Materna ITIL Poster v4.0.0

April 18, 2017 | Author: desertedtweek | Category: N/A
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4Ps Strategy Vision Policies Plans Actions

Strategic Assessment Strategy Generation Strategy Execution

People Process Products Partners

Policies & methods Plan resources Manage Risks and Issues Plan Coordinate Monitor Review

Business Continuity Management

Service Design

Design Coordination

Strategy Management for IT Services Strategy Tactics Operation

Process Service management Measurement

Design policies

IT Service Continuity Management Initiation Requirements & strategy Implementation Operational management - tests, reviews, audits, education, assurance Invocation

Transition Planning & Support

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Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

Knowledge strategy Knowledge transfer Information management Develop SKMS - Information integration - Knowledge processing - Presentation Release Policy

Technical Management

Application Management

Knowledge Management

Develop release policy Plan & support Manage progress Manage changes & risks Quality review of plans Tool selection Communication

Impact on business

Critical services

Service Operation

Service Transition

Business Continuity Plans

IT Service Continuity Plans

nent ial

5 Aspects of Design Service solution Technology


Service Strategy

Requirements Design Build Deploy Operate Optimize


Mainframe Server Network Storage Database

Requirements Design






Knowledge Wisdom

Service Portfolio Management SKMS Service Portfolio

Define Analyze Approve Charter Design Build & test Release Operate Retire

Service Pipeline Service Catalogue

Business Case

Service Catalogue Management Define service template Document services Business services Technical services including 3rd party (contractual) Maintain service catalogue

Information Security Management Set & enforce security policy Monitor & report breaches Assess & report risks and vulnerabilities Threat Impose controls

Information Security Policy




Marketing Selling Delivery

SLAs Customer Portfiolio

Opportunity Request for change Complaint Compliment

Availability Management

Document & agree - SLRs, SLAs, OLAs Monitor & report Review service Conduct SIPs Develop relationships Ensure customer satisfaction

Monitor & report availability Investigate and remedy unavailability Risk assessment & management Plan & design availability Implement countermeasures Review & plan availability

Service Operations


Supplier Management

SKMS Supplier & Contract Management information System (SCMIS)

Service valuation Service costing Chargeback Funds


Value Resources Output ROI accounting

Service Level Management

Operation, monitoring, review

Financial Management

Service Operations

Service Operations Monitoring, reporting, tools

Service Design Package (SDP)

Service Acceptance Criteria (SAC)

Projected Service Outage (PSO)

Availability Management Information System (AMIS)

Change Management Request for Change (RFC)

Service Failure Analysis

Change Schedule

Availability Plan

Contract operation, review

Standard Normal Emergency Change models Remediation

7Rs Raised Reason Change Advisory Return Board (CAB)

Service Improvement Plan (SIP)

Demand Pattern

Capacity Management Information System (CMIS)

Service Validation & Testing Manage tests Plan & design tests Prepare test environments Perform tests Evaluate exit criteria Cleanup

Capacity Plan

Monitoring, thresholds, exceptions, tools


CSI Register

Service Process

Added Value

Incident Management

Push vs. pull Staging, phasing Automation Licences and IP



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ITIL® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. The Swirl logo™ is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited. M_o_R® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.

E v e n t s

Notification Detection Filtering Correlation Further Action Required Response Information Warning Exception

Service Desk

Change Evaluation Test Plans

Event Management

Identify & log Categorize & prioritize Initial investigation Resolution Recovery Closure Urgency & impact Functional escalation Hierarchic escalation


IT Operations Management

Single point of contact First-line support Escalation Communication Satisfaction surveys Management information

Evaluation Continuity Reports Continuity

Plans Plan Plans Interim Evaluate predicted Evaluation Continuity Continuity performance Reports Plans Plans Interim report Evaluate actual performance Evaluation report

Local / Central / Virtual Skilled / unskilled Insource / Outsource

Vision Objectives

IT Operations Control - Console management - Job scheduling - Backup - Restore - Print

