MCQ OOAD With Explanation Dr. Rashmi Jha for Students 2016

April 11, 2017 | Author: Amit Aggarwal | Category: N/A
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The section contains questions and answers on Software Engineering, UML and their applications, Object Oriented Analysis & Design, User Interface and Component Level Designs and Designs of various other Test Cases. Software Engineering Questions & Answers – Software Engineering Ethics – 1 This section on Software Engineering MCQs focuses on “Software Engineering Ethics – 1”. 1. Choose the correct option in terms of Issues related to professional responsibility a) Confidentiality b) Intellectual property rights c) Both a & b d) Managing Client Relationships View Answer Answer:c Explanation: Engineers should normally respect the confidentiality of their employers or clients irrespective of whether or not a formal confidentiality agreement has been signed. They should be aware of local laws governing the use of intellectual property such as patents, copyright, etc. 2. “Software engineers should not use their technical skills to misuse other people’s computers.”Here the term misuse refers to: a) Unauthorized access to computer material b) Unauthorized modification of computer material c) Dissemination of viruses or other malware d) All of the mentioned View Answer Answer:d Explanation: None. 3. Explain what is meant by PRODUCT with reference to one of the eight principles as per the ACM/IEEE Code of Ethics ? a) The product should be easy to use. b) Software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications meet the highest professional standards possible. c) Software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications satisfy the client. d) It means that the product designed /created should be easily available. View Answer Answer:b Explanation: None.

4. Identify an ethical dilemma from the situations mentioned below: a) Your employer releases a safety-critical system without finishing the testing of the system. b) Refusing to undertake a project. c) Agreement in principle with the policies of senior management. View Answer Answer:a Explanation: None. advertisements 5. Identify the correct statement: “Software engineers shall a) act in a manner that is in the best interests of his expertise and favour.” b) act consistently with the public interest.” c) ensure that their products only meet the SRS.” d) none View Answer Answer:b Explanation: Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their client and employer consistent with the public interest and shall ensure that their products and related modifications meet the highest professional standards possible.Thus options a & c are ruled out. 6. Select the incorrect statement: “Software engineers should a) not knowingly accept work that is outside your competence.” b) not use your technical skills to misuse other people’s computers.” c) be dependent on their colleagues.” d) maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgment.” View Answer Answer:c Explanation:None. 7. Efficiency in a software product does not include ________ a) responsiveness b) licensing c) memory utilization d) processing time View Answer Answer:b Explanation: Licensing of a software product comes under corporate part of the software company. 8. As per an IBM report, “31%of the project get cancelled before they are completed, 53% overrun their cost estimates by an average of 189% and for every 100 projects, there are 94 restarts”.What is the reason for these statistics ? a) Lack of adequate training in software engineering

b) Lack of software ethics and understanding c) Management issues in the company View Answer Answer:a Explanation: Option b & c are a part of Software Engineering as a subject,hence option a covers them both. advertisements 9. The reason for software bugs and failures is due to a) Software companies b) Software Developers c) Both a and b View Answer Answer:c Explanation: Software companies are responsible for making policies and providing working atmosphere for the software development, so in turn these companies become a part of software development process.Bugs from developers side is no new thing. Thus option c answers the question. 10. Company has latest computers and state-of the- art software tools, so we shouldn’t worry about the quality of the product. a) True b) False View Answer Answer:b Explanation: The infrastructure is only one of the several factors that determine the quality of the product. Software Engineering Questions and Answers – Software Engineering Ethics – 2 This section on Software Engineering MCQs focuses on “Software Engineering Ethics – 2”. 1. Which of these are not among the eight principles followed by Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice ? a) PUBLIC b) PROFESSION c) PRODUCT d) ENVIRONMENT View Answer Answer:d Explanation: rest all are clauses for software ethics, environment does not focus on specific clause nor its of importace related to question. 2. What is a Software ? a) Software is set of programs.

b) Software is documentation and configuration of data. c) Both a and b d) None of the mentioned View Answer Answer:c Explanation: Software is not just set of program but it is also associated documentation and configuration of data to make program run. 3. Which of these does not account for software failure ? a) Increasing Demand b) Low expectation c) Increasing Supply d) Less reliable and expensive. View Answer Answer:c Explanation: Increasing supply will lead to more production and not failure. 4. What are attributes of good software ? a) Software maintainability. b) Software functionality. c) Software development. d) a and b. e) a,b and c. View Answer Answer:d Explanation: Good software should deliver the required functinality, maintainability. Software development is not an attribute but a fundamental. advertisements 5. Which of these software engineering activities are not a part of software processes ? a) Software dependence. b) Software development. c) Software validation. d) Software specification. View Answer Answer:a Explanation: Software dependence is an attribute and not an engineering activity for process. 6. Which of these is incorrect ? a) Software engineering belongs to Computer science. b) Software engineering is a part of more general form of System Engineering. c) Computer science belongs to Software engineering. d) Software engineering is concerned with the practicalities of developing and delivering useful

software. View Answer Answer:c Explanation: Software engineering is a vast sub domain which comes under computer science which is main domain. 7. Which of these is true ? a) Generic products and customized products are types of software products. b) Generic products are produces by organization and sold to open market. c) Customized products are comissioned by particular customer. d) All of the above. View Answer Answer:d Explanation: All of them are true. 8. Which of these does not affect different types of software as a whole? a) Heterogeneity b) Flexibility c) Business and social change d) Security View Answer Answer:b Explanation:Option b & c are a part of Software Engineering as a subject,hence option a covers them both. advertisements 9. The fundamental notions of software engineering does not account for ? a) Software processes b) Software Security c) Software reuse d) Software Validation View Answer Answer:d Explanation:Software validation is an activity for software process and not the fundamental for engineering. 10. Which of these is not true ? a) Web has led to availability of software services and possibility of developing highly distributed service based systems. b) Web based systems have led to degradance of programming languages. c) Web brings concept of software as service. d) Web based system should be developed and delivered incrementally. View Answer

Answer:b Explanation: Web based systems has led to important advances in programming languages Software Engineering Questions and Answers – Software Life Cycle Models This section on Software Engineering MCQs focuses on “Software Life Cycle Models”. 1. Build & Fix Model is suitable for programming exercises of ___________ LOC (Line of Code). a) 100-200 b) 200-400 c) 400-1000 d) above 1000 View Answer Answer:a Explanation: Build & Fix Model is suitable for small projects & programming exercises of 100 or 200 lines. 2. RAD stands for a) Relative Application Development b) Rapid Application Development c) Rapid Application Document View Answer Answer:b Explanation: None. 3. Which one of the following models is not suitable for accommodating any change? a) Build & Fix Model b) Prototyping Model c) RAD Model d) Waterfall Model View Answer Answer:d Explanation: Real projects rarely follow the sequential flow that the Waterfall Model proposes. 4. Which is not one of the types of prototype of Prototyping Model? a) Horizontal Prototype b) Vertical Prototype c) Diagonal Prototype d) Domain Prototype View Answer

Answer:c Explanation: Their is no such thing as Diagonal Prototype whereas other options have their respective definitions. advertisements 5. Which one of the following is not a phase of Prototyping Model? a) Quick Design b) Coding c) Prototype Refinement d) Engineer Product View Answer Answer:b Explanation: A prototyping model generates only a working model of a system. 6. Which of the following statements regarding Build & Fix Model is wrong? a) No room for structured design b) Code soon becomes unfix-able & unchangeable c) Maintenance is practically not possible d) It scales up well to large projects View Answer Answer:d Explanation: Build & Fix Model is suitable for 100-200 LOC 7. RAD Model has a) 2 phases b) 3 phase c) 5 phases d) 6 phases View Answer Answer:c Explanation: RAD Model consists of five phases namely:Business modeling,Data modeling,Process modeling,Application generation and Testing & Turnover. 8. What is the major drawback of using RAD Model? a) Highly specialized & skilled developers/designers are required. b) Increases re-usability of components. c) Encourages customer/client feedback. d) Both a & c. View Answer Answer:d Explanation: The client may create an unrealistic product vision leading a team to over or underdevelop functionality.Also, the specialized & skilled developers are not easily available. advertisements

9. SDLC stands for a) Software Development Life Cycle b) System Development Life cycle c) Software Design Life Cycle d) System Design Life Cycle View Answer Answer:a Explanation: None. 10. Which model can be selected if user is involved in all the phases of SDLC? a) Waterfall Model b) Prototyping Model c) RAD Model d) both b & c View Answer Answer:c Explanation: None Object Oriented System Design Questions and Answers – Foundations of Object Model – 1 This section of our 1000+ Object Oriented System Design MCQs focuses on Foundations of Object Model – 1. 1) The method of design encompassing the process of object oriented decomposition and a notation for depicting both logical and physical and as well as static and dynamic models of the system under design is known as: a) Object- Oriented Programming b) Object- Oriented Design c) Object- Oriented Analysis d) None of the mentioned View Answer Answer: b Explanation: The definition has two important parts. The former part uses the class and object abstractions to logically structure systems, and the latter uses algorithmic abstractions. The term object oriented design (OOD) is used to refer any method that leads to object oriented decomposition. 2) What is the programming style of the object oriented conceptual model? a) Invariant relationships b) Algorithms c) Classes and objects d) Goals, often expressed in a predicate calculus. View Answer

Answer: c Explanation: Object oriented programming follows a conceptual framework called object model and is implemented by writing classes and objects to make its style clear unlike procedureoriented language. 3) The essential characteristics of an object that distinguish it from all other kinds of objects and thus provide crisply defined conceptual boundaries, relative to the perspective of the viewer is called: a) Encapsulation b) Modularity c) Hierarchy d) Abstraction View Answer Answer: d Explanation: Abstraction focuses only on the outside view of an object and separates object’s essential behavior from its implementation. It explains what an object does but doesn’t explain how it does. 4) Abstraction is classified into _______ types a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1 View Answer Answer: a Explanation: Entity abstraction, Action abstraction, Virtual machine abstraction, Coincidental abstraction advertisements 5) The process of compartmentalizing the elements of an abstraction that constitute its structure and behavior is called as a) Hierarchy b) Encapsulation c) Modularity d) Entity Abstraction View Answer Answer: b Explanation: Encapsulation focuses upon the implementation that gives rise to this behavior and is mostly often achieved through information hiding i.e., abstraction. 6) Single inheritance, Multiple inheritance, and Aggregation comes under _______ a) Modularity b) Typing c) Hierarchy

d) None of the mentioned View Answer Answer: c Explanation: All the three types are the examples of Hierarchy, as it denotes ranking or ordering of abstractions. 7) In which of the following mechanisms, types of all variables and expressions are fixed at compilation time. a) Strong Typing b) Weak Typing c) Static Binding/ early binding d) Dynamic Binding/ late binding View Answer Answer: c Explanation: The memory address of a variable can be statically bound to the variable at compile time or dynamically at runtime. Likewise, variables in some languages have dynamic types that change during program execution, while other variables have static types that remain fixed over the execution of the program. Only the binding of the value determines whether the object is a variable or something else (such as constant). 8) In which of the following mechanisms, types of all variables and expressions are not known until runtime a) Strong Typing b) Weak Typing c) Static Binding/ early binding d) Dynamic Binding/ late binding View Answer Answer: d Explanation: The memory address of a variable can be statically bound to the variable at compile time or dynamically at runtime. Likewise, variables in some languages have dynamic types that change during program execution, while other variables have static types that remain fixed over the execution of the program. Only the binding of the value determines whether the object is a variable or something else (such as constant). advertisements 9) Which of the following statements about Persistence is correct? a) It is the enforcement of the class of an object, such that objects of different types may not be interchanged, or at the most they may be interchanged only in very restricted ways. b) It is the property of an object through which its existence transcends time and/or space. c) It is the property that distinguishes an active object from one that is not active. d) All of the mentioned View Answer

Answer: b Explanation: Persistence deals with lifetime of data. Persistence saves the state and class of an object across time or space. 10) What is that concept in type theory in which a single name may denote objects of many different classes that are related by some common super class referred to ______ a) Monomorphism b) Type Checking c) Polymorphism d) Generalization View Answer Answer: c Explanation: Polymorphism is a feature of object oriented programming that usually takes the ability of creating an object, or variable, or a function in more than one form. Polymorphism exists when the features of inheritance and dynamic binding interact. Software Engineering Questions and Answers – Unified Modelling Language This section on Software Engineering MCQs focuses on “Unified Modelling Language”. 1. Object oriented analysis and design can be handled by the one who knows UML. a) True b) False View Answer Answer: False Explanation: The Unified Modeling Language includes a set of graphic notation techniques to create visual models of object-oriented software-intensive systems. 2. At Conceptual level Class diagrams should include a) operations only b) attributes only c) both (a) and (b) d) None of the mentioned View Answer Answer: b Explanation: In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system’s classes, their attributes, operations, and the relationships among objects. 3. Select the statement true for activity diagrams. a) They can be used to discover parallel activities b) They are used to depict workflow for a particular business activity c) Activity diagram do not tell who does what and are difficult to trace back to object models

d) All of the mentioned View Answer Answer: d Explanation: Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of step wise activities and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. 4. Constraints can be represented in UML by a) {text} b) [text] c) constraint d) None of the mentioned View Answer Answer: a Explanation: Constraints are represented by {text string}. advertisements 5. What is an object? a) An object is an instance of a class. b) An object includes encapsulation of data c) An object is not an instance of a class View Answer Answer: a Explanation: An object is an instance of a class. 6. What is an abstract class? a) A class that has direct instances, but whose descendants may have direct instances. b) A class that has direct instances, but whose descendants may not have direct instances. c) A class that has no direct instances, but whose descendants may have direct instances. View Answer Answer: c Explanation: An abstract type is a type in a nominative type system which cannot be instantiated directly. 7. Which of the following are the valid relationships in Use Case Diagrams a) Generalization b) Include c) Extend d) All of the mentioned View Answer 8. Which of the following statement(s) is true about interaction diagrams? a) Interaction diagrams are at their best when they deal with one main design flow and not multiple variants that can happen. b) Interaction diagrams are good at designing part or all of one use case’s functionality across

multiple objects. c) Interaction diagrams allow the analyst to show iteration and conditional execution for messaging between objects. d) All of these View Answer Answer: d Explanation: Interaction diagram is used to describe some type of interactions among the different elements in the model. So this interaction is a part of dynamic behaviour of the system. advertisements 9. UML interfaces are used to: a) specify required services for types of objects. b) program in Java, but not in C++ or Smalltalk. c) define executable logic to reuse across classes. d) define an API for all classes. View Answer 10. Referring to the attached diagram, the arrow indicates: a) Navigability b) Dependency c) Association d) Refers to View Answer Answer: a Explanation: The arrows describe the ways you can navigate Software Engineering Questions and Answers – Building Blocks of UML This section on Software Engineering MCQs focuses on “Building Blocks of UML”. 1. Which of the following is a building block of UML? a) Things b) Relationships c) Diagrams d) All of the mentioned View Answer Answer:d Explanation:All are the building blocks of UML which are further sub-categorized. 2. Classes and interfaces are a part of a) Structural things b) Behavioral things

c) Grouping things d) Annotational things View Answer Answer:a Explanation:Structural things are mostly static parts of a model, representing elements that are either conceptual or physical. 3.What is a collection of operations that specify a service of a class or component? a) Use Case b) Actor c) Interface d) Relationship View Answer Answer:c Explanation:The answer is self explanatory. 4. What is a physical element that exists at run time in UML? a) A node b) An interface c) An activity d) None of the mentioned View Answer Answer:a Explanation:A node represents a computational resource. 5. What can be requested from any object of the class to affect behavior? a) object b) attribute c) operation d) instance View Answer Answer:c Explanation:An operation is the implementation of a service that can be requested from any object of the class to affect behavior. advertisements 6. Which things are dynamic parts of UML models? a) Structural things b) Behavioral things c) Grouping things d) Annotational things View Answer

