has a BY of 1 6
repair repa ir teams for broken monitor screens screens and ing bad connections. (The GM shou ld use Drone stats stats operators operators are encountered.) The loss of o f anysecurity installation installationwill cut off all monitor screen communication in a ten mile radius. MILITY These are the homes of soldiers and their vehcles. Mounts from the Dog Cavalr Cavalry y are stabled here infantry inf antry nd time to rest res t briey or get something so mething to eat Parademonss y in and o ut o f the highest levels and war Parademon vehicles are arked in crowded garages. Heroes want to avoid these instalations: not only are they incredibly dangerous but even a disguised hero is likely to be challenged ch allenged to an arm-wrestling match in a watering-hole or rounded up by higher ranks for for an antiriot attac SUPPLY These installations are warehouses for chemica food weapons derelict computers or other giant appliances and small equipment. They are usually part of anothr installation or close to one Security is high but there is a large number of break-ins from the more intelligent Hunger Dogs.
Wat takes place in Armagetto is felt all across Apok olips. Any major major slaugh slaughter ter of Hunger Dogs in Armagetto Armagetto will crush the hopes of all of them in every part of the planet. Likewise news of a heros capture and transport to the Tower of Rage wil spread across the gobe like wildfire. Darkseid conduc co nducts ts all of his ma m ajor plantbased campaigns in Armagetto so he can achieve globa victo res from a single relatively small area. The main avenue avenue of Armagetto Armagetto is over a mile long and hundred hun dredss of yards wide. One side where a giant steel wal stands, has the name MAGO painted down the street's length This strip is continuously ful of activity usually with troop eercises stray Hunger Dogs or maintenance on security machines The highest security forces of the planet are on this street. nique robot designs supersu per-cannons cannons and all types types of intruder detection det ection devices are planted here her e to find find and eliminate any invader invaderss or o r large Hunger Dog packs Security measures are etremely tight due to the presencee of two buildings presenc bu ildings at either end of o f the avenue. At the edge of one end is a high barbed-wire wall with a singlee gate This passage is the only obvious access to the singl th e ower of Rage Rage located on the other side of the wal. This giant stee fortress and centra tower (designed in Darkseids likeness) makes it seem as though the Destroyer himself is forever watching the activity of his world from this perch t the opposite end of the avenue ooms Granny Goodness Happiness Home. Before it ies a series of twisting alleys and minor clutterd roads which weave thei r way out int intoo the t he res restt of Armagetto. Aft After er traveling traveling about a quarter of a mile thrugh the maze these aleys come out of the ruins nto a gant shalow crater. n its center stands stands the Happine Happiness ss Home a castleike structure with large ramps leading up to its doors. To compement compeme nt these ominous features there are many otherr esser othe esser though thou gh often fata fata ponts of intrest. Fire Fire pit, ocated oc ated ju just st one mile away from from the man avenu, is positioned position ed between the Tower of Rage Rage and the Happiness Home All other Apokoips features are represented in Armagetto including s large factories, the panets depest mines many secret scienc instaations, and a number of wel-hidden rebel bases.
The Te o Rae is Darkseids
Armaeffo is the most dangerous area of pips. t is th apita of the planet much as upertown is to New Genesis. This disma metroplis hlds the ower f Rag Granny Goodness' Happinss Home dozens of installations, and the largest con entratn f Hunger Dogs on the gobe. The main srutures reah s hundred feet or higher built wth metal sdes lke a crowd of stee monolths. rmageo is havly poluted from the loca factories. Thi couds oat along the top levels of the buidings, bsu ring visin and clogging the lungs of Parademons. Ros ar not uncommon n this cty he Hunger Dogs f the area are the most unontrolabe and vicious ones n the pane, apabe f frcing their way into any
home and throne It is a massive metal structure topped by a centra dome The entire panet is monitored frm this buid b uiding ing while great schms schm s of suffering suffering are devised devised for the t he rest r est of the gala galay. y. All residents of the Tower Tower are completely completel y brainwashed brainwashed.. Thanks to Desaad's special torture tchniques, none of the guards scient scientists ists technicians technicians or operators (drones) ( drones) have free wil. Darksed's desires are relayed by a public address system (Super Ventroquism: 10) within the comp le If any heroes nter the Tower and are deteced the speakers switch t a ilent mode. The interiors of the Towr of Rage are dark and comple. Small computer terminals etend from the walls and ceiings power coumns and ciruitry cables
buding they The ar Hunger continuay beaten back ar by ftso tsodier dieruness battalins Dogs in Armagetto al h mst sled at camouage and finding and paring weapons taen from Darkseid's trops.
