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The Association for Meridian Energy Therapies Yearbook 2003 Edited by Susan Courtney & Alex Kent

Published by Dragon Rising ISBN 1-873483-52-X

The AMT Yearbook 2003 ©2003 - The Association for Meridian Energy Therapies ISBN 1-873483-52-X RRP: £4.99 First Edition Published by: Dragon Rising 18 Marlow Avenue Eastbourne BN22 8SJ United Kingdom Tel: 01323 729 666 Web: Email: [email protected] Printed and bound by Antony Rowe Ltd, Eastbourne

All rights reserved in all media, including future media


The AMT Yearbook 2003

WELCOME TO ENERGY 2003….................................................... 6 INTRODUCTION ARTICLES........................................................... 7 The New Meridian Energy Therapies ................................................ 7 Emotional Freedom at your Fingertips ............................................ 10 The Two Minute Release Technique ............................................... 15 Energy Psychology: A Powerful New Paradigm for Change ....... 16 Learning Meridian Energy Therapies - A Guide for Newcomers. 30 EFT – EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUES............................ 34 Gary Craig ............................................................................................ 34 What is EFT? ....................................................................................... 34 The Complete EFT Protocol.............................................................. 37 TAT- TAPAS ACUPRESSURE TECHNIQUE ............................... 43 Tapas Fleming ..................................................................................... 43 Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT).............................................. 44 How to do TAT: The TAT Pose......................................................... 45 ET – EMOTRANCE ENERGY HEALING ...................................... 49 Silvia Hartmann ................................................................................... 49 Introduction To EmoTrance ............................................................... 50 A Simple EmoTrance Trial for You................................................... 55 EmoTrance Self Help Protocol.......................................................... 56 BSFF – BE SET FREE FAST ........................................................ 59 Larry Nims ............................................................................................ 59 BSFF Theory........................................................................................ 60 BE SET FREE FAST Treatment Steps ........................................... 66 TFT – THOUGHT FIELD THERAPY ............................................. 70 Roger Callahan.................................................................................... 70 An Introduction To Thought Field Therapy™ ................................. 71 3

The AMT Yearbook 2003 ALLERGY ANTIDOTES ................................................................ 74 Sandi Radomski .................................................................................. 74 FURTHER MERIDIAN ENERGY THERAPIES SYSTEMS............ 78 Seemorg Matrix Work......................................................................... 78 CHART Conscious Healing and Repatterning Therapy................ 79 EDxTM – Energy Diagnostic & Treatment Methods...................... 80 HBLU – Healing From The Body Level Up ..................................... 81 TEST – Thought Energy Synchronisation Therapy ....................... 82 TESTING, TESTING: THE ROLE OF MUSCLE TESTING IN ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY.............................................................. 83 Muscle-Testing Preparations ............................................................ 84 Basic Muscle-Testing Technique...................................................... 84 Energy Imbalance Corrections.......................................................... 86 Testing for General Reversal ............................................................ 87 Self-Testing .......................................................................................... 88 Muscle-Testing in Therapy ................................................................ 88 INTRODUCING THE AMT ............................................................. 90 The Association for Meridian Energy Therapies ............................ 90 The AMT Practitioner Certification Trainings.................................. 91 The AMT Advanced Practitioner Certification Trainings ............... 94 Trainer's Individuality .......................................................................... 96 In Conclusion ....................................................................................... 97 CONTACTS & REFERRALS......................................................... 98 AMT Trainers ....................................................................................... 98 AMT Practitioners.............................................................................. 101 AMT Contacts .................................................................................... 117 RECOMMENDED TRAINING MANUALS & PRODUCTS........... 118 BSFF - Be Set Free Fast .................................................................... 118 The BSFF Training Manual by Dr Larry Nims .............................. 118


The AMT Yearbook 2003 EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique............................................ 119 Adventures in EFT by Dr Silvia Hartmann .................................... 119 Original EFT Training Videos by Gary Craig ................................ 119 The Advanced Patterns of EFT by Dr Silvia Hartmann .............. 120 The Art & Science of Emotional Freedom by Ananga Sivyer .... 120 ET - EmoTrance ................................................................................... 121 Oceans of Energy – Patterns & Techniques of EmoTrance by Dr Silvia Hartmann ................................................................................. 121 General Books & Products............................................................... 122 Allergy Antidotes by Sandi Radomski............................................ 122 The Energy Odyssey: New Directions in Energy Psychology by Willem Lammers & Beate Kircher .................................................. 122 The Gentle Touch by Paul Newcomb ............................................ 123 The Seemorg Matrix Work Manual by Nahoma Asha Clinton .. 123 TAT - Tapas Acupressure Technique............................................ 124 You Can Heal Now - The Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) Workbook by Tapas Fleming .......................................................... 124 TFT - Thought Field Therapy ........................................................... 124 Tapping The Healer Within by Roger Callahan, PhD.................. 124 TRAININGS & EVENTS DIARY 2003 ......................................... 125 The 3rd European Energy Psychology & Energy Therapies Conference......................................................................................... 125 AMT Trainings 2003 ......................................................................... 130 ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY GLOSSARY OF TERMS ................... 135 YEARBOOK SPONSORS ........................................................... 140


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Welcome to Energy 2003… If you're new to the field of Meridian Energy Therapies, Energy Psychology and Energy Field Therapies, welcome, you're about to discover a new and exciting world of personal growth, professional techniques, and mind/body healing. If you already have some experience of these innovative, powerfully effective approaches, you'll find yourself wanting to learn even more as you read these pages. With contributions from many of the major innovators and developers in this field, The AMT Yearbook is an introduction and reference guide to a field which has been called "the most important innovations in mind/body health and personal growth today."


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Introduction Articles In this section, you can find a range of introduction articles by AMT members and trainers, explaining the history and basic principles of the field of Meridian Energy Therapies and Energy Psychology.

The New Meridian Energy Therapies Mind and Body Healing for the New Millennium In 1976 a remarkably well preserved body, approximately 5,200 years old, was discovered in a glacier. It bore tattoos marking the major meridian treatment points. When this discovery became public, everyone was astonished - apart from the acupuncturist communities around the world, whose classic textbook on the subject was by then just under 3000 years old. Acupuncture, the ancient Chinese health care system that works by stimulating these mysterious meridian points with tiny needles, was already well on the way to becoming acceptable practise in the field of modern healthcare. But there were others investigating how to stimulate and balance the meridians, and to find further ways that meridian based treatments could bring positive benefits to health in body and in mind. In 1964, chiropractor George Goodheart began to pursue links between muscle strength, organs, glands and meridians and developed diagnostic muscle testing, later naming it Applied Kinesiology. One of his students, John Diamond, saw the potential for using the balancing effect of meridian work for psychotherapy, and another psychologist Dr Roger Callahan, discovered a whole new approach to working with mental health and meridians. One of Dr Callahan's long-term patients at that time was a woman called Mary, who suffered from a water phobia. Dr Callahan later explained, "Her fear of water was so severe that she had to draw the curtains when it rained, and could not stand more than an inch of water in her bath. I treated her weekly for two years, using every approach I could think of, and all I had achieved in that time was to have 7

The AMT Yearbook 2003 taught her that she could stand more fear than she previously thought possible. She could sit in a deck chair, ten yards from the swimming pool, but she was white-knuckled with terror in spite of everything we did." When Mary described the "knot in her stomach" that accompanied her fear, Dr Callahan reached over to tap below her eye with his fingers on a point connected to the stomach meridian. "It's gone!" she exclaimed, and has been free of her fear ever since. Dr Callahan devoted his life and practise from this moment onwards to developing a treatment approach to help people overcome crippling fears, phobias and mental problems of all kinds. His approach is called TFT or Thought Field Therapy and is still in use today. TFT uses just 14 basic meridian points, and the order and sequence of how they are stimulated by lightly tapping upon them is diagnosed through muscle testing for individual problems. In 1996, Gary Craig, a successful businessman and a student of Dr Callahan's had the brilliant idea of creating a simple technique that would cover all the 14 points by default - this removed the need for extensive muscle testing and diagnostic training and provided a comprehensive therapeutic tool which is unprecedented in its ease of use, and in its astonishing effectiveness. Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Techniques - EFT for short - is one of the easiest and most effective and efficient therapeutic approaches imaginable, providing fast, effective and usually permanent relief for psychological, physical and neuro-physiological problems. These techniques have been described as one of the most important breakthroughs in the area of mindbody healing in the last hundred years. Already thousands upon thousands of people all over the world have benefited from using EFT, and it is rapidly becoming known as a modern day miracle, capable of dramatically relieving emotional disturbances and physical problems. Thousands of professional therapists testify to EFT's unique ability to bring rapid and permanent relief from: Addictive cravings, allergies, anxiety & panic attacks, anger, compulsions & obsessions, depression & sadness, dyslexia, fears & phobias, grief & loss, guilt, insomnia, disturbing memories, nightmares, pain management, physical conditions & healing, post traumatic stress disorder [PTSD, 8

The AMT Yearbook 2003 sexual abuse issue, limiting beliefs and blocks to self-esteem and peak performance in business, the arts, and sports, and many, many more. EFT, the "Ambassador of Meridian Therapies", has one further and most remarkable aspect. It is designed so that once you have learned this simple technique, you can easily use it at home at any time, in any place, in any situation, without any further training - which represents a tremendous help for ongoing problems such as addictions, weight loss, and depression where relief is needed at home and on a regular basis. In spite of its apparent simplicity and ease of use, EFT produces highly beneficial, lasting results in 85% - 95% of cases. All meridian energy therapies are gentle, rapid and startlingly effective. It is not uncommon for entirely in less than half anxiety, depression and childhood memories can session.

long-standing or chronic pain to be released an hour. Similarly, psychological pain such as addictions, caused by traumatic incidents or often be relieved fully in a single treatment

Since Thought Field Therapy revolutionised the way psychological and neuro-physiological problems are being treated with its unprecedented success rate, many other forms of meridian-based healing have proven themselves to be highly effective. As more and more innovative therapists move into the rapidly expanding field of Meridian Energy Therapies, new and different approaches are being developed. Other Meridian Energy Therapies include: ƒ

BSFF – Be Set Free Fast


TAT - Tapas Acupressure Technique


Seemorg Matrix Work


ET - EmoTrance Energy Healing

The basic ideas and approaches involved in Meridian Therapies are stunningly simple, and the techniques lend themselves perfectly to be used by professional therapists in combination with their existing mind-body healing modalities.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 To learn more about this rapidly developing field, please visit the website of The Association for Meridian Energy Therapies for free downloads, articles, diagrams and links to international conferences and professional trainings at

Emotional Freedom at your Fingertips by Silvia Hartmann PhD What would you say if I told you I know of a simple method that can make emotional stress, upset, anger, fear, concern and distress simply melt away in a few minutes and all you had to do to achieve this is simply touch a few special points on your face and hands? One of the most important innovations in psychology for the last 20 years is about to come to the awareness of the public – Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT for short. Based on the ancient Chinese system of body meridians, it doesn’t use needles but instead soothes and stimulates the energy flow by gently tapping on main acupuncture points. EFT is so simple that even a young child can learn to do it in minutes. It is so profoundly relaxing and re-charging that even therapists of 40 years experience or more simply shake their heads in wonder and declare they have never seen anything like it. EFT has such beneficial effects on physical systems and overall mind-body health that thousands of healing professionals are training in the new meridian therapies to offer relief from insomnia, anxiety, depression, stress related illnesses, tension-induced pains and aches, migraines, headaches and much, much more.

So Simple, So Easy ... Like many profoundly useful things in this world, EFT is extremely simple. A straightforward protocol, designed by Gary Craig to cover all of the most important meridian points in a treatment lasting about five


The AMT Yearbook 2003 minutes, ensures that users need know nothing at all about meridians or the finer points of traditional Chinese medicine to experience profound relief right away. What’s more, the basic EFT protocol is absolutely free and freely available to try out and for you to share with friends, loved ones and anyone else you wish to share it with. “This is just too good to keep to ourselves,” says Gary. “Everyone should know about it and have a chance to be able to help themselves in a moment of crisis or of desperation.”

How EFT Works When someone is calm and relaxed, the flow of energy through the meridian system likewise is calm and steady. Emotional upset of any kind – anger, rage, fear, panic, unhappiness, stress – affects the energy flow immediately since both are intimately linked and part of the same system. The energy flow becomes disturbed and distressed as our thoughts and emotions spiral off the calm centred state. In the 1970’s, Dr Roger Callahan found that instead of trying to control our thoughts or emotions which is such a difficult thing, you could re-create the calm state of Even Flow by touching the meridian system instead. Once the meridian system has calmed, the mind and body cannot help but follow and tranquillity and balance are restored as if by magic.

The Benefits of Acupuncture, Acupressure & Massage Everyone who has experienced the calm and restful state that follows a good massage, or has been treated with acupuncture for example, knows that working directly with the meridian system really produces profound changes in how we feel inside. The great advance of the new meridian therapies, of which EFT is the ambassador, is to focus the mind on a particular disturbance whilst stimulating the energy system at the same time. By thinking about your problem, you automatically target the right parts of your meridian system and even without years of study, that’s something anyone can do. 11

The AMT Yearbook 2003

Perfect for Emotional Crisis Management and First Aid And what could be more appropriate than having something that can help you right in a middle of crisis? That is the time when your mind is absolutely focussed on the problem; in many cases such as physical pain or severe upset, it is the only thing we can think about. Whilst we are in the crisis we are in the perfect place to use EFT to target the root causes of the problem and help alleviate the symptoms and disturbances swiftly.

A Miracle Technique? EFT has certainly been described in those terms, and not just once but ten thousand times, by very different people with very different problems, by professionals and simple folk alike, all around the world. In general, at least half of those who try it for the first time experience immediate relief and relaxation; another quarter will experience this profound release with a little more practise. It doesn’t work for everyone, but even if it just manages to take the edge off an anxiety, a fear, or an anger for you personally, that could be a starting point to a whole new level of happiness and health. As the basic protocol is freely available, I encourage you to simply try it for yourself. It has helped me immensely and I cannot rate EFT highly enough. You have absolutely nothing to lose, but you could gain the very real possibility of absolute “Emotional Freedom at your Fingertips”.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

When to Use EFT EFT is basically a content-free process that can be applied to any human problem that has an emotional component. This includes virtually any kind of mental problem or disturbance, and many physical problems that are neuro-somatic in nature. In many other cases of physical illness, reducing emotional stress, fear and pain can significantly aid and speed recovery. Here are some examples where typically EFT is highly effective:

• Addictive Cravings • Allergies • Anxiety and Panic Attacks • Anger • Compulsions and Obsessions • Depression and Sadness • Dyslexia • Enhance Your Self Image • Sexual Abuse Issues

• Fears and Phobias • Grief and Loss • Guilt • Insomnia • Negative Memories • Nightmares • Pain Management • Peak Performance • PTSD


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Who uses EFT? EFT is used by an ever growing number of people, first of all on a very personal basis. Being able to release one's own negative emotions, as well as past and current traumas, free oneself from haunting memories and from negative beliefs and conditioning has been described many times as "a priceless gift". Professionals who seek to help their clients are the second group of people to whom EFT has proven to be one of the most useful and most globally applicable techniques they have learned. In many cases, EFT’s ability to rapidly release pain and suffering and the fact that client can continue to treat themselves once they have learned the simple technique, has brought a new dimension to the effectiveness of many different forms of healing, from homeopathy to reflexology, and from hypnotherapy to NLP. Here are some of the fields of expertise our existing members combine on a daily basis with Meridian Therapies such as EFT:

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Acupuncture Aromatherapy Hypnotherapy Reflexology Life & Performance Coaching Clinical Psychology Transactional Analysis Holistic Counselling Classical Homeopathy Kinesiology Touch Healing

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Reiki Spiritual Healing Herbalism Massage Therapy Body Work Therapy Neuro-Linguistic Programming Neuro-Semantics Psychotherapy Health Care Victim Support & Trauma Treatment

The AMT Yearbook 2003

The Two Minute Release Technique To experience the transformative power of meridian energy therapies for yourself, become aware of any sense of tension you may feel as you think about a problem area in your life or an area you want to expand into in greater depth.

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Touch the beginning of the eyebrow and take a slow, deep breath in and out. Touch the outside corner of your eye and take a slow, deep breath in and out. Touch under your eye and take a slow, deep breath in and out. Touch under your nose and take a slow, deep breath in and out. Touch under your mouth and take a slow, deep breath in and out. Touch the third eye point and take a slow, deep breath in and out. Take a moment to reflect on how much calmer you feel and how much more open you are to whatever it was you might have feared.

The 2 Minute Release Technique was designed by Silvia Hartmann. It is an abbreviated form of Touch & Breathe (TAB) by John Diepold, which is based on Gary Craig's EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques, which is derived from Roger Callahan's Thought Field Therapy (TFT). It is a gentle and mindful first introduction to the concepts of the Meridian Energy Therapies for with those who find tapping too “strange”.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Energy Psychology: A Powerful New Paradigm for Change by Susan Courtney BA, CTAMT An abbreviated version of this article was first published in Caduceus Journal – Summer 2002 Energy psychology offers a revolutionary paradigm shift from conventional models of psychological dysfunction and therapeutic change. It is based on the understanding that every distressing memory, upsetting emotion, or limiting thought is associated with a corresponding disturbance in our subtle energy system – that invisible vibrational matrix which permeates and surrounds us and which we identify as the meridians, chakras, aura and other levels of the universal life-force. Energy psychology techniques facilitate the healthy processing of archaic beliefs, emotions and unconscious patterns which ‘drive’ us, by intervening in the subtle energy system. Most energy psychology approaches are adjuncts rather than comprehensive schools of psychotherapy, and they are used by professionals already trained and experienced in many modalities of counselling, psychotherapy, alternative/complementary therapies and healing. Several are also used widely as self-help techniques for personal development work. Although they share important holistic and humanistic principles and goals which are at the core of much current therapeutic practice – and their results are ultimately in the same healthy direction of change and growth – they differ radically from conventional approaches in their apparent action, and in the power, speed and gentleness of their effects. The pace of conventional therapy and personal development work can sometimes be frustratingly slow for both therapist and client, like a film seen just one frame at a time, with interruptions from daily life events and crises, flashbacks, fantasies, and shifting viewpoints sometimes contributing to and sometimes confusing the process as it unfolds over the weeks and months and, sometimes, years of work. Energy psychology 16

The AMT Yearbook 2003 techniques enable the therapeutic process to flow so much more quickly and smoothly that entire scenes, acts, and themes can unfold and be resolved in a single session. Profound insights often follow, and previously distressing dysfunctional behaviour patterns change naturally in a healthy direction.

Transforming anger ‘Kelly’ experienced this for herself on a practitioner training course during which the participants were practicing, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), using as their issue something that had occurred during their journey. ‘I am so angry,’ she began. ‘I just hate being late. I always have.’ Kelly had planned her journey that morning so that she would have ample time to get to the course venue, allowing something like fifty percent extra for mishaps. And the mishaps had indeed occurred, conspiring to make her arrive at the conference centre some forty minutes late. I asked her to rate the intensity of her anger as a number between zero and ten. Kelly promptly named a figure off the top of the scale. I then guided her through tapping several times on a sequence of her acupuncture points, while she stayed in touch with her anger. After one round of tapping, I asked her to rate her anger again. She looked rather puzzled, and said, ‘Well, maybe that isn’t really the problem. The problem is actually one of embarrassment. I cannot stand going into a room and being the centre of attention.’ She had, of course, arrived some forty minutes late that morning. You can picture the scene. The door opens. Apprehensively, someone peers in. The speaker stops speaking. All eyes turn to the intruder. The unfortunate latecomer treads on a few feet, handbags and brief cases and blushingly and gratefully falls into a seat. This revised problem was also a ten on the scale of anguish. After a round of tapping on the pressure points, I asked Kelly how she felt now. Again she looked a little confused. ‘Well, that's not bothering me anymore. Now, I'm rembering how hurt I felt at being made to attend a birthday party when I was six years old, shortly after my mother had died.’ 17

The AMT Yearbook 2003 It's easy to imagine how such an experience would have made a deep impression on a little girl, raw with grief, with everyone treating her a bit 'differently.' So, off we went again, with Kelly repeating the key word ‘hurt’ as she moved through the treatment sequence. On completion of that round, I asked her again how she felt. ‘Now, even that doesn't seem to be the problem,' she responded again. ‘Can you tell us what it is, now?’ I probed, gently. Looking a little bewildered by the revelation, Kelly replied, ‘Yes, What I'm in touch with now is how much I hate my father. It seems as if I always have.’ After another round of tapping on the hatred towards her father, Kelly’s eyes filled with tears as she connected with her grief as a six-year-old. ‘All I wanted was comfort and closeness’ she whispered. And following a further round of tapping, her face glowed with wonder and warmth as she said, ‘My poor dad. He had his own problems at the time. What a pity I’ve held that against him all these years. We both cut ourselves off from the one person we could have been closest to. Now I want to call him and see what we can do to re-connect.’ And this is exactly what she did after the close of the workshop, and, with shared tears of regret and relief, she and her father found their way back to each other.

Far-reaching effects Such experiences of moving quickly from an apparently simple, superficial problem into a profound connection with deeper experience, and effecting rapid, gentle and powerful healing there are commonplace using energy psychology approaches. How is it that such an apparently content-free and mechanical process can have such profound and far-reaching effects? In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there is a saying, ‘Where there is resistance or disruption there is pain. Where there is no resistance or disruption, there is no pain.’ In the TCM context, the resistance and disruption are located in the acupuncture meridian system and the pain is generally in the physical body.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Many who have experience in psychotherapy and personal development work have learned that this is also true at the emotional level. Tears of grief flowing freely are surprisingly less painful than those choked back and swallowed down into a lump in the throat and a headache. There are connections as well as parallels between the dynamics of the subtle energy system and psychological processes. Bob Flaws, the prolific western writer on Traditional Chinese Medicine says that our emotions are our subjective experience of the flow of Qi in our bodies. So painful emotions are useful indicators of blocks or imbalances in the flow of energy. If this is true, and these systems are indeed interactive, then it holds out the hope that balancing the flow of Qi may also affect our emotions.

