Medieval Manuscripts
December 14, 2016 | Author: Hasanzubyre | Category: N/A
Short Description
Medieval Manuscript Facsimiles Held in the Special Collections and Rare Books Sections of the Baillieu Library, University of Melbourne L’Apocalypse de Saint-Sever. 1028-1072. Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Ms Latin 8878. Latin text; commentary in French. 29 loose colour facsimiles, 1942-1943. BX gf 228.047 MOE Apokalypse. 13th century. Bodleian Library, Ms Douce 180. Text in French and Latin; German commentary. 2 vols. Facsimile edition, 1983. BX f 228.047 BODL The Art of Falconry see De Arte Venandi cum Avibus Astrarium, by Giovanni de Dondi. 1364 or 1365? Ca. 1380? Biblioteca Capitulare di Padova, Ms D39. Latin text; commentary in French. Facsimile edition, 1988. BX f 522.5 DOND Balthasaris Behem. [Missing.]
BX 709.404 or 709.43
Die Bamberger Apokalypse. 1000 AD. Staatlichen Bibliothek, Bamberg, Bibl. 140 (A II 42). Latin text; commentary in German. 59 colour facsimiles, 1958. RB f 096 B582 Barcelona Haggadah. 14th century. Ms BL Addit. 14761. Hebrew with English translation; English commentary. Facsimile edition, 1992. BX f 296.437 HAGG Beato de Gerona. 975 A.D. Gerona Cathedral, Codex Gerundensis. Latin text with Latin transcription; commentary in English. Facsimile edition, 1975. BX gf 228.07 BEAT El Beato de Saint-Sever. 2nd half 11th century. Ms Lat. 8878 de la Bibliotheque Nationale de Paris. Spanish text; commentaries in Spanish or French (with Spanish translation). Facsimile edition, 1984. BX f 745.67 BEAT Beatty Rosarium. Ca. 1530. Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, Ms Western 99. Latin text; German commentary with French and English summaries. Facsimile edition, 1986. (2 copies) BX 745.67094 TEST BX 745.67 BEAT Beatus de Saint-Sever see L’Apocalypse de Saint-Sever
Bede’s Historia Ecclesiastica see The Tanner Bede Les Belles Heures du Duc de Berry. 1405-1408 [1410-1413?] Metropolitan Museum of Art at the Cloisters, New York, Ms 54.1.1. Latin text; commentary in English. 32 facsimile plates, 1959. BX 745.670944 CATH The Belles Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry, Prince of France. 1405-1408 [1410-1413?] Metropolitan Museum of Art at the Cloisters, New York, Ms 54.1.1. Latin text; English commentary. 33 facsimile plates, 1958. GRIM 745.670944 CLOI The Belles Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry, Prince of France see also Heures de TurinMilan The Benedictional of St Æthelwold: A Masterpiece of Anglo-Saxon Art. Between 963 and 984. British Library, BL Additional Ms 49598. Latin text; commentary in English. Facsimile edition, 2002. BX f 745.670942 BENE Bestiarium. 12th century. Ms Ashmole 1511. Latin text; German translation and commentary. Facsimile edition, 1982. BX f 398.245 BEST La Bible des croisades see The Morgan Crusader Bible Bible des pauvres see Biblia pauperum [Bible des pauvres] Bible moralisée. 15th century. Vienna Nationalbibliothek Ms Codex Vindobonensis 2554. Text French; commentary French and German. Facsimile edition, 1973. BX f 745.67 V662 Bible. N.T. Gospels see The Washington Manuscript of the Gospels Bible. N.T. Gospels. The Durham Gospels see The Durham Gospels Bible. N.T. Gospels. Utrecht Psalter see Utrecht Psalter Bible. N.T. Revelation. Bamberger Apokalypse see Die Bamberger Apocalypse Bible. N.T. Revelation. Douce Apokalypse see Apokalypse Bible. N.T. Revelation. The Lambeth Apocalypse see The Lambeth Apocalypse Bible. O.T. Greek see The Washington Manuscript of the Minor Prophets in the Freer Collection and The Berlin Fragment of Genesis Bible. O.T. Hebrew. Kennicott Bible see Kennicott Bible
Bible. O.T. Psalms. Utrecht Psalter see Utrecht Psalter Biblia Pauperum: Apocalypsis. 1330-1360. Zentralbibliothek der Deutschen Klassik, Weimar, Weimar Ms Fol. Max. 4. Latin text; German commentary with English translation. Facsimile edition, 1978. BX ef 220.64 BIBL Biblia pauperum [Bible des pauvres]. 2nd quarter 15th century. Bibliothèque Apostolique Vaticane, Ms Pal. Lat. 871. Text in German and Latin; French commentary. Facsimile edition, 1984. BX f 220.9505 BIBL Biblia pauperum: Die Wiener Biblia pauperum see Die Wiener Biblia pauperum Biblical Manuscripts in the British Museum. 3rd to 15th centuries. 25 Mss Texts in Greek and Latin; English commentary. 25 black and white plates, 1900. BX gf 220.4.b Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana see Riproduzioni di manoscritti miniati Das Blumen-Stundenbuch see Le livre d'heures aux fleurs Boccace de Munich. 15th century. Hof- und Staatsbibliothek, Munich, Ms Codex Gallicus 369 (olim Codex Gallicus 6). French text; French commentary. 91 black and white miniatures, 1909. BX gf 745.67 BAYE The Book Altar of Philip the Good of Burgundy. 