ME Frequencies May 2011

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Using Frequencies and Numbers to Facilitate Health Kimberly Burnham, PhD May 2011 Matrix Energetics Study Group

Kimberly Burnham Hi I am Kimberly Burnham, author of The Nerve Whisper, a Messengers of Change mini-book, as well as Our Fractal Nature. The Time Traveler’s Strength and The Burnham Review, an Integrative Medicine research newsletter. I have a PhD in Integrative Medicine and am certified in Matrix Energetics and Integrative Manual Therapy I help people understand their nervous system so that they can feel better, function more successfully and enjoy greater quality of life.

????????? Have you ever felt frustration when someone said, “wow, did you see that or what does it feel like.” Frustrated because you didn’t see what they saw and you can’t feel anything?

Are you an athlete or martial artist looking for ways to hone your skills and improve hand eye coordination? Or a hands-on therapist or energy worker looking to developed better palpation skills and perceptual skills. Do you or someone you love have chronic pain or a nervous system disorder? Have you ever wondered how to help yourself.

Kimberly Burnham Thirty some years ago when I was diagnosed with Keratoconus, a genetic eye condition of the cornea and Nystagmus, a nervous system issue causing the eyes to twitch and chronic migraines, if you had asked a neurologist can the brain and spinal cord recovery? The answer would have most likely been “no.” In the last 20 years I have used complementary medicine approaches to improve my health, vision and ability to read people, situations and my own body.

Kimberly Burnham Today I no longer have migraines and my vision is better than when I was 40, probably better than when I was 12 and started wearing glasses. It is a new world for me and for anyone recovering from a neurological condition or wanting to improve their nervous system health.

Kimberly Burnham Oh, and today if the neurologist is reading his or her own medical research, they have to say, “The brain, spinal cord, the eyes, the ears, they can all recover under certain circumstances: a good blood supply bringing oxygen and nutrients; a lack of infection, toxins and inflammation; and space.”

Kimberly Burnham Tonight, I am going to share 20 ways to better perceive your environment, your body, your frequencies and rhythms and your relationships. We will look at how each one can help us feel better, read the signals coming from our bodies, our environment and other people. Just one of these tools can change your life or that of a client or loved one.

Tonight’s Goal If the only health relation thing you have ever done is one Matrix Energetics class plus tonight, my goals is for you to be able to help someone. If you have done lots of health-care related things these will be some awesome tools to add.

20 Ways to Use Frequencies and Numbers Visual: Look for 1-21 numbers in the environment and bring them in, in a Matrix Energetics Frequency way Notice a shower of numbers coming down. Is there one that is more present than the others? Ask yourself what number or part of the image will make a change. Locating the frequency – Where is it different? Up, Down? Left, right? Inside outside? Forward and back? Auditory: Hear the number or frequency.

Smell, Taste,

Knowing and Counting Count in your head or have the client count till you stop on a number that feels right Count through a list until you feel a change in the client’s body, balance, tissues, breathing, etc. Notice the change point. Look at the list pick something that is appropriate for the client and look what number it correlates with. Bring that number in. Knowing and Picking Have the client pick a number from a range Pick a card with a number and significance on it or have the client pick one Knowing and Scanning Scan down a list with your eyes, your finger, eyes closed, or pick a number that is interesting Put numbers or lists of images on a slide show and notice which one is on the screen when you look at it. Work with that number / image until it is no longer interesting then look again Use it like a time line and time travel to the number or frequency that will be most useful. Palpating: Palpate the number or frequency Treat a list like Matrix Energetics windows, dimensions, universes and feel which one is appropriate Feel the shape of the number under your hand in the two point Locating the frequency – Where is it different? Up, Down? Left, right? Inside outside? Forward and back? Tapping into Morphic Fields Ask yourself which number Richard Bartlett, or someone else from your Whizard’s council would pick for the client. Modalities: Set the dial for a number and let the radionics, rife or other machine do the work Write the number on a paper and have the client carry it like a homeopathic remedy © 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Matrix Energetics 21 Frequencies 1074.jpg

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Is the Frequency a reflection of a vibration in the internal or external environment? You are the Observer.