Thought Field Therapy One Westerner in pursuit of that hope is California psychologist Dr Roger Callahan. In the early 1970’s, Dr Callahan began to integrate the knowledge and skills of clinical psychology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Applied and Behavioural Kinesiology, and the theoretical work of quantum physicist David Bohm and biologist Rupert Sheldrake to develop, Thought Field Therapy. Callahan discovered that the simple act of stimulating a number of acupuncture points while connecting with the unhelpful emotion, thought, impulse or memory can initiate a cascade of healthy neurological, chemical, emotional, cognitive, and physical affects. One of Callahan’s most important contributions to this field has been the concept of psychological reversal, the energetic cause behind much of what has conventionally been seen as therapeutic resistance or self-sabotage. Callahan discovered that these apparently willful negative behaviours are often caused by reversals in the flow of energy through the meridians. He devised simple treatments, including tapping on the ‘karate chop’ side of the hand, to correct these reversals, thus allowing many clients to free themselves from the doomed struggle between their willpower and the power of reversed energy.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Intention The theory supporting energy psychology is constantly evolving at the leading edge of new science and subtle energies research. One framework for understanding the power of these techniques is offered by Stanford professor Dr William Tiller, following 30 years of practical research into subtle energies. Tiller posits in his book, Science and Human Transformation, that the subtle energy system operates on the special sort of physics which governs homeopathy. This implies that the more subtle the level of intervention, the more potent its results may be. Tiller also characterizes subtle energies as having essential properties of intentionality and coherence. The issue of intention stimulates great debate in this field. Many therapists have discovered that after working with these approaches for some time, it becomes as effective to direct focused intention to the meridian points or chakras as to stimulate them directly. And focusing our intention on the issue which needs to be brought into balance is the defining difference between energy psychology and many other energy healing methods. Experienced mental health practitioners frequently express confusion, saying that their intention to help their clients to heal was just as strong and clear before introducing these methods into their practice. How, then, do these techniques make that intention so much more rapidly and powerfully effective?

Working intentionally with subtle energies enhances the effectiveness of all we do Tiller suggests that certain practices are capable of increasing the coherence of our energy system, reducing the level of destructive interference. It is destructive interference that, for example, causes light from a normal light bulb to spread widely in all directions and fade rapidly over distance. Energy psychology practices bring our energies into phase, like the light waves of a laser, exponentially increasing both their power and focus. Because our physical and energy bodies are constantly being renewed and the pattern they take is determined by the intention-field we hold, the daily practice of working intentionally with subtle energies 20

The AMT Yearbook 2003 gradually and cumulatively aligns more and more of us with our intentions, increasing the coherence and congruence of our system at all levels, enhancing the effectiveness of all we do. This clarity of intention and congruence is often seen among experienced meditators, healers and martial artists, as well as among some professionals in the creative arts and others who also pursue a daily discipline of focused attention to their inner process and connection with the Source of healing and inspiration.

Capacity for greater complexity According to Dr Richard Gerber in Vibrational Medicine, the TillerEinstein model (it was Einstein who coined the term ‘subtle energy’ and who also said 'The field is the only reality') indicates that subtle energies are negatively entropic in nature. This means that, in common with all living biological systems, they develop in the direction of increasing order and complexity, and with increasing ability to dissipate the entropy, or disorder which is causes the gradual and eventual breakdown of non-living systems. So, working with subtle energies also helps us to develop increasingly complex internal structures to order and store these flows of subtle energy and to allow those energies and forces which are disordered to flow through and out of our system, like the by-products of digestion. At a practical level, this ever-increasing capacity for energy fluxes means that we can handle more and more of what life offers us, increasing our range of experience. To try an abbreviated version of one of these approaches for yourself right now, go back and follow the quick Release Process described on page 14. You will balance the flow of energy through a number of your body's main meridians by touching the points or tapping on them gently. It helps to say out loud what life issue or feeling you wish to release as you go through the sequence. The process is deceptively simple and yet, you will be able to appreciate for yourself how profound its effects are. And you can use this technique at any time, for emotional crisis management, releasing blocks, and opening yourself to embracing a greater range of experiencing.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Varied approaches For many conventionally trained health professionals, these approaches have proved to be the bridge to a deeper, more holistic, multi-dimensional understanding of life and human nature. Medical doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, and counsellors, many of whom would once have thought the entire concept of subtle energies was entirely too unscientific to bear consideration, have experienced the indisputable, practical results of energy psychology techniques for themselves and their clients, and are now applying their rigorous scientific skills and professional experience to developing empirical research and increasingly effective applications of these approaches to heal human suffering. Dr Roger Callahan’s original development of Thought Field Therapy has blossomed into a rich variety of approaches now included under the umbrella term of energy psychology. Some of these, like Gary Craig’s Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Larry Nims' Be Set Free Fast (BSFF) are directly derived from Callahan’s work. Others, like TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique), Seemorg Matrix Work and EmoTrance have independent origins. Each makes a special contribution to the field, and each is highly effective with a full range of psychological work, from fears and stress to trauma and abuse, from shame and anger to addictive cravings, from depression, pain management and even some physical ailments, to performance enhancement.

Allergy Antidotes for EnergyToxins Naturopath Sandi Radomski has translated the work of the Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique into the field of energy psychology to correct the effects of energy toxins and substance sensitivities, which so often have neurological and emotional effects. Following the World Trade Center disaster last September, when much of the East Coast of the USA was affected by airborne debris and much of the country was in shock and depression, Sandi and her colleagues discovered (using muscle-testing borrowed from Applied Kinesiology) that many clients were showing a surprisingly weak response to carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen, the 22

The AMT Yearbook 2003 basic elements of life, as well as to the mercury, hydrocarbons, and other fumes and particles released into the atmosphere from the smoldering ruins. Sandi created vials containing the energetic signatures of these substances and distributed them widely. Clearing these sensitivities with her innovative techniques, including spraying the auricular acupuncture points with the light of a laser, resulted in instantaneous lifting of ‘brain fog,’ malaise and depression for many who were suffering from those after-effects of the terrorist attacks.

Seemorg Matrix Work Asha Nahoma Clinton, a specialist in trauma and abuse developed Seemorg Matrix Work. It combines energy psychology, psychodynamic psychotherapy, psychoneuroimmunology, and transpersonal psychotherapy to treat psychological disorders, physical diseases, and spiritual impasses. Starting from the understanding that all upsetting events are types of trauma, Seemorg Matrix Work involves anchoring one hand on a selected chakra, and holding the other hand over the remaining chakras, one at a time, until they all test clear on the comprehensive protocols developed to treat particular issues. Then, using prescribed meditations and by actively reawakening positive beliefs and qualities, it turns the client toward a life focused not on suffering, but on growth and joy. One client described his experience of working with Seemorg Matrix Work in this way, ‘I had worked with a number of therapists for more than a decade to rid myself of narcissistic behaviors that had plagued me all my life. While my ability to understand and analyse my behavior grew much deeper and subtler, I was still incapable of rooting it out or controlling it. When I completed the first stages of working through the Emotion and Core Belief Protocols, I felt as though a transparent wall around me – one I hardly knew existed – had suddenly vanished. I could sense the individual presence of others with a clarity and intensity I had only rarely experienced before. This new sense has stayed with me for more than a year, and has changed completely the way I relate to others.’


The AMT Yearbook 2003

BSFF - Be Set Free Fast Along with the alphabet soup of techniques in this field, comes a plethora of acronyms, of which BSFF takes the prize. The full title, Be Set Free Fast is itself an acronym for Behavioural and Emotional Symptom Elimination Training For Resolving Excess Emotion: Fear, Anger, Sadness and Trauma. BSFF was developed by another of Callahan's early students, Dr Larry Nims, a California psychologist whose enthusiasm and dedication are legendary in the field. Nims first developed a shortcut tapping treatment focused on releasing all the trauma, anger, fear and sadness associated with a problem, and treating all the emotional roots and the deepest cause. Eager to miss no opportunity for making life better, more enjoyable, and 'free,' Dr Nims has become famous for introducing "you can treat that," as a catch phrase. I recall a lunch at which I heard that gentle reminder numerous times as I fumed over the slow, neglectful service. To make onthe-spot treatment as quick and easy as possible, Nims sought a virtually automatic technique and developed the first "instant" treatment. Practitioners and clients are amazed by the way the use of a simple "cue" word can trigger quite remarkable changes, making this approach ideal for discreet use in pressured situations in public, as well as for tracking quickly through the many layers and networked elements of problems to reach all the emotional roots and the deepest cause. Recently, Don Elium, an American colleague and developer of integrative States therapy, was given the opportunity to be the "relationship therapist expert" on a reality television programme. He wrote, " I am SO grateful for BSFF and my instant cue word. When on camera (two to three hours at a time, and then only a few minutes are actually used for the final show), often I have found myself 'out of my body' looking down on the scene, only to sound the BSFF cue word, and pop, I am back inside myself. BSFF has helped me perform under incredible pressures as I have gone inward, sounded my cue word, and been able to bring myself back to the present. The constant changes, the constant conflicts, the constant challenges and the constant newness of the experience pressures me to shut down over and over again, but BSFF helped me do my best."


The AMT Yearbook 2003

EmoTrance The newest technique in this rapidly-developing field is EmoTrance, developed by UK researcher Silvia Hartmann, PhD and presented at Oxford University at the second European Energy Psychology Conference in 2002. EmoTrance is a straight-forward healing system for both self-help and professional therapeutic interventions. It is the natural way to handle our emotions and the flow of energy in our bodies in direct response to what happens in the present moment. It is also a gentle and profound way to help ourselves and others to dissolve the oldest and hardest of hurts from the past. There’s no reliving of old trauma, just energy being set free to once again flow as it was always designed to do. And it is wonderfully revitalising and invigorating as we re-learn how to open ourselves up to absorb the full spectrum of energies available to every one of us. EmoTrance also functions as a personalised teacher and guide to each person's individual energy system. The basic process teaches us about the channels through which energy flows in our personal energy system, our own energy body’s needs, and how we can start to meet those in a whole new way. And while it is doing this for us, it also extends our abilities to work with other people’s energy systems, to really understand and read them correctly. It is based on the principle that our energy bodies have their own unique nutritional requirements, and that, as with our physical bodies, nourishing energies need to be allowed in, be processed and flow on through us and out again. When we don't allow this to happen, the equivalent of energetic constipation or malnutrition take place. We feel painful emotions, and we try to treat those, when the cause of our pain is a block somewhere in the energy system, old energies held out, held back, or held onto. We feel a hunger and try to alleviate it with chocolate or lots of attention, hard work, success, sex or many other distractions. But we can't feed the energy system with chocolate. Many people are finding that if they feed their systems on energy instead, if they allow the energies of their encounters, their environment, their lives to flow through them naturally, clearing blocks from their channels, opening them up and nourishing them, then


The AMT Yearbook 2003 other symptoms simply fade away. This is as true of apparently negative energies as it is of all others. One of the most convincing experiments we did while developing EmoTrance involved exchanging insults. Here’s how it works. What’s the worst thing anyone could say to you? "You’re stupid! You’re ugly! You don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just an imposter." Here’s how we deal with such things using EmoTrance. I was working with one of the participants on a training course, who believed that she was pretty and intelligent, but feared most of all that she was shallow. I briefly described the process, and then guided her through it. First, I said to her scornfully, “You are pathetically shallow! You’re nothing but a pretty face” She stepped back as if I had struck her a physical blow and then crumpled in on herself. I asked “where are you feeing that in your body? Put your hands there now, and understand that this is simply an energy, an energy that is blocked from its natural pathways. Can you let that go through so we can re-establish the even flow? We’re working just with the energy behind that sensation, not the emotions, not the memory of what your father said to you 30 years ago, just the energy, and giving that energy the support it needs to soften and move and find its natural pathways out of the body, without any argument or struggle at all – it’s just gone.” Within a very short time, her hands had described a pathway down from the original constriction in her chest, to her solar plexus, then out to the sides of her body and around to her back, then up her spine and out the top of her head. To continue the process, I repeated again, “You are such a pathetic and shallow person,” she flinched a bit, and found more energy blocked in her chest. Again that flowed down, around and back up her spine and out the top of her head. I said it again, and this time she actually smiled a bit, and her hands moved very quickly and smoothly down, around and back up to the top of her head. And when I said it to her one more time, she was grinning as the energy moved so swiftly and smoothly through her that she could barely follow it with her hands. And she just stood there looking extremely pleased with herself, feeling happy, and positively feasting on the energy of her worst nightmare of an insult.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Many of our healing systems have their basis in a variety of maps, codified ages ago. Most of us are familiar with the detailed meridian charts from Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Thai use yet a different set of energy pathways? And there are as many others as there are healing cultures: the Ayurvedic, Jin Shin Jitsu, reflexology and auricular acupuncture, the neuro-lymphatic and neuro-vascular systems and many others. Rather than select or combine these maps, with EmoTrance we rely on direct feedback to guide us through the uniquely individual energy systems of our clients. EmoTrance uses direct kinaesthetic feedback to localise the actual position of the disturbance in the energy body which has been causing the emotional pain. It then treats this energy disturbance with the application of intention, which moves energy and restores even flow, leading to symptom alleviation and improved functioning of the energy system. It helps us to use the systems we have been given to naturally process all the energies we encounter. Every time we do EmoTrance, we are clearing the channels, restoring the even flow, opening up our energy systems to be able to accept and make use of more and more of the vital energy nutrients available to us in this Universe of abundance.

Tapas Acupressure Technique Another method is Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT), a processoriented approach developed by acupuncturist Tapas Fleming from her work with Traditional Chinese Medicine and rooted in Taoist and Buddhist principles. Holding the hands steadily on acupuncture points and vision centres at the front and back of the head, while allowing the attention to first ‘be with’, the problem, then with its opposite, then its origins and several other aspects, TAT creates space for whatever arises during the treatment steps in a respectful and attentive way, drawing it all into the process of healing. Tapas says, ‘Every time we say ‘No’ to reality, we put ourselves into the state of separation. As we move through the TAT steps towards acceptance and healing, we are drawn back into the whole.’ As I watched one client recently work through a life-long issue with TAT, I saw tears of joy pouring down her cheeks, and her face transformed from pinched tension to glowing with inner light. In an awed voice, she


The AMT Yearbook 2003 described her experience as ‘like breaking through clouds, into the sunlight.’ Many people find their lives blighted by traumatic memories, from emotional and physical abuse within the family or school, accidents and attacks, or events on the global stage of terrorism and war. Dick Morrill was an Air America pilot in Vietnam, and his experience of speaks eloquently of TAT’s gentle power to heal trauma. ‘During a TAT seminar, I closed my eyes and was back in Vietnam in the back seat of a helicopter on a training flight. Several B-52’s had dropped hundreds of 500 pound bombs in the distance. I took a deep breath as I remembered the helicopter slowly tilting back as it began to skid into a simulated emergency landing with an engine failure, but this time we were VERY tilted. In one moment my knees were above my head, and the next the tail rotor blades plowed into the ground. When the helicopter finally skidded to a stop, it was upside down. The frame of my seat was pressing on the back of my helmet, forcing my face into the dirt and solidly pinning both my arms and my face into the ground. I was trapped! Everyone else was dead or unconscious. With the engines still running we were sure to burn or explode. I was going to die. Eventually, another helicopter that had seen the crash came to the rescue. ‘Whenever I remembered this, my chest would get tight, my arms would feel tingly and heavy, my palms would sweat, and, if I was telling the story, my voice would change as my throat tightened with terror. But as I held the TAT pose and stayed with the steps of the process, all of a sudden I was aware that I had survived that crash! And I was suddenly aware of something else: there was NO HELICOPTER on top of me. Even as I had the thought, it seemed silly. Of course there wasn’t a helicopter on top of me, but I sat there amazed by my new awareness of that reality. ‘For a brief moment, I saw the crash scene from above. Although it was just a flash, I noticed that it looked different. It looked lighter. I closed my eyes. It WAS lighter. It had always been kind of dark in my memory, as if there were a giant shaded Plexiglas dome covering the site. I then became aware that as I was thinking about the crash, my chest, arms, throat and hands were relaxed. All I was having was a memory of an event that had taken place more than twenty-eight years ago. Nothing more. The 28

The AMT Yearbook 2003 next thought I had was that I wanted the tension back. I had lived with it for so long that it had seemed a part of me. I closed my eyes again, but it wasn’t there, and I couldn’t get it to come back, no matter how hard I focused on the memory.’ To see such rapid and deep transformation in someone’s face and posture as the burden of a past trauma or current fear is resolved, to hear their voice become steadier, firmer, more confident as they let go of the past and connect with what now becomes possible for them - this is what moves many sceptics from incredulity to amazement as they learn how energy psychology enables this to happen again and again. In the hands of professionally-trained therapists, energy psychology approaches provide a quantum leap in psychological healing. As self-help techniques, they are always at our fingertips for emotional first aid even in our darkest hours at 4 am, when no therapist, friend or priest is available, and whenever we are ready and willing to work on our own healing and growth.

Susan Courtney practices as a holistic, healing psychotherapist in Central London and Kent and teaches Energy Psychology in professional trainings and personal development workshops. She is an Executive Director and Licensed Trainer for the Association for Meridian Energy Therapies and European Regional Co-ordinator for the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology. She can be contacted at [email protected] and on 08700 767015.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Learning Meridian Energy Therapies - A Guide for Newcomers by Silvia Hartmann, PhD When someone first encounters the sparkling new field of Meridian Energy Therapies, they are amazed at the variety of techniques, the many books and innovators, the huge array of articles, protocols and not to forget, the famous MET systems abbreviations – TAT, EFT, TFT, ET, and all the rest. This article is both a welcome and a guide to give you some idea of how you can structure your learning curve and get the very best from these fantastic new approaches which will undoubtedly change your life, just as it has changed many others.

Let’s Get Started! The great majority of currently active therapists, contributors and even innovators in the field have started with EFT, Gary Craig’s Emotional Freedom Techniques. I am among them and even after having gained experience with the other techniques and systems, I highly recommend EFT as the first step in the journey – and this is regardless of whether this journey is primarily for self help, or if it includes others in a healing or teaching capacity. The reason for this is that EFT really does not require any previous knowledge of anything at all – neither of psychology or counselling on the one hand, nor of meridian systems and the energy body on the other. EFT is very easy to learn and simple to do, with the protocol mapped out in a few easy steps; it is entirely content-free and allows the user to put their own problems into the treatment as easily as it is to name them but for all of that, EFT combines the most important principles of all MET systems, namely:



Working with the energy system directly; and


Combining this at the same time with the focus of attention.

The AMT Yearbook 2003

You will find a full EFT protocol in the “Techniques & Protocols” section; this is quite enough to get you started, to try it out for yourself and to get a sense of the power of this seemingly simple technique. To learn EFT properly and to understand the principles behind its use as well as to learn how to apply EFT for many particular situations, the Association for Meridian Energy Therapies recommends “Adventures In EFT” by Silvia Hartmann, PhD, which provides a solid foundation for selfhelp as well as for practitioners beginning to use EFT with clients. The AMT also recommends Gary Craig’s DVD/video series (available from which is full of practical examples and live sessions. A good grounding in EFT is the best springboard to begin to explore the other major MET systems. In practise, MET therapists and healers rarely use only one MET approach but indeed, have a range of techniques at their disposal to suit individual client preferences. It is also recognised that treating clients in a professional setting with METs requires very different approaches and mind set from traditional counselling and psychotherapy; so for healing practitioners who wish to use METs with clients, the next step is to seek out a practitioner certification training.

The AMT Practitioner Certification Training All the meridian energy therapies systems have in common that they can produce profound changes very rapidly; they can uncover unconscious materials, bring about insights and cognition and very strongly impact clients' emotional states and behaviour. The techniques and systems, even though they are diverse, are grouped in this field because they are all working with the underlying principle that disturbances result from problems in the energy system, and all the systems treat the energy system to heal and/or remove these disturbances.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Although the means by which this healing is delivered are different – for example, EFT and TFT tap on the points; TAB and TAT hold certain points; ET uses purely intention and BSFF utilises the power of the unconscious mind to make changes in the energy system – the underlying principles are the same and it is these underlying principles and how to work with clients in a whole new way to resolve their issues with these new techniques that the AMT practitioner trainings concentrate on. Using EFT as the example, the AMT practitioner training prepares a professional to be able to add all and any of the other energy therapies to their repertoire. You could think of these trainings as the framework into which all the many systems fit in a perfectly modular fashion. The Advanced Practitioner certification trainings do just that and add the modules of TAT, BSFF, and ET to be integrated into a rich and extremely powerful set of healing systems at the practitioner's fingertips. More Information about the AMT Meridian Therapies Practitioner training can be found on page 91.

