Men's Sexual Revolution: Pandora's Box

May 11, 2017 | Author: booker_cox | Category: N/A
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Men are slowly waking up to the game that society is playing on them, yet too many are reaching the wrong conclusions. A...


Pandora's Box: The Men's Sexual Revolution

…..................... By Booker T. Cox

Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: The Big Lie Chapter 3: Time Bomb: Male Perpetual Singlehood Chapter 4: What Must Be Done Chapter 5: A Better Future Chapter 6: New Dark Age: Exhibit A Chapter 7: New Dark Age: Exhibit B Epilogue: Share the Knowledge

Chapter 1: Introduction I could charge money for this book, and people would buy it on shock value alone, but this isn't about money. I want this book to be freely shared. It is my sincere belief that there are some bitter truths out there that need to be openly acknowledged and addressed in society, otherwise relations between the genders is only going to get significantly worse in the near future. I also believe there are too many feel-good myths out there that really cause far more harm than good. Let me state first, that I am NOT a "misogynist", nor do I harbor any ill-will toward the female half of the human species. I am simply pointing out some harsh truths that many women already know in the deepest depths of their hearts, but feel VERY uncomfortable actually admitting - even to themselves, which works to their detriment, and ours. I don't favor any gender. I'm an Equal Opportunity Irritant. There's so much animosity, so many misconceptions, deceptive habits and other bullshit going on between the sexes. We can start fixing that by being brutally honest about what we REALLY WANT from each other, and then providing the means for us all to meet those standards. The dating game is broken. The institution of marriage is slowly dying in the western world. Women are increasingly unhappy and unfulfilled by the selection of men available to them. Many, if not most women, are constantly fighting that nagging feeling they lowered their standards with the man they are with. More and more women are choosing to remain single because there are so few men out there that are both attractive AND viable long-term mates. Men are collectively feeling frustrated by their increasing difficulties in finding a mate. Many guys have to deal with that creeping feeling of inadequacy that has to be constantly repressed lest he appear "insecure" or "weak". Sometimes his current partner behaves in ways that indicate she isn't all that into him, yet any questioning on his part gets him accused of being “insecure.” Dating for a typical man often feels like playing a morbid compensation game, because if you are truly attracted to someone, the basics are good enough. If a man makes only $35,000 a year, it's NOT an immediate dealbreaker to that many women if he is close to her age, and at least has healthy financial habits with the money he does make...IF there is enough physical attraction there on her part. The further a man deviates from her physical ideal, the more he is required to compensate in other ways. The CLOSER a man is to her physical ideal, the LESS he his required to meet her other standards, even to a point she would NEVER tolerate otherwise. The aim of this booklet is to shed light on some painful realities, and pose a valid, peaceful solution which both sides would enjoy. Also, the purpose will be to expose possible societal dangers looming on the horizon if the core issue isn't addressed, as well as the ways society could grow and advance if the issue IS addressed, therefore far offsetting the costs. It's time someone sounded the alarm and exposed the collective deception between men and women, before the confusion and anxiety on both sides further poisons relations between the sexes. Some of the ideas expressed in this book might seem controversial or worse when perceived through our current cultural and social filters. Then again, there's a good chance the

ideas are simply ahead of their time, just like mathematics predicted things in quantum physics many years before the weird ideas were confirmed. During that time, Albert Einstein favored the conventional reasoning of the day, arguing vehemently against the implications of those equations. As history turns out, Einstein was wrong in that area, as was the conventional thinking of the time. The idea that the earth was round was once thought a crazy idea. Galileo faced persecution when he put forth the idea that the earth revolved around the sun. The ideas of multiple universes, parallel realities and 10 spacial dimensions were seen as pure pseudoscience up until recently, but now those strange ideas seem to be gaining momentum. We are in a transition. We are moving away from the primitive systems of the past, where women basically had to prostitute themselves out to a husband or live alone in poverty. Love usually had nothing to do with it. It was all just business, and it was the only kind of male/female pair bonding she ever knew. The old system worked as far as maintaining a stable society. Though it had some rather nasty flaws, it allowed for the expanding of resources, creating new allies, and also ensured a large portion of men a certain degree of female companionship, which was vital for social stability. Now that the notion of romantic love has become firmly ingrained in our culture, people are confused, frustrated and sometimes angry, because we still cling to traditional rules that are at odds with romantic love. “Love marriages” have historically been the rare exception, not the norm. Up until around the 1800's, marrying for romance and love was considered a foolish idea. People did not expect to be in a love-based marriage. It was a duty – a tradition men and women were expected to follow and love had little to do with it. Your wife probably wasn't going to be particularly appealing, and you were expected to be OK with that, as well as vice-versa. The institution of marriage likely lasted as long as it did throughout human history because the notion of “romantic love for everyone” never infected it on a large scale, raising expectations to near-unobtainable heights. Over the last 50 years, we have been transitioning to a love-based relationship ideal – one which most everyone prefers, myself included. The problem is, when it comes to real feelings of love and romance, women typically are exclusively attracted to a very narrow subset of men. The notion that women vary widely in what they find attractive is grossly exaggerated. Much of the language in this book will sound hopeless on the surface, but I am merely pointing out some difficult realities we should be made aware of. Only if we are able to face reality for what it is, can we work to create a valid solution that doesn't involve outdated thinking and knee-jerk collective reactions. Certain painful truths becoming common knowledge can cause long term resentment and social instability which will not be helped by band-aid solutions. Pandora's Box has been opened and it cannot be shut. Certain unpopular ideas are becoming more and more common among men as the way women behave makes no sense to them. This book aims to show that animosity and hard feelings are NOT the answer, and neither is trying to cajole, shame, bribe (using flashy cars and high earnings), or game the system to manipulate women into relationships with men they aren't really all that attracted to. We now live in a society where romantic love is expected for everyone, and any actions we take in future society will be colored by the strong emotional attachment we had toward that concept. We are in a unique time in human history. The expectation of romantic pair bonds for everyone NEVER took a firm hold on society like it has today. Our society is so emotionally invested in the concept, that damning proof against the myths could lead to societal problems. We have the means nowadays to avoid those problem entirely, if we would just look beyond our current cultural filters. A society that cannot maintain long-term pair bonds will become unstable. Marriage in its various forms were always a VITAL pillar of civilization throughout human history. It is imperative that we preserve the dignity of human pair-bonds. The idea of “romantic love for everyone”, no matter how sweet it sounds, has a societal danger attached. Romantic love from a woman requires a condition few men meet, and more people these days are beginning to see that. It is imperative that we start being honest with each other and allow ourselves the tools necessary to make that standard attainable for the average man.

Chapter 2: The Big Lie I recall a TV program that compared a man who was consistently rated very highly physically attractive – muscular, in his late twenties, tanned, sharp jawline, strong cheekbones – but was unemployed, with a man rated “average” in physical

attractiveness. Keep in mind this guy was just average. Maybe a “4” on the typical 1-10 scale. No deformities. No obvious huge nose or recessed chin. Clear skin. No height listed. No glasses. Not obviously fat. Looked to be in his late 30s. Definite hair loss around the temples, though. The average guy needed to make over $200,00 a year just to match the other guy's desirability. That would mean a man who is within the realm of “average” to most women on the proverbial “hotness scale”, but makes $100,000 a year, is STILL not as desirable as a really hot guy who works a minimum wage job. The difference in looks would require difference of $200,000 a year in the average man's favor to be equal in mate desirability. This is a rough example, in dollars and cents, how much women value good looks! Let that sink in, guys: You need to make $200,000 more than the hot guy makes. Per year. This may sound outlandish, seeing as most women appear to be more reasonable in the “real world”, but, guys, I implore you to consider the idea that this is how strongly most women feel about a man's looks, even if they behave differently. Women are very pragmatic about relationships, by and large. They are strongly pressured to conform to a certain mode of behavior. They constantly have to fight their innermost feelings and often underestimate how important a strong physical attraction toward a mate really is for a stable, fulfilling long term partnership. They realize they have to make sacrifices, but many of them still pine for a man they are truly attracted to. Many women have to deal with a lot of internalized frustration as that feeling never goes away. No matter how much she might try to convince herself intellectually that her current mate is a great catch, those feelings have their way of creeping back in. It's a sad story for both parties involved. Of course, the TV program mentioned above had a positive spin, effectively saying “worry not, plain folks, for money is the great equalizer.” I have several problems with that kind of message. I want LOVE, not a trophy. I want a MATE, not a prostitute. I want a woman who wholly and truly desires me. I want someone who freely gives, of her own free will, that part of her heart I did nothing to earn, needing nothing to compensate with! Anything less is illegitimate, and I will NOT stand for it! I'm a MAN, not a fucking TRICK! There's a saying: “Money cannot buy love”. It can get you sex with a woman, but no matter how lavishly (or foolishly) you spoil her with exotic gifts and creative/thoughtful romantic gestures, you will never have her feelings if they weren't already there within the first minute she met you. In cruder terms, money does not make a vagina tingle. You can buy the use of her body in a wide variety of subtle ways, and she might even put on a prize-winning act. However, her feelings and emotions can never be earned or flipped “on” like a switch in any way at all – neither by kindness, neither generosity, neither thoughtfulness, neither by having a sense of humor, neither by showing intelligence, nor by being an interesting person, nor by being a fun person, or jumping through whatever hoops she throws your way, or by doing any of that creepy shit the pickup artist gurus told you. This is why women say to men, “Just be yourself.” Attraction cannot be flipped on like a switch. It is either there or it isn't. If a women likes a guy in a romantic way, she will forgive a lot of flaws. The real reason why “Nice Guys” are given such a bad reputation among women is because they are typically physically unattractive and trying to make up for that with their personality, yet have nothing else of value to offer as adequate compensation for the lack of physical attraction. Personality alone is worthless. Attraction is either there within the first minute of meeting or it isn't. That's the difficult reality too many clueless guys refuse to accept. A guy who tries to use his personality to get women interested in him, yet has no carrot to dangle in front of her, is viewed as nothing more than a dishonest john by women the same way WE see a gold digger as a dishonest prostitute! That's why guys get played and thrown away as trash. A woman is not a machine, where you either have to pull a series of levers the right way to get the item – or just insert a coin – , and out comes a desire she didn't have toward you previously. Guys who say “make money to get the women” are essentially johns seeking a prostitute. Having an “attractive career” does NOT make a man more sexually attractive in a woman's eyes, only practically so. Sadly, too many women are sacrificing romance in the name of practicality, feeding the very mentality described above. It's time we, as a society, accepted a certain hideously ugly truth. It's time we destroyed the Big Lie which has kept us frustrated and confused about relationships since the expectation of romantic love became ingrained in our culture:

...Are you sitting down?...

...No? Then don't say I didn't warn you...

...Please take your medicines now if you have any heart problems...

Looks matter even MORE to WOMEN than they do to MEN when it comes to GENUINE, REAL, HEARTFELT ROMANTIC EMOTIONS! Strong romantic feelings from women are almost always reserved for the classically handsome men only. Not just sex, guys. ROMANTIC EMOTIONS! What you see in the “real world” is smoke and mirrors. The real reality lurks beneath the surface, and the web of confusion runs deep. This is the root cause of friction between the tradition of marriage and relationships, against the biological nature of human sexual attraction. Of course, we like to collectively piss all over such a notion. It sounds absolutely horrible. Maybe even horrifying. People are ashamed of that idea. We as a society all have a vested interest in believing the Big Lie (“looks don't matter that much to women”), even though that willful ignorance ultimately hurts us. Men are deathly afraid of the idea, many clinging desperately to those last vain hopes it isn't true. People often mock those who dare imply such. We need to lose that shame. Just like women should be able to be open about what they want without being shamed. Remove the shame on both sides and we can remove the fear. Yes, we see ugly men with women all the time, and on very rare occasions, we even see an ugly man with a beautiful woman. BUT, that isn't the whole story. Who a woman marries is typically quite different than who she really falls for. They are simply trying to make the best of a difficult situation the best they can, and it is NOT working so well these days. Women generally don't want to live alone for the rest of their lives. Many are often willing to lower their standards significantly just to avoid that. If a women is 45 and not obese, she could still get laid with a young stud any time she wants. Guys she would normally marry could never compete with her fuck buddies in the bedroom. Yet, the men she likes to have sex with will not marry her. It is for this reason that her list of “must have's” and “must do's” is often so extensive. The less attractive a woman finds you, physically, the more closely you will have to match her ideal dream mate's personality AND meet her needs in every possible non-physical way, - and with less room for error! This adds up to herculean compensation requirements that few average-looking men can meet. Not exactly good for stable relationships, is it? The worse you look, the more you have to pay, yet she's giving it up for free to guys she finds hot. Compounding the problem is the fact that the threshold for attraction in females is extremely high. In general, they claim that looks aren't that important to them and “personality can make up for it”, but the reality is they have to lower their standards or stay alone! The obvious reason for most sexless marriages is lack of sexual attraction, but nobody wants to acknowledge the elephant in the room. Most men out there find comfort in the Big Lie, and damning evidence of the truth on a wide scale could potentially turn back the clock on the strides women have made toward equal rights and freedoms. On rare occasions, YES, an average looking guy CAN find genuine interest from the RARE women whose standards for physical attraction are more lax than the majority. Sadly, those girls are rare enough that your time would be better spent improving your physical appearance and giving the majority what they want. You might see average looking and ugly guys with women more attractive than themselves, but there is an uncomfortable reality just beneath the surface in the vast majority of cases. Their interest in the guy is often far more practical and social than romantic. As we as a society transition more fully toward love-based marriages, we still have some holdovers from the old system. One of them is the fact that women generally feel pressured to put on a good show about how “less visual” they are than men, choosing

their long-term mates with more pragmatic than romantic intentions and then holding that up as a misleading example of “romantic” interest, arguing that “looks aren't as important to us”. Without sufficient physical attraction, there can be no sexual attraction, and women are often pressured by society to vastly understate what that threshold is. The younger generation of women are often accused of being very “shallow” about looks, but it isn't necessarily the case. They're just being honest with themselves and everyone else, which scares a lot of men and the older women who stand to benefit most from the current system. Honest woman, in sufficient numbers, are “dangerous” to the current social paradigm, hence why they are often shamed or silenced. They are pressured to live, act and speak the Big Lie, or face the consequences. Let me ask the guys in the audience a question. What word, other than “bitch”, is one of the absolute most offensive names you could call a woman? What insult seem to really PISS a lot of women off? What word is the venerable classic, used over a span of thousands of years, and across many cultures, that was used specifically to insult a woman?

….No, No. No peeking. Take a guess first....