Homeostasis and Chaos Homeostasis: System will settle down to a steady state (constancy) if unperturbed. Fluctuations result from external influences. Destabilizing factors such as disease or ageing are anticipated to decrease order (increase chaos).

Chaos: System does not settle down to constant state. Fluctuations arise from internal feedback and do not require external perturbation. Destabilizing factors such as disease or ageing usually decrease the degree of complex variability (reduce chaos). © 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Two Point

Interference can be produced by the use of two dippers that are attached to the main ripple bar. In the diagrams below on the left the light areas represent crests of waves, the black areas represent troughs. Notice the grey areas: they are areas of destructive interference where the waves from the two sources cancel one another out. To the right is a photograph of two-point interference generated in a circular ripple tank.

What part of the pattern is the most helpful for this person?

“You are unique just like everyone else”

Bass (1997) Nonlinear man - chaos, fractal and homeostatic interplay in human physiology

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Small Intestines Fractals

Bass (1997) Nonlinear man - chaos, fractal and homeostatic interplay in human physiology

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Body Organ Frequencies

Body Organ Frequencies In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology, an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, built the first frequency monitor in the world. Tainio has determined that the average frequency of the human body during the daytime is 62-68 Hz. A healthy body frequency is 62-72 Hz . When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised. Check out these very interesting findings:

Human Body: Genius Brain Frequency 80-82 MHz Brain Frequency Range 72-90 MHz Normal Brain Frequency 72 MHz Human Body 62-78 MHz Human Body: from Neck up 72-78 MHz Human Body: from Neck down 60-68 MHz Thyroid and Parathyroid glands are 62-68 MHz Thymus Gland is 65-68 MHz Heart is 67-70 MHz Lungs are 58-65 MHz Liver is 55-60 MHz Pancreas is 60-80 MHz

Body Organ Frequencies Colds and Flu start at: 57-60 MHz Disease starts at: 58 MHz Candida overgrowth starts at: 55 MHz Receptive to Epstein Barr at: 52 MHz Receptive to Cancer at: 42 MHz Death begins at: 25 MHz Foods (fresh foods and herbs can be higher if grown organically and eaten freshly picked): Fresh Foods 20-27 Hz Fresh Herbs 20-27 Hz Dried Foods 15-22 Hz Dried Herbs 15-22 Hz Processed/Canned Food 0 HZ...(the majority of food we eat) According to Dr. Royal R. Rife, every disease has a frequency. He found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease and that others would destroy disease. Substances with higher frequency will destroy diseases of a lower frequency. The study of frequencies raises an important question, concerning the frequencies of substances we eat, breathe and absorb. Many pollutants lower healthy frequency. Processed/canned food has a frequency of zero. Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz, dried herbs from 12 to 22 Hz and fresh

Heart Beat Frequencies

A revealing group of graphs summarizes the findings of Professors Goldberger’s Harvard team using the above described tools of dimensional analysis in describing the heart rate dynamics of healthy subjects and different pathological conditions.

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

What Instrument does it feel like?

Scalar Field and Frequencies © 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Rife Machine Frequencies

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Electro Herbalism Hulda Clark & Royal Rife

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Electro Herbalism Hulda Clark & Royal Rife

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Electro Herbalism Hulda Clark & Royal Rife

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Electro Therapy Generator

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Motor Cortex and Muscle Rhythms Natural rhythm: evidence for occult 40 Hz gamma oscillation in resting motor cortex. Funk AP, Epstein CM. Source Department of Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA. Abstract Fast gamma oscillations, often at 40 Hz, have been demonstrated throughout the brain including the thalamus, auditory, visual and motor cortices. The function of gamma rhythms is elusive, but several authors have hypothesized that they contribute to the "binding" of diverse information into a single coherent percept, and to the synchronization of movement. In skeletal muscle a "Piper rhythm" around 40 Hz is commonly observed during maximal voluntary contraction, and has been shown to correlate with activity of similar frequency in a limited area of contralateral motor cortex. The results suggest the presence of an occult, synchronous 40 Hz rhythm across broad areas of resting motor cortex in both hemispheres.