stretch corn er to corner and chambers. scaold-like platforms ine the from wallscorner to create multi-levl chamber s. The cu rvi rving ng wals are soped sope d at the floor and ceiing lke the inside of a shbowl. Statues of Darseid are found in major entr
ways and corrdors, and some large machnes are aso shaped n hs lkeness Below the frst level are multple underground cham bers and passages that are contnualy beng bult and re-bult for new purposes Securty s loose down here because many of the old tunnels and smal rooms are forgotten Ths s the easest ea sest way for a hero to get nsde the Tower The entre buldng s made of o f mtal mtal and has a BY of 1 8 Tower laboratores 0 ach eteror wall has a BY of 18 have an AP ratng of 16 Al elevators are large movng rooms (10 volume) wth S: 15 and BY 10 Any postve post ve RAPs agans aganstt an OV/RV OV/RV of 1 0/ 1 0 wll open one Small sphercal robots called l yes oat along the halls lookng for ntruders. Any heroes who have nltrat nl trated ed the th e Tower wll encounter one of o f them they are not carefu The overall overall securty ratng ratng s s 1 6 (OV /RV of 16/ 1 6) whe the securty ratng n Darksed's dome tower s 20 If combat breaks out anywhere n the compe, Darksed wl know mmedately Machnes M achnes and guards w arrve, and all securty ratngs wl ncrease by 3 s. The small yard around the Tower s surrounded by hgh, barbed-wre walls Any movement movement on the grounds s fred upon by computerzed ener cannons (ner Bast ), whch are mounted along the wal In a hgh-securty basement-level chamber les the entrance to Darkseds nfamous Cerebus Chute On ts ras rests a short car (Speed: 6 BY: ) for a quck getaway. getaw ay. Anyone Anyone who rdes r des n the th e car can stop at on of ts ts many secret statons, allow allowng ng an easy escape to any other part of the planet The chamber and al psages are made of dark, decayn decayngg metal. There s a good ch ance a creature from the underground has found ts way here, posng a threat to any anyone one who passes these hals The top leve of the Tower of Rage s a haf-dome, shaped n the lkeness of Darksed Darkseds s head Insde are hs personall quarters, control room, and persona an d strate chamber rom ths th s locaton, Darksed Darks ed can observe the actvtes actvtes n hs Tower, anywhere on Apokops, and even on many planets such as arth t s here that Darksed can most oten be found, wth Desaad schemng at hs sde The dome contnuousy rotates at a speed of 0 APs, allowng Darksed to observe al of Armagetto
The Happess H st stss ke ke a mou ntan on the face of Apokops mountan Apokops Vesse Vessels ls ful of Hunger Dogs and solders so lders contnuay co ntnuay enter enter and leave the fortress, fortress, whe Parademons and Aero-Troopers t from the roof top across the Apokops skes ts presence on the planet s second ony to Darkseds Tower of o f Rage, ocated a few few mes away The Happness Hom Homee s a tranng tranng sch school ool of sorts t s an orphanage, where the methods of testng, tranng, selecton, punshment, and mprovement are etremely brutal and damagng Grannys traners can take a common, com mon, sckly Hunger Dog and trn hm hm nto a rst-class footso ootsolder lder,, totaly devoted to Darkseds rule, n just over a week There mHappness any y other Home or phanages orphanages of th s knd knd on Apokolps, butare theman s the largest The rectangular rectangu lar fortress s bult on a sold rock base bas e n the center of a shalow crater t s over 200 feet hgh, wth
a base of appromately 1 50 feet by 250 feet; each eteror wal has a BY of 1 8 The ame s made of sold ron and mortar, wth brck pngs n the upper eves The oors and ce l lngs ngs are double -layer -layered ed steel wth ppes and wres n between; 16 RAPs from a Physca Attack wl put a man-szed hole n them. The doors are also made of stee, stee, requrng requr ng 1 3 RAPs to break one down The orphanage evels are accessble by stars and elevators The starways are made of brck or steel and tend to be poory-t po ory-t and drty elevators are prmarly used for cargo they resemble movng garages and are often ofte n n need of repar repar