Medical Astrology Notes

February 3, 2017 | Author: dearsk | Category: N/A
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MEDICAL ASTROLOGY 1. Lagna represents the body of native. Lagna and Lagna Lord must be ‘healthy’ to ensure good health to the native. 2. Different houses rule over specific body parts. Benefic influences on specific houses indicate soundness of health of such body part as ruled by those houses, and adverse influence. Indicate disease. 1. Body in general, head, brain, complexion 2. Face, mouth, teeth, speech, right eye 3. Throat, right ear, neck, shoulder, ears, physical fitness. 4. Thorax, lungs, chest. 5. Heart, mind, foregut, conception 6. Diseases in general, midget, kidney, injury, operation. 7. Umbilical region, sexual, Pelvic a hindgut 8. Extend genitalia, incurable diseases, amputation, longevity. 9. Hips, thigh, hip joint 10. Knees, Patella 11. Legs, left ear 12. Feet, left eye, hospitalization, death. Different opinions: Some consider heart from 4, full intestines VI As a matter of principle, house where Lord and Lagna resides, tends to prosper enjoy good health. Navamsha, the most important division also must be analyzed as rasi chart. (It is said, if indications from rasi and navamsha chart differs / contradict; Navamsha take procedence. 64th Navamsha has special sinister relevance in medical astrology. Vargottam Lagna / Planets indicate state of strength. Drekna is another subdivision of importance for medical astrology. 22 nd Drekkana (Drekna in 8th House from Lagna) is special significance from decision point of view. Health, with is signified by Lagna, Lagna Lord, suffes when Lana and Lagna Lord are afflicted. Benefic influences on Lagna / Lagna low improve health.

A house gets afflicted A house gets Strength and Protection Occupied by malefic, Aspected by malefic, Owned by malefic, Afflicted also in divisions. A planet or Lord of house gets afflicted: Associates / Aspected by malefic placed in adverse house 6/8/12.

Lord of House is exalted, aspect own House. Vargottam. Associated with benefics. Aspected by benefices. Associated with good house (5, 9), or their larges. Strong and well placed in divisional charts.

Associated with Lord of 6/8/12. Generally weak combust / Debil. Afflicted also in divisions. Placed in sign owned by natural malefic. Maraka Kills when longevity is over, otherwise they make person sick. 2 lord is stronger maraka than 7th lord. Principles from Prashara: 1. Lord of maraka houses, their associates, natural malefic occupying maraka houses – All have propensity to cause sickness / Death during their dosa / antardasa. 2. When longevity is over, but dasa of marka is not operating; dasa of a benefic associated with 12 lord can assume maraca functions. 3. Even dasa of a natural malefic Saturn & Rahu can become unqualified markas 4. A maraka does not kill during antadarsha of a benefic planet, but can kill during antardasha of unassociated malefic. 5. Saturn qualifies as most potent maraka when associated with a marka Lord. 6. During dosa of a marka Lord, antardasha of 6 / 8 / 12 Lord proves to be a maraka. 7. Lords of 2 & 7 House from moon become as maraca, if they happens to be natural malefics. 8. Lords of the 3, 5 & 7 Nakshatras prove maraka for with Alpaya, medium and long ayu, specitively.

Marakas: (Sun as Lord of 8th House is not considered bad) Aries – Venus (2 & 7) Taurus – Mars (2,7), Mo (3), Venus ( 6th lord), J (8, 11 lord) Gemini – Moon Cancer – Saturn (7, 8) Leo – Saturn (6, 7) Virgo, Kanya – Venus (2, 9) Libra – Mars (2, 7) Scorpio – Venus (7, 12) Sag – Venus (6,11) Saturn (2, 3) Capricorn – Mars (4, 11), Moon (7), Jupiter (3, 12) Aqua – Sun (7), Mars, Jupiter Pisces – Mars, Saturn

Cause of Death: From 3rd house: By occupation or aspect. Sun – punishment by Ruler Moon – Tuberculosis Mars : Burns, Injury, operation Mercury – Febrile illness Jupiter – Tumor, swelling Venus – Diabetes, Renal disease Saturn / Rahu – Poison, drowsing, fall from height, burn, injury, incarceration From 8th House – Placement or Aspects. Sun – fire, Moon – water, Mars – injury, Mercury – fever, Jupiter – long illness, Venus – starvation, Saturn – thirst, dehydration

--------------------As each horoscope will, going by earlier enumerated principles, have numerous malefic influences – if a horoscope shows proneness to disease – person will fall ill frequenty. If horoscope shows inherent resistance against disease indicates that the native would not be ordinarily inflicted by disease unless the period indicated by his dosa / transit is exceptionally adverse. Sound Health – Protective factors 1. Strong Lagna and Lagna Lord are the best and most important factors for good health. 2. Benefics in Kendras : As a rule placement of benefics in Kendra is productive influence against disease. Presence of benefics in Trikona is also good However, this benefics should not be: Grossly afflicted, Retrograde, Debilitated / combust, and should be favorably placed in divisional charts.

