Medical Iyengar Yoga Sequences

May 17, 2019 | Author: scribewala | Category: Chair, Knee, Back Pain, Hypertension, Foot
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Medical Iyengar Yoga Sequences...


MEDICAL SEQUENCES SUBMITTED TO IYNAUS...................................................................6  AI DS......... DS.... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ...... .......... ..... ........... ...... .......... ..... .......... ........... ...... .......... ..... ........... ...... .......... ..... .......... ........... ...... ........6 ..... ...6  AL ZHEIMER’ S DISEA SE........... SE..... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............. ............. ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............. ..........7 ...7  ANGINA  AN GINA .......... ..... ........... ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ........... ...... ........... ...... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... .....8 8 BREA ST CANCER: TWO WEEKS POST-SURGERY......... POST-SURGERY......................... ................................ ................................ ..............................9 ..............9 BREA ST CANCER: EIGHT MONTHS POST-SURGERY.............. POST-SURGERY............................... ................................... .................................10 ...............10 BREA ST CANCER: SEVEN YEARS POST-SURGERY............................................................. POST-SURGERY.................................................................11 ....11 CANDIDA ALIBICANS..................................................................................................................12 CHRONIC FA TIGUE SYNDROME.................................................................................................13 SYNDROME.................................................................................................13 COLON CANCER.........................................................................................................................14 CRONE’S DISEASE I...................................................................................................................15 CRONE’S DISEASE II..................................................................................................................16 DEPRESSION..............................................................................................................................17 DEPRESSION..............................................................................................................................18 DIARRHEA...................................................................................................................................19  ARMS:  AR MS: DISL OCATION.... OCA TION........... ............. ............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. ............. ............. .............. ...........20 ....20 ELDERL Y - GUIDELINES FOR TEACHING............................ TEACHING........................................................ .......................................................21 ...........................21 EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCES.....................................................................................................22 FATIGUE (SIMPLE FATIGUE)....................................................................................................23 FRACTURE OF LEFT FEMUR, PELVIS, AND HIP............................... HIP.................................................. ...................................... .......................24 ....24 GALLBLADDER PROBLEMS.......................................................................................................26 GRAVE’ S DISEA SE (HYPERTHYROID OR THRYOTOXICOSIS)...................... THRYOTOXICOSIS)................................................ ............................27 ..27 HEPATITIS...................................................................................................................................28 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE...........................................................................................................29 HYSTERECTOMY........................................................................................................................30 LIVER PROBLEMS......................................................................................................................31 LOW BLOOD PRESSURE............................................................................................................32

LOW BLOOD SUGAR...................................................................................................................33 MASTECTOMY: IMMEDIATELY POST-SURGERY............. POST-SURGERY................................. ....................................... ...................................... ....................34 .34 MASTECTOMY: TWO YEARS POST-SURGERY................................................... POST-SURGERY..........................................................................36 .......................36 MASTECTOMY: FIVE YEARS POST-SURGERY.................................................................. POST-SURGERY.........................................................................38 .......38 MENSTRUAL MENSTRUAL PROBLEMS: IRREGULAR OR NON-EXISTENT PERIOD............. PERIOD....................... .................... .................39 .......39 MENSTRUAL PERIOD..................................................................................................................40 NECK PROBLEMS: PAIN.............................................................................................................41 NECK PROBLEMS: IN SARVANGASANA....................................................................................42 NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS...................................................................................................43 OVARIAN CANCER......................................................................................................................45 PAP TEST - POSITIVE.................................................................................................................46 PREGNANCY...............................................................................................................................47 PREGNANCY PROBLEMS: INABILITY TO CONCEIVE................................................................48 PREGNANCY PROBLEMS: NAUSEA...........................................................................................49 PSORIASIS..................................................................................................................................50 RHEUMATOID A RTHRITIS, RTHRITIS, DIA BETES, A ND SJ OGREN SYNDROME................. SYNDROME.............................. ........................51 ...........51 SCOLIOSIS..................................................................................................................................52 SHOULDER PROBL EMS: STRA INED AND SWOL LEN....................................... LEN....................................................... ..........................53 ..........53 SMOKE (SECOND-HAND (SECOND-HAND CIGARETTE) IN ENVIRONMENT........ ENVIRONMENT..................... ......................... ......................... .........................54 ............54 SPASTIC DYSPHONIA.................................................................................................................55 UTERINE FIBROIDS.....................................................................................................................56 UTERINE FIBROIDS DURING PREGANCY.................... PREGANCY............................................ ................................................. .......................................57 ..............57 UTERINE FIBROIDS: INTERMENSTRUAL INTERMENSTRUAL SPOTTING............... SPOTTING............................. ............................. ............................. ......................58 ........58

THERAPEUTIC SEQUENCES SEQUENCES GIVEN BY GEETA IYENGAR  AT THE THE TEACH TEACHER ER’S ’S EXC EXCHAN HANGE GE 1996 1996.. .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...5 .59 9  ASTHMA  AS THMA ........... ...... .......... ........... ...... ........... ...... .......... ........... ...... ........... ...... .......... ........... ...... ........... ...... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ...... ........... ...... .......... ........... ...... ...59 BACKACHE:.................................................................................................................................60 CHRONIC FA TIGUE SYNDROME.................................................................................................61 SYNDROME.................................................................................................61

CONSTIPATION...........................................................................................................................62 DIABETES...................................................................................................................................63 DIARRHEA...................................................................................................................................64 FIBROIDS....................................................................................................................................65 GALLBLADDER PROBLEMS.......................................................................................................66 GAS.............................................................................................................................................67 HEADACHE..................................................................................................................................68 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE...........................................................................................................70 HIGH CHOLESTEROL..................................................................................................................71 HYPERTHYROID..........................................................................................................................72 HYPOTHYROID............................................................................................................................73 INDIGESTION, ACIDITY...............................................................................................................74 KIDNEY PROBLEMS....................................................................................................................75 LIVER PROBLEMS......................................................................................................................76 SCOLIOSIS..................................................................................................................................77 VOMITING FEELING WITH A CIDITY AND OR FA TIGUE.................... TIGUE................................... ............................. ............................78 ..............78

SEQUENCES SEQUENCES FROM THE MEDICAL FILES AT A T RIMYI............................................................79 RIMYI............................................................79  ANKY  AN KYLO LOSING SING SPONDYL S PONDYL ITIS........ ITIS.. ...... ............ ...... ...... ............ ...... ...... ........... ...... ........... ............ ...... ............ ...... ...... ........... ...... ........... ............ ...... ............ ...... ...... 79  ARTHRITIS;  AR THRITIS; SPONDYL IOSIS; FEVER; LETHAR LE THARGY...... GY............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. ............... ............... ............80 .....80  ASTHMA  AS THMA I..... ........... ...... .......... ........... ...... ........... ...... .......... ........... ...... ........... ...... .......... ........... ...... ........... ...... .......... ........... ...... ........... ...... .......... ........... ...... ........... ...... .......... ......81 .81  ASTHMA  AS THMA II.... ........... ...... .......... ........... ...... ........... ...... .......... ........... ...... ........... ...... .......... ........... ...... ........... ...... .......... ........... ...... ........... ...... .......... ........... ...... ........... ...... .......... ......82 .82  ASTHMA  AS THMA - III..... III ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...... ........... ...... ........... ........... ........... ...... ........... ...... ........... ........... ........... ...... ........... ...... ......83 .83  ASTHMA  AS THMA IV......... IV... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ......84 84 BACK PAIN AND KNEE PAIN.......................................................................................................85 BAMBOO SPINE..........................................................................................................................86 BLOOD PRESSURE- I..................................................................................................................87 BLOOD PRESSURE - II................................................................................................................88 BL OOD PRESSURE PRESSURE (120/86); DURING PREGNANCY PREGNANCY 150/110; DELIVERY DEC 95..................89

BLOOD PRESSURE (170/80).......................................................................................................90 BL OOD PRESSURE; A STHMA; ARTHRITIS.................................................................................91 BLOOD PRESSURE; FAINTING...................................................................................................92 BODY A CHE (MUSCULAR); FATIGUE, L ETHARGY; DIABETES (BL OOD SUGAR 140/100).........93 BRONCHITIS; ASTHMA; BL OOD PRESSURE..............................................................................94 CERVICAL SPONDYLIOSIS.........................................................................................................95 CERVICAL SPONDYLIOSIS.........................................................................................................96 CERVICAL SPONDYLIOSIS C5-C6, C6-C7; OSTEOPHYTES ON BOTH SIDES; LOWER LUMBAR OSTEOPOROSIS, L4 - L5.............................................................................................97 CERVICAL SPONDYLIOSIS; LOWER BACK PAIN.......................................................................98 CIRCULATION PROBL EM; B RONCHIAL ASTHMA; THALA ESSIMIA............................................99 DIABETES; ARTHRITIS..............................................................................................................100 DIABETES; ANGIOPLASTY SEPTEMBER 93; HEART ATTACK JULY 93..................................101 DIAB ETES; BL OOD PRESSURE; INDIGESTION/GASTRITIS.....................................................102 DIABETES; HYPOTHYROID; CERVICAL SPONDYLIOSIS; L OWER BACK PAIN.......................103 DIABETES; JAUNDICE..............................................................................................................104 DIABETES UNDER CONTROL (88/145).....................................................................................105 EYE PROBLEMS.......................................................................................................................106 FEVER.......................................................................................................................................107 HEART ATTACK (3 YRS AGO)...................................................................................................108 HEART PROBLEM.....................................................................................................................109 HIGH CHOLESTEROL................................................................................................................110 HYPERTHYROID; ASTHMA ........................................................................................................111 INSOMNIA; MENSTRUAL PROBLEMS (PROLONGED PERIOD); SEVERE A CIDITY..................112 KIDNEY PROBLEM....................................................................................................................113 KNEE PAIN................................................................................................................................114 LOW BL OOD PRESSURE; PERSPIRATION; DYSMENORREA; HAEMOGLOBIN L OW..............115 LOWER BACK PAIN; CONSTIPATION.......................................................................................116

LUMBAR PROBLEMS: L 4-L5 PROLAPSE; L 5-51 POSTERIOR LA TERAL PINCH PROLA PSE; L3-L 4 DIFFERENT BRIDGE; LOWER L UMBA R STENOSIS........................................................117 LUMBA R SPONDYLIOSIS; L UMBAR STENOSIS; SL UGGISH ANKL ES; OSTEOPHYTES AT L2, L3, L4; ARTHRITIS...............................................................................................................118 MENOPAUSE; FRACTURE 6 YRS, BA CK PA IN AFTER L ONG WAL K........................................119 MIGRAINE; INSOMNIA; SHOULDER PROBLEMS: PAIN; PROLAPSED UTERUS.......................120 NECK PROBLEMS & BACK PROBLEMS...................................................................................121 OPTIC NEURITIS; OCCASIONAL HEADACHE; THYROID GROWTH..........................................122 OSTEO-ARTHRITIS; VARICOSE VEINS.....................................................................................123 PALPITATION; INSOMNIA; BLOOD PRESSURE; CHEST PAIN; BREATHLESSNESS;  ANXIETY; NERVOUSNESS........................................................................................................124 PARAL YSIS (RIGHT SIDE FROM ACCIDENT )............................................................................125 PARKINSON’S LEFT; HEAVINESS ON RIGHT SIDE OF HEAD & TONGUE; TWIST DIFFICULTY (W/ R. SIDE)...............................................................................................................................126 PREGNANCY I...........................................................................................................................127 PREGNANCY II..........................................................................................................................128 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS.........................................................................................................129 RHEUMATIC ARTHRITIS; THYROID...........................................................................................130 SHOULDER PROBLEMS - PAINFUL; NUMB; LEFT COL D SHOULDER......................................131 SPONDYLIOSIS; SCIATICA; KNEE PAIN; BRONCHIAL ASTHMA; VARICOSE VEINS; MENOPAUSE, DEPRESSION; ACIDITY; COLITIS......................................................................132 SPONDYLIOSIS; HIGH BL OOD PRESSURE 165/60; CONSTIPATION; CRAMPS; DEPRESSION............................................................................................................................133 SPONDYLIOSIS; L OWER BA CK PA IN; A CIDITY........................................................................134 STENOSIS (HEART)...................................................................................................................135 THIGH (MID) & ANKLE PAIN; LUMBA GO L4, L5; HAEMOGLOBIN 1080; CHRONIC CERRICITIS; ENDOMETRIUM - EARLY STAGES; CERVICAL SPONDYLIOSIS C3-C4 C4-C5 C5-C6; DEGENERATION LUMBO-SACRAL L 4-L5 L5-51; L UMBAR STENOSIS.........................136 THYROID INJECTION; CATA RACT ‘87; OSTEO KNEES...........................................................137 UTERUS REMOVED; CERVICAL SPONDYLIOSIS; SLIPPED DISC, LUMBAR; BLOOD PRESSURE 140/100 WITH DIABETES......................................................................................138

INDEX OF MEDICAL SEQUENCES.........................................................................................139

MEDICAL SEQUENCES SUBMITTED TO IYNAUS  As of January 1997  AIDS General poses: 1. Resting poses 2. Inversions 3. Parsva Urdhva Padmasana in Sarvangasana Comments: In the last pose, blood circulation dries the genital organs; when the dripping stops, the immune system is working. This is an advanced pose that many are not able to do, so teacher must give others that cumulatively give similar results.

 ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Student had been doing yoga for some time, and had been recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.  A. 1. 2. 3. 4.

6. 7. 8.