That word is “whore”, or any other synonym for it. Let's examine one possibility as to why the word is so highly emotionally charged. Most women have been in at least one relationship where their feelings were more practical than romantic, thanks to a society that pressures them to do so. Many look back on those experiences and FEEL like a whore, but get shamed for being “shallow” if try to talk about those feelings! They don't really WANT those kind of relationships, and deep in their hearts, it bothers them. Calling them “whores” just rubs salt in the wound. Today, that word has been twisted to refer to a girl who “sleeps around”, but often times, she is just giving it away for free and getting her sexual needs met. That is the OPPOSITE of a prostitute. “Slut shaming” has got to go, because those so-called “sluts” are just honest girls, and they deserve some respect for that. Men get a bad reputation of being the shallow ones. In reality, the average guy can grow to love a girl even if she she's just plain average. The problem is, many women are judging the average guy based on how the good looking ones behave. Of course the 6'1 guy with the sixpack and meaty shoulders isn't going to settle for the average woman. He has a huge number of options and can afford to be laser-focused in what he wants. Both genders are picky if they're at the top, but the difference between men and women is that a man at the top doesn't require a model to get sexually aroused. That's why you hear of so many girls getting pumped and dumped after getting fucked by a guy way out of their league. Your average woman, on the other hand, DOES need a man with a strong visual appeal in order to get aroused. If your girl only wants to do it in the dark or always closes her eyes during the act, consider that a bad sign as to where you really stand with her. Physical attraction is very important for any lasting relationship, but unfortunately for men, women have VERY high standards in that area, which are biologically based and NOT intentional. Yes, humans are logical creatures capable of making rational decisions, but it is the height of willful ignorance to deny the pull biology has on us. The harsh reality we need to accept and embrace is that the vast majority of women are only GENUINELY romantically and sexually attracted to a very narrow subset of men: Tall, muscular, low body fat, chiseled facial features, full head of hair, wide shoulders, deep voice, clear skin, masculine hands, etc. Some imperfection is allowed, provided the guy largely fits the mold, otherwise her love for him can never be fully genuine. That's not being “shallow”. It's biology, and women should not have to live in a society where they are shamed for that. Physically attractive guys are fairly rare nowadays, so their value is inflated. This means many of them are often spoiled ROTTEN, lazy, and possessing other undesirable personality attributes. They can behave however they want to, with no real sociosexual consequences. Their rarity allows them to chose the cream of the crop, leaving the rest of the women to pursue other options after they've been pumped and dumped by them, used as little more than a living masturbation aid. This leaves the majority of women in a position where they feel they HAVE to settle for someone they are secretly not all that attracted to, or be alone. They are also pressured to settle by society, family, etc, and shamed for holding out for someone physically attractive. THAT is where all the laundry list of other requirements comes in. If you can't get anyone you are attracted to to commit to you, then the man you marry had better have a LOT to offer to compensate for that, because your days of hot sex with hot guys will be over!

For every point below a "7" a man falls on the proverbial "1-10 physical hotness scale", he is under exponentially more pressure to compensate for that in every possible way – just to be “good enough” for an illusion of real romantic love. Any relationship that starts with pressure to conform to a list of demands will be unstable and hard to maintain. That girl may be hot, but stop thinking with your dicks, guys. If you're under pressure to own a certain type of car, that car has a pretty good chance of being hers in 7 years with "WAS HIS" printed on the license plate – after she cheats on you with the guy I described above once she realizes raw sexual attraction IS vitally important. Women peak sexually in their late 30s to early 40s. The same age when they start divorcing like crazy (70% of divorces are initiated by the woman). Think of this, guys: If you're with a woman who is at her peak sexually, but she isn't lusting on you like she was when she was 23, something smells fishy... and it ain't pussy juice. Well over half of marriages fail. We have a ridiculous number of sexless marriages out there. More and more women are choosing to stay single rather than settle for someone who isn't physically attractive to them. The vast majority of men who frequently visit prostitutes are married (not getting any at home). People still continue to treat as a joke the rising tsunami in the distance that is long term perpetual singlehood among males reaching a critical mass. Sweeping the root problem under the rug and pretending it doesn't exist is not working! We need a complete paradigm shift in our thinking in order to even begin to address the issue. As it stands, women are not getting the men they really want for long-term partners, and men are unknowingly getting into relationships where her interest in him sexually is lukewarm at best - which is a recipe for disaster in the long run for both parties involved. Is it any wonder why the dating game is such a mess? If a woman is attracted to a man, she is obvious about it in the way she carries herself RIGHT FROM THE FIRST MINUTE YOU MEET. She is very open in her demeanor, and easy to talk to. The interaction doesn't feel like a series of challenges to be overcome. Real attraction is obvious if you know what to look for. It means that intense look in a girl's eyes and other subtle expressions you see when she's talking to that rugby player at the gym. It means the seemingly innocent "invading" of your space within a VERY short period of time after being introduced. I'm not talking about hanging on you like a slut. It's much more subtle than that. Here's another indicator of REAL interest: When she plays with her hair a lot within the first few seconds of meeting you for the first time. Not minutes. Seconds! A woman's attraction only rarely ever grows on a man, but exceptions are commonly held up as supposed proof of a rule that doesn't really exist. Real attraction is pretty much always instant and purely physical, no matter how the idea might chafe the nerves. Look for those instant signs when looking for a long term mate. Anything less than INSTANT attraction is a RED FLAG if you are serious about finding someone to have a fulfilling long term relationship with! Physical attraction IS a major factor which too many women chose to sacrifice on – to their ultimate detriment, AND YOURS. When you meet a girl for the first time, look for those subtle signs and observe how she interacts with your personal space. Maybe test the waters with a bit of subtle sexual innuendo (SUBTLE, guys. Don't be a pervert!) and see how she responds. If her demeanor and body language do not match up with how the typical girl responds to the “hot guys”, within minutes of meeting you, DON'T date her, no matter how hot she is. In PUA lingo, you want instant “IOI's”, otherwise “next” her. Don't play games. Don't even pursue her. You are setting yourself up for heartache in the long run, because she just isn't that into you, and that WILL be a factor in your relationship. Think about this: Many of those married men wouldn't be talking about marriage like it was such a bad thing if so many weren't being settled for in a certain important area. The reason for so many sexless marriages is so blatantly obvious. Sorry guys, but if your wife isn't putting out, she just isn't sexually attracted to you. It really is that simple. She merely feels that it is in her own best interests to not come forward with you about that. Closely observe how women act around guys that are conventionally handsome, then only seek out women who behave exactly the same way toward YOU! If a girl doesn't treat you like one of the “hot” guys right off the bat, yet claims to be “interested” in you, she only sees you as a consolation prize and will require adequate compensation in return for her affections. Ditch her. Real men with self respect do not reduce themselves to dating a prostitute. There are 2 very distinct kinds of “attraction” a woman has for a man. One is based on material needs, the other is based on sexual attraction. Romantic interest is purely sexual. Practical interest is the typical mercenary mindset of a woman seeking a marriage partner. Real, heartfelt interest is usually reserved for the guys who also happen to be hot enough in her eyes for a short term fling. If a girl thinks you're cute, she typically gives off subtle signals quite quickly. Romantic interest carries a subtle sexual undertone right from the outset. There is no guessing that she is interested, but it's mutually understood she can't just throw herself at you in a more obvious way. Also, a woman with real interest in a guy generally tends to be quite forgiving of a long list of flaws/quirks, in ANY kind of relationship, that would never be tolerated in an average looking guy. A woman cannot fully give her heart to a man who does not first spark her sexual interest visually (and their standards for that are high, guys, even though they put on airs otherwise). It does NOT mean she's gonna jump in the sack with you tonight. Let's not confuse real interest with

being promiscuous. They're not the same thing. Practical interest is more distant,“hard-to-get” and “pricey”. Things move along at a much slower pace. You're under more pressure to be an “accomplished man with his shit together.” You're under A LOT more pressure to tick those boxes and jump through those hoops, trying to satisfy those long lists of “must be's” and “must do's”. That sneaking feeling of inadequacy some of you guys would suppress at this point is trying to tell you something isn't right. If you are an average looking guy, practical interest is likely the most common form of interest you experience, by far. Practical interest can never produce a truly healthy relationship in a society where the concept of love marriages exists. Lukewarm, rigid, distant, “marriage-minded style interest”, with only the occasional bone thrown to satisfy the dog, is a red flag. It's an ominous signal that you will have a rough relationship, because the romantic interest is not particularly genuine on her part. You will be constantly trying to roll a heavy stone uphill. Women are simply trying to manage the cards they have been dealt. They HAVE to settle because there are not enough sexually attractive men to go around. Remember this: Beauty is not nearly as "in the eye of the beholder" as conventional reasoning dictates, when it comes to female appreciation of the male. Male beauty is very narrow in scope compared to the wide variety of women men like to fuck. The ideals of female beauty have varied across time and many cultures, but the ideals of male beauty have largely remained the same. If you suspect your love interest is only reciprocating back in a very “pricey” way, RUN FOR THE HILLS! Once she finally realizes that settling doesn't work, a divorce may soon follow, and then your livelihood is in danger. When the wife says she's not in the mood much anymore because she's "tired" and "has such a hectic life these days", it's often bullshit, no matter how much the guy might want to believe otherwise. She simply got tired of keeping up the act and now the mask is off. Remember, most women have to settle or stay alone. If you looked like Vin Diesel, she'd be jumping at the chance to fuck you right in the middle of doing laundry... Meanwhile the sink is overflowing in the kitchen, spilling all over the floor, and the turkey in the oven is about to get burnt... Ok, so that was an exaggeration, but the intended point is obvious. Most women are never "too busy" to get what they want. When they want something, they'll move Hell and earth to get it. If she isn't putting out, or isn't into it, there is a real possibility the attraction simply was never there in the first place. Dump her. I'm sorry, but that notion should be taken a bit more seriously, as scary as it sounds. In too many cases, the attraction never was truly there in the first place, and you were only her best alternative to a lifetime of loneliness. It definitely leaves some guys feeling like they've been Bait and Switched. Ever heard the saying “women look for love and find sex, while men look for sex and find love"? It's because women look for love mainly from the small pool of men they are legitimately sexually attracted to. Because many are sleeping with men out of their league, those guys won't commit to them. He might play her for some poontang, but will hold out for someone hotter. Men looking for sex might find someone to satisfy that urge. Surprisingly often, after he's banged her for a while, she'll try to move things in a more real direction. Many of them willingly oblige and end up falling in love. Women live in sexual abundance, while all but the most attractive men live a life of sexual scarcity. The idea that the average guy is getting laid like a porn stud after the sexual revolution of the 60s is a myth, otherwise so many men would not be so desperate as to stick their dicks in any willing orfice. Some folks like to say "confidence" can help you date way out of your league. Bullshit! Unless you're flashing your money or status, trying to win the illusion of romance through such displays, you need to have something immediately visible and sexual to back that “confidence” up. A display of confidence might bump you up ONE point on the "1-10" scale, which is hardly enough for an average "5" guy to score a "9" girl. Real confidence comes from positive past experience that proves you really ARE good looking, funny, cool, etc, It does NOT come from fake mental pep talk/”affirmations” and borderline religious belief in popular platitudes that hold no substance. Human beings need validation to feel valid. That's an unpopular idea, but it rings far more true than the typical mainstream bullshit that says otherwise. People who claim others don't need validation have either already been validated as “attractive” themselves through positive past experience, or are playing “sour grapes”. Ugly people “don't need validation”? Bullshit. Most guys who have low confidence are also physically unappealing to the majority of women in one way or another. We all know it in our hearts, despite all the “there's no such thing as ugly” crap people like to parrot. Let's be real here: How a person is consistently treated by others at large over time is a HUGE factor in self esteem and confidence, whether we want to admit it or not. No amount of "confidence" is going to allow most men to date women out of their league, unless they're also a john throwing money and other ho bait around, which only attracts glorified hookers. The only truly confident men are either physically attractive or delusional. Guys that do exceptionally well with women do so because they are conventionally physically attractive. Their confidence

is the RESULT of that sex appeal, not the cause. When girls say they like guys who are confident, it's like a slight-of-hand trick that avoids potential embarrassment. Good looking guys are generally confident because their dating experience allows them to genuinely feel that way with no bullshit mental pep talk. A conventionally attractive shy guy will do better than the average confident guy 9 times out of 10, even if he's hilariously funny – unless the average looking guy is also walking into a strip club with a fistful of free coke! What about guys with money? Awww, come on, now... Seriously?.. Ever heard the saying "money can't buy love"? How is using one's earning potential to attract a long term mate , in any way, or to any degree, truly different than a john looking for a hooker that offers bareback sex, other than being on different ends of a spectrum? There is a common saying among guys that says “We all pay for it one way or another.” Most guys do, but the guys whom women truly, honestly want get it for FREE! Having a woman throw herself at you IS common if you are generally seen as attractive, and THAT is why “sluts” are shamed by other women. Too much of that behavior exposes the cultural deception, and the “sisterhood” believes it is in their best interests to keep certain truths hidden. “Sluts”, in large enough numbers, would expose a reality that the “proper girls” don't want the “not-hot” guys to know about. Show me an ugly 45 year old man with a lavish lifestyle and a beautiful wife, and I'll show you a guy who is getting a paltry sexual allowance once a month in the bedroom. Show me a well-built 45 year old man who still looks young for his age, but works as a ditch digger, and I'll show you a guy who's fucking a different trailor park mom in the ass every weekend – even the occasional woman under 30 – without paying or offering jack shit. Many of the women he's fucking are hotter than the rich guy's wife when she's not caked in makeup. Times are changing. Men who are in the know are now beginning to feel the same pressure to conform to a certain beauty standard that women are. More and more men are undergoing cosmetic surgery. If the current trends continue, we will experience what has plagued the homosexual community for many years – extreme dedication to looking the absolute best we can at all costs, motivated primarily by FEAR of being alone for the rest of our lives! Most men are blissfully unaware of this reality (to their own detriment), but not for much longer. Guys are waking up, and they're definitely talking. This can be a good thing, provided we are given the means to have a realistic chance of conforming to those standards. If not, I suspect society will eventually pay the price in increased violence, social instability, crime, drug abuse, sexual deviancy and other problems from an ever-growing male sexual underclass who no longer feel they have much left to lose. The feminists have been raging against the beauty machine for quite some time now, and it hasn't worked, because men, for all our talk about how we want a barbie doll, with tits so big a gust of wind would tip her over, in reality WILL date an average woman and develop REAL feelings for her. It isn't men pushing those beauty standards. It's corporate interests. In other words, financial profit. To buy a product, the potential buyer has to feel a NEED for the product. These corporations have studied physical attraction VERY carefully, then found if they could exaggerate the low bodyfat, they could make more profit by misleading people into thinking the exaggerated form is the real ideal. The sixpack on that male model is a little “too” defined, and the ribs on that female model is just gross. Both models would be better looking if they just fattened up a bit on cheeseburgers and pizza for a few weeks. Anyhow, back to the main point... A plain women can at least get _SEX_ on a regular basis, from guys much hotter than she could ever hope to marry. Most plain looking men cannot do that, and if they want any action at all, they have to aim really LOW. Plain looking men are finding it increasingly harder to find stable relationships as more and more women opt out of the game entirely, and the standards continue to go up among those who do stay in the game. Fewer and fewer women these days are willing to essentially prostitute themselves out to men they are not sexually attracted to in exchange for a long-term relationship – and why should they? I don't blame them for that one bit. Access to resources is an outdated, antiquated way to attract a mate. In a society where the expectation of romantic love has been firmly ingrained, you are merely buying an illusion if you use that approach. Now that women are enjoying high earnings by themselves, the traditional approach is no longer feasible. The dating game has changed, and the amount of compensation required of a guy to make up for that lack of physical attraction is skyrocketing. To put it crudely, shit just got real and it's about to get even more real. Between making a good living on her own, having friends who meet her social needs and getting fucked silly by a hot stud out of her league anytime she wants it, there is no use for an average looking man with an average income in her life. My advice to the younger guys: Eat lots of clean protein and lift those weights HARD! Also, you'll want to have a low bodyfat percentage. That will help make your facial features more chiseled and give you that sixpack. Get your ass in the

