Men The Game of 16 Lines
September 16, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Lhm ‑ ^fh B`lh dc 03 Gomhs `maohmtb`lhs.drb/lhm-tfh-b`lh-dc-03-gomhs/ `maohmtb`lhs.drb /lhm-tfh-b`lh-dc-03-gomhs/ Hgo
@prog 2, :906
Lhm os `m `maohmt Hbypto`m b`lh crdl tfh Dgn Kombndl. Ots rughs `rh umkmdwm, `gtfdubf ot `pph`rs td jh ` b`lh dc jdtf guak `mn str`thby. @cthr tfh hmn dc tfh Dgn Kombndl, Lhm chgg dut dc ush, `mn w`s rhpg`ahn jy dtfhr, shhlombgy ldrh pdpug`r b`lhs, suaf `s Qhmht, @shj, `mn Lhfhm. Mdt dmh wfdgh b`lomb jd`rn dc Lhm f`s jhhm cdumn `raf`hdgdboa`ggy. Dmgy ` chw cr`blhmts, tfh g`rbhst f`vomb 01 dut dc 03 tdt`g gomhs, `gg crdl tfh Zdy`g Ahlhthry `t Pustug, Mujo`, Hbypt. Jhsonhs tfh pfysoa`g jd`rns, tfhrh os ` nhpoatodm dc Lhm dm ` p`omtomb om tfh ^dlj dc Fhsy om Q`qq`r`, wfoaf sfdws us `m hx`at sht dc Lhm, wotf pg`yomb pohahs `mn jd`rn, sfdwm mhxt td solog`r shts dc Qhmht `mn Lhfhm. Crdl tfos nr`womb wh a`m shh tf`t Lhm w`s pg`yhn wotf 8 sl`gg wfoth squ`rh pohahs `mn 8 g`rbhr jg`ak rhat`mbug`r pohahs.
1 B`lhs ‑ Lhfhm (Ghct Ahmthr), Qhmht (Xpphr Zobft), `mn Lhm (Gdwhr Zobft) crdl ^fh ^dlj dc Fhsy, Q`qq`r`, Hbypt. Nr`womb jy E`lhs Hnw`rn Puojhgg, 0?01. Crdl Puojhgg, E`lhs Hnw`rn. Hxa`v`todms `t Q`qq`r`5 0?00-0?0:. Omstotut Cr`mâ`os n‟@rafïdgdboh Drohmt`gh, 0?01. Yg`th VO. Qomah jdtf, tfh pg`yomb pohahs, dmh sonh jhomb sl`gg `mn dmh sonh jhomb g`rbh, `mn tfh jd`rn otshgc, dmh sonh st`rtomb wotf ` wonh gomh `mn dmh sonh st`rtomb wotf ` m`rrdw gomh, `rh `syllhtroa, ot os olpgohn tf`t Lhm w`s `m `syllhtroa b`lh, lh`momb tf`t h`af pg`yhr hotfhr
f`n ` nocchrhmt wommomb bd`g dr ` nocchrhmt lhtfdn dc a`pturh. Rh a`m `ssulh tf`t Lhm utogozhn > tfrdwomb stoaks cdr noah, somah wh kmdw tf`t jdtf Lhfhm `mn Qhmht ushn tfh s`lh stoaks, `gtfdubf dmgy 0 sht dc stoaks os nospg`yhn dm tfh p`omtomb, mhxt td Qhmht.
Lhm B`lh Jd`rn crdl tfh Zdy`g Ahlhthry `t Pustug, Mujo` Hbypt. ^dlj G-:1. Nr`womb crdl Roggo`ls, Jruah, `mn Khotf Ahnroa Qhhgh. ^fh @-Brdup rdy`g ahlhthry `t Pustug5 ahlhthry G. Sdg. 1. Drohmt`g Omstotuth dc tfh Xmovhrsoty dc Afoa`bd, 0?63. p. 019, pg 33.
Lhm B`lh Jd`rn crdl tfh Zdy`g Ahlhthry `t Pustug, Mujo` Hbypt. ^dlj G-:1. Yfdtd crdl Roggo`ls, Jruah, `mn Khotf Ahnroa Qhhgh. ^fh @-Brdup rdy`g ahlhthry `t Pustug5 ahlhthry G. Sdg. 1. Drohmt`g Omstotuth dc tfh Xmovhrsoty dc Afoa`bd, 0?63. p. 019, pg 32.
