
December 11, 2016 | Author: Moko Uchiha | Category: N/A
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1 Melody You know how people say that everyone is sooner or later forgiven? Well I choose later when it comes to my friend Abby. I mean she's a good friend and all, but her one little mistake almost cost me my life. Of course she convinced me to do the one most craziest thing to the most popular girl in school, Brooke. Being a bitch to her. Yeah I know stupid but I thought she was moving to Oklahoma like she said she would....... The next thing I know their is a rumble. An earthquake? No, even worse. The doorbell. As I walk to the door I'm thinking about the first day of school. The new kids, the preps, the really hot boys, and creepy perverted teachers. But school was especially going to be great for two reasons. One, it's senior year. That basically explains everything and two, Brooke was rumored to be moving to Oklahoma. Everything was just going my way until Abby showed up. Abby was a little short for our age and approximately 40 pounds overweight. She didn't look terrible but the students at our school begged to differ. They thought she was a freak for having different interests than any normal 17 year old. She always spoke out her mind in class and that's why I knew from the start that she would be my best friend. Anyways today was our annual day before school party. It was a party to celebrate a new year to make new changes. Jeez no kidding. "Hey Melody! What's up?" Wow she seemed hyper as usual. "Nothing much you?" I felt bored already. "My mom finally let me have a facebook! Can I show you?" Great more

ways she can contact me. She logged on and got just about 35 notifications. "Wow looks like you're pretty popular." But as she scrolled down the page their were hate posts such as: "Nobody likes you" and "Wow you're cool fatass". "Fuck screw them I don't care." Trust me you don't want to see her pissed off. She goes into this huge tantrum and starts throwing stuff. Lucky for me she doesn't do that at other people's homes. "Whatever. How about you go on your facebook?" Well I did need to change my personal information. You see I got dumped by my boyfriend recently. He dumped my because I didn't want to have sex with him. Who would want to be pregnant or get STD's? Definetly not me. As I logged on I looked at posts on my page to see if there was anything terrible like Abby's. But people just don't seem to hate me just like Abby. Sure I have haters but they don't waste their time hating on me. "Okay what do you think about this Abby? Heyy I'm Melody. My name says everything. I absolutly love music! It expresses all of my feelings. I play the flute and drumset kind of an odd combination but who cares? Some people say blonde's with green eyes are pretty creepy so I guess I'm creepy now??? Okay well that's pretty much it. Byee!" Abby yawned and said,"Well It's not the best. I still think mine's better though." I thought about it but disagreed because it said absolutly NOTHING. I was about to tell her that when she rudely interrupted me. "What would you say to making fun of people?" "Um well that depends on who you had in mind." Please be Brooke, please be Brooke. "I was thinking of Brooke since she IS moving. It could be payback from both you and me." Yes! Thank you Abby!!! "Who's account are we writing it on?" It was kind of important. "How about yours. People hate me enough." I considered that. "Sure. What do you think we should do? Go on Social Interview and answer any question about her badly?" I said. " No no no! That would take way to long! We'll just post stuff on her wall saying mean stuff. You're idea was terrible." Abby shouted. I thought it was a

good idea. So for the past hour we went posting rude comments saying she was a whore, bitch, slut, crappy person, and etc. "Oh my gosh she is going to be SO PISSED! We did an awesome job don't you think?" Abby said. "Yes we did haha." We both started having yawn attacks that lasted about a minute. Ah the sign of us being tired. "Well I think we should go to sleep since tomorrow is the first day of senior year." I suggested. "Oh yeah baby! I'm so excited! Sweet dreams best friend." As we laid down I started to dream about the first day of the rest of high school. In my dreams I saw myself as the most popular girl in school. I was dating my true love Mitchell Anstrom. We would be walking throught the hallways as I would watch all of the girls staring at me in envy. Girls would fling themselves at me asking me where I got the most beautiful clothes and shoes and every single item I had on each day. That would sure be the life. If only Mitchell could possible ever like me........................

2 Brooke

“Brooke we have a surprise for you!” What the hell do my parents want now?! They already ruined my life by saying we're going to move to fucking Oklahoma where I'm going to loose all of my friends and they won't give a shit about it. “What?!” God I hate them! “Honey we're not moving to Oklahoma. You're father decided to stay here because he found a better job around this area. So, we're staying!” My mom is so awesome! “Omg thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You guys are the best!!! I have to tell all of my friends about this!” I was seriously like running upstaires because I was so excited. I was logging onto facebook and just when I did that I saw that I had 103 notifications. Wow people are so obsessed. And they're all from Melody. What the hell I thought she hated me after I ditched her sorry ass for Mitchell the guy she was like in love with. “Let's see what that bitch wants. What the hell hate posts? I fuckin never get these! Screw her she will fucking pay!”