3. Malefics in 3, 6, 11 – Increase capacity to fight back, more they are in these houses, better a native’s capacity to fight and resistance to deseases. 4. Lagna Lord in Six house is generally indicative of sound healthy. 5. Langa / Lagna Lord surrounded by benefics (Shubha - kartari or benefic durudhana yoga) – promotes good health. 6. A healthy, unaffiliated, strong, well placed moon – an important for health and longevity. 7. Saturn in 8th House, Unaffiliated Lagna Lord in 6 or 8 House are additional points. Unsound Health : Reverse of what leaders to good health, indicates unsounded health: 1. Weak afflicted Lagna / Lagna Lord 2. Adverse yogas fro Lagna 3. Lagna Lord placed adversely in divisions also. Both favourable and unfavourable factors must be judiciously balanced in order to determine the actual state of health. Lagna Lord in 8th is usually good for health. However, if afflicted in the eighth house promotes ill – health and may lead to unending incurable suffering. If there are no benefic in Kendras and only malefics occupy Kendras and trikona particularly when Lagna Lord and Lagna are afflicted, native suffers prolonged or repeated illness. Placement of eighth Lord in Lagna generally indicates a sickly body. A strong and inflicted Lagna and Lagna Lord are important for good health. It is better to have no planets in kendras than to home malefic there. Adverse dasa, afflicting lagna and Lagna Lord tends to produce more intense illness. It is important to understand that extent of affliction to a planet is important in order to understand severity of illness. A single affliction is not a serious matter generally. A double affliction indicates serious disease and triple or multiple affliction leader to incurable disease. Important of Karkas Karkas assume a lot of important in medical astrology. There will being is important for good health. Significations of planets

Sun: Heart, stomach, foregut, bile, bones Right. Eye, Injurious, burns falls disturbances of blood circulation, father. Moon: Fluids in body, mind, blood Left eye, breast, psychiatric problems, emotions, menstrual cycle, mother Mars: Sound physical health, head, bone-marrow, bile, musculature, endometrium, accidents, burns, injury, surgical procedures, high BP, miscarriage, diseases above neck, siblings. Mercury : Discrimination, through, nose, ears, lungs, speech, importance, nightmares, uncle, younger coborns. Jupiter : Liver, gallbladder, fat, diabetes, chronic disease, ear trouble, elder brother. Venus : Genitor-urinary system, viral disease, eyesight, seminal fluid, sexual perversions, intestine, appendix, diabetes urinary stones, wife or sex-partner. Saturn : Legs, feet nerves, legmphaties, Paralysis, amputation, chronicity, incurability, melancholy, exhaustism, fatigue, longevity. Rahu : Bones, positioning, snack bite, chronic or incurable diseases, phobias, maternal grand father. Ketu : Viral, infection diseases, epidermis, defective speech, surgical operations, diagnostic confusion, Paternal grand father. Since each planet is signification for many body organs or disease, one has to carefully study the house, signs and dasha Lords, along with Karkas to reach a Medical diagnosis. Gemini Karkas Atma karaka is akin to Lagna Lord. A well placed Atma karaka, influenced by benefics ensures good health. Gnati Karka – is like 6th House Lord. Association of GK with other Karakas indication of disease signified by Karakas thus afflicted. PK – fifth Karakas takes the role of 5 lord and Sun as far as heart is concerned. It is strongly recommended that while venturing into medical astrology, both Parashari and Gemini system should be followed. While following Jaimini system, it is important to follow Gemini aspects and Jaimini dasas. Transits tells of final timing. Transits considered from Lagna give better results. Transits are subservient to Dasas.

