Merlin Spells s3

January 12, 2017 | Author: Claire Lennon | Category: N/A
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Series 3 The Tears of Uther Pendragon: Part One 

Merlin attaching iron tools to the bandit's sword (phonetic spelling) Ecg geteoh ping to! o (possible spelling) Ecg geteoh þing to! o Literal translation = Weapon/sword/blade materials/instruments invite/adress o to. Possible meaning = Attach instruments to the sword. o Morgause enchanting the mandrake root (phonetic spelling) Mid paem wundorcraeft paes ealdan aew ic pe hate o niman Utheres wopdropa ond pa gemengan mid his blode. Sy he undewitting ond deofolseocnes his heortan afylle. (possible spelling) Mid þæm wundorcræft þæs ealdan æwe ic þe hate nime o Utheres wopdropan ond þa gemengan mid his blod. Sy he under wittig ond deofol seocnes his heorte afylþ. Literal translation = With the power that the ancient/old o condemn/despite/scorn I you hotly/fervidly (and) take/receive/get of Uther tears and those mix with his blood. Is he under wisdom/wise and devil/evil spirit sickness his heart causes to fall/demolishes. Possible meaning = With that power that is ancient I curse you fervidly, I take o Uther's tears and I mix those with his blood. He is insane and an evil sickness causes his heart to fall. Morgause enchanting the chains that bind Merlin (phonetic spelling) Weorp untoworpenlic! o (possible spelling) Weorc untoworpenlic! o Literal translation = Affliction/suffering/pain/trouble inviolable/not to be o destroyed. Possible meaning = Inviolable suffering! o Merlin trying to open the chains (phonetic spelling) Abrecap benda. o (possible spelling) Abricaþ benda. o Literal translation = Break/destroy (imperative plural) the chains. o Possible meaning = Break the chains. o Merlin trying to open the chains again (phonetic spelling) Abrecap benda! o (possible spelling) Abricaþ benda! o Literal translation = Break/destroy (imperative plural) the chains. o Possible meaning = Break the chains! o Merlin trying to open the chains again (phonetic spelling) Irenfaestnunga onlucap me! o

o o


(possible spelling) Isen fæstnunga onlucan me! Literal translation = Iron/of iron fastenings/bonds//protections unlock/open/disclose me. Possible meaning = Iron fastenings, release me!

Merlin trying to open the chains again (phonetic spelling) Min strangest might hate pe tospringan! o (possible spelling) Min strengest miht hate þe tospringan! o Literal translation = My to make strong might/power fervidly/violent/intense o you crack/burst/open. Possible meaning = Make my fierce power strong to open you! o Merlin trying to drive away the Serkets (phonetic spelling) Awendap eft wansaeliga neatu! o (possible spelling) Awendaþ eft wansæliga neat! o Literal translation = Avert/turn aside/remove back unhappy animals/beasts. o Possible meaning = Avert back the terrible beasts. o Merlin trying again to drive away the Serkets (phonetic spelling) Forletap me a...! o (possible spelling) Forlætan me a...! o Literal translation = Let go/leave/abandon/lose/relinquish/surrender me a... o Possible meaning = Let me go a...! o Merlin summoning the dragon (note: this spell is in Homeric Greek; it is possible that it is incorrect, considering how it should be spelt in Ancient Greek alphabet) (phonetic spelling) O drakon, e male so ftengometta tesd'hup'anankes! o (possible spelling) Ω δρακον, έάω μαλερός ζοθόνοσς θέγγομαι ηείδε o άναδικέω! Literal translation = O dragon, suffer/permit fierce/raging wise-minded utter a o sound here appeal for a rehearsing of a case. Possible meaning = O dragon, permit the appeal for an audience to speak here, o fierce, wise-minded one.

The Tears of Uther Pendragon: Part Two 

Merlin using magic to block the path with a wave of fire (phonetic spelling) Forbearnan! o (possible spelling) Forbearnan! o Literal translation = To consume by fire/to set fire to. o Possible meaning = Let the fire consume! o Merlin making the stone ceiling fall on Morgana (phonetic spelling) Feoll bu brand! o (possible spelling) Feoll bu brand! o Literal translation = Fell dwelling sword/torch/weapon. o Possible meaning = Dwelling, fall like a weapon! o Merlin destroying the Rowan Staff  (phonetic spelling) Sneedes! o (possible spelling) Snæde! o

o o

Literal translation = Cut/lop/prune. Possible meaning = Cut (the branch)!

