Metro Bus Service

December 5, 2016 | Author: Zahid Sarwer | Category: N/A
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Government of the Punjab TRANSPORT HOUSE 11-A Egerton Road, Lahore, Pakistan Phone: (+ 92) (42) (99200514), Fax: (+92) (42) (99200475) URL:

Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

Invitation to Bid ............................................................................................................. 5 Bidding Details (Instruction to Bidders)........................................................................ 7 Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 8 Headings and Titles ....................................................................................................... 9 Notice............................................................................................................................. 9 Tender Scope ............................................................................................................... 11 Overview and Objectives............................................................................................. 12 Contract type and duration........................................................................................... 14 Services Required ........................................................................................................ 15 Key Service-level Parameters...................................................................................... 19 Revenue collection and payment ................................................................................. 19 Tenderer/Bidder Eligibility Tender Scope................................................................... 20 Tender Cost.................................................................................................................. 20 Joint Venture................................................................................................................ 20 Examination of the Tender Document......................................................................... 21 Amendment of the Tender Document ......................................................................... 21 Preparation / Submission of Tender ............................................................................ 21 Tender Price................................................................................................................. 25 Tender Security............................................................................................................ 25 Tender Validity............................................................................................................ 26 Modification / Withdrawal of the Tender.................................................................... 26 Opening of the Tender ................................................................................................. 26 Clarification of the Tender by the Purchaser ............................................................... 26 Determination of Responsiveness of the Bid (Tender)................................................ 27 Correction of errors / Amendment of Tender .............................................................. 27 Rejection / Acceptance of the Tender.......................................................................... 27 Acceptance Letter (Letter of Intent) ............................................................................ 28 Performance Security................................................................................................... 28 Redressal of Grievances by the Purchaser................................................................... 29 Contract........................................................................................................................ 39 Contract Documents and Information ......................................................................... 39 Contract Language....................................................................................................... 39 Patent Rights and Rights to the Contents of the Program ........................................... 39 Page 2 of 78

34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49 50 51 52 53

Insurance...................................................................................................................... 39 Execution Schedule ..................................................................................................... 39 Payment ....................................................................................................................... 39 Price ............................................................................................................................. 40 Contract Amendment................................................................................................... 40 Assignment / Subcontract ............................................................................................ 40 Extensions in time for performance of obligations under the Contract....................... 40 Liquidated Damages (LD) ........................................................................................... 41 Forfeiture of Performance Security ............................................................................. 41 Termination for Default ............................................................................................... 41 Termination for Insolvency ......................................................................................... 42 Termination for Convenience ...................................................................................... 42 Force Majeure.............................................................................................................. 42 Dispute Resolution....................................................................................................... 42 Statutes and Regulations.............................................................................................. 43 Taxes and Duties.......................................................................................................... 43 Contract Cost ............................................................................................................... 43 Authorized Representative........................................................................................... 43 Waiver.......................................................................................................................... 43 Special Stipulations ..................................................................................................... 44



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Important Note: Registered companies and Joint Ventures complying with criteria given in this document, are eligible for this tender, hereafter referred to as Bidders. Bidders must ensure that they submit all the required documents indicated in the Bidding Documents without fail. Bids received without, undertakings, valid documentary evidence, supporting documents and various requirements mentioned in the Bidding Documents or test certificates are liable to be rejected at the initial stage itself. The data sheets, valid documentary evidences for the critical components as detailed hereinafter should be submitted by the Bidder for scrutiny. It is intimated that no objection/revisions/supplement shall be entertained regarding the terms and conditions of the Bidding Document submitted by the bidder. Applicability of Punjab Procurement Rules, 2009 This Bidding Process will be governed under Punjab Procurement Rules, 2009, as amended from time to time and instructions of the Government of the Punjab (GoPb) received during the completion of the Operation

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Invitation to Bid

Transport Department, Government of the Punjab (GoPb invites bids for the “Procurement, Operation and Maintenance of Buses in Lahore” 1.1 PPRA Rules to be followed Punjab Procurement Rules 2009 will be strictly followed. These may be obtained from PPRA’s website: In this document, unless otherwise mentioned to the contrary, "Rule" means a Rule under the Punjab Procurement Rules 2009. 1.2 Mode of Advertisement(s) As per Rule 12, this Tender is being placed online at PPRA's website, as well as being advertised in print media. The bidding document carrying all details can be downloaded from PPRA’s website ,, and/or from the website of the Lahore Transport Company (LTC) for information only. As per Rule 12(1), this Tender is being placed online at PPRA's website, as well as being advertised in print media. As per Rule 12(3), this Tender is also placed online at the website of the Purchaser. The bidding document carrying all details can be downloaded from website of the Government of the Punjab; LTC’s website; and from PPRA’s website for information only. 1.3 Type of Open Competitive Bidding

As per Rule 36(b), Single Stage - Two Envelope Procedure shall be followed. This is as follows: i.

The bid shall comprise of a single package containing two (2) separate envelopes.


The envelopes shall be marked in bold and legible letters to avoid confusion, as follows: a.



Initially, only the ENVELOPE-NO. 1 marked TECHNICAL PROPOSAL


ENVELOPE NO 2 shall be retained in the custody of the Purchaser without being opened;

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shall be opened;


The technical proposal will be evaluated in a manner as per the clauses mentioned in this document; and proposals which do not conform to the specified requirements as listed in said document will be rejected.


During the technical evaluation no amendments in the technical proposal shall be permitted;


The ENVELOPE-NO. 2: FINANCIAL PROPOSAL of technically qualified bidders shall be opened publicly at a time, date and venue announced and communicated to the bidders in advance;


After the evaluation and approval of the technical proposal the Purchaser shall, at a time within the bid validity period, publicly open the ENVELOPE-NO. 2: FINANCIAL PROPOSAL of the technically accepted and qualified bids only.


The technically qualified bidder with lowest financial bid will be the successful bidder.


MBS-PMU/PMA will invite the successful bidder to enter into an Agreement to Procure, Operate, and Maintain the required number of buses on the specified MBS corridor.

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Bidding Details (Instructions to Bidders)

All bids must be accompanied by a Call Deposit Receipt / Demand Draft / Bank Draft of PKR Twenty (20) Million (See Price Schedule of General Condition of Contract) as bid security in favor of “Secretary Transport Department” issued by a scheduled bank allowed carrying financial transactions in PAKISTAN. Clause 19 gives details on Tender Security. The bids along with the Call Deposit Receipt / Demand Draft / Bank Draft, Tender Forms, Affidavits, etc., must be dropped in Tender Box placed at Additional Secretary Office, Transport Department, Transport House, 11-A Egerton Road, Lahore, PAKISTAN, on or before 1500 hours on 24th August, 2012. The Technical bids will be publicly opened in the Committee Room of the Transport Planning Unit, Transport Department, Transport House, 11-A Egerton Road, Lahore, at 1600 hours on 24th August, 2012. Queries of the Bidders (if any) for seeking clarifications regarding the specifications of the services must be received in writing at the office of Additional Secretary, Transport Department, Transport House, 11A Egerton Road, on or before 15th August, 2012. All queries shall be responded to within due time. The Transport Department shall hold a pre-bid meeting at 1430 hours on 16th August, 2012; at the Committee Room, First Floor, Transport Department, Transport House, 11-A Egerton Road, Lahore). The bidder must submit bids on the basis of complete fulfillment of requirements. Failure to meet this condition will cause disqualification of the bidder. The bidder shall submit bids which comply with the Bidding Document. Alternative bids will not be considered. The attention of bidders is drawn to the provisions of Clause on “Determination of Responsiveness of Bid” regarding the rejection of Bids, which are not substantially responsive to the requirements of the Bidding Document. The contact detail for all correspondence in relation to this bid is as follows: Email: [email protected] Transport Department Transport House 11-A Egerton Road Lahore, Pakistan. Bidders should note that during the period from the advertisement of the tender till the receipt of the bid, all queries should be communicated to the above contact in writing or via e-mail at the above stated address. Bidders are also required to state, in their proposals, the name, title, fax number and e-mail address of the bidder’s authorized representative through whom all communications shall be directed until the process has been completed or terminated. Purchaser will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders in connection with the Page 7 of 78

preparation or delivery of bids. As authority competent to accept the tender, Purchaser reserves the right to cancel the tender, accept or reject one or all bids without assigning any reason thereof.


Definitions 3.1 “MBS” MetroBus System (previously known as BRTS) 3.2 “AFC-BSS” Automated Fare Collection and Bus Scheduling System, 3.3 “PMA” is a Punjab MetroBus Authority, to be established by the Government of Punjab. 3.4 “MBS-PMU”; Project Management Unit of the Metro Bus System as established under Transport Department in Lahore. Upon establishment of PMA, all the obligations of MBS-PMU will transfer thereafter to PMA. 3.5 “Client/Purchaser/Procuring Agency” means Transport Department (GoPb) through Punjab MetroBus Authority (PMA) or MBS-PMU for Metro Bus System (MBS), or any other person/entity for the time being or from time to time duly appointed in writing by the Purchaser to act as Purchaser for the purpose of the contract. 3.6 “Operator, Bus Operator” or “Successful Bidder”: The one technically qualified bidder with lowest financial bid, who has the probability of award of contract for Procurement, Operation and Maintenance of buses, subject to necessary approvals and applicable policies. 3.7 “Confirmation” means confirmation in writing. 3.8 “Bidder/Tenderer” means a registered company or joint venture that has submitted its bid as per the criteria/specifications listed. 3.9 “Contract” means the contract proposed to be entered into between the procuring entity and the Bidder, including all attachments, appendices, and all documents incorporated by reference therein. 3.10 “Contract Price” means the price payable to the Operator under the Contract for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations. 3.11 "Pre-Bid Conference" means the meeting conducted by the procuring entity on given date and time prior to actual date of bid opening. 3.12 “Procurement Methods” means any one of the procurement modes / methods as Page 8 of 78

provided in the Punjab Procurement Rules 2009 published by the Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA), Government of Punjab. 3.13 “Proposal” means the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal for the provision of the Services submitted by a bidder in response to RFP. 3.14 “RFP” means Request for Proposals, including any amendments that may be made by the procuring entity for the selection of bidder. 3.15 “SBD” means Standard Bidding Documents. 3.16 “SCC” means the Special Conditions of Contract. 3.17 “Services” means the tasks to be performed by the bidder pursuant to the Contract as listed under Section 6.3. 3.18 “TEC” means the Technical Evaluation Committee, constituted for the purpose of evaluating the Proposals received. 3.19 “Terms of Reference” or “TOR” means the document which explains the objectives, scope of work, activities, task to be performed, respective responsibilities of the procuring entity and the bidder, and expected results and deliverables of the assignment. 3.20 “VC/Venture Capitalist/Venture Capital firms” means A person or investment firm that makes venture investments 3.21 "Works" means work to be done by the Operator under the Contract. 3.22 “GoPb” means Government of the Punjab 3.23 “GoP” means Government of Pakistan 3.24 “Dead Mileage” means kilometer travelled outside the MBS corridor for any purpose whatsoever


Headings and Titles In this document, headings and titles shall not be construed to be part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation of the document and words importing the singular only shall also include the plural and vice versa where the context so requires.




In this document, unless otherwise specified, wherever provision is made for exchanging notice, Page 9 of 78

certificate, order, consent, approval or instructions amongst the Bus Operator and the Purchaser, the same shall be: 5.1.1 in writing; 5.1.2 issued within reasonable time; 5.1.3 served by sending the same by courier or registered post to their principal office in Pakistan or such other address as they shall notify for the purpose; and 5.1.4 The words "notify", "certify", "order", “consent”, “approve”, "instruct", shall be construed accordingly.

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Tender Scope Transport Department, GoPb, invites/requests Proposals (hereinafter referred to as “the Tenders”) for the Procurement, Operation and Maintenance of buses, as outlined in this document. In the first phase, The GoPb is looking for induction of 45 Brand New Articulated Air conditioned (AC) Diesel buses. The Bus Operator’s scope of work is as follows; 1. Procurement of buses including taxes, insurance, and transportation to Lahore 2. Operation of Buses as per prescribed schedule and adherence to criteria. 3. Maintenance of Buses -Service level requirements for these services are outlined in relevant sections in this document.


Bus Make/Brand The bidder is required to clearly quote a brand and specify make for Articulated 18m AC Diesel Buses. The quoted Brand must meet the specifications prescribed in the bidding document. However, the purchaser retains the option to accept any brand other than the one quoted in the bid, provided that: 1. The quality of the bus is equal or superior than the one quoted in the bid. 2. Actual price of the bus is not less than the price of the quoted bus. 3. The per bus per km rate does not exceed the quoted rate by the bidder.

