MegaTron User Guide

June 6, 2016 | Author: Gustavo Varela | Category: N/A
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Manual de usuario para el template MEGATRON de magento...


MegaTron Premium Magento theme by eTheme User Guide

Copyright © 2012-2014 eTheme All rights reserved

Table of Contents Support.............................................................................................................................5 Magento Software Support.............................................................................................5 Theme Support..............................................................................................................6 Theme customization.....................................................................................................7 Third-party extensions................................................................................................... 8 Third-party extensions support................................................................................... 8 How to install third-party extensions........................................................................... 9 Installation......................................................................................................................10 Install Magento............................................................................................................10 Prepare your Magento..................................................................................................10 Install MegaTron theme................................................................................................13 Import sample content (CMS blocks and CMS pages)..................................................... 15 Magento configuration..................................................................................................... 17 Caching system........................................................................................................... 17 Flush cache............................................................................................................. 18 Disable cache.......................................................................................................... 18 Enable cache........................................................................................................... 19 Refresh cache..........................................................................................................20 Index management......................................................................................................21 Logo........................................................................................................................... 22 Categories...................................................................................................................23 Products......................................................................................................................24 Content Management System (CMS).............................................................................25 WYSIWYG editor......................................................................................................25 Static blocks............................................................................................................ 26 Translation / Localization.............................................................................................. 28 Front-end translation................................................................................................28 Language flag..........................................................................................................29 Customization..................................................................................................................30 How to modify the theme.............................................................................................31 Override default CSS styles.......................................................................................31 Create custom sub-theme.........................................................................................31 Magento theme customization.................................................................................. 32 Theme structure...................................................................................................... 32 Fallback mechanism................................................................................................. 34 Custom sub-theme example..................................................................................... 36 Theme elements..............................................................................................................39 CMS pages.................................................................................................................. 40 Megatron Home page (megatron_home)...................................................................40 Bestsellers carousel short code block.....................................................................41 Sale carousel....................................................................................................... 42 New carousel.......................................................................................................42 Megatron alternative home page layouts................................................................... 42 Megatron Home Left+Right Sidebar (megatron_home_3_columns).........................42 Megatron 404 (megatron_404) ................................................................................ 43

Megatron About (megatron_about).......................................................................... 44 Megatron Delivery (megatron_delivery)....................................................................44 Megatron FAQ (megatron_faq)................................................................................ 44 Megatron Gallery pages............................................................................................44 Megatron Infographic (megatron_infographic)..........................................................44 Megatron Our Office (megatron_our_office)............................................................. 45 Megatron Our Services (megatron_our_services)...................................................... 45 Megatron Our Store (megatron_our_store)...............................................................45 Pages (megatron_pages).........................................................................................45 Megatron Pricing Tables (megatron_pricing_tables)...................................................45 Megatron Team Members (megatron_team_members)..............................................45 Megatron Video Section (megatron_video_section)...................................................45 CMS blocks..................................................................................................................46 Megatron Custom TopMenu Megamenu- Left ........................................................... 46 Megatron Custom TopMenu Mobile - Top .................................................................46 Megatron Custom TopMenu Simple - Left ................................................................ 47 Megatron Custom TopMenu Megamenu – Right......................................................... 47 Megatron TopMenu Mobile - Bottom ........................................................................47 Megatron Custom TopMenu Simple - Right .............................................................. 47 Megatron Banners for Simple Slider ........................................................................ 48 Megatron Services Links (content) .......................................................................... 48 Megatron Brands (content) .....................................................................................49 Megatron Find Us Links (footer) ..............................................................................49 Megatron Footer Information Links (footer) .............................................................50 Megatron Footer Payment Icons (footer) ................................................................. 50 Megatron Blog (left sidebar) ...................................................................................51 Megatron Left Sidebar Block (bestsellers/top rated/on sale etc).................................. 52 Megatron Accordion static block (product page).........................................................53 Megatron Services Links Right static block (product page)..........................................54 Megatron Services Links Bottom static block (product page).......................................54 Megatron Contact Information (contact us page) .....................................................55 Megatron Category Empty (category page) ..............................................................55 Category Woman Slider ..........................................................................................56 Category Man Slider ...............................................................................................56 Theme Options – Install...................................................................................................57 Install Theme.............................................................................................................. 57 Install/Reset blocks/pages............................................................................................58 Theme options – Theme Settings......................................................................................60 Theme settings............................................................................................................60 Options................................................................................................................... 60 Topmenu.................................................................................................................63 Product labels..........................................................................................................64 Facebook / Twitter / Youtube video / Google map...................................................... 65 Theme colors...............................................................................................................66 General................................................................................................................... 67 Captions..................................................................................................................68

