Message Authentication and Hash Functions
Short Description
this document provides information regarding message authentication by MAC codes, hash functions and covers different al...
Authentication Requirements
Kind of attacks (threats) in the context of communications across a network Disclosure Traffic analysis (discover the pattern) source) Masquerade (insert a message from a fraudulent source) Content modification (insert, delete, delete, reorder reorder)) Sequence modification (insert, Timing modification (delay or replay) 7. Source Source Repudiation Repudiation (denial of a transmission) 8. Destination Repudiation (denial of a receipt) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Measures to deal with first two attacks: address essed ed with with In the realm of message confidentiality, and are addr encryption
Measures to deal with items 3 thru 6 Message authentication Measures to deal with items 7 and 8
Digital signature
Authentication Requirements
Message authentication A
procedure to verify that messages come from the alleged source and have not been altered Messag agee auth authen enti tica cati tion on may may also also verif erifyy sequ sequen enci cing ng and and Mess timeliness
Digital signature authentication technique that also includes measures to counter repudiation by either source or destination
Mukesh Chinta Asst Prof CSE VNRVJIET
Authentication Functions
Message authentication or digital signature mechanism can be viewed as having two levels authenticator and High level authentication protocol
Thr Three clas classe sess of func functi tion onss can can be used used to prod produc ucee an authenticator Message
encryption Ciphertext itself serves as authenticator cod e (MAC) Message authentication code A public function of the message and a secret key that produces a fixed-length value that serves as the authenticator Hash function A public function that maps a message of any length into a fixedlength hash value, which serves as the authenticator authenticator
Message Encryption
Conventional Conventional encryption can serve as authenticator authenticator
Conve Conventio ntional nal encryp encryptio tionn prov provide idess authentication as well as confidentiality
if symmetric encryption is used then: receiver
knows sender must have created it knows content cannot be altered, if message has suitable structure, redundancy or a checksum to detect any changes
if public-key public-key encryption is used: confidentiality, but not encryption provides confidentiality,
authentication can provide authentication as well as signature, but at the cost of two public key key uses on the message.
Mukesh Chinta Asst Prof CSE VNRVJIET
Basic Uses of Message Encryption
Ways of Providing Structure
Append an error-detecting code (frame (frame check check sequence (FCS)) to each message
Mukesh Chinta Asst Prof CSE VNRVJIET
Implications Implicat ions of Message Encryption
Message Authentication Code
Uses a shared secret key to generate a fixed-size block of data (kno (known wn as a cryp crypto togr grap aphi hicc chec checks ksum um or MAC) MAC) tha that is appended to the message
Message has not been altered Message is from alleged sender Message sequence is unaltered (requires internal sequencing)
Simi Simila larr to encry encrypt ptio ionn but but MAC MAC algor algorit ithm hm need need not not be reversible
Mukesh Chinta Asst Prof CSE VNRVJIET
Basic Uses of MAC
Basic Uses of MAC
Mukesh Chinta Asst Prof CSE VNRVJIET
Where MAC’s are used??
In applications where the same message is broadcast to a number of destinations, it is sent in plaintext with associated MAC to prove authentication. Situations where authentication cannot be done for every message, but on on selective messages Authentication of a computer program in plaintext is very attractive and also proves proves integrity In applications where the message need not be kept secret, but it is very important to authenticate messages
Hash Function
Accepts Accepts a variable-s variable-size ize message M as input and produces produces a fixedfixedsize hash code H(M){ some times called message digest} as output The hash code is a function of all the bits of the message and provides an error-detection capability. capability. Can be used with encryption for authentication
E(M || H) M || E(H) M || signed H E( M || signed H ) gives confidentiality M || H( M || K ) E( M || H( M || K ) )
Mukesh Chinta Asst Prof CSE VNRVJIET
Basic Uses of Hash Function
Basic Uses of Hash Function
Mukesh Chinta Asst Prof CSE VNRVJIET
Basic Uses of Hash Function
Requirements for MAC Functions
Assume that an opponent knows the MAC function C but does not know K. Then the MAC function should have the following properties MAC= CK(M)
1. Given M and Ck(M), it must be computationally infeasible to
construct M’ s.t. Ck(M’) = Ck(M) 2. CK(M) should be uniformly distributed in the sense that for any
M and M’, Pr[Ck(M) = Ck(M’)] should be 2-n, where n is the length of the MAC MAC transformation on on M. That is, 3. Let M’ be equal to some known transformati M’ = f(M).
