A cost-efective system to help ensure the ow o deepwater production across extended distances has been developed by Paragon Engineering Services o Houston !he application o this system is ma"ing the newly announced #illiams $anyon Station pro%ect in the &ul o 'exico viable while helping to advance the industry(s deepwater development capability capability )sing a distillation process* Paragon has produced a system or the efective recovery and reuse o methanol as a hydrate inhibitor inhibitor +epending on the operating conditions* #illiams is expected to recover about ,-./0 o the chemical or re-in%ection using Paragon(s design application !he methanol regeneration process process is expected to bring bring an estimated cost savings o 12/*///3day while successully producing the // ''c3d o gas rom deepwater subsea wells !he saving ma"es the pro%ect economically viable !he subsea wells are located in up to ,*4// t water depth* representing the &ul(s deepest subsea development to date Production is expected onstream by summer 4//4 5perators have used nominal amounts o methanol or many years to inhibit the ormation o hydrates* which can bloc" production ow in piping However* its use on the #illiams pro%ect represents an expanded application in terms o volume and importance to a deepwater pro%ect6 !he landmar" pro%ect calls or the efective storage* regeneration* and distribution di stribution o 7*.// b3d - or about gallons3minute - o methanol
Project scope 8ewbuild acilities or $anyon Station call or a shallow-water platorm destined or 'ain Pass 9loc" 427:P in 4.. t water depth to accept deepwater production rom nine subsea wells in three ;elds6 Aconcagua* $amden Hills* and / degrees ? can cause hydrates to orm at the wellhead and in the pipeline ecovered ecover ed methanol plus ma"e-up - due to losses in the gas and hydrocarbon liDuid phases - is in%ected into each o the wells to efectively inhibit the ormation o hydrates and ensure gas ow throughout the entire system !he ;rst step o the process process on the $anyon Station Station platorm involves separating the liDuids rom the gas through two* /0 high-pressure high-pressure separators !he condensate3water3methanol mixture is then separated into hydrocarbon and water phases in a three-phase low-pressure separator !he water phase* which contains the bul" o the methanol* is urther processed to reduce the hydrocarbon concentration rom approximately 7*4// ppm to less than 4/ ppm !his low hydrocarbon concentration is achieved with high-eciency condensate coalescers A de-sanding hydrocyclone and a degassing vessel are installed upstream o the coalescers to ensure their proper operation !he methanol3water mixture is then processed in the methanol rregeneration egeneration system consisting o methanol3water preheaters and a distillation column with a re-boiler* total condenser* and reux pumps !he methanol3water me thanol3water preheaters heat the methanol using the hot water distillation bottoms product !he methanol recovery process will have a design capacity o the 4*,/ b3d o inlet uids6 7*// b3d o methanol and 7*4/ b3d o water )pon regeneration* the methanol is .0 pure
Operational fexibility !he methanol regeneration system is designed with operational exib exibility ility in mind ?irst* ?irst* multiple eed points are provided on the distillation column such that the eed location is optimiFed as the eed properties change throughout the lie o the ;eld Also* an automated recycle loop* which eeds distillation bottoms product bac" to the distillation column through a recycle cooler* allows the methanol regeneration system to stay online during operating conditions when no eed is coming rom the main process
Several steps were ta"en to mitigate corrosion and scale problems in the methanol regeneration system due to the potentially high dissolved solids content o the produced water and the presence o methanol !he methanol3water preheater plate pac" is titanium construction !he distillation column trays and valves and the re-boiler tubes are stainless steel construction 9oth the distillation column and the re-boiler have a special internal coating that will stand up to the high temperatures and the corrosive nature o the liDuid !he re-boiler design also includes provisions or cleaning the tubes in place Another design consideration or the methanol regeneration system is or the removal o hydrocarbons that may accumulate in the distillation column and decrease the methanol regenerating capacity due to increased vapor and liDuid ow ?irst* a s"im connection and interace level gauge are installed in the bottom o the column to remove any heavy hydrocarbons that may collect Second* a total liDuid draw tray is included in the column such that a three-phase separator may be installed at a uture date i accumulation o mid-range hydrocarbons in the column does occur occur
Schedule !he #illiams $anyon Station Station design calls or a our our-pile* -pile* our-legged our-legged production platorm destined or 'ain Pass 9loc" 427 !he topsides production dec" is estimated to weigh =*// tons !he %ac"et is scheduled scheduled or installation this summer B4//7C* with the dec" to ollow in the spring o 4//4 ?ollowing %ac"et installation* $anyon Express will begin installation and testing o the umbilical to ensure its operability operability !o !o acilitate the asttrac" asttrac" process* #illiams reDuires a concurrent acilities design-and-build efort Paragon is designing the dec" using the =-+ Plant +esign 'anagement System BP+'SC to acilitate early resolution o design clashes and to improve operability and saety through better anticipation o haFards !he engineering efort includes topsides system system design or compress compression ion and separation acilities* water treatment* instrumentation and utilities* including termination and connection o the power and control systems rom the umbilical bundle to the master control station or the subsea wells
Author W. Hickman Brown is a pro%ect manager with w ith Paragon Engineering Services He has more than 4 years o experience in the design3engineering o ofshore acilities and pipeline systems* much o it with 'obil* Superior* and Shell He holds a 9S'E rom 8ew 'exico State )niversity and a 'S in 5cean Engineering rom the )niversity o hode Gsland
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