Meralco v Sps Sulpicio

January 28, 2019 | Author: Robert Rosales | Category: Complaint, Government Information, Common Law, Justice, Crime & Justice
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GR No. 195145, February 10, 2016 MERALCO (Petitioner) v Sps Sulpicio and Patricia Ramos (Respondents) Second Division Ponente !rion, ". %re&i$inary $andatory in*unction and da$a+es . Nature of Action #o$%&aint 'or breac( o' contract )it( %re&i$inary FACTS

-R/# entered into a contract o' service )it( t(e res%ondents a+reein+ to su%%&y t(e &atter  )it( e&ectric %o)er in t(eir residence. n Nove$ber 5, 1999, -R/#s service ins%ector ins%ected t(e res%ondents e&ectrica& 'aci&ities and 'ound an outside connection attac(ed to t(eir e&ectric $eter. Due to t(e discovery o' t(e i&&e+a& connection, t(e service ins%ector disconnected t(e res%ondents e&ectric services services on t(e sa$e day. day. (e ins%ectio ins%ection n and disconnecti disconnection on )ere done without without t(e 3no)&ed+e o' t(e res%ondents as t(ey )ere not at (o$e and t(eir (ouse )as c&osed at t(e ti$e. (e res%ondents denied t(at t(ey (ad been usin+ an i&&e+a& e&ectrica& connection and t(ey reuested -R/# to i$$ediate&y reconnect t(eir e&ectric services. Des%ite t(e res%ondents reuest, -R/# instead de$anded 'ro$ t(e$ t(e %ay$ent o' P19,21.0 as di''erentia& bi&&in+. (e res%ondents 'i&ed a co$%&aint 'or breac( o'  contract contract )it( %re&i$ina %re&i$inary ry $andatory $andatory in*unction in*unction and da$a+es da$a+es a+ainst a+ainst -R/#. (ey %rayed 'or t(e i$$ediate reconnection o' t(eir e&ectric service and t(e a)ard o' actua&, $ora&, and e7e$%&ary da$a+es, attorneys 'ees, and &iti+ation e7%enses. (e R# ordered -R/# to reconnect t(e res%ondents e&ectric service and a)arded da$a+es. (e # denied t(e a%%ea& 'or &ac3 o' $erit and a''ir$ed t(e R#s order o' reconnection and a)ard 'or %a y$ent o' da$a+es. (e a%%e&&ate court (e&d t(at -R/# 'ai&ed to co$%&y not on&y )it( its o)n contract o' service, but a&so )it( t(e reuire$ents under Sections 4 and 6 o' Re%ub&ic ct No. 82, or t(e  Anti- Electricity and Electric Transmission Transmission Lines/Materials Pilferage  Act of 1994(!A! "#$%&! !SS"E

(et(er or not -R/# is &iab&e 'or da$a+es. R"L!N#

:es. :es. -R/# is in bad 'ait( )(en it 'ai&ed to co$%&y )it( t(e strict reuire$ents o' R 82, (ence &iab&e 'or da$a+es. e observe t(at -R/# a&so 'ai&ed to 'o&&o) its o)n %rocedure 'or t(e discontinuance o'  service under its contract o' service )it( t(e res%ondents. e uote in t(is re+ard t(e re&evant ter$s o'  service DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE:

(e #o$%any reserves t(e ri+(t to discontinue service in case t(e custo$er is in arrears in t(e  %ay$ent o' bi&&s in t(ose cases )(ere t(e $eter sto%%ed or 'ai&ed to re+ister t(e correct a$ount o'  ener+y consu$ed, or 'ai&ure to co$%&y )it( any o' t(ese ter$s and conditions or in case o' or to  %revent 'raud u%on t(e #o$%any. #o$%any. !e'ore disconnection is $ade in case o' or to %revent 'raud, t(e #o$%any $ay ad*ust t(e bi&& o' said custo$er accordin+&y and i' t(e ad*usted bi&& is not %aid, t(e #o$%any #o$%any $ay disconnec disconnectt t(e sa$e. ;n case o' disconne disconnection ction,, t(e %rovisions %rovisions o' Revised Revised rder   No. 1 o' t(e 'or$er Pub&ic Service #o$$ission
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