Goblin's Gold 

Merlin setting the Goblin free (phonetic spelling) Onluc scrin. o (possible spelling) Onluc scrin. o Literal translation = Open/unlock the chest/box/casket. o Possible meaning = Open the box. o Merlin using magic to wrap Arthur in his bedsheets (phonetic spelling) Oferbraedels ahreos. o (possible spelling) Oferbrædels ahries. o Literal translation = Outside/surface/covering/coverlet/veil fall down/be o destroyed. Possible meaning = Coverlet, fall down. o Merlin trapping the Goblin in Gaius' chambers, closing the door with magic (phonetic spelling) Bord, wipstand hine! o (possible spelling) Bord, wiþ stende hine! o Literal translation = Board/plank/table/side of a ship, against stand him! o Possible meaning = Door, stand against him! o Merlin deflecting the dagger (phonetic spelling) Culter, ic pe hate! o (possible spelling) Culter, ic þe healte! o Literal translation = Knife/coulter/dagger I thee halt/stop/hesitate. o Possible meaning = Dagger, I stop you! o Merlin enchanting the keys (phonetic spelling) Caega, cum her. o (possible spelling) Cæga, cume her. o Literal translation = Keys, come here. o Possible meaning = Keys, come here. o Merlin making the metal sphere fall on Geoffrey of Monmouth (phonetic spelling) Offeall aestel! o (possible spelling) Oþfiel æstel! o Literal translation = Fall off book/tablet. o Possible meaning = Book, fall off! o

Gwaine 

Merlin making the bench move in the tavern brawl (phonetic spelling) Ætslide bencpel! o (possible spelling) Ætslide bencþel! o Literal translation = Slip/slide away bench. o Possible meaning = Bench, slide away! o

Cylferth enchanting the Blood crystals (phonetic spelling) Pecce treowan andwlitan heora fram gesihol eallra! o (possible spelling) Þece treowee andwlitan heora fram gesiht eallra! o Literal translation = Cover/conceal true faces their from faculty or act of sight o all/every. Possible meaning = Cover their true faces from every sight! o

The Crystal Cave 

Merlin trying to heal Arthur's wound (phonetic spelling) Purhhaele dolgbenn. o (possible spelling) Þurhhæle dolgbenn. o Literal translation = Heal thoroughly the wound. o Possible meaning = Heal thoroughly the wound. o Merlin trying to save Arthur again (phonetic spelling) Licsar gestapol nu! o (possible spelling) Licsar ge staðol nu! o Literal translation = Wound/body wound/mortal wound ye/or o support/faundation behold. Possible meaning = Behold, you support the mortal wound! o Taliesin curing Arthur from the wound inflicted by the bandit's arrow (phonetic spelling) Welcenoul. o (possible spelling) Wel cene hole. o Literal translation = Well/good bring forth/do hole/perforation/aperture. o Possible meaning = Do good to the perforation. o Merlin curing Morgana from her cranium wound with the powerful dragon's spell (phonetic spelling) Ic pe purhhaele pinu licsar mid pam sundorcraeft o paere ealdan ae! (possible spelling) Ic þe þurhhæle þin licsare mid þam sundorcræftas o þære ealdaþ æ! Literal translation = I thee heal thoroughly your wound/body wound/mortal o wound with those special powers the/that are ancient/old oh/alas! Possible meaning = I heal you thoroughly from your mortal wound with those o special powers that are ancient! Oh!

The Changeling Note: the Sidhe and pixie's spells are in Old Irish, while all the other spells are in Old English. 

The Sidhe elder casts a spell on an infant Elena to create a changeling (possible spelling) Attrab i n-ingin-seo ocus oentaig lé! o Possible meaning = Inhabit this child and become one with her! o Grunhilda summoning the Sidhe in front of the Lake of Avalon with Sidhe magic



(possible spelling) A shruith inn Side, is Grunilda messe! Dot-iccu la mòrumaldoiti do aiscid dàlae frit-su! Possible meaning = I Grunhilda come with great humbleness and seek an audience with you, eminent Sidhe Elder.

Merlin locking Grunhilda into the vaults beneath Camelot (phonetic spelling) Ne onluce! o (possible spelling) Ne un clyse! o Literal translation = Not un-shut/close. o Possible meaning = Close! o Grunhilda trying to open the lock with magic (possible spelling) Atot-oilg, a chomlae! o Possible meaning = Grate, open! o Grunhilda trying to open the gate. (possible spelling) Ar-focraim uait, asndot-roilce! o Possible meaning = I command you to open! o Grunhilda blowing off the gate. (possible spelling) Lasa n-uile fil ocum ocus lasa nuile fil indium, aro focraim atot-oilg! Lasa n-uile fil ocum ocus lasa nuile fil indium, atotoilcfe, gìallfae dom! Possible meaning = With all that I have and all that I am, I command you to o open! With all that I have and all that I am, you will open!

