Methods of Tibetan Divination
August 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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+,-,./9 4,3;./7 60885,1. =9./:2 81 >? 4,3;./7 +,I,7/.,>7
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nakjtefcrffzfIhoohbfldab.kol Gdsecodrg [ahn Out
[ DW V S G D Q , [ F Y W F L C F S 4 4 , 3 9 4 9
Lfteogs Lf teogs o` Wacftdn Gavandtaon
Eolf Tuakj Huagf to Lo Gavandtaon Tuakj Huagf to Bukjy Gdys Tuakj Huagf to Hfoldnky Tuakj Huagf to 3991 Dstrobohy Tuakj Huagf to 3949 Dstrobohy Tuakj Huagf to 3944 Dstrobohy Tuakj Huagf to 3943 Dstrobohy Tuakj Huagf to 394; Dstrobohy Tuakj Huagf Huagf to 3947 Dstrobohy Tuakj Huagf Huagf to 3946 Dstrobohy Fgatoradb Yobaky Yobaky
@a`tffn yfdrs dho, an tef Ldrke-Dprab 4116 fgataon o` !"#$%&' )*++$%"', Gormf Wsftfn pucbasefg d worj fntatbfg "Wacftdn drt o` gavandtaon," weake wf now rfprant efrf an ats fntarfty. @or d talf, teas worj wds dvdabdcbf on tef wfc, dng wds fvfn postfg on E.E. Gdbda Bdld's o``akadb satf. Eowfvfr, Eowfvfr, tef fgatoradb pobakafs o` o ` tefsf satfs kednhfg, or dt bfdst tef fgatoradb `okus, dng tef drtakbf wds rflovfg. 5..C2##.,3;./7/9./:K39>-1C>.KG>F#$!'!#!"#F;.5>81@>?@.,3;./7@8,I,7/.,>7K5.F9
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Weas as cy no lfdns d kolpbftf stugy o` Wacftdn gavandtaon -- at cdrfby skrdtkefs tef sur`dkf -- cut at as d nonftefbfss usf`ub antroguktaon. Qou lahet dbso wdnt to fxdlanf teas skeobdrby stugy, dt onf o` our `dvoratf cbohs= tef rfgouctdcbf fdrbytacft.kol.
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[ V C [ K S A C F W O G A H A W D B D BW BW D S
Dbteouhe lfdns o` tfbbanh tef `uturf wfrf flpboyfg an Wacft, cf`orf tef dgvfnt o` Cuggeasl, tefy drf not rfhdrgfg ds dn dbafn rflndnt outsagf tef Cuggeast `rdlfworj tedt at as okkdsaondbby konvfnafnt to kdbb upon.`unktaonanh Sdtefr, tefy drf usfg wate wateanCuggeast tef spefrf o` Cuggeast konkfpts, an dkkorgdnkf prankapbfs suke ds jdrld. Wefrf drf no rf`frfnkfs to gavandtaon an tef kobbfktaons o` sutrds, cut ldny kdn cf `oung an tef tdntrds. Yurposf Cy boojanh anto solfonf's `uturf, tef gavanfr or lfgaul kdn dssfss tef pdrtakubdr satudtaon dng rfkollfng eow to rfspong or gfdb wate at Sflfgadb dktaon, an tef `orl o` ratudbs, fvojfs posatavf `orkfs dng kdn rfsubt an d kednhf an tef pfrson's `ortunf. Satudbs wabb not kednhf d pfrson's jdrld, dng teosf rfqufstanh dng pfr`orlanh d gavandtaon drf dwdrf o` teas. Eowfvfr, tefy kdn angukf bdtfnt posatavf potfntadb to tdjf prfkfgfnkf ovfr tedt weake as pfrkfavfg ds tef kdusf o` dn alpfnganh las`ortunf.
Wef f``akdky o` d ratudb anvobvfs tef pdtron ldjanh o``franhs o` `oog dng lonfy to tef lonjs or dgfpts pfr`orlanh at. Wef lfrat dkquarfg `rol teas ha`t as usfg to trahhfr tef `orkfs o` bdtfnt posatavf potfntadb an onfsfb` or otefrs. Weus, onf as not trdns`frranh lfrat dng stfppanh outsagf tef bdws o` kdusf dng f``fkt, cut lfrfby usanh lfrat to dwdjfn tef `orkfs o` onf's own or otefr's hoog jdrld.
@by tef Ndljeyfn Hydbgdr
A`, `or fxdlpbf, solfonf's rfbdtavf as abb, or eas cusanfss as gftfraordtanh, dn angavagudb ldy rfqufst d qudba`afg prdktataonfr's gavandtaon to gaskovfr wedt ratudb woubg cf lost efbp`ub an sfttanh kongataons rahet. Wef sukkfss o` teas ratudb gfpfngs on tef strfnhte o` onf's own jdrld. Eowfvfr, a` tef jdrld or prfgasposataon to cf abb as stronhfr tedn tef bdtfnt posatavf potfntadb an tef sakj pfrson's kontanuul, tef f``fkts o` tef gasfdsf wabb not cf ovfrkolf dng tef ratudb wabb rfldan unsukkfss`ub.
Ydgldsdlcedvd an Dlfrakd
Yfr`orlanh gavandtaond `or tef abb as o`tfn tfgaous. Jedltrub Sanpokef, Wacftdn bdld, sdys,konsagfrfg "A` you tfbbquatf d pdtafnt to tdjf Wacftdn lfgakanf or Xfstfrn lfgakanf, dng A edvf to kongukt d gavandtaon `or fdke qufstaon. A `ffb tedt wedtfvfr wf go, at as alportdnt `or us to ldjf tef gfkasaon oursfbvfs, cfkdusf tefrf as bfss kdusf `or rfhrft d`tfrwdrgs. A` wf drf undcbf to go tedt, or edvf trafg, cut stabb `ffb wf nffg solfonf fbsf's dgvakf, tef nfxt stfp as to sffj huagdnkf terouhe gavandtaon.
Mdpdnfsf Cuggeast [tdtudry [keobdr vs Bdld
At as sdag tedt tef anvdsaon o` Wacft cy tef Keanfsf edg cffn prfgaktfg terouhe vdraous lfdns dng dkkorganhby ldny ratudbs wfrf pfr`orlfg. Eowfvfr,, sankf tef Wacftdn pfopbf's nfhdtavf jdrld wds too stronh to Eowfvfr cf kountfrfg cy ratudbs, tefy rfldanfg anf``fktudb.
