Maya reiki manual

March 14, 2017 | Author: Adi Badescu | Category: N/A
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Information about T he Temple o f the Sentient Univers e & R eiki Healing Where The gods and goddess s touch the Earth

What is R eiki? REIKI is pronounced Ray-key. REI, means Universal, KI, means vital lifeforce. REIKI, means universal life-force energy! In Japan, in 1822 Dr. Mikao Usui, a Buddhist monk began a twenty-eight year quest in search of the method Healing used by Buddha. He rediscovered Reiki healing. The Universal Life Force first enters the healer and then is directed through the hands of the healer into the client. Reiki heals, harmonizes and balances the body, mind and spirit.

What ca n Reiki do? My wife has a client who while showering discovered a large protruding, painful, hemorrhoid. He requested Reiki treatment. The next morning the hemorrhoid was gone. One of my wives clients told her, her mother had been hospitalized with several blood clot s in her left arm and that the doctors feared one would dislodge and cause an embolism. This was Saturday afternoon. Fern told myself and another Reiki Master. The three of us set a time on Sunday to project Reiki Healing to the mother. Monday she was released from the hospital. The clots were gone.

Our Groups are small so that each student will receive special attention. Each Level of achievement receives a beautiful diploma. We are available to carry on, an on going relationship with our students. We are as close as your telephone. First. You will be attuned to Reiki 1 and learn how to direct Reiki Energy to heal yourself and others. Second. You will be attuned to Reiki ll to do distant healing, emotional and mental clearing, and to use Reiki symbols. Third. You will


be attuned as Advanced and Master Reiki Healer. At this level you will be taught to conduct initiations and attunements.

About Us: Reverends Dennis and Fern Alexande r. Both are graduates of The New Mexico Seminary, Santa Fe. Dennis received his degree in ancient religions. His Thesis was on the Mayan Religion. Dennis lived with the Mayan people for three years as their doctor, where he studied and learned from various shaman. He also is a Mayan shaman.. Fern also received her degree in Ancient Religions, and her Thesis was on Hands on Healing, and the Wicca religion. Fern is also an herbalist. Both Dennis and Fern are Mayan Circle Masters, and Seventh generation Reiki Mast ers in direct lineage from Dr. Usui.

For additional information, contact Dennis or Fern at: 727-577-1391 Begin your journey and walk the path to the stars. You are welcome here fellow traveler. W elcome to yo ur journey of transforma tion. Mayan Phrase, In Lak ech : I am another yourself.


Forward Reiki is defined as Directed Energy. The word itself, Rei, meaning universal, and Ki, meaning Energy. The channeling of this Universal Life Force is an energetic system of healing. Dr. Mikao Usui, a Buddist monk, began a 28 year search in Japan in 1822 during which he rediscovered how Buddha healed - with Reiki. Universal Life Force flows thro ugh the practitioners body and then is directed through the hands into the client. Reiki heals, harmonizes, and balances the body, mind and spirit and emotions.

Evolving Reiki. There are many schools of thought on the proper method of teaching Reiki. There is the Traditional which adheres strictly to methodology developed by the Reiki Alliance which costs well over ten thousand dollars. This system was developed by Mrs. Takata, who brought Reiki to the United States in the 1930's with the thought in mind that Americans don t value anything which they don t pay for dearly. The current Grand Master is Mrs. Takata s granddaughter who says, there is not a right or better system. What she teaches is Usui Shiki Reiki, and that the students must chose their own path. Is not humanity evolving? Are we not achieving enlightenment through acceptance of the Higher Good of Humanity and this Planet? Different methods of teaching may be more appropriate for some people in our present time. CHANGE IS GOOD! There is no right or wrong, there is only Reiki. Reiki and the Mayans. Traditional Mayan healing was and is done by a Shaman, with the use of herbs and hands on healing. A thousand years ago the herbalist was highly respected and the school of thought, highly developed. Shaman or priests of shamanism are able to commune with spirits and they can


then be called upon for help in curing illness, remedying ill fortune, influencing weather or foretelling the future, and so on. Shamanism is possibly the oldest world religion. The Shaman s link with nature provides a more ecological spirituality and world view.

There are many paths up the mountain of Enlightenment. This is good, otherwise there would be quite a bottle neck making the ascent. LIVE your own TRUTH. This is the key to inner peace and happiness. Seek HARMONY, HONEST INTENT, and BE YOURSELF.

Introduction Reiki I, Welcome to Reiki. What you are here to learn about is in reality your birth right. Each of us is born bearing the double helix of RNA/DNA molecules. These molecules are representations of the Ascending and Descending Universal Life Force. We work in our Sacred Spot, here, which is a Circle. At the entrance of this Circle which we work in and begin each class in, stands a large stone. Upon that Obelisk is the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, developed by the Mayans over three thousand years ago. It represents the human RNA/DNA. The left side of the Tzolkin represents the Ascending DNA st rand, or the Ascending Universal Life Force from our Earth, the source of Ki. The right side of the Tzolkin represents the Descending DNA strand, the Universal Life Force from the Center of the Universe, Rei. Both of these gifts from the Prime Creator form the Double wrapped RNA/DNA Helix which is the conduit through which the power of Rei and Ki flow. We become the conduit for the flow of this energy when we call upon the Universal Life Force through our Guides, or directly call upon the Prime Creator. Our purpose here is to help you to understand the proper way to access this wonderful power and to properly direct it to heal others, and to heal ourselves.


OM and HUNAB KU When we begin our classes we shall first, Center and Ground ourselves. We shall also POWER UP. We shall use two very powerful sounds to assist us. Om and Hunab Ku. Om is the home sound, Om is the Universal Word of Creation. spoken by the Oriental Great Goddess upo n her bringing forth t he world of material existence, an invocation o f her own pregnant belly. OM is called the Mother of Mantras. OM is the Alpha Omega. The beginning and end. The HUNAB KU , which is at the Center of the Mayan Calendar Round, is, God, the principle of intelligent energy that pervades the Universe.