Learning The Systems It is important to remember that mastery in Meridian Energy Therapies systems does not derive from knowing which points to tap, but from how to go about solving problems in the context of each individual’s psychological ecology and in the right context, order and sequence for each person who uses them. The main systems are as different as their creators and it is largely a matter of personal preference which you are drawn to explore and in which order. Normally, after the initial contact with your “first meridian energy therapy” which was the doorway to this entirely new and truly exciting domain of mind-body healing possibilities, each person finds their own path which eventually tends to lead to have experience of and knowledge about all the systems. For anyone interested in healing, psychology, personal development or human potential, this field is a veritable buffet of wonderful variety, waiting to be explored.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 An excellent way of getting a very personal idea of the systems, the innovators and the field overall is to attend one of the three annual international Energy Therapies & Energy Psychology conferences. For three whole days, you have the opportunity to learn from leading innovators in the field, ask questions, attend introduction workshops and hear about the latest discoveries; but more importantly even, you can exchange information and insights with other people on a friendly peer basis - others who are also excited about the many, many possibilities for healing and growth that simply were not available before these systems were developed. For those seeking professional qualification trainings, a range of pre- and post conference full length certification trainings are also offered in conjunction with these conferences; please see “Trainings & Events” for further details. Now, an overview, introduction and trial protocol for each of the six main Meridian Energy Therapies/Energy Psychology systems featured in this yearbook: •

EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques (Next Page)

TAT – Tapas Acupressure Technique (Page 43)

ET – EmoTrance (Page 49)

BSFF – Be Set Free Fast (Page 59)

TFT – Thought Field Therapy (Page 70)

Allergy Antidotes (Page 74)


The AMT Yearbook 2003

EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques Gary Craig Gary Craig, Developer Of EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques Born April 13, 1940 in the US, Gary Craig is a Stanford University trained engineer, successful businessman and professional coach, ordained minister and NLP Master Practitioner. He was a student of Roger Callahan's TFT and devised EFT as a "one size fits all protocol" that would cover a multitude of problems by virtue of the concept of total redundancy - tapping every point for every problem, rather than to match an order and sequence of some of the points to specific problems. Please visit the award winning EFT site

What is EFT? by Gary Craig In simplest terms, EFT is an emotional form of acupuncture except that we don't use needles. Instead, we tap with the fingertips to stimulate certain meridian points while the client is "tuned in" to the problem. We are still learning why EFT (and its many cousins) works so well. The existing theory is that "the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." The subtle energies that circulate throughout the body have been largely ignored (until recently) by western scientists. As a result, our use of them for physical, emotional and spiritual healing has been sparse at best. With EFT, however, we consider these subtle energies to be the front running cause of emotional upsets. As a result, we generate results that are FAR 34

The AMT Yearbook 2003 beyond those of conventional methods. Even a cursory review of the case histories on the web site will reveal that. Further, EFT often provides relief for a very wide range of physical symptoms. This, too, is abundantly clear in our case histories, which provide unmistakable evidence of the link between our physical ailments and our emotional issues. EFT is a Doorway to the new Healing High-Rise. It is where a growing number of newcomers to this exciting field get their start. We now have thousands of practitioners using EFT throughout the world. I hope this doesn't sound too grandiose, but I've been doing energy healing work since 1991 and my jaw still drops at the results. I've lost count of the number of phobias, traumatic memories, guilt, grief and physical ailments that have been elegantly relieved (often in minutes) by this procedure. Even though EFT violates just about every conventional belief out there, the results remain remarkable. EFT isn't perfect, of course. We don't get 100%. But it usually works well and the results are sometimes spectacular. It often works where nothing else will. Compared to other techniques, EFT is usually quite gentle and substantial relief is often achieved with little or no pain. This is not true for everyone, however. Some people's issue are so intense that the mere mention of them causes emotional or physical pain. Although truly serious instances of this (sometimes called abreactions) is most likely to occur in seriously emotionally damaged people (best estimate is less than 1% of the population), newcomers to EFT are advised to exercise common sense in this regard and not go where they aren't qualified. Please know that I am neither a psychologist nor a licensed therapist. Rather, I am a Stanford engineering graduate and an ordained minister and, although we don't pound the table for God here, I do come at this procedure from a decidedly spiritual perspective. My ordained ministry is with the Universal Church of God in Southern California which is non-denominational and embraces all religions. I am an avid student of A Course In Miracles but at no time is any EFT'er asked to follow any specific spiritual teaching.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 I was born April 13, 1940 and have been intensely interested in personal improvement via psychology since age 13. That was when I recognized that the quality of my thoughts was mirrored in the quality of my life. Since then I have been self-taught in this field, seeking only those procedures that, in my opinion, produced results. EFT is my latest finding, the core of which I learned from Dr. Roger Callahan. I also have high regard for Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) in which I am a Certified Master Practitioner. Hugs & Blessings, Gary Gary Craig


The AMT Yearbook 2003

The Complete EFT Protocol The EFT Treatment Points 0 = The Sore Spot - On your chest where you would pin a medal or a brooch. Gently push with your fingertips to find an area that feels tender, rather than sore. 1 = Start Of The Eyebrow Where the bone behind your eyebrow turns into the bridge of your nose. 2 = Corner Of The Eye - On the bone in the corner of your eye. 3 = Under The Eye - On the bone just below your eye, in line with your pupil if you look straight ahead. 4 = Under The Nose Between you nose and your upper lip 5 = Under The Mouth - In the indentation between your chin and your lower lip 6 = Collarbone - In the angle formed by your collarbone and the breastbone 7 = Under Arm - in line with a man's nipples on the side of the body 8 = Thumb - all finger points are on the side of the finger, in line with the nail bed. 9 = Index Finger, 10 = Middle Finger, 11 = Little Finger 12 = Karate Chop Point - on the side of your hand, roughly in line with your life line. 13 = Gamut Point - just behind and between the knuckles of your ring and little finger.

Take a moment now to find and touch each point in turn. 37

The AMT Yearbook 2003 You may notice that some feel slightly different from others, or you may not. When you get to work on various issues, you will feel that some of the points "feel" different when you tap them, and you will notice that the shift or release will occur with one or more points, depending on the reason for using the technique at the time.

Tapping the Points In EFT, these points are stimulated by tapping on them. Try now tapping the point under your eye, with your index or index and middle fingers, quite rapidly* about seven to nine times or as many times as it takes for you to take a normal breath in and out. The strength of tapping should be comfortable, but you should be able to feel a resonance from the tapping spreading out across a reasonable part of that side of your face. * I have noticed that different people have different speeds of tapping. We generally show a tapping speed in line with the rhythm of "Jingle Bells". In spite of this, some people develop a kind of woodpecker action after a while, and others tap quite slowly. I would suggest that what feels right to you probably is right for you. For practise, tap all the points from the Eyebrow to the Karate Chop point now, just to get the feel of doing it.

Contacting The Problem To direct the releasing effects of the tapping to the required area, we focus the mind on the problem by using a statement of the problem: "I am afraid of heights." Preferably, this is spoken out loud to engage as much of the neurology as possible and to contact the problem as directly as possible. In a moment, take a little time to think about a problem that you have, a pain, a fear, an illness or perhaps a phobia, something that always makes you depressed when you think about it, just generally any negative emotion you are happy to release now and forever. Choose a statement that rings true to you, choosing words that make sense to you and you alone.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 The more concrete, direct and truthful you can be, the more profound a change you will experience.

The Set Up Now that we've named the problem, we can start with the Set Up. For the opening statement, we use the following routine: Find the sore spot on either side of your chest; rub it round gently and say: "Even though I (insert problem statement), I deeply and completely accept myself." For example, if you decided your problem was "My back is killing me", you would say as your Set Up Statement: "Even though my back is killing me, I deeply and completely accept myself." Repeat this three times, rubbing the Sore Spot continuously as you do so, and please do endeavour to put some meaning and energy into the "I deeply and profoundly accept myself" part.

The Sequence Following the Set Up, we now tap all the points, starting from the top (Eyebrow) and ending up with the Karate Chop Point on the hand. As you tap each point, repeat a shortened version of the Set Up Statement which is called the reminder phrase; so if your set up statement was, "Even though I hate and despise my boss, I deeply and profoundly accept myself", … you say the reminder (shortened version) phrase: "I hate and despise my boss" … on each point at the same time as you tap.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

The 9 Gamut This is the middle part in what is sometimes called the EFT sandwich: After tapping all the points about 5-10 times from the top, at the eyebrow to the karate chop point, tap continuously on the Gamut point, while doing the following: ƒ

close your eyes


open your eyes and look straight ahead


look hard down to one corner


look hard down to the other corner


move your eyes in a big circle in one direction, and then back again


hum - Happy Birthday To You (or another tune or just a scale) for about one bar;


count - one two three four five


hum again

Take a deep breath in and out. The eye movements are linked to various brain functions and the reason for the humming-counting-humming manoeuvre is to switch between hemispheres quite quickly. Both are designed to "wake up" your neurology so the tapping can go to work on the problem in every part of the brain. Then, repeat the Sequence one more time, tapping all the points from the eyebrow to the karate chop point, while repeating the Reminder Phrase once at each point. Take a deep breath and allow yourself a moment to reflect on how you feel now. This completes one full round of tapping.

Testing Your Changes A great way to ascertain from yourself or others just how you feel is to put a number on it. The technical term is taking a SUD Level or SUDs scale reading, which stands for Subjective Units of Disturbance.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 What that means is you ask yourself: On a scale of 0 to 10, 10 being the worst imaginable pain/freak out/fear/sadness/discomfort, and 0 being completely calm, pain free, tranquil, relaxed and happy, how would you rate what you are experiencing at this moment? This works for emotions as well as for physical sensations and even for beliefs which might be a problem: On a scale of zero to ten: ƒ

how depressed are you right now?


how painful is your leg?


how bad is your fear of heights?


how distressing is this memory?


how much do you hate this person?

Before you begin tapping for any subject or problem, take the time to take a SUDs rating and make a mental note of it. Then, when you have completed a round of treatment, ask the question again to find how much has changed. It's a good way to be able to assess how well the treatment has worked and if you need to repeat the treatment. Sometimes, the problem can go from as high as 10 to as low as 0 in a single Sandwich treatment. More often though, you start with 8 or 9, and after a round of tapping, the severity is reduced to a 4 or a 5. This means that the treatment is beginning to work but there's more to be done.

Subsequent Treatment Rounds If the original set up statement was something along the lines of, "Even though I have this problem" and you have tapped a first round on "this problem", and upon checking with yourself, this problem is not as severe anymore but still noticeable, change the start up affirmation to:


The AMT Yearbook 2003 "Even though there is still some of this problem remaining”, or "Even though I still have some of this problem". When you're down to a rating of "Oh its a tiny little bit now" which would be a 2, 1 or a half on the subjective rating scale, a third round can be done with the opening statement of, "I want to completely overcome this problem and I deeply and completely accept myself". And that's it! It's as simple as that. There's no need for you to worry about getting it wrong, or getting the wrong statement. ALL TAPPING YOU DO IS GOOD FOR YOU. Any tapping you do stimulates the meridians, relaxes you, calms you and makes you feel a little better, even if you get totally the wrong opening affirmation and the original problem has not yet shifted. Just try again with a different start up phrase, or think about what the truth about the problem might be. EFT Protocol Courteously donated by Silvia Hartmann, PhD Excerpt from “Adventures In EFT” (see page 119)

* EFT Introduction Workshops & EFT+ Practitioner Trainings In Conjunction with The 3rd European Energy Therapies Energy Psychology Conference, Brighton, August 8-10, 2003 See Trainings & Events for further details. * Related Manual: Adventures in EFT See Training Manuals & Training Materials for further details.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

TAT- Tapas Acupressure Technique Tapas Fleming Tapas Fleming, L Ac began her search for Truth at age 15. For many years her focus was on enlightenment and emotional release. After losing premature twins and nearly dying herself, she learned acupuncture and focused on her own healing. In 1994, Tapas created Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT). Tapas now has a private practice and travels worldwide to give TAT trainings. TAT is an elegant, process-oriented energy psychology treatment. While simple to use, it is as thorough and comprehensive as it is gentle and powerful. Based on Taoist principles of balance and wholeness, using TAT brings a sense of integration, connectedness and oneness. It heals our relationship with Reality at deep and profound levels. The TAT process creates space for whatever arises during the treatment steps in a respectful and attentive way, drawing it all into the process of healing. TAT resolves inner conflict, frees limiting beliefs, unblocks stuckness, heals trauma and treats allergies. It links the acupuncture meridians with the vision centres to change our point of view about the problems in our lives, transforming both our vision and our position, and bringing us into a harmonious and balanced relationship with all aspects of our experiencing. Contact: TAT International, P.O. Box 488, Lake Elsinore CA 92531-0488, (909) 609-1288, fax (909) 609-0677, email [email protected] website


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT)™ is a welcome to the embrace of Divine inner peace. With one simple pose and a few short steps, you cross the bridge that leads from mental and emotional turmoil to the calm repose of your true Self. Developed in 1993, TAT has lifted the spirits and brought emotional ease and empowerment to people suffering around the world. TAT-trained professionals and lay people alike have delivered health and happiness to people in diverse situations including: ƒ

healing migraines and traumatic stress after auto accidents


the loss of a loved one - including pets


the loss of home, family and work after natural disasters


fear of going to the dentist


multiple sclerosis (MS)


allergies of all types - even those suffering with seasonal affective disorder (SAD)


genetic and inherited weaknesses including life-threatening allergies and fears of going in the water to swim


making peace with God

The basic pose and steps of TAT are easy to learn and simple to teach. Based on the ancient teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine and yoga, TAT is easy to assimilate by diverse cultures because of its basis in natural healing. It can be taught to hundreds of people at a time, imparting its grace and healing like a Divine Mother. It leaves people empowered. Children regain strength and steadiness very quickly with TAT. Animals have been soothed in lightning and thunderstorms. One simple pose is done touching points at the front and back of the head.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

How to do TAT: The TAT Pose

With one hand, lightly touch the tip of the thumb to the area I/8 inch above the inner corner of your eye

With fourth finger (ring finger of the same hand, lightly touch the tip of the finger to the area I/8 inch above the inner corner of your other eye. Both finger tips are now on either side of the bridge of your nose.

Place the tip of the middle finger at the point midway between, and about I/2 inch above eyebrow level. You now have all three finger lips lightly touching the three points. Now place your other hand on the back of your head, with the palm touching the head so that the thumb is resting at the base of the skull just above the hairline. The palm cradles the occipital rone. If you are holding your hands in the TAT pose on someone else, the same area at the base of the skull is covered; however, your little finger will be just above the hairline. Both hands should be resting gently. No pressure is necessary.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Once you are in the TAT pose, you put your attention on a short set of seven steps which have been proven to be highly effective in eliminating the negatively empowering aspects of a trouble. A trouble can be a negative limiting belief, a stuck emotion, an allergic reaction and sometimes even a physical pain. After being in the TAT pose and doing the steps, you are delivered to a place of inner freedom, relaxation and peace. This process usually takes about 15 minutes. The underlying understanding explaining how TAT works is easy to recognize based on each of our life experiences. In the situation of trauma, we often say "Oh no This can’t be happening?" The moment we do that, a point of view springs into existence along with a projected reality of "how life is" based upon that particular point of view. For example, if a child loses their parent in a car crash they lived through, some of the points of view that might spring up at their "Oh, no!" moment could include: ƒ

"I don’t deserve to live."


"I can’t count on support from anyone, anywhere."


"My nearest and dearest will be suddenly taken from me."


"I’m alone in the world now."


"No one can understand how devastating this is."


"My heart is broken."

Once all of the points of view are born, they become like glasses this child views the world through. What they see as real in life corresponds with their points of view. They would have difficulty connecting with people. They would want to care and connect, but fear that the person would suddenly be taken away from them. They would naturally draw people who fit that view into their life. They would have an underlying lack of ease and the thought "I don’t deserve to live" would silently haunt them. Over time, this child would probably also develop chronic pain related to the accident. Healing would be difficult throughout their life. How does TAT help this person? 46

The AMT Yearbook 2003 By simply being in the TAT pose, the Divine healing energy of life appears, embodied within as intelligent, attentive, fast-as-light healing energy. When our child is in the presence of that loving energy, all resistance naturally melts away. The energy reigns supreme. The resistance and stress, the points of view and corresponding projected "that’s the way life is" reality cannot stand in the effulgent light of the Divine energy. All that remains is the inner pleasure of contact with that love and the relief of everything else having melted into love. The life manifestation of this transformation is that the person can instantly connect with others without fear, feeling happy to be alive at their deepest core and full-hearted living. The correspondent physical pain associated with the crash also begins to spontaneously heal. This type of profound healing is typical with TAT. Practitioners often cry for joy along with their clients at the beauty and grace of the experience. As a person does the TAT process, they usually experience greater peace with each of the seven steps. Occasionally, a person experiences an intensifying of stress. This usually lasts up to 15 seconds and then breaks into peace like a rainstorm suddenly ending just as the sunshine bursts through the clouds. The person does not have to repeat the work they have done. It is usual to see increased light emanating from a person’s face upon completion of TAT. Teaching TAT is an extraordinary pleasure. To empower people with a simple technique that gives so much is wonderfully fulfilling. You will be able to learn TAT in a two-day workshop. In the workshop you will: · Learn all the basic information you need in order to successfully do TAT by the end of the workshop. You'll learn how to do TAT for traumas, allergies, healing your relationship with money, helping an attached being move on, and how to work with children, animals and groups of people. You'll learn how to do several types of energy field testing (muscle testing), surrogate work and the key to developing your intuition to become a better healer. · Receive an introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine (the basis of acupuncture and the meridian system) and find out how it explains the energy of emotional trauma and physical pain. 47

The AMT Yearbook 2003 · Identify when not to use TAT. You'll watch demos and do practicums, which will give you the experience with TAT you need in order to successfully, bring TAT into your life and your practice. · Enjoy opportunities for personal healing and rejuvenation. · Learn a new way to discover and heal the trauma that is causing a person the most trouble. · Experience the personal peace that TAT can bring. · Have fun and know you have a simple new tool that delivers greater health, vitality and happiness. It is my pleasure to share TAT with you. With love, Tapas Fleming * Introductory workshop on TAT in conjunction with The 3rd European Energy Therapies & Energy Psychology Conference, Brighton, August 8-10, 2003 See Trainings & Events for further details. * Related Manual – You Can Heal Now The Tapas Acupressure Technique Manual See Training Manuals & Training Materials for details.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

ET – EmoTrance Energy Healing Silvia Hartmann Silvia Hartmann, PhD is a highly qualified and experienced trainer of Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Energy Therapies and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, author, international lecturer and motivational speaker. She is the Co-Founder and Trainings Director of The Association for Meridian Energy Therapies, the acting Moderator of the oldest established MET newsgroup, Meridiantherapy, Contributing Editor to Gary Craig's EmoFree List, author of numerous highly acclaimed original works in the field, including Project Sanctuary and Guiding Stars 2002. Dr. Hartmann's best-selling EFT training manual Adventures in EFT has to date been translated into four languages and is universally acknowledged to be "the best book on EFT". The in-depth Advanced Patterns of EFT for experienced MET practitioners and researchers has been hailed as “a major contribution to the field”. After studying and researching Energy Psychology and Meridian Energy Therapies approaches in-depth for four years, Dr. Hartmann created EmoTrance™ in 2002, a groundbreaking and entirely innovative approach to working with the human energy system for mental and physical health. Contact and Further Information: - Full catalogue of manuals & training materials - Articles, patterns & protocols - The EmoTrance community portal – practitioner listings, trainings & events, related materials, newsgroup & more.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Introduction To EmoTrance by Silvia Hartmann PhD After having worked for four years intensively with EFT and having observed, experienced and facilitated the very real miracles Meridian Energy Therapies can produce especially in the treatment of all things which have a basis in emotional "disturbances", I had developed a healthy respect for METs. I had also come to learn many things about the human energy system and the energy body along the way - and all of these things I learned entirely by watching and observing, making changes and testing the responses but NOT by studying acupuncture charts or ancient texts. The original METs relied on a limited number of points to produce change in the energy system which by extension, leads to change in how a person feels, acts, behaves and experiences their lives after the treatments. EFT uses a "total redundancy" approach to clear all the major channels during a session which is extremely successful, especially if repeat treatments are used to catch aspects that were missed or to address further energy blockages. I'm not sure why it took me so long but in 2002 I had an instant insight into the relationship between the energy body, emotions and the physical body - namely, that all emotions are nothing more (and of course, nothing less!) than simply feedback devices to alert us to the existing conditions in the energy body, just the same as physical pain is nothing more (and certainly nothing less!) than a feedback device to alert us to existing conditions in the physical body. It is well known that repeatedly experiencing the same strong emotions has a very direct correlation to the onset of physiological symptoms and this was the bridge I used in the system I called EmoTrance in order to show and demonstrate clearly to everyone concerned just exactly where in a person's body the disturbances occur at the energetic level.

Back To Physicality When conditions change in the energy body, subtle feedback exists immediately which we generally are not aware of at all as we are too busy 50

The AMT Yearbook 2003 with our attention elsewhere all through the day. It is only when these subtle sensations turn into strong feelings that we are made to take notice. We really only become aware of the strongest emotions as they turn into absolute physiological sensations. A simple example would be like this. Someone gets told unexpectedly, "You are FIRED!" and they will report that "it felt as though they had been punched in the stomach". That is not some kind of metaphor or a psychosomatic aberration, but a complete and correct recognition and diagnosis of a real and severe disturbance in this person's energy body. The physical sensation tells us exactly where this disturbance lies - in EmoTrance, the one who is working on their problem or disturbance will be asked to "show me with your hands where that is" - "that" being the problem, the bereavement, the anger, the pain, or whatever label of emotion is causing the problem. It is crucial to EmoTrance to know that we work from the assumption that people's energy bodies are NATURALLY DESIGNED to handle just about any kind of existing energy in this world. That there are channels and pathways which, if they are clear and functioning properly, can and will channel even the most powerful of energies we can imagine into us, through us and out in an Even Flow movement.

