Capability Maturity Model Integration - MCQs (01-14-2015)
Capability Maturity Model Integration - MCQs 1. Which of the following is not a phase of CMMI? a) Initial b) Quantitatively managed c) Integrated d) Defined Explanation: Initial, Managed, Defined, Quantitatively managed and optimized are the phases of CMMI. 2. CMMI is successor of CMM. True or false a) True b) False Explanation: Previously CMM practices were followed which were difficult to integrate so CMMI is evolved. 3. When we say ABC organization is CMMI level 5 company, How do you describe its stage? a) Defined b) Managed c) Optimized d) Quantitatively managed Explanation: Optimized is highest CMMI level where processes are already quantitatively managed and company is striving for continuous process improvement. 4. Which of the following is process improvement model? a) CMMI b) Agile c) Prototyping d) V model Explanation: CMMI is process improvement technique. Agile, prototyping and V model are SDLC models.
5. What is the full form of CMMI? a) Capability Maturity Modification integration b) Capability Managed Maturity Integration c) Capability Maturity Model Integrator d) Capability Maturity Model Integration 6. What is not the objective(s) of CMMI? a) Produce quality product or services by process improvement b) Increase customer satisfaction c) Expanding market presence d) Achieve excellence and create value for stakeholders e) Removing the bugs in product thereby direct product improvement Explanation: CMMI is process improvement technique. It is not directly responsible for removing bugs but it will improve product by process improvement.
7. In CMMI®, the name of Maturity Level 5 is:
a. b. c. d.
Six Sigma Optimized Statistical Optimizing
Chapter 30: Software Process Improvement 8. Software process improvement must deliver a reasonable return-on-investment to justify its use.
False 9. An effective software process improvement effort relies on the same framework for each project.
True False 10. The intent of a maturity model like CCM is to provide a road map to good software practice.
True False 11. SPI is only justified for large software organizations. True False 12. The most difficult part of SPI is establishing a consensus for starting the process.
Out of 16 questions, you answered 9 correctly with a final grade of 56%
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