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Overview and Objectives GoPb realizes the importance of providing safe, efficient, comfortable, and affordable Transport to the public and has therefore initiated construction of MetroBus Corridor from Gajjumatta to Shahdara along Ferozepur Road. The MBS-PMU/PMA seeks to induct approximately 45 Articulated 18m AC Diesel buses . The prospective investors/operator will procure, operate, and maintain buses for 8 years. MBS initially spans over approximately 27 KM running through the heart of Lahore along Ferozepur Road. Key locations throughout the city are targeted to maximize ridership from all surrounding areas. Roughly 31 stations have been planned to be built throughout the entire route of MBS in the initial phase. The whole stretch of 31 stations spans from Gajju Matta to Shahdara in Lahore. The picture below highlights general station layout.

The GoPb is executing steps to engage an operator for provisioning of Automated Fare Collection and Bus Scheduling System (AFC-BSS) system, which will serve as a Management Information system. The AFC-BSS will be coupled with necessary hardware and software to authenticate entry/exit of passengers into bus stations, and to monitor adherence to bus schedules. The system will provide variety of fare media including throwaway cards, reusable RFID tokens, and smart cards. Smart cards may be recharged to a stated, agreed upon max limit, for travel onto MBS stations. The Driver Console Unit installed on buses shall be used to track buses accurately and reliably. The back-end system shall be able to produce MIS reports and bus-schedule adherence report and kilometers travelled by each bus of the operator. To accomplish this, GoPb will put in place an Operation Control Center (OCC) which will receive live passenger data, financial data, and Automatic Vehicle Location data. The total numbers of the registered motor vehicles in Lahore in 2005 were 1.2 million as compared to 0.5 million in 1998 (Source: Excise & Taxation Department GoPb 2006). The number has doubled in the time span of just under a decade. The city of Lahore amongst all the five big cities of Punjab has the highest annual vehicle growth rate of about 16 percent. Keeping in view the growth rate of 16 % the total number of vehicles in Lahore in 2009 is approximately 2.30 million. There are around 500 buses operating in Lahore. Maximum daily estimated trips of all modes are around 20.987 million trips /day. Page 12 of 78

Table: Estimated Daily Passenger Traveling in Lahore (Source: JICA LUTMP Study 2010)


No of Trips (000)

Walk Motor Cycle/Bicycle Car Wagon, Bus, Mazda Rickshaw, Qing chi Other Total

3729 3263 1517 1620 1363 303 11795

Table: Estimated Daily Passenger Traveling in Lahore. Category wise vehicles (as of December 2010) registered in Lahore are shown below: CATEGORY WISE VEHICLE REGISTEED IN LAHORE CATEGORY AMBULANCE

COUNT 1,082


































9,220 TOTAL

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Travel demand for each type of traffic is also shown below in the table.

The demand in 2005 was almost 7 million which is expected to rise to more than 11 million by the year 2021 as per the study conducted by MVA Asia Limited, 2006. JICA recorded 8 million Trips per day in the year 2010 which appears in-line with the demand projected by MVA Asia. The current demand is highest for the public transport constituting 50% of the total demand. Future Expansion Plans

Once, the Green Line is successfully adopted for current phase of MBS, there are plans to construct more corridors in Lahore. Following are the key objectives of the Operation


To capture ridership and increase public transport modal share

To provide safe, reliable, comfortable, efficient, and affordable public transport system

Transparent and reliable mechanism of reporting payments to Bus Operator- based on agreed upon and approved payment formulas and policies.

To Provide better customer experience and convenience through increased reliability, efficiency, and flexibility

Contract type and duration Contract will be for procurement, operations and maintenance of buses for a period of 8 Years. Sponsorship of Operation: Transport Department– GoPb Technical Evaluation: Transport Department, GoPb. Contract Signing: Formal Contract will be signed between technically qualified bidder with the lowest financial bid, and the Purchaser (Transport Department, GoPb, via its authorized entity).

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Services Required Contractual obligations Roles and Responsibilities shall be as under: 9.1 MBS-PMU/PMA 9.1.1 Provide state of the art MetroBus stations with AFC operation as well as elevated and/or fenced MetroBus corridor 9.1.2 Establish an Operation Control Center for operation of the system. The control centre may at its discretion change or cancel the assigned operation/schedule/trip (s). 9.1.3 Arrange for provision of driver’s console in the buses; and through the console the control centre will communicate to the bus-driver the schedules regarding trips, routes, hour of service, and timing at different station. 9.1.4 Select only one operator for operation of MBS on Green line. 9.1.5 Equip every bus with GPS devices and relevant components (on bus and off bus), that can gather location wise data and transmit to central servers and related software modules. 9.1.6 Provide Passenger Information System equipment and software in buses 9.1.7 Provide depot for Parking of vehicle on at least one-side of the METROBUS Corridor with allied facilities such as washing, and minor repairs. The dead mileage from and to the Depot will be borne by the government. 9.1.8 Guarantee average minimum of 70, 000 Km’s per bus per year. The adjustment to cost matrix will be made as per changes in cost matrix and indication mentioned in agreement. 9.1.9 Manage fare via the AFC operator 9.1.10 Make monthly payments to the operator against tracked kilometers, reported by the control center. 9.1.11 Develop and notify detailed specifications of the MetroBuses. All Buses to be introduced under this project would have to conform to these specifications. The detail of Urban Bus Specifications is attached as (Annexure-K) with this document. The buses shall have system brand name and brand color only. 9.1.12 Open an escrow account jointly operated by authorized representatives of the GoPb/ MBS-PMU/PMA, the AFC-BSS Service Provider, and the Bus Operator. 9.1.13 Monitor all activities of the METROBUS Operation to ensure its compliance with environmental / municipal laws and regulations; and co-opt the representative of Page 15 of 78

Environment Protection Agency to oversee the compliance of applicable environmental laws, rules and regulations and their enforcement thereof by bidders. 9.1.14 MBS-PMU /PMA may consider allowing advertisements inside the bus, in which case the size, nature, etc will be specified by MBS-PMU/PMA. Revenue proceeds of such advertisements, if allowed, will be credited to the escrow account. 9.1.15 Be responsible for the conduct and functioning of all staff employed in the MBS-PMU /PMA. The MBS-PMU staff shall provide efficient services, polite and courteous behavior towards operator, and passengers. The MBS-PMU/PMA shall be liable for any misconduct or unreasonable offense of its employees and shall take prompt and appropriate action. 9.1.16 Confirm ownership of buses in favor of the operator upon expiry of the contract. 9.1.17 Through AFC-BSS, provide the bus drivers the required training of the use of the Driver Console and Precision Docking. 9.1.18 Upon completion of the contract period, the MBS-PMU/PMA shall re-advertise the RFP for procurement of bus operator. In the said process of procurement the running bus operator will have first right of refusal to match the lowest bid received. 9.2 Operator 9.2.1

Procure 45 Brand New Air Conditioned (AC) Diesel buses as per prescribed specification, and ensuring compatibility with the existing AFC-BSS:


In addition to these buses, the operator may be required to add 25% more buses during the first six (6) months of operation.


Must ensure to ply the buses and follow the specified schedules and instructions by MBS-PMU/ PMA. Failure to complete the assigned jobs would result in penalties as per Agreement.


Only one operator shall carryout MBS operation on the Green-line.


Must employ adequate, well-trained staff to perform all duties and responsibilities stated in this RFP – including all roles/duties to be performed on the MBS corridor, Depot, fueling operation, and general fleet management.


Obtain all necessary permits under all applicable Laws of Pakistan required to procure the buses


Obtain route permits and vehicle fitness certificates as prescribed in the Punjab Motor Vehicle Ordinance

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Carry out all responsibilities laid out in this document.


Cooperate with all other MBS service providers and to the extent possible facilitate their operations in the MBS-PMU/PMA system.

9.2.10 Engage and deploy suitably skilled personnel for procurement, operation and maintenance of the Buses, and maintenance/replacement of all related equipment/components in buses in a timely manner and at its own cost, and participate in all meetings, committees, etc, as directed by MBS-PMU/PMA from time to time. 9.2.11 Be responsible for the conduct and functioning of all staff employed in the Operation. The bus operator shall ensure efficient services, polite and courteous behavior towards passengers and representatives of MBSPMU/PMA and other related departments/entities of the GoPb. The bus operator shall be liable for any misconduct or unreasonable offense of its employees and shall take prompt and appropriate action. 9.2.12 Prior to procuring, the bus operator shall submit detailed specifications, documentation, and manuals of related buses being procured for operation and maintenance; and arrange inspections by MBS-PMU/PMA or by any third party hired by MBS-PMU/PMA for the inspection of buses – and seek approval by MBS-PMU/PMA. 9.2.13 Adhere to timelines of the Operation implementation specified in this RFP. 9.2.14 Provide monthly reports on progress of the Operation implementation as per scope defined in this RFP 9.2.15 Impart meaningful and timely training to all Driver/staff associated with the Operation 9.2.16 Guarantee smooth operations and functioning of all buses during the entire contract period 9.2.17 Provide maintenance plan of metro buses in consultation with MBSPMU/PMA, and implement it. The plan must cover procedures and parameters for preventive and break-down maintenance, as well as maintenance review procedures. 9.2.18 Implement the maintenance plan of metro buses 9.2.19 Allow authorized Transport Department staff (and other authorized Government personnel) for inspection of buses at depot and while in operation 9.2.20 Take prompt and reasonable action for resolution of each complaint – including complaints received from MBS-PMU/PMA related to the operation Page 17 of 78

of buses. 9.2.21 Bear the cost of license/Route permit and that for the registration of the buses. 9.2.22 Comply with the provisions of the applicable Motor Vehicles Ordinance / Act, the regulations and rules framed in the standards and all other applicable local, provincial, and federal laws. The Inability of the bus Investor(s) / Operator(s) to comply with rules, regulations and procedures will be penalized as per penalty mechanism. 9.2.23 Comply, complete, and follow all reasonable commands, directions, and requirements of the MBS-PMU/PMA in respect of the operation, including directions and requirements that ensure public safety and security. 9.2.24 Engage and train drivers for buses. It is expected that driver must possess at least a graduate degree and shall be tested and declared capable of reading English instruction/tabs. The drivers will be trained for the use of the Driver Console by the MBS-PMU/PMA through AFC-BSS; however, the qualification of driver’s is mandatory for understanding the system parameter and discipline of the system. 9.2.25 Arrange for fuel of buses with reserve fuel to implement the schedules smoothly without any interruption. 9.2.26 Start operation of buses as per procedure laid-down in the agreement or upon award of the letter for initiation of operation. 9.2.27 Ensure that there are no advertisements displayed on the outside surface of the buses 9.2.28 Ensure that the types, forms, and locations of all advertisement being displayed inside the buses should not be placed without written approval of the MBS-PMU/PMA; and should strictly conform to the rules, regulation and procedures as notified by the MBS-PMU/PMA. 9.2.29 Ensure and deploy at least eight (8) toe-away vehicles to haul stalled buses to depot in a timely fashion. 9.2.30 Ensure that dead mileage is limited to no more than 2 kilometers per bus per day 9.3 Transport Department 10 9.3.1 9.3.2

Provide and notify fare structure and business rules for Bus operation Provide Bus operator the rights/route permits to operate buses on the Page 18 of 78

9.3.3 9.3.4 9.3.5 9.3.6


MBS corridor and the right to use the Depot so that Bus Operator can perform its obligations in a timely manner. Attempt to grant timely approvals and documents when required. Undertake and complete a competitive and transparent bidding process to select the successful bidder. Follow PPRA rules 2009, and procedures for bidding process to ensure transparency and economically efficient outcome. Advertise the project to initiate the procurement process and conduct evaluation of bids (technical and financial) submitted against this tender document.

Key Service-level Parameters The performance indicators for provision of service are attached as Annexure-O.


