
June 21, 2016 | Author: Yuzzyne Zainol | Category: N/A
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 m    September 1, 2010


c "#$%#&' Ê i rease i the amou t of heat o tai ed i a spae, resulti  from diret solar radiatio , heat flow throuh walls, wi dows, a d other buildi  surfaes a d the heat ive off by people, lihts, equipme t a d other soures.

c "#$()** Ê derease i the amou t of heat o tai ed i a spae, resulti  from heat flow throuh walls, wi dows, roof a d other buildi  surfaes a d from exfiltratio of warm air.

c ))(&'%()#+ d xpressed i Btu/h): The maximum amou t of heat, u der desi o ditio s, that builds up i a spae without a ooli  system operati . It is alulated to determi e the apaity of air o ditio er required.

·c "#$&'%()#+ The rate of heat ai required to mai tai i door omfort; measured i BTU's per hour.

c "#$",$-#.$&)'-#$" The rate at whih heat is removed from the o ditio ed spae a d is equal to the spae ooli  load if the room temperature remai s o sta t.

c "#$#++&$&)'-#$" The rate at whih heat is added from the o ditio ed spae a d is equal to the spae ooli  load if the room temperature remai s o sta t.

!c "#/()#+ The eletri load that orrespo ds to a maximum level of eletri dema d i a speified time period. Peak periods duri  the day usually our i the mor i  hours from 6 to 9 a.m. a d duri  the after oo s from 4 to about 8 or 9 p.m. The after oo peak dema d periods are usually hiher, a d they are hihest duri  summer mo ths whe airʹ o ditio i  use is the hihest. Ê

ual peaks e erally our o hot summer days.

*c "'*&0("1"#$ Se sible heat is defi ed as the heat e ery that auses a ha e i temperature of a substa e but does ot o tribute to a ha e i state dfor example, steam to liquid water) for the substa e.

c #$"'$1"#$ |eat e ery that must be tra sferred to or removed from a substa e to ha e its state. For example, e ery used to boil water dlate t heat e ery) a

ot raise the

temperature of the water beyo d 212°F / 100°C. Êddi  more heat will aelerate the boili  dphase ha e) but will ot raise the temperature of the water.

c )'+2.$&)' Ê mode of heat tra sfer i whih heat e ery is tra sferred withi a objet itself or betwee objets i o tat. Whe a old spoo is left i a pot of boili  water, the spoo eve tually beomes hot. This is a example of o dutio . Co dutio is o e of the three forms of heat tra sfer, whih also i lude Co vetio a d Radiatio .

c )'3".$&)' Ê mode of heat tra sfer i whih heat e ery is tra sferred from a objet to movi  fluid suh as air, water, or refriera t. The heat si k of a omputer proessor is a example of heat tra sfer by o vetio . Co vetio is o e of the three forms of heat tra sfer, whih also i lude Co dutio a d Radiatio .

c#+&#$&)' Ê mode of heat tra sfer i whih heat e ery is tra sferred via eletroma eti waves. Ê item warmed by su liht is a example of radia t heati . Radiatio is o e of the three forms of heat tra sfer, whih also i lude Co vetio a d Co dutio .

c 3#4)-#$&)' The proess of a liquid beomi  a vapor. If a up of water were boiled for lo  e ouh, all the water would be o e. By addi  heat, all the water beomes a vapor a d mixes with the air.

·c "54"-#$2-" The measureme t of heat e ery withi a body or substa e. There are two ommo sales used to measure temperature, Ce tirade a d Fahre heit. The Ce tirade sale dalso ommo ly referred to as Celsius) is widely used i ter atio ally while the Fahre heit sale is ommo ly used i the U ited States.

 c"(#$&3"125&+&$6 The amou t of water vapor o tai ed i air relative to the maximum amou t the air is apable of holdi . xpressed i pere tae d).

c )57)-$8)'" The ra e of temperatures, humidity a d air veloities at whih the reatest pere tae of people feel omfortable.

