
February 13, 2017 | Author: akhilr66 | Category: N/A
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Understand the nutritional deficiencies. Mostly, concentration and memory in children are related to Nutrition. If this problem addressed correctly it solves the concentration, memory and attention deficiencies etc. Medicines like Bramhi, Ashwaganda, Velvet Bean etc could help. Milk processed with fresh ginger – 100 ml a day preferably in empty stomach does also help. Make sure fresh fruits, vegetables, are part of diet. 1 -2 egg white per day also help. Ayurveda medicines like Aravinda Asavam + Saraswatharishtam 10 ml twice or thrice daily improves the brain circulation and memory.

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 Brahmi Vati 1 tab. twice daily with milk after meals.  Tab Mentat 1 tab. three times a day.  Brahmighrita one teaspoonful twice daily with milk. , Brahmi Ghrita - Brahmi Ghrita is an excellent tonic for the brain, Indicated in epilepsy, insanity and mem

 Tab. Brento (Ban) 1 tab. twice daily. Ghee improves memory power – Shasyate Dhee smruti medha agnikaanskhinaam Ghritam. – For people seeking memory power, intelligence and digestive power, ghee is the best.

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Ayurvedic Herbs and Home Remedies for Children By Vishnu Dass, NTS, LMT, CAyu. One of the eight branches of Ayurveda, known as Bala Tantra or Kaumarabhritya, deals with pediatrics and includes aspects such as the care of the newborn, infant feeding, clinical examination, dentition, management of childhood diseases, and principles of treatment and therapies, as well as childhood samskaras (religious rites and ceremonies to purify body, mind, and spirit). Childhood is a tender but wonderful stage of human life. Because the dhatus are still immature, special care during childhood is essential. The physical development and the mental state during this period play a major role in the foundation of the rest of a person’s life. Ayurveda views and classifies childhood ailments from their etiopathogenesis and suggests management of disease according to their cause, signs and symptoms, and possible complications. Such a complex approach is out of the scope of this article, so I will just go over some home remedies, Ayurvedic herbs, and herbal compounds that can be safely used in most cases of common childhood concerns, as well as other medicines typically used by Ayurvedic practitioners.

A Safe and Holistic Approach with Ayurveda In our modern world, particularly in highly developed countries, it is easy to lose touch with the healing power within each one of us. From the moment a child is born she is literally injected with the belief that her immune system is not capable of doing its job properly without some artificial means like vaccinations and other drugs. Furthermore, nowadays the treatment for common childhood ailments consists mainly of allopathic drugs such as antibiotics. Of course, there may be times when such drugs are necessary, but all too often they could be substituted by a safer and more natural approach. Ayurveda has much to offer in the way of gentle and effective health care and disease prevention for children through diet and lifestyle, as well as the use of medicinal herbs and spices. For thousands of years herbs have been successfully used for addressing a wide variety of childhood disorders. Many herbs can strengthen the immune system and support the health of children of all ages in a safe and holistic manner. One of the most important factors to consider for the health of a newborn is the health of the parents. For this reason, Ayurveda recommends that both parents undergo panchakarma before they wish to conceive a child. This helps to prevent their vikruti (current state of health) from being passed on to the baby. Once conception is achieved, the mother should be relaxed during pregnancy, reading spiritual books, chanting mantras, eating a doshic diet, receiving regular abhyanga, doing gentle and restorative yogasana, and meditating. From conception onward, Ayurveda places great emphasis on post partum care for the mother to balance vata and promote health and vitality in her, as well as to ensure the healthy development of the fetus. After birth, both the newborn infant and the mother are to be cared for throughout the first forty days with the utmost attention. Traditionally, these duties consist of daily oil massage, bathing, and other herbal therapies. Even today in much of rural India and Nepal there is a wealth of wisdom on birthing and infant’s health care that lays in the hands of midwives and grandmothers, even though many restrictions have been placed upon them.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Colic and Constipation Because food is our first and foremost form of nutrition, it should be considered our primary medicine. In Ayurveda many common fruits, vegetables, and culinary spices are used to help with a variety of childhood health complaints without the need for any other treatment. For instance, constipation in young children can be corrected by drinking a cup of warm milk before bedtime with one teaspoon of ghee added to it. Likewise, a good measure consists in including in the diet foods that have a natural laxative effect such as soaked raisins or dates, honey, bran, sesame seeds, mango, papaya, grapes, and fresh figs. Furthermore, encouraging proper eating habits and food combining when possible, sufficient water intake, high quality oils, and providing plenty of high fiber foods can be helpful in the prevention of constipation. In the case of infants, the mother can apply a small amount of castor oil to her nipple before breastfeeding. For babies with intestinal colic, mix equal parts of Cumin, Fennel, and Coriander powder and add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of this mixture to a cup of hot water, let it steep for 15 to 20 minutes, then strain well. This tea can be given as needed to correct vata in the colon. The