Re-Establishing the Even Flow EmoTrance works to re-establishing a full and functioning flow of a very wide range of energy types in, through and out of a person's body in three ways: 1. Firstly, by teaching and learning the basic EmoTrance™ technique to find the pathways for energies that need to flow rather than be stuck, held on to or deflected out; 2. Secondly, by softening and releasing old energy blockages (which show up directly and uncontrovertibly through the medium of sensations in a person's body);


The AMT Yearbook 2003 3. Thirdly, by repairing channels, networks and areas of the energy body to enable these areas to once again allow a smooth flowing of incoming energies into, through and out of the system.

Repercussions & Energy Nutrition When EmoTrance was originally being developed, the intention was to reduce firstly the physiological sensations related to high stress emotions, secondly and as a direct effect of this, to entirely release the emotional experience and finally, to basically re-teach the energy body to begin flowing energy again in, through and out as it was always designed to be doing and to do so automatically and in reflexive response to the environmental conditions which we may expect to be challenging often and constantly as we live our lives. But very early on it became apparent that there were unexpected "side effects" to working with the underlying energies in the energy body in this way. Rather than simply "not feeling the negative emotion and pain anymore" from incoming or self-generated energies, it turned out that when these energies were being taken into the system and "tranced through" their correct and requisite channels, it produced a huge increase in a person's actual energy levels - expressed through laughter, delight, pro-active ideas and thoughts; in other words, through the movement of energy from intake, through the systems and release, something very important was being gained in the process. As people were learning to once again, open themselves to energies from people for example, such as can be found in expression of admiration, gratitude, praise and so forth ("You are beautiful." "You are intelligent." etc), they finally were able to derive what can only be described as long needed "nutrition" for their energy bodies which expressed itself in very different mental states, body postures and thoughts after an EmoTrance treatment. But this extended much, much further than just "positive" energies. Allowing negative forms of incoming energies into the energy body too, to be moved through the requisite channels and systems, in, through and out


The AMT Yearbook 2003 produced even more profound state changes and shifts in return. Being able to handle an incoming (or self generated) thought form energy such as, "You are ugly." and to simply trance it through and out directly causes people to feel stronger, much more balanced, much less afraid of criticism and of failure, more determined and more resourceful.

Playing in "The Oceans Of Energy" Doing EmoTrance to release easily and without much ado (because we are working directly with the energy/physical body and NOT in the head with thoughts, metaphors or other logical contortions) old burdens, blockages, shards, hurts and pain, does a number of very beneficial things for a person. Firstly, users and practitioners of EmoTrance report that they become far more attuned to what is happening in their bodies and how their emotional states are actually expressed in their body. This is a very grounding and healing change of attention and for many, a first re-connection to how much their bodies have been crying out to them for help and release at last. Further, in the act of learning or re-learning to move these energies and to let them flow, every person who practises EmoTrance begins to learn about the actual realities of their own energy body - where the main channels are in their body, main centres and entry and exit points for energies and much, much more besides. Secondly, and once we start moving beyond immediate trauma and emotional drama reduction, it becomes very clear just how much energy there is around us for us to use to heal, grow, have, be and do. Opening oneself and "drinking in a sunrise" fully and completely, for example, is an extraordinary experience and physiological sensation. Opening oneself fully to energies from plant life, from animals, from the sun and the sky, from the Earth and indeed, from every little thing around us makes every day quite extraordinary and provides literally ENDLESS and totally abundant sources of energy for life, work and play. Learning to "take the energy from a thing" rather than trying to possess or ingest or own the thing itself is a wonderful gift in and of itself - it can satisfy needs and wants that were previously totally out of reach and even


The AMT Yearbook 2003 out of possibility and has inordinate applications for addictions of all kinds, and even radically reduces food and shopping bills into the bargain! There is also the magical aspect of deliberately raising energies such as, "I am a healer" and being able to trace and track any blockages, smooth them out and have this - and basically, ANY - form of energy flow powerfully and very intentionally through our systems.

Endless Possibilities, Endless Applications EmoTrance is at its most basic level, an incredibly simple and intuitive method because it relies upon naturally existing systems of the human totality - the intention of the conscious mind, the feedback devices of emotion and sensation from the physical and energy bodies and the cooperation of the unconscious systems and the body mind. Simply put, bodies love EmoTrance. Because it is entirely natural and following the direct evidence of physiological feedback, EmoTrance is amazingly easy to learn and easy to do. As EmoTrance is entirely and strictly focussed on the movement of energy in, through and out the energy body, it is "content free" in the best sense of the word and can be applied to just about anything that humans can think, worry or feel pain about - this includes past resolution, forgiveness, bereavement, relationship issues, old wounds, burdens and pains, current instabilities, feelings "in the moment", and all things future related, including goal setting, planning, self identity and so much more besides. For psychologists and psychotherapists, EmoTrance can be the bridge into energy psychology and healing as it does not require touching, tapping, or muscle testing and although it is in effect, a pure energy healing modality it is also close enough to a "talking therapy" to be easily accepted and accessible. For healers of any kind, EmoTrance offers a new doorway to exploring energy healing with direct feedback rather than to have to guess or rely on intuition. It does not demand any special talents or abilities from either the healer or their partner in healing, and represents a beautiful, experientially based system for a healer to develop their natural healing skills which everyone is blessed with simply by having been born to be human.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 The EmoTrance systems and techniques are not at all an end product but rather, a starting point and learning tool to how much more we can all do, be, have, achieve and experience right here, right now - simply by relearning to use the systems we already have and once again, stepping back into a true appreciation of the Even Flow. To learn more about EmoTrance, please visit

A Simple EmoTrance Trial for You First, can you accept the idea that any feeling or sensation that does not have an actual physical reason for being there in the now (for example, something really pushing you, or your heart beating strongly because you are really running) is the result of an underlying disturbance in your energy body that gets transmitted straight to your awareness through the “feelings” system of the physical body? If the answer is yes, then we can proceed. The basic idea of EmoTrance is that all energy needs to flow, and that we have specific channels in our body to take the energies of the Universe in, through and out. When this energy flow gets blocked or disturbed badly enough, we feel pain – normally emotional pain as we think of it but there are always corresponding body sensations, such as a pressure in the head, butterflies in the stomach, a weight on the chest, a tension in the back of the neck and so on. As intention works beautifully and very effectively with energy flow, we can simply encourage the flow of any incoming energy through its rightful channels. Now, most people who see an EmoTrance demonstration for the first time are quite amazed and say, “But isn’t it really difficult to move energy like that? How do you know which way it wanted to go? How do you learn to do that?” The truly wonderful and surprising thing about doing this is that it is completely natural and easy – apart from a very few highly disassociated individuals who also cannot make any of the other energy therapies work (such as EFT, TFT, TAT and so forth), the vast majority of the population can just do this, without any training, any meditation, anything at all really. 55

The AMT Yearbook 2003 Even and especially small children simply respond to the suggestion or idea that this stuck thing could be softened and allowed to go where it needed to will simply nod and say, “Ok, yes, it’s beginning to move ...”

EmoTrance Self Help Protocol I would now invite you to try the following exercise for yourself. Get a piece of paper, and on that paper write down something you really don’t like to hear about yourself or that people have said to you in the past and which has caused you pain, if not agony. Good candidates are comments such as, “You are useless.” – “You are ugly.” – “You are worthless.” – “You are stupid.” – “I don’t love you anymore.” or any suchlike energy messages that you would experience as being very painful to you and best prevented from ever coming your way again. This piece of paper will broadcast the energetic message to you in the absence of a helpful other who can shout the words at you with meaning. Write out the statement in the “you” form as suggested above, turn the paper face down and take a deep breath. Now, turn it right side up, allow the energy of the statement to come to you and take note as to where you feel this in your body. If you feel nothing at all as you are reading such a statement, you will need to back up and find something really hurtful to you personally. Perhaps you have body image issues that could be used with this such as believing you have a big nose, your hips are too wide or your arms too puny. Perhaps your parents, caretakers or teachers had a particularly nasty phrase with which to hurt you on a regular basis; use that for this exercise. The important first step is to feel the response to the incoming energy in your body. With EmoTrance beginners, we use these negatives because many people are used to not paying attention to body signals of this nature or have trained themselves to block them out or ignore them completely; a heavy shot across the bows provides a clear cut experience for a first trial and that is always very useful in order to give you both the confidence and the experience to start working with more subtle forms of energies later on.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Now that we have located the place where you feel these sensations in your body we turn our attention to this erea. You might like to place your hands on that place to help you keep your focus and now, consider that these sensations are simply caused by a disturbance or blockage in your energy body and that the channels absolutely exist to move this energy in, through and out very successfully. Pay attention and ask yourself, “Where would this energy like to go?” Most people get an immediate idea – it might want to go up or down, left or right, it matters not. If you do not get such an indication, read your statement again to bring the sensations right back to full strength and this time, be ready to soften the energy which is causing these physical sensations (when there is actually nothing physically visible at all touching you in physicality) around the edges, just a little bit, like a little steam would come off a block of ice and as it rises, it will show you the channels that were supposed to take this energy if it was in flow (but cannot take or transport this energy in the form of a big blocked up ice cube, if you will). Then, you let it soften more and flow out entirely. It is helpful to support the movement of the energy by moving your hands with it, and to describe aloud what you feel happening and where it is as it moves. Repeat this process until you can look at the statement on the paper, and the energy flows freely and readily into you, through the requisite channels and out, leaving you feeling energised and entirely undisturbed by this particular form of energy. If you have a friend to try this with, so much the better – they can say the statement repeatedly to you and also help you move the energy with their intention too. Have a play – EmoTrance is easy, natural and amazingly versatile. Best of all, you cannot do it wrong and it becomes a habit so that emotions that used to disturb you will simply flow away without even having to pay much attention with a bit of practise.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 You can also draw in energy from just about anything around you, and don’t forget to play with positive statements. Try it in the mirror with affirmations and make them really flow through your system. The possibilities of healing and growth are really quite endless. Delighted to share this simple but very, very useful system with you, All the best, Silvia Hartmann, PhD ____________________________________________________________ * EmoTrance™ Practitioner Training & Trainers Training in conjunction with The 3rd European Energy Therapies & Psychology Conference, Brighton, August 8-10, 2003 See Trainings & Events for further details. * Related Manual – Oceans Of Energy The Patterns & Techniques of EmoTrance, Vol. 1 See Training Manuals & Training Materials for details.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

BSFF – Be Set Free Fast Larry Nims Dr Larry Nims, PhD. is a clinical psychologist who developed the BSFF system over a period of time, noting that the unconscious mind can make the adjustments that physical tapping on the points achieves, if it is so instructed. BE SET FREE FAST™ (BSFF™) is a highly focused Energy Therapy method for eliminating the negative emotional roots and self-limiting belief systems which are embedded in the subconscious mind, and which are "locked" together by specific energy circuits. These unresolved negative emotions and beliefs create and maintain psychological and physical symptoms which can result in life adjustment, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual problems, including medical, and health problems. BE SET FREE FAST is a descriptive acronym for "Behavioral & Emotional Symptom Elimination Training for Resolving Excess Emotion: Fear, Anger, Sadness & Trauma." BSFF readily eliminates the same emotionally-based problems as all of the Energy Therapies. It is believed that BSFF works at deeper psychological levels than other Energy Therapies by specifically and purposefully treating the unresolved emotional roots and the belief systems which are operating automatically in the person's subconscious mind. Please visit the BSFF website for further information:


The AMT Yearbook 2003

BSFF Theory Problems are caused by unresolved negative emotions and beliefs Thoughts, feelings and behaviours are controlled and limited by subconscious programming. Beliefs determine the purpose, timing, duration, and frequency of psychological symptoms and behaviours. Dysfunctional belief systems and emotional roots must be eliminated in order to achieve psychological freedom. A complete history of all psychological issues is recorded in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is our obedient "faithful servant." Subconscious information can be accurately accessed through skilful use of muscle-testing and clinical insights. Conscious identification of a problem is not necessary for effective treatment. Notice it - treat it! Every specific problem, including psychological reversals, can be eliminated instantly with a single treatment. BSFF can effectively treat every psychological, physical, or spiritual problem that has emotional roots. In BSFF, a “problem” is defined as a set of unresolved negative feelings that arise from a long series of traumatic and emotionally painful experiences. An “issue” is a set of problems, which occur together. These experiences begin in the early months of life, even before we can verbalize them. I refer to these experiences and to the associated accumulated negative feelings simply as “emotional roots,” which eventually have gotten locked together with a belief system. The belief system then makes the “problem” occur at a specific time, for a specific duration, with a specific intensity, for a very specific purpose, and to assure a precise and specific outcome. It makes no difference that you


The AMT Yearbook 2003 consciously and logically might prefer a different outcome. Your subconscious mind does this on “automatic pilot.” That is, the belief system essentially says to your subconscious mind: “Do this, at this time, and make this happen in my experience. That is, in my mind (or in my body/emotions/spirit/work/finances/success/skill development/athletic performance/achievement/relationships, etc.)” Whenever the triggering situation occurs in your experience, your subconscious mind, as your neutral “faithful servant,” immediately recreates the unpleasant problem or personal limitation. There can be many layers or levels of secondary, tertiary, and even deeper sets of problems that accompany any problem that we consciously notice. These hidden problems indirectly help to set up or feed into the consciously detected or identified problem. With just one use of your cue word all levels of roots and beliefs involved with each treated problem are eliminated simultaneously, along with the identified problem that you intend to treat. No matter how many emotional roots are involved, your “faithful servant” (your subconscious, psychological mind) will eliminate all of the roots and the belief system at all levels for each individual problem that you treat. Amazingly, this constitutes the entire BSFF treatment. Notice that your subconscious mind does all of the actual treatment work. You just cue it to do so by using your word(s) and by your intention to eliminate the problem.” Now, choose a word or short phrase that you want to use for your cue to your subconscious mind.

Choosing a cue word: Now choose a single word, or a very short phrase that you want to use as a cue to your subconscious mind. It can be any word, from any language, or you can make one up. You can then add any other cues you wish at any time by just telling your subconscious, “I am adding these words as another treatment cue.”


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Use your cues inter-changeably as your mood dictates. You cannot have too many cues for your subconscious mind to handle. You just use any one of your cues for each problem you treat. Your subconscious mind will fully accept this instruction and implement the BSFF procedure every time you use any of your cues for any specific problem. You can use as many words as you wish in your cue. But, I recommend keeping it concise so that you can do it quickly. Just one word will be fine. It may be humorous, serious, whimsical, spiritual or whatever. Or, you can have a variety of cues. It can be in any language. The following are some examples of cues that my clients are using: Freedom Light Safety Release it. Apples. Emmanuel. Praise. Lord. God is/God you are... Now. Boom. Horse. Vanilla. Eliminate. Ocean View Love. Get outta' here! Michael and Patricia (this mother’s children). Baruch Ha Shem (which is Hebrew for Bless the Name). Any cue word or phrase that is meaningful to you will do the job instantly, right on the spot, without anyone even knowing that you are doing it, and without having to wait to BE SET FREE FAST. If you think or say any cue word in your normal activities without noticing some problem to treat, or when not consciously wanting to treat a problem, a treatment won’t automatically be initiated. So, no treatment will occur. You will simply be using the word as part of your normal language. Each person must become accustomed to doing BSFF in all types of circumstances, whether alone or with others. That simply means a little practice, plus using it to eliminate any subconscious blocks to doing it alertly and readily. Many of my clients and people around the world are using it with excellent results. You can, too. I have found that I can easily do BSFF while talking or listening, and I can still stay in touch with people and my surroundings. If someone, or something, is bugging me or causing me some stress, or if I brought some of my own “emotional junk” into the counselling situation, I can simply 62

The AMT Yearbook 2003 treat as much as necessary until I am back in balance and fully in the present situation. This instant treatment can be done so quickly that it is actually much less disruptive to my ability to be fully present with someone than if I did not treat myself immediately. Not treating it would allow the distress or the distraction to impair my attention to the client and my clinical judgment. This treatment process is usually so fast that it hardly interrupts anything. Of course, it may not be as easy to take the time to forgive yourself or someone else when you are interacting with someone. But, you can treat for any anger, at least, and do the unforgiveness later.

The BSFF Instructions to your Subconscious Mind Give this instruction only one time (ever) to your subconscious mind. It will always agree to do everything that you have told it to do for you from then on. You will never need to give these instructions again. They will continue to be operative for years, unless you tell your “faithful servant” not to do this for you anymore. (But I can’t imagine why anyone would cancel it.) Now, here is the entire set of instructions to give to your subconscious mind. “These instructions are to my subconscious mind. Whenever I consciously notice any problem that I intend for you to eliminate and I just think or speak my chosen cue/trigger word/phrase you will do the entire BSFF treatment for me for that problem. The cue that I choose to use is _________. “This means that you, my subconscious mind, will eliminate all of the negative emotional roots and all beliefs involved in each problem that I choose and intend for you to treat. You will also, simultaneously, eliminate every Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) factor that is associated with and has been triggered in each emotional root experience involved in every problem that I treat. You will thoroughly resolve these PTS effects so that they no longer cause me any sort of discomfort. The PTS factors that you will eliminate include all seven of the following negative effects on my entire human system and being. 63

The AMT Yearbook 2003 Shock to my system Trauma to my system Stress to my system Distress to my system Upset to my system Disturbance to my system Bother to my system “You will do all this for me whether or not I consciously know what the problem is, and even when I cannot identify, describe or label the problem with words. I need only consciously notice the problem that you will treat. “You will simultaneously treat and eliminate any and all other problems, at all levels of my entire life, experience and being, and at all levels of my mind, which may directly or indirectly in any way contribute to, feed into, help cause, or in any way maintain this problem that I have noticed and intend for you to treat. You will do all of this for me no matter what combination of mental, emotional, physical or spiritual experiences that I may have been having at the time each of these related problems were being established or reexperienced. “You will completely and permanently eliminate each and every problem that I treat-- whether or not I have been programmed subconsciously to keep them, to take them back, to allow them to come back, to permit them to return, or, to passively accept or receive them back in any way, shape or form. You will simultaneously also eliminate each and every problem that would make me vulnerable to any treated problem returning in any way or at any time in the future. “You will do all of this for me from now on, for any problem that I ever consciously notice and intend to treat, whenever I initiate the treatment with any one of my cues. You will do this for me with any and all cues that I ever tell you that I want to use. I simply need only to notice a problem and initiate the treatment with my thought or with my voice by using any one of my cues.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 “You will include, in every treatment, the very first to the last time that I ever experienced any and all parts of whatever problem that I am signalling you to eliminate. “Whenever I treat for any anger, judgment, criticism and unforgiveness or any other negative attitudes that I may have toward myself you will include in each of these treatments every anger and unforgiveness toward myself that I may not have treated in previous treatment sessions. You will do this update treatment work no matter how long ago I did the previous treatments. “Subconscious mind, you will always do all of these things for me from now on, no matter what condition, circumstance or situation that I am in or what problem I may be imagining or remembering. And I thank you for being my faithful servant.” This is the entire instruction to your subconscious mind. Yes, it is a long statement, and it is meant to be thoroughly comprehensive. It is crucial to eliminate everything that is in any way contributing to each problem, and leave nothing to be triggered that might signal the subconscious mind to rebuild the problem or issue. The important point is to be thorough in treating every related problem involved in the issue that you have noticed. Many situations are often a mixture of many different issues and/or individual problems. Be alert for this possibility and treat everything! Don’t leave any problems untreated that may be involved in whatever situation you are in. If any problem in an issue is left untreated, it can be a “hook” for the whole issue to be reconstructed. This has been a major limitation of all conventional psychotherapies for the past fifty years. We did not have the tools for totally and permanently eliminating all the problems involved in the person’s life. Now we do. These treatments always eliminate each problem. And they do so instantly. While it is possible for a problem to return, it is not very likely because of the thoroughness of this work. Of course, any problem can be readily treated again, as needed.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Much muscle testing and individual subjective experience has confirmed that everyone's "faithful servant" will always instantly do this entire treatment for every individual problem. Do recognize that some "issues" may be comprised of many problems. Each separate problem will need to be eliminated as well. Sometimes muscle testing will indicate that multiple problems in some issue can be eliminated simultaneously in only one Instant BSFF treatment. The important thing here is to be thorough in treating every related problem involved in the "presenting problem" that is noticed and reported by the person. "Presenting problems" often are a mixture of several different individual problems.

BE SET FREE FAST Treatment Steps Here is the exact process of doing BSFF work. Please do all ten steps in this sequential order to get the fully effective results that are possible with BSFF. If you still have questions about the procedure, please contact me. I do want you to learn to use BSFF skilfully so that you, too will get the wonderful results and freedom that it gives. 1) Notice the problem with your conscious mind. You do not have to describe, identify, or label the problem. If you have words or labels for the problem, fine, but it is not necessary for totally effective treatment. You only need consciously to notice that you have a problem. Just notice and treat. And, remember - treat everything! 2) Treat each problem. that is, think, whisper, speak, visualise, write, etc your cure word to treat that problem. Your subconscious mind does the actual treatment work - immediately and instantly - for you. It thoroughly eliminates each specific problem with just one use of your cue. Remember, your subconscious mind is always monitoring everything that you experience, including what your conscious mind is noticing and doing. It knows the entire history and purpose of each problem you are noticing, and it will faithfully respond to your intention to treat each problem when you signal your 'faithful servant' by using your cue word. 3) Treat all angers and unforgiveness that you may have toward another person at the time that you are working on problems with that relationship. 66

The AMT Yearbook 2003 Likewise, treat any anger at God, the world, or life, as it arises. And also anger at yourself. 4) Treat each problem involved in every issue until you feel a sense of peace and comfort in relationship to the problem/issue you are working on. that is, keep treating until, when you tune into it again, you have no more negative experience of any kind about it at all (in your mind, emotions, body and spirit) as you think about each problem or issue on which you are working. 5) Treat all problems that you have time for in your session, whether working with yourself or a client. Be sure to treat every problem involved in each issue that you work on during your session. This includes treating for any anger or unforgiveness (as it comes up) toward each person that you are working on. 6) Treat for these common problems. They appear for everyone, due to old subconscious programming in all of us. Treat all possible variation of these 'stoppers' that you or your client may have. •

I am afraid that these treatments won't work for me.

