MesaieedPTW Module 6

April 2, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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]^Z Einuhf 0; Lsihotlids


_otor ]ftr ]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids

Einuhf 0 Lsihotlids  Onnltlidoh ld`ireotlid rfhotldj ti lsihotlids dit prfvliushy bivfrfn ld tals biursf.


_otor ]ftr ]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids Lsihotlid ]ribfnurfs

• • •

]rib ]ribfn fnur urfs fs ao aovf vf cf cffd fd nfv nfvfh fhipf ipfn n tti ib bid idtr trih ih ta taf f llsi siho hotl tlid id i` ph phod odtt odn odn fqu fqulp lpef efdt dt.. ^al ^als s ld ldbhu bhunfs nfs taf lsihot lsihotlid lid hib hibg g i` i``` od odn n ^oj ^oj pr pribf ibfnur nurf f od odn n ta taf f efbao efbaodlb dlboh oh llsih sihotl otlid id s stro trotfj tfjy. y. Lsi Lsihot hotlid lids s or orf f jfdfro jfdfrohhy hhy lephfe lephfefdt fdtfn fn pr prlir lir tti i taf taf wirg wirg bi bieef eefdbl dbldj dj ttaf af pritf pritfbt bt pfrs pfrsidd iddfh, fh, pho phodt dt o odn dn fdvlridefdt `rie siurbfs i` ldvfdtiry odn fdfrjy.

Lsi Lsihot hotlid lids s eu eust st cf b bids idslnf lnfrfn rfn nurl nurldj dj ttaf af wirg wpfrelt irg pfrelt pfrbidtrihhfr elt pho phoddl ddldj dj s stoj tojf f odn odnfhsf wl wlhhhhrfqulrfn. typl typlboh bohhy hy ldvi ldvihvf hvf Ipfrotldj outairlty, ]fr`ireldj Outairlty, odn odyidf


]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g _otor ]ftr Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids

Lephfefdtldj Lsihotlids. • • • • •

^i e eo odojf i iu ur ls lsihotlids f``fbtlvfhy fhy wf usf; ]r ]rfp fpor orot otli lid dS Sff-ld ldst stot otfe fefd fdtt B Bfr frtl tl``lbot lbotf f Lsihotlid ^ojs ]onhibgs Hibgiut Cixfs


_otor ]ftr ]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids ^af ]rfporotlid Sf-ldstotfefdt Bfrtl`lbotf •

• •

• • • •

O pr prfp fpor orot otli lid d rf rf-l -lds dsto totf tfef efdt dt b bfr frtl tl`l `lbo botf tf e eus ustt cf rrol olsf sfn n `ir lsihotlids odn briss-rf`frfdbfn ti o bidtrihhldj wirg pfrelt Lsih Lsihot otli lid d rf rfqu qulr lrfe fefd fdts ts wl wlhh hh cf cf ln lnfd fdtl tl`l `lfn fn lld d ta taf f phod phoddl dldj dj i` wirg ]f ]fre relt lt Op Opph phlb lbod odtt wl wlhh hh rols rolsf f taf taf pr prfp fpor orot otli lid d rfrfldstotfefdt bfrtl`lbotf nurldj taf opphlbotlid stojf i` taf wirg Lsih Lsihot otli lid d or orf f lep lephf hfef efdt dtfn fn n nur urld ldj jw wir irgs gslt ltf f pr prfp fpor orot otli lid d Ci Cix x ? ls biep biephf hftf tfn n ``ir ir so`f so`fty ty/f /fef efrj rjfd fdby by/l /lds dstr true uefd fdtt lsihotlids Ci Cix x3 lls s bie bieph phft ftfn fn `ir `ir e efb fbao aodl dlbo bohh ls lsihot ihotli lids ds Ci Cix x 2 ls ls bie bieph phft ftfn fn `ir fhfb fhfbtr trlb lboh oh lsih lsihot otli lids ds..


_otor ]ftr ]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids

@ir Lsihotlid ^o ^ojs js • •

Oh Ohhh llsi siho hotl tlid ids se eus ustt cf cf b bhf hfor orhy hy lnfd lnfdtl tl`l `lfn fn wl wlta ta to tojs js ta taf f ldtfjrlty privfd cf`irf wirg porty bod cfjld wirg Lsih Lsihot otli lids ds tojs tojs or orf f tti i llnf nfdt dtl` l`y y llsi siho hotl tlid id hibo hibotl tlid ids. s.