Revenue collection and Payment 11.1 An escrow account shall be opened by the Government (via MBS-PMU/PMA) in the Bank of Punjab (BOP). The escrow account will be jointly operated by authorized representatives of the Government of Punjab/MBS-PMU/PMA, the AFC-BSS Service Provider, and bus operator. 11.2 The BOP shall issue a set of non-live card/token numbers (series) to the AFC-BSS contractor, for printing and selling. 11.3 The AFC-BSS contractor shall arrange printing of the cards/tokens, based on card/token design specified by PMA 11.4 The AFC-BSS contractor shall request the BOP to activate the card/token numbers for live online recognition. 11.5 Prior to card activation, an amount equivalent to the value of the cards being activated, shall be deducted from the AFC-BSS contractor’s account and deposited in the escrow account. 11.6 Sale of tickets (cards/tokens) shall be the responsibility of the AFC-BSS contractor. 11.7 For activation and subsequent recharging of cards (Smart cards) and tokens/throwaway media, the AFC-BSS contractor shall arrange “Bulk Initialization Machines (BIM)”,and place BIMs at premises specified by MBS-PMU/PMA. 11.8 BIMs, and/or top-up/Point of Sale (POS) machines will only initialize/top-up media if there is sufficient balance available. AFC-BSS Contractor must first transfer sufficient balance amount into the Government Escrow Account, and the BOP will subsequently load credit in the BIM/POS machine. 11.9 The revenue collected will be disbursed to all concerned parties via agreed formula. 11.10 Payments from the Escrow Account will be made to AFC-BSS Contractor, the Bus Page 19 of 78

Operator, and to other qualified service providers based upon agreed policies, formulas, and reconciliation reports from AFC-BSS. 11.11 If there is surplus balance in the Escrow Account, the amount will be retained by Government of the Punjab/MBS-PMU/PMA. If there is deficit in the Escrow Account (that is, all service providers cannot be paid) then MBS-PMU/PMA/Government of the Punjab will arrange for the deficit amount and make payments that are due. 11.12 Payment to the Bus Operator shall be made for actually plied Kilometer’s on monthly basis 11.13 Regular third-party audit (financial as well as technical) to be made an integral part of the Operation


Tenderer/Bidder Eligibility Tender Scope An eligible Tenderer/Bidder is a Tenderer/Bidder who: 12.1 Is capable of Procuring, Operating, and maintaining the buses as outlined in the document 12.2 Services can only be supplied / sourced / routed from “origin” in “eligible” member countries. 12.3 “Eligible” is defined as any country or region that is allowed to do business in Pakistan by the law of Government of Pakistan. 12.4 “Origin” shall be considered to be the place where the company / firm is incorporated 12.5 has a registered office in the respective country of origin 12.6 has been registered for at least 5 years in country of origin, and has proven experience of operation of buses. 12.7 has the required relevant qualified personnel and enough financial and technical strength to fulfill the requirements. 12.8 Conforms to the clause of “Responsiveness of Bid” given herein this tender document. 12.9 Verifiable proof for all the above shall be required. 12.10 Local companies forming part of the joint venture must be registered under Companies Ordinance 1984.


Tender Cost The Tenderer shall bear all costs / expenses associated with the preparation and submission of the Tender(s) and the Purchaser shall in no case be responsible / liable for those costs / expenses.


Joint Venture Joint ventures are eligible for this tender, as long as the joint venture complies with the following conditions: a. The Tenderers may form a joint venture of maximum four Tenderers. An Agreement Deed to that effect, legally executed and signed by all the partners shall be submitted with the Tender. b. One partner will be designated the lead partner and would enter into legal contract with Purchaser and would be liable to incur liabilities, receive payments and receive instructions for and on behalf of any or all partners. A power of attorney to that effect, legally executed, signed Page 20 of 78

by all the partners shall be submitted with the Tender. c. There must be at least one locally registered company (Partner) of good repute, with relevant experience and proven track record, in the joint venture that must be the lead partner. d. The Lead Partner in case of joint venture shall not be allowed to assign the contract or any part thereof to another party, without permission of the purchaser. e. All the partners shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. The Tender, and in case of successful Tender, the Contract Deed, to that effect, shall be signed by the lead partner. f. Partners other than the lead would also be bound by the terms and conditions of the contract.


Examination of the Tender Document The Tenderer is expected to examine the Tender Document, including all instructions and terms and conditions.


Amendment of the Tender Document

17.1 The Purchaser may, at any time prior to the deadline for submission of the Tender, at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by the Bidder(s), amend the Tender Document, on any account, for any reason. All amendment(s) shall be part of the Tender Document and binding on the Bidder(s). 17.2 The Purchaser shall notify the amendment(s) in writing to the prospective Tenderers. 17.3 The Purchaser may, at its exclusive discretion, amend the Tender Document to extend the deadline for the submission of the Tender, in which case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser and the Tenderers previously subject to the deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.

18. 18.1 18.2



Preparation / Submission of Tender The tenderer is not allowed to bid for partial procurement of services or part of the services. The Tender and all documents relating to the Tender, exchanged between the Tenderer and the Purchaser, shall be in English. Any printed literature furnished by the Tenderer in another language shall be accompanied by an English translation which shall govern for purposes of interpretation of the Tender. The Tender shall be submitted accompanied by the prescribed Forms, Annexes, Schedules, Charts, Drawings, Documents, Brochures, Literature, detailed design, operations and maintenance plan and detailed Operation plans with milestones etc. which shall be typed, completely filled in, stamped and signed by the Tenderer or his Authorized Representative. In case of copies, photocopies may be submitted. Further required information for is listed below, as in continuation to other requirements listed in the document: 18.4.1 List of firm’s major international and national clientele. 18.4.2 Details related to experience procurement, operation and maintenance of buses with all supporting documents and documented proofs. 18.4.3 Complete details of all the Operations being carried out by the bidder with all supporting documents and documented proofs. 18.4.4 Details of similar type of Operations executed by the Bidder with all supporting documents and documented proof. Page 21 of 78


18.4.5 Valid GST and NTN company registration certificates (for local representative company and the same and the prevalent documents as applicable in the region/origin of operations of Principal enterprise). 18.4.6 SECP Registration Certificate (if principal is based out of Pakistan, details of local representative company). 18.4.7 Organizational Structure for MetroBus Operation. The Technical and Financial proposals shall be submitted in two different envelopes, the envelopes will be clearly marked ‘Technical Proposal’ and ‘Financial Proposal’. Each proposal shall be in two sets i.e. the original and the copy. In the event of any discrepancy between the original and the duplicate, the original shall govern.


The Technical Proposal shall contain the following documents duly signed and stamped, without quoting the price: 18.6.1 Technical Proposal Submission Form (Annexure-A) 18.6.2 Technical Evaluation (Annexure-C) 18.6.3 Financial Capacity of the Bidder (Annexure-D) 18.6.4 Power of Attorney (Annexure-F) 18.6.5 Undertaking (All terms & conditions and qualifications listed anywhere in the RFP have been satisfactorily vetted) (Annexure-G) 18.6.6 Affidavit (Annexure-H) 18.6.7 Tender Security Form (Annexure-I): Tender Security of PKR Twenty (20) Million vide clause 19 (Tender Security) of tender document). 18.6.8 Covering letter duly signed and stamped by authorized representative. (Annexure-C) 18.6.9 Authorized Certificate / document from the principle / manufacturer (if applicable). 18.6.10 Evidence of eligibility of the Tenderer and the Services 18.6.11 Evidence of conformity of the Services to the Tender Document 18.6.12 Brand/Make of the bus along with Technical Brochures / Literature 18.6.13 The statement signed by the authorized representative of the Bidder 18.6.14 Valid Registration Certificate for Income Tax, Sales Tax and / or other allied agencies / organizations / regulatory authorities (Principal, Local Representative Company). 18.6.15 Income Tax & Sales Tax Returns for the last three tax years


The Financial Proposal shall comprise the following duly signed and stamped: 18.7.1 Financial Proposal Submission Form (Annexure-K) 18.7.2 Price Table (Annexure-L) 18.7.3 Bid Price (Annexure-M) The Tenderer shall follow the instructions laid down as under: 18.8.1 The Tenderer shall seal the Original Technical Proposal in an envelope duly marked as under:


Envelope No. 1A: Original Technical Proposal for Tender Name. [Name of Tender] Page 22 of 78

[Name of the Purchaser] [Address of the Purchaser] [Name of the Tenderer] [Address of the Tenderer] [Phone No. of the Tenderer] 18.8.2 The Tenderer shall seal the Duplicate Technical Tender in an envelope duly marked as under: Envelope No. – 1B: Duplicate Technical Proposal for Tender Name. [Name of Tender] [Name of the Purchaser] [Address of the Purchaser] [Name of the Tenderer] [Address of the Tenderer] [Phone No. of the Tenderer] 18.8.3 The Tenderer shall seal the Original Financial Proposal in an envelope duly marked as under: Envelope No. 2A: Original Financial Proposal for Tender Name. [Name of Tender] [Name of the Purchaser] [Address of the Purchaser] [Name of the Tenderer] [Address of the Tenderer] [Phone No. of the Tenderer] 18.8.4 The Tenderer shall seal the Duplicate Financial Tender in an envelope duly marked as under: Envelope No. – 2B: Duplicate Financial Proposal for Tender Name. [Name of Tender] Page 23 of 78

[Name of the Purchaser] [Address of the Purchaser] [Name of the Tenderer] [Address of the Tenderer] [Phone No. of the Tenderer] 18.8.5 The Tenderer shall again seal the sealed envelopes of Original Technical Proposal and the Original Financial Proposal in an outer envelope, duly marking the envelope as under: Envelope No. (1+2)A: Original Tender for Tender Name. [Name of Tender] Strictly Confidential Open on [Last Date of submission of the Tender] [Name of the Purchaser] [Address of the Purchaser] [Name of the Tenderer] [Address of the Tenderer] [Phone No. of the Tenderer] 18.8.6 The Tenderer shall again seal the sealed envelopes of Duplicate Technical Proposal and the Duplicate Financial Proposal in an outer envelope, duly marking the envelope as under: Envelope (1+2)B Duplicate Tender for Tender Name. [Name of Tender] Strictly Confidential Open on [Last Date of submission of the Tender] [Name of the Purchaser] [Address of the Purchaser] Page 24 of 78

[Name of the Tenderer] [Address of the Tenderer] [Phone No. of the Tenderer] 18.9 18.10

18.11 18.12

19. 19.1

19.2 19.3

20. 20.1


As applicable, the Tenderer shall again seal Envelope Nos. (1+2)A, (1+2)B in a single envelope titled PROCUREMENT, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCES OF METRO BUSES. The Tenderer shall enclose soft copies of the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposals, including all Forms, Annexes, Schedules, Charts, Drawings, Documents, Brochures, Literature, etc., in the form of MS Word Documents, MS Excel Worksheets and Scanned images, with the hard copies. The Tender shall be mailed through a registered courier or hand-delivered to reach at the Purchaser’s office before the closing date and time (last day of application) This is made obligatory to affix authorized signatures with official seal on all original and duplicate (copies) documents, Annexures, copies, certificates, brochures, literature, drawings, letters, forms and all relevant documents as part of the bids submitted by the Tenderer. Noncompliance with the same will cause the rejection of bid at the time of opening.

Tender Price The quoted price shall be: 19.1.1 best / final / fixed and valid until completion of all obligations under the Contract i.e. not subject to variation / escalation; 19.1.2 inclusive of all charges up to the delivery point; 19.1.3 in Pak Rupees (PKR); 19.1.4 inclusive of all taxes, duties, levies, insurance, freight, etc. If not specifically mentioned in the Tender(s), it shall be presumed that the quoted price is as per the above requirements. The price hereby quoted by the Bidders would cover the whole scope of services for the contract period.

Tender Security The Tenderer shall furnish the tender Security as part of the technical bid envelope, failing which will cause rejection of bid; as under: 20.1.1 In the form of Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank operating in Pakistan, in the name of the Purchaser, as per the format provided in the Tender Document or in another form acceptable to the Purchaser; 20.1.2 A sum of PKR Twenty (20) Million; 20.1.3 Have a minimum validity period of 180 days from the last date for submission of the Tender or until furnishing of the Performance Security, whichever is later. The proceeds of the Tender Security shall be payable to the Purchaser, on the occurrence of any / all of the following conditions: 20.2.1 If the Tenderer withdraws the Tender during the period of the Tender validity specified Page 25 of 78



by the Tenderer on the Tender Form; or 20.2.2 If the Tenderer does not accept the corrections of his Total Tender Price; or 20.2.3 If the Tenderer, having been notified of the acceptance of the Tender by the Purchaser during the period of the Tender validity, fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the Tender Document. 20.2.4 If the tenderer fails to provide the performance security in stipulated timeframe or format. The Tender security shall be returned to the technically unsuccessful Tenderer with unopened/sealed financial bid, as well as to the unsuccessful bidders following the financial bid opening procedure. The Tender Security shall also be returned to the successful Tenderer on furnishing the Performance Security.

Tender Validity The Tender shall have a minimum validity period of one hundred and eighty days (180) days from the last date for submission of the Tender. The Purchaser may solicit the Tenderer's consent to an extension of the validity period of the Tender. The request and the response thereto shall be made in writing. If the Tenderer agrees to extension of validity period of the Tender, the validity period of the Tender security shall also be suitably extended. The Tenderer may refuse extension of validity period of the Tender, without forfeiting the Tender security.