Buttons................................................................................................................... 69 Footer..................................................................................................................... 69 Products..................................................................................................................69 Theme layout.............................................................................................................. 70 Options................................................................................................................... 70 Enable/Disable General Magento Blocks.................................................................... 72 Slideshow – Flex slider (home)......................................................................................... 74 Settings.......................................................................................................................74 Manage Slides............................................................................................................. 74 Slideshow – Parallax slider (home)....................................................................................75 Manage Slides............................................................................................................. 75 Category theme options................................................................................................... 76 Megamenu.................................................................................................................. 76 DoubleProduct.............................................................................................................79 Troubleshooting...............................................................................................................81 Some features don't work or give errors........................................................................81 Blank page or 404 not found – when trying to open theme admin pages.........................82 There is no theme admin tab in the admin panel, or I get a blank page, or Access Denied error........................................................................................................................... 82 File permissions........................................................................................................... 82 Theme features don't work after installation or upgrade.................................................83 "Package with this name does not exist" message is displayed when trying to enable the theme.........................................................................................................................83 Thank you.......................................................................................................................84

Support Magento Software Support MegaTron theme build on top of Magento ecommerce software. Before you start working with theme you should be familiar with Magento. It's good idea to search answer for your question through following Magento's resources: Magento FAQ - System Requirements -

Server Compatibility Check - Installation Guide - Online Magento guide - Table of contents Most popular topics: Categories and products, Customers, Payment, shipping and taxes Magento Wiki - Magento Forum -

Theme Support This user guide was created to help you quickly configure the theme – please read it carefully, it will help you eliminate most of potential problems with incorrect configuration. Important: please note that as authors of this theme we are able to provide support only for the features which we created and for the issues related strictly to this theme. We do not provide support for Magento configuration, installation, maintenance etc.

If you have found any bugs or have some other problems with this theme, please refer to chapter Troubleshooting. If the problem is not covered there, you can ask at our support forum We will respond as soon as possible (within 24 - 48 business hours, usually much faster). Please try to not repeat questions which are already answered in the user guide. This will be much appreciated.

Theme customization Our team provide theme customization / professional installation service. To get a quote drop email to [email protected] with detailed description of needed features. For more information about how you can customize this theme, refer to chapter Customization.

Third-party extensions This theme may not be compatible with some third-party extensions. It’s impossible for theme authors to make the theme compatible by default with all existing extensions because there are thousands of available Magento extensions. Only the “default” Magento theme is compatible with all third-party extensions, because all extensions are designed to work with it. But authors of the extension should provide detailed instruction about how to integrate the extension with custom themes, since nobody really uses “default” theme, everybody uses custom themes. Generally all extensions can work with all themes but they sometimes have to

be integrated manually. That’s because sometimes the extension and the theme override the same Magento template file so there can be a conflict. In such cases you need to customize the theme and merge two conflicting template files into one template file. This isn't something specific to our themes, this is general rule for all Magento themes and extensions. Third-party extensions support Unfortunately third-party extensions are beyond the scope of our support, please contact the author of the extension if needed. Author of the extension should provide detailed instructions about how to integrate the extension with any custom theme.

How to install third-party extensions To work with this theme, an extension should be installed in theme's directories, not in the “default” Magento theme directories. To be more specific: extension should be installed in the main directories of the default theme in the MegaTron design package. Here are the main directories of MegaTron: Template files: app/design/frontend/megatron/default Skin files: skin/frontend/megatron/default

where megatron is the name of the design package, and default is the name of the default theme in the package. In many cases you only need to upload the extension to the theme's directories. Sometimes you need to edit layout files to "tell" the theme where it should display extension's output. If you are not familiar with Magento, you should ask the author of the extension for more information. If you feel that you might have troubles with installing extensions, we advise that you order professional installation services refer to Theme customization.

Installation To install the theme you only need to upload all the theme files to your server and then enable the theme in the admin panel. But to avoid unexpected problems after installation, you should first prepare your Magento. Please strictly follow the steps described in this guide.

Install Magento Skip this step if you already have a live store. Go to next step Prepare your Magento, don't skip prepare step, it's very important part of theme installation. To make clean Magento install refer to official Magento's documentation, check

Magento Software Support section for links.

Prepare your Magento

1. It is recommended to install the theme on a test server before you install it on a live store. Before you install, make sure your store is disabled (no page can be refreshed during the installation process). To do this you can create a simple empty file named maintenance.flag in your Magento's root directory. Magento will be offline after that. You can remove the file after you finish. 2. Backup Magento files and the store database. Important: creating backup before installation of any themes or extensions in Magento is

extremely important, especially if you are working on a live store. 3. Disable compilation mode in System > Tools > Compilation. 4. Disable every cache you have in your Magento: ● Magento's cache (refer to Disable cache) ● full page cache and caching modules for Magento (such as Speedster) ● any additional cache on your server, PHP cache engines, APC, etc. Important:

when developing your Magento store, in order to be able to see changes immediately, you should completely disable the cache. You can enable it after you finish configuring your store. 5. Disable Merge JavaScript Files and Merge CSS Files in System > Configuration > Developer. You can enable this feature after installation. 6. Remove all possible custom modifications of the Magento's “base” theme. MegaTron (the same as any other Magento theme) relies on “base” theme, so any modifications of the “base” theme can change the default behavior of MegaTron and break some functionality. You should never edit “base” theme's files. 7. Log out from Magento admin panel. Do not just close the browser window:

you need to click Log Out link to refresh the access control system.

