Mckensy 7's Framework on Hotel Industry

April 25, 2018 | Author: ankit_will | Category: Strategic Management, Employment, Brand, Recruitment, Leadership & Mentoring
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mckensy 7's framework on hotel industries...



Submitted by: Amrita Singh 014 Anki An kitt Kh Khan ande delw lwal al 019 Ankit Ank it Sha Sharma rma 026 026 Apurv Ap urva a Ch Chatu aturv rved edii 03 032 2 Anu An u Ni Niga gam m 029 Anus An usha ha Ar Aror ora a 03 030 0 Chan Ch anda dan n si sing ngh h Bh Bhoj ojak ak 04 043 3

OBEROI HOTEL Strategy: ´ ´ ´ ´

Mana anagi ging ng ne new w

property prop erty.. Strategi Strat egic c alli alliance. ance. Re-brand Re -branding ing hot hotels. els. International marketing.

Structure: ´

Foll Fo llow ow to top p to bo bott ttom om st stru ruct ctur ure e

System: ´

´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´

Lodging Lodgi ng man manage agemen mentt sys system tem:: Th The e sy syst ste em is di divi vide ded d in intto va vari riou ous s mo modu dule les s wh whic ich h ca can n in intter erac actt with wi th th the e fr fron ontt off offic ice e, gr grou oup p sa sale les, s, gue uest st hi hist story ory,, ac acco coun unts ts re rece ceiv ivab able le,, tr tra avel ag agen enci cies es,, and yi yiel eld d mana ma nage geme ment nt.. Hot otel elie iers rs ca can n se sear arch ch an and d re retr trie ieve ve gu gue est in inffor orm mat atio ion n by var ario ious us fi fiel eld ds, inc nclu ludi ding  ng  name, nam e, add addres ress, s, con confir firmat mation ion num numbe bers, rs, and ot other her fie fields. lds. Other Oth er fe featu atures res inc includ ludes: es: Easyy res Eas reserva ervatio tion n inp input ut Opti Op tima mall re retu turn rn on ro room oms s by pr prov ovid idin ing g fl flex exib ible le ra rate te co conf nfig igur urat atio ion n an and d ma maxi ximu mum m ro room om oc occu cupa panc ncyy Acce ccess ss ava vail ilab abil ilit ityy by ro room om ty type pe,, to tota tall ho hote tell an and d gr grou oup. p. Prov Pr ovide ide con confir firmat mation ion let lette ters rs and pre pre-pr -print inted ed reg regist istrat ratio ion n car cards. ds. Captu Ca pture re add additi itiona onall gue guest st inf inform ormati ation on thr throug ough h hot hotel el con config figura urable ble fie fields lds.. Main aintai tain n wa wait it lis lists ts Provide Pro vide flex flexibl ible e pack package age config configurati urations ons

OBEROI Share Sh ared d va valu lues: es:



aims ai ms at le lead ader ersh ship ip in th the e ho hottel in indu dust stry ry


is co cons nsci cio ous of it its s role in th the e co comm mmun unit ityy, su sup pport rtiing so soci cial al ne nee eds an and d ens nsur uriing em emp ployme ment nt fr fro om with wi thin in th the e lo loca call co comm mmun unit ityy

Skills: ´ ´

´ ´

committe commit ted d to ens ensuri uring ng cust custome omerr sat satisf isfact action ion.. anal alyytica call, cr criiti tica call an and d prob oble lem m-s -sol olvi ving ng sk skiill lls, s, de dev vel elop oped ed throug ugh h re res sear arc chi hing ng,, eval alu uati ting ng and prese pr esenti nting ng arg argume uments nts and dat data; a; IT sk skil ills ls to co coll llec ect, t, an anal alys yse e an and d pr pres esen entt in inffor orma mati tion on in sp spre read adshe sheet ets s an and d da data taba base ses; s; negot neg otiat iation ion and te team amwor work k ski skills lls,, de deve velop loped ed thr throug ough h wo worki rking ng bo both th ind indepe epende ndentl ntlyy and in gr group oup

Style: ´ ´

Man anag agem emen entt fol ollo lows ws

top do top down/ wn/bo bott ttom om up st styl yle e. Maj ajor or de deci cisi sion ons s ar are e ta tak ken in top do down wn fa fash shio ion n wh whil ile e de deci cisi sion ons s re rega gard rdin ing g cu cust stom omer ers s and pr pric icin ing g are take ta ken n in bo bott ttom om up fa fash shio ion. n.

