Materia Medica Study Guide.pdf

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CHik4ESE HERBAL k4EDOCUNE &4aeeriabdedi~aStudy Guide -

compiled by

kdarGc andl Marisa SaOtzman with afovewovd by

JeOffi9ey C.Yuen

Reprinted by Complementary Medicine Press (2000), from the second edition, 1994, originally publlished by the authors. Copyright O 1992,2000 by Mark S. Saltman. ISBN#: 0-9673034-2-7 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, without permission in writing from the author. Reviews may quote brief passages. Printed in the United States of America

Complementary Medicine Press titles may be ordered through Redwing Book Company 44 Linden Street, Brookline, NLB. 02445 USA email: [email protected] ,



Since prehistoric .times, the use of herbs has long been the main source of healing for humankind. Much of the herbal traditions have been transmitted through the folklores of different cultures, the documentations in herbal compendiums, and the modem research of pharmaceutical science. The bulk of Chinese herbal medicine has been translated into English by Dan Bensky and Andrew Gamble in their voluminous work, Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica. Bensky and Gamble's work, heralded as an excellent training text, continues today to be one of the main resources available in the West for anyone interested in learning about Chinese herbs. As with any textbook of this size, along with the time restraints placed upon the students by their teachers or themselves, the task of learning a great number of these herbs has been horrendous. In recognition of this concern, Mark and Marisa Saltzman have developed a study guide to assist the student in memorizing the pertinent information utilized in the Materia Medica. They have skillfully devised a system that allows the reader easier access to the herbs through the symbolism of numbers and letters. Rather than by just pointless memorization, readers are encouraged to learn the "license plates" of the herbs with a playful mind and imagination. Not only is the Study Guide good fun, but it is written in an easy-to-learn manner. Anyone who has labored in the field of learning Chinese herbs will realize the toil, patience, and responsibility required of the student. The authors have eased theitructure of such studies through these herbal "license plates." The guide is well-constucted, properly thought-out, and moves steadily through the different highways of Chinese herbalism.

I share the same concern with the authors that an in-depth understanding of Chinese herbal medicine can only stem from the actual practice of utilizing herbs and experiencing their dynamics. However, I do believe that any resource that can further a student's grasp of the Materia Medica should be welcomed. With the purpose of increasing proficiency in learning the written text, the authors have broadened the scope of learning. In that regard, this manual will continue to serve the student's initiation into the vast legacy of Chinese herbal medicine. Jefiey C. Yuen

1 liang

Abbrev. Bu. Cn. Cab. Cs.

Cx. En. Ex. Fc. FIm Fo. Fr.


10 qian


30 grams

Latin Abbreviations Latin Name English Bulbus Bulb Cornu Horn Concha Shell Vine or Stern Caulis Bark Cortex With cum Endothelium Lining And et Excrementum Feces Fruiting Body Fructifacatio Flower Flos Folium Leaf Fruits Fructus Herb or Entire Plant Pith or Soft core

Root-like stem

Temp 6 cool 'Icold 8 warm 9 hot N neutral

Taste 0 bland 1 bitter 2 sweet 3 spicy 4 salty 5 sour

License Plate Definition Option 1 Channels Entered A large intestine - aromatic L lung U urinary bladder * astringent K kidney V liver 6 gall bladder S stomach E spleen P pericardium T triple burner M small intestine H heart

Option 2 !poisonous

CONTEmS h$roduc~on Release ExteHio~Conditions -Release Exterior Conditions -- Cwl, Acrid Herbs Clear Heat -- Quell Fire Clear Heat -- Cml the Blood lea ~ e a -a ~mpness Clear Heat -- CIlearr Pokons

ng Herbs -- Moist Laxatives ng Herbs -- Harsh Exw11ants (Cathartics) Expel Wind Dampness Transform Phlegm and Stop Coughing -- Cool and Transform Hot Phlegm Transform Phlegm md Stop Coughing -and T m s f o m Cold Phlegm Transfom Phlegm and Stop Coughing -- Relieve Coughing and Wheezing Transform Dampness (komalic) Relieve F QStagnation ~ Regulate Qi Regdate Blood -- Stop Ble Regdate Blood -- hvigomte the Blood the Interior md Expel Cold Herbs -- T o m the Qi Hefbs -- T o m the Blood Herbs -- I f o m the Yang He&s -- TomQ the %Tin the ~ p k i--t Settle and C* the spirit the Spirit -- Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit homaatic Subsmces t h t Open the OriGces and S t ~ Tr p emors Substances FOPExternal Application hdex

1 5 7 9

11 82


16 17 18 19 20 23

25 27 28 29 30 31 33 35 38 40 42

43 46 48 50

51 52

53 54 55 57

Given tPae weight and volme of the Materia Medics by Benslry and Gamble, the quesfion is "How m I ever going to learn all this?" The answer is practice. Practice in wing etne herbs, practice in pronouncing the herbs and practice in telling stories &out ehe herbs. Seems like a lot of practice and maybe a lot of work too, but in old world China many of the herbs in that redly 'BIG BOOK' were used in every day life. When k was summer t h e they h e w to eat cool fmds and in the winter they h e w to eat w fowls. These foods are the herbs in that 'BIG BOOK'. Tkis is a quick guide to the 'BIG BOOK9.You don't have to cmy the reference text around with you wherever you go, you can just cmy this study guide. P don't end buying this guide instead of the real reference text (tallere is quite a lot of really vduablle infom;a&ionahat is not covered here). But with this guide you n every herb in the Mhteria Medics can get the basic ~ o m a & i oabout The beginning or expert herbalismehdogist can have a fast handle on all those herbs. The idea is simple. Each herb is given a license plate number that is coded to reflect the temperature, taste, md channels entered. Everything is presented in table fom for easy viewing and all the herbs md headings match up with the SIE HERBAL MEDIC Materia Medica" by Bensky and Gamble. Here is a description of the format:

sand followed by

Here is an example of the format


Table Entry Descrip~om Latin Name: m e first item under every herb in the &fateria M d c a (dias is the Lath name of the particular herb. H er the herb # h the of this study guide. For m a y herbs in the m entry c d e d 'EngRish: '. E this e n q exists for an herb, then it is &ectly fol1owhg the Latin name. In some cases this is a direct the Latin md in others it is j u t the common English name for the herb. As you may have noticed there me some common Lath abbrevb~onsmade koughout the guide. These &brevhdons ax listed m d eH;haasPatdon the front and back cover of this guide. C h e s e is a great language - different but definikBy great. If you have noticed, there is one 'character9per word md each word is only one syllable Bong (cool). The one problem with m d e r s m ~ the g pinyin (the phonetics of each 'chmcter9) is &at some words trmslate directly into English, like Hua means flower, but others are just names md don't have a definition (i.e. if 'kowabmga!' were a Chinese word, how wodd you 'Ibis only means that there is no f those words. In direct tr the pinyin is taken from the item iterd English Tmsliaeion: In this l&eled guide, the $~msBih~on is in pmnhesis under the pinyinoIf here is no L means that the herb lhdPs English equivalent, at least not one 'o

This section c o n a s the wcfion heahgs. Hlf you want to see exmples or details have to refer to your research mmud - the under each heading then you , then, the details will fall. right hto phce when If you have already read the you read these functions. The dosages are in li,fen, qim, and h g . These are the basic units of weight. The equivalency chat is given on the front md back cover. There are a few things to note here: 1) If here is ody one dosage m g e (i.e. 1-3 q k ) , then it meam ithat t%e herb is to be used p h d y in a decoction md possibly in piwpowderd fom. 1 say possibly because there are a few instances where the qec5cfly states that one dosage applies to both the dxockd md powdered forms. 2) If the dosage includes Uhe km 'powdered9,then it .&ems that the dosage is be

taken &ect.Iy in pliil or p w d e M form.

3) If the dosage includes the term 9daocted9,then it means that the dosage is specifid for decoctions only. 4) If the dosage includes the tern 'Mwed9, then it means that the dosage is meant

for f i s i o m . 5) If the dosage includes the tern 9 f i ~ 0 0 kthen 9 , it means that the he& should be precooked for a given length of time before adding any o t k herbs to .the caecoc~on. 6) If the dosage includes the tern 9Gmk9 , Ihen it means the the herb should be cooked for a length of t h e 'greater tBan9so mmy minutes. 7) If the dosage includes the tern Cmk c9,then it means that the herb should be cooked lFoP a length of time 91ess tbm9 so many minutes. This is usufly an aromatic herb that is only added to the decoction in the last few minutes of cooking. 8) If the dosage includes the tern 9&solved9,then it means that the herb is kdP be dissolved into an already s

Temp - The k s t n m k r identifies the temperame of the herb. It is either 6-co019 $hot or N-neutral. There is only one &mpem$ure each herb. There are cases where if the herb is toasted, then its temp change from "N" to 9q8"(neutral to w m ) . h these cases, P made separate entries to indicate if the herb was prepared differently or maybe just &om mother province. Taste - The next set.of numbeps list the taste of the herb: 0 - b h d I-bitter, 2-sweet, as acrid), 4-&ty, and ~-sow.The numbers are fisted in descending order and a single herb can have a codhation of different tastes. OpGoltll ]a - ';ppere are 3 properties that can k assigned to an herb and they are aromatic, astringent an$ pisonous. Aromatic is a '-' (Brono~~~lcd 'dash', but it sort of looks like an mow as in mowmatic), ashgent is a '*' (Hpronouncd'star9 gent), and poisonous is a '!' (Bronounced 'bang' as in bang yom &ad if you eat t w much of this stuff). Only the '*' or the '-'will appear in the Option 1position. means that given a poisonous herb, I have decided to Jplace the '!' symbl at the end of the Plate# (in the position called Option 2). If the herb is not aromatic (PP ~h~?rhgent, then a space will appear in this position (i.e. 83 ELK).

Chamek Entered - This part of the Plate# is a fist of channels that the herb enters. Any combination of le~erscan appear here. All these entries are in capital letters. For a quick reference, the b n t and back cover show the letter correspondencesfor the "Channels Entered".

OpGoa 2 - At the end of the Plate# a 'f -willq p m if the herb is pokonous.

So l e &e ~ an example md see how the table works: A w d the Plate# is '83 ELK9. releases exterior c o n ~ ~ o is ns the E-spleen, L-lung, and 'Ibis means that the herb is 8the K-kidney chmels.

Note - The kdex k set up by herb numbea. This d.lows a very quick Pookup into the Lath name, my w the tables. m e reader can 1mPr up the , or my word in the Latin name, my word in the Lath msPation. This means you cm find the herb number for Hb. h a r i cum Itadice under Hb., Asari, or even Ra&ce. So that's dl there is to itae, except for a little practice and a gale patience. Be excellent md party on.


IWe1me Exterior Con&&iom Warm, Acrid Herbs MaHnmg

1 Hb. Ephedrae Disperses Cold; Fac. circulation of Lung Qi & controls wheezing; Promotes urination & reduces edema; 1-3 qian.


(Hemp Yellow)

2 M. Chllaamoanli Cassiae (Saigon Cinnamon Twigs) Adjusts Nutritive & Protective Qi levels; Warms Channels & disperses Cold; Moves Yang & transforms Qi; Strengthens Heart Yang; 1-3 qian for EPFl3-5 qian for painful obstruction.

Gui Zhi

832 LU

3 Po. Permae Frutewent% (Perilla Leaf) Disperses Cold; Circulates Qi & harmonizes middle burner; Calins the fetus; Alleviates seafood poisoning; 1-3 qian.

Zi Su Ye


4 Hb. seutBl. S c ~ m m e N k IfenugoGae e



Fang Fenag


Expels wind; Encourages rash to surface & alleviates itching; Stops bleeding-when ashed; 1-3 qian. 5 RxaLedebourielllliae Sw1~)iallk(Siler) Expels wind; Expels wind dampness & alleviates pain; 1-3 qian.

(Guard against Wind)

6 Ra.e&kc. NotopterggE Disperses Cold; Penetrates thru painful obstruction & alleviates pain, Guides Qi to Greater Yang & Governing Channels; 2-5 qian.

Qimg Huo


7 Rz et k. Ligwtici Sinem& (Chinese Lovage Root) Expels wind & alleviates pain, 1-3 qian.

Gao Ben

83 TJ

Bai Zhi

83 LS

9 Hb.h r i c m Radice (Chinese Wild Ginger)

Xi Xim

83 ELK

Disperses Cold; Expels wind & alleviates pain; Warms lungs & transforms phlegm; Opens up areas of stagnation; 3-10 fen.


10 Rz. Zhlilberb O%cha% Recem (Fresh Ginger Rhizome) Disperses Cold; Warms Middle Burner & alleviates vomiting; Disperses Cold & alleviates coughing; Adjusts nutritive & Protective Qi; Reduces poisonous effect of other herbs; 1-3 qian.

Sheng Bmg


IWw. bge%cae

Expels wind & alleviates pain; Reduces swelling & expels pus; Expels dampness & alleviates discharge; Opens up nasal passages; 1-3 qian.

Herbs 1-10

93 LS

Release Exkr%orCon&$iiom Warn, Acrid Herbs (@onQ9d) (Sdlion) Cong Bai

11 ElbeA U &Wlwi Causes sweating; Disperses Cold & penetrates Yang; 2-5 scallions.

83 LS

12 m.Elsholtziae SpRende~tb(Aromatic Madder) Expels summer heat,Transfonns dampness; Promotes urhation,reduces swelling; 1-3 qian.

Xang Rnn


13 FR, MagnoQiaeLimorae Expels wind & opens nasal passages;

Xh PiHua

83 L

1-3 qian.

Herbs 11-13

Release Exterior Com&eitom Cwl9Acrid Herbs 14 Hb. Mcenthae (Field Mint or Peppermint) Bo He Disperses wind heat; Clears head & eyes & benefits throat; Encourages rashes to surface; Allows constrained Liver Qi to flow freely; 0.5-2 qian Cook < 5 Inins.


15 Fr. Arctfi Lappace (Great Burdock Fruit) Disperses wind heat & benefits throat; Detoxifies fire poison; Encourages rashes to surface; Moistens intestines; 1-3 qian.

Nia B a ~ Zi g

731 LS

16 Ps.Cicahe (Cicada Moulting) Disperses wind & clear heat; Encourages rashes to surface; Clears eyes & removes superficial visual obstruction; Stops spasms; 1-2 qian/Upto 1 lliang for tetanus.

Chm T~

742 LV

17 Fo. Mori Mbae (White Mulberry Leaf) Expels wind & clears heat from lungs; Clears liver & eyes; 1.5-5 qian.

Saaag Ye

728 LV

18 H.CbrymmtltaedMorgoGi (Chrysanthemum Flower) Disperses wind & clears heat; Clears Ever & brightens eyes; Pacifies liver & extinguishes wind; 1.5-3 qian.

Ju Hua

721 LV

19 1F11. Chrymmthe& Indci (Wild Chrysanthemum Flower) Quells fire 8z detoxifies fire poison; 2-4 qian.

Ye Ju Hua

6331. LV

20 ,&I Viticis Disperses wind & clears heat; Clears & benefits head & eyes; Drains dampness; 2-3 qian.


6331. W S

21 Se. $ojae Pmepmahnm (Prepared Soybean) Releases exterior; Alleviates irritability; 2-5 qian.

D m Ddsu Chi

N28 LE

22 Hb.L e m a e seu Sphdelae (Duckweed) Releases exterior; Penetrates thru muscles & encourages rashes to surface; Removes water & reduces swelling; 1-2 qian/Upto 3 qian in severe cases.

IFila Phg

73 L

IEB~ Rush) ~ 23 Hb. QuBeti H ~ B (Scouring Disperses wind heat & removes superficial visual obstruction; 1-3 qian.

Mu Zei

N21 Lv



(Wood Thief)

Release Exterior Coktlla~ow Cml, Acrid Herbs ( C B B B B ~ ~ ~ ) Gu J h g Cao 24 &apw EfiomuElonL Bue~eriami (Pipewort

632 SV

Scapus) Disperses wind heat, brightens eyes; Removes superficialvisual obstruction; 2-4 qian.

(Grain Essence Herb)

25 Puermiae (Common Kudzu Root) Releases muscles & clears heat; Nourishes fluids 8r; alleviates thirsl; Encourages rash of measles to surface; AAeviates dimhecl; 2 4 qian.

Ge Gen


26 Rx*Bupleurl (Hare's Ear Root) Resolves Lesser Ymg Heat patterns; Relaxes constrained Liver Qi; Raises Yang QI in patterns of Spleen or Stomach Deficiency; 1-4 qian.

Chai Hu ( K h d h g of the Barbarians)

631 GV

27 Rz. CMeihgae (Bugbane or Black Cohosh) Releases Exterior & encourages rash of measles to surface; Raises Yang Qi; Detoxifies Fire Poison affecting Stomach; 0.5-3 qian.

S b e q Ma

6321 LES

(Rising Hemp) 3

Herbs 24-27

C k m Heat

Quell Fire 28 Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate)

Shi Gao

Clears Heat & quells Fire; Clears Excess Heat in Lungs; Clears blazing Stomach Fire; For eczema, bums & ulcerated sores; 3-10 qian/Upto 3 liang for high fevers.

(Stone Paste)


29 Anemarrhenaae hphodeloidk Clears Heat & quells Fire; Nurtures Yin & moistens dry conditions; Drains Heat in Lower Burner; Generates fluids & clears Heat; 2-4 qian.

Zhi Mu

732 LS

71 SLR

(Know Mother)

(Cape Jasmine or alleviates irritability; Drains Damp Heat in any of the three Burners; Cools Blood & stops bleeding-when charred; Reduces swelling & moves Congealed Blood due to trauma; 2-4 qian.

Zbi Zi

71 SLV

31 Hb. LophaUhe~GmeMs Clears Heat & lessens irritability; Promotes urination & clears Damp Heat; Releases Exterior & disperses Wind Heat; 2-3 qian.

Dan Zhu Ye

720 SHU

32 S p i a hneBPae Vu1erlis (Heal-all Spike) Clears Liver & brightens eyes; Clears Heat & dissipates nodules; 3-5 qian/Upto 1 liang used alone. 33 Calcittnm (Calcitum) Quells Fire & expels Summer Heat; Used for burns; 3-10 qian.