Facilities Management - Data centers - Recovery sites - Consolidation - Contracts

Customer Service A

Service Reports

Service B Service C

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8

Continual Service Improvement

Goals CSFs

ITIL Learning Path


Service D Service E

Intermediate Lifecycle [3]


Service F

Measurements © Materna 2014, unless otherwise stated. Version 4.0.0

Foundation [2]


Plan Prepare for build, test, deploy Build & test Test service and run pilot Deploy Verify Provide early life support Review

s ue


Service Acceptance Criteria (SAC)


Service G


Verify identity Provide rights Identity status Tracking Removal or restriction

Service Strategy (SS) Service Design (SD) Service Transition (ST) Service Operation (SO) Continual Service Improvement (CSI)

Intermediate Capability [4] Service Offerings and Agreements (SOA) Planning, Protecting and Optimizing (PPO) Release, Control and Validation (RCV) Operational Support and Analysis (OSA)

Managing Across the Lifecycle (MALC) [5]

Business and IT alignment Identify Strategy for Improvement Choose measurements Gather data Process data Analyze information & data Present assessment Implement improvement

Delivery Schedule

Re gis ter

Risks Resources Responsible Relationship

Seven-step Improvement Process

Understand Patterns of Business Activity (PBA) Understand demand Manage strategic supply and demand

y lic Po

Record/Review Proposals Assess/evaluate Authorize Coordinate Review

Capacity Management Trending & modelling Budgeting & planning upgrades Tuning & optimization Monitoring & reporting performance Demand management Application sizing Service Operations

Access Management

Known Errors

Release & Deployment Management

Service Catalogue

Standard change Change models Standard deployment Automation

Known Error records

Release Package


Demand Management

Management of Risk M_o_R®

Known Error Database (KEDB)

Definitive Media Library (DML)

SKMS Supplier strategy & policy Evaluation of suppliers & contracts Establishment of suppliers & contracts Review, renewal, termination Categorization of suppliers and contracts Service Maintenance Operations of SCMIS

Manage budgets

Business Process

Configuration Management Databases (CMDBs)

Menu Authorization Fulfilment



Business Relationship Management

Configuration Management System (CMS)


Detect & log Categorize & prioritize Diagnosis Workaround Resolution


Retired Services

Service Level Package (SLP)


Plan - CMS, CIs, baselines Identify CIs Control CIs Account for CI status Verify & audit CMS

Security Management Information System (SMIS)

Request Fulfilment

Problem Management

Service Knowledge Management System (SKMS)

Service Asset & Configuration Management

Directories Desktop Middleware Internet / intranet / web

ITIL Expert [min 22]

[ credits / training ]

Based on AXELOS ITIL® material. Material is reproduced under licence from AXELOS.

Service Strategy

IT strategy/ steering group

Service Design

Chief Information officer (CIO) SS Responsible for overall balance of IT investments Ensuring that IT operates according to corporate governance

Strategy management for IT services process manager SS Define IT Strategy to underpin business strategy Implement and operate IT Strategy

Service Transition

Service design manager

Service transition manager

SD 6.2.3 Process owner for SD processes Part of Service Management office

Design coordination process manager

SS Implement and operate ITSM processes Drive ITSM improvement initiaties Run Service Management Office

Availability management process manager

SD Ensure strategy is reflected in design Ensure consistent design Coordinate all design activities and resources Produce SDPs

SD Ensure services perform as agreed. Design new services are designed according to requirements Proactively improve av.