Wsdgrd @oungdtaon
Gavandtaon An Wacft Wacftdn dn [okafty Gavandtaon as vfry luke d pdrt o` ba`f an Wacft dng kontanufs to cf so
dlonh tef fxabfg kollunaty. Ldmor gfkasaons konkfrnanh fvfrygdy ba`f suke ds ldrradhf or cusanfss dhrfflfnts drf ldgf onby d`tfr konsubtanh solf `orl o` gavandtaon. An lost kdsfs, pfopbf edvf 5..C2##.,3;./7/9./:K39>-1C>.KG>F#$!'!#!"#F;.5>81@>?@.,3;./7@8,I,7/.,>7K5.F9
Wacftdn Yakjfr Wac-Fnh Wrdnsbdtaon Woob Wacftdn Wfxt Konvfrtfr Wacftsatfs Buhob's `or Efdbte
Sdnhmunh Qfsef Sahpd Xaja Cuggeast Batfrdry Efratdhf Wacftdn [tugafs Sfsourkfs Nyanhld Yrdyfr [frvakfs Jdhyu Yrdyfr [frvakfs Xeo As Wfnpd? G'sdbd Nft @or tef Nosf Eonh Jonh Sdccat [okafty D/-; $ >? '!
+,-,./9 4,3;./7 60885,1. =9./:2 81 >? 4,3;./7 +,I,7/.,>7
`dvoratf bdlds weo tefy konsubt. An noldgak drfds wefrf tef spdrsf popubdtaon as sucmfkt to tef weals o` ndturf, gavandtaon, sahns dng olfns drf sfraousby fxdlanfg. Wefy hfnfrdbby antfrprft tefsf teflsfbvfs. Tudba`akdtaons nffgfg Xefn pfr`orlanh d gavandtaon, dn angavagudb as rfbyanh on tef powfr vfstfg an eal cy d pdrtakubdr gfaty. Weas powfr ldy edvf cffn dkquarfg terouhe d konnfktaon wate tef gfaty an d pdst ba`f, dng rfan`orkfg terouhe rftrfdts anvobvanh rfkatdtaon o` d ldntrd ds ldny ds onf labbaon talfs, agfnta`yanh ealsfb` wate tef gfaty wate kbfdr
konkfntrdtaon dng tefgavandtaon hfnfrdtaon o` gavanf pragf. Wefrf o` drfvdraous ldny wdys o` pfr`orlanh rfbdtfg to tef prdktakf gfatafs. @or fxdlpbf, tefrf drf gavandtaons gfpfngfnt on Ldnmusera, Wdrd, Pdmrdpdna, tef @avf Gdjanas, Ydbgfn Bedlo, Gormf Qugronld dng Wsfranh Kefnhd (tef @avf Bonh Ba`f [astfrs) Wef lotavdtaon `or pfr`orlanh gavandtaon lust cf purf. Dbteouhe dnyonf kdn dkquarf d rfbdtaonseap wate d gfaty terouhe antfnsavf ldntrd rfkatdtaon dng konsfqufntby dkquarf kfrtdan powfrs, a` tefy drf usfg `or unweobfsolf purposfs, tefy wabb fvfntudbby rfcoung dng cranh dcout dn un`ortundtf rfcarte. Pdraftafs o` Gavandtaon
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Wdnh Gyndsty Walfs Sussadn Cuggeasl Nyanhldpd [keoob Langrobbanh Wrakefn UA Gugmol Sanpokef Gabho Jeyfntsf Sanpokef Gogrupkefn Sanpokef AP Kedtrdb Sanpokef Wrubseah Sanpokef Ohyfn Wubju AU Gzonhsdr Jeyfntsf Sanpokef Hydbwd Jdrldpd UPAA [edlcedbd Orhdnazdtaon Gon Kronfr Sdgao @rff [edlcedbd [djyd Wrazan UBA Gdbda Bdld UAP
a) Gouhecdbb Gavandtaon= Weas lfteog as prdktasfg ldanby an tef londstfrafs or cy angavagudb bdlds wefn dn alportdnt gfkasaons nffgs to cf ldgf, suke ds an tef sfdrke `or tef rfankdrndtaon o` vfry eahe bdlds. D nulcfr o` possacbf dnswfrs to tef fnquary, suke ds tef ndlfs o` bajfby kdngagdtfs `or d rfankdrndtaon, drf wrattfn on sbaps o` pdpfr. Wefsf drf tefn fnkdsfg an fqudb sazfg cdbbs o` gouhe. Hrfdt kdrf as tdjfn to wfahe tef gouhe cdbbs to fnsurf tedt tefy drf fxdktby tef sdlf sazf. Wef gouhecdbbs drf tefn pbdkfg an d cowb, weake as kdrf`ubby sfdbfg dng pbdkfg an `ront o` d sdkrfg ocmfkt, suke ds tef Mowo stdtuf an tef ldan tflpbf an Bedsd, aldhfs o` Gedrld protfktors or tef `unfrdry lonulfnts o` hrfdt bdlds, rfqufstanh tefar anspardtaon an gfkaganh tef outkolf. @or d pfraog o` terff gdys lonjs rfldan an tef tflpbf rfkatanh prdyfrs gdy dng nahet. Guranh tedt talf no onf as dbbowfg to touke tef cowb. On tef `ourte gdy, cf`orf dbb teosf prfsfnt tef kovfr o` tef cowb as rflovfg. D prolanfnt bdld robbs tef gouhecdbbs roung an tef cowb cf`orf tef sdkrfg ocmfkt untab onf o` tefl `dbbs out. Wedt as tef cdbb kontdananh
Vrhyfn Wubju
tef dnswfr. aa) Gakf Gavandtaon= Ydbgfn Bedlo gakf gavandtaon as konguktfg wate terff gakf wate d nulcfr `rol onf to sax angakdtfg cy gots on fdke `dkf. Gavandtaon dssokadtfg wate otefr gfatafs kdn cf konguktfg wate gakf ldrjfg wate bfttfrs. Wef gakf drf ldgf o` conf, woog or konkesefbb. Jedltrub Sanpokef gfskracfg eas own prokfgurf `or goanh gakf gavandtaon ds `obbows=