gym, and lift your way to a better love life. Prepare to be in this for the long haul. Unless you're using steroids, it takes years of dedication and a strict diet for the average man to have the type of body most women want in a man. Have a female or gay friend give you advice on cleaning up your image. Get rid of any acne you might have, even if you have to pay out of pocket for treatment. Focus on improving your appearance first, and THEN worry about flashing the bling-bling. Bling-bling gets you “ho's”, good looks gets you girlfriends. The reason why some guys complain that girls start wanting money after a certain age is because girls realize the guys they want most likely won't stick around (not enough of those men to go around anyways). As such, they have to settle for less than what they want, and the increased demands are a form of compensation for that. If there were enough “hot guys” to go around, they wouldn't feel they have to do that shit. If you want real love from a women, you have to fit the conventionally attractive image, otherwise you'll just end up getting played. Forget the old advice your parents told you about how women want a man who is educated and a good provider. Those traits will get you companionship from a pragmatic, pricey, marriage-minded woman, but not her true, heartfelt love. No amount of money you earn per year, no amount of kindness, faithfulness, intelligence, sense of humor, or all other manner of non-physical traits will ever earn you anything more than an illusion if she doesn't think you're that hot. Nowadays, more and more women are simply opting out and staying single, enjoying a sex life they would have to abandon forever if they decided to marry down. When they marry, they typically settle. They marry down. That puts the phrase, “settle down and get married”, in a whole new light, doesn't it? Yes, education is important. Stay in school. It's no fun working a job you hate that doesn't pay jack shit. Just don't go chasing the almighty dollar to pay that hidden copulation price. Having a job that pays you a decent salary is supposed to make YOUR life easier. NOT HERS! An education will provide that. Live the lifestyle YOU chose, and don't settle for trying to please a deceitful parasite who doesn't find you hot enough to accept that!! Separate the wheat from the chaff, my friends. Underplay your income. Drive a toyota or a honda. Avoid the BMW and Lexus. Unless you're already married, don't buy a fancy house. You can live in a one-bedroom apartment and still find a loving, attractive girlfriend, even if you're 35 years old....IF she is heavily into you sexually. Weed out the deceivers, guys. Conventional wisdom tells you to dangle your bling like a carrot in order to compensate for lack of physical attraction. If you want a lasting marriage, do the opposite. If you're spending most of your money on girly shit like BMW's and fancy houses, is that something YOU are interested in, or are you just another trick who ain't hot enough to get in her pants without paying the hidden sexual price? Hit the gym for a year, eat to gain muscle, then shed the body fat, and your luck with girls will start to get better. Focus on adding width to your shoulders and upper back, because women love that V-taper. One last note: Most women don't go for the overly-muscled look. Half of the guys out there could look good naturally if they spent a few years in the gym with proper training and diet. The ideal body, for the largest number of women, is roughly the average man's genetic fitness potential. A rough guideline for an average 5'9 male would be 180 to 200 lbs, at 6 to 12% bodyfat. Some guys can look good at higher bodyfat percentages, whereas most others would need to lean out further to be considered attractive. Guys that carry a lot of fat in their face would need to aim for even lower bodyfat than most guys. After putting on enough muscle to have very low bodyfat without looking sickly, my overall experience with women flipped 180 degrees compared to when I first decided to improve my appearance. I was both amazed and disturbed at how dating became so easy, so suddenly. Dating no longer felt like a high-pressure environment, where I was under constant threat of being dumped if even one little thing wasn't perfect. It wasn't like before, where I was never really accepted for who I was, and felt pressured to compensate. My thoughts, interests and opinions are actually worth a damn, whereas before, I felt like women didn't take me seriously. All I did was dramatically improve my outward appearance, with no other changes. I still work the same job, live in the same house, and drive the same car. I experienced what real self confidence is for the first time in my life. I was also blatantly exposed to certain realities which women in general would prefer to keep hidden. I was among the “cool group” in the sexual marketplace. I constantly heard what many girls really thought of their boyfriends and husbands. Women from all walks of life exhibited the same disturbing behavior, automatically assuming I was cool with it and “in the know”. It still horrifies me. This book aims to expose those realities that the average man is blissfully unaware of. That also includes the so-called “PUA's” or “Seduction Community” who claim “game” increases a man's sexual attractiveness. In reality, the vast majority of these “gurus” are frauds who themselves perpetuate the Big Lie and profit from it. There is a reason why PUA only really seems to work with the best looking students. There is a reason why a less attractive guy in the PUA community seems to get more “shit tests” and “flakes”, and it's not his “bad game” or “limiting beliefs”. It's that many of those “limiting beliefs” are reality. Personality alone CANNOT make up for bad looks. It will get

you a friend, but not romance. Status and resources only buys a man the illusion of love by artificially inflating his romantic desirability. A woman needs a man who appeals to her, visually, for romance. “Avoiding beta behavior” is a sacred cow in the “seduction community”, which is often pushed to extremes as a way of evading the Big Lie that would hurt the “guru's” profits. In the real world, just a touch of “beta-tude” makes an attractive man even MORE attractive to women! THAT is why women “claim” to like guys with “beta” personality traits. They really DO like guys with a sensitive side – if he comes in a visually attractive package!! I cannot just sit by and stay silent while all this social deception on both sides continues. The seduction community and conventional dating advice are both deceiving men on the same points, even though they appear so different. The majority of women only want the same small percentage of guys, yet the rest are collectively being played for fools, thinking that their wives and girlfriends love them, when in reality, they don't. The typical man has no idea what REAL love from a woman is, which is why they are so easily fooled and played. Tell her you aren't looking to commit. If she loves you, she will stay with you anyway. If she bolts, you're not that hot to her and she can never truly love you. It's the acid test that separates the real girlfriends from the fakes. Here's a note on girls who play “hard-to-get”: The reasons women give for playing it only applies to the hot guys. They want to see if HE wants her enough to REJECT THE OTHER GIRLS and pick HER instead. If he ditches the other girls, it's a sign that this guy has relationship potential. If you don't have a reputation for being a player, chances are that girl you're crushing on is not playing hard to get or any PUA “shit-test” bullshit when she rarely responds to your texts. You just weren't hot enough. I bring this up because a lot of guys often assume a girl who isn't interested is just playing hard-to-get. Unless there is another girl who is clearly interested in you, and this girl knows about it, chances are she just doesn't find you that hot. Looks matter. It's time we guys got used to it. Changing your body is much easier than stubbornly expecting people to “love you just as you are,” or trying to “game” your way into a girl's heart (or cunt, if that's your thing). It's easier than trying to meet a mile long list of “must-haves” to compensate. It's easier than risking a shitty marriage with a demanding wife who only saw you as her best alternative to loneliness. Changing your body and improving the look of your face is the only real option if you want a woman who truly loves you. Without adequate physical attraction on her part, you will be under constant threat of being dumped for reasons FAR more trivial than what she would GLADLY tolerate in a man she truly loves. Guys need to stop tricking and start pimping. A man with self respect will drop the girl at a moment's notice, having neither the time nor patience for bullshit games. A trick is at the mercy of a woman's every whim, constantly trying to EARN her respect. If you want a good woman, don't bother wasting your time with a chick who doesn't know the meaning of respect. If you want a good women, be cheap with your favors, money and other “ho bait”, then dump anyone who doesn't find you hot enough to accept that. You ain't a fucking john. You don't owe her jack shit. I will now finish up this chapter with tips on how to separate the wheat from the chaff and the real girls from the fakes. - Unless she is devoutly religious, a girl that doesn't get horny with you after 3 dates doesn't find you that hot. That means either heavy petting or fucking - without you trying to pressure her into it. A sexually distant girl cannot be trusted. She will ultimately hurt you. Sex is the ultimate acid test, and that's why it's the first item on this list. It separates the real girls from the fakes. If a girl is not religious, but wants you to wait 6 months before fucking her, she doesn't find you that hot. Ditch her. - If she puts out, does she seem not all that into it? Dump her, because she is probably a marriage-minded deceiver putting in the necessary work to get what she wants out of you. Girls are horny as hell, guys. That's why they have dildos. They love to fuck (but only certain types). Good looking guys only rarely come across a frigid woman. Ask any guy who is good with women (just about anyone who looks like a movie star), and they'll tell you most women are freaks between the sheets. It's because they are. The frigid woman is the domain of the average-looking man's sex life. Neutral looks aren't good enough to please a woman in bed. She must find you hot. Anything less and she's not worth your time or effort. A frigid woman should be a dumped woman. - On a first date, keep an ear out for compliments, praise, encouragement and a genuine interest in knowing about you on a deeper, more philosophical level, far beyond the bullshit materialistic crap and “interview” atmosphere typical of a first date with a woman who only finds you marginally physically attractive. It's called a “connection” for a reason, and it forms quickly. Women, for some strange reason, tend to avoid talking with a man at this level on a first date unless they are physically attracted to them. Observe the feminine verbal slight of hand here: When a girl says she doesn't “feel” a

“connection”, it means he's physically unattractive. A girl who likes a guy almost always showers him with compliments and other ways of bigging him up, bordering on larger-than-life. She doesn't compliment you? Dump her, no matter how big those titties are, no matter how much you want to put your dick in her ass. It looks like a “marriage-minded” deceiver who just also happens to have poor acting skills. Key word here: Larger-than-life. A girl that finds a guy hot generally takes a larger-than-life view of him. Look for those kinds of signs and don't waste your time on anyone who doesn't view you in a larger-than-life way. Romantic love is called “romantic” for a reason. A girl whose view of you isn't romanticized and larger-than-life doesn't view you in a romantic way. The devil is in the details and taboo truths are revealed in the linguistic fine print subconsciously embedded within our language. - If you're looking for a committed relationship, tell her you're NOT looking for a commitment. Paradoxical, and you will probably lose her, yet it is the smartest move a man can make if he is serious about marriage. If she sticks around, she's worthy of your commitment, because that's a sign of real attraction, not the fake bullshit act she pulls if she only finds you average-looking. If she stays, she finds you attractive, if not, she finds you just average – or worse. Marry the one who stays and it'll work as long as you stay in shape and take care of yourself. Be the fit man she married, not the fat guy she divorced. - Live well below your means if you're single. It is vital that you underplay your wealth if you want something serious. This works wonders in weeding out the women who don't find you that attractive, physically. Remember, if she finds you just average looking, that's a red flag. She has to WANT your cock, just on its own, unpolished by any outstanding earning ability, or she ain't getting that damn diamond ring! Keep that in your mind like a mantra if you're looking for marriage, guys. Obvious displays of earnings are just glorified tricking. Leave the BMW's, Rolex watches and other fancy ho bait for the street-dumb johns dangling their bling like a carrot in a pathetic attempt to buy her companionship. Weed out the ones who don't find you physically attractive enough to accept your apparent “bachelor” lifestyle. If you're gonna pay for pussy, just have cash and call an escort service. Nothing unmanly or wrong with that as long as it's a honest exchange between mutually consenting adults. It's honest, unlike a typical average-looking man's marriage. What's unmanly is doing the same thing the “civilian” way – trying to meet a mile long list of “must have's” and “must do's” to compensate for a woman's lack of physical attraction to you. A woman who is not all that physically attracted to a guy, but marries him anyway is essentially offering herself for sale. That's not love. Unfortunately, it is the norm, which is why we often use the term “sexual marketplace”. Both men and women are told to “sell themselves” to potential mates. I have a problem with that bullshit. You don't have to “sell” anyone on jack shit if they're truly attracted to you. Many women will date an unemployed male model before they date an average guy who makes $100,000 a year. You don't have to use much salesmanship to get someone to buy something if they already want it. Remember that shit. Don't “sell” yourself. Just BE yourself, and if that isn't working, fix your looks and be a better self. Your job, as a man, is to weed out the ones that don't find you attractive on your looks alone. Romantic love cannot be bought or sold. It is priceless, but can only be given away for free. SEX is little more than a lucrative service any woman can sell. LOVE is a precious gift. Unfortunately, only a man whom a woman has a strong sexual attraction to can ever be worthy of being bestowed such a gift. If you're dangling your income and lifestyle like a carrot to find a marriage partner, you're tricking. Don't be a john. Don't offer a prize. Hit the gym, see a good hairstylist, get a new wardrobe, and BE a prize. - Be cheap on dates. Anything over $30 on a first date is a trick's move. If a girl finds you hot, she will look back in misty nostalgia while reminiscing about your first date with her at the fucking Greasy Spoon. Fuck the fancy fondue restaurant with the $150 price tag. Be a frugal pimp, not a spend-happy john paying the compensation price. Even if you got the money to blow, it's still tricking. Keep your money in your wallet, and don't tolerate any greasy bullshit, because any girl who gets pricey with you in any way is unfit for commitment. Strings are used on men who are, at best, marginally attractive to her. As such, strings are a red flag. Strings are disrespect. They are an insult to your value as a man. A girl with strings is only good for a pump and dump – that is, IF if you can tolerate playing her game long enough to get some and get out. Personally, I don't even bother anymore. It's insulting, and my time is too valuable for that.. I'd rather drink a beer mug full of human diarrhea on a bet to win the money I would otherwise spend chasing that lousy lay. - If a girl is sexually attracted to you, she cares more about what you think of her than even her close friends, even though the two of you practically just met. Your compliments, opinions, etc, on things of a non-practical matter carry serious weight. If you're on a date with a girl, tell her she's really cute. If she lights up, genuinely thankful to hear it, chances are good your opinion is reciprocated. It's also a good sign if she appears to believe your compliment isn't sincere. That's an indication that she see you as someone of higher value than herself. If her reaction is anything other than those two possibilities, her physical attraction toward you isn't sufficient for your trust in a long-term relationship. She's belongs in the trash bin, or on your cock. Not in your life. - Physically attractive men are often seen as poor marriage prospects. That should tell the guys something right there. If