15th century. Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek Ms Codex 1800. Latin text; French and German commentary. Facsimile edition, 1991. RB Book Illumination during the Middle Ages. 12th to 17th centuries. Examples from many mss. Texts in various languages; commentary in English. Full-colour facsimiles issued in five parts and bound together, 1889-1891. BX f 745.67 Q1 Book of Hours. Ca. 1500. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Ms Vaticano Rossiano 94. Latin text; German commentary. Facsimile edition, 1983. BX 745.67471 CATH Book of Hours: Les Belles heures du Duc de Berry see Les Belles Heures du Duc de Berry Book of Hours: The Belles Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry see The Belles Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry Book of Hours: Buchaltarchen Herzog Philipps des Guten von Burgund see The Book Altar of Philip the Good of Burgundy Book of Hours: Das Blumen-Stundenbuch see Le livre d'heures aux fleurs
Book of Hours: Deux Livres d’Heures Néerlandais see Deux Livres d’Heures Néerlandais Book of Hours: Das Gebetbuch Lorenzos de Medici see Das Gebetbuch Lorenzos de Medici Book of Hours: Heures de Turin-Milan see Heures de Turin-Milan Book of Hours: The Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux see The Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux Book of Hours: Livre d’heures de Gysbrecht de Brederode see Livre d’heures de Gysbrecht de Brederode Book of Hours: Offizium der Madonna see Offizium der Madonna Book of Hours: Les très belles heures de Notre-Dame see Les très belles heures de NotreDame Book of Hours: Turin see Heures de Turin-Milan Book of Hours: Visconti Hours see Visconti Hours The Book of Hours of Pannonhalma. Ca. 1500. Abbey of Pannonhalma Library, Ms Codex 118.I.43. Latin text; commentary translated into English. Facsimile edition, 1982. BX 745.67471 SZAB Book of Kells. 8th to 9th centuries. Trinity College, Dublin, Ms A.I. 6. Latin text with English commentary. Facsimile edition 1950-51. BX gf 745.670941844 BIBL Book of Kells. 8th to 9th centuries. Trinity College, Dublin, Ms A.I. 6. Latin text with English commentary. 126 colour plates, 1974. 2 copies. BX f 745.670941822 BOOK Book of Kells. 8th to 9th centuries. Trinity College, Dublin, Ms 58. Latin text with English commentary. Facsimile edition, 1990. RB Brandenburger Evangelistar. 1st half thirteenth century. Maydeburg Cathedral. Latin text; German commentary. Facsimile edition, 1963. BX f 745.67 C363 Breviario Grimani see Grimani Breviary Das Buch von der Jagd see Le Livre de la chasse Buchaltarchen Herzog Philipps des Guten von Burgund see The Book Altar of Philip the Good of Burgundy
Canterbury Psalter. 1147-1150. Trinity College, Cambridge, Ms R. 17. 1. Latin text; commentary in English. Black and white facsimile edition, with four colour facsimiles, 1935. BX f 096 C363 The Canterbury Tales see The Ellesmere Chaucer Carmina Burana. 13th century. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek,Munich, Ms Clm 4660 and 4660a. Text in Latin and German; German and English commentary. Facsimile edition, 1967. BX 879.108 C287 Cartas de Relación de La Conquista de la Nueva España. 1519-27. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Codex Vindobonensis S. N. 1600. Spanish text; English and German introductions. Facsimile edition, 1960. BX f 972.02 C828 Catalogo dei manoscritti in scrittura latina datati o databili. Up to 16th century. Vol. I: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma; vol. II: Biblioteca Angelica di Roma; vol. III: Biblioteche di Perugia. Latin texts; commentary in Italian. Loose sepia facsimiles, many folded (vol. III some in colour), 1971-1994. BX f 015.45031 CATA Chartae Latinae Antiquiores: Facsimile-Edition of the Latin Charters. Prior to 9th century. Comprehensive collection of facsimiles of papyrus and parchment charters. Latin text; commentary in English (vols. 1-4), French (vols. 5-19), Italian (vols. 20-49). Facsimile editions, 1954-1998 . BX ef 091 CHAR Chartae Latinae Antiquiores: Facsimile-Edition of the Latin Charters, 2nd series. 9th century. Collections of facsimiles of 9th century charters. Latin text; commentary in Italian. Facsimile editions, 1997-. BX ef 091 CHAR Codex Alexandrinus. 1st half 5th century. Royal Ms 1 D v-viii. Greek text; lacks commentary. Reduced photographic facsimile edition, 1915-36. BX 220.4 The Codex Benedictus. 11th century. Ms Vat Lat 1202. Latin text; English commentary. Facsimile edition, 1982. BX gf 255.1009 CATH Codex Lindisfarnensis. Ca. 696-698. British Museum. Mss. Cotton Nero D. IV. Text in Latin with Anglo-Saxon gloss; commentary in English. Facsimile edition with colour facsimiles for all decorative work, 1956-1960. RB Codex Regius of the Elder Edda. 2nd half 13th century. Royal Library of Copenhagen, Old Royal Collection, Ms 2365. Old Norse text; English commentary. Facsimile edition, 1937. BX f 839.61 E21C
