February 16, 2017 | Author: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. | Category: N/A
Price: Rs. 295.00 ISBN: 978‐81‐203‐5092‐2 Pages: 488 Binding: Paper Back Buy Now at www.phindia.com
DESCRIPTION This well‐established and widely adopted book, now in its Sixth Edi on, provides a thorough analysis of the subject in an easy‐to‐read style. It analyzes, systema cally and logically, the basic concepts and their applica ons to enable the students to comprehend the subject with ease. The book begins with a clear exposi on of the background topics in chemical equilibrium, kine cs, atomic structure and chemical bonding. Then follows a detailed discussion on the structure of solids, crystal imperfec ons, phase diagrams, solid‐state diffusion and phase transforma ons. This provides a deep insight into the structural control necessary for op mizing the various proper es of materials. The mechanical proper es covered include elas c, anelas c and viscoelas c behaviour, plas c deforma on, creep and fracture phenomena. The next four chapters are devoted to a detailed descrip on of electrical conduc on, superconduc vity, semiconductors, and magne c and dielectric proper es. The final chapter on ‘Nanomaterials’ is an important addi on to the sixth edi on. It describes the state‐of‐art developments in this new field. This eminently readable and student‐friendly text not only provides a masterly analysis of all the relevant topics, but also makes them comprehensible to the students through the skillful use of well‐drawn diagrams, illustra ve tables, worked‐out examples, and in many other ways. The book is primarily intended for undergraduate students of all branches of engineering (B.E./B.Tech.) and postgraduate students of Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science.
KEY FEATURES • All relevant units and constants listed at the beginning of each chapter • A note on SI units and a full table of conversion factors at the beginning • A new chapter on ‘Nanomaterials’ describing the state‐of‐art informa on • Examples with solu ons and problems with answers • About 350 mul ple choice ques ons with answers
Preface • Preface to the First Edi on SI Units • Physical Constants Conversion Factors • Greek Alphabets 1. Introduc on 2. Equilibrium and Kine cs 3. Crystal Geometry and Structure Determina on 4. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding 5. Structure of Solids 6. Crystal Imperfec ons 7. Phase Diagrams 8. Diffusion in Solids 9. Phase Transforma ons 10. Elas c, Anelas c and Viscoelas c Behaviour 11. Plas c Deforma on and Creep in Crystalline Materials 12. Fracture 13. Oxida on and Corrosion 14. Conductors and Resistors 15. Semiconductors 16. Magne c Materials 17. Dielectric Materials 18. Nanomaterials Appendix I—Proper es of Elements Appendix II—Proper es of Engineering Materials Index ABOUT THE AUTHOR(s) V. RAGHAVAN, Ph.D. (Sheffield), formerly Professor of Materials Science at the Indian Ins tute of Technology Delhi, taught materials science courses at Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology, USA, and at IIT Kanpur and IIT Delhi for many years. A Fellow of the American Society of Metals and an honorary member of the Indian Ins tute of Metals, Professor Raghavan is the recipient of the Brunton Medal of Sheffield University, UK (1964), the G.D. Birla Gold Medal of Indian Ins tute of Metals (1985), and the Hume‐Rothery Award of the Ins tute of Materials London (2001).
2015 / 488pp. / 16.0 × 24.1 cm / ISBN‐978‐81‐203‐5092‐2 / Rs.295.00
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