General Sequence: Full Arm Balance - do not puff abdomen, don’t stay long, but go quickly, come down, & repeat Pinca Mayurasana - same as above Urdhva Mukha Svanasana - can do on blocks and go from this to Adho Mukha, back & forth Sirsasana - between 2 chairs or Viparita Karani boxes so shoulders are supported, head free - do 2 minutes, come down and repeat Adho Mukha Svanasana and Uttanasana at ropes - going up and down quickly with upper  body Utthita Trikonasana Utthita Parsvakonasana Parsvottanasana - go up and down quickly

B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

RESTORATIVE SEQUENCE - to be done as needed or some added to above Supta Virasana Supported Uttanasana or Adho Mukha Svanasana on ropes Viparita Dandasana on backbender  Sirsasana on ropes Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Sarvangasana on chair  half Halasana Viparita Karani Savasana


 ANGINA 1. Sirsasana in rope 2. Sarvangasana on chair with chest well opened 3. Setubandha Sarvangasana 4. Viparita Karani 5. Viparita Dandasana on prop 6. Supta Virasana 7. Baddha Konasana (sitting erect) 8. Janu Sirsasana * 9. Paschimottanasana* 10. Bhishmacharyasana** 11. Savasana on heart bench * Do with hands on chair and head on brick; arms should be above head **Guruji’s direction was to “make her rest the buttocks on bricks and place the middle of the thoracic dorsal spine on 1 brick (one horizontal and one vertical) and head on the other brick or  hanging down head with do”

BREAST CANCER: TWO WEEKS POST-SURGERY Two weeks post-surgery practice; during chemotherapy and radiation, no lymph node involvement discovered Geeta’s gave the following sequence and this general comment: “do only supine, chest-opening, supported poses”. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Supta Virasana Supta Baddha Konasana Viparita Dandasana on bench Sarvangasana on chair  Halasana to Halasana box from chair Sarvangasana Setu Bandha Sarvangasana off bench Viparita Karani Savasana

PRANAYAMA: seated at the horse or if tired, do lying down.

BREAST CANCER: EIGHT MONTHS POST-SURGERY 1. Adho Mukha Svanasana (palms on high level) 2. Uttanasana (head resting) 3. Utthita Trikonasana 4. Utthita Parsvakonasana 5. Ardha Chandrasana (against wall or horse) 6. Supta Virasana 7. Supta Baddha Konasana (supported and with chest elevated) 8. Viparita Dandasana (on bench) 9. Sirsasana (on ropes or against wall with brick support at the back of the chest) 10. Ustrasana (back resting on box or chair) 11. Urdhva Dhanurasana (2 or 3 times, back arch on back bender; palms on elevated platform like bricks, etc.; palms on bricks to open the breast area of the chest) 12. Bharadvajasana on chair  13. Sarvangasana on chair  14. Halasana to Halasana box from chair Sarvangasana 15. Setubandha Sarvangasana 16. Viparita Karani 17. Savasana The day you feel tired or want to do the short course then follow the previous sequence (the one provided above for 2-weeks post-surgery). PRANAYAMA: Ujjayi Pranayama, Viloma I & II in Savasana on elevated bolster.

BREAST CANCER: SEVEN YEARS POST-SURGERY The following sequences were given while the student was at RIMYI, the first while working one-on-one with a teacher, the second in the medical class, to be practiced daily.  A. First sequence: 1) Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana I and II First standing on left foot, right foot on wall, torso facing wall. Then turn torso away from top leg. Change legs and repeat both positions Repeat, upper foot in wall rope. 2) Supta Padangusthasana (with strap) I and II. Lie on floor, foot at wall - leg on floor revolved inward and down. Other leg up, then to the side X LEGS, REPEAT. 3) Sirsasana: three-fold blanket under head, elbows close (10 minutes) 4) Sarvangasana: with lots of height (7 blankets in Pune), rolled mat under elbows. (10-15 minutes). 5) Halasana with lift under feet (5 minutes). 6) Setu Bandha Sarvangasana on bench, straps at head of femurs, bolster under head and shoulders (15 minutes). 7) Viparita Karani - with legs in Baddha Konasana up the wall and height under hips (10 minutes) • • • •

• •

B. Second sequence 1) Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana This time a window grill was used for upper foot. Same repetition - forward and to side. At wall, use two ropes: one on sole of extended foot, other diagonal from midthigh to heel of leg on wall (while moving forward); from groin to heel when moving out to the side. Used window grill with a 25-lb. weight hanging from the knee. (Rope holding weight goes just below and above the patella). Two times each side, forward facing position only. MR. IYENGAR SAID, ‘WE WANT YOU TO STRETCH, NOT TO STRAIN.” 2) Sirsasana, at wall with 3-fold blanket (10 minutes) 3) Urdhva Dhanurasana - at window with hands on sloping tile parapet (6 times) 4) Setu Bandha on bench as in sequence above. 5) Bharadvajasana at a column 6) Sarvangasana with rolled blanket under elbows (10 minutes) 7) Halasana with feet on box (5 minutes) •

Mr. Iyengar’s general comment regarding the breast cancer at this stage was “We never know when the cells...”

CANDIDA ALIBICANS Female, 29 years old, severe weight loss, general fatigue, very low blood pressure, low level functioning of lymphatic system and adrenal glands. Poor circulation becomes cold very easily, many allergies, sensitive eyes, pain in the colon. Guruji’s comments are in response to the following restorative program: “First of all standing poses bound to strain her. So you can take with support Ardha Chandrasana and Prasarita Padottanasana. You can make her do Viparita Dandasana on a prop. Before that, make her do on two bolsters to curve the spine. Then on a table resting the back with legs kept slantingly on floor. Head balance on rope in Baddha Konasana, shoulder balance on a chair with leg back. If  she can do Padmasana, then Padmasana Pindasana, Parsva Pindasana in Sarvangasana with time. Put the intestinal tract in order. Janu Sirsasana with timings, resting head on a brick, Setubandha, Viparita Karani in Baddha Konasana and Virasana. Adho Mukha and Savasana can be tried. As the eyes become sensitive, I do not know how you can take inverted poses without disturbing, so better forget them.” RESTORATIVE SEQUENCE BEING USED: Adho Mukha Svanasana on ropes, head supported Uttanasana with head support Supta Virasana on bolsters Supta Baddha Konasana - on bolster with sandbag on intestinal area Lying on floor with calves resting on chairs with sandbag on intestinal area Virasana with forward bend Setubhandasana on bolsters Navasana on support Viparita Karani on bolster  Savasana on bolster  • • • • • • • • • •

CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME Male, 23 years old, enlarged red blood cells in hypothalamus and oxygen not getting through properly; breathing rough; tires easily and for a long time (days). The following comments from Guruji are in response to the asana sequence that was being used, as recorded below: “The asanas you have given are good. Add Janu Sirsasana. You can take rope head balance after Adho Mukha Svanasana using bolsters for his head to rest.  After coming down from the head balance, make him do Virasana with forward bend. Sometimes one blocks out. This Virasana with head on floor neutralizes it.  ASANA SEQUENCE BEING USED 1. Viparita Karani 2. Supta Baddha Konasana 3. Adho Mukha Svanasana on ropes 4. Sarvangasana with support 5. half Halasana (long period) 6. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana on support - long slow deep inhalations and exhalations Sometimes lying over the backbender, neck supported, and Supta Virasana are worked in.

COLON CANCER Female, tumor located at top of rectum and bottom of sigmoid colon, one month after surgery, which removed large section of colon, as well as ovaries and fallopian tubes. Lymph node involvement was indicated, and cancer had spread to liver as well. Undergoing chemotherapy through a surgically implanted port. Guruji's response: For the time being, the lady you refer to, if capable can do Sarvangasana on chair, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Viparita Karani, Virasana, Supta Virasana, Baddha Konasana, Supta Baddha Konasana, Janu Sirsasana, Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana, Ubhaya Padangusthasana between two cupboards, Paschimottanasana Even you can add chair Bharadvajasana, Padmasana (sitting up and lying back also). Parsva Pindasana in Sarvangasana is good for the intestine. PRANAYAMA: Viloma Pranayama for the time being.

CRONE’S DISEASE I  Adult Male 1. Viparita Dandasana standing with bolster support 2. Lying on Cross Bolsters 3. Matsyendrasana with bolster (6 min each side) 4. Supta Baddha Konasana with bolster (6 min) 5. Supta Virasana with bolster (6 minutes) 6. Viparita Dandasana bench (10 minutes) 7. Pelvic Swing (10 minutes) 8. Janu Sirsasana (with support) (3-6 minutes per side) 9. Paschimottanasana (with support) (6 minutes) 10. Sarvangasana on chair (10 minutes) 11. Halasana on chair (10 minutes) 12. Setu Bandha on bench (5 - 10 minutes) 13. Viparita Karani (10 minutes) Comments: The purpose of the forward bends is to cool the body; if Paschimottanasana is not possible do Virasana forward or similar pose. If vigorous work causes more diarrheas, do Supta Pandangusthasana sequence.

CRONE’S DISEASE II  Adult male given three different sequences at two different points in time. The first two sequences were given when student also suffered from chronic diarrhea and low energy. The third sequence was given to eliminate dullness and stiffness in the thoracic spine and chest as well as work on the area in question.  A. FIRST SEQUENCE 1) Viparita Dandasana bench 10 min 2) Sirsasana on ropes with plank at wall 15 min 3) Sarvangasana on chair 10 min 4) half Halasana 10 min using weight on thighs helps soften the abdomen 5) Setu Bandha on table with legs strapped 10 min 6) Viparita Karani strapped at pillar 10 min •

B. SECOND SEQUENCE 1) Supta Virasana 10 min 2) Cross-Bolsters 10 min 3) Viparita Dandasana bench 10 min 4) Sirsasana on ropes 10 min 5) Sarvangasana on chair 10 min 6) half Halasana 8 - 10 min 7) Setu Bandha 10 min 8) V shaped pose by pillar 10 min Note: V-shaped pose will massage the area without making the organs contract because it is completely supported. When people are so stiff there is very little way to get some massage of the area - they can’t bend forward well and twisting is difficult. 9) Viparita Karani at pillar 10 min •

Comment: NO TWISTING IF THERE IS CONSTANT DIARRHEA. C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

THIRD SEQUENCE (5 - 10 minutes for each pose) Supported Uttanasana with abdomen resting on tall stool Prasarita Padottanasana with hands on tall stool and reaching forward Hanging rope backbend (blanket and bolster on rope, feet on a tall stool, arch backward holding rope) Sirsasana on ropes from hanging rope with plank for hips and belt for feet, hold weight to work on shoulder flexibility Sirsasana at wall with weighted bars backbend over drum Sarvangasana near wall and elbows supported a little higher  half Halasana with active legs and then lower if possible Setu Bandha with small stool and feet on silver bar of horse


Viparita Dandasana on chair, with crown of head supported (5 minutes) Lying over crossed bolsters (5 minutes) Lean back over a table (5 minutes) with bolsters or blankets on it so that legs are straight and buttocks are resting on edge of table Chest open, head supported so that it does not fall back, arms on table with palms up (5 minutes). Back bend over tall stool three times, holding as long as possible but less than 5 minutes with blanket support for lumbar  Grip legs of stool; put feet on bricks if they don’t touch the floor and press soles down. may also be done with blankets piled high on a chair seat and bend over top of  back in sacrum, grip front legs. Drop backs - from standing to Urdhva Dhanurasana (5 - 10 times). Can use ropes or walk hands down and back up a wall. Sirsasana Adho Mukha Vrksasana Viparita Dandasana or Urdhva Dhanurasana several times, hold each for several breaths according to your capacity. Niralamba Sarvangasana OR Sarvangasana on chair. half Halasana The buttocks must rest toward the feet, not away as tends to happen when people can’t get high enough up on the shoulders, or “the mind becomes the devil’s playground”. Paschimottanasana rolling back into Halasana (20 times) on blanket with sticky mat underneath. “You have to make their brains light!” Setu Bandha Sarvangasana with support \ Keep EYES OPEN! •

2) 3)


• • •


6) 7) 8)

9) 10)


• •


COMMENTS: Do not use backbends if suffering from heart trouble, high blood pressure or other  serious illness, nor during menstruation or pregnancy. If suffering from bad back or injured knees, do only with supervision. After the first, supported positions, the order of the poses can be varied. Do not continue if you feel jittery or anxious or have any other adverse reaction, and drop any poses, which are too difficult and cause strain instead of joy. NO SAVASANA.

DEPRESSION Program observed at RIMYI. Guruji has said that every depression case is so different and he has to see the person but this sequence has been used with good success in the U.S. 1. Adho Mukha Svanasana with head supported on block 2. Sirsasana on ropes with slant board - walk hands back, head back 3. Sirsasana with the two weighted bars 4. Rope series several times 5. Backbend over drum 6. Active Urdhva Dhanurasana from roll sitting upright 7. Setu Bandha off table - head on floor and arms to sides of table, inhalation retention 8. Supported Sarvangasana - extra height under sacrum will open chest more 9. Halasana with knees on tall box 10. Setu Bandha on small stool with feet on horse bar - inhalation retention 11. Viparita Karani

DIARRHEA Hold all poses 10 minutes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Supta Virasana Matsyasana Supta Baddha Konasana Sirsasana in ropes Viparita Dandasana bench Sarvangasana on chair  Setu Bandha on bench Viparita Karani

 ARMS: DISLOCATION Geeta’s comments: “Avoid the rope backbendings. Don’t take Urdhva Dhanurasana unless you know how to take without tilting the arms. Do not pull the elbows inwards in Sarvangasana.”

ELDERLY - GUIDELINES FOR TEACHING When teaching people over 65: mobility is limited. Do not try force - correct little by little. Even if  you increase mobility 5-10% it is good. Avoid poses that may aggravate their problems. Restore their vitality. Precision is not important. Your job is how to make them enjoy life in old age.

EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Sirsasana Viparita Dandasana Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Adho Mukha Vrksasana Urdhva Dhanurasana Halasana Halasana and Sarvangasana repeated fast, 10 times

Comments: Emotional disturbance comes from the chest rather than the brain. For the blood to circulate well and organs of perception to function well, the chest needs to be open. PRANAYAMA: Short Kumbhaka with positive sound brings back confidence. It should be done with fineness, but with more sound.