Install MegaTron theme Before you can install the theme you need to prepare your Magento, so please do not omit the previous step: Prepare your Magento. 8. Extract the theme package on your computer and navigate inside Theme Files directory. 9. Using your FTP client upload file to your Magento's root directory (Magento's root directory is where you can find Magento's basic files, such as: index.php and get.php).

10. Unzip file – it contains four directories: app, js, media, skin. Magento already contains the same directories - do not remove those directories.

Directories extracted from have to be merged with existing directories of Magento. Approve, if your system asks you whether you want to merge directories. Note: this will not overwrite any core files of Magento, this will only add the theme to your Magento. So if you see a message that those four directories already exist on the server, you can confirm that you want to merge directories. In case you can't unzip files on your server:

Alternatively, you can unzip file on your computer, and upload its content (four directories which can be found inside: app, js, media, skin) to your Magento's root directory. Note that files can be broken if you send them in large numbers via FTP without zipping. So it is highly recommended to upload zipped files. 11. Set correct file permissions for all the theme files which you uploaded to your server. Note: theme files should have the same permissions as other Magento files. Otherwise Magento will not have access to the theme files, images etc. File permissions

may differ depending on server. In case of any doubts about the permissions, please contact your hosting provider. Refer to this article for more details: Magento Filesystem Permissions 15. Enable the theme. To do this, go to System > Configuration > Design section. In the Current Package Name field enter the name of the design package: megatron. Click Save Config button.

16. Flush Magento cache (refer to Flush cache) and any other cache that you have in your Magento installation.

17. Go to the next chapter to import sample content.

Import sample content (CMS blocks and CMS pages) After the theme was installed and enabled, you can import sample static blocks and pages provided with the theme. 18. Go to Admin Panel > MegaTron v X.X > Install/Reset blocks/pages to import static blocks and pages. Refer to Install/Reset blocks/pages for more details about the import.

In case of any problems after installation, please refer to the chapter Troubleshooting.

Magento configuration The following chapter describes some of the basic Magento settings and features. Please note that as authors of this theme we provide support only for the issues related strictly to the theme. Support for Magento configuration/installation/maintenance etc. is beyond the scope of our support. This chapter should be only treated as a starting point, more information about Magento can be found in Magento documentation: Magento Software Support Note

We provide paid service for your Magento routines. To get a quote drop email to [email protected] with detailed description of your needs.

Caching system When developing your Magento store, you want to see the changes you have implemented. In order to be able to see changes immediately, you should completely disable the cache. You can enable it after you finish configuring your store. If the cache is enabled, always refresh the cache after making any changes in Magento/theme/extension configuration. To access the cache management screen, go to System > Cache Management.

Flush cache Go to System > Cache Management. Click the following buttons to completely clear the store cache: 1. Flush Magento Cache 2. Flush Cache Storage 3. Flush Catalog Images Cache 4. Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache

Disable cache Go to System > Cache Management. Click Select All link, select Disable in Actions field and click Submit button. You should got next screen.

Enable cache

When the store is configured, you can enable caching system again. Go to System > Cache Management. Click Select All link, select Enable in Actions field and click Submit button. You should got next screen.

Refresh cache If the cache is enabled, after each configuration change, extension installation, upgrade or uninstallation always refresh the cache. To do this, go to System > Cache Management. Click Select All link, select Refresh in Actions field and click Submit button:

Index management Magento indexes most of its data in order to access it faster. If you make changes to your store such as editing products, adding categories, changing urls, etc. you will need to reindex the data so that the changes can show up on your frontend. To access the index management screen, go to System > Index Management. To rebuild your indexes, click Select All link, select Reindex Data and click Submit button. Important:

you need to reindex after making any changes in Magento catalog: categories, products, attributes etc.

Logo Upload your logo to skin/frontend/megatron/default/images/ directory. By default Magento displays logo from the file named logo.gif. If you uploaded file with different name or different file format (e.g. .jpg or .png), go to Megatron > Theme settings > Options section and in the Logo (header) field specify a path to your logo image. The path is relative to skin/frontend/megatron/default/ directory.