Answer:b Explanation:These are the verbs of a model, representing behavior over time and space. 7. Which diagram in UML emphasizes the time-ordering of messages? a) Activity b) Sequence c) Collaboration d) Class View Answer Answer:b Explanation:This diagram is a model describing how groups of objects collaborate in some behavior over time. 8. Object diagram captures the behavior of a single use case. a) True b) False View Answer Answer:b Explanation:Sequence Diagram is responsible for this. 9. If you are working on real-time process control applications or systems that involve concurrent processing, you would use a a) Activity diagram b) Sequence diagram c) Statechart diagram d) Object diagram View Answer Answer:c Explanation:A statechart diagram shows a state machine, consisting of states, transitions, events, and activities. 10. Which diagram shows the configuration of run-time processing elements? a) Deployment diagram b) Component diagram c) Node diagram d) ER-diagram View Answer Answer:a Explanation:A Deployment diagram shows the configuration of run-time processing elements and the software components, processes, and objects. advertisements

11. Which things in UML are the explanatory parts of UML models? a) Structural things b) Behavioral things c) Grouping things d) Annotational things View Answer Answer:d Explanation:It include a note which is simply a symbol for rendering constraints and comments attached to an element or a collection of elements. 12. Which of the following term is best defined by the statement:”a structural relationship that specifies that objects of one thing are connected to objects of another”? a) Association b) Aggregation c) Realization d) Generalization View Answer Answer:a Explanation:The answer is self explanatory. 13. What refers to the value associated with a specific attribute of an object and to any actions or side? a) Object b) State c) Interface d) None of the mentioned View Answer Answer:b Explanation:In a state chart diagram, effects occur when the attribute’s value changes Software Engineering Questions and Answers – Diagrams in UML – 1 This section on Software Engineering MCQs focuses on “Diagrams in UML-1 “. 1. Which of the following UML diagrams has a static view? a) Collaboration b) Use case c) State chart d) Activity View Answer

Answer:b Explanation: A use case diagrams captures only the functionality of the system whereas a dynamic model/view captures the functions as well as the action. 2. What type of core-relationship is represented by the symbol in the figure below?

a) Aggregation b) Dependency c) Generalization d) Association View Answer Answer:a Explanation: The figure is self explanatory. 3. Which core element of UML is being shown in the figure?

a) Node b) Interface c) Class d) Component View Answer Answer:d Explanation: The figure is self explanatory. A component is a modular, significant and replaceable part of the system that packages implementation and exposes a set of interfaces. advertisements

4. What type of relationship is represented by Shape class and Square ?

a) Realization b) Generalization c) Aggregation d) Dependency View Answer Answer: b Explanation: The generalization relationship is also known as the inheritance relationship. In the figure Square is the sub class of super class shape. 5. Which diagram in UML shows a complete or partial view of the structure of a modeled system at a specific time? a) Sequence Diagram b) Collaboration Diagram c) Class Diagram d) Object Diagram View Answer Answer: d Explanation: An object diagram focuses on some particular set of object instances and attributes, and the links between the instances. It is a static snapshot of a dynamic view of the system. 6. Interaction Diagram is a combined term for a) Sequence Diagram + Collaboration Diagram b) Activity Diagram + State Chart Diagram c) Deployment Diagram + Collaboration Diagram d) None of the mentioned View Answer Answer: a Explanation: Interaction diagram are used to formalize the dynamic behavior of the system. advertisements 7. Structure diagrams emphasize the things that must be present in the system being modeled. a) True

b) False View Answer Answer: a Explanation: Since structure diagrams represent the structure they are used extensively in documenting the architecture of software systems 8. Which of the following diagram is time oriented? a) Collaboration b) Sequence c) Activity View Answer Answer:b Explanation: A sequence diagrams timeline along which tasks are completed Software Engineering Questions and Answers – Diagrams in UML – 2 This section on Software Engineering MCQs focuses on “Diagrams in UML – 2”. 1. How many diagrams are here in Unified Modelling Language? a) six b) seven c) eight d) nine View Answer Answer:d Explanation: The nine UML diagrams include use-case, sequence, collaboration, activity, statechart, deployment, class, object and component.

2. Which UML diagram is shown below?

a) Use Case b) Collaboration Diagram c) Class Diagram d) Object Diagram View Answer Answer:a Explanation: The diagram is self explanatory.

3. Which UML diagram is shown below?

a) Use Case b) State Chart c) Activiy d) Object Diagram View Answer Answer:b Explanation: The diagram is self explanatory. advertisements

4. Which UML diagram is shown below?

a) Use Case b) Collaboration Diagram c) Sequence Diagram d) Object Diagram View Answer Answer:c Explanation: The diagram is self explanatory. 5. Which UML diagram’s symbols are shown below?

a) Deployment diagram b) Collaboration Diagram c) Component Diagram

d) Object Diagram View Answer Answer:a Explanation: The diagram is self explanatory. 6. Which UML diagram is shown below?

a) Deployment diagram b) Collaboration Diagram c) Object Diagram d) Class Diagram View Answer Answer:d Explanation: The diagram is self explanatory. Software Engineering Questions and Answers – Object Oriented Design using UML This section on Software Engineering MCQs focuses on “Object Oriented Design using UML”. 1. Which of the following is not needed to develop a system design from concept to detailed object-oriented design? a) Designing system architecture b) Developing design models c) Specifying interfaces d) Developing a debugging system View Answer

Answer:d Explanation:The debugging system is a part of testing phase. 2. Which of the following is a dynamic model that shows how the system interacts with its environment as it is used? a) system context model b) interaction model c) environmental model d) both system context and interaction View Answer Answer:b Explanation:The answer is self explanatory. 3. Which of the following is a structural model that demonstrates the other systems in the environment of the system being developed? a) system context model b) interaction model c) environmental model d) both system context and interaction View Answer Answer:a Explanation:The context model of a system may be represented using associations. Associations simply show that there are some relationships between the entities involved in the association. 4. Which of the following come under system control? a) Reconfigure b) Shutdown c) Powersave d) All of the mentioned View Answer Answer:d Explanation: Functionalities are governed by the system. advertisements 5. We use _________ where various parts of system use are identified and analyzed in turn. a) tangible entities b) scenario-based analysis c) design-based analysis d) None of the mentioned View Answer Answer:b Explanation:Use a scenario-based analysis where various scenarios of system use are identified and analyzed in turn.

6. Which model describes the static structure of the system using object classes and their relationships? a) Sequence model b) Subsystem model c) Dynamic model d) Structural model View Answer Answer:d Explanation:Important relationships that may be documented at this stage are generalization (inheritance) relationships, uses/used-by relationships, and composition relationships. 7. Which model shows the flow of object interactions? a) Sequence model b) Subsystem model c) Dynamic model d) Both Sequence and Dynamic model View Answer Answer:a Explanation.Sequence model are represented using a UML sequence or a collaboration diagram and are dynamic models 8. If the system state is Shutdown then it can respond to which of the following message? a) restart() b) reconfigure() c) powerSave() d) All of the mentioned View Answer Answer:d Explanation:A restart() message causes a transition to normal operation. Both the powerSave() and reconfigure() messages cause a transition to a state in which the system reconfigures itself Software Engineering Questions and Answers – Analysis Modelling This section on Software Engineering MCQs focuses on “Analysis Modelling”. 1. Which of the following is not the primary objectives in the analysis model? a) describing the customer complaints b) establishing a basis for the creation of a software design c) defining a set of requirements that can be validated once the software is built d) None of the mentioned View Answer

Answer:d Explanation:All the options are covered in analysis model. 2. A description of each function presented in the DFD is contained in a ________. a) data flow b) process specification c) control specification d) data store View Answer Answer:b Explanation:The answer is self explanatory. 3. Which diagram indicates the behaviour of the system as a consequence of external events? a) data flow diagram b) state transition diagram c) control specification diagram d) workflow diagram View Answer Answer:b Explanation:The state transition diagram represents the various modes of behavior (called states) of the system and the manner in which transitions are made from state to state. 4. A data model contains a) data object b) attributes c) relationships d) All of the mentioned View Answer Answer:d Explanation: The data model consists of three interrelated pieces of information: the data object, the attributes that describe the data object, and the relationships that connect data objects to one another. advertisements 5. _________ defines the properties of a data object and take on one of the three different characteristics. a) data object b) attributes c) relationships d) data object and attributes View Answer Answer:b Explanation:They can be used to name an instance of the data object, describe the instance, or make reference to another instance in another table.

6. The __________ of a relationship is 0 if there is no explicit need for the relationship to occur or the relationship is optional. a) modality b) cardinality c) entity d) structured analysis View Answer Answer:a Explanation:The modality is 1 if an occurrence of the relationship is mandatory, else 0 for optional relationship. 7. A _________ is a graphical representation that depicts information flow and the transforms that are applied as data moves from input to output. a) data flow diagram b) state transition diagram c) control specification d) workflow diagram View Answer Answer:b Explanation:The basic form of a data flow diagram, also known as a data flow graph or a bubble chart. 8. A data condition occurs whenever a data is passed to an input element followed by a processing element and the result in control output. a) True b) False View Answer Answer:a Explanation:Standard flow of condition check. Software Engineering Questions and Answers – Component Level Design This section on Software Engineering MCQs focuses on “Component Level Design”. 1. Which of the following is not a construct? a) sequence b) condition c) repetition d) selection View Answer

Answer:d Explanation: Sequence implements processing steps that are essential in the specification of any algorithm. Condition provides the facility for selected processing based on some logical occurrence, and repetition allows for looping. 2.Which of the following steps is applied to develop a decision table? a) List all actions that can be associated with a specific procedure b) List all conditions during execution of the procedure. c) Define rules by indicating what action(s) occurs for a set of conditions. d) All of the mentioned View Answer Answer:d Explanation: A decision table includes action stub and a condition stub with a set of rules. 3. _________ is a pidgin(simplified version of a language that develops as a means of communication between two or more groups that do not have a language in common) a) program design language b) structured English c) pseudocode d) All of the mentioned View Answer Answer:d Explanation:The difference between PDL and a real programming language lies in the use of narrative text embedded directly within PDL statements. 4. Which of the following term is best defined by the statement:”The ability to represent local and global data is an essential element of component-level design.”? a) Data representation b) Logic verification c) “Code-to” ability d) Automatic processing View Answer Answer:a Explanation:The answer is self explanatory. advertisements 5. A software component a) Implements some functionality b) Has explicit dependencies through provides and required interfaces c) Communicates through its interfaces only d) All of the mentioned View Answer

Answer:d Explanation:All the options identify with features of a software component. 6. Which diagram evolved from a desire to develop a procedural design representation that would not allow violation of the structured constructs? a) State transition diagram b) Box diagram c) ER diagram d) None of the mentioned View Answer Answer:b Explanation:None. 7. A __________ executes the loop task first, then tests a condition and repeats the task until the condition fails. a) repeat until b) condition c) do while tests d) if then-else View Answer Answer:a Explanation:The answer is self explanatory. 8. Which of the following is not a characteristics of box diagram? a) functional domain b) arbitrary transfer of control is impossible c) recursion is easy to represent d) providing a notation that translates actions and conditions View Answer Answer:d Explanation:This functionality is covered by UML diagrams. advertisements 9. The________ is represented as two processing boxes connected by an line (arrow) of control. a) Repetition b) Sequence c) Condition d) None of the above View Answer Answer:b Explanation:The answer is self explanatory. 10. Which of the following term is best defined by the statement “Notation that can be input directly into a computer-based development system offers significant benefits.”?

a) Machine readability b) Maintainability c) Structure enforcement d) Overall simplicity View Answer Answer:a Explanation:Readability is processing input Software Engineering Questions and Answers – User Interface Design This section on Software Engineering MCQs focuses on “User Interface Design”. 1. Which of the following is golden rule for interface design? a) Place the user in control b) Reduce the user’s memory load c) Make the interface consistent d) All of the mentioned View Answer Answer:d Explanation:These golden rules actually form the basis for a set of user interface design principles that guide this important software design activity. 2. Which of the following is not a design principle that allow the user to maintain control? a) Provide for flexible interaction b) Allow user interaction to be interrupt-able and undo-able c) Show technical internals from the casual user d) Design for direct interaction with objects that appear on the screen View Answer Answer:c Explanation:The user interface should move the user into the virtual world of the application. 3. Which of the following is not a user interface design process? a) User, task, and environment analysis and modeling b) Interface design c) Knowledgeable, frequent users d) Interface validation View Answer Answer:c Explanation:These are the end user for whom the product is being built.