The lfts (S 1 2 , BY 9 move at a speed of 1 AP Most nterors are cluttered, clutter ed, wth ppes and thck wres dangng from the ceng and debrs on the foors The genera envronment s musty (there s very ltte vent laton), loud, and full of actvty Rest s not known here; everyonee has someone everyon som eone to tran, and brutaty br utaty keeps them the m gong al day long A encounters n the Happness Home wl be voent unless the heroes are wel-dsgused Resdents be suspcous o f those of lower rank rank who are not where they belong, but wl avod those of hgher authorty or eampe, a footsolder w harass any Hunger Dog he sees, but ecuses ecus es hmself he can when a Parademon brgade enters the area. Although Gran Gr anny ny Goodness has a arge sute" of her own, she s usualy too busy to spend tme there There are, however, hundreds of other resdents, the ma majorty jorty of whch are footsoders empoyed here as guards and harassers They are n charge of enforcng securty and keepng the newly recruted Hunger Dogs n lne and n pan A team of traners, handpcked by Granny, works around the cock, c ock, transformng low-rankng low-rankng solders nto the net fghtng class class.. Traners wear masks to elmnate el mnate any ndvduaty ndvduaty they mght have Granny aso has some hgh-level traners who dea wth any superpowered ndvduals Al traners seep and eat n small barracks n ndvduals the tranng tr anng areas, tucked away from the general act actvt vty, y, but close to ther work space There are two 16 AP laboratores wthn the Happness Home The Happness Hom e aso has a sta for chemcal food producton, repars, computer operaton vehce man tenance, and smlar functons (The Gamemaster shoud use drone stats these ndvduals are encountered durng an adventure) The general AP ratng for securty s 13 (OV/RV of 13/ 13). In a hgh-securty ara (Grannys quarters, the rado bunker on the roof, computer center, abs, guest quarters, armory, and Sectn Zero), the securty ratng s 1 f a rebellous Character C haracter s caught, all guards shoot shoo t rst rst and ask questons later (Guards especally love targets wth brghty-coored brghty- coored costu co stumes mes!)!) Any heavy gun gunre re n the nteror nte ror of the comple wll brng a squad of ten or more well-armed soders n half a mnute At that tme, the Securty Ratng Ratng goes up to 1 , and stays stays there for the net 24 hours hours ( 1 5 s) s) Secton Zo: Crmnas wth superhuman abtes are tranquzed and taken to Secton Zero, one of the most feared places n the Happness Home, Ho me, and, therefore, the refore, n all 9
r m a g e t ·o
. • ..........................
TWISTING LLEYS ......................• ....
of pokops. The latest torture prototyes are tested here on subjects who can take enormous amounts of stran. AeroTroopers AeroTroopers that ha h ave been seected to become Parademons are taken here for the transformaton process The area s actualy actualy a seres of a dozen or more leves, each larger than the one o ne above t. The farther down one goes, the more horrng Secton Zero becomes
Orphana�es are run by the Mstress of Msery, Mser y, Granny Granny Goodness , and are found al across t he panet. Hunger or, Dogs taken here anddetected, tranedthe to beco me solders; f any aare ny superpowers superpowe rs are ndvduas are made part of the Specal Powers orce. These orphanag or phanages es are squat, squa t, brckandmortar structures wth small metal buldngs outsde the man wals. Ramps and gates can be b e seen on every sde to let n new arrvals and let out the atest branwashed solders ach orphanage has ts own sta of techncans, traners/torturers, traner s/torturers, guards, gu ards, and subjects subjects n genera, genera, they are al smaller versons versons of the Happness Home; howeve however, r, each orph ana anage ge s dedcated to one group of o f Darksed Darksedss organzaton: the Specal Powers orce, Parademons, nfantry, and so forth Heroess who venture nsde these buldngs Heroe b uldngs wl have have to blend n wth the ntense actvty actvty f they are notced, they t hey wl be attacked and ether converted or klled ach eteror wall wall has a BYof BYof 5 APs.