Categories To create and edit categories in Magento, navigate to Catalog > Manage Categories section of the admin panel. More info about categories in Magento can be found in: de/chapter_3#creating_categories

Products To create and edit categories in Magento, navigate to Catalog > Manage Products section of the admin panel. Magento has six product types: Simple, Grouped, Configurable, Virtual, Bundle and Downlodable products. More info about products in Magento can be found in: Creating Simple Product de/chapter_3#creating_a_simple_product

Creating a Configurable Product - de/chapter_3#creating_a_configurable_product Creating a Grouped Product de/chapter_3#creating_a_grouped_product

Content Management System (CMS) WYSIWYG editor WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor is a convenient way to add content to pages and static blocks in Magento. Important: WYSIWYG should only be used to edit text, never use it to edit HTML. Always turn off WYSIWYG editor when you want to edit HTML or Magento's CMS tags in the page/block content. Otherwise WYSIWYG editor can break your content.

But the best way to use WYSIWYG is to turn it on only when it is needed. Go to System > Configuration > Content Management and set it as Disabled by Default.

After that, if needed, WYSIWYG can always be turned on with Show/Hide Editor button above the page/block content field:

Static blocks Static blocks in Magento are simple portions of content that can be displayed

throughout the site. To manage static blocks, go to CMS > Static Blocks section in the admin panel.

To create a static block, go to CMS > Static Blocks, click Add New Block button and follow these steps: 1. In Identifier field enter an identifier of one of the static blocks. Make sure the identifier is lower-case and separated by underscores to follow Magento’s standards. 2. Enter the title in Block Title. 3. Select the Store View to which this block will apply. 4. Select Enabled in the Status field. Disabled means that the block is not

displayed in the frontend. 5. Insert your Content (it can be text or HTML) and click Save Block. As example you can review one of existing blocks. You can review default Magento block or Megatron theme block. For more details on creating static blocks please refer to Magento user guide: static blocks de/chapter_5/#static_blocks

Translation / Localization Front-end translation This theme introduces a few additional interface character strings. Strings are located in app/design/frontend/megatron/default/locale/en_US/translate .csv. This file can be used to translate the interface into other languages. Example: To translate the interface into Spanish follow these instructions:

1. Create a new folder for your translation. For Spanish language it will be app/design/frontend/megatron/default/locale/es_ES. 2. Copy translate.csv from app/design/frontend/megatron/default/locale/en_US and paste it into created folder app/design/frontend/megatron/default/locale/es_ES. 3. Open app/design/frontend/megatron/default/locale/es_ES/translate .csv in Open-office Calc (or other text editor like Notepad++, PSPad).

The first column contains the original character strings. It should be left intact. In the second column you can place your translation of each string. Some strings contains %d or %s entries. These entries should be left intact in the translated strings. Language flag If you have more than one store view in your store, the store view switcher will be displayed at the top of the page. You can enable different language for each store view. For each available language a flag is displayed in the store view switcher. Flag images (16x12 pixels, PNG format) should be uploaded to

skin/frontend/megatron/default/images/languages folder. Image names should be the same as the store view codes. E.g. if you have a store view with the code de, you will need to upload a flag image de.png to skin/frontend/megatron/default/images/languages folder. To check what is the store view code, go to System > Manage Stores and click on the store view name. You can find the code in the Code field. Remember that if you change the store view code, you will also need to change the name of the corresponding flag image.

Customization Important: please note that Magento theme customization is far beyond the scope of this user guide. This chapter is only for informational purposes, you should treat it as a starting point. Before you start to customize the theme you need to be sure that you know what you're doing. Magento is based on a theming concept referred to as parent/child theming – changes in the theme can be implemented without modifying the original. Magento's “base” theme serves as a parent theme for any custom theme.

The correct way to customize the theme in Magento is to create your own sub-theme of the default theme in the design package. You should never edit original files of the design package. Files that need to be modified can be copied from the default theme of the design package to your custom sub-theme inside that package. This way you can override any file of the design package. And you can be sure that when something goes wrong you can simply delete your custom sub-theme without breaking the original files. In this chapter you can find the information that will help you to modify the theme.

How to modify the theme Override default CSS styles When you want to make some non-standard design changes (for which you can't find any settings in the theme admin panel) you can do it by adding custom CSS styles. In this theme you can enable additional CSS file custom_changes.css, in which you can override and extend the default styles of the theme. All the CSS styles placed in this file will not be lost after upgrading the theme in the future. Refer to General to check how to enable that file. How to find out which part of the theme's or Magento's CSS you need to

override or extend? The best way is to use Firebug (an add-on for Firefox:, Chrome Developer Tools (available in Google Chrome) or other similar tools. Create custom sub-theme The correct way to customize the theme in Magento is to create your own subtheme. You should never edit the original files. Files that need to be modified can be copied to your custom sub-theme. Refer to Magento theme customization for more details. Note: to check which template file you need to edit to customize specific section of

Magento you can enable Magento's Template Path Hints. To enable Magento's Template Path Hints go to System > Configuration > Developer . Select your current website under Current Configuration Scope in the top left corner of the admin panel, otherwise Template Path Hints settings will not be visible. See this short video tutorial for more details: v=FMcH8bOxoOw

Magento theme customization Themes in Magento are grouped together into design packages. By default Magento Community Edition has two packages named "base" and "default".