Codice de Gerona see In Apocalipsin. Comentario al Apocalipsis: Beato de Liebana Comentarios al Apocalipsis y al Libro de Daniel / Beato de Liebana see El Beato de Saint-Sever Corvinen Bilderhandschriften. 2nd half 15th century (almost all). Mss from the library of King Matthias Corvinus. Latin texts; German commentary. 48 facsimile plates, 1963. BX f 745.67 B513 Die Cosmographia des Claudius Ptolemy see Cosmography of Ptolemy Cosmography of Ptolemy. 1478. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Codex Urbinas Latinus 277. Latin text; English commentary. Facsimile edition, 1983. BX ef 912 PTOL Le Cueur d'amours espris see King René’s Book of Love Dante Urbinate see Divina Commedia. Il Dante Urbinate Dated Greek Miniscule Manuscripts. Prior to 1200. Mss from the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris; Christ Church, Oxford, Wake Collection; Preussische Staatsbibliothek, Berlin; Nationalbibliothek, Vienna; the Church of the Panagia, Jerusalem. Greek texts; English commentary. 10 volumes plus index volume. Black and white facsimiles, 1936. BX gf 481.7 D232 De Arte Venandi cum Avibus, of Frederick II of Hohenstaufen. Second quarter 13th century. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ms Pal. Lat. 1071. Latin text; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1969. BX f 799.232 F852 De Simplici Medicina, by Platearius. Last quarter14th century. Universitatsbibliothek, Basel, Ms K. II. 11. Latin text; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1961 BX f 581.634 PLAT Description of the Great Book of Hours of Henry VIII see The Great Book of Hours of Henry VIII Die Deutschen Romanischen Handschriften. 11th to 13th centuries. Mss from the Nationalbibliothek, Vienna. Texts mainly Latin; commentary German. 44 black and white plates, 1926. BX f 091 V662 Deux livres d’heures néerlandais. Late 15th century and earlier. Bibliothèque de l’Université de Liège, Mss Wittert 33 and 34. Texts in German and Latin; French
commentary. 25 and 12 loose miniatures respectively, 1924. BX 745.67 C363 Divina Commedia. Il Dante Urbinate. 15th century. Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, Ms Urbinate latino 365. Italian commentary. Facsimile edition, 1965. BX gf 851.1 DANTE Domesday Book see Great Domesday Dondis, Johannis de see Astrarium, by Giovanni de Dondi Doomsday Monachorum of Christchurch Canterbury. 12th century. Canterbury Cathedral Library, Ms E. 28. Latin text; English commentary. Black and white facsimile edition, 1944. BX ef 942.02 C229 Douce Apokalypse see Apokalypse Drogo-Sakramentar. Ca. 850. Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Ms Latin 9428. Latin text; German commentary. Facsimile edition, 1974. BX 264.02 C363 The Durham Gospels, Together with Fragments of a Gospel Book in Uncial. End of 7th century. Cathedral Library, Durham, Ms A. II.17. Latin text; commentary in English. Six plates (four in colour), together with black and white facsimile editions, 1980. BX gf 091.0942 EARL Eadwine Psalter see Canterbury Psalter Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile see The Liber Vitae of the New Minster and Hyde Abbey, Winchester Die Eidgenössische Chronik des Werner Schodoler. 1510-1535. Leopold-SophienBibliothek, Überlingen, Ms 62; Stadtarchiv, Bremgarten, Ms 2; Aargauischen Kantonsbibliothek, Aarau, Ms Bibl. Zurl. Fol. 18. German text; German commentary. 3 vols. Facsimile edition, 1983. BX gf 949.4 SCHO Elder Edda see Codex Regius of the Elder Edda. The Ellesmere Chaucer. Ca. 1410. Huntington Library, Ms EL 26 C 9. Text in Middle English; brief commentary in English. Facsimile edition, 1911. RB The Ellesmere Chaucer. Ca. 1410. Huntington Library, Ms EL 26 C 9. Text in Middle English; commentary in English. Facsimile edition, 1995. RB
English Illuminated Manuscripts. Ca. 700-1450. Reproductions from various mss. Texts mainly in Latin; commentary in English. 18 sepia and 3 colour reproductions, 1895. BX f 745.67 T469 Evangelica Historia. 14th century. Ms Ambrosiano L. 58 Sup. of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana. Latin text; translation and commentary in Italian. Facsimile edition, 1978-1979. BX 226.047 EVAN Das Evangelistar Kaiser Heinrichs III. 11th century. Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen, Ms b.21. Latin text; brief commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1981. BX 745.670943 CATH Examples of the Art of Book Illumination during the Middle Ages see Book Illumination during the Middle Ages Exeter Book of Old English Poetry. Ca. 1000. Cathedral Library, Exeter. Old English text; commentary in English. Facsimile edition, 1933. BX gf 829.108 E96 Exultet Rolle. Between 981 and 987? Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica, Ms Lat. 9820. Latin text; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1975. BX f 264.0272 C363 The Exultet Rolls of South Italy. 9th-14th centuries. Mss from many libraries, mainly Italian. Latin text; commentary in English. Loose black and white plates, 1936. BX gf 745.67 A955 Eyckian Book of Prayers and Masses see Heures de Turin-Milan Facsimile of the Sketch-Book of Wilars de Honecort, an Architect of the Thirteenth Century. Mid-thirteenth century. Bibliothèque Nationale, Ms French Collection 19093. Text in French; commentary translated into English. Sepia and black facsimiles,1859. BX f 720.22244 VILL The Farnese Hours. Ca. 1537-1546. Ms M 69, Pierpont Morgan Library. Latin text with English commentary. Facsimiles, 1976. BX 745.67 FARN Firdawsi. Shahnamah see The Houghton Shahnameh Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, De Arte Venandi cum Avibus see De Arte Venandi cum Avibus Gaston Phoebus: Le Livre de la chasse see Le Livre de la chasse Gebetbuch Karls des Kuhnen vel Potius: Stundenbuch der Maria von Burgund. Second half 15th century. Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Ms Codex Vindobonensis
1857. Text in Latin; German and French commentary. Facsimile edition, 1969. BX 745.67 OEST Das Gebetbuch Lorenzos de Medici. 1485. Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, Munchen, Handschrift CLM 23639. Latin text; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1991. BX f 745.67094551 CATH Genealogia dei Principi d’Este. Ca. 1475. Biblioteca Estense Universitaria di Modena, Ms a.L.5.16=Ital. 720, and Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale “Vittorio Emanuele II” di Roma, Ms Vittorio Emanuele, n. 293. Italian text and commentary. Facsimile edition, 1996. BX gf 929.75 GENE Les grandes heures de Jean Duc de Berry. 1409. Bibliothèque Nationale, Ms Lat. 919. French text with English translation and commentary. Coloured facsimiles, 1971. BX ef 745.67 T549 The Great Book of Hours of Henry VIII. 2nd decade 16th century. Ms Cumberland. Latin text; commentary in English and French. 55 sepia plates. 1923. BX f 745.67 DESC Great Domesday. 11th century. Public Record Office, Great Domesday Book. Latin text with English translation; English commentaries published separately [not held]. Many fascicules in 6 boxes. Facsimile edition, 1986-92. BX gf 333.320942 GREA Grimani Breviary. 1490-1510. Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venice, Ms Brevarium Grimani. Latin text; commentary in English. 110 colour facsimiles, 1972. BX f 745.67 G861 Die grosse Burgunder Chronik des Dieblod Schilling von Bern: "Zurcher Schilling." 15th century. Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Hs. Ms A5. Text and commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1985. BX gf 949.402 SCHI Haggadah. 1769. Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek, Darmstadt, Codex Orientalis 7 (= Darmstädter Haggadah III). Hebrew text; English commentary Facsimile edition, 1989. BX f 296.437 HAGG Die Handschriften und Inkunabeln der Italienischen Renaissance. 15th to 16th centuries. Mss from the Nationalbibliothek, Vienna. Mostly Latin texts (also Italian, Greek and Hebrew). Sepia facsimiles, 1930-1932. BX f 091 V662 The Hebrew Bible in Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts. 13th to 15th centuries. Mss from many libraries. Hebrew texts; commentary in English. 60 colour facsimiles and 120 black and white illustrations, 1987. BX ef 745.674924
Helgastadabok: Nikula’s Saga. End 14th century. Royal Library, Stockholm, Ms Perg. 4to nr. 16. Old Norse text; Swedish commentary with English translation. Facsimile edition, 1982. BX f 839.63 BERG Heures d’Etienne Chevalier. 1452-1456? Musee Condé, Chantilly, France. English commentary. 47 facsimile plates, 1972. BX f 745.67 C527.f Heures de Louis duc Danjou Roy de Jerusalem et autres pieces see Les Petites heures du Duc de Berry Heures de Pucelle see The Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux Heures de Turin-Milan. Late 14th to mid 15th centuries. Turin, Museo Civico d’Arte Antica, Ms Inv. No. 47. Text in Latin; commentaries in German, English and French with some Italian. Facsimile edition, 1994. BX f 745.67 TURI Les heures Sforza see Sforza Hours El Himno Akathistos. Before end of 15th century. Biblioteca de El Escorial, Ms Griego R. I. 19. Greek text; commentary in Spanish. 2 vols. Facsimile edition, 1981. BX 242.74 ORTH Historia Ecclesiastica see The Tanner Bede Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis. 1495 or 1505. Eger, Archiepiscopal Library, Codex U2 VI. 8. Latin text; English commentary. 