FATIGUE (SIMPLE FATIGUE) 1. Lying over cross bolsters 2. Supta Virasana 3. Adho Mukha Svanasana on ropes 4. Viparita Dandasana on chair, stool or backbender  5. Rope Sirsasana 6. Marichyasana III seated on chair  7. side twist over bolster using table 8. Forward bends (supported)Sarvangasana with chair  9. Supta Baddha Konasana 10. Baddha Konasana in Setu Bandha 11. Viparita Karani 12. Savasana

FRACTURE OF LEFT FEMUR, PELVIS, AND HIP 12 year old child, automobile accident. The following include instructions from Guruji, and notes from actual sessions in which Geeta worked with the girl using these instructions.  A. Instructions from Guruji: 1) Marichyasana (standing) - Place l foot on a rolling box with rolled mat at top of thigh to help make space in groin; roll box back and forth with foot to bend the knee. 2) Supta Padangusthasana (variation) - Left pelvic head turns in, so to keep it stable weight down straight right leg at top of thigh (use a block to support the weight); bend left leg at knee and hip; place on a rolling box with rolled mat at top of left thigh; roll box back and forth. 3) Trikonasana and Parsvakonasana on floor: Lying supine, separate legs like Trikonasana with support under left foot. Then do with knee bent, with support under bent knee. Don’t try to flex more and more, avoid cracking. 4) Elastic bandage around upper half of calf, knee and quadriceps:   Tadasana   Savasana keep feet 2 feet apart bottom cartilage of knee should turn down use 25-lb. weight on bandage to help this action. Place a soft pillow with weight (whatever is tolerable) on quadriceps. Here put another separate elastic for weight to be on - will act like a massage without massaging. Keep fibers of injury without tension. No weight on healing leg while the bone is still broken. 5) Standing with support for healing quadriceps and front leg foot rests on lower back of  heel plate. 6) Sirsasana - no ropes unless with straight legs. 7) Sarvangasana, using horse - support at knees and can straighten and bend legs as needed. 8) Halasana with support no forward bends on the floor  9) Uttanasana - over tall stool to take weight off legs. 10) Knee over banister  hold onto foot to pull and extend quadriceps. Thigh parallel to the floor - slowly move standing leg to stretch. Lean forward to move knee. Teacher holds bolster up into knee. 11) Malasana over rope with horse to pump knee - use stool for help. • •

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B: Working with Geeta (see photos): 1) Standing Marichyasana: As a rolling box was unavailable, we used a Halasana box. Student holds onto two straps that are tied around the main bar of the horse and places her toes up on a Viparita Karani box, which is, placed on the Halasana box, against the horse. She rocks back and forth to obtain the knee bend. A rolled mat is placed at the top of the left thigh and behind the knee. 2) She practices putting the left foot up onto the Halasana box and taking it down again without allowing it to roll in. First to the front, then to the side. 3) Supta Padangusthasana: We didn’t have a rolling box, so used Halasana box. Student pushes her left foot into teacher’s palm, and moves top of left thigh towards box. 4) With both legs on the chair Geeta strapped student around the tops of the thighs to the back legs of the chair, placed a rolled mat between her thighs at the pubis to keep them from rolling in and had her squeeze the mat with the thighs, push her feet against a block which we hold against her feet, and move the buttock back to lengthen the hip/groin.

5) 6) 7)

8) 9) 10) 11)

With left leg in a right angle, student places her foot on teacher’s thigh. Place a weight on the right hip and a rolled mat under the left knee. Teacher leans into student to bend the knee as much as possible. It is important to make sure the hip lengthens. Lying supine, put a weight on the right hip to keep it down. Bend the left knee to a right angle; lower it down to the side. Push left foot against teacher’s leg. Purpose here is to bring life to the groin. Lying in Savasana with blocks between the legs from tops of thighs to below the knees, a strap was placed around student’s ankles, and rolled bandages were placed between her knees and the blocks. Student was instructed to squeeze the legs towards the blocks. Trikonasana on the horse - toes of left foot are placed up against a box. Blocks are used to support the right leg in order to get left leg to lift. Parsvakonasana on the horse - blocks are placed under left thigh for support. Standing with legs spread apart at the horse, blocks are placed to support left leg. Sitting on a stool place knees over horse. Teacher stands in front of student with fingers interlocked around her sacrum. Student holds around teacher’s neck and puts her feet on teacher’s thighs. Teacher pulls her forward and up to get a lift in the sacrum.

GALLBLADDER PROBLEMS Female, recent attacks, about 1 hour in duration, with severe pain. Gallstone noted to be present. History of complications with pregnancies (including indigestion) prior to the attacks. Generally weak constitution. Guruji’s response: Gall bladder stone is a bit tricky thing to deal with. While having attack, she should not bend forward but when she has not attack, forward bends are good. Mainly concentrate on backward extension. She might be getting chest pain or chest pricks too. So lying on crosswise bolsters, or prop Viparita Dandasana, Ustrasana support5ed with stool, lying on platform with bolster as a back support and feet down etc. will help. In short a back arch, with full support to back where abdomen gets extension will be always helpful. Sirsasana with support of wall and rope, Sarvangasana on chair with legs backward, Setubandha Sarvangasana etc. are OK. Standing poses - only Ardha Chandrasana. Forward bends only concave back and no bending forward. When there is no attack, Pindasana and Parsva Pindasana in Sarvangasana, Parsva Halasana all half way on chair. Not to allow any abdomen contraction. Under the situation of very bad pain, simply sitting against bench or pillows etc. with concave back in which chest remains up will help. In short, fully supported back, in slanting Dandasana, Swastikasana, Baddha Konasana, even Navasana with back and legs supported will help.


Standing poses done at horse using arms for support on horse:   Trikonasana Parivrrta Trikonasana   Parsvakonasana Ardha Chandrasana Virabhadrasana II Parsvottanasana at wall and independent of wall Virabhadrasana I using ropes Virabhadrasana III (at horse again) Maricyasana III at column Upavista konasana on horse or beam Uttanasana (relaxed) with chin on support Uttanasana concave Adho Mukha Svanasana in ropes Bhujangasana in wall ropes Purvottanasana in wall ropes Neck Hang at wall ropes Viparita Dandasana on chair  Urdhva Dhanurasana with hands on low support Kapotasana with support Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana Sirsasana in pelvic swing Sirsasana in wall ropes Sarvangasana on padded bench at wall Viparita Karani Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

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2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21)

HEPATITIS Guruji’s comments: Do lots of Janu Sirsasana, Parivrrta Janu Sirsasana, inverted poses and Viparita Dandasana. Kapotasana on a chair. These will be helpful - Paschimottanasana, Ubhay Padangustasana, twists. You can do Padmasana, all movements of Pindasana, Parsva Pindasana in Sirsasana and Sarvangasana. They are good. Supta Virasana is also good. Supta Baddha Konasana also. PRANAYAMA: Viloma Pranayama

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Very stiff female whose legs were very tight.  A. General Sequence: Sequence: 1) Cross pillows 2) Adho Mukha Virasana 3) Supta Virasana on heart bench 4) Adho Mukha Virasana 5) Supta Baddha Konasana (with support for chest & thighs) 6) Adho Mukha Virasana 7) Adho Mukha Svanasana on ropes to stool (head rested or arms over bench) 8) Chair twist or Marichyasana on backbender 9) Forward bends with support: Janu Sirsasana Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana Janu Sirsasana 10) Paschimottanasana with support 11) Viparita Karani 12) Savasana (can omit)

10 min 3 min 5 min 1 min 5 min

1 min 3-5 min

twice each side, briefly 3 minutes each side

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5 min 10 min 10 min

B. For student who has been doing yoga then after after the chest opening poses some some standing poses could be done with support of the horse. And after the forward bending poses do: 1) half Halasana (toes on chair) 5 min 2) Chair Sarvangasana 5 min 3) half Halasana (thighs on chair) 5 min 4) Setu Bandha on bench 5 min 5) Viparita Karani 5 min C. If the student had been doing Sirsasana, do this after forward bends (where you you emphasize the side chest opening) and before half Halasana.

HYSTERECTOMY 1. Baddha Konasana with back to backbender; bending back so back concave; weight at feet 2. Upavista Konasana as above 3. Adho Mukha Svanasana on ropes 4. Uttanasana - concave position 5. Prasarita Padottanasana Padottanasana - front front body supported and head up 6. Forward bends - Concave position first, then head supported 7. Sirsasana with brick between legs 8. Sarvangasana on support and with brick 9. half Halasana 10. Adho Mukha Svanasana on ropes Comments: Immediately after surgery can do mild poses: legs up the wall, Dandasana

LIVER PROBLEMS 1. Virasana (forward, and twist to side with bolster on each side; repeat for second side) 2. Janu Sirsasana - (twist over extended leg to bolster) 3. Navasana (with belts around thoracic spine and sole of feet; support with hands behind or  do between pillar and wall, in doorway, etc.) 4. Paschimottanasana (with (with twist to bolster on side, feet feet apart; repeat on second second side) 5. Paschimottanasana Paschimottanasan a (forward, with block between feet) 6. Dwi Pada Viparita Viparita Dandasana (raise (raise feet to activate activate liver, pump pump with feet to to open)

LOW BLOOD PRESSURE Geeta’s comments: “Make her do Janu Sirsasana, Paschimottanasana before Sirsasana, repeat again Janu Sirsasana, Paschimottanasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana. This cycle lessens the dizzy feeling. She should keep her eyes opened when the dizziness she gets. Half Halasana on high stool also will help her provided she keeps her eyes opened. After getting confidence in Halasana and Sarvangasana, you can start with Sirsasana.”

LOW BLOOD SUGAR  A. General poses to practice: 1) The following poses neutralize the force of the brain:   Uttanasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Janu Sirsasana   Paschimottanasana 2) Sirsasana - flushes the cells of brain which got coated with smoke; dilutes coating of  smoke 3) Sarvangasana - opens and clears the pores of the lungs, expands lungs 4) Halasana - takes off heaviness of temples - non-smokers sometimes get headache here 5) Setu Bandhasana - draws energy back to temples which are now clear  6) Twists - those which work on liver ( not just pancreas) since liver stores glucose for example Maricyasana III and IV, Pasasana 7) Backbends 8) Janu Sirsasana (5-10 min per side) • • • •

MASTECTOMY: IMMEDIATELY POST-SURGERY Immediately after surgery  A. Backbend Sequence: 1) Supta Baddha Konasana on 3 levels with legs strapped (7-10 minutes) 2) Supta Virasana on low bolster (7-10 minutes) 3) Supta Virasana forward with wrists above shoulders (3 minutes) 4) Adho Mukha Svanasana with head on 2 bricks (3 minutes) 5) Uttanasana - repeat between standing poses with head supported high enough that back is concave 6) Trikonasana 7) Ardha Chandrasana 8) Virabhadrasana III with support 9) Parivrrta Trikonasana 10) Prasarita Padottanasana 11) Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana 12) Baddha Konasana (5 minutes) with blankets under knees and weights on thighs 13) Sirsasana on rope (10 minutes) do not overstretch or have the “spindles scratch the skin” 14) Sarvangasana on chair (10 minutes) 15) Viparita Dandasana with slanting plank on crossed bolsters 16) Viparita Dandasana on chair, with legs horizontal; gradually descend feet over  weeks/months 17) Viparita Karani (10 minutes) •

Comments: Do not do Virabhadrasana I or II, Parsvakonasana, or Parivrtta Parsvakonasana) B. Forward Bend Sequence: 1) Supta Baddha Konasana - include if there is flooding 2) Supta Virasana 3) Supta Virasana - forward with wrists above shoulders 4) Adho Mukha Svanasana - with head on 2 bricks (3 minutes) 5) Uttanasana - repeat between standing poses with enough support under head for back to be concave 6) Trikonasana 7) Ardha Chandrasana 8) Virabhadrasana III - with support 9) Parivrrta Trikonasana 10) Prasarita Padottanasana 11) Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana 12) Sirsasana on rope - do not overstretch or have the “spindles scratch the skin” (10 minutes) 13) Sarvangasana on chair - (10 minutes) 14) Baddha Konasana - with blankets under knees and weights on thighs (5 minutes) 15) Forward Bends (3-5 minutes per side) - keep wrists above shoulders Janu Sirsasana Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana Paschimottanasana) (3-5 minutes per side) • • • •

16) 17)

Bharadvajasana Setu Bandha - (7-10 minutes)

Comments: Do not do Maricyasana PRANAYAMA: Do Viloma Do NOT do Ujjayi Do NOT do Khumbhaka Do nadi sodhhana


Uttanasana Tadasana Adho Mukha Vrksasana (2 times) Pinca Mayurasana Uttanasana (feet together, extend arms and shoulders to dig shoulder blades in) Trikonasana (2 times) slide rear foot back more and press hand to floor  emphasize lowering the arm and shoulder down If cannot get the hand to floor, take feet wider  Parsvakonasana as in Trikonasana, move back foot to widen stance keep weight on outer edge of front and back foot Virabhadrasana I (2 times) place pole behind neck and in front of raised arms lift head and sides of ribs stretch elbows Virabhadrasana III - Do as above with pole head down, stretch arms and elbows Virabhadrasana II stretch the arms wide and open the chest lower the trapezium - this prevents blood pressure from rising Parivrrta Trikonasana keep back hand on the waist for a long time take forward hand a long way out from forward foot and press it into the floor  move back the inner buttock of forward leg - the inner anal-mouth moves towards back heel lift sternum forward more; roll the collar bones forward Parsvottanasana take hands far up the back, near the neck Prasarita Padottanasana press palms into the floor  keep head up, concave back roll the collar bones forward hold for a long time, then lower head to floor  Sirsasana - with strap around elbows and 3-fold blanket under head, “v” poles on forearms Adho Mukha Svanasana - to release neck Virasana   Parvatasana   Twists Ardha Padmasana - 3 times (second and third times hold foot and twist) Padmasana twist to each side hold opposite knee with forward hand; hold foot or inner thigh with back hand change legs and repeat twist Bharadvajasana keep sides of chest level, spine perpendicular to floor  do not lean back outside foot crosses instep of inside foot Urdhva Dhanurasana - On a bench (like Viparita Karani bench) this prevents strain or overstretching of chest turn hands out, rest head on bench • • •


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14) 15) 16)

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17) 18)

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push up into pose, walk in, stretch arms/elbows do 3-4 times with hands on bench, then 3-4 times with feet on bench, hands on floor  Viparita Dandasana from Urdhva Dhanurasana, with hands braced against the wall lower the head to the floor, keeping hands braced at wall arch the neck and look toward heels catch elbows at wall and clasp hands behind head. (2 times) repeat a third time with feet on Viparita Karani bench, arms and head on sticky mat on the floor  Go up and re-adjust the feet, with heels on bench and soles of feet up wall Straighten knees to open chest more measure the distance first, before going up, so can straighten legs in pose TWISTS - sit on heart bench or equivalent height resist with central spine and twist outer side of body keep sides of chest even; do not lean back Maricyasana III - 2 times Ardha Matsyendrasana   Bharadvajasana Sarvangasana - 3 rolled blankets under upper arms to allow chest to open without strain (10 minutes or more) Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - on Viparita Karani bench feet raised and braced, as on a window ledge straighten legs to open chest Swastikasana - rest head on support like Setu Bandha bench Savasana hips on floor  upper torso and head on 3-4 blankets one extra blanket under head. • •


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23) 24)

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25) 26)

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Savasana with weight (25# or more) on pelvis/abdomen NOT on top of thighs, (to help kidneys move down/out) two quarter-rounds (side by side, so form a half-round) placed high under/across shoulder blades (to open the chest) use block to support back of head. Supta Padangusthasana with strap around shoulder blades and top foot roll a blanket and place it crosswise under shoulder blades (high) to keep top chest open descend the kidneys use blanket under head if needed Urdhva Dhanurasana start with head on Viparita Karani box hands turned out and holding sides of box go up onto toes, walk in, straighten arms, stretch the upper arms and triceps NOTE: if arms cannot straighten, place 2 Viparita Karani benches side-by-side so arms are wider. Then elbows can straighten. Work to stretch arms not legs. Until arms can straighten, chest cannot stretch/open. Kapotasana over Halasana bench kneel on pillow, in front of bench with legs back through bench support knees with rolled sticky mat, if needed bend back over bench place a bolster on bench, bend back, arms and hands can hang down or hold around legs of Halasana bench place two quarter-rounds (side-by-side to form half-round) on top of Halasana bench, and bend back again Kapotasana on pillow horse kneel on low table, about height of removable bar on horse bend back over horse so upper back/shoulder blades arch over top of horse wrap arms around the top of horse, or lightly hold removable bar  Sarvangasana on chair  Halasana on bench Setu Bandha Sarvangasana with support. •


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6) 7) 8)

Comments: “Do not overstretch. Do not tear the cells”.