Muscle Frequencies

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Muscle Frequencies

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Human Frequencies

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham


Accepting Love, Passion, Compassion, Understanding, Illumination, Energies of Transformation, Consciousness, Essence of Life

CSIMT Consciousness Frequencies

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Vibraotiondata Piano

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Planets and Tones

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Chemical Elemental Composition of the Human Body

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Periodic Table

“The universe is made up of stories, not atoms.” – Muriel Rukeyser, writer

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Periodic Table

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Periodic Table BreakdownChart.jpg

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Trace Minerals

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Wavelength and Frequencies of Light


Chakra Frequencies and notes



Zip Codes (Where is the Origin?)

Conscious Mind / Subconscious

Levels of the Map of Consciousness: 0-1000

NOTICE! Thanks to David Hawkins and pioneers of consciousness, mankind has the ability to decipher Truth vs Falsehood with kinesiology. However, Humans, as aspects of Infinite Source Energy with Freewill Choice in an ever expanding universe, consciousness is unlimited and cannot be contained within a scale. Accuracy possibility is highest when calibrating the LOC of human beings up to 500 which is more of a linear experience of life. Accuracy dramatically decreases when measuring LOC of human beings who have reached over 500 into the non linear infinite realm and into enlightenment. It is possible to experience the Divine from a human body... which cannot be contained in a scale. The technology helps us to identify where we are and supports integration of consciousness,

Conscious Mind / Subconscious

Players: Tree of Life

A quote from a Rabbi: on the 6pointed star: In Kabbalistic teachings, one finds that the number six represents the Heavens and the Earth and the four directions (North, South, East, West)........ The star as a unified whole symbolizes the seventh "Ushpizen" -- David -the "king" who unifies the whole. Furthermore, the Magen David has 12 sides: David as king unified the 12 tribes. Star Union "Star Union" combined Male-Female Star = 7 points (Rennes-le-Château, tree of life (androgyne))


Acupressure Points Index

Index to the acupressure points for emotional well-being. Anger GB-44 LI-11 LIV-2 Assertiveness LIV-1 Calmness LI-4 SP-6 ST-36 Clarity of mind SI-5 Concentration SI-5 Decisiveness GB-44 Depression LIV-3 Distractability GB-44 SI-5 Emotion, too much P-7 Emptiness LU-1 LU-3 Energy ST-36

Excitement, too much P-7 Expressiveness TB-5 Fear KI-3 KI-4 KI-6 SP-6 Feelings TB-5 Focus GB-44 SI-19 SI-5 Grief LI-4 LU-1 LU-3 LU-7 LU-9 Inner worth LU-1 LU-3 Internal emptiness LU-1 LU-3 Irritability SP-6 Listen to one's heart SI-19 Longing LU-3 LU-9 Nervous SP-6 ST-36 Passivity LIV-1

Acupressure Points Index

Index to the acupressure points for emotional well-being. Relax LIV-3 SP-6 Restlessness KI-6 Secure, feeling ST-36 Self-esteem LIV-1 Self-expression TB-5 Sensitivity TB-17 TB-5 Shyness LIV-1 Spiritual emptiness LU-9 Stability ST-36 Stamina ST-36

Thinking too much SP-6 ST-36 Timidity GB-44 ST-36 Unblock emotions LIV-3 Unemotional TB-5 Vision KI-6 Will KI-4 Worrying SP-6 ST-36

Reflex Points

Brain Waves

© 2010 Kimberly Burnham

Architypal Sounds and Numbers

Mantras (Sound); Sound Frequencies / Vibrations The Six Solfeggio Frequencies Voice Sync (Sound) Quartz bowls 10:21 (2. Beta 3:00; 3. Alpha 5:56; 4. Theta 5:42; 5. Delta 11:11; 6. Dynamic brainwaves The Six Solfeggio Frequencies 1. UT - 396 Hz - Liberating Guilt and Fear 2. RE - 417 Hz - Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change 3. MI - 528 Hz - Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) 4. FA - 639 Hz - Connecting/Relationships 5. SOL - 741 Hz - Awakening Intuition 6. LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order