@or d gavandtaon to cf sukkfss`ub, at as fssfntadb tedt tef gavanfr seoubg edvf d purf lotavdtaon dng tef pfrson weo kdlf `or dgvakf cfbafvf an tef gavanfr. gavanfr. At as alportdnt tedt tefy cote prdy to tef Werff Mfwfbs, tefar root dng banfdhf bdlds dng tefar gfatafs, keaf`by Ydbgfn Bedlo dng otefr Gedrld protfktors, `or d kbfdr dnswfr. A` A gagn't efdr tef rfqufst kbfdrby, A dsj dhdan. Wefn, A vasudbasf lysfb` ds ly pfrsondb gfaty Gormf [eonu or Pdmrd Jabdyd dng kdbb on Ydbgfn Bedlo. Werouhe ly bonh `dlabadraty wate efr, A kdn kbfdrby vasudbasf efr cf`orf lf dng A rfqufst efr to havf d pfr`fkt dnswfr to tef pfrson weo kdlf `or dgvakf. Wefn 4 terow tef gakf dng dkkorganh to tef 5..C2##.,3;./7/9./:K39>-1C>.KG>F#$!'!#!"#F;.5>81@>?@.,3;./7@8,I,7/.,>7K5.F9
Hydtrub Sanpokef Bdld Bogru Wef "Wwo Jefnpos" Cuggeast Drt Nfws Sdgao @rff Dsad Dsadn Kbdssaks Cfrzan Drkeavfs Cuggeast Kednnfb Gr. Mosfpe Sokj Botsdwd Eousf Nyanhld.kol Wacft Cboh, Dlfrakdn Pfrs Pfrsaon aon Wacft Cboh, Keanfsf Pfrsa Pfrsaon on Wacft's Sfdbaty Wacftdn Cuggeast Sfsourkf Kfntfr Wacftdn Efratdhf @ung Wacftdn Ldps Fdrby Wacft Weor cu Kuraosad Wacfto-bohak Wacftdn Lfgakanf
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nulcfrs angakdtfg on tef gakf, A rf`fr to d gavandtaon cooj. Wefrf drf ldny suke eoojs wrattfn cy hrfdt bdlds dng tefy provagf dbb tef possacbf dnswfrs, teouhe onkf you drf `dlabadr wate gavandtaon tfkenaqufs rf`frfnkf to tfxts as no bonhfr nfkfssdry".
3940 (;)
3946 (;0)
aaa)) Gavandtaon on d rosdry= Wef pfrson goanh tef gavandtaon prdys to tef gfaty ef as anvojanh `or tef korrfkt dnswfr dng rfkatfs tedt gfaty's ldntrds. Ef tefn eobgs up tef rosdry eorazontdbby an `ront o` eal, wate tef `anhfrs o` fdke edng hrdspanh d rdngolby keosfn cfdg, bfdvanh edb` tef cfdgs o` `fwfr cftwffn tefl. Wefn tef `anhfrs o` fdke edng lovf towdrgs fdke otefr kountanh terff cfdgs dt d talf.
3947 (46)
394; (37)
3943 (431)
3944 (55)
Wef outkolf o`astef gavandtaon Wef prokfgurf rfpfdtfg terffgfpfngs talfs. on tef nulcfr o` cfdgs bf`t.
3949 (737)
Xefn onby onf cfdg rfldans, tef rfsubt as kdbbfg i`dbkon'. Xefn two cfdgs rfldan, at as kdbbfg 'rdvfn'. Xefn terff cfdgs rfldan tef rfsubt as kdbbfg 'snow baon'. Wef outkolf on tef `arst dttflpt angakdtfg tef fxtfnt o` tef gfatafs' support dng tef qudbaty o` tef gavandtaon an hfnfrdb. D `dbkon dt tef `arst dttflpt woubg angakdtf support `rol protfktors, bukj an d nfw fntfrprasf, sukkfss an d bdwsuat. D rdvfn on tef `arst try lfdns tef protfktors drf not on your sagf. Wefrf wabb cf no dkkolpbaselfnt, bdwsuat wabb cf unsukkfss`ub dng tefrf drf fnflafs prfsfnt. [uke d gavandtaon woubg kdutaon dhdanst stdrtanh on dny nfw fntfrprasf. D snow baon on tef `arst roung woubg angakdtf support `rol tef gfatafs, sbow cut stdcbf dkkolpbaselfnts dng wfdjnfss on tef pdrt o` fnflafs. A` tef qufstaon konkfrnfg sukkfss`ub cusanfss, teas woubg cf rfhdrgfg ds d nfutrdb rfsubt. Dt tef sfkong dttflpt, tef outkolf angakdtfs kongataons to tdjf pbdkf an onf's allfgadtf fnvaronlfnt. Wef `dbkon angakdtfs hoog bukj an hfnfrdb, cut not luke sukkfss `or teosf waseanh to edvf keabgrfn. Wef rasj o` tef`ts dng abbnfssfs an hfnfrdb woubg rfldan sldbb. Wef rdvfn angakdtfs sfraous abbnfss, ocstdkbfs to efdbte dng d gfkbanf an tef ba`f `orkf. Wefrf wabb cf d tfngfnky `or teanhs to hft bost or stobfn. Eowfvfr, an tef kdsf o` dn orgdanfg pfrson, tefsf nfhdtavf dspfkts woubg cf rfgukfg. On tef tearg okkdsaon, tef nulcfr o` rfldananh cfdgs havfs kbufs dcout dn fxpfktfg pfrson drravanh `rol fbsfwefrf. Weas wds d vfry alportdnt dspfkt o` ba`f an Wacft, `or pfopbf trdvfbbfg konstdntby dng tefrf wds no kollunakdtaon systfl. D `dbkon wate rfhdrg to dn
Gfk 3949 (;5)
Nov 3949 (;3)
Okt 3949 (31)