Design package can also contain variations of the "default" theme. This variations are often called sub-themes because they inherit all the files from the "default" theme (from the same package) and from the "base" package. Inside the sub-theme you can override any file of the "default" theme. Sub-theme can even consists of a single file – other files will be inherited from the "default" theme from the package. This is called a fallback mechanism because Magento always falls back to the next theme in the hierarchy to find the requested file. Fallback is described later in this chapter. Theme structure Magento themes consists of many files like HTML templates, CSS style sheets, images etc. All files are split between two directories:

app/design/frontend/package_name/theme_name/ Templates directory – contains the layout files, HTML templates and translations skin/frontend/package_name/theme_name/ Skin directory – contains CSS style sheets, images and theme-specific JavaScript files where package_name indicates the package name and theme_name indicates the theme name. Template files are organized as follows: layout – directory contains XML files which define page structure

template – directory contains template files (.phtml), a mix of HTML and PHP locale – directory contains CSV files with translation strings Skin files are organized as follows: css – directory contains CSS files images – directory contains images js – directory contains theme-specific JavaScript files

Fallback mechanism Understanding fallback mechanism is very important when you want to customize the theme, so let's see a simple example. Let's say we have a design package named "mypackage" with custom subtheme named "mytheme". Package files are organized as follows: Default theme in the package: app/design/frontend/mypackage/default/ skin/frontend/mypackage/default/

Your custom sub-theme in the package:

app/design/frontend/mypackage/mytheme/ skin/frontend/mypackage/mytheme/ Let's also assume that your custom sub-theme contains a CSS file called "menu.css" located in skin/frontend/mypackage/mytheme/css/menu.css If your custom theme requests "menu.css" but Magento can't find it in your custom subtheme in skin/frontend/mypackage/mytheme/css/menu.css, Magento will try to

find that file in the next theme in the hierarchy. Next theme in the hierarchy is the "default" theme in "mypackage" package so Magento will search in skin/frontend/mypackage/default/css/menu.css. If the file is not there, Magento will continue until it locates the file. Next theme in the hierarchy is the "default" theme in "base" package: skin/frontend/base/default/css/menu.css. The "default" theme in the "base" package is the final fallback point in the hierarchy. Let's take a look again at the entire fallback hierarchy: 1. Look for the requested file in custom sub-theme:


2. If not found, look for the file in the "default" theme in the design package: skin/frontend/mypackage/default/ 3. If not found, look for the file in the "default" theme in "base" design package: skin/frontend/base/default/ The first theme in hierarchy is the theme that you assign through the admin panel (in System > Configuration > Design). The last theme in hierarchy is the "default" theme in "base" design package. Thanks to the fallback mechanism there is no need to copy all the default theme

files to your custom sub-theme when you want to make some changes in your theme. You only copy over the files that you want to edit. Other files will be inherited from the "default" theme in the package and from the "base" package. The most important advantages of the fallback mechanism: • selected functionality can be shared between many themes • less code to maintain • custom themes are update-proof: you don't edit original files, so your changes are not overwritten after theme updated

Custom sub-theme example

You have just installed a custom design package named "Megatron" with the default theme (named "default") inside. Let's say that you want to change the font color of the product name on product page. Package files are organized as follows: app/design/frontend/megatron/default/ skin/frontend/megatron/default/ The correct way to customize the "default" theme is to create your own subtheme in which you will override selected elements of the "default" theme.

1. Let's call the new theme "my_theme". Create the following folder inside the "Megatron" package: skin/frontend/megatron/my_theme/. The name of that folder is the name by which Magento will recognize your theme. 2. Create a copy of the CSS file skin/frontend/megatron/default/css/template.css and paste it into your sub-theme directory: skin/frontend/megatron/my_theme/css/template.css Note that the directory structure inside the sub-theme must replicate the

directory structure of the default theme:

▪ skin/frontend/megatron/default/css/template.css

▪ skin/frontend/megatron/my_theme/css/template.css 3. Open skin/frontend/megatron/my_theme/css/template.css style sheet and add these lines at the end of the file to override the default color of the product name: .catalog-product-view .product-view h4.font2 { color:#00ff00; } 4. Enable the new sub-theme in the admin panel. Go to System > Configuration > Design > Themes and enter my_theme (the sub-theme name) in the default

field. Refresh Magento cache. From now on your customization will override the default styling of the "megatron" package. Check following resource for details

Theme elements After theme installation you may import theme sample pages and blocks. Refer to Install/Reset blocks/pages for more details. You may need to change content of sample pages and blocks. Refer to Content Management System (CMS) for more details how to edit CMS content in Magento.