The HUNAB KU was inscribed prior to the Bible

being conceived, prior to Christ being on earth, prior to Buddha, prior to monks praying in Tibet. The harmonic sounds of OM and HUNAB KU, are the same. HUNAB KU is the Giver of Movement and Measure. At the Center of the Tzolkin Calendar are the numbers One and Thirteen. The beginning and the end. OM, is the beginning and the end, HUNAB KU, is the beginning and the end. POWER UP. When we enter the Circle, you shall do so by the student entrance on the south side. Once in the Circle, we shall form a Circle and we shall begin with hand exercises which you will find on the next page. These exercise's will open your hand chakras and assist us in feeling of dis ease, and the transference of the Universal Life Force. We shall also CENTER and GROUND ourselves. Centering and Gro unding helps us to maintain focus and control before and after Reiki work. Centering and Grounding helps us to disperse excess energy generated while we channel the powerful Universal Life Force. We will stand in a circle hands out, right palm up, left palm down, each of our hands will touch t he person next to us. At this time we shall say, OM, three times and say, HUNAB KU three times. Then I shall lead you through a brief meditation after which we shall begin our class for today. Our Center Obelisk displays the Raku. The Reiki Masters Symbol. This Symbol is Enlightenment itself. The Raku allows one to achieve oneness between worshiper and worshiped.


Opening Hand Chakras & Sensitivity of Hands 1.)

Pull fingers back one at a time.


Wringing hands energizes them and warms them.


Picking objects up with palms opens hand Chakras.

Photographs below show you 3 additional exercises which are beneficial prior to healing.


Healing/Spiritualism Traditional Mayan healing was and is done with the use of herbs and hands on massage therapy. A thousand years ago the herbalist was highly respected and the school of thought, highly developed. Don Eiligo Panti, of Belize is one of the worlds last great herbalists. Much of his work has been passed on to his student, Rosita Arvigo. The Spiritualist is thought of as the highest order and most powerful of shaman s. There is a fine line between Spiritualist and Sorcerer. Conversing with the departed, cleansing spirit or body with magic, generally creates fear in the client. I am not going to delve into Mayan healing/spiritualism at this juncture. Both my wife and I are Usui Reiki Masters and teachers. It is this school of healing of the spirit and body that we shall explore. When the Mayan civilization was at it s peak, shaman would do hands on healing by using the gods and goddess s as guides to assist them in finding trouble spots on the patients body, aura, or spirit. They would feel temperature differences in the body and target these sights for the healing force. They believed, and modern Mayans believe that there is a Universal Life Force which is in all things. Even a stone has life. Don t the Rocky Mountains continue to grow? Of course. It is a Universal Law of Physics the all matter contains energy and that energy can never be destroyed. It can only be changed in form. Consider the Soul . In my opinion the soul is our life force. When our bodies cease to function, this force, this energy goes on. Were? You pick a place. I have my own. But I digress. Let s talk about Reiki healing. Reiki has been used for thousands of years and is tho ught to have originated as a Tibetan Buddhist practice. It has been hypothesized by anthropologist s that human kind originated in Alaska, North America, Mexico, Central America and South America by migration from Tebet and or China. If this has validity then t he Mayans could have received their knowledge of Reiki from the Tibetans.

The word Rei is generally interpreted as

universal, or more accurately, supernatural knowledge or spiritual consciousness. Rei further refers to the Universal Co nsciousness, that all-knowing, ever pervading intellect of the Prime Creator. Ki refers to the energy known as our life force. Ki is referred to in in Greek as 7

[Pneuma], Egyptian as [Ka], Hindu as [Prana] and Chinese as [Chi]. A Shaolin Master I once worked with told me, Chi is the Universal Life Force and emanates from the fluid of the spinal column.

Ki, affects our mental well being, our emotions and our thoughts. It anchors our spiritual health. Ki is the essential energy force of this world, the planets, stars and the expanding Universe. As our life force disperses or diminishes, if there is a restriction in it s flow throughout our bodies, we become susceptible to illness, [dis - ease]. Reiki is necessary to sustain life.

Energy Everything Created is comprised of energy. This energy is manifested in various forms which emanated from the Divine Source and have been described as a series of ineffable lights. (Conway 1988:45) Manifestations of this Divine energy begin marked by great diffusion of component particles found in gross matter. In the world of physics there is one indisputable fact, all matter is composed of energy, and energy cannot be destroyed. It can only be changed in fo rm. In the metaphysical, and psychic world there are four common energies found out side the physical force contained by matter: ethereal, emotional, mental and psychic. (Weed 1968:55) Energy is comprised of molecules, when these molecules are moved they form a reaction, one strikes another and that one strikes another and so on. One might liken it to dominos. Lined up, if you topple one, all the others will fall. Each molecule, in all forms of energy, is next to another, if moved it will strike another. Push your hand through the air and molecules move. All forms of energy have a vibrato ry rate. The higher the vibrato ry rate the more rarified it becomes, thereby permeating all things. Weed (1968:3) All these vibratory rates have resonance. The sensing of resonance is an important part of Reiki. We all resonate. Resonance is a means of penetration by which we can direct the Universal Life Force and detect an ill tuned body, spirit, aura or mind.