4. When users are involved in complex tasks, the demand on __________ can be significant. a) short-term memory b) shortcuts c) objects that appear on the screen d) all of the mentioned View Answer Answer:a Explanation:The interface should be designed to reduce the requirement to remember past actions and results. advertisements 5. Which of the following option is not considered by the Interface design? a) the design of interfaces between software components b) the design of interfaces between the software and human producers and consumers of information c) the design of the interface between two computers d) all of the mentioned View Answer Answer:c Explanation:The answer is self explanatory 6. A software might allow a user to interact via a) keyboard commands b) mouse movement c) voice recognition commands d) all of the mentioned View Answer Answer:d Explanation:All the mentioned input mediums are available today. 7. A software engineer designs the user interface by applying an iterative process that draws on predefined design principles. a) True b) False View Answer Answer:a Explanation:The statement is true. 8. What incorporates data, architectural, interface, and procedural representations of the software? a) design model b) user’s model c) mental image

d) system image View Answer Answer:a Explanation:The requirements specification may establish certain constraints that help to define the user of the system, but the interface design is often only incidental to the design model. advertisements 9. What establishes the profile of end-users of the system? a) design model b) user’s model c) mental image d) system image View Answer Answer:b Explanation:To build an effective user interface, all design should begin with an understanding of the intended users, including their profiles of their age, physical abilities, education, etc. 10. What combines the outward manifestation of the computer-based system , coupled with all supporting information that describe system syntax and semantics? a) mental image b) interface design c) system image d) interface validation View Answer Answer:c Explanation:When the system image and the system perception are coincident, users generally feel comfortable with the software and use it effectively Software Engineering Questions and Answers – Test Case Design This section on Software Engineering MCQs focuses on “Test Case Design”. 1. What do you understand by V&V in software testing? a) Verified Version b) Version Validation c) Verification and Validation d) Version Verification View Answer Answer:c Explanation:V&V generally refers to any activity that attempts to ensure that the software will function as required. 2. In static test techniques, behavioral and performance properties of the program are observed. a) True

b) False View Answer Answer:b Explanation:Static Analysis Techniques are based solely on the (manual or automated) examination of project documentation of software models and code. 3. Which granularity level of testing checks the behavior of module cooperation? a) Unit Testing b) Integration Testing c) Acceptance Testing d) Regression Testing View Answer Answer:b Explanation:Integration testing is the phase in software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group. 4. Which test refers to the retesting of a unit, integration and system after modification, in order to ascertain that the change has not introduced new faults? a) Regression Test b) Smoke Test c) Alpha Test d) Beta Test View Answer Answer:a Explanation:Regression test seeks to uncover new software bugs in existing functional and nonfunctional areas of a system after changes have been made to them. 5. Which of the following is a black box testing strategy? a) All Statements Coverage b) Control Structure Coverage c) Cause-Effect Graphs d) All Paths Coverage View Answer Answer:c Explanation:Rest are test strategies of white box testing. advertisements 6. A set of inputs, execution preconditions and expected outcomes is known as a a) Test plan b) Test case c) Test document

d) Test Suite View Answer Answer:b Explanation:The answer is self explanatory. 7. In which test design each input is tested at both ends of its valid range and just outside its valid range? a) Boundary value testing b) Equivalence class partitioning c) Boundary value testing AND Equivalence class partitioning d) Decision tables View Answer 8. A white box test scales up well at different granularity levels of testing. a) True b) False View Answer Answer:b Explanation:A white box test is mostly applicable at unit and integration testing level. 9. When does the testing process stops? a) When resources (time and budget) are over b) When some coverage is reached c) When quality criterion is reached d) Testing never ends. View Answer Answer:c Explanation:As software testing is an exhaustive process, when the quality assurance is established and the product is ready to be delivered, testing is stopped. 10. Which of the following is not a part of a test design document? a) Test Plan b) Test Design Specification c) Test Case Specification d) Test Log View Answer Answer:d Explanation:Test log is a part of testing result document. advertisements 11. Specifying a set of test cases or test paths for each item to be tested at that level is known as a) Test case generation b) Test case design

c) ALL of the mentioned d) None of the mentioned View Answer Answer:c Explanation:The answer is self explanatory. 12. Acceptance & system test planning are a part of architectural design. a) True b) False View Answer Answer:b Explanation:They are a part of requirements engineering, while integration & unit test planning come under architectural design. 13. PRD stands for a) Product Requirement Document b) Project Requirement Document c) Product Restrictions Document d) None of the mentioned View Answer Answer:a Explanation:A product requirements document (PRD) is a document written by a company that defines a product they are making, or the requirements for one or more new features for an existing product Software Engineering Questions and Answers – Software Design Pattern This section on Software Engineering MCQs focuses on “Software Design Pattern”. 1. Which mechanism is applied to use a design pattern in an OO system? a) Inheritance b) Composition c) All of the mentioned d) None of the mentioned View Answer Answer:c Explanation:Using inheritance, an existing design pattern becomes a template for a new subclass.Composition is a concept that leads to aggregate objects. 2. Design patterns does not follow the concept of software reuse. a) True b) False View Answer

Answer:b Explanation:Design patterns allow the designer to create the system architecture by integrating reusable components. 3. The use of design patterns for the development of object-oriented software has important implications for a) component-based software engineering b) reusability in general c) All of the mentioned d) None of the mentioned View Answer Answer:c Explanation:The answer is self explanatory. 4. Which of the following is a design pattern? a) Behavioral b) Structural c) Abstract Factory d) All of the mentioned View Answer Answer:d Explanation:All the options are design patterns so option d. 5. You want to minimize development cost by reusing methods? Which design pattern would you choose? a) Adapter Pattern b) Singleton Pattern c) Delegation pattern d) Immutable Pattern View Answer Answer:c Explanation:The delegation pattern is a design pattern in OOP where an object, instead of performing one of its stated tasks, delegates that task to an associated helper object. advertisements 6. You want to avoid multiple inheritance. Which design pattern would you choose? a) Abstraction-Occurrence Pattern b) Player-Role Pattern c) General Hierarchy Pattern d) Singleton Pattern View Answer Answer:b Explanation:The answer is self-explanatory.

7. The recurring aspects of designs are called design a) patterns b) documents c) structures d) methods View Answer Answer:a Explanation:A pattern is the outline of a reusable solution to a general problem encountered in a particular context. 8. Design pattern is a solution to a problem that occurs repeatedly in a variety of contexts. a) True b) False View Answer Answer:a Explanation:Each design pattern has a name and use of each pattern has consequences. 9. Which pattern prevents one from creating more than one instance of a variable? a) Factory Method b) Singleton c) Observer d) None of the mentioned View Answer Answer:b Explanation:In singleton pattern, the class itself is made responsible for keeping track of its instance.Thus it ensures that no more than one instance is created. 10. Facade pattern promotes weak coupling between subsystem and its clients. a) True b) False View Answer Answer:a Explanation:It is one of the patterns’s benefit.The facade pattern shields clients from subsystem classes and reduces the number of objects that clients deal with. advertisements 11. Which design pattern defines one-to-many dependency among objects? a) Singleton pattern b) Facade Pattern c) Observer pattern d) Factory method pattern View Answer

Answer:c Explanation:Observer pattern defines one-to-many dependency among objects so that when one object changes its state, all its dependents are notified. 12. Facade pattern couples a subsystem from its clients. a) True b) False View Answer Answer:b Explanation:A facade can be a single entry point to each subsystem level. It decouples the subsystem. 13. In factory method pattern, the framework must instantiate classes but it only knows about the abstract classes, which it cannot initiate. How would one solve this problem? a) encapsulating the knowledge of which document subclass to is to be created and b) moving this knowledge out of the framework c) instantiating the application specific documents without knowing their class d) All of the mentioned View Answer Answer:d Explanation:Following all the options in order will solve the factory method problem.

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 36 Questions 351 to 360


A measure of the internal strength of a module in a structure chart is called


Module integrity (b) Module coupling


Module cohesion (e) Module compatibility.


A diagram that shows the major subsystems in an object-oriented system is called a


System flowchart (c) Package diagram


Subsystem diagram


(b) Design class diagram

(e) Component diagrams.

The designing phase includes the following activities, EXCEPT


Designing and integrating the network


Designing the user interface


Designing the databases.


(c) Module functionality

(b) Designing the application architecture (d) Designing the project team

A common problem with development projects is scope creep. This refers to


Rating the importance of each function


Deferring some functions until later


Determining the priority of each function


Requests to add new functions after decisions have been finalized


All of the above.

355. (a)

An association class must be created to store the attributes of a ____ relationship among two other classes. One-to-one

(d) Many-to-many 356.

(b) One-to-many

(c) Many-to-one

(e) One-to-all.

Which approach to development is the most interactive and focuses more on the user and their work?


Modern structured analysis


Structured design


Agent-based analysis.

(b) Information engineering (d) Object-oriented analysis


Designing the inputs and outputs involved when the user interacts with the computer to carry out a task helps to create the


User requirements


Task boundary


(b) System interface (c) User interface (e) Database interface.

A ____ is an example of a function or requirement that is well suited to prototyping.


Non-interactive program that automatically generates orders to suppliers


Module that schedules deliveries using a complex cost minimization algorithm


Program that generates thousands of electronic payments per hour


Technical feasibility for some system functions is uncertain


None of the above.


A set of classes that are specifically designed to be reused in a wide variety of programs, is referred to as


Object framework

(b) Foundation classes



(e) All of the above.


(c) Interface classes

____ tests the interaction among components as specified during the high-level (architectural) design phase of the system development life cycle.


Driver testing

(b) Integration testing


Unit testing

(e) Module testing.

(c) System testing



Answer : (d)

Reason : A measure of the internal strength of a module in a structure chart is called module cohesion. 352.



Reason : A diagram that shows the major subsystems in an object-oriented system is called a package diagram. 353.

Answer : (d) Reason : Designing the project team is not designing phase activity.


Answer : (d)

Reason : A common problem with development projects is scope creep. This refers to requests to add new functions

after decisions have been finalized. 355.

Answer : (d)

Reason : An association class must be created to store the attributes of a relationship among two other classes 356.

Answer : (d)

Reason : Object-oriented analysis approach to development is the most interactive and focuses more on the user and their work 357.

Answer : (c)

Reason : Designing the inputs and outputs involved when the user interacts with the computer to carry out a task helps to create the user interface 358.

Answer : (d)

Reason : A technical feasibility for some system functions is unknown or uncertain is an example of a function or requirement that is well suited to prototyping. 359.

Answer : (a)

Reason : A set of classes that are specifically designed to be reused in a wide variety of programs, is referred to as object framework. 360.

Answer : (b)

Reason : Integration testing tests the interaction among components as specified during the high-level (architectural) design phase of the system development life cycle.

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 1 Questions 1 to 10. 1. Which of the following Information systems are aimed at improving the routine business activities on which all organizations depend?

Set 1


Management Information systems


Decision support systems


Transaction processing systems


Management support systems

Set 2

Set 3


Transaction Information systems.

Set 4

Set 5

2. Which of the following strategies are adopted if information requirements are not well-defined?

Set 6

Set 7


Rapid application development method


Structured analysis development method


Systems development life cycle method


Prototyping method


Spiral method.

Set 8

Set 9

Set 10

Set 11

3.Structured Programming involves:

Set 12


functional modularization


localization of errors


decentralized programming


stress on analysis


stress on requirements gathering.

Set 13

Set 14

Set 15

Set 16

Set 17

4.Which of the following is not a fact-finding technique?

Set 18

Set 19

Set 20


Third party enquiry






Record reviews



Set 21

Set 22

Set 23

Set 24

Set 25

5. Which of the following questions are useful in evaluating data flow diagrams? (a) Are there any unnamed components in the data flow diagram?

Set 26

(b) Are there any processes that do not receive input? Set 27

Set 28

(c) Are there any data stores that are input but never referenced? (d) Both (a) and (b) above

Set 29

(e) All (a), (b) and (c) above.

Set 30

Set 31

6. In system design and development field what does spaghetti code mean?

Set 32

(a) programs written in unstructured languages. Set 33

(b) well structured and well documented code.

Set 34

(c) program code that has many GOTO statements.

Set 35

(d) Both (a) and (c) above (e) Both (b) and (c) above.

Set 36

7. Which of the following statements is false with respect to a Data Dictionary?

(a) It is a repository of the elements in a system. (b) data dictionary and data store both are same (c) It manages detail (d) It communicates the common meanings for system elements and activities. (e) It documents system features. 8. Match the following and select the correct options given under i) physical design A) Documentation ii) interview

B) Type of output

iii) Input design C) defines design specifications that are to be coded iv) Installation procedure D) a data gathering technique v) report data

E) Identification and design of interfaces to enter

(a) i-D, ii – A, iii-B, iv – C, v- E (b) i-C, ii – D, iii-E, iv – A, v- B (c) i-A, ii – D, iii-B, iv – C, v- E (d) i-D, ii – A, iii-E, iv – B, v- C (e) i-B, ii – A, iii-D, iv – C, v- E.

9. Cost-Benefit Analysis is performed during (a) Analysis phase (b) Design phase (c) Feasibility study phase (d) Implementation phase (e) Maintenance phase.


1.Answer :


Reason: Transactions produce loads of data everyday and Transaction processing systems aim at improving the routine business activities. 2.Answer :


Reason: Prototyping is adopted if information requirements are not well-defined. 3.Answer :


Reason: structured programming means splitting the overall task into well-defined subtasks. 4.Answer :


Reason: Third party enquiry is not a technique to capture the requirements of the user.

5.Answer :


Reason: All the given questions are useful in evaluating the DFDs. 6.Answer : Reason:

(d) extensive use of GOTO leads to spaghetti code.

7.Answer :


Reason: data dictionary is for storing data about data where as data store is where actual data is stored . 8.Answer : Reason: (b).

(b) After matching the both sides the correct option is

9.Answer :


Reason: During the Feasibility study the financial feasibility is also measured

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 2 Questions 11 to 20 11. Which of the following technique detects transposition errors? (a) check digit (b) automatic correction

Set 1

(c) existence test (d) duplicate processing (e) limit and range test.

Set 2

Set 3 12. The structure chart derived by studying the flow through the system supports the activity of (a) File design

Set 4

(b) Program design (c) Database design

Set 5

(d) Internal controls design (e) Output design.