Modification / Withdrawal of the Tender


The Tenderer may, by written notice served on the Purchaser, modify or withdraw the Tender after submission of the Tender, prior to the deadline for submission of the Tender. The Tender, withdrawn after the deadline for submission of the Tender and prior to the expiration of the period of the Tender validity, shall result in forfeiture of the Tender Security.



Opening of the Tender


Tenders shall be opened, at the given place, time and date, in the presence of the Tenderer(s), if available, for which they shall ensure their presence without further invitation. The Tenderer's name, modifications, withdrawal, security, attendance of the Tenderer and such other details as the Purchaser may, at its exclusive discretion, consider appropriate, shall be announced and recorded. No tenderer or its representative will be allowed to keep any digital device (camera, audio recorder, cell phone etc.) during tender opening meeting at given time and location. Noncompliance will cause the rejection of respective bidder.




Clarification of the Tender by the Purchaser The Purchaser shall have the right, at his exclusive discretion, to require, in writing, further information or clarification of the Tender, from any or all the Tenderer(s). No change in the price or substance of the Tender shall be sought, offered or permitted except as required to confirm the corrections of arithmetical errors discovered in the Tender. Acceptance of any such correction is solid discretion of the Purchaser Page 26 of 78

25. 25.1

25.2 25.3

26. 26.1


27. 27.1


Determination of Responsiveness of the Bid (Tender) The Purchaser shall determine the substantial responsiveness of the Tender to the Tender Document, prior to the Tender evaluation, on the basis of the contents of the Tender itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence. A substantially responsive Tender is one which: 25.1.1 meets the eligibility criteria for the Tenderer for the Services; 25.1.2 meets the Technical Specifications for the Services including Bus specification and desired arrangement of doors; 25.1.3 meets the delivery period / point for the Services; 25.1.4 offers fixed price quotations for the Services in Rs. Per Km; 25.1.5 is accompanied by the required Tender Security as part of financial bid envelope; 25.1.6 submits original receipt of tender fee, attached with technical bid envelope; 25.1.7 is otherwise complete and generally in order; 25.1.8 conforms to all terms and conditions of the Tender Document, without material deviation or reservation. 25.1.9 Quotes the brand/make of the bus A material deviation or reservation is one which affects the scope, quality or performance of the Services or limits the Purchaser's rights or the Tenderer's obligations under the Contract. The Tender determined as not substantially responsive shall not subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction or withdrawal of the material deviation or reservation. However, the Purchaser may waive off any minor non-conformity or inconsistency or informality or irregularity in the Tender; but subject to approvals of the Tender Evaluation Committee.

Correction of errors / Amendment of Tender The Tender shall be checked for any arithmetic errors which shall be rectified, as follows: 26.1.1 If there is a discrepancy between the amount in figures and the amount in words for the Total Tender Price entered in the Tender Form; the amount in words, shall govern. The Tenderer shall state the Tender Price for the payment terms outlined in the Conditions of Contract which will be considered for the evaluation of the Tender. .

Rejection / Acceptance of the Tender The Purchaser shall have the right, at his exclusive discretion, to increase / decrease the quantity of Buses required without any change in unit prices or other terms and conditions, accept a Tender, reject any or all tender(s), cancel / annul the Tendering process at any time prior to award of formal Contract, without assigning any reason or any obligation to inform the Tenderer of the grounds for the Purchaser's action, and without thereby incurring any liability to the Tenderer and the decision of the Purchaser shall be final. The Tender shall be rejected if: 27.2.1 it is substantially non-responsive; or Page 27 of 78

27.2.2 it is submitted in other than prescribed forms, annexes, schedules, charts, drawings, documents / by other than specified mode; or 27.2.3 it is incomplete, un-sealed, un-signed, printed (hand written), partial, conditional, alternative, late; or 27.2.4 it is subjected to interlineations / cuttings / corrections / erasures / overwriting; or 27.2.5 the Tenderer submits more than one Tenders; or 27.2.6 the Tenderer fails to meet the minimum mandatory score of 50% against each criterion in the Technical Evaluation Criteria (Annexure-B); or 27.2.7 the Tenderer fails to meet the minimum passing score of 70% in the Technical Evaluation Criteria (Annexure-B); or 27.2.8 the Tenderer refuses to accept the corrected Total Tender Price; or 27.2.9 the Tenderer has conflict of interest with the Purchaser; or 27.2.10 the Tenderer tries to influence the Tender evaluation / Contract award; or 27.2.11 the Tenderer engages in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the Contract award. 27.2.12 there is any discrepancy between bidding documents and bidder’s proposal i.e. any nonconformity or inconsistency or informality or irregularity in the submitted bid. 27.2.13 the Tenderer submits any financial conditions as part of its bid which are not in conformity with tender document.


Acceptance Letter (Letter of Intent) The Purchaser shall, send the Acceptance Letter (Letter of Intent) to the successful Tenderer, prior to the expiry of the validity period of the Tender, which shall be made part of the formal contract.

29. 29.1

Performance Security The successful Tenderer shall furnish Performance Security as under: 29.1.1 within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the Acceptance Letter from the Purchaser; 29.1.2 in the form of a Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank operating in Pakistan, as per the format provided in the Tender Document or in another form acceptable to the Purchaser; 29.1.3 denominated in Pak Rupees; 29.1.4 Have a minimum validity period of one year from the date of Award Notification or until the date of expiry of yearly support period. 29.1.5 The successful tenderer shall submit a Bank Guarantee of 10% of the annual contract value for a period of eight (8) years, on a yearly basis, with an undertaking to renew the Bank Guarantee before the end of each year on yearly basis, one month before the expiry period of the submitted bank guarantee. 29.1.6 The proceeds of the Performance Security shall be payable to the Purchaser, on occurrence of any / all of the following conditions: the Operator commits a default under the Contract; the Operator fails to submit the bank guarantee for the next year once month before the expiry of already submitted bank guarantee in stipulated timeframe. the Operator fails to fulfill any of the obligations under the Contract Page 28 of 78

29.2 the Operator violates any of the terms and conditions of the Contract. The Operator shall cause the validity period of the performance security to be extended for such period(s) as the contract performance may be extended. The Performance Security shall be returned to the Tenderer within thirty working days after the expiry of its validity on written request from the Operator.


Redressal of Grievances by the Purchaser


The Purchaser shall constitute a committee comprising of odd number of persons, with proper powers and authorizations, to address the complaints of bidders that may occur prior to the entry into force of the procurement contract. Any bidder feeling aggrieved by any act of the Purchaser after the submission of his bid may lodge a written complaint concerning his grievances not later than fifteen days after the announcement of the bid evaluation report. The committee shall investigate and decide upon the complaint within fifteen days of the receipt of the complaint. Mere fact of lodging of a complaint shall not warrant suspension of the procurement process. Any bidder not satisfied with the decision of the committee of the Purchaser may follow the process mentioned vide Statutes and Regulations.


30.3 30.4 30.5

Page 29 of 78


Contract for






Page 30 of 78


I. II. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.

Agreement General Conditions of Contract Contract Contract Documents and Information Contract Language Standards Commercial Availability Patent Right Execution Schedule Payment Price Contract Amendment Assignment / Subcontract Extensions in time for performance of obligations under the Contract Liquidated Damages Blacklisting Forfeiture of Performance Security Termination for Default Termination for Insolvency Termination for Convenience Force Majeure Dispute Resolution Statutes and Regulations Taxes and Duties The Client Authorized Representative Waiver Training Documentation

III. Technical Specifications

Page 31 of 78



This CONTRACT AGREEMENT (this “Contract”) made as of the [day] of [month], [year], BETWEEN Governor of the Punjab acting through the Secretary, Transport Department (Metro Bus System-Project Management Unit/Punjab MetroBus Authority), Government of the Punjab on the one part(hereinafter called the “Purchaser” which expression shall include its successors, legal representatives and permitted assigns) AND [full legal name of Operator], on the other part (hereinafter called the “Operator” which expression shall include the successors, legal representatives and permitted assigns) severally liable to the Purchaser for all of the Operator’s obligations under this Contract and is deemed to be included in any reference to the term “Operator.” RECITALS WHEREAS,

(a) The GoPb through the Purchaser intends to spend a part of its budget / funds for making eligible payments under this contract. Payments made under this contract will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Contract in lieu of procurement of buses and services as described in the contract. (b) The Purchaser has requested the Operator to provide certain services as described in Tender Document; and (c) The Operator, having represented to the Purchaser that it has the required professional skills, and personnel and technical resources, has agreed to provide such services on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract. NOW THEREFORE, the Parties to this Contract agree as follows: 1. The Operator hereby covenants with the Purchaser to supply the buses and services, in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract, in consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Operator. Page 32 of 78

2. The Purchaser hereby covenants with the Operator to pay the Operator, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable, at the times and in the manner, in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract, in consideration of supply of the Services. 3. The following shall be deemed to form and be read and construct as part of this Contract: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m.

The Tender Document Bidder’s Proposal Terms and Conditions of the Contract Special Stipulations The Technical Specifications Tender Form Price Schedule Affidavit(s) Authorized Dealership / Agency Certificate Performance Security Service Level Agreement (SLA) , if required Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), if required Any Standard Clause acceptable for Purchaser

4. This Contract shall prevail over all other documents. In the event of any discrepancy / inconsistency within the Contract, the above Documents shall prevail in the order listed above. 5. Services Required: Contractual obligations Roles and Responsibilities shall be as under: 5.1 MBS-PMU/PMA 5.1.1

Provide state of the art MetroBus stations with AFC operation as well as elevated and/or fenced MetroBus corridor


Establish an Operation Control Center for operation of the system. The control centre may at its discretion change or cancel the assigned operation/schedule/trip (s).


Arrange for provision of driver’s console in the buses; and through the console the control centre will communicate to the bus-driver the schedules regarding trips, routes, hour of service, and timing at different station.


Select only one operator for operation of MBS on Green line.


Equip every bus with GPS devices and relevant components (on bus and off bus), that can gather location wise data and transmit to central servers and related software modules.


Provide Passenger Information System equipment and software in buses Page 33 of 78


Provide depot for Parking of vehicle on at least one-side of the METROBUS Corridor with allied facilities such as washing, and minor repairs. The dead mileage from and to the Depot will be borne by the GoPb.


Guarantee average minimum of 70, 000 Km’s per bus per year. The adjustment to cost matrix will be made as per changes in cost matrix and indication mentioned in agreement.


Manage fare via the AFC operator

5.1.10 Make monthly payments to the operator against tracked kilometers, reported by the control center. 5.1.11 Develop and notify detailed specifications of the MetroBuses. All Buses to be introduced under this project would have to conform to these specifications. The detail of Urban Bus Specifications is attached as (Annexures-R&S) with this document. The buses shall have system brand name and brand color only. 5.1.12 Open an escrow account jointly operated by authorized representatives of the GoPb/ MBS-PMU/PMA, the AFC-BSS Service Provider, and the Bus Operator. 5.1.13 Monitor all activities of the METROBUS Operation to ensure its compliance with environmental / municipal laws and regulations; and co-opt the representative of Environment Protection Agency to oversee the compliance of applicable environmental laws, rules and regulations and their enforcement thereof by bidders. 5.1.14 MBS-PMU /PMA may consider allowing advertisements inside the bus, in which case the size, nature, etc will be specified by MBS-PMU/PMA. Revenue proceeds of such advertisements, if allowed, will be credited to the escrow account. 5.1.15 Be responsible for the conduct and functioning of all staff employed in the MBSPMU /PMA. The MBS-PMU staff shall provide efficient services, polite and courteous behavior towards operator, and passengers. The MBS-PMU/PMA shall be liable for any misconduct or unreasonable offense of its employees and shall take prompt and appropriate action. 5.1.16 Confirm ownership of buses in favor of the operator upon expiry of the contract. 5.1.17 Through AFC-BSS, provide the bus drivers the required training of the use of the Driver Console and Precision Docking. 5.1.18 Upon completion of the contract period, the MBS-PMU/PMA shall re-advertise the RFP for procurement of bus operator. In the said process of procurement the running bus operator will have first right of refusal to match the lowest bid received.

5.2 Operator Page 34 of 78


Procure 45 Brand New Articulated 18m Air Conditioned (AC) Diesel buses as per prescribed specification, and ensuring compatibility with the existing AFC-BSS


In addition to these buses, the operator may be required to add 25% more buses during the first six (6) months of operation.


Must ensure to ply the buses and follow the specified schedules and instructions by MBS-PMU/ PMA. Failure to complete the assigned jobs would result in penalties as per Agreement.


Only one operator shall carryout MBS operation on the Green-line.


Must employ adequate, well-trained staff to perform all duties and responsibilities stated in this RFP – including all roles/duties to be performed on the MBS corridor, Depot, fueling operation, and general fleet management.