mother can also drink it to reduce the qualities of vata in her breast milk. In the case of infants, it is useful to administer the tea with a baby medicine dropper, available in most baby supply sections, and dilute it a little, if needed, to make it more palatable. There are a variety of Ayurvedic herbs and formulas that can be quite effective for constipation in toddlers and children, such as Triphala churna, Sat isabgol, Gandarva haritaki ,or Avipattikara churna, but care should be taken to choose the one that is most appropriate for the overall condition and constitution of the child. Other typical formulas used for colic and intestinal disorders are Eladi churna and Hingwastak churna. It is good to keep in mind that a good dosage for children is about one third the normal adult dosage, and even less for infants. Allopathic laxatives and strong laxative herbs should be avoided.

Treating Colds and Fever with Ayurveda Treating the common cold or flu in children with herbal and dietary guidelines is an effective means of supporting and strengthening their immune system. Generally speaking, the common cold is often associated with the cold and damp qualities of kapha and ama (toxins), which cause symptoms such as low appetite, nasal or chest congestion, malaise, and sometimes mild to moderate fever. First and foremost, the child should rest and drink plenty of warm liquids to support the agni (digestive fire) and the elimination of ama. If their appetite is low, because of diminished agni, it is best not to force food upon them, as this could contribute to the formation of ama. Warm ginger tea is a good remedy to kindle agni and when combined with equal parts Yashti madhu (Licorice root) and a little raw honey it helps liquefy and expectorate phlegm. Because of the possible link between honey and botulism in infants, only high quality, organic raw honey should be used. If there is chest congestion or restricted breathing, then warm Mahanarayan or sesame oil, or ghee with a pinch of rock or black salt, can be massaged onto the chest followed by a eucalyptus steam inhalation. Tulsi (Holy basil) works wonders for soothing coughs, decongesting the lungs and sinuses, as well as lowering a fever by promoting sweating. Tulsi tea can be prepared by adding1 teaspoon of Tulsi powder to 1 cup of hot water. This can also be given before bedtime to break a fever when nothing else works. Other typical Ayurvedic formulas for the practitioner to consider in the treatment of common cold, flu, and upper respiratory infections are Sanjivani guti, Tribuvankirti ras, Sitopaladi churna, Talisadi churna, and Lavangadi vati, Jwara (fever) is the body's natural way of burning ama. It is important not to suppress it whenever possible, although fevers above 102 degrees should be lowered and kept within safe limits. A remarkable home remedy for lowering fever consists in rubbing fresh onion juice to the child's navel region while applying a cool cloth to the forehead to protect the brain. Also, pomegranate or fresh orange juice is nutritious and effective to control fever, but drinking too much can increase ama and orange juice may provoke pitta if it is too sour and acidic, so it should be diluted if taken frequently. The compound Mahasudarshan is also very useful for high fevers. Because of its strong bitter taste, it is best given in tablet form, in doses of 250 to 500 mg with warm water.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Skin Problems Skin care for children is a topic worth mentioning. First, I'm sure every parent of an infant would like to know a simple trick for dealing with diaper rash. One of the best remedies for this is to add 1 to 2 teaspoons of Kumari (Aloe vera) juice into the baby's drinking water. This helps to relieve excess pitta in the body and can sooth the rash relatively fast. This works great as a preventative or along with topical treatment. Kumari juice is also a good rasayana for the entire body and can be given daily in small doses throughout the early years of life to tonify the tissues and organs, aid digestion and elimination, as well as to enhance the health of the rasa and rakta dhatu, and twak, or the top layer of the skin. Rashes such as eczema and psoriasis are quite common amongst children, and all too often are treated with cortisone creams that merely suppress the symptoms. This approach can cause the problem to worsen over time. Ayurveda views such rashes as relating mainly to high pitta and ama in the liver, plasma, and blood tissue. Although pitta is the primary dosha considered in such conditions, the characteristics of the rash may vary depending on whether other doshas are present. If vata is involved there can be much dryness, scaling, and cracking, When kapha is present, then there may be more swelling and weeping. There is often an immunological and emotional component connected to skin conditions that should also be considered and addressed. The most basic treatment consists of dietary restrictions, which include avoiding excessive intake of salty, pungent, and sour tasting foods, acidic fruits, as well as deep fried, fermented, and hot spicy foods. Bitter herbs such as Neem, Manjista, Haridra (Turmeric), and Guduchi have an affinity to the roots of rasa and rakta vaha srotas, the liver and spleen, and are commonly used for such ailments. Cooling nervines like Brahmi (Gotu kola) as well as Jatamansi, both of which also have alterative properties, are perfect for cooling and calming the mind, as well as clearing heat from the blood and liver. Traditional compounds such as Kaishore guggulu, Tikta gritam, Maha manjistadi kwatha, and Panchnimba churna are also useful, but treatment should always consider the prakruti, other secondary doshas involved, and reduce any aggravating factors. In my experience, local treatment with oils and creams will not cure the condition but can provide some relief of itching, scaling, redness, and painful cracking. Good oils for topical application are Neem leaf oil in a coconut base, Tikta gritam, Bakuchi oil, and castor oil. It is worth noting that it can be almost impossible to convince children to take herbal formulas in tea form, especially bitter herbs, so powdered herbs can be encapsulated in single “O” size vege capsules or taken in tablet form (which can be broken in small pieces to facilitate swallowing). Another “possibility” to mask the bitter taste of herbs is to mix them with a little fruit juice or a sweet substance such as maple syrup, which is also pitta pacifying. Some Ayurvedic herbal formulas can also be found in syrup form.

