Metro Level 2 Review B Test B

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Review B Test B





/ 85

 (True), 2  ► 02  Listen again. Choose T  (True),

1  ► 02  Listen and choose the

F  (False),  (False), or DS  (Doesn’t  (Doesn’t Say).

correct answers. You will hear the recording twice.

1 Ni Nina na is lo look okin ing g at at a college website.

1 Nina is th thinki inking ng abou aboutt what what she she wa wants nts to to

2 Ni Nina na wan wants ts to to be a nur nurse se

do after high school . a  next year 

when she is older.

T   F 





confident enough to be a good police officer. T 



3 Sh She e is is par parti ticu cula larl rly y

b after high school

interested in Japanese food.

c  in three months

4 Her tra traini ining ng at colleg college e will take two years.

2 Nina Nina says says you you h hav ave e to be to be a good chef.

5 Le Leo o tthi hink nks s he he isn isn’t ’t

a  confident and hard-working b  hard-working and easygoing

6 Le Leo o doe doesn sn’t ’t hav have e to go

c  hard-working and creative

to college if he becomes 3 Nina go to college to be a chef.

a police officer. 1 point for each correct answer.

a  doesn’t have to b  has to

 Total points



c  doesn’t want to

3 Complete the jobs.

4 Nina tthink hinks s the traini training ng will will be . a  helpful b  boring c  interesting 5 Leo a police officer.

1 a  rchitect   

a  is going to be b  doesn’t want to be c  would like to be 6 Nina thin thinks ks th that at polic police e of office ficers rs have have a  job. a  fun 2 f  

b  dangerous

c  interesting 1 point for each correct answer.

Metro Level 2 Review B Test B

 Total points



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Review B Test B

  4 Complete the personality adjectives. 1 I don’t like r   u d  e people. 2 My mom mom is is alw always ays chee cheerf rful ul and and not not i 


3 Your Your childr children en ar are e always always so 3 d 

ol   ol


4 Carlos Carlos do doesn esn’t ’t work work hard. hard. He’s He’s pretty

az  az 


5 Tom is a ve verry

ar   - 



person. He works every weekend. 6 Loui Louise se get ets s


ou ou  


schoolwork. 7 Rya Ryan isn sn’’t

4 s 


en en  

. He’s

pretty shy.  Total points

1 point for each correct answer.


5 Match 1–8 with a–h to make sports. 1 swim



a ball

5 p 

2 kar


b and field

3 soc


c ming

4 ten


d ing

5 basket


e boarding

6 track



7 su s urf


g at a te

8 skate


h nis


6 s  1 point for each correct answer.

d  1 point for each correct answer.

Metro Level 2 Review B Test B

 Total points

 Total points




 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018




Review B Test B

  8 Complete the questions with the

6 Choose the correct words.

correct form of have to and to and the verbs. We had a great basketball game on

Saturday. Our team 1hit hit /  / won 15–13.

Do you have to be (you / be) home before 9 p.m.?


Oliver scored scored /  / hit hit the  the most points. He’s


(they / finish) their geography project today?

our best player. When he kicks kicks /  / shoots shoots   the ball, he always scores. A player on the

other team 4kicked kicked /  / threw threw the  the ball. You

(Mrs. Foster / speak) a second language

can’t do that in basketball! In the last

for work?

minute, I passed the ball to Oliver and he 5


threw / threw  / kicked kicked it  it at the basket. It hit hit /  /

(we / work) in the evenings?


scored the scored  the side, but he hit hit /  / caught caught it  it

again in both hands. He bounced the ball

(Stacey / do) her homework tonight?

on the ground and then he threw it again.

He scored three points, and the other team

(I / sit) here?


scored / scored  / lost lost the  the game!

7  (Anna / take) the subway home?

1 point for each correct answer.

 Total points


 Total points

1 point for each correct answer.


9 Complete the sentences with the


correct words.

7 Choose the correct words.

1 I’ I’m m as po popu pula larr as you. We both have a lot of friends.

1 As sc cientist has to / to / doesn’t have to be interested in fashion.

2 Yuki Yuki

as hardhard-wo worki rking ng as

Naomi. They work all the time.

2 Chefs have to / to / don’t have to wash to wash their hands a lot.

3 I’m go good od at dan dancin cing, g, b but ut I’m I’m

3 A so soft ftwa ware re de deve velo lope perr has to / to /

as good as Teresa. She’s better.

doesn’t have to know to know how to use a computer.

4 Skateb Skateboa oardi rding ng

as po popu pular lar

as surfing. They’re both fun.

4 Athletes have to / to / don’t have to be to be fit

5 Th Thes ese e sh shoe oes s

and healthy.

as ni nice ce as

those ones. These ones are better.

5 Teachers have to / to / don’t have to  to 

6 John John

wear uniforms.

as str stron ong g as David David..

They’re both strong.