Obtain all necessary permits under all applicable Laws of Pakistan required to procure the buses


Obtain route permits and vehicle fitness certificates as prescribed in the Punjab Motor Vehicle Ordinance


Carry out all responsibilities laid out in this document.


Cooperate with all other MBS service providers and to the extent possible facilitate their operations in the MBS-PMU/PMA system.

5.2.10 Engage and deploy suitably skilled personnel for procurement, operation and maintenance of the Buses, and maintenance/replacement of all related equipment/components in buses in a timely manner and at its own cost, and participate in all meetings, committees, etc, as directed by MBS-PMU/PMA from time to time. 5.2.11 Be responsible for the conduct and functioning of all staff employed in the Operation. The bus operator shall ensure efficient services, polite and courteous behavior towards passengers and representatives of MBS-PMU/PMA and other related departments/entities of the GoPb. The bus operator shall be liable for any misconduct or unreasonable offense of its employees and shall take prompt and appropriate action. 5.2.12 Prior to procuring, the bus operator shall submit detailed specifications, documentation, and manuals of related buses being procured for operation and maintenance; and arrange inspections by MBS-PMU/PMA or by any third party hired by MBS-PMU/PMA for the inspection of buses – and seek approval by MBS-PMU/PMA. Page 35 of 78

5.2.13 Adhere to timelines of the Operation implementation specified in this RFP. 5.2.14 Provide monthly reports on progress of the Operation implementation as per scope defined in this RFP 5.2.15 Impart meaningful and timely training to all Driver/staff associated with the Operation 5.2.16 Guarantee smooth operations and functioning of all buses during the entire contract period 5.2.17 Provide maintenance plan of metro buses in consultation with MBS-PMU/PMA, and implement it. The plan must cover procedures and parameters for preventive and break-down maintenance, as well as maintenance review procedures. 5.2.18 Implement the maintenance plan of metro buses 5.2.19 Allow authorized Transport Department staff (and other authorized GoPb personnel) for inspection of buses at depot and while in operation 5.2.20 Take prompt and reasonable action for resolution of each complaint – including complaints received from MBS-PMU/PMA related to the operation of buses. 5.2.21 Bear the cost of license/Route permit and that for the registration of the buses. 5.2.22 Comply with the provisions of the applicable Motor Vehicles Ordinance / Act, the regulations and rules framed in the standards and all other applicable local, provincial, and federal laws. The Inability of the bus Investor(s) / Operator(s) to comply with rules, regulations and procedures will be penalized as per penalty mechanism. 5.2.23 Comply, complete, and follow all reasonable commands, directions, and requirements of the MBS-PMU/PMA in respect of the operation, including directions and requirements that ensure public safety and security. 5.2.24 Engage and train drivers for buses. It is expected that driver must possess at least a graduate degree and shall be tested and declared capable of reading English instruction/tabs. The drivers will be trained for the use of the Driver Console by the MBS-PMU/PMA through AFC-BSS; however, the qualification of driver’s is mandatory for understanding the system parameter and discipline of the system. 5.2.25 Arrange for fuel of buses with reserve fuel to implement the schedules smoothly without any interruption. 5.2.26 Start operation of buses as per procedure laid-down in the agreement or upon award of the letter for initiation of operation. 5.2.27 Ensure that there are no advertisements displayed on the outside surface of the Page 36 of 78

buses 5.2.28 Ensure that the types, forms, and locations of all advertisement being displayed inside the buses should not be placed without written approval of the MBSPMU/PMA; and should strictly conform to the rules, regulation and procedures as notified by the MBS-PMU/PMA. 5.2.29 Ensure and deploy at least eight (8) toe-away vehicles to haul stalled buses to depot in a timely fashion. 5.2.30 Ensure that dead mileage is limited to no more than 2 kilometers per bus per day

5.3 Transport Department 5.3.1 5.3.2


Provide and notify fare structure and business rules for Bus operation Provide Bus operator the rights/route permits to operate buses on the MBS corridor and the right to use the Depot so that Bus Operator can perform its obligations in a timely manner. Attempt to grant timely approvals and documents when required.

Key Service-level parameters Any breach of defined service levels will entail penalties; service level agreement (SLA) is further elaborated in Annexure-O. Revenue collection and payment- Joint mechanism for AFC-BSS Contractor and Bus Operator 1

An escrow account shall be opened by the GoPb (via MBS-PMU/PMA) in the Bank of Punjab (BOP). The escrow account will be jointly operated by authorized representatives of the Government of Punjab/MBS-PMU/PMA, the AFC-BSS Service Provider, and bus operator.


The BOP shall issue a set of non-live card/token numbers (series) to the AFC-BSS contractor, for printing and selling.


The AFC-BSS contractor shall arrange printing of the cards/tokens, based on card/token design specified by PMA


The AFC-BSS contractor shall request the BOP to activate the card/token numbers for live online recognition.


Prior to card activation, an amount equivalent to the value of the cards being activated, shall be deducted from the AFC-BSS contractor’s account and deposited in the escrow account.


Sale of tickets (cards/tokens) shall be the responsibility of the AFC-BSS contractor. Page 37 of 78


For activation and subsequent recharging of cards (Smart cards) and tokens/throwaway media, the AFC-BSS contractor shall arrange “Bulk Initialization Machines (BIM)”,and place BIMs at premises specified by MBS-PMU/PMA.


BIMs, and/or top-up/Point of Sale (POS) machines will only initialize/top-up media if there is sufficient balance available. AFC-BSS Contractor must first transfer sufficient balance amount into the Escrow Account of the GoPb, and the BOP will subsequently load credit in the BIM/POS machine.


The revenue collected will be disbursed to all concerned parties via agreed formula.

10 Payments from the Escrow Account will be made to AFC-BSS Contractor, the Bus Operator, and to other qualified service providers based upon agreed policies, formulas, and reconciliation reports from AFC-BSS. 11 If there is surplus balance in the Escrow Account, the amount will be retained by GoPb/MBSPMU/PMA. If there is deficit in the Escrow Account (that is, all service providers cannot be paid) then GoPb/MBS-PMU/PMA/ will arrange for the deficit amount and make payments that are due. 12 Payment to the Bus Operator shall be made for actually plied Kilometer’s on monthly basis 13 Regular third-party audit (financial as well as technical) to be made an integral part of the Operation IN WITNESS whereof the Parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed in accordance with the laws of Pakistan as of the day, month and year first indicated above. For [full legal name of the Purchaser]:

For [full legal name of the Operator]:





Witnessed By:

Witnessed By:

WITNESSES Signature __________________ CNIC # __________________ Name __________________ Designation__________________ Address _________________

Signature ____________________ CNIC # ____________________ Name ____________________ Designation ____________________ Address __________________

Page 38 of 78

II General Conditions of Contract 31.

Contract The Purchaser shall, after receipt of the Performance Security from the successful Tenderer, send the Contract provided in the Tender Document, to the successful Tenderer. Within ten working days of the receipt of such Contract, the Tenderer shall sign and date the Contract and return it to the Purchaser.


Contract Documents and Information The Operator shall not, without the Purchaser's prior written consent, make use of the Contract, or any provision thereof, or any document(s), specifications, drawing(s), pattern(s), sample(s) or information furnished by or on behalf of the Purchaser in connection therewith, except for purposes of performing the Contract or disclose the same to any person other than a person employed by the Operator in the performance of the Contract. Disclosure to any such employed person shall be made in confidence and shall extend only as far as may be necessary for purposes of such performance.


Contract Language The Contract and all documents relating to the Contract, exchanged between the Operator and the Purchaser, shall be in English. The Operator shall bear all costs of translation to English and all risks of the accuracy of such translation.


Patent Rights and Rights to the Contents of the Program The Operator shall indemnify and hold the Purchaser and the Purchaser harmless against all third party claims of infringement of patent, trademark or industrial design rights arising from use of the Service or any part thereof. The Purchaser will hold the exclusive rights to the contents of this program.


Insurance The Operator shall provide such insurance of the buses as is sufficient to protect against their theft, damage or deterioration during course of the operation, storage/transit to their final destination as indicated in this Contract. The Operator shall arrange and pay for the insurance of the buses to the place of destination and time, as required by the Purchaser.


Execution Schedule The Operator shall submit an Execution Schedule, giving details of services rendered, as required under the Contract, to the Client, within three days of the signing of the Contract.


Payment The procedure for payments to operator shall be as under: 36.1 The Operator shall submit an Application for Payment (Invoice), in the prescribed form, to the Client. The Application for Payment shall: be accompanied by such invoices, receipts or other documentary evidence as the Client may require; state the amount claimed; and set forth in Page 39 of 78

detail, in the order of the Price Schedule, particulars of the Services provided, up to the date of the Application for Payment and subsequent to the period covered by the last preceding Certificate of Payment, if any. 36.2 The Purchaser shall issue a Certificate of Payment, in the prescribed form, with a copy to the Operator, verifying the amount due, within seven days of receipt of an Application for Payment. The Client may withhold a Certificate of Payment on account of defect(s) / short coming(s) in the services provided. The Client may make any correction or modification in a Certificate of Payment that properly be made in respect of any previous certificate. 36.3 The Purchaser shall pay the amount verified in the Certificate of Payment within twenty one (21) days of receipt of a Certificate of Payment. Payment shall not be made in advance. The Purchaser shall make payment for the Services provided, to the Operator, as per GoPb policy, in Pak Rupees, through treasury cheque. 36.4 Payments shall be made against successful delivery of services as per operation plan and actually travelled kilometers.


Price The Operator shall not charge prices for the equipment and services provided and for other obligations discharged, under the Contract, varying from the prices quoted by the Operator in the Price Schedule or not agreed by the Purchaser as per this Contract


Contract Amendment


The Purchaser may, at any time, by written notice served on the Operator, alter, amend, omit, increase, decrease or otherwise change the nature, quality, quantity and scope, of all / any of the Services / the Works, in whole or in part. The Operator shall, within ten working days of receipt of such notice, submit a cost estimate and execution schedule of the proposed change (hereinafter referred to as the Change), to the Purchaser. The Operator shall not execute the Change until and unless the Purchaser has allowed the said Change, by written order served on the Operator with a copy to the Client. The Change, mutually agreed upon, shall constitute part of the obligations under this Contract, and the provisions of the Contract shall apply to the said Change. No variation in or modification in the Contract shall be made, except by written amendment signed by both the Purchaser and the Operator.


38.3 38.4 38.5


Assignment / Subcontract

39.1 39.2

The Operator will not assign or sub-contract its obligations under the Contract, in whole or in part, except with the Purchaser's prior written consent. The Operator shall guarantee that any and all assignees / subcontractors of the Operator shall, for performance of any part / whole of the work under the contract, comply fully with the terms and conditions of the Contract applicable to such part / whole of the work under the contract.


Extensions in time for performance of obligations under the Contract If the Operator encounters conditions impeding timely performance of any of the obligations, under the Contract, at any time, the Operator shall, by written notice served on the Purchaser, promptly indicate the facts of the delay, its likely duration and its cause(s). As soon as practicable after receipt of such notice, the Purchaser shall evaluate the situation and may, at its exclusive discretion, without prejudice to any other remedy it may have, by written order served on the Operator with a copy to the Client, extend the Operator's time for performance of its obligations under the Contract. Page 40 of 78


Liquidated Damages (LD) If the Operator fails / delays in performance of any of the obligations, under the Contract / violates any of the provisions of the Contract / commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Contract; the Purchaser may, without prejudice to any other right of action / remedy it may have, levy liquidated damages as follows: LD per day = (Factor F x 200 x Number of Buses x Value X) (See Price Tables in Annexure L for value of X) For 0 – 10 days Factor F = 0.25 For 11– 20 days Factor F = 0.50 For 21 – 30 days Factor F = 0.75 For 31 days and above, Factor F =1.00 However, the amount so deducted shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the value of the performance security. The Liquidated Damages are attributable to such part of the Services as cannot, in consequence of the failure / delay, be put to the intended use, for every day between the scheduled delivery date(s), with any extension of time thereof granted by the Purchaser, and the actual delivery date(s) (This penalty will also be invoked on the commitments given by the Operator in the technical proposal)


Forfeiture of Performance Security If the Operator fails / delays in performance of any of the obligations, under the Contract / violates any of the provisions of the Contract / commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Contract the Purchaser may, without prejudice to any other right of action / remedy it may have, forfeit Performance Security of the Operator. Failure to supply required services within the specified time period will invoke penalty as specified in this document. In addition to that, Performance Security amount will be forfeited and the company will not be allowed to participate in future tenders as well.