3 Melody It was monday morning and bright and sunny I knew it was going to be the start of a new and better year. “Abby, Abby wake up.” I gently whispered. I didn't want to wake up my parents because it was 5:30 in the morning. “Mmmmmmmmmmm.” Abby rolled over still asleep. “Abby

come on it's time for school!” This time I was shouting. “ I know! Sorry I'm just really cranky and I don't feel like getting up.” She said sleepily. “Well we gotta hurry the bus comes at 6:30.” We started by dressing ourselves and then completly covering our faces with makeup. I had to admit we going a little bit over the top but hey, it was the first day of school what do you expect? I had no time to curl my hair so I just put my hair in a sloppy ponytail while Abby straightened her curly mess. We ate cereal for breakfast and just made it in time as the school bus stopped across the street. As we got onto the bus Abby asked me, “What are they all staring at?” I looked around and everybody was staring at me angrily. “Abby”, I whispered. “I think Brooke made them turn against me.” We walked akwardly down the aisle and sat down in an empty seat near the back. This girl I didn't know started to talk to us. “You do realize that Brooke's pissed off at you.” She sad pretty loudly. “Um yeah I do. Who are you?” She smirked. “I'm one of her best friends. I'm Kayla.” The girl that sat next to her also said, “And I'm her other best friend, Michaela. I'm Kayla's twin sister.” Kayla looked over at her sister as if it were way to obvious. “Anyways, she saw the posts and got so mad that she told everyone not to talk to you. We weren't even supposed to talk to you but I felt the need to tell you to watch your back. People could do anything.” Kayla explained. “Yeah and we were like really scared of her when she called us on Kayla's cell. She told us she's going to get you back and like in a really bad way.” Michaela finished. Oh crap my senior year is going to be ruined. “But how is she going to get Melody back? She's moving to Oklahoma. There can't be real big damage done.” Abby asked. The next thing I know the twins are giggling and I know the worst is yet to come. “Well,” Michaela started. “Her parents decided not to move after all. Her dad actually got a better job around this area so they like just told her yesterday before she read the posts. So, she's going to kick your ass.” I felt like I was going to puke.

I swear this was the worst first day of school ever! I mean I remember when I used to be Brooke's best friend. We used to have sleepovers every day, give each other blind makeovers, and just be regular girls. But that was before she became popular. All the new people she hung out with were pressuring her to stop hanging out with me. For a while she just ignored them, until she got asked out by Mitchell. When he told her to ditch me she snapped and told me I was a bitch and couldn't hang out with me. If she hadn't done that then nobody would've started hating her in the first place. As the bus came to a stop I knew my life was going to be hell as soon as I step into the school. “Don't worry Melody I got your back.” Abby told me. That's exactly what I was afraid of. As I walked throught the doors of Ridgeway I knew there was no turning back.

4 Brooke

There I see that bitch walking through the doors and she looks like shes about to crap her pants. She's running so fast as if she was trying to avoid someone like I don't! When she was just about to run into the bathroom I run in after her to creep her out. “Melody!” She looks at me with wild eyes. “Brooke I am so sorry I didn't mean what I wrote honestly! You're the most coolest, prettiest, smart-” She started to rant on forever I was like LOLing. “Melody

don't worry about it. I know all those things you sad were true. But don't worry I'm not like going to kill you or anything.” Her face was like glowing. “Really?! But Michaela and Kayla said you were going to get back at me bad....” Ugh those stupid whores have to tell her everything. “Oh don't mind them they were probably just trying to scare you. I sure hope we can be friends again.” Now she looked really confused. “Um okay. Well I gotta go to class I hope we can hang out soon.” Haha she won't want to hang out with me once I make her life miserable. “Okay bye” I smile akwardly until she leaves. Ugh now to find the bitches. There was still 10 minutes to spare until class so I had enough time until I could start the plan. “Hey you bitches!” I see Kayla and Michaela walking. “So you told that slore that I was getting her back?” They both seemed pretty nervous. Good. “Well we told her to watch her back so she'd be like intimidated.” Kayla told me. “Ugh whatevs walk with me skanks.” We were walking through the hallway without touching anybody because everyone was walking out of our way. “What are we looking for?” Ah stupid Michaela. “You're so stupid. We're looking for the perfect way to get Melody back. Then I spot him. “MITCH!!!” I run towards him real quick. “Hey baby you wanna get back with me?” “Ew not a chance. I don't want you complaining that I won't have sex with you I'm not stupid.” I roll my eyes when he starts to whine again. “Aw fine then what do you want?” His eyes narrowed while I smirked. “I want you to do me a favor.” Now I start to whisper. “You can't tell anyone that I told you to do this. It involves sex and not with me. I know how you hate being a virgin and now you wont have to. You have to go on a date with Melody Richards and have sex with her.” He smiled. “Hm she is kind of hot.” I slapped him so hard I hope his dick would get a bruise. “Hey now! If you be her boyfriend she will get popular so don't think even think about it.” He started smiling even more. “Nah I'm just in it for the sex. So when?” This is going to

make my life so much better. “Anytime you want.” I walked away to head to class thinking this would be the best way to get somebody back ever!

