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Introduction It's often said in magic that there is nothing new under the sun. I tend to believe that's true. Magic is full of variations of variations of old ideas. There are new effects created that rely on old principles and there are new principles created to produce classic effects. The truth is that long ago someone created the first magic trick. Everything that has come about since then is just a variation on that original idea, the idea of using deception or artifice to produce a seemingly impossible effect. hat is offered here is an archaic method that has been moderni!ed to produce a timeless effect. The effect is that of a si"th sense. The method involved has been touched on by numerous performers through the ages. In actuality it is so old that it has been documented as being performed with broken pieces of pottery, using a bit of coal as a writing utensil. Eddy #ay has truly breathed fresh life into this method and created a routine that is as practical as it is astounding. Those of you who are familiar with the basic method as I was will surely agree that the use of common, modern props and the elimination of all gimmicks makes this one of the freshest old chestnuts to come along in ages. $or the creation of Mental %ote, my hat is off to you Eddy #ay. &nd to the person who created the very first magic effect, whoever you were... we are forever in your debt. - Steve Fearson
The Mental Note Effect & spectator is asked to think of any geometric shape, E( symbol or number. )ou display a stack of post*it notes and proceed to draw a circle on the face. The note pad is handed to the spectator and they are instructed to take the pen and draw the shape or number they are thinking of in the circle while you look away. The pad is then passed to a second spectator who is instructed to remove the drawing from the pad, fold it up tightly and put it in their pocket. )ou are able to reveal the shape, symbol or number that was drawn with +- accuracy
Mental Note Makes The Center Tear Obsolete
&mong the drawbacks to using the /enter Tear0 • • •
)ou have to handle the paper 1uite a bit while tearing it The paper used isn2t a normal si!e and might draw suspicion )ou have dirty hands during the routine Mental Note eliminates all of these flaws!
rief "istor# $ The Method I got the idea for Mental %ote from an effect in 3ill Tarr2s ++ Easy Magic Tricks book called the Telltale /ard. It was a card revelation where the value and suit of the card would appear on the wrist of a spectator. The trick used a pencil and sugar cube. )ou were to write the prediction on the sugar cube using the pencil. &fter the forcing of the card you would reach into your pocket and press against the sugar cube using your finger. It would leave an impression on your finger, which you could then transfer onto the spectator2s wrist or hand, similar to that of the voodoo ash trick. I took the principle of this and adapted it along with some other subtleties to create a very strong way of garnering information secretly written. ith my idea the spectator can draw any number, E( symbol or geometric shape inside the circle you drew on the note pad. Then you simply use your finger and press it against the pad where they had drawn. It leaves a clear impression on your fingertip of e"actly what they had chosen to draw.
It2s important to point out that there are several subtleties and bits you will need to learn to present Mental %ote properly. &ll of these important details are given in this manuscript and I suggest reading through it a few times to absorb it all.
“Why didn’t I think of this? I’m rolling over in my grave!” - Ted nneman
Items %ou &ill Need
Even though this effect can be performed impromptu I recommend using the props shown in the pictures. taples brand ticky %otes or any similar (ost*it type note 4+ 5678 9 + 5678: and a mechanical pencil. )ou could technically use any note pad and pencil but I prefer to use these.
The 'ost(it Notes I suggest using any similar (ost;it type %otes as discussed above. These usually come in stacks and many colors are available. In my opinion they work the best and I2ll e"plain why. This kind of post it note is the perfect si!e as it will really help when attempting to make the impression with your finger because you will know precisely where to place it. It prevents any fumbling around with your fingers and it almost guarantees you will be dead on. If you attempt to use another note pad that is larger in si!e it will be more difficult to be as accurate when trying to make the impression. lso since the information the# will be drawin) is relativel# small it will look normal on a smaller note *ad+ sing an entire pad insures that there is no possible way to see through. )ou don2t have to use a new pad every time you do this, it2s just important that you have a fairly nice stack to perform Mental %ote.
The 'ENcil To get the best and most clear impression I recommend using a mechanical pencil. This is a huge update in my opinion. )ou can use pens or any fine point marker but #our window of o**ortunit# is ver# short. ?nce the ink starts to dry and settle into the fibers of the paper your chance of getting a good impression is slim. &lso think about how visible a pen or marker might be on your fingers especially since it isn2t as easy to just rub off There are many brands and styles of mechanical pencils. earch your local office supply store for them. The brand I2ve had a lot of success with is by (entech. The style of it is called yntech. If you do a @oogle search for it you will find them easily. &h# use a mechanical *encil as o**osed to a re)ular No+ ,
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