Set 6

13. Which of the following suggests phased implementation of the system?

Set 7 (a)

introduce a new system gradually either by functions or by organizational units.


procure resources in stages and then introduce the system at once


Withdraw the existing system gradually


allow the new system and old system to run parallel for sometime


Set 8

Set 9

train the users first and then introduce the new system.

Set 10 14. Class is analogous to (a) object

Set 11

(b) blue print (c) instance (d) record

Set 12

(e) entity.

Set 13 15. Which of the following represents the condition of an object at a specific moment in time? (a) behavior

Set 14

(b) properties (c) instance

Set 15

(d) state (e) method.

16. Some object-oriented systems permit a class to inherit its state(attributes) and behaviors from more than one super class. This is called

Set 16

Set 17

(a) multiple inheritance (b) inheritance

Set 18

(c) hybrid inheritance (d) specialization

Set 19

(e) aggregation.

Set 20

Set 21

Set 22

Set 23

Set 24

Set 25

Set 26

Set 27

Set 28

Set 29

Set 30

Set 31

Set 32

Set 33

Set 34

Set 35

Set 36

17. Identify the following who presented the object modeling technique (OMT). (a) Booch (b) Jim Rumbaugh ET AL (c) Jacobson ET AL (d) Both (a) and (b) above (e) Both (b) and (c) above

18. Which of the following statements is false with respect to a use case? (a)

A use case is a scenario for understanding the requirements


It is an interaction between the users and the system


It captures the responsibility of the system to its users


It is used for the requirements analysis


It represents the flow of activities of various processes in the system.

19. Which type of association does the following diagram depict?

(a) aggregation (b) composition (c) specialization (d) generalization (e) simple association.

20. Which of the following statements is false with respect to the diagram given below?


The building is composed of one or more rooms


An aggregation relationship exists between the building and the room


A room can have many rooms


There is a recursive composition in the above diagram


A room can have 0 or more rooms.



Answer :


Reason: Transposition errors occurs due to interchanging of digits which is detected by check digit technique. 12.

Answer :


Reason: The structure chart gives information about how strongly two modules are related and how cohesive is a single module. 13.

Answer :


Reason: Phased implementation means introducing the new system in parallel to already existing system and replacing the old system gradually with the new system. 14.

Answer : Reason:


Answer : Reason:


Answer :

(b) Class is analogous to blue print. (d) the condition of an object at specific moment of time is called its state. (a)

Reason: If a class inherits its properties from more than one super class then it is called multiple inheritance. 17.

Answer : Reason:


Answer :

(b) OMT technique is presented by JIM Rumbaugh ET AL. (e)

Reason: A use case diagram represents the interaction of the user with the system. It will not detail any flow of events. 19.

Answer : Reason:


Answer :

(a) The hollow diamond depicts aggregation which is ‘a part of ‘ relationship. (b)

Reason: option b is false because a composition relationship exists between the building and the room.




Which of the following relationships are used in a use-case diagram? (a) Communication

(b) Uses

(c) Extends

(d) Both (b) and (c) above

(e) All (a), (b) and (c) above.

Which of the following are UML interaction diagrams? (a) Activity diagram (b) sequence diagram collaboration diagram


(d) class diagram (e) Both (b) and (c) above. 23.

The vertical dimension of a sequence diagram represents (a) time


(d) messages (e) methods.

(b) joins

(c) swimlanes (d) state

(e) note.

Which of the following statements is not true regarding activity diagram? (a)

A solid filled circle represents the final state


The final state is shown using so called bull’s eye symbol


Transitions can branch and merge (diamond) – alternative computation threads


Transitions can fork and re-join (bar line) –concurrent (parallel) computation threads

(e) 26.

(c) lines

Which of the following component is used to clarify which actor performs which activity in an activity diagram? (a) forks


(b) objects

Activity diagram without concurrent processes resembles a conventional flowchart.

Which of the following diagrams model the physical components of the system? (a) use case diagram

(b) collaboration diagram

(c) class diagram

(d) component diagram

(e) deployment diagram. 27.

Which of the following represent the built-in extensibility mechanism of the UML? (a) associations (d) comments



(c) stereotypes

(e) notations.

Noun-Phrase Approach and CRC Approach are used to identify (a) classes


(b) relationships

(b) Use cases (c) objects

(d) collaborators

(e) Actors.

The testing of software without the knowledge of source code is called (a) white box testing

(b) black box testing

(d) glass box testing

(e) blue box testing.

(c) gray box testing

The largest percentage of total life cycle cost of software is (a) analysis costs (d) coding costs

(b) design costs

(c) maintenance costs

(e) testing costs.

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8 Set 9 Set 10 Set 11 Set 12 Set 13 Set 14 Set 15 Set 16 Set 17 Set 18 Set 19 Set 20 Set 21 Set 22 Set 23 Set 24 Set 25 Set 26 Set 27 Set 28 Set 29 Set 30 Set 31 Set 32 Set 33 Set 34 Set 35 Set 36 Answers

21. Reason: 22. Reason: 23. Reason:

24. Reason:

Answer :


All the given relationships are used in the use-case diagram. Answer :


sequence and collaboration diagrams are called UML interaction diagrams Answer :


sequence diagram has two dimensions. The vertical denotes time and the horizontal denotes objects. Answer :


swimlanes are used in activity diagrams to specify which actors are responsible for which

activities. 25. Reason: 26. Reason: 27. Reason: 28. Reason: 29. Reason: 30. Reason:

Answer :


A solid circle represents the initial state. Answer :


Component diagram models the physical components of the system. Answer :


Stereo types represent the built-in extensibility mechanism of UML. Answer :


Noun-Phrase Method and (RC Approach are used to identify classes. Answer :


The testify of software without knowing the source code is called Black-box testing. Answer :


maintenance costs form the largest percentage of total life cycle cost of software.




What category of information system determines the sale of an item and a withdrawal from an ATM? (a)

Management Information System


Executive Information System


Decision Support System


Communication Support System


Transaction Processing System.

Which of the following is not true regarding the waterfall method? (a)

Fairly rigid approach


Can easily go back to previous phases


Good for traditional type of projects







Not as good for many of the new types of interactive and highly complex applications


This approach is less used now.

Which feasibility determines the availability of team and support staff? (a)

Economic Feasibility


Cultural Feasibility


Technological Feasibility


Schedule feasibility


Resource Feasibility.

Which among the following is an intangible benefit? (a)

Maintaining constant staff


Decreasing operating expenses




Reducing error rates


Ensuring quicker processing and turnabout.

Which chart is represented by vertical bars? (a)










Which of the model is used for system components? (a)

PERT chart


Gantt chart


Organizational hierarchy chart





Which is not used in context level diagram?







Data flow


Data Store



Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? I.

Program modules should be loosly coupled.


Program modules should be highly cohesive.

III. Program modules should be highly coupled.




Only (I) above


Only (II) above


Only (III) above


Both (I) and (II) above


Both (I) and (III) above.

Which of the following is not a resource for setting JAD sessions? (a)

Overhead projector


Black or white board


Flip chart


Adequate work space


All of the above.

What will help the system analyst to work with users to determine system usage? (a)

Use case










31. Reason:


Answer : (e) TPS capture and record information about the transactions that affect the organization like the sale of an item, a withdrawal from ATM etc. Answer : (b) Reason:

33. Reason: 34. Reason:

35. Reason:


Can’t easily go back to previous phases as each phase would get “signed off”.

Answer : (e) Resource feasibility determines availability of team, computer resources, and support staff. Answer : (c) Maintaining Constant staff, decreasing operating expenses, reducing error rates and ensuring quicker processing and turnabout fall into the category of tangible costs which can be measured in terms of money whereas survival cant me measured. Answer : (c) PERT/CPM is represented by rectangles whereas ROI and NPV are Return on investment and net present value. Answer : (e) Reason:

Models to manage the development process are:


PERT / CPM chart


Gantt chart


Organizational hierarchy chart Whereas DFD model is used for system components.


Answer : (d) Reason:


Answer : (e) Reason:

39. Reason:

In context level diagram data store is not used.

Program modules should be loosly coupled and highly cohesive.

Answer : (e) Usually JAD sessions are conducted in special rooms, Off-site location may be good, but need access (phone etc.) to executives and technical staff not present. Resources required are Overhead projector,

Black or white board, Flip chart, adequate work space. 40.

Answer : (a) Reason:

System analyst uses use case to work with users to determine system usage.





Which UML diagram provides a variety of symbols and encompasses a number of ideas, all to model the changes which just one object goes through? (a)









Use Case.

Which relationship specifies an optional behavior? (a)

A generalization


An inheritance


An include


An aggregation


An extend.

Which among the following literally means ‘many forms’, the concept that different objects can respond to the same message in different ways? (a)












What do you call, “where the Objects hide their inner workings of their operations from the outside world and from other objects”? (a)









An object.

Which of the following statement is not correct regarding Object Oriented Methodologies? (a)

Gane and Sarson, Shlaer Mellor and Extreme Programming are object oriented methodologies


RUP activities emphasize the creation and maintenance of models rather than paper documents

46. I.


Establishment of the project plan and the architecture is done during the Elaboration phase of RUP


During the Elaboration phase, the focus turns towards analysis and design


During inception, it is common to create an executable prototype that serves as a proof of concept.

Which of the statement(s) is/are true in relation to Object Oriented concepts? Encapsulation states that when designing an object, one should separate what he knows about theobject according to the following:

The minimum information needed to use the object. The information required to make the object work properly. II.

In polymorphism an operation can have the same name in different classes, and proceed differently in each class. III. Objects communicate with each other through message interactions. (a)

Only (I) above


Both (I) and (II) above


Both (I) and (III) above


Both (II) and (III) above

(e) 47.

All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Which of the statement(s) is/are correct related to UML 2.0.?


Composite Structure Diagram, Interaction Overview Diagram and Timing Diagram are new in UML 2.0.


A composite structure diagram shows the components of a class as a diagram nested inside a large class rectangle.

III. UML 2.0 takes the interface concept a step further by allowing one to model the connection between an interface and a class.


49. I.


Only (I) above


Both (I) and (II) above


Both (I) and (III) above


Both (II) and (III) above


All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Which of the following is not correct regarding diagrams in UML 2.0? (a)

A Sequence diagram is called a communication diagram in UML 2.0


Component diagrams are implementation-type diagrams which are used to graphicallyshow the physical architecture of the software of the system


One can frame a sequence diagram by surrounding it with a border and adding a compartment in the upper left corner to contain information that identifies the diagram.


Framing gives one a quick and easy way to reuse a part of a sequence diagram in another


A sequence diagram shows the sequence of messages exchanged between the objectsneeded to carry out the functionality of the scenario.

Which of the statement(s) is/are correct related to UML 2.0.? Time is represented in a sequence diagram in the vertical direction starting at the top and progressing towards the bottom. II.

A Communication diagram is another way of presenting the information in a sequence diagram.

III. The Communication diagram shows the associations among objects as well as the messages which pass from one object to another. (a)

Only (I) above


Only (II) above


Both (I) and (II) above



Both (I) and (III) above


All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct in relation to role names in associations between two classes? I.


Role names have to be used with association names.

If there is a relationship between Company and Person then one could use Employee or Employer as role names to convey an employment relationship. III. The role name is placed on the association near the class that it modifies. (a)

Only (III) above


Both (I) and (II) above


Both (I) and (III) above


Both (II) and (III) above


All (I), (II) and (III) above.


41. Reason:


Answer : (c) State diagram encompasses a number of ideas to model the changes which just one object goes through. Answer : (e) Reason:

43. Reason:

44. Reason:


An extend relationship specifies an optional behavior.

Answer : (c) Polymorphism mean many forms that is different objects can respond to the same message in different ways. Answer : (b) In Encapsulation the Objects hide their inner workings of their operations from the outside world and from other objects Answer : (a)



Gane and sarson shaler mellor discussed on structured aspects rather than on object oriented programming methodologies. Answer : (e) Reason:


Answer : (e) Reason:


Sequence diagram is a part of interactive diagram.

Answer : (e) Reason:


All the statements are related to UML 2.0

Answer : (a) Reason:


All the statements are related to object oriented technologies.

All are appropriate statements with respect to uml 2.0.

Answer : (c) Reason:

Roles names may or may not be used with associations names.



Which of the statement(s) is/are correct related to role/rolenames in associations? I.

When one class associates with another, each one usually plays a role within that association.


A Role name may be placed on one or both ends of an association line.

III. If Company and Person are two classes in a class diagram that has an association relationship, One could use an association name called “employs” or the role names of “Employer” and “Employee” to convey an employment relationship.



Only (I) above


Both (I) and (II) above


Both (I) and (III) above


Both (II) and (III) above


All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Some questions related to UML followed by possible answers are given below.


What does it mean for a Use Case to include another Use Case? Including a Use Case means that one Use Case incorporates the steps of another Use Case.


How do you represent an object’s lifeline in a sequence diagram? The lifeline is a dashed line descending from an object that represents the existence over time of An object.

III. Which of the following UML diagrams give a static view of a system? Class, Object, Use Case, State, Sequence Only Class, Object and Use Case Diagrams. Which of the above question-answer combinations is/are valid?





Only (III) above


Both (I) and (II) above


Both (I) and (III) above


Both (II) and (III) above


All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Which of the following shows the top level function defined to cover the scope of the application? (a)

Context diagram


Decision table


Data flow diagram


Flow charting



Which of the following is/are not considered as benefit(s) of prototyping? (a)

Provide rapid feedback from the user to the designer


Help validate requirements with fewer errors


Enhance designer and user understanding of what system should accomplish


System testing can be automated


All of the above.

A data store is represented in data flow diagram as (a)





Open rectangle


Open square








the symbol represents (a)










Whole Part or Composition relationship represents (a)










Which of the following represents a person or palce or thing about which some information is gathered? (a)





Data Store


Data flow


Data dictionary.

Who is not involved in Requirements definition? (a)

Client managers


System end-users


Client engineers


Contractor managers


Software developers.

Which cohesion operates on the same input or output data?













Answer : (e) Reason:

52. Reason:


Answer : (c) Class diagrams and use case diagrams give static behavior whereas state and sequence diagrams show behavioral aspects of the system Answer : (a) Reason:


Aggregation represents whole part or composition relationship.