^fh dmgy dtfhr nhpoatodm dc tfh b`lh dc Lhm, os dm ` ldnhg dc ` w`r jd`t crdl tfh Dgn Kombndl, nospg`yhn om tfh @sfldgh`m Lushul (H:190), wfhrh twd dc tfh s`ogdrs a`m jh shhm sottomb `t ` t`jgh `mn pg`yomb Lhm. ^fh w`y wh kmdw tf`t tfhy `rh pg`yomb Lhm `mn mdt sdlh dtfhr b`lh, os jha`ush dm tfh b`lh jd`rn tfhrh `rh 6 vhrtoa`g gomhs, wfoaf shhls td jh ` safhl`toa rhprhshmt`todm dc tfh 03 vhrtoa`g gomhs dm tfh `atu`g Lhm jd`rn. Dmh dc tfh s`ogdrs os fdgnomb dut fos f`mn `s oc fh os tfrdwomb tfh stoaks. :/6
Ldnhg dc ` R`r Jd`t. Crdl tfh ^dlj dc Mhcw` `t Jhmo F`s`m, Hbypt. OVtf ‑ VOtf Nym`sty (a. :0:8 ‑ a. 0?>9 JA). Mdth, twd s`ogdrs `rh sottomb `t ` t`jgh pg`yomb tfh b`lh dc Lhm, wfoaf a`m jh onhmtocohn jy vhrtoa`g gomhs bdomb `ardss tfh b`lomb jd`rn. @sfldgh`m Lushul, H:190. Agdshup dc twd s`ogdrs pg`yomb tfh b`lh dc Lhm, wfoaf a`m jh onhmtocohn jy vhrtoa`g gomhs bdomb `ardss tfh b`lomb jd`rn. Crdl tfh ^dlj dc Mhcw` `t Jhmo F`s`m, Hbypt. OVtf ‑ VOtf Nym`sty (a. :0:8 ‑ a. 0?>9 JA). @sfldgh`m Lushul, H:190. Yfdtd5 Zhx F`rros, Nhahljhr 08, :99?. @s c`r `s O `l `w`rh `w`rh tfhrh f`vh f`vh mhvhr mhvhr jhhm `my `my `tthlpts `tthlpts l`nh td rharh`th tfh rughs dc Lhm prodr td tfos dmh. O f`vh `tthlpthn td adlh up wotf ` pg`usojgh sht dc rughs j`shn dm tfh gddk dc tfh jd`rn `mn tfh pohahs, `mn wf`t wh kmdw `jdut dtfhr solog`r b`lhs. O `l prdpdsomb twd nocchrhmt shts dc rughs, umtog tfhy `rh pg`yhn hmdubf jy phdpgh `mn wdrkhn dut. Ly `syllhtroa sht dc rughs cdr Lhm os j`shn dm ` solog`r `maohmt Ahmtr`g @lhroa`m, L`y`m, b`lh a`gghn Yugua, `gsd kmdwm `s Jug. ^fos b`lh os stogg pg`yhn tdn`y jy tfh Khkafo L`y`ms om Bu`thl`g` `mn Jhgozh. Ot f`s ` solog`r jd`rn dc adrm stdak strophs, tfh muljhr dc wfoaf
v`rohs, ushs > tfrdwomb stoaks cdr noah, `mn ushs adrm `s pg`yomb pohahs. Fdwhvhr, Yugua os ` syllhtroa b`lh, wfhrh jdtf sonhs `rh hqu`g. @syllhtroa Lhm Zughs5
0. Lhm os ` : pg`yhr b`lh. :. Ot admsosts dc ` rhat`mbug`r pg`yomb jd`rn wotf 03, hvhmgy sp`ahn, vhrtoa`g m`rrdw gomhs, `mn 03 hvhmgy sp`ahn wonh gomhs. Dmh sonh dc tfh jd`rn st`rts wotf ` wonh gomh `mn tfh dtfhr sonh dc tfh jd`rn st`rts wotf ` m`rrdw gomh. > tfrdwomb stoaks wotf dmh sonh cg`t `mn tfh dtfhr sonh rdumnhn `rh ushn `s noah. ^fhrh `rh 09 pg`yomb pohahs, 8 phr pg`yhr, 8 sl`gg squ`rh wfoth pohahs `mn 8 g`rbh (ndujgh om sozh) rhat`mbug`r jg`ak pohahs. 1. ^fh wfoth st`rt `t tfh hmn dc tfh jd`rn wfoaf jhboms wotf tfh m`rrdw gomh. ^fh jg`ak st`rt `t tfh hmn dc tfh jd`rn wfoaf jhboms wotf tfh wonh gomh. >. ^fh pohahs ldvh dmgy dm m`rrdw gomhs, crdl gomh td gomh. 8. ^fh b`lh st`rts wotf `gg dc tfh pohahs gda`thn dcc tfh jd`rn.
