COMMISSION ON AUDIT Regional Oce No. 2 Tuguegar Tuguegarao ao City
In Re: Notice of Disallowance No. 14-002-1010(1! on t"e e#cess RATA $%ante& to t"e Cit' o)e%n*ent O+cials of Santia$o Cit' Atty. Jims Dany Ramos an !e "#igo $elegrito. Appellants% &''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''&
A,,A MMORANDUM The unersigne unersigne City (o)ernment (o)ernment Ocials* unto this +onorable +onorable oce most mo st respe respectf ctful ully ly submi submitt this this appe appeal al memor memoran anu um m an an for this this purp purpose ose** respectfully a)er* )i, The appellants recei)e the Notice of Disalloance Disalloance by the Commission on Auit /0uper)ising Auitor hich notice as oc1ete as ND No. 3'442'4'567* hence the nee to submit this appeal memoranum.
I. STA STATMN TMNT T O/ ISSU ISSUS S a! T"at t"e ono%ale ono%ale O+ce e%%e& in incl3&in$ incl3&in$ Att'. Att'. i*s Dan&' Ra*os an& /e I5i$o Mele$%ito a*on$ t"ose wit" e#cess Rata6 ! T"at T"at t"e t"e ono ono%a %al le e O+ce O+ce fail faile& e& to con& con&3c 3ctt a&e7 a&e7tt in83 in83i% i%' ' on t"e t"e nat3%e of t"e iss3ance t"e )e"icles assi$ne& to t"e a77ellants efo%e it o%&e%e& t"e Notice of Disallowance6 ARUMNTS9DISCUSSIONS 1.
The )ery basic an funamental principle in aministrati)e in8uiry is to ascertain the truth base on the eight of e)iences thus* in ascertaining the truth of the contro)ersy* not merely preponerance but substantial e)ience must be consiere before before a 9ugment* ecision ecision or orer must be renere;
With Humility, Humility, the appellants, by virtue of the Nature of Positions assigned to them by the City Loal Loal Chief !"eutive as the #$C%&'# and City City (ountant (ountant
respetively, they are entitled to their respetive )epresentation and *ransportation (llo+anes as andated by la+;
The abo)e mentione Notice of Disalloance hoe)er shoe that there as not mush aministrati)e in8uiry conucte* the only basis of the isalloance ere the issue Property Ac1nolegement Receipt issue to the appellants%
:ith ue respect* !e. ". $elegrito an Atty. Jims Dany Ramos ere issue )ehicles not by )irtue of the oce they represente as heas thereof but because they ere gi)en special assignments of conucting in)entory of personal properties of the City (o)ernment ithin 0antiago City as a hole%
;noubtely* being the heas of their respecti)e in)entory team* the ser)ice )ehicles ere name to them* hich is the )ery ieal an necessary thing to o for the go)ernment to gi)e absolute protection o)er that )ehicle of the City (o)ernment%
issue to the appellants ere not for their e&clusi)e use or
bene&ecuti)e Orer Creating the A' +oc "n)entory "nspection Team in the City (o)ernment Of 0antiago City%
?e note* the strict orings of the la in the rules of statutory construction e&plicates the e&clusi)e use of the )ehicle to go)ernment ocial to hich it as assigne. "t is not in the mere issuances but the e&clusi)e use of the )ehicle that the Transportation alloance must be isalloe.
:ith ue inulgence to this +onorable Oce* please note that ith respect to )ehicle ith Plate No. 0J@ 62 that as assigne to Atty. Jims Dany Ramos* the sai )ehicle as sub9ect to repair from the month of August an onars until it as >T"N(0 Please submit this foregoing AppellantEs $emoranum for the fa)orable consieration of the +onorable Oce. Payment of the Appeal !ee as one through Postal $oney orer ith Numbers J444FG an J444FH hich ere inclue an forming part of this appeal.
Copy as furnishe to the Oce of the COA 0antiago !iel Oce by Registere mail.
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