2 vols. Facsimile edition, 1978. BX 745.67471 HORA The Houghton Shahnameh. 1522?-1540s. Ms in the possession of Arthur J. Houghton. Text in Persian; commentary in English. 21 colour and 269 sepia collotype facsimiles with 284 black and white reproductions, 1981. BX gf 091 DICK Hours of Etienne Chevalier see Heures d’Etienne Chevalier The Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux. 1324-1328. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, The Cloisters, Acc. No. 54. 1. 2. Text in Latin; commentaries in English and German. Facsimile edition, 2000. RB Hrabanus Maurus see Liber de Laudibus Sanctae Crucis, by Hrabanus Maurus Hrvoje’s Missal see Missale Hervoiae Ducis Spalatensis Croatico-Glagoliticum Illustrated Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts. [Missing.] Black and white; not full facsimile. BX ef 745.67 B961
The Illustrations in the Manuscripts of the Septuagint, Volume III: Psalms and Odes. Vatican Library, Mss Vaticanus Graecus 1927 (Part 1) and 752 (Part 2). Greek text; commentary in English. 2 vols. 289 and 488 black and white facsimiles, 1941-1942. BX f 745.67 D515 Iluminace Gumpoldovy Legendy o Sv Vaclavu. 10th or 11th or 12th century. Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Codex Wenceslai. Latin text; commentary in Czech, with French summary. 55 black and white reproductions, 1926. BX 745.67 F911 Ingeborg Psalter. Ca. 1200. Musée Condé, Chantilly, Ms 9 olim 1695. Latin text with French annotations; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1985. BX f 745.67 INGE Die Italienischen Handschriften des Dugento und Trecento. 13th and 14th centuries. Mss held by the Nationalbibliothek, Vienna. Texts mainly Latin; commentary in German. 3 vols. 6 colour facsimiles and 145 black and white reproductions, 1928. BX f 091 V662 Jeanne d’Evreux see The Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux Die Karolingischen Miniaturen. 2nd half 9th century. Various mss. Latin text; German commentary. 2 volumes in one of loose black and white reproductions [ef] with 6 volumes of commentary [f], 1930-1982. BX ef 745.67 K77 BX f 745.67 K77 Karolingisches Sakramentar. Ca. 870. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Codex Vindobonensis 958. Text in Latin; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1971. BX f 264.02 C363 Kennicott Bible. 1476. Bodleian Library, Ms Kennicott 1. Text in Hebrew; English commentary. Facsimile edition, 1985. RB Kiev Psalter. 1397. Leningrad Public Library, Ms OLDP. F. 6. Text and commentary in Russian, with English summary. Facsimile edition, 1978. BX f 264.01902077 King René’s Book of Love: Le Livre du cueur d'amours espris see Le Livre du cueur d'amours espris Die Kreuzritterbibel see The Morgan Crusader Bible
Das Krönungszeremoniale Kaiser Karls V. 1530. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Codex Borgianus Latinus 420. Text in Latin; German commentary. Facsimile edition, 1989. BX f 394.4 CATH Lambeth Apocalypse. Ca. 1260-1275. Lambeth Palace Library, Ms 209. Latin text; English commentary. Facsimile edition, 1990. BX f 745.67 LAMB Lectionary for the Feasts of Saint Benedict, Saint Maurus, and Saint Scholastica see The Codex Benedictus Lekcionar Arnolda Misenskeho. 13th century. Library of the Convent of Osek, Bohemia, Ms 76. Latin text; commentary in Czech. 75 black and white reproductions of miniatures, 1928. BX f 745.67 F911 Liber de Laudibus Sanctae Crucis, by Hrabanus Maurus. After 844. Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Codex Vindobonensis 652. Latin text; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1972. BX ef 133.335 H873 The Liber Vitae of the New Minster and Hyde Abbey, Winchester. 966?-1539. British Library, Stowe 944, with leaves from British Library, Cotton Vespasian A. VIII and British Library, Cotton Titus D. XXVII. Text in Old English and Latin; commentary in English. Facsimile edition, 1996. BX gf 091.0942 EARL Liber Viventium Fabriensis. Early Middle Ages. Stiftsarchiv St. Gallen Fonds Pfäfers, Codex 1. Latin text; lacks commentary. Facsimile edition, 1973. BX 745.67 B582 Life of Mathilda of Canossa see Vita der Mathilde von Canossa Lindisfarne Gospel see Codex Lindisfarnensis Le Livre-autel de Philippe le Bon see The Book Altar of Philip the Good of Burgundy Le livre d’heures aux fleurs. 1520-1525. Illuminated by Simon Bening. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Ms Clm 23637. Latin text; commentary in German and French. Facsimile edition, 1991. BX 745.67094931 CATH Livre d’heures de Gysbrecht de Brederode. Ca. 1450. Bibliothèque de l’Université de Liège, Ms Wittert 13. Latin text; French commentary. 38 loose sepia plates, 1924. BX 745.67 C363 Le livre de la chasse. 1387-1389. By Gaston III Phoebus, Count of Foix, 1331-1391. Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Ms français 616. French with modern French translation and German commentary. Facsimile edition, 1976. BX f 799.2 GAST