Mines and Factories keep producton o n Apokolps Apokolps owng owng and th e Hunger Dogs n ne n e AeroCarrers AeroCar rers prowl th e streets of Apokolps, andng near Hunger Dog are are Guards Gua rds bash heads and throw the lowles" nsde, where they are transported to the new home, ho me, e the therr a mne or a factory, factory, for the net few weeks Both work areas are very dsma. The mnes are dark and sooty The smes of ozone from dggng mac machnes hnes and of laborous swea sweatt the a, whle guards shout shou t over over the roar The fa factores ctores are well-lt but crowded The monot onous chan of assembly lnes duls the mnd and dscourages talk, leavng the chambers slent ecept for the clank clankng ng of tools tools and the th e hu m of o f bet motors. In th e mnes, dggn dg gngg s done wth motorzed oad the ore nto chutes The metal arrves attoos arrves h ugewhch huge vats, each heated by a ocal re-pt, and s meted nto crude, stee aloys. Hunger Hu nger Dogs de every day n th thee mnes; food s ratoned, and a wor k day asts asts eghteen eghteen or mor e hours The lowles colapse when the rest bel rngs, droppng where they stand as a new team takes over. Colapsng shaf sh afts, ts, eposons from fauty caudron caudrons, s, and rots clam many lves. The mnes, much more dangerous than the factores, fac tores, ar e nearly nearly mpossbe to escape because of the tght securty and few paces to run. Hdng for an etra moment of rest, however, s sometmes rsked The factores are not much better ach assemby ne ne s dedcated to a dfferent model of vehce, weapon, or smpl e pece of equpment The Hu Hunge ngerr Dogs never know what they are m akng akng Although Althoug h every worker s watched around the cock guards and eectronc eyes, s easer than n theby mnes; once a aborer s out, he escape can take cover n the surroundng runs he work s etremey hard,, and any sown hard sowngg down, even for for a second, brgs the
ash of a barbed wh p or a jab wth an electrc prod Rots are almost unheard of (theres no tme to nspre nspre one), but bu t death s reatvey reatvey rare . hausted workers are released The Aero-Carrer Aero-Carr er drops them, half halfconscous conscous and vrtualy mndless, n a random Slum Area and qucky speeds o for replacements. The genera Securty Ratng of a typca factory s (OV/RV (OV /RV of o f / ) whl whlee a mnes s 9 The BY of a typcal factory wall s 10, and that of a mne s
Poer Reineries are much ke nuclear power plants n walls appearance andbattaons operaton. Surrounded by hgh metal and a few of eager nfantry, nfantry, thes e refneres use the ener of the re pts to generate electrcty and other conventona power sources. sour ces. A team of twenty twenty to thrty techncans techncans operates and montors ths process from a sngle contro room n the mdd mddle le of the nstaaton There w be be one to seven seven power reneres around each rept The BY of each wall s 15.
The Under�round
makes up nearly half of the planet Apokolps The underground lands are weltravelled and often spacous Solders Solder s move ther war vehces between nstalatons through sub terranean roads, bombs and devastatng weapons are tested n gant sealed chambers ch ambers,, Hunger Dogs lve and and de here, and every buldng has a few underground levels accessble by some tunnel or another The hghest eves of the underground are sewage drans, paved tunnes, and covered trenches. Ther cengs, cen gs, wals, and oors are made of stee or concrete, bult by hu manod hands There Th ere are ony a few few natural natural caves at ths eve eve The frst level s nterconnected by maze-ke tunnels and s we lt n many areas Tunnels from the re-pts (ther destnaton furnaces n the mnes), power nes, and electronc cabes are al bured and mataed at ths level Some tunnels come out to the surface nto ravnes or deep craters There s much actvty, wth the same types of encounters and ncdents happenng here as on the streets above The second seco nd evel s full of steep sopes, sopes , parta passages, and secret ch ambers Many hgh-securty hgh-securty 1 3 AP weapon weapon labs (alwa ( always ys located drecty under a scence nstalaton) nstalaton) are found here, as well as rebel headquarters, weapon and vehcle stockples, and pools at the bottoms of wels Strange creatures roam these hals, searchng for some thng to eat or enslave The thrd and owest leve, located hundreds of feet below belo w the surface, s urface, s a mysterous and rarel rarely y vsted vsted area Only the oldest underground dwelers know how to get here ; most psages end before they get ths ow Aythng Aythng the Gamemaster can dream up wl be found here, from the atest superv su perva an n to a race of sghtess sghtess Hunger Hu nger Dogs. No trace o f Apokops Apokops machnes or humanod hu manod h abtaton can be found, and, a nd, n most cases, a vst ths deep d eep wl be an uneventful trp n the dar