The Castle of Fyrien 

Morgause enchanting her ring so that it will lead them to the entrance of the tunnels (phonetic spelling) Laer us, forbringe us, aetlaede us. Wesu heofoncandel o ure. (possible spelling) Lære us, forþbrenge us, ætlæde us. Wisu heofoncandel o ure. Literal translation = Guide us, bring forth us, lead out/drive away us. o Wise/cunning/prudent sun/moon/stars/a heavenly candle/light your. Possible meaning = Guide us, bring us forth, lead us. Your cunning heavenly o candle. Merlin influencing a passing snake to spook Morgana's horse (phonetic spelling) Naedre Morganam fordripe. o (possible spelling) Nædre Morganam forgripe. o Literal translation = Snake/serpent Morgana attack/assail. o Possible meaning = Snake, attack Morgana. o Merlin making the guard's pants fall down (phonetic spelling) Wes asnied gyrdel. o (possible spelling) Wæs asnið gyrdel. o Literal translation = Was/were cut off belt/girdle. o Possible meaning = The belt was cut off. o

Merlin destroying Morgause's column of fire (phonetic spelling) Merrtorrsweoolhat! o (possible spelling) Miere torr sweoloþhat! o Literal translation = Disturb/obstruct/confuse tower/column burning hot. o Possible meaning = Disturb that burning hot column! o

The Eye of the Phoenix 

Merlin commanding the wyverns to stop (note: this spell is in Homeric Greek and it hasn't been translated allyet) (phonetic spelling) Nun de ge dei s'eikein kai emois epe'essin hepesthai! o Possible meaning = Now you must (it's necessary that you) obey (give way) o and you must follow towards [...]!

Love in the Time of Dragons 

Alice summoning the manticore from the box (phonetic spelling) Gebeode ic pone feorhberendne paere ealdan ae! o (possible spelling) Gebiede ic þone feorhberend þære ealdaþ æ! o Literal translation = Command/order/summon I the/that living being the/that is o old/ancient oh/alas! Possible meaning = I summon the creature that is ancient! Oh! o Merlin summoning the manticore (phonetic spelling) Cum her, ping scinnlaece! o (possible spelling) Cume her, pin scinnlæcan! o Literal translation = Come here, pain/anguish/torture of a o sorceress/witch/spectral/phantasmal. Possible meaning = Come here, anguish of a witch! o Gaius destroying the manticore's portal (phonetic spelling) Ado pas sawolduru! o (possible spelling) Adee þas sawle duru! o Literal translation = Take away/send away/remove/destroy this of  o spirit/soul/life door/gate. Possible meaning = Destroy this spirit-gate! o

Queen of Hearts 

Merlin's ageing spell (phonetic spelling) Miht dagena, bepecce me. Adeaglie bisne gast min o freondum ond min feondum. (possible spelling) Miht dagan, beþecce me. Adeadaþ þisne gast min o freondum ond min feondum. Literal translation = Power/might of days, cover/protect/conceal me. o Fails/decays/dies/destroys/ becomes torpid and callous this breath/soul/spirit/life to my friends and enemies. Possible meaning = Power of the days, conceal me. This spirit becomes torpid o and callous to my friends and enemies.

Dragoon the Great using magic to strike Arthur with a flying helmet. (phonetic spelling) Fleoge grima! o (possible spelling) Flíeh grima! o Literal translation = Fly helmet! o Possible meaning = Helmet, fly! o "Old" Merlin trying to turn back into himself  (phonetic spelling) Edniwe min geoguo! o (possible spelling) Edniwe min geoguð! o Literal translation = Renew/make new/restore my youth. o Possible meaning = Restore my youth! o Dragoon the Great making the fire on the stake grow (phonetic spelling) Intende lich, intende lich! o (possible spelling) Intend lig, intend lig! o Literal translation = Persecutor/attacking/pursuing flame/lightning, o persecutor/attacking/pursuing flame/lightning. Possible meaning = Fire, attack! Fire, attack! o

The Sorcerer's Shadow 

Gilli healing his arm, creating a blinding light and a wave of scorching heat (phonetic spelling) Purhhaele licsar min. o (possible spelling) Þurhhæle licsar min. o Literal translation = Heal thoroughly wound/body wound/mortal wound my. o Possible meaning = Heal thoroughly my body wound. o Merlin conjuring a flame on his hand to reveal his magic to Gilli (phonetic spelling) Forbearnan. o (possible spelling) Forbearnan. o Literal translation = To consume by fire/to set fire to/burn up. o Possible meaning = Burn up. Merlin summoning the dragon (note: this spell is o in Homeric Greek; it is possible that it is incorrect, considering how it should be spelt in Ancient Greek alphabet) o




(phonetic spelling) O drakon, e mala soi ftengometh tesd'hup anankes! Erkheo! (possible speling) Ω δρακον, έάω μαλερός ζοθόνοσς θέγγομαι ηείδε άναδικέω! Literal translation = O dragon, suffer/permit fierce/raging wise-minded utter a sound here appeal for a rehearsing of a case! To earth come! Possible meaning = O dragon, permit the appeal for an audience to speak here, fierce, wise-minded one! Come to earth!