CMS pages To manage pages go to CMS > Pages Important: WYSIWYG should only be used to edit text, never use it to edit HTML. Always turn off WYSIWYG editor when you want to edit HTML or Magento's CMS tags in the page/block content. Otherwise WYSIWYG editor can break your content. Megatron Home page (megatron_home) Demo URL -


By default Magento shows it's own Home page with URL key – home. You can change it to megatron theme sample page named Megatron Home Page with URL key – megatron_home. Go to System > Configuration > General > Web > Default pages to configure default pages. To edit content of the home page, go to CMS > Pages, click on needed page, go to Content tab and edit it in main field.

You can put text, HTML code or Magento short codes to Content field. Read more about short codes here -


Megatron home page content consist of short codes. Each short code inserts product carousel on Home page.

Bestsellers carousel short code block {{block type="catalog/product_list" category_id="20" block_name="Bestsellers" template="mtron/products_carousel.phtml"}} It includes 4 options: type – block type, keep it unchanged

category_id – set product category id. Carousel shows products added to this category. You can create new category especially for carousel, hide it from navigation (set Include in Navigation Menu to No or set Is Active to No). block_name – set carousel title. template – block template, keep it unchanged Note: using short code you can create any number of carousel sliders, name it as you wish and configure any product sets for it.

Sale carousel

Sale carousel use the same short code as Bestsellers, but with different option values category_id="62" block_name="Sale"

New carousel New carousel use the same short code as Bestsellers, but with different option values category_id="64" block_name="New" Megatron alternative home page layouts

Megatron Home Left+Right Sidebar (megatron_home_3_columns) Demo URL - ___store=isotope

Megatron Home Corporate (megatron_home_corporate) Demo URL - ___store=corporative Megatron Home Creative (megatron_home_creative) Demo URL - ___store=creative Megatron Home Izotope (megatron_home_isotope) Demo URL -


Megatron Home + Sidebar (megatron_home_left_sidebar) Demo URL - ___store=withleftcolumn Megatron Home Right Sidebar (megatron_home_right_sidebar) Demo URL - ___store=fluidchat Megatron 404


By default Magento shows it's own 404 page with URL key – no-route. You can

change it to Megatron theme sample page named Megatron 404 with URL key – megatron_404. Go to System > Configuration > General > Web > Default pages to configure default pages. Megatron About (megatron_about) About us page Megatron Delivery


Delivery page Megatron FAQ FAQ page


Megatron Gallery pages

Megatron Gallery 2 columns (megatron_gallery_2_columns) Megatron Gallery 3d


Megatron Gallery 3 columns (megatron_gallery_3_columns) Megatron Gallery 4 columns (megatron_gallery_4_columns) Megatron Infographic Info-graphic page


Megatron Our Office (megatron_our_office) Our office page Megatron Our Services


Our services page Megatron Our Store


Our store page Pages


Typography page

Megatron Pricing Tables


Pricing table page

Megatron Team Members


Team page Megatron Video Section Video page


CMS blocks To manage pages go to CMS > Static blocks Important: WYSIWYG should only be used to edit text, never use it to edit HTML. Always turn off WYSIWYG editor when you want to edit HTML or Magento's CMS tags in the page/block content. Otherwise WYSIWYG editor can break your content. Megatron Custom TopMenu Megamenu- Left mtron_topmenu_megamenu_left

Megatron Custom TopMenu Mobile - Top mtron_topmenu_mobile_top

Megatron Custom TopMenu Simple - Left mtron_topmenu_simple_left Megatron Custom TopMenu Megamenu – Right mtron_topmenu_megamenu_right Megatron TopMenu Mobile - Bottom mtron_topmenu_mobile_btm Megatron Custom TopMenu Simple - Right mtron_topmenu_simple_right

Megatron Banners for Simple Slider mtron_simple_slider_banners Megatron Services Links (content) mtron_content_services

Megatron Brands (content) mtron_content_brands

Megatron Find Us Links (footer) mtron_find_us

Megatron Footer Information Links (footer) mtron_footer_links

Megatron Footer Payment Icons (footer)


Megatron Blog (left sidebar) mtron_blog_left_sidebar

Megatron Left Sidebar Block (bestsellers/top rated/on sale etc) mtron_custom_block_left_sidebar

Megatron Accordion static block (product page) mtron_product_custom_html_accordion

Megatron Services Links Right static block (product page) mtron_product_services_links_right

Megatron Services Links Bottom static block (product page) mtron_product_services_links_bottom

Megatron Contact Information (contact us page) mtron_contact_information

Megatron Category Empty (category page)


Category Woman Slider category_woman_slder

Category Man Slider


Theme Options – Install Install Theme Auto Install disable System/Tools/Compilation before install if this mode enabled. Click on “Auto install” button. If you click button 'Auto install' automatically will be installed theme and imported needed megatron cms blocks and pages.