I am afraid that these treatments won't last.

I doubt that they will work

I doubt that they will last.

I don't trust myself to do things effectively in these new ways.

I doubt my ability to live these changes out in my life.

Notice that self-doubt and self-distrust are extremely common problems in everyone. So, treat every instance of these that you can discover. 7) At the end of each treatment session it is imperative to clear up all anger and unforgiveness toward yourself that is related to the problems you have been working on in that session. 8) forgive yourself for all of the problems that you have been working on in that session. Again, do just one forgiveness treatment for the combined total of unforgivenesses toward yourself in all the problems you have been working on in that session. Your subconscious mind has been instructed to


The AMT Yearbook 2003 treat all angers and unforgivenesses toward yourself each time that you treat for them. 9) Use whatever spiritual method you have to clear up (in your relationship to your Creator/God) the negative spiritual effects of the judgmental, critical and unforgiving attitudes you have been holding with the problems you have just treated. This is crucial in order to help insure that treated problems do not return. 10) Dust yourself off, get up, and go enjoy your new freedom! Azp anything else that comes up as you go on in your life of new freedom and personal effectiveness. There are other things to learn about using BSFF that can deepen this work, for example, the "Fail-Safe" treatment sequence and the treatments for self-image and self-confidence. But, you can do far more with just this simple method than you ever could before. Study the BSFF Manual. TAke a BSFF training. You will discover many ideas, strategies, examples and methods for being set free and for creating your new life of freedom and choice. Use BSFF for everything. Keep using it. You will be delighted with what you can do with it to help yourself. Now, with BSFF, you can eliminate unresolved problems quickly and thoroughly. That's it. BSFF is deceptively simple, yet very profound in its effectiveness. Just do the treatments thoroughly for each issue and you will have wonderful results for most every type of problem, including many physical symptoms and illnesses. Keep in mind that you do not have to believe that BSFF works in order to be hugely successful with it. It does work. We simply did not know how to use the concepts before in such elegant and effective ways.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 So, go for it! You do not have to settle for the vast majority of psychological and physical problems, post-traumatic stress, and personal limitations that have been programmed into your subconscious mind. Now you can do the thorough treatment work that you have always wanted to do - with yourself and for others. I am very excited and deeply gratified to bring this wonderful treatment method to you. It is a gift from God to you and to me. It is my fervent desire that you will use BSFF and BE SET FREE FAST. May you be as blessed I am with it. Warmly, Larry Larry Nims, PhD Introduction to BSFF Workshop in conjunction with the 3rd European Energy Psychology & Energy Therapies Conference, Brighton, August 8-10 * Related Manual: The BSFF Training Manual See Training Manuals & Training Materials for further details.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

TFT – Thought Field Therapy Roger Callahan Roger J. Callahan, PhD, Founder and developer of the Callahan Techniques® Thought Field Therapy, is a clinical psychologist. A graduate of the University of Michigan, he received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Syracuse University. Dr. Callahan is author of It Can Happen to You: The Practical Guide to Romantic Love (a Book-of-the-Month Club selection), The Callahan Anxiety Pictures (a projective test to measure anxiety), the Five Minute Phobia Cure (published in USA - Enterprise, France & Germany), The Anxiety Addiction Connection (published in USA, France & Germany), The Rapid Treatment of Panic, Agoraphobia and Anxiety, and Why Do I Eat When I’m Not Hungry? (Doubleday and Avon), Stop the Nightmares of Trauma (Professional Press), with Forward by Jack Canfield, co-author Chicken Soup for Soul® Series, and the newly released Tapping the Healer Within (Contemporary/McGraw-Hill). This latest book is soon to be released in the United Kingdom and Japan. Past President of the American Academy of Psychologists in Marital and Family Therapy and the Michigan Society of School Psychologists, Dr. Callahan has taught at the University of Michigan and Syracuse University. He was an Associate Professor at Eastern Michigan University, a Research and Clinical Psychologist at Michigan’s Wayne County Training School, and he is a current Fellow of the American Academy of Psychotherapists Treating Addiction. Dr. Callahan has had private psychotherapy practices in Detroit, New York, Los Angeles, Indian Wells, and La Quinta, California. Dr. Callahan has demonstrated the Callahan Techniques® Thought Field Therapy on radio and television shows all over the USA including Good Morning America, Cable Network News(CNN) and Evening Magazine, Regis Philbin, Tom Snyder, and LEEZA as well as many others. Phil


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Donahue devoted an entire program to Dr. Callahan and his work on "amouraphobia". Currently licensed in New York and California, Dr. Callahan heads the Thought Field Therapy Training Center in La Quinta, California (a Palm Springs community). The TFT Training Center conducts trainings in Callahan Techniques® TFT and publishes a quarterly newsletter, The Thought Field. Dr. Callahan is Chairman of the Board for the professional organization Association for Thought Field Therapy.

An Introduction To Thought Field Therapy™ By Peter Delves Roger Callahan is one of the true pioneers in the field of psychology for developing Thought Field Therapy (TFT). TFT introduces the whole notion of subtle energy systems into the psychotherapeutic process. For some, this can be hard to rationalise, because it is beyond their existing belief system. Nevertheless the results are impressive, whether you believe it can work or not.

A Turning Point in the History of Psychology First a story. Callahan was a psychologist who had a “traditional” practice; while at the same time studying applied kinesiology. One of his clients was a woman called Mary who had a phobia of water. Callahan had worked with her for over a year using cognitive and behavioural approaches to try and relieve the problem. This had achieved only limited success. Mary had commented on uncomfortable feelings in her stomach even just thinking of water. From his Applied Kinesiology training, Callahan knew that there was a meridian of energy associated with the stomach which had an acupuncture point just beneath the eye. He decided to tap that point with his finger to see if he could relieve the feelings in the stomach. The story goes that after a few taps Mary exclaimed that it had gone and they went out of the house and down to Callahan’s swimming pool! There she proceeded to reach down and splash her hand in the water. The phobia had 71

The AMT Yearbook 2003 disappeared completely. This heralded the birth of Thought Field Therapy. Some 20 years later, Mary is still free of the phobia and has appeared on various US TV programmes telling this story. Callahan recognised that simply tapping one point would not always produce the desired results so he proceeded to develop procedures, or algorithms, for tapping different sequences of points depending on the problem to be resolved. Callahan maintains that the correct sequence of points is important. This became the basis of Thought Field Therapy or Callahan Techniques®. Therefore there are different points and sequences for issues such as trauma, addictive cravings, pain relief, anxiety, depression, panic, phobias etc. Here is an example algorithm, for Traumatic Stress. ƒ

EB – Eyebrow Point


UE – Under Eye Point


UA – Under Arm Point


CB – Collar Bone Point

(For Point location, please refer to the EFT Chart)

How TFT Works According to TFT, emotional problems exist because there is disturbance or “perturbation” in the thought field of energy. Before tapping any points, the client has to think about the problem or “tune in” to the specific thought field. The tapping then clears the perturbation and restores balance. By balancing the thought field in this way, the emotional problem is released. Callahan discovered that treatment could be inhibited if the polarity of a person’s energy were in a state of reversal; something he called “psychological reversal” or PR. He developed ways of correcting PR, making the overall effectiveness of TFT even greater. If a problem returns after treatment then a TFT diagnostically trained therapist will suspect energy toxins being present, and test for whichever toxin is causing the problem. Energy toxins can be anything you come into 72

The AMT Yearbook 2003 contact with, either through eating, drinking, touching or inhaling. Once identified, the toxin can be avoided so that TFT treatment can be resumed successfully. Callahan has also developed an approach called Voice Technology™ which he claims improves success rates, by being an even more accurate diagnostic tool. Some of the people who trained with Callahan in the early days went on to adapt the techniques. Gary Craig, for instance developed Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) which gives less importance to the notion of energy toxins, specific sequences of tapping points and the TFT diagnostic methods. However Callahan continues to maintain that the highest success rates will only be achieved when the correct sequences are used and diagnostic methods are employed. For Further Information About TFT & The Callahan Techniques, Please Visit


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Allergy Antidotes Sandi Radomski Sandi Radomski, N.D., L.C.S.W., M.S.S.W. is a psychotherapist and naturopathic doctor. Her background includes teaching in the medical school at the University of Wisconsin for 8 years, doing biofeedback with pain patients for 10 years and conducting research in psychoneruoimmunology with children with cancer. Her experience in energy work includes TFTdx, EFT, TAT, and BSFF, and techniques from allied fields including NAET, TBM, Biokinetics, NET and JMT. Currently specializing in allergy work, Sandi has written the manual Allergy Antidotes™, The Energy Psychology Treatment of Allergy-Like Reactions. Allergy Antidotes™ is a comprehensive system to identify and eliminate the physical and emotional symptoms caused by substance sensitivities. Sophisticated muscle testing procedure pinpoints hidden sensitivities. Five basic treatment protocols utilize Energy Psychology principles to reprogram the patient’s body to no longer react negatively to the offending substances. Contact: Tel 215-885-7917, Fax 215-572-1175, [email protected]

Allergy Antidotes: Identifying & Treating the Psychoenergetic Effects of Energy Toxins Are your energy psychology treatments as effective as you would like them to be? Do you, your family members, or some of your clients have vague, confusing, or undiagnosed emotional or physical symptoms? The solutions to these problems can be found in the Allergy AntidotesTM system. Allergy AntidotesTM is a comprehensive system for assessing, identifying and treating the psychoenergetic effects of energy toxins. Allergy Antidotes stems from the discoveries of Dr. Roger Callahan, founder of Thought Field Therapy (TFT). Seeking to understand those rare


The AMT Yearbook 2003 cases when TFT failed to eliminate symptoms as well as when negative symptoms reoccurred, Dr. Callahan discovered that certain people undergo psychological reversal and treatment failure when exposed to substances to which they are particularly sensitive. Callahan calls these substances “energy toxins” since they are poisonous to or weaken the body’s energy system. While Callahan advocates avoiding these problem substances, for many people this is often difficult, impossible or undesirable. For example, it is difficult to avoid dust, perfumes or formaldehyde. It is impossible to avoid hormones or implants in one’s own body and it is dangerous to avoid vitamins or minerals. The Allergy AntidotesTM system presents an easy to learn, non-invasive treatment method for eliminating the physical and emotional symptoms caused by exposure to these reactive substances.

Allergy AntidotesTM is a 3 step process: 1. Assess whether substance sensitivities are a possible cause of symptoms. 2. Identify specific reactive substances. 3. Use energy psychology techniques to reprogram the body to no longer react negatively to the reactive substances. The Allergy AntidotesTM two day workshop teaches all three steps of the process. In addition to lecture and demonstration, hands-on practice makes participants comfortable and ready to immediately begin integrating techniques into their practice. Each step in the process can be greatly beneficial for your clients. 1. Assessing Symptoms Reactions to various substances can produce a myriad of symptoms including ADD, anxiety, depression, arthritis, respiratory problems, menstrual difficulties, digestive problems, chronic fatigue, brain fog, panic attacks, headaches, weight gain, learning disabilities, hyperactivity, and aches and pains. Severity of symptoms runs the gamut from nasal congestion to psychosis. As clinicians, our job is to assess whether a patient’s symptoms may be a response to a substance. It is important to 75

The AMT Yearbook 2003 ask whether the symptoms are better or worse at particular times of the day, week, month, or year, and dependent on what a person is doing or eating. Merely being open to the possibility that a sensitivity reaction may be causing symptoms can alter our evaluation of a client’s behaviors. 2. Identification of Energy Toxins Any symptom can be from a substance sensitivity. In turn, any substance can potentially weaken the body’s energy system. Possible culprits range from toxic chemicals such as petrochemicals, to non-toxic substances such as eggs and vitamin C. Since everything is suspect, a methodical system is required to assess whether a particular substance is weakening a person’s energy system. Energy toxins can be easily identified using non-invasive muscle testing. This variety of muscle testing, adapted from Applied Kinesiology, involves the patient holding or thinking about different substances while applying consistent pressure to the patient’s outstretched arm. If the arm “gives way” it is an indication that the held substance is weakening the muscle energy system. Identification of an energy toxin alone can afford a higher quality of life for a sensitive person who can now avoid the reactive substance. However, in those cases where avoidance of the substance is difficult, impossible or undesirable it is necessary to alter the body’s reaction to the substance. 3. Treatment of Substance Sensitivities Energy psychology treatments help to reprogram the body so that it no longer reacts negatively to the substance. The reprogrammed body no longer views the substance as a poison. All treatments are done with the patient’s focus on the reactive substance. The patient holds the substance, or holds a tube with the energetic signature of the substance, or holds piece of paper with the name of the


The AMT Yearbook 2003 substance, or says or thinks about the substance. Stimulating acupuncture points eliminates the energy imbalance in relation to that substance, thereby ending the body’s negative reaction. Clearing the effects of energy toxins is analogous to TFT and EFT treatments to eliminate negative emotions. The reactive substance causes changes in the body’s energy system similar to the disturbance caused by a negative emotion, thought or scene. The energy system is then balanced in relation to the substance by stimulating specific acupuncture points as is done in TFT and EFT. Other treatment modalities utilize reflex points or various points of the body to again regain balance of the body in relation to the offending substance. In summary, energy psychology practitioners can easily integrate the Allergy AntidotesTM system into their practices. We already see many clients who suffer from the detrimental effects of energy toxins. We have the clinical skills to do detective work to uncover possible reactive substances. And we know the muscle testing skills to identify specific substance sensitivities. Finally, we are experienced in using energy psychology techniques to balance the body’s energy system. Using these techniques will improve the effectiveness of our work. Sandi Radomski

* Allergy Antidotes Training With Sandi Radomski In Conjunction with The 3rd European Energy Therapies & Psychology Conference, Brighton, August 8-10, 2003 See Trainings & Events for further details. * Related Manual – The Allergy Antidotes Training Manual See Training Manuals & Training Materials for details.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Further Meridian Energy Therapies Systems Meridian Energy Therapies and Energy Psychology have provided the breakthrough into whole new levels of effectiveness for many dedicated researchers and specialists from many diverse backgrounds of mind-body healing. In this section we are introducing just some of the many varied and specialist approaches which are making full use of the power of the new paradigm healing systems to resolve old burdens and problems. Although these systems and treatment methods come under many different names, they all have in common that they treat the energy system in order to give relief from long standing physical and emotional pain.

Seemorg Matrix Work Asha Nahoma Clinton Asha Nahoma Clinton LCSW, PhD was impelled to become a therapist and healer after a near-terminal illness. After years of private practice, she felt dissatisfied with the "sadder but wiser" results of traditional psychotherapy. She learned various forms of healing, became a practicing student of Buddhism and Sufism, and learned the emerging energy psychology techniques. Seemorg Matrix Work is the synthesis of more than twenty years of training and clinical practice. A former Princeton University professor, Dr. Clinton is internationally known for her clarity and insight as a presenter and supervisor, and her skilfulness in treating trauma, abuse, physical illness, and spiritual blockage. Her Seemorg Matrix Manual - Level 1 was published in 1999. For further information, please visit


The AMT Yearbook 2003

CHART Conscious Healing and Repatterning Therapy Paula Shaw Paula Shaw, C.A.D.C. a graduate of Long Beach State University in Education and Communications, taught Elementary School, worked in Sales and Marketing for an Idaho ski resort, and was a Location Manager for Motion Pictures before going back to school to do her training for Alcohol and Drug Counselling. In addition, she did specialty training at Loyola Marymount University and became a Certified Grief Specialist. Grief became the central focus of her work because it is so critical an issue in addictive dysfunctional behaviour. As Director of Outreach Programs for the Grief Recovery Institute, she started the first weekly Grief Recovery support groups in the San Gabriel and San Fernando Valleys. She moved on to develop a private practice and her own Grief Support programs called Beyond Loss. Over the years they have helped hundreds of people, many of whom are recovering alcoholics and addicts. In addition, she conducts Grief workshops and trainings for nurses, social workers, and therapists that focus on giving these professionals skills that enable them to work with grieving people. Paula also developed a speciality program for teachers called "Kids 'N' Crisis," which empowers them to deal effectively with the emotional impact of crisis on children. Paula added Holographic Repatterning to her tool bag in 1997. It opened her awareness to how quickly and effectively Energy work could shift people with all kinds of issues. Particularly exciting to her was the success with loss, loneliness, and self-esteem issues that are major contributors to the development of self-destructive, addictive behaviours. Attendance at the International Energy Psychology Conference in May of 1999 initiated a whole new level of interest and emphasis in her work. She now uses Energy work with nearly all of her clients and has developed her own Energy Psychology system called Conscious Healing And Repatterning Therapy (CHART). For further information, please visit


The AMT Yearbook 2003

EDxTM – Energy Diagnostic & Treatment Methods Dr. Fred P. Gallo Fred Gallo, Ph. D., developer of EDxTM, has been a psychotherapist and psychologist for over 28 years and has specialized in the applications of neo-cognitive therapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Ericksonian Hypnosis, EMDR, TFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and a variety of energy-based therapies. He has authored many professional papers and articles that focus on TFT and other breakthrough therapies in publications such as The Electronic Journal of Traumatology, Anchor Point, and The Family Therapy Networker. He is the author of Energy Psychology and Energy Diagnostic and Treatment Methods and edited Energy Psychology in Psychotherapy. Dr. Gallo has been training professionals in Energy Therapies since 1980.

An Introduction to EDxTM Founded by Fred P. Gallo, Ph.D., Energy Diagnostic and Treatment Methods is an advanced energy causal diagnostic and treatment system, incorporating principles of applied kinesiology, bioenergy, consciousness, and cognition to efficiently treat a wide array of psychological problems. EDxTM involves manual muscle testing, enhanced intuition, and techniques to assist practitioners in tailoring interventions to rapidly alleviate psychological problems, including anxiety, panic, PTSD/trauma, depression, personality disorders, addiction, overweight, relationship problems, physical pain conditions, blocks to peak performance, and a wide range of other conditions. Embedded in the assumption that bioenergy operates at the very essence of physical and psychological health, EDxTM offers means of assessing bioenergy information, thus aiding the practitioner in applying precise interventions to efficiently alleviate the affective and cognitive components


The AMT Yearbook 2003 of the targeted condition. EDxTM also involves elevating thought recognition and consciousness so as to promote ongoing well being. EDxTM includes power tools that can be used in concert with many other therapeutic approaches. Many practitioners have integrated EDxTM with psychodynamic approaches, transactional analysis, cognitive-behavioral therapy, couples and family therapy, etc. EDxTM significantly enhances the practitioner's effectiveness and efficacy in providing therapy, consultation, peak performance enhancement, and education. For Further Information, Please Visit

HBLU – Healing From The Body Level Up Judith Swack Judith Swack Ph.D. is a biochemist, immunologist and a Neuro-Linguistic programmer. She is the originator and developer of an innovative, rapid, and powerful new mind/body/spirit methodology called Healing from the Body Level UpSM (HBLU). Judith Swack developed HBLU by integrating biomedical science, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, psychology, applied kinesiology, energy psychology techniques, shamanic techniques, and spiritual practices. She combined these techniques with her original research on the structure of complex damage patterns and did years of follow-up testing to confirm the results. For further information, please visit


The AMT Yearbook 2003

TEST – Thought Energy Synchronisation Therapy Gregory J Nicosia Dr Gregory J. Nicosia, Ph.D., B.C.F.E. is a licensed psychologist and the founder of Advanced Diagnostics, P.C., Pittsburgh's premiere center for the thought energy based psychotherapeutic treatment of trauma and remediation of cognitive dysfunction. He has helped to explore and elaborate the newest psychotherapies in the last 25 years including biofeedback and behavioral medicine, EMDR, and most recently Thought Field Therapy. Dr. Nicosia has trained thousands of healthcare professionals throughout the U.S. in the use of TFT, and in his more recently developed Thought Energy Synchronization Therapy diagnostic and treatment procedures that have significantly expanded the range of effective application of energy psychology. He has authored a score of professional papers and articles, including publications on TFT and EMDR and was nominated as Pittsburgh Man of the Year in Science and Medicine for 1997. Dr. Nicosia is a Member of the American Psychological Association, a Fellow of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association and the American College of Forensic Examiners, and a Member of the Board of Directors of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology. For further information please visit


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Testing, Testing: The Role of Muscle Testing in Energy Psychology By Susan Courtney On a balmy evening in the mid-1970’s, successful California psychologist, Dr Roger Callahan, was giving a barbecue. One friend and colleague arrived late, because he’d spent the day at a training in a new approach called Applied Kinesiology. "Wait until you see this" he said, full of enthusiasm for the new techniques he’d been learning. "Hold out your arm and keep it there. Now think about something you enjoy." Callahan did so, while his friend pressed down on his arm, which easily held firmly horizontal. "Now think about something that disturbs you." Much to his surprise, Callahan found that he could no longer hold his arm up against his friend’s pressure. Intrigued by this graphic and practical demonstration of the mind-body connection, Callahan undertook the 100-hour AK training himself. Applied Kinesiology was developed in the late 1960’s by the brilliant American chiropractor Dr. George Goodheart, who developed a diagnosis and treatment system based on correspondences between specific muscles and the organs, acupuncture meridians, neuro-lymphatic reflexes and other systems of the human body. From his understanding of AK, his long experience in many psychological approaches, and his further work with Australian psychiatrist John Diamond, who added emotional correspondences and affirmations to Goodheart’s map, Callahan developed Thought Field Therapy, and fathered the field of Energy Psychology, which now has many offspring and includes cousins of many different lineages. Muscle testing is a simple way of using the mind-body connection to access information from parts of ourselves beyond the conscious mind. It is used by many, but by no means all, practitioners, in a variety of ways and for a variety of different purposes, from identifying the problem to 83

The AMT Yearbook 2003 developing personalised treatment sequences, from uncovering the root causes of a problem to determining which treatment will be most suitable, from diagnosing psychological reversal to measuring progress. The basic principle involved, which has been validated by neuro-muscular research, is that when we make a statement which our system experiences as true, the muscle being tested will stay strong against pressure. When we experience the statement as false, the muscle will apparently lose strength. In fact the muscle itself does not weaken, but the strength of the signals stimulating the muscle appears to be diminished. There are many different muscles that may be used (and some people prefer to use a dowsing technique). Here is an introduction to the basic technique

Muscle-Testing Preparations •

Have both client and therapist drink sufficient water to ensure they are not dehydrates, which will interfere with successful testing

Focus your intention on valid results. Disengage expectations

Do not make eye contact just before or during testing

Check that the client has no injuries to the neck, shoulder or arm that would make testing uncomfortable.