In that case,
Mukesh Chinta Asst Prof CSE VNRVJIET
Pr[Ck(M) = Ck(M’)] = 2-n,
MAC Based on DES Uses CBC mode of operation of DES with IV = 0
Referred to as Data Authentication Authentication Algorithm (FIPS PUB 113 and ANSI ANSI standard (X9.17)) ON = EK(DN XOR ON-1)
Data Authentication Code (DAC) consists of 16 to 64 leftmost bits of O N
Hash Functions
h = H(M) M is a variable-length message, h is a fixed-length hash value, H is a hash function The hash value is appended at the source The receiver authenticates the message by recomputing the hash value Beca Becaus usee the the hash hash func functio tionn itse itself lf is not not cons consid ider ered ed to be secret, some means is required to protect protect the hash value
Mukesh Chinta Asst Prof CSE VNRVJIET
Hash Function Requirements 1. H can be applied to any size data block 2. H produces fixed-length output 3. H(x) is relatively relatively easy to compute for any given x
computationally infeasible to 4. H is one-way , i.e., given h, it is computationally find any any x s.t. h = H(x) 5. H is weakly collision resistant : given x, it is computationally
infeasible to find any y x s.t. H(x) = H(y) 6. H is strongly collision resistant : it is computationally computationally infeasible to find any any x and y s.t. H(x) = H(y) H(y)
Hash Function Requirements
One-way One-way property is essential for authentication
Weak collision resistance is necessary to prevent forgery
Strong Strong collis collision ion resis resistan tance ce is importa important nt for resist resistan ance ce to birthday attack
Mukesh Chinta Asst Prof CSE VNRVJIET
HASH Algorithms
MD5 Message Digest Algorithm Algorithm
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1 and SHA-512)
Hash Algorithm Structure
The hash algorithm involves repeated use of a compression function, f, that takes two inputs(an n-bit input from the previous previous step and a b-bit block) and produces an n-bit output The final value of the chaining variable is the hash value.
Mukesh Chinta Asst Prof CSE VNRVJIET
MD5 Message Digest Algorithm
Developed by Ron Rivest at MIT Input: a message of arbitrary a rbitrary length Output: 128-bit message digest 32-bit word units, 512-bit blocks
MD5 Logic
Step 1: Append padding bits
Padded so that its bit length 448 mod 512 (i.e., the length of padded message is 64 bits less than an integer multiple of 512 bits) Padding is always added, even if the message is already of the desired length (1 to 512 bits) Padding bits: 1000….0 (a single 1 -bit followed by the necessary number of 0 -bits)
Step 2: Append length
64-bit length: contains the length length of the original message message modulo 264
The expanded message is Y 0, Y1, …, YL-1; the total length is L 512 bits The expanded message message can be thought of as as a multiple of 16 32-bit words Let M[0 … N-1] N-1] denote the word of the resulting message, where N = L 16
Mukesh Chinta Asst Prof CSE VNRVJIET
MD5 Logic
Step 3: Initialize MD buffer
128-bit buffer (four 32-bit registers A,B,C,D) is used to hold intermediate and final results of the hash function A,B,C,D are initialized to the following values
A = 67452301, B = EFCDAB89, C = 98BADCFE, D = 103254 76 Stored in little-endian format (least significant byte of a word in the lowaddress byte position)
E.g. word A: 01 23 45 67 (low address … high address)
Step 4: Process message in 512-bit (16-word) blocks
Heart of the algorithm called a compression function
Consists of 4 rounds
The 4 rounds have a similar structure, but each uses a different primitive logical functions, referred to as F, G, H, and I Each round takes as input the current 512-bit block (Yq), 128-bit buffer value ABCD and updates the contents of the buffer Each round also uses the table T[1 … 64], constructed from the sine function; T[i] = 232 abs(sin(i)) The output of 4th round is added to the CV q to produce CVq+1
MD5 processing of a single 512- bit block
Mukesh Chinta Asst Prof CSE VNRVJIET
MD5 Logic
Table T, constructed from the sine function – T[i] = integer part of 2 32 abs(sin(i)), where i is in radians
MD5 Logic
Step 5: Output
After all L 512-bit blocks have been processed, the output from the Lth stage is the 128-bit message digest
CV 0 = IV CV q+1 = SUM 32(CV q, RFI [Y q, RFH [Y q, RFG[Y q, RFF[Y q, CV q]]]) MD = CV L where IV
= initia initiall value value of the ABCD ABCD buffe buffer, r, define defined d in step step 3
= the qth 512-bit block of the message
= the number number of block blockss in the mess messag agee (inclu (includin ding g paddin padding g and length fields)
= chaining variable processed with the q th block of the message
= round function using primitive logical function x
= final final mess messag agee diges digestt value value
SUM32 = addition modulo 2 32 performed separately on each word
Mukesh Chinta Asst Prof CSE VNRVJIET
MD5 Compression Function
Each round consists of a sequence of 16 steps operating on the buffer ABCD Each step is of the form a b + (( a + g(b, c, d) + X[k] + T[i]
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