The following devices and equipment are used for Power Factor Improvement. Improvement. 1. Static Capacitor 2.
Synchronous Co Condenser
Phase !dvancer
1.St at i cCapaci t or "e #now that most of the industries and power system loads are inductive that ta#e lagging current which decrease the system power factor $See %isadvantages of &ow Power factor' . factor' . For Power factor improvement purpose( Static capacitors are connected in parallel with those devices which wor# on low power factor. Thes These e stat static ic capa capaci cito tors rs prov provid ides es lead leadin ing g curr curren entt whic which h neut neutra rali li)e )e $tot $total ally ly or appro*imately' appro*imately' the lagging inductive component of load current $i.e. leading component component neutrali)e or eliminate the lagging component of load current' thus power factor of the load circuit is improved.
These capacitors are installed in +icinity of large inductive load e.g Induction motors and transformers etc( and improve the load circuit power factor to improve the system or
devises efficiency. Suppose(here is a single phase inductive load which is ta#ing lagging current $I' and the load power factor is Cos, as shown in fig-1. In fig-2( a Capacitor $C' has een connected in parallel with load. /ow a current $Ic' is flowing through Capacitor which lead 0 from the supply voltage $ /ote that Capacitor provides leading Current i.e.( In a pure capacitive circuit( Current leading 0 from the supply +oltage( in other words( +oltage are 0 lagging from Current'. The load current is $I'. The +ectors comination of $I' and $Ic' is $I3' which is lagging from voltage at ,2 as shown in fig . It can e seen from fig that angle of ,2 4 ,1 i.e. angle of ,2 is less than from angle of ,2. Therefore Cos,2 is less than from Cos,1 $Cos,25 Cos,1'. 6ence the load power factor is improved y capacitor. !lso note that after the power factor improvement( the circuit current would e less than from the low power factor circuit current. !lso( efore and after the power factor improvement( the active component of current would e same in that circuit ecause
capacitor eliminates only the re-active component of current. !lso( the !ctive power $in "atts' would e same after and efore power factor improvement. Advantages: Capacitor an# offers several advantages over other methods of power factor improvement.
&osses are low in static capacitors
There is no moving part( therefore need low maintenance
It can wor# in normal conditions $i.e. ordinary atmospheric conditions'
%o not require a foundation for installation
They are lightweight so it is can e easy to installed
Disadvantages: The age of static capacitor an# is less $7 8 1 years' • •
"ith changing load( we have to 9/ or 9FF the capacitor an#( which causes switching surges on the system
If the rated voltage increases( then it causes damage it
9nce the capacitors spoiled( then repairing is costly
2.Synchr onousCondenser "hen a Synchronous motor operates at /o-&oad and over-e*ited then it3s called a synchronous Condenser. "henever a Synchronous motor is over-e*ited then it provides leading current and wor#s li#e a capacitor. "hen a synchronous condenser is connected across supply voltage $in parallel' then it draws leading current and partially eliminates the re-active component and this way( power factor is improved. :enerally( synchronous condenser is used to improve the power factor in large industries.
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