5 Mitch It was after school when all my gay friends started following me. I told them I had somewhere to go so they could finally leave my ass alone. Damn my dick hurt. Now where would a nerd hang out before the buses left. Probably in the bathrooms crying because Brooke has to ruin her life. So I walk into the girls bathroom and she's not there but I did scare girls half to death. Hey I can't help that I'm hot. It's a gift. So if the bitch isn't in the bathroom where could she be? I'm almost running down the halls trying to find her when I see her signing up for glee club. “Hey Mels!” Well she doesn't answer because apparently she doesn't have a nickname. “Melody!” I call her again and she turns around walking slowly to me.

“Um, if you're here to hate on me please I didn't mean it!” Tears were welling up in her eyes. How gay is that. “No worries I'm not here to be mean. And anyways you're joining the glee club?” She nodded. “Well don't join I heard it's stupid.” Hey now I was giving her a life tip. Don't join any stupid clubs. “Oh.” She started, “Then I won't join. So anyways what's up?” Now for the fun part. “So I was wondering do you wanna hang out tomorrow after school? You know like a date?” I asked as nice as possible. She got that weird anime look in her eyes. That's sexy. “Oh my gosh yes! Okay. So when are you going to pick me up?” Hm when am I going to pick her up. Sometime late at night. “How about 7ish?” She started looking more sad. “But then we can't have that long of a date since it's a school night.” Aww fuck it. “It doesn't matter. A date's a date right?” She smiled. “Right. So I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye!” The next thing I know she's running over to her fatass friend running towards the buses. Life is sweet. Well right when I got on the bus Brooke literally attacked me and pushed me into a seat next to her. “What the hell was that for?!” Damn she's violent today. I like that. “Did you ask her out like I told you to?” I started to smile. “Of course I did.” “When?” She asked quickly and quietly. “I asked her out for tomorrow. Then we could get comfortable and bang insta-sex!” She rolled her eyes. “You are such a perv. Anyways why tomorrow? Call her right now and ask her if it's fine if you guys have the date tonight.” Pushy much, “Fine.” So I start to call her cell and she answers immediatly. “Hey don't tell me you can't go on the date tomorrow?” Fucking smart ass. “Actually yes so I was hoping if we could have it tonight instead?” She better say yes. “Um sure same time? “Yeah cool so I'll pick you up tonight.” Brooke starts to laugh. “Okay see you later bye!” I look over at Brooke. “What the hell why were you laughing.” She laughs again. “Oh nothing. And by the way I want you to get her pregnant.” This is when she was going way to far. “What?

No. I'm not getting her pregnant dude that's going to ruin my life and hers.” Brooke got this wicked look on her face. “Well if you don't then I'll tell everyone you almost date raped me.” I sighed. “Fine it's a deal. Well I gotta go it's my stop.” Thank god. She shouted after me, “Don't forget!” I was walking to my house when my mom comes out crying. “Mom what happened?” She still sobs. “Your sister got pregnant!” Ugh what a whore. “I'm so sorry mom!” This is when I noticed how much pain I would put Melody and her family through if she got pregnant.

6 Melody “Abby help me zip this up!” So basically I was putting on a dress for my big date with Mitchell. I was so excited because I never thought he noticed me before. “Melody listen do you really think that he'd care on how well you dress up? Dress casually.” Abby told me. That actually didn't seem like a bad idea. “Okay.” So I went to my closet and chose a nice blouse and a pair of skinny jeans. “Mels I got you something.” I looked over at her and I was wondering what was inside. Inside there was a thong and a pack of condoms. “Oh no Abby I am not wearing a thong and I don't need condoms because I am absolutely not having sex tonight!” Abby smiled. “I know you honestly want to have sex. At least put the thong on. Just so you know Mitch might be the type of guy that would date rape a girl.” Now she was just talking crazy. “Mitchell is definetly not the type of guy