Answer : (a) Reason:


Generalization is the apt choice.

Answer : (a) Reason:


Open rectangle is used to represent the data store.

Answer : (b) Reason:


System testing can be automated is not considered as benefit of prototyping.

Answer : (c) Reason:


Context diagram shows the top level function of the application.

Answer : (d) Reason:


All the above statements are related to Role/Role names in associations.

Entity is a person or place or thing about which some information is gathered.

Answer : (e)

Reason: 60.

Software developers are involved in requirements specifications.

Answer : (a) Reason:

Communicational cohesion operated on the same input or output data.

Questions 61 to 70

61 .

The problem solving approach usually incorporates the following general steps I.

Design and implement the ‘best solution’.


Analyze and understand the problem.

III. Identify alternative solutions and decide on a course of action. IV.

Identify the problem.


Identify solution requirements or expectations.


Evaluate the results.

Select order in which the above mentioned steps should be performed (a) (II), (IV), (III), (I), (V), (VI)

(b) (IV), (III), (II), (VI), (V), (I)

(c) (III), (IV), (V), (II), (I), (VI)

(d) (IV), (II), (V), (III), (I), (VI)

(e) (III), (II), (I), (VI), (IV), (V). 62 .

Technical feasibility is an evaluation to determine whether (a) The system can provide the right information for the organization’s personnel (b)

The existing system can be upgraded to use the new technology


Any restructuring of jobs will be acceptable to the current users

63 .

64 .

65 .

66 .


The organization has the expertise to use the new technology


The technology needed for the proposed system is available.

When requirements go wrong, what could happen from among the following? (a)

The system may cost more than projected


The system may be delivered later than promised


The system will become unreliable and prone to errors


The system may not meet user requirements


All of the above.

Which of the following is a fact-finding technique? (a)

Systems requirement specification


Quality assurance


Sampling of existing documents


Rapid application development



The data dictionary in SDLC contains descriptions of (a) DFD elements

(b) E-R Diagram

(d) Class Diagram

(e) Decision table.

(c) Use case

Cohesion is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module? (a)

Can be written more compactly


Is connected to other modules and the outside world


Is able to complete its function in a timely manner

67 .


Focuses on just one thing


None of the above.

A_____ is a tabular form of presentation that specifies a set of conditions and their corresponding actions. (a) Decision Table (b) Decision Tree

(c) Structured English

(d) Data Flow diagram 68 .

(e) E-R diagram.

UML graphical notations can be used not only to describe the system’s components but also to describe a model itself; this is known as a ___________ (a) Model

(b) Stereotypes (c) Model dependency

(d) Meta-Model 69 .

The requirement definition document is intended for (a) System endusers (b) Client engineers (c) Software developers (d) System architects

70 .

(e) Multiplicity.

(e) Client managers.

Prototyping (a)

Is most practical for large scale projects


Emphasizes getting the design right the first time

(c) Is the execution of the standard systems development cycle using CASE tools (d) Involves an iterative and interactive development process with extensive end use involvement


Cannot be used when the requirements are not clear.


Answer 61. :


Reason : The problem solving approach usually incorporates corresponding steps as Identify the problem, Analyze and understand the problem, Identify alternative solutions and decide on a course of action, Design and implement the ‘best solution’, Evaluate the results. Answer 62. :


Reason : Technical feasibility is an evaluation to determine whether the technology needed for the proposed system is available. 63. Answer : (e) Reason : When requirements goes wrong then the system may cost more than projected, the system may be delivered later than promised, the system will become unreliable and prone to errors, the system may not meet user requirements. Answer 64. : Reason : Answer 65. : Reason : Answer 66. : Reason :

(c) Sampling of existing documents is a fact-finding technique. (a) The data dictionary in SDLC contains descriptions of DFD elements. (b) Cohesion is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module

focuses on just one thing. Answer 67. :


Reason : A decision table is a tabular form of presentation that specifies a set of conditions and their corresponding actions. Answer 68. :


Reason : UML graphical notations can be used not only to describe the system’s components but also to describe a model itself; this is known as a meta-model. Answer 69. :


Reason : The requirement definition document is intended for system architects. Answer 70. :


Reason : Prototyping involves an iterative and interactive development process with extensive end use involvement.




Which of the following represents the correct sequence of testing activities? (a)

Unit testing, system testing, module testing, integration testing, acceptance testing


Unit testing, volume testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing


Unit testing, integration testing, system testing, module testing, acceptance testing


Unit testing, module testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing


Unit testing, system testing, integration testing, volume testing, acceptance testing.

Which of the following is not a component of CASE Tool?

(a) Diagramming Tools



(b) Code Generators

(c) Information Repository

(d) Debugging Tools

(e) All of the above.

The process of converting a new or revised system design into an operational one is known as _______________________. (a) Testing Quality Assurance

(b) Implementation

(d) Design

(e) Mainteance.

Which one the following is not a form of Decision Table? (a) Limited-Entry Extended-Entry

(b) (c) Mixed-Entry

(d) Double-Entry 75.


(e) All of the above.

Which of the following tool is not used during system analysis? (a) Data Flow Diagram Structured English

(c) Structured Chart

(d) Decision Table

(e) Decision Tree.


Application prototyping follows an organized process or steps that begins with ____________. (a) Use prototype Review prototype

(b) (c) Develop working model

(d) Identify known requirements 77.



(e) None of the above.

The requirements model consists of four parts: (a)

Use cases, interface descriptions, class diagram, project scope


Project scope, use cases, class diagram, context diagram


Interface descriptions, data model, context diagram, class diagram


Project scope, use cases, interface descriptions, context diagram


Project scope, use cases, interface descriptions, class diagram.

____________ are used to group classes together for ease of use, maintainability, and reusability. (a) Objects Cases

(b) Use (c) States

(d) Packages 79.

(e) None of the above.

An association must (a) Be described by nouns (c) Be described by a verb or nouns

(b) Have attributes (d) Have a 1:M component

(e) Be based on events. 80.

A data dictionary (a)

Is a book used by programmers to find the definitions of technical terms


Is the central place where the components of a system are defined


Helps to avoid ambiguities among different development team members


Is a computer software tool


Includes a range of acceptable values for data.


Answer 71. : Reason :

Answer 72. :

(d) Unit testing, module testing, integration testing, system testing and acceptance testing are the correct sequence of testing activities. (d)

Reason : Debugging Tool is not a component of CASE Tool. Answer 73. : Reason :

Answer 74. : Reason : Answer 75. : Reason : Answer 76. :

(b) The process of converting a new or revised system design into an operational one is known as implementation. (d) Double-Entry is not a form of Decision Table. (c) Structured Chart is not used during system analysis. (d)

Reason :

Application prototyping follows an organized process or steps that begins with identify known requirements.

Answer 77. : Reason :

(d) The requirements model consists of project scope, use cases, interface descriptions, context diagram

Answer 78. :


Reason :

Packages are used to group classes together for ease of use, maintainability, and reusability.

Answer 79. :


Reason :

An association must be described by a verb or nouns.

Answer 80. :


Reason : A data dictionary includes a range of acceptable values for data.




Unified modelling language (a)

Is an object oriented programming language


Is useful in describing object oriented design models graphically


Allows to represent multiple views of a system


Is an object oriented system development methodology


Is not used to describe the system requirements.

______________ consists of objects with which the user interacts as well as the objects needed to manage. (a) Business Layer (b) View Layer (c) Physical Layer (d) Network Layer


(e) Access Layer.

The process of looking for patterns to document is called (a) Pattern (c) Frameworks

(b) Antipattern

(d) Pattern Template 84.


(e) Pattern mining.

An entity class is a class that (a)

Does not appear in the class diagram


Relates to the class diagram


Exists in the real world and in the class diagram


Exists in the real world but not in the class diagram


Exists in the data world but not in the real model.

________identifies functionality (actors and use cases) of the system based on user requirements. (a) Software Architect System Analyst (c) Designer (d) End-user





(e) Tester.

Design patterns are (a)

Generic problems

(b) Generic solutions to recurring problems


Common mistakes

(d) Both (a) and (b) above


None of the above.

________represent a built-in extensibility mechanism of the UML. (a) Note

(b) Meta model

(c) Stereotype

(d) Class

(e) Model constraints.

Creating an object model from an existing relational database layout is referred to as (a) Forward engineering

(b) Backward engineering

(c) Reverse engineering

(d) Top-down engineering

(e) Bottom-up engineering. 89.

The most important thing about a class card(CRC card) is that it be (a)

Measured in centimeters


Used in portrait orientation to enhance its capacity


Carefully filled


Used to record responsibilities and collaborations

(e) 90.

10 × 15 cm.

A state machine is (a)

The execution of a particular specified instance


The execution of a particular class of statechart diagram


The execution ofa policy by a government behemoth


The execution of a particular specified statechart diagram


The execution of a statechart diagram by a specified instance.


Answer 81. :


Reason : Unified modelling language is useful in describing object oriented design models graphically. Answer 82. : Reason :

Answer 83. : Reason : Answer 84. : Reason : Answer 85. : Reason :

Answer 86. : Reason : Answer 87. : Reason : Answer 88. : Reason :

(b) View layer consists of objects with which the user interacts as well as the objects needed to manage. (e) The process of looking for patterns to document is called Pattern mining. (c) An entity class is a class that exists in the real world and in the class diagram. (b) System Analyst identifies functionality (actors and use cases) of the system based on user requirements. (d) Design patterns are generic solutions to recurring problems and generic problems. (c) Stereotype represent a built-in extensibility mechanism of the UML.. (c) Creating an object model from an existing relational database layout is referred to as Reverse

engineering Answer 89. :


Reason : The most important thing about a class card(CRC card) is that it be used to record responsibilities and collaborations. Answer 90. :


Reason :

A state machine is the execution of a state chart diagram by a specified instance.





Which of the following statements accurately describe an Information System? (a)

An Information System is an arrangement of people, data processes, information representation and information technology that interact to support day-to-day operations in a business


An Information System is a contemporary term that describes the combination of computer technology with telecommunication technology


An Information System is an arrangement of information representation and information technology that interacts to support day-to-day operations in a business


An Information System is an arrangement of data processes, information representation and information technology that interacts to support day-to-day operations in a business


An Information System is a contemporary term that describes the combination of information technology with telecommunication technology.

Which of the following skills is not required by a systems analyst? (a)

Programming Language skills


Communication skills


Technical skills


Business process re-engineering skills


Management skills.

The statements given below are associated with the activity of outsourcing. Identify the correct statement from among them:






Ownership of IT assets is not transferred to the outsourcer


Outsourcing is the act of contracting with the outside vendor to assume responsibility for IT Functions


Outsourcers do not assume responsibility for an organization’s information systems development


Outsourcing is done by the organization for which the system is developed


Outsourcers do not require a systems analyst.

Which of the following is not a step in the linear system development cycle? (a)

Testing design




Requirements definition





Given below are some statements associated with the problem definition phase of the linear model. Identify the correct statement from among them. (a)

The problem definition phase produces a document written using technical terminology of the system analyst


The problem statement is a document that contains the problems faced by the organization


The problem definition phase produces a document that is a broad statement of user requirements


The problem definition phase does not specify the resources allocated to the project


The direction of the project is set by the problem definition phase.

Which of the following is not considered as feasibility factor when developing an information system? (a)










The four phases of the Systems Development Life Cycle are _____.





Analysis, gathering, modeling and diagramming


Construction, installation, testing and converting


Designing, charting, formatting and structuring


Planning, analysis, design and implementation


System request, feasibility, planning and staffing.

The _____ is generated by the department or person that has an idea for a new information system. (a)

Feasibility analysis


Gradual refinement


Project sponsor


System request


Work plan.

In which phase of the SDLC is the system proposal developed? (a)









System delivery.

The primary advantage of the Waterfall Development methodology is _____. (a)

A version of the system is quickly delivered into the users' hands


Requirements evolve through users' feedback about the system


Features and functionality of the system are explored through simple models


Requirements are completely specified and held relatively constant prior to programming


There is a long time lapse prior to completion.



Answer :


Reason: An Information System is an arrangement of people, data processes, information representation and information technology that interact to support day-to-day operations in a business. The remaining choices are irrelevant with respect to information system 92.

Answer :


Reason: Other than Programming language skills A system analyst should possess communication skills, Technical skills Business process reengineering skills and management skills. 93.

Answer :


Reason: Outsourcing is the act of contracting with the outside vendor to assume responsibility for IT functions. 94.

Answer :


Reason: Prototyping is not a step in the linear system development cycle whereas it is involved in design phase. 95.

Answer :


Reason: Problem statement usually contains user requirements but not the problems faced by the organization. 96.

Answer :


Reason: Except Application all other feasibilities factors are considered. 97.

Answer :


Reason: Planning Analysis design and implementation are the four phases of development life cycle. 98.

Answer :


Reason: System request is generated by the department or person that has an idea for a new information system. 99.

Answer :


Reason: System Proposal is developed in analysis phase. 100.

Answer :


Reason: D is the right choice all other are not conveying to the meaning of waterfall development methodology

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 11 Questions 101 to 110





____ is the process of examining the technical, economic, and organizational pros and cons of developing a new system. (a)

Committee approval


Feasibility analysis


Functionality determination


Risk analysis


System request.

The functionality of the system or what the information system will do is called the _____ of the system. (a)

Business need









The four elements commonly found on a system request are _____. (a)

Economic, organizational, technical and operational feasibility


Project sponsor, business need, requirements and business value


Risk analysis, familiarity, project size and cost-benefit analysis


Training, software, installation and equipment


Upgrades, licensing fees, repairs and charges.

Each use case describes how the system reacts to a(n) _____ that occurs to trigger the system.


External entity


Data flow




Data store


Event. 105.

Outputs from a use case are described on the use case form along with their corresponding _____.


Data models








Viewpoint. 106.

When developing use cases, the project team first identifies the _____.


Managers that supervise the use case department


Place where the use case occurs


Time the use case begins


Triggering event that causes the use case to occur


Users who perform the use case. 107.

When identifying the major Use Cases, the information needed to identify the Use Cases is contained in the _____.


External entity


JAD session classification


Major steps for each use case


Observation form


Requirements definition. 108.