(Bland Bamboo Leaves)

Xia Ku Cao (Summer Dry

73231 GLV


Ham Shui SM

743 SHR

(Cold Water Stone)

tes urination in Heat s to surface; 5-10 36 Se. C w k e Tmae (Foetid Cassia Seeds) Clears vision & expels Wind Heat; Clears Liver & benefits eyes; Lubricates Intestines & moves stool; 3-5 qian/Upto 1liang used alone.

JBue M@ Zi

37 Se. Celloshe Argentate Clears Wind Heat or Liver Fire & benefits eyes; qian.

Qing Xianag Zi 1-5

Herbs 28-37

621 VK

(Seeds of Reajized Brightness)

62 V

clear eat QueH Fire (C0nt9d) 38 El. Buddleiae O f i c b a ~ Benefits eyes; 1-3 qim.

Mi Meng Hna

39 Ex. Vesperam Mwmtii (BatFeces) Clears Liver h benefits eyes; Used for Childhood Nutritional Impairment; 1-3 qim.

Pe M h g Sha (Night Brightness Smd)

Xiong Dan Clears Heat & alleviates spasms; Clears Heat $r; detoxifies Fire Poison; Benefits eyes in parttern of Liver Fire; Redurns swelling & pain; 2-8 fen

Herbs 38-40


Clear Heat Cml the Bbod 41

gJm Wnwefi (Rhinocerus Horn) Clears Heat, detoxifies Fire Poison & cools Blood; 3-6 fen Clears Heat & suppresses tremors; powdered/0.5-2 qian decocted.

Xi Bao

42 .&li R e h a d a e Gluthosae (Chinese Foxglove) Clears Heat & cools Blood; Nourishes Yin Ik; Blood & generates Fluids; Cools upward blazing of Heart Fire; For Wasting & Thirsting syndrome; 3-10 qian.

Sheng Di Huang

43 IWlu;. Scmphulmiae N-poems (Ningpo Figwort Root) Clears Heat & cools Blood; Nourishes Yin, Quells Fire & detoxifies Fire Poison; Softens hardness & dissipates nodules; 3 qian - 1liang.

Xuan $hem

44 4 3 . Mouhn Radicis (Peony Tree Root Bark)

Mu Dam Pi

741 SHY

(Earth Yellow) (Dark Root)

Clears Heat & cools Blood; Clears Deficiency Fire; Invigorates Blood & dispels Congealed Blood; Clears ascending Liver Fire; Drains pus & reduces swelling; 2-4 qian. 45 b.Lithospermi secean Amebke (Groomwell Root) Clears Heat, cools Blood; Detoxifies Fire Poison while drawing out rashes; Clears Damp Heat in s b , Moistens intestines & moves stool; 1-3 qian.

Zi Cao

Cx.Lycii C h e n * Radicis (Wolfberry Root Bark) Quells Deficient Yin Fire; Clears Heat & alleviates cough; Clears Heat & cools Blood; 3-5 qian.

Di Gun Pi


(Purple Herb)

(Earth Bone

47 Bx*C p a m c ~ Clears Heat & cools Blood; 3-5 qian.

4-8 b. SteRRariae Dichotomae

Yh Chd Ha

Causes Deficiency Heat to recede; Clears Heat; Reduces some forms of Childhood Nutritional Impairment; Cools Blood & stops bleeding;

(Silver Barbarian Kindling)

Herbs 41-48

6231. SV

CLm Heat Dry Damploles

Huang Qh

'71 lHA.GEL

(Golden Thread) 50 Rz.Ccl~p~d% Quells Fire & detoxifies Fire Poison; Clears Heat,drahs Da~~~plless,Sbps bleeding; Drains Stomach Clem Heart Fire; Also used for Fire; bils,carbuncles & abscesses; 5 fen - 3 qian.

Huang Lian


51 Cx, Pheadendd ( h u r Cork-tree Bark) Drains Damp Heat, particularly in Lower Burner; Quells Kidney Fire; Drains Fire & detoxifies Fire Poison; 1-4 qian.

Huaring BaYBo

49 k, ScnkUmiae B~mIIemb (Baical Shhlcap Root) Clears Heat (& quells Fire, particularly in Upper Bmer; Drains Damp Heat; Clears Heat $r calms fetus; Subdues ascendant Liver Yang; qian.




(Chinese Gentian Root)

Clears Deficiency Heat; Treats chronic Childhood Nutritional Impairment; Drains Damp Heat; 1-3

Herbs 49-55


71 KU

(Yellow Fir)

Loring Dan Cao

'71 G W

clear eat cnear P o h m 56 Fl.bnicerae J a p o d a e (Honeysuckle Flower) Clears Heat & detoxifies Fire Poison; Clears Damp Heat in Lower Burner; Expels externally contracted Wind Heat; 3-5 qian.

JIhYliBn Htna

72 LS

(Gold Silver Flower)

57 Fr.Porythiae Swpeaasae Porsythia Fruit) Clears Heat & Poison & dissipates nodules; Expels externally contracted Wind Heat 2-5 qian.

L i m Qiao

63%W G

58 Polium Daqinagye (Woad Leaf)

Da Qhg Ye

71 HLS

Clears Heat & detoxifies Fire Poison; Cools Blood; 3 qian - 1 liang.

(Big Green

Leaf) Ban Lan Gen

71 SLV

60 Hb. Tatffmaci MongoEei cum Radice (Dandelion) Clears Heat & detoxifies Fire Poison; Reduces abscesses & dissipates nodules; Promotes lactation; 3 qian - 1 liang.

Pun Gong Yhg

721 SV

61 Hb, Vio3ae cum Radice (Yedeon's Violet) Clears Heat & detoxifies Fire Poison; Clears Hot sores; 3 qian - 1 liang.

Zi Hua Di Ding (Purple

731 W

62 Hb.Baijiamgcao

B 1 Jiang Cao

731 SAV

Yu%g Cao

63 LV

59 be h t M bu s n B a p h i e a a n t ~(Woad Root) Quells Heat, detoxifies Fire Poison & benefits throat; 5 qian - 1 liang.

Flower Earth Spike)

Clears Heat & Poisons & expels pus; Invigorates Blood; 3-5 qian.

63 Hb. H o u M N a e Cordaabe Clears Heat & Poison, reduces swellings & abscesses; Drains Damp Heat; 3 qian - 2 liang.

(Fishy Smelling Herb)

64 Wb.Lygodii J a p o ~ c i (Climbing or Japanese Fern) Clears Heat & promotes urination; Clears Heat & detoxifies Fire Poison; 3 qian - 2 liang.

JhSha Teng

65 Hb. h & q m p f i ItPanaic~alIa~e Clears Heat & debxilies Fire Poison; 3-5 qian.

Chuan X h Lian (Thread the he^

(Gold Sand Vine)


Herbs 56-65

72 MU

71 HL

abscesses; 5 qian - 2 liang.

pain/swelling of wasp sting & snakebite; Also used for postpartum uterine bleeding; 5 qian - 2 liang. 70 ex,Dictami Dmycmpi Wadicis (Chinese Dittany Root Bark) Clears He&, detoxifies Fire Poison; Expels Wind & dries Dampness; Expels Wind Dampness; 2-3 qian.

Baf E a n Pi

71 RzL@@%c@ GBabrae (glabrous-Greenbeer - - Tag Fu L h g -- - Rhizome) Clears Damp Heat Poison; Clears Damp Heat from s h ; 5 qian - 1 liang. 72 Rz.Guan&ong Clears Heat & detoxifies Fire Poison; Expels parasites; Stops bleeding; Also used for baldness & head sores; 1-4 qian.

741 ES

(White Fresh Bak)

Guan Zhoxng (Link the


N2O-SV -


71 EV!


73 Fc. Lmiovftaaerae (Fruiting Body of Puffball) Clears Heat, detoxifies Fire Poison & benefits throat; Stops bleeding-used topically; 0.5-1.5 qian.

Ma Bo

N3 L

Sophorae Subprmtratae 74 b, Clears Heat, detoxifies Fire poison & benefits throat; Also used for Lung Heat cough & jaundice; 1-3 qian.

Shm DOUGenn (Mountain Bean Root)

71 HAL

Herbs 66-44

Herbs 75-79

Treats S u m Heat patterns; Raises gt ckm Yang of

mnner Meat; B y fried to Strengthen Spleen;

Clears Summer Meat; Clears Deficiency fevers; Cools

Herbs 80-85

Clears Heat & reduces

ed Aloe Leaf Juice Concentrate)

Herbs 86-89

No-Caraslhes & moistens ]intestines; Nourishes Yk, Clews Heat & promotes healing of sores; 3-5 qian/Upto 1.5 liang as principle herb/Grind before

Moistens Intestines cBr. moves stool; Promoles urination & reduces edema; 1-3 qian.


Plum Pit)

Expels water; Expels Phlegm & Congested Fluids; Expels intestinal parasites & reduces Stagnation; 1.5-3 qian/5-18 fen used alone.

(Cowherd Seeds)

Expels water by flushing it downwards; Clears Heat & reduces swelling; 5-10 fen/l-3 fen powdered.

(Sweet Process)

-4 721 ELK!


IB.Daphnnes Genhva

(Daphne Flower)

Yuan Hua

Expels fluid; 5-10 fen.


95 Eaphorbiae sea Rnoxiae (Peking Spurge Root) Expels water; Reduces swelling & dissipates nodules; 5-10 fen.

(Big Lance From the Capital)

96 Rx.Phytolaccae (Poke Root) Expels water thru urethra & anus; Reduces sores & carbuncles; 1-3 qian.

Shmg Ln (Commerce Continent)

97 Se. ThgXzi (Woods Whitlow Grass Seed) Directs Qi downward & expels Phlegm; Expls Water & drains edema; 1.5-3 qian.

Thng Li Zi

Herbs 92-97

4331 LU

Drain Damgmes 98 Sclerotim Poriae Coglos (China-root or Hoden) Promotes urination & leeches out Dampness; Strengthens Spleen & harmonizes Middle Burner; Ransfoms Phlegm; Quiets Heart & calms Spirit; to 2 liang for acute facial edema.

h Ling


99 'H'dglnm (Talcum) Promotes urination & drains Heat from Bladder; Clears Heat & releases S u m e r Heat; Absorbs Dampness; Expels Damp Heat thru urine; 3-6 qian.

Hua Ski.

720 US

100 Se. Cokh Lacmma-jobi (Seeds of Job's Tears) Promotes urination & leeches out Dampness; Strengthens Spleen & stops diarrhea; Clears Heat & expels pus; Expels Wind Dampness; Clears Damp Heat; Used to &eatplane warts; 3- 10 qian.

Yi Yi Wen

620 ELK

101 Se. Beminewe HkpMae (Wax Gourd Seed) Clears Heat, expels Phlegm iiz promotes discharge of pus; Clears Heat & drains Dampness; 1-4 qian.

Dong Gua Ren


102 CS. M U ~ O D ~ Promotes urination & drains Heat from Heart via Small Intestine; Promotes lactation & unblocks Blood Vessels; 1-3 qian.

MU TOW (Wood with Holes Through)

(Slippery Rock)

(Winter Melon Seed)

103 M d Tettrapamacb - - Pagpgeri - (Rice Paper Tomg Cao - - - -- -Pith) Promotes urination & clears He%- Promotes @e&ee Herb) lactation in cases where it is insufficient or absent; 1-2 qim. .-

61 ww



720 ES -.-




104 M& Junei ERwi (Rush Pith) Fromotes urination & leeches out Dampness; Clears Heat from Heat Channel; 5- 15 fen.

Demg Xkn Cao

105 Hb, Dfanthi (Fringed or Chinese Pink Flower) Clews Heat $ promotes urination; Breaks up Congealed Blood; Promotes stool movement; 1-8 qian.

Qu Mai

78 I 3 U m

106 Fr. Ko8:Mae Scopadae (Broom Cypress or Kochia Seeds) Clears heat & promotes urination; Expels Dampness & stops itching; 2-5 qian.

Di Fu Zi


720 l.HLM

(Lamp Wick Herb)

(Earth S h Seeds)

Drain Dmpmes (Cont'd) 107 Hb. Polygo~iAvicularb (Knotweed) Promotes urination & clears Damp Heat in Bladder; Expels parasites & stops itching; 3-5 qian.

Bian Xu

71 U

108 Po. Pyrrosiae Clears Heat from Bladder Channel; Clears Heat & stops bleeding; Expels Phlegm & alleviates coughs; 1-3 qian/Upto 1liang for severe cases.

Shi Wei

6231 LU

109 Se. PILmh~lis(Plantago Seeds) Promotes urination & clears Heat; Clears eyes; Expels Phlegm & stops cough; 1.5-3 qian.

@heQian Zi (Before the Cart Seeds)

720 W R

110 Se. Abut2010.iseu M d w e (Illusk Mallow Seeds) Promotes urination; Benefits breasts; Moistens Intestines & moves stool; 2-4 qian.

Dong Rui Zi

72 UMA

111 Ra,Dimmreae (Fish-Poison Yam Rhizome) Separates Pure from Turbid; Expels Wind Dampness; Clears Damp Heat from skin; 3-5 qian.

Bei or Bi X e


112 Hb. Jinqianmo (Jiangsu) Expels stones; Clears Heat (&. promotes urination; Clears Liver Channel Heat; Detoxifies Poison & reduces swelling; 5 qian - 1 liang.

Jim Qian Cao

6331 GLV

113 Hb. Jhqfaxltca~(Guangdcramtag)

Jh~@~uIo. C~BO NkO GLV

Expels stones; Clears Heat & promotes urination; Clears Liver Channel Heat; Detoxifies Poison & reduces swelling; 5 qian - 1 liang.

(Gold Money Herb)

114 Hb. Jhqianwo (Sichum) Expels stones; Clears Heat & promotes urination; Clears Liver chamel Heat; Detoxifies Poison & reduces swelling; 5 qian - 1 liang.

$11 Qian Cao

115 Se. P h w o %CaIImrati (Aduki Bean) Clears Heat & promotes urination; Disperses Congealed Blood, reduces swelling & detox Fire poison; Clears Damp Heat; 3 qian - 1 liang.

Chi Xiao Don

116 Sclero$iimPoIIypcori UrnlbeHaG Promotes urination & leeches out Dampness; qian.

(Stone Reed)

(Gold Money Herb)

Herbs 1107-116

N52 HM

(Dark Red LittleBean)

Zhu Ling 2-5


(Gold Money Herb)


Dmin Dampnm (Ccmt9d)

atis Pla~6eaqaaUicae (Water

Ze Xie

720 MU

Plantain Rhizome) Promotes urination & leeches out Dampness; Drains Kidney Fire; 2-5 qian.

(Marsh Drain)

ll 8 Hb. Artemesjae CapUa* Clears Damp Heat from Liv & G. Bladder & relieve jaundice; Clears Pleat & Releases Exterior conditions; 3-5 qian/Upto 1liang for serious conditions.

Uhn Chen Hao

631 GEVS

119 histoloc~~tnjiae seu CoccuU Expels Wind Dampness; Promotes urination &z reduces edema; 1-3 qian.


7731 m E

120 I&. S k p h d a e Ta?&mdrae Promotes wination & reduces edema; Expels Wind Dampness & alleviates pain; 1-3 qian.

Han Pang Ji

7311 UKE

121 Hb, LobeEae Chinensb cum R a e (Chinese Lobelia With Root) Clears Heat & promotes urination; Cools Blood & detoxifies Poisons; 5 qian - 1 liang.

Barn Biam Hriam


(Half-edged Lily) Yu Mli Xu (Jade Wice Whiskers)

N% M W

122 StyIIw Zwce Mays (Cornsilk) Promotes urination; Benefits Gabl Bladder &z removes jaundice; For Wasting & Thirsting syndrome; 5-10 qian.

Herbs 117-122


Expel W h d Dampnm 123 Rx.DuItnuo Expels Wind Dampness & alleviates Pain;

Dun HU~B 1-3 qian.


831 KU

(Self-Reliant Existence)

Geltll~maeMacrrophyflbe 124 Expels Wind Dampness; Removes Deficiency Heat; Removes jaundice; Moistens Intestines & moves stool; 1.54 qian.

Qin baa^


125 b. CBemetidb Chhemk (Chinese Clematis Root) Expels Wind Dampness,activates Channels & alleviates pain; Softens & Transforms fish bones; 2 4 qian/Upto 1 liang to dissolve fish bones.

Wei Ling Xian (Awesome Spiritual Immortal)

843 'EUI

126 Cx. EryItbhae Vadegatae Expels Wind Dampness & activates Channels; Promotes urination & reduces edema; Treats itching skin lesions; Also used for toothache from dental caries; 2-5 qian.

Hai Tong Pi (Sea Paulownia Bark)

731 KEV

127 Fr.Chaenomefis Lagenasae (Chinese Quince) Comforts sinews & activates Channels; Harmonizes Stomach & Transforms Dampness; 1.54 qian.

MU Gua


128 Ex. Bombgck Morf (Silkworm Feces) Expels Wind Dampness; Harmonizes Stomach &r. Transforms turbid Dampness; 3-5 qian.

Cam Sha


129 RR. M o i Mbae (Mulberry Twigs) Expels Wind & activates Channels; 5 qian - 2 liang.

Sang Zhi

721 V

130 Cx.Acanthopanads Radick Expels Wind Dampness & strengthens sinews ek; bones; Transforms Dampness $t reduces swelling; 1.5-5 qian.

Wun Jia 33

83 VK

(Bark of Five Additions)

131 R.XantM (Cocklebur Fruit) Opens nasal passages; Disperses Wind & expels Dampness; Expels Exterior Wind; 1-5-3 qian.

Cang Err Zi (DeepGreen Ear Seeds)

821 LV!

Siqesbeckiae Orfenhk (Siegeshckia) 132 HI$. Expels Wind Dampness & strengthens sinews; C a h s Spirit; Clears Heat & pacifies Liver; Transforms Damp Heat; 2 qian - 1 liang.

X ia

71 KEV

Herbs 123-132

w o o d Melon)

Expel Wind Dmpn~?trji~~ (ConE9d) Lno Shi Teng

61 VK

Jasmine Stem) Expels Wind Dampness &r; activates Channels; Cools Blood & reduces abscesses; 2-5 qian.