MENSTRUAL PROBLEMS: IRREGULAR OR NON-EXISTENT PERIOD Irregular period, weak and shaky in upper body. Guruji’s comments: “If the defect is hormones which is possible, only inverted poses with variations will help her. Since she is weak and shaky in the upper body, she can do head balance on rope and shoulder stand with chair with all variations. When she develops strength, she can do variations of head balance. Let her do Janu Sirsasana with timings along with Upavista Konasana, Baddha Konasana and other poses. Do not make her do standing poses. She should also not walk too long.”

MENSTRUAL PERIOD The following are excerpts from Geeta’s Iyengar’s response to the menstrual sequence below that was sent to her for review and correction. “This program is good in general to remove fatigue, check the bleeding etc. But sometimes, when they have head heaviness due to tension, Uttanasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana is added. Ardha Chandrasana and Trikonasana for heavy bleeding and dysmennorrhea is taught. What about that part?.... It is correct to begin with Supta Virasana when a woman is tired. For  women with low blood pressure, lack of energy, emotional upset, we begin with Viparita Dandasana. Why Matsyasana is omitted? Even if some do not get cross-legs, one can learn with one leg in Padmasana and other in Swastikasana, so the knees are also prepared for  cross-legs gradually. If with one leg also it is impossible, then Swastikasana-simple cross-legs to help. Supta Baddha Konasana should be along with these supine, so they finish with supine at a stretch..... The back-benders and cross bolsters are not same. The cross-bolster is Setu Bandha, which gives last - either with bench or bolster. (If) the backbender is not available they can use the chair, or small stool to curve back, or an extra layer of bolsters so the crown of the head remains down..... Rest of the forward sequence are O.K., but why Upavista Konasana (bending forward) and Parsva Upavista Konasana is omitted?” Supta Virasana Backbender or Cross bolsters Upavista Konasana Baddha Konasana Janu Sirsasana  Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana Paschimottanasana Baddha Konasana in Setu Bandha Supta Baddha Konasana Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Savasana


Neck Hang stand facing rope wall, place knot of rope at 7th cervical clasp hands with arms behind back, stretching away First rope Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, feet into front of heart bench at wall, repeat a few times chin way up, have shoulders as wide apart as possible Standing Maricyasana III - 3 times with chin up Seated Bharadvajasana- at least 3 times sitting on low stool, near pillar or wall bolster between body and pillar  head against bolster, chin up Ardha Matsyendrasana - at least 3 times work on clasping hands Virasana - hands in Namaste Ardha Chandrasana - against wall or horse, 3 times Trikonasana - 3 times facing horse, move sacrum deep in toward horse side of head on horse, chin up Ceiling rope hang hold rope with palms facing back sit down toward floor in cross legs move head and trunk forward do this (moving down and forward) a few times. Neck hang off stage with stump - arch neck over stump (10 minutes) Urdhva Dhanurasana - do from standing with help of teacher about 3 times. Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana - do from standing with teacher’s help in coming down and opening chest. Viparita Dandasana bench - use bolster at end, rolled blanket under neck (10 minutes) Sirsasana in rope at wall with heartbench, sticky mat, bolster crosswise, blanket so head supported hands holding heart bench near wall (10 minutes) helper assists in coming out of pose, swings head and shoulders up Neck hang off stage place sticky mat on stage, with a blanket rolled lengthwise at end of stage student lies down supine on mat, knees bent, neck hangs off blanket place a rope on chin (small weight hanging on rope) helper holds rope at chin (5 minutes) Setu Bandha Sarvangasana on bench. • •


3) 4)

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6) 7) 8)

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10) 11) 12) 13) 14)

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NECK PROBLEMS: IN SARVANGASANA Overweight student, trapezium hunched upwards, Sarvangasana hurts neck, is hard to do. Guruji’s general recommendations: Put rolls or sandbag under shoulders near neck so cervical spine free to go up Manipulate trapezius muscles with fingers Place roll or bolster under elbows Comments: If there is pain in the neck after Sarvangasana, have student lie on horse or table with sticky mat on edge to pad the neck, hang head off edge to get traction on neck. Teacher  can use a rope across the underside of the chin to pull down and give more traction. DO NOT follow Sarvangasana with Matsyasana (as recommended by some) - this could injure neck.

NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS  A. In the following sequence, ground femurs to the maximum (take the upper leg bones to the hamstring muscles, and feel as if the upper leg bone is moving toward the skin on the back of the thigh). 1. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana - stand on heart bench with high end under heels 2. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana - hands behind back on very high bar of a vertically positioned backbender  3. Urdhva Hastasana - against wall with arms extended straight up 4. Namaste hands - slant board wedged between forearms and thoracic back 5. Supta Padangustasana I & II - lying in Tadasana with heels and ball joints of feet firmly depressed into the wall to start 6. Uttanasana - ball joints of toes on highest part of heart bench 7. Adho Mukha Svanasana - outer heels press into chair legs 8. Trikonasana - at the horse 9. Parsvakonasana - at the horse 10. Ardha Chandrasana - at the horse 11. Sarvangasana - - front body facing wall with high horizontal ledge, feet hook on ledge 12. Halasana - femur bones supported by Halasana bench topped with blanket roll 13. Savasana B. Suggested forward bends (which open the hip socket by encouraging the head of upper leg bone to go to outer part of hip socket): 1. V pose 2. Ardha Navasana (with heels supported, hands into floor) 3. Half Halasana C. The normal person can exceed their normal limits with regard to asana intensity and body/room temperature, and recover quickly. However, the process of adapting to environmental conditions is hampered in the person with a neurological condition, and so is their  ability to recover from exhaustion. Therefore the person with a neurological condition must stay within their comfort zone, or fatigue and ‘burn out’ will last much longer, the body and/or mind may become agitated, and breathing trouble may also result. Never have students work in the heat (can cause physical sickness including nausea and weakness). If the student has come to exhaustion, restorative practice is imperative, and should be continued for a few days after  energy has returned to normal. “Fatigue is an expression of the nerves”. D. With a M.S. patient, the external body is often shaky, which can make the emotional body unstable. Yoga can often lessen the need for medication to calm the emotions. E. Shaking: When there is shaking the flesh is not taken to the bone sufficiently. In the case of  a shaking limb, it is not fully extended; some contraction is present - so one must extend to the maximum. To stop leg spasm, rotate the femurs in towards each other to open the hip sockets. The following poses are helpful in getting this action: 1. V Pose - body sandwiched into a vertical Paschimottanasana between walls 2. Virasana 3. Half Halasana F. Extension/Contraction: With many nervous conditions, the student does not have full feeling as far as the sense of touch goes. So to extend into a physical surface is of critical importance. The student needs a reference point to move into for proper extension. Maximum extension of  the limb into a solid surface such as the wall or floor also helps to free the nerve passageways, and the channels become clearer. Extension of the muscles and bones to the maximum cancels

or reduces contraction in the body which reduces contraction in the mind. Extending the body by way of the asanas will leave one with a greater sense of mental stability. G. Mr. Iyengar commented that these students “must not hang off of dead bones”. Such students may work mostly from the joints and ligaments, which can leave the student feeling irritated or agitated. These students must take the work out of the joint and into the muscle. The flesh must come to the bone, or the bone does not receive enough enervation and nourishment. For example, rope Sirsasana (in which the muscles don’t get a chance to work, and are hanging off of the bones) is less effective than lying on a slant board with the feet higher than head. H. Teachers should select poses that will open up the 2 major nerve plexae (the brachial plexus at upper arm and the sacral nerve plexus at the region of the upper leg). I. Students need to exercise caution when doing poses requiring sudden bursts of energy (i.e. full backbends, handstands, Pinca Mayurasana). J. Nerve signals: Efferent signals are those from the brain to the muscle; afferent are those sent from muscle to brain. Sometimes the efferent signal works, but the afferent signal isn’t properly registered in the brain; the brain never gets the message that an action has been completed, and the nerve continues to fire even though the person no longer intends for movement to occur. This can result in hypersensitivity of the skin, or spasming. Also, the insulating coating of the nerve (Myelin sheath) is sometimes deteriorated, which results in nerve signals being interrupted.

OVARIAN CANCER 1. Baddha Konasana - sitting and slanting back 2. Upavista Konasana - against wall or bolsters 3. Viparita Karani If student has sufficient strength, do: 1. Sirsasana 2. Parsva Sirsasana 3. Parsvaikapada Sirsasana 4. Baddha Konasana in Sirsasana 5. Upavista in Sirsasana 6. Sarvangasana 7. Parsva Sarvangasana on bench 8. Parsvaikapada Sarvangasana (resting foot on bench) 9. Parsva Halasana on bench  Alternative sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Upavista Konasana Supta Baddha Konasana Supta Padangusthasana (support leg when taken out to side) Supta Virasana Setubandha Sarvangasana Viparita Karani

PRANAYAMA: Viloma I and II in Supta Baddha Konasana

PAP TEST - POSITIVE Pap tests positive over a period of time but no further evidence of cervical cancer   A. INITIAL SEQUENCE: 1) Forward bending poses: In this sequence, extend the lower body (from the pubis to the diaphragm) towards the head and at the same time lower than the sides of the waist).   Uttanasana Prasarita Padottanasana Parsva Uttanasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Janu Sirsasana   Paschimottanasana 2) Inversions and variations: with bar support for Sirsasana high position of blankets for Sarvangasana. 3) Ustrasana and Laghuvajrasana (using ropes to go up and down) In these poses, the initiative should be from the lower abdominal center. 4) Pasasana and Ardhamatsyendrasana III • • • • • •

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B: Following minor cryosurgery, with pap tests returning to normal again, practice changed to: 1. Standing poses at horse, facing the horse 2. Sirsasana - half headstand between column and wall so the lower abdomen is half-active and half-passive. Comments: Follow this practice for at least several months, up to a full year.

PREGNANCY Sequence used at RIMYI for those with no complications 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Cross bolsters Supta Virasana Matsyasana Supta Baddha Konasana Chest opener on horse (elbows on horse and hands up) Stand by horse on wall with block: Utthita Trikonasana Utthita Parsvakonasana Half Uttanasana with hands on horse Ardha Chandrasana Virabhadrasana I with hands on horse/foot on tall stool Viparita Dandasana on backbender  Janu Sirsasana - sit on blankets and use belt Upavista Konasana - concave back Baddha Konasana - concave back Chair Sarvangasana or Viparita Karani Supta Konasana Setu Bandha on bench Savasana • • • • •

7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14)

PREGNANCY PROBLEMS: INABILITY TO CONCEIVE Two different individuals who had had difficulty conceiving and did become pregnant after  following this program for 6 months used the following sequence. When Guruji was consulted about one of these cases what he wrote back was that “Both husband and wife have to do yoga. All back bends help. Medication does not help”. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Supta Virasana Platform curvature Sirsasana on ropes Supta Baddha Konasana on horse Upavista Konasana with concave back Baddha Konasana with concave back Janu Sirsasana with concave back Supported Sarvangasana and Ardha Supta Konasana on two wide Halasana benches Setu Bandha and Parsva Setu Bandha

PREGNANCY PROBLEMS: NAUSEA Geeta’s comments: “These ladies should not do standing poses in the beginning of the class. First they have to do the Dandasana “L” shape on the bolster (see figure). Then Supta Virasana on high bolster. The liver has to get the concavity. Setubandha Sarvangasana, Sarvangasana on chair will help. Later you ask them to do standing poses. Over extension of the abdomen gives nauseating feeling.”

PSORIASIS Female student following special asana program to address menstrual problems including severe headaches and cramps a week before and during period. The program included many inverted poses, Supta Virasana, Supta Baddha Konasana, Setu Bandha, Upavista Konasana, and some standing poses at the horse, twists and forward bends. Guruji’s response: “Regarding psoriasis, as the quality of blood improves, the peeling of skin and cracks continues. Yoga helps in cleansing the blood but may not act as a cure. That is my experience. Forward bending and twists help to relieve cramps besides what you are taking. Halasana with bandage cloth has to be done using bolster for shoulder and head loose.”