The …………. is a construct that helps analysts to work with users to determine system usage.


Use case








Package. 109.

The UML …………. diagram provides a variety of symbols and encompasses a number of ideas, all to model the changes which just one object goes through.










Use Case. 110.

………….relationship specifies an optional behavior.


A generalization


An inheritance


An include


An aggregation


An extend.



Answer :


Reason: Feasibility analysis is the process of examining the technical organizational and economic pros and cons of developing a new system. 102.

Answer :


Reason: Requirements say that what system will do and what it should do. 103.

Answer :


Reason: Remaining all are not apt to the system request. 104.

Answer :


Reason: Uses cases describe how the system react to an event that occurs to trigger the system. 105.

Answer :


Reason: Outputs from a usecase are described on the usecase form along with there corresponding destinations.


Answer :


Reason: The project team first identifies the triggering event that causes the use case to occur when developing usecases. 107.

Answer :


Reason: The observation form should contain the major usecases information. 108.

Answer :


Reason: Use case is a construct that helps analysts to work with users to determine system usage. 109.

Answer :


Reason: State diagram shows how objects change from one state to another which is depicted using state diagram. 110.

Answer :


Reason: Extend stereotype indicates optional behaviour in use cases,

Questions 111 to 120

111. …………. literally means ‘many forms’, the concept that different objects can respond to the same message in different ways. (a)










112. Objects hide their inner workings of their operations from the outside world and from other objects. This is called ……………….. (a)









An object.

113. Given below are some statements associated with data flow diagrams. Identify the correct statement from among them. (a)

Data flows in a DFD may be bidirectional


The level 0 DFD only consists of the main process


The level 0 DFD is the same as the context diagram


Data can flow directly from a data store to an external agent


Every process in a DFD must connect to two other processes.

114. Consider the following statements related to UML 2.0. I.

Composite Structure Diagram, Interaction Overview Diagram and Timing Diagram are new in UML 2.0.


A composite structure diagram shows the components of a class as a diagram nested inside a large class rectangle.

III. UML 2.0 takes the interface concept a step further by allowing one to model the connection between an interface and a class. Which of the following is correct? (a)

Only (I) above


Both (II) and (III) above


Both (I) and (II) above


Both (I) and (III) above


All (I), (II) and (III) above.

115. Consider the following statements in relation to Role names in associations between two classes: I.

Role names have to be used with association names.

II. If there is a relationship between Company and Person then one could use Employee or Employer as role names to convey an employment

relationship. III. The role name is placed on the association near the class that it modifies. Which of the following is correct? (a)

Both (I) and (III) above


Both (I) and (II) above


Both (II) and (III) above


Only (III) above


All (I), (II) and (III) above.

116. The following statements are related to Role/Role names in associations. I. When one class associates with another, each one usually plays a role within that association. II.

A Role name may be placed on one or both ends of an association line.

III. If Company and Person are two classes in a class diagram that has an association relationship, one could use an association name called “employs” or the role names of “Employer” and “Employee” to convey an employment relationship. Which of the following is correct? (a)

Only (I) above


Both (I) and (II) above


Both (I) and (III) above


Both (II) and (III) above


All (I), (II) and (III) above.

117. Multiplicity indicators and their meanings. I.

0..* Zero or More


1..* One or More

III. 0..1 Zero or One IV.

4..7,9 4,5,6,7 or 9


1-2 1 or 2

Which of the following is correct? (a)

(I), (II) and (III) above


Both (II) and (III) above


(I), (II), (III) and (IV) above


(I), (II) and (IV) above


Both (I) and (V) above.

118. RAD Stands for (a)

Rapid application development tool


Raid application development tool


Research application Development


Research aid design tool


Rapid analysis and design tool.

119. Which of the following are not CASE facilities? (a)

Diagramming tools


Prototyping tools


Quality management tools


Description tools


System analysing tools.

120. The ………… is a group of attributes used to identify a single entity instance. (a)

Candidate key


Concatenated key


Alternate key


Primary key


Subsetting criteria.


111. Answer :


Reason: Poly-morphism poly means many morphism means forms so e is the right choice 112. Answer :


Reason: Encapsulation is nothing but hiding objects inner workings of their operations from the outside world and from other objects. 113. Answer :


Reason: Data flows in a DFD may be biderctional. 114. Answer :


Reason: All the statements are correct. 115. Answer :


Reason: Role names may be or may not be used with association names. 116. Answer :


Reason: All the statements are correct. 117. Answer :


Reason: 1-2 indicates 2 118. Answer :


Reason: A is the right choice because RAD is Rapid Application Development Tool

119. Answer :


Reason: CASE facilities are management and description tools. 120. Answer :





Reason: Concatenated Key is a group of attributes used to indetify a single entity instance.

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 13 Questions 121 to 130




Traditionally, the only phase of software development where a formal approach is used is (a)










Which of the following statements is/are true? (a)

There is no restriction on multiple associations between the same two classes


There can be multiple associations between the same two classes, but they should represent different roles


Multiple associations between the same two classes is not allowed


Multiple associations between the same two classes must be aggregated to one


All of the above.

Which of the following statements accurately describes an Information System? (a)

An Information System is an arrangement of people, data processes, information representation and information technology that interact to support day-to-day operations in a business






An Information System is a contemporary term that describes the combination of computer technology with telecommunication technology


An Information System is an arrangement of information representation and information technology that interacts to support day-to-day operations in a business


An Information System is an arrangement of data processes, information representation and information technology that interacts to support day-to-day operations in a business


An Information System is a contemporary term that describes the combination of information technology with telecommunication technology.

Which of the following is not a step in the linear system development cycle? (a)

Testing design




Requirements definition





Which of the following statement is true? (a)

The problem definition phase produces a document written using technical terminology of the system analyst


The problem statement is a document that contains the problems faced by the organization


The problem definition phase produces a document that is a broad statement of user requirements


The problem definition phase does not specify the resources allocated to the project


The direction of the project is set by the problem definition phase.

Which of the following is not considered during the cost-benefit analysis of an information system development project? (a)

Personnel costs


Computer usage


Training costs


Clients staff costs


Cost of new computer hardware and software.

Which of the following is not a fact finding method?





Site visits




Study of similar systems


Business analysis


Joint requirement planning.

Which of the following skill may not be required by a systems analyst? (a)

Programming Language skills


Communication skills


Technical skills


Business process re-engineering skills


Management skills.

How data store is represented in a data flow diagram? (a)



Full Open rectangle


Half open rectangle


Full open triangle


Half open triangle.

Which of the following statements associated with data flow diagrams istrue? (a)

Data flows in a DFD may be bidirectional


The level 0 DFD only consists of the main process


The level 0 DFD is the same as the level 1 diagram


Data can flow directly from a data store to an external agent


Every process in a DFD must connect to two other processes.


121. : (a) Answer Reason : Traditionally, the only phase of software development where a formal approach is used is Programming. 122. : (b) Answer Reason : There can be multiple associations between the same two classes, but they should represent different roles 123. : (a) Answer Reason : An Information System is an arrangement of people, data processes, information representation and information technology that interact to support day-to-day operations in a business. 124. : (b) Answer Reason : Prototyping is not a step in the linear system development cycle. 125. : (c) Answer Reason : The problem definition phase produces a document that is a broad statement of user requirements. 126. : (d) Answer Reason : Clients staff costs is not considered during the cost-benefit analysis of an information system development project. 127. : (d) Answer Reason : Business analysis is not a fact finding method. 128. : (a) Answer Reason : Programming Language skills may not be required by a systems analyst 129. : (c) Answer Reason : Half open Rectangle is used to represent data store. 130. : (a) Answer Reason : Data flows in a DFD may be bidirectional.

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 14 Questions 131 to 140






The objectives for software testing is to (a)

Determine the productivity of programmers


Eliminate the need for future program maintenance


Eliminate every error prior to release


Uncover software errors


Determine the capacity of programmers.

The testing technique that requires devising test cases to demonstrate that each program function is operational is called (a)

Black-box testing


Glass-box testing


Grey-box testing


White-box testing


Green box testing.

The testing technique that requires devising test cases to exercise the internal logic of a software module is called (a)

Behavioral testing


Black-box testing


Grey-box testing


White-box testing


Red box testing.

Black box testing is also called (a)

Specification-based testing


Structural testing




Unit testing


Stress testing.

The four principles of Object-Orientation are (a)

Abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism and modularity






Abstraction, polymorphism, modularity and hierarchy


Encapsulation, polymorphism, hierarchy and modularity


Abstraction, encapsulation, modularity and hierarchy


Abstraction, generalization, modularity and hierarchy.

What is UML language? (a)

Visualizing, specifying, constructing, documenting the artifacts of a software system


Visualizing, modeling, constructing, documenting the artifacts of a software system


Visualizing, documenting, modeling, encapsulating the artifacts of a software system


Visualizing, modeling, constructing, encapsulating the artifacts of a software system


Visualizing, aggregation, constructing and polymorphism are the artifacts of a software system.

Which of the followings is not a UML diagram? (a)

Component diagram


State-chart diagram


Deployment diagram


Broadcast diagram


Use case diagram.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of an object? (a)










What is the other name for Encapsulation? (a)

Information hiding


Interface management





(e) 140.


What does a class share? (a)

Attributes, behavior and operations


Identity, behavior and state


Attributes, operations and relationships


Relationships, operations and multiplicity


Identity, mannerism and state.


131. : (d) Answer Reason : Uncover software errors is the objective for software testing. 132. : (a) Answer Reason : The testing technique that requires devising test cases to demonstrate that each program function is operational is called black-box testing. 133. : (d) Answer Reason : The testing technique that requires devising test cases to exercise the internal logic of a software module is called white-box testing. 134. : (a) Answer Reason : Black box testing is another name for Specification-based testing. 135. : (d) Answer Reason : The four principles of Object-Orientation Abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, hierarchy. 136. : (a) Answer Reason : The UML is a language for Visualizing, specifying, constructing, documenting the artifacts of a software system. 137. : (d) Answer Reason : The Broadcast diagram is NOT a UML diagram.

138. : (c) Answer Reason : Action is NOT a characteristic of an object 139. : (a) Answer Reason : Encapsulation is also known as Information hiding 140. : (c) Answer Reason : A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same Attributes, operations and relationships.

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 15 Questions 141 to 150.




Business use-cases and actors together describe (a)

The static elements of the work in progress


The dynamic elements of the work in progress


The logical view of the work in progress


The business processes that the organization supports


The physical view of the work in progress.

Business object models describe (a)

The structure of the business


How the structural elements are used to fulfill the business use cases


Both the structure of the business and how those structural elements are used to fulfill the business use cases


The business view that the organization supports


The logical aspects of the business.

Which of the following statements is false? (a)

Each business use case in business model is mapped to a subsystem in the analysis model


Each business worker in business model is mapped to a system actor in the analysis model






Each business entity in business model is mapped to a class in the analysis model


Each object model in business model is mapped to an interaction diagram in the analysis model


All of the above.

Which of the following statements is true? (a)

A class is an encapsulation of an object


A class represents the hierarchy of an object


A class is an instance of an object


A class is an abstract definition of an object


A class is physical object.

Polymorphism can be described as (a)

Hiding many different implementations behind one interface




Aggregation and association





Which of the following phrase best represents a generalization relationship? (a)

“Is a part of”


“Is a kind of”


“Is a replica of”


“Is composed of”


“Is related of”.

A subclass inherits is ‘parents’ is (a)

Attributes, links


Attributes, operations


Attributes, operations, relationships


Relationships, operations, links


Methods, links.




Requirement artifacts include (a)

Use-case model, glossary and supplementary specification


Use-case model, analysis model and design model


Use-case model, deployment and component models


Activity model, glossary and deployment model


All of the above.

What does an actor represents I in use-case model? (a)

A role that a human, hardware device, or another system can play


The same user that can perform several acts


A physical user regardless of its role


A physical system or a hardware device together with its interfaces


A software product.

An initial attempt at defining the pieces/parts of the system and their relationships, organizing these pieces/parts into well-defined layers with explicit dependencies is called (a)

Use-case analysis


Architectural analysis


Structural analysis


Dependency analysis


Documentation analysis.


Answer 141. : (d) Reason : Business use-cases and actors together describe the business processes that the organization supports. Answer 142. : (c) Reason : Business object models describe Both the structure of the business and how those structural elements are used to fulfill the business use cases Answer 143. : (d)

Reason : Each object model in business model is mapped to an interaction diagram in the analysis model Answer 144. : (d) Reason : A class is an abstract definition of an object Answer 145. : (a) Reason : Polymorphism can be described as Hiding many different implementations behind one interface. Answer 146. : (b) Reason : “Is a kind of” phrase best represents a generalization relationship. Answer 147. : (c) Reason : A subclass inherits is parents’ Attributes, operations, relationships Answer 148. : (a) Reason : Requirement artifacts include Use-case model, glossary and supplementary specification. Answer 149. : (a) Reason : In use-case model, an actor represents A role that a human, hardware device, or another system can play. Answer 150. : (b) Reason : An initial attempt at defining the pieces/parts of the system and their relationships, organizing these pieces/parts into well-defined layers with explicit dependencies is called Architectural analysis.

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 16 Questions 151 to 160


Which of the following are considered usual steps in systems development life cycle? (a) Systems Analysis (c) Testing

(b) Systems Design (d) Implementation

(e) All of the above. 152.

__________ is the basic objective of systems analysis. (a) Train managers in mathematical analysis (b) Understand a complex system and design it in some way

(c) Understand computer hardware by opening the system unit (d) Implement the system (e) Run simulation programs. 153.


Which one of the following fact-finding techniques is most useful in collecting quantitative data? (a) Interviews

(b) Record reviews

(c) Questionnaires

(d) Observations

(e) Workshops.

Which of the following tool sketches the logical structure of the system based on some criteria? (a) Decision Table

(b) Data Flow Diagram

(c) Decision Tree

(d) Structured English

(e) Structured chart. 155.

The data dictionary in SDLC contains descriptions of (a) DFD elements

(b) E-R Diagram

(c) Use case

(d) Class Diagram

(e) Decision table. 156.

Application prototyping follows an organized process or steps that begins with ___________. (a) Use prototype (c) Develop working model

(b) Review prototype (d) Identify known requirements

(e) Design a prototype. 157.