Auto install will rewrite megatron cms blocks and pages if they were installed early.

Don't forget disable System/Tools/Compilation before install if this mode enabled

Install/Reset blocks/pages MegaTron theme include 21 CMS blocks and 23 CMS pages. To use it you have to import it. Store View – choose store view where you want to import theme preset CMS block and CMS pages. Press Submit Action button to import blocks Important: you need to configure default home page and 404 page to get theme look like

on demo. Go to System > Configuration > Web > Default pages. Set CMS Home Page to Megatron Home page and CMS No Route Page to Megatron

404 no page. By default this feature will import blocks without overwrite feature. For example: 1) you import blocks/pages 2) edit some block, but what to restore it's default value 3) delete it and run import procedure again. It will import only deleted blocks/pages. Restore ALL Cms Pages & Blocks – check it if you want to reset to defaults all theme blocks/pages. It will overwrite blocks/pages.

Important: You will loose all custom changes applied to blocks/pages. Use it only when you want to rest ALL blocks/pages to default.

Theme options – Theme Settings Theme settings Options Logo (header) - Upload logo image (JPG, PNG or GIF image) Max site width – Set store maximum width Site boxed Image rollover mode - Choose rollover effect.

|__Sort of second image - Set the same number in Sort Order field for image you want to see on rollover.

Quick view |__Quick view Style - 'Inline' style not works in izotop listing, right and left columns |__Quick view with QR code Enable free cloudzoom - Only one cloudzoom can be enabled (paid or free), otherwise cloudzoom will not works Enable paid cloudzoom - You can use trial integrated version to test your site,

after we advice get license Responsive html - Enable/disable responsive mode for all gadget (iphone, ipad etc) Catalog mode - Switch your shopping cart into simple catalog RTL mode - Right-To-Left Text in Markup Languages Ajax add to cart - Add to cart without render of the page Ajax for add to wishlist/compare button - Enable Ajax feature for wish list and compare buttons Show add to cart button on product rollover

Show add to wishlist button on product rollover Show add to compare button on product rollover Show rating on product rollover Show Back To Top Button Sale price countdown - Enable/disable js timer

Topmenu Megamenu Hide Left Part of Topmenu? - CMS static blocks mtron_topmenu_megamenu_left, mtron_topmenu_mobile_top, mtron_topmenu_simple_left Hide Right Part of Topmenu? - CMS static blocks mtron_topmenu_megamenu_right, mtron_topmenu_mobile_btm, mtron_topmenu_simple_right Hide Categories in topmenu - Write categories ids you want to hide,

separated by comma

Hide Categories in left categories navigation - Write categories ids you want to hide, separated by comma

Product labels Show "Sale" label – configure Sale label on product listing Show discount label – configure Discout label on product listing Show "New" label – configure New label on product listing

Facebook / Twitter / Youtube video / Google map Facebook profile name (text) – Account ID for Facebook fan box. If you want use your own facebook code - do changes in file /app/design/frontend/megatron/default/template/megatron/social_contacts.pht ml. Example value - “themeforest” Twitter feeds - Account name (text) – set account name for Twitter block. Example value - “themeforest” Twitter feeds - Count of tweets (number) – set number of tweets Youtube video - Embed code

Google map code - Embed code for popup

Google map code - Embed code for contact page

Theme colors In this section you can customize theme fonts and colors. Option name is self explanatory. Important: refresh CSS file after changing colors option. Press Refresh CSS files button on top of this section. And refresh Magento cache. Important: make sure that folder /skin/frontend/megatron/default/css/colors has 777 permission.

General Set options to configure color for general store elements. Skin suffix - !IMPORTANT! DO NOT CHANGE THAT FIELD. This is reserved field for future preset color skins. Use custom css file – Use this option to enable custom CSS file. To use custom css file you must rename file skin/frontend/megatron/default/css/DELETEPREFIXcustom_changes.css to custom_changes.css (remove just prefix 'DELETE-PREFIX') Theme Color

Text Color - Set default text color for all blocks Link Color - Set default link color for all blocks Link Hover Color - Set default link hover color for all blocks Background Color Background Image (All pages) - Upload background image/pattern for all blocks (JPG, PNG or GIF image) Background Image display mode - Set background image display mode

Captions Configure font and color for theme captions

Buttons Configure color for theme buttons Footer Configure colors for theme footer Products Configure colors for product page

Theme layout Options Header Header variant Header fixed Slider Hide Home Page Slider Content

Hide 'Services Links (top static block only on HOME PAGE)' Product Listing Products size Product Page Show Product Sku Show Product Stars in content Small Previews Position

