Materials Reviewer

April 17, 2017 | Author: rekcah eht | Category: N/A
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, INSTRUC110N: Encircle your


lfyou change, mark(x) lind encircle another answer.

1. Mininrum size for stone masonry

a. 200 10m b. 300 mm 150 rnm d. 400mm


2. Mort:;li'Ratio for mane masonry


(]> c. d.


1:3 1:2 1:1 1:4

3. Minimum si7..e for class "A" fltorwB \\


300mm b. 200 mm c. 400 mm d. 500 mm

00>'1f &D (/111 ) .. (.o,.,?

,~ c.lM!>

Jt t

A- f3 Co


4. Concrete in the area represented by th~ coreS wi!! be considered if the average strength of the oqreS is equal to:

. a Alleall175% ofarlCl flO single core in less Ulan 85% of; the specified SU'Oll8th, fc'. (E)At least 85% of and no singje Cllre i.sless than 75% of, the sp.ecified strength, fc', c, At I east equal or exceed oftha speCified Btre!lgth fc' and no nlllgle flIrengt/J test 1()8~ than 200/0 of the specified strength, ie'. d. At least equal of exceed of the specified strength fe' and no single strength test less than 100/0 oftha specified strength, fc'. : ;


S. Job mix tolerance for Bituminous material a ±7% b. ±2% ±O>t% d. ±4%


6. Required percent air voids for asphalt mix 'i



2 to (f) 3 to c .. 4 to d . 4 to

3 5 8 7


7. The proportion ofbiluminOl)s material, on the basis ofto(al Water cont~nt b. Cement and water c. C cmen! and fine aggregates d All of the above 79. Required !l0' of representative core taken from member of area in-pla.ce that is considered deficient.

@)3 b. 2 c. 1

d 4 80. "Ibickness de!erminatioll of concrete cores a

4 measurements 9 measurements c. 6 mea~!lfementB d. 8 rne.asurements



shall by done at


, VVV'1'

81. No. Ofset of c?Hfrete c-)'Iinder s41r\~takelj forevery 75 cu.m. of concrete. ?all-set


('3 UJ~\'

r .Arty of", and 2. d 3-BC.t




\Vhatwill you recommend?


reject, rccoring . c. Remove and r~pl~e d. All of the above·


83. Most effective facto~ forstf!.'nsth of concrete. faJWater-cernent rillio Water, cement and fine aggregate c. Cernert plus water d. Any of the abpve


. &4. Asphaltic materials use for treating an exill(inf; bituminous materi!l1 or cement concrete surface with piturninous materials.


Prime coat @Tackcoat c. Seal coat d. Any of the above

85. Number of hours of concrete cylinder sample to be submitted toe the laboratory before testing

. ra:J 24 hra '--?

48 hrs c. 12 hrs d. 72Prs

86. Number ofhoUfsofImmersioniCornpression test that the sample place in water.


Y. 6 hrs c.


7 hrs 8 hrs

87. Required weight ofsarrtple for tebiing for coars? aggregates 4se for concreting


40 kg b. 50kg 70 kg d. 80 kg

I@ 'i' .

gS. Required weight of sample testing for fine aggregates •use for 90ncreting


70 kg SO kg c. 30 kg d. 40 kg



,,\ 2000

CU .. IT!.

LV 1500 cu.m. c. 1000 cu.m. d. 500 CU.rrt.

)10. The cWsign thickness for peep is 200 mrn. Tile liver;tge thiclmesfl detennination was taken 1.

and th a

Soil stabilization Use of admixture c, Both l! und Q . None of the above

100. Ail an experience materials engineer, compacting 6" (l5cm) thick layersofsoil will require, how many passes. /,\ 10 (020 passes 8 to 10 passes c. [5 to 20 passes· d. [5 (0 30 passes


Prepared: Bonifacio R. Lora, CE, PE, ME DPWH, Region 10 . '

CI-w· . .








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DATE: ,hme 17,;WOO PLACE: MSU. HT Ilig:mCUy




All ortll" qllillki'"

b, Titre,.


i c, Two adjacent

i @ Opposito qi;:irlets


'. ,.-;.' '!,

, 5, Uljuicllimit ofummitabh, malei'ials exc(led

C0 80% 'b, 60% 75 % d. 55 ?_ '\,

?O ~

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'f;;,(j\) lM ~

- ,,; 15'"

. c::30 ","," d:40

":: " , , \ ),1,11 ", luyer uged ina 1l,:ovcTlle,l'ltlNll!C\iHo r"iMI\,r0e' atJd pl'O! ctth,'8ubWHde ormlbbs;.;c '"



I DaMmcnhliil I ["Elllbmiklli(lnt J'oullil;dion g,

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'Cmoimkilient ' D~se .




1; .. ,.

aJ Not mbr~thtirJ 25

b Notfuhfe'tfutri 20 N()!ihb~~ than 22 Notinore thail 30

ity ind~~:ofselected Dorrowfor topping (. . ;,' t; i ! .! -.' \ ,- l.'; , :I,r5::!"I:>I._~-i.:


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N o'U~~fg lliifri '12 Not more.. than 8' . .' Not more thaii 6 Nofmord !fmil i 0 {~ -


. - ,



detllJiiy tosts sball be carried out for each _"___ ~ of

TIlis leads

,Li quidIiriu t,'\ . PlaStiClinlj( , Shlihk~e Iillji t Consolidation iest

dcte~ninirigthe liquid [iI;ti~ Ii. special standard-cup device is used, All dimellsio1l8 deviccafii'fi%c0,iihd tlie jilitit\E; is accomplished by rurilirig the crunk ill tlie I1Jie of --i--.,-:



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,llo/iofhoHfS in :lo~kh~ ilie specliilerio/'soi! for CDR determination.



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O)llber'p'l('lce,'fi~ldmalcrjal llllsilleei,'criil ,,"uoily

""''''A'''' thom d(jflr;borU!ory~qui Pin~i\t. " :' .}. .i :~ii::i; '. ~;':~;:'

idclllily WhCtiHll' (h~ soil sarnp!.(' it; p'iastic " ' '

By rui: dryirlg "

By heating , " ;' .',.', . , '. , ', Slnuple,ofmoistsoii mblded and rolledili(() li1itll1u,'eaLis without breaking or cilliribliiIg , ' d, By iJoukiilg illto the watei'. '.






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ig dtiCfelli:ecl liblsblfe ~d1l6rtt is IrtiIliihiied'




1.S rmn per Ininllk I. 3 (J mill p(,I"'mil'llle C!V l. 27 n-',lll per rnilli,k, \/ it







\.0 InnJ i)cr


, required l1[ea (. alll!?)1 number i,\ii II (equil'e ,


LC8ilef' iiepth ofh';1>;0 and inwJ.lJ,ce



Gh'llidd','plh Oi'"::1",, andnlui,;lc:e c. Lesse'J' perm(':n.b.iJ.ity d. i'('~ilHer rapldaril.).'

Size of grains

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