CASE tools are used_______________ (a) To maintain (b) To get routine work in a development project done (c) To train users of the system (d) As a productivity tool in systems development (e) Not to automate the implementation phase of a development project.


Which of the following is a combination of data and logic that represents some real world entity?

(a) Relationship Method 159.

(b) Object (e) Class.

(c) Attributes


During project inception the intent of the task is (a) Implementing the project (c) Analysis of the problem

(b) Designing a solution (d) Programming

(e) Maintenance of the project. 160.

Cohesion is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module (a) Interact with other modules (b) Focuses on just one thing (c) Is able to complete its function in a timely manner (d) Is connected to other modules and the outside world (e) None of the above.



Answer : (e) Reason : The basic steps in SDLC is systems analysis, design, testing and implementing.

152. Reason :


Answer : (b) The basic objective of systems analysis is understanding a complex system and design it in some way. Answer : (c) Reason : The most useful fact-finding techniques for collecting quantitative data questionnaire.


Answer : (c) Reason : Decision Tree sketches the logical structure based on some criteria.


Answer : (a) Reason : The data dictionary in SDLC contains descriptions of Data Flow Diagram elements.


156. Reason :


Answer : (d) Application prototyping follows an organized process or steps that begins with identifying known requirements. Answer : (d) Reason : CASE tools are used as a productivity tools in systems development

158. Reason : 159.

Answer : (b) The term object means a combination of data and logic that represents some real world entity. Answer : (c) Reason : During project inception the intent of the task is analysis of the problem

160. Reason :

Answer : (b) Cohesion is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module focuses on just one thing.


SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 17 Questions 161 to 170


Technical feasibility is an evaluation to determine (a) Whether the system can provide the right information for the organisation’s personnel (b) Whether the existing systems can be upgraded to use the new technology (c) Whether any restructuring of jobs will be acceptable to the current users (d) Whether the organisation has the expertise to use the new technology (e) Whether the technology needed for the proposed system is available.


_______________ are not parts of the system. They represent anyone or anything that must interact with the system. (a) Use Cases (e) Classes.


(b) Actors

(c) Components

(d) Packages

Which of the following system test determine the length of time the system uses to process transaction data? (a) Recovery Testing (c) Peak load Test

(b) Performance Time Testing (d) Procedure Testing

(e) Silk

Testing. 164.


_____________ refers to the process of using software in a live environment in order to find errors. (a) Verification

(b) Clarification

(d) Validation

(e) Correctness.

(c) Determination

A post-implementation review looks into_____________ (a) Goals achieved vis-à-vis targets (b) User friendliness of the system (c) Realization of cost-benefits (d) Both (a) and (b) above (e) (a), (b) and (c) above.


____________is a variation of simple aggregation. It is a strong type of aggregation (a) Component aggregation (c) Composition

(b) Inheritance (d) Association

(e) Multiple Inheritance. 167.

______ refers to the number of subordinate modules controlled by a calling module. (a) Span of control (c) Cohesion


(b) Coupling (d) Integration

(e) Collaboration.

Which of the following activities are included in the OO system development? (a) Use case driven analysis (c) Prototyping

(b) Design (d) Component based development

(e) All of the above. 169.


Which one the following is not a form of Decision Table? (a) Limited-Entry

(b) Double-Entry

(c) Mixed-Entry Entry.

(d) Extended-Entry (e) Extended and Mixed-

__________represents a Whole Part or Composition relationship. (a) Aggregation

(b) Inheritance

(c) Polymorphism

(d) Stereotype

(e) Association.


161. Reason :

162. Reason :

163. Reason :


Answer : (e) Technical feasibility is an evaluation to determine whether the technology needed for the proposed system is available. Answer : (b) Actors are not parts of the system .They represent anyone or anything that must interact with the system. Answer : (b) Performance time testing is the system test that determines the length of time system used by the system to process transaction data. Answer : (d) Reason : Validation is the process of using software in a live environment in order to find errors.

165. Reason :


Answer : (e) A post - implementation review looks into goals achieved vis-à-vis targets, user friendliness of the system and realization of cost-benefits. Answer : (c) Reason : Composition is a variation of simple aggregation. It is a strong type of aggregation.


Answer : (a) Reason : The number subordinates modules controlled by a calling module is called span of control

168. Reason :


Answer : (e) The activities included in the object oriented system development are Use case driven analysis, Design, Prototyping and component based development. Answer : (b) Reason : Double-Entry is not a form of Decision Table.


Answer : (a)

Reason : Aggregation represents a whole part or composition relationship.

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 18 Questions 171 to 180


The main issue in documentation during the __________ phase is to determine what the system must do. (a) Analysis

(b) Design

(c) Implementation

(d) Coding



the symbol represents (a) Aggregation

(b) Generalization

(c) Dependency

(d) Composition

(e) Association.

_____ design is a data-flow-based methodology. (a) Physical (d) Object Oriented


(e) Maintenance.

(b) Logical

(c) Structure

(e) Record based.

Which of the following UML diagram provides static structure of a system? (a) Class diagram

(b) Sequence diagram

(c) State diagram

(d) Collaboration diagram

(e) Activity diagram. 175.

System Testing implies_______________ (a)

Testing changes made in an existing or a new program

(b) Making sure that the new programs do in fact process certain transactions according to specifications (c)

Running the system with live data by the actual user

(d) Executing a program to check logic changes made in it and with the intention of finding errors making the program fail (e) 176.

Both (a) and (b) above.

_________refers to the number of connections between a “calling” and “called” module and the

complexity of these connections. (a) Module coupling (c) Evaluation 177.

(d) Cohesion

(c) Problem areas

(b) Information needs (d) Data storage

(e) All the above.

Which diagram depicts a pattern of messages coming into and going from an object? (a) Collaboration diagram (c) Class diagram diagram.


(e) Collaboration.

Which of the following highlights the feasibility report of an existing system? (a) Dataflow and processing


(b) Transaction

(b) Sequence diagram (d) Object diagram

(e) Activity

The process of converting a new or revised system design into an operational one is known as _______________________. (a) Testing

(b) Implementation

(c) Quality Assurance

(d) System Analysis

(e) System Design. 180.

The rules and semantics of the UML can be expressed in a form known as (a) Object modeling language (c) Object specification language

(b) Object constraint language (d) Object control language

(e) Object driven language.



Answer : (a) Reason : Analysis phase is to determine what the system must do, is the main issue in documentation.


Answer : (b) Reason : :

the symbol represents generalization.

173. Reason :


Answer : (c) Structured design is a data-flow-based methodology. The approach begins with a system specification that identifies inputs and outputs and describes the functional aspects of the system. Answer : (a) Reason : The UML diagram provides static structure of a system is Class diagram.

175. Reason :


Answer : (d) System testing means it is the execution of a program to check logic changes made in it and with the intention of finding errors- making the program fail. Effective testing does not guarantee reliability. Reliability is a design consideration. Answer : (a) Reason : In module coupling there must be at least one connection between a module and a calling module.


Answer : (c) Reason : The feasibility report of an existing system highlights problem areas.


Answer : (a) Reason : Collaboration diagram depicts a pattern of messages coming into and going from an object.

179. Reason :

180. Reason :

Answer : (b) Implementation is used to mean the process of converting a new or revised system design into an operational one as conversion is one aspect of implementation. The other aspects are postimplementation review and software maintenance. Answer : (b) The rules and semantics of the UML can be expressed in a form known as Object Constraint Language (OCL).

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 19 Questions 181 to 190


Which one of the following fact-finding techniques is most useful in collecting quantitative data? (a)







Record reviews







Which of the following focus on output and processing logic? (a)

Data models


Data-oriented approach


Systems development approach


Process-oriented approach


Information models.

Which would be the best representation for “A customer sending in a payment”? (a)



Data flow




Processing logic


Data store.

Which of the following is not one of the four major classes of information systems? (a)

Decision support system


Collaboration system


Management information system


Expert system


Knowledge system.

Which of the following replicates the decision-making process rather than manipulates information? (a)

Management replication system


Management information system


Expert system


Decision support system

(e) 186.




Knowledge Support system.

Which approach to development is the most interactive and focuses more on the user and their work? (a)

Modern structured analysis


Information engineering


Structured design


Object-oriented analysis


Agent-based analysis.

During the analysis phase, the project team (a)

Describes the functional features of the system chosen for development in the previous phase


Studies the organization's current procedures and the information systems used to perform organizational tasks


Determines the scope of the proposed systems and produces a specific plan for the proposed project


Codes, tests and installs the new system


All (a), (b), (c) and (d) above.

During implementation, the project team (a)

Concentrates on the business aspects of the system and tends to be oriented to a high level of specificity


Studies the organization's current procedures and the information systems used to perform organizational tasks


Determines the scope of the proposed systems and produces a specific plan for the proposed project


Codes, tests and installs the new system


All (a), (b), (c) and (d) above.

Which of the following is not a traditional method of collecting system requirements? (a)








Document analysis


Fact finding technique.

The UML is a language for (a)

Visualizing, specifying, constructing, documenting the artifacts of a software system


Visualizing, modeling, constructing, documenting the artifacts of a software system


Visualizing, documenting, modeling, encapsulating the artifacts of a software system


Visualizing, modeling, constructing, encapsulating the artifacts of a software system


Visualizing, aggregation, constructing and polymorphism are the artifacts of a software system.




181. A

Interviews fact-finding techniques are most useful in collecting quantitative data.

182. D

process-oriented approach focus on output and processing logic.

183. B

Data flow is the best representation for “A customer sending in a payment”.

184. B

Collaboration system is not the part of information system.

185. C

Expert system is decision-making process rather than manipulates information.

186. D

Object-oriented analysis approach to development is the most interactive and focuses more on the user and their work.

187. B

During the analysis phase, the project team studies the organization's current procedures and the information systems used to perform organizational tasks.

188. D

During the implementation, the project team codes, test, and installs the new system.

189. B

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is not a traditional method of collecting system requirements.

190. A

The UML is a language for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of a software system.

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 20 Questions 191 to 200





A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same (a)

Attributes, behavior and operations


Identity, behavior and state


Attributes, operations and relationships


Relationships, operations and multiplicity


Identity, mannerism and state.

Which of the following is the official way a system works as described in organizational documentation? (a)

Formal system


Primary system


Working system


Value system


Secondary system.

During the analysis phase, which of the following has as its primary purpose the collection of system requirements simultaneously from the key people involved with the system? (a)

Requirements structuring






Business process reengineering


Reverse process engineering.

Prototyping is most useful for requirements determination when (a)

There is a tendency to avoid creating formal documentation


Multiple stakeholders are involved in the system


Tools and data are not readily available to rapidly build systems


User requirements are not well understood

(e) 195.





Multiple system analysts are involved in the system.

Which of the following has disrupted the belief that managers must make all the decisions? (a)

Distributed databases


Expert systems


Advanced telecommunications networks


Decision support tools


Knowledge system.

Which of the following UML diagram that emphasizes the structural organization of the objects which send and receive messages? (a)

Collaboration diagram


Sequence diagram


Activity diagram


Class diagram


Use case diagram.

Which of the following represent the capabilities which will be provided to actors by the system? (a)

Use Cases









Which of the following relationship between use cases means that the base use case explicitly incorporates the behavior of another use case at a location specified in the base? (a)










Which of the following statements is/are the approaches for identifying classes?



The noun phrase approach


The common class patterns approach


The use-case driven approach


The class responsibilities collaboration (CRC) approach


All (a), (b), (c) and (d) above.

An Interaction diagram that emphasizes the time-ordering of messages is called as (a)

Sequence diagram


Collaboration diagram


Activity diagram


State diagram


Class diagram.



A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations and relationships.


Formal system is the official way a system works as described in organizational documentation.


JAD is the primary purpose the collection of system requirements simultaneously from the key people involved with the system during the analysis phase.


Prototyping is most useful for requirements determination when user requirements are not well understood.


Decision support tools has disrupted the belief that managers must make all the decisions.


UML diagram that emphasizes the structural organization of the objects which send and receive messages is Collaboration diagram.


Use cases represent the capabilities which will be provided to actors by the system.


include is the relationship between use cases means that the base use case explicitly incorporates the behavior of another use case at a location specified in the base.


The noun phrase approach, the common class pattern approach, the use-case driven approach and the class responsibilities collaboration approach are the approaches for identifying classes.


An Interaction diagram that emphasizes the time-ordering of messages is called as Sequence diagram.

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 21 Questions 201 to 210





Which of the following is a measure of the strength of association among objects? (a)










Which of the following represent a built-in extensibility mechanism of the UML? (a)



Meta model






Model constraints.

Which of the following is a combination of data and logic that represents some real world entity? (a)










The rules and semantics of the UML can be expressed in a form known as






Object modeling language


Object constraint language


Object specification language


Object control language


Object driven language.

A diagram that shows the hierarchical relationship between the modules of a computer program is called (a)

System flow chart


Design class diagram


Data flow diagram


Structure chart


E-R diagram.

Polymorphism can be described as (a)

Hiding many different implementations behind one interface




Aggregation and association





What phrase best represents a generalization relationship? (a)

“Is a part of”


“Is a kind of”


“Is a replica of”


“Is composed of”


“Is related of”.

In use-case model, an actor represents (a)

A role that a human, hardware device, or another system can play


The same user that can perform several acts


A physical user regardless of its role




A physical system or a hardware device together with its interfaces


All (a), (b), (c) and (d) above.

Which of the following is the multiplicity notation that represents optional many? (a)










How is composition represented in a class diagram? (a)

A circle


A rounded rectangle


An ellipse


A solid diamond


A solid circle.



Coupling is a measure of the strength of association among objects.


Stereotype is a built-in extensibility mechanism of the UML.


Object is a combination of data and logic that represents some real world entity.


The rules and semantics of the UML can be expressed in a form known as Object Constraint Language.


A diagram that shows the hierarchical relationship between the modules of a computer program is called Structure Chart.


Polymorphism can be described as hiding many different implementations behind one interface.


“Is a kind of” is the phrase best represents a generalization relationship.


In use-case model, an actor represents a role that a human, hardware device, or another system can play.


0..* is the multiplicity notation that represents optional many.


Composition represented in a class diagram is a solid diamond.