you're being seen as “good marriage material” it should be taken as an insult, not a compliment, unless you've already fucked her a few times with no strings attached. Physically attractive men are seen as poor marriage choices not because they're “cheaters and assholes”. It's because they are difficult to control. They are free from the sexual tyranny the average man only knows as “normalcy”. They know how the game really is, because women don't put on an act like they do with average-looking guys. To a man used to getting it for free, to pay for play is the epitome of self-disrespect and humiliation. As such, they won't tolerate the pricey behavior many “marriage-minded” women are known for. If they play her game, they probably just want anal. Girls, if a guy you've only been dating a short time straight up asks to stick his dick up your butt, it's a possibility you're about to get dumped. He knows he risks losing you by asking such a thing and doesn't give a rat's ass. Butt fucking is typically reserved for the woman a man does NOT respect. If it seems like every guy you date wants to stick it back there, don't delude yourself into thinking it's because your booty is so sexy. You treat a man like a john, any man who is awake to the game being played is much more likely to treat you like a hooker - especially the good looking ones. In a twisted sense of brotherhood for their fellow man, many of THEM will treat you like a whore if they see you as the type to play bullshit games on men less attractive than themselves. They know what's up. Many of them have average-looking friends, and they aren't blind to how those friends are often treated. Want to win a hot guy's heart? Follow 2 simple rules. Number 1, be in his league. If he won't commit, he's out of your league. Lose weight. If you're over 30, you're shit out of luck without a boobjob and a facelift, because the guys you want are dating girls in their twenties. Number 2: Treat the ugly ones with respect. That means don't be a player or a favor whore. Don't give off the vibe that a high enough income will make up for shitty looks, because girls like that are automatically pigeonholed into the pump and dump category, not a marriage prospect. Always treat ugly guys as if the hot ones are watching - because they are. Pricey behavior is gonna get you played. I can guarantee it. The hot guy will respect the girl who absolutely CANNOT be with a guy she is not fully attracted to, no matter how much he makes a year. Anyone other than that is usually only good for a cheap fuck. Want to marry a hot guy? Don't play the ugly ones. Don't brag to him about how you are stringing some guy along. They can afford to be picky, and you better bet your behavior toward other guys will be a huge factor in his willingness to commit to you. - I remember reading this somewhere a while ago and what the guy said was spot-on correct based on past experience. It's something I always did naturally without any sort of “test” mindset, yet it is completely true. He called it the “high-five test”. When you're out with a girl on a first date, give her a “high five” if she says something that resonates with you. Now, lightly grasp her hand and watch closely what she does. If she either grasps your hand or her hand slowly slides off yours, it's a good sign. If she's squeamish and frigid about it, acting like your hand is smeared in shit, she does not qualify for a second date. It's a major indicator of where you stand with her, physically. - As a general rule, I don't keep a woman who is not sexually attracted to me as a friend unless there is something about her personality that truly stands out to me, AND, she keeps any “I'm better than you” behavior in check. Women generally have a tendency not to take very seriously someone they are not physically attracted to and it is an uphill battle trying to gain that person's respect. It is the reverse halo effect in action, where she sees you as less intelligent than you really are, less funny than you really are, more boring than you really are, and you get the feeling all your flaws jump out at her like a white whale on a black background. If a girl finds you physically unattractive, the only thing she can ever see is your flaws. Your time is better spent kicking that walking drain on your self esteem to the fucking curb and hitting the gym instead. Get your looks fixed up and you'll easily find someone better than her anyways. Remember, guys. Always weed out the fakes if you want something real and long-lasting. Do not be so tolerant and accepting of anything short of raw physical attraction. You DON'T want to marry that! You are better off alone than with someone who only finds you marginally physically attractive, no matter how tight that pussy is, no matter how big those titties are. If you are average-looking don't even THINK about getting married! She is FAR more likely to end up cleaning your ass out in divorce court! Stay single, make money, lift weights, get some cosmetic surgery, then don't tell a girl you had any surgeries unless she asks you first. Same goes for women...don't tell a guy you had surgery unless he asks. We need to lose the stigma against it. Cosmetic surgery is a blessing to those who can afford it. The risks are overplayed, and the stigma attached to it does not truly benefit We The People. A society full of beautiful people scares the big businesses because sexually starved men are what keep the big businesses rich. Just as things are with courtship, it also applies in business. We as a society talk a good game about love, yet we treat it more like a business. It's time men stopped thinking with their throbbing cocks, stepped back from putting pussy up on such a damn pedestal, and asked just one, very fundamental fucking question: Why?? Lose your cultural filtering, think for yourself, stop relying on authority to define reality for you, open your eyes, check your emotions at the door, and just observe. Time and an open mind, unconstrained by orwellian goodthink, further enhanced by your own intellectual capability as a man, will reveal the obvious, yet taboo truths right before your eyes. Be prepared to face some disturbing


Chapter 3: Male Perpetual Singlehood. A Ticking Bomb. In this chapter, we will address and acknowledge the fact that there is a growing population of men who are unable to find any romantic or sexual opportunities with a woman at all – after many years of actively trying. I find it very disturbing how many guys there are, who are NORMAL in most respects, yet have very little dating experience. There are guys in their 40s who are virgins, having never known what it is like to even qualify as relationship material, simply because they are physically unattractive, short, disabled, or a combination of those. That's no exaggeration. These people actually exist. Some people are born with the genetic equivalent of a royal flush and reap the benefits, while others get a shitty pair of 2's and have to deal with the dire consequences. It's horrible. I find it very difficult to just coldly brush it off, saying, “Oh well. Life isn't fair.” Imagine never even knowing what it's like to hold a girl's soft hands. No "I love you" from anyone other than a relative. No gentle caressing of your back while she asks how your day went. No euphoric feeling of just being in the company of another human being and cuddling on the couch by the fireplace. No nice candlelit dinner after smoking some good weed with your girl and pondering the meaning of life under the moonlit, starry summer sky... with Kool and The Gang's funky classic "Summer Madness" playing in the background :). Nope. None of that shit. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. These guys have absolutely zero fond romantic memories or positive experiences in the dating game to even draw upon for a confidence boost. Just that relentless, lifelong void and total lack of female companionship that saps the life out of them, while the cold reality of where they stand in the love hierarchy brutally stabs them in the heart every single day. People out there simply do not understand how devastating it is to someone's self esteem to know they are so far on the bottom of the social totem pole that almost nobody will even give them a chance. Not even just for sex. I recall a particularly heartbreaking thread title on one of those incel forums, which read “Do you sometimes feel like you're not even human?” These people really do exist, and their numbers are growing. Yes, some of them are crazy, but MOST of them are just a combination of physically unattractive, short, disabled, and possessing physical mannerisms that project “weakness” - for example, a weak voice and a hunched posture. Most of them simply have the misfortune of being born in a shitty body that is below the threshold of physical attractiveness required even for a marriage partner (“settling down”). We live in a society that denies that looks, disability and height matter. They do matter, and they matter A LOT. Those who are deficient in those areas pay a terrible price. We are even more loathe to even dare suggest that such things matter even MORE to WOMEN than they do to MEN! The fact that the majority of the perpetually single male population are completely MENTALLY NORMAL in most respects immediately suggests it's not their social skills or personalities. We all know at least one peron who don't even bother to put up a polite front when meeting new people, yet still have lots of people romantically interested in them on a regular basis. The guys who fit that description are almost always above average in physical attractiveness. In cruder terms, a “7” or above. If a guy has a hunched posture and high, nasal voice, he often gets labeled a “dork”, and the assumption is his personality is also “dorky”. No. A bad posture and unattractive voice are simply unattractive, and unattractive people tend to be judged negatively. Humans don't change much, mentally, after adolescence. The instincts are still there. They just learn to mask them better. Looks reigns supreme in the adult world just like it does in high school, right up until the 45 – 50 age group, where people are basically forced to change their thinking due to dwindling access to sexually desirable mates. Those who have had love and romance in their lives (or even just plenty of good fucking), simply cannot relate to the 5'3, skinny, ugly 32 year old guy with a mousey voice who's never had any romantic experience. They cannot relate to how he occasionally fights back real tears upon seeing couples, because the reminder of what he can't have is that painful. Some of the stories these guys tell just turns my stomach. I've had it hard, but not like that. It's so sad, especially when someone

resorts to suicide because the pain and lack of hope becomes unbearable after suffering the indignity of 20 years of constant rejection, with no positive experience to show for all their efforts. I personally know of 3 different guys who gave up and ended it all for that exact same reason. I can only take consolation in knowing their suffering is finally over. People with a normal love life can never understand the soul-crushing pain that a man of low sexual value endures. Their worlds are completely different, and physically unattractive men are subconsciously seen with such contempt that it is considered a social taboo to even TRY to understand them. The vast majority of these guys aren't looking to have raunchy buttsex with a supermodel. They just want so much to know what it is like to love and be loved, to have that basic validation as a human being! Yet, their efforts to actively seek female companionship have only proved fruitless after many years of trying, with little hope of reprieve in sight. That pitiful existence erodes away at the poor guy's self esteem over time until he reaches the point where he has no pride or self respect left. There is a term for what these guys experience - “involuntary celibacy”. Personally, I find that term quite misleading and offensive because it implies it's all about sex. “Perpetual Singlehood” is a much more accurate description. It's NOT the lack of sex that is eroding away their quality of life. It's that lack of validation as a human being that only proof of being worthy of SOME kind of intimate companionship can provide. A girl being played for sex is better off than a guy who can't get laid, because women often have the consolation prize of being able to at least fuck the guy they're drooling over. We live in a society where the idea of romantic love is firmly ingrained, and seen as an attainable standard for everyone. Under those beliefs, if you cannot obtain love, people think something is mentally wrong with you. The reality is that most of these people are guys with normal minds trying to deal with an abnormal situation. There is nothing wrong with their minds. The problem is their physical bodies. People who look abnormal are treated abnormally, leading to an abnormal situation, with abnormal life experience and other abnormalities stemming from their abnormal existence. Trying to communicate their world to the average Jane and Joe is like trying to describe a Salvador Dali painting to someone born completely blind. To those who have experienced love and affection in their lives, here is a glimpse into the mental world of a physically unattractive, perpetually single male: Imagine that your life is, in all respects, completely normal. You have a decent social life. You have friends you hang out with every weekend. You have a job. You pay your bills. You have no drug or alcohol problems. Let's stop right here for a second... A person described above should have NO PROBLEMS finding someone if their standards were in line with what they have to offer. Moving on... Imagine you want to find someone to have a relationship with. You're 23 years of age and still a virgin. This bothers you because it isn't by voluntary choice. But, Momma always said someone will love you someday. Just wait, and somehow it'll just magically happen. You've been trying for years, but have only ever known rejection. You have no dating experience. Right from the age of puberty, the other guys were getting their feet wet in the game of love. You, however, have no memories of anyone ever having a crush on you. Each time you tried to pursue anything of a romantic nature with a girl, it was always met with rejection. It's a good chance you were also teased a lot as a kid. Nowadays, not much has changed in your love life. Every expression of romantic interest has still always been met with rejection. You don't even know what it feels like to have someone respond favorably to any expression of interest because it never happened to you. You don't have unreasonable standards. You learned really quickly back in middle school not to aim too high when you asked out that popular girl and everybody teased you for weeks after that. You have a preference for redheads, sure, but it's not realistic to expect one. If a brunette showed interest in you, you'd forget redheads even existed anyway. It just doesn't really matter. The exact same sentiment goes to most of your natural preferences. The ideal girl in your dream world would have long red hair, be about 5'9” or 5'8” in height, around 170 lbs, with fair skin tone, big boobs, thick legs and a big killer ass. But if a girl who was about 200 lbs, 5'3”, with hair a boring shade of light brown, some acne, glasses and NO ASS in proportion to her other features, showed you interest, your mind would forget that dream girl even existed. When you talk to your friends about not being able to get a date, they often make the assumption your standards are too high, which is not only insulting, but implies that they have no knowledge that people in your situation actually exist. By this point, you begin to start questioning things. You're 23 years old, yet you never even held hands with a girl, let alone experienced the joys of the loving relationships you see around you. It bothers you more and more each year that passes. You seek answers as to what you might be doing wrong or how you might be coming across. The combined gist of all the

advice from your male friends is: “Ain't nothing wrong with you, Steve. Sure, you ain't no Brad Pitt, but girls say it's what's on the inside that counts. I see ugly guys get girls all the time. Just have confidence, bro”. The female friends' advice, combined, is, “You're a really nice guy, Steve. You're one of the funniest guys I ever met, and girls LOVE a sense of humor! I'm sure there's someone out there who would love to date you. No, Steve, you're not ugly. There's no such thing as ugly. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. When women are-” (BEEEEEEEEEP! Excuse the interruption, folks. My bullshit detector just went into the red. Continuing on...) “When women are looking for something serious, looks don't matter as much. It's what's on the inside that counts.” Things aren't adding up. You know in your heart you are nice to people just for the sake of it. You're not trying to “earn” people's affections. How you come across is exactly how you feel. The girls who know you personally know that. You have female friends who you hang out with and you genuinely enjoy spending time with each other, but they are not interested in you “that way”. Only one of them was immediately physically appealing to you. The rest just grew on you over time, but your interest was met with rejection each time. You don't hold it against them. They're all still good friends, and it didn't ruin anything. They know you are a respectful person who won't “stalker-out” on them. You have no intention of violating any boundaries. You have all the qualities the women in your life SAID they wanted. You are kind and polite with people, just for it's own sake. You don't put on a fake front. You clearly have a sense of humor, as your spur-of-the-moment witty quips always spark genuine laughter, laughing WITH you, not AT you. You're not shy around people, despite their tendency to be a bit cold in general. You are clearly intelligent, and everyone comments as such. You are a hard worker and manage your money well. However, you see so many guys around who have girlfriends, yet are clearly lacking several of those qualities. You don't understand how girls can stay with guys who have absolutely horrid personalities. Your friend Justin, whom most of your female friends either dated or had a huge crush on at one time or another, is nothing special, personality-wise. Not boring, but not super exciting, either. Just average. You notice how the girls go completely starstruck when Justin happens to share even the most trivial common interest. It's interesting that no girl ever reacted that strongly when YOU shared a common interest. Sometimes he tries to be funny, but his jokes are a bit flat. Yet, the girls seem to think he is Adam Sandler on the rare instant he get's it right. They laugh at his corny jokes until after they break up with him and suddenly have a very different view of his amateurish sense of humor. You notice how the girls have a tendency to portray Justin as a bit larger than life. One kind act and he's a saint. Even the slightest of Justin's positive actions or positive traits are lavishly praised. Whereas YOUR good traits are just “there”, and any social screwups on your part are treated MUCH more harshly. Justin has one advantage over you. Girls always comment how “hot” he is. Sometimes it occurs to you that maybe your looks are the problem, but that thought is quickly buried. You were called “Pinocchio” growing up as a kid because of your large nose. That kid that bullied you in high school would make funny faces when he taunted you, saying you looked funny. Women say things like that don't matter when they've matured and you believe them. You HAVE to, or your world would fall apart. Fast-forward to age 30. You make an average salary teaching chemistry at the local high school. You bought a house. You drive a 2 year old Honda. You still have a vibrant social life as you're still single. Alas, that old nemesis, perpetual singlehood, is still eating at you. Your entire lifetime's dating experience adds up to a few dates with 4 girls from an online dating site you've been on for 5 years. None of them ever went anywhere. You had an opportunity to have things go forward with one of them. She was morbidly obese and frumpy, but that didn't bother you. You learned early in life you can't afford to be picky. She worked as a gas station clerk, but hey, you probably weren't going to get any better opportunity than this girl. After all, she IS at least giving you a chance. She started outright asking to borrow money after the 3rd date, so you dumped her on the spot. Other than that, you've sent message after message over 4 years, but almost never got any replies. You notice that most of the girls you write will view your profile afterward, but never respond. You put real effort into sending a good first message, and the quality of your messages were obviously good enough to warrant clicking on your profile to see your pictures. In a world where the common reasoning is that women go for personality over looks, that seems a bit out-of-place. Your dating life has been nothing but failure after failure after failure after failure. Online dating hasn't worked. You tried speed dating and got 0 matches each time you went. You stopped going to those events because it really started eating at you emotionally. Year after year, you've been alone. Each year that rolls by, that aching to experience love gets stronger and stronger, and so does the pain. So does the frustration.. Each rejection now cuts away at your self esteem like a red hot knife, and it has become painful to see couples on the street. You've considered maybe visiting a prostitute, thinking “will I die without knowing what sex is like?”, but quickly decided against it as the idea feels wrong. You don't know why nobody