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, DIABETES, AND SJOGREN SYNDROME 1. Uttanasana with ropes (head resting) 2. Adho Mukha Svanasana with ropes (head supported) 3. Prasarita Padottanasana (abdomen resting on bench or equivalent) 4. Uttanasana (abdomen resting) 5. Baddha Konasana (at wall for support) 6. Upavistakonasana (at wall for support) 7. Supta Baddha Konasana 8. Supta Virasana 9. Janu Sirsasana (sitting on slope of backbender, supported as necessary 10. Paschimottanasana 11. Bharadvajasana on chair  12. Marichyasana (standing) 13. Viparita Dandasana with support 14. Sarvangasana on chair  15. Half Halasana 16. Half Supta Konasana 17. Setubandha Sarvangasana on cross bolsters 18. Viparita Karani 19. Savasana prone/supine


Ujjayi pranayama with beginning stretches, to the side, twist, elbows at back of head Shoulder and neck warm-ups at wall with arm behind, stretch neck away from wall   Gomukhasana   Garudasana Pelvic tilts Lunge series - with hip openers, child’s pose, eventually Virabhadrasana I Standing poses Urdhva Hastasana at wall, bend down to half Uttanasana Trikonasana - use chair in front, back heel at wall   Parsvakonasana Virabhadrasana II Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana with strap, leg on chair or ledge Parsvottanasana at wall Parivrrta Trikonasana at wall with chair  3-part pull - at kitchen sink or ledge Adho Mukha Svanasana at wall, one leg up, then two legs up wall Elbow Dog at wall Passive backbends over bolster  backward bending bench over bed bridge pose over bolster  Supta Virasana Supta Baddhakonasana Back strengtheners - on stomach Salabhasana - lift 1 leg, both legs Variations of Cobra - lift upper torso, hands interlaced behind, out to side, with chair    Vasisthasana Ustrasana with chair or blocks Setu Bandha - bridging in the beginning Urdhva Dhanurasana - over chair in the beginning Chair twist Bharadvajasana on floor with bolster  Viparita Karani in beginning, Sarvangasana with chair, and at wall Abdominal strengtheners: Sit ups, Urdhva Prasarita Padasana, cross overs/curl downs Supta Padangusthasana Crocodile twist

• • •

3) 4) 5)

• • • • • • • •

6) 7) 8)

• • • • • •


• •

10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19)

PRANAYAMA: Ujjayi lying down with emphasis on long inhalation especially on concave side When lying down put a washcloth or some material under hollow concave side to even out sides RELAXATION • •


SHOULDER PROBLEMS: PROBLEMS: STRAINED AND SWOLLEN Geeta’s comments: “In Trikonasana, Parsvakonasana and Ardha Chandrasana: with the the hand on the injured side down, keep that hand higher by placing on the brick and turn the palm and fingers 90 degrees degrees out. This fixes the shoulder blade inward. When doing the pose to the other  side, and the injured arm is extended up, throw the arm back in the shoulder, as against a wall/door or horse so the right shoulder blade cuts cuts in. It is better if you can hold something with with that hand, like a grill or rope. In Virabhadrasana I, hold a bar or brick in the hands and keep the the upper arm belted. Roll the deltoid muscles in....In in....In Sirsasana, Sirsasana, use bars to each shoulder. Don’t allow the elbows to slip out.... In Sarvangasana, belt belt the elbows and put heavy bars on the upper arms near the armpits. armpits. The upper arms have to be pressed heavily downwards...In Urdhva Dhanurasana keep the palms turned outwards 90 degrees and lift your back up from stool height rather than from the floor. In Uttanasana, keep the legs apart sufficiently and hold a bar from behind while bending down, and roll the hands from behind over the shoulders....In shoulders....In Halasana keep the arms backward fixed in the legs of a chair and put bars on the arms. All what you need is proper upper arm rotations.”


Uttanasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Janu Sirsasana Paschimottanasana Sirsasana Sarvangasana Halasana Setu Bandhasana

Comments: The first four poses neutralize the force of the brain. Sirsasana flushes the cells of  brain, which got coated with smoke, smoke, diluting the smoke coating. Sarvangasana opens and clears the pores of the lungs. Halasana takes away the the heaviness at the temples temples (non-smokers tend to get headaches at the temple area when when exposed to second hand smoke). Setu Bandhasana Bandhasana draws energy back to temples, which have been cleared by Halasana.

SPASTIC DYSPHONIA Female student with spastic dysphonia (disorder of the neck muscles affecting voice box). Guruji’s response: About dysphonia, the frontal neck muscles should be made soft. Particularly in the inversions, they are hard. Rope Sirsasana, Dwipada Viparita Viparita Dandasana on prop. Forward bends with concave back, Nirlamba Sarvangasana, Nirlamba Halasana are good. In these if you insert your fingers, fingers should sink. Parsva Pindasana in Padmasana with timings are good. In Urdhva Dhanurasana, head should move back with the sternum. Thickness in neck means no relief.”

UTERINE FIBROIDS Pre-menopausal woman; recently diagnosed fibroid tumors which are growing rapidly; increasing fatigue, and constant sense of being pre-menstrual. Guruji’s comments: You can do Inverted poses on rope Sarvangasana on chair  Standing poses with the help of the horse turning the horse 75 degrees back on one side so that rear leg and leg on floor in other  asanas help for better rotation of pelvic girdle. Parsvottanasana head back with both legs straight and rear leg made harder to get the stretch Prasarita Padottanasana resting the lower abdomen on a stool Janu Sirsasana (lots of this) Bharadvajasana I and II Backbends on a high stool Pindasana and Parsva Pindasana in Sarvangasana Parsva Halasana Supta Baddhakonasana If she does Padmasana, progress will be fast if Pindasana is done in head to neck balance.

UTERINE FIBROIDS DURING PREGANCY Two fibroids ( 11X9 cm and 9X8 cm)  A. GENERAL SEQUENCE 1) Viparita Karani - on blankets, not bolster, straight or bent legs (10 minutes) 2) Adho Mukha Svanasana - with hands on chair (1 minute) 3) Prasarita Padottanasana - with head supported if doesn’t reach floor (3 minutes) 4) Sirsasana (5 minutes) practice in a corner, blocks on outside of elbows, with one and later two chairs to use in coming up into pose Turn the toes in to create space and soften perineum Stop practicing the pose at 7 1/2 months. 5) Virasana 6) Supta Virasana (5 minutes) Use high stack of blankets for nearly vertical support of the spine and neck 7) Viparita Dandasana (5 minutes) legs across 2 chairs, bolster and blanket under head, blanket or mat on chair  8) Prasarita Padottanasana (3 minutes) with head on chair or removable bar of horse 9) Sarvangasana on chair (5-10 minutes) bolster behind legs, straight legs up and then crossed legs 10) Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (5 minutes) on a bench, blankets under shoulders legs hanging over bolsters, or feet on the floor, straddling sides of bench 11) Supta Baddha Konasana (5 minutes) use high stack of blankets for nearly vertical support of the spine and neck legs belted, hands on thighs or blocks 12) Viparita Karani (10 minutes) on blankets, not bolster, straight or bent legs 13) Side lying relaxation pose (10 minutes) lying on left side, right calf on chair  blanket support under belly and head, underneath right arm •

• •

• •

• •

• •

B: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Other poses that can be included: Ardha Chandrasana (against the wall, hand to block) Upavista Konasana (support under buttocks) Baddha Konasana (support under buttocks)] Shoulder opening poses (arms in Garudasana, Gomukasana, Namaskar behind back) Sitting squats, elbows to knees (on chair, or on bolster and blankets with back to wall)

C: PRANAYAMA: Viloma or Ujjayi (Baddha Konasana setup with legs spread wide to support soft belly) Pratiloma (sitting on chair)


Uttanasana (30 seconds to 1 minute, 2 times) Adho Mukha Vrksasana (30 seconds to 1 minute, 2 times) Adho Mukha Svanasana (30 seconds to 1 minute, 1 time) Pinca Mayurasana (at wall with strap above elbows) (30 seconds to 1 minute) THE FOLLOWING POSES CALM UTERUS AREA, REDUCE SPOTTING Sirsasana on rope swing (10 minutes) Sarvangasana on backbender (10 minutes) shoulders on bolster, head on floor, arms relaxed, legs stretched out Baddha Konasana on Viparita Dandasana bench (10 minutes) hang back with shoulders on bolster, head on floor  legs strapped and wrapped in blanket tightly rope belt held to bend with strap Sarvangasana on chair - legs back (10 minutes) Viparita Karani - legs strapped (10 minutes)

5) 6)


• • •

8) 9)

Comments: NO standing poses, except on occasion.


Baddha Konasana seated on blankets with back support, slanting plank at chest level (or  small wooden block or bandage) and head back with neck support, weight to toes to keep buttocks in Upavista Konasana as above with weight at pelvis between legs Dandasana as above with weight at feet NOTE: if the person is very stiff then instead of the above three poses do platform curvature, cross bolster Setu Bandha, Supta Virasana and Supta Baddha Konasana all with chest support and slanting plank Adho Mukha Svanasana with forehead support (independent or at ropes) Urdhva Mukha Svanasana on chair, platform or ropes Ardha Uttanasana over tall stool with pillow and rolled blanket to abdomen - extend arms forward to open chest Prasarita Padottanasana with chest support and chin forward and supported Rope Sirsasana or with 2 bars supporting shoulders Chair or bench Viparita Dandasana Urdhva Dhanurasana over tall bench or cylinder  Ustrasana on short Halasana box with bolster, blankets Supported Sarvangasana Savasana with chest opening support •

4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

BACKACHE :  A. FOR MORE BEGINNING STUDENTS AND THOSE IN ACUTE PAIN 1) Bharadvajasana on chair  2) Utthita Marichyasana III 3) Pavanmuktasana on bench 4) Supta Padangusthasana with traction - straight and to side (bent and/or straight legs) 5) Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana at ropes NOTE: the sequence of these last two poses has to be decided according to the problem or person. For some the pain is aggravated while standing and for  others the pain is aggravated while on the back 6) Ardha Uttanasana at rope & stretching to stool or with support over tall stool 7) Rope Adho Mukha Svanasana 8) Standing poses as possible with support Utthita Trikonasana Utthita Parsvakonasana halfway Parsvottanasana Ardha Chandrasana 9) Savasana (can be done on stomach with weight on sacrum or on back with calves resting on a chair depending on student comfort) •

• • • •

B. FOR MORE INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS 1. Utthita Marichyasana 2. Standing poses with support as above 3. Rope Adho Mukha Svanasana 4. Supported Uttanasana 5. Supta Padangusthasana straight and to side with traction 6. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana at ropes - front and side 7. Rope Sirsasana 8. Supported Sarvangasana 9. Half Halasana 10. Viparita Karani 11. Savasana C. Program given specifically for “slipped disc” 1. Savasana with weights on thighs 2. Prone position with weights on sacrum 3. Supta Padangusthasana - bent legs, then straight legs 4. Pavanmuktasana supine with both legs bent, toward stomach and to side 5. Pavanmuktasana on bench 6. Utthita Marichyasana 7. Bharadvajasana 8. Adho Mukha Svanasana with rope 9. Uttanasana 90 degree extension with traction 10. Savasana with weights

CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME 1. Platform curvature (Purvottanasana) 2. Cross bolster Setu Bandha 3. Supta Virasana 4. Matsyasana or Supta Swastikasana 5. Supta Baddha Konasana 6. Viparita Dandasana on backbender  7. Rope Sirsasana or independent when possible 8. Rope Adho Mukha Svanasana 9. Uttanasana on high stool resting abdomen on rolled blankets or bolster  10. Supported seated Forward Bends 11. Chair Sarvangasana 12. Half Halasana 13. Setu Bandha 14. Viparita karani Comment: if there is depression then do quick standing poses first and then some restorative poses.

CONSTIPATION 1) 2) 3) 4)

Cross pillow Setu Bandha Platform Curvature Supta Virasana Supta Baddha Konasana NOTE: the above postures release one from tension constipation. In some cases standing poses can be added here but with support so as not to cause dryness and increase the constipation. Otherwise and for chronic constipation continue as follows: Sirsasana Sarvangasana Halasana Parsva Halasana Parsva Pindasana/Parsva Karnapidasana Setu Bandha on bench Viparita Karani •

5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11)

DIABETES  A. This basic program is for both diabetes insipidus and mellitus but for diabetes insipidus you should concentrate on inversions including Adho Mukha Vrksasana and Pinca Mayurasana if  there are no blood pressure problems. 1. Supta Swastikasana or Supta Virasana 2. Supta Baddha Konasana 3. Uttanasana on rope with head support 4. Adho Mukha Svanasana on rope with head support 5. Supported Navasana 6. Seated forward bends (whatever possible) 7. Twists on chair, backbender or sitting on blankets 8. Back arches (chair Viparita Dandasana or whatever possible) 9. Inversions (ropes Sirsasana, chair Sarvangasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Viparita Karani) 10. Savasana Comment: Geeta and Guruji have said you need to take the pancreas through its range of  motion.

DIARRHEA 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Cross bolster Setu Bandha Supta Virasana Supta Baddha Konasana Matsyasana or Supta Swastikasana Rope Sirsasana Viparita Dandasana with support (backbender or stool or chair with legs raised slightly) Chair Sarvangasana Setu Bandha on table with legs strapped Viparita karani Savasana NOTE: if the abdomen is hard and tensed do Savasana in Swastikasana with legs and head both supported •

FIBROIDS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13)

Standing poses preferably at horse to keep abdomen will opened: Utthita Trikonasana Utthita Parsvakonasana Virabhadrasana II Ardha Chandrasana Parsvottanasana Prasarita Padottanasana with abdomen on stool Supported Urdhva Dhanurasana Padmasana and Matsyasana if possible or cross legs Upavista Konasana Baddha Konasana Sirsasana with the block between upper thighs and belted Sarvangasana with block between upper thighs and belted and toes to wall NOTE: once they master the poses then do Sirsasana and Sarvangasana with block first and then Upavista Konasana and Baddha Konasana after that Parsva Sarvangasana Pindasana, Halasana, Parsva Halasana, Parsva Pindasana or whatever possible Janu Sirsasana Paschimottanasana Savasana •

14) 15) 16) 17) 18)

GALLBLADDER PROBLEMS NOTE: This often gives chest pains 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Cross Bolsters Platform Curvature Supta Virasana Supta Baddha Konasana Chair Viparita Dandasana Ustrasana Rope Sirsasana Chair Sarvangasana with legs backward Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

NOTE: When there is no pain Pindasana in Sarvangasana, Parsva Pindasana, Parsva Half  Halasana are good. When there is severe pain, one should sit against a bench or pillows with concave back and chest up (like Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana in doorway or on two chairs or Dandasana, Swastikasana or Baddha Konasana with back to backbender bench

GAS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Supta Virasana Supta Baddha Konasana Platform Curvature Standing poses as possible with support Forward bends   Swastikasana   Virasana Janu Sirsasana   Paschimottanasana NOTE: later add other forward bends as possible) Navasana Urdhva Prasarita Padasana Jathara Parivartanasana (other twistings can be done after awhile) Sirsasana Sarvangasana Setu Bandha Viparita Karani • • • • •