that would do that! I know for sure.” I should've listened to her there. Stupid stupid me. (And not about the thong thing.) And there goes another rumble. The doorbell Mitchell's here! “Abby I gotta go Mitchell's here.” “Okay bye.” I fix my hair so it looks nice and straight and then answer the door. “Hi Mitchell.” He laughs. “Um it's Mitch.” God I feel like such a failure. “Oh sorry hehe. Um so let's go.” So I get into Mitch's car and we drive to the movies. We weren't really watching the movie until he put his arm around me. That's when I really started paying attention. He scooted over closer and leaned in for a kiss. He lightly pecked on my lips and it was probably the most memorable moment right then. Then we started to make out and he was practically sucking the my breath out and I could barely breath. “Mmm mmm!” I pushed him away as I started to breath heavily. “Sorry I'm just so used to making out on the first date. Let's ditch the movie and do something more fun.” So we quietly sneaked out of the movie and into his car. “Let's go to a hotel.” This is when I started to get nervous. “Just to hang out right?” He smiled. “Of course and maybe to make out a little more?”Whew what a relief. “Okay.” He drove to a hotel and rented a room for the night. The night? Why the whole night? “Aren't you kids a little young spending the night together.” Mitch nodded. “Of course we are but we decided just to hang out here.” Another sign of relief. The night was going pretty well. We took the elevator up to the room and there was an akward silence and the elevator music started to play. “So how was your first say of school?” He shook his head. “The same as any other boring day. I hate all of my teachers. How about you?”He asked. “It was okay.” We got into the room and sat on the bed. I smiled as he started to lean in again and kiss me. He had a minty fresh breath that was a pleasure to feel. His tounge pressed against mine and I pressed mine back and it felt as if we had some sort of a connection. Then he started to creep his hand up my shirt

and inside my bra where he touched my breast. “Woah woah woah. I'm sorry Mitch but I'm honestly not ready to have sex right now.” He looked a little disappointed but he dealt with it. “It's okay. Can we cuddle at least?” He laughed. “Of course I'm fine with that.” We started to cuddle and go under the hotel sheets that smelled nice and clean. He would kiss me on my neck that made me feel weak to his power. It felt so comfortable and the next thing I notice is that I start to quietly fall asleep.

7 Mitch

Damn she seemed way to nervous. Looks like she saw it coming. Well I really don't want to get her pregnant....but knowing Brooke if I didn't do this for her she could possible ruin my life. The problem is I'm most likely going to have trouble taking these fucking skinny jeans off. Damn it looks sexy on her. Apparently she must be a heavy sleeper because she didn't even feel when I yanked off her jeans. Then I saw... the thong. Where does that nerd get a thong? I started to breath heavily. Damn this turns me on. Maybe I'll keep them...yeah. I slowly slip the thong off of her and put it to the side. I started to stare at her and I noticed how sexy she was. I started to kiss her neck and spread her legs apart. That's when I started to push. Each time I would push harder because it would feel better and better. She started to get intense too. Every time I pushed she would start to kiss my....uh well you know what I'm talking about.

I'm thinking she was having a dream about having sex probably with me and I wouldn't blame her. I mean we were both virgins what could be more perfect than that? I'm kind of glad I'm not some dickhead virgin while going to college. All of the guys would talk shit about me saying about all of the perfect chances I've had. Now Brooke did want me to get her pregnant so I...well....I cummed! There it was done. My eyes slowly started to droop. I set my alarm for 5:30 because there was still school tomorrow. Ah sex is tiring. That's when I fell asleep right on top of her afraid to see what punishments would come tomorrow.

8 Melody

“Mitch,” I said with my eyes closed. “I had the strangest dream that I was having sex with you. I know it's creepy but I had to say it.” It felt as if I had a huge weight on top of me. I open my eyes and see Mitch on top of me wide awake with fear in his eyes. “ didn't...” I couldn't say it. I couldn't even believe it! “You didn' rape me right?” I look down and see that he wasn't wearing any pants and no...boxers either. “Oh my gosh. You did! How could you?!” I screamed which was uncalled for but it was the most weirdest thing that has ever happened to me. “I started to put on my clothes but couldn't find my thong. I was running out of the hotel room when Mitch called out to me. “Melody! I can explain!” I turned around sharpely. “What can you explain hm?! How could you? I thought we could have a non-sexual relationship but obviously you have no life!” I stormed out of the hotel and called over a cab. He came running after me but I was too quick. “Where are you headin' to miss?” I wiped my tears