Staff: ´

Prov Pr ovide ides s tra traini ining ng to its em emplo ploye yees. es.


Have Ha ve train training ing insti institut tute. e.


Staff ha Sta has s th the e ab abil ilit ityy to ha hand ndle le st stre ress ss,, pu punc nctu tual alit ityy, kn know owle ledg dge e of for orei eign gn lan angu guag ages es,, and at attten enti tion on to details

ITC HOTEL Strategy: ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´

launche laun ched d on Oct Octob ober er 18, 19 1975 75 dist di stin inct ctiv ive e lo logo go of ha hands nds fo fold lded ed in th the e tr trad adit itio iona nall Na Nama mast ste e pays pa ys arc archit hitect ectura urall tri tribut bute e to anci ancient ent dyn dynast astie ies s  joi  j oine ned d ha hands nds wi with th th the e She Shera rato ton n Co Corp rpor orat atio ion n to st stre reng ngth then en it its s in inte tern rnat atio iona nall ma mark rket etin ing g ba base se classif cla ssified ied unde underr fiv five e dis distin tinct ct br brands ands Branded Brande d Cuisi Cuisine ne

Structure: ´ ´ ´

principle princi ples s of Cor Corpo porat rate e Go Gove verna rnance nce ado adopt pted ed by the Com Compan panyy lead le ader ershi ship p wi with thin in IT ITC C is ex exer erci cise sed d at th thre ree e le leve vels ls This Th is th thre reee-ti tier ered ed in inte terl rlin inke ked d le lead ader ersh ship ip pr proc oces ess s cr crea eate tes s a wh whol oles esom ome e ba bala lance nce be betw twee een n th the e ne need ed for fo focus cus an and d ex exec ecut utiv ive e fre freed edom om

System: ´ ´


believ beli eve e th that at bu busi sine nesse sses s ex exis istt to sub se serve rve la larg rger er so soci ciet etal al go goal als. s. IT ha has s in inno nov vat ativ ivel elyy cr craft afted ed un uniq ique ue busi usine ness ss mo mode dels ls th that at sy syne nerg rgie ies s lo long ng-t -ter erm m sh shar areh ehol olde derr va valu lue e creati cre ation on wit with h enh enhanci ancing ng soci societa etall cap capita itall This commitment is reflected in ITC's 'Triple Bottom Line' approach of contributing to the econ ec onom omic ic,, ec ecol olog ogic ical al an and d so soci cial al ca capi pita tall of th the e co coun untry try..

ITC HOTEL Share Sh ared d va valu lues: es: ´

´ ´ ´ ´

ITC's ITC' s Co Core re Val alue ues s ar are e ai aime med d at de deve velo lopi ping ng a cu cust stom omer er-f -foc ocuse used, d, hi high gh-p -perf erfor orma manc nce e or org gan aniz izat atio ion n whic wh ich h cre creat ates es va valu lue e fo forr al alll it its s st stak akeh ehol olde ders rs Customer Cust omer Focus Excellence Innovation Nation Nati on Orient Orientatio ation n

Skills: ´


ITC vi ITC visi sits ts pr prem emie ierr En Engi gine neer erin ing g an and d Man anag agem emen entt ca camp mpus uses es eve very ry yea earr to in indu duct ct qu qual alit ityy ta tale lent nt fo forr its it s va vario rious us Busi Busines nesses ses.. Manufa anufacturin cturing g , Mark arketi eting ng & Hum Human an Re Resou source rces, s, fin finance ance..