(WrapAround-Stone Vine)

134 Cs,Pipenis Expels W d Dampness & activates Channels; Disperses Cold & alleviates pain; 3-5 qian.

Hd Peng Teng

135 Wz. Homalomenae Occnltte Expeb Wind Dampness B sbrengthens sinews & bones; 1.5-3 qian.

i i n Jim (Thousand Years of Health)

8321 VK

136 0 s Tigris (Tiger Bone) Disperses Wind Cold & strengthens sinews & bones; Expels Wind Dampness; 3-5 qian.

Hu Gu


137 Agb$lPodonseu Bungam (Multibanded Krait) Powerfully activates Channels & extinguishes Wind; Expels Wind from skin; Expels Wind fiom sinews; 8-15 fen.

Bai Hua She



(Sea Wind Vine)

(White Patterned Snake)

N42 EV

138 Zawys Dhumadw (Black-Striped Snake) Activates Channels & extirmguishes Wind; Expels Wind from s k , Expels Wind from sinews; 1-3 @!!1 (11i?!l~we_~5!:_ - -- - -- -- 139 Ps.Serpent& (Snake S h Slough) Expels Wind 8 stops spasms; Removes superficial visual obstruction; 5- 10 fen decocted/1-2 fen powdered.

Wu $ha0 She

She Tui

N42 V

71 V

(Black-Striped Snake) --



14) W. T h q o m e Sinemis

Kuan JhTeng

Expels Wind Dampness B relaxes sinews; Relaxes sinews 8 activates Channels; 5 qian - 1liang.

(Vine that Loosens the Sinews)

141 Lipurn Phi N d i (Ignotty Pine Wood) Expels Wind & dries Dampness; 3-5 qian.

Song Jie


81 VK


Trrmfom PMqm and Stop C o x b g Cool and Trmform Hot Phlegm 142 Rx.P e e c e & ~ Qlian Hn Redirects Q downward i & expels Phlegm; Release Exterior Wind; 1.5-3 qian.

143 Bun. M m a i a e C k r h o ~ e Clears Heat & Transforms Phlegm; Clears Heat dissipates nodules; 1-4 qian.

Chwn Bei Mu $t

631 LE

(Before Barbarians)

628 H&

(Sichuan Shell Mother)

144 Bu.W~MarheThunbergilli

Zhe BeiMu

Clears Br; Transforms Hot Phlegm; Clears Heat & dissipates nodules; 1.5-3 qian.

(Zhejiang Shell Mother)

145 Fr. Tdchomnt&

Gum Lou

721 SAIL


72 $A&

65231 LS


Clears Heat & Transforms Hot Phlegm; Unbinds Q1 in chest & dissipates nodules; 3 qian - 1 liang.

146 Se.Tricho~altfGs Clears Br; Transforms Hot Phlegm; Unbinds Qi in chest; Moistens Intestines; Promotes healing of sores; 3-4 qian.

147 Rx.Tdehosmthb

Tiaa Hua R n

Quells Heat & generates Fluid; Detoxifies Poison & expels pus; 3-5 qian.

(Heavenly Flower Powder)

148 Conaacretio SWea Bambmae (Tabasheer) Clears Br; Transforms Hot Phlegm; Cools Heart & stops convulsions; 1-4 qian.

Tim Zhu Humg

149 Sn. B m b w e (Dried Bamboo Sap)

ZInu Li


150 Cs. B m b w e hTaenillis (Bamboo Shavings) Clears & Transforms Hot Phlegm; Clears Heat & stops vomiting; Cools Blood & stops bleeding; 1.5-3 qian.


62 LSG

151 Pumice (Pumice) Clears Heat from Lungs Br; expels Hot Phlegm; Softens hardness & dissipates Phlegm nodules; Promotes urination; 3-5 qian.

Fun Hai Shi

74 LK

72 VGH

(Heavenly Barnboo Yellow)


Clears Heat, Transforms Phlegm & penetrates into Channels; Transforms Hot Phlegm & alleviates coughing; 1-2 1iang13-5 qian for cough.

(Float on the Sea Stone)

T r m f o r m PMem a d S b p Cougmg and n8mfB"Om (Ct~nt~d) Hd Ge Ke 152 Co. CgcDhae Sinemis (Clam Shell)


Clears H[eat,redirects Lung Qi downwards & Transforms Phlegm; Softens hardness & dissipates nodules; Promotes urination & rids Dampness; In powdered form for Stomach acid & pain; 2-5 qian. 153 Th. Algae (Kelp Stalk) Rduces Phlegm nodules; Reduces s w e h g ; qim.

Knn Bn

74 LES


154 Hb, Sarg& (Seaweed) Clears Heat & reduces Phlegm nodules; 1.5-5 qian.

Pang Da Hai

155 Se. SterenIlae Seapuerae Opens up Lung Qi & clears Heat from Lungs; Moistens Intestines; Encowages rashes to come to surface; 1.5-3 qianJ3-5 pieces.

(plat Big Sea)

I56 CaReuln~sMacacae Mulathe (Macaque Gallstone) Expels Phlegm h stops spasms; Clears Heat & detoxifies Fire Poison; 2-5 fen powdered.



157 Hb, EuphorbQe Helliioscopiae Transfoms Phlegm & dissipates nodules; Promotes h a t i o n (lr. reduces edema; 1-5 qian.

(Monkey Jujube)

1 I

Ze Qi


(Marsh Lacquer)

S o f ~ n hadass s & dissipates nodules; Cools Blood-& - - -fl-eUow - --stops bleeding; Rduces h detoxifies Poisonous Medicine) swellings; 1-3 qian.

Herbs 152-2158

631 LAME!





Tmmfom PMegm md Stop C o w ~ n g Warm a d T m d o m Cold P M e m 159 Rz. fielliae Ternahe Ban X a

Dries Dampness, Transforms Phlegm & causes Rebellious Qi to descend; Harmonizes ST 1%- stops vomiting; Dissipates nodules and reduces distension; 1 . 5 4 qian. 160

Wz.k b e m a t b

(Half Summer)

Ti8n N m %g

@z. of Jack-in-the-pulpit)

Dries Dampness & expels Phlegm; Disperses Wind Phlegm in Channels; Reduces swelling 1%- alleviates pain; 0.8-3 qian.

161 Rz. TmJtaod Gkantei seun Rx.Aconiti core^ Expels Wind & Cold Dampness & alleviates pain; Expels Wind Phlegm & resolves spasms; 0.5-2 qian.

831 Em!

(Star of Southern Heavens)

Bai Paa Zi

832 VS!

(White Appendage)

162 hula@ Redirects Qi downward & expels Phlegm; Stops vomiting & calms rebellion; 1 . 5 4 qian.

Xuan Fun Hua

163 h. et Rz. CpancKi Shuntmi Redirects Qi downwards ek expels Phlegm; gian.

Bd Qian 1.5-3

83 ES!

8331 ELVS

(Revolved Upturned Rower)


(White Before)

Bai Jie Zli

83 LS

165 Platycodi GrmdaorlPf (Balloon mower Root) Circulates Lung Qi & expels Phlegm; Promotes discharge of pus; Benefits throat; Directs effect of other herbs upwards; 1-3 qian.

Jfe Geng

N31 LS

166 Pr. Gledibiae Shewis (Chinese Honeylocust Fruit) Disperses & expels Phlegm; Opens orifices & awakens Spirit; As a suppository, moves stool 1%- expels roundworms; 5-10 fen powdered.

Zao Bao

8331 AL

164 Se. S h a p i a b a e (White Mustard Seed) Expels Phlegm & circulates & warms Lung Qi; Dissipates nodules, reduces swelling & alleviates pain; 1-3 qian.


Herbs 159-166

(Soap Thorn)

169 IFQ. Tus2qgii Farfame (Coltsfoot Flower) Redirects Qi downward $t stops coughing; 0.5-3 qian. 170 R. PeriUae mubsen& (Purple Perilla Fruit) Allev cough $1: wheezingjedirects Qi down dissolves Phlegm; Moistens Intestines; 1.5-3 qian.


Hua elc come Win& Rower) Sn Zii

83 AIL

Pi Pa Ye

61 %S

Bd Bn

821 L


171 Fo. ErPobdrgae J a p o ~ c a e(Loquat Leaf) Expels Phlegm, clears Lung Heat $1: redirects Lung Qi down; Harmonizes Stomach,cleass Stomach Heat & redir. Stomach Qi down; 1.54 qiad-10 qian if used fresh.


172 Stemonae (Stemona Root) Moistens Lungs & alleviates couglh; Expels parasites & kills lice; 1-3 qianll-2 liang for pinworms.

(Hundred Units)

Sang Bd Pi 173 CX.Mori ABbae Radicis (Mulbenrgr Root Bark) Alleviates cough $1: wheezing $1: quells Heat from (Mulbrry Lungs; Promotes uxi~rhation& rc=dluwsedema; - 2-5 -White fPahk) qian. 174 R. k k t o l w ~ a e(Birthwort Fruit) Causes Rebell Qi to descend,stops coughing alleviates wheezing; 1-3 qian.



MaDouLhg $1:

175 Se. OroxyM Indici Clears Lungs & opens voice; Comforts Liver & regulates Qi; Used topically to promote healing of ulcerated suppurative sores; 5 fen - 2 qian.

Herbs f 67-175

72 _


LE --- -

41 k

(Bell o f a Horse's Hat)

Mu H u Die (Wood Butterfly)

620 LV


T r m f o m Dampness ( h o m a ~ ~ : ) 176 Eb.Ag28~8aachesseu Pogosted (Patchouli) Aromatically Transforms Dampness; Harmonizes Middle Burner & stops vomiting; Releases Exterior & expels Dampness; 1.5-3 qian/Cook < 15 mins. 177 I%. EupatorE Fortaaaei Aromatically Transforms Dampness; Summer Heat; 1.5-3 qian.

I HuoXiang 1 83 LES Pei L m


178 Cx.MqnoIljiae OfPdicha& (Magnolia Bark) Moves Qi, Transforms Dampness & resolves Stagnation; Warms & Transforms Phlegm & directs Rebellious Qi down; 1-3 qian.

(Ornamental Orchid)

Hon Po

179 Rz. AtmeQ1db Dries Dampness & strengthens Spleen; Expels Wind Dampness; Clears Dampness in Lower Burner; Causes sweating & releases Exterior conditions; Also used for night blindness; 1.5-3 qian/Very Drying. 180 Pr. Annomi Cmdamod (Cardamon Fruit) Transforms Dampness; Warms Middle Burner & causes Rebellious Qi to descend; Moves Qi & Transforms Stagnation; 5-20 fen/Cook < 10 minsl515 fen powdered. 181 Se. ABpidae R a b w a d l ~(Seeds of Katsumada's Galangal) Expels Cold & dries Dampness; Strengthens Spleen; 5 fen - 2 qian. 182 R. b o a Two-B-bo Expels Cold & dries Dampness; Harmonizes intermittent fever & chills; Dissolves Stagnation & distension; 5-15 fen. 183 Fr. seu Se. Ama,mi (Grains-of-Paradise) Moves Q1 & strengthens ST; Transforms Dampness & stops vomiting; Calms fetus; Use with tonifymg herbs to prevent Stagnation; 0.5-2 qianJCook < 5 mins.

Herbs 176-183

Bai DQUKou (White Cardamon)

(Herbal Cardamon)

Cao Gno

83 ES

(Grass Fruit)

Sha Reaa (Sand Seeds)


184 R. Q a h e @ (Hawthorn Fruit) Dissolves h o d & conducts Stagnation; Transforms Congealed Bbbd & dissipates masses; Alleviates diarrhea; 2 4 qim.

Sban Zha

852 EVS

S h e a i u Qu (Divine Fermented Mass)

832 ES

185 Re Hordd Vulgaris G e m h a n t w (Barley Sprout) Dissolves Food Stagnation & strengthens Stomach; Restrains lactation; Facilitates smooth BOW of Liver Qi; 2-5 qian pwdered/4-10 qian decocted/Upto 2 liang to restrain lactation. 186 R. Oryme Sativae Gemhamtw (Rice Sprout) Dissolves food h strengthens Stomach; 3-5 qian. 187 M w a Permentab (HkledicakdLeaven) Dissolves Stagnation of Food h harmonizes Stomach; Added to pills that contain minerals to aid digestion & absorption; 2-5 qian. 188 En.C o r ~ e u mGigeraiae GaHi (Chicken Gizzard Lining) Bissohes Food & Transforms Accumulations; Contains Essence; Transforms stones; 1-3 qian.

189 Se. Baphmi Sativi (Radish Seed)

n; Breaks up & reduces Qi , M e s Dampness & Transforms

Promotes urination & moves Dampness; 2-3 qian.

Fruit of the Bitter Orange) Breaks up Stagnant Qi & reduces Accumulations; Directs Qi downward $r; moves stool; 1-3 qian. 194 Rz. Cyperlri RoMmndi (Nut-grass Rhizome) Circulates Qi & resolves constrained Liver Qi; Regulates menstruation & alleviates pajn? 1S-4 qian.

Ximg Fu

195 Rx.S a w w e a e seu Vladiirraaidae (Costus Root) Moves Qi & alleviates pain; Adjusts & regulates Stagnant Qiin Intestines; Strengthens Spleen & prevents Stagnation; 0.5-3 qian/Cook < 5 minsEoast for chronic diarrhea.

ME Xiang


8321 W

(Aromatic Attachment)

8311 SAGE

(Wood Fragrance)

196 Lhdeme Stgch801iae Moves Qi $r; alleviates pain; Moves Qi, reverses Rebell @,expels Cold 8r; alleviates pain; Warms Kidneys; 1-3 qian.

W u Yaaa

197 L i a u m Aq~nariae(Aloeswood) Moves Q & alleviates pain; Reverses Rebellious Qi; Aids Kidneys in grasping Q; 5-10 fen.

Clbelra X a ~ g 8311-SKE


1 9 8 Lignum Smtali Albi (Sandalwood)

tes flow of Yang & dissipates Cold Phlegm; Qi & Blood & alleviates pain; Directs Qi ward & reduces Stagnation; 1.5-3 qia.11-2 liang

Herbs 190-199

(Siding Fragrance)


Regnlab QQi (Cclpnf9d) 200 fi.Citri Sarcodacty% (Finger Citron Fmie) Moves Qi& alleviates pain; Harmonizes

Stomach h strengthens Spleen; 8 fen - 3 qian.


Fo Shou (BuddhaHand)

1 8531 EVS

201 El. Wme Rugose (Young Rower of Chinese Rose) Moves Qi h harmonizes BlooB; Relieves constmined Liver Qi; 5 fen - 2 qian.

M ii

202 fi.MeEae Tomendam (Fruit.of Sichuan Pagoda Tree) Clears Heat, dries Dampness, regulates Qi & alleviates p&, Expels parasites; 1.5-3 qian.

Chuam Lian Zf

71 WQ!

203 Se. Litchi C h e n G s (Leechee Nut) Moves Qi$r; alleviates pain; 1.5-5 qian/8-10 qian for epigastric pain.

Ei Zhi He


204 Calyx D i o w p a Kaki (Persimmon Calyx) Directs Qi downwards & alleviates hiccups; 2-5 qian.

Shi Dii



821 EV

Reu1a$6?Blood Stop B l e d h g 205 Pdkn Typhae (Cattail Pollen) Stops bleeding-toasted; Promotes circulation of Blood & dispels Congealed Blood-raw; 1 5 4 qian.

h Humg


206 Hb. Aghormfae Pilome (Agrimony) Restrains leakage of blood & stops bleeding; Also used as a rectal suppository for diarrhea cBc tapeworm; 3-5 qianl5-10 qian when used fresh.

Xarta He Cao

N31 EVE,

20'7 Rx. B a u d q h e w (Pseudoginseng Root) Stops bleeding & Transforms Congealed Blood; 3-10 fen Reduces swelling & alleviates pain; powdered/l-3 qian decocted.

SadI'ian Qi

208 Rz BLtiHae Striahe (Bletilla Rhizome) Restrains leakage of blood & stops bleeding; Reduces swelling & promotes healing; 1-5 qian.

(Immortal Crane Herb)

821 SAV

(Threeseven orField Seven)

Bai Ji

621 SILV

Qian Cao Gen

71 HV

Ce Baf Ye


209 Hb. C b 3 Japonici (Japanese Thistle)

Tree Plower Bud) Cools Blood & stsps bleeding-when charred; Cools Liver; 2-5 qian. 212 Rx. Runbiae CordgoHae (Madder Root) Cools Blood & stops bleeding; Promotes circulation of Blood & expels Congealed Blood; 2-3 qian. 213 Cacumella Biohe O]rie~[llh& (LeafyTwig of Arborvitae) Cools Blood & stops bleeding-when c h m d , Alleviates cough & expels Phlegm; Promotes healing of bums; 2-5 qian. 214 Fo, me&fifl;tle (Mugwort Leaf) Warms Womb & stops bleeding-when charred; Warms Womb & pacifies fetus; Disperses Cold & alleviates pain; 1-3 qian.

Herbs 205-214

(FlatFir Leaves)

Ai Ye

831 KEV

sbps bleeding; W m s Stomach & stops vomiting; Stops diarrhea; 5 qim - 2 liang.

urination; 5 fen - 3 qian.

Excess of the Blood)

217 Lignum Dalbergiae 8dor3eme Disperses Congeded Blood & stops bleeding; Invigorates Blood, promotes circulation of Qi & alleviates pain; 5-10 fen powderefl2-3 qian decocted.

Jimg Xmg

218 Noduns N e l u n m b ~Nueiferae WItnkomatk (Node of the Lotus Rhizome) Stops bleeding; 3-5 qian dried11-2 liang fresh.

Ou Jie


219 Recephcunlum PaJQlunmb~s Nuczerae (Mature Lotus Receptacle) Disperses Congealed Blood 8 stops bleeding; Stops bleeding & calms fetus; Dispels Summer Heat (Used Fresh) & Dampness; 1-3 qian.