and told him the school I attended. “Don't you want your boyfriend to come along?” I got angry. “Definetly not. I don't want to hear his name ever again!” The driver patted my shoulder. “It'll be okay. So tell me what's bothering you while we drive to your school. It's on me.” I smiled and started telling him what Mitch did to me. Tears start dripping down my face as I told him something else I haven't told anyone. “So I never told anyone about this but... when I was five I was the reason my father died. I never told anyone. And it had been an accident. He was driving me to preschool and We just went to McDonald's for breakfast. I had some milk but accidentally spilled it all over the car's carpet. He stopped paying attention to the road to look down at the mess. He was a neat freak. The next thing I know he wasn't holding onto the wheel and cleaning up the mess. The car swearved and hit a tree. The airbag killed him and I screamed. I didn't know what to do except to call 911. My mother couldnt stop crying for weeks and seeing her cry made me cry. I never told anyone that I still think that it's my fault.” The driver had a tear in his eye and that proved that he actually listened to her. “I feel so sorry for you! It's tragic to lose someone at such a young age. Well here's your school. It was nice talking to you. I hope we meet again.” I smiled and waved goodbye. Slowly, I started to walk to the school looking down at my feet. The next thing I noticed was Brooke walking with me to the school. “Hey Mels! How was your date yesterday???” I got confused and asked, “Um how did you know about that?” She seemed in a good mood. “Well when Mitch called you I was sitting next to him on the bus. Anyways how was it? Did he make a move on you?” I sighed. “You don't know the half of it! He date raped me!!!” She looked disappointed. “I can't believe he would do that. He almost date raped me too. Do you want to tell everyone about this? It will make you feel better.” A smile spread across my face. I guess that would make me feel better. Brooke grabbed my hand and led me to stand up on a table with her. Don't ask why there was a table

in the middle of the hallway. Nobody ever knew why. “Hey everyone listen up!” Brooke shouted. Nobody seemed to noticed and she got pretty mad about it. “EVERYONE FUCKING SHUT UP AND LISTEN DAMN IT!” She screamed. Everybody stopped dead in their tracks. She smiled very wide. “Thank you! Now what I wanted to say was who thought that Melody here would never lose her virginity until marriage?” About all of the people rose their hands. Melody looked disappointed. She saw Mitch and continued on. “Well she lost her virginity to Mitchell Anstrom!” Everybody looked over at Mitch with their jaws dropping. “How do you know you make ask? Well you guys are bitches if you can't see this fucking hickey on her neck!” Everybody stared at Melody. She started blushing like crazy. “Um Brooke what's a hickey? I don't see anything.” Brooke placed her palm on her face. “Clueless Melody. Can anybody tell her what a hickey is?” Kayla rose her hand. “It's where you get a bruise from sucking or biting on someones skin breaking a blood vessel. Duh!” A blank expression formed on my face. “Everyone! I got date raped! I didn't mean to have sex with Mitch. Sure he's hot but I wouldn't be that stupid. And now I have a hickey and I can't even see it!” My classmates started to whisper to each other. “Here you go look at it.” Brooke handed me a mirror to see the hideous hickey. I gasped as I lightly touched the red bruise on my neck. “See everyone! This is what happens when you get date raped by Mitch!” Brooke smiled deviously. She seemed to be hiding something. Mitch started pushing people around until he got to the front of the crowd and stood on the table. I backed away slowly. “What?!” I asked. “I didn't want to do it. Well I did but I wouldn't do that to you. Brooke put me to it.” This is when things started getting twisted. “What the crap?! Brooke you put him up to this?! How could you?” I practically shouted. “I told you I'd get you back.” She winked. A teacher came up to us and told us to stop this riot. “See ya later loser!” Brooke said and walked away with her dumb friends

Michaela and Kayla. Mitch started to put his arms around my waist. I felt something hard. Oh my god...he had a boner. “Get away from me!” I jumped off the table and ran to the bathroom. “Melody wait up!” He was going to come into the girl's bathroom but Ms. Kolepecky stopped him. “Young man this is the lady's bathroom. I don't think so.” He backed away and walked down the hallway. I sat on a stall and cried my eyes out. My butt hurt because I wasn't wearing any underwear because they magically “disappeared”. That dumbass Mitch probably has it. Two girls came into the bathroom to fix their makeup and started to talk about what happened. They were Emily and Veronica. They were not popular but not losers either. “So did you hear about poor Melody?” Veronica asked. “Yeah! I feel so bad, we should do something about it.” Emily replied. I leaned in closer to hear better. “Mhm but what?” Apparently I leaned in and the bathroom stall opened up and I fell out. “What the crap?” Veronica shouted. They started to leave but I stopped them. “Hey you were talking about helping me?” I asked. “Wait.....Melody is that you?” I smiled a solemn smile. “Yeah sorry I look like a creep, I couldn't stop crying.” Emily came closer and touched my hickey. “Oh dear....hold on I have some cover up.” She reached into her purse and reached for a bottle. “Here put this on your skin.” I rubbed it gently on. “Thanks guys. I don't even know you that well and you're being so nice to me. I'm mad at my own best friend because it was kind of her fault I got into this.” They looked puzzled. “How so?” They both said in unison. I sighed. “Well I'd like to tell you guys but unfortunatly we have to get to class. Aren't you two in all of my classes?” Veronica nodded. “Yeah we are. Maybe we can hang out after school. After all you do need new best friends.” Were they asking me to be their friends? “Oh of course!” I smiled. “Well now let's fix that make up.” Veronica stated. She and Emily worked on my face and when they were done they let me see in the mirror. “Amazing.” I breathed.