Le livre du cueur d'amours espris. 1465-1470. Austrian National Library, Vienna, Ms Cod. Vind. 2597. Text in French; English commentary. 16 facsimiles, 1975. BX f 745.67 R399.u Local maps and plans from medieval England. Mid 12th century to 1500. Multiple sources. Latin or English texts; commentary in English. Facsimiles (coloured originals in colour),1986. BX f 912.42 LOCA Lorsch Gospels. Ca. 810. Biblioteca Documentara Batthayneum, Alba Julia, Rumania, Lorsch Gospels (St. Matthew and St. Mark) and Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican State, Lorsch Gospels (St. Luke and St. John). Latin text; commentary in English. Facsimile edition, with text-only pages in black and white, 1967. RB Lutterell Psalter. 1335-1340. British Museum, Additional Ms 42130. Latin text with English commentary. 2 colour and 183 monochrome plates, 1932. BX ef 745.67 C363 Madresfield Hours. Ca. 1330. Library of Earl Beauchamp. Latin text; commentary in English. Four colour facsimiles and 46 black and white plates, 1975. BX f 745.67 C363 Maliri Kralovny Alzbety. 14th century. Eight Czech mss. from Vienna, Brno, and Rajhrad. Texts in Latin; commentary in Czech with summary in French. 168 black and white reproductions plus frontispiece, 1930. BX f 745.67 F911 Manuscrits medievaux en caracteres hebraiques. Up to 1540. Mss from libraries mainly in France and Jerusalem. Hebrew texts; 3 volumes of French and Hebrew commentary. 4 volumes of black and white plates (some loose) [Vol. III, Planches II missing], 1972-86. BX gf 011.31 MANU Il Mappamondo di Fra Mauro. 1457-1459. Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana. Text and commentary in Italian. Facsimile edition, 1956. BX ef 911 MAUR Medicina Antiqua: Libri Quattuor Medicinae. First half 13th century. Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Codex Vindobonensis 93. Latin texts; commentaries in German and English. Facsimile edition, 1972. BX f 615.09 V662 Medieval Manuscripts from the Low Countries see The Vienna Manuscript of the “Second Part” of the “Spiegel Historiael”
Millstatter Genesis und Physiologus Handschrift. 1050-1170. Kärntner Landesarchiv, Klagenfurt, Ms 6/19. Text and commentary in German. 8 colour facsimiles, 1967. [Missing.] BX 222.11049m La miniature carolingienne: ses origines, son développement. 8th to 9th centuries. Mss from many European libraries. French text; commentary not published. 160 loose black and white plates, 1913. BX gf 745.670944 BOIN Miniatures. 15th century? Bibioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Manuscrit Syriaque No. 559. French commentary. Mainly black and white facsimiles, 1940. BX gf 745.674923 JERP The Miniatures of the Manuscripts of Terence Prior to the Thirteenth Century. 9th to 12th centuries. Mss from six European libraries. Latin text; commentary in English. 866 black and white reproductions and coloured frontispiece. 1931. BX f 745.67 J77 Mirroure of the Worlde. Ca. 1470-1480. Ms Bodley 283. English text and commentary. Facsimiles, some coloured. 1980. BX gf 745.670942 MIRR Missal of Hrvoje Vukcic Hrvatinic see Missale Hervoiae Ducis Spalatensis CroaticoGlagoliticum Missale Hervoiae Ducis Spalatensis Croatico-Glagoliticum. 1404? Topkapi Sarayi Library, Istanbul. Croato-Glagolitic text; commentary in German and English. Facsimile edition, with transcription into Latin script, 1973. BX f 264.023 C363 The Morgan Crusader Bible. 1244-1254. Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, Ms M.638; Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, Ms nouv.acq. lat. 2294; Jean Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, 83.MA.55. Latin text with marginal inscriptions in mainly Latin, Persian, and Judeo-Persian; English commentary to come. Facsimile edition, 1998. RB The New Ellesmere Chaucer Facsimile see The Ellesmere Chaucer Offizium der Madonna. Late 15th century. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ms Lat. 3781. Latin text; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1984. BX 745.67 CATH Ostromir Gospel. 1056-1057. Ms from the Saltykov-Shchedrin Public Library, Leningrad. Text in Old Slavic; English and Russian commentaries. Facsimile edition, 1988. [Two copies.] BX f 226 OSTR