Termination for Default


If the Operator fails / delays in performance of any of the obligations, under the Contract / violates any of the provisions of the Contract / commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Contract, or engages in any illegal activities, the Purchaser may, at any time, without prejudice to any other right of action / remedy it may have, by written notice served on the Operator, indicate the nature of the default(s) and terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, without any compensation to the Operator; provided that the termination of the Contract shall be resorted to only if the Operator does not cure its failure / delay, within fifteen working days (or such longer period as the Client may allow in writing), after receipt of such notice.


If the Purchaser terminates the Contract for default, in whole or in part, the Purchaser may procure, upon such terms and conditions and in such manner as it deems appropriate, Services / Works, similar to those undelivered, and the Operator shall be liable to the Purchaser for any excess costs for such similar Services / Works. However, the Operator shall continue performance of the Contract to the extent not terminated. Page 41 of 78


Termination for Insolvency If the lead partner becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, the Purchaser may, at any time, without prejudice to any other right of action / remedy it may have, by written notice served on the Operator, indicate the nature of the insolvency and terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, without any compensation to the Operator.


Termination for Convenience 45.1 The Purchaser may, at any time, by written notice served on the Operator, terminate the Contract, in whole or in part. 45.2 The Services which are complete or to be completed by the Operator, within thirty working days after the receipt of such notice, shall be accepted by the Purchaser. For the remaining services, the Purchaser may elect: 45.2.1 to have any portion thereof completed and delivered; and 45.2.2 to cancel the remainder and pay the Operator by: i.

Purchasing all buses provisioned till date by the Operator (taking into consideration depreciated values)


Paying a reasonable allowance for overheads, not exceeding 10% of value of utilized buses


Force Majeure


Force majeure shall mean any event, act or other circumstances not being an event, act or circumstance under the control of the purchaser or of the operator. Non-availability of materials/supplies or of import license or of export permit shall not constitute Force majeure. If by reasons of Force Majeure supplies or services cannot be delivered by the due delivery date then the delivery date may be extended appropriately by the purchaser keeping in view all the circumstances and requirements of the Purchaser. The Operator shall not be liable for liquidated damages, forfeiture of its Performance Security, blacklisting for future tenders, termination for default, if and to the extent of his failure / delay in performance /discharge of obligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure. If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Operator shall, by written notice served on the Purchaser, indicate such condition and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the Purchaser in writing, the Operator shall continue to perform under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.




Dispute Resolution


The Purchaser and the Operator shall make every effort to amicably resolve, by direct informal negotiation, any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the Contract. If, after thirty working days, from the commencement of such informal negotiations, the Purchaser and the Operator have been unable to amicably resolve a Contract dispute, either


Page 42 of 78

party may, require that the dispute be referred for resolution by arbitration under the Pakistan Arbitration Act, 1940, as amended, by one or more arbitrators selected in accordance with said Law. The place for arbitration shall be Lahore, Pakistan. The award shall be final and binding on the parties.


Statutes and Regulations


The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Pakistan. The Operator shall, in all matters arising in the performance of the Contract, conform, in all respects, with the provisions of all Central, Provincial and Local Laws, Statutes, Regulations and ByLaws in force in Pakistan, and shall give all notices and pay all fees required to be given or paid and shall keep the Purchaser indemnified against all penalties and liability of any kind for breach of any of the same. The Courts at Lahore shall have the exclusive territorial jurisdiction in respect of any dispute or difference of any kind arising out of or in connection with the Contract.


49 Taxes and Duties The Operator shall be entirely responsible for all applicable taxes, duties and other such levies imposed by the concerned local provincial and federal authorities in Pakistan.

50 Contract Cost The Operator shall bear all costs / expenses associated with the preparation of the Contract and the Purchaser shall in no case be responsible / liable for those costs / expenses e.g. Contract Stamp duty charges etc.

51 Authorized Representative The Purchaser, or the Operator may, at their exclusive discretion, appoint their Authorized Representative and may, from time to time, delegate any / all of the duties / authority, vested in them, to their authorized Representative(s), including but not limited to, signing on their behalf to legally bind them, and may, at any time, revoke such delegation. 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.4


The Authorized Representative shall only carry out such duties and exercise such authority as may be delegated to him, by the Purchaser, or the Operator. Any such delegation or revocation shall be in writing and shall not take effect until notified to the other parties to the Contract. Any decision, instruction or approval given by the Authorized Representative, in accordance with such delegation, shall have the same effect as though it had been given by the Principal. Notwithstanding above Clause, any failure of the Authorized Representative to disapprove Services or Works shall not prejudice the right of the Client to disapprove such Services or Works and to give instructions for the rectification thereof. If the Operator questions any decision or instruction of the Authorized Representative of the Purchaser / the Client, the Operator may refer the matter to the Purchaser / the Client who shall confirm, reverse or vary such decision or instruction.

52 Waiver Failure of either party to insist upon strict performance of the obligations of the other party, under the Contract, shall in no way be deemed or construed to affect in any way the right of that party to require such performance.

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53 Special Stipulations SCHEDULE-A, SPECIAL STIPULATIONS For ease of Reference, certain special stipulations are as under:

The Operator shall furnish the Tender Security as under: for the whole Tender;

Tender Security

In the form of Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank operating in Pakistan, in the name of the Purchaser, as per the format provided in the Tender Document or in another form acceptable to the Purchaser; for a sum of Rs 20 Million; denominated in Pak Rupees; Have a minimum validity period of one hundred and eighty days from the last date for submission of the Tender or until furnishing of the Performance Security, whichever is later The successful Operator shall furnish Performance Security as under: within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the Acceptance Letter from the Purchaser; in the form of a Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank operating in Pakistan, as per the format provided in the Tender Document or in another form acceptable to the Purchaser;

Performance Security

denominated in Pak Rupees; Have a minimum validity period of one year from the date of Award Notification or until the date of expiry of yearly support period. The successful tenderer shall submit a Bank Guarantee for 10% of the annual contract value, for a period of eight (8) years, on a yearly basis, with an undertaking to renew the Bank Guarantee before the end of each year on yearly basis, one month before the expiry period of the submitted bank guarantee.

Signing of Contract

The Purchaser shall, after receipt of the Performance Security from the successful Tenderer, send the Contract provided in the Tender Document, to the successful Tenderer. Within ten working days of the receipt of such Contract, the Tenderer shall sign and date the Contract and return it to the Purchaser.

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Start operation of buses

The induction and operation of buses shall be as per following program: 45 Articulated 18m AC Diesel buses latest by 25th November, 2012.

Liquidated damages for failure / configuration of Services by the Operator

If and when applicable, liquidated damages (LD) shall be levied as follows: LD per day = (Factor F x 200 x Number of Buses x Value X)

(See Price Tables in Annexure L for value of X) For 0 – 10 days Factor F = 0.25 For 11– 20 days Factor F = 0.50 For 21 – 30 days Factor F = 0.75 For 31 days and above, Factor F =1.00 However, the amount so deducted shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the value of the performance security. The Liquidated Damages are attributable to such part of the Services as cannot, in consequence of the failure / delay, be put to the intended use, for every day between the scheduled delivery date(s), with any extension of time thereof granted by the Purchaser, and the actual delivery date(s) (This penalty will also be invoked on the commitments given by the Operator in the technical proposal)

Legal Status to Work in Pakistan

The Bidder must be allowed and meet all conditions set forth by the GoPb to work with all concerned parties of the private, public, and not for profit sectors.

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Page 47 of 78

Annexure-A : Technical Proposal Submission Form

Technical Proposal Submission Form [Location, Date] To

_(Name and address of Client / Purchaser)_

Dear Sir, We, the undersigned, offer to provide the _(insert title of assignment)_ in accordance with your Request for Proposal/Tender Document dated _(insert date)_ and our Proposal. We are hereby submitting our Proposal, which includes the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal sealed in two separate envelopes. We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to procure, operate, and maintain 45 Brand New 18m Articulated AC Diesel Buses. We also confirm that the Government of Pakistan / Punjab has not declared us, or any, ineligible on charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices. We furthermore, pledge not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the Contract, and we are aware of the relevant provisions of the Proposal Document.

We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

We remain, Yours sincerely, Authorized Signature (In full and initials) Name and Designation of Signatory Name of Firm Address

Page 48 of 78

Annexure-B : Technical Evaluation Criteria It is mandatory to score minimum 50% marks against each criterion and minimum 70% of total marks

Sr No.


Max. Marks


Number of implementations of successful Urban bus operations



Maximum fleet maintained and operated



Total number of human resource managed by the company



Number of years of ordinary bus operations



Annual Turnover


Comment/Description up to 2= 8 Points 3 to 5= 10 Points 6 or more =16 Points 10 to 20= 8 Points 21 to 30= 10 Points 31 to 50 = 13 Points 51 or more =16 Points 50 to 100= 8 Points 101 to 300= 13 Points 301 or more =16 Points up to 5 = 4 Points 6 or more = 8 Points Maximum value will get maximum marks. Point assessment for other proposals = (B/N) x Maximum Points B = Bidder’s value for Annual Turnover N = Maximum value quoted by a bidder




150 Million to 180 Million = 6 Points More than 180 Million = 12 Points


Supply Timeline 45 Brand New 18m Articulated AC Diesel Buses in days


Up to 5th November, 2012 = 48 Points 6th November, 2012 to 15th November 2012 = 40 Points 16th November, 2012 to 25th November, 2012 = 24 Points Minimum Passing Marks = 70%



Page 49 of 78

Annexure-C : Technical Evaluation References and supporting documentation required as evidence for each:

Sr No.


Enter Value/information


Number of implementations of successful Urban bus operations


Maximum fleet maintained and operated


Total number of human resource managed by the company


Number of years of ordinary bus operations providing public transport services


Annual Turnover




Supply Timeline for 45 Brand New 18m Articulated AC Diesel Buses)


Make/Brand of 45 Brand New Articulated 18m AC Diesel buses

Page 50 of 78

Annexure-D : Financial Capacity of the Bidder Additionally, the following financial data form shall be filled out by the Bidder; and by all partners in case of a Joint Venture and along with one summary form for all partners. The Purchaser reserves the right to request additional information about the financial capacity of the Bidder. A Bidder that fails to demonstrate through its financial records that it has the financial capacity to perform the required Supply/Services may be disqualified. Financial Information

Provide the required information for the previous three years. (Most recent to oldest). Also attach balance sheets for the relevant years Year (Year)


Year (Year)


Year (Year)


Information from Balance Sheet: (1) Total Assets (TA) (2) Current Assets (CA) (3) Total Liabilities (TL) (4) Current (CL)


Information from Income Statement: (5) Total Revenue (TR) (6) Profits before Taxes (PBT) Net Worth (1) – (3) Current Ratio (2) / (4) Provide information on current or past litigation or arbitration over the last three (3) years as shown in the form below. Litigation or arbitration in the last three (3) years: No:_____Yes:______ (See below) Litigation and Arbitration During Last three (3) Years Year

Matter in Dispute

Value of Award Against Operator in PAK Rupees

_________________________ Page 51 of 78

Authorized Signatures with Official Seal

Annexure-E : Instructions for preparation of power of attorney

a) To be executed by an authorized representative of the bidder. b) The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executants and when it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure. c) Also, wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the charter documents and documents such as a resolution/power of attorney in favor of the Person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder. d) In case the Application is signed by an authorized Director / Partner or Proprietor of the Applicant, a certified copy of the appropriate resolution / document conveying such authority may be enclosed in lieu of the Power of Attorney.

Page 52 of 78

Annexure-F : Format of Power-of-Attorney

POWER OF ATTORNEY (On a Legal / Revenue Stamp Paper of PAKISTAN / of the bidder’s country in the relevant value OR on the bidder’s letter head officially signed and stamped) We (name of the company and address of the registered office) do hereby appoint and authorize Mr. / Ms. (full name and residential address) bearing Pakistan’s Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) no. (Complete CNIC No.) who is presently engaged with us and holding the position of as our attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to our proposal for (name of the Operation) in response to the tenders invited by the (name of the Purchaser) including signing and submission of all documents and providing information/responses to (name of the Purchaser) in all matters in connection with our Bid. We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.

Dated this _____ day of ____________________ 20__

For ________________________________

(Signature) (Name, Designation and Address) Accepted

(Signature) (Name, Title and Address of the Attorney) Date:

Page 53 of 78

Annexure-G : Undertaking

UNDERTAKING It is certified that the information furnished here in and as per the document submitted is true and correct and nothing has been concealed or tampered with. We have gone through all the conditions of tender and are liable to any punitive action for furnishing false information / documents.

