Mcks en The Sphinx PDF

September 18, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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To h4ahaguruji M c i Ling

To H i s senior

disciple C h o h a n Jig Mci L in g ,

o o u r respecred a n d belovcd

Spiritual Teachel; Master C h o a Kok Sui,

WC h a n k You for X ur great, gre t Blessings and for the inspiring exarnplc of Your Creative ntelligence and Compassion. T o o u r Beloved Master C h o a , W thank You for the o p p o t n r n j t y t o c o n tin u e to h c a r Your Voice thr-ougIi Yo u r Teachings.

To t h e

assistant cditor

Mel-iiam Tly


thank you

M a n i l a Philippines ~ O I

otlr many h o u r s of work.

T o graphic h t Savide Cortesi of Ccrvia I t a l s thank you for t h e cover i m a g e of thc Sphinx. photographers, s, Dale Bilycu To th e photographer of St. L o u i s Missouri L e o n a r d o Cigolin~ f Cervia Italy,JEI o f Chicago Illinois Dr. Sonia Grassi and othel-S for your photographs which clearly illustrate rhese rcachings thank you.


extensive ive workshops and from editor C harlo tte Anderson's extens


personal notcs. M a s t er er C h o a Kok Sui passed from rhe body a n 19th

B y utilizing the Wjsdom nf the

Practical sldc o f B e S h r n x , thc reader or practitioner will be rapidly strerlgthcncd. This is due t u t h e multipl multiplee opportunities to P ra ra cctt i c c t h ccss c c o l ~ c e p -~e y r l a r nl ~th e otrrer or dxilr; lifc.

March 2007. This is is th e first posthumously produced h o o k

of Master CIloa Kok Sui. I t w s cornplered and first given for puklication o n O c t o b e r 23,2007.

The fol follo lowin wingg insr r~~ crio ns egarding the construction Frequent u s c of t h e

of rllis hook were given ro His editor a n d life paltner

Charlotte Ariderson iust &o day i hefnre He left the body, during the one hour ride ride from their home t o M a k a t i City Philippines.

cr~al>lc vcn a neophyte to evolve more quickly reapmg coullt coulltlcss lcss Spiritual benefits.

of this hook in Sutra Form ]-athe]- h a n i n t h e style of a narration. n



Rcadcrs by r~owing n d U n J m r t ~ n d i n ; morc about the M ystcrics ystcrics of the Spiritual Path, may ccount each act of Wil/ in ovclcolning inner inertia, each action that allows the inncr sclf b Dare to plagres plagresss more rapidl rapidlyy as p c a t

a. To create

h. To use of rhe quotation from t h e hook of Exelciel Holy Bible

PI actical principles given,



%c aspirant will be lead to discover h n c r Si/t,nce leading to It117er S~ illne ss hel-ehy more rapidly reaching a State of Oncncss w i t h their H i g h e r S o u ll,, O n c n c ssss with God a n d O n c n e s s w i t h All.

c. The Foreword was personall personallyy dictated by Mastej- Ch o a Knk Srri to Charlotte during that ride. Jmrnedjately upon returning hom e, H e reyu reyueqte eqtedd her- t o p r i n t t h e Foreword. She did so. The following day H e shared it with s o m e of His childr children. en. Then H e placed these pages remained unti untill H is death. o n His desk whe re they remained


information l-egardi~ig Mastcr C h o a Kok Sul s Teachings o n spiritual s ~ h j e c t s nd on spiritual devclopnlcnt devclopnl cnt map bc f o u n d in his previou previouss p~lh lishcdworks.

Materials used in cnnstrr~cting 7he Sph n xwer-e tra transcr nscribed ibed compiled from M aste r Choa I ok Sui's

Charlotte A n d e r s o n

Nc 7v DrIhi I??dia PiiB3- 1n1p01


  u Know

o Will

To Darc To



l looke looked, d, and 1 snw a w ~ n d s t o l r n o in i n in in g o u t o f r h c n o r t h a n Immense loud with flashin g lighti-ii lighti-iing.. ng.. u ~ r o u n d c d y brilliant ight.'lhe centel uf the file looked l i k e g l o w i n g nndd in the fire was what looked Likc four living creatures. nn .