Basic Muscle-Testing Technique In order to get a feel for each client's uniquely individual muscle-responses and to ensure that their system is sufficiently clear of psychological reversals and polarity switching to allow accurate testing, calibrate using the following steps.


Ask the client to hold one arm straight out to the side, palm down, hand open

The therapist may stand behind or in front of the client. Place one hand on the client’s opposite shoulder for stability

To get a feel for this client’s muscle-strength, ask them to say ‘Yes’

Instruct them to hold their arm steady

The AMT Yearbook 2003 •

Place 2 fingers on the client’s outstretched arm, just above the wrist and press down with about 2 pounds of pressure for about 2 seconds. This will give you a feel for their strong response

Instruct the client to say ‘No’

Tell them to Hold,

Press down again with 2 fingers, for 2 seconds with 2 pounds of pressure. This will give you a feel for their weak response. This is not a contest of strength,

Muscle-testing is a collaboration between therapist and client to develop a common vocabulary for accessing information from the body. Only enough pressure and resistance are necessary to be able to tell the difference between a strong and weak response. Continue this calibration exercise by asking them to say several true/false statements, testing each one •

2+2=4 2+2=5

My name is (give false name) My name is (give true name)

The sun is shining It’s dark now

You can support the client’s arm between statements. Allow them to lower their arm and rest at times so they don’t tire. Or switch arms when they do. One further test is for polarity switching, which can interfere with accurate muscle testing. •

Ask the client to put one hand above her head, palm down.

Test the other arm. This should test strong.

Have the client flip the hand above the head over so it is palm up.

Test again. This should be weak.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 If at any point in the testing you have had confused responses (strongstrong; weak-weak; or reversed – weak where you expect strong), then there are energy imbalances present, and corrections are needed.

Energy Imbalance Corrections Dehydration is the most common cause of muscle-testing problems, so first have both you and your client drink water, then test again. This should clear most difficulties. The Zip-Up, Cook’s Hookups and Three Polarities Unswitching are other helpful corrections.

Zip-Up •

Have the client place one hand level with the pubic bone, palm towards the body.

Have them draw the hand up in a zipping motion to the lower lip.

Move the hand away from the body before lowering it so as not to unzip again.

Cook’s Hook-Ups


Cross the left ankle over the right

Extend arms out in front and cross right over left.

Clasp hands and draw them down and in to rest on the chest

Relax and breathe gently and deeply for about a minute

The AMT Yearbook 2003

Three Polarities Unswitching •

Have the client place three fingers in their navel and keep them there throughout the procedure

With the other hand, tap simultaneously on both collarbone points (just below the collarbone and just outside the central notch) for about 10 seconds

Then tap under the nose for about 10 seconds

Then tap under the lower lip for about 10 seconds

Then tap (or rub) the centre of the coccyx, just above the cheeks of the buttocks

These should correct most problems with muscle-testing.

Testing for General Reversal •

Ask the client to say, ‘I want to be well and happy’

Test. (We expect them to test strong)

Ask the client to say ‘I want to be miserable’

Test. (We expect them to test weak)

If the results are reversed, they are said to have a general reversal (sometimes referred to as a global, or massive reversal). To correct for this, have them rub the tender spot on the chest (between the breast and the collarbone) while repeating three times Even with all my problems and limitations, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. It is possible to test any of a number of other muscles in the body, and it is also possible to self-test.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Self-Testing The principles in self-testing are the same as in testing others. One muscle is isolated and resists pressure put upon it after being challenged with a statement which may be true or false. One simple technique is the O-Ring:

O-Ring • • • •

Make an ‘O’ by touching the tips of the thumb and index finger of your non-dominant hand Insert the thumb an d index finger of the opposite hand into the O like a pair of closed scissors Open the ‘scissors, trying to force apart the fingers making the O. Calibrate this, by testing with yes, then no in order to determine whether the strong response is in the O fingers having the strength to remain closed or in the scissors fingers having the strength to open the O.

Muscle-Testing in Therapy There are many, many ways to use muscle-testing in therapy. Each therapist, after a period of practice, develops their own style. Remember that we are working with subtle energies, which respond to the use of intention. It is important to set a clear and consistent intention in your testing. Many therapists make an intention at the beginning of each session that the work (including muscle-testing) be for the highest good of the client. You can also make the intention, by stating it clearly aloud or silently, that the muscle-testing give you answers that are clear accurate, and helpful. Responses are most clear when testing uses statements, rather than questions, and when the statements are concrete and specific. When deciding whether to use muscle-testing in a session, it’s a good idea to begin by testing the following statements.


It’s OK and helpful to use muscle-testing It’s not OK to use muscle-testing

It’s OK and helpful to muscle-test about this issue It’s not-OK to muscle-test about this issue

The AMT Yearbook 2003 Remember always to test using paired opposite statements, for example, •

I’m afraid of heights Heights don’t frighten me

My distress level is 2 out of 10 My distress level is 0

The cause of this problem is a childhood trauma The cause of the problem is not a childhood trauma;

The most helpful treatment will be EFT, The most helpful treatment will be TAT

Always support muscle-testing with your own clinical observations and therapeutic skills. Muscle-testing is a useful skill, and one best developed by professional training and plenty of practice. AMT trainings* include a good grounding in manual muscle-testing on clients, self-testing, and surrogate testing. ____________________________________________________________ * AMT Practitioner Trainings In Conjunction with The 3rd European Energy Psychology & Energy Therapies Conference, Brighton, August 8-10, 2003 See Trainings & Events for further details.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Introducing The AMT by Silvia Hartmann, PhD, founding director The Association for Meridian Energy Therapies, The AMT, was formed in 1998 as the first non-profit umbrella organisation for the emerging field of Meridian Energy Therapies. Full membership is open to practitioners officially certified through the Association's comprehensive training programme and Associate Membership to anyone who has an interest in the wider field of Meridian Energy Therapies in both theory and practise.

The Association for Meridian Energy Therapies The AMT was formed specifically to safeguard this extraordinary field from its inception. This includes keeping the definition of Meridian Energy Therapies wide open to include not only the currently developed and developing approaches, but to encompass future developments with structural ease, thus fostering an attitude of continuing growth, exploration and innovation. The AMT is the certifying body for the Certification Trainings in comprehensive Meridian Energy Therapies. With a fully structured, encompassing training programme which includes the Practitioner level, the Advanced Practitioner level, the Master level and the Trainer's level, the AMT Certification Trainings are designed to familiarise with, and help develop towards excellence, the new practitioners in this revolutionary field. Born of the understanding that the new Meridian Energy Therapies are at every level applicable to and useful for ALL members of all societies or regions of this world, from simplified self-help versions to the specialist and intricate high-end work of professional therapists, The AMT offers resources to anyone wishing to explore and gain benefits from using the new Meridian Energy Therapies. A very important aspect of The AMT is the work of publicising the benefits and learnings inherent in this innovative field to both existing


The AMT Yearbook 2003 therapists and to the general public on a global basis. The AMT's library portal at is the central resource to this end, containing multi-lingual instruction documents in many different formats. The AMT website portal is both a catalyst and a meeting place for all the many and constantly evolving, new and different approaches to Meridian Energy Therapies and Energy Psychology. Continuously updated with new materials and the latest results and work-in-progress in the field, with international practitioner listings across the range of the METs, crosscontextual trainings and conference announcements, it provides a focal point where cross-fertilisation for the entire community takes place. The AMT sponsors the European Energy Therapies conference which is one of the most outstanding platforms for world-wide exchange of learnings, advances and new discoveries in this exciting new field.

The AMT Practitioner Certification Trainings History In 1998, a dedicated group of experienced therapists and trainers came together to create a set of trainings that would go beyond the confines of any one existing Meridian Energy Therapy system and teach the principles of theory and practice in the entire field in such a way that it would encompass all the many techniques. The main objective behind the training design is to enable practitioners to understand and use meridian energy therapies in their totality, above and beyond each of the many individual techniques - those existing now and those still to be developed in the future. To this end, information and structure were assembled and the training was created by Silvia Hartmann who brought together input, information and original materials from Silvia Hartmann, Gary Craig, Chrissie Hardisty, Willem Lammers, Susan Courtney, and Tom Bolton. In 2002, the Advanced Practitioner, Master Practitioner and Trainer's Training Programmes were added with input by Christine Sutherland, Larry Nims, Tapas Fleming, Silvia Hartmann, Willem Lammers and Susan Courtney, amongst others. 91

The AMT Yearbook 2003 The AMT trainings have since been taken by many hundreds of therapists and health workers from Europe and all around the world and are universally accepted for the thorough, cross-contextual grounding they provide in the emerging field of Meridian Energy Therapies and Energy Psychology.

The Training Design This outstanding licensed training in 8 modules consists of three interactive components that together create the understanding and competence necessary to conduct professional interventions, with an absolute focus on training a practitioner who will support others in a safe, cohesive, ethical and effective manner. These interactive components are as follows: 1. The lectures, materials and information presented by the trainer in the correct order and sequence and including unique, custom-made protocols for addiction treatments, memory retrieval, safety with clients and health issues. 2. The exercises that are designed to install the understandings received through the information presented and to bridge these understandings into practical action and congruent knowledge and ability. 3. The Certification paper, which brings a full review of the material covered in the training as well as taking the training from the learning environment and connecting it firmly to the actual practical environment of the practitioner through carefully designed questions and a client case history.

Training Contents The Practitioner Certification training pre-supposes at the minimum a working knowledge of EFT from the participants. To this end, the trainers offer introductory trainings for groups of health workers who are not yet familiar with the field, often in conjunction with or before the start of a Practitioner Training.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Contents Of The MET Practitioner Certification Training

Module 1 - Welcome to Extraordinary Healing · Course Overview · A Brief History of Meridian Therapies · Ambassador EFT · Therapeutic Applications · Teaching EFT · Circuit Work Module 2 - Contacting the Problem · Statement Formulation · Observation and Calibration Skills · Telephone Consultations · Contacting the Problem without Words Module 3 - Aspects & Testing · Working with Aspects · SUD & VOC; IE Scales · Testing Results · Treatment & Testing in Context Module 4 - Working With Memories · Safely Releasing Memories · Safety Notes - Choosing When To Refer · Dealing With Objections & Client Resistance · Pin Point Work · Phobia Protocol · The Story Release · Client Safety – Preventing & Treating Abreactions

Module 5 - Health & Physiological Symptoms · Safety Procedures · Medical Protocol · Pain Protocol · Emotional Components in Physical Manifestation · Primary Gain & Secondary Gain Module 6 - Addictions & Cravings · General Addictions Protocol · The Quick Anxiety Stopper · Conditions for Releasing Addictions · Cravings Protocol · Homework · Ecology, Future Pacing · Algorithms Module 7 - Flexible Approaches · Client-Centred Interventions · Add-On Techniques, Other Points · Advanced Techniques · Muscle Testing · Psychological Reversal · Corrections · Creating Personalised Algorithms · Short-Cuts Module 8 - Tools for Therapists · Therapist's Maintenance · Beliefs Protocol · Personal Development Applications · Transference & Projection · Structuring Treatment Sessions · Intake Forms · Homework Protocols

Practitioner Exam & Certification (Optional)


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Certification & Qualification Practitioners certified through these trainers have the right to use the letters C.P. AMT which stands for Certified Practitioner of Meridian Energy Therapies through The Association for Meridian Energy Therapies. Although this certification does not in and of itself convey license to practice counselling or psychotherapy, it is recognised to qualify an existing practitioner for additional practice insurance to cover Meridian Energy Therapies. The practitioner training is designed to provide a thorough grounding in the basic principles of the developing field of Meridian Energy Therapies and to prepare the practitioner to practice these unique forms of mind-body treatments with confidence and excellent success. It is highly recommended that this training be taken for it brings together the underlying principles of Meridian Energy therapies and is the first step towards true mastery of not just one technique, but the entire field and all its rich and varied individual contributions.

The AMT Advanced Practitioner Certification Trainings History The Advanced Practitioner Certification Training is designed to be taken no sooner than 3 month after completion of the Practitioner Training to broaden and widen the practitioner's range and scope. The Advanced Practitioner Training introduces three further and very different forms of METs, namely TAT, BSFF and ET. It also includes Advanced EFT protocols, add-ons and applications. It represents the outstanding opportunity for the practitioners who are already firmly grounded in the principles of MET work with clients to experiment, to learn and to try out many different approaches and techniques for themselves and to be able to discuss how and when to use these approaches to maximum benefit with fellow experienced professionals. 94

The AMT Yearbook 2003 The Advanced Practitioner Training also includes more information on Kinesiology muscle-testing and very importantly, energetic states and clean and precise use of language, and introduces metaphor work that in conjunction with any of the MET approaches represents some of the most powerfully healing interventions known to date. As the basics and most important core concepts of treating others with the new forms of Meridian Energy Therapies has already been established, there is no exam for the Advanced Practitioner Training. However, the trainers reserve the right to withhold or delay certification if they believe that this would be in the best interest of a participant and their clients.

The Advanced Practitioner Syllabus Module 1 – Kinesiology The Role of Kinesiology in MET Treatments Kinesiology & Energy Flow Exercises In Kinesiology Module 2 - Advanced EFT 1 Slow EFT Special Points Protocol Combination Techniques Conflict Resolution Choices Method

Module 5 - Tapas Acupressure Technique Introduction to TAT Demonstration TAT Exercises Discussion Module 6 - Be Set Free Fast Introduction to BSFF BSFF Demonstration BSFF Exercises Discussion

Module 3 - Advanced EFT 2

Module 7 - EmoTrance

Proxy (Surrogate) Work The Vortex EFT Pattern Interface Work Gauge Work

Introduction to EmoTrance ET Demonstration ET Exercises Discussion

Module 4 - Metaphor & Language

Module 8 - METs & The Public

Trance States & Clean Language Metaphor Elicitation & Use In Treatment & Testing Metaphor Exercises

Techniques & Client Preferences Conducting Introduction Workshops METs in professional practice Marketing & Promotion


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Trainer's Individuality The training contents are standardized to ensure a cohesive quality of training and yet of course, allow room for the trainer's individuality, to add their own uniqueness to the trainings and to allow the flexibility to respond to the group on the day in the most supportive fashion. Here is a list of currently licensed AMT trainers. These are the only licensed trainers in the field who are delivering these outstanding, foundational and cross-contextual trainings:



Susan Courtney (UK)


Paul Cutright (US)


Peter Delves (UK)


Christina Elvin (UK)


Lubbertus Fletcher (TH)


Kjell Försberg (SE)


Chrissie Hardisty (UK)


Silvia Hartmann (UK)


Sandra Hillawi (UK)


Joan Hitlin (US)


Marianne Källblad (SE)


Willem Lammers (CH)


Dr Michael Millett (UK)


Maya de Vries (DE)


Ananga Sivyer (UK)


Florrie Widen (SE)


Reto Wyss (CH)

The AMT Yearbook 2003

In Conclusion The AMT Certification Trainings represent a thorough and most importantly, cross-contextual grounding in working with Meridian Energy Therapies at the professional level. The AMT Certification Trainings are recognised around the world. Completion of the all-important, foundational Practitioner Level certification enables the successful participants to become a full member of the Association for Meridian Energy Therapies with all benefits and rewards this entails. For details of forthcoming trainings, please visit or consult this yearbooks listings on page 125.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Contacts & Referrals AMT Trainers Susan Courtney True Change Energy Psychology, London and Kent, England Tel: 08700 767015 Email: [email protected] Mr Peter Delves 39 Randall Road, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1JX, England Tel: 01926-856-746 Email: [email protected] Maya de Vries Kochsgut 27, 51427 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany Tel: ++49-2204 303 840 Email: [email protected] Christina Elvin 12 Kimble Close, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN4 0RF, England Tel: +44 (0)1604 768 343 Email: [email protected] Lubbertus Fletcher Sukhumvit, Bang Na Bangkok, Thailand Tel: 749 0080 Email: [email protected] Kjell Forsberg Småskolevägen 38, Lund, Sweden Tel: +46-46-323025 Email: [email protected]


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Ed Grimshaw Generative Business Solutions, 388 Mosey Sea Road, Wrightington, Wigan, WN6 9RZ, England Tel: +44 (0)1257 453 577 Email: [email protected] Chrissie Hardisty 21 Richmond Avenue Handforth, Cheshire SK93 01625 522613 Email: [email protected] Sandra Hillawi Passion for Health Centre, 96 Sydney Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 1PL England Tel: +44 (0)2392 433928 Email: [email protected] Joan Hitlin Besler Building 4053 Harlan St, #315 Emeryville, CA 94608 510 652-7089 Email: [email protected] Marianne Källblad Torstensonsgaten40 503 42 Boras, Sweden Tel: (46) 33 129618 [email protected] Michael Millett Claddagh, 1a Leopold Road, London, NW10 9LN, England Tel: ( 44|0)2084 530 426 Email: [email protected] 99

The AMT Yearbook 2003 Nicola Quinn 3 Kenya Court Windlesham Gardens Brighton , West Sussex BN1 3AU United Kingdom Email: [email protected] Ananga Sivyer Chandra PDS, Richardsons Farm, Crowhurst Lane, West Kingsdown, Kent, England Email: [email protected] Christine Sutherland Perth, Australia Tel: 61 8 9246 1977 Email: [email protected] Florrie Widen Hjortstigen 3, 18143 Lidingö, Sweden Tel: 46 8765 2407 Email: [email protected] Reto Wyss Praxis für Therapie und Coaching, Terrassenweg 33, Herzogenbuchsee, Berne, Switzerland Tel: 41 62 961 9212 Email: [email protected]


The AMT Yearbook 2003

AMT Practitioners Advanced Practitioners Susan Courtney True Change Energy Psychology, London and Kent, England Tel: 08700 767015 Email: [email protected] Mr Peter Delves 39 Randall Road, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1JX, England Tel: 01926-856746 Email: [email protected] Eilean Drysdale 21 Winds Point, Hagley, Worcs, DY9 0PL, England Tel: 01562 886635 Christina Elvin 12 Kimble Close, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN4 0RF, England Tel: +44 (0)1604 768 343 Email: [email protected] Lubbertus Fletcher Sukhumvit, Bang Na Bangkok, Thailand Tel: 749 0080 Email: [email protected] Kjell Forsberg Småskolevägen 38, Lund, Sweden Tel: +46-46-323025 Email: [email protected]


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Jo Goss 15 Gordon Street, Hopeman, Elgin, Moray, IV30 5SF, Scotland Tel: 01343 835 705 Email: [email protected] Ed Grimshaw Generative Business Solutions, 388 Mosey Sea Road, Wrightington, Wigan, WN6 9RZ, England Tel: +44 (0)1257 453 577 Email: [email protected] Chrissie Hardisty 21 Richmond Avenue Handforth, Cheshire SK93 01625 522613 Email: [email protected] Sandra Hillawi Passion for Health Centre, 96 Sydney Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 1PL, England Tel: (+44|0)2392 433928 Email: [email protected] Mary Jones The Future Starts Now, 55 Avondale Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 9JT, England Tel: +44 7803 616107 Email: [email protected]


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Marianne Källblad Torstensonsgaten40 503 42 Boras Sweden Tel: (46) 33 129618 [email protected] Michael Millett Claddagh, 1a Leopold Road, London, NW10 9LN, England Tel: ( 44|0)2084 530 426 Email: [email protected] Nicola Quinn 3 Kenya Court Windlesham Gardens Brighton, West Sussex BN1 3AU United Kingdom Email: [email protected] Ananga Sivyer Chandra PDS, Richardsons Farm, Crowhurst Lane, West Kingsdown, Kent, England Email: [email protected] Christine Sutherland Perth, Australia Tel: 61 8 9246 1977 Email: [email protected] Florrie Widen Hjortstigen 3, 18143 Lidingö, Sweden Tel: 46 8765 2407 Email: [email protected]


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Reto Wyss Praxis für Therapie und Coaching, Terrassenweg 33, Herzogenbuchsee, Berne, Switzerland Tel: 41 62 961 9212 Email: [email protected]

Practitioners Deborah Ackroyd Karuna, 13 Dilmore Avenue, Worcester, Worcestershire, England Brian Ackroyd Karuna, 13 Dilmore Avenue, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR3 7TQ, England Tel: 01905 455 484 Email: [email protected] Jaki Allen Rose Cottage, The Lane, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 3HH, England Tel: 01386 710 678 Linda Armit Stationhouse, Moy, Inverness-shire, IV13 7YF, Scotland Anne Bell The Centre For Natural Therapies, 31 Acfold Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, West Midlands, B20 1HD, England Tel: 0121-357-0701 Fran Bush Jembush Natural Therapy, PO Box 571, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 3ZQ, England Tel: 01403 823924 Email: [email protected]