L i m Pang


220 OphiaEitunm (Ophicalcite) Disperstx Congealed Blood & stops bleeding; qian powdered.

Hna Rni Shi


221 Fo. CaUcapae Stops bleeding; Also used for bum; decocted/5-10 fen powdered.

83 EVS

(Descending Fragrance)

1-3 -(]FlowerStamen Stone)


Zi Zhu 5-10 qian

(Purple Pearl)

222 Rz.Pmperatabae Cjhdfflieae (Woolly Grass) Cools Blood & stops bleeding; Quells Heat & promotes urination; Clears Heat from Stomach $t Lungs; 3-8 qian/Upto 2 liang used alone.

Bai Mao Gem




Regdah B l I d IEn~gora$ce the Bbod 223 k c . Ligwtici WdEcM (Szechuan Lovage Churn Xong Root) Invigorates Blood & promotes circulation of Qi; Expels Wind & alleviates pain; Used for headaches; 1-2 qianmpto 3 qian for irregular menstration.

83 PGV

224 b. Sa1viae M a ~ o r r M m e Invigorates Blood & breaks up Congealed Blood; Clears Heat & soothes irritability; 2-5 qian/Upto 2 liang for vasculitis or when used alone.

Dan Shem (Scarlet Root)

41 PHV

225 k. et Cs. Jkzneteng (Millettia Root and Vine) Harmonizes c& tonifies Blood; Activates Channels & relaxes sinews; Tonifies Blood & activates Channels; 3-5 qianwpto 1 liang in severe cases.

Ji Xue Teng (Chicken Blood Vine)

821 HE

226 Rz.CorydaEs Yadusuo (Corydalis Rhizome) Invigorates Blood & alleviates pain; Ikfoves Qi & alleviates pain; 1.5-4qian.

Yan Hu Stno

8331 LSV

227 Tu. Caascumae (Turmeric Tuber) Invigorates Blood & breaks up Congealed Blood; Circulates Qi; Clears Heart & cools Blood; Facilitates Gall Bladder function; 1.5-3 qian.

YMJim (Constrained Metal)

631 HLV

228 Ra Clalrcumae (Turmeric Rhizome) Invigorates Blood & promotes menstruation; Moves Qi 8r. alleviates pain; Expels Wind & moves Blood; 1-3 qian.

Bang Huang (Ginger Yellow)

831 EVS

229 Hb. Leonuri HeLrophyHi (Chinese Motherwort) Invigorates Blood & regulates menses; Invigorates Blood & reduces masses; Promotes urination & reduces swelling; 3-20 qianmpto 4 liang for glomerulonephritis edema.



(Benefit Mother Herb)

230 Hb. llycollpi Lucidi Moves Blood & promotes menstruation; Promotes urination; Invigorates Blood 8r. dispels Congealed Blood; 1-3 qiaflpto 1 liang topically.

Ze Lan (.Marsh Orchid)


23 1 fl. e&R. R m e C m e m L (Chinese Tea Rose Flower) Invigorates Blood, regulates menses & reduces swelling; 1-2 qian.

Yue JiHua

82 V

moon Season Flower)

Invigorates Blood & dispels Congealed Blood;

Strengthens sinews & bones & benefits joints; Clears

Damp Heat in Lower Burner; Induces Blood downward; 3-5 @an.

241 Se, Vad:t@miae Segeha Moves Blood & promotes &culation thru Channels; Reduces swelling; 1-3 qian.

Wartag Bn Lia &g (King who doesn't Stay


alleviates pain; Used topically for contusions, bums $r; bleeding; 1-3 qian.

Residing Slave)

244 Ppitum (4?rte) Dispels Congealed Blood & promotes healing of bones & sinews; 1-3 qian.

Zi Ran Tong

N3l VK

(Natural Copper)

N42 H V

245 Sa~gukDracomb @ragon's Blood) Dispels congealed Blood & alleviates pain; Stops bleeding; Protects surface of ulcer'prevents decay & promotes heding; 1-5 fen powdered.

Xue Jie

246 Lligmm Sappan (Sappan wood) Invigorates Blood, reduces swellings & alleviates pain; Stops bleeding; 1-3 qian.

Su Mu

N42 HV

247 EX.'fl'rogopterodseu PPeroHHli v y i n g

Waa Ling Zhi

$21 BV

Squirrel Feces) Disperses Congealed Blood & alleviates pain; Used for Childhood Nutri Impairment with Focal Distension; 1-3 qian.

(Fat of the Five Spirits)

248 Co. k c a e (Cockle Shell) Invigorates Blood, dissolves Phlegm & dissipates nodules; Absorbs acid & alleviates pain; 3-5 qian/Must Precook.

Wa Leng Zi

N42 EV

249 Squama MaHlji* PenPa&~Q]Iae (Pangolin

Clhuan Shan Jia (Penetrate

64 VS

Scales) Disperses Congealed Blood, promotes menstruation & lactation; Reduces swelling & promotes discharge of pus; Expels Wind Dampness from Channels; 1-3 qian.

250 H h d o seu Wsemadae (Leech)

(Exhausted Blood)

Mountain Scales)

SItaui Zhi

N41 W!

251 2Eupo1mBasaee seu Opkthopflatiae wingless

Tu Bie Chong

74 HEW

Cockroach) Breaks up & drives out Congealed Blood; Dissolves masses & treats trauma; 1-2 qian.

(Land Softshelled Turtle)

Breaks up & drives out Congealed Blood & reduces immobile masses; 5-10 fenfloasted yellow for pills.

Herbs 242-2541

W a r n the hterim m d Expel Cold


252 h. AcoHgiitii C 8 ~ d ~ hPraepamh 8e~

Fa Zi

(Prepared Accessory Root of Szechuan Aconite) Restores devastated Yang; W m s Kidney fire & Strengthens Yang; W m s Kidneys & Spleen; Expels Cold, warms Channels & alleviates pajm, 5 fen - 3 qian/lf)recook l hour.


253 Rz. Zhgiberb O@cin& (Dried Ginger Rhizome) W m s Middle & expels Cold; Rescues devastated Yang & expels Interior Cold; Warms Lungs & Transforms Phlegm; Warms Channels & stops bleeding; 1 4 qian.

Gan Bang


(Inner Bark of Saigon Cinnamon) W m s Kidneys & fortifies Yang; Warms Mddle & disperses Col& Warms Channels, promotes menstmation & alleviates pain, Leads Fire back to its source; Generates Qi & Blood; 3 fen - 1 qian.

Rou Guii


255 FIT.Evdiae Rubearpae (Evodia Fruit) Disperses Cold, alleviates pain & stops vomiting; Redirects Rebellious Qi downward & stops vomiting; Warms Spleen, stops diarrhea & expels Cold

Fruie) - W m s Middle B m e r , -deviates paindisperses Cold; Alleviates abdominal pain & parasites; 5 fen - 2 qian.

moves Qi & alleviates pain; Moves Qi & Blood &

Herbs 252-260

Warm &hehbnior and Expel Cold (Cont9612) 261 IFr. Piperis Lon@ (Long Pepper Fruit) Bi Ba Warms Middle & disperses Cold; Topicany applied as a powder for toothache; 5-15 fen powdered. Hu Jiao 262 Fr.Pipenis N i g i (Black Pepper Fruit) Warms Mddle & disperses Cold; 5-15 fen/Upto 1 (Barbarian Pepper) liang/Cook > 2 hours.

Herbs 261-262

93 AS

93 AS

Tonifies SP 8 benefits Qi; Raises Yang Qi of SPIST; Stops sweating; Promotes urination 8 discharge of pus, removes edema; Tonifies Qi& Blood; Used for Wasting & Thirsting syndrome; 3-10 qian/Use more

Dampness; Stabilizes Exterior & slops sweating

Moistens Lungs & stops coughing; Clears Heat & detoxifies Fire Poison; Soothes spasms; Moderates & harmonizes harsh herbs; Antidote for toxic substances;

Herbs 263-271

T o m w Herbs T o a y the Baji (Coaat'd) 272 Rz.PsPygona~ Tonifies Spleen; Moistens Lungs; Used for Wasting & Thirsting syndrome; 2-6 qian.

HuangJhg (Yellow Essence)


273 Sacehamm Grano~uma(Barley Malt Sugar) Tonifies Qi of Middle B m e r & deviates pain; Moistens Lungs & alleviates coughs; 1-2 Eang.

Yi Tang

82 LES

Herbs 272-273

T o i i m g Herbs ToMy the B b d (WineCooked Chinese Foxglove Root) Bbod; Nourislhes Yin; 3 qim - 1 limg.


(Cooked Emh Yellow)

275 IRX,P~ngrgonii~ ~ n t a o ~

He Shou Wu

Tonifies Liver & Kidneys, nourishes Blood & benefits Essence; Retains Essence & stops leakage; Detoxifies Fire Poison; Moistens Intestines Ck; moves stool; Expels Wind kom skin by nourishing Blood; 3-10 qian.

Black-haired Mr. He)


&. hgeIliicae S h e

Dang Gui

Tonifies Blood & regulates menses; Invigorates Ck; harmonizes Blood; Moistens Intestines Ck; moves stool; 1-5 qian.


8321 l3EV

(State of

277 E h.Paea~niaeEactaorae (Peony Root) Nourishes Blood; Pacifies Liver & alleviates pain; Restrains Yin & adjusts Nutritive & Protective levels; 2-5 qian.

w h i t e peony)

278 Gelathum Adxni (Glue made from Ass Skin) Nourishes Blood; Nourishes Blood Ck; stops bleeding; Nourishes Yin & moistens Lungs; 1-5 qian dissolved. 279 Frr. Lydi C W e m b (Matrimony Vine Fruit) Nowjshes $& tonifigs Liver &z Kidneys; Benefits Essence & brightens eyes; 2-5 qian. .

280 fi.Morii Anbae (Bud of the Mulberry Fruit) Nourishes Blood l& Yin; 3-5 qian.

Sang Shem

28 1 AurilBw EupBaoriae konganae (Longan Fruit Flesh) Tonifies Heart & Spleen, nourishes Blood &

Long 'Yam RBPU 82 H E

calms Spirit 2-5 qian.

Herbs 274-281

@ragon Eye Flesh)


neys & strengthens Yang; s Intestines & facilitates

engthens sinews; Moistens Dry

ascendant Liver Yang;

1-4 qian.

288 b.Morhdae O f f i c h m Tonifies Kidneys & fortifies Yang; Strengthens sinews & bones; Disperses Wind & expels Cold Dampness; 1.5-5 qian.

Ba Ji Tim


289 Se. Trko~beflaeFoeni-gram5 (Fenugreek Seed) Warms Kidneys, disperses Cold & alleviates pain; 1-3 qian.


81 VK

290 Se. Jqlmdb Regiae (Walnut Nut) Tonifies Kidneys $r: strengthens back & knees; Warms & hold in Lung Qi & helps Kidneys to grasp Qi; Moistens Intestines c& moves stool; 3 qian - 1liang.

Hu Tao Ren

82 LR

Herbs 282-290

(Barbarian Peach Pit)

Wanns Spleen & stops diarrhea; 1-3 qian. Nut)

293 Wz. CurcnEgW OrcEoidb (Mkzurne of Golden E y e - p s ) Tolnifies Kidneys & fortifies Yang; Expels Cold & Dampness; 1-3qian.

Xan Mao

294 Cx. E u c o Uhoidb ( E u c o d a Bark) Tonifies Liver & Kidneys, strengthens sinews & bones; Aids in smooth flow of Qi & Blood; Pacifies fetus & calms Womb; 2-5 qian.



Gou Ji

8211 VK

295 Rz. Cibotii Barometz (Lamb of Tartary Rhizome) Tordies Liver & Kidneys & strengthens sinews & bones; Expels Wind & Dampness; Stabilizes Kidneys; 31.5-3 qian.

83 WD .

(Immortal Grass)

(Dog Spine)

Xu Dmn


'296 k x. Dipmci (Japanese Teasel Root) Tonifies Liver 1%; Kidneys, strengthens sinews $r; bones; Promotes circulation of Blood; Stops uterine bleeding --- -- - - - - & calmssfetus; 2 4 qian.

(Restore m a t is Broke@

297 Rz, G w ~ b u

Gu SuiBn

bones; Stimulates growth of hair;

2-5 qian.

Herbs 291-300


- -


81 VK

1-1.5 qian powdered.

sipates nodules;

1-3 qian decoctedf5-8

Herbs 301-306

TomUyW Herbs To* the Yh Sha Shen

307 b. GRebiae . EittoraGs ( B e d Silver-top Root) Moistens Lungs & alleviates coughs; Moistens Exterior; Nourishes Stomach, generates Fluids & clears Heat; 3-5 qian.

6210 ES

( S d Root)


308 Panacis QuhqaefoIliii (American Ginseng Root) Benefits Qi, generates Fluids & nourishes Yin; Nutuxes Lung Yin., 8 fen - 3 qian.

Xi Yang 8hen

621 SLK

(Root from fhe Wesixm Seas)

309 Tu. b p a m g i CochhcItahemis (Tuber of Chinese Asparagus) Nourishes Yin & clears &at; PdIoistens Lungs & nourishes Kidneys; 2-5 qian.

Tian Men Dong (Lush

721 LK

Winter Aerial Plant)

Mali Men Dong (Lush

310 Tu. OpBBiiopogon%J a p o ~ c i Nourishes Yin & clears Heat; Moistens Intestines; Moistens Lungs & stops coughing; 2-5 qian.


Winter Wheat)

311 Eb. Dendrobliii (Dendrobium Stem) Nourishes Yin, clears Heat & generates fluids; Nourishes Deficient Stomach Yin; 2-4 qian.

Shi Hu

312 Ra.Polygolzllati OdomUi (Solomon's sea3 Rhizome) Nourishes Yin & moistens dryness; Extinguishes Wind & softens & moistens sinews; 3-5 qian.

Uu Zhu (Jade Bamboo)

72 LS

313 Bn; Em (Lily Bulb) -Moistens Lungs, clears Heat & alleviates cough; Clears Heart & C ~ S pSa ; 3 qian - 1liang.

Bai He (Hundred


3 14 Rm. h m m t M seu V&i Tonifies Liver & Kidneys & expds Wind Dampness; Nourishes Blood & calms Womb; Nourishes Blood & makes s h glow; 3 qian - 1 liang.

Sang Ji Sheng

3 15 Hb.Ecliptae EP$.os;$ratae(Eclipta) Nourishes & tonifies Liver $t Kidney Yin; Cools Blood & sbps bleeding; 3 qian - 1 liang. 3 16 .&I L i p t r i Lucidi (Privet Fruit) Nourishes & tonifies Liver c(k; Kidneys; 1.5-5 qian.

Herbs 304-316


(Bushel of Stone)



(Mulberry Parasite)


Han Lian Cao

652 VK

Nu e

N21 VR


( m e Chastity Seed)


Intestines; 3 qian - 1liang. Nourishes Yin & settles Yang; Benefits Kidneys & strengthens bones; Cools Blood & stops uterine bleeding; Used for sores & ulcerations; 3-10 qian/Precook 30 rnins. 3 19 Carapax Amybe Shensk (Chinese Soft-shell Tuale Shell) Nourishes Uin & settles Uang; Invigorates Blood,promotes menstruation & dissipates nodules; 3- 10 qian/Precook 30 mins.

Bk &a

74 EV

320 Ps.Momordicsaa3 Grwvenori Moistens & cools Lungs; Dissipates nodules; qian (112 to 2 fruit).

LUOHan Guo



321 Fc. Tremdllae PucZormb Nourishes Yin of Stomach,moistensLungs & generates fluids; Nourishes Yin of Lungs & Kidneys; 1-3 qian.

Herbs 317-321

(Arhat fruit)

Bd Mu Er (White Wood Ear)


Restrains leakage from Intestines & stops diarrhea;

Clears Heart Fire & nourishes Kidneys; Strengthens

Herbs 322-330

Askiurngent Herbs (Cont'd) 331 Se. Eunya1es Fern: Strengthens Spleen & stops diarrhea; Expels Dampness; Stabiies Kidneys & retains Essence; 3-5 qian/LTpto 1 liang in severe cases.

Qim Shi


332 Fr. R m e Laevigahe (Fruit of Cherokee Rose) Stabilizes ]Kidneys & retains Essence; Restrains leakage from Intestines & stops diarrhea; 1.53 qian.

JhYhg Zi


333 Pr. Rubi (Fruit of Chinese Raspberry) Benefits Kidneys & holds in urine; Stabilizes ]Kidneys & restrains Essence; 1.5-3 qian.

Pu Pen Zi

(Gallnut of Chinese 334 Galla Rhi @ W e Sumac) Contains leakage of Lung Qi & alleviates coughing; Restrains leakage from Intestines & stops diarrhea; Absorbs moisture~educes swellings & detoxifies Fire Poison; Also used topically for scar tissuq 0.5-2 qian powdered.

Wn Bei Zi (FiveMultiples Seed)

754 SAIL

335 Se, G m g s BliILobae (Ginkgo Nut) Expels Phlegm & stops wheezing; Stops discharge; Stabilizes Lower Burner; 1.5-3 qian/Used raw decrease dosage.

Yia Guo (White Fruit)


336 Se, '%r~tbic:iAatfvji Levis (Wheat Grain) Stops excessive sweating from Deficient conditions; Nourishes Heart & calms Spirit; Also used for bedwetting in children; 3-5 qian.

FU X a o Mai


Ephe&ae 337 Stops sweating caused by Deficiency; 1-3 qian.

Ma Humg Gea (Root of Hemp Yellow) Nuo Dao Gem

N2 L

339 0 s Sepfae sen SepieRRae (Cuttle-fish Bone) Stops bleeding & leukorrhea; Retains Essence; Controls acidity & alleviates pain; Promotes healing; Stops diarrhea; 1.5-4 qian.


84 VKS

340 Ootheca Mamtiallk (Egg case of Praying Mantis laid on Mulberry Leaf) Tonifies Kidneys, supports Yang & retains Essence; 1-3 qian.

Sang Piao Xim

N42 VR


338 Rz, Oryzae GBz~ehowe (Glutinous Rice Root) Stops excessive sweating from Deficient conditions; Also used for Deficient Yin fevers; 5-20 qian.

Herbs 331-340

(Golden Cherry Fruit)


(Overturned Bowl Fruit)


Sedates Heart & calms Spirit; Expels Phlegm & clears Heat; Detoxifies Poison & prevents putrefaction; 1-6 fen powdered.