[fp 3949 (38) Lassaondrafs, Kdrpftcdhhfrs, Eahemdkjfrs, dng Eonj... Jdrldpd's Ha`t to tef Jdrldpd Wacftdn Wdttoos Wef Ldn an tef Drfnd Xffjby Wacftdn Dstrobohy= [fptflcfr 38 - Oktocfr ;... Jdrldpd to Sultfj Cah Carg Nun's Korpsf @oung dt Cuggeast Wflpbf an Kdba`ornad Kdlp Edbf Hfts Notakfg Wef Sdccat Xeo Mulpfg Anto tef @arf Wef Loon Kdjf @fstavdb=
fxpfktfg vasatorangakdtf angakdtfs allanfnt nfws or to drravdb. Xate rfhdrg to abbnfss, at woubg `anganh tef cfst wdy kurf at. D rdvfn rfprfsfnts d cdg angakdtaon konkfrnanh fxpfktfg trdvfbbfrs. Wefy drf bajfby to fnkountfr ocstdkbfs on tef wdy wabb not drravf dt dbb or wabb cf roccfg. Wef sakj wabb not cf kurfg dng possfssaons wabb cf bost or stobfn. Wef snow baon angakdtfs tedt trdvfbbfrs wabb drravf bdtf, cut kolf to no edrl. Yrocbfls wate efdbte wabb cf `fw, dbteouhe tefrf wabb cf ga``akubtafs an `anganh tef rahet trfdtlfnt. Wef cfst gavandtaon woubg cf terff konsfkutavf `dbkons. Weas woubg angakdtf tedt trdvfbbfrs wabb drravf quakjby, pdtafnts wabb rfkovfr dng dkkolpbaselfnts wabb cf swa`t. av) Cootstrdp Gavandtaon= Weas `orl o` gavandtaon as popubdr dlonh noldgs. Wef `bdt, onf anke teakj cootstrdps drf `obgfg ovfr fdke otefr anto squdrfs dng suggfnby pubbfg dpdrt. a` tef cootbdkf un`obgs `rffby dng kbfdrby at angakdtfs posatavf sahns, weabf d tdnhbf woubg cf nfhdtavf. 5..C2##.,3;./7/9./:K39>-1C>.KG>F#$!'!#!"#F;.5>81@>?@.,3;./7@8,I,7/.,>7K5.F9
Xffjby Wacftdn Dstrobohy= [fptflcfr 39 - [fptflcfr... Xedbf o` D Walf= Vpgdtfg Xffjby Wacftdn Dstrobohy= [fptflcfr 4; - [fptflcfr... Onf @anf Gdy Lfteogs o` Wacftdn Gavandtaon Junzdnh Gormf Sanpokef, 41;9 3949 Dn Dcsfnkf [tronhfr Wedn Walf Wef Gdy o` tef Gfldhohuf
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Yrdy `or Coubgfr Antfrprftdtaon o` Ankagfntdb [ahns Xefn d prdktataonfr as sfttanh up or prfpdranh tef `afbg `or d rftrfdt, kfrtdan okkurrfnkfs an eas fnvaronlfnt kdn cf antfrprftfg ds angakdtavf o` eas `uturf dkkolpbaselfnts. Wefsf kdn cf fatefr posatavf or nfhdtavf.
Gfsfrt Wagcats= Sdrf Fdrtes Jdblyj Yrfsagfnt [tfps Gown @ortundtf Fon Wacftdn Wrdnsbdtaon [frvakf Bdunkefg
Yosatavf sahns angakdtanh tedt tef prdktataonfr wabb rfkfavf tef Cuggeds' dng Cogeasdttvds' cbfssanh ankbugf= sffanh krdnfs, hffsf, gukjs, swdns, pefdsdnts dng otefr duspakaous cargs `byanh ovfrefdg or efdranh tefar kdbbs: ovfrefdranh tef soungs o` gruls, o` stranhfg
Xffjby Wacftdn Dstrobohy= [fptflcfr 0 - [fptflcfr ...
anstrulfnts, `butfs, honhs, pfopbf rfkatanh duspakaous stdnzds ankbuganh suke worgs ds cfbbs: vaktoraous, dkkolpbasefg, fxkfbbfnt, edppanfss, sukkfss, havf at, tdjf at, `ruat`ub, hrfdt, nulfrous dng hboraous. Nfhdtavf sahns angakdtanh alpfnganh ocstdkbfs ankbugf= efdranh tef kedttfr o` lonjfys, squfdjanh o` lakf eowb o` wobvfs, crdy o` gonjfys: bow o` cu``dbofs: edvanh onf's pdte krossfg cy sndjfs or skorpaons: fnkountfranh pfopbf an lournanh, efdranh tefl fxprfss worgs bajf gf`fdt, gfkbanf, gaf, sakj, hft rag o` solfteanh, dbds, ga``akubt, unsukkfss`ub dng lfdnanhbfss. An suke anstdnkfs, tef prdktataonfr seoubg antfrrupt eas prdktakf dng lovf to dnotefr satf. An hfnfrdb, wefn sfttanh out on d mournfy or solf otefr fntfrprasf tef `obbowanh woubg cf konsagfrfg hoog olfns, or sahns o` sukkfss= lfftanh fbdcordtfby grfssfg lfn, wolfn dng keabgrfn: prfhndnt wolfn, kows wate tefar kdbvfs propfrby grfssfg ceajseus, abbustraous pfopbf, Crdelans grfssfg an weatf, cfduta`ub cfmfwfbbfg wolfn, younh harbs pbdyanh tohftefr, fbfpednts, sldrt kdrradhfs, dng pfopbf eobganh rfbahaous sylcobs suke ds tef weffb, vdsf, hdrbdng, botus, ulcrfbbd, or cdnnfrs. [ahns o` `daburf woubg cf angakdtfg cy tef `obbowanh= bosanh buhhdhf: fnkountfranh wakjfg, `rahet`ub, worn out or rdhhfg pfrsons: edvanh onf's rodg cbokjfg: sffanh kobbdpsfg eousfs, solfteanh kdtkeanh `arf, or edvanh teanhs crfdj. Grfdls
Lang's Vbtaldtf Ndturf= Yofl cy Gzonhsdr Jeyfntsf ... D [orrow`ub [onh to Ydbgfn Bedlo Xefn Qou Qou Booj Vpon tef Bdng !
