Memory in Astrology

March 28, 2017 | Author: Nill Salunke | Category: N/A
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MEMORY IN ASTROLOGY  by: Tracy Porter Copyright 1997  The mind is an elusive concept because although we know that it exists, it is not something that we can see or eel, so we must theori!e how we believe it unctions" The brain is considered to be the seat o the intellect and there are many schools o thought about how it actually works to process, store and retrieve inormation" There are many aspects o intellect to include learning and how to remember things which encompass the primary spheres o our lives" #hort term memory enables us to recall small pieces o inormation such as telephone numbers or addresses" $nless we take measures to memori!e the ragments o inormation which we are continually bombarded with and store it in our long term memory banks, what we have picked up will leave our awareness almost as soon as it was perceived" #hort term memory can best be described by the planet %ercury and the sign &emini because it is grasped 'uickly and does not re'uire a great deal o analytical thought processes to recogni!e and interpret" (ong term memory is that inormation which we have decided warrants recall, so we store it into very elaborate memory banks o our minds" )ow we actually store and retrieve data has spawned much debate as people attempt to understand exactly how this is done" #ome people*s long term memory is more accurate than others, and it has been proven that we tend to +ll in the missing pieces* o scenarios which have become ha!y through time and circumstance" Thereore, as time goes on, our recollection o certain events may not be entirely reliable" -ur long term memory is most closely associated with the planet  .upiter and the sign #agittarius because it relates to our ability to think beyond the +here and now* and try to reach a more comprehensive understanding o the lie we live in so that we can achieve harmony and balance"

-ur bodies retain a physical recollection which allows us to perorm certain tasks without really concentrating" /n addition to the biological unctions which our bodies perorm without our conscious awareness, they have the capability to step in and operate in situations when we have become distracted and should be concentrating, such as driving a car or walking the same path every day" #ome believe that our bodies contain memories o events which have transpired in our lives and that many illness are psychosomatic in nature as they are believed to be the result o traumatic events which have long been erased rom our conscious awareness" %assage therapists have long been aware o this phenomenon and have developed a deep tissue massage, 0olng, to help correct many muscular misalignments which are the direct result o unconscious, unpleasant memories" -ur physical memories are most closely associated with the planetoid Chiron and the sign irgo because body consciousness is paramount in this type o recollection" 2e all possess an ancestral memory which predisposes us to certain character traits specic to our amily line" %uch research conducted on identical twins who were separated at birth show 'uite clearly that their lives tend to unold in a similar ashion although they were completely unknown to each other" 3ncestral memory is closely aligned with the %oon and the sign Cancer because the lives o our orbearers does have an e4ect on our current circumstances" %uch scientic investigation into reincarnation has been conducted to indicate that people do have recollections o past lives" 3gain, there is some speculation as to whether these highly intuitive persons are picking up memories o lives they have actually lived, or are able to psychically pick up ragments o the lives that others have lived rom the collective consciousness" 5evertheless, there are people who are able to recall in precise detail the lives o others who have died beore they were born and these memories should not be discounted as many such events have been veried by people who actually knew the deceased" Past lie recall is most closely associated with the planet 5eptune and the sign Pisces because the veil o our consciousness must be lited beore we are allowed to enter

into the realm o our higher awareness which enables us to perceive events in a more lateral ashion" Psychologists have conducted much research to prove that or the ma6ority o the population, our ability to remember detail does diminish with age" 2hile many o us will retain our mental acilities until the nal day o our lives, there are those who will develop various orms o senility several years beore death" rom an esoteric standpoint, it is believed that i we have accomplished our lie tasks appropriately then our lives will simply end with our ability to process inormation intact" )owever, i we have not accomplished our lie ob6ectives, then it is believed that towards the end o our lives we will in act revert back to childhood as we recollect early memories and try to correct past mistakes and reconnect with our higher selves" #enility is most closely associated with the planet #aturn and the sign Capricorn because is associated with old age" (oss o memory is a relatively common phenomenon, and many books, workshops and lectures have been devoted to helping us use techni'ues to improve our recall" 3s time passes, the events o the past usually become ha!y and have the e4ect o causing us to become unsure o exact detail" 3dditionally, many psychological tests have been conducted to prove that when we are in doubt as to the actual se'uence o events which have transpired in a certain scenario, our mind will tend to +ll in the gaps* by inserting bits o inormation which may or may not be precise, thus bringing about the development o another phenomenon call alse memory syndrome, where some people recall events which have never actually occurred" (oss o memory is most closely associated with the planet 5eptune and the sign Pisces because it deals with those u!!y areas o our conscious awareness" 2e all possess a type o inner +knowing* in various orms which helps us to gain enlightenment and understand our purpose in the grand scheme o things" This knowledge, which is in e4ect our psyche tapping into a grand universal library containing records o all that was and all that will be, helps to give us a purpose so that we can continue on our evolutionary path" $niversal memory is most closely aligned with the planet .upiter