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Christina Channon 14 Wimpole Road, Bramcote View, Beeston, Nottingham, England Nancy Cooper Kirkaldy, Fife, Scotland Tel: 01592 592191 Email: [email protected] Susan Courtney True Change Energy Psychology, London and Kent, England Tel: 08700 767015 Email: [email protected] Mrs Jackie Crooks Beacon Hypnotherapy, 44 Denman Lane, Huncote, Leicestershire, LE9 3BS, England Tel: 0116 286 5983 Email: [email protected] Mrs Polly Cunningham 3 Grand Parade, Old Portsmouth, Hants, PO1 2NF, England Tel: 02392 291 161 Email: [email protected] Mr Martyn Dawes 2 Cardwell Close, Emerson Valley, Milton Keynes, England Tel: +44 (0)1908 506 776 Email: [email protected] Mr Peter Delves 39 Randall Road, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1JX, England Tel: 01926-856-746 Email: [email protected]


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Alison Doonan 15 Bankton Way, Murieston, Livingston, Westlothian, EH54 9EG, Scotland Eilean Drysdale 21 Winds Point, Hagley, Worcs, DY9 0PL, England Tel: 01562 886635 Irene Dymond Inner Inspiration, Berkshire, England Tel: 0778 9913121 Email: [email protected] Mrs Sonja Eckl-Riel The Health Oasis, 38 Lower Breakish, Isle of Skye, IV42 8QA, Scotland Tel: 07010 714 316 Email: [email protected] Christina Elvin 12 Kimble Close, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN4 0RF, England Tel: +44 (0)1604 768 343 Email: [email protected] Lesley Evans Holladyke, Grange, Keith, Banffs, AB55 6LL, Scotland Corrine Evert 70 Fosse Road. South, Leicester, LE3 0QD, England Tel: 0116 285 7833 David Fleming 1 Ashburn Gate, Gourock, PA19 1NR, Scotland


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Lubbertus Fletcher Sukhumvit, Bang Na Bangkok, Thailand Tel: 749 0080 Email: [email protected] Kjell Forsberg Småskolevägen 38, Lund, Sweden Tel: +46-46-323025 Email: [email protected] Su Francis Community Drug Team, Paget House, 2 West Street, Leicester, LE1 6SP, England Carole Gordon 31 Binghill Park, Milltimber, Aberdeen, AB13 0EE, Scotland Tel: 01224 732 464 Email: [email protected] Jo Goss 15 Gordon Street, Hopeman, Elgin, Moray, IV30 5SF, Scotland Tel: 01343 835 705 Email: [email protected] Mrs Joy Gower Dial House, 79 Plumstead Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR13 5BU, England Tel: +44 (0)1603 700578 Email: [email protected] Ed Grimshaw Generative Business Solutions, 388 Mosey Sea Road, Wrightington, Wigan, WN6 9RZ, England Tel: +44 (0)1257 453 577 Email: [email protected]


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Fiona Grossart 5/2 Ravelston House Road, Edinburgh, EH4 3LN, Scotland Chrissie Hardisty 21 Richmond Avenue Handforth, Cheshire SK93 01625 522613 Email: [email protected] Crystal Hawk 360 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Canada Dr Birgitta Heiller More House, 13 Warwicks Bench, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 3SZ, England Tel: 01483 574 304 Email: [email protected] Alison Hill Amazing Balance, 42 Christchurch Road, Worcester, WR4 9QB, England Email: [email protected] Sandra Hillawi Passion for Health Centre, 96 Sydney Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 1PL, England Tel: (+44|0)2392 433928 Email: [email protected] Kallie Hirschi 68 Wenzel Slough, Elma, Washington, 98541, US Elaine Hodgson Anam Cara, by Culburnie, Kiltarlity, Beauly, Inverness-shire, IV4 7JJ, Scotland Eric Jevons 7 Barnton Park Crescent, Edinburgh, EH4 6ER, Scotland


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Yvonne Jevons 7 Barnton Park Crescent, Edinburgh, EH4 6ER, Scotland Tel: 0131 336 4136 Email: [email protected] Eileen Jones Maple Leaf Clinic, 20 The Green, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW 2 5AB, England Tel: 0208 255 9666 Email: [email protected] Mary Jones The Future Starts Now, 55 Avondale Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 9JT, England Tel: +44 7803 616107 Email: [email protected] Marianne Källblad Torstensonsgaten40 503 42 Boras Sweden Tel: (46) 33 129618 [email protected] Janette Kidd Stronachie Healing, Stronachie Lodge, Near Forgandenny, Perthshire, PH2 9DW, Scotland Tel: +44 (0)1577 861817 Email: [email protected]


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Linley King Rivermeade, 61 Burford Road, Evesham, Worcestershire, WR11 3AG, England Tel: 01386 484 23 Email: [email protected] Ernest King EK Curative Centre, 105a Union Street, Oldham, Manchester, OL1 1QH, England Tel: 0161 620 2165 Pauline Anne Lague 20 Rosamund Road, Furnace Green, Crawley, Sussex, RH10 6QF, England Tel: 01293 530 085 Richard Llewellyn 103 Richmond Hill Court, Richmond, Surrey, TW10 6BG, England Tel: 0208 940 4726 Email: [email protected] Mrs Francoise Lotery 113 Quebec Road, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex, IE2 6AW, England Tel: ( 44|0)208 518 3741 Mr Shehzad Malik Paget House, 2 West Street, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE2 1LW, England Tel: 0116 212 6173 Email: [email protected] Karrie Marshall 4 Glaick Cottage, Ardross, Ross-Shire, Scotland Tel: 01349 880 942 Email: [email protected]


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Sarah McCloughry 362 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7PP, England Tel: +44(0)1865 558 561 Email: [email protected] Denise Messenger 17 Carey Way, Olney, Buckinghamshire, England Tel: ( 44|0)1234 713 425 Michael Millett Claddagh, 1a Leopold Road, London, NW10 9LN, England Tel: ( 44|0)2084 530 426 Email: [email protected] Patricia Moreby 12 Heycroft, Gibbet Hill, Coventry, CV4 7HE, England Tel: 02476 418 202 Email: [email protected] Ms Debbi Morgan-Jones 43 Tedder Road, Halton, Bucks, HP22 5QF, England Tel: 01296 620 724 Email: [email protected] Gunnar Moritsen Gronlokke 5, 4622 Havdrup, Denmark Tel: 4618 6029 Email: [email protected] Ms Caroline Morris 12 Kessington Road, Bearsden, Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland Email: [email protected]


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Ms Grace Peyton Quantum-Change, 38 Larchwood Drive, Tuffley, Gloucester, GL4 0AJ, England Tel: ( 44|0)1452 381 751 Email: [email protected] Nicola Quinn 3 Kenya Court Windlesham Gardens Brighton , West Sussex BN1 3AU United Kingdom Email: [email protected] Ms Judy Richardson The National Health Centre, The Gill, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 7BJ, England Tel: 01229 580 6959 Email: [email protected] Mrs Lynn Rose 5 Gibralter Crescent, West Ewell, Surrey, KT19 9RS, England Tel: +44(0) 208 394 1153 Christine Ross 41 Ross Lyn Avenue, Rutherglen, Glasgow, G73 3HA, Scotland Tel: 0141 613 3362 David Rowbotham 12 Buckstone Bank, Edinburgh, EH10 6PW, Scotland Tel: 0777 39 29 479 Email: [email protected]


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Mr Malcolm Ruddock Create Change Now, 13a, Murray Road, Northwood, Middlesex, HA6 2YP, England Tel: 01923 836 440 Email: [email protected] Mr Michael Schofield 8 Hardy Road, Lymm, Cheshire, WA13 0NX, England Tel: +44(0)1925 75 9559 Email: [email protected] Mrs Jane Selmon 36 St Thomas Drive, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 4SS, England Tel: 0208 428 1172 Email: [email protected] Ananga Sivyer Chandra PDS, Richardsons Farm, Crowhurst Lane, West Kingsdown, Kent, England Email: [email protected] Denise Stoneham Courcy Cottage Holistic Centre, 4 High Street, Stogursey, Bridgwater, Somerset, England Tel: 44 (0) 1278 732127 Email: [email protected] Mrs Karen Stratton 70 High Street, New Sharlston, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF4 1BE, England Tel: +44 (0)1924 864 523 Email: [email protected]


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Christine Sutherland Perth, Australia Tel: 61 8 9246 1977 Email: [email protected] Miss Parameswari Thiyagarajah Integrated Psychotherapy Service, Gemini House, 31A Compton Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV1 9QP, England Tel: +44(0)1902 575 206 Email: [email protected] Robin Trewartha 1, The Coppice, Off Sheppard Way, Attleborough, Norfolk, NR17 2PY, England Tel: 01953 456 418 Email: [email protected] Jennie Trisnan Jennie Trisnan, Banstead Village Clinic, 146 High Street, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2NZ, England Tel: 01737 373684 Email: [email protected] Mrs Susan Uwins 3 Pondfield Road, Rudgwick, West Sussex, RH12 3EN, England Tel: 01403 822428 Sorcha van Westerop Flat 3, 6 Dyfrig Street, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 9LR, Wales Tel: 029 2039 5909 Email: [email protected]


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Pamela Walker 64 Trinity Road, Amblecote, Stourbridge, West Midlands, D48 4JJ, England Tel: 01384 379 459 Mr Kerin Webb EOS Professional Training, Jasmine House, 2 Lechlade Gardens, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH7 7JD, England Tel: 01202 424 991 Email: [email protected] Mr Marcus West 3 Balaclava Road, Roath, Cardiff, South Glamorgan, CF23 5BB, Wales Tel: ( 44|0)29 2049 7994 Email: [email protected] Tom White TSW Holistic Therapies, 39 Mossbank Crescent, Newarthill, Motherwell, KY1 2UP, Scotland Tel: 01698 860 570 Email: [email protected] Mr Tony Whitehead The Gables Guest House, High Street, Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 9DR, England Tel: 01935 862 237 Email: [email protected] Florrie Widen Hjortstigen 3, 18143 Lidingö, Sweden Tel: 46 8765 2407 Email: [email protected] Linda Rosemary Wilkinson The Cottage, Boggis Farm, Boyton Cross, Roxwell, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 4LS, England Tel: 07956-161-663 / 01992-523-316 115

The AMT Yearbook 2003 Mrs Norma Winnert The Insight Health Partnership, Sunny Down, Hightown Hill, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 3HG, England Tel: +44 (0) 1425 479 360 Email: [email protected] Reto Wyss Praxis für Therapie und Coaching, Terrassenweg 33, Herzogenbuchsee, Berne, Switzerland Tel: 41 62 961 9212 Email: [email protected] Patricia Young 18/3 Jamaica Mews, Edinburgh, EH3 6HW, Scotland


The AMT Yearbook 2003

AMT Contacts Chrissie Hardisty 21 Richmond Avenue, Handforth, Wilmslow, Cheshire, England Tel: 01625 522613 Email: [email protected] Dr Silvia Hartmann The Sidereus Foundation, 18 Marlow Avenue, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 8SJ, England Email: [email protected] Susan Courtney True Change Energy Psychology, PO Box 6, Tonbridge, TN10 1AG, England Tel: 08700 767015 Email: [email protected] Ananga Sivyer Chandra PDS, Richardsons Farm, Crowhurst Lane, West Kingsdown, Kent, England Email: [email protected]


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Recommended Training Manuals & Products The Association for Meridian Energy Therapies recommends the following books and videos for students of the field. Not sure where to start? The AMT thoroughly recommends Adventures in EFT by Dr Silvia Hartmann (Page 119) for the energy therapies beginner. E-Books: Some of the publications listed are available as eBooks. These publications require access to a computer and are downloaded via the Internet. Advantages of eBooks usually include: ƒ

Instant delivery - No waiting for your product to come through in the post;


Cheaper - You are paying for information rather than expensive production, packaging and postage costs; and


Free upgrades - Some eBook publishers give you free upgrades when the book is updated.

Hard Copy: This term refers to all forms of "hard books" sent through the mail and includes spiral bound manuals, traditionally board backed bound books & paperbacks books. BSFF - Be Set Free Fast

The BSFF Training Manual by Dr Larry Nims BSFF is a wonderful tool to accomplish major changes very rapidly and painlessly. The 173-page Manual is laid out in a very readable form with easy to follow protocols, examples, treatment strategies, self sabotage "stoppers," checklists of treatment issues and troublesome feelings. ƒ ƒ


E-Book Available From Hardcopy Available From Larry P. Nims, Ph.D. 1431 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange, CA 92866-222, USA,

The AMT Yearbook 2003 EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique

Adventures in EFT by Dr Silvia Hartmann The Essential Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT Training Manual by Silvia Hartmann (foreword by Gary Craig) For Self Help and experienced practitioners alike, Adventures In EFT contains literally hundreds of techniques, tips, suggestions and approaches to make the most of Gary Craig's outstanding EFT. Now in the 5th expanded and revised edition, this book is the essential field guide and reference companion for anyone using EFT in self help or with clients. Written by one of the most experienced EFT practitioners in the world, Adventures In EFT includes A-Z of EFT applications; Using EFT with memories; Glossary of Terms and much more. ƒ ƒ

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E-Book Available From Hard Copy Softback - ISBN 1-873483-635 available from DragonRising, 18 Marlow Avenue, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 8SJ, UK and all good bookshops. Phone: 01323 729 666 Web: Email: [email protected] All Major Credit Cards Accepted

Original EFT Training Videos by Gary Craig Contains over 13 hours of quality video instruction on all the EFT basics as well as the "art of delivery". This is the foundational course from which thousands of professionals and lay people alike have learned EFT. Plays on any reasonably modern computer and thus allows you to "instant replay" for ease in learning. You can begin using EFT after the first video. The rest of the videos help you refine your skills. ƒ ƒ

Computer CDs - Price $50 Web


The AMT Yearbook 2003

The Advanced Patterns of EFT by Dr Silvia Hartmann The Advanced Patterns of EFT" by Silvia Hartmann is a thorough and comprehensive work that should be required reading by anyone who considers themselves a serious practitioner of EFT. This book provides a wealth of practical tools for taking EFT beyond the relief of simple anxieties and phobias. Silvia Hartmann reveals her breadth and depth of knowledge in a completely accessible and useful style. ƒ ƒ

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

E-Book Available From Hard Copy Paperback - ISBN 1-873483-686 available from DragonRising, 18 Marlow Avenue, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 8SJ, UK and all good bookshops. Phone: 01323 729 666 Web: Email: [email protected] All Major Credit Cards Accepted

The Art & Science of Emotional Freedom by Ananga Sivyer Comprehensive EFT Manual by Ayurvedic Meridian Specialist Ananga Sivyer with special emphasis on the Meridian System with many helpful illustrations and diagrams. Highly recommended for EFT and MET students and therapist who need an introduction to meridians and the acupuncture/acupressure heritage of the New Meridian Energy Therapies. • • • • • •


eBook & Paperback Available Price £14.95 Chandra PDS, Richardsons Farm, Crowhurst Lane, West Kingsdown, Kent. TN15 6JE Phone: 01474-853-576 Email: [email protected] Web:

The AMT Yearbook 2003 ET - EmoTrance

Oceans of Energy – Patterns & Techniques of EmoTrance by Dr Silvia Hartmann EmoTrance is entirely client driven, entirely client led - No hallucinations, no guesswork, no detective work required. EmoTrance takes care of all of that and makes Energy Healing so easy that a child could do it. EmoTrance is entirely flexible and deceptively simple - EmoTrance can be performed as the most esoteric and magical of healing modalities on the one hand, and on the other it can sound as though it is just a talking therapy - thus making Energy Healing available even to those who work in negative allopathic environments and under the strictest of supervision. EmoTrance is intuitive, natural and easy - EmoTrance is without a doubt the easiest of all Energy Healing modalities to learn to do and to learn to do with others. It is so simple that a child of three can do it for themselves AND assist another in their healing in return! EmoTrance is absolutely and completely content free - there is no need for the practitioner to ever know what the problem was to be able to assist a client to get the most remarkable shifts in life long, deep and complex problems and issues. EmoTrance is a superb Healing Tutor - designed to "teach energy healing and intuition", EmoTrance literally makes a healer out of every regular user - and simply by the experience of doing it. ƒ ƒ

ƒ ƒ

E-Book Available From Hard Copy Paperback - ISBN 1-873483-732 available from DragonRising, 18 Marlow Avenue, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 8SJ, UK and all good bookshops. Phone: 01323 729 666 Web: Email: [email protected] All Major Credit Cards Accepted


The AMT Yearbook 2003 General Books & Products

Allergy Antidotes by Sandi Radomski Substance sensitivities is a far more pervasive problem than most people think. It touches most families and is a contributor to a long list of ailments--many of which may surprise you. Fortunately, energy procedures have shown to neutralize the effects of these irritants in a wide variety of cases. This extensive, comprehensive and highly acclaimed training manual gives you a good sense of the problems and the energy related approaches for healing them. ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Available as an eBook & soft-back Price $24.95 - 144 pages Allergy Antidotes, 1051 Township Line Road, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, USA Web Email [email protected]

The Energy Odyssey: New Directions in Energy Psychology by Willem Lammers & Beate Kircher This excellent overview to Meridian Energy Therapies includes contributions on their latest discoveries, techniques and methods by Dorothea Hover Kramer, Joan Hitlin, Alan Handelsman, Larry Stoler, Greg Nicosia, David Feinstein, Marla Brucker, David Grudemeyer, Sharon Toole, Pat Carrington, John Diepold, Thomas Weil, Jim Durlacher, Sandi Radomski and many, many more. ƒ ƒ



E-Book Available From Hard Copy Paperback - ISBN 1-873483-42-2 available from DragonRising, 18 Marlow Avenue, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 8SJ, UK and all good bookshops. Phone: 01323 729 666 Web: Email: [email protected]

The AMT Yearbook 2003

The Gentle Touch by Paul Newcomb The Gentle Touch has been relieving pain for well over a hundred years now. It is a little-known, allnatural technique that has been passed down from one generation to the next. I can be learned, practiced, and shared by anyone and is now being taught in South Africa and Costa Rica to help Third World people relieve their pain without expensive drugs or procedures. ƒ ƒ ƒ

Available as an eBook - Price $19.77 Web Email [email protected]

The Seemorg Matrix Work Manual by Nahoma Asha Clinton The Manual that lets you learn about the new transpersonal energy psychotherapy that treats difficult issues - even personality disorders, auto-immune diseases, and spiritual blockage. Seemorg Matrix Work is the exciting new transpersonal energy psychotherapy that provides permanent relief from many difficult-totreat psychological disorders, physical diseases, and spiritual impasses as well as individual symptoms. Starting from the understanding that all upsetting events are types of trauma, Seemorg Matrix Work quickly removes the after effects of such events: disturbing emotions, negative beliefs and attitudes, destructive desires and fantasies, addiction, compulsions, obsessions, dissociation, spiritual blockage, physical abreactions, sensitivities, and disease. ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Available as an eBook Price $19.77 Nahoma Asha Clinton, 885 East Road, Richmond, MA 01254, USA Hardcopy available from


The AMT Yearbook 2003 TAT - Tapas Acupressure Technique

You Can Heal Now - The Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) Workbook by Tapas Fleming This workbook will teach you an easy, simple way to get rid of stress, end allergic reactions and let go of core negative beliefs without re-living the past. This is the essential workbook for learning how to transform your health and happiness by using TAT. You'll learn how to use TAT to help friends, family and clients, including children and groups. You'll find out how to let go of old emotional baggage. You'll gain an easy way to overcome loss, fears, and inner darkness so that you can receive and express more love. In this workbook, Tapas Fleming will show you how TAT can help you feel more happy. ƒ ƒ ƒ

Available as an eBook & Soft-Back - Price $21 ($17 eBook) TAT International, PMB 7000-37, Redondo Beach, CA 9027, USA - [email protected]

TFT - Thought Field Therapy

Tapping The Healer Within by Roger Callahan, PhD The first book on "TFT" by its founder Thought Field Therapy (TFT) has already changed the way thousands of people have overcome emotional problems. Now the founder of TFT shows readers how to harness its healing poser on their own, to overcome phobias, anxieties, addictions, and other common psychological problems. The process combines principles of Western and Eastern healing methods, using energy points in the body to release emotional distress. ƒ ƒ ƒ


Available in soft-back - Price £$22.95 – ISBN 0-7499-2232-X Piatkus Books, 5 Windmill Street, London, W1P 1HF www – Email [email protected] – Phone 02076-310-710

The AMT Yearbook 2003

Trainings & Events Diary 2003 The 3rd European Energy Psychology & Energy Therapies Conference Brighton, England August 8-10

Main conference

August 6-7 August 11-13

Pre-conference trainings Post-conference trainings

Are you ready for a quantum leap? The European Energy Conference is an inspirational space, where anything can happen! Where serendipitous connections will expand your horizons. Where fresh perspectives will suddenly open your thinking to new possibilities. Where new experiences will propel you to a higher level of awareness and transform your life. Who knows when your quantum leap will take place. It could be triggered by an insight during one of the many outstanding workshops, a comment from a speaker or colleague over lunch, or simply in the sense of coming home and belonging in this very special community, which is so warm in spirit and generous in the sharing of knowledge and skills. Read on for more information on the workshop programme and the daily activities. Visit the website to explore all of the presentations and speakers in depth and register online. And remember to look at the pre-conference and post-conference professional trainings, which give you the chance to take your skills to an entirely new level and make your practice more successful than ever before. I look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to Brighton on August 8th! Susan Courtney Conference Chair 125

The AMT Yearbook 2003

Conference Activities Begin the days with energising morning warm-ups. Plenary sessions with stimulating speakers, demonstration treatments, energy made visible and a panel discussion. Enjoy the delicious three-course lunch provided every day in the hotel. Learn new techniques you can use immediately in more than 30 workshops. Advance your professional development in the pre- and post-conference trainings. Visit the exhibition hall for many fascinating and relevant products, including cassette recordings of all the main conference presentations. Browse the conference bookstore for specialist books, manuals, audiotapes, videos, and CD's. Take home the book of the conference proceedings with handouts from every main conference workshop - a professional reference for a lifetime. Learn more in optional Friday evening workshops Unwind with your new friends in the hotel bar, take a stroll along the seafront and the pier or discover Brighton. Meet with the presenters and share with like-minded colleagues all the excitement of this fast-growing field during meals, breaks and free time. Raise your energy at the Saturday night energy disco. Stay in one of the luxurious bedrooms at the Brighton Hilton Metropole and enjoy the full English breakfast and access to all hotel facilities at the deeply discounted conference special price, or walk from one of the many hotels and B&B’s nearby.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Keynote Speakers/Plenary Sessions Friday morning, August 8 Susan Courtney


Lynn McTaggart

The Field

Damaris Drewry

Fun with Frequencies: Getting on the Same Wavelength

Saturday morning, August 9 Thornton Streeter Peter Delves Paul O'Connor Sandra Hillawi

Making Change Visible with PIP EFT Treatment Demonstration TAT Treatment Demonstration EmoTrance Treatment Demonstration

Sunday morning, August 10 Dietrich Klinghardt, D. Med.