The unbridled bird knows freedom by soaring on the updraft. Open yourself to the Light and soar. Dennis Alexander 1999

If the vibration is off, resonance is off. You have experienced people who give off good vibrations or bad vibes. The human brain creates waves or resonant frequency in the alpha range that vibrate with that of the planet (at about 7.8 hertz per second). The fundamental harmonic frequency of planet Earth is similar to the brain-wave harmonic of a meditative person. When you are attuned, grounded and centered, you are resonating about 7.8 hertz. This permits you to feel the imbalanced energy of someone who is experiencing pain, emot ional distress, auric dysfunction, chakra misalignment or closure. 1. Everything Created is comprised of energy. 2. All forms of energy can be manipulated with thought and emotion. 3. Energy is neutral. 4. Everything that has energy vibrates at different rates including sound. 5. All energy interacts with other energy forms in positive and negative manners. 6. All matter stores energy and has varying vibratory rates which affect individuals at different levels depending upon their sensitivity. 7. Energy attracts energy at it s own vibratory rate. Discordant patterns will attract discordant pattens thus increasing detrimental effects, it must be blocked, harmonized or discarded. Energy is the very substance of life and it can effect changes in matter. (Stein 1996:221) 1. When we experience an imbalance in these energies we may experience dis - ease. If we permit negative thought, allow impression of certain attitudes, or external pressures to effect us we are open to dis - ease. 9

2. Through energy we can affect t hese discords through energy manipulation. 3. Prevention. By maintaining an up attitude, disallowing negative thought patterns, and keeping in a condition of good repair and efficiency with the conviction in our own minds, spirits and bodies. It is not always possible, but endeavor to avoid negativity. Surround yourself, your sphere of existence with as much wholesome, positive energy as is wit hin your power to control. Oh woe is me, I m so broke, I ll never catch up with my bills. The laws of increase and diminishment apply. Everything in my life is just wonderful, and soon all of these bills will be paid. Here the law of prosperity will kick in and your life will move forward with more ease. The money will come. What you project you receive. The power is within you. Use it. Love yourself unconditionally. This means, be in one s original state of being, free from all limitation, judgement, and definition. In this state, one steps into the freedom of the bigger picture, which offers acceptance and allowance for how oneself and others are choo sing to grow. (Spilsbury & Bryner The Mayan Oracle :300) The ability to think and make decisions, and make choices is called free will. USE IT! Will: the focused desire to create or manifest something in the present moment. When one acts with heart and mind aligned, one s personal will is in natural alignment with divine will. (Spilsbury & Bryner The Mayan Oracle : 300) As you continue on the path of enlightenment and as you become proficient in Reiki you will discover that you are becoming powerful. Never abuse this power. Never impose your will on another. Never take these powers for granted! They are a gift from the Prime Creator. We are merely the channels through which the Prime Creator works. Always use these energies in a positive manner to benefit your fellow humans with their permission.

How Reiki Works and What it Does Misuse of your power and energies will result in karmic debt and we all want to amass Dharma by helping our fellow human beings. Free will, your choice. But, choose wisely. Reiki is bestowed upon us as a gift from the Prime Creator. 10

The Universal Life force is spiritually guided by one s Higher Self. Any faith, any religion or philosophy may practice or channel this power. As we discussed earlier, this force, the Universal Life Force is affected by thoughts and feelings. Ergo, a healer or a recipient of healing can cause a block by negative actions around them, emotional disruption or feelings of guilt such as thinking one might be too sinful or evil to give or receive Reiki. Earlier I mentioned that there is no right or wrong. It is our goal in life to not ever intentionally harm another, or cause pain. Negative thoughts and or actions can and will attach to ones Life Force and disrupt the flow of energy. This disruption also will affect the auric field. When healing you will not only affect the physical body, the spiritual ailments but correct damage to the auric field. All the aforementioned are energies we shall affect change in. The more you practice this art the more your ability and power will increase. When your energy field is charged with positive energy your vibratory rate increases and this affects the negative energy in a way that breaks the negative energy away. Reiki has various effects upon the body and it is capable of healing just about any physical ailment. In fact one should not apply Reiki to un-set broken bones as the knitting process is enhanced and Reiki would promote premature healing. Physical manifestations which both you and or your client may encounter are the intensities of a higher vibratory rates. This new vibration may cause you or your client to feel temporarily off balance or dizzy. Things seem to cook inside you. It is a normal transformation when accessing energy. It could be likened to an internal storm. You are in the process of crafting a light body which interpenetrates you aura, chakras and light spirit. Accept what is occurring as wonderful transformation. Watch your client and ask how they feel. If they are light headed take both of your hands and gently brush upon their aura to stabilize them. We will cover this more completely later. Reiki can be projected [beamed] towards a person who needs healing who is not present. A friend called on a Saturday and said her mother had been hospitalized with blood clots in her left arm, and asked if we could help. We said we would do our best. I called another Master and set a time during which myself, my wife Fern and Christine the other Reiki Master would 11

project the healing energy. Christine worked from her home and we from ours. Monday, the mother was released from the hospital without clots. Reiki has many applications. You may charge crystals, water, help plants, charge bandages, medications and dispel negativity from objects and people. We even use Reiki on our dog. The Universal Life Force is a wonderful gift from the Prime Creator! It will greatly enhance your life and those around you.


History of Reiki The origins of Reiki are ancient. About 6,000 years old. According to Bodo J. Baginski and Shalila Sharamon (1988:15) the key to the rediscovering of this healing tradition was found in 2,500 old Sanskrit Sutras at the end of the 19th century. Further more, there exists in Tibetan Buddhism a healing technique called the Medicine of Buddha which is quite similar to the layingon of hands found in Reiki. These teachings are passed on to the student and it requires an empowerment similar to a Reiki attunement. Dr. Mikao Usui was born in Japan during the mid-nineteenth century. Dr. Usui was fascinated by the teachings and spiritual abilities of Buddha and, according to some writers, that of Jesus. Most importantly, Master Usui was keenly interested in their healing abilities, for he was very much aware of the suffering that was going on around him feeling compassion for them, he wondered if it would be possible to acquire the ability to heal physical illness in the same way that the great masters had done (Rand 1991:1). Thus began the quest to unco ver keys to this wonderful healing method. Dr. Usui eventually learned Sanskrit and this knowledge led him to discover a formula for healing among the Indian Sutras. However, he knew that the knowledge alone was not enough for he lacked the empowerment required to activate this healing ability. Determined to continue his search, Dr. Usui traveled to the holy mountain of Kori-Yama where he fasted, meditated, and followed the directions in the formula for t wenty-o ne days (Rand 1991:4) The following is an excerpt from William Lee Rand s book Reiki: The Healing Touch: First and Second Degree Manual (1991:4-5): On the mountain, he set out twenty-one stones in front of him and each day he threw away a stone. On the twenty-first day, after tossing away the last stone and still not having received the healing power, he stood up. It was night, the darkest part of the night, just before dawn. As he looked out toward the horizon wondering what to do next, he saw a point of light coming toward him. As he looked at the light, he realized that the light had consciousness and that it was communicating with him. He realized the light had the healing power he was looking 13