Style: ´ ´ ´ ´

Avo void idan ance ce of Co Conf nfli lict ct of Int Inter eres estt Transparency Protect Pro tection ion of Confi Confidenti dential al Info Informati rmation on Company Com pany Facil Facilitie ities s

Staff: ´

only on ly ho hosp spit ital alit ityy cha chain in,, to ha have ve a uni uniq que pr prog ogra ramm mmer er..

TAJ HOT HOTEL EL Strategy: ´


They fol They ollo low w se seg gme ment ntat atio ion n st stra ratteg egyy, the heyy op oper erat ate e in the lu luxxury ury,, pr prem emiu ium, m, mi mid d-m -mar ark ket an and d val alue ue segm se gmen ents ts of th the e ma mark rket et,, Adv dvert ertis ise eme ment nt of pre remi mium um br bran and d at af afffor orda dabl ble e pr pric ice es un uniq ique ue co conc ncep eptt li lik ke ji jiv va sp spas as,, Taj ai airr et etc c to del delig ight ht the their ir cust custome omers. rs.

Structure: ´ ´

They fol They ollo low w to top p do down wn st stru ruct ctur ure, e, Reversal role whe herrein people from one team keep exchang ngiing roles, de dec cision making and controlli contr olling ng is centr centraliz alized. ed.

System: ´ ´ ´

Operat Oper atio ion n pe perfo rform rmed ed by ma mana nage geri rial al st staff aff an and d fr fron onte tend nd em empl ploy oyee ees s, Feed Fe edba back ck wi with th it its s gu gues ests ts,, aint ntai ain n da data taba base se of th thei eirr cl clie ient nts s Mai

Share Sh ared d va valu lues es:: ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´

People dive People diversity rsity Passio Pas sion n fo forr ex excel cellen lence ce Increase Increa se the exp expectat ectations ions Innovation Sociall respo Socia responsib nsibilit ilityy Joyy at wor Jo ork k


Service Serv ice men mental tality ity


Immediate Immed iate resp response onse

´ ´ ´

Operation Opera tion ex excelle cellence nce Networkin Netw orking g skill skills s Atten Att entio tion n to de detai taill

Style: ´

Leade Le adersh rship ip sty style le


Interna Inte rnall mob mobili ility ty pr proce ocess ss


Safe en enviro vironment(e nment(encour ncourages ages the empl employ oyees) ees)

Staff: ´

Best em Best empl plo oyee of in indu dust stry ry wh who o ca can n sa sati tisf sfyy and gr grat atif ifyy th the e cu cust sto ome merr ef efffect ctiv ivel elyy an and d eff effic icie ient ntly ly to ens nsu ure tha hatt a throu oug gh re recr crui uittme ment nt and sel elec ecttio ion n proce cess ss is do done ne,, ass ssig ign nin ing g th the e ri rig ght peop ople le to the th e ri righ ghtt jo job. b.


Strategy: ´


focus on the customer and always always tries to maintain loyal loyal customer by providing attractive discounts offers Also tries to attract at tract new additional customer at reasonable prices and new schemes.

Structure: ´

follow follo w Hierarchical structure which is bottom bottom to top reporting of employ employees ees .

System: ´

It involves e-payment, online booking of rooms , taxi ,e-security system, credit payment, Wi-Fi connectivity , business centre facilities , fitness centre .

Skills: ´

Culture ,ethics, experiences, values, leading brands, b rands, brand preference.


Shared value: ´

customer first, delivers customer wide range of services at low prices. Delivers genuine services, operate business with sense of purpose purpose in every community community they call home .

Staff: ´

´Spirit to serveµ philosophy philosophy continues to be core of the their their business . They invites invites you to discover rewards rewards ,grow with with opportunity, live with the life you want .

Style: ´

Provide good environment embracing global diversity and inclusion, vitality of  children. They also provide kind giving & volunteer services of its employer all around the world.


´ ´ ´

The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts expands its wings by partnering partnering world·s largest luxury Global Hotel Alliance ( GHA ). The Leela Group intends to increase increase its· awareness among international travelers. travelers. Tie up with different dif ferent airways. airways. Aggressive growth plan.