A mildly adverse dasa in a disease prone horoscope may produce serious illness, whereas a highly malefic dasa in a horoscope with strong inherent protection will produce only a mild illness. Principles of onset and outcome of disease 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Dosha of functional malefic Affliction of Dasa Lord Dasa of Planets associated with 6, 8, 12 house Adverse dasa lord having links with lagna / Lagna Lord. Dasa Lord in Rahu / Ketu axis Affliction persisting in Navamsha, Drekna as well as dwadamsa Planets in mrityu bagha

Chara Dasha of Gemini: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Dasa of 6, 8, 12 from Lana or AK Dasa of 6, 8 from 50 or Venus Dasa of rasi falling in 4th House Eight rasi from Lagna navamsha or AK navamsha Dasa of Rasi inhabited or aspected by GK MD / AD in 6/8 relationship MD / AD of afflicted rasis’s in Lagna Dasa of Rasi during a planet in mrityu bagha

In a ill-health prom horoscope, one should carefully watch dasa /antara of 1. 2. 3. 4.

Occupants of Trikona houses Lords of Trikona houses Associates of Trikona houses Planets aspected by Trikona house Lords.

VI. HOUSE Signifies disease in general -Also indicates wounds, accidents, injuries, surgical operations. -Also kidney, intestines, tuberculosis, eye disease. -Resistance to disease -Dasa of VI lord may cause death.

Lord of VI associated with a malefic and located in Lagna / Sixth / Eighth house cause injury in part of body signified by that Lord. Sun as VI lord in Lagna or 8 – head injury. Moon – mouth, Mars – throat/neck, Mercury – Nasal, Jupiter – nostril, Venus – eye / back, Saturn – feet, Rahu/Ketu – lips/abdomen, Sixth or Eight Lord in Lagna: Lords of VI or VIII in Lagna gives proneness to ill-health. Conjunction of Lord of VI & VIII House in Lagna in association with different planet. Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

: : : : : : : : :

Fever / abcess Phlegmatic illness Wound from weapon, surgery Billiary disease Freedom from disease Sexually TD Windy, joint compliant Naval injury Fear of imprisonment.


Planets –  

Occupy this house ) Associate with Lord ) suffer daage Aspected by its Lord )

VII House Lord spoils / damage house it occupies / aspect

VIII Lord stands for chronicity, incurability, complications to death.

Itself denotes amputations, external genitalia, secret diseases, affliction to face, diseases which leave residual effect.

Different planets by occupation in VIII indicate mode of death. Span of Life LONG Saturn in 8th House Saturn associated or aspected by 8th lord Eighth Lord in eighth House Eighth Lord associated with a benefic in 11th House

Eighth Lord with Lagna Lord (without affliction) in 6 or 12th House. SHORT LIFE Afflicted eighth lord in VI or XII House Eighth Lord with Ketu in Lagna A malefic eighth Lord in 11 house Weak and afflicted VIII Lagna Cause of death: Sun : Fire, Burn Moon : Water, Drowsing Mars : Sword, Weapon, Operation Mercury: Febrile illness Jupiter : Imbalance of Doshas Venus : Starvation, lack of nutrition Saturn : Thirst, Dehydration Chidra grahas •

Planets which cause illness or disturb health during their dasa – stronger of them may cause death during its dasa

They are : Lord of 8 House, Occupant of 8 House, Planet aspect 8 House, Owner of 22 drekna of Lagna. (Drekna falls exactly eights house from Lagna.) Owner of 64th navamsa (8th from natal moon) Bitter enemy of 8 lord.

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XII House : Signifies loss – Finances, Health House as well as its lord cans attain marka nature or death inflicting capacity. Deals with Physical illness, sleep, exhaustion, tiredness, mental imbalance, hospitalization, left eye, feet and death. In general, when Lord of 2nd House, occupant of 2nd House and Lord of 12th House or its occupants, particularly when malefic is mutual dasha / AD may kill or cause disease. Often multiple afflictions coupled with inherent susceptibility precipitates a disease. Combine effect of Mars, Rahu / Ketu on 8 House leads to miscarriage and similar problems Mutual dasa of 6 & 8 Lords are adverse for health.

