Memorandum of Authorities
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CA-!R! CR-HC N"! #$%$&
MAR' (ILLEAS AN) MARTIN (ILLEAS A**use+-Appellant ------------------------------------------------------
Appellant MARK VILLEGAS AND MARTIN , by counsel, to this Honorable Court, respectfully submits this Memorandum of Authorities, to wit:
On te issue "f te vali+it. "f te sear* sear* an+ te a+/iss a+/issi0i i0ilit lit. . "f evi+en*e a1ainst te/!
Article III Section 2 of the 19! Constitution pro"ides for the ri#ht of the peopl people e to be secu secure re in their their perso persons ns,, house houses, s, paper papers, s, and and effe effect cts s a#ain a#ainst st unreasonable searches and sei$ures, pertinently pro"ides:
Section Section 2. %he ri#ht of the people to be secure in their
persons, houses, papers, and effects a#ainst unreasonable sear search ches es and and sei$ sei$ur ures es of what whate" e"er er natu nature re and and for for any any
Brief for the Appellee PEOPLE VS. VILLEGAS
CA-G.R. CR-HC No. 06463 X----------------------------------------X
purpose shall be in"iolable, and no search warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue e&cept upon probable cause to be determined personally by the 'ud#e after e&amination under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and particularly describin# the place to be searched and the persons or thin#s to be sei$ed(
Article III Section ) *ara#raph 2 li+ewise emphasi$e the ri#ht of e"ery person in the abo"e #i"en statute which states:
(2) Any evidence obtained in violation of this or the preceding section shall be inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding.
or an e"idence to be admissible the prosecution must pro"e that
circumstances: 1( -"idence
unreasonable search or coerci"e interro#ation, or "iolation of a particular e&clusionary law( 2( %he poisonous tree is the e"idence sei$ed in an ille#al arrest, search or interro#ation( %he fruit of this poisonous tree is e"idence disco"ered because of +nowled#e #ained from the first ille#al search, arrest, or interro#ation or "iolation of a law( )( It is based on the principle that e"idence ille#ally obtained by the state should not be used to #ain other e"idence because the ori#inal ille#ally obtained e"idence taints all those subse.uently obtained(
Brief for the Appellee PEOPLE VS. VILLEGAS
CA-G.R. CR-HC No. 06463 X----------------------------------------X
urthermore, the law only re.uires search and sei$ure without a warrant on the followin# situations:
1( Incidental to lawful arrest 2( Consented search /wai"er of ri#ht0 )( Search of mo"in# "ehicles ( -nforcement of customs laws ( Chec+points 3( 4A re.uirin# inspections or body chec+s in airports !( 5hen there are ille#al articles open to the eye and hand /plain "iew0 ( Stop6and6fris+ situations 9( -mer#ency 17( -nforcement of health and sanitary laws
It is clear on the #i"en pro"isions, that there is an e&clusi"e list as to when a search and sei$ure can be lawful despite of the absence of search warrant( A warrantless search can only be pro"en or the e"idence obtained without any warrant can only be admissible if one of the listed circumstances e&ist durin# the sei$ure( Section ) of 4ule 12 of the 4ules of Court pro"ides for the admissibility of e"idence,
Admissibility of evidence. — Evidence is admissible when it is relevant to the issue and is not excluded by the law of these rules.
Brief for the Appellee PEOPLE VS. VILLEGAS
CA-G.R. CR-HC No. 06463 X----------------------------------------X
Here, the prosecution cannot use the e"idences that was ta+en from the house of the accused because they were ta+en without any search warrant since it was already in "iolation of the constitution which also resulted to it inadmissibility necause it was e&cluded by the laws of the 4ules of Court(
It does not bear anythin# e"en thou#h there was a report the alle#ed suspects on the crime of homicide committed to the "ictim was done by people ridin# a pin+ motorcycle( %hat #i"en fact does not constitute any ri#ht on the authority to enter or to confront the careta+er to open the house as well as ta+e any e"idence that he may ha"e found in the house of the accused( %he 4eport that *81 -ricson recei"ed and the fact that he saw the motorcycle in the subdi"ision can be used to re.uest for a search warrant but not allow the same to enter the pri"ate property of the accused(
%he "iolation of the ri#ht to pri"acy produces a humiliatin# effect which cannot be rectified anymore( %his is why there is no other 'ustification for a search, e&cept a warrant( A search warrant to be "alid re.uires strict compliance with the Constitution( Section 2 Article III of the 19! Constitution is the constitutional basis of the rule on search and sei$ure(
All told, appellants char#e of murder cannot be established usin# the #i"en e"idence due to its inadmissibility( %heir con"iction for the offense char#ed should necessarily be dismissed(
PRAYER WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed that the appealed ecision be REVERSED for lac+ of e"idence in accordance with the pre"ailin# law and
'urisprudence( Ma+ati City, 8ctober 2, 271
Brief for the Appellee PEOPLE VS. VILLEGAS
CA-G.R. CR-HC No. 06463 X----------------------------------------X
*ublic Attorneys 8ffice Counsel for Accused6Appellant 4oll of Attorney 12) MC;- Compliance Certificate II< 16261 I=* 21)< 16261< City of Manila *%4 12)3< 16261< City of Manila
Copy Furnished:
Att.! Re11ie Lan+rit" Solicitor General Suite 1234 Crown Tower Tolentino Street, Sampaloc, Manila Roll o !ttorney 1234" MC#$ Compliance Certiicate %%& '(1)(14 %*+ 2134"& 1(14(14& City o Manila +TR 1234"& 1(2-(14& City o Manila
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Counsel or the !ccused(!ppellant
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