6 A jjo ournali lis st has to / to / doesn’t have to work to work

7 Parks Parks ar aren en’t ’t

in a school.

cr crowd owded ed as

malls. Malls are more crowded.

7 Nurses have to / to / don’t have to  to 

8 Basket Basketbal balll

like animals.

as po popu pular lar as

soccer. Soccer is more popular.

8 Lawyers have to / don’t have to know

1 point for each correct answer.

 Total points


a lot about the law. 1 point for each correct answer.

Metro Level 2 Review B Test B

 Total points



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Review B Test B


be,, 10 Complete the sentences with be

4 Alice is girl I know.

too or too  or not enough, enough, and the adjectives.

a  the most helpful

big boring difficult hot good noisy

b  the most helpfullest

old tall young

5 Gary is musician in the band.

1 You ’re too t oo young yo ung for this movie. You

a  the more popular 

have to be 15.

b  the most popular  popular 

2 I do don’t n’t want want to finish finish reading reading this book. book. It


6 Sydney is beautiful city in Australia.

3 Est Esthe herr can’t can’t see see over over the wall. wall. She She .

a  most

4 Thi This s coat coat is a “medium “medium,” ,” bu butt I’m a “s “small mall.” .” It

7 Th This is ne neck ckla lace ce is


thing I have.

5 Yo You’ u’re re on only ly 14 14.. Y You ou

a  the most expensive

 ___ to go to college. 6 It’s It’s 40 40°C °C ou outs tsid ide! e! It  It 

b  the most


b  the expensive 8 Is Arizona place in the U.S.?


7 Ask tthe he c chil hildr dren en to to be quie quiet. t. Th They ey

a  the most hot

b  the hottest

. 1 point for each correct answer.

8 I fa fail iled ed my mat math h exam exam.. It .

or can’t .


1 point for each correct answer.

 Total points

Can I use my cell phone in class?

we use our


skateboards here?

11 Choose the correct answers.

3 You 4 Yo You u

1   American Idol  is  is the most    popular show on TV. a the most

ca catch tch the ball ball in tennis tennis.. th thro row w th the e ba ball ll in

basketball. b  the more

2 Sebastia stian n iis s

we swim in the pool?

6 Ba Bask sket etba ball ll pl play ayer ers s

runner in my school. a  the most fast


12 Complete the sentences with can can  

9 Lau Lauren ren isn’t on tthe he basketba basketballll team. team. She

 Total points

ki kick ck

the ball.

b  the fastest

1 point for each correct answer.

 Total points


3 This is market in the city. a  the noisiest

b  the most most no noisiest isiest

Metro Level 2 Review B Test B


 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018




Review B Test B



13 Read the blog. Then choose T (True), F  (False),  (False), or DS (Doesn’t Say).

A day in the life of a fashion designer:

1 Ci Cind ndy y work works s iin n a qui quiet et

Cindy’s blog

F   DS


3 Cindy’ Cindy’s s fa favor vorite ite co colle llecti ction on is the spring. T 


4 Sh She e cre creat ates es de desi sign gns s all day.




office alone.

My day starts very early. I get up at around

2 Th The e win winte terr iis s tthe he busiest season.

6 a.m. and I work until 6:00 or 7:00 in the evening. I work in a busy office in New York City, and our office is noisy but fun. I have to do a lot of research every day. I look at different styles and colors, and this gives

5 She She h has as to vi visi sitt

me ideas for my designs. We create different

factories in Paris next week.

clothes for each season, so that’s four collections a year. Spring is often our busiest

6 Cind Cindy’ y’s s job isn’t boring.

season because everyone is excited about the end of winter. Summer is a busy season, too.

1 point for each correct answer.

 Total points


For part of the day, I create designs. I draw pictures, and then I compare different colors

14 Read again. Then choose the

and fabrics, or materials. I take my drawings

correct words.

to meetings and we choose the best ones. I

1 Ci Cind ndy’ y’s s offi office ce is in New York City / 

travel a lot – I have to visit factories around

London / Paris  Paris..

the world where I look at different fabrics.

2 She She wo works in a noisy / quiet  quiet /  / small small  

Sometimes, I have to go to one of the big

office, but it’s fun.

fashion shows in Paris, London, or Milan.

3 The hey y cr crea eatte two / three / four  collections  collections I work with a large team of people, and to

of clothes every year.

work with me, you have to be cheerful and

4 She draws draws pictur pictures. es. Then Then she compare compares s

hard-working. My job is hard work, but it’s really exciting. I love it because every day is

fabrics  and styles fabrics styles /  / colors / sizes sizes.. 5 She She h has as to vi visi sitt stores / factories /

different and I can be creative. I think my job

shopping malls to malls to look at

is one of the most interesting jobs around.

different fabrics. 6 Cindy Cindy loves loves her her job job bec becaus ause e it’s it’s hard-working and fun / exciting and interesting / exciting and difficult difficult.. 1 point for each correct answer.

Metro Level 2 Review B Test B


 Total points


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