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DIRECTORATE OF NURSING APPTITUDE TEST BSc Nursing Fast Track (One Year) BSc Nursing Post RN ( Two Year) Name________________________/ Date:_____/_____/2011. (Multiple Choice Questions) Time :One Hour Maximum : 100 marks 1.

The vitamin required for normal production of RBCs is: a) b) c) d)


Clostomy can be: a) b) c) d)


Temporary or permanent Double barrel or end Wet or dry All of the above

Cyanosis is a late indication of a) b) c) d)


Calcium Vitamin A Folic acid Vit K

Hypoxia hyperoxygenaemia hypocarboxaemia None of the above.

During thoracentesis encourage patient to a) b) c) d)

Cough Vomit Not to cough Speak


A patient with a) b) c) d)

acute gastritis is advised to take Alcohol Non irritating diet Food with nice masala None of the above


In patients with gastric ulcer a) Pain occurs ½ to 1 hour after meals b) Pain is relieved by vomiting c) Haematemesis is common d) All the above is present


Fowlers's position after abdominal surgery a) Reduces tension on incision and abdominal organs b) Reduces pain c) Bothof the above d) None of the above


Liver plays an important role in a) Glucogenesis b) Ammonia conversion c) Protein metabolism d) All the above


Obstructive jaundice is due to except a) Gall stone obstruction b) Inflammation of gall bladder c) Tumour d) Excess secretion of pancreas.


Adverse effects of insulin therapy - except a) seizures b) coma c) hyperglycaemia d) severe sweating


Plain insulin has peak action of : a) 8 to 12 hours b) 2to 3 hours c) 12 to 16 hours d) 16 to 30 hours.


Cretinism is : a) Thyroid deficiency at birth b) Pituitary deficiency in chidhood c) hypothyroidism d) accumulation of mucopolysaccharides.


Nursing procedure to prevent bronchial obstruction a) Aspirate secretions b) Postural drainage c) Use of aerosol nebulizers d) All of the above


Water seal drainage is useful in: a) Pleural effusion b) Thoracic surgery c) Open heart surgery d) All of the above.


Agent that increases rate of urine flow a) Diruretics b) Antibiotics c) antipyretics d) antidiuretics


Before digoxine administration check a) Respiratory rate, B.P., enlarged liver or spleen b) Headache and vomiting because of meningeal involvement c) Pulse rate d) None of the above.


In the case of congestive cardiac failure collect and measure a) Single specimen of urine b) 12 hours specimen of urine c) 48 hours specimen of urine d) 24 hours specimen of urine


Pitting dependent oedema is due to a) Left sided cardiac failure b) Right sided cardiac failure c) Both of the above d) None of the above.


___________ a) b) c) d)


Patients with congestive cardiac failure needs a) Elevation of footside of bed b) Elevation of headside of bed c) Both of the above d) None of the above All of the following are side effects of frusemide (Lasix) except :a) Postural hypotension. b) Precipitation of digitoxin toxicity. c) Pruritus d) Hyperkalemia



Relieves pain in Angina. Brufen Mucaine gel Carminatives Nitroglycerine

A second degree burn is very susceptible to which of the following complications? a) Scarring b) Infection c) Deep pigmentation d) Disfiguration

3. On palpating the left lower quadrant, pain will be felt in the right lower quadrant. This is termed as: a) Rebound tenderness b) Babinski response c) Rovsing's sign d) None of the above. 4.

After gastrectomy the patient has to continue a drug life long, which is a) Vit K b) Vit B12 c) Tab. Ranitidine d) Vit C.


The removal of an entire lung is termed as a) Lobectomy

b) c) d) .

Segmentectomy Pneumonectomy Wedge resection.

The choice of thrombolytic therapy in myocardial infarction is: a) Nitroglycerine b) Heparin c) Morphine Sulphate d) Streptokinase

8. a) b) c) d)

The dietary management of a patient with congestive cardiac failure includes: Salt restricted diet Fat restricted diet High protein and high calorie diet Rich fibre content diet (1.) a, b, c (2.) a, c, d (3.) a,b,d (4.) a,b c, d

9. a) b) c) d)

The post operative complications following valve replacement include: Thromboembolism Infection Haemolysis Congestive heart failure (1.) a, b, c (2.) a, c d (3.) b, c, d (4.) a, b, c, d


The hallmark a) b) c) d)

of peripheral arterial insufficiency is : Angina Intermittent claudication Cyanosis Clubbing

11. When a clot develops in the veins as a result of stasis, but without inflammation, the process is termed as : a) Thrombophlebitis b) Phlebothrombosis c) Varicose veins d) Burger's disease. 12. Patient education regarding care of the feet and legs for the person with peripheral vascular problem include: a) Wash feet daily with soap and luke werm water and dry thoroughly especially between the toes b) Wear clean loose soft cotton socks to absorb moisture. c) Avoid circular compression around feet or knees, such as knee high stockings. d) Do not avoid sunburn (1.) a, b, c (2.) b, c, d (3.) a, c, d (4.) a, b, c, d 13. A group of hereditory disorders, associated with defective haemoglobin - chain synthesis is termed as : a) Sickle cell anaemia b) Pernicious anaemia c) Thalassemia d) Iron deficiency anaemia 14.

15. a) b) c) d)


A condition in which a) b) c) d)

the white cells are fewer in number than normal is termed as : Polycythemia Leukaemia Leukopenia None of the above.

The clinical manifestations of a patient with Acute lymphocytic leukaemia include: Pain from an enlarged liver or spleen Headache and vomiting because of meningeal involvement Bone pain Bleeding disorders (1.) a, b, c (2.) b, c, d (3.) a, c, d (4.) a, b, c, d The goals of nutritional management of a patient with diabetes include ALL EXCEPT

a) b) c) d)

Provision of all food constituents eg. Vitamins and minerals Increase of blood lipid levels Achievement and maintenance of reasonable weight Meeting energy needs.