I n a p p e x t n c e t h ccii r ffoo rrm m was t h a t o f a m a n . . . T nncc i r l e g wcrc straight; their feet were like lik e those o f a c ~ l f U n d c r t h c i r sidcs dcs thc y had thc hand5 o f a m a n . All four wlngs o n thcir foul si nrc hc m had f aces aces nd w ~ n g s , nd thcir wings r our hc d o n e a i l o t h e ~ . Each one w c n t s tr t r a iigg h t a h eeaa d . W h e r e v e r t h e s p r i t ~ 1 n 1 1 l do h ey e y w o t ~ l d o, w l t h o u t t u l n i n ~ thcy w cnt. 3 w i r fac faces es looked looke d li like ke thia: thia: Each o f rhc four h a d t h e fxce o f a m a n , and un th c r i g h t sidc cach had the fa face ce of a lion, and o n th c Icft rll rllcc face o f an ox; ox ; cach dso bad t h c FK O F an caglc.. each had n v u wings o n c r o u c h in i n g t h e w i n g o f a n o t h e r clcatule o n e i tthh e r s ~ d e . W h c n tl-ic crea creah11h11-es esmoved, I hedrd the s o u n d o f rhcir w i n g s , l k t h e roar o f r u s h i r ~ ~aters, like t h e voice u f the Almigh'y. ..Then t h e r e c a m e a voice from ;ibovc th c cxTansc cxTansc


over their heads. ..(and)l ..(a)hrilli ..( a)hrillianr anr ligh t su rl-ounded him . s;rw. T ikc rhc ppe r nce of-a rainbow rai nbow in th e cluuds o n a rainy day, so w a s the r ad a d ia i a n cc c c a ro ro u n d h i m . . .


  oreword hink before reacting


Think before speaking Think before acting Think before buying

Thinlc before joining a group hink before giving into

group pressure

Think before investing Think about your purpose i n life Think &out your target

Think about your parents Think about what your parents have made for you I t i s because o f this, childrcn and some people arc hopele hopelessly ssly ingrates ingrate s

If you are too gentle you wi will ll no nott shock t h e m out of their complacency.


By the time you wake up, your Life will pass you by.


shock you by the time you wake u p you will be jobless, poor and homeless


person spends without thinking your

partncr will lead you into perpetual debt.


No Car.

N o House.

Wake up To live life without a purpose i s to live life on a yacht.. drifting

Inevitable drjfting will lead you to stavve to death.

No Money.

N o Future. Think before you marry. Think my dear friend. Think



live life without a purpose is

like flying


hoa Kuh Sui

a planc without a direction

It will run out of fuel and crash with you in it %ink before having a sexual relationship. Think who you are going to marry

Is the

responsible? Does the person have emotional control? Does the person spend money wisely? person




e Sphinx


For thousands of years the Egyptian Mystery School used th symbol o f n e Sphinx to denote certain qualities of perfected men, super developed bcings holy masters and adepts n

some esoteric schools it is said



ascended masters have been guiding humaniq

I n other schools they say that these masters protect the human race from

for millions millions of


its a m elf-destructive tendencies.

The Sphinx combines the qualities of Yang and Yin.

It is composed of the head of a m a n or n angel the body of bull the paws o f lion and the wings of an eagle.


Esoteric maxims or the secrets of the Inner World regarding The Sphinx are taught in these four parts:

o Know


Will To Dare

nd To B e Silent

Tflnc four

figures are frequently shown

with books. Why?

Because we learn through reading books, through oral and visual instruction and transference of energy from through the mental transference the Spiritual Teacher. Each method contains a differcnr l yer o f Inner Teachings. One meaning of the four figures shown with books signifies



matter through. Ihc

meaning the books symbolize records o f different countries. This

Zn another

the. karrnic


is significant because based on the karmic condition of country, it rises and falls.

ANGEL, the BULL t h e WON shown wit B o o k


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