“Well let's get to class. We don't want Miss Shallack to get pissed off.” Emily said. “Yeah we don't.” Veronica agreed. “Yeah.” I said. We walked to class with two minutes to spare. “Ladies! Almost late. Watch yourselves it's only the second day of school.” said Miss Shallack. “Sorry.” I replied. As I walked to my seat I thought, yeah the second day of school but the start of a bad life. I listened to Miss Shallack going on and on about the history of New Zealand where she was from and closed my eyes.

9 Mitch I couldn't stop staring at the back of Melody's head. Miss Shallack was talking about some boring shit so nobody was really paying attention except for fatass Abby. Are Melody and Abby even friends anymore? I heard she's friends with Emily and Veronica now. But those are just rumors. And I hope I didn't get her pregnant to get Brooke mad and having her finally not get her way. All she got was a hickey right? I sure hope so. I have the sudden urge to talk to Melody but I have no excuse. I tapped her lightly on her back. “What do you want now? More sex?” she whispered. “You serious?” I asked surprised. “Uh no just asking. Something you would want.” She rolled her eyes. “Uh do ya have a pencil I could borrow?” She rolled her eyes again. “Wow you're stupid, you do realize you tapped me with a pencil?” I slapped myself. “Oh yeah.” She turned around to face Miss

Shallack. Damn now what was I going to do to get her to turn around? I tapped her shoulder again and she turned to face me. I grabbed her face and started to kiss her moving my tounge around in her mouth. Her mouth tasted like orange tic tacs, the kind I always see her with. She pushed my face away with her hands that were soft and smelled like lotion from Bath and Body Works. “OH MY GOSH WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” She shouted loud enough for the whole class including our teacher to stare at us two. “What's wrong Melody?” Miss Shallack asked. “H-he just kissed me unintentionally! After an...uh incident. Let's just say it was a fight.” Fuck that bitch. “Mitchell may I see you out in the hall please?” I got out of my seat and stuffed my hands in my pockets and noticed that something was in them. Oh no the thong. The whole class snickered as I made a kissy face at Melody. She deserved it. I don't care if she gets mad at all. “So Mitchell, what's the deal with you kissing Melody. I'm a cool teacher and all but I don't allow sexual contact in my classroom. Tell me what she meant by incident.” Miss Shallack is a cool teacher but I don't think she'd understand me fucking the bitch. Like she would know. “Well all I'll say is that I fucked with her and gave her a hickey. No big deal.” I said proudly. I don't care what she thinks. “You had sex? With innocent Melody?” She looked really shocked. “Did you at least use a condom?” I grinned. “Nope.” She put her palm to her face. “You do realize you might have possibly gotten her pregnant?” I did think about that. “Yeah I have. You know it was Brooke putting me up to it. Melody was mean to her so she got mad and told me to fuck her and try to get her pregnant.” Her eyes widened. “How long have you....uh cummed?” This was really akward. “Um probably like for an hour and a half.” She started to frown. “No! That means she is most likely to become pregnant.” I grinned again. That would mean I was the father. Having to take care of her while she was fat. Disgusting I

can't imagine Melody all big and round. “I think you should take a pregnancy test with her. To see if she is pregnant.” No definetly not. “So you're saying you want me to watch her pee on the stick?” She furrowed her eyebrows together. “No I just mean to at least be with her maybe outside and see the results together.” I thought about that. I'll just tell Miss Shallack that I will so this conversation can be over. Too akward. “Of course I will. I want to be with her all of the time. Even if she is pregnant I will be a responsible parent.” Bull. “Okay then let's go back to class.” We walked through the door and when I was walking to my seat I heard at least everyone say my name once or twice in the conversation they were having. Melody turned to me. “I hope you're in trouble. You can't just force me to kiss you!” I couldn't help but smile. “Of course I got in trouble. Don't worry about it.” Melody looked at Miss Shallack. She started looking at her weirdly. “Why is she looking at me like that.” I shrugged. “I dunno.” Miss Shallack looked away and said, “Okay class please turn to page 69 in your world history books.” The whole class laughed.