and the sign #agittarius because it is associated with a deep level o understanding and wisdom"  The shadow side o our memory process is that o revenge, or evening the score when we eel insulted by another" /t is unortunately a trait o human nature that when we have been slighted, our rst reaction is to want to right the wrong that has been done to us" 2hile many will do no more than secretly smile when an adversary has received his comeuppance, there are those individuals who will take a rather proactive stance and actually attempt to accelerate the karmic balancing act which will inevitably come" 0evenge is most closely aligned with the planet Pluto and the sign #corpio because it relates to the dark side our soul which provokes us to behave in ways which would be rather un8attering to our reputations should anyone detect our actions" 2hile most o us possess varying degrees o intellect within a range o normality, there are some who are able to process inormation in an exceptional manner and are thereore considered to be genius" #uch people are classed as gited because they are able to contribute to the advancement o humanity with their uni'ue ideologies" &enius 'ualities are most closely associated with the planet $ranus and the sign 3'uarius because they inspire innovation which is oten brought about by necessity" 3strological 3spects o %emory 2hile there are no precise astrological alignments which can predict a person*s intellect or ability to process data into meaningul inormation, there are some congurations which have a tendency to show up in the natal horoscopes o those who have much emphasis in the area o communication and intellect" /t is important to note that every planet, sign or house in astrology does relate to our ability to process inormation in one way or another, but some o these placements are more prominent than others and deserve special attention when considering the mental processes" %any who have learning diculties such as dyslexia, memory loss or even schi!ophrenia have the #outh 5ode con6unct the

#un, %ercury or .upiter in their natal horoscopes" The #outh 5ode tends to make concentrating more dicult, and when in strong aspect to another planet or point, it has the e4ect o conusing the issue" Pluto, 5eptune, $ranus and #aturn have an e4ect on our ability to assimilate inormation, especially when they are posited in the signs o &emini, irgo, #agittarius or 3'uarius, or the third, sixth, ninth or eleventh houses" Pluto and the eighth house bring about massive transormations, and it is oten 'uite dicult to break down the psychological wall which keeps us rom obtaining true awareness" 5eptune and the twelth house tend to make our perceptions u!!y so that what we see may not necessarily be the truth" $ranus and the eleventh house inspire us to levels o genius, but i not harnessed by other grounding in8uences, it can cause our reasoning processes to become somewhat unstable" #aturn and the tenth house are the great task makers which have a tendency to make everything we do more dicult, thus bringing about a mature level o understanding which we may not have achieved had we not had such obstacles to overcome" 3 stellium, or concentration o planet, in &emini or the third house indicates that there is a strong emphasis in the communicative process or the lower mind" 3 stellium in irgo or the sixth house indicates that much is involved with the analysis process and the ability to pay attention to detail" 3 stellium in #corpio or the eighth house shows that much introspection is involved to cause a person to spend an inordinate amount o time thinking about causes, e4ects and what might have been i circumstances had been di4erent" 3 stellium in #agittarius or the ninth house indicates that much emphasis is placed on the native*s ability to assimilate complex inormation and compile it into relevant knowledge which can be used in other situations" 3 stellium in 3'uarius or the eleventh house indicates that one*s ability to comprehend universal knowledge is o primary concern" 3 stellium in Pisces or the twelth house indicates a concentration o much unconscious thought processes o an intuitive nature helps us to recall events which have been deeply buried in our psyches or 'uite some time"

Vedic Astrology and Education 3bha ansal ;th is that o intellect" 3s ?nd house is the house o speech and goddess #araswati so this also can be considered as house o education and erudition" or making achievement in the eld o higher education 9th house is important and 1@th house is the Aaraka house o name and ame rom education" There is very close relationship between education and intellect" #imilarly there is close relationship between =th and >th house" 3ll the planets are associated with di4erent genres o education" or eg" .upiter is the chie karaka o edas, philosophy and astrology" %ercury is signicator o mathematics, nancial management and medical" enus is auspicious or music and e4ective interpretation" %ars gives the ability to rule and to ght against in6ustice" /t is the chie karaka o art o warare" #un represents administrative education, medical and philosophy" %oon is auspicious or medical, poetry, astronomy, spiritual and astrological education" #aturn and 0ahu are chie Aarakas o oreign education" 9th house, .upiter and %oon are the chie karakas o spiritual education" /n a horoscope the grasping power and the ability to ac'uire education is studied rom %ercury whereas .upiter is the chie karaka o one*s educational upgradation" /ntelligence : / the lord o th house %ercury is con6oined with any benec planet and gets aspect o a benec planet" / >th lord is in con6unction with benec planets, %ercury is exalted, %ercury placed in th house or the navamsa lord o >th lord is well aspected by a benec planet in Aendra" / any o the above be the case, the native would be intelligent" 2hen %ercury is in its own house or in a Aendra rom the ascendant or remains in a trine the native gets 8ourished with high education, vehicles and property" / .upiter is well aspected by enus and %ercury in the ninth house the native is complete erudite" / %ercury, .upiter and enus are in the ninth house the native is renowned scholar"  The combination o .upiter, %ercury and #aturn in the ninth house e'uips the native with complete erudition and elo'uence o speech"  The native is very intelligent i >th lord is hemmed between benec planets or i the lord o the sign where >th lord is placed gets auspicious aspect rom a benec planet"  The intellect o native is very sharp when >th house is in between two benec planets,  .upiter is in >th and %ercury is unaBicted"