(Vermillion Sand)

345 Magarita (Pearl) S d e s Heart $ stabilizes spasms; Promotes healing; Clears Liver & dispels superficial visual obstruction; 1-3 fen powdered.

Zhen Zhu



346 ~ U B B F (nuorite) ~ W ~ Sedates Heart & calms frightened states of alarm;

Herbs 341-348


ZTSlni YiEg - 82 HV (Purple Stone

Subsmces that Calm the Spirit Noubh the Heart and Calm the Spirit 349 Se. Zfdphi Sphosae (Seed of Sour Jujube) Snan Zao Nourishes Heart & Liver lk calms Spirit; Prevents Rem (Sour


abnormal sweating; 3-6 qian.

Date Seed)

(Arbor-vitae Seeds) 350 Se. Biotae Orie Nourishes Heart 8z calms Spirit; Moistens Intestines; Also used for Deficient Yin night sweats; 1-3 qian.

Bai ZZi Ren


35 1 Ex. Polygalae Te~n30Biae(Root of Chinese Senega) Calms Spirit cBt facilitates flow of Qi in Heart; Expels Phlegm & clears orifices; Expels Phlegm from Lungs; 1-3 qian.

Yuan %hi

8311 HIILK

(hofound Will)

352 exeAlbizziae JmEbrkh (Mimosa Tree Bark) Calms Spirit; Invigo~aks Blood $r. alleviates paln; Invigorates Blood & dissipates Abscesses; 3-5 qian.


353 C s ItBolygoni MuRtBo~ (Vine of Solomon's Seal) Nourishes Heart 8z Blood & calms Spirit; Alleviates itching; Nourishes Blood & facilitates flow of Qi thru Channels; 3 qian - 1liang.

He Jiao Teng

Herbs 349-353



(Common Happiness Bark) (Vine topass Through the Night)

N211 HV

komatic Subsbnces that Open Itbe O r i @ ~ : a 354 Seereaiio Moxhw MmcWeri (Navel Gland Secretions of the Ytlusk Deer) Aromatically opens orifices & revives senses; Invigorates Blood & dissipates nodules; Facilitates downward passage of stillborns; 1-5 li powdered.

1 355 Styrax E i q ~ d k(Resin of Rose Maloes)

h e


Su He Xiang

Opens orifices & penetrates through turbidity; 1-3 fen powdered.

(Revive and Join Fragrance)

356 Borneo1 (Processed Resin of Borneo1 Camphor) Aromatically opens orifices & revives senses; Quells heat, alleviates pain & dissipates nodules; 1-3 fen powdered.

Bhg E ~ R R

357 Rz. Aearf Gramhei (Sweetflag Rhizome) Opens orifices & vaporizes Phlegm; Harmonizes Middle Burner & Transforms turbid Dampness; 1-3 qian.

Chang Pu

358 CaRcuBm Bovk (Cattle or Water Buffalo) Opens orifices & vaporizes Phlegm; Extinguishes internal movement of Liver Wind & c a h s tremors; Quells heat & detoxifies Fire Poison; 5 li - 5 fen powdered. --- --






(Ice Slice)

I lViuHnuang 1

621 WV

(Cattle Yellow)




Extjiwbh W h d md Stop Tremors 359 Cna. htebpb (Antelope Horn) Pacifies Liver & extinguishes Wind; Clears Damp Heat; Quells Heat & detoxifies Fire Poison; 3-5 fen powdered/5- 10 fen decocted. 360 RII. Uncalae cum Unck (Garnbir Vine Stems and Thorns) Extinguishes Wind & alleviates spasms; Releases Exterior; Quells Heat & pacifies Liver; 2-5 qian/Cook < 10 mins. 361 Rz Gs$sodiae EIatae (Gastrodia Rhizome) Pacifies Liver & extinguishes Wind; Extinguishes Wind & alleviates pain; Disperses Painful Obstruction; 1-3 qian.

Yang Jiao

G m Teng

(Hook Vine)

Tian Ma (Heavenly Hemp)

362 Pr. TribuBji Tetrtrestris (Caltrop Fruit) Extinguishes Wind, alleviates pain & brightens eyes; Extinguishes Exterior Wind; Facilitates smooth flow -of Liver Qi; 2-4 qian. 363 Co. H & o ~ d k (Abalone Shell) Quells Fire & causes Yang to descend; Brightens eyes & causes superficial visual obstruction to recede; 3-10 qian/Precook 1 hour. 364 Lmbricm (Earthworm) Quells Heat & stops spasms; Promotes urination; Expels Wind & activates Channels; Stops wheezing; 1.5-3 qian.

Shl Jue Mi% (Stone Sense Brightness)

Di Long (Earth Dragon)

365 Buthus MaIr&cemf (Scorpion) Extinguishes Wind (91; calms spasms; Attacks Fire Poison & reduces sores; 8-15 fen/3-5 fen if using just the tail. 366 Scollopendra SuItpslphipa (Centipede) Extinguishes Wind & suppresses spasms; Attacks Poison & dissipates nodules; 5-15 fen. 367 Bomtsp Batqticatw (The Dead, Stiffened Body of the Sick Silkworm) Extinguishes Wind & stops spasms; Expels Exterior Wind; Transforms Phlegm & dissipates nodules; Clears & benefits throat; 1-3 qian.

Herbs 359-367

Jimg Can


368 HFH.. Qukq~udk hdieae (Wangoon Creeper Fruit with Seeds) Kills parasites; Strengthens Spleen & dissolves Ac~umulations; 1.5-3 qian. 369 Cx. Meliae Wadicis (China Tree Root Bark) parasites; 2-5 qiflpto 2 liang used alone.

1 370 Se. Tomeyae Grandis


Shi Jm Zi




(Envoy Seeds)


Ku L i a ~ Gen Pi Fei Zi


71 IEYS!


I N2*SAk I

Mills parasites; 3-5 qian/Upto 1 liang in large doses. 371 R, Cavesg Abrohmoi& Kilb parasites 8 alleviates pain, 2-4 qian.

Lei Wan

372 Fc. IEBoBypori Mygtbe Kills parasites; 2-3 qian. 373 Pmh U M Maerwaqi (Stinking Elm Fruit Paste) Kills parasites; 1-3 qian. 374 Se. k e c a e Catechu (Betel Nut) Kilb parasites; Rains downwards & leads stagnation out; Moves Qi & promotes whation; 2-4 qianJ2-4 liang u s 4 alone fortqxwoms. Expels parasites;

(Stork's Flea)

7 Bing kmg

1.5-3 qian.

, posepaturn fluid metabolism;

1-2 liang.

377 Bn. Sathi (Garlic Bulb) Kilb parasites; J3etoxi.k poison; In addition, used for ringworm on the scalp; 2-5 qian or 3-5 doves.

Herbs 368-377

78 AS!

Da S u a ~ (Big Garlic)

831 SEA

S u b ~ ~ ~Par c eExtemaB s AppGrnGolla 378 Alum (Mum) Kills parasites & alleviates itching; Expels Phlegm; Stops bleeding $ dleviates dianhea; Reduces swelling; 2-10 fen powdered.

M h g Fm

75" SUB%:!

379 Calomelas (Calomel) Detoxifies Poison & kills parasites; Expels water moves stool; 2-5 li powdered.

73 VUK!


Q h g Pen (Light Powder)

380 Redgar (Realgar) Detoxifies Poison & kills parasites; Kills parasites; li - 2 fen powdered.

Xiong Haaang (Male Yellow)

8311 HVS!


381 Lithmgymm (Litharge or Galena) Absorbs fluids, reduces swelling & stops bleeding; In addition, used for chronic dysentery-like disorders; 3 fen - 1 qian powdered.

Mi Tuo Seng (Elusive Reclusive Monk)

N43 YE!

382 Sdthmtliriltnm (Smithsonite or Calamine) Brightens eyes; Dries Dampness $ generates flesh; External use only.

Lu Gaxn Shi (Stove Sweet Stone)


383 Borax (Borax) Detoxifies Poison & prevents putrefaction; Transforms stones; Clears Heat $ dissolves Phlegm; Dries Dampness; 5 fen - 1 qian powdered.

Peng Sha

642 LS

384 Sulphur (Sulphu) Detoxifies poison & kills parasites; Tonifies Fire in Gate of Vitality & strengthens Yang; 5 fen - 2 qian powdered.

Lia Hwng

95 PEK!

385 MMum Expels Poison & generates Flesh; Dire~ts Phlegm downward & suppresses spasms; 1-3 fen powdered.

Qiam Dam (Lead Elixir)

643 HEV!

386 Se. Cnidii M o n ~ e r i h s Dampness & kills parasites; Warms Gdneys & strengthens Yang; 1-3 qian.

She Chaaang Zi (Snake's Bed Seeds)

831 BE

387 Se. Stqchotk (Nu-vomica Seeds) Activates Channels & alleviates pain; Reduces swelling & moves Blood; 2-3 li per day powdered.

Ma Qian Zi

711 EV!

Herbs 378-387

(Sulphur Yellow)

(Horse Money Seeds)


Subdances For External Applljiad-iion (C~jiat'd) 388 Se. Momordae Cwmcc&emb MUBB Zi Detoxifies Poisonous swellings; De~reasesswelling & (Wooden Turtle Seeds) invigorates Blood; 2-4 fen powdered.

821 EVS!

389 Se. Hyhocmpf h t h e h h t h f a e (Chaulmoogra Seeds) Expels Wind Dampness & kills parasites; 1-3 fen.

Da Peng Zi

390 Ac;ada sea Umcwk @lwk or m i t e Cutch Paste) Drains Dampness & absorbs seepage; Stops bleeding; Stops diarrhea; 3 fen - 1 qian.

Er Cha

391 Bu. Shmcka (Bulb of Chinese Tulip) Clears Heat, detoxifies Fire Poison & dissipates nodules; 1-3 qian.

Shm Ci Gu (Benevolent Aunt of the Mountains)

72 EV!

Lu Peng Pang Pang


93 KEV!

(Big Maple Seeds)


(Child's Tea)

392 Camphorn (Camphor) Expels Wind & Dampness & kills parasites; Opens

393 Mylabrk (Cantharides)

Summer Heat r& Dampness & opens orifices; powdered.

1-2 li

395 Nidm Vwpae (Hornet Nest) Detoxifies poison, expds wind & deviates pain; Expels Wind Dampness; 8 fen - 2 qian.

Herbs 388-395

AbaIiome 363 Abalone Shell 363 Abdomen 192 Abrotanoidis 37 1 Abutiloni 110 Acacia 390 Acacia seu Uncaria 390 Acanthopanacis 130 Accessory 252 Achyranthis 240,76 Aconite 252 Aconiti 161,252 Acori 357 Acrid 9 Actinolite 303 Actinolitum 303 Additions 130 Aduki 115 Aduki Bean 115 Aerial 309 Aestivi 336 Agastaches 176 Aged 190 Aged Peel 190 Agkistrodon 137 Agkistrodon seu Bungasus 137 Agrimoniae 206 Agrimony 206 Ai Ye 214 Albae 129,164,17,173, 280 Mbi 198 Albizziae 352 Algae 153 AlismatLs 117 All 242 All Roads Open 242 Alli 377 All% 11,199,301 Almond 167 Almond Kernel 167 Aloe 89 Noes 89 Moeswood 197 Mpiniae 181,259, 292 Mum 378 Amaranth 69 Amber 347 American 308 American Ginseng Root 308 Amorni 180,182,183 Am= 51

h u x Cork-tree Bark 5 1 h y d a e 3 19 Andrographis 65 Anemamhenae 29 Anemone 67 Angelicae 276,8 homalae 243 Antelope 359 Antelope Horn 359 Antelopis 359 Anthelminthicae 389 Apiaceae 85 Appendage 161,252 Aquilariae 197 Arbor-vitae 350 Arbor-vitae Seeds 350 Arborvitae 213 Arcae 248 Arctii 15 Arecae 192,374 Argenteae 37 Arhat 320 Arhat fruit 320 hillus 281 Arillus Euphoriae Longanae 281 h a e m a t i s 160 h t o l o c h i a e 119, 174 Armeniacae 167 Arnebiae 45 Aromatic 12,194,260 Aromatic Attachment 194 Aromatic Listsea Root and Stem 260 Aromatic Madder 12 Arrow 75 Arrow Shaft 75 Arkmesiae 118 Artemisiae 214,243, 85 Asari 9 Ash 54 Asiatic 322 Asiatic Comelian Cherry 322 Asini 278 Asparagi 309 Asparagus 309 Asphodeloidis 29 Ass 278 Aster 168 Asteris 168 Astragali 266,299 Atractylodis 179,268 Attachment 194

Aunt 391 Avicularis 107 Awesome 125 Awesome Spiritual Immortal 125 Ba Ji Tian B8 Bai Bu 172 Bai Dou Kou 180 Bai Fu Zi 161 Bai He 313 Bai Hua She She Cao 66 Bai HUQShe 137 h i Ji Ei 362 Bai Ji 208 Bai Jiang Cao 62 h i Jie Zi 164 h i h&.m Gen 222 Bai Mu Er 321 Bai Q i m 163 Bai S h 277 Bai Tou Weng 67 Bai Wei 47 Bai Xim Pi 70 Bai Zhi 8 Bai Zhu 268 Bai Zi Ren 350 BailBican DON83 Baical49 Baical Skullcap Root 49 Baicalensis 49 Baijiangcao 62 Ball 372 Balloon 165 Balloon Flower Root 165 Bamboo 148,149,150, 31,312 Bamboo Shavings 150 Bambusae 148,149,150 Ban Bian Eian 121 Ban Lan Gen 59 Ban MQO393 Ban X Q 159 Baphicacanthi 59 Barbarian 262,290,48, 55,88 Barbarian Peach Pit 290 Barbarian Pepper 262 Barbarian Purgative Leaf 88 Barbarian Yellow Link 55 Barbarians 142,26 Bark 126, 130,173,178, 254,294,352,369, 44,46,51,54,70

Bark of Five Additions 130 Bark of Korean Ash Branches 54 Barley 185,273 Barley Malt Sugar 273 Barley Sprout 185 Barometz 295 Bat 39 Bat Feces 39 Ba m c a t u s 367 Bem 115,74,81,83 Bear 40 Bear Gall Bladder 40 Bed 386 Beech 307 Beech Silver-top Root 307 Before 109, 142, 163 Before Barbarians 142 Before the Cart Seeds 109 Bei or Bi Xie 111 Belamcandm 75 Bell 174 Bell of a Horse's Hat 174 Benefit 229,292 Benefit Intelligence Nut 292 Benefit Mother Herbb229Benevolent 39 1 Benevolent Aunt of the Mountains 391 Benincasae 101 Betel 192,374 Bekl Husk 192 Betel Nut 374 Bi Ba 261 B i ~ Xu n 107 Bidentatae 240 Bie Jia 3 19 Big 155,192,209,269, 377,389,58,86,95 Big Abdomen Peel 192 Big Date 269 Big Garlic 377 Big Green L e d 58 Big Lance From the Capital 95 Big Maple Seeds 389 Big Thistle 209 Big Yellow 86 Bilobae 335

Bing h n g 374 Bing B k n 356 Biotae 213,350 Birthwort 174 Birthwort b i t 174 Bitter 193,53 Bitter Root 53 Black 262,27,317,390 Black Pepper Fruit 262 Black Sesame Seeds 317 Black or White Cutch Paste 390 Black-Striped 138 Black-Striped Snake 138 Black-haired 275 Black-haired Mr. He 275 Bladder $0'52, 68 Bland 31 Bland Bamboo Leaves 3 1 Bletilla 208 Bletilla Rhizome 208 Bletillae 208 Blood 216,225,245 Bo He 14 Body 367,73 Bombycis 128 Bombyx 367 Bombyx Batsylicatus 367 Bone 134,291,339,341, 46 Bones-297,3431- Borax 383 Borneo1 356 Bovis 358 Bowl 333 Branches 54 Brightness 36,363,39 Broken 296 Broom 106 Broom Cypress or Kochia Seeds 106 Broomrape 285 Brucae 68 Bu G u Zhi 291 Bu. Mi Sativi 377 Bu. Nlii 199 Bu. Eitillariae Cirrhosae 143 Bu. Fritillariae Thunbergii 144 Bu. Lilii 313 Bu. Shmcigu 391 Bud 211,280 Bud of the Mulberry

Fruit 280 Buddha 200 Buddha Hand 200 Buddleiae 38 Buergeriani 24 Buffaao 358 Bufonis 394 Bug 284 Bugbane 27 Bugbane or Black Cohosh 27 Bulb 199,313,377,391 Bulb of Chinese Chive 199 Bulb of Chinese Tulip 391 Bulbiferae 158 Bunganas 137 Bungeani 256 Bupleuri 24 Bur-red 237 Bur-red Rhizome 237 Burdock 15 Burnet-bloodwort 210 Burnet-bloodwort Root 210 Bush 91 Bush Cherry Pit 9 1 Bushel 3 11 Bushel of Stone 311 Buthus 365 - - -- B u h s M e n s i 365 Burttedy 175

Caeumen 283 Cacumen Biotae Orientalis 213 Calamine 382 Calcarati 115 Calcitum 33 Calcium 28 Calcium Sulfate 28 calculus 156,358 Calculus Bovis 358 Calculus Macacae Md-e 156 Callicanpae 221 Calomel 379 Calomelas 379 Caltrop 362 Caltrop Fruit 362 Calyx 204 Calyx Diospyros Raki 204 Camphor 356,392 Camphora 392

Can Sha 128 Cang Er Zi 131 Cang Zhu 179 Cannabis 90 Cantharides 393 Cao Dou Kou 181 Cao Guo 182 Cape 30 Cape Jasmine or Gardenia Fruit 30 Capillaris 118 Capital 95 Carapax 319 Carapax Amydae Sinensis 319 Carbonisatus 216 Cardamomi 180 Cardamon 180,181,327 Cardamon Fruit 180 Carmichaeli 252 Carpesii 37 1 Cart 109 Carthami 235 Caryophylli 257 Cassia 36 Cassiae 2,254,36 Catechu 192,374 Cattail 205 Cattail Pollen 205 Cattle 358 Cattle Yellow 358 Cattle or Water Buffalo 358 Ce Bai Ye 213 Celosiae 37 Centipede 366 Cervi 282 Chaenomelis 127 Chai Nu 26 Chan Su 394 Chan Tui 16 Chang Pu 357 Chmg Shan 78 Charred 216 Charred Excess of the Blood 216 Charred human hair 216 Chastity 316 Chaulmoogra 389 Chaulmoogra Seeds 389 Che Qian Zi 109 Chebulae 326 Chen Pi 190 Chen Xiang 197