Overcrowding of eighth House makes one prone to develop multiple or chronic ailments. If a child is born with a highly adverse dasa operating at the time of birth, given his proness to illness, he is likely to suffer from a congenital illness. Malefic in 3, 6, 11 project against ill health, however, they do tend to cause illness during their dasha but at the same time give native capacity to fight back. Trick houses at a glance Sixth house stands for disease in general. Dasha of its Lord coincides with disease, injury or operation. Eighth house indicates more severe suffering which is incurable, fatal or leaves scar. 12th House also indicates suffering varying combination of 6, 8 & 12 Lords during MD / AD / PDs along with marka produce illness or death. When adverse dasha Lords are influenced by retrograde planets, suffering is more severe. Malefic on 6th house protects; but afflicted malefic may not necessary do so. Involvement of 8 Lord brings an elemental of incurability as well as separation when limb, part of body is removed. Retrograde planets at a glance 1. Retrograde planets provide definite, perceptible results during appropriate dashas 2. While benefic in Kendra protects against ill health in general, retrograde benefic do the reverse 3. Even Lagna Lord, benefic or malefic, provides no protection by being in the Lagna, if it is retrograde. 4. Retrograde Lagna Lord in Lagna, if runs own dasa at birth, congenital illness is likely if sufficient susceptibility is there. 5. If dasa of retrograde 6 or 8 Lord, more severe illness is likely, or incomplete recovery. 6. Retrograde planets transmits their malefic effect by association or aspect with other dasa Lord. 7. Ill placed AK is like ill-placed Lagna Lord, if aspected by Retro-planets, proneness to disease results. 8. Saturn is 8th does not project longevity during its dasa, if retrograde 9. Karkas influenced by retrograde planets also suffer. Conjunctions at a Glance

1. Planets in close conjunction exert intense influence on each other. 2. The results are more intense as conjunction persists in divisional charts, partially Navamsa. 3. If planets separates in varga, influence decreases. 4. If a benefic planet intervenes between closely conjunct planets, it takes away lot of maleficence 5. Concept of looking or winning in graham yudha is not as important as the fact that planets are closely placed. 6. Conjunction afflicting Lagna and Lagna Lord spoils health. 7. AK with malefic Lords or GK through conjuction or aspects is adverse for health 8. Ketu’s close conjuction destroys signification of conjuct planets or Karkas, Rahu too has adverse influence. 9. When 8th Lord is destroyed or afflicted, health and longevity suffers. 10. Malefics with fall in cusp of Lagna disturb health. 11. Rahu and Ketu represent Saturn and Mars. They also represent Lords of houses they occupy. Planets transmits their signification to Rahu or Ketu where they occupy their house. 12. Particular attention must be directed to areas suffering multiple afflictions. Span of Life 1. If ascendant at birth is at the very end of a sign which is aspected or occupied by malefic – immediate death is possible. 2. If birth is in any of 4 types of sandhis and aspected or conjoined by malefic, early death is predicted. Yogas leading to early death Kendras and 8th House exclusively occupied by malefic Malefic occupy Ist and 8 House or I and 7 house Weak moon occupies 6, 8 or 12 house Weak moon conjoined by malefic in I, 5, 7 or 9 house Malefics positioned in 7 and 8 house No Kendra or Kona is occupied by benefic In above cases, if there is conjuction or aspect of benefic, one can’t predict early death. More yogas 1. If Lagna Lord and benefic are placed in Apoklia (3, 6, 9, 12) houses – Short life. 2. If malefic and Lord of 8 in Kendra – short life. 3. if Lagna lord and 8 lord, Moon rasi lord and 8 thereof Lords, sun and Lagna Lord – are enemies – short life.

4. 8 lord far stronger than lagna lord and positioned in Kendra and malefic in 8 and 12 house – short life or burden life. 5. Similarly Navamsa lagna lord weaker than 8 lord thereof – similar results. 6. Combust, debilitated Lagna Lord with malefic or in inmical house – same result. 7. If 4 or ore planets in last four houses 8. Lagna Lord and its dispositors weak and not aspected by benefics. 9. Chandra Lagna or Lagna aspected by 8th Lord 10. Laminaries in 3 House, aspected by malefics 11. Moon in Kendra with 8 House lord or 8 House aspected/occupied by malefics. 12. Sun and Mars is 7 House from Moon and Rahu in lagna, child dies in 7 days. 13. If all planets on weak and in apoklima houses. Yogas for long life 1. Benefic and Lord of lagna in Kendras, means long life. 2. If Lord of Lagna and benefic in panapharas (2, 5, 8, 11) House – medium life. 3. If malefic and 8 lord occupy 2, 5, 8, 11 panaphara – medium; If occupy apoklima (3,6,9,12)- long life. 4. A strong Jupiter in Lagna wards off 100 evil Yogas. 5. Similarly, Sun of day birth and Moon for night births in 11 th House – Wards away a crore of evil yogas. 6. Waxing moon in Kendra, Kona or 11 House and in Navamsa of Jupiter, Sun, or self, subject will rid off many troubles and meritorious deeds. 7. For long life prosperity and excellence of moon, Lagna Lord, Lord of moon rasi is must. So while judging, one must see if Jupiter, and Lagna Lord are in kendras and malefics an away from Kendra, Kona and 8th House—Native will live 100 years. Similarly, even a single benefic in Kendra, without malefic, 8th House influence removes all arishtas. Another method to find Langevity Consider the following three pairs of Rasis: 1. Decanates of Lagna and Moon 2. Navamsa Rasi of Lagna Lord and Rasi Lord 3. Dvadasamsa Rasi of Lords of Lagna and 8 House If is these pair – both are movable or one fixed other dual – long life. If both are dual or one movable and other fixed--medium life. If both all fixed or one dual and other – movable – short life