%emory: / the lord o th house is in con6unction or aspected by a benec planet or the th house is occupied or aspected by a benec planet or i the lord o th house rom .upiter is in Aendra or Trikona the native is blessed with sharp memory" &rammar: / powerul .upiter and the lord o second house are aspected by #un and enus the native can be an ecient grammarian"  The con6unction o powerul .upiter with ?nd lord and #un also proves benecial to be good in grammar" %athematics: /t is important or the .upiter to be in the centre and %ercury should be the lord o second house or enus should be exalted or in its own house" ecause o this combination the native has deep interest in mathematics" / %ars is in the second house with a benec planet or aspected by %ercury or %ercury is in Aendra the native becomes a mathematician" / .upiter is in Aendra or Trikona, enus is exalted, %ercury and %ars in house o wealth or in any Aendra aspected by %ercury the native becomes a very good mathematician" / %oon and %ercury are in Aendra or in con6unction with rd lord %ercury or %ercury is in Dth rom #aturn and .upiter in ?nd rom (agna the native is very expert astrologer" th lord is in 1?th house in (eo and the lord o (eo gets auspicious aspect o .upiter and %oon"

/n the horoscope o #ir 0abindranath Tagore lagna lord and 1@th lord  .upiter is exalted in >th house" There is mutual exchange between ?nd lord %ars and =th lord %ercury" %ercury and enus are in ?nd house with exalted #un" There is very beautiul mutual exchange between (agna lord .upiter and >th lord %oon" Thereore in this horoscope several planetary combinations are indicating exceptionally good intelligence level which earned him lot o name and ame" )e belongs to ages" 5ational song .an &an %an was written by him" )e won noble pri!e or his creation &eetan6ali" ritishers gave him the title o #ir and  Tagore"  This is the horoscope o reedom ghter #ubhash Chander ose who ac'uired higher education and 'ualied the examination o /C#" /n this horoscope >th lord #un is in 1@th house with %ercury and Aetu" (agna lord is in ?nd house and 9th lord .upiter is in >th house" .upiter and enus are aspecting each other" enus is aspecting >th house" ecause o these planetary combinations he impressed masses with his sharp intellect, knowledge and elo'uence o speech"  This is the horoscope o ormer elections commissioner %r" T"5" #eshan who worked on several senior posts o responsibility" ith lord %ars is occupying 9th house with (agna lord .upiter in (eo" .upiter is aspecting >th house and (agna" enec planet enus is also aspecting >th house" #econd lord #aturn is in ?nd house" 5inth lord #un is well aspected by .upiter" ecause o these combinations he ac'uired lot o education and recognition and handled all responsibilities very eciently" #wami ivekanand is the name o a great spiritual miracle" enus and %ercury are in ?nd house" #aturn and %oon are in 1@th house in %ercury*s sign" 5inth lord #un is in lagna" #econd lord is in 1@th house" ith lord %ars in its own sign is well aspected by  .upiter" /n addition to that =th lord .upiter is aspecting >th house and >th lord %ars"  There is mutual exchange between 1@th lord %ercury and ?nd lord #aturn" These combinations earned him international ame or his spiritual knowledge" Conclusion : or making any type o achievement in the eld o higher education i t is inevitably essential that ?nd, =th , >th, 9th and 1@th houses in a horoscope should be under the auspicious in8uence o .upiter, %ercury, enus, %oon and #un"

> 2ays To /mprove %emory 1" / we talk about remedies, meditation is one o the best ways to regain the concentration power and improve memory in a very short time" This meditation practice is 'uite old and is known as Candle lame &a!ing FC&G" /n /ndian system, it is knows as T03T3A" This is very e4ective and simple way to build up concentration and increase brain power" /t a4ects subconscious mind and brings calm to agitated nerves" 5ot only this, it helps in achieving inner peace and wisdom" ?" Eeep breathing works wonder" .ust sit in (otus Position FPadmasanG or simple pose" Iou can also do it when in chair" Take deep breath and hold it till you can with ease" 5ow release slowly and continue this process or at least 1@ counts" Counts can be increased depending upon oneKs capacity" -ne can eel the remarkable di4erence within a week"  This practice strengthens the brain power and has been considered a uni'ue remedy to improve memory" " /n /ndian #ystem o 3lternate 0emedies, a ew special poses FIogasanasG can also be tried to strengthen brain power and improve concentration" These are as under: i"

SARVANGSANA  To perorm this pose F3sanG lie on your back with arms along your side" #lowly raise both legs 6ointly" )ands should be on the hips to support the body" " This oil reduces burning sensation in the eyes, hands, legs and nervous weakness"

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