6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

HEADACHE  A. THOSE DUE TO COLD, COUGH OR SINUSES 1) Supta Virasana with bolster to open chest and extend trunk 2) Supta Baddha Konasana again with bolster  3) Cross bolster Setu Bandha 4) Uttanasana with head resting 5) Adho Mukha Svanasana with head resting 6) Prasarita Padottanasana with head resting 7) Chair Viparita Dandasana with head support 8) Rope Sirsasana 9) Adho Mukha Vrksasana 10) Pinca Mayurasana NOTE: often the headache decreases at this stage since the mucus is thrown out. Then add Urdhva Dhanurasana and Viparita Dandasana as these asanas work as expectorants 11) Chair Sarvangasana (With a rolled blanket on the epic of the back of the skull) 12) Half Halasana (With a rolled blanket on the epic of the back of the skull) 13) Setu Bandha on brick or bench 14) Viparita Karani 15) Savasana with chest prop NOTE: if headache is severe then any head-down poses may be uncomfortable and aggravate it. In that case do supta poses, cross bolsters and Savasana. This is also true if there is a sinus infections as inversions should not be done in that case) •

B: ACUTE MIGRAINE 1. Forward extension poses (like Swastikasana, Virasana, Janu Sirsasana with head resting) 2. If these have helped then do Half Halasana using rolled blankets for the back of the neck & another for the back of the head to create space for the base of the head & the epic of the neck to sink in between the blankets 3. Viparita Karani and Savasana both with weight on forehead. C. MIGRAINES BUT NO MIGRAINE WHEN THEY COME TO CLASS NOTE: You have to judge whether it is from excessive tension in neck and shoulder  muscles, stress, depression etc. and adjust accordingly. One sequence that is helpful to avoid migraines when practiced daily: 1) Viparita Karani 2) Supta Baddha Konasana 3) Supta Virasana 4) Adho Mukha Svanasana with rope 5) Uttanasana with rope 6) Forward bends with head support 7) If headache subsides then do: Rope Sirsasana Chair Sarvangasana (w/rolled blanket on the epic of the back of the skull) Half Halasana (w/rolled blanket on the epic of the back of the skull) 8) Otherwise if headache continues do: Setu Bandha on bench Viparita Karani with weight on forehead Savasana with chest support and weight on forehead • • •

• • •


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Neck curvatures on rope, edge of bench, platform with stump Back arches (whatever possible) Inversions Forward bends (whatever possible) Viparita Karani Savasana


IF YOU DON’T KNOW THE REASON FOR THE HEADACHE, TO BE ON THE SAFE SIDE: Adho Mukha Virasana Janu Sirsasana with head on bench Paschimottanasana with head on bench Ardha Uttanasana with head support (half way) Rope Adho Mukha Svanasana with rope and head support Half Halasana Viparita Karani Savasana

NOTE: If headache is from tension in thoracic area and neck then some chair twists may also be appropriate in any of the sequences.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Geeta distinguishes between high blood pressure from physical tension and high blood pressure from mental tension.  A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

FOR MENTAL TENSION: Uttanasana with head support Adho Mukha Svanasana with head support Prasarita Padottanasana with head support Parsvottanasana with head support Adho Mukha Virasana, head support Adho Mukha Swastikasana, head support Janu Sirsasana, head support Paschimottanasana, head support Later on supine poses and inversions can be added

B. FOR PHYSICAL TENSION: 1) Savasana with chest support and a small weight on the forehead 2) Setu Bandha on cross bolsters 3) Platform curvature 4) Viparita Dandasana on bench with head and neck support 5) Uttanasana with head support or half Uttanasana on the rope 6) Adho Mukha Svanasana on ropes with head support 7) Forward bends with forehead resting on a bench (Swastikasana, Virasana, Paschimottanasana, Janu Sirsasana and then whatever possible and what time allows of Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana, Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana but ending with Paschimottanasana) 8) Supta Virasana 9) Supta Baddha Konasana 10) Setu Bandha on bench 11) Viparita Karani •

HIGH CHOLESTEROL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Savasana with props for chest Cross pillow Setu Bandha with slanting plank Bhishmacharyasana (Shara Panjarasana) Platform curvature with slanting plank Supta Virasana with props for chest Viparita Dandasana on drum or bench Supta Baddha Konasana repeat Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Viparita Karani

HYPERTHYROID 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Forward Extensions Supine postures with head raised higher up in order to relax the throat Viparita Dandasana with support Ustrasana with support Adho Mukha Virasana Rope Sirsasana with head supported and throat relaxed Chair Sarvangasana with head raised to relax throat Viparita Karani with head raised to relax throat

HYPOTHYROID 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Platform curvature Supta Virasana - neck extended Supta Baddha Konasana - neck extended Viparita Dandasana - more neck curvature and preferably independently Rope neck curvature Stump curvature Rope I Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Viparita karani


Cross pillow Setu Bandha Platform Curvature Supta Virasana Supta Baddha Konasana if there is a headache continue from here with variations of supine poses, then Setu Bandha, Viparita Karani with weight and Savasana. otherwise as follows from here. Standing poses Viparita Dandasana on drum or stool Urdhva Dhanurasana Sirsasana Sarvangasana Half Halasana Parsva Half Halasana Setu Bandha on bench Viparita Karani •

5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13)

NOTE: forward bends and twistings can be added after some time as the indigestion gets relieved.

KIDNEY PROBLEMS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Rope Uttanasana Rope Adho Mukha Svanasana Uttanasana on stool (resting abdomen on rolled blankets of bolster) Bharadvajasana on stool Marichyasana Marichyasana sitting on Simhasana box or low stool Pasasana with support (against the gill or holding the frame of the horse) Viparita Dandasana on bench Rope 1 and 2 Forward bends   Virasana   Swastikasana Janu Sirsasana Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana   Paschimottanasana Upavista Konasana Baddha Konasana and Upavista Konasana with support in concave back position Chair Sarvangasana Half Halasana Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Viparita Karani Savasana • • • • • •

11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16)

LIVER PROBLEMS 1. Adho Mukha Swastikasana (first sideways then to the front) 2. Pavanmuktasana in Virasana extending to bolster  3. Janu Sirsasana twisting over the extended leg to a bolster  4. Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana - supported V-shaped pose on two chairs or in doorway 5. Paschimottanasana twisting over to each side like Pavanmuktasana 6. Paschimottanasana with block between the feet 7. Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana with chair and feet on block 8. Chair Sarvangasana 9. Parsva Sarvangasana 10. Half Halasana 11. Parsva Halasana 12. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana 13. Viparita Karani 14. Savasana

SCOLIOSIS Standing poses adjusting to straighten the spine and adjust the rotation. Specifically: 1. Utthita Trikonasana 2. Utthita Parsvakonasana 3. Virabhadrasana II 4. Virabhadrasana I 5. Ardha Chandrasana 6. Prasarita Padottanasana with concave back 7. Parsvottanasana (concave back position) 8. Adho Mukha Svanasana with rope 9. Ardha Uttanasana with rope or support 10. Rope 1 and 2 11. Viparita Dandasana with bench or stool 12. Urdhva Dhanurasana 13. Viparita Dandasana 14. All forward concave extensions in standing with rope (on alternate days one can try Pasasana & then Ardha Matsyendrasana twisting to a support like the grill in Pune) 15. Rope Sirsasana 16. Chair Sarvangasana 17. Half Halasana 18. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

VOMITING FEELING WITH ACIDITY AND OR FATIGUE 1. Supta Virasana 2. Supta Baddha Konasana 3. Matsyasana if possible NOTE: sometimes if the vomiting feeling comes up to throat then L shape poses with back support are better first. 1. Uttanasana with head resting (sometime the stomach, abdomen resting) 2. Adho Mukha Svanasana with head resting 3. Janu Sirsasana with head and possibly abdomen resting (also bending and turning sideways 90 degree outside the straight leg) 4. Paschimottanasana with head & possibly abdomen resting 5. Repeat Janu Sirsasana 6. Rope Sirsasana if vomiting feeling is better  7. Adho Mukha Virasana 8. Viparita Dandasana with support and brick to raise feet up or platform curvature 9. Sarvangasana only if vomiting feeling is better  10. Setu Bandha on bench 11. Savasana NOTE: With vomiting feeling inversions can aggravate the feeling.


Bharadvajasana - sitting Standing Marichyasana - put bolster for neck & turn Standing poses facing grill   Trikonasana   Parsvakonasana Virabhadrasana I w/rope Virabhadrasana II Ardha Chandrasana Parivrtta Trikonasana Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana w/bent legs Supta Padangusthasana I & II Rope I & II & neck curvature Urdhva Mukha Svanasana w/ 2 bolsters on medium height stool Standing Bhekasana Baddha Konasana Virasana Malasana Salambasana - 2 bolsters for the chest & 2 bolsters for the knees to rest Dhanurasana Setubandha Sarvangasana • • • • • •

4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14)

 ARTHRITIS; SPONDYLIOSIS; FEVER; LETHARGY Female, 54, burning sensation in fingers, hands, wrists, shoulder; 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Bharadvajasana / stool / 2 x Marichyasana standing / 2x Trikonasana Virabhadrasana II Uttanasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Neck curvature (rope and stump) Supta Padangusthasana - Near column (for knees) Both legs One leg bent One leg straight Virasana (sitting) Supta Baddha Konasana Setubandha Sarvangasana Viparita Karani • • •

9) 10) 11) 12)

 ASTHMA I Female, 46 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Savasana on cross bolsters w/plank Supta Swastikasana Supta Baddha Konasana Supta Virasana Matsyasana Forward bends on chair, sitting w/2 bolsters in front   Pavanmuktasana/front Platform curvature Viparita Dandasana Sirsasana (independent) Sarvangasana in the center  Setubandha Sarvangasana Bharadvajasana Viparita Karani • •

7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13)

 ASTHMA II Female, 48 1. Cross bolster Setubandha 2. Supta Virasana 3. Supta Baddha Konasana 4. Platform curvature 5. Viparita Dandasana 6. Drum Viparita Dandasana 7. Viparita Dandasana on big stool w/cross bolsters 8. Uttanasana on platform w/Setubandha bench 9. Rope Dog pose 10. Double rope Dog pose 11. Setubandha Sarvangasana 12. Sarvangasana chair  13. Viparita Karani

 ASTHMA - III 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Cross bolsters Sitting Swastikasana (against VD bench) Salamba Purvottanasana (over VD bench, 2 bolsters, 1 pillow) Supta Baddha Konasana (feet against wall) Viparita Dandasana (with drum) Rope I ( away from wall) Stump to dorsal Setubandha Sarvangasana Viparita Karani

 ASTHMA IV  Male 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Savasana on Simhasana box Cross bolsters Setubandha Platform curvature Viparita Dandasana Rope I Sirsasana Setubandha Sarvangasana Sarvangasana Viparita Karani

BACK PAIN AND KNEE PAIN Female, 67 1. Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (against column) 2. Supta Padangusthasana I 3. Savasana / legs straight/ belted 4. Dandasana/legs straight (belted back to the wall) 5. Marichyasana standing 6. Bharadvajasana 7. Uttanasana on bench 8. Adho Mukha Svanasana 9. Cross bolster & pillow Setu Bandha 10. Savasana

BAMBOO SPINE Female, Age 35 1) 2) 3)

Bharadvajasana (sitting) Standing Marichyasana (put bolster for the neck and turn) Standing poses facing the grill:   Trikonasana   Parsvakonasana Virabhadrasana I w/rope Virabhadrasana II Ardha Chandrasana Parivrtta Trikonasana Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (w/bent legs) Supta Padangusthasana I & II Rope I, II, and neck curvature Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (w/ 2 bolsters on medium stool) Standing Bhekasana Baddha Konasana Virasana Malasana Salambasana (2 bolsters for the chest & 2 bolsters for the knees to rest) Dhanurasana Setubandha Sarvangasana • • • • • •

4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14)

BLOOD PRESSURE- I 1. Savasana, prone (weight 50 kg) 2. Standing poses/half round bend 3. Urdhva Mukhasana 4. Trikonasana, Parsvakonasana 5. Virabhadrasana 6. Ardha Chandrasana 7. Parivrtta Trikonasana 8. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 9. Rope I 10. Double rope 11. Pavanmuktasana 12. Urdhva Dhanurasana 13. Four bolsters and one blanket 14. Stomach weight: 25 kg. on the back 15. 85 kg weight on knees and 2 belts

BLOOD PRESSURE - II Female, 55 1. Uttanasana 2. Adho Mukha Svanasana 3. Prasarita Padottanasana 4. Parsvottanasana 5. Bharadvajasana 6. Marichyasana 7. Platform curvature 8. Viparita Dandasana 9. Supta Virasana 10. Supta Baddha Konasana 11. Setubandha Sarvangasana 12. Viparita Karani

BLOOD PRESSURE (120/86); DURING PREGNANCY 150/110; DELIVERY DEC 95 Female, 35 1. Swastikasana (head resting on bench) 2. Virasana (head resting on bench) 3. Janu Sirsasana (head resting on bench) 4. Trianga Mukhaikapada (head resting on bench) 5. Paschimottanasana (head resting on bench) 6. Supta Baddha Konasana 7. Supta Virasana 8. Uttanasana 9. Adho Mukha Svanasana (independent) 10. Parsvottanasana (independent) 11. Prasarita Padottanasana (independent) 12. Trikonasana 13. Parsvakonasana 14. Ardha Chandrasana 15. Pavanmuktasana (on bench) 16. Uttanasana (on stool) 16. Bharadvajasana 17. Viparita Dandasana 18. Half Halasana 19. Bench Setu Bandha 20. Viparita Karani

BLOOD PRESSURE (170/80) 1. Bharadvajasana 2. Marichyasana 3. Rope I 4. Neck curvature 5. Adho Mukha Svanasana 6. 90° legs 7. Supta Padangusthasana I & II 8. Virasana 9. Bhekasana 10. One leg Ardha Matsyendrasana 11. Baddha Konasana (w/ropes) 12. Upavista Konasana 13. Supta Baddha Konasana 14. Standing Bhekasana 15. Standing with one leg bent on stool 16. Stump 17. Viparita Dandasana on Setubandha bench 18. Resting Uttanasana (legs apart) 19. Viparita Karani

BLOOD PRESSURE; ASTHMA; ARTHRITIS Female 1. Savasana (on bolster) 2. Cross bolsters Setubandha 3. Supta Baddha Konasana 4. Supta Swastikasana 5. Salamba Purvottanasana 6. Viparita Dandasana 7. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (bent leg/front) 8. Rope I 9. Bharadvajasana 10. Uttanasana (rope) 11. Adho Mukha Svanasana (rope) 12. Trikonasana (foot turning 120° 13. Setubandha Sarvangasana 14. Viparita Karani (bent legs)

BLOOD PRESSURE; FAINTING  Age 54 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Bandage around forehead - eyes open Uttanasana (big stool, head resting) Platform curvature Cross bolsters Uttanasana (lower rope) Janu Sirsasana Setubandha (w/belt to thighs and ankles/block between feet) Viparita Karani Savasana (w/small weight on forehead)

BODY ACHE (MUSCULAR); FATIGUE, LETHARGY; DIABETES (BLOOD SUGAR 140/100) Male, 50 1. Supta Baddhakonasana 2. Supta Virasana 3. Baddha Konasana (sitting with back support) 4. Upavista Konasana (sitting with back support) 5. Adho Mukha Svanasana / head rest 6. Rope II / head rest 7. Uttanasana / head rest 8. Parsvottanasana 9. Prasarita Padottanasana 10. Bharadvajasana on stool 11. Marichyasana standing 12. Rope I & II (if possible) 13. Setubandha Sarvangasana 14. Half Halasana 15. Savasana If there is improvement, add more standing poses next month. Also add forward bendings and inversions.