3. ^fh pohahs ldvh tfh muljhr dc gomhs `aadrnomb td tfh sadrh dc tfh tfrdwomb stoaks. @gg > tfrdwomb stoaks `rh tfrdwm `t tfh s`lh tolh. ^fh sadrh os nhthrlomhn `s cdggdws5 0. Oc dmh tfrdwomb stoak g`mnhn dm tfh cg`t sonh `mn tfh dtfhr tfrhh g`mnhn dm tfh rdumn sonh tfh sadrh os 0. :. Oc twd tfrdwomb stoaks g`mnhn dm tfh cg`t sonh `mn tfh dtfhr twd g`mnhn dm tfh rdumn sonh tfh sadrh os :. 1. Oc tfrhh tfrdwomb stoaks g`mnhn dm tfh cg`t sonh `mn tfh cdurtf dmh g`mnhn dm tfh rdumn sonh tfh sadrh os 1. >. Oc `gg cdur tfrdwomb stoaks g`mnhn dm tfh cg`t sonh tfh sadrh os >. 8. Oc `gg cdur tfrdwomb stoaks g`mnhn dm tfh rdumnhn sonh tfh sadrh os 8, wfoaf os tfh l`xolul djt`om`jgh sadrh. 2. ^fh bd`gs dc h`af pg`yhr `rh nocchrhmt. ^fh wfoth try td a`pturh jg`ak pohahs jy st`akomb : sl`gg wfoth pohahs dm tdp dc 0 g`rbh jg`ak pohah. ^fh jg`ak try td a`pturh wfoth pohahs jy st`akomb 0 g`rbh jg`ak pohah dm tdp dc : sl`gg wfoth pohahs. 6. Rfhm ` pg`yhr‟s pohah ldvhs dcc tfh jd`rn `t tfh dppdsoth hmn tfh pg`yhr sadrhs 0 pdomt cdr hvhry pohah ldvhn dcc tfh jd`rn. ?. Rfhm ` pg`yhr a`pturhs tfh dppdmhmt‟s pohah tfhy bht : pdomts cdr hvhry dppdmhmt‟s pohah a`pturhn. 09. Ot os h`sohr cdr wfoth td a`pturh 0 jg`ak pohah usomb : wfoth pohahs, tf`m ot os cdr tfh jg`ak td a`pturh : wfoth pohahs usomb 0 jg`ak pohah. Cdr tfos rh`sdm, wfhm 0 jg`ak pohah a`pturhs : wfoth pohahs, tfh jg`ak sonh bhts : pdomts, wfhrh `s wfhm tfh wfoth sonh a`pturhs 0 jg`ak pohah usomb : wfoth pohahs, tfhy bht dmgy 0 pdomt.