Pannonhalma Book of Hours see The Book of Hours of Pannonhalma Pessach Haggadah see Haggadah Les petites heures du Duc de Berry. Ca. 1370-1390. Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, Ms Latin 18014. Latin text; French and German commentaries. Facsimile edition, 1989-90. BX 745.67 CATH Phebus des deduiz de la chasse des bestes sauuaiges et des oyseaux de proye see Le Livre de la chasse Poetic Edda see Codex Regius of the Elder Edda. Psautier de Saint Louis. 1252-1270? Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Ms Latin 10525. Commentary in French. 92 black and white loose plates with reproductions of the 86 miniatures, 1971. BX 745.67 P232 Psautier liégeois du XIII siecle. 1255-1260. Bibliothèque de l’Université de Liège, Ms 431. Latin text; French commentary. 42 sepia plates, 1924. BX 745.67 C363 Psautiers manuscrits latins des bibliothèques publiques de France. 8th to 16th centuries. Mss from French public libraries. Latin texts; French commentary. 140 loose black and white plates, 1940-41. BX f 223.2 L617 Ptolemy Cosmography see Cosmography of Ptolemy The Rabbula Gospels. Completed 586. Medicaean-Laurentian Library, Syriac Ms Plut. I,56. Syriac text; commentary in English and Italian. Colour facsimiles of the miniatures with 20 black and white photographed plates, 1959. RB Riproduzioni di manoscritti miniati. 6th to 18th centuries. Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana. Latin text, Italian commentary. 50 black and white plates, 1914. BX 745.6707405 BIBL Roman de la Rose: Der Rosenroman für François I see Der Rosenroman für François I Romance of Alexander. 14th-15th centuries. Bodleian Library, Ms Bodl. 264. Texts in French and English; commentary in English. Black and white facsimile edition, with four colour plates, 1933. (2 copies) BX gf 841.19 L222r Die Romanischen Handschriften des Abendlandes. 11th-15th centuries. Selections from many Mss from various libraries. Texts mostly Latin; commentary in German.
Two plates and 149 reproductions (all black and white), 1927. BX f 091 V662 Der Rosenroman für François I. Ca. 1516-1519. Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, M. 948. Text in Old French; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1993. BX f 841.1 GUILLAU The Rothschild Miscellany. 1450-1480. The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Rothschild Miscellany Ms Hebrew texts; commentary in English. Facsimile edition, 1989. BX 745.674924 ROTH Sachsenspiegel see Die Wolfenbütteler Bilderhandschrift des Sachsenspiegels Sakramentar von Metz. 2nd half 9th century. Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Ms. Lat. 1141. Latin text; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1972. BX f 264.02 P232 Schätze der Universitätsbibliothek Jena. Mid 9th to mid 16th centuries. Mss from the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität library. Texts in French, Latin, and German; brief introduction in German. 10 colour reproductions on folded cards, 1979. BX 745.67 SCHA Die Schlesische Buchmalerei des Mittelalters. 12th to early 16th centuries. Silesian Mss from various libraries. Texts mostly Latin, some German; commentary in German. 282 black and white reproductions, 1942. BX f 745.67 K66 Septuagint Manuscripts see The Illustrations in the Manuscripts of the Septuagint Der Serbische Psalter. 14th century. Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, Munchen, Cod. slav. 4. Serbian text; German commentary. Facsimile edition, with black and white text pages and colour facsimiles for illustrated pages, 1978-1983. BX f 745.67 ORTH Sforza Hours. Late 15th to 16th centuries. British Library, Add. Ms 34294. Text in Latin; commentary in German and English. Facsimile edition, 1993-1995. BX 745.67094521 CATH Shahnameh (Houghton) see The Houghton Shahnameh Sketch-Book of Wilars de Honecort, an Architect of the Thirteenth Century see Facsimile of the Sketch-Book of Wilars de Honecort, an Architect of the Thirteenth Century Sobieski Hours. 1420-1425. Windsor Castle, Royal Library, Ms Sobieski Hours. Text in French and Latin with addendum in Hebrew; commentary in English. 9 colour and 88 black and white facsimiles, 1977. BX f 091 SPEN
Spiegel Historiael see The Vienna Manuscript of the “Second Part” of the “Spiegel Historiael” Stundenbuch der Maria von Burgund see Gebetbuch Karls des Kuhnen vel Potius: Stundenbuch der Maria von Burgund Das Stundenbuch der Sforza see Sforza Hours Stuttgart Psalter. Early 9th century. Biblia Folio 23 Wuerttembergische Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart. Latin text; commentary in English. Loose black and white reproductions of psalter and text, 1930. BX f 223.2047 STUT Szabo, Floris. The Book of Hours of Pannonhalma see The Book of Hours of Pannonhalma The Tanner Bede: The Old English Version of Bede’s Historia Ecclesiastica together with the Mediaeval Binding Leaves and the Domitian Extracts. Late 9th century. Bodleian Library, Oxford, Tanner 10 and Tanner 10*; British Library, London, Cotton Domitian A. IX Fol. 11. Texts in Old English and Latin; commentary in English. Black and white facsimile edition with five colour plates, 1992. BX gf 091.0942 EARL Terence see The Miniatures of the Manuscripts of Terence Tractatus Astrarii see Astrarium, by Giovanni de Dondi Les très belles heures de Notre-Dame. Early 15th century. Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Ms Nouv. acq. lat. 3093. Text in Latin; commentary in German and French. Facsimile edition, 1992. BX f 745.670944 CATH Les très riches heures du Duc de Berry. 15th century. Musée Condé, Chantilly, Ms 65. Latin text; commentary in French. Facsimile edition, 1984. BX f 745.67 CAZE Trinity College Apocalypse. About 1255. Cambridge, Trinity College, MS. R. 16.2. Text in Anglo-Norman; [commentary missing]. Facsimile edition, 1967. BX ef 228.54.e Tripartite Psalter see Canterbury Psalter Tschachtlans Bilderchronik. 15th century. Zentralbibliothek, Zürich, Ms A 120. Text and commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1986. BX f 745.67094945 TSCH Turin-Mailänder Stundenbuch see Heures de Turin-Milan
Turin-Milan Hours see Heures de Turin-Milan Utrecht Psalter. Between 816 and 834. Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, Handschrift 32. Latin text; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1984. BX f 264.028 UTRE Vaticinia de Summis Pontificibus see Weissagungen über die Päpste Vatikanische Stundenbuch Jean Bourdichons see Offizium der Madonna Vergilius Vaticanus. 4th or 5th century. Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Codex Vaticanus Lat. 3225. Text in Latin; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1980. BX 874.01 VIRGIL Vernon Manuscript. Ca. 1400. Bodleian Library, Oxford, Ms Eng. Poet. a.1. Texts in Middle English; commentary in English. Black and white facsimile edition with 26 colour reproductions from Vernon and other mss, 1987. BX ef 821.1 VERN The Vienna Manuscript of the “Second Part” of the “Spiegel Historiael.” Ca. 1400. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Ms 13708. Middle-Dutch text; commentary in Dutch and English. Black and white facsimile edition, 1971. BX f 091 M489 Visconti Hours. 1402-1412. Biblioteca Nazionale, Florence, Fondo Landau Finlay 22., BR 397. Latin text; commentary in English. Colour facsimiles, 1972. BX 745.67 C363 Vita der Mathilde von Canossa. Early 12th century. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ms Vat. lat. 4922. Latin text; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1984. BX 945.5030924 MATI/DONI Vollstandige Faksimile-Ausgabe des Rosenromans für François I see Roman de la rose Vollstandige Faksimile-Ausgabe im Originalformat der Handschrift: Bestiarium see Bestiarium Vom Liebentbrannten Herzen see King René’s Book of Love The Washington Manuscript of Deuteronomy and Joshua. Early 5th century. Freer Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Greek text; brief commentary in English. Sepia facsimile edition, 1910. RB
The Washington Manuscript of the Gospels. Mainly 4th century. Freer Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Greek text; brief commentary in English. Sepia facsimile edition with two colour plates, 1912. RB The Washington Manuscript of the Minor Prophets in the Freer Collection and The Berlin Fragment of Genesis. Mid and later 3rd century respectively. Freer Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, Greek Ms V. Greek text; brief commentary in English. Sepia facsimile edition, 1927. RB Weissagungen über die Päpste. Between 1410 and 1417. Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Cod. Vat. Ross. 374. Latin text; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 19851988. BX f 262.130902 VATI Die Wiener Biblia Pauperum. 1330. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Codex Vindobonensis 1198. Latin text; German commentary. Facsimile edition, 1962. BX f 745.67 B582 Wiener Genesis. 5th or 6th century. Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Cod. theol. gr. 31. Greek text; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1980. BX f 745.67 BIBL Wiener Genesis. 5th or 6th century. Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Cod. theol. gr. 31. Greek text; commentary in German. Black and white facsimile edition, 1970 (reprinted from 1895 edition). BX f 705 J25 Wilars de Honecort, Sketch-Book see Facsimile of the Sketch-Book of Wilars de Honecort, an Architect of the Thirteenth Century Die Wolfenbütteler Bilderhandschrift des Sachsenspiegels. Third quarter, 14th century. Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Cod. Guelf. 3.1 Aug. 2°. Text in Middle High German; commentary in German. Facsimile edition, 1993. BX ef 349.43 SACH Zurcher Schilling see Die grosse Burgunder Chronik des Dieblod Schilling von Bern: "Zurcher Schilling".
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