BRONCHITIS; ASTHMA; BLOOD PRESSURE Female, 35 1. Sitting Dandasana (back support) 2. Platform curvature 3. Viparita Dandasana 4. Rope I & II (3x) 5. Adho Mukha Svanasana 6. Supta Virasana 7. Supta Baddha Konasana 8. Matsyasana 9. Sirsasana 10. Sarvangasana 11. Half Halasana 12. Setubandha Sarvangasana 13. Viparita Karani

CERVICAL SPONDYLIOSIS Male, 41 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Bharadvajasana (2x) Marichyasana (2x) Trikonasana (2x) Virabhadrasana (2x) Rope I (5x) Rope neck curvature (3x) Grill holding Stump Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (If pain is not too much)

CERVICAL SPONDYLIOSIS 1. Savasana on Simhasana box 2. Cross bolsters 3. Bharadvajasana sitting on small stool at column/Viparita box for feet 4. Marichyasana III 5. Trikonasana 6. Virabhadrasana II - head back, pulling chin back 7. Rope I w/extension 8. Rope neck curvature, 3 ropes 9. Platform curvature 10. Stump 11. Viparita Dandasana 12. Setubandha Sarvangasana 13. Viparita Karani

CERVICAL SPONDYLIOSIS C5-C6, C6-C7; OSTEOPHYTES ON BOTH SIDES; LOWER LUMBAR OSTEOPOROSIS, L4 - L5 Female 1. Pavanmuktasana (front/side) 2. Uttanasana (with 2 stools, front/side) 3. Adho Mukha Svanasana / hands on Halasana bench 4. Uttanasana (head on stool) 5. Bharadvajasana 6. Marichyasana 7. Trikonasana (facing trestler) 8. Parsvakonasana (facing trestler) 9. Ardha Chandrasana 10. Supta Padangusthasana I (both legs bent) 11. Sirsasana (with big rope) 12. Adho Mukha Svanasana (same as #3) 13. Half Halasana 14. Prone Savasana 15. Savasana (bent legs on Halasana box)

CERVICAL SPONDYLIOSIS; LOWER BACK PAIN 1. Bharadvajasana ( sitting) 2. Marichyasana (standing) 3. Parsvakonasana (facing trestler) 4. Trikonasana (facing trestler) 5. Ardha Chandrasana 6. Uttanasana (on 2 big stools) 7. Pavanmuktasana (on bench front/side) 8. Adho Mukha Svanasana (double rope) 9. Rope - neck curvature 10. Urdhva Dhanurasana ( on stool) 11. Curvature on horse 12. Neck curvature on platform 13. Stump 14. Rope Sirsasana 15. Setubandha Sarvangasana (with bandage) 16. Viparita Karani 17. Eye exercises


Savasana with slanting plank Cross pillow Setubandha Platform curvature (slanting plank) Supta Virasana (Simhasana bench & bolster) Viparita Dandasana Supta Baddha Konasana Setubandha Sarvangasana Viparita Karani

Backbends supported: Urdhva Dhanurasana Neck curvature Stump

DIABETES; ARTHRITIS Male, 60 1. Platform curvature 2. Supta Baddha Konasana 3. Bharadvajasana (near column) 4. Parvatasana 5. Rope I 6. Trikonasana 7. Viparita Dandasana 8. Sirsasana (independent) 9. Sarvangasana (independent) 10. Half Halasana 11. Viparita Karani

DIABETES; ANGIOPLASTY SEPTEMBER 93; HEART ATTACK JULY 93 Male, 44 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13)

Bharadvajasana Marichyasana Trikonasana Parsvakonasana Ardha Chandrasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Uttanasana Platform curvature Rope I Rope II Rope neck curvature Urdhva Dhanurasana Viparita Dandasana (on bench) Rolling on neck Ustrasana Dorsal/chest curvature (on Trestler) Rope Sirsasana Stump (optional, in case of neck pain) Chair Sarvangasana Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Viparita Karani Sharpanijasasana Savasana on Simhasana box •

14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22)

DIABETES; BLOOD PRESSURE; INDIGESTION/GASTRITIS Female, 51 1. Virasana (front/side ways) 2. Swastikasana (front/sideways) 3. Janu Sirsasana (front/sideways) 4. Paschimottanasana (front/sideways) 5. Virasana sitting on calf muscles 6. Baddha Konasana 7. Supta Virasana 8. Supta Baddha Konasana 9. Uttanasana (head rest) 10. Adho Mukha Svanasana (head rest) 11. Bharadvajasana 12. Half Halasana 13. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana 14. Viparita Karani 15. Savasana - Ujjayi

DIABETES; HYPOTHYROID; CERVICAL SPONDYLIOSIS; LOWER BACK PAIN Female, 51 1. Bharadvajasana 2. Marichyasana 3. Supta Padangusthasana I & II (legs bent/straight) 4. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (front/side/bent/straight) 5. Neck curvature on rope 6. Rope I away from wall (handwork: belts to hands) 7. Neck curvature on platform 8. Uttanasana on rope 9. Adho Mukha Svanasana 10. Viparita Dandasana: feet on platform (rolling back & forth on Setubandha bench) 11. Stool Uttanasana 12. Setubandha Sarvangasana 13. Sharaperjurasana

DIABETES; JAUNDICE  Age 60 1. Savasana 2. Cross bolsters 3. Supta Virasana 4. Supta Baddha Konasana 5. Swastikasana 6. Platform curvature 7. Viparita Dandasana 8. Adho Mukha Svanasana / with rope & head resting 9. Uttanasana /with rope & head resting 10. Rope Sirsasana 11. Sarvangasana on chair  12. Half Halasana 13. Setubandha Sarvangasana 14. Viparita Karani

DIABETES UNDER CONTROL (88/145) Male, age 55, left Vent. enlargement due to stress, c5-c6 space 1. Bharadvajasana 2. Marichyasana 3. Trikonasana 4. Ardha Chandrasana 5. Virabhadrasana II 6. Virabhadrasana I w/rope 7. Rope worka. Away from the wall b. Neck curvature 8. Chest back - curvature on horse 9. Stump 10. Supta Padangusthasana, bent knees I & II 11. Viparita Dandasana 12. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana 13. Rope Adho Mukha Svanasana 14. Setubandha Sarvangasana 15. Sharaperjurasana

EYE PROBLEMS Bandage to forehead: 1. Uttanasana - head resting 2. Adho Mukha Svanasana - lower rope/higher rope 3. Prasarita Padottanasana - head resting 4. Parsvottanasana - head resting 5. Virasana 6. Paschimottanasana 7. Janu Sirsasana 8. Paschimottanasana 9. Setubandha Sarvangasana (eyes fully covered) 10. Half Halasana (eyes fully covered) 11. Viparita Karani (eyes fully covered) 12. Savasana/ Sanmukhi Mudra


Forward bends / head resting on bench   Swastikasana   Virasana Janu Sirsasana   Paschimottanasana Adho Mukha Svanasana long rope / head supported Uttanasana (head on stool) Adho Mukha Svanasana (feet on Simhasana box) Viparita Dandasana Bharadvajasana (sitting on big stool, feet on Viparita Karani box) Uttanasana (on big stool) Half Halasana

• • • •

2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

HEART ATTACK (3 YRS AGO) Male, 57 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Bolster Savasana (w/feet on height) Cross bolsters (w/plank & belt / weight on thighs) Supta Baddha Konasana Supta Virasana Platform curvature Viparita Dandasana Rope I Setubandha (w/belt & weight) Viparita Karani

HEART PROBLEM Female 1. Savasana 2. Cross Bolsters 3. Platform curvature 4. Supta Baddha Konasana 5. Supta Virasana 6. Bharadvajasana 7. Adho Mukha Svanasana 8. Uttanasana 9. Viparita Dandasana 10. Chair Sarvangasana 11. Half Halasana 12. Setubandha 13. Viparita Karani

HIGH CHOLESTEROL Male, 45 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Savasana (with slanting plank) Cross pillow Setubandha Platform curvature (slanting plank) Supta Virasana (Simhasana box) Viparita Dandasana Supta Baddha Konasana (slanting plank) Setubandha Viparita Karani

HYPERTHYROID; ASTHMA  Age 45 1. Savasana 2. Cross bolster and pillow Setubandha 3. Platform curvature 4. Uttanasana 5. Adho Mukha Svanasana 6. Rope I (5x) 7. Rope (neck curvature) 8. Rope Sirsasana 9. Urdhva Dhanurasana (on stool) 10. Ustrasana 11. Stump 12. Supta Virasana 13. Supta Baddha Konasana 14. Niralamba Sarvangasana 15. Setubandha Sarvangasana 16. Viparita Karani 17. Savasana


Supta Baddha Konasana Supta Virasana Forward bends:   Virasana Janu Sirsasana   Paschimottanasana Baddha Konasana (with support) Upavista Konasana (with support) Platform curvature Uttanasana (head on stool) Adho Mukha Svanasana (bolster) Prasarita Padottanasana (concave back/full support) Pavanmuktasana Sirsasana Viparita Dandasana Sarvangasana Half Halasana Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Viparita Karani • • •

4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16)

KIDNEY PROBLEM Female, 44 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

Uttanasana (in rope / 1 min.) Adho Mukha Svanasana (in rope / 1 min.) Uttanasana (on stool / 1 min.) Bharadvajasana (2x on stool) Marichyasana (2x standing) Marichyasana (2x on Simhasana box) Viparita Dandasana (5 min) Rope I & II Forward Bendings (count 100)   Virasana   Swastikasana Janu Sirsasana Trianga Mukhaikapada   Paschimottanasana Baddha Konasana Upavista Konasana Baddha Konasana (against grill) Upavista Konasana (against grill) Chair Sarvangasana (5 min) Half Halasana ( 5 min) Setubandha Sarvangasana ( 5min) Viparita Karani ( 5min) Savasana (5 min)

• • • • • • •

10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16)

KNEE PAIN #1 -3 done for 10 minutes #6 -7 done for 5 minutes 1)

belts Savasana (on platform) belt above knee (each knee) belt below knee (each knee) Lying on platform, feet on bench 10kg weight is kept to the knees. Urdhva Prasarita Padasana L shape at column Belts as above tied to rotate knees & thighs from outside in Legs tied also to column Utthita Prasarita Padasana Belts as above (at trestler, facing) Assistant pulls inner knee back Assistant w/belt to move tailbone, buttock flesh inward Assistant to lift side trunk up Trikonasana Initially only as leg work Anterior to trestler  Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (at grill/side) Viparita Dandasana on bench Setubandha Sarvangasana Belts as above, tied to bench • •

2) 3) 4)

• • •


• • • •


• •

7) 8) 9)

**Note: #4,5,6 - delete if tired, fatigued

LOW BLOOD PRESSURE; PERSPIRATION; DYSMENORREA; HAEMOGLOBIN LOW ` Female, 41 1. Uttanasana (rope) 2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (rope) 3. Trikonasana 4. Ardha Chandrasana 5. Bharadvajasana (column) 6. Supta Baddha Konasana 7. Supta Virasana 8. Baddha Konasana (grill) 9. Upavista Konasana (grill) 10. Sarvangasana 11. Half Halasana 12. Setubandha Sarvangasana 13. Viparita Karani

LOWER BACK PAIN; CONSTIPATION  Age 39 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Bharadvajasana (sitting) Marichyasana (standing) Trikonasana Parsvakonasana Parivrtta Trikonasana Ardha Chandrasana Supta Padangusthasana I & II (front/side/bent/straight) Pavanmuktasana (front/side) Prone Savasana (with 50 pounds weight on the lower back)


Weights on thighs Weights on back Marichyasana / Standing Bharadvajasana Uttanasana on stool Platform Setu Bandha bench forward extension Dog pose Pavanmuktasana on bench: front/side Prasarita Padottanasana on bench / forward extension Supta Padangusthasana (against column) bent leg/ straight leg front/ side Savasana • •


 LUMBAR SPONDYLIOSIS; LUMBAR STENOSIS; SLUGGISH ANKLES; OSTEOPHYTES AT L2, L3, L4; ARTHRITIS Female, 53, space between discs narrowed, no erosion, no destruction, no fracture 1. Tadasana against wall 2. Parsvakonasana (arm straight, interlock) 3. Parflexion (ankle extension) 4. Parsvakonasana (with small Halasana bench) 5. Virabhadrasana II 6. Trikonasana 7. Ardha Chandrasana (foot on stool) 8. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana I (bent/straight/front) 9. Malasana 10. Rope I (away from wall) 11. Adho Mukha Svanasana (from stool) 12. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (platform) 13. Supta Padangusthasana 14. Pavanmuktasana on bench (front / side) 15. Bharadvajasana 16. Marichyasana 17. Simhasana Marichyasana 18. Half Halasana 19. Setubandha 20. Supta Baddha Konasana (feet against wall)


Trikonasana (foot turning out) Parsvakonasana (foot turning out) Virabhadrasana I/ straight leg at rope Ardha Chandrasana Virabhadrasana II Parivrtta Trikonasana Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Supta Padangusthasana Marichyasana/bent leg on stool Uttanasana 7.Adho Mukha Svanasana Standing Bhekasana Baddha Konasana Upavista Konasana Virasana Half Halasana • • • •