wants you. You KNOW something isn't right. It is NOT normal to be a 30 year old virgin. You begin to wonder if it's something people just would never tell you to your face. For years you've tried to improve yourself. You've searched for answers, through self-help books, advice from friends, and deep introspection over the course of several years. You've hit the gym and gotten in better shape, though it seems you have difficulty putting on muscle, and your face still looks pretty much the same. You've joined various activity groups, made platonic friends, but nothing more. Despite all your efforts over the years, nothing has changed. You have so many good qualities to offer a person, yet you are clearly unworthy of romantic love. You struggle with depression. You woke up this morning...and cried. You had a dream where you were in a loving relationship before the cold reality of the waking world revealed itself, instantly shattering that small taste of a vital part of the human experience which you may never get to enjoy. Fast-forward to age 45. The pinnacle romantic achievement in your love life amounts to one 2-year relationship with a women who was only out to use you and dumped you instantly when a better choice came along. After that relationship ended 4 years ago, your efforts to find a new partner have been fruitless. Nothing but rejection...again and again and again and again! Out of every 100 attempts, you might land 1 date that doesn't even go anywhere. Not 100 supermodels. 100 NORMAL WOMEN, all close to your own age and income. Lately, you've become very bitter and jaded. Your female friends have distanced themselves from you because your attitude about women has darkened. Your male friends acknowledge that you make some valid points, but avoid the subject beyond that. The depression, frustration, feelings of worthlessness and anger has gotten to be too much. People are dismissive of your plight, deny that your feelings are even valid, and refuse to consider that people like yourself exist, which fuels even more anger, frustration and depression. You've lost hope at this point. The pain is just too much. You bought a shotgun with the explicit purpose of ending it all. Online searches showed you that a shotgun blast, with hollow point, high caliber bullets, aimed into the mouth at an upward angle, gives the highest probability of a successful, quick suicide. It targets the cerebellum and medulla, the parts of the brain that control the heart and other basic functions that keep the body alive. The hollow point bullets ensure the greatest likelihood that they will penetrate the thick bones and reach the soft organs behind them, bringing a merciful end to your lifetime of suffering. The note is finished. You write your goodbyes to friends and family. You explained in your note, as best you can, your situation. You know they won't fully understand. You've tried for a lifetime to explain, and they never understood. A slight wave of hesitation hits you as you move the cold barrel of the loaded gun to your mouth, wrapping your lips around it. Not fear – just a sense of hesitation. You realize at that moment that your will to live truly has been eroded away after so many years of anguish and frustration. You feel the barrel jabbing the back of your throat. It's at the correct angle. You sit there for a minute, sobbing inconsolably. This is too painful. There is no hope. You reach down and pull the trigger. You jerk backward, dropping onto the floor, feeling excruciating pain shoot through your neck and skull. The last visual image your brain registers is the blood squirting from where your neck was, painting the wall a bright shade of red, before all fades to black in a welcome wave of relief. Sad, disturbing story, isn't it? What's sadder is the fact that many people like this DO exist, and what they go through emotionally is enough to drive an otherwise normal person to the point of suicide over the long term. In the story above, Steve's unfortunate physical appearance, short stature and squeaky voice were the reason his dating prospects were so severely limited. His unusually large nose and recessed jaw gave him a bird-like profile. His weak cheekbones, his tendency to hold onto stubborn fat in the facial area, and his early balding, all hurt his chances even more severely. That squeaky voice made his situation even worse. At only 5'5 in height, his fate was pretty much sealed. His female friends knew this, but never told him the truth. It would have been awkward, plus they didn't want to risk losing him as a friend. Most of his male friends had some suspicions, but never said anything, though they noticed his attitude change over the recent years, from a carefree, funny guy, to becoming more depressed and angry a few years after his relationship ended. Is it really such a crazy idea to suggest that cosmetic surgery, and some speech therapy to improve his voice, would have improved Steve's life? In short, he was below the physical attractiveness threshold necessary even for finding a marriage partner, and he lived in a society that denies that reality. People today mock the guy who “can't get a girl”, and are extremely dismissive of his plight if he dares complain about it. The way I've seen people treat these guys is as despicable as teasing a rape victim. They are frequently accused of having “too high standards” or “trying to date out of their league”, when it simply isn't true in most cases. I've seen guys get torn apart and painted as horrible characters on online dating forums for simply pointing out that dating is very difficult if you are a physically unattractive male.

The plight of perpetually, involuntarily single males exposes some raw truths about human nature that society at large would prefer not to acknowledge. Men are deathly fearful of the idea that looks matter greatly to women. They would ultimately be forced to question if the love the women in their previous relationships had for them was even genuine. Less attractive women don't want to have to face the fact that the men that they want to have sex with won't commit to them. The high visual threshold for female attraction becoming common knowledge is absolutely HORRIFYING to the type of woman that uses her erotic capital to get an edge in life. The sexual price she would have to pay for the same perks she gets now would skyrocket. A lot of guys that behave like tricks act as if they're trying to buy love. Those guys are the lion's share of that woman's benefactors. As any smart woman knows, you make more money selling the illusion of love than you do selling pussy. It is why marriage has been turned into such a successful racket. If she lost that demographic, she would have to start getting more sexual in her actions to maintain the same lifestyle, for guys would no longer be so prone to buy into illusions. This is one of the reasons the “sisterhood” tries so valiantly to maintain the illusion that women can truly love a man who isn't physically attractive. Ok, yeah, so you have old couples in their 80s, they're both butt ass ugly, and they love each other. It happens a lot. But most anyone that has been in a really long term relationship, with someone they were physically attracted to, knows that your mind still sees that hot blond 24 year old you first met, even though she's 49, fat and graying now. When you're around a person long enough, and often enough, you don't see those changes. There is a blindness there. It's still HER! Everyone else her age looks like shit, even though they might be objectively more attractive, physically, to everyone else. It's something unique to partners who had an immediate mutual physical attraction and stayed together for a long time, therefore it's no valid argument for someone to use to perpetuate the cultural lie. The existence of romantically worthless, but outspoken males is also an inconvenience for marriage-minded women. A man with no romantic prospects has nothing to lose by bringing to light politically incorrect ideas, such as what a scam the current institution of marriage has become, or how truly visual a woman's attraction actually is. If men collectively realized that women are exclusively, ROMANTICALLY and SEXUALLY, attracted to only the same small subset of guys, the marriage rates would plummet down to almost nil. Many women feel they have to lower their standards enough as it is to find a man who will commit to them, and they certainly don't want to end up in an even worse position. There is a even darker side to long term male perpetual singlehood. Just reading some of the MRA and Love-Shy/InCel forums reveals a 'treasure trove' of scathing vitriol by some posters aimed at women, ripe for the lurkers on those forums to quote and paint all MRAs and InCels as a bunch of lunatics who can't be taken seriously. While I don't condone hate, I definitely understand why some people in the MRA and InCel communities get pushed over the edge and lose control of their emotions. The angriest, most offensive posters generally all have one thing in common: They never had any romantic experience, and that's what bothers them the most. More than the often less-than-fair divorce/child custody laws. More than offensive claims by radical feminists. In most cases, their deep anger stems from the pain of having never been loved, and the loss of hope that their situation will improve – NOT the other way around!! Those who refuse to at least acknowledge this possibility display a chillingly willful, momentary lack of critical thinking skills. People often say that these angry guys can't get girls because of their attitudes. Well no shit, the bad attitude is a turnoff! I have to question the critical thinking skills of people who use that argument. There is something that never seems to occur to those skeptics: Being treated like garbage your whole life by a certain demographic will darken your views on that same demographic if it goes on long enough. It's just mammalian nature. Kick sweet, lovable Rosie the Pitbull enough times and she will eventually tear your face off. Can you blame her? Seriously? I've seen guys who were cheerful and upbeat in their younger years turn bitter and resentful after enduring year after frustrating year of constant rejection. Their anger doesn't help their situation...but, really, what exactly do they have to lose after a certain point? The human mind can only tolerate so much pain before that pain matures and ripens into anger, then rage. Many of them suspect it's their looks, height or disability. Let's be honest here. 9 times out of 10, they are correct. If a man is below average looking, he is playing the game with a huge penalty. If he's also short and/or disabled, dating becomes extremely difficult, and he'd best forget any dreams about ever knowing what it's like to have sex with anyone without strings attached. Anytime someone points this out, people like to hold up the exception to prove a rule that doesn't exist, saying “short/ugly/etc guys get hot girls all the time”. No, they don't! Don't delude yourself. The uncomfortable reality is that for every 1 disfigured guy who has a girlfriend, there are legions of disfigured guys who are single for long years at a time, with zero intimacy of any kind. In a large population, that 1% becomes a much larger raw number. The vast majority of people never PERSONALLY know any 5'3, ugly guy that pulls hot women on a consistent basis without buying the illusion of their affections via high earnings or other ho bait that artificially elevate his status. The idea that personality wins over

looks is grossly overstated and exaggerated. As women's relationship standards continue to rise over time, the number of males getting thrown into the perpetually single scrapheap could grow exponentially. If the population of romantically disenfranchised males mushrooms into a critical mass, all Hell could potentially break loose. Like a cancerous tumor that is discovered too late, a large enough population of frustrated, involuntarily single males could easily destroy a society from the inside out. Most guys who “can't get laid” are completely harmless, but their problems on a mass scale are no laughing matter. Increasingly unattainable -standards among women, the loss of men's collective trust in long term relationships, and the defacto polygamy that results from a sexually free society without equal sexual value among the genders, are a combined recipe for social disaster. Half the male population of an entire nation becoming the same “forever-alones” they once mocked is NOT that crazy an idea, especially if polygamous marriage were to be legalized. Most guys who can't get dates are not bad people, but if that population grows to a large size, that 5% of perpetual singles who ARE crazy bastards becomes a much bigger 5%. In a nation with 100 million people, let's assume 50 million are male. Let's say you have 20 million guys dumped into the singles scrapheap. Let's say 5% of the rejected males are psychos with nothing left to lose. That leaves you with a potential domestic terrorist group 1 million strong, emboldened by the knowledge of their numbers. That figure doesn't include an additional ~5% - another million people - with questionable character that could be emboldened by the first group's actions. Just imagine the trickle-down effect from there. They would also have their silent supporters. Stable pair bonds were a vital pillar of civilization throughout human history. It kept societies together. If a critical mass of men loses access to mates, society will crumble. A note on Elliot Rodger: During the writing of this book, there was a murder spree in California by an InCel individual. Let me state VERY FUCKING CLEARLY that I believe his actions and comments were morally distasteful, disturbing, evil, and completely illogical. That said, I am appalled at how the media twisted things to deny that incel is a real problem, and tried to paint all incels as psychos. Curiously, Rodger was one of those rare perpetually single males whose problems were NOT the result of his looks. He was just plain fucking crazy. Elliot Rodger is the perfect incel poster child for a media that tries to ignore the realities spelled out in this book, for those realities threaten their profits. He had the looks to get real interest from women. The cause of his perpetual singlehood was his mental instability, and he and in no way represents the typical incel AT ALL. Physically attractive incels are the minority, and the murderers are an even smaller minority. The majority of incels are mentally normal and harmless, but physically unattractive or disabled. The anger we often see in that community is a natural human response to living a life few can relate to, and coping with a society that denies that their feelings and emotions are valid. Looks matter and real romantic love is for beautiful people only. Most everyone else has to settle for a false veneer of love, and they aren't truly happy. Society tries to do everything it can to ignore the elephant in the room, but now the elephant is getting restless and agitated. We cannot afford to continue to ignore the truth any longer, otherwise social upheaval will follow. Looks matter. Pandora's box has been opened. We must accept that reality and deal with it in a civilized manner – NOW!

Chapter 4: What Must Be Done Nature has worked against our ability to form a stable society since time immemorial. The vast disparity between male and female sexual standards has likely affected the course of human history at its very core. Humans have a tendency toward polygamous sexual relationships, where the men near the top have multiple sexual partners and the majority rarely even have one. I remember reading that the human genome shows that 80% of women reproduced, yet only 40% of men did, which is a strong indication of polygamous tendencies. This would have caused widespread anger, resentment and social instability in those ancient tribes. The tradition of marriage could have been put into place as a means to reduce that social instability and improve that tribe's chances of survival. Marriage is an ancient and ever-present tradition, so ancient that it dates back to prehistory. It is a central part of civilization, and it can be argued that long-term pair bonds are essential to sustainable social stability.