^ojs aovf taf `ih ^ojs `ihhiw hiwldj ldj ld`ir l d`ir eotlid fdtfrfn • ]r ]rfp fpor orot otli lid d rf rf-l -lds dsto totf tfef efdt dt bfrt bfrtl` l`lb lbot otf f eu eust st duecfrfn • Gfy duecfr `ir taf ponhibg usfn • Eftain i` lsihotlid • Do Doef ef i` ta taf fo out utai airl rlsf sfn nf fhf hfbt btrl rlbo bohh p pfr frsi sid/ d/bi biep epft ftfd fdtt fhfbtrlboh pfrsid i` dieldotfn lsihotir wai aos lephfefdtfn taf lsihotlid. • Ro Roef ef ld ld`i `ire reot otli lid d ls ls fd fdtf tfrf rfn ni id d taf taf hiwf hiwfrr tfor tfor i` i```

sfbtlid i` taf toj odn tals, ohidj ohi dj wlta taf ponhibg gfy ls phobfn ld taf hibgiut cix. L` yiu yiu s sff ff od Lsih Lsihot otli lid d^ ^oj oj,, y yiu iu eu eust st dit dit o ott ttfe fept pt ti rfeivf lt udhfss yiu aovf taf outairlzotlid.


_otor ]ftr ]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids Einuhf 0 ]hfosf odswfr taf `ihhiwldj qufstlid

Zai orf rfspidslchf `ir fdsurldj taot lsihotlids orf lephfefdtfn birrfbthy os spfbl`lfn9

Rfhfbt taf 3 odswfrs taot opphy.

]frelt Bidtrihhfr 

Sonlotlid ]ritfbtlid Rupfrvlsir 

Zirgsltf supfrvlsir 

]fr`ireldj Outairlty Rucelt Rucelt


_otor ]ftr ]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids Einuhf 0 ]hfosf odswfr taf `ihhiwldj qufstlid

Id walba nibuefdt orf taf hibgiut cix duecfrs rfbirnfn9 Rfhfbt taf odswfr taot opphlfs.

Zirg ]frelt

]rfporotlid Sf-ldstotfefdt Bfrtl`lbotf.

Nf-lsihotlid `ir ^fst Bfrtl`lbotf.

Bid`ldfn Rpobf Fdtry Bfrtl`lbotf. Rucelt Rucelt


_otor ]ftr ]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids

]onhibgs • • •

Ls Lsih ihot otli lids ds e eus ustt cf hi hibg bgfn fn i`` i`` os wfh wfhhh os to tojjf jjfn n us usld ldj j od i` i``l `lbl bloh oh _ _] ] po ponhi nhibg bg Za Zafr frf f ta taf f usf usf i` o p pon onhi hibg bg lls s dit dit pi piss sslc lchf hf,, ir s sul ulto toch chf, f, o odi dita tafr fr `ire `ire i` i` le leei eicl clhlhlsl sldj dj n nfv fvlb lbf. f. Idb Idbf f od llsih sihotl otlid id a aos os cf cffd fd lleph ephfef fefdtf dtfn, n, ttaf af pfrsi pfrsid d di dield eldotf otfn n ti bor borry ry iut iut taf taf ls lsiho ihotli tlid d wlh wlhhh hi hibg bg ttaf af lsihotlid, fdtfrfn taf ]rfporotlid Sf-ldstotfefdt Bfrtl`lbotf odn ponhibg gfy rfturdfn Bidtrih Bidtrih Siie `ir phobfefdt ld Hibg-iut cix


_otor ]ftr ]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids Hibgiut Cixfs • • •

Vs Vsfn fn ti stir stirf f po ponh nhib ibg gg gfys fys odn odn ttaf af ci citt ttie ie sf sfbt btli lids ds i` Ls Lsih ihot otli lid d^ ^oj ojs. s. Vs Vsf f i` ttaf af H Hib ibgi giut ut cix cix prf prfvf vfdt dts s nf-l nf-lsi siho hotl tlid id u udt dtlhlh rfh rfhfv fvod odtt wirg wirg p pfr frel eltt odn odn prfporotlid rf-ldstotfefdt bfrtl`lbotf orf bhisfn iut. ^a ^af f Hi Hibg bgiu iutt c cix ix d due uecf cfrr ls rf rfbi birn rnfn fn i id d ta taf f prfp prfpor orot otli lidd-rf rfld ldst stot otfe fefd fdtt bfrtl`lbotf.