Dated this _____ day of ____________________ 20__


(Company Seal) __________________ In the capacity of

Duly authorized to sign bids for and on behalf of:

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Annexure-H : Affidavit AFFIDAVIT Integrity Pact We _(Name of the bidder / supplier)_ being the first duly sworn on oath submit, that Mr. / Ms. ________ (if participating through agent / representative) is the agent / representative duly authorized by _(Name of the bidder company)_ hereinafter called the Operator to submit the attached bid to the _(Name of the Purchaser)_. Affiant further states that the said M/s (Bidding Firm/Company Name) has not paid, given or donate or agreed to pay, given or donate to any line officer or employee of the _(Name of the Purchaser)_ any money or thing of value, either directly or indirectly, for special consideration in the letting of the contract, or for giving undue advantage to any of the bidder in the bidding and in the evaluation and selection of the bidder for contract or for refraining from properly and thoroughly maintaining Operations implementations, reporting violation of the contract specification or other forms of non-compliance.

_________________ Signature & Stamp

Subscribed and sworn to me this ________ day of _____ 20__

______________________________________________________ Notary Public

Page 55 of 78

Annexure-I : Tender Security Form

TENDER SECURITY FORM WHEREAS [Name and Address of the Operator] (hereinafter called "the Operator") has submitted Tender against Tender Name (hereinafter called "the Tender") to the [Name and Address of the Purchaser] (hereinafter called "the Purchaser") for the Total Tender Price of PKR (in figures ____________________) (in words ___________________________________). AND WHEREAS [Name of the Bank] having registered office at [Address of the Bank] (hereinafter called "the Guarantor") has agreed to give the Operator a Guarantee; THEREFORE the Guarantor hereby affirms to bind himself, his successors and his assigns to the Purchaser, for the sum of PKR (in figures ____________________) (in words ___________________________________) and undertakes to pay to the Purchaser, upon receipt of his written demand(s), any sum(s) as specified by him, not exceeding the above limit in aggregate, without cavil / argument and without the Purchaser having to substantiate / prove or to show grounds / reasons for such claim(s), on the occurrence of any / all of the following conditions: 1. If the Operator withdraws the Tender during the period of the Tender validity specified by the Operator on the Tender Form; or 2. If the Operator does not accept the corrections of his Total Tender Price; or 3. If the Operator, having been notified of the acceptance of the Tender by the Purchaser during the period of the Tender validity, fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the Tender Document. Provided that the Purchaser shall specify the occurred condition(s) owing to which the said sum is due to him. Provided further that any demand(s) / claim(s) from the Purchaser shall reach the Guarantor within thirty working days after the expiry of the Guarantee. This guarantee shall remain valid up to ___________________ or until furnishing of the Performance Security, whichever is later. Date this ________________day of 2012. GUARANTOR Signature


CNIC # __________________ Name






Page 56 of 78

Annexure-J : Performance Security

PERFORMANCE SECURITY Issuing Authority: Date of Issuance: Date of Expiry: Claim Lodgment Date:

WHEREAS [Name and Address of the Operator] (hereinafter called "the Operator") has agreed to supply the Services and render the Services against Tender Name (hereinafter called "the Contract") for the Contract Value of PKR (in figures ____________________) (in words ___________________________________). AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated in the Tender Document that the successful Operator shall furnish Performance Security, within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the Acceptance Letter from the Purchaser, in the form of a Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank operating in Pakistan, as per the format provided in the Tender Document or in another form acceptable to the Purchaser, valid from the date of issue until all obligations have been fulfilled in accordance with the Contract; AND WHEREAS [Name of the Bank] having registered office at [Address of the Bank] (hereinafter called "the Guarantor") has agreed to give the Operator a Guarantee; THEREFORE the Guarantor hereby affirms to bind himself, his successors and his assigns to the Purchaser, for the sum of PKR (in figures ____________________) (in words ___________________________________) and undertakes to pay to the Purchaser, upon receipt of his written demand(s), any sum(s) as specified by him, not exceeding the above limit in aggregate, without cavil / argument and without the Purchaser having to substantiate / prove or to show grounds / reasons for such claim(s), on the occurrence of any / all of the following conditions: 1. If the Operator commits a default under the Contract; 2. If the Operator fails to fulfill any of the obligations under the Contract; 3. If the Operator violates any of the provisions of the Contract. Provided that the Purchaser shall specify the occurred condition(s) owing to which the said sum is due to him. And further provided that any demand(s) / claim(s) from the Purchaser shall reach the Guarantor within thirty working days after the expiry of the Guarantee. This guarantee shall remain valid up to ___________________ or until expiry of warranties or all obligations have been fulfilled in accordance with the Contract, whichever is later. Date this ________________day of 2012. Page 57 of 78



CNIC # __________________ Name






Page 58 of 78

Annexure-K : Financial Proposal Submission Form (Part of Financial Bid Envelope) Financial Proposal Submission Form (Part of Financial Bid Envelope) [Location, Date]


_(Name and address of Client / Purchaser)_

Dear Sir, We, the undersigned, offer to provide the _(Insert title of assignment)_ in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated _(insert date)_ and our Technical Proposal. Our attached Financial Proposal is for the sum of PKR Rs (insert amount in words and figures)_. This amount is inclusive of all applicable taxes.

Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the modifications resulting from Contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal, i.e. before the date indicated in the clauses 19 and 20 of RFP.

We also declare that the Government of Pakistan / Punjab has not declared us or any SubOperators for any part of the Contract, ineligible on charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices. We furthermore, pledge not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the Contract, and are aware of the relevant provisions of the Proposal Document.

We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

Signed In the capacity of: Duly authorized to sign the proposal on behalf of the Applicant. Date:

Page 59 of 78

Annexure-L : Price Table Technically qualified bidders with minimum value of “X” will be considered successful. Sr No




Price per bus / Km (PKR.)

Procurement of 45 Brand New Articulated 18m AC Diesel buses along with operation and maintenance including all expenditure such as driver, mechanics, fuel, interest charges, depreciation, profits, tire/lubricants, management, all applicable taxes, , insurance, duties, freight charges etc.

Brand New Articulated 18m AC Diesel Bus, Unit Price in PKR. including all applicable taxes, insurance, duties, freight charges etc. up to MBS Depot




Economic life of the Proposed Brand New Articulated 18m AC Diesel Bus in Kilometers Travelled



Economic life of the Proposed Brand New Articulated 18m AC Diesel Bus in Years of Operation


Important note: No advance payments will be made. Contract Payment will be made on monthly basis

Page 60 of 78

Annexure-M : Bid Price Notes to the Price Table: 1) Lowest value of “X” will determine the successful bidder, provided mandatory requirements are met and bidder has qualified technical evaluation successfully.

Date ___________ Place __________ Signature of authorized person Name: (Company Seal) __________________ In the capacity of Duly authorized by Note: No cutting or overwriting is allowed. Any cutting or overwriting will lead to rejection of the financial bid.

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Annexure-N : Format for Covering Letter

To (Name and address of Purchaser)



Dear Sir, a) Having examined the tender document and Appendixes we, the undersigned, in conformity with the said document, offer to provide the said items on terms of reference to be signed upon the award of contract for the sum indicated as per financial bid. b) We undertake, if our proposal is accepted, to provide the items/services comprise in the contract within time frame specified, starting from the date of receipt of notification of award from the client Department / Office. c) We agree to abide by this proposal for the period of ____ days (as per requirement of the Operation) from the date of bid opening and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. d) We agree to execute a contract in the form to be communicated by the _(insert name of the Purchaser)_, incorporating all agreements with such alterations or additions thereto as may be necessary to adapt such agreement to the circumstances of the standard. e) Unless and until a formal agreement is prepared and executed this proposal together with your written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding contract agreement. f) We understand that you are not bound to accept a lowest or any bid you may receive, not to give any reason for rejection of any bid and that you will not defray any expenses incurred by us in biding. g) We would like to clearly state that we qualify for this work as our company meets all the pre-F criteria indicated on your tender document. The details are as under:

_________________________ Authorized Signatures with Official Seal

Page 62 of 78

Annexure-O : Service Level Agreement Format/ Penalties SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) Scope: The SLA describes target performance levels which the bidder shall aim to deliver for the Services outlined in this RFP. It also lists the procedures for managing unavailability of Services, and associated penalties which will be applied if bidder fails to deliver any service performance targets in accordance with this Agreement. S.No



Standard (Per Month)


Trip Efficiency/ Regularity of Operation


No of Trips operated x 100/ No of trips assigned/schedule

Reliability of Buses/

More than 98%

Maximum 2

No. of Breakdowns 3

Punctuality (adherence to time schedule)


Cleanness of Buses /

No of trips on time from first station x 100 /Total no of trips operated

More than 95% Maximum 10

Number of Buses found dirty 5

Safety of Operation/ Rate of Accidents


User Satisfaction /

Nil Maximum 20

Number of Passenger Complaints

Successful bidder must notify the vehicle defect to the Authority, via email, fax, and/or telephone, as soon as it becomes aware of the fault, and must also keep the monitoring cell informed of progress towards resolution in a timely manner. In case of breach of SLA parameters, penalties will apply.

Page 63 of 78


Formula 91-98 80-90

Trip Efficiency/ Regularity of Operation

Below 80

Reliability of Buses/ Breakdowns

3-5 6-8 Above 8

Punctuality (adherence to schedule)


40 x Number of Trips Missed 45 x Number of Trips Missed Not Permitted, May result in Heavy Penalties/Termination of Contract as per Purchaser’s Decision 300 x Number of Breakdowns 350 x Number of Breakdowns Not Permitted, May result in Heavy Penalties/Termination of Contract as per Purchaser’s Decision 50 x Number of Trips Observed Late


Cleanness of Buses

Below 85

10-30 Above 30

Safety of Operation/ 1-5 6-10 Rate of Accidents Above 10 User Satisfaction

Kilometers fined based on Monthly evaluation

20-50 Above 50

Not Permitted, May result in Heavy Penalties/Termination of Contract as per Purchaser’s Decision 30 x Number of vehicles observed dirty 50 x Number of vehicles observed dirty 250 x Number of Accidents 300 x Number of Accidents Not Permitted, May result in Heavy Penalties/Termination of Contract as per Purchaser’s Decision 2 x Number of Complaints 5 x Number of Complaints

Exclusions: The Operator will be exempted from delays or slippages on SLA parameters arising out of delays in execution due to delay in approval or review from Government of Punjab’s side. Any such delays will be notified in writing.

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Annexure-P : Operational Penalties FINES FOR DEFICIENCIES RELATED TO THE CONDITIONS OF THE VEHICLES Fine Description of the infraction

(No. of KM’s)

To place any type of decoration or non-functional items inside or outside the vehicle, which have not been installed by the original manufacturer of the chassis or body


To polarize, totally or partially, side, front or back windows.


To use or to modify colors and designs of the external paintwork of the vehicle outside the standards parameters established by the MBS-PMU/PMA.


To install additional lamps such as “explorers”, chassis illumination or decoration, which are not regulatory or installed by the original manufacturer


To place advertising material not authorized by the MBS-PMU/PMA or to infringe regulation regarding advertising material in vehicles. To drive with lights off at night.


To operate equipment with sound inside the vehicle, or to read announcements not authorized by the MBS-PMU/PMA


To use unauthorized electronic equipment by the driver (cell phones, walkman, etc.) during driving


To drive with defective front, side and/or back or brake lights.


Broken, ripped or loose seat(s)


Section of handrail loose or with cutting edges.


Broken side, front or back window.


Lack of illumination or incorrect arrangement in terms of visibility of front, side or back route displays.


To operate vehicle with visible dents or impacts.


Inadequate operation of passenger access doors, either due to damage or incorrect operation which affects boarding and alighting times by passengers.


Incorrect operation or damage to doors for emergency exits.


To violate or to alter without prior authorization of the system’s manager its control or any of its parts (Logical Unit, Radio and all other equipment for that purpose).


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Description of the infraction

Parking vehicles in stations in quantity and/or time higher than permitted.


Parking in places other than those established by the MBS-PMU/PMA


Stopping at a station and/or platform not established on the route Schedule for a service without the prior authorization or instruction of the MBS-PMU/PMA


Changing the route of a service without the prior authorization or instruction of the MBS-PMU/PMA


Operating hours or services not authorized by the MBS-PMU/PMA to the CONCESSION HOLDER.


Taking up or setting down passengers at points other than the station stops.


Driving outside the routes or trunk routes established by the MBS-PMU/PMA without its authorization.


Delaying operation without cause.


Overtaking vehicles of the same service (the control center informs driver and driver persist)


To run out of fuel during trip


Interrupting traffic light crossings due to congestion of the station.


Operating without Air-condition in summer and heating in winter season


Mechanical problems resulting in hault of vehicle (reaction time more 30 min)




Failure to carry personal and/or vehicle identification.