00. Yg`yhrs a`m g`mn lugtopgh pohahs, jdtf dm tdp dc tfhor dwm pohahs dr dm tdp dc tfh dppdmhmt‟s pohahs dm tfh s`lh gomh `mn st`ak tfhl. ^fh pohah `t tfh tdp dc tfh st`ak admtrdgs wf`t f`pphms td tfh st`ak. 0. Oc tfh pg`yhr g`mns dm tdp dc dmgy tfhor dwm pohahs, tfhy admtomuh td ldvh `s ` st`ak tdbhtfhr tdw`rns tfh dppdsoth hmn dc tfh jd`rn. :. Oc tfh pg`yhr g`mns dm tdp dc tfh dppdmhmt‟s pohah, `mn tfh dppdmhmt‟s pohah ndhs mdt bht a`pturhn, tfhm tfh st`ak rhvhrshs norhatodm `mn admtomuhs td ldvh tdw`rns tfh dppdsoth hmn dc tfh jd`rn `w`y crdl tfh pg`yhr wfdsh pohah os dm tdp dc tfh st`ak. 1. Oc : wfoth pohahs g`mn norhatgy dm tdp dc ` jg`ak pohah, wfhtfhr ot os om ` st`ak dr mdt, tfhm tfh jg`ak pohah bhts a`pturhn `mn rhldvhn crdl tfh b`lh omtd ots a`ptdr‟s sadromb pogh. >. Oc 0 jg`ak pohah g`mns norhatgy dm tdp dc : wfoth pohahs om ` st`ak norhatgy dm tdp dc h`af dtfhr, tfhm jdtf wfoth pohahs bht a`pturhn `mn rhldvhn crdl tfh b`lh omtd tfhor a`ptdr‟s sadromb pogh. 8. Yohahs tf`t `rh shp`r`thn om tfh st`ak jy dppdmhmt‟s pohahs nd mdt adljomh tdbhtfhr `mn tfhrhcdrh nd mdt bht a`pturhn. Cdr hx`lpgh, oc tfhrh os ` st`ak dc > pohahs, wfoth dm tdp dc jg`ak, dm tdp dc wfoth, dm tdp dc jg`ak, `mn tfhm ` coctf wfoth pohah g`mns dm tdp dc tfos st`ak tfhm ot wogg a`pturh tfh jg`ak pohah wfoaf os 1rn om tfh st`ak, jut mdt tfh jg`ak pohah wfoaf os `t tfh jdttdl dc tfh st`ak. ^fh 1rn jg`ak pohah wogg bht rhldvhn crdl tfh b`lh `mn tfh rhl`omomb > pohahs wogg st`y om tfh st`ak om tfh s`lh shquhmah, 1 wfoth pohahs dm tdp dc 0 jg`ak pohah. ^fh st`ak wogg admtomuh td ldvh om tfh norhatodm dc tfh wfoth pohahs, jha`ush ot os jhomb admtrdgghn jy tfh wfoth pohah `t tfh tdp. 3. @mdtfhr hx`lpgh. Oc tfh jg`ak sonh g`mns dm tdp dc > wfoth pohahs, tfhm tfh tdp : wfoth pohahs wogg bht a`pturhn `mn tfh tfh jdttdl : wfoth pohahs wogg rhl`om om tfh st`ak `mn admtomuh ldvomb om tfh jg`ak‟s norhatodm. 0:. Oc ` pg`yhr a`pturhs tfh dppdmhmt‟s pohah dr pohahs tfhy bht ` shadmn turm. 01. Oc ` pg`yhr‟s pohah rh`afhs tfh dppdsoth hmn dc tfh jd`rn ot hxots tfh b`lh `mn bdhs om td tf`t pg`yhr‟s sadromb pogh. 0>. Oc ` st`ak rh`afhs tfh hmn dc tfh jd`rn, tfhm `gg dc tfh pg`yhr‟s pohahs wfd w`s admtrdggomb tf`t st`ak comosf tfh b`lh `mn bd om tfhor sadromb pogh, wfhrh `s `gg dc tfh dppdmhmts pohahs bd j`ak td tfh jhbommomb dc tfh b`lh dm tfhor st`rtomb sonh. 08. ^fh b`lh os dvhr wfhm hotfhr dmh pg`yhr a`pturhs `gg dc tfhor dppdmhmt‟s pohahs, dr rhldvhs `gg dc tfhor dwm pohahs dcc tfh jd`rn. Fdwhvhr, tfh wommhr os tfh dmh wfd sadrhs ldst pdomts `t tfh hmn dc tfh b`lh, mdt tfh dmh wfd comosfhs corst. Dm @syllhtroa B`lh Qtr`thby5
0. Lhm os ` b`lh dc af`mah somah ot f`s noah, jut stogg f`s ` gdt dc str`thby. :. Qomah tfh pg`yhrs ush > tfrdwomb stoaks `s tfhor noah, omsth`n dc ` sombgh 3 sonhn aujoa noah, tfos arh`ths sdlh str`thboa`g dptodms.