for and if he was to receive what the light had to offer, he must allow the light to strike him. However, he was told that the light was so powerful that if it did strike him it might kill him. He was given the opportunity to decide. Would he risk death to obtain the healing ability for which he had searched so long? He decided the ability to heal the sick would be of such great value that it would be worth risking death to receive it. The beam struck him in the forehead, knocking him unconscious. Rising out of his physical body, he was shown beautiful bubbles of light filled with colors. In the bubbles were symbols. As he contemplated each symbol, he received an attunement for that symbol and the knowledge in it s use. In this way, he was initiated into the use of the Reiki healing power. After his spiritual experience on mount Kori-Yama, Dr. Usui began to experience the miraculous gifts bestowed upon him on that fateful morning. Dr. Usui proceeded to practice healing and eventually he began to teach Reiki. Before his death, Dr. Usui initiated sixteen masters, one of whom was Dr. Hayashi. Dr. Hayashi received his Master Reiki attunements around 1925 at the age of 47" (Rand 1991:5) He went on to develop the Usui system of Reiki and founded the first Reiki clinic in Tokyo Japan ....where he trained thirteen masters (Mitchell 1994:11) Dr. Chujiro Hayashi was, according to Karyn Mitchell (1994:11), a powerful mystic who was able to foresee the future. Thus, he was able to foresee the coming war and the great devastation t hat would follow in it s wake. He trained both men and women in Reiki, including sixteen masters (Stein 1995:13). However, there were only two masters left after the war - his wife who had no desire to teach Reiki and Mrs. Hawayo Takata, a Japanese woman from the island of Hawaii (Mitchell 1994:11). Thanks to Dr. Hayashi s insights, Reiki did not perish with the war. Mrs. Hawayo Takata was born in Kauai Hawaii. She was frail as a little girl and, as an adult, developed severe physical problems. In fact, she was diagnosed with appendicitis and a tumor, as well as gallstones. (St ein 1995:13). She went to Japan seeking a cure and medical help 14

but she was told she needed surgery. However the night before the surgery she heard a voice saying, the operat ion is not necessary. She heard it again on the operat ing table while being prepared for the anesthetic, and getting up from it asked the surgeon if there was another way for her to heal. (Stein 1995:13). The doctor informed her of Dr. Hayashi s clinic. She decided to forego the surgery and went to t he Reiki clinic. After four months of intensive Reiki healing she was completely cured of her ailments. After her return to Hawaii she was visited by Dr. Hayashi and received Reiki III attunements in 1938(Stein 1995:14). In any event, Mrs. Takata trained, during the last 10 years of her life, twenty-two Reiki masters. These twenty-two Reiki Masters eventually scattered throughout the world practicing and teaching Reiki. After the death of Mrs. Takat a, Reiki has undergone many changes and there are different schools, all of which claim to have the real knowledge regarding Reiki. However the truth is that all of them work and all of them were derived from the Source. Therefore, schools exist that teach Reiki in different ways, dividing the levels according to their own understanding. The only important thing to remember is that as long as you receive the attunements and appropriate sacred symbols, from a Reiki Master you have indeed received Reiki training. Also remember that Master Takata never taught Reiki the same way twice. In fact she utilized and gave her students variations of the sacred symbols. What really matters is that you receive your sacred symbols and attunements from a qualified Reiki Master. Furthermore Reiki is divided into t raditional and nontraditional schools. The main difference is that for the most part the traditional schools charge exorbitant prices (up to $20,000.00) for the Master s degree. We at the Temple Of The Sentient Universe take the non-traditional approach, for we believe that Reiki should be made affordable to all those interested in providing a service to humankind!


OUR LINEAGE The following system of Reiki that we teach is called Usui Mayan Reiki, since it follows the basic teachings of Hawayo Takata. Reiki is a form of healing that is a form of healing that is following the ancient percepts of the Maya. Today it goes beyond the original teachings, for much has been uncovered since its rediscovering. This has only made Reiki stronger and more holistic, for it has been found to work with many ot her healing modalities and spiritual practices. In any event, Reiki is passed on through the attunements from Master to Students, thereby establishing a lineage. Our lineage is one to be proud of, for we are fortunate to be close to the new source of this wonderful and enlightening method of healing:

Dr. Mikao Usui Dr. Chujiro Hayashi Mrs. Hawayo Takata Paul Mitchell Mrs. Canario Rev. Reinaldo Torres Enrique & Mary Cordero Rev. Fern Alexander Rev. Dennis Alexander You


Reiki symbols used in healing are burned into the psyche/aura of the student at each level of achievement. These symbols should not be used without training and attunement.


Dai-Ko-Myo Dr. Usui s



Dai-Ko-Myo Tibetan

Reiki symbols



Sacredness of Reiki Respect for me, respect for you, respect for your client and foremost, respect for Reiki. The Universal Life Force is sacred. It must be approached as sacred. The practitioner of Reiki must use Reiki for it s Highest Good. One may not use Reiki for their own benefit. Reiki is used to benefit Humanity. Should one use Reiki in a negative manner, the offender would open themselves to negative karma and quite often, what one projects in a negative fashion, often returns to them one hundred times fold. It is the Law of Increase. In simple terms, you get what you give. As you practice Reiki positively your powers increase. The Reiki sysmbols have always been kept secret, students were required to memorize them. The time for this secrecy has past and schools now allow the student s to carry the symbols with them. However, the use of the symbols without attunement by a Master renders them powerless. Keep always in mind, the Universal Life Force and the symbols are a gift from the Prime Creator. This demands your respect. Attitude and Motives We are all here for various reasons. I would like you to take a moment to explore your reasons for being here. This is my intent for being here in Mayan. Xay tu pa chan, ch ul chan. Quinc amo wa nuchac, nupatan. This phrase translates to, Cross roads of the sky, Holy heaven, I receive this my work, my service.