Cherokee 332 Cherry 322,332,91 Chi Shao 233 Chi Shi Zhi 325 Chi Xziw Dou 115 Chicken 188,225 Chicken Blood Vine 225 Chicken Gizzard Lining 188 Child 265 Child Root or Prince Root 265 Child's 390 Child's Tea 390 China 369 China Tree Root Bark 369 China-root 98 China-root or Hoelen 98 Chinensis 121,125,203, 231, 279,323,334, 46,67,75 Chinese 105,121,125, 127, 166, 199,201, 229,23 1,267,274, 301,309,3 19,333, 334,351,391,42, 52, 67,7,70,9 Chinese Anemone Root 67 Chinese Clematis Root 125 Chinese Dittany Root Bark 70 Chinese Foxglove 42 Chinese Gentian Root 52 Chinese Honeylocust Fruit 166 Chinese Lobelia With Root 121 Chinese Lovage Root 7 Chinese Motherwort 229 Chinese Quince 127 Chinese Soft-shell Turtle Shell 3 19 Chinese Tea Rose Plower 231 Chinese Wild Ginger 9 Chinese Yam Root 267 Chive 199 Chrysanthemi 18,19 Chrysanthemum 18, 19 Chrysanthemum Flower 18 Chuan Bei Mu 143 Chuan Jiao 256 Chuan Lian Zi 202

Chuun Shun Jia 249 C b n Xin L h 65 ChuunXwng 223 Ci Shi 343 Cibotii 295 Cicada 16 Cicada Moulting 16 Cicadae 16 Cimicifugae 27 Cinnabar 344 Cinnabaris 34.4 Cinnamomi 2,254 Cinnamon 2,254 Cirrhosae 143 Cirsii 209 Cistanches 285 Citri 190,191,193,200 Citron 200 Citrullus 82 Clam 152 Clam Shell 152 Clematis 125 Clemetidis 125 Climbing 64 Climbing or Japanese Fern 64 Clove 257 Clove Flower-bud 257 Cn. Antelopis 359 Cn. Cervi Parvum 282 Cn. Rhinoceri 41 Cnidii 386 Co. Arcae 248 Co. Cyclinae Sinensis 152 Co. Haliotidis 363 Co. Ostreae 342 Cocculi 119 Cochinchinensis 309,388 Cockle 248 Cockle Shell 248 Cocklebur 131 Cocklebur Fruit 131 Cockroach 25 1 Cocos 98 Codonopsis 264 Cohosh 27 Coiciis 100 Cold 33 Cold Water Stone 33 Coltsfoot 169 Coltsfoot Flower 169 Commerce 96 Commerce Continent 96

Common 25,352 Common Kudzu Root 25 Communis 35 Compliant 285 Concentrate 89 Concretio 148 Concretio Silicea Bambusae 148 Cong Bai 11 Connect 375 Conquitae 274 Constant 78 Constant Mountain 78 Constrained 227,91 Constrained Metal 227 Constrained Plum Fit 91 Continent 96 Cooked 274 Cooked Earth Yellow 274 Copper 244 Coptidis 50 Cordatae 63 Cordifoliae 212 Cordyceps 284 Coxdyceps Sinensis 284 Coreani 161 Cork-tree 5 1 Comelian 322 Comeml 88 ---Corni 322 Cornsilk 122 Corydalis 226 Corydalis Rhizome 226 Corylifoliae 291 Costus 195 Costus Root 195 County 348 Cowherd 92 Cowherd Seeds 92 Crane 206 Crassirhizomae375 Crataegi 184 Creeper 368 Crimson 325 Crimson Stone Resin 325 C r h k 216 Crhk Carbonisatus 216 Crow 68 Crow Gall Bladder Seed 68 Cs. Bambusae in Taeniis 150

Cs. Mutong 102 Cs. Piperis 134 61s. Polygoni Multiflori 353 Cs. Trachelospermi Jasminoidis 133 Cubebae 260 Cucurbitae 376 Curculiginis 293 Curcumae 227,228,236 Cuscutae 298 Cutch 390 Culfle-fish 339 Cultle-fish Bone 339 Cx, Acanthopanacis Radicis 130 Cx. Albizziae Julibrissin 352 Cx. Cinnarnorni Cassiae 254 Cx. Dictamni Dasycarpi Radicis 70 Cx. Erythninae Variegatae 126 Cx. Eucommiae Ulmoidis 294 Cx. Fraxini 54 Cx. Lycii Chinensis Radicis 46 Cx. Magnoliae Of ficinaGs-.P"S$--- - - - --Cx. Meliae Radicis 369 Cx. Mori Albae Radicis 173 Cx. Moutan Radicis 44 Cx. Phellodendri 5 1 Cyclinae 152 Cylindricae 222 eynan~hi 47 Cynanchii 163 Cynomorii 286 Cyperi 194 Cypress 106 Da Femg Zi 389 DQ Fu Pi 192 Da H m g 86 Da Ji 209 Da Qing Ye 58 Da S m 377 Da Zao 269 Dai 348 Dai Zhe Shi 348 Dalbergiae 217 D m Dou Chi 21

D m S h n 224 D m Z h Ye 31 Dandelion 60 Dang Gui 276 Dang S h n 264 Daphne 94 Daphne Flower 94 Daphnes 94 Daqingye 58 Dark 115,324,43 Dark Plum 324 Dark Red Little Bean 115 Dark h o t 43 Dasycarpi 70 Date 269,349 Dead, 367 Deep 131 Deep Green Ear Seeds 131 Deer 282,354 Dendrobii 3 11 Dendrobium 3 11 Dendrobium Stem 3 11 Dmg Xia Cao 104 Descending 217 Descending Fragrance 217 Dhumnades 138 Di Fu Zi 106 Di Gu Pi 46 D i h g 364 Di Yu 210 B i a n ~ - l O S -- -- - - --- -Bchorae 78 Dichotomae 48 Dictamni 70 Diffusae 66 D ing Xhng 257 Dioscoreae 111, 158,267 Diospyros 204 Dipsaci 296 Diteany 70 Divine 187 Divine Fermented Mass 187 Dodder 298 Dodder Seeds 298 Doederleinii 79 Dog 295,302 Dog Spine 295 Dolichoris 83 Dong Bei Guan Z b n g 375 Dong C b n g X h C m 234 Dong Guu Rm 101 Dong Kui Zi 110

Dou Chi Jiang 260 Dou Jluwa 84 Draconis 245,341 Dragon 215,281,341, 36452 Dragon Bone 341 Dragon Eye Flesh 281 Dragon Gall Bladder Herb 52 Dragon's 245 Dragon's Blood 245 Drain 117 Dried 149,232,253, 394,89 Dried Aloe Leaf Juice Concentrate 89 Dried Bamboo Sap 149 Dried Ginger Rhizome 253 Dried Skeleton of Vegetable Sponge 232 Dried S h Secretions of Toad 394 Dry 32 Dryopteridis 375 Dryopteris 375 Du Wuo 123 Du Zhong 294 Duckweed 22 Duhuo 123 E Gum SM 384 E Jiao 278 E Zhu 236 Ear 131,26,321 Earth 106,274,364,42, 46,61 Earth Bone Bark 46 Earth Dragon 364 Earth Skin Seeds 106 Earth Yellow 42 Earthworm 364 Echinops 77 ~ c l i ~ t a15 -3 Ecliptae 3 15 Edges 237 E f i s i 104 Egg 340 Egg case of Praying Mantis laid on Mulberry Leaf 340 Elatae 361 Elixir 385 Elm 373 Elsholtziae 12 Elusive 381

Elusive Reclusive Monk 381 En. Comeum Gigeraiae Galli 188 Envoy 368 Envoy Seeds 368 Ephedrae 1,337 Epimedii 287 Equiseti 23 Er Cha 390 Eriobotryae 171 Eriocaulonis 24 Erythrinae 126 Essence 24,272 Eucommia 294 Eucommia Bark 294 Eucornmiae 294 Eupatorii 177 Euphorbiae 157,93,95 Euphoriae 281 Eupolyphagae 25 1 Eupolyphagae seu Qpisthoplatiae 25 1 Euryales 331 Evodia 255 Evodia Fruit 255 Evodiae 255 Ex. Bombycis Mori 128 Ex. Trogopterori seu Ptetomi 247 Ex. Vespertilii Murini 39 Excess 216 Exhausted 245 Exhausted Blood 245 Existence 123 Extremity 341 Eye 281 Eye-grass 293 Pan Xie Ye 88 Fang Feng 5 Farfarae 169 Fasciculus 232 Fasciculus Vascularis Luff ae 232 Fat 155,247 Fat Big Sea 155 Fat of the Five Spirits 247 Fc. Lasiosphaerae 73 Fc. Polypori Mylittae 372 Fc. Tremellae Fuciformis 321

Febrifugae 78 Feces 128,247,39 Fei Zi 370 Fel4O Pel Ursi 40 Female 3 16 Female Chastity Seed 316 Fennel 258 Fennel Fruit 258 Fenugreek 289 Fenugreek Seed 289 Fermentata 187 Fermented 187 Fern 64 Ferox 331 Field 14,207 Field Mint or Peppermint 14 Figwort 43 Finger 200 Finger Citron Fruit 200 Fir 213,51,79 Fir on Top of Stone 79 Fire 90 Fire Hemp Seeds 90 Fish-Poison 111 Fish-Poison Yam Rhizome 111 Fishy 63 Fishy Smelling Herb 63 Fistulosi 11 Five 130,247,323,334 Five Flavored Seed 323 Five Multiples Seed 334 Fl. Buddleiae Officinalis 38 Fl. Carthami Tinctorii 235 Fl. CaryophyIli 257 Fl. Chrysanthemi Indici 19 F1. Chrysanthemi Morifolii 18 Fl. Daphnes Genlrwa 94 F1.Inulae 162 Fl. Lonicerae Japonicae 56 Fl. Magnoliae LMorae 13 Fl. Rosae Rugosae 201 Fl. Sophorae Japonicae Immaturus 211 Fl. Tussilagi Farfarae 169

Galena 381 Gall 40,52,68 Galla 334 Galla Rhi Chinensis 334 Gaui 188 Gallnut 334 Gallnut of Chinese Sumac 334 Gallstone 156 Gambir 360 Garnbir Vine Stems and Thorns 360 Gan Cao 270,271 Gan Jhng 253 Gan Sui 93 C;aoBen 7 Gao Liang Jiaplg 259 Gardenia 30 Garde~ae30 Garlic 377 Garlic Bulb 377 Gastrodia 361 Gastrodia Rhizome 36 1 Gastrodiae 3 61 Ge Gen 25 Ge Jie 283 6ecko 283 Gelathum 278 Gelatinum Asini 278 Genitals 302 Genkwa 94 Gentian 52 Gentianae 124,52 Germinantus 185,186 Gerrninatum 84 Gigantei 161 Gigeraiae 188 Ginger 10,228,253,9 Ginger Yellow 228 m g o 335 m g o Nut 335 Ginseng 263,265,308 Ginseng Root 263 Gizzard 188 Glabrae 7 1 Glabrous 71 Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome 71 Gland 354 Gleditsiae 166 Glehniae 307 Glory 92 Glue 278 Glue made from Ass Skin

278 Gluhosae 274,338,42 Glutinous 338 Glutinous Rice Root 338 Glycines 84 Glycyrsbae 270,271 Goat 287 Gold 112, 113, 114,56, 64 Gold Money Herb 112, 113,114 Gold Sand Vine 64 Gold Silver Flower 56 Golden 293,332,50 Golden Cherry Fruit 332 Golden Thread 50 Goose 304 Goose Neck Stone 304 Gou Ji 295 Gou Qi Zi 279 Gou Teng 360 Gourd 101 Gracilis 3 1 Grain 24,336 Grain Essence Herb 24 Grains-of-Paradise 183 Graminei 357 Granati 329 Grandfather 67 Grandiflori 165 Grandis 370 Granorum 273 Grass 182,222,293,97 Grass Fruit 182 Great 15 Great Burdock Fruit 15 Green 131, 191,511 Green Peel 191 Greenbrier 7 1 Groomwell 45 Groomwell Root 45 Grosvenori 320 Gu Jing Cao 24 Gu Sui Bu 297 Gu Fa 186 Gua Lou Ren 146 Gua Lou 145 Guan Zhmg 72 Guang Fang Ji 119 Guangdong 113 Guanzhong 72 Guard 5 Guard against Wind 5 Gui Ban 3 18

Gai Zhi 2 Gummi 238 Gummi Olibanurn 238 Gusuibu 297 Gypsum 28

Haemsa$itum348 Hai Er Shen 265 Hai Feng k g 134 Hai Ge Ke 152 Hai Gou Shen 302 Hai Long 305 Hai Ma 306 Hai Tong Pi 126 Hai Ziw 154 Hailong 305 Half 159 Half Summer 159 Half-edged 121 Half-edged Lily 121 Haliotidis 363 Halloysite 325 Halloysiturn 325 Halloysitum Rubrum 325 Han Fmg Ji 120 Han Lian Cao 3 15 Han Shui Shi 33 Hand 200 Happiness 352 Hare's 26 Hare's Ear Root 26 Hat 174 Hawthorn 184 Hawthorn Fruit 184 Hb. Agastaches seu Pogostemi 176 Hb. Agrimoniae Pilosae 206 Hb. Allii Fistulosi 11 Hb. Aloes 89 Hb. Andrographis Paniculatae 65 Hb. Artemesiae CapiUaris 118 Hb. Artemisiae Anomalae 243 Hb. Artemisiae Apiaceae 85 Hb. Asari cum Radice 9 Hb. Baijiangcao 62 Hb. Cirsii Japonici 209 Hb. Cistanches 285 Hb. Cynomorii Songarici 286 Hb. Dendrobii 3 11

Hb. Dianthi 105 Wb.b l i p h e Rostrahe 315 Hb. Elsholtziae Splendentis 12 Hb. Ephedrae 1 Hb. Epimedii 287 Hb. Equiseti Hiem* 23 Hb. Eupatoki Fortunei 177 Hb. Euphorbiae Helioscopiae 157 Hb. Houttuyniae Cordatae 63 Hb. Jinqiancao (Guangdong) 113 Hb. Jinqiancao (Jiangsu) 112 Hb. Jinqiancao (Sichum) 114 Hb. Lemnae seu Spirodelae 22 Hb. Leonuri Heterophylli 229 Hb. Lokliae Chinensis cum Radice 121 Hb. Lophatheri Grmilis 31 Hb. Lycopi Lucidi 230 Hb. Lygodii Japnici 64 -Hb. Menthae-14 Hb. Oldenlandiae: IXTusae 66 Hb. Polygoni Avicularis 107 Hb. Portulmae Olerxeae 69 Hb. Sargassii 154 Hb. Selaginellae Doederleinii 79 Hb. Siegesbwkiae Mentalis 132 Hb. T a r m i Mongolici cum Badice 60 Hb. Violae cum Radice 61 Hb. seu El. Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 4 He 275 He H w n Pi 352 He Shi 371 He Shou Wu 275 He Ye 80 He Zi 326

Headed 47 I3ed-a 32 Ileal-aU Spke 32 Health 135 Heart 65 Heavenly 147, 148,361 Heavenly Bamboo Yellow 14.8 Heavenly mower Powder 147 Heavenly Hemp 361 Heavens 160 Hei Zhi M e 317 Helioscopiae 157 Hematite 348 Hemp 1,27,337,361,90 Hemp Yellow 1 Herb 103,104, 112, 113, 114,206,229,24, Herbal 181 Herbal Cardarnon 181 Heterophyllae 265 Heterophylli 229 Hidden 215 Hidden Dragon Liver 215 Hiem* 23 Hippocampus 306 M d o 250 Himdo-seu VVM.m~ae250 Hispidae 101 Hoary 67 Hoary Headed Grandfather 67 Hoelen 98 Holes 102 Homdomenae 135 Horninis 300 Honeylocust 166 Honeysuckle 56 Honeysuckle Flower 56 Hong H w 235 Hook 360 Hook Vine 360 Hordei 185 Horn 282,359,41 Hornet 395 Hornet Nest 395 Horse 387 Horse Money Seeds 387 Horse's 174, 69 Horse's Teeth Amaranth

69 Hou Po 178 HONlZLBO 156 Houttuyniae 63 Ha G u 136 Hu Humg Lian 55 Hu J i m 262 Mu LNB e 289 Hu P o 347 Hu P'ao Wen 290 H m Rui Shi 220 Hua Shi 99 H w i Hue Mi 21 1 H m n g BaifBo 51 H m n g Jing 272 Huang Lican 50 H m g Q i 266 H w n g Qin 49 H m n g Ym Zi 158 Human 300 Hwman Placenta 300 Hundred 172,313 Hundred Meetings 313 Hundred Units 172 Huo Ma Ren 90 HuoXiang 174 Husk 192,328,329 Husks 376 Hyacinth 83 Hyacinth Bean 83 Hydnocqi-389 - - Ice 356 Ice Slice 356 Immature 191,193 Immature Fruit of the Bitter @ a g e 193 Innmatwe Tangerine Peel 191 Immatmus 193,211 Immortal 125,206,293 Immortal Crane Herb 206 Immortal Grass 293 Imperatae 222 Indicae 368 Indici B75,19,317 Inner 254 Inner Bark of Saigon C i n m o n 254 Intelligence 292 Inulae 142 Isatidis 59 Jack-h-It'Itne-pa11plit 160 Jade 122,312 Jade Bamboo 312


