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27‐06‐2015 Vyasa Class

~ om gurave namah ~

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Matching Couples  Matching is not just Guṇa Score  Lagna Match and Effect  Lagneśa, Śubhapati match

Vivāha Lagna

• ṣaṭkāṣṭake vivāhaho na ca dvirdvādaśo striyāḥ • na trikoṇo hyatha prītiḥ śeṣe ca samasaptake


Copyrighted Material

Pt. Sanjay Rath



Translation: A woman should not be married in (a) ṣaḍāṣṭaka (b) dvirdvādasa or (c) trikoṇa as there shall be no prīti between the couple. Of the remaining combinations, saptaka is the most congenial. Ṣaḍāṣṭaka - mutual 6th-8th position of signs dvirdvādasa - mutual 2nd-12th position of signs trikoṇa - mutual trine i.e. 5th-9th positions of signs. Relates to lagna of couple primarily (also Moons, Lords) If the signs in the lagna of the bride and groom are in mutual (a) sixth-eighth (ṣaḍāṣṭaka) (b) second-twelfth (dvirdvādasa) or (c) fifth-ninth (trikoṇa) positions from each other, then prīti will not develop between the couple resulting in marital disharmony. In this matter, trikoṇa is the best while ṣaḍāṣṭaka is the worst and dvirdvādasa is middling in its ability to produce prīti. Mutual 3-11 (good), Kendra (better), Saptaka (best)



27‐06‐2015 Vyasa Class

~ om gurave namah ~

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Prīti: Kamadeva Wife • The word prīti means pleasure, joy and satisfaction. • It indicates a friendly disposition between the couple whereby they exhibit kindness towards each other and favour. • Their relationship has grace and amity. • They have great affection and love towards each other and enjoy the bounties of the relationship. • It is gratification personified as one of the two wives of Kāma deva, the god of love, the first wife is Ratī.



Vivāha क्ल (klīṁ)

Ratī Pleasure



Affection ध्ल (dhlīṁ)

Lagneśa Match Critical



• dvirdvādaśe trikoṇe ca maitrī kṣetrapayoryadi • bhavedekādhipatyaṁ ca tārāprītirathāpi vā Translation: In the case of dvirdvādasa or trikoṇa, the relationship depends on the lords of the signs (lagna lords of the bride and groom). Of the various relationships, the best is the one where the signs have the same lord. This overrides the compatibility of their nakṣatra (guṇa matching). Previously three evil combinations were mentioned (a) ṣaḍāṣṭaka (b) dvirdvādasa and (c) trikoṇa. Of these, ṣaḍāṣṭaka generally is terrible and no remedy has been prescribed by the purāṇa Dvirdvādasa and Trikoṇa can be considered as amicable based on the relationship of their lords. Of these, the best is when they have the same lord. Guṇa Matching becomes useless in front of this Lagna and Rāśi Match If the lords are mutually ṣaḍāṣṭaka or dvirdvādasa, mutually incompatible, then even saptaka shall fail

Copyrighted Material

Pt. Sanjay Rath



27‐06‐2015 Vyasa Class

~ om gurave namah ~

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Overview Ṣaḍāṣṭaka : Mutual 6-8: “Setting Jupiter”

6th promotes brahmacārya, 8th promotes debts

Dvirdvādasa: Mutual 2-12: “Setting Venus” 2nd is also māraka while 12th is vyaya (ATM!)