Treating Parasites and Worms with Ayurveda Another health concern that is common in children is krimi (worms and parasite infestations). Symptoms include constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, anemia, anorexia,

increased appetite, pica (tendency to eat unusual or strange foods), and itching of the anus. The causes are many and include eating contaminated foods and drinks, or foods that are difficult to digest, poor eating habits, or contact with animal feces and uncleanliness, to name a few. Ayurveda views that krimi are born of excess dosha and ama, and that developing some simple healthy habits can help prevent such situations. A few good tips are to avoid eating excess sweets, fried foods, fast foods, uncooked grain flour such as cookie or bread dough, and raw jaggary. It is also important to have children wash their hands after touching any animals, including their own pets, and especially before eating. A simple household remedy for worms like thread, pin, and round worms, is to take 3 to 5 drops of fresh onion juice diluted in one teaspoon of water 3 times daily. Another good worm remedy consists of mixing equal parts of Neem and Vidanga that can be easily administered in single "O" size capsules. Two capsules taken twice daily is a good dose for children. A general herbal compound is made with equal parts Neem, Vidanga, Kutaja, and Shardunika. One or two single "O" size capsules of this formula can be taken twice daily before meals. Also, a pinch of Hing (Asafoetida) mixed with one to two teaspoons of rapadura (dehydrated organic sugar cane juice) or sucanat can be eaten half an hour before food. Some typical medicines used by Ayurvedic practitioners for parasitic conditions are Kutajarishta, Vidangarishta, Kutaja parpati, and Krimikuthar ras. Older kids (7 to 12 years old) can take 20 grams of rapadura or sucanat in the morning, followed after 10 minutes by Ajwain (celery seeds) and salt (2 grams of celery seeds per one gram of salt) with warm water. This recipe eliminates all types of worms. It is important to note that because treatment of krimi should be continued for at least a month to prevent re-infestation, it is good to have the guidance of a skilled practitioner.