Duh 3949 (35)
Mub 3949 (30)
Mun 3949 (30)
Ldy 3949 (3;)
Dpr 3949 (09)
Ldr 3949 (3;)
@fc 3949 (77)
Mdn 3949 (05)
3991 (55;)
3995 (496)
3998 (315)
3990 (440)
Kfrtdan angavagudbs drf ha`tfg wate kbdarvoydnt grfdls weake tefy kdn usf ds lfdns o` prfgaktanh tef out-kolf o` `uturf fvfnts. Wefsf grfdls usudbby pbdkf an tef vfry bdttfrkbfdr. pdrt o` nahet, cf`orf gdwn, dng drf tdjf kedrdktfrastakdbby Bajftefotefr `orls o` gavandtaon, tefy usudbby okkur ds tef rfsubt o` d spfkadb rfbdtaonseap wate d gfaty dng usf fatefr fstdcbasefg sylcobasl tedt weake as pdrtakubdr to tef grfdlfr dng fdsaby rfkohnasfg cy eal or efr efr.. @or d prdktataonfr, tef `obbowanh drf fstdcbasefg sylcobs o` eahe dkkolpbaselfnt= sffanh Cuggeds, Cogeasdttvds, onf's pfrsondb gfatafs, dng rfkfavanh tfdkeanhs `rol tefl: grfdlanh o` cfanh fnteronfg, puttanh on d krown, tdjanh d cdte, cfanh havfn vdmrds dng otefr rfbahaous alpbflfnts: grfdlanh o` edvanh cfkolf janh, o` rfdganh skrapturfs, o` cfanh an tflpbfs wate eoby ocmfkts, tahfrs, grdhons, baons, hdrugds, eorsfs, or dskfnganh anto tef sjy kbosf to tef sun dng loon: rotdtanh tef `our kontanfnts, fdsaby swallanh dkross tef sfd, sffanh tef sun or loon rasanh, pbouheanh d `afbg, fdtanh gdary progukts, dng o` sattanh on d botus: grfdlanh o` cfanh rfspfktfg dng prdasfg cy tef hogs, cy onf's pdrfnts, sparatudb ldstfrs, cfduta`ub bdgafs, dng `rafngs: grfdlanh o` wabg`bowfr pdrjs, rdan, rapf `ruat, janhs, dskftaks, Crdelans, wfdbtey pfopbf, vartuous ldstfrs, hffsf 5..C2##.,3;./7/9./:K39>-1C>.KG>F#$!'!#!"#F;.5>81@>?@.,3;./7@8,I,7/.,>7K5.F9
Banj `or tef Cbfssfg Onfs
D/-; ( >? '!
+,-,./9 4,3;./7 60885,1. =9./:2 81 >? 4,3;./7 +,I,7/.,>7
!"#!"#$!$!% '()'*
dng otefr duspakaous cargs. Ovfrkolanh ocstdkbfs as angakdtfg cy grfdlanh o` hobg, trfdsurf, prfkaous stonfs, soung wfdpons, `oog hrdans, orndlfnts, drlour drlour,, dng o` jabbanh onf's fnfly. fnfly.
Weas [atf As D Kubturdb Wrfdsurf
Wef `obbowanh grfdls, dbteouhe dppdrfntby nfhdtavf, dktudbby angakdtfg hoog rfsubts, dng sylcobasf tef surlountanh o` ocstdkbfs= kuttanh o`` onf's efdg, fdtanh euldn `bfse, wdseanh onf's cogy an cboog, granjanh dbkoeob, sedvanh o`` onf's edar, curnanh onf's cogy, allfrsanh onfsfb` an sfwdhf, surrounganh tef town wate onf's
Kopyrahet (k) 3990, 3998, 3995, 3991,
fntrdabs, dng ldjanh bovf guranh tef gdy. gdy.
Vrhydn Wfnpd Sanpokef, d korpordtaon.
3949, 3944, 3943, 394;, 3947, 3946, 3940, 3948, 3945, 3941, 3939 cy Wubju
Wef `obbowanh grfdls angakdtfg ocstdkbfs krfdtfg cy edrl`ub [parats= lfftanh tahfrs, bfopdrgs, kdts, gohs, pahs, gonjfys, lakf, skorpaons, wfdsfbs, sndjfs, vubturfs owbs, gwdr`s, gdrj, ndjfg tean pfopbf, cutkefrs, pdbf dng sjanny keabgrfn, tdbb ndjfg lfn, dng struhhbanh wate dny o` tef dcovf: grfdlanh o` wfbbs cfkolanh gry, o` efdps o` confs dng sjubbs, dng o` ruanfg eousfs.
Dbb rahets rfsfrvfg. Angavagudbby
An hfnfrdb cdg grfdls drf teosf ankbuganh tef `obbowanh angakdtaons= cfanh kedsfg cy sobgafrs, dppbyanh vfhftdcbf oab to onf's cogy, tdbjanh wate krappbfg or eunkecdkjfg angavagudbs, sffanh tef sun or loon hoanh gown, kbalcanh lountdans o` sdng or twahs, sffanh rfg `bowfrs or kdlfb's cdkj, pdssanh terouhe ndrrow pdssdhfs, wdngfranh an d swdlp, runnanh gownwdrg, crfdjanh tef pdrts o` onf's cogy or o` teanhs, cfanh gf`fdtfg cy otefrs dng fnhdhanh an unweobfsolf dktaons. Wefsf grfdls angakdtf tedt dn angavagudb eds vfry battbf lfrat dng wabb edvf d seort ba`f. An suke kdsfs, d bdld woubg dgvasf tedt tef pfrson seoubg dkkulubdtf lfrat, lfgatdtf on flptanfss, dng pfr`orl pfdkf`ub `arf ratudb o``franhs cf`orf rfsulanh dny dktavaty ef or sef wds fnhdhanh an.
ldy dkt ds d trahhfr `or your dnxafty,
Fxdlananh @bdlfs Ocsfrvanh tef `bdlfs o` ratudb `arf o``franhs as dbso d `orl o` gavandtaon. @arst, onf anvojfs tef `arf hog dng tefn ocsfrvfs tef `bdlf. D crahet, hobgfn, ordnhf kobour, d slojfbfss dng soungbfss qudbaty, tef `bdlf curnanh stronhby dng turnanh to tef rahet, or curnanh upwdrg an d sanhbf poant, tef `arf bdstanh bonh dng havanh o`` d pbfdsdnt slfbb drf hfnfrdb posatavf sahns, dng angakdtf tedt wedtfvfr qufstaons onf edg an lang wabb cf dnswfrfg an d posatavf wdy. Xefn tef kobour o` tef `bdlf as [now weatf dng tef `arf curns vfry hfntby,
kopyrahetfg tfxt dng hrdpeaks efrfan drf kopyrahet tef rfspfktavf kopyrahet eobgfrs. WSAHHFS XDSNANH= Wef cfbaf`s dng opanaons fxprfssfg efrfan YW[G, dng/or `ffbanhs o` huabt dng sfb`bodteanh, A` you su``fr `rol tefsf kongataons, or a` you fntfrtdan arrdtaondb cfbaf`s tedt posts to teas cboh drf wrattfn "must `or you," pbfdsf tdjf stokj o` your ocsfssaons cf`orf rfdganh `urtefr.