Trikoṇa is considered ‘not good for prīti’ as it embodies energy of different generations – Lagna is Kendra – 5H – viewed as immature, childish, irresponsible – 9H – viewed as outdated, old, orthodox, controlling

Tri-Lābha : Mutual 3-11 good friendship Kendra : Mutual 4-10, 1-1, 1-7


– Saptaka (Mutual 1-7) is special Kendra for vivāha as it is the vivāha bhāva – Saptaka in dual signs must not have bādhaka doṣa, else prīti can go down during bad periods

Dvirdvādasa Flaw


• 2-12 flaw can be very severe if not addressed properly 1. Check “the boundary”: Gaṇḍānta? Or Zodiac ½ (Vi-Li) etc. 2. Check Lords Tattva: Is it like Gaṇḍānta of fire-water (Ma-Ve) or are the lords inimical 3. How does one lord feel in the other’s sign – that’s exactly how the feelings grow. Consider these • debility of Jup in Cp for Cp-Sg ✕ • debility of Ve in Vi for Vi-Li ✕ • Cp-Aq have same lord Saturn ✓ Remedy dvirdvādasa doṣa with a life-long Saturn Remedy which can be like Saturn, Sun, Rudra mantra …

Copyrighted Material

Pt. Sanjay Rath



27‐06‐2015 ~ om gurave namah ~

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Jacqueline + JFK

Vyasa Class


His Lagneśa = Mercury; Her Lagneśa = Venus But both lagna are dvirdvādasa i.e. mutual 2-12 which is second worst HIS Chart: Dvirdvādasa doṣa continues with lords Mercury and Venus BUT 8th Lord Mars is strong in rāśi and navāṁśa i.e. he will not be widowed HER Chart: His Lagneśa Mercury is combust within 3° of Sun AND 8th Lord Venus is debilitated in navāṁśa … widowed

2-12: Moving Away Energy


o A book reveals that Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was a passionate woman who had many men - before, during and after her marriage to JFK o Authors say she bedded Hollywood actors Warren Beatty, Paul Newman, Gregory Peck and Frank Sinatra, among others o Her resentment over her frustrating sex life with JFK led to a nasty fight; o He sent her to a clinic in Massachusetts and underwent three barbaric electroshock treatments for depression o JFK’s private life is quite public Dvirdvādasa doṣa is a painful karmic experience if not mitigated by lords

Copyrighted Material

Pt. Sanjay Rath

“She took matters into her own hands and popped the magic question, ‘Would you like to spend the night?” Marlon Brando

Please do not jump to conclusions – you cannot clap with one hand. Besides all this is karma lessons



27‐06‐2015 Vyasa Class

~ om gurave namah ~

Peculiar Problem

Male Nativity

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Female Nativity

UL2 Lord debilitated


Mo loves Me but Me hates Mo! Dvirdvādasa problem of Cn-Ge Both lagneśa Mo, Me are well placed in both charts in kendra (male) and koṇa (female) But male chart has MKS Me  she left and divorce happened Then he asks astrologer “Will my second marriage be with my ex?” Astrologer gives Sūrya saptākṣarī mantra and wife returns to live in his house but will not marry him! ॐ खकोलाय ठः ठः (om khakolāya ṭhaḥ ṭha)

Female Nativity

Unreliable Rāhu


Male Nativity

Lagneśa is Saturn (both) but His maybe Rāhu (check) – dvirdvādasa lagna Rāhu in 7H indicates spouse can cheat His chart: Rāhu is lagneśa and is with other lagneśa Sat in 7H Her Chart: Rāhu is 2L in 7H as 7L Moon eclipsed by Ketu Marriage lasted 2 months, not consummated! He was still committed to previous girl and was ‘open-hearted’ !!

Copyrighted Material

Pt. Sanjay Rath



27‐06‐2015 Vyasa Class

~ om gurave namah ~

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Ṣaḍāṣṭaka Flaw


• There are no easy solutions for ṣaḍāṣṭaka • All books speaks against this marriage as it is bound to end in suffering. Exceptions • Ar-Sc  same lord Ma ✓ LM • Ta-Li: Same Lord Ve ✓ Sometimes one lord exalts in other's sign a) Cn-Sg where Ju exalts in Cn LF b) Li-Pi where Ve exalts in Pi • But ‘death’ and ‘debt’ energy of Yama follows the one in the 6th while the one in the 8th shall have continuous anxiety and suffering Remedy: Continuous Rudra mantra can remedy the relationship Both dvirdvādasa and ṣaḍāṣṭaka doṣa brings suffering or death of children – discouraged