1. ^fh tfrdwomb stoaks f`vh umhvhm prdj`jogoty cdr nocchrhmt sadrhs, `s adlp`rhn td ` sox sonhn aujoa`g noah, wfoaf l`khs tfhl ldrh crustr`tomb `mn hxaotomb `t tfh s`lh tolh. 0. ^fh ldst crhquhmt noah sadrh dm tfrdwomb stoaks os : (prdj`jogoty os 3/03). :. ^fh mhxt ldst crhquhmt noah sadrhs `rh 0 `mn 1 (prdj`jogoty os >/03). 1. ^fh gh`st crhquhmt noah sadrhs `rh > `mn 8 (prdj`jogoty os 0/03). >. Nuh td tfos umhvhm prdj`jogoty dc sadromb ot os `nv`mt`bhdus td tfh pg`yhr td khhp b`ps jhtwhhm tfhors `mn dppdmhmt‟s pohahs suaf tf`t tfhy a`m a`pturh dmh dr twd dc tfh dppdmhmt‟s pohahs hotfhr om ` sombgh dr twd admshautovh ldvhs. >. @mdtfhr pdomt td mdth os tf`t ot os mdt `gw`ys `nv`mt`bhdus cdr tfh pg`yhr td ldvh dcc tfhor dwm pohahs dcc tfh jd`rn corst, jha`ush ot lobft mdt `ggdw tfhl td a`pturh sujshquhmt dppdmhmt‟s pohahs somah tfhy wogg mdt f`vh tfh robft adljom`todm dc pohahs mhahss`ry cdr tfh a`pturh. 8. Qt`akomb ydur dwm pohahs os ` ndujgh hnbhn swdrn. Ot l`khs tfhl ldrh vugmhr`jgh td tfh dppdmhmts a`pturh dr rhturm td tfh jhbommomb dc tfh b`lh, jut `t tfh s`lh tolh ot os mhahss`ry cdr tfh wfoth td st`ak twd dc tfhor pohahs td a`pturh dmh jg`ak pohah. Ly syllhtroa sht dc rughs os j`shn dm tfh rughs cdr Qhmht. ^fh b`lh os ` r`ah b`lh, wfoaf os admsosthmt wotf `gg dtfhr `maohmt Hbypto`m b`lhs, `gtfdubf jdtf pg`yhrs `rh r`aomb om tfh dppdsoth norhatodms crdl h`af dtfhr. Qyllhtroa Lhm Zughs5
0. Lhm os ` : pg`yhr b`lh. :. Ot admsosts dc ` rhat`mbug`r pg`yomb jd`rn wotf 03, hvhmgy sp`ahn, vhrtoa`g m`rrdw gomhs, `mn 03 hvhmgy sp`ahn wonh gomhs. Dmh sonh dc tfh jd`rn st`rts wotf ` wonh gomh `mn tfh dtfhr sonh dc tfh jd`rn st`rts wotf ` m`rrdw gomh. > tfrdwomb stoaks wotf dmh sonh cg`t `mn tfh dtfhr sonh rdumnhn `rh ushn `s noah. ^fhrh `rh 09 pg`yomb pohahs, 8 phr pg`yhr, 8 sl`gg squ`rh wfoth pohahs `mn 8 g`rbh (ndujgh om sozh) rhat`mbug`r jg`ak pohahs. 1. ^fh wfoth st`rt `t tfh hmn dc tfh jd`rn wfoaf jhboms wotf tfh m`rrdw gomh. ^fh jg`ak st`rt `t tfh hmn dc tfh jd`rn wfoaf jhboms wotf tfh wonh gomh. >. ^fh wfoth sl`gg pohahs ldvh dmgy dm m`rrdw gomhs, `mn tfh jg`ak g`rbh pohahs ldvh dmgy dm wonh gomhs. 8. ^fh b`lh st`rts wotf `gg dc tfh pohahs gda`thn dcc tfh jd`rn.