Remember, we are only vessels that the Universal

Life Force flows through. We are the conduit of the Prime Creator. You MUST feel yourself to be a healer, and t he representative of the Prime Creator. This means Unconditional Love, this means compassion for your fellow human beings. Unconditional Love means one s original state of being, free from all limitation, judgement and definition. In this state one steps into the freedom of the larger view, which offers acceptance and allowance for how oneself and others are choosing to grow. Another way to express this is also in Mayan. In Lak ech. I am another yourself. Motive & attitude brings us to another issue. There will be times when you will not be able to heal. 18

1.) The person feels the need to experience the dis - ease IF it is part of their karma. 2.) The client may unconsciously or consciously block the energy. The Universal Life Force responds to thoughts and emotions. The clients and yours. 3.) You may block the flow if you are emotionally distressed, in pain, or feel uncomfortable about the client. Clear your mind, Center and Ground each time you begin to work. Consider your position in the Greater Picture of Life. Develop your own personal Reiki persona. Read as much as you can. Practice as often as you can. The more you work, the greater your power will become. Speak in a quite, soothing voice. Practice on your family. You may wish to expand outside of your family and heal others. Should you decide to become a Reiki Master consider the responsibility and commitment. As you learn and grow so shall your power. As a Master your ability to channel the Universal Life Force will grow exponentially. You shall then have the ability to pass on the attunements. Your Sacred Spot It is not necessary for you to practice Reiki in a special place. You may practice the art any time anywhere. It is nice to have a special place to medit ate, work invocations, or pray. When you have a special, or Sacred Spot, you are then able to increase energy levels, in that spot and utilize this source of power. Also this energy should provide you with a sense of peace, love and will relax you and the people you preform Reiki on. This is evidenced by our Circle. Atmosphere Everyone likes to enter a nice room that is clean, well appointed and comfortable. The sound of pleasant music, a nice fragrance such as incense or the use of aroma s is also welcome. Be sure to ask your client if the use of incense or aromat herapy is alright . Some people maybe allergic to some of these scents or suffer from asthma. One other thing. Don t frighten your client with Show Tactics. Hollywood genera. One need not add an air of mystery to Reiki. Garments and Jewelry White cotton garments are my favorite. It represents purity, cleanliness, and respect. 19

White also will not disrupt your clients aura. If white is not your choice then any light colored garment will suffice. Chose the style and cut carefully. What you wear should be comfortable and non-restrictive. You will be moving around your client and laying on your hands. Sleeves should be controllable and o r short. It is distracting to have your face or body brushed by something when your having a healing done. You and your client should avoid jewelry and watches. These could disrupt the flow of energy. Crystals cleansed with Reiki are often used t o enhance healing or direct energy flows. Crossing Your Legs Suffice it to say, do not cross your legs. It will prevent the proper flow of energy. The same advice goes for the client. Washing Your Hands You should always wash your hands before and after giving Reiki. You will be touching the clients face. It is also good hygiene. It protects you and your client. Some practitioners use scents such as rose water on their hands. Cleansing Yourself and Your Clients Our school of thought here is to cleanse the roo m prior t o the client arriving. This is done with Reiki and smudging or the burning of incense. The client is then cleansed with Reiki or incense before beginning treatment. Again, check with the client before burning incense. Connecting to the Source Your intent t o heal with Reiki is enough to commence the flow of energy. At the beginning of this class we preformed a ritual which enhances the flow of the Universal Life Force. You may use prayer, meditation or create your own ritual which you feel comfortable with. It is your choice.


Ethics NEVER PREFORM REIKI WITH PRIOR PERMISSION. This would be tantamount to imposing your will upon another. This even applies to absentee healing or beaming. There is an exception to this rule. Should you happen upon an accident and the person is unconscious, then you would address the person in questions Higher Self before proceeding. This also applies to someone in a hospital who might not be able to respond. Or. At the request of a family member, always address the persons Higher Self before proceeding. Enhancing the Sensitivity of Your Hands Use the exercises we performed at the beginning of this class. Practice picking up small objects with the palms of your hands, this will open up palm chakras. Wringing, rubbing and stretching also helps open hand chakras.

Reiki I, What You Can and Cannot Do At the end of this course you will be attuned to TWO Reiki symbols. This att unement and these symbols will permit you to channel the Universal Life Force. You will be able to work with people who are present and preform healing s upon yourself. You also will be able to treat animals, plants, cut flowers, power gifts that you might give. You can even channel Reiki energy into your home, office and automobile. There are different feelings which you might experience with Reiki. Some healers feel warmth flowing through their hands, others hot sensations and yet others nothing. Because you feel nothing does not mean the energy is not flowing. It is. After a period of time your sensitivity will grow. Use Reiki often. The more you use it the more in tune and more powerful you will become. The attunement process will open your charkras, balancing them as well as your aura. This is the beginning for you. You will now be able to preform healing s and this is the first step to experiencing the wonder of the Universal Life Force.


Cho - Ku - Rei Increase power - The Light Switch. (Clockwise) Decrease power - God is here. (Counterclockwise) Cho-Ku-Rei is pronounced, Choke koo ray.