The earliest historic references to marriage give the implication that it was already a long-standing and ingrained tradition at the time of writing. Historically, the institution has been found in most all civilizations and tribes, with many ancient myths about how it was originally conceived. Something BIG happened back in prehistory that made almost ALL the tribes start “hooking up the new way”. Historians often suggest it was the birth of agriculture. Even if that IS the case, it's very possible there is another, deeper layer to the story. The men who provided the most food and resources in this new agricultural society probably felt shafted when a certain minority of men, who also didn't contribute nearly as much to the tribe as themselves, had the majority of the available mates. If so, these ancient “nuveau riche” could have joined together and formed alliances to invent the first institution of marriage. They could have used their power to enforce extreme penalties for breaking the new rules, often involving death or mutilation. Traditional penalties for infidelity were extremely harsh, and there were legitimate reasons for that, no matter how it might offend one's delicate, milquetoast 21st-century sensibilities. The human sex drive is strong, so strong measures were needed to keep people from fucking anyone but their spouses. With a form of “sexual socialism” came an increase in that society's survivability and ability to defend itself against invaders and other threats. This prehistoric tribe, with a form of sexual socialism in place, would have had a powerful advantage over the others, as a tribe with less infighting and internal hostilities is more able to work together. Such a group would be more likely to hold their numbers as well, as they wouldn't be killing each other over the females...this IS prehistoric times we are talking about here. Perhaps those early founders of the institution of marriage used their new way of hooking up to create alliances with other groups by revealing their secret and swapping female members between themselves to ensure long-term bonds. Perhaps, like undesirable traits in the evolutionary tree, tribes that made no attempt at any form of sexual socialism amongst its members were quickly weeded out or overpowered. We could suggest an even older and darker origin to the idea of marriage. Life as a physically attractive guy in the hunting and gathering days was probably no walk in the park, even if you eliminated the animal predators, hard physical activity and long stretches between meals. His biggest danger would have been OTHER MEN. He was likely mating with all the women and making lots of enemies among the other males, so he probably had rivals who wanted to kill him. The “betas” in one early tribe might have used their superior numbers to force the “alphas” in the group to agree to a form of sexual socialism in exchange for their lives, or perhaps one of the “alphas” came up with the idea to make his life easier and enable him to get along with his fellow men without fear of being murdered in his sleep. It's entirely possible that polygamous marriage came about as a corruption of a more ancient, monogamous tradition, just as we see the pattern of corruption and a thirst for power creeping into all other human traditions over time. Just as communism theoretically aimed to provide equal resources for everyone, marriage might have been invented to provide equal sexual access, yet those at the top found ways to abuse both systems. Even so, a society which allowed polygamous marriage still had more opportunity for the average male than those where only the good looking guys could have a mate, so those societies managed to meet a minimum degree of social stability required to sustain themselves. The notion of romantic love is dangerous to the institution of marriage, because “provider” men far, far outnumber “love” men. Once the veil of deception is lifted, it becomes clear that most husbands and boyfriends are not genuinely loved by their mates. If there is the expectation of romantic love within any relationship, then a relationship without mutual love between both parties cannot feel legitimate. The only hope for stable, legitimate pair-bonding between males and females, and the social stability that comes with it, is a paradigm shift in our thinking on a mass scale. If a man chooses NOT to buy the illusion of romantic affection from a woman who claims to be his “wife,” and instead wants to be truly loved by his future mate, a classically handsome physical appearance is vitally necessary. We men need to get off our collective asses and hit the gyms. Women do want a muscular guy, and many of them are surprisingly forgiving of facial flaws if the body is on point. Key word is “muscular”. “Reasonably fit” won't work unless you have a conventionally attractive face. Obesity is an absolute dealbreaker for most women when it comes to genuine attraction - unless you're also 6'4 AND have an attractive facial bone structure that manages to reveal itself despite the layer of facial fat. I would say half of the men out there could be reasonably attractive to women simply by adopting a fitness-heavy lifestyle, eating a clean diet, leaning out, then adding 30 pounds of muscle. For others, though, there are some severe problems. Not every man has the genetic ability to put on enough muscle to offset his face, or lean out enough to sharpen his facial features (especially if he also has a genetic tendency toward stubborn facial fat). Others are balding, and that's also a turnoff to the vast majority of women unless his facial features nearly match the ideal. A large nose, underdeveloped jawbones and

cheekbones are other dealbreakers that can severely hinder a guy's chances as well. If a man is short, he is expected to compensate even more strongly with other physical features. That said, a surprisingly large number of women can still feel real feelings toward a shorter guy - IF he gives the visual appearance of physical strength AND has an appealing face. We are still faced with a major problem. Even if half the men out there did manage to turn their love lives completely around through natural means, there remains a large sexual underclass who still have no real hope of experiencing real love without undergoing plastic surgery or using steroids. They might settle down and marry, but they would not be so easily fooled by any illusions, and those marriages would not be stable or happy ones. The Big Lie would become too obvious in a society with a huge percentage of physically attractive men. If men are collectively under huge pressure to meet certain beauty standards, low-income individuals could resort to drug sales, theft and other criminal side jobs to fund that rhinoplasty or cycle of testosterone. Contrary to popular belief that says men are nothing more than sex-crazed oafs, while it is true that a man's sex drive is similar to in many ways to a drug addiction, his desire to be loved can be much stronger! The incidence of drug use and alcoholism could skyrocket as a large male sexual underclass becomes more jaded, depressed and desperate. Violence of all kinds would rise. Prostitution would increase, as the demand would be extremely high. Regardless of wether or not men collectively start working out and bettering themselves, the cultural skeleton in the closet is already out and men are slowly waking up to an uncomfortable truth. I predict we are going to see a major turn for the worse in gender relations as the number of disenfranchised males steady grows large enough to become a political force, thinking as a group with their emotions rather than rationally. The knee-jerk “solution” to the above scenario would be the media turning up the volume on feminist propaganda, and a “tough on crime” mentality among politicians, imposing harsher penalties and filling up more prison space – which only benefits the prison-industrial complex, NOT the law abiding citizens. A 'tough on crime' mentality benefits privatized prisons more than the public's safety. Some kind of desperation is the root of most crimes. They go into it for the first time knowing full well they risk getting thrown in prison. That says something right there. Pussy is the heroin of the male masses, women are the dealers, and big businesses are the pushers. Just like junkies, many men are known to stop at nothing to get that fix, even including criminal enterprise or behavior under extremely desperate circumstances. As the supply of pussy dries up, society would become more criminal and unstable. Even if half of all men in the nation managed to improve themselves, physically, and have fulfilling long-term relationships, those men who are unable to meet the typical woman's standards would be a large enough group to cause society a lot of problems. Pandora's Box has been opened already years ago, men are waking up, and the truth is often painful: Looks matter. A LOT. Men must adapt and do their best to comply with those standards. Unfortunately, in many cases that cannot be done without cosmetic and hormonal enhancement. While many will accuse women of being “unrealistic”, all the shaming in the world will not change biology. We will continue, perhaps for centuries, to have sour gender relations, living in a society not as stable, comfortable and peaceful as we would like, until someday in the future, people will read this e-book and see that Booker T. Cox was right in his predictions, and the solution was right under their noses long ago. I present to you the most radical, shocking idea known to mankind, that could prevent such a mess in the first place, AND vastly improve relations between the genders over the long term:

1. Affordable cosmetic surgery, such that even any low-income individual of legal age can realistically obtain it. 2. Legalize anabolic steroids for cosmetic use, under the care of a licensed physician trained in their use, for people in their mid twenties and older. 3. Continued research and development into better, less risky and less invasive cosmetic procedures. That is it. A simple, beautiful solution to the hideously ugly, dangerous Big Lie, and the only real alternative to impending social collapse! Other than their obvious illegality, the main danger of steroid use is the fact that they are often being used by people who have no medical knowledge, no knowledge of proper sanitation procedures, or any knowledge of solid standards for safest use. The claims of “roid rage”, health problems and early deaths from steroids are widely exaggerated by the media. There are risks and side effects, yes, but the media behaves as if bodybuilders are shooting meth. The drug Propecia, commonly used to treat hair loss, can be as risky as many anabolic steroids, AND you are expected to stay on it for life. Yet, it is legal. A steroid cycle typically lasts 3 months at most, and you look visibly better. When done properly, you keep most of those gains, provided you're not trying to look like the Hulk. Both Propecia and steroids involve a willingness to put one's health at risk to look better, yet only one is legal.

Affordable, reliable cosmetic surgery would allow the majority of men to meet the physical standards of the majority of women. Relationships would be much more stable and fulfilling, because women would no longer feel forced to settle or put on a fake act, and men would no longer feel cheated and duped. The divorce and infidelity rates would go DOWN. There would be FAR less animosity between the genders, as both sides would have their needs met. There would be far less need for either side to manipulate each other so often. The guys who are currently at the top of the sexual hierarchy would realize they have to clean up their act, now that all this new competition arrived on the scene. The gold diggers would be crying into their expensive martinis as they watched their market dry up, maybe realizing that they need to develop other aspects of themselves and become more productive members of society. Productivity would increase as people would be happier. Stress collectively would go down. The life of an ugly person can be VERY stressful, yet society currently refuses to see that, as such things can be inconvenient to think about. The public would be healthier via reduction of stress and all the illnesses it affects. As society has a greater interest in physical fitness, they would collectively eat cleaner diets, further affecting the collective health. Obesity would go way down as the fat folks realize it's time to step up their game, FURTHER reducing public health care costs. Nervous habits like smoking would go down as well, since people would generally be under less emotional stress. Happier people are more motivated as they are less distracted or hindered by things that are bothering them. Employers would see greater job performance across the board. We could see a greater rate of innovation and invention, as some men might stop choosing to work 60 hours a week at a high paying job just to pay that hidden bride price, and either pursue other career choices which more closely match their heartfelt interests, or start their own small businesses. Many exceptionally intelligent people have a thirst for more knowledge and experimentation. They tend to have a greater degree of curiosity about things than the average person. Those extra 20 hours could allow those smartest and brightest more time to pursue scientific and artistic side ventures that happen to benefit society. A society where men and women are equal in sexual value has more benefits as well, and I would like to dedicate this next entire chapter to just those benefits.

Chapter 5: A Better Future Let's take a peek into a society where mutual desire in human pair-bonds IS the norm, not the exception, and how it contributes to a healthier society. Rather than ramble on in a dry tone, let's make this more entertaining. I want to really drive the point home, and you cannot do that by boring the reader. Let's put on our sci-fi geek hats and enjoy a short story, set 100 years into the future: “Our History professor is such a dick”, Matt mumbled as he slammed his car keys on the kitchen counter. Plopping himself onto the couch, he exclaimed “A fucking “E”?!” “It's not his fault you flunked the last exam, Matt” Alyssa shot back, adding, “You need to get an “A” on this test to bring your grade up to a “C”. If you spent as much time doing your homework as you did playing your guitar, you'd have a fully paid scholarship at Harvard.” “OK...” Alyssa started as she sat down and opened the book to the appropriate page. “What DO you know about the Men's Revolution?” “Some guy wrote a book before the Second Great Depression and it made accurate predictions, which made people start to take his ideas more seriously once the things he predicted started happening.” “Go on...” “It exposed the Big Lie. Aesthetic handicaps were taken seriously, and women quit bein' ho's” Matt quipped, laughing as he pulled a half-used joint out of his shirt pocket, lighting it. “Women weren't in an easy situation in those days. It was either settle for someone that didn't really do much for us, or stay alone” Alyssa replied, with a sharp edge to her voice. “...and don't be smoking that shit. You need to stay sharp.” “Yes, Your Fuckin' Majesty”, Matt teased, grabbing his crotch and gyrating as he put out the roach. “Since you're in a pervy mood, Matt, I'll ask you this question: What would your life have been like if you never had your jaw and cheeks treated and there was no way you could realistically afford it? You remember how tough you and so many other guys had it before they turned 21 and got their defects treated.” “It would have been hell”, admitted Matt. “Imagine going through your whole life like it was before your treatment”, Alyssa said. “Imagine being 25 and still having no relationship experience – at all, of

any kind –, with a woman, other than platonic friendship. Not even a first kiss. That was the NORM for guys back in the 2050's when polygamous marriage was legal. Also, people were often MEAN to others, simply because they were aesthetically disabled. Even moderate deviations from today's Official Standard severely limited your chances of ever having a real relationship with a woman, AND you were sometimes even discriminated against on the job, or in other areas. They didn't have a proper understanding of the condition like people do today, and it wasn't commonly treatable back then, either. Only the wealthy and well-to-do were able to afford it. Also, testosterone enhancement treatments were illegal. Many men don't have the natural ability to look appealing with just exercise and healthy habits. Back then, those guys all stayed fat, sickly and gross their whole lives. It wasn't like today, where when you turn 25, you can go to your doctor and qualify for a cycle or two if your stats fall below a certain point.” “No wonder people were so fucked up in those days”, Matt said, realizing the implications. “Traditionally, human pair bonding wasn't romanticized, but then in the 20th century, people grew up with the notion that romantic love was a realistic expectation for people hindered by aesthetic deficiencies, but it really wasn't. That's why people were so confused about relationships. The truth was out there, but nobody wanted to believe it. If I'd have been born back then, I probably would have been a confused mess.” “You could have stayed single, celibate, confused and frustrated for years at a time, because the facial handicaps you were born with never would have been corrected.”, said Alyssa, “and the culture at the time was very 'hushed' about certain things. They would have told you the Big Lie, and you would have believed it. If you were 'lucky', you would have been married to a women who didn't really love you and just didn't want to be alone for the rest of her life,” “Let's back up a second, Alyssa. What WAS the Big Lie, anyway?” “The Big Lie was the collective false idea that aesthetically handicapped people could be sexually attractive by adequately compensating with other things. As the expectation of romantic love for everyone, and the willful denial of the impact of aesthetic disability on a person's quality of life, were both so heavily ingrained in 20th and early 21st century society, people were resistant to connect the dots and fit the pieces together. This false idea was further promoted by charlatans selling “love advice” at the time, and people still clinging to the Old Paradigm also had a vested interest in preserving it. The Big Lie also benefited many corporate interests, and the media really did its best to promote those false ideas. It's rather ironic, actually. Those big corporations studied very carefully what kind of appearance was most attractive to the widest audience, and then sold an exaggerated image of that ideal onto the public to sell their products. Yet, they were among the most opposed to the ideas of the Men's Revolution, because they profited the most if an ideal was unattainable to the masses. They were the group that fought the hardest against the Enhancement Act – not the feminists. In fact, many leading feminists in the 2050's actually supported the Men's Sexual Revolution once they got past the shocking, abrasive language of the author and understood his real intentions for what they were.” “Seriously, Alyssa, you have a way of explaining things better than that lousy teacher. I really appreciate you helping me out”, said Matt. “He doesn't explain things that well, I'll grant you that, but you have the book” Alyssa replied. “Ok...let's get this homework done...We're supposed to name 5 ways the Men's Revolution lead to an improved quality of life for all of society. The answers are to be 1 to 2 paragraphs each.” “Hmm...” Matt grunted, before blurting out “Guys got laid more?”, with a big, toothy, shit-eating grin on his face. “I suppose that could be one answer, Matt, but it isn't one of the important ones. Here's one improvement: The institution of marriage was preserved. The divorce rates went from 74% nationwide, down to 5% within the first 7 years after the Enhancement Act was signed into law. The marriage rates more than tripled during that same time period, from 21% to 76% . It's been over 50 years since the Enhancement Act was passed, and the divorce rates have stayed between 5 to 10%. The Enhancement Act both legalized the use of testosterone as a male cosmetic enhancement and provided various ways for people to have access to much-needed surgical treatment they otherwise would never have been able to pay for.” “ I can try the next one....” Matt said, staring into space as he concentrated on an answer. “Prostitution was hugely reduced since there was hardly any market left. After the Enhancement Act, the average trick no longer had to pay for play. They could just put up an ad online, get someone interested in fucking them for free within 24 hours, and saved the money they would have otherwise had to pay a hooker. The majority of the johns were married men, so after they got treated, their wives started putting out again, and the hookers lost those johns. As the market dried up, the hookers no longer had a stable option to support their drug habits. Seeing no other alternatives, large numbers of them sought treatment for their addictions and became productive members of society.