The Seven Levels of Healing

Sunday afternoon, August 10 Panel Discussion

(topic and panel participants to be announced)

Damaris Drewry

Ending on the Same Wavelength

Susan Courtney

Closing Presentations are subject to change


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Workshops August 8-10 Presenters Maarten Aalberse Pati Beaudoin Meryl Beck Sarah Bird Mary Jo Bulbrook Susan Courtney Jaqui Crooks Peter Delves Daya D'Sa Christina Elvin Michael Galvin David Grudermeyer Alan Handelsman Andrew Hahn James Hardiman Julie Hewson Sandra Hillawi Dorothea Hover-Kramer Mary Hunt/Miriam Orris Chris Kaday Lynn Karjala Madison King Johann Lechner Paul O’Connor & Tom Wynn Barbara Stone & Meyer Kirkpatrick Mary Wheeler Lori Wilson Elaine Woodall Brad Yates Jan Yordy

Topics Treating Questions: Living with Uncertainty Sex with Patients and Clients: Why Not? Energized for Life The Role of Healing in Energy Psychology Healing Families Working with the Supernatural Turbocharge your EFT with Powerful Language The Trouble with Money The Trust Index: Trusting your Muscle-Testing The ABC of EFT EMDR and Energy Psychology Healing 'Separation from God' Stories Muscle-Testing Guided Self-Healing Develop your Own Technique Soothe & Mend Early Fractures in Relationship EmoTrance Putting Energy Psychology into your Practice Born of a Strange Intelligence Building a Successful Therapy Practice with Ease Dissociation 101 Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine Dialogue with Inner Consciousness TAT – Tapas Acupressure Technique Integrated Energy Therapy Creative Energy Therapy Healing Past Lives Be a Psychological Intuitive Integrating Energy Therapy with the Twelve Steps Indigo Children

Presentations are subject to change


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Friday Evening Workshops Damaris Drewry

Sound Psychology: The Incredible Human Voice in Energetic Healing

Alan Handelsman

Romance Finance and Resonance: Using the Resonance Tuner

Jerry Pegden

Light Language: Sacred Geometry from the Mayan Masters

Pre-Conference Trainings August 6-7 AMT Practitioner Certification Training

Peter Delves

Pivot Technique

Daya D'Sa

August 7 EFT for Children

Jan Yordy

Post-Conference Trainings August 11-12 EmoTrance

Sandra Hillawi

Working with our Shadow

David Grudermeyer

Guided Self-Healing

Andrew Hahn

August 11 Integrated Energy Therapy

Barbara Stone & Meyer Kirkpatrick

August 12 AMT Trainers' Training

Silvia Hartmann

August 13 EmoTrance Trainers' Training

Silvia Hartmann


The AMT Yearbook 2003

AMT Trainings 2003 May, 2003 2 - 9 May

8 - 10 May 24 - 25 May

24 - 25 May

Jun, 2003 7 - 8 Jun

21 - 28 Jun


Chateau Bellenau Detox Week with Sandra Hillawi Tel: (+44|0)2392 433928 [email protected] ACEP 5th Annual International Energy Psychology Conference Meridian Therapies Practitioner with Sandra Hillawi Tel: (+44|0)2392 433928 [email protected] Meridian Therapies Practitioner with Susan Courtney Tel: 08700 767015 Email: [email protected]

Normandy, France

Meridian Therapies Practitioner with Peter Delves Tel: 01926-856746 Email: [email protected] Chateau Bellenau 7 Day Detox Relaxation & Healing Sandra Hillawi Tel: (+44|0)2392 433928 [email protected]

Warwickshire, England

Arizona, USA Hampshire, England

CentralLondon, England

Normandy, France

The AMT Yearbook 2003 21 - 22 Jun

Jul, 2003 12 - 13 Jul

12 Jul

19 Jul

Aug, 2003 6 – 7 Aug

6 – 7 Aug 7 Aug

EmoTrance Practitioner Training with Susan Courtney Tel: 08700 767015 Email: [email protected]

Gloucestershire, England

EmoTrance 2-Day Practitioner Training with Sandra Hillawi Tel: (+44|0)2392 433928 [email protected] EmoTrance - Personal Development Day with Sandra Hillawi Tel: (+44|0)2392 433928 [email protected] EFT Introductory Workshop with Sandra Hillawi Tel: (+44|0)2392 433928 [email protected]

Hampshire, England

Meridian Therapies Practitioner with Peter Delves at the European Energy Therapies Conference Pivot with Daya D’Sa at the European Energy Therapies Conference EFT for Children with Jan Yordy at the European Energy Therapies Conference

Brighton, England

Hampshire, England

Hampshire, England

Brighton, England Brighton, England


The AMT Yearbook 2003 8 - 10 Aug

11-12 Aug

11-12 Aug

11-12 Aug


13 Aug

16 - 23 Aug

Sep, 2003 6 - 7 Sep


European Energy Therapies Conference 2003 Tel: 08700 767015 Email: [email protected] Working with the Shadow With David Grudermeyer at the European Energy Therapies Conference Guided Self-Healing with Andrew Hahn at the European Energy Therapies Conference EmoTrance Practitioner Training With Sandra Hilawi at the European Energy Therapies Conference AMT Trainers’ Training With Silvia Hartmann at the European Energy Therapies Conference EmoTrance Trainers’ Training With Silvia Hartmann at the European Energy Therapies Conference Chateau Bellenau 7 Day Detox, Relax & Healing with Sandra Hillawi Tel: (+44|0)2392 433928 [email protected]

Brighton, England

Health and Wealth Weekend with Peter Delves Tel: 01926-856-746 Email: [email protected]

Warwickshire, England

Brighton, England

Brighton, England Brighton, England Brighton, England Normandy, France

The AMT Yearbook 2003 7 Sep

27 - 28 Sep

27 - 28 Sep

Oct, 2003 6 - 12 Oct

9 - 11 Oct

18 - 19 Oct

25 - 26 Oct

One Day EFT Workshop with Sandra Hillawi Tel: (+44|0)2392 433928 [email protected] Advanced Practitioner in Meridian Therapies with Peter Delves Tel: 01926-856-746 Email: [email protected] AMT Practitioner Certification Training with Susan Courtney Tel: 08700 767015 Email: [email protected]

Hampshire, England

Body, Mind & Spirit Cruise 2003 with Chrissie Hardisty Tel: ( 44|0)1625 522613 Email: [email protected] Treating Addictions with Susan Courtney Tel: 08700 76701 Email: [email protected] Meridian Therapies Practitioner with Sandra Hillawi Tel: (+44|0)2392 433928 [email protected] Meridian Therapies Practitioner with Peter Delves Tel: 01926-856-746 Email: [email protected]

tba, Grecian Splendours

Warwickshire, England

London, UK

London, England

Hampshire, England

Warwickshire, England


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Nov, 2003 14 - 16 Nov

16 Nov

22 Nov

22 - 23 Nov

Dec, 2003 5 - 7 Dec

6 - 7 Dec

AMT Practitioner Certification with Susan Courtney Tel: 08700 767015 Email: [email protected] 1 Day EFT Workshop with Sandra Hillawi Tel: (+44)(0)2392 433928 [email protected] EmoTrance One Day Experiential Self Help Day with Sandra Hillawi Tel: (+44|0)2392 433928 [email protected] EmoTrance 2 Day Practitioner Training with Sandra Hillawi Tel: (+44|0)2392 433928 [email protected]

London, England

AMT Advanced Practitioner Training with Susan Courtney Tel: 08700 767015 Email: [email protected] Meridian Therapies Practitioner with Sandra Hillawi Tel: (+44|0)2392 433928 [email protected]

London, UK

Hampshire, England

Hampshire, England

Hampshire, England

Hampshire, England

For further trainings, events and updates please visit


The AMT Yearbook 2003


Energy Psychology Glossary of Terms Reprinted by permission from The Energy Psychology Desktop Companion, Version 2, by Drs. David & Rebecca Grudermeyer, © 2000, 2002

Acupoints: Specific nodes along each meridian that can be used to diagnose or treat a problem. Acupuncture: The art and science of the ancient Chinese tradition of working with pathways of subtle energy flow in the body, known as meridians, via specific access points, called acupoints, to restore balance in the human energy system. Alarm Points: Specific acupoints used for diagnostic purposes, particularly in Applied or Clinical Kinesiology procedures. Algorithms: Sequences, in which specific sets of acupoints are treated in order to address a problem. Applied Kinesiology® (AK): The discipline originally developed by George Goodheart, D.C., used to diagnose and guide treatment through measuring electrical output changes in the muscles in response to different acupoints being activated. AK was expanded by other chiropractors, including Beardall (Clinical Kinesiology). Much of Chiropractic treatment today is based on AK, and meridian-based energy psychology treatments owe their origins to AK. Aura: Metaphysical term for the human energy field (HEF), or biofield, that surrounds and interpenetrates with the physical body, its densest aspect. It consists of distinctive layers that correspond to physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and subtle aspects of the multidimensional human being. Balancing: Term used to describe the realignment of the HEF, or biofield, to its natural, highest vibrational function and structure. Biofield: A scientific term for the vibrational emanations that surround and extend beyond the human body, as measured by SQID and illustrated through such mechanisms as Kirlian Photography.


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Centering: The process of focusing one’s attention and intention to be fully responsive and present to one’s client, setting aside personal issues as well as any outcome expectations. Ch’i: Preferred spelling is Qi. Chinese term for energy or vital life force that acts as nourishing subtle energy circulating through the chakras, the meridians, and the human biofield. Also called prana, ki, or spiritus. Chakra: Sanskrit word, meaning spinning wheel, used to name the human energy centers, or vortices. Also known as centers of consciousness due to the psychological, developmental properties of each center. Clearing: The facilitator’s hand movements in or above the biofield that facilitate the release of energy blockage. Synonymous with discharging, releasing, unforming, letting go, smoothing or unruffling of the HEF. Clinical Kinesiology (CK): Developed by Alan Beardall, D.C., is an expansion of the Applied Kinesiology approach that is widely used among Chiropractors and practitioners of meridian-base energy psychology approaches. Comprehensive Energy Psychology: Energy Psychology interventions that combine all aspects of working with the human vibrational matrix to assist in emotional, cognitive and spiritual healing, and the psychotherapeutic process. This human vibrational matrix includes the biofield, chakra and meridian system (and related acupoints). Consciousness: The primary human essence, the continuing sense of oneself, that is present both in waking states as well as in altered states of awareness, such as meditation, dreaming, trance-states, or near-death experiences (NDE). Energy Blockage: A general term referring to the interruption or constriction of the natural flow patterns in the human vibrational matrix. May refer to a closed or diminished chakra, asymmetry in the biofield, or non-polarity and psychoenergetic reversal of the meridian flows. Energy Center: Chakra (Sanskrit). A specific center of consciousness in the human vibrational matrix, that allows for the exchange of qi to and from the Universal Energy Field. In relation to the physical body, the energy centers convert the inflow of subtle energy into chemical, hormonal, and cellular changes. There are seven major energy centers in 136

The AMT Yearbook 2003 relation to the spine, and minor centers at all bone articulations, in the palms of the hands, and at the soles of the feet. Energy Healing: Broad term used to describe interventions that address the releasing of energetic blockage or imbalance, followed by repatterning, balancing, and aligning of the human vibrational matrix to higher levels of functioning. Energy Psychology: A family of treatments for assisting in treatment of a range of psychological issues, utilizing one or more aspects of a person’s energy/electrical system. Eye Roll (er): A brain balancing procedure used to anchor a treatment effect at the end of a procedure (also see Nine Gamut Procedure). Grounding: Connecting to the earth and earth’s energy field to calm the mind and balance the vibrational matrix. Healing: The ongoing evolution toward higher levels of functioning in the multidimensional human being. Holistic Health: An integrated approach to human wellbeing that addresses all aspects of the person, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, in the interaction with his/her environments. Human Energy System: The entire interactive dynamic of human subtle energies consisting of the chakras, the multidimensional field, the meridians and their acupoints; the human vibrational matrix. Intention: Holding of ones’ inner awareness and focus to accomplish a specific task or activity; being fully present in the moment. Meridians: The subtle pathways of the qi that course through the human body. Specific “vessels” through which energy is conducted, used in Chinese health treatment approaches. According to Oriental medicine, these hundreds of flow lines correspond to specific organs and physiological systems. Fourteen of the most major meridians are addressed in “emotional acupuncture” sometimes called “energy psychotherapy.” Neurologic Disorganization (ND): The term most frequently used by practitioners to describe the state a person is in when his/her electrical/energy system is not properly polarized – Neurologic


The AMT Yearbook 2003 Disorganization (ND) causes muscle testing to be Non-Differentiating (ND). Neurolymphatic Reflex Spots (NLR): Locations where the energy system, lymphatic system and neurological system appear to converge. These spots are connected to specific organs and systems. Chiropractic procedures often incorporate treatment of these spots. One on the chest is rubbed during the EFT Set-Up. Nine Gamut Treatment: A brain balancing/integration procedure used to anchor a treatment effect while in the midst of a procedure (also see Eye Roll). Psychological Reversal (PR): Types of Reverse Polarity (also referred to as “Energy Reversal”); the three types of PR, in order of severity, are Global (also called massive or general) PR, Specific PR (relating to an individual issue) and Criteria-Related PR (relating to blocks to treatment effectiveness such as un-deserving). Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI): Medical term for the evolving discipline that studies interaction between the body and mind, the emotions, neurotransmitters, and the immune system to understand dis-ease and to facilitate well-being. Relaxation Response: Term coined by Dr. Herbert Benson to refer to the systemic responses and restorative results of activating the parasympathetic nervous system through meditative, or centering, practices. Reverse Polarity: A condition in which a person’s electromagnetic/energy/meridian system output is in the normal range, but the direction of his/her electromagnetic current flow is the opposite of what it should be. (This condition is roughly similar to if an artery were pumping blood back toward the heart rather than away from the heart.) Sensitive: A person who is able to use the intuitive higher sense perception to assess the human energy system and other subtle energies. Switched: Another term for being non-polarized, used by some chiropractors and acupuncturists. Universal Energy Field (UEF): Term used by Barbara Brennan to describe the infinite resource of energy that surrounds and interpenetrates 138

The AMT Yearbook 2003 all aspects of the Universe. Other terms include Source, All That Is, The Ground of Being, Creative Spirit, Unity Consciousness, Great Mind, Nonlocal Mind, and Good Orderly Direction (GOD). Unruffling: Term coined by Dr. Dolores Krieger to suggest the clearing or smoothing of a ruffled or disturbed area in the biofield. Unswitched: Another term for being properly polarized used by some chiropractors and acupuncturists.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Yearbook Sponsors Emotional Freedom Techniques and EmoTrance Consultations, Workshops and Practitioner Training, Healing Retreats Sandra Hillawi BSc Hons Physics, Master Herbalist, Colonic Therapist, Meridian Energy Therapist and Trainer, EmoTrance Practitioner and Trainer Sandra offers a truly holistic approach with focus on nutrition and detoxification on both the physical, emotional and energy levels. Telephone consultations available. One of the UK’s most active workshop facilitators and trainers with numerous events scheduled for 2003. For an appointment or event details in your area contact the Centre for Natural Healing below. Sandra also runs Retreats in France focusing on physical and emotional detoxification and healing. See website for details. Centre for Natural Healing 96 Sydney Road, Gosport, PO12 1PL Tel: +44 (0) 23 92 433928 Email:[email protected] Website:

The official website of the Association for Meridian Energy Therapies (The AMT) ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Stay in touch with the very latest news and events Free downloads and essays Mailing lists Book Reviews & Product Reviews Stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and innovations of the field Find a certified AMT Meridian Therapist near you Many fully searchable and interesting articles written by leaders of the field. Simply logon to and start browsing!


The AMT Yearbook 2003 * THERAPY IN YOUR OWN HOME * * FREE CONSULTATION * Founder Member, Licensed Trainer and Practitioner for the Association for Meridian Therapies offers * THERAPY via the TELEPHONE * FREE phone calls if you are in the United Kingdom Ring: Chrissie Hardisty on 44 [0]1625 522613 or email: [email protected] for further information

Discover the magic of the new Meridian Energy Therapies to bring about positive change whether for yourself or your clients. The energybased techniques are used to clear negative emotions and limiting beliefs and are astonishingly effective, though relatively new to the UK. Our courses are held regularly in Warwickshire and also in Scotland. They are practical, empowering and fun. Our website has lots more information but feel free to contact us if you would like a leaflet or just to discuss the courses.

• Variety of courses up to Advanced Practitioner level. • Including EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), TAT, BSFF, EmoTrance™. • Recognised by the Association for Meridian Energy Therapies. • Post-training support. • 30 minutes from Birmingham International Airport, in Warwickshire countryside - but near motorways. • Low cost accommodation locally. • Established since 1989.


The AMT Yearbook 2003

The World Wide Web Meridian & Energy Therapies Practitioner Training Course Certified through the Association for Meridian & Energy Therapies - The AMT Silvia Hartmann, PhD designed the live AMT MET Practitioner training format and is also the author of this distance training version of the same course. Dr Hartmann is a Founder and current Chair of the Association For Meridian & Energy Therapies, Author of "Adventures In EFT", "Advanced Patterns of EFT", creator of "EmoTrance" and one of the most experienced Energy Psychology and Energy Therapies teachers today. In this outstanding training, new and added exercises were created 5 specifically to impart the skills and understandings necessary to complete the modules. Also, added tutor comments and further explanations of the demonstrations were included for this format. Much, Much More Than "Just" EFT ... The AMT Certification training is NOT an EFT training course, but was designed from the start to be an Energy Psychology training which teaches the underlying principles of mind/body healing using the NEW meridian & energy therapies. This extremely comprehensive course which is unique because of the collaboration of leading teachers in the field represents a true grounding in all the principles of Energy Psychology and Therapies, thereby giving the successful student knowledge and skills to handle all the many variants available today with absolute confidence and state-of-the art in-depth knowledge. You will not find this in-depth information anywhere else in the World! This course is run by The Sidereus Foundation. Further information about this course or our other award winning courses can be found on our website: or by emailing us: [email protected].


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Christina Elvin Consultant

Psychotherapy, Stress Management, Personal, Management & Self Development, Life Coach, Licensed AMT Trainer Workshops include: EFT Stress Self Esteem Body Language Creating Abundance Interpret Your Dreams Handling Difficult People Fears & Phobias – simply forget them Introduction to Complementary Therapies Meridian Therapy Practitioner Training Coaching Your Own Life Controlling Your Anger Meridian Therapies Positive Thinking Relationships Confidence Past Lives S.A.D. For more details, contact Christina on: Tel: +44(0)1604 768343 Fax: +44(0)1604 706609 Email: [email protected] Northampton, NN4 0RF England


The AMT Yearbook 2003

Energy Psychology

and Meridian Energy Therapies Professional Trainings

Susan Courtney - Trainer

• • • • •

You are wholeheartedly invited to join us for these professional trainings. Learn new ways to make your work even more effective, more fresh and alive, the results more deeply life-changing, the process even more satisfying for you and your clients. Learn to release mental blocks and emotional barriers to spontaneity, intimacy and emotional freedom and feel great! Join us in this warm and accepting community where we will support each other in learning and growth.

AMT Practitioner Certification (EFT+) Healing Trauma AMT Advanced Practitioner* EmoTrance Treating Addictions, Cravings & Habits *Advanced training introduces BSFF, TAT and EmoTrance

I enjoyed the practical exercises and was amazed by the responses to the treatment in myself and others. Linda N I felt surprised at how much I had taken in and understood. I loved the balance of theory and practice. Rosemary K A fascinating weekend that made me excited to be part of something that is clearly growing and going to be BIG. Susan was gentle but firm, highly intelligent and fun, a lovely mix. – Lesley M Practical 15-hour trainings accredited by the IMPC and counting towards the IMPC Diploma

Call now for brochures and training dates Susan Courtney BA (hons), Dip Couns Personal Therapy (London, Kent & phone) Professional Trainings (international) 144

08700 767015 [email protected]

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