Each symbol you will be attuned to has its own designate vibration of the highest spiritual implication when used properly. When the practitioner uses the Symbols in healing practice, whether it be body/mind or spirit, t he Symbols when drawn should be visualized in violet at the same time as being drawn. Drawing meaning hand movement, you may also draw the symbols on the roof of your mouth with your tongue, use third eye visualization of the movements, and the color of violet all happening simultaneously. Every time you enact the symbols elementary forces are activated. The degree of the power of activation depends much upon the accuracy of the Symbol being drawn. All Symbols of Reiki are SACRED and must be treated as such. They connect you with the astral plane and the Prime Creator. Your own personal honor should prevail with their use for the Higher Good of all living things. Cho-ku-rei is Tibetan with a mixture of Indian (Sanscrit). The circular shape represents a conch shell symbolizing the calling to the heavens. The Symbol directs and focuses Power. It is called the Light Switch, because it activates, blesses and brings forth the light for its initiator. You may impart this Symbol on anything. This Symbol may also be used, when reversed to diminish or decrease power. It will also increase food nutrition and charge water increasing value. The practice of using the Hui Yin in conjunction with healing increases the focus of power. You will find a diagram of the Hui Yin on the following page. Practice holding the Hui Yin until you can do so easily. At first it will seem difficult, however as you practice it it will become easier. Hold your breath as long as possible during this exercise. Try to build a two minute holding pattern. Practice, practice, practice. You will soon achieve optimum results.


Sei - He - Ki Key to the universe or Man and God becoming one.

Pronounced Say hee key

Reiki energy goes to where the healing is needed, to every level of the emot ional, physical, mental and spiritual bodies. By using the Sei-He-Ki, the emotional aspect is specifically addressed and this is often the key to healing. With the emotion released, the physical dis - ease often vanishes. In the healing situation or out of it, t he Sei-He-Ki, has additional uses. It can be invoked for protection and purification, to clear negative energy, to release spirit at tachments and to guard a room against negative emotions, dis - ease or entities. The Sei-He-Ki will help balance the right and left brain hemispheres bringing peace and harmony. It can be used to heal addictions, enhance affirmations and improve memory. If your client begins to t alk or show emotion, allow them to express themselves. Be non-judgemental and understanding - have compassion.

As above, so below. You are in God, and God is in you. The Mayan word for spirit is K inan, meaning to be the sun. For the Mayan, spirit is perceived through solar energy. You are the embodiment of solar consciousness right now. Dennis Alexander 2000


Sec ret o f the H ui - Yin

In order for the H ui-Yin to function, the circuit from the G overnor C hannel and the Functional Channe l must be comp leted. This is a ccomplished by press ing the tongue upward and against the roof of the mouth, a nd closing the Pe rineum during the energy transfer.


Ethical Principles of Reiki Just for today Do not Worry. Just for today Do not Anger Honor your parents, teachers and elders. Earn your living honestly. Show gratitude to everything. Dr. Mikao Usui 25

Hand Positions for Treating Self and Others

The Reiki practitioner has two main tools. Symbols and hands. For the most part the Symbols are used by drawing them on the client and at the same time visualizing them in your mind. If you find your hands occupied and you are concentrating upon your client you may draw the Symbol upon the roof of your mouth with your tongue. However, you will use your hands to draw the Symbols more often then not. The hands are used fingers closed together. This concentrates the flow of power. You may experience various sensations when applying Reiki energy, from heat, to pulsations, vibrations, tingling, cold or you may feel nothing. No matter what you feel, the energy is flowing. You will be guided throughout the healing process. When the affect ed area has achieved the proper level of healing you will know it is time to move on. Permit me to relate a short story. Fern was working on a client. When she moved to draw what she felt was the correct Symbol upon the affected area, her Guide appeared, disapproving of the Symbol. Ferns hands moved and drew a Symbol Fern did not know. TRUST IN YOUR GUIDES. A full treatment may last from one to two hours. Dress accordingly. Many practitioners use a massage table (portable) and a small stool. Your client should be comfortable, clothing loose, no jewelry, glasses or shoes. Your client may fall asleep during the treatment. If this should happen, cover the client with a blanket and allow them to rest for a while. As with any project, use your common sense, and approach your treatment with honor and the desire to achieve the Highest good.

To w ish to be w ell is a part of beco ming w ell. Symbol: a vehicle that acts as a bridge betwe en


physical and spiritual realities.

Healing Others 1.)

Center and ground yourself. Cleanse your area, using incense and your Symbol(s).


Take t he time to familiarize yourself with your client. This little chat session allows the client to become relaxed and comfortable. Go over the questionnaire and disclaimer with them. Understand as much as you can about your client. It will enhance your ability to heal.


Have your client recline on your table, assist them if need be.


Stand at the head of your client and work your hands while concentrating on your symbol(s) and requesting the presence of your guides. Connect with the Source. Create the Symbol(s) your working with on all four directions and the center. Then over your client. (Over the heart chakra)


Scan your client.


Open your mind and begin your treatment. Feel yourself merge with Reiki power. Project positive healing energy to your client. At this time your essences merge to allow you to feel the trouble spots.


Once you complete the session, close the treatment with your symbol(s) and brush down the aura from head to feet. Return to the clients head and state out loud but softly. I hereby seal this Reiki healing with (your symbol). Assist your client with sitting up. They maybe light headed, or dizzy. Have them move slowly.


When your client has left, cleanse the room and seal it with your symbol(s).











The attuneme nt proces s opens you up to the U niversal Life Force and enhances your psychic a nd spiritual abilities. Thes e are enha nced through yo ur mind and hands . Begin at your c lients head and slowly wo rk your wa y down the body feeling what your client is emanating. Your hands sho uld be about 3 - 4 inche s from the clients body. He re are some of the sensations you may feel. 1.)

Tingling - may indicate so me inflamation. The intensity may indica te if the inflamation is chronic, sub-acute, nor acute.


Coldness - old energy block preventing or dampening the flow of energy in that region. You will feel this readily with women with breast implants. Should you run into a b lock, dra w your symb ol and gently pres s it into the source thre e times. FO CUS . You ma y also spe ak to your c lient at this time and ask that he/she o pen to the he aling and pow er which is forth co ming.


Heat - a sign that vitality is needed and w elcome. A sign of receptiveness.


Strong pulling sensa tion - Reiki energy is urgently needed and welcome. Give Reiki to this area until sensation terminates.