Jade Rice W k e r s 122 Japanese 209,296,64 Japanese Teasel Root 296 Japanese Thistle 209 Japonicae 171,211,56 Japonici 209,3 1 4 6 4 Jasmine 133,30 Jasminoidis 133,30 Javanicae 68 Ji Nei Jin 188 Ji Xue Teng 225 J h g Can 367 J h g Huang 228 Jiang Xiang 217 Jiangsu 112 Jie Geng 165 Jin Qian Cao 112, 113, 114 Jin S h Teng 64 Jin YinHua 56 Jin Ying Zi 332 Jing Da Ji 95 Jing Jie 4 Jinqiancao 112,1f 3 , l I4 Jiu Zi 301 Jixueteng 225 Job's 100 Join 355 Ju Hua 18 Jue Ming Zi 36 Juglandis 290 Juice 89 Jujubae 269 Jujube 156,269,349 Jujube Fruit 269 Julibrissin 352 Junci 104 g8ki 204 Kansui 93 Katsumada's 181 Katsumadai 181 Kelp 153 Kelp Stalk 153 Kernel 167,234 Kindling 2 6 , 4 Kindling of the Barbarians 26 King 241 King who doesn't Stay 24.1 Knee 240,76 Knotty 141 Knotty Pine Wood 141 Knotweed 107

Know 29 Know Mother 29 Khoxiae 95 Kochia 106 Kochiae 106 Korean 54 Krait 137 Ku Lian Gen Pi 369 Ku Shen 53 klu Xing Ren 167 Kuan Dong Hua 169 K m Jin Teng 140 Kudzu 25 Kim Bu 153 Lablab 83 Lachryma-jobi 100 Lacquer 157 Lactifiorae 277 Laevigatae 332 Lagenariae 127 Lai Fu Zi 189 Lamb 295 Lamb of Tartary Rhizome 295 Lamp 104 Lamp Wick Herb 104 Lance 95 Land 251,318 Land Soft-shelled Turtle 251 Land Tortise Shell 3 18 Lappae 15 Lasiosphaerae 73 Lead 385 Lead Elixir 385 Leaf 17, 171,214,3, 340,513, 80,88, 89 Leafy 213 ~ e a f Twig y of Arborvitae 213 Leaven 187 Leaves 213,31 Ledebouriellae5 Leech 250 Leechee 203 Leechee Nut 203 Leek 301 Lei Wan 372 Lemnae 22 Leonuri 229 Lesser 259,265 Lesser Galangal Rhizome 259 Lesser Ginseng Root 265

Levis 336 Li Zhi He 203 Lian Fang 219 Lian Q i a 57 ~ Lian Xin 34 Lian Zi 330 Licentious 287 Licentious Goat Wort 287 Licorice 270,271 Light 379 Light Powder 379 Lignum 141, 197,198, 217,246 Lignum Aquilariae 197 Lignum Dalbergiae Odoriferae 217 Lignum Pini Nodi 141 Lignum Santali Albi 198 Lignum Sappan 246 Ligustici 223,7 Ligustri 3 16 LWorae 13 Ldii 313 Lily 121,313 Lily Bulb 313 Linderae 196 Ling Yrmg Jim 359 Lining 188 Link 55,72 Link the Multitude 72 Linlrs 50 Liquidambaris 242 Liquidis 355 Listsea 260 Litchi 203 Litharge 381 Litharge or Galena 381 Lithargyrum 381 Lithospermi 45 Litseae 260 Little 115 Littoralis 307 Liu Hung 384 Liu Ji Nu 243 Liu's 243 Liu's Residing Slave 243 Liver 215 Lobelia 121 Lobeliae 121 Local 76 L ~ C ~ OX'S J. 76 Lock 286 Lock Yang 286 Long 261

Long D m CQO52 b a g Gu.341 Long Pepper Fruit 261 Long Pm Rou 281 Longan 281 Longan Fruit Flesh 28 1 Longanae 281 Longi 261 Lonicerae 56 Loosens 140 Lophatheri 3 1 Lopat 171 Loquat Leaf 171 Loranthi 314 Lotus 218,219,330,34, 65,80 Lotus Leaf 80 Lotus f i m u l e 34 heus S d 330 Lou Lu 77 Lovage 223,7 Lu Dou 81 Lu Feng P m g Fang 395 Lu Gan Shi 382 Lu Gen 35 Lu Hui 89 Lu J,u Tong 242 Lu Rong 282 LuGidi 230,3 16 Luffae 232 Lumb'TpcTs 364 -L u o H m G w 320 Llko Shi Teng 133 Lush 309,310 Lush Winter Aerial Plant 309 Lush Winter 'Wheat 3 10 Lycii 279,46 Lycopi 230 Lygodii 64 Ma Bo 73 Wg, Chi X i m 69 Ma Dou king 174 Ma Hmng Gen 337 Ma H m g 1 2kP8 QiBpl Zi 387 Macacae 156 Macaque 156 Macaque Gallstone 156 Macrocarpi 373 Macrocephalae 268 Macrophyllae 124 Madder 12,212 Madder Root 212


Magaritit 345 Magnetic 343 Magnetic Stone 343 Magnetite 343 Magnetiturn 343 Magnolia 178 Magnolia Barb: 178 Magnoliae 13,178 Mai Men Dong 3 10 Mai Ya 185 Male 302,380 Male Seal Genitals 302 Male Yellow 380 Mallow 110 Maloes 355 Malt 273 Malvae 110 Man 263 Man Ying Zi 20 Man Root 263 Mang X i m 87 Manilis 249 Mantidis 340 Mantis 340 Maple 389 Marijuana 90 Marijuana Seeds 90 Marsh 117,157,230 Marsh h a i n 117 Marsh Lacquer 157 Marsh-Orchid 230 Mwtensi 365 Mass 187 Massa 187 Massa Fennentata 187 Masses 375 Matrimony 279 Matrimony Vine Fruit 279 Mature 219 Mature Lotus Receptacle 219 Mays 122 Md. Junci Effusi 104 Md. Tetrapanacis Papyriferi 103 Medicated 187 Medicated Leaven 187 Medicine 158,267 Meetings 3 13 Mei Gui H m 201 Meliae 202, 369 Melon 101, 127,232,376 Mender 297 Mender of Shattered

Bones 297 Menakae 14 Metal 227 Mi Meng Ham 38 Mi 7'140 Seng 381 Milk 238 vetch 266 vetch Root 266 Millettia 225 M i U e ~ Root a md Vine 225 Miltionhizae 224 Mimosa 352 M h o s a Tree Bark 352 Ming Fan 378 Miniurn 385 Mirat 14 M i r M t e 87 Mirabiliturn 87 Mo PCM) 239 Momordicae 320,388 Money 112, 113,114,387 Mongolici 60 Monk 381 Monkey 156 Monkey Jujube 156 Monnieri 386 Moon 231 Moon Season Rower 23 1 Mori 128,129,17,173, 280 - Morifolii 18 Moxindae 288 Morning 92 Morning Glory Seeds 92 Moschatae 376 Moscliferi 354 Moschus 354 Mother 143,144,229,29 MoPke~~ort 229 Moulting 16 Mountain 249,267, 74, 78 Mountain Bean Root 74 Mountain Medicine 267 Momhim 391 Moutan 44 Mu Bie Zi 388 Mu D m Pi 44 Mu G m 127 Mu Plu Die 175 Mu Li 342 Mu Tong 102 Mu Xiang 195


Mu 2 i 23 Mugwort 214 Mugwort Leaf 214 Mulattae 156 Mulberry 129,17, 173, 280,314,340 Mulbeny Parasite 314 Mulberry Root Bark 173 Mulberry Twigs 129 Mulberry White Bark 173 Multibanded 137 Multibanded Krait 137 Multiflori 275,353 Multiples 334 Multitude 72 Mume 324 Mung 81 Mung Bean 81 Murini 39 Musk 110,354 Musk Mallow Seeds 110 Mustard 164 Mutong 102 Mylabris 393 Mylittae 372 Myisticae 327 Myrobalan 326 Myrobalan Fruit 326 Myrrh 239 Myrrha 239 NIE 375 NFl Connect the Masses 375 Nan Gw Zi 376 Natural 244,285 Natural Compliant Flesh 285 Natural Copper 244 Navel 354 Navel Gland Secretions of the Musk Deer 354 Neck 304 Nelumbinis 218,219, 330,34,80 Nest 395 Net 232 Net of String Melon 232 Nidus 395 Nidus Vespae 395 Night 353,39 Night BrightnessSand 39 Nigri 262 Ningpo 43 Ningpo Figwort Root 43

Ningpoensis 43 Mia Bang Zi 15 Niu Mumg 358 Niu Xi 240 Node 218 Node of the Lotus Rhizome 218 Nodi 141 Nodus 218 Nodus Nelumbinis Nuciferae Rhimmatis 218 Notop~erygii6 Mu B e n Zi 316 Nuciferae 218,219,330, 34,130 Nuo Dao Gen 338 Nut 203,290,292,335, 374 Nut-grass 194 Nut-grass Rhizome 194 Nutmeg 327 Nutmeg Seeds 327 Nux-vomica 387 Nux-vomica Seeds 387 Occu1he 135 Odorati 3 12 Odoriferae 2 17 Officinalis 10, 178, 210,253,288,322, 38 Officinari 259 Oldenlandiae 66 Oleraceae 69 Olibanum 238 Ootheca 340 Ootheca Mantidis 340 Open 242 Cdphicalcite 220 Ophicalcitum 220 Ophiopogonis 3 10 Opisthoplatiae251 Opium 328 Opium Poppy Husk 328 Oppositae 267 Orange 193 Orchid 177,230 Orchioidis 293 Orientalis 132,213,350 Ornamental 177 Ornamental Orchid 177 Oroxyli 175 Oryzae 186,338 (9s 136,339,341

Os Draconis 341 0 s Sepiae seu Sepiellae 339 0 s Tigris 136 Ostreae 342 Otoriae 302 Ou Jie 218 Overturned 333 Overturned Bowl Fruit 333 ox 240 Ox Knee 240 Ox's 76 Oxyphyllae 292 Oyster 342 Oyster Shell 342 Paeodae 233,277 Pagoda 202,211 Pagoda Tree Flower Bud 211 Panacis 308 Pang Da Hai 155 Pangolin 249 Pangolin Scales 249 Paniculatae 65 Papaveris 328 Paper 103 Papynferi 103 Parasite 3 14 Parvum 282 Pass 353 Pasta 373 Pasta Ulmi Macrocarpi 373 Paste 28,373,390 Patchouli 176 Pattern 66 Patterned 137 Paulownia 126 PC.Arecae Catechu 192 PC.Citri Reticulatae 190 PC.Citri Reticulatae Viride 191 PC.Papaveris Somniferi 328 PC.Punicae Granati 329 Pea 29 1 Peach 234,290 Peach Kernel 234 Pearl 221,345 Pee 103 Pee Pee Herb 103 Peel 190,191,192

P e i b 174 Peking 95 P e h g Spurge Rmt 95 Penetrate 249 Penetrate Mountain Scales 249 Peng S h 383 Penis 302 Pentadactylae 249 Peony 233,277,44 Peony Root 233,277 Peony Tree Root Bark 44 Pepper 256,261,262 Peppermint 14 PeiZla 170,3 P e d a Led 3 Perillae 170,3 Persicae 234 Persimmon 2841. Persimmon Calyx 204 Peucedani 142 Pharbitidis 92 Phaseoli 115,81 Bellodendri 5 1 Phragpnitis 35 Phytolaccae 96 Pi Pa r e 171 Picronkae 55 Pilosae 206 Pilosulae 264 Pine 141 Pinelliae 159 Pini 141 Pink 105 Pipe-fish 305 Piperis 134,261,262 Pipewort 24 Pipewort Scaypus 24 Pit 290,91 Pith 103,104 Placenta 300 Placenta Hominis 300 Plant 309 Plantaginis 109 Plantago 109 Plantago S d s 109 Plantago-acpaticae 117 Plantain 117 Plastmm 3 18 Plastrum Testdinis 3 18 Platycodi 165 Plum 324,91 Plumula 34 Plumula Nelurnbinis

Nuciferae 34 Plurnule 34 Pogostemi 176 Poke 96 Poke Root 96 Pollen 205 Pollen Typhae 205 Polygdae 351 Polygonati 272,312 Polygoni 107,275,353 Polypori 116,372 Pomegranate 329 Pomegranate Husk 329 Ponciri 193 Poppy 328 Poriae 98 Portulacae 69 Powder 147,379 Praeparata 252 Praeparatum 21 Praying 340 Prepared 21,252 Prepared Accessory Root of Szechuan Aconite 252 Prepared Soybean 21 Prince 265 Privet 3 16 Privet Fruit 3 16 Process 93 W.ocessd356- -Processed Resin of Borneol Camphor 356 Profound 351 Profow d Will 351 Prostratae 3 15 h e l l a e 32 E)runi 167,324,91 Ps. Cicadae 16 Ps. Serpentis 139 Pseudoginseng 207 Pseudoginseng Root 207 Pseudostellariae 265 Psoraleae 29 1 Pteromi 247 PUGong Ping 60 B zH ~ w n g 205 herariae 25 Puffball73 Pulsatillae 67 Pumice 151 Pumpkin 376 Pumpkin Seeds and Husks 376

Punicae 329 Purgative 88 Purple 168, 170,221, 3(20,344,45,61 Purple Aster Root 168 Purple Rower Eartk Spike 61 Purple Herb 45 h q l e Pearl 221 muple Perilla Fruit 170 Purple Kver Vehicle 300 Purple Stone Radiance 346 Purslane 69 Pyrite 24% Pyritum 244 Pynosiae 108 Q h m Cao Gen 212 Q h n D m 385 Qian HU 142 QicanN i m J i m 135 Q i m Nia Zi 92 Qican Shi 331 Qiang f i o 6 Qin Jiao 124 Qin Pi 54 Qing Fen 379 Qing Ha0 85 Qing Pi I91 Qing Ximg Zi 37 --- Qu Mai-105 Q m n Xie 365 ce 127 Quinnquefolii308 Quiqualis 368 Radimtte 346 Radiati 81 Radice 121, 60,61,9 Radicis 130,173,369, 44,46,70 Radish 189 Radish Seed 189 Raising 303 Ramus 260 Rangoon 368 Rangoon Creeper Fruit. with Seeds 368 Raphani 189 Raspberry 333 Raw 270 Raw Licorice Root 270 Realgar 380 Realized 36 Recens 10


Receptacle 219 Receptaculum 219 Receptaculum Nelumbinis Nuciferae 219 Reclusive 381 Red 115,233,235,348 Red Flower 235 RedPwny 233 . Red Stone From Dai County 348 Reed 108,35 Reed Rfkmme 35 Regiae 290 Rehmamiae 274,42 Relative 264 Relative Root 264 Ren Shen 263 Residing 243 Resin 291,325,355,356 Resin of Rose Maloes 355 Restore 296 Restore What is Broken 296 Reticulatae 190,191 Return 276 Revive 355 Revive and Join Fragrance 355 Revolved 162 Revolved Upturned Rower 162 Rhapontici 77 Rhei 86 Whi 334 Rhinoceri 41 Rhinocerus 41 Rhinocerus Horn 41 Rhizomatis 218 Rhizome 10,111,117, 194,208, 218,226, 228,236, 237,253, 259,293,295,312, 35,357,361,71,86 Rhizome of Golden Eye-grass 293 Rhubarb 86 Rhubarb Rhizome 86 Rice 103,122,186,338 Rice Paper Pith 103 Rice Sprout 186 Rising 27 Rising Hemp 27 River 300 M.Cinnamomi Cassiae 2

Rl. Mori Albae 129 lR1. Uncariae cum Uncis 360 Rm. Loranthi seu Visci 3 14 Rm. Tinosporae Sinensis 140 Roads 242 Rock 99 Root 121,125,165,168, 172, 173, 195,207, 210,212,223,224, 225,233,25,252, 26,260,263,264, 265,266,267,270, 271,274,276,277, 296,307,308,337, 338,351,369,43, 44,45,46,49,52, 53,59, 67,7, 70, 74,95,96 Root from the Western Seas 308 Root of Chinese Senega 35 1 Root of Hemp Yellow 337 Rosae 201,231,332 Rose 201,231,332,355 Rotundi 194 Rou Cong Rong 285 Rou DOUf i u 327 Rou Gui 254 Ru % k g 238 Rubi 333 Rubiae 212 Rubra 233 Rubrum 325 Rugosae 201 Rush l04,23 Rush Pith 104 Rutaecarpae 255 Rx. Achyranthis 76 Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae 240 Rx. Aconiti Carmic.haeli Praeparata 252 Rx. hemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 29 Rx.Angelicae 8 Rx. Angelicae Sinensis 276 Rx. Aristolochiae seu Cocculi 119 Rx.Asteris Tatarici f 68

Rx.Astragali 266 Rx.Bupleuri 26 Rx. Clemetidis Chinensis 125

Rx.Codonopsis Pilosulae 264 Rx. Cynanchi 47 Rx.Dichorae Febrifugae 78 Rx.Dioscoreae Oppositae 267 lax. Dipsaci 296 Rx.Duhuo 123 Rx.Ephedrae 337 Rx.Euphorbiae Ransui 93 Rx.Euphorbiae seu Knoxiae 95 Rx.Gentianae Macrophyllae 124 Rx. Gentianae Scabrae 52 Rx.Ginseng 263 Rx.Glehniae Littoralis 307 Rx. Glycyrrhizae Uralensis 270,27 1 Rx. Isatidis seu Baphicacanthi 59 Rx.Ledebouriellae Sesloidis 5 Rx.Ligustici Wallichii 223 Rx.Linderae Strychnifoliae 196 Rx.Lithospemii seu Arnebiae 45 Rx. Morindae Officinalis 288 h. Paeoniae Lactiflorae 277 Rx.Paeoniae Rubra 233 Rx. Panacis Quinquefolii 308 Rqp. Peucedani 142 Rx.Phytolaccae 96 Rx.PlatJrcodi Grandiflori 165 Rx. Polygalae Tenuifoliae 351 Rx.Polygoni Multiftori 275 Rx.Pseudoginseng 207 Rx. Pseudostellariae Heterophyllae 265 . Rx. Puerariae 25