Structure ´ ´ ´

Centralized. Top to down decisions. Personnel department and training department.

Shared values ´

´ ´

Corporate Governance is based on the principles of integrity, fairness, equity, transparency, accountability and commitment to values. Standards of corporate values and ethics. It has been the endeavor endeavor of ´The Leelaµ group group to give give fair and and equitable treatment to all its stakeholders,, including employees, stakeholders employees, customers and shareholders shareholders..

Staff  ´

Responsibility for for the overall recruitment process is assigned to human resources managers.


´ ´

Their goal is to attract and retain a work force that is motivated to provide a level level of  service. ´Making Excellence our way of lifeµ. The Leadership at the Leela is committed to not not only Employee Employee welfare welfare but also to create a work culture that is challenging and rewarding.

Skills ´

Strong Marketing skills Relationship building. Hospitality and service.


Effective communication of value proposition.

´ ´

System ´


´ ´

The Leela Leela Kaminski is now certified for for ISO 22000 by by Bureau Veritas , an internationally internationally recognized certification Body Body.. Rooms of Leela Leela Hotel are spacious spacious and elegantly furnished with with ceiling fans and central central air conditioning, equipped with 25" color TV with satellite channels video cassette players, players, hi-fi compact disc players sound system and personal safes. All rooms have a lagoon view v iew except the royal villas and presidential suite. Highly centralized computer system.

LE MERIDIEN Strategy: ´

established in 1972 by Air France.


increasing our focus on the management and franchise business.


to maximize earnings and cash flow.

Structure: ´

Top to bottom structure.



divided into into 7 main heads.

System: ´

strong focus on technology.


is Wi-Fi with high speed internet.

Skills: ´

known for for its innovation and willingness to embrace change.


evaluating potential potential new hotels and resorts. resort s.

LE MERIDIEN Shared values: ´

they call shared values ´promisesµ.


Values are: (i) Go the Extra Step- by taking actions that build lasting lasting connections and loyalty. loyalty. (ii) Play as a TeamTeam- by working globally and across across all teams in the company. company. (iii)Do the Right Thing- by using good judgment, respecting respecting our communities, associates, associates, owners, partners and the environment.

Staff: ´

approximately appro ximately 145,000 145,000 people are employed. employed.


labor relations have been maintained in a normal and satisfactory manner. manner.


Recruitment done by HR department.

Style: ´

core mission is of how to do business.


commitment to customer satisfaction.


success is dependent on a variety of talents, opinions, and backgrounds, and constantly strive to improve in this area.


Their tireless efforts to deliver the best has today given them the t he strength to stretch their wings wide and beyond. b eyond.

Structure : ´

Horizontal structure where all employees employees report to senior officials.

System: ´ ´ ´

24hrs room facility services, Wi-Fi connectivity, beauty parlor , gym, swimming pools , laundry services .

Shared value : ´ ´ ´

Synthesizing convenience, convenience, comfort and luxury luxur y to compliment business and leisure needs. It is here that style meets luxury luxur y to give you your exclusive domain. The delicacies of the world converge to indulge your gourmet desires. It is here that personalized and efficient service ensures your comfort every moment.


Staff: ´ ´


The Organization employs a total of 700 people including 250 Managerial Staff. We are constantly on the look out for bright people who wish to excel in the field f ield of  the Hospitality Industry. Responsibility for the overall recruitment process process is assigned to human resources managers.

Skill: ´

The HHI group has the skill to deal with the customer cus tomer very effectively and efficiently by catering their needs in a cost effective ef fective manner. manner.

Style: ´


The HHI group follows the adaptive leadership style which involves solving the problems in less time and effective manner. They never create frustration between the employees hence they follow good leadership style .




Top to bottom

SYSTEM Provide the best IT services to the client.


Customer Focus, Excellence and Innovation


Culture , ethics, experiences, values, on the job training 



of hotels follows participative style of leadership


Training and then job followed

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