a formula that he believes w give him total control over al thinking creatures has pitted him against both the New Gods ofSupertown of Supertown and and the heroes of arth. Athough he never carries any equipment Darkseid aways keeps a few units of the Xement on his person. He spends his time preparing new schemes and governing his planet. plane t. Hi s ultimate concern has been the AntiLife AntiLife quation quation but additiona pursuits such as destroying New Genesis or invading Olympus have also occupied his time. ole-Playing
Darkseid is a being of order and evil. When he needs a task performe performe d he wil find an appropriate hench man to do the job. or example Desaad b uilds the machi nes Granny Granny Goodness trains the prisoners and Kanto hunts down and kils medde some heroes. f his henchmen fail at at their gi give ven n task tas k the Omega ect ect will usu ally seek them out ou t and blast them into oblivion. Ater a few weeks of disintegration Darkseid will bring the Character Character back and send sen d s/he to Granny Goodness for a few days of torture/training. Darkseid will only act if he has to defend himsef from an attack (a rare event). Darkseids biggest pet peeve is disorder. He always makes sure he is in total ontrol of every situation To insure loyalty among his subordi nates he rewards those who inform him of the disobedience disob edience of the others. (Backstabbing is popuar among the inhabitan inhab itants ts of Apokolips.) One of Darkseids few weaknesses weaknesses is his single-minded manner of planning. he he to thoug destroy the legendsWhen ofarth htried e never never thought ht the heroes would band together and protect the public that had turned against them. He tried to destroy Olympus when it refused to be con quered but bu t did not consider the th e fact fact that it was as immortal as its residents. Noble ideas such as this never occur to Darkseid In combat Darkseid doesnt mess around. He often uses an ner Blast (via Continuu Continuum m Control) as his h is rst attack. f any opponent lasts longer than a phase he will Disrupt the victim or Warp him/her away through a Boom Tube Before any attack can be made on his person however a handfu of supervllain henchmen and robot machines will
arrive to defend their master Dark seid rarely enters Kiling Combat preferring to Disintegrate an as sailant saila nt and an d re-colect the vctim later for Granny Goodness tortures.
Daksed's Elte, also known as Darkseids Ruing lite or Darkseids Henchmen is a handful of super powerful individuals each with his/her own free will to wreak evl unless Darkseid intervenes The current roster includes the nine Characters listed below. There may be additional as yet unrevealed members Darkseids ite pose a great threat to heroes and the Apokolips inhab itants. By rising rising to this level they the y have proven their ability to keep authority over the lower ranks while simul taneously pleasing their master. ailure in any task Darkseid orders is punishable by torture from another member of the lite an immediate loss of rank and possibly possibly death. These individuals must work to gether athough many of them d o not get along. Rarely Darkseid wil allow one member to have authority over the others effectively granting a new rank to that person This has been done with Gran Gr anny ny Goodness on m an any y occasions; Desaad aso enjoys such a position during neary every major campaign his master plots.
Desaad loves machines and tor ture. He is spineless and frail but nonetheless very dangerous dang erous.will . If threatened Desaad sur render and then strike at his op ponents with a hidden gadget when their backs are turned. In nearly every case an assailantwill have to go through Darkseid to get to Desaad. f Desaad attacks with a weapon he will avoid Kiling Combat; he prefers tormenting his victims over killing them. GANY GA NY GOONSS
7 SR 7 B: 7 D N 0 WILL 0 MIN 0 NL 0 AR 9 SIRI 0 NIIIE 29 H OIN 25 Skills
Charisma: 3 Gadgetry Gadgetry 6, Martial Martial Artist 9 Weaponry: Advantages
Area Knowledge (Apokolips) Connection: Apokoips (High) Leadership Scholar (Training) awbacks
Serious Irrational Attraction to breaking the will of her pupils
D: 4 N: 5 4 NL NIIIE:
subordinates for faiure or disobe dience Desaad the ony one he brought back out of lone loneiness iness.. t t was Desaad who murdered Darkseids wife Suli; but he then proved his loyaty by kling Queen Heggra a move that put Darkseid on the Apokolips throne.
