% S-Matrix representation of Series (E-Plane) TEE % Initialization of elements of the S-Matrix for E-Plane TEE clear all all; ; clc; s11=1/2; s12=s11; s13=1/sqrt(2);
% S-Matrix representation of H-Plane TEE % Initialization of elements of the S-Matrix for H-Plane TEE % Port 3 is perfectly matched s33=0; % Applying the properties of the H-Plane TEE we have: s11=1/2; s13=1/sqrt(2); s12=-s11; %Similarly using symmetry property s21=s12; s31=s13; s32=s23; % From the above relations s22=s11; s23=s13; % Display the S-Matrix of H-Plane TEE disp('The S-Matrix of E-Plane (Series) TEE is given as: ' ) disp([s11 s12 s13]);
disp([s21 s22 s23]); disp([s31 s32 s33]); OUTPUT:
The S-Matrix of E-Plane (Series) TEE is given as: 0.5000
% S-Matrix representation of MAGIC TEE % Initialization of elements of the S-Matrix for MAGIC TEE % All the ports are perfectely matched s11=0;s22=0;s33=0;s44=0; % Port 1 as output port s12=s11; s13=1/sqrt(2); s14=1/sqrt(2); % H-plane TEE s23=s13; % E-plane TEE s24=-s14; % Isolated Ports s34=0; s43=0; % Symmetric Property s21=s12; s31=s13; s32=s23; s41=s14; s42=s24; % Displaying the S-Matrix of MAGIC TEE disp('The S-Matrix of E-Plane (Series) TEE is given as: ' )
disp([s11 disp([s21 disp([s31 disp([s41
s12 s22 s32 s42
s13 s23 s33 s43
s14]); s24]); s34]); s44]);
The S-Matrix of E-Plane (Series) TEE is given as: 0
clear all; clc; % Operation of Rat Race Hybrid: Perfectly matched ports s11=0;s22=0;s33=0;s44=0; % When power is applied to port (1), it is equally divided between port (2) and port (4) s21=1/sqrt(2); s41=1/sqrt(2); % while the power at port (3) is zero. % Since, the powers at port (2) and (4) combine in phase but, the powers at port (3) cancel each other due to a path difference of “lambda/2”. s31=0; % Similarly, when the power is fed at a port (3), the resulting power is % equally divided between port (2) and port (4) and power at port (1) is % zero. For two unequal inputs at port (1), a sum of them is obtained at % port (2) and port (4) while their difference is obtained at port (3). s23=1/sqrt(2); s43=s23; s13=0; % When port-2 is input s12=1/sqrt(2); s32=s12; s42=0;
% When port-4 is input s14=1/sqrt(2); s34=s14; s24=0; % Displaying the S-Matrix of RAT RACE disp('The S-Matrix of E-Plane (Series) TEE is given as: ' ) disp([s11 s12 s13 s14]); disp([s21 s22 s23 s24]); disp([s31 s32 s33 s34]); disp([s41 s42 s43 s44]); OUTPUT:
The S-Matrix of RAT-RACE waveguide junction is given as: 0 0.7071 0 0.7071 0.7071
% A directional coupler has 10 dB coupling coefficient and 40 dB % directivity, insertion loss of 1 dB. For an input power of 10 mW at the input port of the main arm, determine the power at different ports. Other ports except the one at which the measurement is made are match % terminated. clear all; clc; % Coupling coefficient (dB) C = 10; % Directivity (dB) D = 40; % Insertion loss (dB) I = 1; % Input power (10mW), Pin = 10e-3; % Coupled port power, Pf = ? and Isolated port power, Pb = ?
% C = 10 log10(Pin/Pf) % Coupled Power Pf=Pin/10; % Isolated Power Pb=Pf*1e-4; % Received output power Pr=Pin-Pf-Pb; % Received Power in dB PR=10*log10(Pin/Pr); % Output Power in main arm PRR=PR-1; % Display output disp(['overall output power is: ', num2str(PRR),'dB']); OUTPUT:
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