3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

MIGRAINE; INSOMNIA; SHOULDER PROBLEMS: PAIN; PROLAPSED UTERUS Female, 42 1. Standing Uttanasana on stool (feet on bricks) 2. Dog pose on rope - head resting on bolsters 3. Uttanasana on rope - head resting on box or stool 4. Virasana 5. Swatikasana (forward bend) 6. Janu Sirsasana 7. Paschimottanasana 8. Neck curvature on rope 9. Rope I on Simhasana box (add rope on white rope) 10. Bharadvajasana on stool 11. Standing Marichyasana 12. Setubandha (brick between the thighs - belt) 13. Viparita Karani

NECK PROBLEMS & BACK PROBLEMS Female She should look from right to left in all poses. 1. Bharadvajasana 2. Marichyasana 3. Trikonasana 4. Parsvakonasana 5. Virabhadrasana I 6. Rope I 7. Neck curvature on rope 8. Neck curvature on stump 9. Viparita Dandasana 10. Pavanmuktasana 11. Setubandha Sarvangasana


Prasarita Padottanasana Uttanasana (on rope) Adho Mukha Svanasana (on rope) Full Arm Balance Elbow Balance Sirsasana Viparita Dandasana Urdhva Dhanurasana Twistings Standing Marichyasana   Bharadvajasana on Simhasana box Sarvangasana blankets on each side 1blanket folded under the neck Slanting plank under neck if required Halasana (remove plank, on the stool: blanket, bolster) Paschimottanasana (sitting on bolster) Savasana Sanmukhi Mudra • • •


• • •

11) 12) 13)

OSTEO-ARTHRITIS; VARICOSE VEINS 1. Supta Padangusthasana I & II (bent legs/straight legs) 2. Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (straight legs) 3. Pavanmuktasana (bent legs) 4. Baddha Konasana (feet against wall) 5. Upavista Konasana 6. Bhekasana 7. Padmasana (if possible) 8. Malasana 9. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (straight legs/bent legs/standing) 10. Ekapada Bhekasana 11. Trikonasana 12. Parsvakonasana 13. Virabhadrasana I, II 14. Ardha Chandrasana 15. Virasana 16. Vamadevasana 17. Sarvangasana 18. Halasana 19. Setubandha Sarvangasana 20. Viparita Karani (knees tied) Savasana (leg weight)

PALPITATION; INSOMNIA; BLOOD PRESSURE; CHEST PAIN; BREATHLESSNESS; ANXIETY; NERVOUSNESS  Age 36.5 1. Simhasana Savasana (5 min) 2. Cross pillow (3-5 min) 3. Platform curvature (3-5 min) 4. Stump (3-5 min) 5. Rope I (5x) 6. Viparita Dandasana (5 min) on roller on big stool 7. Supta Virasana 8. Supta Baddha Konasana 9. Uttanasana 10. Adho Mukha Svanasana 11. Janu Sirsasana 12. Paschimottanasana 13. Chair Sarvangasana 14. Half Halasana 15. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana 16. Viparita Karani

PARALYSIS (RIGHT SIDE FROM ACCIDENT) Male, 57 1. Trikonasana 2. Parsvakonasana 3. Ardha Chandrasana 4. Tadasana against wall/ arms up 5. Rope I & II 6. Rope backwards bending 7. Rope dog pose 8. Parsvottanasana (rope) 9. Prasarita Padottanasana (rope) 10. Uttanasana 11. Grill: hands behind/hands over head 12. Viparita Dandasana 13. Sarvangasana chair  14. Half Halasana 15. Setubandha (weight to hands) 16. Savasana


Weight on hands/legs. Hand work/arm work Urdhva Hastasana Rope I/II / neck hang   Grill Interlocking in Parvatasana/Tadasana Hand folding :   Back/Namaskar    Gomukhasana Against column - stretching the arm back Bharadvajasana/Marichyasana Trikonasana/Ardha Chandrasana against horse Viparita Dandasana Sarvangasana (5 minutes) Halasana (5 minutes) Setubandha Sarvangasana (5 minutes) Simhasana (tongue twist) • • •

3) 4)

• •

5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

PREGNANCY I #1 - #4 Anterior to trestler: 1. Trikonasana 2. Parsvakonasana 3. Virabhadrasana II 4. Ardha Chandrasana 5. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (side) 6. Supta Padangusthasana I (rolled blanket below tailbone) 7. Supta Padangusthasana to side (rolled blanket below tailbone) 8. Baddha Konasana (sitting w/back support) 9. Upavista Konasana (sitting w/back support) 10. Rope I 11. Neck curvature - rope 12. Stump 13. Supta Virasana 14. Supta Baddha Konasana 15. Rope Sirsasana 16. Setubandha Sarvangasana 17. 90° legs in Setubandha

PREGNANCY II 1. Half Uttanasana on big stool (elbows on stool, dorsal in, toes in, heels out) 2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (hands on block, feet on the edge of mat, ropes for the back to pull thighs back, head down) 3. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana/side 4. Trikonasana (no support) 5. Parsvakonasana 6. Virabhadrasana II 7. Ardha Chandrasana (leg on stool, heel at brick) 8. Virabhadrasana III (leg on stool, hands on the horse)

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS  Male, 52 1. Virasana (sitting) 2. Baddha Konasana 3. Supta Padangusthasana (front & side / bent knees) 4. Supta Baddha Konasana 5. Trikonasana 6. Rope I 7. Neck curvature 8. Bharadvajasana 9. Marichyasana (standing) 10. Pavanmuktasana


Bharadvajasana Marichyasana (grill work) Parvatasana (against column) Urdhva Hastasana (against column) Trikonasana (grill with rope) Parsvakonasana (grill with rope) Rope I / extra belt for hands / 2 belts: shoulder bone and arms Neck curvature on rope Supta Padangusthasana (bent/straight legs I & II) Virasana sitting Baddha Konasana Supta Baddha Konasana Supta Virasana Platform curvature (with a brick as base) Neck curvature on stump Bolster and pillow Setubandha Viparita Karani • •

3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

11) 12) 13) 14)

SHOULDER PROBLEMS - PAINFUL; NUMB; LEFT COLD SHOULDER Male, 61 1. Bharadvajasana 2. Trikonasana (at horse) 3. Parsvakonasana (at horse) 4. Virabhadrasana II (at horse) 5. Ardha Chandrasana (at horse) 6. Virabhadrasana I 7. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 8. Holding grill with two hands & then one hand (at back) 9. Rope I 10. Column/arms back 11. Hands in Parsvottanasana 12. Gomukhasana 13. Viparita Dandasana (plank) 14. Stump 15. Setubandha Sarvangasana

SPONDYLIOSIS; SCIATICA; KNEE PAIN; BRONCHIAL ASTHMA; VARICOSE VEINS; MENOPAUSE, DEPRESSION; ACIDITY; COLITIS Female  A. For Three Months 1) Bharadvajasana (column) 2) Marichyasana (column) 3) Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana I & II (bent legs) 4) Supta Padangusthasana (bent, straight) 5) Platform curvature (Purvottanasana) 6) Sitting Virasana/ on calves and heels Sitting like Ardha Matsyendrasana on leg Baddha Konasana/ back to the wall 7) Supta Baddha Konasana & Supta Padangusthasana (bent knees) 8) Forward bending   Virasana Janu Sirsasana   Virasana 9) Rope dog pose/ Uttanasana 10) Setu Bandha/2 bolsters (legs up w/belt) 11) Viparita Karani (Baddha Konasana) • • •

• • •

B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

After Three Months Trikonasana/Parsvakonasana/Ardha Chandrasana Sirsasana/Sarvangasana/ Half Halasana Viparita Dandasana / Rope I, II, III, IV Marichyasana/Ardha Matsyendrasana Resting supine for asthma

C. After 6 months, general classes


Bharadvajasana (2x standing) Marichyasana (2x standing) Standing poses at grill   Trikonasana   Parsvakonasana Parivrtta Parsvakonasana Virabhadrasana I & II Ardha Chandrasana Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Uttanasana Rope I (on broad rope, 2 boxes) Pavanmuktasana on bench Legs belted, pillar, 6 belts Uttanasana on stool Head resting on stool Namaste/Gomukhasana Setubandha • • • • • •

4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

SPONDYLIOSIS; LOWER BACK PAIN; ACIDITY  Female, 39 1. Bharadvajasana (near column) 2. Marichyasana - standing 3. Trikonasana 4. Parsvakonasana 5. Virabhadrasana I & II 6. Ardha Chandrasana 7. Rope I 8. Rope neck curvature 9. Platform curvature 10. Stump 11. Viparita Dandasana (supported) 12. Belts (shoulder / neck) 13. Pavanmuktasana 14. Setubandha Sarvangasana 15. Virasana forward

STENOSIS (HEART) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Savasana on stomach /weight on buttocks Rope I Urdhva Mukha Svanasana supported on platform Savasana traction Anantasana (roller to tailbone) Pavanmuktasana on short Uttanasana stool (sitting on platform)


Pavanmuktasana on bench front Prasarita Padottanasana on bench Rope Adho Mukha Svanasana Adho Mukha Svanasana /top rope Bharadvajasana Marichyasana Foot pavaflexar   Platform Setubandha (front extension) Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (bent leg) Virabhadrasana II (trestler) Parsvakonasana (trestler) Rope neck curvature Platform stump Supta Padangusthasana (bent legs/both legs bent) Virasana (on bolster) Supta Baddha Konasana Sarvangasana Savasana (bent legs)

THYROID INJECTION; CATARACT ‘87; OSTEO KNEES  Age 63 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Savasana (bolster, pillow) Platform curvature Viparita Dandasana or drum curvature Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs against pillar/legs belted) Supta Padangusthasana (bent legs) Uttanasana (on rope) Adho Mukha Svanasana (on rope) Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (bench) Viparita Karani

UTERUS REMOVED; CERVICAL SPONDYLIOSIS; SLIPPED DISC, LUMBAR; BLOOD PRESSURE 140/100 WITH DIABETES Female, 50 1. Bharadvajasana 2. Marichyasana 3. Uttanasana 4. Adho Mukha Svanasana (near the grill) 5. Prasarita Padottanasana ( near the grill) 6. Trikonasana 7. Parsvakonasana 8. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana I & II 9. Rope I 10. Neck curvature on rope 11. Supta Padangusthasana 12. Platform neck curvature 13. Viparita Dandasana 14. Setubandha Sarvangasana


 A  ACIDITY, 75, 113, 133, 135 Vomiting feeling, 79  AIDS, 7  ANGINA, 9. See also Chest Pain  ANGIOPLASTY, 102  ANKLES, 119 Pain, 137  ANKYL OSING SPONDYLITIS. See Spondylitis  ANXIETY, 125  ARMS Dislocation, 21  ARTHRITIS, 81, 92, 101, 119. See also knee problems  ASTHMA, 60, 82, 83, 84, 85 , 92, 95, 100, 112 Bronchial, 100, 133

B BACK PROBLEMS, 61. See also Stenosis; Spondyliosis BACK PAIN, 86, 120 Bamboo spine, 87 Degeneration of vertebrae, 137 Lower back pain, 99, 104, 117, 135 Lumbago, 137 Lumbar osteoporosis, 98 lumbar problems, 118 Scoliosis, 53, 78 Slipped disc, 139 BAMBOO SPINE, 87 BLOOD PRESSURE, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 103, 125, 139 High, 30, 71, 91, 134 Low, 33, 116 Pregnancy, 90 BLOOD SUGAR, 94 Low, 34 BODY ACHE, 94 BREAST CANCER Eight months post-surgery, 11 Seven years post-surgery, 12 Two weeks post-surgery, 10 BREATHLESSNESS, 125 BRONCHITIS, 95 BURNING SENSATION  Arms and hands, 81



D DEPRESSION, 18, 19, 133, 134 DIABETES, 52, 64, 94, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 139 Under control, 106 DIARRHEA, 17, 20, 65


F FAINTING, 93 FATIGUE, 24, 94. See also Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Vomiting feeling, 79 FEMUR. See Thigh FEVER, 81, 108 FIBROIDS, 66. See also Uterine Fibroids FRACTURE, 120 FRACTURE OF LEFT FEMUR, PELVIS, AND HIP, 25


H HAEMOGLOBIN, 137 Low, 116 HEADACHE, 69, 70, 123. See also Migraine HEART ATTACK, 102, 109 HEART PROBLEM, 110 HEAVINESS ON RIGHT SIDE OF HEAD & TONGUE, 127 HEPATITIS, 29 HIGH CHOLESTEROL. See Cholesterol HIP Fracture, 25 HYPERTHYROID, 28, 73, 112 HYPOTHYROID, 74, 104 HYSTERECTOMY, 31. See also Uterus

I INDIGESTION, 70, 75, 103 INSOMNIA, 113, 121, 125 INTERMENSTRUAL SPOTTING. See Uterine Fibroids

Prolonged period, 113 MIGRAINE, 69, 121

N NAUSEA. See also Vomiting feeling. See Pregnancy Problems NECK PROBLEMS, 122. See also Spondyliosis Pain, 42 Sarvangasana, 43 NERVOUSNESS, 125 NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS, 44



K KIDNEY PROBLEM, 114 KIDNEY PROBLEMS, 76 KNEE PROBLEMS Osteo knees, 138 Pain, 86, 115, 133

PALPITATION, 125 PAP TEST - POSITIVE, 47 PARALYSIS, 126 PARKINSON’S, 127 PELVIS Fracture, 25 PERSPIRATION, 116 PREGNANCY, 48, 128, 129 High blood pressure. See Blood Pressure PREGNANCY PROBLEMS Inability to conceive, 49 Nausea, 50 PSORIASIS, 51

L R LETHARGY, 81, 94 LIVER PROBLEMS, 32, 77 LUMBAGO. See Back Problems LUMBAR PROBLEMS. See Back Problems

RHEUMATIC ARTHRITIS, 131. See also Arthritis RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, 52, 130. See also  Arthrit is



MASTECTOMY Five years post-surgery, 39 Immediately post-surgery, 35 Two years post-surgery, 37 MENOPAUSE, 120, 133 MENSTRUAL PERIOD, 41 MENSTRUAL PROBLEMS Dysmenorrea, 116 Intermenstrual Spotting. See Uterine Fibroids Irregular or non-existent period, 40

SCIATICA, 133 SCOLIOSIS, 53, 78 SHOULDER PROBLEMS Pain, 121 Painful, numb, cold, 132 Strained, swollen, 54 SJOGREN SYNDROME, 52 SLIPPED DISC. See Back Problems SMOKE Second-hand smoke, 55

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