They couldn't keep using and prostituting to support that habit unless they were willing to do extreme shit for dirt cheap. Typically bareback butt fucking, rusty trombones and dirty sanchezes, for 25 bucks a trick, with guaranteed AIDS included. That was fucking rock bottom to most of those users, and it made most of them finally want to get treatment for their addictions.” “We'll put that down as our 2nd answer – but let's use more polished language, please!” Alyssa said, eyes wide with a “you-did-NOT-just-say-that!” look on her face. “Care to give the 3rd one a try?” “The Men's Revolution indirectly led to greatly reduced health care costs. Without the Big Lie causing confusion and straining relationships, stress was drastically reduced. People started shunning the processed garbage the big corporations passed off as “food”, realizing that it was contributing to their obesity, and started switching to clean, unprocessed food. Backyard gardens became popular again, and demand for non-engineered seeds shot up. People largely stopped living sedentary lifestyles, and destructive habits like smoking dropped shortly afterward due to less stress” “Keep going, Matt. You're on a roll, here....” “Productivity was increased as people were generally happier. Men felt more free to pursue their passions without being shamed into pursuing something more financially lucrative, yet less fulfilling, just to pay the hidden copulation price a women required in exchange for her insincere affections. Men were largely better at the jobs they had as they were more enthusiastic about their work. Those who had the lucrative careers were more likely to be truly passionate about their work, not just the money. There was a sudden boom of new small businesses everywhere, and most of the well-known companies we see today were started by one man who simply enjoyed what he did, without expecting huge earnings. The quality of their products came from sincere dedication to the quality of their work for it's own sake. Many men stepped down from their high-earning positions and long hours that came with them, switching to careers that more closely matched their passions. With that passion came dedication to their work. This lead to the sudden explosion of innovations we take for granted today, like the development of now-ubiquitous quantum computers, functional nanotechnology, which was used to develop the cure for cancer, the discovery of the graviton, and the first manned landing on Venus, These developments were all largely funded privately, as the average man no longer felt pressured to use most of his earnings to pay the hidden bride price. We've moved away from the meaningless pursuit of fancy homes we really couldn't afford, fancy cars, fancy jewelery and posh vacations, to using that energy in pursuit of advancement in things that are meaningful to US, to We The People, not corporate interests. There was an explosion in new artists, musicians, poets, novelists and others during the decades following the Enhancement Act. Many men turned their backs on the old system, which they felt pressured them into paying a grossly inflated copulation price in exchange for insincere affections.” “Wow!” said Aylssa. “Did you actually study this chapter?” “My grandpa always told me a lot about the earlier times when I was growing up. He had it pretty rough in his days.” “How?” “Dating was really hard, and he basically had to either pick the low-hanging fruit or stay alone, just like most people did. My grandma was very demanding and grandpa felt like she could never be pleased. Supposedly she stopped fucking him after the first year they were married, always coming up with bullshit excuses. She filed for divorce a month after my dad went away to college. It was later found out she was fucking the personal trainer for years prior to the divorce.” “What did your grandpa look like?” “Pretty much the same as I did before I got fixed up last year – same underdeveloped jaw and deadened cheekbones, only much older, and he started balding early.” “Well that pretty much explains it,” Alyssa said. “Your grandparent's marriage would have worked out differently if they hadn't been in a position where they only settled for each other.” “No shit,” Matt replied. “We're on the 5th answer now. I'm gonna do this one.” Alyssa said. “Women also had a better quality of life after the Men's Revolution. They were finally able to have truly fulfilling, long-term relationships, with guys that not only were appealing in that instinctive way, but also truly appreciated them. The value of a physically attractive man was no longer grossly inflated due to rarity, so he was no longer so easily able to get away with treating a girl like garbage. The average woman no longer had to choose between settling for someone who wasn't that attractive or stay alone, as they now had a large pool of good options to choose from. They no longer had to live life wearing a social mask, conforming to a cultural lie. Everyone was finally able to just be themselves. In the old days, courtship was a confusing, contradictory, and often painful ordeal, which left many people feeling very unhappy and unfulfilled. Now that the Big Lie is gone, and we were fortunate enough to provide a real solution, the rules of

dating are simple, and there is no confusion as to where you stand with the other person. The online dating industry thrives nowadays, having become the standard way people meet. The leading dating sites boast that 90+% of its members either get married or find fuck buddies. People are willing to pay those ridiculously 500 dollars per month prices for membership because success is quick, and almost guaranteed for most men and women. Even a guy working at a grocery store at a low wage can save up the money, and within one month, find a long term relationship or fuck buddy. That would NEVER have happened in the early 21st century. Online dating is no longer so complicated. Most every member is physically attractive, so the emphasis is on real compatibility and common interests, not profile photos. Sound familiar, Matt? When I saw your online dating ad, I was a bit miffed that you were 22, not in college, and stocking shelves at a grocery store, but the fact that we appeared to have so much in common really meant a lot to me. The fact that you were willing to pay that price to put an ad up on a site for people seeking real relationships, despite making minimum wage, showed me that really mattered to you, because anyone nowadays can just put up an ad for fee on other sites and get laid. OK, moving forward....Female obesity and the medical dangers associated with it were largely eliminated as many women also adopted healthier lifestyles, motivated by a better dating pool and a much higher likelihood of finding a truly fulfilling relationship. Their stress levels as a group went down as they were no longer being cheated on all the time, played for sex so often, or treated poorly by the men they truly wanted. The balanced mating pool eliminated the corruption at the top of the mating hierarchy, and those guys at the top had to clean up their act. They no longer could just fuck the ugly girls as a masturbation aid while holding out only for the pretty ones. Women no longer felt they had to deny what they were attracted to, and there was none of the pressure to put up a false front like it was under the old system. As the general male populace was far less desperate, frustrated and angry, all forms of violence against women plummeted sharply to unprecedented lows. The Big Lie helped keep “rape culture” alive by refusing to acknowledge the elephant in the room. Sexual frustration was a HUGE factor, but nobody dared entertain that idea until years after the Enhancement Act was passed and people were left trying to explain why those crimes dropped so low, so suddenly. “That one's pretty solid. Let's write that out, then our homework is finished.” Matt said, relighting the roach and puffing away. “Man, NEITHER gender was happy during those days.” “That was the whole point of the Men's Revolution, Matt. It gave both men and women what they really wanted all along – mutual respect. By balancing the sexual market and exposing the Big Lie, the root problem that caused friction between the genders for thousands of years was suddenly removed. We were finally able to repair the damage done to male and female relations since the notion of romantic love became ingrained in society centuries earlier. When Booker T. Cox wrote “The Men's Sexual Revolution” 100 years ago, he showed us that we didn't have to go back to the barbaric traditional practices that were commonplace prior to the cultural notion of romantic love. His idea of publicly available aesthetic enhancement allowed for an entirely new, more civilized alternative.” “It's crazy how much shit we see today gets attributed to the Men's Revolution. They mentioned it a lot in my criminology class last semester, “ said Matt. “Really? What stood out the most?”, Alyssa inquired. “Well, since the passing of the Enhancement Act, the rates for almost every possible crime suddenly went down – many of them WAAAAAYY down! Selling drugs lost some of the allure it once had, as many men of lower incomes no longer felt they needed a crutch to inflate their sexual market status. Many of the small time dealers – those that weren't just dealing to support a habit –, abandoned the trade. They chose other options instead, since the trade wasn't as lucrative as it was before, and less worth the risk. As prostitution was dramatically reduced, a large portion of the illicit drug market also disappeared. Since cannabis had already been fully legalized, there were no huge earnings to be had from growing your own weed. If you wanted to deal, your only option was the hard stuff – smack, ice, blow, and shit like that. The classic “hooker's drugs.” Today, the money is in psychedelics and club drugs – DMT, acid, MDMA, ketamine, etc – and we've definitely seen a big rise in that shit over the last 50 years. However, when you put it into a broader perspective, we still have the lowest addiction rates among the population we've ever seen. While the problem still exists, it is nowhere on the same scale as it was in the early 21st century, and DEFINITELY not as bad as it was 70 years ago. The established street gangs shrank in size, along with the drug and prostitution markets. Also, fewer teens wanted to be gangsters since a large part of the thug allure was in getting the “bitches.” Crimes of passion have been greatly reduced, as a former love is now more easily replaced. It wasn't like how things are today. Many men were living in a scarcity environment, trying their best not to act desperate around any woman who showed them interest, because it was so rare. Combine that with someone who also happens to be a bit psycho, and it was a disaster just waiting to happen. Here's another point of interest: The countries that have publicly available aesthetic enhancement all have the lowest crime rates

ever recorded in human history, while the countries that never got with the times are now teetering on the brink of collapse.” “Ah, yeah...I remember hearing about that on the news recently” said Alyssa. “Things in Russia have gotten so bad that people are executed on the spot just for having a little weed on them. The cops just shoot street prostitutes if they refuse to service them, and they can't be charged for that because prostitution carries the death penalty over there. The Russian people lost their right to a trial as the government resorted to extreme draconian measures in a desparate bid to contain the out-of-control crime wave. The police are given the power to execute lawbreakers on the spot, and the people are completely at their mercy. You could be shot for any reason, with impunity, and they get away with it.” “That's fucking crazy!” Matt gasped, eyes wide with astonishment. “The Big Lie bubble popped almost a hundred years ago, yet the Russians and the Chinese are still clinging to the old system. Why don't they just accept it and fix it?” “Corporate interests,” replied Alyssa. “The old rules of human pair-bonding, along with the Big Lie, allowed corporations here to profit the most by taking advantage of the sexual market disparity. An attractive populace is bad for many big corporations.” “So THAT's why there was such a smear campaign against the Men's Revolution...” Matt said. “The divorce lawyers were afraid of it. The luxury industries hated it. The housing industry hated it. The companies involved with precious gems hated it. The wedding industry was quaking in their boots. The people who were selling love advice went apeshit. Married women hated it. The porn industry hated it. Yet the cosmetic industry embraced it. The online dating companies saw an opportunity for record profits. So did the fitness and nutrition industries. Same went for all those other industries that stood to PROFIT. Once the Enhancement Act passed, all those industries shot WAY up. It all makes sense now...” “Hey, let's go grab a bite to eat. I'm hungry” Alyssa interrupted. “Yeah, me, too. I feel the munchies coming on. How does Chinese food sound?” “Sounds good. Let's go,” Alyssa said,while checking herself in the mirror and touching up her hair “...and you're paying this time.” “No problem” replied Matt, as they walked out the door, hand in hand. The cool evening breeze felt invigorating as they ran across the street toward the Chinese restaurant. Their stomachs growled in anticipation as the pungent odor of soy sauce and other spices permeated the air.

Chapter 6: A New Dark Age – Exhibit A These two scenarios will attempt to show how the Big Lie helped keep societies stable since the notion of “romantic love for everyone” came about, and the potential dangers involved once the cherished myth is abandoned on a large scale. Exposing the truth about female attraction is like handling live explosives. It could spark a lot of widespread anger and desperation, making relations between the sexes even worse. The other worry is the massive ripple effect in all areas of society, which could potentially destroy our way of life. Women no longer need to prostitute themselves out to a guy they're not really that into. As such, their standards for a potential mate have risen and continue to do so. Men are starting to watch women's actions more closely. It is becoming evident these days that their actions often don't match their words when they speak of what kind of man they want. Everyone is getting more and more confused, and that confusion further poisons relations on both sides. Too many women these days fail to distinguish between the men they can fuck and the men they can marry. Women can fuck guys way out of their league, but have to marry down. The disconnect between who they can fuck and their actual market value is one contributor to their widely inflated standards. Men have to aim down if the want to fuck, but get to marry someone closer to their own level. The problem is, money, status and notoriety are merely artificial props for johns who wish to buy the illusion of being in a higher end of the sexual market than they truly are. Once it becomes common knowledge that women are VERY visual creatures, and the line we've been fed that women “appreciate other qualities in a man more than looks” can no longer be taken at face value, there will likely be a lot of VERY angry guys out there. As mob mentality tends to be very short-sighted, you cannot expect the most intelligent actions when a crisis suddenly presents itself. Revenge for past wrongs tends to become the primary motivation for any affected group's actions if they feel they have been treated poorly, lied to, and taken for fools.

In this scenario, we could see a gradual return to a very rigid society with very strict, archaic courtship rules. Sex before marriage could become a severely punishable criminal offense, and adultery could come with the death penalty for both people involved. Women could be pushed back into the house and stripped of their right to work. They could be required to have a male family member with them at all times if they leave the house, to make sure they don't engage in any sexual immorality. The notion of romantic love could be seen as a “lie that deceived us for 300 years” and “poisoned the relations between men and women”. People could be encouraged to “purge their hearts and minds from all sexual thoughts and feelings” – even for their own spouses! Such has happened in past history and could happen again. Marriage could even become arranged and mandatory at a certain age for all women. Do not forget the power religion has over people – especially when it serves one's own ends. Just as the promise of 72 virgins in heaven is a big motivator for islamic extremists who have little hope of finding a wife in their polygamist society, those bible verses “putting women in their place” would suddenly become far more appealing among many religious men, who have “now seen the light as to why God made those rules”. As men return to the pews, those preachers would certainly not be afraid to preach messages that appeal to them. Under pressure from the religious right, the large population of nowundesirable males, and whichever scheming corporations that see an opportunity for big profits in the new social climate, several “sexual immorality laws” could be put into place. The gold diggers and female players would be in a world of trouble. They would be severely limited in their ability to ply their trade. In a world where sex outside of marriage is illegal, and all women are required by law to be escorted by a male relative at all times outside of the home, they wouldn't even be able to give a blowjob for a free drink if they wanted to. If infidelity or sexual immorality knowingly happened under her male relative's watch, he could also be held liable as an accomplice – and jailed. If the myth of mutual romantic love for everyone was widely exposed for what it was, women could slowly lose many of the new rights they have enjoyed for the last 100 years. This is the 21st century, not the stone age. There is a better way, and we have made advancements in those same 100 years, which make it possible. By encouraging a balanced sexual market via widely available cosmetic enhancement, there would be no longer be any need for society to resort to such barbaric tactics.