at lfdn tedt eds turnanh cffn kbfdnsfg alprants bf`tonf cy unweobfsolf dktaons. Wef onf `bdlf yfbbow o`lfdns tedt wabb cfkolf powfr`ub dng wfdbtey. Ats turnanh crahet rfg sahna`afs sukkfss an dny ungfrtdjanh dng ats cfkolanh d kbfdr, slojfbfss cbuf kobour sylcobazfs soung efdbte dng tedt onf wabb gfvfbop onf's banfdhf. [ahns o` abbnfss dng otefr las`ortunf drf angakdtfg cy tef `arf cbdzanh `afrkfby dng tef `bdlf turnanh gdrj slojy, tef kobour o` euldn `bfse, hrffn, tedt o` vfhftdcbf oab, gubb, pdbf, edvanh two or terff poants dng d `oub slfbb. Xefn pfr`orlanh d `afrkf `arf o``franh ratudb, teouhe, tef dcovf sahns drf konsagfrfg to cf posatavf. [ahns tedt drf konsagfrfg to cf nfhdtavf an tef kdsf o` fatefr pfdkf`ub or wrdte`ub ratudbs drf spdrjs dng slojf d``baktanh tef pfr`orlfr o` tef ratudb. Gdrj `bdlfs lovanh an dbb garfktaons dng cbdzanh an dn unstfdgy wdy angakdtf tef tfrlandtaon o` onf's banfdhf. Ocsfrvanh d Cuttfr Bdlp Wef cuttfr bdlp usfg `or gavandtaon seoubg cf `dubtbfss dng ldgf o` hobg, sabvfr or dnotefr prfkaous lftdb. At seoubg cf teorouheby 5..C2##.,3;./7/9./:K39>-1C>.KG>F#$!'!#!"#F;.5>81@>?@.,3;./7@8,I,7/.,>7K5.F9
D/-; A >? '!
+,-,./9 4,3;./7 60885,1. =9./:2 81 >? 4,3;./7 +,I,7/.,>7
!"#!"#$!$!% '()'*
kbfdnfg. D wakj seoubg cf ldgf `rol d gry dng ogourbfss pafkf o` woog, weake as nfatefr too teakj nor too tean, wate d efahet rfdkeanh tef cral, dng pbdkfg an tef kfntrf o` tef bdlp. Cdrbfy seoubg cf efdpfg on at, dng lfbtfg, pura`afg cuttfr pourfg ovfr at. Wefn rfkatf= Ol de eul vdmrd huru gef vdgdjja naeul' og' og ba sdrvd de bo jf prded gef ndyf svdn cde d eungrfg talfs dng teanj o` tef qufstaon you wase to dsj. Wefn bahet tef cuttfr bdlp dng ocsfrvf tef sedpf o` tef `bdlf. D hbocubdr poant lfdns sd`fty, d konke sedpf rfprfsfnts `dlf, d crahet yfbbow `bdlf angakdtfg no ocstdkbfs, d botus dng mfwfb bajf `bdlf gfnotfs `bdlf wate d eooj sedpfgsahna`afs tap lfdns tedt wabb cfkolf wfdbte. powfr`ubD dng onf wate two poants tedt tefonf pfrson wabb bfdvf `or dnotefr pbdkf. A` tef bahet o` tef bdlp as gal dng tef `bdlf huttfrs, at lfdns solfonf wabb cfkolf onf's fnfly or tedt ef or sef as dcout to rfkfavf d hufst `rol d gastdnt pbdkf. Wef `bdlf sfpdrdtanh Anto two pdrts angakdtfs sfpdrdtaon watean onf's `dlaby. D gdrj rfg `bdlf lfdns tef fbgfst son wabb gaf, tef laggbf o` tef `bdlf turnanh rfg dng slojf kolanh `rol tef wakj angakdtfs boss o` propfrty dng tef bdlp hoanh out wateout dppdrfnt rfdson lfdns gfdte. [pabbanh o` tef lfbtfg cuttfr stdngs `or tef bfnhte o` dn ungfrtdjanh. Larror Gavandtaon Yfr`orldnkf o` tef Gormf Qugronld larror gavandtaon seoubg cf gonf an d quatf dng pfdkf`ub pbdkf. Wef larror as pbdkfg an d kontdanfr `abbfg wate hrdan, atsfb` stdnganh on top on d kbfdn `fbt kuseaon. Wef gavanfr tefn spranjbfs vfrlabaon powgfr ([angurd) dng rfkatfs tef ldntrds o` tef ratudb. An `ront o` tef larror as pbdkfg d sldbb krystdb stupd or d pafkf o` krystdb, dng dt tef cdkj, d `avf kobourfg `bdh (rfprfsfntanh tef Cuggeds o` tef `avf `dlabafs) as dttdkefg to dn drrow. On tef rahet, as d ratudb kdjf o``franh gfkordtfg wate cuttfr orndlfnts dng on tef bf`t d rfg kobourfg kdjf o``franh. Droung tefsf drf drrdnhfg o``franhs o` granj, rodstfg cdrbfy `bour (tsdlpd) laxfg wate cuttfr, cuttfr, ankfnsf dng vdraous jangs o` woog.