The preoperative management of a patient undergoing thyroidectomy include ALL EXCEPT a) The patient is treated with appropriate medication, therapy to return the hormone levels to normal b) Reduce the risk of thyroid storm c) Medications that may prolong clotting eg. Aspirin should not be stopped d) Reduce the vascularity of the thyroid gland


The most common complication following fracture of long bones a) Haemorrhage b) Fat embolism c) Deep vein thrombosis d) Constipation


Malignant cells when transferred to another part of the body is a) Carcinoma b) Metastasis c) Keloid d) Sarcoma



Epistaxis is bleeding from a) Stomach b) Nose c) Colon d) lungs. Pernicious anaemia is due to deficiency of a) B1 b) B2 c) B6 d) B 12


Collection of pus in the pleural cavity is known as a) Empyema b) Haemothorax c) Pneumothorax d) Pleural effusion


The most comon presenting symptom of colorectal cancer is a) Blood in the stools b) Change in the bowel habit c) Unexplained anaemia d) Tenesmus


Adverse effects of insulin therapy are the following except a) Seizures b) Coma c) Hyperglycemia d) Severe sweating


Pitting dependent oedema is due to a) Lt sided cardiac failure b) Rt sided cardiac failure c) Both the above d) None of the above


The strongest a) b) c) d)


Anaphylactic shock is caused by a) Severe pain b) Hypovolaemia c) Antigen and antibody reaction d) Septicemia


Te natural pacemaker in the heart is a) Sinuatrial node b) Bundle of His c) Atrioventricular node d) Purkinje fibres


The purpose of a barium enema is a) To detect the presence of polyps or tumours of the large intestine

cause of breast cancer is Women who have more menstrual periods Unmarried women Using oral contraceptive pills Genetic factor

b) c) d) 10.

To assess the malfunctioning of the pancreas To diagnose ulcers or tumours of the stomach or oesophagus None of the above

When a clot develops in the veins, as a result of stasis but without inflammation, the process is termed as a) Thrombophlebitis b) Phlebothrombosis c) Varicose veins d) Buerger's disease


Hepatitis B spreads through a) Body fluids b) Contaminated water c) Droplets d) Skin absorption


Tetany is caused by a) Reduced secretion of parathyroid hormone b) Reduced secretionof thyrotopic hormone c) Hypersecretion of thyroxine d) Hypersecretion of parathyroid hormone


The "Rule of Nine" is followed for a) Dehydration b) Burns c) Plastic surgery d) Diarrhoea


The position a) b) c) d)


The major intra cellular cation is a) Na+ b) K+ c) Ca ++ d) Mg ++








in which a dyspnoeic client should be placed is Sims Supine Trendelenburg Orthopnoic

The nurse should administer a nasogastric tube feeding slowly to reduce the hazard of a) Distension b) Indigestion c) Flatulence d) Regurgitation Cretinism is a) b) c) d)

Thyroid deficiency of birth Pituirary deficiency in childhood Hypothyroidism Accumulation of mucopolysaccharides

Colostomy can be a) Temporary or permanent b) Double barrel or end ld not take simple sugar c) Wet or dry d) All the above . All of the following are leukocytes except a) Granulocytes b) Monocytes c) Reticulocytes d) Lymphocytes Following are the purposes of application of plaster cast except a) To maintain muscle tone b) To immobilise a part c) To support a weak joint d) To correct a deformity A client with pyrexia will most likely demonstrate with a) Dyspnoea b) Chest pain c) Increased pulse rate d) Raised blood pressure Angina pectoris is a sign of a) Mitral insufficiency

b) c) d) 3.

Myocardial ischaemia Myocardial infarction Coronary thrombosis

When a client is receiving anticoagulants, the nursing care should include observation for : a) Nausea b) Epistaxis c) Head ache d) Chest pain


The nurse can a) b) c) d)

best assess the of oedema in an extremity Weighing the patient Checking for pitting Measuring the affected area Observing intake / output


After a bone marrow aspiration, the nurse should a) Position the client on the affected side b) Monitor the vital signs frequently c) Cleanse the site with antiseptic solution d) Briefly apply pressure over the aspiration site


A client who expectorates blood is having : a) Haematuria b) Haematoma c) Haematemesis d) Haemoptysis


One of the most common complication of chronic asthma is a) Atelectasis b) Emphysema c) pneumothorax d) pulmonary fibrosis


After thoracentesis, the nurse should observe the client for a) Periods of confusion b) Expectoration of blood c) Increased breath sounds d) Decreased respiratory rate


Under production of thyroxine produces a) Myxedema b) Acromegaly c) Grave's disease d) Cushing's disease


To check for larngeal nerve injury after thyroidectomy, the nurse should a) Ask the client to speak b) Ask the client to swallow c) Ask the client to hum a tume d) Swab the throat to test for gag reflex


An effective first aid treatmen for an alkali burn is to flush with water and then apply a) A dilute base b) A weak acid c) A salt solution d) An antibiotic solution


During the early postoperative period after colostomy, the nursing care should include a) Witholding all fluids for 72 hours b) Limiting fluid intake for several days c) Having the client change the dressing d) Keeping the skin around the stoma clean and dry


One calssic sign of hepatic coma is : a) Bile coloured stools b) Elevated cholesterol c) Flapping hand tremours d) Depresseed muscle reflexes


Pancytopenia is seen in a) Aplastic anaemia b) Iron deficiency anaemia c) Pernicious anaemia d) Megaloblastic anaemia


Colles fracture is caused by a) Fall on the outstretched palm b) Fall on the back

c) d)

Blunt injury Head injury

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