Suspension on the following day

Refusal to provide information

One day suspension

Slight infringement with other buses To cross a red light

FINE (NO. OF KMS) 5 10 10

One in a day, immediate substitution and suspension the Page 66 of 78




following day To reverse in trunk routes, stations or portals without authorization

One day suspension


To carry weapons of any kind

Withdrawal from the System


Disobedience to authorities

One in a day, causes one day suspension


Drunkenness on duty or smoking while driving

Withdrawal from the System


To cause an accident due to irresponsible behavior

One in a day, causes one day suspension


Incorrect approach to platforms and/or alignment between bus and station doors

Three in a day causes one day suspension


One day suspension


To drive above speed limits Illegal zebra crossings


To take Passengers illegally

One day suspension


Abandoning and/or alighting from vehicle without cause and/or authorization from the MBS-PMU/PMA


Verbal or physical (referring to driver)


ill-treatment of passenger

To charge tariffs inside the vehicles of the trunk route system

Withdrawal from System


Failure to follow or acknowledge instructions issued by the Control Center, operations personnel or traffic authorities.

Withdrawal from System


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FINES OF INSTITUTIONAL OR ADMINISTRATIVE NATURE Description of the infraction Failure delivers information required by the MBS-PMU/PMA, or delivers same outside the terms which for this purpose the MBS-PMU/PMA may establish.

Fine (No. of KM’s) 25

To refuse to accept the visits of the MBS-PMU/PMA’s inspectors, to hide information or to provide partial or erroneous information.


To implement administrative and accounting practices which impair the reliability of the accounting and financial information which the Operator will keep in accordance with this Contract.


When it is shown that there are deliberate practices which restrict free competition or which imply abuse of the dominant position which the Operator could have obtained as a result of this contract, or of this Contract in conjunction with other contracts related to the functionality of the Metro Bus System.


To omit specifications, limitations of content or norms contained in the manuals and regulations which the MBS-PMU/PMA issues or has issued regarding placement of advertising material inside the trunk route buses.


To omit compliance with obligations regarding driver training


To omit compliance with obligations established by the employment and social security regime regarding drivers.


To breach contractual provisions regarding financial mechanisms and liens on vehicles.


To transfer title of vehicles without the prior, express and written authorization of the MBS-PMU/PMA

10 10

Fines for Environmental violations Description of the Infraction

Fine (No. of Km’s)

Noise emissions above environmental standards


To operate leaking fuel or lubricants.


Gas emissions above environmental standards


Non-compliance with the acceptable waste disposal


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Non-compliance with the Initial Plan or with operating indices, driving habits recommended and methodology of work.


The total penalties measured in Km’s on monthly basis will be fined according to the following chart:

Monthly Accumulated Penalties in Km’s

Kilometers fined based on Monthly evaluation

Less than 100 Km’s


100-250 Km’s

70% of Accumulated Penalties in Km’s

251-500 Km’s

80% of Accumulated Penalties in Km’s

501 - 750 Km’s

90% of Accumulated Penalties in Km’s

751 - 1000 Km’s

100% of Accumulated Penalties in Km’s

Above 1000 Km’s

200% of Accumulated Penalties in Km’s

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Annexure-Q : Adjustment of The Cost Per Km of MBS Route As a Result of Variation in Cost/Inflation

1.1 The following relative weighting within the cost structure of the bid value shall be used to calculate the variation of cost per Kilometer due to inflation in the MBS service. 1.2 The adjustments shall come into effect from the day of start of operations Factor Per Km Per Bus


Tyres = N


Lubricants = L


Maintenance = M


Salaries = S


Percent increase or decrease = PI = [(New Value – Previous Value) / Previous Value] x 100 Total Cost/Km

Fuel + Tires + Lubricants + Salaries +Maintenance + Fixed Cost


Fuel Consumption K = 0.9 liters/km CC= K x (New Price-Old Price) Fuel Calculation of fuel increase / decrease as per notification of the GoP. K values higher than 0.9 may be adopted subject to verified actual fuel consumption


The Tires cost will be adjusted every year on January 1; on the basis of Wholesale price index variation mentioned in inflation monitor published by Bureau of Statistics of Pakistan. CN= PI Tires x ( N x 0.8 x Bid Value) / 10,000


The cost increase in lubricants will be adjusted Monthly on basis of Wholesale price index variation in Mobile oil mentioned in fuel and light category published by Bureau of Statistics of Pakistan. Page 70 of 78

CL= PI Lubricants x( L x 0.8 x Bid Value) / 10,000 CS

The Salaries will be adjusted every year on January 1, based on CPI inflation, measured in increase percentage on year-on-year basis published by Bureau of Statistics of Pakistan. CS = Inflation rate% x (S x 0.8 x Bid Value) / 10,000


The maintenance cost will be adjusted quarterly as per variation in category of Motor Vehicle accessories in consumable price index published by Bureau of Statistics of Pakistan. CM = PI Maintenance x (M x 0.8 x Bid Value) / 10,000


Price per km per bus = Previous Price per km per bus + CTN Where, CTN =CC +CN+CL+ CS+CM CC = Increase in Fuel cost per bus per km CN = Increase in Tire cost per bus per km CL = Increase in Lubricants cost per bus per km CS = Increase in Salaries cost per bus per km CM = Increase in Maintenance cost per bus per km These adjusted costs are taken as reference to establish the participation of each input in the trunk route operating cost basket and subsequently, to weigh the per Km increase; therefore, if these costs are not actually met it will not give rise to any party to request any adjustments in the tariff calculation nor in the economic compensation of any kind. The parameters established for calculating the cost basket are estimates and therefore, failure to actually meet the same will not entitle any party to request adjustments in the calculation procedure of tariffs nor in the economic compensation of any kind.

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Adjustment in Cost Per Km due to variation in Travelled Kilometers Adjustment in cost per Km shall be applicable if the travelled Km exceed 200Km per bus per day. R extra = (Bid Value per km per bus) x (0.7) Additional Kilometer Payment = [R extra] x [Km extra] Where: R extra = Additional Kilometer Charge Km extra = Additional Kilometer(s) Plied by the Fleet

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Annexure-R : Bus Specifications for Articulated Bus Operator has to conform to the following specifications for Brand New Articulated 18m AC Diesel buses Section 1: General 1.1 Introduction This Standard is not aimed to be an engineering design or full performance specification, but the Purchaser wants to ensure that buses in urban service are seen to be of a modern design incorporating the latest technologies so that they give a very good quality of ride and comfort. Section 2: Design & Performance 2.1 Capacity /Dimension Minimum 120 Passengers (Seating + Standing) 18.0 m (Variations upto 2% is acceptable)




Overall Length


Overall Width

2.5 m exclusive of side mirror (Variations upto 2% is accepatble)



Material & design as per international standards to sustain wear & tear upto 8 years

Minimum Turning Radii

Should not be greater than Minimum Turning radii mentioned in Exhibit 2.10 of AASHTO Policy on geometric design of highways and streets 2004 Fifth Edition


f g h i j k 2.2

No. of axles Gross Vehicle Mass Overall Height Gradeability (Fully Laden) Angle of Approach (Unladen) Angle of Departure (Unladen) Performance Features:

3 25000 Kg to 30000 Kg (approx.) Max 3800 mm Min 20 % 7 to 9 degree 7 to 9 degree


Acceleration (Fully Laden with A/C On)

0-20 km/h in less than 6 secs 0-50 km/h in less than 25 secs


Braking distance at 30 Km /h (Fully Laden)

Max 10 m

c d e f

Range without re-fuel (Any fuel) Emission External Noise Internal Noise

Min 300 km Min Pak II /Euro II Max 85 dBA Max 80 dBA Steering on the Right Side (Power Steering hydraulic assisted)


Steering Position

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Section:3 Accessibility 3.1 a


Doors Doors Quantity & Direction

4-doors on left side without steps designed for level boarding & alighting and 2-doors on right side for emergency alighting

Door size & type

Min 1200 mm , inward sliding/double swing(No portion of the door should project outside the bus body to facilitate precision docking)


Door Closing requirements Pneumatically operated Door Width is defined as clear space excluding any grab handles on the door 3.2 Ergonomics a Interior Free Standing Height (Front) 2.1 m - 2.4 m Exactly 900 mm (High Floor - Level b Floor Height from road level Boarding ) Section 4: Passenger Safety 4.1 Introduction Passenger safety, speed and security of movement while boarding, accessing and leaving seated positions and alighting is paramount to the provision of a service that is attractive and timely to the public, and one in which they can have confidence. 4.2

Stanchions/handrails and Grab Handles Stanchions/handrails and Grab handles should be high-visibility contrasting color from either floor to ceiling or seatback to ceiling, as locations indicates, should be fitted throughout the length of the bus and close to the aisle .


Over hang hand rails should not be higher than 1900 mm.


Knurling is not encouraged for general cleanliness and hygiene reasons.

Section 5: Passenger comfort and Use 5.1 Seating a Passenger Area c


0.202 m2 Area per passenger

Seat design & material

Seats should be ergonomically designed, placed keeping in view the passenger comfort & durability to withstand daily wear & tear

Lighting Passenger Comfort

Energy efficient lights which should provide light intensity of min 300 LUX in all internal areas. Page 74 of 78

Section 6: Design Features of Bus 6.1 General Design Features of the Bus 6.2



Bus Drive

Right Hand Driven bus (Steering on the right side)

Bus Design

Shall be suitable for daily operation of 16 to 20 hours in an urban passenger transport system with peak load of about 150% of bus capacity, average journey speed of about 18 km/h with frequent stops/starts.

Bus Suitability

The bus shall be proven design suitable modified to the climatic and operational conditions, infrastructure and road conditions as available in the urban/municipal areas of the Punjab. Bus structure shall meet the requirements of structural requirements of structural strength, stability, deflection, vibration, crashworthiness, roll over protection etc. Amongst others for at least following main loads: a) Static Loads b) Dynamic Loads c) Single Wheel bump loads d) Double Wheel bump (Diagonally opposite) loads e) Braking and acceleration loads f) Front impact loads g) Speed breaker loads


Bus Structure


Bus Body Design


The bus Loaded to Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW), with crush load and under static conditions, shall not exhibit deflection or deformation that impairs the operation of the steering, doors, windows, passenger escape mechanism and service doors.


Besides meeting the statutory requirements the bus shall be designed with respect to its body and different aggregates/systems/sub-systems to operate satisfactorily in urban transport service for at least 10 years or 750,000 km, whichever is later.

In accordance with specifications and international code of practice for bus body design.

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Materials used in construction of buses shall be as per society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)/specifications and/ or other internal specifications meeting/surpassing the performance & other requirement as given in the international Bus Code. Wherever Pakistani Standards are not available, international acceptable standards may be referred.

Section 7: Engine (Diesel) 7.1

Engine shall have adequate horse power to obtain desired performance in respect of its adequacy of power, acceleration levels, emission norms, specific fuel consumption etc. As the bus is required for operation in urban services, engines of adequate horse power at lower RPM levels with a high torque over a large RPM range be consider for use.

7.2 a

Ambient Conditions: Temperature

-5 to 50 degree centigrade


Humidity Level

5% to 100%


Altitude Level

Over 700 m

Insulation of Engine Compartment

The engine compartment shall be insulated to avoid transmission of heat and noise to saloon area. The passengers and engine compartment shall be separated by a bulkhead(s).


Section 8: Paint 8.1 Internal Paint Paint to sustain daily wear & tear and rust proofing upto 10 years

a b c 8.2

Useful life of Paint upto 10 years Color Shade as per Purchaser's direction External Paint


Paint to sustain daily wear & tear and rust proofing upto 10 years

b c

Useful life of Paint upto 10 years Color Shade as per Purchaser's direction

Section 9: Color Scheme As per direction of Purchaser Page 76 of 78

Section 10: Air Conditioning


Temperature should be maintained throughout the bus upto a maximum of 25 degree Celcius in fully laden condition during summer season with external atmospheric temperature of 50 degree Celcius and during winter season with external atmospheric temperature of -1 degree Celcius

Air Conditioning Capacity

Section 11: Electronic system



Electronics/Telematics /VTS requirement

The bus architecture may be compatible with ITS and Vehicle Tracking System (VTS). There should be provision on the bus for installation of Driver's console for Bus Scheduling System

Destination Boards

The vehicle should have three (front, rear, left side) electronic route destination boards LED based (day light viewable) with PC interface or equivalent with suitable matrix size.

Minimum two LCDs of suitable dimensions for clear visiblity to all passengers Complete sound system for announcements (pre-recorded and live) clearly audible to all passengers.


Passenger Information System (PIS)

PIS shall also receive display information and voice announcement commands from the onboard GPS vehicle control module based on stored memory on the bus. Display and Audio system on the bus must have communication interfaces to receive audio/video data from multiple sources as mentioned above

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Annexure-S : Arrangements of Bus Doors Operator shall deploy the buses conforming to arrangement of doors as shown in the figure below

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