!c)(#&-$"54"-#$2-" d÷sol-air) is a variable used to alulate ooli  load of a buildi  a d determi e the total heat ai throuh exterior surfaes.

*c9"'$&(#$&)' The i te tio al moveme t of air from outside a buildi  to the i side. It is the Ë i | ÊC. With lothes dryers, a d ombustio

equipme t suh as water heaters, boilers,

fireplaes, a d wood stoves, their exhausts are ofte alled  or  Ͷ this should ot be o fused with   . The ve ts or flues arry the produts of ombustio whih have to be expelled from the buildi  i a way whih does ot ause harm to the oupa ts of the buildi .

c '7&($-#$&)' The u i te tio al or aide tal i trodutio of outside air i to a buildi , typially throuh raks i

the buildi  e velope a d throuh use of doors for passae

I filtratio is sometimes alled air leakae.

cm"'"*$-#$&)' The plaeme t of wi dow ope i s i a buildi  wall, o e of the importa t eleme ts i o trolli  the exterior appeara e of a buildi . Êlso, a wi dow, door or skyliht a d its assoiated i terior or exterior eleme ts, suh as shades or bli ds.

c )'+&$&)'"+*4#." The part of the buildi  that is desi ed to be thermally o ditio ed for the omfort of oupa ts or for other oupa ies or for other reaso s.  c '+))-#&-:2#(&$6 Term referri  to the air quality withi a d arou d buildi s a d strutures, espeially as it relates to the health a d omfort of buildi  oupa ts.

c 1"-5)*$#$ Ê devie for reulati  the temperature of a system so that the system's temperature is mai tai ed ear a desired   temperature. The ame is derived from the Greek words thermos "hot" a d statos "a sta di ". The thermostat does this by swithi  heati  or ooli  devies o or off, or reulati  the flow of a heat tra sfer fluid as eeded, to mai tai the orret temperature.

·c..24#'$ Ê perso who oupies a plae or a positio ; Ê ow er or te a t of a property; Ê perso sitti  i a ar or other vehile.

 c"$#0)(&.1"#$ |eat ai from oupa ts i air o ditio ed spaes at differe t derees of ativities - i Watts.

c*6.1-)5"$-&. 1#-$ Graph of the thermody ami properties of moist air at a o sta t pressure dofte equated to a elevatio relative to sea level).

!c"#$$-#'*7"- The tra sitio of thermal e ery from a hotter mass to a ooler mass. Whe a objet is at a differe t temperature tha its surrou di s or a other objet,        , also k ow as     , or    , ours i suh a way that the body a d the surrou di s reah thermal equilibrium; this mea s that they are at the same temperature. |eat tra sfer always ours from a hiher-temperature objet to a ooler-temperature o e as desribed by the seo d law of thermody amis or the Clausius stateme t. Where there is a temperature differe e betwee proximity, heat tra sfer betwee them a

objets i

ever be stopped; it a o ly be slowed.

*cm&-*$(#;)7$1"-5)+6'#5&.* Ê expressio of the pri iple of o servatio of e ery, states that e ery a be tra sformed dha ed from o e form to a other), but a

ot be reated or destroyed.

͞The i rease i the i ter al e ery of a system is equal to the amou t of e ery added by heati  the system mi us the amou t lost as a result of the work do e by the system o its surrou di s.͟  c 1"-5)+6'#5&.4-)4"-$&"* |ere is a partial (&*$)7$1"-5)+6'#5&.4-)4"-$&"* of fluids: temperature [K]




š de sity [k/m3]


 speifi heat at o sta t pressure [J/dkK)]



ß dy ami visosity [N/dm²s)]


ki emati visosity [m²/s]



thermal o dutivity [W/dmK)]


 thermal diffusivity [m²/s]


] volumetri thermal expa sio oeffiie t [Kо1]


| e thalpy [J/k]




› ibbs free e ery [J/k]


Ê |elmholtz free e ery


pressure [N/m²]


Ë volume





ß hemial pote tial

speifi heat at o sta t volume [J/dkK)]

e tropy [J/dkK)]


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