Strong pulling -pushing se nsation - old, de ep rooted b lock - usually connected with the vital processes of the body. Cho - Ku - Rei will open these, again, press it in three times.


Flowing s ensation - energy is already flowing and more energy is welcome.


Sharp p ain - energy build up in the process of dissolving. Make sure you do a complete healing.


Dull pain - old build up in the preconscious stage which is ready for release. Focus to d issolve the hard ened struc ture. W hen the pain diminishes mo ve on.


Pain Twinges - ene rgy build up ready for rele ase but not ye t manifested in 32

energy system. Yo u may feel peaks and va lleys in energy system. Peaks are accumulated energy, valleys a re a lack o f energy. Trea t these are as and smooth aura. If you feel a breez e, it may indicate an auric leak. Treat aura until breeze is gone , the n seal with Cho-K u-Rei. 10.)

Other sensations - Follo w yo ur guid es, and sea l all with the Cho -Ku-Rei.

Reiki B oost and R eiki Quick T reatm ent At the beginning of our clas ses w e preform Powe ring Up, Centering and Grounding. These methods can be applied to Boosting our powe r, and or, increasing a trea tment area o n the client. Full Reiki treatment can take as long as two hours or a quick treatment as little as two minutes. The pow er is always with you, AN D, you ma y use it at any time. Always kee p the Highe r Go od o f all living things in your mind and you w ill Walk In The Light. Reiki Boost 1.) Esta blish an energy co nnection by plac ing both hands o n your clients shoulders. 2.) Place hands approximately 8" apart, just above the Crown Chakra. 3.) Use your judgment as to how long to hold this and following positions. 4.) Palms fac ing each other, go dow n to the Third Eye , hands in front and behind head. 5.) Using the same positioning of hands go to the Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Spleen, and Root Chak ras. 6.) Continue on down to the knees. 7.) Turn your p alms upwa rd and slow ly lift energy as you return upw ards to the Crow n, touch your fingers together. 8.) Pull yo ur hands apa rt and sw eep your clients aura a s you return quickly 33

back down to the knees. 9.) Re turn to an upright pos ition and snap yo ur fingers to break energy connection. Reiki Q uick Tre atment 1.) Connect energy by placing your hands on your clients shoulders. 2.) Gently lay your hands on top of your clients head. (Crown Chakra) 3.) Place one hand o n the base of the skull, Still Point, the other on the forehead. (Third Eye Chakra) 4.) Place one hand on the Throat Chakra and the other opposing on the spine. 5.) Place one hand o n the breas t bone, H eart Cha kra and the other opp osing on the spine. 6.) Place one hand just above the naval, Solar Plexus Chakra, and the other opposing on the spine. 7.) Place one hand just below the naval, Sacral Chakra, and the other opposing on the spine. 8.) Lay your hands on the knees, then sweep.


Reiki may be use as first aid in the c ase of eme rgencies, a ccidents a nd shock. Connect energy, then place one hand on solar plexus, the other mid-back, (kidneys) once this is done move both hands to outer sides of shoulders, or one hand just below the pelvis, R oot Cha kra, and the other hand just above the head, Crown Chakra, channeling Universal Life Force. Y ou may do this w hile waiting for emergency c rew to arrive. CHICCHAN, KUNDALINI - K ULTANLILNI: Heals and enhances on all levels. As 34

the power of the Universal L ife Force flows fr om one hand to the other, I gently light the pathway of healing ha rmony, stirring to w akefulnes s the divine da nce of cos mic ene rgy flow ing vitality thr ough you. DENNIS A LEXAN DER 2000

The Attunement Process Attunement will permanently link you to the Universal Life Force. Today you shall experience the first in a series of attunements which will eventually take you all the way to becoming a Reiki Master. What will occur? Many things may happen. What will happen is your attunement opens and alines your chakras. It also balances your auric field with your chakras. Your vibratory rate shall be increased. What does all this mean? It means your ability to hold and work with the Universal Life Force will be greatly enhanced. Obstructions that might be in place will be removed and nega tive Karma will be dispelled as allowed . Attunement is a very moving and pote nt spiritual experience . You ma y experience various mystical and psychic enc ounters. S ome more c ommon expe riences are seeing colors , feeling sensations, such as heat, cold, tingling, and also seeing or hearing spirit guides, a sense o f profound pea ce, weakness , etc. T he energy generated during attunement is tremendous and it is quite norma l to feel a d efinite raise in te mperature. You will experience the reception of your very first attunement in a short while.

I surrender to emptiness. In the space of my open arms, a chalice forms and fills freely with the incomprehensible sweetness of The Universal Life Force. 35

Dennis Alexander - 1999

Final M editation 1.)

Relax, b reathe de eply, in through the nos e, pushing your s tomach out, out through the mouth, bring your stomach back in.


Reque st your Guide (s) to join you.


Relax and listen, I sha ll now spe ak the na me Hunab Ku, at the end of this meditation I shall again speak, the Hunab K u at which time you will return completely to the here and now.. (Maste r) As I count from o ne to ten you w ill visualize a beautiful forest. The s unlight

filters down though the trees as sha fts of white light. One - two - three - you are standing near a small stream, crystal clear water runs over violet and silver stones making a gentle gurgling sound - four - five - six - the warm bre eze move s the fronds of deep green ferns that b rush in the wind making a soft sound, white flowers sprout from the loamy earth, huge trees with green moss adorning their trunks spread their arms as a protective c anopy ab ove you. T he sounds of the forest ba the you and so othe you. - s even - eight - nine - you notice a path along s ide the stream and it beacons to you, the arms of the forest point forward and soft fairy like blue/white lights tw inkle up and along the path. -