SR: 3 Bo 4 WILL 5 MIN: 4 AUR 3 SIRI 3 23 HERO OIN 25
Gadgetry: 8 Scientist: 5 Area Knowledge (Apokolips) Connection Apokolips (High) Genius Scholar (Pain)
Catastrophic I rrationa Attraction to inicting pain quipment
Killing Gloves
[BY 5 R 3 ner Blast: 8 1 5 ABC Omni-Gadge Omni-Gadgett (x 2) Motivation Psychopath Occupation Master Torturer Wealth N/ N/A A Backgound
Desaad is Darkseids partner and primary henchman. Although Dark seid has destroyed many of his
AMO [ [ 8 Motivation Psychopath Occupation Servant of Darkseid Wealth N/ A Backgound
Granny Goodness past is unknown. She currently serves Darkseid as his pred trainer/torturer. trainer/torturer. She famous for her orphanages where all of Darkseids troops are brainwashed and trained to kill. She ives in the largest and most advanced of these establishments caled the Happiness Home. Grannys biggest responsibility is the training and and instilment of oyalty in Darkseids Darkseids henchme he nchmen. n. Nearly al of his noble minions (such as Kaibak Dr. Bedlam Kanto and the emale uries) have earned their slavelike devotion and Skil from Granny. At times Darkseid wil allow her to oversee a part of his latest powerlust po werlust campaign.
Granny Gooness s rue an emanng, never gvng an nh or her enemes or suens, suen s, whh oen pushes hem o he brnk o sany. She as ke a wse moher o everyone, ever yone, preenng o ake are o hem, whe sasay enoy enoyng ng her orure Her avore persuasve meho s o hreaen her suens an vms wh he wrah o Darkse Granny w never be augh away rom an arsena o guars an weaponry Her Mara Ars Sk an Armor an proe her, bu she w nvaraby hoo se o sen a squa o oosoers o hner aakng heroes Afer hs, she w esape or possby a eay weapon o sh o he ob Gra nny preers no o k, knowng ha orure an branwashng bran washng an urn any angerous hero no a poweru poweru new henhm an KALIBAK CL
2 7 BOY S WILL MN 96 A 6 SIR 2 28 HERO OIN 0
Charsma nmaon 8 Mar a Ar Ars s Weaponry Weaponry 8 Advantages
Area nowege Apokops, Conneon Apokops Hgh, ron erv erves, es, ghnng eexes rawbacks
Serous rraona Araon o boasng an aunng quipment
Beta-Club [SR 22 BY: 0, ner B Bas as 7 Mn as as 5 ]
Motivation hs Occupation Warror Wealth /A Background
Aso known as he "Sourge o Apokops, abak he Crue s Darkses mos eroous warror. Ahough he s no very smar, he makes u p or or wh sheer brue ore an voene abak s ron's nemess he wo ha-brohers have ha many nrebe nreb e baes, ahough hey aways suve. abak s he son o Darkse an he wh Su He nhere nhere m any o hs ahers errbe ras, bu no no hs negene He remans, however, one o Darkses mos ruse henhmen, oen gven suh rua obs as guarng Apokops mos vauabe mahnes, orurng ap ure heroes, an kng heea
o he urren sheme ole Playing
bak never naes hs own aons he mus be sen o eah ak or orere o pro e somehng hs orers beome useess or exam pe, he weapon he s guarng esroye, he w eher run o Darkse wh he news, or, more oen, aak he neares neare s hero
abak's eroy an ev manner aus es neary ever auses everyone yone o ear hm possbe, Darkses oher e w avo av o h m he u suay arres ou hs orers aone He w aak boh ron an ghray on sgh, a he whe shoung shou ng h aenges o o hs oes oes He kes o a hmse he "umae warror,, "mos brua gher, an so warror orh n he rs phase o omba, abakpus w any re hs Bea-Cub He never punhes, aways ryng o en a gh as quky an esve es vey y as possbe n he seon an subsequen phases, phases, he punh hs opponens an swng hs ub. ghng a poweru oe, abak w use oher as, suh as hrowng or roppng a bung on he hero. apure, abak w o any hng he an o esape an resume he gh Durng he arh War, he promse errbe urpn a rue beween Apokops an ew Geness n reu rn or hs reease abak never uses hs ahers preous mahnes as weapons, an never nev er surreners surrener s STPPNWOLF