Business relationship management process manager

Service portfolio management process manager

Service catalogue management process manager

IT service continuity management process manager

SS Identify customer needs and match to portfolio Establish and maintain relationship to customer Ensure customer satisfaction

SS Manage and maintain service portfolio Market portfolio Manage processes to keep portfolio up to date and attractive

SD Ensure all services are recorded in catalogue Ensure that catalogue is up to date and aligned with portfolio and CMS

SD Perform business impact analysis Align with Business continuity management Develop continuity strategy and plans

Transition planning and support process manager ST Manage and coordinate function involved in ST Coordinate all transition activities and resources Ensure final delivery meets SDP specification

Transition planning and support practitioner ST Maintain and integrate plans for transitions Maintain and monitor progress and risks Maintain records and communicate

Change authority

Business relationship manager

SS 6.8.11 Promote sourcing strategy Develop sourcing strategy with CIO Coordinate toward goals

SS Manage relationship with specific customer Can be combined with Service Level manager

Financial mgmt for IT services process manager SS Create and manage budged and initiate corrective actions Formulate and manage recharging systems Identify value for money

Budget holders SS Submit budget estimate Manage budget on ongoing basis Report on budget activites and outcomes

Generic Roles

Contract manager SS 6.8.11 Contract creation and management Conflict resolution Service definition and management

Service level management process manager SD Collect and document SLR Negotiate and agree SLA Align SLA with OLAs and contracts Initiate improvements

SD Underpin SLAs with contracts Ensure value for money from IT suppliers Review contracts and supplier performance

SD Design new services Map all processes Design IT architecture and set policies Design for all 5 aspects of service design

SS Determine Patterns of business activity (PBA) to understand demand Define user profiles Help design services to meet PBA

SD Match capacity to demand and optimize existing capacity Size new services Forcast future capacity needs

SS 6.8.1 Ensure service delivery meet customer requirements Representing the service Identify improvement opportunities

SD Create, maintain, implement and enforce IT security policy Design security controls, monitor breaches and handle security incidents

IT designer / architect

Capacity management process manager

Service owner

Information security management process manager

Supplier management process manager

Demand management process manager

Process owner SS 6.8.2 Sponsor process Set process strategy Define policies and standards Provide resources Review improvements

ITIL® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. The Swirl logo™ is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited. M_o_R® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.

Service operation Manager SO 6.10 Process owner for SO processes Part of Service management office

ST 6.2.1 / Process owner for ST processes Part of Service Management office

Service management director

Chief sourcing officer (CSO)

Service Operation

ST Review relevant RFCs Authorise changes at agree points Participate in reviews Attend CAB meetings

Release & deployment mgmt process manager

Change management process manager ST Planning and managing support for process and tools Maintaining change schedule and PSO

Change initiator ST Identify requirements Submit change proposal Submit RFC Provide further info Assist in reviewing before closure

ST Decide attendees Plan, schedule, manage & chair meetings Convene emergency CAB when needed

Request fulfilment process manager

SO Driving efficiency and effectiveness of IM Coordinating interfaces to other processes Managing major incidents Managing tools

SO Manage SD resources and activities Act as escalation point Attend CAB meetings Monitor and report on SD performance

Service desk supervisor

Request fulfilment analyst

Technical analyst / architect SS Determine needs from users and stakeholders Define and maintain knowledge about systems Ensure performance of infrastructure

Release packaging and build practitioner

Configuration analyst

First line analyst

ST Establish final release including knowledge Build & test release Report Known Errors Provide input for DML checkin authorization

ST Propose scope for SACM Define structure of CMS Support in creating process & procedures Perform audits of configuration data

SO Record and analyze and route incidents as needed Provide ownership, monitor tracking of inc. Escalate as needed

SO Ensuring correct staffing and skill levels Act as escalation point Arrange staff training and awareness Liaising with Change M.

SO End-to-end responsibility for handling requests Communicating and escalating Ensuring requests are logged.

