Media-based Arts and Design in the Philippines

March 5, 2019 | Author: Ursula Balao | Category: Animation, Leisure, Paintings, Technology (General), Science
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Grade 10 Arts Module...


MEDIA-BASED ARTS AND DESIGN IN THE PHILIPPINES INTRODUCTION  The previous quarter provided provided an overview of of the phenomenal capabilities capabilities and possibilities possibilities of  the electronic or digital media now available in today’s technoloy!driven world" These have enabled ama#inly innovative art forms to evolve far beyond traditional paintin$ sculpture$ and architecture" %s quic&ly as technoloy is able to develop new devices$ adets$ and techniques$ modern artists and desiners adapt them to enhance their creative e'pression"

Modern Technique ! Trend (hotoraphy )ilm (rint *edia Diital *edia (roduct and Industrial Desin          

"hat i PH#T#GRAPH$% In its early staes durin the late +, th century$ photoraphy was viewed as a purely technical process$ that of recordin visible imaes by liht action on liht sensitive materials" In fact$ its very name - from f rom the .ree& / photos0  photos0 1meanin liht2 and /graphos / graphos0 0 1meanin writin2 states this process literally" In comparison to the hihly!rearded arts of paintin and sculpture$ then$ photoraphy was not immediately considered art" 3ut it was not lon before the artistry of 45 th century photoraphers elevated this /liht writin0 to an aesthetic form in its own riht" The Photogra&her a Artit )ocusin a camera at a sub6ect and clic&in the shutter is photoraphy as  process" Discernin a sini7cant moment or a unique e'pression$ framin it in the camera view7nder with an eye for composition$ and then clic&in the shutter is photoraphy as art " Photogra&h' is the science$ art and practice of creatin durable imaes by recordin liht or other electromanetic radiation$ either electronically electronically by means of an imae sensor$ or chemically by means of a liht!sensitive material such as photoraphic 7lm" Note(orth' Phili&&ine Photogra&her  

.8OR.8 T%((%N

9e is an award!winnin travel photorapher who has won two (aci7c %sia Tourism %ssociation 1(%T%2 .old awards$ an %:8%N  Tourism  Tourism %ssociation award$ award$ and 7rst place in the 45++ National .eoraphic (hoto Contest" 9is hihly!acclaimed wor& has been published in 7ve travel photoraphy boo&s"

:ome of Tappan’s %ward!winnin (hotoraphs

Into the Green )one Ta&&an* +t &lace-(inning image in the ,++ National Geogra&hic Photo .ontet

 / #HN 01 .H2A

%dvertisin and commercial photorapher e'traordinaire$ ;ohn is best &nown for his technical e'cellence and mastery of notoriously challenin photo shoots - to the deliht of clients who envision the seeminly impossible" yers=each with their speci7c taret readerships and mar&ets$ and hihly!speciali#ed approaches for reachin these taret roups"

.omic Boo8 %nother 7eld of print media that hihlihts the artistic ifts of )ilipinos is that of comic boo&s$ or komiks as they are locally referred to" The popularity of (hilippine comics bean in the +,45s when Liwayway  maa#ine started featurin comic strips$ such as Mga Kabalbalan ni Kenkoy 1The *isadventures of @en&oy2 created by Tony elasque# went on to be reconi#ed as the /)ather of )ilipino Comics"0 uenced by popular U":" comics with superheroes as the main characters !!! resultin in local counterparts such as Darna and .a&tain Bar6ell"

Inno4ation in Product and Indutrial Deign  Pet another brea&throuh arena for )ilipino imaination$ inenuity$ and innovativeness in recent decades has been that of desin" :peci7cally$ this encompasses product and industrial desin as applied to furniture$ lihtin$ and interior accessories$ as well as fashion from haute couture to bridal ensembles to casual wear" %s a result$ a number of )ilipino desiners have risen to superstardom both locally and internationally"

0en neth .o6on&ue

@enneth Cobonpue is a multi!awarded furniture desiner and manufacturer from Cebu" 9e raduated in Industrial Desin from (ratt Institute in New Por& with hihest honors and subsequently wor&ed in Italy and .ermany" Interatin locally sourced materials with innovative handmade production processes$ CobonpueKs brand is &nown around the world for its unique desins and roster of clientele that include 9ollywood celebrities li&e 3rad (itt and members of royalty" %wards to his credit include F ;apan .ood Desin %wards$ the rand pri#e at the :inapore International Desin Competition$ the Desin for %sia %ward of 9on @on$ the %merican :ociety of Interior Desin Top (ic& selection and the )rench Coup de Coeur award" :everal of his desins were selected for several editions of the International Desin Pearboo& published in Gondon and New Por&" (haidon’s boo& entitled JQ )OR@J underscores @ennethKs position as a leader of a new movement incorporatin new technoloies with crafts" Recently$ @enneth was named the Desiner of the  Pear in the 7rst edition of *aison et Ob6et %sia held last *arch ++$ 45+E in :inapore" 9e has appeared on 8uropean television$ countless international maa#ines and newspapers around the world"

Some (or8 o= 0enneth .o6on&ue





is a fashion desiner most prominently &nown for bridal wear" :he owns a couture fashion house based in Gos %neles$ California$ as well as another store on *anhattanKs Upper 8ast :ide" :he 7rst rose to prominence for her e'quisite weddin owns" 3ut she has since become one of the darlins of the 9ollywood celebrity set$ with several %!list stars havin worn her couture creations to ala events and award shows$ as well as to their own weddins Ghuillier studied at the )ashion Institute of Desin Q *erchandisin in Gos %neles$ and now has her own retail boutiques in that city and in New Por&" 9er collections include bridal and bride’s maids dresses$ ready!to!wear$ evenin owns$ linens$ tableware$ stationery$ and home frarances"

Some o=  Monique Lhuillier* Deign

 /oie Natori

Some o= /oie natori* Deign

 /oie Natori$ 1born /oe
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