DE 0 12 L: 9 NIIE
Anma Hanng 0, Charsma Mara Mara Ars: Mar Maryy Sene: 6, Vehes 0, Weap onry 2 Advantages
Area nowege Apokops Conneons: Apokops Hgh, Dog Cavary Hgh eaershp ghnng eexes quipment
LCTO [Y 6 V: ,
ghnng 1 O J Ms. Drawbak he eroAxe s moune on a abe ha an sreh o AP n engh Cable Snare [SR: 5 BY: 6 ner Ba Bas s 2 ] Ms Drawbak Drawbak he Cabe Snare s APs ong. Motivation us or Power Occupation
Commaner Comm aner o he Dog Cavary Cavary Wealth /A / A Background
Seppenwo s Darkse's une an a member o he e, havng
seve Queen Heg Hegga ga as as omma ne seve o he Apokoips Apokoips soes. He s a an ugy wih yeow skn. Sep penwo was he ne ause o he is ew Go wa when he bae his ah-oe zaya he nheo nheo.. He s aso he ommane o he Dog Cavay an beause o hs gea Miiayy Sene Sk genea o mos Miia o Daksei's majo nvasons. ole-Playing
As a ome eae Seppenwo oen has a ha ime akng oes om hs nephew. Hs ony eease is voene makng him one o he mos heaenng opponens Apokops has o oe. oe. He enjoys pesona pesona omba omb a as muh as eang a oe o hun es no enemy ans. n bae Seppenwo es o snge ou he ough oughes es membe o an enemy goup an haenge him/he o pesona omba. n hs ase he wes hs eoAxe. He oen aes a heavy heavy base whe ing in he Dog Cavay as we as a ew gages om Desaa o D. Beam o ake ae o ky heoes.
Viman Vunaba is eien uhess an aogan. He hos auhoiy in hghes eseem e maning oa obeene om hose beow him an gving he same o his supeios. He bkes wh a e membes exep Ganny whom he espes espe s as muh m uh as Dakse hmse hm se. . a eas one ohe memb m embe e o he ie s no besie him Vman keeps ou o ive ive ough soies so ies n eaby o o poeon he GM shou use Dog Cavay sas his siuaon siuaon ous. hese soes wi een Vman o he eahs. Vman w ehe ay an Apok ops base a hs se o he has me o pepae an aea whee he expes omba bu a ew ks an aps aoun him o supse hs aakes. A pi a hien seep gas anise o moune annons s guse as ppes n a wa wa wou no be unkey
6 6 75
Chaisma 9 Gagey Gagey 1 3 Maia Maia Ais 7 Miay Sene 1 Sens 8, Weapony Advantages
Aea nowege Apokops Conneon Apokops Hgh
7 BoY 7 S WILL 1 1 MI 1 0 AUR 6 SIRIT 8 100 35 HERO OIT
Chaisma 8 Maa Ais 1 May Siene 1 he 10 Weapony 1 Advantages
Aea nowege Apokops Conneion Apokops High ghning eexes Shoa Assas snaion enaissane Hsoy quipment
Vaious weapons espeay hose om he enaissa en aissane ne ah peio.
Genus Shoa Motivation usaps o owe Occupation
Motivation Meenay Occupation
Miiay eae Sens Wealth /A
Wealth /A Background
kee Vman Vunaba k Vunab a ano an o was ase by Gann Gooness n he Happness Home an s now a membe o Dakse's ie. He oo moes hmse ae ae a peo o ah Cuue n hs ase he poia ngue an ues aue o e aan enassane. As Dakse's geaes assassn assassn he s sen on seah mssons o n ebe eaes o nvaing nva ing heoes. heo es.
Vman Vunaba gew up in Ganny Gooness' Happiness Home whee he showe an exeen aby o ea an moivae ohes hough voene.. n ime he augh Gannys voene Gannys aenon an she augh hm a o he geaes geaes sees. When she na me hm he began o moe hmse hm se ae he 19h Cenuy Geman miay man boh n ess an aiue. Viman now opeaes one o Dakse's e oen as aongsie Ganny ano Goous Goey o D. Beam.
mpess him ae given a
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