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MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization Matthias Stegmueller, SAP AG Developer Materials Management – Inventory Management Installed Base Maintenance & Support SCM1 July 21st, 2011


The Issue and its Business Impact Goal of the implementation Redesign Action Plan

© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


The Issue and its Business Impact

Issue: Long runtime of transaction MB51 / MB5B Example: Transaction MB51 runs for a long time and sometimes terminates with the runtime error "TIME_OUT".

Reason and Prerequisites: There is an extremely large number of MM documents in your system. The SELECT JOIN statement on the header and item table is very demanding on system performance due to large volumes of data.

Business Impact: It takes a long time to get the list of material documents. Sometimes the transaction gets aborted. © 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Goal of the implementation

Goal: -

Increase performance


Decrease runtime of the report

- Avoid -

short dumps

Increase user satisfaction

© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Redesign - Overview


Fields from MKPF (like posting date, user name, etc.) are added to table MSEG


The fields from MKPF are held redundantly in the table MSEG

This technique enables large gains for the performance of all applications that read material documents -

Note correction ensures that the new fields of the table MSEG are updated in the same way as the fields in the table MKPF by each goods movement


A conversion tool is provided to fill the existing document items in the MSEG table with the fields from MKPF. -

Notes for MB51 & MB5B are being provided


FAQ Note available

© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Redesign - Overview

Relevant notes: 1516684 MKPF fields added to MSEG - Performance optimization 1550000 MB51: Redesign of selection for performance optimization 1558298 MB5B: Redesign of selection to optimize performance 1567602 DB dependent steps to support the redesign of MB51 1598760 FAQ: MSEG Enhancement & Redesign MB51/MB5B

© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Action plan

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

• Enhance the table MSEG by fields from table MKPF

• Implement correction instruction of note 1516684 to ensure update of new fields of table MSEG

• Implement report ZMST_FILL_MSEG_FROM_MKPF from note 1516684

• Perform data conversion using report ZMST_FILL_MSEG_FROM_MKPF to update existing MSEG records according to the values in MKPF as explained in longtext of note 1516684

• Apply note 1550000 for coding change in MB51, Note 1558298 for MB5B

• Apply manual steps of note 1550000 including creation of new DB indexes -> see note 1567602 for details about the indexes to be created

NOTE: The process steps are very detailed explained in the long text of notes 1516684 and 1550000 – See FAQ Note 1598760 for questions © 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Action plan for higher Support Packages For customers on a support package greater or equal to SAPKH60021, SAPKH60211, SAPKH60310, SAPKH60411, SAPKH60507 or SAPKH60602 only the actions 3, 4 & 6 are necessary! The other actions were already shipped via the support package delivery.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

• Enhance the table MSEG by fields from table MKPF (already inSP) • Implement correction instruction of note 1516684 to ensure update of new fields of table MSEG (already inSP) • Implement report ZMST_FILL_MSEG_FROM_MKPF from note 1516684 • Perform data conversion using report ZMST_FILL_MSEG_FROM_MKPF to update existing MSEG records according to the values in MKPF as explained in longtext of note 1516684 • Apply note 1550000 for coding change in MB51, Note 1558298 for MB5B (already inSP) • Apply manual steps of note 1550000 including creation of new DB indexes -> see note 1567602 for details about the indexes to be created

© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Action plan – detailled steps




Enhance the table MSEG by fields from table MKPF


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MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization



SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Action plan – detailled steps


Implement correction instruction of note 1516684 to ensure update of new fields of table MSEG

The following code change ensures that the new fields in MSEG will be updated by each goods movement:


© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Action plan – detailled steps


Implement report ZMST_FILL_MSEG_FROM_MKPF from note 1516684

The conversion report ZMST_FILL_MSEG_FROM_MKPF is attached to note 1516684. You can find it under attachments. Please apply it in your system landscape.

© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Action plan – detailled steps


Execute report ZMST_FILL_MSEG_FROM_MKPF to perform the data conversion. This will update existing MSEG records according to the values in MKPF as explained in the longtext of note 1516684
















A temporary index can be created in order to decrease the runtime of the conversion report: MSEG~TMP: MANDT, BUDAT_MKPF, MJAHR, MBLNR Once the conversion is done, the index can be deleted.

© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Report: ZMST_FILL_MSEG_FROM_MKPF The conversion report is used only once, per each client in your system. Its execution will fill in the newly created fields of all existing MSEG records. Afterwards, new goods movements will be posted properly with the new MSEG structure as explained in step 2.

Process material documents: This will update the new fields of the material document items (MSEG) with the values in the material document header (MKPF) Recommendation: Choose block size ‚1.000.000‘. As Number of runs per block size you may choose the amount of millions MSEG entries you have in the system. For instance if you have 49.334.233 MSEG entries you choose 50. You could also schedule the tool per material document year (Year) for instance. If you have many MM documents in table MSEG, it makes sense to plan several parallel background jobs, e.g. for different set of plants, movement type and document years. Please run this in background task. This can also be executed during your usual runtime. Show documents to be converted and Show number of converted documents: This function can be used in case you want to check how many documents are already processed and how the status of the overall conversion is. Set conversion complete: This sets a client depended status that the conversion was completed. The reports will later on check whether the conversion was done completely before reading from the new fields of MSEG. Till this status was not set, the reports will work with the old logic! Regenerate MB51: This is necessary to activate the redesign in MB51. This will regenerate the generated include RM07DOCS and switches to the new selection logic.

© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Action plan – detailled steps


Apply note 1550000 for coding change in MB51 & note 1558298 for MB5B

ATTENTION: In case you only apply the notes, nothing will happen! The reports check, whether the conversion of MSEG was done. Report ZMST_FILL_MSEG_FROM_MKPF can set this status (see point 4.) The reports will work with the old logic (i.e. reading data from MKPF) until the new status is set and the conversion done.

© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Action plan – detailled steps


Apply manual steps of note 1550000 including creation of new DB indexes -> see note 1567602 for details about the indexes to be created

1. The following new indexes must be created: MSEG~BUD: MANDT, BUDAT_MKPF, MATNR, WERKS, LGORT, BWART, SOBKZ MSEG~M1:




You may add your customer-specific indexes as needed to increase the performance individually

2. Customizing for MB51 should be adjusted to get the optimum benefit -> see next slide

© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Action plan – detailled steps Customizing for optimal performance increasement for transaction MB51 We recommend including only the following fields from MKPF in the Customizing table MMIM_REP_CUST: (SPRO -> Materials Management -> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory -> Reporting -> Define Field Selection for Material Document List):

MBLNR, MJAHR, VGART, BUDAT, CPUDT, CPUTM, USNAM, XBLNR and TCODE2 The inclusion of other fields from MKPF may actually decrease the performance. Gains are not as good as when you restrict your selection to the MKPF fields listed above. You cannot include the new MSEG fields (such as BUDAT_MKPF) in Customizing. As before, these are mapped using the standard fields MKPF-BUDAT. Therefore, leave MKPF-BUDAT within the Customizing table MMIM_REP_CUST.

There is no restriction on the MSEG fields. They can be chosen as SELECT and OUTPUT fields without negative impact on performance.

© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Example: Customizing without benefit

Here, the field MKPF-BKTXT is chosen as SELECT parameter. Since BKTXT was not duplicated into MSEG, the old MSEG/MKPF Join logic must be used and there is no benefit from the redesign.

© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Example: Customizing with improvement potential

Here, the fields MKPF-BKTXT and MKPF-XABLN are both chosen as OUTPUT parameters. Since BKTXT and XABLN were not duplicated into MSEG, the old MSEG/MKPF Join logic is used. However in this case, there is a benefit from the redesign as the WHERE Condition (SELECT fields) is only being done on MSEG fields.

© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Example: Optimal Customizing

The optimal customizing includes only the copied fields from MKPF in output and selection of report MB51!

© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Any further questions?

Please refer to the FAQ Note 1598760 !

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MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


Thank You!

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© 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

MSEG Extension - Redesign MB51/MB5B Performance optimization

SAP contact: Matthias Stegmüller


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