Method Statement For Fire

February 6, 2019 | Author: Binu Gopinathan | Category: Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Screw, Welding, Industries, Mechanical Engineering
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Short Description

method statement for hanger...







Page 1

Table of contents

1. Gross Gross References References .............. .................... ............ ............. .................. ...................... .....................Pag ..........Page e3 2. Scope Scope of works.... works......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ............ ............ ................ ...................... .................Page .....Page 3 3. Flow of Works Works Chart..... Chart.......... .......... .......... .......... ............ .................. ....................... ...................Page .......Page 4 4. Methodology.............. Methodology.................................................. ................................................... ....................Page .....Page !2" . #ools #ools and $%&'p(ent. $%&'p(ent....... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ................. ...................... .............Page2 ..Page2) ) *. Safety Safety Meas&res. Meas&res...... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... .............. ................... ....................... ................Page ....Page 2) ". +ppend'ce +ppend'ces.... s......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ............ ............ .............. ................... ....................... .............Page .Page 2) ). Pa'nt' Pa'nt'ng ng Safety Safety F're F're p'pe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,Page 2-

1.Gross References 1.1 General Refer to t!e "eneral Re#$%re&ents 'or(sect%on

Refer to the follow'ng worksect'on Mechan'cal general re%&'re(ents/ F're protect'on syste(/ hydranl'c syste(/ a'r handl'ng &'nt and 0ent'lat'on syste(.

1.2 Material: Mater'al for anger and s&pport follow'ng the standards on spec'f'cat'on +ppro0ed type y $ng'neer To describe mechanical works associated with install hanger and support of mechanical system to ensure compliance with contract requirements, drawings and technical specification. The design of the  pipe work installation shall be tested and certify strictly in accordance with the requirement specification, ). Sco*e of +or(s

Page 2

Scope of works install hangers and supports of Mechanical System including the uct works system, Piping fire protection and !ydrandlic system. The scope of work for this method statement shall include all the Mechanical system.

Page "

,. Flo' of +or(s -Flo' c!art

Shop drawings $%ppro&ed'

Material %ppro&ed

etermine pipe as per appro&ed location ( le&el


 )ot appro&ed efine position of support %ppro&ed nstallation of  pipe  )ot appro&ed

n-house nspection %ppro&ed

*ngineer +s inspection



Page #

/. Met!o0olo" /.1. General

#.1.1. The sie of !angers and supports shall be in compliance with the contract specification, documents, and appro&ed shop drawings. #.1.2 !angers and supports of mechanical system shall be fabricated at factory from the appro&ed and gal&anied steel sheet roll. #.1." To ensure that all !angers and supports material are fabricated form the appro&ed, worker  Shall take photo picture on the appro&ed material for record, before starting any fabrication process. /hen the finished parts deli&ery to site, the *ngineer0s shall check the quality and material used, by the 3 labels together with the e&idence of the photo picture or refer to shop drawing , on the material been used in the fabrication. #.1.# 4nly the site engineer0s final appro&ed !angers and supports shall be used for the site installation works. #.1.5. 6arious hanger systems and components for system shall be used and shall be 3oordinated with the ceiling work at the 3ontractor option with the appro&al by the Mechanical engineer. #.1.7 %ll flanged 8oints shall be pro&ided with suitable gasket as appro&ed type by the *ngineer. #.1.9 Supports shall be attached to e&ery system using screws or bolt to pre&ent slippage and noise. #.1.:./all or o&erhead supports shall be anchored to structure using bolts of suitable type and adequate sie or other methods suitable for conditions or materials encountered, only as appro&ed by the *ngineer. #.1.;. Supports insulation work will be mentioned on method statement for mechanical system insulation work.

Page 5

/.). Han"ers an0 S$**orts for 0$c( 'or( sste&s

#.2.1 Supports and hangers shall be i= support must be fi=ed to slab or beam. #.2.2.#. Spacing of >i= support by steel angle shall be 15AAmm and below, or refer to shop drawing appro&ed.

Anchor bolt (Approved type by the engineer) L-type formed steel angle Beam

Duct including insulation

F%"$re 4 Sect%on of F%3 s$**ort (Detail refer to table HS.5))

 )oteB >i= supports details please refer to appro&ed shop drawings.

Table. ) S%5e of Steel An"le an0 Anc!or 6olt -refer to AS /)2/ Steel angle length - <

Steel angle Sie$minimum'

@p to 1AAA

i= threaded rod support into insert anchor bolt and fi= 3-channel into location before laying pipe onto the bracket support.


3heck the le&el of bracket support to ensure the pipe work ha&e been done as according to the appro&ed shop drawings and location.

S$**ort !an"er s%5es on ce%l%n"

Page 1:



S$**orte0 *%*e -&&

Ro0 0%a&eter -&&

5A and smaller




125 through 2AA


25A and larger


>or support on wall and pipe shaft. Eefer to >igure Eiser $file %uto3ad' -

Mark sure ( fabricate support and then Gal&anie for le&el C", C2, C1, Eoof, Eiser 


3heck support by plump-line to ensure bracket support are in a &ertical straight line


>i= bracket support onto wall and fastened with nuts to get support in position.


Mark the location of pipe support as according to appro&ed shop drawing.


ri&e a hole into wall of concrete structure or brick wall.


rill an anchor bolt into drilled hole.


>i= bracket support onto wall and fastened with nuts to get support in position.

Prime paint and identification of pipe


3ompleted pipe will be prime paint by the appro&ed color code.


Symbol of identification of pipe will be suitable to diameter of pipe.


irection of arrow denote the way of water flow

Sc!e0$le of letter%n" s%5es -or refer to s*ect%on

4utside diameter of pipe or co&ering $mm'

Sie of stencil letter $mm'

Minimum length of flow arrow $mm'

2A to #A incl.



5A to 1AA incl.



125 to 195 incl.



2AA and larger



Sc!e0$le of !an"er s$**ort s*ac%n"

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