An `ront o` ealsfb` or efrsfb`, tef gavanfr pbdkfs d vdmrd, d cfbb dng d gdldru (grul), solf cdrbfy dng vfrlAbaon powgfr to spranjbf an tef granj, ds wfbb ds dn drrow to weake as tafg d weatf skdr`. Ef or sef tefn hfnfrdtfs ealsfb` or efrsfb` ds d gfaty dng pfr`orls tef prfbalandry ratudb `or rflovanh ocstdkbfs dkkorganh to tef ratudb o` Wdl. @obbowanh teas, anvokdtaons drf ldgf to Gormf Qugronld, onf o` Wacft's keaf` protfktors, weo eobgs dn drrow wate tef `avf kobours an efr rahet edng dng d weatf sabvfr larror an efr bf`t. Wef gavanfr tefn rfqufsts tef hoggfss to havf d korrfkt dnswfr to tef qufstaons dsjfg. Wef lanor as not rfdg cy tef gavanfr cut cy d varhan coy or harb no lorf tedn 46 yfdrs obg. Wef keabg, weo lust cf kbfdn dng wfbb grfssfg, sats on d kuseaon ungfr weake eds cffn grdwn d swdstajd, sylcob o` stdcabaty. Ef or sef as dsjfg to pakj up d stonf, wrdp at an d pafkfs o` rfg kbote dng pbdkf at ungfr eas or efr jnff dng as ldgf to granj tef ordnhf tantfg bacdtaon. Cbfssfg fdrs o` cdrbfy drf pbdkfg on tef keabg's efdg, weake as tef wrdppfg wate d turcdn. Wef gavanfr kbfdns tef larror dng bahets tef cuttfr bdlp. Wef keabg boojs anto tef larror dng, gfpfnganh on tef typf o` gavandtaon weake eds cffn rfqufstfg, sffs fatefr pakturfs, bajf sfqufnkfs an d `abl or bfttfrs. Bfttfrs rfquarf wrattfn qufstaons, weake edvf cffn havfn to tef gavanfr. Wef keabg gfskracfs tef vasaons to tef gavanfr weo 5..C2##.,3;./7/9./:K39>-1C>.KG>F#$!'!#!"#F;.5>81@>?@.,3;./7@8,I,7/.,>7K5.F9
D/-; * >? '!
+,-,./9 4,3;./7 60885,1. =9./:2 81 >? 4,3;./7 +,I,7/.,>7
!"#!"#$!$!% '()'*
antfrprfts dng fxpbdans tefl an tfrls o` tef qufstaons weake edvf cffn dsjfg. Wef rfdgfr o` tef larror eds no jnowbfghf o` tef qufstaons dsjfg dng tef gavanfr gofs not sff l tef larror: eowfvfr, tefy drf kolpbflfntdry dng lutudbby gfpfngfnt `or teas typf o` gavandtaon. Wef keabg's dcabaty to rfdg tef larror gasdppfdrs dt pucfrty, dng teus tef gavanfr ldy usf ga``frfnt keabgrfn dt ga``frfnt talfs. [eoubgfr-cbdgf Gavandtaon At as sdag tedt gavananh `rol seoubgfr cbdgfs wds `arst gonf cy crown cfdrs weo, d`tfr jabbanh wfdsfbs dng lakf tooj out tef seoubgfr
cbdgfs dng fxdlanfg tef banfs on tefl to jnow weftefrweo tefy wfrf cfanh pursufg cy euntfrs. Weas wds ocsfrvfg cy euntfrs, notakfg tedt tef cfdrs solftalfs dtf tef cogy o` tefar prfy dng solftalfs dcdngonfg at unfdtfn wate onby tef seoubgfr cbdgf fxtrdktfg. Hrdgudbby, teas `orl o` gavandtaon kdlf anto usf dlonh euntfrs teflsfbvfs, ds wfbb ds dlonh roccfrs dng teafvfs. At wds dbso vfry popubdr dlonh vabbdhf pfopbf. Wef conf usfg an tef gavandtaon lust cf tef rahet seoubgfr cbdgf o` d sbduhetfrfg seffp, ds opposfg to dn dnaldb weake eds gafg `rol gasfdsf or cffn bubbfg cy wabg dnaldbs. Wo cfhan wate, tef seoubgfr cbdgf lust cf kbfdnfg o` lfdt dng wdsefg an kbfdn wdtfr wdtfr.. Wef gavanfr tedn `ulahdtfs at wate munapfr dng eobgs at up wate eas or efr rahet cdng to cf rf`bfktfg an d larror. Nfxt, ef rfkatfg 'Qf gedrld' terff to sfvfn talfs dng anvojfs tef gfatafs rfqufstanh tefl to havf d kbfdr dnswfr. Wef seoubgfr cbdgf as tefn curnfg an d slojfbfss `arf, Out o` tef sahet o` strdnhfrs. Guranh tef curnanh, a` tef seoubgfr cbdgf ldjfs d rdttbanh soung at lfdns fvab sparats drf eduntanh tef eousf. Dkkolpdnyanh kbukjanh soungs woubg angakdtf tedt tefy drf kdusanh edrl dng gaskorg an tef `dlaby. Wef spanf o` tef seoubgfr cbdgf `dbbanh dwdy vfry quakjby woubg lfdn tedt tef dcovf troucbfs koubg cf gaspfbbfg wate d dppropradtf ratudbs. Wef seoubgfr cbdgf as gavagfg anto ga``frfnt drfds weake fndcbf tef gavanfr to ldjf quatf gftdabfg prfgaktaons. Wefsf drf= onf's protfktor's, Ndhd's fnfly's dng jangrfg's drfds. Cftwffn tef protfktor's dng tef jangrfg's drfds drf `avf sfktaons jnown ds tef janh's, tef borg's, tef lanastfr's, onf's own dng tef sfrvdnt's drfds. Wefsf seoubg cf sfpdrdtfg cy d gastdnkf o` onf `anhfr's crfdgte. Cuccbfs an onf's own drfd drf d hoog sahn, dbteouhe a` tefy rfkfgf tef alpbakdtaons drf nfhdtavf. D krdkj an tef bowfr pdrt o` onf's own drfd angakdtfs wfdjnfss an tedt yfdr, dng an tef laggbf pdrt, las`ortunf dng rfhrft. eowfvfr, d rdkj on tef cdkj sahna`afs anvankacabaty an ef `dkf o` fnflafs dng fvab sparats. D rdkj an tef seoubgfr cbdgf sokjft angakdtf boss o` propfrty, teouhe ats `ubbnfss angakdtfs alpfnganh wfdbte. Wef seoubgfr rfldananh weatf as d posatavf sahn o` allanfnt dktaon, weabf ats turnanh to dn dse kobour as nfhdtavf dng angakdtfs eahe wangs tedt yfdr. Cbdkj stdngs `or efdvy san dng yfbbow `or d wdrl yfdr. yfdr. Wef seoubgfr cbdgf's krdkjanh an ldny banfs angakdtfs d boss o` pdte or dn unsukkfss`ub `uturf. Hfnfrdbby spfdjanh weatf krdkjs drf hoog angakdtaons, cbdkj onfs drf cdg dng sbahetby gdrj onfs drf o` laggbanh nfhdtavaty. Xeatf krdkjs an onf's protfktor's drfd angakdtf tedt tef protfktor as efbpanh you dng cbdkj onfs seow tef nfkfssaty o` pfr`orlanh pura`yanh ratudbs, bdlp o``franhs, ankfnsf curnanh ratudbs, 5..C2##.,3;./7/9./:K39>-1C>.KG>F#$!'!#!"#F;.5>81@>?@.,3;./7@8,I,7/.,>7K5.F9
D/-; M >? '!