Show Accordion static block - CMS/Static block mtron_product_custom_html_accordion - common for all products Show 'Services Links' static block in right - CMS/Static block mtron_product_services_links_right - common for all products Show 'Services Links' static block in bottom - CMS/Static block mtron_product_services_links_bottom - common for all products Show Related Products Show Upsell Products

Show Popular Tags Show Categories Tabs Style Show Video

Show Addthis buttons (sharing) - Get code from and paste code below Show Prev/Next buttons - That option not works with flat catalog mode enabled

Blog Enable Grid Style Gallery Gallery Grid Enable 3d mode - This mode shows only 3 photos in row with spaces ATTENTION! You must upload images same height and width with proportions 570x477 px Enable/Disable General Magento Blocks You can enable/disable 19 theme blocks here. Option name is self explanatory and easy to understand. Options group in three groups Header, Sidebar, Footer. Block you can enable/disable in header: Shopping cart, Topmenu, Currency, Language, Toplinks (My account), Compare, Search. Block you can enable/disable in left sidebar: Shop by, Popular tags, custom block 'bestsellers/top rated/sales/featured', From Blog, Poll, Navigation, Recently Viewed, Wishlist.

Block you can enable/disable in footer: Newsletter, Find us, Footer links, Select Store.

Slideshow – Flex slider (home) Settings Animation (fade / slide) - Select your animation type, "fade" or "slide" SlideshowSpeed (milliseconds) - Set the speed of the slideshow cycling, in milliseconds AnimationSpeed (milliseconds) - Set the speed of animations, in milliseconds

Manage Slides

Here you can manage slides. Each slide has following options: Store View – select store view Link (text) – set slide link Caption (HTML) – set slide caption Slide Image (image) – upload slide image Status (Active / Inactive) – set slide status

Slideshow – Parallax slider (home) Manage Slides Here you can manage slides. Each slide has following options: Store View – select store view Link (text) – set slide link Slide (HTML layered content) – each slide in parallax contain as much layers as you wish. Refer to Parallax slider documentation in parallax-slider-docs folder for more details. Important:

You can find example slides from our demo in \app\code\local\Etheme\Megatronparallax\Model\data_slides.x ml file. Status (Active / Inactive) – set slide status

Category theme options Megamenu Category label, for ex. "Hot!" (text) - Category label in MegaMenu dropdown. Back-end


Category Icon Image Name" (file name) – Category icon Back-end


DoubleProduct DoubleProduct (product id) – show mentioned product in double size. Back-end


Troubleshooting Some features don't work or give errors What can cause the problem: a) Magento cache (or external cache) was not flushed after installation of the theme. b) Compilation mode was not disabled before installation. c) Some of the theme files were not uploaded or are broken. Re-upload original theme files to your server (overwrite existing files) and flush the cache.

d) File permissions issue – refer to File permissions for more details. e) Theme wasn't enabled properly. Theme should only be enabled in System > Configuration > Design (the same as it was described in the installation steps). f) You have some third-party extensions which change/break theme's default behavior or cause some conflicts. Disable all extensions and flush the cache, then enable extensions one by one to check which one is causing problems. Refer to Third-party extensions for more details about third-party extensions. g) You edited theme files and accidentally removed or changed something in the files. Re-upload original theme files to your server (overwrite existing files) and flush the cache.

h) You have customized the theme by creating custom sub-theme and your modifications override or break the default behavior of the theme. i) You have some elements that left from your previous theme (e.g. in Magento's "base" theme in app/design/frontend/base/) and that breaks the new theme. Also check your log files in var/log/ (log settings should be enabled in System > Config > Developer) for more information about possible errors.

Blank page or 404 not found – when trying to open theme admin pages Log out from Magento admin panel, delete all files in var/cache/ directory (to

clear Magento cache), and log in again.

There is no theme admin tab in the admin panel, or I get a blank page, or Access Denied error Log out from Magento admin panel, delete all files in var/cache/ directory, clear web browser cache/cookies for your store domain and log in again.

File permissions Incorrect file permissions on your server may cause many issues. After uploading any files to your server in order to install themes or extensions you need to set correct file permissions for all the uploaded files – the same permissions as for the default Magento files. File permissions may differ depending on server – usually 755 for folders and

644 for files. In case of any doubts about permissions, please contact your hosting provider. Refer to this article for more details:

Theme features don't work after installation or upgrade If some theme features don't work after installation or some resources (e.g. images) are not displayed in the frontend, it often indicates problems with file permissions – your Magento doesn’t have access to the theme files because of incorrect file permissions on your server. For more details refer to File permissions

"Package with this name does not exist" message is displayed when trying to enable the theme

This message means that: a) theme files were not uploaded, b) or they are not in the correct place, c) or there is a problem with file permissions on your server – refer to chapter File permissions for more details.

Thank you Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the themes on ThemeForest, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section. If you like my theme, do not forget to rate it. Thank you! eTheme

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