Incest in Marriage


When her good time came (1982) she went to an astrologer who predicted a new life and guided her



2nd Marriage for Lady; Moon signs ṣaḍāṣṭaka but Moon sign lords are same + Lagna ṣaḍāṣṭaka: HER Chart: Mercury, Mars conjunction | HIS Chart: MaMe = 2H “māraka” = dvirdvādasa Marriage lasted a good 33 years 1950-83! when she was widowed; But in the meantime he raped her daughter from her 10th year (8 years after marriage) for 10 years and much later. Thereafter she had a quiet relationship outside

Copyrighted Material

Pt. Sanjay Rath



27‐06‐2015 Vyasa Class

~ om gurave namah ~

Female Nativity

Woman Decides

Male Nativity

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Lagna are in kendra, now examine lagna lords His Chart: Mo (lagneśa) and Ve (her lagneśa) in kendra = he is dying to keep the marriage Her Chart: Ve (lagneśa) and Mo (his lagneśa) in dvirdvādasa = she is booting him out Moon is also in bādhaka for her besides 7L in 12H … she walks out

Trikoṇa Doṣa

• Normally this is not a serious flaw but mismatched thinking


– Chara thinks Sthira is always blocking movement and changes – Dvisvabhāva is very controlling and can have serious issues with sthira etc.

• Bandhana yoga is caused by equal planets in 2nd/12th or 5th/9th • Dvirdvādasa and Trikoṇa can lead to legal issues causing bondage, jail etc. • Always check lords of lagna in both charts • Malefics in trines trigger great suffering

Copyrighted Material

Pt. Sanjay Rath



27‐06‐2015 Vyasa Class

~ om gurave namah ~

Male Nativity

Wife #02

Trikoṇa + Ṣaṣṭheśa Doṣa

Wife #01

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Male: 6L in 7H (serious flaw); Rāhu in UL in Maraṇa Sthāna in Libra with lord Venus in debility … first wife Libra Lagna! His Chart: Ve (her LL) debility in 8H afflicted by Sat (his LL) Her Chart: Sa (his LL) in 12H + Moon in Magha [gaṇḍānta nakṣatra] creating an ‘amāvāsya sambandha’ with His Moon in Uttara Phālguṇī Nakṣatra …this was ‘arranged marriage’ !

Wife #01


Trikoṇa Doṣa - Details

Male Nativity

April 14, 2004: First Marriage; Transits Ge (Sat, Moon), Le (Jup℞); Daśā [Ra-Ra | Ve-Ke] = Both had MKS antardaśā during marriage; both antardaśā planets associated with UL Separated Aug 2010 divorce late 2011 [Ra-Me] Length of Marriage = 20÷3 Ve↓= 6Y 4M both shared 50% legal and physical custody of their daughter

Copyrighted Material

Pt. Sanjay Rath



27‐06‐2015 Vyasa Class

~ om gurave namah ~

Male Nativity

Wife #02

Trikoṇa Doṣa Continues

Wife #01

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July 2012: 2nd arranged marriage; Wife#02 divorced + given up custody of her only child to her ex husband … does not like kids? Fights viciously with his parents and ill-treats his daughter Jan 2014 First Ex-wife remarries and moves to another state; wants 100% custody of daughter; Bitterly contested; Second wife also wants child to go away … files false domestic violence complaint; arrested Apr 2014 [Ra-Ve] … Bandhana Yoga of Ma + Ra in trines, Ve delivers Fights to retain custody of daughter

Second marriage – note Lagna in sama-saptaka (mutual 1-7) ✓ His Chart: His Lagneśa Ju trine to Her Lagneśa Me; Me very strong in parivartana yoga; 2L Ma in 7H = Srimanta Yoga ✓ Her Chart: Her Lagneśa Me exalted and in 3/11 with His Lagneśa exalted Jup Her 10H = His 4H = Gemini [Sama-saptaka advantage]

Copyrighted Material

Pt. Sanjay Rath



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