10 Melody The bell had rung and I was starting to pick up my books. “Mitch can I see you?” Miss Shallack said. I wonder what she wanted. She's probably going to yell at him some more. “Hey Melody wanna hang out at my house after school?” Emily asked. “Oh sure. What's your address?” She scribbled her address onto a piece of paper and handed it to me. “Okay thanks I'm going to walk home.” Emily's eyes widened. “Oh! I'll drive you and we could just go straight to my house.” I thought about that. “Uh sure but do you think you could wait a little. I want to see what Miss Shallack wants to say to Mitch.” Emily grinned. “I'll wait with you. Veronica do you

want to wait in the car?” She nodded and left the classroom. I grabbed my bag and left the classroom with Emily. “Let's just stand outside the door to hear what they're saying.” Why stood outside the door and waited for them to talk. “Okay Mitchell about the pregnancy thing. Trust me you have to check with her just in case.” Emily tapped me on the shoulder. “Mitch told her? She thinks you're pregnant?” Emily whispered. “Shh!” I shushed her. “Yeah I'll make her take them. Why do you have these?” She handed him three pregnancy tests. “Well can you keep a secret?” She asked. Mitch nodded. “I'm pregnant with my boyfriend. So I had these spare ones. You have to take at least three just in case. You're never too positive. These are top quality ones and should work fine.” They both smiled. “Thanks Miss Shallack. See you in class tomorrow!” He started to head out of the classroom. “Run!” Both me and Emily ran down the hall and outside quick enough for Mitch not to see us. We hopped into Emily's car and sped away. “So.” Emily started, “Do you really think you could be pregnant?” To be honest I wasn't sure. “I have no idea.” I answered. “Let's hope not.” We passed Culver's and I asked for her to go throught the drive through. “Food's on me.” I said. “One diet coke please.” Emily said. “And one Butterburger Deluxe with fries and a coke.” I said. Emily looked at me. “What?” She started to whisper. “You have cravings. That's a sign of pregnancy.” I nodded. That's crazy. “Just because I'm hungry doesn't mean I'm pregnant.” I snapped. “Oh sorry Emily.” I frowned. “It's okay but I'm just saying.” We got our food and started eating in the car. Emily would occasionaly sip her diet coke and I scarfed down my burger and fries. I later on finished it off with my coke. It took 5 minutes for me to finish all of that. “Okay let's head over to my house you look tired.” I nodded. I was feeling kind of tired after all of that food. We reached her house and I sat on the couch. We turned on the t.v and watched some mtv. “Oh hey

Veronica you're awake!” Emily said. Veronica had fallen asleep in the back of Emily's care because she was waiting for them too long. “So guys what was that conversation with Miss Shallack that Mitch had?” I started to laugh. “Get this,” I said. “Miss Shallack thought I was pregnant! Crazy right?” Veronica didn't look amused. “You could be pregnant. I mean It can happen to anyone.” I nodded. “I guess you're right.” My phone started to ring. “Who do you think it is?” Emily asked. I had a feeling I already knew who it was. “It's Mitch. Should I answer it?” They looked at each other and both replied with a strong yes. “Hello?” I said into my cell phone. “Uh hey Mels sorry about the kiss in class.” Melody laughed. “Hey no big deal. I sort of enjoyed it the first 2 seconds. I was still kind of mad and I still am. Anyways so what's up?” Mitch started breathing hard. He took a deep breath and started to talk. “Can I come over?” She looked over at Emily and Veronica and whispered to them, “He wants to know if he can come over!” They nodded. Emily said, “Tell him he can come here because my parents are going to still be gone for a couple more days. “Okay. Hey Mitch you can come over to Emily's house. Her parents aren't home.” He sighed. “Can't we be somewhere more private. I want to take a....uh....pregnancy test with you.” I gasped and started to get short of breath. “B-but I can't be pregnant there's no way!” Again Mitch sighed. I could tell he really wants me to but I'm scared. And he's going to watch me take it no way! “I want to just in case. I don't want you to be shocked later to see that you're pregnant. Please? I care about you so much and want the best for you.” He cares about me? Oh my gosh this is...amazing. I've always dreamed of him caring about me. “Okay fine if you really do care. Come to this address.” I told him the address and he said he'd be there in 5 minutes. I turned to Emily and Veronica. “He'll be here in 5 minutes. I'm so scared.” Emily looked outside waiting for his arrival and turned to me. “What did he want anyways?” For