Chapter 7: A New Dark Age – Exhibit B Let's imagine another direction history could take after the Big Lie crumbles in the face of damnable evidence. After the continuing rise in women's standards for a mate leaves a critical mass of men perpetually single, the men take the high road and peacefully accept the reality as it is. We accept that physical attraction is the foundation for emotional attraction and accept that love isn't for most people. This scenario would be far from a utopia, though. There would be a spike in desperation and stress among the male population. The power of romantic emotions can drive many men to extremes. Women have known this for thousands of years and played that card for all it was worth. But now, men would be collectively armed with the knowledge of how female attraction REALLY works. Legions of men would stop at nothing for a chance at real love (or a decent sex life, if that's his thing). Many would work long hours for years on end to pay for multiple cosmetic surgeries. Guys would start crowding the gyms and become fitness-obsessed (not necessarily a bad thing). Illegal steroid use, manufacturing and distribution would mushroom once guys see that there's no such thing as building muscle quickly via natural means. Also, many men are not genetically capable of putting on very much muscle naturally, so this would add more fuel to the black market steroid boom. The number of men undergoing plastic surgery would climb to unprecedented levels. A surprising number of low-income men would “break bad”, possibly cooking meth to pay for that hair transplant or jaw implant. The number of new cars, homes and other high-cost items normally purchased would drop radically as prohibitively

expensive cosmetic enhancements quickly take priority in male spending habits. The economy takes a nosedive. More factories lay off more workers and the construction industry takes another kick in the nuts. Other industries follow, leading into another series of economic ripple effects and more layoffs, affecting the low-income group the most. As the job outlook gets worse, the widespread desperation and depression among the low-income groups would feed the drug trade. Think about this: If a guy doesn't make jack shit for money, and he sees that physical enhancement is the only way to find love, I suspect a lot of them might get the idea to start slinging dope to pay for surgery or steroids (which are already illegal in the first place). Others would self medicate on their drug of choice to take the pain away. The idea that women can only truly love guys who are classically good looking is a very bitter pill to swallow, and many guys out there do not have the emotional fortitude to accept such a nasty truth. Damning proof of that would undoubtedly tear many guys apart. The demand for prostitutes would go through the roof once guys acclimated to the new reality and weren't so quick to trust just any women who appears to be “interested” in him. The percentage of men that use sex workers could go from 10% to possibly 50% or more. With a sudden boom in that market, we would see an equally large increase in all the problems that go with it – drugs, human trafficking, sexually transmitted diseases, violence, etc. In times of extreme desperation, humans are more than capable of setting their morals aside and worrying about “what have I done?!” later. For every man who is morally outraged at the thought of engaging in such gross criminal misconduct, there is one who would actually do it if pushed to that point. The root cause of most criminal activity is desperation, and desperation has its way of corroding one's moral compass. Among the middle class, you might find single men selling their homes and moving into a small apartment to pay for extensive cosmetic surgery. The rich might start lining up on the spot to have their procedures done.. There could be a huge push for researching more reliable hair transplants and less risky surgeries. There could be a rise in debts as people max out their credit cards to pay for physical enhancements they really can't afford. The suicide rates among males in this brave new world would be astronomical. Not every man would be able to ever realistically afford any enhancements, and not every man would allow himself to cross certain moral boundaries just to improve his station in life. To go from believing that women are quite forgiving of physical imperfections, to facing the undeniable reality that mutual love is only for the beautiful people, can be too much for some to bear. Their entire life was spent believing otherwise, so it's only reasonable to see that many of them would end up killing themselves. Violence against women would likely shoot way up as many angry undesirables with sketchy morals decide to take their frustrations out on them, having little left to lose. Domestic terrorist groups would likely spring up, stemming from widespread male anger and desperation. The government would likely step in, implementing martial law. They could implement a large number of new laws that do NOT solve the root cause, and we could all find ourselves living in an oppressive police state with few rights and freedoms.

Epilogue: Share the Knowledge Wow....You read this book all the way up until now? You didn't stop reading in the 2nd chapter and write the book off as a kook? Even if you did, I hope you were entertained. We've seen how deep the rabbit hole goes. Come....follow me down to the “hidden bonus level”. Let's end this book on a hopeful note.... This book is free for a reason. I want it to be shared. If this book really spoke to you, SHARE IT. Host it on your website. Torrent it. Print out copies and stick them in bathroom stalls. Get the message out there. Translate it into different languages. Let's cut the bullshit. Lets destroy the cultural lies. Men have been fed an earful of white lies and half-truths, and the truth otherwise grows only more evident over time. The notion of mutual romantic love for everyone is a myth. There may be a Jill for every Jack, but Jill often had to settle for Jack because Billy Sixpack won't commit. This is why Jack often doesn't understand Jill's behavior. Nobody's happy, and if we lost the cultural expectation of romantic love that we have nowadays, that could lead to social instability and other societal problems, as both sides wake up to how they

are being manipulated, and their anger clouds their reasoning. This book has a possible solution, even if it sounds “crazy”. Why should women have to settle for less? Why should men have to be settled for? We need to challenge the feel-good myths. We need to consider the negative impact the expectation of “romantic love for everyone” has had on us, when we also turn around and deny how much looks play into that. This book provides the only real solution. It is much cheaper for the taxpayer than the cost of continuing to deny how much looks truly matter to women, and doing nothing about it. We all deny it at our own peril, myself included. Men need to wake up to how they're being played, but the collective anger needs to be kept in check! Boner-raging domestic terrorists would only serve to destroy any hope of a happier society!! We have to understand the role biology plays into this mess. We have to understand that most women are simply trying to manage in an environment that forces many of them to settle, and that's how it's always been, since time immemorial. They are not happy, either. More animosity between the sexes is completely unnecessary. We have the medical, nutritional and technical knowledge these days to create a balanced sexual market, and a true peace between the genders that has never existed before in human history. The Men's Sexual Revolution is about peace, not revolt. Not revenge for past wrongs. Not about anything more than mutual honesty between the sexes, and ensuring a realistic chance for most men and women to find real, fulfilling love. We can experience a new era in human history, where mutually fulfilling relationships between men and women ARE a realistic expectation. We can avoid the eventual return to the archaic systems of the past, where love had nothing to do with it, and marriage was explicitly “business.” Men can finally stop bowing to the societal pressure to chase those materialistic crutches the hidden bride price requires. In a balanced sexual market, that pressure would be greatly reduced, and men's earnings could be used in more productive ways. We would be under more pressure to look a certain way, yes, but it is better than the alternatives. We have the knowledge and the tools at our disposal to make those standards realistic for the majority, so why not just do it? Everybody would be happier – both men and women, and our future as a society would be much brighter. Let me end this book with my short list of advice for the men: 1. Only commit to girls who clearly find you hot. If you aren't getting any instant “IOI's” from women, see #3. 2. If you're looking for something long term, say you're “not looking for commitment”, then commit to the one that still sticks around. Weeds out the fakes splendidly. If they're all bailing and nobody's sticking around, see #3. 3. Hit the gym - HARD. Save up for cosmetic surgery if you feel it might help you. Get all acne and teeth problems fixed. Overhaul your wardrobe with some female assistance. Find a good hairstyle and facial hair choice. 4. Don't be a trick. She has to want that dick just for its own sake. If she puts any kind of price on intimacy, she should be replaced. No tricking. Lose the ho bait if you want something real. If this advice isn't working, and every girl keeps doing that same pricy behavior, see #3. 5. Ignore the conventional dating advice. That only works for women and physically attractive men. See #3, follow it, and most of you will see your dating problems disappear. The “dating advice” industry thrives on the Big Lie, and must maintain it to stay in business. 6. Explain to people how the problems “InCels” and other frustrated guys face nowadays can potentially become THEIR problem in the future, and how THEY would benefit from a society where aesthetic disability was commonly treated. We ultimately spend MORE, right now, in taxes, health care, psychiatric medications/therapy, public safety, etc, than we would be paying shortly after an “Enhancement Act” was put into place. Everyone, male and female, would find their relationships much more fulfilling. We would ultimately be healthier, and safer. 7. If you're angry with women in general, keep those emotions in check and keep a cool head. Male frustration is an inconvenient problem for those who benefit from the status quo, and they are quick to paint any emotional outbursts in broad, black strokes. 8. Encourage your female friends and family not to settle. Encourage them to follow their hearts, but warn them of the reasons so many girls get fucked, then chucked, and left heartbroken. 9. Let's put another spin on point #4. DO NOT TOLERATE any pricey behavior! You're a MAN, not a trick! If you are constantly running into girls who try to get you to jump through hoops, remember this: The uglier you are, the higher the price of admission. Hoops are an insult. She is calling you ugly to your face and most of you don't see it. Dump her, and work on getting your action for free by following point #3. Being asked to jump through hoops is NOT some “shit test” women use to “separate the alphas from the betas”. It's a clear indication of lack of physical attraction on her part. They DON”T do that to the “hot” guys. Unlike what the PUA's might tell you, women are generally VERY easy to get along with if they are sufficiently physically attracted to you. They are only difficult to men they find unattractive. One last thing, and this is VERY important. As the author, I want to make it crystal clear what my intentions are with this book. While it was indeed laced with profanity, and stands in direct violation of many social taboos, the intent is to serve

for the greater good of us all as a species. As with anything, there is always a personal agenda as well. I regret not knowing the truths spelled out in this book at an earlier age, for I would have been spared so much heartache had I cleaned up and improved my outward appearance much sooner. My negative past experience has taught me a valuable lesson, and I benefit abundantly from that hard lesson. I want my fellow men to have those same benefits, and be spared from the deceptive minefield that dating and marriage has become nowadays, as well as the drain on self-confidence that often results from it. I want to prevent what I see is a sour future for gender relations, and worse. For thousands of years, women have held it in their best interests, even up to the point of concern for their own personal safety, to maintain the illusion that they are less visual than men. Nowadays, the silk curtain has been removed, revealing the cultural lies to any man who has the emotional fortitude to accept what he sees. Even the average man is starting to see certain realities about women that were previously only known to women themselves and the "hot guys". Many of them are justifiably angry. Let me remind you that there never was any active "conspiracy" or “secret club” here. It is simply women's general nature to confide in men they are sexually attracted to. Yes, we can generalize on things that we know are generally true from experience, and I offer no apologies for any offense on this point. Think. Don't just react. You know I'm right. Anyhow, men who date a lot of attractive women on a regular basis usually understand that although women's actions are often appalling, they are not typically doing those things maliciously. Men who have never experienced the kind of love women have for physically attractive men will be quick to put all the blame on women, without understanding the real reasons for their deceptive actions. The Big Lie protected women for thousands of years, but they have grown more lax in concealing it, revealing what has always been there behind the scenes. I want women to be free of the cultural shaming, to be able to be honest about what they want in a man, and have a realistic chance of finding it. I want women to no longer feel that heartbreaking pining for real romantic love despite having been married for many years. How many marriages have been indirectly ruined by existing social taboos that only serve to protect the Big Lie? How many marriages would have been saved if the man truly knew what a strong positive impact cleaning up his physical appearance would have on his marriage? Let us consider the fact that the male sex drive, and the inability to attract a mate without buying the illusion with ho bait, is a hidden factor in any large financial economy. Let's face it, guys. Pussy is a huge factor in why you work more hours than you should, at a job you hate, to pay for things that you don't even really care about. Maybe you're trapped in a sexless marriage with a demanding wife who used her charms to convince you to marry her, and now she no longer needs to keep up the act, so you try to please her with some ho bait in a desperate bid to spice up your love life. How many houses, boats, cars, jewelry, vacations, and other high-cost purchases have men made, that were influenced by the desire for female companionship or intimacy? Save your money. Spend it on weights or a gym membership, better food, better clothes, a better haircut, maybe some cosmetic work, and consider staying out of the dating game for a year or two while you overhaul your appearance. You'll get the pussy free, with no hoops to jump through, and you won't need to have high earnings to find a fulfilling long-term relationship. Women generally value love more than money, but most men aren't seen as worthy of it, hence the long list of “must do's” and “must have's” to compensate. Nobody's happy, here. Cheating and infidelity are at epidemic levels on both sides, and I really don't give a shit who's fault it is, because everybody is feeling hurt, betrayed, played, and deeply heartbroken. Guys, even those “shallow, materialistic bitches” often cry real tears over how unhappy they are with their love lives. I've seen it, personally, so many times. They are just as unhappy as you are. We can argue wether or not women are at fault, but the fact is, it's come to a point where things are about to spiral out of control within the next generation, if not soon. I call this book Pandora's Box, because it will most likely accelerate the pace in whichever direction we are headed, socially. I've outlined a solution to those future social problems that are likely to arise, given the current social and sexual climate, but this book will most likely not be taken seriously. Though perhaps, in hindsight. I've entertained the thought that a future generation might read this, and wonder how Booker T. Cox managed to predict certain aspects of social life in the 22nd century so chillingly accurately. It's time both genders had a look in the mirror and realized how their own actions have contributed to the clusterfuck dating and marriage has become. Unless we stop the deception on both sides, encourage honesty between the genders, and cooperate in giving men in general a major makeover, our future as a society is grim. Sounds “shallow”, maybe even insulting, but we need a paradigm shift in our cultural thinking – SOON! We need to reconsider our denial and current social taboos regarding the value that beauty holds and the way it influences us. Unbalanced sexual value is destructive to civilization, and I'm quite certain that future events within the next generation will bear this out if the ideas in this book were to be considered in retrospect.

Marriage as an institution was most likely invented as a way to compensate for that inequality of sexual value. It worked reasonably well - as long as one gender was made subservient to the other. The power of the pussy had to have been a huge influence on tribal morale, for in almost all marriage customs throughout human history, the women had to surrender many of what we would call basic rights nowadays. What happened that made the first wives in human history agree to such highly restrictive terms? Has anyone even asked that question before? For such unfair terms to be passed on for generations, those first wives must have told their grandchildren of the horrors they witnessed in a society where the sexual market remains significantly unbalanced. Back then, men killed each other over sexual access and the social climate was extremely unstable. Small groups simply couldn't hope to survive on their own, and marriage allowed the possibility of larger numbers of people living harmoniously as a group. Without some form of institution, customs, etc, that provides at least a certain critical mass of the male population a partner, that civilization will collapse, for the disenfranchised males will actively work against it, and their numbers will be sufficient to unravel it. Traditional marriage is an ancient, outdated, band-aid solution to a societal problem that has genetic causes. In the 21st century, we have the technology and knowledge to finally remove this curse biology has bestowed on homo sapiens through cosmetic and hormonal enhancements. Men and women have both perpetuated the Big Lie, either knowingly or unwittingly, but the facade has been eroding away ever since the “manosphere” has allowed men to discuss their suspicions without fear of their personal lives being adversely affected. Unfortunately, there is a real danger that the rising anger and confusion among men, their collective ignorance to what is really going on, and the increasing difficulty in finding a partner for the average male, could cause potentially catastrophic ripple effects. We are nearing a crossroads in gender relations. Looks matter – A LOT – to women, and most men aren't up to standard. I believe this is going to become more obvious to more men over time, and that is going to affect many areas in our collective way of life, negatively. In a society where people are trained to believe that their aesthetic flaws are not affecting them negatively, they are unaware of just how debilitating their condition truly is - despite all the evidence staring them right in the face. The Big Lie is a cultural filter that distorts our perception of reality, keeping everyone imprisoned within its sweet sounding platitudes. People have become so emotionally attached to the false hope the Big Lie provides, that the loss of those comforting delusions can be extremely painful. Nonetheless, it is inevitable, and there are dangers looming on the horizon. We as a society URGENTLY need a paradigm shift in our thinking about the value of beauty, as well as our views on how to treat the situation. We need to move toward cultural honesty between the sexes, as well as provide the knowledge and the means for the aesthetically handicapped male majority to have a reasonable chance of finding fulfilling love and stable relationships. We are ultimately hurting ourselves as a species by denying the obvious and doing nothing about it.

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