Rejuvenating and Nourishing the Mind with Ayurveda Learning is a large part of being a child, so we should not forget about herbs that rejuvenate the mind. One of the most common rasayana herbs for the brain is Shanka pushpi. Shanka pushpi is a popular tridoshic herb for promoting memory and intelligence, and is commonly prepared in a syrup form for this purpose. It is also used to treat depression, psychosis, and epilepsy. In the case of children diagnosed with ADD, it can be combined with Brahmi. Brahmi (Gotu kola or Bacopa, aka Herpestis monnieri), is also worth mentioning when it comes to the mind. Brahmi means "cosmic consciousness." Its name is also associated with Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom, because it is one of the best nervine tonics for rejuvenating the mind. It is used for addressing a wide variety of mental and nervous disorders. Gotu kola is tri-doshic and Bacopa has a heating energy. Both herbs facilitate the balance of tarpaka kapha, sadhaka pitta, and prana vayu, the doshas present in the brain. They can be used alone or with other herbs such as Jatamansi, Shanka pushpi, Vacha, Ashwagandha, or Jyotishmati for improving memory. For speech impediments, these two herbs combine well with equal parts of Vacha (Calamus). A common formula used for treating speech disorders, as well as a wide variety of vata disorders of the mind, nervous, and digestive system, is Saraswata churna, It contains herbs like Ashwagandha, Vacha, Shanka pushpi, Ajwan, Cumin, and Rock salt. It is safe for children and

its flavor is somewhat palatable too. Saraswata churna is a good example of the truly holistic approach that Ayurveda takes in compounding herbs to address the many qualities of a dosha and its possible and common effects on the entire system. It has herbs that have an affinity to all of the organs, dhatus, and srotamsi that relate to vata dosha. Other typical Ayurvedic medicines to consider for rejuvenating the mind and the nervous system are Brahmi vati, Smriti sagar ras, Brahma rasayana, Ashwagandharishta, and Brahmi ghee.

Important Yogic Remedies from Ancient Indian Scriptures: 1. 29th chapter of Agnipuran contains a medicine, which grants longevity to a person. According to the text, consuming 240 mg to 500 mg of Brahmi powder with milk every morning is very beneficial. It also increases the memory power. 2. Ayurvedic scriptures like Charaka and Sushruta say that consuming 3 gm of green vegetable soup (made form Brahmi) increases the memory power. Brahmi leaves are tasty just like the tamarind leaves. 3. Bhav Prakash includes the importance of Shankhpushpi for good memory. Consuming 3 to 6 gm of Shankhpushpi powder with milk is extremely beneficial for increasing memory. It also plays an important role in improving the functioning of the brain and its overall development. 4 .Beshajya Ratnavali is a famous Ayurvedic literature. According to this book, regular consumption of Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, almond, etc. strengthen the brain cells and provide coolness to the brain. They are helpful in improving memory power and curing nervous related problems. 5.An Ayurvedic literature called Chikitsa Chandrodaya mentions the importance of Brahmi in the form of a chemical. Regular consumption of Brahmi improves the capacity to think and understand. It also includes a simple combination to improve memory power. It says that almond and sugar candy 'Halava' (sweet dish) is very healthy to strengthen the brain cells and improve the memory power. 6. Add one gram of black pepper in ten grams of honey and consume this mixture twice a day. This combination is very beneficial for increasing the memory power, improves eyesight and stops premature graying of hair. 7. A Greek literature 'Ijajul Gruba' mentions that consuming fiber in right quantity is extremely beneficial. Almond and pomegranate squash are very useful sources of fiber food. Whichever squash suits the body, should be taken regularly in the summer season. This book has cautioned that the best way to improve the memory power is to keep the mind cold and the feet warm. 8. Ayurvedic books have paid utmost attention to massage. Massaging the feet and head with rapeseed oil is beneficial in improving the memory power. Regular massage of the head increases the blood flow and also improves the memory power. It also relieves headache and improves the eyesight.