Ten - As you w alk s lowly

along the path you notice it has a gentle glow, and you can hear the loving musing of 36

the fairies as you w alk. Look ing forward you s ee the glow ing light increase and become more violet. - - Relax - - breathe deeply. - - - - - - you enter a canopy of giant green ferns and the violet light becomes brighter showing you the way. - - - - Just ahead is a staircase of deep violet and purple p olished slabs . At the top of this stairway is a beautiful palace, its walls are of cut crystal and a methyst, you begin to move up the staircas e. - - - relax, the vision you see beco mes much clearer now , - - - - breathe in - - - breathe out - - - - as you move up the staircase you feel yourself lighten, as if you left all your burdens behind you and the fairies were helping you glide upwards on millions of tiny wings. You have reached the top stair and a polished violet floor with swirls of golden threads lay under your feet, you e ffortlessly glide forward towards the large doors which stand open inwards, to the right and left of each door stands a beautiful angel holding long glasslike shafts with blue glowing tips. These are the guard ian angels of the C rystal Temple. - - - - Relax, - - - - b reathe de eply, - - - - - - you glide to a sto p before the two guard ians, you feel no fea r, only warmth and elevation of your inner self. The two guardians glow as they speak, their voices coming to you more like a song than spoke n wo rds.. What is it you see k in this Holy Temple?

You do not have to think, you know, it is the truth you seek. You

reply, I seek to know in order to serve.

The heads of the two gently bow towards

you in acknowledgment and you hear their song again, Enter and be welcome for that which you s eek dw ells inside.

As they sa y this both of them be come sw irling

essenc e and flow into the crystal wa lls of the Temple. Y ou glide forward without thinking or moving your feet. Y ou simply move as if floating on air. As you move through the doo rs the light increases and you feel the s trength of it flow around a nd through you. You see a second set of golden bejeweled doors which you are drawn to, as yo u move up to the m they open inw ards and you enter a large circular room, 37

stud ded by thirtee n doors set into the ne ver-ending circular wa ll. In the center o f the room are thirtee n chairs. Y ou are dra wn to one of the chairs and you sit down. - - - - relax - - - -breathe deeply - - - - contemplate your surroundings - breathe - - Your reve ry continues as one of the do ors ope ns and blue/w hite light pours into the room, approac hing yo u, flowing with the light is a n entity, a figure takes fo rm as it moves toward you. You know this figure is your own personal spiritual guide that will be with you always. Look clos ely at your guide, re member all that ca n about your guide . Look a t the smile, the curve of the lips, the twinkle in the eyes. You can feel the unconditional love and compas sion flowing to you. Ask your guide for its name. - - - - - - - - - - - - - relax, - - - breathe. Your guide will speak to yo u, try to remember what yo ur guide says. - - - - - - - - - ----As you listen, other doors open and additional spirit guides enter the room, they flow around the two of you as swirling blue/white light. As your guide speaks you feel the pow er of these o ther spiritual beings flow a round you, thro ugh you, empowering you. - - - - - - - These are additional guides who will help you, as needed, o n your spiritual path. Relax - - - - breathe Your guide stops speaking, - - - the others fade back - - - your guide gestures toward s the doo rs and you k now it is time to leave this magical Temple. Without effort you rise up and glide towards the doors and the staircase, looking back you see your guide move towards you becoming light and you hear, I have a gift for you. Are you ready to receive this gift? - - - - - - - - - - - Feel the honor about to be bestowed upon you. - - - - And reply - - It is my desire, yes.

the light enters you

moving with you as you approach the stairs. You know your guide will always be 38

with you. - - - - - relax - - - - - breathe - - - - - As you glide down the staircase you hear all around you the voices of the other guides. Fare well and come back, you are alwa ys welco me here. Your entire b eing is filled with spiritual energy, the warmth of unconditional love and compassion. With each breathe that you take you move further dow n the staircas e until you reach the b ottom, w here you se e a smoo th flat polished purple sitting stone. You approach it and sit down, absorbing all that has just happened. - - - - - - - As you sit you feel the past - - - and - - - the present - - - merging within you, as I begin to count from ten to one you shall feel your consciousness return to the now. Te n - - - - - nine - - - eight - - - - - you begin to feel yours elf breathing in and out, yo u begin to return to your present existence - - seven - - - - - - six - - - - - five - - - - your are now becoming more aw are of your body, my voice is cleare r, four - - - - - three - - - - two - - - - tak e a dee p breathe and let it out. Y ou are now aware of your surroundings. One - - - - You are now back in your body and in this plane of existence. Slowly ope n your eyes a nd look aro und you. R eturn your brea thing to normal. You are now fully alert. You now posses s a wond erful gift, and you are ready to re ceive your R eiki Attunement.

References Andrews, Ted 1993 T he Occ ult Christ: Angelic Mys teries, Se asonal R ituals and The D ivine Feminine. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications. Baginski, Bodo J. & Shalila Sharamon 1988 R eiki: Universal Life Energy. M endocino, CA: Life Rhythm Publications.


Butler. W.E. 1969 The Magician: His Training and Work . Norht Hollywood , CA: W ilshire Book C ompany. Conwa y, D avid 1988 The Complete Magic Primers. Hammersmith, London: The Aquarian Press. Hall, Manly P. 199 0 Invisab le Reco rds of Thought and Action: A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes and Effects. Los Angeles, CA: The Philosophical Research Society Inc. Lubeck, Walter 1995 T he Comp lete Reiki Ha ndbook . Twin Lak es, W I. Lotus Light Publications. Mitchell, Ka ryn 1994 Reiki: A Torch in Daylight. St Charles, IL. Mind Rivers Publications. Rand William Lee 1991 Reiki: The Healing Touch - First & Second Degree Manual. Southfield, MI. Vision Publications. Stein, Diane 1995 E ssential Re iki: A complete G uide To An A ncient Healing Art. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, Inc. 1996 P sychic Hea ling with Spirit Guides and Angels. Free dom, C A. The Crossing Press, Inc. Spilsbury, Ariel & Bryner, Michael 1992 The Mayan O racle, Return Path T o The Stars, S anta Fe, NM . Bear & Company, Inc. Weed, Joseph J. 1968 W isdom of the M ystic Ma sters. W est Nya ck, N Y: parke r Publishing Company, Inc.


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