Math Review Week 1
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Math Comprehensive...
COMPLETE-RF REVIEW CENTER Instruction: Sele Select ct the the corre correct ct answ answer er for for each each of the the foll follow owin ing g questio questions. ns. Mark only only one answer answer for each item item by shadin shading g the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. Strictly no erasures allowed. Use allowed. Use pencil no. 1 only. NOTE: Whene Wheneve verr you you come come across across a care carett !" !" sign sign## it means means exponentiation. 1.
Which Which set set is close closed d unde underr subtr subtracti action$ on$ %. odd integers &. integers' (. cou counti nting ng numbe numbers rs ). pri prime me num numbe bers rs
+ound +ound off off ,.,,,.,,-/0 /0, , to - signifi significan cantt figure figures. s. %. ,.,,&. ,.,,-/ (. ,.,,-' ). ,.,-/
Solve Solve for for x ifif log log x!*2 x!*2l log ogx" x"!* !*.. %. e!* &. 1' (. * ). -
Some Some birds birds are sittin sitting g in an oak oak tree. tree. 3en 3en more birds birds land. land.Mor More e birds arrive until there are a total of four times as many birds as the oak tree had after the ten landed. % nearby maple tree has 14 fewer than 1* times as many birds as the oak tree had after the 1, landed. 5f both trees now have the same number of birds# how many many birds birds were were origin originall ally y in the oak tree tree before before the first first 1, landed$ %. &. 14 (. /' ). *
Solv Solve e the the equa equati tion on66 log log x x −1" 7 log x 71"2* log x x 7*". %. 1 &. 8* (. 809' ). -9
% tiger tiger is is now 0, 0, of her her leaps leaps ahead ahead of a lion which which is is pursuing pursuing her. her. :ow many more leaps will the tiger take before it is overtaken if she takes 0 leaps while the lion takes leaps# but * of the lion;s leaps are equivalent to - of the tiger;s leaps$ %. -0, &. *, (. -*0 ). *0, '
rom >rom the the equa equatio tion n 1*x 1*x-8x*7kx712,# find the value of k if one root is the negative of t he other. %. 81 &. 8*/' (. 81* ). 8-1 1. 1. >ind >ind the the 14 14th term of the progression 19#19/# 191,#... %. 19&. 194 (. 1904 ). 19undamental 3heorem in %lgebra %lgebra (. =old =oldba back; ck;s s Stat Statem emen ent' t' &. Erim Erime e >actor >actoriF iFat atio ion n 3heor 3heorem em ). >erm >ermat at;s ;s ?ast ?ast 3heo 3heore rem m *-. 3he number number // is divide divided d into two parts parts such that that the =&> of the two parts is 11 and their ?&M is 11,. 3he smaller of the two part is %. 11 &. **' (. ). 00 *. What is is the last last digit digit of the the number number -/-/----$ %. 1 &. -' (. * ). < *0. >ind the the ?.&.M. of of the fractions fractions 0914# 0914# 109* 109* and *09. %. 9 &. 09 (. /09 ). /09' *4. 5n a racing contest# contest# there there are *, cars cars which will will have provision provisions s that will last for 10 hours. %ssuming constant hourly consumption consumption for each car# how long will the fuel provisions last if cars withdraw from the race every hour after the first$ %. 14 &. *, (. 1 ). *0' */. What follows follows logically logically in these series series of numbers numbers *#-##0#ind the 10th term of the progression 19#19/# 191,#... %. 4 &. 194' (. 1904 ). 04 . >ind the term containing x* in the expansion of Jx-7a9x"K1,. %. 1*a/x* &. 1*,a/x* ' 4 * (. *1,a x ). -*,a0x* 0. >ind the value of % for which the equation %*x7-"8x8" 2 -x71, is an identity. %. 81 &. *' (. ). 84. 3he equation whose roots equal twice those of the equation x-8 4x*711x842,. %. x-81*x*7**x81*2, &. x-8*x*71*x81*2, * (. x 81*x 7x82, ' ). x-81*x*7x82, /. >ind the equation whose roots are numerically equal but opposite in sign to the roots of the equation x-7/x*711x702,. %. x-8/x*711x802, ' &. x-7/x*711x802, * (. x 7/x 811x702, ). x-8/x*811x702, . >ind the real values of x and y satisfying the given equation6 *x7-y"7 i-x80y" 2 8i/ . %. x21# y28* &. x2*# y21 (. x28*# y281 ). x2*# y281' rom the equation 1*x-8x*7kx712,# find the value of k if one root is the negative of t he other. %. 81 &. 8*/' (. 81* ). 8-1 0,. Solve for x in the following equation6
x + -x + 0x + /x + ... +
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