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 22 Questions 211 to 220





From an existing relational database layout; Creating an object model is known as (a)

Bottom-up engineering


Top-down engineering


Backward engineering


Reverse engineering


Forward engineering.

Which layer consists of objects with which the user interacts? (a)

View Layer


Business Layer


Access Layer


Network Layer


Physical Layer.

For ease of use, maintainability and reusability what are used to group classes together. (a)







Use Cases


None of the above.

During system analysis phase which tool from the following is not used?






Data Flow Diagram


Structured English


Decision Tree


Decision Table


Structured Chart.

From the following CASE Tools which is not a component of CASE Tool? (a)

Diagramming Tools


Code Generators


Information Repository


Debugging Tools


Both (a) and (b) above.

For specifying a set of conditions and their corresponding actions the following tabular form is used. (a)

Decision tree


Decision table


Structured english


Data flow diagram


E-R diagram.

In SDLC the data dictionary contains descriptions of what from the following (a)

DFD elements


E-R Diagram


Use case


Class Diagram


Decision table.

Technical feasibility is to determines whether (a)

The system can provide the right information for the organization’s personnel


The existing system can be upgraded to use the new technology


Any restructuring of jobs will be acceptable to the current users




The organization has the expertise to use the new technology


The technology needed for the proposed system is available.

Chose the correct option from the following with respect to prototyping (a)

It is most practical for large scale projects


It emphasizes getting the design right the first time


It is the execution of the standard systems development cycle using CASE tools


It cannot be used when the requirements are not clear


It involves an iterative and interactive development process with extensive end use involvement.

Chose the most correct option for an association (a)

It must be described by nouns


It must have attributes


It must be based on events


It must have a 1:M component


It must be described by a verb or nouns.




211. D

Creating an object model from an existing relational database layout is referred to as Reverse engineering

212. A

View layer consists of objects with which the user interacts as well as the objects needed to manage

213. B

Packages are used to group classes together for ease of use, maintainability, and reusability

214. E

Structured Chart is not used during system analysis.

215. D

Debugging Tool is not a component of CASE Tool.

216. B

A decision table is a tabular form of presentation that specifies a set of conditions and their corresponding actions

217. A

The data dictionary in SDLC contains descriptions of DFD elements

218. E

Technical feasibility is an evaluation to determine whether the technology needed for the proposed

system is available. 219. E

Prototyping involves an iterative and interactive development process with extensive end use involvement.

220. E

An association must be described by a verb or nouns.

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 23 Questions 221 to 230




During the cost-benefit analysis of an information system development project, which of the following is not considered? (a)

Personnel costs


Clients staff costs


Training costs


Computer usage


Cost of new computer hardware and software.

Black box testing is also known as (a)

Unit testing


Structural testing




Specification-based testing


Stress testing.

From the followings pick the one which is not a UML diagram? (a)

Component diagram


State-chart diagram


Deployment diagram


Use case diagram


Broadcast diagram.






What does a class share? (a)

Attributes, behavior and operations


Attributes, operations and relationships


Identity, behavior and state


Relationships, operations and multiplicity


Identity, mannerism, and state.

The business object models describes (a)

The structure of the business


How the structural elements are used to fulfill the business use cases


Both the structure of the business and how those structural elements are used to fulfill the business use cases


The business view that the organization supports


The logical aspects of the business.

To represents a generalization relationship, What phrase is best to use? (a)

“Is a kind of”


“Is a part of”


“Is a replica of”


“Is composed of”


“Is related of”.

The test cases that are used to demonstrate that each program function is operational is known as (a)

White-box testing


Glass-box testing


Grey-box testing


Black-box testing


Green box testing.

Each statement in Column A has to be matched with the most appropriate one from Column B Column A (i)

End user

Column B A

A person who analyses the way the system works and its problems


Business Analyst


A person who needs the system to carry out his responsibilities within the organization




People responsible for organizing and allocating resources




A user who develops some of the computer parts of the system


System Analyst


A person analyzing a business at the subject level

Which of the following represent the correct matchings?




(i) & E, (ii) & B, (iii) & C, (iv) & A, (v) & D


(i) & B, (ii) & C, (iii) & A, (iv) & D, (v) & E


(i) & C, (ii) & A, (iii) & D, (iv) & E, (v) & B


(i) & A, (ii) & D, (iii) & E, (iv) & B, (v) & C


(i) & D, (ii) & E, (iii) & B, (iv) & C, (v) & A.

The below are some statements associated with system development. Identify the Incorrect statement among them (a)

A scenario is a description of a process in the subject world


Terms used in the subject world must be included in a glossary of terms in the requirement specification


Subject world and the System world help to bridge the gap between the Usage world and the Development world


The design model is associated with the System world


The development process centres on converting an initial usage world model through subject and system models, to a computer system.

There is an incorrect statement associated with process descriptions identify it from the below given (a)

Data flow diagrams are very effective tools for showing the logic inside the processes


A decision table can be used to specify the decision logic in a process


A structured English specification is built using the three fundamental constructs of structured programming


Natural English is too imprecise and subject to misinterpretation to be used in specifying process logic


Blocking and indentation are used to set off the beginning and ending of constructs & enhance readability.



Clients staff costs is not considered during the cost-benefit analysis of an information system development project


Black box testing is another name for Specification-based testing


The Broadcast diagram is NOT a UML diagram


A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same Attributes, operations and relationships


Business object models describe Both the structure of the business and how those structural elements are used to fulfill the business use cases.


“Is a kind of” phrase best represents a generalization relationship


The testing technique that requires devising test cases to demonstrate that each program function is operational is called black-box testing


As per the options given, the other options are wrong.


As scenario can never be the description of a process in the subject world


Data flow diagrams can’t represent the logic inside the processes.

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 24 Questions 231 to 240



From the following identify the one which can’t be stored in CASE repository. (a)










Consider the following Use Case diagram:

What are the system actors in the given Use Case diagram?



Clerk, Manager, Customer


Clerk, Manager, Bank network


Clerk, Manager


Clerk, Manager, Bank network, Customer


Manager, Bank network, Customer.

Consider the following five models. A.

Subject world model

B. System world model


Requirements model

D. Analysis model


Design Model

Considering the above models, which option from the below describe how the system works now in terms of the subject world, what users need in terms of the subject world and the required computer system in terms of the system world?



D, A, C


A, C, E


D, C, E


B, D, C


B, A, C.

Entities, Attributes and Relationships are associated with (a)

Logical concepts of data


Physical concepts of data


Logical and physical concepts of data







Persons of an organization


Both (b) and (d) above.

Towards the failure of a particular systems development projects, which from the following given factors do/does not necessarily contribute? (a)

Insufficient testing


A project that spans multiple departments


Inadequate or improper systems design


A lack of top management support


A lack of management and user involvement.

With respect to viewpoint oriented analysis of a system, which of the following is not an advantage? (a)

It allows the designer to incorporate different user views and requirements into the system


It provides an effective way of structuring non-functional requirements


It helps the analyst to identify conflicts among different view points


It helps to make different viewpoints independent of one another


It allows the analyst to identify the users of the system.

From among the following, identify the legal data flows in a data flow diagram. (a)

External entity to another external entity


Data Store to a process


Data Store to an external entity


External entity to a data store


Data store to a data store.

To represent processes or work to be done, the shape used in Gane and Sarson representation is: (a)

A rectangle


A rounded rectangle


A square


A circle


An ellipse.

Given below are some statements associated with data flow diagrams. Identify the correct statement

among them.



Data flows in a DFD may be bidirectional


The level 0 DFD only consists of the main process


The level 0 DFD is the same as the context diagram


Data can flow directly from a data store to an external agent


Every process in a DFD must connect to two other processes.

Which of the following is a fact-finding technique? (a)

Quality assurance




Systems requirement specification


Sampling of existing documents


Rapid application development.



Because the knowledge can’t be stored in the CASE repository.


Because Bank network can never be an actor.


The other options are wrong.


Because Entities, Attributes and Relationships are associated with only logical concepts of data.


Towards the failure of a particular systems development projects, a project that spans multiple departments do/does not necessarily contribute?


As the other all the options are advantages.


As the other all the options are illegal.


The other options are wrong.


As all the other options are wrong.


Because, Sampling of existing documents is one of the fact-finding technique.

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 25 Questions 241 to 250


The strongest quality management action that a systems analysis team can perform is (a) Structured programming

(b) Structured walkthrough

(c) Modular programming

(d) Bottom-up development

(e) Object oriented programming. 242.

Which of the following describes bottom-up design?


Critical systems identification


General systems thinking


Looking at the big picture across the company and breaking it down into smaller parts or subsystems


The identification of processes that need computerization as they arise


All of the above.


Which of the following is not a system conversion strategy? (a) Direct changeover

(b) Parallel conversion

(c) Deferred conversion

(d) Phase-in conversion

(e) Phase-out conversion. 244.

When should the make-or-buy decision be made? (a) During a physical system design

(b) Prior to system analysis

(c) During conceptual system design

(d) During system analysis

(e) During a logical system design. 245.

Which among the following is not a level of quality assurance? (a) Testing tracking.


(b) Verification

(c) Validation

(d) Observation (e) Bug

The charts which mark significant points in the development of a project are (a) PERT

(b) Milestone charts

(c) Bar charts

(d) CPM 247.

(e) Structured charts.

Which among the following refers to the strength of the relationship between modules in a system? (a) Coupling

(b) Cohesion

(c) Span of control 248.

(e) Controlling.

When the question measures what the analyst intended to measure, the question is called: (a) Closed Invalid.


(d) Modularity and partitioning

(b) Open-ended

(c) Inconsistent

(d) Valid

Which of these describe a guideline for selecting the output method?


The frequency of the output is of no concern in the selection of an output method.


The preferences of the user are the only consideration when selecting an output method.


The content of the output is irrelevant when selecting an output method.


The content of the output must be considered as interrelated to the output method.


The content of the output is relevant when selecting on output method.



Which among the following is not an activity of requirement determination? (a) Requirement Anticipation

(b) Requirement Investigation

(c) Requirement Specification

(d) Requirement Gathering

(e) All of the above.


Answer 241. : (b) Reason : The strongest quality management action that a systems analysis team can perform is structured walkthrough. Answer 242. : (d) Reason :

The identification of processes that need computerization as they arise describes bottom-up design.

Answer 243. : (c)


deferred conversion is not a system conversion strategy.

Answer 244. : (c) Reason : The make-or-buy decision be made during conceptual system design. Answer 245. : (d) Reason : Observation is not a level of quality assurance. Answer 246. : (b) Reason : The charts which mark significant points in the development of a project are milestone charts. Answer 247. : (a) Reason : Coupling is the strength of the relationship between modules. Answer 248. : (d) Reason : The valid question measures what the analyst intended to measure, the question. Answer 249. : (d) Reason : The content of the output must be considered as interrelated to the output method. Answer 250. : (d) Reason : Requirement gathering is not an activity of requirement determination.

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SET 26 Questions 251 to 260



A data dictionary is a part of a larger collection of project information called a (a) Repository (c) Metadata file

(b) Data flow diagram

(d) Data structure

(e) Decision table.

Technical detailed specifications of all system elements are the product of (a) Logical design (d) Implementation


During the analysis phase, the project team

(b) Physical design (e) Maintenance.

(c) Analysis


Describes the functional features of the system chosen for development in the previous phase


Studies the organization's current procedures and the information systems used to perform organizational tasks


Determines the scope of the proposed systems and produces a specific plan for the proposed project


Codes, tests, and installs the new system


None of the above.



Which of the following reflects the project manager's "best guess" of the amount of time an activity actually requires for completion? (a) Optimistic time

(b) Pessimistic time

(d) Logical time

(e) Physical time.

(c) Realistic time

Cost reduction and avoidance, error reduction and increased speed of activity are examples of (a) Intangible costs

(b) Tangible costs

(c) Tangible benefits

(d) Intangible benefits

(e) None of the above. 256.

The willingness and ability of management, employees, customers, suppliers and so-forth of an organization to operate, use and support a proposed system is known as (a) Economic feasibility

(b) Cost/benefit analysis

(c) Technological feasibility

(d) Operational feasibility

(e) Specification feasibility. 257.

Which of the following describes the changes made to a system to add new features or to improve performance? (a) Corrective maintenance

(b) Adaptive maintenance

(c) Perfective maintenance

(d) Preventive maintenance

(e) Productive maintenance. 258.

Prototyping is most useful for requirement determination


When there is a tendency to avoid creating formal documentation


When multiple stakeholders are involved in the system


When tools and data are not readily available to rapidly build systems


When user requirements are not well understood


When multiple stake holders are not involved in the system.



The lowest level of decomposition for a data flow diagram is a (a) Primitive DFD

(b) Unit DFD

(d) Level-0 DFD

(e) Level-1 DFD.

(c) Context DFD

Which of the following represents the correct sequence of testing activities?


Unit testing, system testing, module testing, integration testing, acceptance testing


Unit testing, volume testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing


Unit testing, integration testing, system testing, module testing, acceptance testing


Unit testing, module testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing


Unit testing, system testing, integration testing, volume testing, acceptance testing.


Answer 251. : (a) Reason : A data dictionary is a part of a larger collection of project information called a repository. Answer 252. : (b) Reason : Technical detailed specifications of all system elements are products of physical design Answer 253. : (b) Reason : During the analysis phase, the project team studies the organization’s current procedures and the information systems used to perform organizational tasks. Answer 254. : (c) Reason :

Realistic time reflects the project manager’s “ best guess” of the amount of time an activity actually requires for completion.

Answer 255. : (c) Reason : Cost reduction and avoidance, error reduction and increased speed of activity are examples of tangible benefits.

Answer 256. : (d) Reason : The willingness and ability of management, employees, customers, suppliers and so-forth of an organization to operate, use and support a proposed system is known as operational feasibility. Answer 257. : (c) Reason :

Perfective maintenance describes the changes made to a system to add new features or to improve performance.

Answer 258. : (d) Reason : Prototyping is most useful for requirement determination when user requirements are not well understood. Answer 259. : (a) Reason : The lowest level of decomposition for a data flow diagram is a primitive DFD. Answer 260. : (d) Reason : Unit testing, module testing, integration testing, system testing, Acceptance testing.

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