9. A simple tip can improve your memory power many times. When you go to bed, lie down straight, close your eyes and memorize all the activities, which you did throughout the day from morning to evening. Practice this tip everyday and you will notice that the memory power has improved to a great extent. 10. People who sleep with their head towards the East or South direction have very good memory power. 11. According to Guru Pushya Yog one should always keep Apamarg herb, this increases the memory power. Diet for a healthy brain: Necessary vitamins for the brain: Vitamin B -1: It is necessary for the brain. The main sources are-sprouted cereals, green-leafy vegetables and groundnuts. Vitamin B-2: This is also very important for the brain and is found in milk, cheese, green vegetables, tomato and apricot. Vitamin B-6: The brain needs this vitamin and is mainly found in whole grains, yeast, dried beans, potato, fruits, and green vegetables. Vitamin B-12: It is very important for the proper functioning of the brain. Its main sources are milk, curd and cheese. Vitamin-C: It keeps the brain healthy and the main sources of this vitamin are tomatos, melons, myrobalan, lime, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, strawberry, and turnip. Vitamin-E: It gives strength to the brain and the main sources of this vitamin are tomato, dried beans, pulses, grains, spinach, and green vegetables. Mineral salts are very important: 1. Calcium keeps the brain healthy and is mainly found in beans, grains, and pulses. 2. Our brain requires sodium and can be obtained from pulses, cheese. It is normally found in all the edible items and common salt is also sodium. 3. Our brain also requires iron, which is found in green vegetables, pulses, beans, groundnuts etc.

4. Potassium also strengthens the body and pulses, green leafy vegetables, beans, cereals, milk, fruits especially banana and orange are good source of potassium. 5. Zinc keeps the brain in proper condition and can be obtained from beans, cereals, and pulses. These items should be included in our daily diet. 6. Magnesium strengthens the mind. It is found in soyabeans, milk, green vegetables, pulses, well water etc. 7. Fluoride gives the brain the ability to think and understand. Fluoride is found in tea, coffee, soyabean and drinking water. 8. Copper is very essential for the brain and the best sources are cereals, mushroom, green peas, beans etc. 9. Selenium refreshes the mind and makes it strong. Selenium is found in whole grains, milk, cheese, vegetables etc. Sun heated oil: 1. Oil made under the sunlight cures diseases related to the brain. This oil is known as 'Asmani' oil, which means the oil made under the sky. To prepare this oil you require a blue colored glass bottle and black sesame oil or rapeseed oil or coconut oil. Fill the bottle with any one type of oil and keep it under the Sun for at least three months. Do not keep the bottle on the floor rather place it on some wooden plank. 2. Cover the bottle with cotton and change the cotton everyday. 3. This oil makes the mind active, cool and makes the hair healthy. 4. This oil works very well in all diseases related to the brain. Massaging the body with this oil increases the strength of the body. 5. This oil reduces burning sensation in the eyes, hands, legs and nervous weakness. Source : Anwala Churna Trasina

(i) Brahmi ghrita

Brahmi is boiled in pure cow's ghee along with some other herbs. This preparation is known as brahmi ghrita. Brahmi ghrita is taken orally in one teaspoon amount twice a day on an empty stomach for people who are suffering from amnesia. (ii) Brahmi taila Brahmi oil is used for application on the head. Besides brahmi, this oil can also contain amalaki, camphor, etc. (iii) Brahmi vati Brahmi vati is prepared by mixing the powders of brahmi with jatamansi (muskroot) and serpagandha (rauwolfia). This is used as a brain tonic. This is used in improving mental capacity, becoming more active and reducing anxiety and stress.

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How to cure Alzheimer’s disease in ayurveda : Brahmi, Sankha pushpi, vacha, Jatamansi are main herbs used to treat effected brain. Instead of buying individual herbs and preparing medicines at home, one can buy Aswagandharistha, Saraswatarishta, Smriti Sagaram, Maanasa Mitravati, Brahmivati, Kalyanaka Ghruta etc medicines and try any one of them in limited dose (20-50 gms per day). Pomegranate juice also helps curing this disease faster. Also, kerala ayurveda pancha karma massages like Nasya Karma, Sirovasthi, Dhara chikitsa work well and fast on patient. Its better to identify this disease in early stages and use proper medication along with proper oil massages to brain to get totally cured. Its better to give good food for brain to kids and make them practice kapalbhati pranayama so that this disease can be avoided in their future. Source :

Saraswati Leaf (verbanaceae) commonly known as: hill glory bower, Saraswaty’s leaf, sticky glorybower • Bengali:


Lepcha: kumboul kung • Malayalam: Manipuri: kuthap manbi • Marathi:

ghentu • Hindi:

bhant • Kannada:

peruku, bhandira • Nepalese:

ibbane •

vattaparuvalam • rajbeli • Sanskrit:



