Short Description
For all the participants, please enter the room and have a seat. Because we will soon begin the conference. Thank you.
1. The hon honorable governor of South Sulawesi: Sulawesi: Mr. Dr. H. Syahrul Yasin Limpo, S.H., M.Si, MH
2. The The hon honor orab able le rector of Hasanuddin University: University: Mrs. Prof. Dr. Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, MA
. The hono honorrable ble dean of faculty faculty of medicine medicine Hasanuddin Hasanuddin University University:: Mr. Prof. Dr. dr. Andi Asadul Islam, Sp.BS
!. The hon honorable head of committee committee of the conference conference:: Mr. dr. Marhaen Haro, M.Biomed., Ph.D
". The The resp respec ecta tabl blee spea speaker kerss #. $nd the the fell fellow ow part partic icip ipan ants ts
$ssalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and good morning. %elcome elcome to The First First &akass &akassar ar 'ntern 'nternati ational onal (onfer (onference ence on )tem )tem (ells (ells and *egener *egenerati ative ve &edicine which will be held on &ay 2+th to 2th 2-1# in rand (larion /otel, &akassar, )outh )ulawesi, 'ndonesia.
The conference will be held in 2 days0 in which the first day we will have the international conference and for the second day we will have public symposium and stem cells workshop.
%e would like to deliver you the agendas of today event: 1. The first first agenda would be plenary plenary lecture, lecture, followe followed d by 2. openi opening ng cere ceremo mony ny,, and and then then . the interna internatio tional nal conferen conference ce under under topics topics,, which which are hematop hematopoie oietic tic stem cell, cell, adipos adiposee stem cell, and mesenchymal stem cell
PL!"A#Y L!$T%#!
ow, we will move to the first agenda, the plenary lecture, which will be led by Mr. Prof. Dr. Andi Asadul Islam, MD as the moderator, and for the speakers, we would have: Prof. Amin Soebandrio, MD, Ph.D 'ndonesia3, Prof. Syamsu Hidaya&, MD, Ph.D 'ndonesia3, and Prof. Dr. 'a(hmi Idris, MD, M.)es. 'ndonesia3
. %e would like to invite Mr. Prof. Dr. Andi Asadul Islam, MD to take a seat.
ow, we would hand the session to Mr. Prof. Dr. Andi Asadul Islam, MD as the moderator. Time is yours.
Thank you very much for Mr. Prof. Dr. Andi Asadul Islam, MD and all the speakers for the great lectures.
*P!"I"+ $!#!M*"Y
ow, we will move to our second agenda, opening ceremony. %e would like to deliver you the agendas of the ceremony: 1. first, there will be a traditional dance performance, 2. and then, there will be a prayer, delivered by 4rof. 5r. dr. &. $limin &aidin, &4/, . after that, we will present to you the national anthem, 'ndonesia *aya, !. then, there will be a speech from the head of committee of the conference, ". after that, there will be a speech from the rector of /asanuddin 6niversity, #. then, there will be a speech from the governor of )outh )ulawesi, who will also officially open the conference, 7. and finally, we will present to you /asanuddin 6niversity hymn and traditional songs of &akassar.
ow, we will begin the first agenda of the opening ceremony, which is traditional dance performance, performed by ........................................................ ......................
The traditional dance that will be performed is 4arimpungan 5ance, which is widely known as ! ethnics dance. This dance contains the cultures of ! ethnics in )outh )ulawesi, which are &akassar, Buginese, Tora8a, and &andar.
That was a magnificent performance of ......................................................................
ow, we will move to the second agenda of the ceremony, which is a prayer that will be delivered by 4rof. 5r. dr. &. $limin &aidin, &4/. Time is yours.
Thank you very much to 4rof. 5r. dr. &. $limin &aidin, &4/ for delivering the prayer.
ow, we will move to the ne9t agenda of the ceremony, which is a performance of ational anthem, 'ndonesia *aya, by 4lica ocalis choir. Time is yours.
Thank you very much for the ama;ing voices of 4lica ocalis choir.
ow, we will move to the ne9t agenda of the ceremony, which is a speech from the head of committee of the conference, &r. &arhaen /ard8o, &5, 4h.5. Time is yours.
Thank you very much to &r. &arhaen /ard8o, &5, 4h.5 for delivering the speech.
ow, we will move to the ne9t agenda of the ceremony, which is a speech from the rector of /asanuddin 6niversity, &rs. 4rof. 5r. 5wia $ries Tina 4ulubuhu, &$. Time is yours.
Thank you very much to &rs. 4rof. 5r. 5wia $ries Tina 4ulubuhu, &$ for delivering the speech.
ow, we will move to the ne9t agenda of the ceremony, which is a speech from the governor of )outh )ulawesi, 5r. /. )yahrul
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