The Coming of Arthur: Part One 

Druids healing Sir Leon by making him drink water from the Cup of Life (phonetic spelling) Buthed gwared. Hrag pob ailed. Hrag pob evnis. Boyd o un thilis.

(possible spelling) Butan þæt cwalu. Hrðe þon aidlian. Hrðe þon eðian. Bot ond tile. Literal translation = Out of/except/unless killing/murderer/violent death. o Quickly then/now/no longer/so that make useless/vain/empty. Quickly then/now/no longer/so that breath/inspire. Help/remedy/relief and treat/cure. Possible meaning = Out of a violent death. Quickly make it no longer useless. o Quickly breath now. Help him and cure him. Merlin setting the ropes on fire (phonetic spelling) Forbaern aeltaewlice! o (possible spelling) Forbærne æltæwelice! o Literal translation = Cause to burn/burn/consume by fire all good/excellent o well/perfectly(-lice). Possible meaning = Consume by all perfectly good fire! o o

Morgause casting a spell on the Cup of Life and making Cenred's army immortal (phonetic spelling) Gegadra anne here fram disse bune ond heora blod. o Swa paet he ne abuge and ne swelte noht, ac libbe a on ecnysse. (possible spelling) Gegadre anne here fram þisse bune ond heora blod. o Swa þæt hie ne abygð ond ne swilteaþ naht, ac leofaaþ a on ecnesse. Literal translation = (I) gather all/one/each/every army from/by this cup and o their blood. So/as the/that they not low/incline/submit and not die not at all, but live for ever and ever (always in eternity). Possible meaning = I gather the entire army and their blood by this Cup. So o that they won't submit and they'll never die (at all), but (that) they'll live forever. Merlin trying to cure Arthur with his magic o o o o

(phonetic spelling) Gehalge. (possible spelling) Ge hailige. Literal translation = Together heal up/get well/save/be saved. Possible meaning = Heal together.

Morgause having one of Cenred's soldiers kill him (phonetic spelling) Ic bebiode the thine cyning cwellan! o (possible spelling) Ic bebiede þe ðine cyning cwellan! o Literal translation = I command thee thine king kill/murder. o Possible meaning = I command you to kill your king! o

The Coming of Arthur: Part Two 

Merlin trying to scry the vial of water given him by the Fisher King (phonetic spelling) Gerihtlaec me. o (possible spelling) Geriht læc me. o Literal translation = What is right/right the true form of (for) me. o Possible meaning = True form, what is right for me. o Merlin trying again to scry the vial of water from the Lake of Avalon (phonetic spelling) Fultumie me! o (possible spelling) Fultume me! o

o o

Literal translation = Help/ support/assist me. Possible meaning = Help me!

Merlin trying again to scry the vial of water from the Lake of Avalon (phonetic spelling) Geondlihte gesweorce min! o (possible spelling) Geondlihte gesweorc min! o Literal translation = Illuminate/enlighten clouds/darkness/mist my. o Possible meaning = Illuminate my darkness! o Merlin making the boat move (phonetic spelling) Gesigle. o (possible spelling) Gesegle. o Literal translation = Sail/accomplish a journey by sailing. o Possible meaning = Sail. o Morgause magically tracking Gwen thanks to the potion Morgana gave her (phonetic spelling) Beo þu leohte bewunden! o o


(possible spelling) Beo þu leohte bewunden! Literal translation = Are/be (imperative) you light (dative) surrounded/encircled. Possible meaning = You are surrounded by light!

Morgause illuminating the path that Gwen followed (phonetic spelling) Scin scir! o (possible spelling) Scin scire! o Literal translation = Shine upon/illuminate/flash/(noun) illusion/deceptive o appearance make clear/declare/tell/make known/(adverb) brightl/clearly/mightily. Possible meaning = Shine brightly! o Gaius throwing Morgause against a pillar with his magic (phonetic spelling) Oferswinge! o (possible spelling) Oferswing! o Literal translation = Strike/beat through. o Possible meaning = Strike her! o

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