Tamil: perugilai, vattakanni • Telugu:

bhantaka, braahmi, manDookaparNi, Adityavalli • ,

Native to: tropical Asia Attributes of saraswati leaf : These leaves are from a small plant that can grow at any place where water or humidity is present. This improves brain power, memory and strengthens nerves. It is useful for people who use more brain for their work like auditors, writers, painters etc. It also delays ageing and is good for eyes. Stomach ache, Indigestion in kids : Collect 12-15 saraswati leaves and fry them with cow ghee on low flame till leaves turn black. Filter out the ghee and add 1/4th spoon jeera(cumin seeds), half spoon sugar and feed to kids along with lunch or dinner. This will help them if they have constipation, or blood in stools. Phlegm in throat : If elders have excess phlegm in throat and cannot talk, then collect 10 saraswati leaves and fry them with half spoon cow ghee for 2 minutes. Chew these fried leaves slowly and throat will be cleared in 1-2 nights. Cold and cough in kids : Squeeze saraswati leaves and make kids drinks 1 spoon of its juice 2-3 times per day to get them relief from cold and cough. For Intelligent kids : Get entire saraswati plant along with roots and wash it. Then dry it in shade for 2 days. Make powder of the entire dried plant and store it in a jar at a cool, dark place. Pregnant women should mix half spoon of this powder with 1 spoon cow ghee and take it on empty stomach in morning and also at night before sleeping. By doing this, she will have intelligent children. For Skin diseases and allergy : Use the above said saraswati plant’s powder, 1/4th spoon mixed with 1 spoon honey, twice a day 1 hour before lunch and dinner. This will clean the blood and many skin diseases will be eliminated. For increasing memory and brain power : 1. Saraswati leaves powder : 25 gms 2. Sankhapushpi powder : 25 gms 3. Almonds(badam) powder : 50 gms 4. Cardamom(Elaichi) powder : 50 gms 5. Chironji(Buchanania Lanzan) or Charoli seeds powder : 100 gms (usually available in indian stores)

Usage : Mix them and store in a glass jar at cool dry place. Daily, add 1 spoon of this powder to 150 ml of milk and boil it well. Then add sufficient sugar or candy sugar and drink it. This can be used by children and adults. It removes physical ailments like fever, cough, cold, phlegm, heart weakness and increases memory power. For Insanity, Fits disease : Collect 100 gms of saraswati powder as said above. Collect 50 gms of Almonds(badam) and soak them in warm water over night. Next day, peel their skin, dry them and powder them. Fry 15 gms of black pepper for a minute and make their powder. Now mix above three then add sufficient water to make thick paste. Make small tablets of peas size with this paste and dry them in shade. Store these tablets in a glass jar. Depending on the severity of the problem, use 2 or 3 tablets per day after food along with warm cow milk. This will cure fits disease, weak memory, Insanity, madness etc. Source : Sage Nagarjuna has prescribed a special diet for kids to make them intelligent. By using this daily, children will become more intelligent, their memory and recollection ability will increase more. Its known as Kachchapata tantra and is prepared by Sage Nagarjuna. Preparation :- 1 kg dry ginger(sonti) cut into small pieces. Fry them in a pan on sim flame for 2-3 minutes and then make their minute powder. Add 1 Kg of pure cow ghee ,1 kg of old jaggery and 1/2 kg of honey. Mix this content thouroughly. Take a newly made clay pot, wash it thoroughly and let it dry. Then apply cow ghee to its entire inner surface till the ghee is no more absorbed by the pot.. Then place all the above made content in this pot and tie the lid of this pot with a thick strong cloth so that no air escapes into it. Apply raw clay on the outer surface of the pot and let it dry. Then place this pot inside a grain heap so that it is covered from all angles by grains (rice, wheat etc.) Leave this heap for a month. You can use a bag of rice or wheat to do this and tie up the closed pot within this bag.

During this month, chemical reaction will create the food required to make your kids intelligent. After 1 month, transfer the contents of the pot into another clay pot or glass jar (avoid plastic bottles or jars) and store in cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Usage :- Daily morning after brushing teeth and at night before going to bed, give 10 gms of this paste to kids. For kids between 4-10 years, 10 gms/each dose is enough. For kids between 11-15 years of age, use 15 gms/dose. Benefits :- Within few months, their brains will start functioning smarter and they will be ahead of other kids of their age. Their IQ will improve considerably. Source :

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