Matrix Energetics List Architypes (Various) Bach Flower Remedies: 1. agrimony ; 2 aspen; 3 beech; 4 centaury; 5 cerato; 6 cherry plum; 7 chestnut bud; 8 chicory; 9 clematis; 10 crab apple; 11 elm; 12 gentian; 13 gorse; 14 heather; 15 holly; 16 honeysuckle; 17 hornbeam; 18 impatiens; 19 larch; 20 mimulus; 21 mustard; 22 oak; 23 olive; 24 pine; 25 red chestnut 26 rock rose; 27 rock water; 28 scleranthus; 29 star ot bethlem; 30 sweet chestnut; 31 vervian; 32 vine; 33 walnut; 34 water violet; 35 white chestnut ; 36 wild oat 37 wild rose; 38 willow

Life Work Potential (Architypes)

1) Amino Acid Test Kit 2) Bach Flower Remedy Test 3) Bacteria Test Kit 4) Body Biochemical 1 Test Kit 5) Body Biochemicals 2 Test 6) Body Biochemicals 3 Test Body Biochemicals 4 Test Kit Body Biochemicals 5 Test Kit Chemical & Inhalants Test Kit Common Metals Test Kit Dental Test Kit Digestive Enzymes Test Kit

13) Drinks Alcoholic A Test Kit 14) Drinks Alcoholic B Test Kit 15) Earth Energies Test Kit 16) Earth Energies: Dispensing Set 17) Element Test Kit 18) Elements (Partial) Test Kit 19) Essential Oils Kit A 20) Essential Oils B Test Kit 21) Food Test Kit A 22) Food Test Kit B 23) Food Test Kit C

Life Work Potential (Architypes)

24) Food Additive Test Kit A 25) Food Additive Test Kit B 26) Food Phenolics Test Kit 27) Fragrance Test Kit 28) Fungus 1 Test Kit 29) Fungus 2 Test Kit 30) Homeopathic A Test Kit 31) Homeopathic B Test Kit 32) Homeovitic (HoBoN) Test 33) Hormone Test Kit 34) Industrial&Environmental 1 35) Industrial&Environmental 2

36) Invasive Organisms (Composite)Test Kit 37) Maui Test Kit 38) Nutrition 1 Test Kit 39) Parasite 1 Test Kit 40) Parasite 2 Test Kit 41) Histology Test Kit 42) Pathology/Histology 1: Respiratory System 43) Pathology/Histology 2: Lower Digestive System 44) Pathology/Histology 3: Upper Digestive System

Life Work Potential (Architypes)

45) Pathology/Histology 4: Endocrine System 46) Pathology/Histology 5: Gall Bladder & Liver 47) Pathology/Histology 6: Brain & Nervous System 48) Pathology/Histology 7: Skeletal System 49) Pathology/Histology 8: Muscle & Connective Tissues 50) Pathology/Histology 9: Kidney & Urinary System 51) Pathology/Histology 10: Lymph, Blood & Immune

51) Pathology/Histology 10: Lymph, Blood & Immune System 52) Pathology/Histology 11: Heart & Circulatory System 53) Pathology/Histology 12: Reproductive Sys -Female Breast Only 54) Pathology/Histology 13: Female Reproductive Excluding Breasts 55) Pathology/Histology 14: Male Reproductive System 56) Pathology/Histology 15: Pregnancy & Neonatal

Life Work Potential (Architypes)

57) Pathology/Histology 16: Eyes, Nose, Ears & Mouth 58) Pathology/Histology 17: Skin 59) Personal Care Test Kit 60) Pesticide Test Kit 61) Pollens, Dust & Moulds Test Kit 62) Pollens, Etc. 2 Test Kit 63) Recreational Drugs Test Kit 64) Vaccination Test Kit 65) Virus Test Kit


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