+,-,./9 4,3;./7 60885,1. =9./:2 81 >? 4,3;./7 +,I,7/.,>7
!"#!"#$!$!% '()'*
eoastanh prdyfr `bdhs dng kedntanh prdyfrs o` kon`fssaon. A` tef Ndhs's drfd or tef krdkjs on at cfkolf cbdkj onf lust pfr`orl d Ndhd kdjf o``franh cfsagf spranhs dng bdjfs. D krdkj dppfdranh an tef uppfr pdrt o` onf's fnfly's drfd lfdns tedt ef wabb cfkolf powfr`ub dng a` at as cbdkj, at as d cdg sahn dng onf lust rfkatf sutrds dng tef ratudb o` tef weatf Vlcrfbbd (hGuhs gjdr), weake eds tef powfr to kbfdr ocstdkbfs. A` tef jangrfg drfd as cbdkj onf lust pfr`orl rdnsol ba`f ratudbs (Wsf shruc). Wef gavasaon cftwffn tef janh's drfd dng tef sfrvdnt's drfd drf fxdlanfg an tef sdlf wdy. Wef seoubgfr cbdgf's krdkjanh an vfrtakdb banfs gfnotfs abbnfss dng an eorazontdb cf ddvaktal tef`t dng roccfry o r tedt at wabb tdjfbanfs, d bonhtedt talfonf to wabb dkeafvf hodb oro`dkkolpbase d tdsj. or Efdranh Gavandtaon Weas typf o` gavandtaon as gonf an tef noldgak drfds o` Wacft dng otefr asobdtfg pbdkfs, wefrf tefrf ldy not cf d gavanfr dvdabdcbf to konsubt. Cf`orf prokffganh wate tef gavandtaon, d pafkf o` munapfr as tafg to d seoubgfr cbdgf wate woob, weatf kbote or stranh. Wef gavanfr tefn pbdkfs tef seoubgfr cbdgf an tef bf`t pokjft o` eas kbodj dng wdbjs out o` eas gwfbbanh. Wef `arst worg ef efdrs outsagf wabb angakdtf tef turn o` fvfnts. A` teas gavandtaon as cfanh pfr`orlfg wate rfhdrg to solfonf weo as abb, tefn t efn nfhdtavf worgs suke ds 'bonh' woubg suhhfst d protrdktfg rfkovfry. On tef otefr edng, worgs suke ds 'hoog' wabb angakdtf d quakj rfkovfry. Wefsf worgs kdn cf dppbafg to dny otefr karkulstdnkfs dcout weake tef gavanfr as sffjanh dn dnswfr wate tef worg 'hoog dbwdys edvanh d posatavf konnotdtaons weabf otefrs bajf 'noteanh' edvanh nfhdtavf sahna`akdnkf.
@rol dlonh tef dcovf, Gouhe cdbb gavandtaon as rfhdrgfg ds tef lost rfbadcbf. Cut guf to tef bfnhte o` tef prfbalandry ratudbs, at as onby konguktfg 1n vfry alportdnt okkdsaons. [olf bdlds drf dcbf to ldjf prfgaktaons usanh no ovfrt lfdns o` gavandtaon, cut terouhe garfkt anspardtaon `rol tef gfaty. Weouhe tef rfsubt as tef sdlf, tefy woubg not usudbby kbdal to cf pfr`orlanh gavandtaon.
Weas satf usfs koojafs `rol Hoohbf to gfbavfr ats sfrvakfs dng to dndbysf trd``ak. Qour Qour AY ; S F D G Fdng S Kusfr O L Ldhfnt F N W [ drf = dggrfss sedrfg wate Hoohbf, tohftefr wate pfr`orldnkf dng sfkuraty lftraks, to fnsurf qudbaty o` sfrvakf, hfnfrdtf usdhf stdtastaks dng to gftfkt dng dggrfss dcusf.Dnonylous sdag... Pfry efbp`ub,tednj you.
WVF[GDQ, NOPFLCFS 46, 3944 DW 3=3;=99 DL HLW+5 Dnonylous sdag... Ea tednjs `or tef dcovf an`orldtaon. Cut A wabb bajf to dsj lorf dcout tef grfdl gavandtaon, eow go onf bfdrn lorf dcout teas grfdl gavandtaon? XFGNF[ GD GDQ Q, OKWOCFS 48 , 3945 DW 5=34=9 9 DL HL W +5
D/-; " >? '!
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Ldbacumoen sdag... Ldbacumoen sdag... D`tfr stugyanh tfd bfdvfs, tdrot kdrgs, pdbls, dstrobohy, dstrobohy, grfdl dndbysas, ftk. at cfkdlf lorf or bfss kbfdr to lf tedt sankf fvfryteanh as konnfktfg, fvfryteanh dng dnyteanh kdn cf usfg `or gavandtaon. Dbb tedt as nfkfssdry as to kubtavdtf onf's sfnsatavaty dng cf kbfdr wate tef antfntaon. Dbb tef gavfrsf `orls o` Wacftdn gavandtaon kon`arl teas agfd. Dng onf lorf vfry antfrfstanh Wacftdn tfkenaquf tedt wds not lfntaonfg or tedt A `dabfg to sff: Ordkbfs, konsubtanh non-korporfdb fntatafs terouhe kednnfbs or cy kednnfbanh tefl yoursfb`. E E KEFNSF]AH fxpbdanfg tedt tefy wfrf vfry usf`ub dng ef konsubtfg tefl dbb tef talf. Xefn dsjfg wedt ef gag wate tef an`orldtaon ef octdanfg teas wdy ef sdag ef konsagfrfg at dng a` at sfflfg usf`ub ef ankbugfg at an eas gfkasaons. D vfry prdhldtak dpprodke cdsfg on bonh fxpfrafnkf dng d hoog teanh to rflflcfr dcout dbb gavandtaons WEVS[GDQ,, MVBQ WEVS[GDQ MVBQ 44, 3941 DW 4=43= 99 YL HLW+5 Yost d Kollfnt Nfwfr Yost
Obgfr Yost
[ucskracf to= Yost Kollfnts (Dtol)
D/-; '! >? '!
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