Configuration librarian

Second line analyst

Service desk analyst

Access management process manager

SO Provide 1st line support Taking calls Handling incidents and requests

SO Manage support for process and tools Coordinate interfaces to other processes

Deployment practitioner ST Carry out physical delivery of deployment Coordinate training and documentation. Provide feedback on effectiveness of release

Early life support practitioner

ST Design and plan test conditions, scripts and test data sets Verify test results Manage test environments

Service desk manager

ST Accountability for stewardship of IT fixed assets Ensuring config data available when and where it’s needed

Service validation & testing process manager

CAB chair

Incident management process manager

ST Coordinate resources to build, test & deploy Plan and manage support for tools and process Ensure Change authorization

Change Practitioner ST Verify that RFCs are completed Submit to change authorities Monitor and review build & test activities

SACM process manager

ST Create and maintain CI records Maintain and provide CI status information Assist in performing configuration audits

Knowledge management process manager

ST Ensure delivery of support documentation Provide support to assist Service Desk Adapt and perfect elements for final release

ST Ensuring knowledge is made available Supporting tools Encouraging people to contribute knowledge to SKMS

SO Similar to First line analyst Additional time to spend on incidents Locate close to 1st line

Third line analyst

Super user

SO Specialist support groups Handle complicated timeconsuming incidents

SO Facilitate communication between users and SD Support for minor inc. Staff training Involved in new releases and deployments

CAB member

Service validation & testing practitioner

Build and test environment manager

Knowledge management process practitioner

Problem management process manager

Applications manager / team leader

ST Attend CABs Review RFCs and make recomendations Review Change schedule and identify conflicts

ST Conducting tests Recording, analyzing and managing test events and incidents, and performing retests Administering test assets

ST Ensuring release built to specification Ensuring components are from controlled sources Building and maintaining test environments

ST Identify, control and store information Monitor information for correctness Ensure single source of truth

SO Liaising with resolution groups to ensure swift resolutions Ownership and maintenance of KEDB Gatekeeper for KEs

SO Leadship and control for application team Ensure staffing skills Ongoing communication on application performance

Change evaluation process manager

Change evaluation process practitioner

SO Planning and management for tools and process Ensuring requests are handling according to SLAs

Event management process manager SO Planning and management for tools and processes Coordinate interfaces to other processes

Shift leader SO Take leadership for IT operations during shift Ensure activities are satisfactorily performed Liaising with other shift leaders

Technical manager / team leader SO Provide leadership in specific technical area Ensure staff training, awareness and skills Perform line management for team

Technical operator SO Day-to-day operational tasks Usually delegated to IT operations team

IT operations Manager SO Provide leadership for IT operations team Report on IT operations issues Line-management for team

IT operations analyst SO Determine most effective and efficient way to perform operations Define backup strategy and schedule

IT planner SD Create and implement plans based on IT strategy Assume responsibility for standards and policies

Process manager SS 6.8.3 Plan and coordinate process activities Manage roles and resources Monitor process performance

ST Planning and coordinating resources needed to evaluate changes Ensure timely report delivery

Process practitioner SS 6.8.4 Carry out activities in process Creating and updating records

Knowledge creator

ST Develop evaluation plans Establish risks and issues associated with all aspects of transition Creating evaluation reports

RACI SD Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed

ST Create knowledge Share knowledge Carried out by many different people in the organisation

Role SD 6.3 A role is a set of responsibilities, activities and authorities granted to a person or a team.

© Materna 2014, unless otherwise stated. Version 4.0.0

Continual Service Improvement

Problem analyst SO Analyzing, investigating and resolving problems Raising RFCs as needed Update KEDB Assist with major incidents

Applications analyst / architect SO Determine needs from users and stakeholders Ensure design match needs for operations Generate test requirements

CSI manager CSI 6.3.5 Develop CSI domain Ensure tools and processes are in place Ensure CSI activitites are coordinated across lifecycle

IT operator SO Perform backups Monitor job queues, printer queues Run scheduled jobs Physical installation in DC

Seven-step improvement process manager CSI Maintain CSI register Coordinate interface to other processes Planning and management of process and tools

Reporting analyst CSI Consolidate data from multiple sources Produce trends and provide feedback Produce reports on OLAs and SLAs

Based on AXELOS ITIL® material. Material is reproduced under licence from AXELOS.

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