some reason my eye couldn't stop twitching and it was bothering me so much! “Are you okay?” Veronica asked. “Yeah I'm fine just my eye. Anyways he said he wanted to come and take the pregnancy tests with me.” They looked at each other. “So you're saying he's going to watch you pee on a pregnancy test?” Veronica exclaimed. “Uh yeah. Maybe I can convince him not to look just stand outside the bathroom door instead.” Veronica and Emily nodded in agreement. A minute later there was a knock on the door. Emily stood up and peered through the window to see who it was. “It's Mitch.” she said quietly. She let him in and Mitch ran over to me and gave me a hug. He was squeezing me so much but it felt really nice. He smelled of the kind of cologne you get from hollister and strawberries. As I ran my fingers through his hair I started to cry again. “Mels don't start crying It'll be okay. You can just take the tests and you might not even be pregnant.” He kept on comforting and reached into a backpack. “Here use these. I got them from Miss Shallack. I had to tell her what was going on.” I looked into his eyes. They were a deep chocotally brown that I could just sink into. “But why all three?” I asked. “You never know if the others fail. I just want you to find out so nothing bad could possible happen.” He really did seem to care. “Okay.” I started walking to the bathroom and then turned around. “Aren't you coming?” He got a blank expression on his face. “You...want me to come watch you pee?” He asked puzzled. “Oh no definetly not I just thought that's how it went.” He smiled. “I want you to have your privacy while you uh...pee.” Good thing I didn't want him to see me go to the bathroom either. “Okay good.” I walked into the bathroom feeling the cold tile floor on my bare feet. I paused to look at myself in the mirror. My face looked terrible and my eyes had bags under them. I patted my stomach thinking what it would be like to have a living thing inside of me. I started to cry again but thought to suck it up. It's my fault I went out with him in the first place. Plus I could have always taken the

condoms Abby told me to take. Then I wouldn't be in this mess. I slowly slipped off my jeans remembering I had no thong on. I wonder what happened to that anyways? I took out the first test and read the directions.

11 Mitch

I was wating for Melody to finish the tests. While I was doing that her creepy friends kept on looking at me funny. One of them, Veronica I think, had dark brown hair with freckles all over her face. The other, Emily, had dark red hair and really trampy makeup. It looks sexy. “So,” Emily began. “What are you hoping?” Hoping what? “Uh I'm hoping she's not pregnant. My sisters going through the same thing.” Emily's eyebrows rose. “No kidding? My sister got pregnant once. She was walking home from the library, got hit on the head, dragged to some place, and got raped. She started getting depressed after the abortion that she started to cut herself. Now if Melody is pregnant will she get an abortion?” I thought about that for a while. I mean I wouldn't want to put her through the problems my sister was facing. “It would

have to be her choice. If I was her I'd choose abortion. Sure it would be killing a living thing but it would make my life a whole lot easier.” Emily and Veronica looked at each other. “Well yeah I guess but it depends on what Melody feels. Wow I can't believe we're talking about this even though she might not be pregnant.” Emily replied. Yeah I guess that's how it is. We heard crying from inside the bathroom. It was Melody and the news probably is that she's pregnant. “Melody can I come in?” I asked. She better fucking let me in. I heard her pull up her jeans and she opened the door. She sniffed and said, “Well the first one I took came out as a positive. The others I'm not sure about because I haven't even taken them yet. I have to wait until I have to go again.” “Well let's just watch some t.v and you drink up a ton of water so you can take the second.” Veronica said. We spent a half hour watching t.v when Melody anounced that she had to go to the bathroom. Looks like her friends had the same idea. We waited and waited. Finally she came out. “This one's a negative. Thank god.” I sighed of relief. “That's good. Unless you want to be pregnant. Do you?” I asked. She had to think about it. “Well, not at this age but someday in my life I would love to be pregnant.” “Consider it to be done in the future.” I winked. She laughed. “Uh no maybe with someone I actually fall in love with.” I know that bitch does love me. She'll have to admit it someday. We kept on watching movies until she had to piss again. She got up and told us, “Well this is the last one. Wish me luck!” Anticipation fled through my veins. “Veronica, Emily, cross your fingers. Just hope she's not pregnant.” They nodded to me. This last test determines if she's pregnant or not.

12 Melody I stepped into the bathroom shivering from the cold. It was about 70 degrees in Emily's house because her parents decided not to turn the heater on. This is the last pregnancy test. There was some of Emily's clothes on the floor that I just slipped on. As I got up I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a nervous wreck. My hair flew into many directions, my glasses crooked, and my breasts were sticking out of my shirt because I didn't bother to pull it up. My face was covered in ketchup from the burger I had earlier. The pregnancy box wouldn't open because my fingers couldn't stop shaking. I finally was able to open it. The small stick that would tell me the most important thing I would need to know now. I slowly slid off my jeans off of my sweaty skin. While I sat on the toilet seat I thought about how having a baby would be like. I would probably fail all of my classes and take care of a living thing not a “pet”. My stomach churned and I quickly stood up to lean over the toilet and get rid of all of the nasty food I ate.

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