_otor ]ftr ]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids

Hibgiut Cixfs Bidtldufn • • •

• •

Hibgiut Cixfs aovf 2 gfys. Gfy ‑O“ ldtfdnfn ti ti tta af Zi Zirgsltf Rupfrvlsir  Gfy ‑C“ rfeolds ld taf niir i` taf Hibgiut Cix udhfss onnltlidoh Zirg ]frelt ls rolsfn taot rfqulrfs fxobthy soef lsihotlids, tafd Gfy C ls rfeivfn odn jlvfd ti taf 3dn Zirgsltf Rupfrvlsir. Gfy ‑B“, taf Bidtrih Gfy, ls afhn cy taf ]frelt Bidtrihhfr. Id biephftlid i` wirg, taf Zirgsltf Rupfrvlsir rfturds Gfy ‑O“, taf Zirg ]frelt odn taf ]rfporotlid Sf-ldstotfefdt Bfrtl`lbotf ls bhisfn iut.


]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g _otor ]ftr Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids

Bosbonldj Hibgiut Cixfs •

Za Zafr frf f tafr tafrf f orf orf o du due ecf cfrr i` Zi Zirg rg ]f ]fre relt lts s briss-rf`frfdbfn id o ]rfporotlid Sfldstotfefdt bosbonfn.

fd fdsu surf rfs s tao taott llsi siho hotl tlid id sfbu sfburl rlty ty ls eo eold ldto told ldfn fn `ir `ir ohh Zirgsltf Rupfrvlsirs odn ohh wirgsltfs.


]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g _otor ]ftr Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids Hidj ^fre Lsihotlids •

Lsi Lsihot hotlid lids so orf rf lsi lsihot hotlid lids s taot taot boddit boddit cf rfe rfeivf ivfn nb biep iephft hftlid lid ir fxp fxplrl lrldj dj i` o Z Zirg irg ]frelt

Za Zaot ot aop aoppf pfds ds w waf afd d od llsi siho hotl tlid id rrfqu fqulr lrfs fs tti i cf tr trod ods` s`fr frrf rfn n ti hi hidj dj-t -tfr fre9 e9


]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g _otor ]ftr Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids Hidj ^fre Lsihotlids • •

^af irlj irljld ldoh oh Zirg Zirg ]f ]fre relt lt wlhh lhh cf cf s slj ljdf dfn ni i```  ^a ^af f ir irlj ljld ldoh oh ] ]rf rfpo poro rotl tlid id S Sff-ld ldst stot otfe fefd fdtt B Bfr frtl tl`l `lbo botf tf wlhh wlhh aov aovf f taf taf hfttfrs ‑H^L“ stoepfn obriss lt, taf irljldoh i` taf ]rfporotlid Sfldstotfefdt Bfrtl`lbotf odn taf irljldoh Zirg ]frelt orf tafd phobfn ld taf Hidj ^fre Lsihotlid Hibgiut Cix odn o bipy i` taf ]rfporotlid Sf-ldstotfefdt Bfrtl`lbotf jlvfd ti taf Zirgsltf Rupfrvlsir `ir als rfbirn. ^af ]frelt Bidtrihhfr rftolds taf Hibgiut Cix Bidtrih Gfy.


_otor ]ftr ]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids

Fdn i` Einuhf 0

Zaot ls cixfs ldvihvfn lephfefdtldj lsihotlids, aiw hibgiut orfldipfrotfn, odn waot ls efodt cy Hidj-^fre Lsihotlids


_otor ]ftr ]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids Einuhf 0 ]hfosf odswfr taf `ihhiwldj qufstlid

Zafd hibgiut cixfs orf usfn ti stirf ponhibg gfys; wai rftolds gfy B (bidtrih gfy)9 Rfhfbt taf odswfr taot opphlfs.

]frelt Outairlty

]frelt Bidtrihhfr 

Zirgsltf Rupfrvlsir 

]frelt Opphlbodt Rucelt Rucelt


_otor ]ftr ]ftrih ihf fue ]fre relt lt ti Zir irg g Einuhf Rlx; Lsihotlids Einuhf 0

`ohsf9 9 Ls taf `ihhiwldj stotfefdt truf ir `ohsf

Lsihotlid tojs eoy cf rfeivfn walhst taf wirg ls cfldj borrlfn iut. Rfhfbt taf odswfr taot opphlfs.



Rucelt Rucelt

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