Rx.Pulsalillae Chinensis 67 h.Rehmmniae Glutinosae 42 Rx.Rehm&ae Glutinosae Conquitae 274 Rx. Rhapontici seu E c b o p s 77 Rx.Rubiae Cordifoliae 212 Fa.Sdviae Miltiorrhizae 224 Rx. Sanguisorbae Officinalis 210 Rx.Saussweae seu VladiPniriae 195 Rx. Scrophulariae Ningpensis 43 ajc. Scutellariae B aicalensis 49 Rx. Sophorae Flavescentis 53 Rx. Sophorae Subprostratae 74 Rx. SLellariae Dichotomae 4-8 Rx.Stemonae 172 h.Stephaniae Te&m&ae 120 k. Trichosanthis 147 - Wx. et Cs. Jirrueteng 225 Wx. et Ramus Litseae Cubebae 260 Rx. et Rz. Cpanchii Stautoni 163 Rz. Onyme Glutinosae 338 Rz. Awri Grarninei 357 Rz. Pilismatis Plantago-aquaticae 117 Rz. Alpiniae OEcinari 259 Rz. hsaematis 160 Rz. Atractylodis 179 Rz. Atraceylodis Macrocephalae 268 Rz. Belamcandae Chinensis 75 Rz. Blerillae Stsiatae 208 Rz. Cibotii Barometz 295 Rz. Cimicihgae 27

Wz. Coptidis 50 ~ ze o. ~ d a P i Ys ~ ~ W U O 226 k. Cwculighis Orckioidis 293 Wz. Cuacumae 228 Rz.Curcumae M o w i a e 236 Rz.Cyperi Rotundi 194 Rz.Dioscoreae 11 1 Rz. byopleridis 63rassirhizornae 375 k. Gastrodiae Elatae 361 Rz.Guanzhong 7 2 k. Gusuibu 297 Wz. Homalomenae Oc~ultae 135 Wz. Imperahe C~lindri~ae 222

k. Picronhizae 55 Wz. PineIliae Tematae 159 Wz. Polygonati 272 Rz. Polygonati Odorati 3 12 Wz. Rhei 86 h.-S-milacis Glabrae 7 1 h.Sparganii 237 b.Typhonii Gigantei seu k. Awniti Coreani 161 Rz. Zingikris Officinalis 253 h. Zingiberis Officinalis R m n s 10 h.el Rx. Ligustici Sinensis 7 Rx.Notopterygii 6 h.of Jsk-in-the-pulpit 160

Saeehamm 273 S a d a r u m G r a n o m 273 SaHower 235 Saffllower Flower 235 Saigon 2,254 Saigon Cinnamon Twigs 2 Salviae 224 San Eeng 237 SmnlTian Qi 297

Sand 183,307,34$,39,

64 Sand Root 307 Sand Seeds 183 Sandalwood 198 Sang Bai Pi 173 Sang Ji Sheng 3 14 Sang Piao Xiao 340 Sa~gShen280 Sang Ye 17 Sang Zhi 129 Sanglais 245 Sanguis Draconis 245 Sanguisorbae 210 Sanhli 198 Sap 149 Sappan 246 Sappan wood 246 Sarwdactylis 200 Sargassii 154 Sativae 186,90 Salivi 189,377 Saussureae 195 Scabrae 52 Scales 249 Scallion 11 Scaghigerae 155 Scapus 24 Scap~lsEriocaulonis Scarlet Root 224 Schisandra 323 Schisandra Fruit 323 Schismdraw:323 Sclhizonepee 4 Sclerotium 116,98 Sclerotium P o l p r i Umbellati 116 Sclerotim Poriae Cocos 98 Scolopendra 366 Scolopendra Subspinipes 366 Scopariae 106 Scorpion 365 Scouring 23 Scouring h h 23 Scrophulasiae43 Scum 29 1 Scuffy Pea Fruit 29 1 Sculellariae 49 Se. Abutiloni seu Malvae 110

Se. AUii Tuberosi 301 Se. Alpiniae Katsumdai 181 Se. Arecae Catechu 374 Se. Astragali 299 Se. Benincasae Hispidae 101 Se. Biotae Orientalis 350 Se. Cannabis Sativae 90 Se. Cassiae Torae 36 Se. Celosiae Argenteae 37 Se. Cnidii Monnieri 386 Se. Coicis Lachryma-jobi 100 Se. Cucurbitae Moschatae 376 Se. Cuscutae 298 Se. Dolichoris Lablab 83 Se. Euryales Ferox 331 Se. Ginkgo Bilobae 335 Se. Glycines Germinaturn 84 Se. Hydnocarpi hthelminthicae 389 Se. Juglandis Regiae 290 Se. Litchi Chinensis 203 Se. Momordicae Cochinchinensis 388 Se. Myristicae Fragranticis 327 Se. Nelumbinis Nuciferae 330 Se. Oroxyli Indici 175 Se. Persicae 234 Se. Pharbitidis 92 Se. Phaseoli Calcarati 115 Se. Phaseoli Radiati 81 Se. Plantaginis 109 Se. Pruni 91 Se. Pruni h e n i a c a e 167 Se. Raphani Sativi 189 Se. Sesami Indici 317 Se. Sinapis Albae 164 Se. Sojae Fraeparatum 21 Se. Sterculiae Scaphigerae 155 Se. Strychnotis 387 Se. Tinglizi 97 Se. Torreyae Grandis 370 Se. Trichosanthis 146 Se. Trigonellae

Foeni-graeci 289 Se. Tritici Aestivi Levis 336 Se. Vaccariae Segetalis 241 Se. Ziziphi Spinosae 349 Sea 126, 134, 151, 155,. 302,305,306 Sea Dog Genitals 302 Sea Paulownia Bark 126 Sea Wind Vine 134 Sea dragon 305 Sea horse 306 Seal 302,353 Seas 308 Season 23 1 Seaweed 154 Secretio 354,394 Secretio Bufonis 394 Secretio Moschus Moschiferi 354 Secretions 354,394 Seed 101,164,189,289, 301,316,323,330, 334,349,68,97 Seed of Sour Jujube 349 Seed of the Chinese Leek 301 Seeds 100,106,109, 110, 131, 181, 183, 298, 317,327,350, 36,368,376,386, 387,388,389,90,92 Seeds of Job's Tears 100 Seeds of Katsumada's Galangal 181 Seeds of Realized Brightness 36 Segetalis 241 Selaginellae 79 Self-Reliant 123 Self-Reliant Existence 123 Senega 35 1 Senna 88 Senna Leaf 88 Sennae 88 Sense 363 Sepiae 339 Sepiellae 339 Serpentis 139 Sesame 317 Sesami 3 17 Sesloidis 5

Seven 207 Sha Ren 183 sha Shen 307 Sha Yuan Ji Li 299 Shaft 75 Shim Ci C;2k 391 Shm Dou Gen 74 ShQplYQO267 Shim Yu Rou 322 Shan Zha 184 Shancigu 39 1 Shang Lu 96 Shattered 297 Shavings 150 She Chuang Zi 386 she Gan 75 She Tui 139 She Ximg 354 Shell 143,144,152, 248,318,319,342, 363 ShedLiu Qu 187 Sheng Di Huang 42 Sheng Si'ang 10 Sheng 2kPa 27 Shi Di 204 Shi GQO28 Shi Mu 311 Shi J w Ming 363 Shi J m Zi 368 Shi Liu Pi 329 Shi Shmg Bai 79 Shi Wei 108 Shu Di M m g 274 Shui Zhi 250 Si G m Luo 232 Sichuan 114,143,202 Sichuan Shell Mother 143 Sick 367 Siegesbeckia 132 Siegesbeckiae 132 Siler 5 Silicea 148 S h o r m 128,367 Silkworm Feces 128 Silver 48,56 Silver Barbarian Kindling 48 Silver-top 307 Sinapis 164 Sinensis 140, 152, 166, 276,284,319,7 Sinews 140 Sinking 197

Skeleton 232 Skin 106,139,278,394 S N c a p 49 Slave 2.43 Slice 356 Slippery 99 Slippery Rock 99 Slough 139 Smelling 63 Srnilacis 71 Srnithsonite 382 Srnithsoniie or Calamine 382 Srnithsonitum 382 Snake 137,138,139,66 Snake Skin Slough 139 Snake's 386 Snake's Bed Seeds 386 Soap 166 Soap Thorn 166 Soft-shell 3 19 Soft-shelled 251 Sojae 21 Solomon's 3 12,353 Solomon's seal Rhizome 312 Soniniferi 328 Song Jie 141 Songarici 286 Sophorae-2-1I, 53'74 - - -Sour 349 Sour Date Seed 349 Southern 160,376 Southern Melon Seeds 376 Soybean 21,84 Sparganii 237 Spica 32 Spica Prunellae Vulgaris 32 Spike 257,32,61 Spilre Fragrance 257 Spine 295 Spinosae349 Spirits 247 Spirjtual 125 Spirodelae22 Splendeneis 12 Sponge 232 Sprout 185, 186,134 Spurge 95 Squama 249 Squama Manitis Pentadactylae 249

Squirrel 24.7 Sealw~tes304 Stalactilurn 304 Stalk 153 Stanen 220 Star 133,160 Star Jasmine Stem 133 Star of Southern Heavens 160 State 276 State of Return 276 Stautoni 163 Shy 241 Stellariae 48 Stem 133,260,285,311 Stemona 172 Stemona Root 172 Stemonae 172 Stems 360 Stephaniae 120 Stercdiae 155 Stiffened 367 Stinking 373 Stinking Elm Fruit Paste 373 Stone 108, 151,220,28, 303,304,311,325, 33,343,346,348, 363,382,79 Stone Paste 28 Stone-Reed-3108 - - -Stone Sense Brightness 363 Stone for Raising the Yang 303 Stork's 371 Stork's Flea 37 1 Stove 382 Stove Sweet Stone 382 Striatae 208 String 232 Strychni€oliae196 Strychnotis 387 Stylus 122 Stylus Zeae Mays 122 Styax 355 Styrax Liquidis 355 Su He X b g 355

Su M u 24.6 Su Zi 170 Su. Bambusae 149

s m ZaoWm349 Subprostratae74 Subspinips 366

Succinum 347 Sugar 273 Sulfate 28 Sulphur 384 Sulphur Yellow 384 Sumac 334 Summer 159,2$4,32 Summer Dry Herb 32 Suo rang 286 Suspensae 57 Sweet 270,271,382,93 Sweet Herb 270,271 Sweet Process 93 Sweeifiag 357 Sweetflag W o m e 357 Szechuan 223,252,256 Szechuan Lovage Root 223 Szechuan Pepper h i t 256 Taabmheer 148 Taeniis 150 Taiwanianae 242 Talcum 99 Tan Ximg 198 Tangerine 190,191 Tangerine Peel 190 Tangkuei 276 Tangkuei Root 276 TQORen 234 Taraxaci 60 T Tatarici 168 Tea 23 1,390 Tears 100 Teasel 296 Teeth 69 Tenuifoliae 351,4 Terminaliae 326 Ternatae 159 Terra 215 Terra Flava Usta 215 Terrestsis 362 Testes 302 Testes et Penis Otoriae 302 Testudinis 3 18 Tetrandrae 120 Tetrapanacis 103 Th. Algae 153 The 367 The Dead, Stiffened Body of the Sick Silkwonn 367 Thief 23

Thin 9 Thin Acrid 9 Thistle 209 Thorn 166 Thorns 360 Thousand 135 Thousand Years of Health 135 Thread 50,65 Thread the Heart Lotus 65 Three 207,237 Three Edges 237 Three Seven or Field Seven 207 Through 102,353 Thunbergii 144 Thunder 372 Thunder Ball 372 Tian Hua Fen 147 Tian Ma 361 T i m Men Dong 309 Tian Nan Xing 160 Tian Zhu Huang 143 Tiger 136 Tiger Bone 136 Tigis 136 Tinctorii 235 Ting Li Zi 97 Tinghi 97 Tinosporae 140 Tip 304 Tip of Tubular Stalactites 304 Toad 394 Toasted 271 Toasted Licorice Root 271 Tong Cm 103 Tongue 66 T o m 29 1 Tonify Bone Resin 29 1 Toosendan 202 Top 79 Torae 36 Torreyae 370 Tortise 318 Trachelospermi 133 Tree 202,211,352,369, 44 Tremellae 321 Tribuli 362 Trichosanthis 145,146, 147

Trigonellae 289 Tritici 336 Trogopterori 247 Tsao-ko 182 Tu Bie Chong 25 1 Tis Fu Ling 71 Tu Niu Xi 76 Tu Si Zi 298 Tu. Asparagi Cochinchinensis 309 Tu. Curcumae 227 Tu. Dioscoreae Bulbiferae 158 Tu. Ophiopogonis Japonici 310 Tuber 227,309 Tuber of Chinese Asparagus 309 Tuberosi 301 Tubular 304 Tulip 391 Turmeric 227,228 Turmeric Rhizome 228 Turmeric Tuber 227 Turtle 251,319,388 Tussilagi 169 Twig 213 Twigs 129,2 Typhae 205 Typhonii 161 Urn 373 Ulmoidis 294 Umbellati 116 Uncaria 390 Uncariae 360 Uncis 360 Units 172 Upturned 162 Uralensis 270,271 Ursi 40 Usta 215 Vaccariae 241 Variegatae 126 Vascularis 232 Vegetable 232 Vehicle 300 Velvet 282 Velvet of Young Deer Horn 282 Vermillion 344 Vermillion Sand 344 Vertebral 341 Vespae 395 Vesprtilii 39

Vine 133,134,140,225, 279,353,360,64 Vine of Solomon's Seal 353 Vine that Loosens the Sinews 140 Vine to Pass Through the Night 353 Violae 61 Violet 61 V i d e 191 Visci 314 Viticis 20 Vladimiriae 195 Vulgaris 185,258,32, 82 Wa Leaag Zi 248 Wallichii 223 Walnut 290 Walnut Nut 290 Wirag Bu Liu Xing 241 Water 117,33,358 Water Plantain Rhizome 117 Watermelon 82 Watermelon Fruit 82 Wax 101 Wax Gourd Seed 101 Wei Ling Xian 125 Welcome 169 Welcome Winter Flower 169 Western 308 What 296 Wheat 310,336 m e a t Grain 336 Whiskers 122 White 137, 161, 163, 164, 17, 173, 180, 277,321,335,390, 66,70 White Appendage 161 W t e Before 163 White Cardamon 180 White Fresh Bark 70 White Fruit 335 White Mulberry Leaf 17 White Mustard Seed 164 White Pattern Snake Tongue Herb 66 White Patterned Snake 137 White Wood Ear 321 White peony 277

flow 97 P ~ $ n a ~ 250 ae W c k 104 Wild 19,9 Wild Clxysmhemm Flower 19 Will 351 Wind 134,s Wine-Cooked 274 Wine-Cooked Chinese Foxglove Root 274 Wingless 25 1 Wingless Cockeoach 251 Winter 101,169,284, 3W9310 Winter Bug Summer Herb 284 Winter Melon Seed 101 With 121 Woad 58,59 Woad Leaf 58 Woad Root 59 Wolfberry 46 W o b r r y Root Bark 46 Wood 102,127,141,175, 195,23,321 Wood Butterfly 175 Wood Fragrance 195 Wood Melon 127 Wood 'Fhief 23 Wo6dwith H-lollesThroii$-102 Wooden 388 Wooden Turtle Seeds 388 Woods 97 Woods Whitlow Grass Seed 97 Woolly 222 Woollgr Grass 222 Wornwood 85 Wort 237 Wrap-Around-S tone 133 Wrap-Around-Stone Vine 133 Wu Bei Zi 334 Wu Gong 366 Wzk Jia Pi 130 kVzs Ling Zhi 247 kBru Mei 324 Wu ShQoShe 138 Wu Wei Zi 323 VVik Ira0 196 Wu Yi 373 Wu &i Gu339

Wu Zhu fi 255 Wanthii 631 Xi Gzm 82 Xi Jiao 41 Xi X i m C m 132 Xi Xin 9 Xi Yiang Shen 308 Xiia Ku Cao 32 Xian He G o 206 Xian Mao 293 Xiaag Fu 194 Xiang Ru 12 Xiao Hui Xiang 258 Xie Bai 199 Xin Yi Hua 13 Xiong D m 4 Xiong H m g 380 Xu D m n 296 Xuan Fu Hua 162 Xuan S h m 43 Xue Jie 245 Xue Yu Tan 216 Ua Dan Zi 68 Yam 111,267 Yian Nu Suo 226 Yang 286,303 Yang Qi Shi 303 Yanhusuo 226 Ye J i m jreag 353 Ye Ju H m 19 -Ye-Xing S h 39 Years 135 Yedeon's 61 Yedeon's Violet 61 Yellow 1, 148,158,228, 272,274,337,358, 380,384,42,50,51, 55,86 Yellow Essence 272 Yellow Fir 51 Yellow Links 50 Yellow Medicine 158 Yi Mu Ciao 229 Yi Tang 273 Yi Yi Ren 100 Yi Zhi R m 292 Pin C h i Hu 48 Yin C h Hao 118 Yin GUO335 Pin Yang H m 287 ki'ng Su Ke 328 h u n g 201,282,84 Young Flower of Chinese Rose 201

Young Soybean Sprout 84 Yu Jin 227 Yu Li Ren 91 Yu Mi Xu 122 Yu Xing C m 63 Yz.t Zhu 312 Y m H m 94 Y m n Zhi 351 Yue Ji dT i w 231

Zmtthoqfi 256 Z m J i m 166 Zaocys 138 Zaocys Dhumnades 138 Ze L m 230 Ze Qi 157 Ze Xie 117 Zeae 122 2%doariae 236 Zedoary 236 Zedoary m o m e 236 Z k n g N m 392 Zhe Bei Mu 14-4 Zhejiang 144 Zhejiang Shell Mother 144 Zhen Zhu 345 Zhi Mu 29 Zhi Shi 193 Zhi Zi 30 Zhu Li 149 ZhuLing 116 - --Z b Ru 150 Zhu S h 3 4 Zi C m 45 Zi He C h 300 Zi H m Di Ding 61 Zi R m Tong 244 Zi Shi I"iPg 346 Zi Su Ye 3 Zi W a 168 Zi Zhu 221 Zingiberis 10,253



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