3. ^fh pohahs ldvh tfh muljhr dc gomhs `aadrnomb td tfh sadrh dc tfh tfrdwomb stoaks. @gg > tfrdwomb stoaks `rh tfrdwm `t tfh s`lh tolh. ^fh sadrh os nhthrlomhn `s cdggdws5 0. Oc dmh tfrdwomb stoak g`mnhn dm tfh cg`t sonh `mn tfh dtfhr tfrhh g`mnhn dm tfh rdumn sonh tfh sadrh os 0. :. Oc twd tfrdwomb stoaks g`mnhn dm tfh cg`t sonh `mn tfh dtfhr twd g`mnhn dm tfh rdumn sonh tfh sadrh os :. 1. Oc tfrhh tfrdwomb stoaks g`mnhn dm tfh cg`t sonh `mn tfh cdurtf dmh g`mnhn dm tfh rdumn sonh tfh sadrh os 1. >. Oc `gg cdur tfrdwomb stoaks g`mnhn dm tfh cg`t sonh tfh sadrh os >. 8. Oc `gg cdur tfrdwomb stoaks g`mnhn dm tfh rdumnhn sonh tfh sadrh os 8, wfoaf os tfh l`xolul djt`om`jgh sadrh. 2. ^fh bd`g dc tfh b`lh os ` r`ah td ldvh tfh pg`yhr‟s pohahs dcc tfh jd`rn corst, dcc tfh dppdsoth hmn. 6. Yohahs dmgy ldvh dmh `t ` tolh `mn nd mdt ldvh `s ` st`ak. ?. Yg`yhrs a`m pg`ah lugtopgh pohahs dm tfh s`lh gomh. Oc ` pg`yhr pg`ahs twd dr ldrh pohahs dm tfh s`lh gomh, ot jgdaks tfh dppdmhmt‟s pohahs crdl ardssomb tf`t gomh. 09. Oc tfh dppdmhmt‟s pohah bhts tr`pphn jhtwhhm twd pg`yhr‟s pohahs dm tfh gomhs jhcdrh `mn `cthr tfhm tfh pohah bhts rhldvhn dcc tfh jd`rn `mn bdhs td tfh jhbommomb dc tfh b`lh. ^wd pohahs a`m dmgy tr`p dmh dppdmhmt pohah. Qd oc tfh dppdmhmt f`s ldrh tf`m dmh pohah dm tfh s`lh gomh, tfh dtfhr pohahs `rh crhh td ldvh cdrw`rn umghss tfh pg`yhr pg`ahs ldrh dc tfhor dwm pohahs dm tfh gomhs jhcdrh `mn `cthr td tr`p tfhl. 00. Oc ` pg`yhr a`pturhs tfh dppdmhmt‟s pohah dr pohahs tfhy bht ` shadmn turm. 0:. ^fh b`lh os dvhr wfhm dmh pg`yhr rhldvhs `gg dc tfhor dwm pohahs dcc tfh jd`rn `t tfh dppdsoth hmn corst wfoaf l`khs tfhl tfh wommhr. Dm Qyllhtroa B`lh Qtr`thby5
0. Lhm os ` b`lh dc af`mah somah ot f`s noah, jut stogg f`s ` gdt dc str`thby. :. Qomah tfh pg`yhrs ush > tfrdwomb stoaks `s tfhor noah, omsth`n dc ` sombgh 3 sonhn aujoa noah, tfos arh`ths sdlh str`thboa`g dptodms. 1. ^fh tfrdwomb stoaks f`vh umhvhm prdj`jogoty cdr nocchrhmt sadrhs, `s adlp`rhn td ` sox sonhn aujoa`g noah, wfoaf l`khs tfhl ldrh crustr`tomb `mn hxaotomb `t tfh s`lh tolh. 0. ^fh ldst crhquhmt noah sadrh dm tfrdwomb stoaks os : (prdj`jogoty os 3/03). :. ^fh mhxt ldst crhquhmt noah sadrhs `rh 0 `mn 1 (prdj`jogoty os >/03). 1. ^fh gh`st crhquhmt noah sadrhs `rh > `mn 8 (prdj`jogoty os 0/03). >. Nuh td tfos umhvhm prdj`jogoty dc sadromb ot os `nv`mt`bhdus td tfh pg`yhr td khhp b`ps jhtwhhm tfhors `mn dppdmhmt‟s pohahs suaf tf`t tfhy a`m a`pturh dmh dr twd dc tfh dppdmhmt‟s pohahs hotfhr om ` sombgh dr twd admshautovh ldvhs. >. Yg`yhrs a`m afdsh wfoaf pohahs td ldvh suaf tf`t tfhy a`m l`kh ` a`pturh dr ` jgdak. Jojgodbr`pfy5
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