(if Lord of both houses are in same house, take moon rasi). Judgment on planets position 1. Planets in exaltation, moola trikona or friendly signs promote the bhava occupied. While planets in inimical or depression signs reduce the bhava occupied by them. Planets in neutral signs neither promote nor reduce. 2. If benefics (functional and natural) occupy kendra, kona houses, and malefics occupy 3, 6, 8, 12 houses good result emanate. . 3. Natural malefic having benefic function may occupy 3, 6, 8 or 12 houses, but their power will very much reduced. 4. Natural benefics in 3, 6, 8, 12 house loose their karaka power but improve connotation of these houses. 5. Natural benefics, if becomes functional malefic also, should be in 3, 6, 8, 12 for good effect. 6. Natural benefics increase indications of the bhava they occupy or aspect while natural malefics decreases, former constructive and later destructive. 7. If natural benefics are also functioning benefics thing give very good results if in good houses and not satisfactory if in bad houses. 8. If functional malefic occupy bad houses they give good results to the Native but destroy the bhava they occupy or aspect. If they occupy good houses they give adverse effects and destroy bhava occupied or aspect. 9. A planet in exaltation or in his own house means he has great power to do good or bad. If planet benefic by function and nature, occupy good houses –great good. 10. Functional malefic, in good powerful position, has great power to do mischief and if he is natural malefic also -> worst results. 11. A functional benefic will give fair results even though he is neccha if he occupies a good house. 12. Function benefic should not be related to functional malefic. 13. Enemies by nature should not be related even though they are F. benefic for their power will be lessened. Nature

House occupies Lagna

Results Excellent

N.B and F.B.

N.M and F.B N.B and F.M N.M and F.M

Good house, own Bad places Lagna Good house Bad house Lagna Good house Bad house Lagna Good house Bad house

exaltation, Very good Poor Very good Good Fair Mischief Destructive Good Worst Mischief Fair

1. If a F.B is powerful, gives good results on his period according to his significations of bhava. But if he is N.M he causes death among relatives, sickness to native, loss, disgrace etc., ace to his karaka qualities. 2. If a F.B is in bad house, he gives bad effects but if flaw is rectified results may be somewhat favourable. But if such F.B is F.M also give good results in their periods. 3. F.M will give very bad results if they are powerful. If they become natural malefic also the karaka power should also be added to the result. 4. If F.M are N.B they give bad result, and if they become powerless they may give good results and their benefic karaka power also should be added to the effect. 5. In case of malefic functions, exception is given to Sun and Moon for 8th house lordship. Karaka and number of relations: 1. Own house or own Navamsha: – Double 2. Retrogation or exaltation Rasi / Amsa – 6 times. 3. Retrogation or exaltation in Rasi or Amsa – 9 times. 4. Astha or necha – zero 5. Lagna aspected by its own Lord – Double it For brother: In mars asthavaga – 3rd House For issues – 5th from guru in guru’s astavarga. Wives – 7th from Venus in venus asthvarga

Wealth is from Indu Lagna / Planet aspecting or positioned it. 9th House 2 & 4 house 10 House 11 house


final wealth Parental wealth professional income easy money

Issues: First virility test Female added longitude of Moon, Mars and Jupiter. if results is: 1. Even Rasi and Even Navasa – assured 2. Mixed – Children ofter effort 3. Odd Rasi and Odd Navasa – No issue

Male Add Sun, Venus, Jupiter 1. Odd Rasi and Navamsa – Strong 2. Mixed – after effort 3. Even Rasi and Navamsa – No virilty Lord of 7 Bava and Cusp of 7 bava fall in Navamsa of Budha and Saturn, Mars and Saturn – one manage.

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